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March 27, 2024 32 mins

How much of our fate is dictated by the stars? Astrologer Chani Nicholas joins us to read The Bright Side’s birth chart. Even if you’re an astrology skeptic, Chani might turn you into a believer. Plus, Danielle and Simone talk about divorce rings and all-time favorite drugstore beauty buys. We want to hear from you! You can reach the show at:

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Today on the bright Side, astrologer Channy Nicholas reads our
show's birth chart. Whether you're a true believer like Danielle
or a bit of a skeptic like you girl, I
promise you'll learn something.

Speaker 2 (00:13):
Plus Channy tells us what's written in the stars for
the show, For us and of course for.

Speaker 3 (00:19):
You, the bright side is always that we have each other, right.
The bright side is that the myth of individualism, we'll
kill you literally, and that if we remember that we
are a collective, remember that we are not alone, which
is what happens when you are honest with your story,
then we remember that we get through this only together.

Speaker 1 (00:38):
It's Wednesday, March twenty seventh. I'm Simone Boyce.

Speaker 2 (00:41):
I'm Danielle Robe and this is the bright side from
Hello Sunshine. Okay, Simon, I recently came across this photo
of model Emily Radikowski and she posted on Instagram a
photo of her divorce ring. Before we get into her
divorce ring and divorce rings in general, do you remember

her engagement ring?

Speaker 1 (01:02):
I don't. Can you refresh my memory?

Speaker 2 (01:04):
Okay, I'm gonna say this wrong, but if anybody speaks French,
let me know what it really sounds like she popularized
the tooi Etois engagement ring, which basically is two stones
together on one band. First of all, this ring left
a mark on the industry. I'm not even a ring person,
and I remember this ring. But now that she's divorced,
she separated the stone. So I think there's symbolism for

her and that it's sort of like the engagement ring.
Said I do, and then this one says, I don't.

Speaker 1 (01:32):
I love this trend because I think it's so empowering
for women who are moving through divorce. It's a way
to take that experience that can be heartbreaking and incredibly
painful and own it and also get two rings out
of it.

Speaker 2 (01:47):
Hey, she was like, I am not going to let
losing a man. She said this to Fokes. She said,
I'm not going to let losing a man get rid
of my gems. And I agree with you. I think
divorce is so brutal, especially when there's kids involved and
she has a child, that it's like, whatever empowers you.

I love it, But I do think there's symbolism and jewelry,
and so I don't know if I would personally want
to do this because it would still remind me of
my ex.

Speaker 1 (02:19):
Even if you separated them out. Yeah, even if it
was two separate stones.

Speaker 2 (02:22):
I think, like not to get so woo woo, but
I feel like it would carry the energy of that
relationship of that man and I.

Speaker 1 (02:30):
Diamond would literally carry the energy. No, not litterally, his spirit.
I wouldn't say that, but no figuratively.

Speaker 2 (02:37):
And I just I'm kind of like, if you bought
me anything and we're not together anymore, I'm selling it
on eBay.

Speaker 1 (02:47):
Yeah, it's hard to I think it's hard to say
what I would do in that moment. I also have
never owned a ring that large. I don't know what
the price tag would be if I sold it on eBay.
But I think you have to tell our right side
besties what you just told me, which is that you
might not even wear a ring when you get engaged. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (03:03):
I don't think I want a ring. I do hope
to be married. I'm thirty three. I hope to be
married at some point in the next six years. Maybe
that would be nice, But I've never cared about rings.
All my friends say to me, like, you don't care
until you get engaged and then you want to ring.

Speaker 1 (03:18):
I think I would feel I would feel so naked
if I didn't have my ring. Also, it's a great
man repellent whenever you go out to a bar and
you want to just fend off all the f boys.
You know what I'm saying. There is symbolism in our culture.
You're right.

Speaker 2 (03:30):
Yeah, Well, I guess we decided on nothing in this
segment except for that this is a rich person problem.

Speaker 1 (03:37):
Maybe I'm for it. I'm pro divorce ring.

Speaker 2 (03:41):
I'm convinced that I need to do some research. Another
thing I'm convinced about is that you can do your
whole face of makeup from a drug store.

Speaker 1 (03:50):
Have you ever tried it? I'm really good at doing
a full car beat, Like I will do the full
beat in the car. I'll do a MANI petty in
the car. Well, yeah, with the whole wax paraffin bathtub.
Don't not start with me. I can't even do that
in my home. Have you ever done a full face
of drug store makeup?

Speaker 3 (04:09):
Hell? Yeah?

Speaker 1 (04:10):
I actually love the drug store.

Speaker 2 (04:11):
So the Today Show has been doing this series where
they interview celebs about their favorite drug store buys, and
I'm like, I want to see if any of these
celebs products match up with mine? Yeah, so tell me
if any of them match up with you. Kristin Chenowiz
says she loves the Nivia lip bomb in Pink Shimmer.

Speaker 1 (04:26):
Wait, I'm writing this down. Yeah, we should put.

Speaker 2 (04:29):
A list out of our own as well on social Okay.
Brooks Shields is a fan of Sally Hansen's wax strips.
Aaron Andrews uses cris White strips. She says she's a
coffee drinker and a wine drinker, So girl, same, and
I'm about to give you some of mine.

Speaker 1 (04:46):
Okay, I'm writing down.

Speaker 2 (04:47):
First of all, Brooks Shields with the wax strips, don't
make fun of me. Have you ever tried the nose
wax equipment that's in the drug store is unbelievable.

Speaker 1 (04:58):
I can't say that I have my friend you.

Speaker 2 (05:00):
Lisa Bermudez is a a beauty blogger and she put
me on and I will never be the same. There's
like these white little sticks you dip into wax that
you put in the microwave for two minutes. You stick
them up your nose and you're good for like three weeks.

Speaker 1 (05:12):
What is the pain level here? Yeah?

Speaker 2 (05:14):
One through ten? I'd say six and a half. It's
wordy to me. Okay, Loriel voluminous mess Scarra yes, eight
ninety nine agree rivals, Chanel Door. Don't tell me you're
buying an expensive mass scao when this exists. Smash smash, Okay,
name a better lotion than Palmer's Cocoa butter for eight dollars.

Speaker 1 (05:35):
Nope, No, I just I'm laughing because I just love
how black. That answer was like, like, you can come
to the cookout, Danielle. You're invited to the cookout. Thank you. Okay,
back to products anything Bert's Bees. Do you like Burt's Bees?

Speaker 3 (05:50):

Speaker 1 (05:51):
Yeah, I like a good chapstick.

Speaker 2 (05:53):
And then the rock Barrier am moisturizer. It's kind of
like a secret weapon. It's EIGHTPF thirty and if you're
in a jam, it's really good.

Speaker 1 (06:04):
Nice. Yeah, you want to hear mine? Duh? Okay, okay,
so I swear by Maybelene's brow liner brow pencil. How
do you know which color you are? Soft brown? Okay, well, okay,
soft brown is my color, but I typically go one
to one shade lighter than my actual brow color because

if you go the same exact shade then it just
looks too heavy and fake. That's a good tip. Yeah.
This so the Mabelene brow pencil. It's a slim brow
pencil and I love it because it has a really
thin tip and so it makes it really precise. I
think it's the best dupe for the Anastasia Beverly Hills
brow pencil. Oh that's the good one. Yeah. I switched

over to this one because the Anastasia one it would
always break the packages thirty dollars. This one's like under ten,
under ten dollars. Vacline, vaciline. I'm a vacline girly for life.
Where do you put it? Everywhere? Everywhere?

Speaker 2 (07:02):
Trying so hard not to laugh into the microphone and
piss everybody off that's listening.

Speaker 1 (07:06):
But oh my god, wait, I know Vasilyn is controversial
nowadays because it's like made from petroya and jelly or whatever.
But it's the best. It's legendary. But what do you
mean everywhere? Like on your face? No? I mean okay,
So if I use retin all at night and sometimes
I'll get areas of sensitivity or redness like around under
the eyes or lips, and I'll put the vasoline on

there because it's great for wounds and healing, Okay, and
so that's the only place I'll put it. But I'm
not like slugging my whole face like Tyra Banks was
back in the day. Yeah, I love putting on vasiline
right after I get the shower and my skin is
still wet. It just really absorbs and it's amazing. It's iconic.
Don't come for me because of my vasaline love.

Speaker 2 (07:48):
After the break, the stars have aligned in Los Angeles
Today we have a very special guest here in studio
to tell us what the heavens have in store for
the coming weeks.

Speaker 1 (07:58):
Don't go anywhere, We'll be right back back. We're back, y'all.
I'm Simone Boye. If you like me, don't know your
ascendance from your aspects, don't worry. Astrologer Channy Nicholas is
one of the world's leading experts and best translators on
the subject.

Speaker 2 (08:18):
She's the author of the New York Times bestseller You
Were Born for This Astrology for Radical self acceptance, and
she's here to give us a cosmic breakdown of what
our podcast birth chart means. Welcome to the bright Side, Channey.
We're so excited to have.

Speaker 1 (08:33):
You Channy, thanks for joining us.

Speaker 3 (08:36):
Thank you so much for having me. I'm so excited
to be here.

Speaker 2 (08:39):
So you have been an astrologer for more than two decades?

Speaker 3 (08:43):
Is that true?

Speaker 1 (08:43):
It's true. I checked, Okay, got check check.

Speaker 2 (08:46):
But you know there's no college major you can't like
enroll in astrology school necessarily, So I'm so curious how
you got into this.

Speaker 3 (08:54):
I got into it because my dad's third wife, mom
was a reiki master, and all of her friends were
astrologers and psychics. And when I was twelve years old,
she sent me and the whole family to get like
a group of astrology reading and I just felt like
I knew what this woman was talking about, and she

was talking a language that was mine, but no one
had ever spoken to me in before, and so I
was just like immediately enraptured.

Speaker 2 (09:21):
So interesting because that familiarity, I think is what scares
people about astrology. They don't feel like they understand the language.

Speaker 1 (09:28):
Usually. Yeah, I have to be honest, I'm one of
those people that's like, I'm not scared of it. I
wouldn't say I'm scared of it. I think I'm skeptical
of it. Yeah, great, I think that the key to
happiness is having an internal locus of control, so focusing
on the things that you can control. And when I
think of astrology, it feels like an ideology that is,

where you're ruled by something that's outside of your control.

Speaker 3 (09:54):
I just want everyone to know that Simona is an Aquarius.
So yes, but I love that for you.

Speaker 1 (10:00):
Do am I acting like an Aquarius right now? Am
I being hyperlogical and practical? Maybe? Yeah, I mean it's great,
I love it. But let me say here's the caveat
I identify as an Aquarius when I look at the traits.
When I look at the traits of an Aquarius, I'm like,
that's me. And also Oprah's an Aquarius, so of course
I'm going to claim it. But but you're not only
an Aquarius. You're also Capricorn rising, so you're doubly ruled

by Saturn. And Saturn is a planet of discernment and
rules and structure and order and boundary and logic, and
like this, there's a beginning, middle and end to something.
So like there's a way in which your rising sign
is very like it's very like hands on and practical
in a earthy sense.

Speaker 3 (10:38):
And your Sun sign and your mercury. You also have
a very very very strong mercury planet of communication also
in Aquarius. And so that is like, give me the facts,
give me the data, scientists, But I.

Speaker 2 (10:49):
Feel like you're trying to solve for randomness, and it's
like almost a it's an illusion of control.

Speaker 1 (10:56):
Well, this gets into a whole like, oh, yeah, we
can free destination, self determination conversation that's just been going
on for thousands of years, right, astrology, right, and religion.
But can we talk about that for a moment, Like,
if you subscribe to astrology, to me, it feels like
you're letting go of a lot of agency. How come
because you are your life path or your movements are

dictated by the stars. My question is like, do you
still feel like you have control over your destiny even
when you subscribe to astrology.

Speaker 3 (11:30):
I mean I am a fiercely independent, like almost fairal
human being. I do not like to be controlled by
anything or anyone. Yeah, almost like to my own demise
in most cases. So I don't feel controlled by the
astrology at all. I feel enlightened by it, okay, And

I feel like it is a language and it's something
that has I have communication with okay. So it's like
it's like being with somebody who has gone down the
road I'm going down and they're like, Okay, well there's
a pothole up there. I don't have to listen to it.
Do I feel controlled by that information?

Speaker 1 (12:10):

Speaker 3 (12:11):
But I don't have to like fall into it, and
like I don't have to be like balancing seventeen cups
as I go towards it. Okay, I could be like, Okay,
well I'm gonna be a little.

Speaker 1 (12:19):
Bit more prepared for it. That makes sense.

Speaker 3 (12:21):
And also I don't know how it's going to roll out,
but I know it's probably going to be a bumpy
little section of my journey. Yeah, but I'm not controlled
by that. I'm just made more aware. It's kind of
like a weather report, ah okay.

Speaker 1 (12:33):
You know, like if you're like.

Speaker 3 (12:34):
Wow, that weather person's always you know, predicting this thing
and they're always wrong, then why would I listen to you.
Astrology is not a system of confirmation bias for me.
It's a system of insight for me, and it works,
and that's why I use it.

Speaker 1 (12:51):
So like I sit.

Speaker 3 (12:52):
Down with strangers and I just start talking about their
chart before they've said anything to me, I don't know
anything about them. Yeah, and they feel witnessed by me.

Speaker 1 (13:03):
They feel seen.

Speaker 3 (13:04):
Yeah, but it's not me. It's the technology of the
system itself. So I just think that technology of it works,
and so I work with it. But if it wasn't
something I could depend on, I wouldn't mess with it.

Speaker 2 (13:16):
Okay, So before we jump in, can you tell everybody
what a birth chart even is.

Speaker 3 (13:21):
So a birth chart you can do for anything. For
any time you say, let's do this thing, that's there's
a birth chart. Like if I ask you out for coffee,
there's a chart for that. Like anyway, yeah, yeah, yeah,
any the US meeting, like the moment we met was, there's.

Speaker 1 (13:36):
A chart for that. Stop.

Speaker 3 (13:38):
Yeah, there's a chart every moment in time. You just
take a snapshot. You take a snapshot of the sky,
and then that means something to astrologer. So all astrology
is skeptics, She got very excited.

Speaker 1 (13:49):
No, but I'm a half skeptic. I like I said,
I believe I'm an Aquarius. Everything that she said, I
can't deny it, and that I can't deny that I
am that person.

Speaker 3 (13:58):
Yeah, so everything. The only thing astrology is it's not
even I don't even know if it's spiritual. What astrology
is is it tells you the quality of time that
you're in. It tells you the quality of time that
you are an amulet of What does that word mean?
An amulet is like it's almost like a rain barrow,

Like it's catching a moment and time in this case, right,
if you make an amulet, you're making it because the
setting is right and you want to capture the energy
of that moment. And so each one of us are
an astrological talisman or amulet. We are a moment in
time captured in physical form.

Speaker 1 (14:39):
Like a vessel.

Speaker 3 (14:40):
Yeah, it's like a mirror image of it. So the sky,
if you in terms of like what is an astrological philosophy,
the sky is a mirror image of who we are,
what we are, what we're going through.

Speaker 2 (14:55):
So how does it inform who we are? How we
show up?

Speaker 3 (15:00):
It can be used as a mirror, right, So it
can be used to you can ask me a question
about your life and I can look I can look
into any area of your life because of the way
in which it works, So it can tell me any
You can tell me about different people in your life,
like not even you. It tells me something about your destiny.
It tells me something about your fate.

Speaker 1 (15:22):
That sounds weighty. I know, isn't It sounds very weighty.
I don't know about this.

Speaker 3 (15:26):
But you were born in a time in a country
that has a fate to it.

Speaker 2 (15:33):
I'm even nervous to ask you this, But what does
the Brightside's birth chart say about this show's fate?

Speaker 3 (15:39):
This is an eclipse baby, which means this anything born
on an eclipse, A person, a situation, a business, or
whatever is going to bring through a surge of energy.
It's going to be startling, it's going to be new,
It's going to be kind of like a little bit
of a friendly slap in the face.

Speaker 1 (16:00):
Do this for us? This is us? Yeah, I just
want to be slapped in the face. We are a
friendly slap in the face personified.

Speaker 3 (16:08):
You might also have the ability to like eclipse other things, right,
so like your your presence in the world can do that,
and or sometimes you could feel eclipsed. So there's that
feeling of like are you being overshadowed? Are you overshadowing?
There's that thing because during an eclipse, this one is
a lunar eclipse. So it's the moon is being covered

over by the shadow and then it turns bright red.

Speaker 1 (16:33):
All I have to say is watch out podcasts. It's startling.
Watch out. Yeah, and we're here, so we're slapping the face,
we're eclipsing. You're an airy sun, which is bold. It's
a brazen moment of like leadership. So this chart's identity
is about leadership. It's about not asking questions, not even

apologizing later. It's just about kind of we're gonna ask
a lot of questions. So Channy, it's not oh wait,
I meant not asking for permission. Okay, okay, I said
that wrong.

Speaker 3 (17:04):
God, asking for permission maybe not even saying sorry later.
But you have a libra moon. You're born at the
full moon. So the Libra moon is very friendly and
very much about justice and equality, and there's a you
have an excellent venus situation. So it's really good for women,
it's really good for fems, it's really good for lgbt
q i A folks, and it's making this aspect that's

really quite like exciting and adventurous and expansive.

Speaker 1 (17:30):
What you're saying is a huge part of our value system. Yeah,
everything aligns good. It's very cool. You're getting me fired
up right now. I'm like, ready, let's go. Okay.

Speaker 2 (17:41):
Wait, So when you say an ari's sun, I'm curious
as to the three main elements to look up for
in a birth chart.

Speaker 1 (17:49):
Right, it's sun, moon.

Speaker 3 (17:50):
And ascendant. And so you have a Capricorn ascendant, which
you have everything in Capricorn, and you also have in
a Capricorn. This is a this is a heavy Apricornian situation.

Speaker 2 (18:01):
Every time I've done a reading, they look at me
and they're like, you're the most Capricorny, the most Capricorn, the.

Speaker 3 (18:05):
Most You're also an eclipse, baby, Really, you were born
and an eclipse. I didn't know that, like exactly. It's
pretty rare to have that happen in a chart.

Speaker 1 (18:15):
I love that for you like to have it so close.

Speaker 3 (18:19):
So you also have so you resonate with the show's
chart in a really deep way because you have that
energy to you too, Like you have the kind of
life where wild, weird things will all of a sudden
happen to you, and like a turn of events will
occur and all of a sudden you'll be like on
this path and people be like, how does that happen
to you?

Speaker 1 (18:39):
Is that true for you?

Speaker 2 (18:40):
Yeah, I mean you're gonna I'm gonna tell some stories
as we go on with this show, but I get
myself into very strange situations.

Speaker 3 (18:48):
Yeah, it's like a very unexpected kind of quality and
feeling to it. But it's also like buzzing because eclipses
are things that happen where our energy source the sun
or a source of life the moon gets eclipsed. So
it's like if you're if we had a power outage
or a power surge. So it's like weird and unstable,

but it usually creates really interesting people.

Speaker 1 (19:10):
I'll take it, thank you, ny an interesting podcast.

Speaker 3 (19:14):
And also you have the same ascendant as the as
the chart no Capricorn. Oh you boys have Capricorn ascendants
and you have everything in Capricorn, so this is a
very Capricornian vibe here. You also have the same venus
as the show, which is Venus and Pisces. You have
like one of the most gorgeous moon venus setups that
one can have.

Speaker 1 (19:34):
I'll talk about it in a second.

Speaker 3 (19:35):
You want, but but gorgeous, gorgeous, but there's a there's
a long lasting endurance quality to Capricorn. So this is
not like a kind of like one and done situation,
Like all three of you the show and the two
of you want something long lasting, like you're here to
put in the work. You'll be diligent, you'll be concise,

you'll be like sticking to the rules. You'll be doing
the thing chugging along, and you want it to work
for a long period of time. And so there is
that quality to it. And the show's Saturn, which is
the planet that rules the ascendate, is in the third
house of communications. That's really good.

Speaker 1 (20:13):
What does that mean for us?

Speaker 3 (20:14):
I mean, well, it means that the life's direction of
the show wants to go towards communicating. Well, that's what
we should do right as we're host of a podcast.
We're talkers, Okay, but I do think that you will
talk about difficult subjects and I don't think that that's
the nature of the show though.

Speaker 1 (20:32):
No, it is. I mean I think of difficult subjects
as nuance. Okay. I think another way to phrase it
is nuance, and we want to get into nuance here.

Speaker 3 (20:40):
I think it's really important for the show because there's
a real like there's a there's an interesting thing that's
happening with the ruler of the Ascendant, which is the
planet that steers the life of this show, which is
to say, it's bolstered by Venus, which is a planet
of love and beauty and connection in a really good condition.
But it's also sitting with Mars, which Whens and Saturn

come together. There's something challenging that gets seated, and so
this is like you'll be helped and you'll be assisted.
But I do think to shy away from challenging conversations
would be a mistake.

Speaker 1 (21:14):
Challenging conversations on the air for our audience, or challenging
conversations with each other, like what is that? No, this
is the show. This is the show.

Speaker 3 (21:22):
The show wants to be able to tackle some hefty,
weighty subjects. Okay, it's not just like it's got a
libramon so it's super friendly and chatty and like can
be really pretty and sparkly and lovely, but there's there's
a need for some heft here.

Speaker 1 (21:36):
I think that comes from both of us.

Speaker 2 (21:38):
I feel a real attraction to like busting through stereotypes
and talking to people that are a little bit complicated. Yeah,
and I think you're you have a lot of depth.

Speaker 1 (21:47):
Yeah, and audacity too, I think I would. Audacity is
a word that I really want to reclaim, okay, because
I feel like it has been misinterpreted and it's all
about just like courage and boldness. Yes, K, you're seeing
that in our show.

Speaker 2 (22:01):
Yeah, We're gonna pause right there to take a short break.
But when we come back, will Channy turn Simone into
a true believer? Is that a yes or a no?
Stay tuned to find out. Welcome back to the bright side.

Speaker 1 (22:30):

Speaker 2 (22:31):
Do you think that based on the birth chart of
the show and reading both my and Simone's birth chart,
there are any goals that we should be shooting for
individually or together.

Speaker 1 (22:44):

Speaker 3 (22:44):
You always have to feel creatively alive, like your creative
energy is everything. Like if you worry or wonder or
or you know, question anything in your life, I want
you to always go back to creative pursuits, your creative energy.
Maybe even children in your life. Do you have no,
but I want them? I mean it's huge for you. Yeah,

and in doing anything for kids, Like if you were
to do any kind of like extra work on the side.

Speaker 1 (23:15):
Or you wanted to give money or you wanted to
give your time.

Speaker 3 (23:18):
Anything for kids in youth, Yeah, would be so meaningful
for your chart, or even reproductive rights or anything like that,
like anything about conception, reproduction, children, youth and art. Like
if you did something about kids and art or like theater,
like all that kind of stuff.

Speaker 2 (23:33):
Would the whole goal in life is to reach young girls.

Speaker 1 (23:37):
Yeah, if you want to babysit my kids anytime, by
the way, I've already often, I've already I.

Speaker 3 (23:42):
Would give her my child because her chart she's so responsible,
so playful, nice, she's.

Speaker 1 (23:48):
Very responsible, very trustworthy. Yeah, anytime.

Speaker 2 (23:51):
Yeah, okay, so stick to creativity. How about simone?

Speaker 3 (23:55):
Hers is like oddly concentrated, right, so like everything goes there.

Speaker 1 (23:59):
Yours is like work.

Speaker 3 (24:01):
For sure, But also you have uch a blessing in
the area of communication and writing, and it would be
like a shame for you to not live that out,
Like that's a hugely potent piece of your chart and
anything to do with the creative process as it pertains

to words, to rituals to like daily light like all
of that. It's very important. But like I just think
you're such an incredibly gifted communicator and that people would
love what you say, like there's a quality to your voice,
quality to your words, quality to your writing that is
begging to be developed and really wants to lend itself

to your career.

Speaker 1 (24:46):
I'm sitting taller now. I'm just rest for you. Though. Yes,
it does, it is. I think I am understanding that
statement and also connecting that to what you mentioned about
being in a pivot or some things that are happening
for me creatively right now. Where that all aligns it
makes sense. Good, good, good, Yeah.

Speaker 3 (25:05):
And then the ruler of your ascendant is also Saturn.
It's a very like function up kind of Saturn.

Speaker 1 (25:11):
Like you're here to like be like, okay, we write
it down exactly. I texted her that the other day exactly.

Speaker 3 (25:20):
You're like, I want to know exactly how the system
works so I can mess with it in the most
efficient and seamless way.

Speaker 1 (25:28):
That's exactly right.

Speaker 3 (25:29):
So you're not going to come in and like be like, oh,
just like a rebel without a cause. You're like, I
have a cause, and I've I've studied the blueprints of
this thing inside and out. I know exactly where I am,
what I'm about to do, and why.

Speaker 1 (25:45):
And now watch me it's so true. I got I
think you're listening live to an astrology skeptic become a believer. Yes,
welcome to the show, folks.

Speaker 2 (25:56):
I have one more question about the chart. One of
the things we're trying to do is build a really bright, sparkly,
joyful community. And this is our first week, so we're
bringing everybody in. I really feel like it's not just
our show. It's a show for women by women, and
I want everyone to feel like it's their show. Is
there something about the show's chart that speaks to the
community at large?

Speaker 3 (26:16):
Yes, So if I look to the community in the chart,
it's definitely the point at which, like the public receives
your communal offering. The community is represented in your chart
by Mars, that planet that is sitting with Saturn. So
there's this connection between the charts, destiny and the public.

And again it's like supported by a lot there's a
lot of friendliness, there's a lot of help. But again
it's like the public that you're talking to, they want
to know you're real, I think, is what I would say.
It's like it's not like a forur pretend kind of situation.
It's like, again, it's the same thing as I said before.
It wants to get gritty, It wants to get into

the details, wants to know like why is this moment difficult?
And I do think that you have this in the
show's chart already, but like what is the pain point
and what is the medicine for that? Like how can
we talk our way through the things that we might
be kind of like that might be like a bit

of a.

Speaker 1 (27:20):
Nod for us. That's what we've been trying to a
massage ut out. That's something that we've talked about because
with a show that has a title like The bright Side,
it's really easy to just go yeah, positivity, optimism, joy, everything.
But that's not what life looks like. Life is messy,
and so we are trying to be mindful of finding
those moments where we can talk about the messiness and

be honest about it.

Speaker 2 (27:42):
Every time I see gloriou Steinem speak in person, she says,
the most feminist thing you could do is share your
honest stories with other women.

Speaker 3 (27:49):
Yeah, she's in aries too.

Speaker 2 (27:51):
I don't know what that means.

Speaker 3 (27:52):
Well, I mean she's a fighter. A fighter, so you
have a chart of a fighter. Yeah, Like there's that
Nee need to blaze a trail, to go head first,
to risk your own comfort and sometimes safety, in order
to do the thing that you feel inspired to do
and that one must go do.

Speaker 2 (28:12):
I think we have to embody that because I think
our goal is to share the honest, real story.

Speaker 3 (28:19):
Yeah, and the bright side is always that we have
each other, right. The bright side is that the myth
of individualism will kill you literally, and that if we
remember that we are a collective, remember that we are
not alone, which is what happens when you are honest
with your story, then we remember that we get through
this only together. And I think the moon in this

chart does speak to that because it is about relationships,
It is being connected with others.

Speaker 1 (28:47):
Tanny, incorporating all the knowledge that you just imbued us
with about our charts, can you give us an affirmation
for our show that we can keep in mind moving forward.
Oh my gosh, we're really putting.

Speaker 3 (28:59):
You on I know, right, Yeah, an affirmation for the show.
I think what I was going to say is like
I use my energy to serve something greater than myself.
That I am not taken off course by interruptions and
by life being life, but I am committed to a

long term process of moving towards something that is equitable
and fair and just a world that is considerate of
all that are in it.

Speaker 2 (29:34):
So we're wrapping up March and going into April. What
are the major astrological events that listeners should be mindful of?

Speaker 3 (29:41):
Man, I mean, April's a tough month.

Speaker 1 (29:45):
Don't say that, can I be honest? I never hear
someone who's into astrology say that things are going great.
It's always no. I know, I know it's always mercuries
in retrograde that there's always something bad happening.

Speaker 3 (29:55):
Because you know why, because fear on the internet. Okay,
So there's really beautiful things happening in April. There's just
a really tough eclipse on April eighth. It's a time
where I think it might be a little rumbly and
bumpy for the world. But there's something gorgeous happening. Okay,
So yes, for your listeners, Okay, for your listeners. There

is a gorgeous conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus that is
happening in Tauris, and it hasn't happened since the forties.
And Jupiter's a planet of abundance, and Uranus is a
planet of innovation, and so they're happening. They're coming together
in Taurus, which is about material life, and I think
the workforce, and so I think that there's going to
be something really innovative and helpful and hopeful in terms

of maybe the economy, maybe in terms of a like
marginalized group or groups busting through into like a.

Speaker 1 (30:48):
New sector of the workforce.

Speaker 3 (30:50):
The last time we had it, one of the archetypes
that came through was like Rosie the Riffeter, and so
it was like women going into the workforce in a
way and folks of color going into the workforce in
a way. But it was a huge change in the
ways in which we thought of like work and who
can do it?

Speaker 1 (31:06):
This was really cool. Thank you. I feel like you
staged our space.

Speaker 3 (31:09):
Thank you for bringing this to Thank you so much
for having me.

Speaker 1 (31:12):
Thank you so much.

Speaker 2 (31:13):
Channy Simon was our conversation with Channy enough time for
you to become an astrology believer.

Speaker 1 (31:24):
I don't know. Believe is a strong word. It's a
strong word, Danielle, come on, but I had a lot
of fun with you today. Before we close out the episode,
we have a little spark of brightness. Our key takeaway
from our conversation with Channy that we want to share,
and that is astrology is one tool that can unlock
the blueprint for your potential. Whatever tool you choose, we

empower you to pursue your life's purpose undaunted.

Speaker 2 (31:55):
If you're like me and you want a little more
from Channy, check out her app. It's called Channy and
you can find it wherever you get apps. Tomorrow, we'll
test our red Flag Radar with dating coach and the
host of the Do the Work podcast Sabrina Zohar.

Speaker 3 (32:10):
You don't want to miss it.

Speaker 1 (32:12):
Listen and follow the bright Side on the iHeartRadio app,
Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. And if
you enjoyed listening, share the show with someone you love,
whether they're in astrology, die hard or not. You can
find me Simone Voice at Simone Voice.

Speaker 2 (32:26):
And you can find me Danielle Robe at Danielle Robe
ro b a y.

Speaker 1 (32:31):
We'll be back tomorrow with more from the bright Side,
same time, same place,
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