All Episodes

November 16, 2022 • 40 mins

They got the most screen time this season of Paradise and now Ben and Ashley have the twins Justin and Joey Young on the podcast!

Find out who REALLY stole their heart on the sand and we hear some of the stories you didn't see on camera!

Plus, is an itch considered "pain"? We break down the debate of the century and why it started a fight between Genevieve and Aaron!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
This is the Benn and Ashley I Almost Famous podcast
with our Radio. It's episode two of this week for
the Almost Famous Podcast. We're lucky enough today to have
two of the um most screen time contestants this season
on Bachelor and Paradise, at least for the last few weeks.
Justin and Joey, the twins as we like to know them,

are here with us. Hello, fellows, what's up? How are you?
How are you doing? Time? Long time to see you, guys,
spoke on the podcast. I wasn't on that one. Oh yeah,
you missed out. Oh man, okay, well then I won't
be asking questions about last season. I forgot that you

guys have already been on here. Well, how surprised were
you to get the phone call that you were headed
to Bachelor in Paradise or that they would like you
to head to Bachelor in Paradise because you guys got
eliminated Night one. Yeah, we were, we were. We're common shock,
but we maybe almost even expected because pretty much literally
a week later after like we were eliminated from from

night when we kind of got the call like we're
going to consider you, that's for Paradise. We're like, oh,
really like we weren't really expecting it so early. We
were kind of weary about it too. We were like,
I don't know if you want to go through this again,
like is it gonna go bad for us? But how
we're excited about it. Yeah, I was the same way.
I think, like going home on night one, it really
kind of changed my perspective on Battor Nation as a whole.

So I was like, do I really want to go
back and maybe have the chance of being on there
one day and then I don't get a rose again?
So um, knowing that, you know, I took that in
consideration and we went back. So it's it's working well.
So so would you say it was a tough decision then?
Was it? Was there a lot of back and forth
between the two of you. Did Was there ever a
chance that one of you would go and one of

you wouldn't? Yeah, we thought about that, to be honest.
It was because we thought with that, you know, that
twin dynamic, it didn't really it came across a little
bit different on the bat Thorette. So having us maybe
one maybe it's just Joey God just me go would
maybe make things a little bit different a little bit
more success, you know, with a relationship. But we always

knew we were gonna do this together. We were in
it together once. It's going to happen again. So what
we kind of figured, being on Paradise, we'll kind of
have the opportunity to really kind of build our own
relationships separately because there's multiple options instead of just like
two options. So yeah, so we kind of figured it
would kind of work well and play into that. So
I don't know it worked well for us. I feel
like so far, So if you guys were to ever

actually split and go into Paradise so low, who would
be the one going? Or will we fight out for that?
Definitely fight over that. I think can make it like
a number, like a decision like that right away. I
feel like we'd have to. I don't even know who
we would choose, honestly, but I mean, I think we
both would love to do it. But I personally think
Joey I think he'd be a little bit better than me.

I think I'm a little bit more sporadic in the
paradise type setting. I kind of bounce around as maybe
you've seen my time here now, So I think Joey
would be a little bit better. But at the same time,
I don't know. I mean that that could be determined later.
I guess, what, what were your expectations going in, So
you obviously get the ask. You both decided to go.

As you're showing up the into the beach, what did
you think was gonna happen? Um, honestly, since we were
showing up, but we kind of showed up at a
later point, I feel like when a lot of the
connections are already built, so we kind of going again.
I just expected, like, oh, maybe I'll find someone right away,
Like maybe I'll just click instantly, someone will be available,
something like that. Maybe, And then I didn't expect any

of this what's been happening so far, me staying on
this long kind of building the milest ships so far
with Shine. Did not expect that in the slightest bit,
I'll be honest, I was kind of the opposite of that.
I expected to develop a relationship and I wanted to
do that. That was my goal being I think that's
anyone's goal that's going on to the Bachelor itself. So
I wanted to do that, and I knew I was

gonna do this and want any way I could, and
I mean it's working out now. So there it is.
Do you guys ever switch and pretend like each other
is the other the opposite one? And did the cast
have any issue telling you? Apart the whole cast? I
still to this day, I don't think they could tell
us part I wear a gold and he wears silver.

I think that was the main telling point. But if
it was covered, they couldn't tell, not at all. What
about the girls that you're dating, did they tell blow
was really good at it? They're they're pretty like they
caught on pretty quick, but I guess they're with us
so much and they can kind of tell we like
act a little different, kind of speak a little bit.
I think after that double date, Yeah, like all all

that time together, they were right away able to just
be like, oh, that's just that's Joey. And it was
cool to see that because that doesn't happen often. It
really doesn't, know, so seeing that it definitely developed kind
of even a greater attachment to flow for me, because
not everyone does that, and if they do, it's a
different type of relationship. You guys are the prey of

some cougars. You guys are twenty four and you were
dating all girls in their third Well, Che I think
is thirty. Then we have um Mara who's thirty three,
and then there's Flow who's thirty two. Yeah, but you
guys said that you've never been you've never dated an

older woman before, So how was it you getta you're
doing it again? Are you still dating these ladies? We
can't give those But um, I think I was never opposed,
but I just never honestly had the opportunity to do it.
So I mean I had, like you know, like it
came up and there's no complainance to the ere with it.

I don't really see a difference honestly. I think, yeah,
with this age thing, I've been seeing it around everywhere. Um,
I am twenty four, yes, but there's um other testans
on the show to who are twenty six, and you
know they're dating older women as well. And I think
for us, for some reason, that's just a very big

attachment to us that we're super young when I'm only
really a year younger and I know these women are older,
but I feel like for our age where we're a
lot more mature than a lot of people, exactly like
I have. We both have to master's degree from full
careers and things like that, so like we're I think
we're a lot more mature than people actually think we are,

So maybe the age things a little bit. Yeah, we're young,
but we can definitely obviously did an older woman if
it's the chance, And it's looking well right now, so
that's what matters to me. Well, and it doesn't look
like there's a lot of pain on either one of
your faces, so we'll see how this plays out. Well.
It brings me to something I wondered about two of you.

Obviously you did come in late to the beach, relationships
were already said. I'm sure you both had your your
wish list as they say, you're kind of top three
that you're looking for. Um, when you found out that
you know Flow and Hi, we're going to be the
two that were most available, are you excited initially? Were

you hesitant? Where you disappointed that the beach didn't have
more singles to offer you, um, a little bit of everything? Um.
I think I was a little hesitant because of the
age and I'm being perceived being young to these older women,
which actually happened. So I think I was a little
hesitant on that on that um Um reserve, but I

mean I was just willing to go with it and
just really see where it goes. Um. I kind of
like just to go off that. I kind of went
in not really like I didn't really have a list
of people per se I was looking for. I didn't like.
I just kind of went as a wild card, like
whoever I thought I could connect with the best, That's
what I'm gonna go for. And so like an age
limit anything like that didn't really matter to me. Yeah,
obviously at first I was like, maybe the age thing

will be little of a problem, but I mean, obviously,
so it kind of it's good to take. You have
to take a risk when you're at Paradise, and I'm
glad and took that risk and did that. And what
was funny for me too, was my best conversation was
with Flow exactly, and we spoke to all the women there,
and my best combo was with Flow initially anyways, So
it worked out in that way for me. We definitely

connected the most, and I think the same thing with So. Yeah,
I mean I think that's really where it came down to.
Of course we were hesitant, but you take the risk,
like you said, and that was tell me if this
perception of you is right. I imagine you guys is
like twelve year old boys through eighteen years watching the
show with your mom and then all of a sudden,

your mom gets her two sons on Bachelor, Bachelor, Bachelor
in Paradise. We have a really close relationship with our mom.
Honestly though I've never watched the show. I've only watched
one season before this when I was like in college,
so I never honestly, I never watched with my parents
are really anything, honestly, So it wasn't really I guess
that wasn't really. Yeah, it was just more we have

a close relationship with our parents and our mom. Obviously,
I think as Italians like it's a big thing. But um, no,
that's not a perception I think at all. I think
we're established at our age where we're independent from our parents.
Were not these little twelve year old little boys that
people are perceiving us. As you know, we carry our
own we like to carol, and you know, I think
even again to um, we displayed more maturity than some

guys on the beach or older than us, and people
have been saying that, and I think, you know, if
if I was twelve, we're not going to just play
that maturity. So um, so yeah, I think that's a
good answer to that. So justin what are you moving
to Australia? No, I got my plight booked. You know,
I'm looking at places now to go down there. So

all right, well, guys, thank you so much for coming on.
Before we let you go, I've got to ask my
last question for you. Yes, how many double dates do
you go on a year? Honestly, we actually we've only
been really I'd say that was probably ever the third
double date ever. Really, we really don't go on a

lot of double days. We're really in that dating world.
We're really independent from each other. I mean, look, we
like when the girls we do date our friends or
become friends, and I think that's huge. But we like
to have that independence because we're always together and you know,
as being a twin you know, you're always uh connected
to each other, but you've got to split that connection somehow,

and that's in the dating world. And you know, we're
also very different. I feel like in the dating world,
like you can awesome, you can just tell from our
relationships pretty much right now, like how they perceived. We're
just very kind of different in that way, so we
attract different girls, so maybe they might not always match,
or we just don't always have the way to go
on a double day with them, so we don't really
actually go on many But it was it was I

loved this. It was fun though. I can't can't complain
at all. Well, if if there's a title for interview,
it's independence and maturity, uh and self sufficiency, Like, um,
you guys would have been a great match for Kate
because Kate seems to only be looking for financial security.
Person she's doing she's doing Yeah, she's saying that, she

said a lot. She's doing Logan wrong. I think I
love Logan too, and I know he's he really is
established in his in his career, in his life. I
love them, and I just think, you know, she's doing
it wrong and there's no need for that. I don't know, Okay,
it's got to combat down a little bit. Hey, Justin,
Joey thinks for coming on. Best of luck with the
rest of the season. We can't wait to see what

these love stories play out. And Justin, when you make
it to Australia takes some pictures. I hear it's beautiful.
Come on down Ben you we can go out to
a little double date down there, right all right, guy,

you tease the last episode. We're talking about it today
Gabby and Rachel arrive. We talked about it, we hinted
at it last week, we're talking about it this week.
Actually we mentioned last week we'll talk about again that
it would be a little weird for past leads maybe
to show up to the beach so soon after these
guys have left their season. I don't think we ever

see that, like turnover so fast and them to be like,
oh my god, you're here. I think it's actually even
before tell All may tape, Like these guys might be
saying these girls before they even see them at the
tell All, which is jarring three weeks three weeks. See.
So the whole point of them sending in these guys

and these girls is to freak out the guys um
and make them they think that they're going to sit
down with the girls and all of a sudden, Gabby
and Rachel are gonna talk smack about them um, and
then they're gonna like then their girls are gonna have
all these new doubts. This is particularly about, well, Tyler

wasn't nervous at all because Tyler was just like everybody's favorite.
And then the girls basically told m Brittany like, oh
my god, we're so happy that he's with someone because
he's so sweet, and like, we're so rooting for him.
And then a Logan was really the one that was
worried that they were going to say something to Kate,

because well, the girls are friends with Kate and Logan
was the one who flip flopped. And not only did
Logan flip flop in on the Bachelorette, but he also
has dated around a bit in Paradise. Um. But like,
you know, she didn't. She's not really fazed by any
of it right now. And then like their whole visit

is kind of just like, you know, it seems like
it could have been juicy, but it just wasn't. Yeah,
I was gonna say, we don't really see too much
of the reaction from this. I thought it was gonna
beat Logan's freaking out. Um. Kate has definitely built in
a unique fan base. Um, which why do I find
myself included in this? I'm telling you this is the

weirdest thing ever. She She has like such a condescending
voice by nature, like or a manner of speaking, and
everything she says is like, well, it could be offensive.
Not everything, but she says a lot of things that
could be taking offensively. It can be. Yeah, it's like

it's the storyline that that has been built in. Now.
She said enough things about wanting money, uh, you know,
sustaining partner that can support her. Well, she's a dog
walker with an orange car. Yeah, so okay. I don't
know how to feel about any of this except the

fact that I was not nervous for Logan. And here's why.
At this point, there's zero chance Kate and Logan walk
off this beach together. So in her mind, she's probably thinking,
I don't really care what these two girls say. Yeah,
I know all of this stuff. Maybe true, they might
not like him, whatever. I just want to be around

for as long as I can possibly re around to
still enjoy paradise. And as a result, who cares. They
can say what they want. Logan are going to stick
it out until that last week when they're like, are
you ready to get engaged? They're both gonna be like Nope,
and then they'll walk off and they won't miss anything.
I think that Kate is there, um just to be

there at this point. I don't see any romance coming
from their relationship. So true, am I like evil for
thinking that she's funny? Like again, like I said last week,
like I know what she's saying is very flawed and
you don't just keeping it real. She's saying, yeah, yeah,
but they're not nice, they're not might not even be true,

like they might not even be true. So real in
the sense that she's saying things that typically are not
said on national television, and so it's interesting to watch
to see. It's good TV. Yeah, it's yeah. And I
wonder if she's like at all embarrassed for saying these
things or she's like whatever, speaking my feelings, my truth,

you know. Yeah, but obviously that relationship continues. Then the
two Bachelor's go home. That's about as big of an
impact as they had this week. This week, h it
was a little weird, h to have the guys congratulating
Rachel on the engagement that we know did not last.
It is you know weird now to see Gabby, you know,

so excited and happy and that did not work out either,
So it is a little bit of a time warp
to watch it and you know now knowing what's the
aftermath of all this. But they showed to the beach
at this point in the episode, Ashley, I was watching
it on my computer. My wife walks into the room

and I said, sometimes, Honey, I feel like I get
dumber by watching Paradise. Now this leads me to the
Genevieve and Aaron was the best part of the show,
the whole episode. And Wells makes the comment, I think
this show is making me dumber. And I would say,
and I said, Honey, do you hear that? He agrees,

My buddy agrees. He just has to be there. I
get deposit and turn off and go read a book
or something. Um, he just has to sit in it.
But actually, you loved this argument. What it was hilarious.
Let's get Eastern and Hannah on Eastern Hannah producers, let's
get on and have the argument here, especially since I

don't think Easton saw it is eastern around there. He is,
I haven't seen a second of this program. Yeah, I
know you haven't seen it. But what I love is
that we get to give give the people somebody. Somebody's
a in with a neutral perspective. Okay, you're ready. He
is an itch painful? No? No, no, it's not the question.

The question is it is having an itch? Pain? Is
having it? Okay? Yeah, it's having an inch pain a
low level of pain. I would say it's discomfort, and
in some cases it's pleasure. Scratching is pleasure. Yeah, scratch okay, Hannah, No,

I don't think it's pain at all. It's like irritation.
And I agree with Eastern it is such pleasure when
you itching it scratch an itch to be proper. Now
here's um the scientific explanation. Oh my god, stopped. Really,

don't tell right. Although closely related to paint, itch is
a distinct sensation that causes scratching. Recent progress is indicated
the existence of an itch specific neuron circuit tree. Neuron
circuitry formed in part by the MRP expressed something expressing

primary sensory neurons. So, in short, no, it's a sensation.
It's not paint. When Aaron's yelling, it's a fact. It's
a fact. It's not a fact. It's a sensation. It's
not paint. All right, This is this was a really
funny debate. Thanks guys for your input. Cases closed. I

loved this. I thought it was just your everyday couple
of argument. There wasn't, no Wolson. The thing was, it
wasn't an everyday a couple of argument because like in
that case, like Jared and I would be like arguing
with each other, but like smiling while doing it and
like trying to find definitions that trump to the other
per sins. But Jennefy was so annoyed and she goes
and packs her bags and is rolling it out to

the front of paradise. This is that they are that couple.
They are just the dramatic couple that, like a stupid
fights lead to something too big and that's why they
are forever doomed. There's no way, really, I'm gonna disagree
with you on something you just said, because I get

that there's couples where little fights, small things turned into
big things. But this other than the fact that Jennevieve
said that Aaron yelled at her, which I wouldn't say
he yelled at her, right, yeah, I mean maybe with
something we didn't see. Okay, let's take that out of
the equation here, because whatever, But um, outside of the reaction,

and maybe one of the people within this relationship doesn't
like reaction. This fight never got big, It never became personal. Typically,
small fights get really detrimental when there's personal attacks throne,
when people are damaged personally by the things being said.
This was literally just a fight about is itching pain?
There is never it never got bigger than it's not

never dumb. You're always so dumb, You're so stupid, you
don't know anything that was never said. It was literally
back and forth about itching and pain, and so I
would say, no, this did not become a big thing.
I don't know why the bags were packed. I don't
know how they're going to function in a world outside

of paradise when small, little arguments like this make somebody
want to leave. Ben, please regal us with a time
that you and jess had an argument so dumb that
actually got fired up over because I have an example
of me and Jared. You know, jess and I don't

fight just because a very I I don't mean five.
We don't fight either. A bicker. No, But Jessica is
more prone to be a peacemaker, like she just doesn't
like even the bickering. Um It's hard for me to
even think of one right now because most of my
life we I know that she's sensitive to any type

of bickering, and so we just don't because well, then
doesn't boil. This is like, is there like an irritation
that kind of continues because it's never brought up something. No,
we talked like, we very much talked things through after.
If it is any type of argument, there's typically tears
and then there's like some breathing room and then it's hey,
this is where I was coming from, this is where

you were coming from. How do we get to this point? Okay, okay,
you want to hear a stupid argument? Yes I do.
Jared and I did this, made this TikTok. It was
a year ago now that got over four million views,
So I think it's our highest watch TikTok that we have.
And it was Jared saying bon or alert in response

to Tom Brady wearing a backwards hat, and I said,
while we were at the actual Tampa Bay game, I go,
you should make a funny TikTok when we get back
to the hotel and you put a backwards hat on
or like you watch videos of him and you do
the bon or alert thing because it was like a
trending sound. And then later when we saw it was
getting over millions of views, I go, I'm so glad

that I had that idea about bon or alert. And
then he goes, that was not your idea, that was
my idea. And we argued about whose idea it was,
and I just couldn't fathom how he thought it was
his idea, Like maybe he had the idea but never
said it out loud or something like that. But it
was like an argument where I was like, holy hell,

I'm going to have to get over this. I can't
believe how mad I am, and I'm just gonna have
to drop it because we're never going to come to
me agree. But not it did. He really had to breathe.
So that that was our version life with your friends. Yeah,
Tom Brady, Boner Alert TikTok is our equivalent of itch
slash pain. This is the wildest conversation. It's hilarious. I

love the two of them trying to figure this out,
and again they reconcile. They figured out no harm, no foul,
everybody back to even. But at this point, Jenevieve has
got to be sick of packing her bags like that
is not an easy thing to do. It feels like
they're just on waiting and on call. Again, I'll say it.
I think the next time she packs her bag, she's gone.

I said it this time, I was wrong. I just
don't see this couple to the end. So let's kind
of speed date through the couples that are existing right now. Actually,
just give a quick little update because that's kind of
the next segment of this episode. As we enter into
the dance party, Uh, Michael and Danielle seemed to be
doing really well, seemed to be getting to a place

that feels like there's a long lasting relationship. She wants
to say love, but she's also worried about saying but
she's feeling it. And I wonder if we're going to
get hear him say love by the end of this season,
because we know he's only said it to Laura before
in his past. Um the other big Yeah, Brittie and Tyler,

Britnie Tyler going strong. Don't see a lot about him.
You don't watch him very often. I don't know what
it is. I love Brittany so much like I really
hold Britney dear. I really liked her, and she's so
much over her age. There's something so special about her
that I just feel really protective when watching her. And

I just don't know if he's it. Yeah, Justin and Flo, sure,
but I don't think that's a halfway across the world
lasting relationship. Joey and Chine. I also feel like that
is not going to really go very far in the

real world. I I'll be shocked, but I could see
those I could see one of those two making it
and us all being surprised. It would be Yeah, I
could see it being one of those couples that were like, WHOA,
that's success story and from Paradise that we did not
see coming. There's a lot of those what do you
think of Brandon screen? I mean, just get married tomorrow.

It'll be fine. Yeah, it's gonna be great. And they
could get married right there on the beach and I
wouldn't even be concerned about them not even experiencing real
life together. Very very much and love. And at this
point we have n C and Andrew. Obviously, anybody that's
listening to this podcast has watched the episode, but at
this point we're feeling like there's excitement or just something

new to me. Can we talk about just how funny
this whole thing is with n and Andrew at the
end of the like this is where we are, right,
we have to talk about the most unbelievable moment I've
in quite some time on TV. I have some strong
opinions on that. The final cop couple is Kate and Logan.

Cat and Logan also doomed, doomed, doomed? So can we
go on to n C? Now we we do have

to say, um, that is short and as sweet and
his Um. I mean, I love these two people, but
I have no clue why Beck and Thomas arrived in Paradise.
Smallest cameo of all time. I don't get it. I
don't know what the show was thinking it was gonna happen.
But Beck and Thomas do arrive in Paradise. They are
a great success story from Paradise. Um, they should be highlighted.

I think they're both tremendous and I care about them both.
But yeah, they came, they left. I think they're at
the dance party, yeah, and think so. But they held
no mentor role. I thought they were going to go
and do a date with somebody I don't know, but
no nothing. So anyway, we get to the party and

the party is a nineties theme, which is really cool.
But there's only one thing that we has have so
far seen that happens at the party that is monumental,
and we're not gonna talk about it yet. We're gonna
talk about the dance off. Why are you doing this
to me? The dance off was so fantastic, um, the guys,
who was the girls, the costumes were great, the party

was was fantastic. I'm sure this is a very fun
event um for everybody. And now, actually I will allow
us to talk about and see Andrew and just sitting you, okay,
so just send you up, pulls Andrew aside, and she
doesn't really have much of an argument. She's telling Andrew,
and you know, it's because she feels bad about the

situation that she's in with him, which is basically like
no longer a situation hip. It's just they broke it up.
She's like, I just feel like you're not here for
basically like the wrong just basically I think you're here
for the wrong races at this point, Like you're just
not really connecting with people like you have dated. Now

you're on your fourth person and it's just not like
clicking for you, and we really just are wondering why
you're like breezing by, like maybe you shouldn't be here anymore.
Am I summarizing that properly? Yeah? I mean I think she.
I got the feeling watching it that, like she definitely

was hurting. And I'm gonna say this word and I
don't think I think it's gonna be too strong, but
she was definitely manipulating the situation, but like on an
evil way. No, no, exactly, That's why I said it's
too strong. Yeah, yeah, but I guess she was hurting,

so she was communicating this pain to him without telling
him that she's just hurting, and instead it came off
as her trying to convince him that he's messing up
and that she's just worried about him. She was like,
let me get this straight, this is you, not me, right. Yeah.
It's kind of similar to when somebody says you look tired.

It's like, what you really want to tell me is
I looked terrible, but you're trying to manipulate to sound
a little better so that it's not so offensive, but
it's just as offensive. So I am assuming Andrew, even
though he did handle himself well. I do have some
critiques as usual about how he handled it, but he
did handle himself well. He was patient, he was very

he was very kind given. But I'm sure inside his
blood is boiling because he knows where this is coming from,
and he knows how confused he already is. And I'm
sure he's just sitting there being like, I just want
this to stop because this feels unhealthy. Now here's my
critique of Andrew. I think he's a dude, great smile,

a lot of energy. Um, he says dude to women. Wait,
oh my gosh, I know, but you also know he
doesn't really like them if he's calling them dude. Do
you think I don't know? I mean there's moments where
I'm sitting at the dinner table Jess and I'm like, dude,
watch this, and I'm like, I'm sorry, that was weird.
It's just like, like, I want you to see this

video and it just came out that it's excited. He
just repeatedly says it is greeting to women. Is come on, dude,
I like, and I just don't think that fits. It
feels weird. That's my critique of Okay, that's it, that's
what I want. I just also wanted to say that,
like Jena is trying, I don't think it's fair to say, like,

just because you haven't found love in Paradise, you have
to go like who says that you have to like
you can't like be in like with multiple people. She
was saying, it's like not right, it's not right for
you to be here anymore because like you've only found
like here and you've kind of like gotten through every
road ceremony because people like you, but like you're not
in love, you know what I mean. I just but again,

it's the it's it's it's not me, it's you, right situation,
and like and we get it. But the most dramatic
thing that's ever happens, or at least an oil, is
the fact that NC comes up to him in the
middle of this conversation, insisting that this isn't out of
like insecurity. But she's like this is so wrong, like

I'm gonna pull you aside. Can I pull you aside?
And she's and he's like no, no, no, no no, like
this is important, Like I really need to communicate this
with her respectable love that he said that, but then
she is like, if you don't come with me, I'm
going to be like really over this, and then just
said He's like, well, you're giving him an ultimatum. That's

really attractive. And I think NC just must have been
really drunk to act the way that she does in
that scene and then the forthcoming Yeah, I mean something
has to be going on, because, um, it's paradise. You're
gonna see people talk to other people. And their conversation

was not romantic. Their conversation was a yard apart. They
weren't touching. There was no smiles, no flirting, coldness. Yeah.
In fact, if I was n C, I'd be like,
you let that exist because this is for me like that,
I'll be sitting on the sidelines waiting for you to
come back. It was weird. It was it was dramatic.

I'm proud. I am not proud because that makes it
sound like I would have done it. I would have
never done this. I'm not smart enough. But the way
Andrew handled it with n C afterwards, when he said,
here's really you know, in summary, I'm not gonna get
it perfect but he said something along the lines of
I'm looking for a partner that allows me to care
for people where they're at. Uh, justin he was hurting,

she needed to talk to me, and I'm looking for
partners to support me because that's just who I am.
That is a really like wise, thoughtful, um vulnerable thing
to say, and I get it. And I think for him,
no matter what in Sea's like sobriety was or what

was happening behind the scenes, I'm assuming that was his
deal breaker, Like when he heard that and saw that
at that moment, he said, this is not my partner,
This is not this is not who I want to be,
This is not the partner I need to support me
because my whole life, and you can just tell with
Andrew his whole life is probably sitting uh and the

difficult situations with people helping them walk through it, but
also UH standing up for the things he believes them
and he needs a partner to get beside him in
that and alongside of him and lead him in that.
So I thought that was a great statement that moment. Yeah,
and it clarified, you know why he was so turned off,

And I think he obviously wasn't really like that invested
in his relationship with her. But that said, he did
say like this night and how everything unfolded makes me
feel like I have to leave now, like we have
basically no future. And he said that in as nice
of way as possible. And then the amount of times
I've done I've done cringeing things on the show before,

and and this was up there, this this pegging, this
please Andrew, please, please please, saying please twenty times. Yeah,
hard to watch. It was cringeing. Um. And I'm gonna
give her the benefit of the doubt and say that
she probably was just like a little bit. She probably,
you know, she was feeling desperate. She was not that
ye how it was going to come across on TV,

but uh, yeah, it was rough. It was it was begging.
It was true begging, like I don't know if I've
ever seen before on Bachelor franchise. And why where do
you think that was? Do you think she really cared
about him that much and really saw a future with
Andrew and really wanted him there or was it an
embarrassing thing for her where she realized that she overstepped
and didn't realize the repercussion from overstepping. Where do you

think that was coming from. I think that she has
a big crush on Andrew. And I also think that
she did the show again and she just had a
whole different thought of it unfolding. And I think she
just thought to be more successful in the first time around.
She did make a mention of this in the exit vehicle,

and um, yeah, I think that basically it was just
like her feeling like she failed. She made a sord
mistake and then failed. That's too bad. I don't like
that for it is sad. Two last things. One is
another embarrassing moment for n C where she has a
snot bubble. That's not that it was on her lip. Wait,

why didn't I see that? I didn't make that show it?
Oh why did they show it? It's too bad? Um?
And then why do we talk about here on the podcast?
And then but we've all been there. Uh, that's human,
that happens. Uh. And we'll closed this episode today talking

about what Andrew's ultimate excuse for leaving was is that
he's still very much his hearts with Teddy. That relationship ended.
I mean, it doesn't even feel like the same season
he's been there since then, he's found some relationships since then,
do you see a future with Teddy and Andrew? Do

you think she's going to be interested in trying it
again outside of Paradise? Uh? And then are you surprised
that that that his heart was still so much there?
It's so sad that his heart was so much there.
I know that based on like what Teddy said on
Instagram a couple of months, like maybe a couple of
weeks ago. She said something about like alluding to the
show just not being like her ideal place to be right.

I have a theory that maybe they are trying to
rekindle in real life, that she really just didn't want
to date him there. Um also and very anxious for
the reunion show to see where they are today. Yeah,
and uh yeah, I don't know that. That's basically my
thoughts on it. What about you? I think they could

make it work. I think there's been enough flirting going
on in social media well over last year before the show,
where he was saying how interested he was in her,
that I could see them going in a few dates.
I don't know if it's gonna work or not. You
didn't get to see enough their relationship to see their chemistry,
but he obviously went in the paradise. I would believe

solely focused that this was his shot to meet Teddy.
Uh and to be with Teddy, and so I hope
they at least give it a date. I think they.
I think they will have something in real life. Do
we know how close they are in proximity? I don't.
I know, I know he's in Chicago, but I don't
know where. But it was a dramatic, also emotional uh

and um, I will say embarrassing ending to the show.
I don't think Z's probably watching this EPI so being
like that was my greatest moment, and I'm really happy
it happened. And I don't feel weird watching it. I'm
sure it's hard. Um what's cringer? Her interruption of Jena
or the police please please? I would say the interruption

of Jena, I mean the police please please. I think
came out of desperation of knowing that like the interruption
caused repercussion that she don't wanted. I thought the way
she handled that was unfair to both, and I don't
probably believe that's who she wants to be. I'm sure
she watches it back and says, Gosh, when somebody's having
a really difficult conversation, I don't need to step in

the middle of it. And that's not who I am,
and it's not who I want to be in the future.
And so that's what I would say. It wasn't It
wasn't like super fun for me to watch. It was
kind of hard, and it was also a little frustrating
because I I think sitting there going all you have
to do and see is going and dance and let
Andrew come inside, and this is all fine. Well, they

were never gonna account, but n could have been a
little less, had a little less on TV. You know,
I'm all right, we're moving into They keep teasing it. Uh,
engagements are coming, They're coming, They're they're happening. They say
it every week the last two weeks. Let's see when

they happen. But we'll be back next week covering both
episodes of Bachelor in Paradise. But until next time, I've
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