All Episodes

March 1, 2022 38 mins

Tessa from Clayton’s season is here with Ben and Ashley to share the behind the scenes tea on what’s going on with Clayton. Find out who she thinks has the most special connection with Clayton and what REALLY went on in the house. 

Plus, Ben reveals what in this week’s episode brought him to tears for the first time in forever!

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
This is the Ben and Ashley I Almost Famous podcast
with our radio. Hello everyone, welcome to the almost Famous podcast.
It is Ashley and it is Ben, and we're back.
We're back, and today we are talking hometowns. We're actually

gonna jump right into the recap today. It's UM top
four somehow already. And I actually loved this episode, Ben,
This was an episode I didn't find myself on my
phone for you. I love this episode two. Actually, I
think you'll know what I'm talking about. But I think
this is probably the first time I could be wrong.

Somebody on here you could question on it. But it's
the first time in a year and a half to
two years that I've said a tier watching The Badger.
I think the last time was Michael a um which
we obviously have an in depth episode coming up with
him just in a couple of days here. It's gonna
be really exciting. But I shed a tier during the episode, Ashley,
which is always the sign of a good episode for me. Which, wait,

let me guess what parts um. Okay, so Susie's not
Susie's uh, Serene, I don't know, I don't could. I
don't think you've eldn't. Oh was it between Rachel and
her dad and her dad crying? No, it was when

Gabby's dad showed up with the signs. I mean that
was a little a little much, but like a little Yeah,
he wanted to be there, She wanted him to be there. Uh,
and there he is shows up and you just see
her face like breakdown and want to hug him. And
it just made me feel like, hey, how many other
families can relate to that right now? Right? I mean
like different circumstances, but how many families want to be

together and see their loved ones and they haven't been
able to and uh, and this is obviously one of
those moments. I don't know, it got me. It was
really cute. Obviously it was an illusion or a reference
to um love actually with the que cards. But Ben
the only thing that I know it was like cute

scene stagey. But if he was able to show up
with the car, couldn't we have gotten Clayton out and
he could have just sat there with the window rolled
down and he could have been like, hey, Clayton, I'm
her dad. Let's have a brief talk right now. Yeah. No,
I agree, Yeah, there's like hey, if you can show
me a car. However, I do think, yeah, there's it's

you know, it's a little stagey because you're like, hey,
he could have done this, he could have done that.
But just her face, Yeah, like you know what it's
like actually to be away from your family for so
many months, to be missing them, to be excited to
see him, then to find out that they can't be there,
to be a part of this experience that you're so
pumped to show them, like you know how disappointing like
that would feel and be. And so just to see

her face that he was there, like made know maybe
just I related with it a little bit um because
I just remember like coming up from the airport after
my time on The Bachelor and seeing my parents standing
at the end in the in like the baggage claim area,
and just running out to him and give him a hug,
Like that moment is just so special. So it got me,
It got me good. I did love this episode. But

let's start with Susie's hometown. Susie's hometown takes place in Virginia,
Ashley take it Away. So Susie's hometown was the most
forgettable for me, but I just but Susie herself like,
isn't forgettable? Um trying to think about, like what the
standout parts of her stand out parts of her date?

She Oh, my god, Ben, like, how am I even drawing?
I'm like drawing a blanket? What they did like four
hours ago? Oh ju jitsu with the martial art that
I cannot say the word jus yeah he he struggled
at saying it to Um. I thought it was a

cute hometown. I thought it showed something about her that's
unique that she's into. She talked about, like why she
loves it so much. I have obviously my my brother
in law, he loves it. Um. During COVID when we
were all quarantined together, he used to practice on me.
He's a lot smaller than me, but somehow I'd find
my legs up over my head with my arms dropping
on my body, and I'd be, you know, done for

Uh yeah, I mean it wasn't like it was definitely
I would say if we rank these the least memorable hometown.
But I do feel like it was a special hometown
because her family was also like very accepting period, like
so accepting of Clayton and this whole thing like you
don't see that every time, but they really made him

feel welcome. So what I got from from her family
was like, all right, that was calm. They were accepting.
It didn't seem like the producers like griled somewhat up
to like create a storyline. It was just nice and
I thought that was lovely. I hope the rest of

the hometowns are this lovely, and honestly they were. That's
why I liked this hometown because all the families were
like excited for the girls, really happy for them, and
there wasn't a ton of doubt. And we always get
that person that just wants to like hammer home that
you better not hurt her, you on her, But everyone

here was just chill and I liked it. Yeah, I
just like then. The other thing was that her parents
are just talking about how like she's like the kindest,
sweetest person ever, and that's kind of what we hear
from To cut that out, I was going to preview
the interview, but we don't have to do that. So

should we move on to surre It was Gabby's date
next it is? I mean, I would just add if
I get a second year to say that Susie's dad
was really sweet in this moment, like, you know, he's
been through a lot, and he he kind of said
something that really stood up to me. He goes, I
don't know how somebody hasn't uh like snatched her up yet,

Like I don't know what's happened. And I just thought,
I mean, I'm not a father. I'm definitely not a
father of a daughter. I would just say that that
comment probably took a lot for him to say, but
it also shows just how much he loves Susie and
cares for Susie that he would like look at some
random dude that just showed up to his house and
be like, you're lucky, dude, because I don't know how
somebody hasn't you know, found my daughter yet. But she's incredible. Um,

I was impressed with Susie after her hometown date. I
was impressed with her more than I've already been. Yeah,
I agree, Uh, let's talk about Gabby's hometown. She goes,
like hiking with him, Gabby is she's interesting. He says
that she's like the funniest girl he's ever met. What

we see of her isn't like super funny. But then
we see the blooper at the end, and I'm like, okay, Okay,
now I get it. I that's just another example of
me wishing that they kept more moments and like that
in the main show than putting it in the credit bay.
It would just it would make us understand connections more,

I think. But I loved Gabby's hometown mainly because the
grandfather was hilarious, and of course we have the you know,
the moment that you talked about, and it just they
seemed like a fun family to want to like be
married into. It was a great hometown. In fact, they

hiked right by my house. I was watching it, and
obviously wasn't home when they were filming this, but I
was watching. I texted one of the producer. I was like,
did they hike at because that looks like the hike
that like Jessica and I take from our house. And
sure enough, I mean it's right like where they were
hiking is literally in our neighborhood. It's so weird, weird,

it's so wide. I recognized the rock. I mean, great hometown.
I should have Well, I know I should have. I
would have known. Um, But you know, Gabby is one
of those people who have grown on me. She's had
moments during this show, right, you know, she had moments
and we were talking about when you were out on
uh some maternity leave, was you know, she had a
date with Clayton where she's like, dude, I'm crazy, Like

I want to let you know I am absolutely bothered.
I am crazy. She got reforce it and at first
when she first said it, the first I was like, WHOA,
what's following this? And then when she kept joking about it,
I was like, Oh, this girl is just super endearing
and lovable. She's just like all of us, you know,
she's great. So um. I loved her grandfather. I wish
you would have seen more of him. My only critique

is that he had like a couple of good, like
one liners in there, and he was really funny. I
wish you would have been like the star of the show.
I think he was even with the small amount of
time he was on. But we missed it, Like we
should have seen a lot more for that guy. I
could have had the entire episode probably with him. He
had a great sense of humor. And then he talked

about his wife and how she, you know, recently passed
away and him wearing the wedding ring. Still, that was
a really sweet moment. It was the perfect combination of
humor and heartfelt. Anything else to say more about Gabby's
I would just say once again, Um, it's another family
that's fully supportive of this experience and fully supportive of

clay And so he's getting off easy is one thing
I'll say, which is deserved, because he's not getting off
easy when it comes to the general public right now.
He's getting off easy in the hometowns. And another family
supportive of this experience. And I think it's an important
note because unlike some seasons where we have one family
totally against it or one sibling really against it. Um,

Clayton right now has the full report of the first
two women on their hometowns. So speaking of siblings Serene.
On Serene's hometown, the standout moment was her relationship I
guess and her sit down with her brother. I liked
this guy. He was protective, but not in an obnoxious way. No,

not like hey, let me get my television moment kind
of way that we watched some seasons where they're just
like over the top awkward, like hey, you never talked
to one of her people that she's dated like this. No,
he was good, Like he questioned it, he said in
on it, but he wasn't mean about it. He just
was very straightforward to that. And he talked about how
he's never seen her really get this vulnerable and he's

and she's done it in a way that it's only
been like six weeks and it's been through a process
like that, which is kind of surprising to him. But
he's like happy that she's gotten there. Yeah, and uh,
I mean obviously a little foreshadowing there where you know,

he doesn't want her to be hurt. But as we've
talked about so many times, I know this is tough,
but I believe, you know that people do learn a
lot from being on this experience, and I think that,
you know, just getting the opportunity to open up again
and feeling something again is positive for a human. And
so we see her, you know, very much open up

to Clayton very much telling how she feels. Um. Can
you say, like he's a good looking dude and she's
absolutely gorgeous. That family's got along. Oh my gosh, I
was thinking the same thing. I was like, that is
a handsome man. He sounds like Obama too, like Southern Obama.
Did you hear that? Oh, he's just strong and confident.
His voice is one of the leader. Um. Yeah, i'd

be intimidated to talk to him, like, dude, you're too
good looking and you're way too smart, like for me
to be sitting down here. You're gonna read through all
of this, and I'm about to send your sister home
in about two days. And I think you can tell
at this point, so like I just got to get
out of this house. Well, yeah, it was kind of
telling when he said do you love my sister? And

he was like, well, I haven't said that to anyone yet,
And it just felt like he was like, oh god, no,
I definitely am least there with your sister, or at
least like that was my interpretation because I just felt
like that connection was a little bit lesser then. Uh.
And another thing is we've talked throughout the episode. They've

talked about blessings, like I received blessings, but I think
he was more like I've I've received acceptance from families
because he never said, well, can I get down on
one knee? Can I propose to your daughter? Did you
ever say anything like that. I don't think so he
never did, but I guarantee he did it. Okay, you

have to you have to ask every time. I'm um,
and I get it right like you want if just
in case, like you want to be able to have
that from the parents, just in case if that does happen. Um,
I will tell you it was my least favorite part
of the whole show was walking into those houses and
I like right away and be like goshing it. I know,
no matter what, I'm going to have to have a

really awkward moment with a father who loves their daughter
or a brother who loves their sister or whatever. And
I don't want to have it. I don't want to
have it at all. Um. Okay, so we have one
more date here actually in this hometown that we love
so much. This episode it's Rachel's who you know? Um,
A lot of people feel like, since the beginning has
kind of been the front runner. Uh. Did you feel

like this hometown date really solidified that for you? No,
I left this episode probably more confused as to who
it will be in the end. I knew I could
eliminate Serene, and now that we're down to these three
I actually have no direct and which is going I
I again liked Rachel's because her she was so scared

about her dad and how he was going to behave
forwards Clinton. He's apparently never liked another guy that she's
brought home. But he was like a he came off
as tony soprano but a total mushy, you know, teddy
bear Italian dad. In the end, he was far. I
was gonna say the same thing. I was like, I

know this is the stereotype. I know it is, but
I'm watching the Sopranos right now because I've been flying
so much, so I have it download. And I was like,
when I saw her dad sitting there like stone cold,
and then his name was Tony and he's Italian, I
was like, I would be if Oh I'm so scared.
He was good. He was. I do have one criticism

of this state. Actually, Okay, a question for you and
everybody else. Okay, they're in Florida. You know I'm in
Florida right now as we speak. I love alligators so much.
They're my favorite thing. You've bought me an alligator that
still sits on my desk to this day. I love
myself an alligator. So they're going down this like little

river ride in a see through canoe. They see a spider,
which isn't a big spider. Look closely, that spiders a
bunch of babies on its back. Yeah, just as creepy.
But that's a mom with all the babies on. I
just want to be clear there, stop stop, stop, that's
so gross. I thought that was like an insert shot.

I was like, that's not actually a spider that they seen.
They just threw that like that stock image in there. No,
it's a Florida spider. I mean, most spiders carry their
babies on their back, So that's just like a thousand
spideries on a on a mom's back. Um. But here's
my question. So at some point they get off and
they have this nice little picnic and they jump on

the waters. They're in the same water they were when
the alligators were swimming in it. Why are they not
concerned that there's not an alligator sitting at the bottom
that little swimming like, why is that not a thing?
And that's a great question. I don't know. Did they
put netting up now that netting is really going to
stop a crocodile or an alligator No. I mean, no

matter what, you're in Florida, in a running water, like
in a river in the middle of the woods. I
know how far back there are where this is is
at necessarily, but there's no like I mean, I swimming
alligator infested like lakes and that scares me. Let alone
a river that I know they're full of. UM. I

just want to I just want to ask that question
to see if somebody if I okay, whatever, that's all right,
never mind, all right. Well I was mad about it.
It was hilarious how like her mom was just down
like her mom, no reservations. It's exactly how my mom
would have been. It's just like, yeah, there's a boy

in the house, marry my daughter. So awesome, go for it.
This is great. It is funny to see that dynamic
during Rachel's day, where the dad was, if anything, the
most kind of like um, out of any intimidating, yet
the rest of that family was like, all for it,

gung ho, this is awesome, Go get it, Rachel, go
for it. Clay uh And I liked how the dad said, Clayton,
if if she speaks highly of you, I'll just give
you a little pat on the arm as you walk out.
I thought that was sweet, Like, yeah, there was nice. See,
Tony's a cute guy. He's a cute guy. He's real sweet.
He ain't that tough? Well, um, actually to find to

close this episode, I did think with you, I was
a little bit. I thought it was either gonna be
Gabby or Serene to go home. I did not see
Susie or Rachel leaving. But unfortunately, at the beginning of
this whole season, my favorite Serene was sent home. I
think her feature is very bright, um, but she was

sent home from this season. Well, I am so actually
excited for Monday's episode in Iceland for these fantasy suites
and we'll finally, hopefully get the answer as to why
he has to say I was intimate with both of you. Also,

both of you interesting, not three of you, both of you,
both of you. It's gonna be wild, It's gonna be great, Ashley.
Let's take a break. When we come back, we have
a contestant from this season, Tessa joining us. She was eliminated.
We three testa touches on and I bet she's going
to be fantastic. Alright, guys, we have Tessa from Clayton season.

She was eliminated week three, Tessa, thank you so much
for being here. And we gotta know Clayton's getting a
Clayton can't catch a break. Okay, this guy, he's still
getting criticized for being like quote boring and like we
don't care about Louie ends up with because we're not

invested in this dude. Um, how was he in real life?
Like do you do you feel like he's getting a
bad rap and he really is like an awesome guy
and this is all very unfortunate. Yeah, I mean, I
feel like we didn't have the luxury of getting to
know him so as much as maybe other bachelors in
the past, so it was really up to him to

like make a big splash, which is a lot of
pressure for one person. Um. I mean my interactions were
really positive. Um, I feel like there wasn't a vibe,
but it's not his fault, and I think, um, yeah,
I feel like America has been kind of tough on
my man, Clayton. I feel like he's he's not you know,
he doesn't deserve it. He's a good guy. They've been

tough on him. I'm sensitive to the boy worring criticism,
because that was the biggest criticism I got. And uh,
later on in life, I'm like, I'm glad they called
me boring. It just means that I did not cause
too many issues on the show. It means it was
very nice and politely. And then actually, your season was

the first season I ever watched and I would have
considered you nice, kind, but certainly not boring. So I
put Clayton in the same category exactly. Um, but when
you so, when you're with them, so was it clear
to you like that there wasn't a connection there? Were
you pretty shocked when you got sent home? Yeah? I

think I wanted there to be a connection so badly.
I feel like I'm a connector by nature, so to
not feel something instantly was definitely a rude awakening that
you can't connect with everyone. Um, I think you're super handsome,
super kind, charming, but at the moment we sat down together,
I just didn't feel a spark. And as much as

I wanted to feel, and I just I didn't. Well,
we have it eliminated down to Gabby, Rachel, and Susie.
So can you briefly describe each girl as you know them?
From firsthand experience. Yeah, totally so Gabby or I call
her Gabby cole Is. She's my girl. She and I

bonded night one, just absolutely not getting our way that night.
I feel like she and I were feeling kind of chaotic. Um,
she's so funny. She's like a young Jennifer Coolidge. Like
her voice in and of itself, it's just enough, it's
so it's so good. Um yeah, I think she's She's
definitely an interesting character. And I'm happy that we're we're

getting a bit more of her sincerity and like the
sweetness to her, because she is a complex person and
I'm glad that we're kind of getting to know her
in that way too. Um, Susie is perfection. Like if
I could describe a perfect person, it would be Susie.
I feel like she's just graceful and considerate and kind
and interesting that she's lived in Japan wild. Um yeah,

I would want, like my my future daughter to be
just like Susie. Yeah there and through Um serene, gorgeous,
like walks in the room and you're just completely taken
by her beauty. Um. She's a tiny thing. She's like
five two maybe, and she just takes up so much
space in the city presence um and also similarly very

sincere kind. She's a teacher just through and through, a
really great person. And lastly, my girl Rachel flying paint planes,
saving lives, doing all that stuff, just like such such
a force like Rachel for me is like a stabilizing
force in the house. That was her. I would always
look to her when I needed like a voice of
reason or support. Um, kind of like big Mama bear energy.

So you left kind of early. Yeah, that was that
was really great, Like you really you answered that question.
So thank you you love a little early on to
maybe be able to feel something with certainty. But when
you did leave, was there one of those four girls
sticking out in your head as like, oh, he's going

to end up with her? Yeah, So thank you for
bringing that up. I feel like I get a really
good road of people kind of instantly. UM. And I'd
say with Rachel, the way that she and I would
discuss Clayton was just so much different than any of
the other women. Um. I had a lot of insecurities
in the first couple of days about not having time
with him, and she just the way that she talked

about her time with him, I could really sense that
there's something special they're like her eyes would kind of
like soften and her body language would change, and um,
it was just a completely different experience. So that was
as early as you know, day one, day two, I
felt like their connection was really special and really sincere.
Now you were there three weeks. Did you ever seen

for the house? Did they ever ask you to use
your your vocals and your musical talents to entertain the house? Um? Okay,
So I feel like any musician either loves being asked
to sing or hates it. I'm of the hating it camp.
I have to say my voice is very like Gratian
ariy and like a little a little more folky than

I think people expect. So it's kind of awkward and
like come and gonna like serenade you with like a
bunch of you know, ocean sounds. Um. But yeah, they
asked a lot, and I politely or not so impolitely, declined, Yeah,
just somebody knows you were half of uh it's two's right,
that's how that's how you say it too, which is

a folk band that you formed with your brother Christian.
So you're half of this band. That's why I asked
that question, because I know you do have a lot
of talent. Um, I would have asked you just seeing
that that there was a lot going on in the house,
typically in a little entertainment always felt good. Yeah, I
did bring my I brought my guitar, so I could
have definitely done I think I was, honestly, in hindsight like,

probably shouldn't have brought it if I wasn't planning on
playing for anyone. But alright, Tessa, So in the house,
was there anything that happened that did not go according
to the way that it went down on TV or
is pretty much what we're seeing in the TV version
what happened? Yeah, I think the TV version, weirdly enough,

is what happened, especially with like the earlier villains and
drama like that all the shrimp stuff, unfortunately did happen. Um.
So I feel like this season is super dramatic, but
weirdly it was as dramatic in the house. And I'm
still kind of processing, like was that real life? Is
that a fever dream? Like? And my real person is today,
tomorrow is yesterday, next month, I don't know what is happening,

So um, yeah, weirdly all kind of took place the
way that it's been portrayed so wild. I just remember
Tessa sitting during The Bachelor. I've told actually as many times,
but like you, like, drama would be going down and
I'd be in my mind thinking, nobody's actually gonna believe
this happened the way that it's happening. But I have

a front row seat at it, Like I get to
watch all this happen with my own eyes. What were
you thinking when all this was happening. Yeah, I was usually,
for one, like sitting on the couch, just like eating
those gummy bears that are in the glass container. Oh
my gosh. I was literally talking to my sister the
other day about the fact that the Oreos and the
pan Eminem's were in those jars and they we all

gained ten pounds just because those jars easily. Yeah, like
just two hands at every moment, like going at it,
like staying out of the Drama's probably why I left here, Honestly,
I was just like I found my safe space my kitchen.
I was chilling. Um. Yeah, but during those moments, it
was hard to believe that women were arguing over a crustacean.

It really felt like we'd entered like a new realm
of existence. Like Wow, it's like we're all real people,
but like with jobs and families and lives outside of this.
But we're really talking about shrimp for days. So it
was pretty unexpected but entertaining, especially in my little kitchen
snack corner. It's safe space. You got to find a

safe spaces in the house. It's important. So this is
one of the actually favorite games. We love to play
this game with people, Tessa, and you're beautiful, you're smart,
you're talented, you get to read on people, and so
as a result, would you ever go on Paradise after
your experience? Now in the back slip this is a game.

I love this game, especially game that starts with compliments,
Oh my goodness, thank you. Um yeah, So, I in
my real life say that going on this show was
one of the best things I've ever done for myself.
And I'll tell you why. Before going on the show,
I was living for other people. I was waking up
each day and make decisions that I really had no

say in, from my job to certain relationships. Um, this
is the person that I did for me after spending
nearly four years in a really hectic relationship. UM, and
it really opened up the doors for me to continue
kind of living for myself, like living intentionally, living mindfully.
And while it was a completely chaotic experience, it was

one that um instilled me with a lot more self confidence.
I was cry on my face off that first night, UM,
and those are tears that I needed to shed there.
There were tears from being like an ugly duckling in
high school, like so sad and miserable, and UM, it
just took a really big leap to really start to
value myself until I know what I love about myself.

So hell yeah, I would absolutely go in Paradise to
to reconnect with U, the courageous and brave version of
myself that the Bachelor introduced me to. O. I love
that we really really feel that we we relate. So
last question is who's your batchelor? This is my favorite.

I love this question that you would want to see
in Paradise. Yeah, so, oh she's got one. I do have.
I do, and it's uncomfortable because our paths have kind
of crops. But I definitely like I'm a little bit
shy when it comes to putting myself out there, so
this is a great way to do it publicly. Yeah,

he's I consider him a friend of mine, but something
about part deep on Michelle season really struck me. He's
from Brooklyn, b K forever. Um, Yeah, I feel like
there's a vibe. I also like love science, and we
haven't really nerded out on like psych in her science,
but I feel like they could be a vibe. So
hereby stating Cash so cute, it's gonna happen. I see it,

and if it doesn't happen, Ashley, I'm going to be
so angry at this show. I'm gonna just flip that
if we don't see them meet on the beach a
week one, because I want to watch the whole thing
for four weeks go down. Test said, thanks for joining us.
It's so great to have you. Thanks for coming on,
and we hope to talk to you again. We hope
to be celebrating your time on Bachelor and Paradise if

it goes well or if it doesn't, we just hope
you come back and talk to us at some point soon. Yeah. Absolutely,
thanks for having me on. I've had a lot of
fun course o good bye bye and after this quick break,
we're going to have bachelor headlines, So stay tuned. It's

time for bachelor headlines. Ben had to go to a
business dinner, so I will be doing this on my
own first up, big, big, huge headline today. It was
released a couple hours before we recorded. Clayton Underwood is
engaged to Jordan's Brown, his boyfriend. Um. They have been

together for a few months now, I would say over
a little over half a year. And he and this
is what we got after my birthday, Jordan and I
went to Big Sir for a weekend getaway to decompress
and relax in nature. I couldn't have pictured a more
beautiful place to celebrate an amazing milestone in my life

and my relationships. In my relationship. It was his thirtieth birthday, UM,
and he said, I'm extremely happy. Has been the most
transformative year of my life, starting off with my best friend,
teammate and now Beyonce is something I never thought was
going to be possible. Uh. They again just announced this

on social media today. Um, looks like the engagement happened
in in Big Sir. Uh. It sounds as if George
In was the one to propose, but I don't think
we have those details yet. All right, well, congratulations to Colton.

We can't wait to see their relationship evolve over forever,
we hope. Uh so. Second headline, Amanda Stanton calls out
The Bachelor for the therapy dates that we've seen lately.
She says, we've been watching The Bachelor of this season

and I have to say something about the multiple therapy dates.
They're rubbing me the wrong way. She said this on
Insto story last week. She said, I understand where they're
trying to go with it, but forcing girls to quote
open up on a national TV and then literally judging
their sessions or sending them home and making them feel

bad if they don't open up enough is just not it.
There's a reason therapy is a private thing, and I
don't think this is a good representation, representation enough therapy
or helping end the stigma around mental health. Just had
to say, And you know, I didn't think. I never
thought of it this way, But after reading what Amanda said,

I feel like I have to agree. So you guys,
let us know what you think about the therapy dates.
They've kind of like replaced the food dates because we're
getting so many food dates and now we're getting a
lot of therapy dates. So now we've heard from Zach
Clark recently. He says that he is not dating after
his split with Tasia, saying that he struggles with trust issues.

So apparently he says he's doing fine after his his split,
but he's quite ready to get back into the dating game.
He hasn't started going on dates, but it's open to it,
says a source to US Weekly. Um, he has he's
been thinking about, uh going on some dates, some apps,

some being on some dating apps like Raya. Uh. They're
trying to help him move on his friends. UM, but
he's hesitant about getting into a new relationship, says this source,
because now he's a public figure. He gets excited about
the idea of dating again, but has trust issues from

being in the spotlight. His biggest fear is getting close
to someone breaking up and then that girl sharing with
the world about their relationship. We have seen it happen
to bachelor destance in the past. Apparently, UM, Zak wants
to a relationship UM that is built on trust and

through all the ups and downs of you know, well,
honestly Zach's life, he's managed to stay focused on his
career and maintained his sobriety. He's working on release recovery
and has some upcoming projects in the works. Next headline,
Clayton is racing himself for Bachelor backlash as the Fantasy

Suite episode approaches so again, a source close to production
tells E News that Clayton is really concerned about how
fans are going to react to his season ending. We
we We had a headline last week in which Clayton
was talking about how he because of the backlash, sometimes

he wonders whether or not he should have even done
the show. And then I said, you know, is that
something that somebody who end it ended happily for would
actually say? But we we know that Clayton has experienced backlash.
We know that he is been sad, you know, upset
about it, Like he feels frustrated that people still feel

like they're not resonating with him when he's being his
best self. So okay, let's go back to the quote.
So Clayton is really struggling with the cism that he
has taken for the decisions that he's made on the show.
I think, uh, the villain, the villain component probably. He
probably got a lot of flak for that, you know,

with Elizabeth. He Elizabeth and Schney. He did apologize publicly
for the way that he handled that situation. Um, but
it seems like this week he knows it could get
worse for him as the fantasy suite has come into play. Uh.

Clayton does indeed fall in love with multiple women, the
source shares, and that is really obvious based on the
scenes for the next episode that we saw, And they
continue to say that many hearts are broken in ways
that we really have never seen before on the show.
So that's interesting. Think back on Michelle's finale, I mean, wow,

that was a heartbreaker. There's been so many heartbreaks. How
is this going to be any different? We'll see, um,
But Clayton is so concerned with how things will play
out that he even reached out to former Bachelor's Matt
James and Nick Vall for their support and advice. Did
he didn't reach out to Ben? Everybody reaches out to

Ben for advice? Um? Well, we will see how it unfolds,
hopefully on Monday, because I am getting impatient. I must
know what this teaser is all about. And last headline
it's pretty simple. Bachelor lum Hannah and Sluice vacations with
Los Angeles rams Jake Funk after the Super Bowl. Basically,

she just took a whole bunch of cute, romantic pictures
of the two of them during their time in Cabbo St. Lucas, Mexico.
He's twenty four, she's and it was a nice little
postseason getaway for the two of them. She captioned her
Instagram post, next stop lovers each So I'm really happy

for the two of them. Alright, guys, Well that is
it for headlines this week. Can't wait to see what
happens on Monday's episode. Seriously, who is he intimate with? Okay?
Is he doing three or two? Let us know all
your thoughts where you think this season is headed? At
Ben and Ashley at iHeart media dot com. And I'll

do this sign off myself until next time I've been Ashley. Bye.
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