All Episodes

April 16, 2024 80 mins
On tap this week: Kid Rock kind of explains why he was wearing a Budweiser hat on Fox News, Another major beer company faces calls for a boycott, A former brewery owner passed bad checks to employees, New Orioles owners make a great first impression on Opening Day, A Florida brewery is under fire for its name of their Peanut Butter Ale, all this and soooooo much more presented by Cask Branding. Enjoy the show!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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This What's on Tap Radio podcast isbrought to you by CASP Branding. I
remember of the Texas craft Brewers Guild. Cast Branding has been supplying breweries,
distilleries and wineries with top quality merchandisesince twenty thirteen. If you're looking for
a way to promote and grow yourbrand, check out Cast Branding on Facebook,
Instagram and online at Cast Branding dotcom, Cast Branding dot com,
cast Brandy dot com. Enjoy theshow. This is about to be good

radio. Oh yeah. To me, a craft brewer is much more of
a mindset. We just opened twocamps, spread the gospel of good beer,
good beer. Tons and tons ofstuff going on in the beer world.
I love craft beer. I lovedifferent people's beers. It's the first
favorite. Cheers two old US beergeeks and those new to the craft.

What's on Tap? High five?Who? This is What's on Tap Radio
Beer and the culture that flows withit. Pears Beer Guru James Simpson and
Beer Logics Chadpilbee. You know,just a couple of dudes taking on the

radio a little afternoon to light way. There's a little down there's a reason.
Welcome to the show. You meanto gout the gun. There.
I'm James as Chad Bill's out theresomewhere, and we had our first technical
difficulty. We got a new toyand studio and I hopped up for a

second to grab a beer from thebeer fridge and my screen went black.
So I can see the live feedand James can see me on that.
But yeah, my my computer isdead. But except the camera is working.

That's bizarre. So I'll take thingslisteners don't care about for four thousand.
No, James, I'm flying inthe dark, dude. Hey remember
when we did bird Box. Ohthat's right, that's right, we were.
We did an entire show show blindfolded. We did. That was a
bit we did years ago in birdBlocks was a real popular movie with Sandra
Bullock, and we decided, youknow what, let's see if ever there's

an event where we have to beblindfolded, we can do it. And
we did a whole show. AndI mean a lot of things were spilled
and wrong buttons were pushed, buthey, we did it. We trucked
through. We didn't get fired orkicked out of the studio. We had
to wait for COVID for that tohappen. But yeah, this is gonna
be a fun show anyway. James, Sorry to get us off on the
wrong track here. I I hopethat I can get my screen back because

if I can't, well, thenthis is gonna be a really interesting show.
But it's gonna be interesting anyway becausefor the next two hours we're gonna
be drinking some beer, talking aboutbeer. I just got back from Utah.
Yeah, we're gonna talk about it. And uh yeah, I got
to give you guys a recap onthat. Let you know what that's all
about. Uh but James, I'mthirsty. You're thirsty. There are people

out there who are thirsty. They'resitting there like, come on, guys,
right, let's before we get ina way, we got to do
some housekeeping. And it's very important, very it's a true here on the
show. We've been doing this fora long time. So let's continue that
tradition by thinking our wonderful advertisers thatbeing Tantric Brewing Superior Past Control will be
a logic conference and events. Butdo you know the tenake in insurance group,
the backyard Girl, give me thelights on nice and bright here in

my studio studios on the west sideof town, Harbor Light Brewing and of
course sponsoring our podcast cast Branding CastBrandingcast Branding dot Com. Welcome to the
show. Happy to be here.I am very, very very sore.
I did a lot of yard workover the past couple of days, trying
to you know, get ready foryou know, summer. I can't do
all this yard work in the summertimebecause it gets just too hot here,

so I had to do it now. But I've earned myself. I've earned
myself a beer because I have thisphilosophy that you have to earn yourself a
beer. You just can't wake upin the morning crack yourself a beer.
You have to earn it. Youhave to earn it. That's that's the
philosophy I live by, and bygolly, I have earned a beer.
So brought to the table first segmentof the show, brought to you by
friends over at the backyard. Girl, Why I feel I deserve a beer

after a weekend full of very veryvery straight yard work. I'm a little
fascinated by this because I was like, are you trying to keep up the
string of things that our listeners don'tcare about? They don't care that you
did yard work, but I seewhat you did. You earned a beer.
I screwed up. I don't geta beer. So I guess I'm
gonna have to let my stunt beerliver Bill harverlight Bill in studio here on

third Mic, hanging out. Maybehe can kick it off the show for
me. In fact, James,this is the first segment, as you
said, brought to the table,brought to you by your friends at the
Backyard Grill on the northwest side ofHouston. And since yeah, I haven't
earned the beer, maybe I'll justgive this to Bill. You mind if
I go first, I don't mind. Take the lead, my man,
take the lead. All right.So I was in Utah, picked this

up, brought it back from RedRock Brewery. Problem is it's a double
I p a. But I don'tknow what beer it is? Bill?
What beer is this? Ella?Fo? Okay, so close, Man.
That was gonna be a really funnybit if he had said it right.
Ela fio, Bill, I don'tknow what beer this is. Oh

it's alfino. Yeah you don't knoweither. Okay. Oh see, it
was gonna be a really funny bet. But oh well, proof that we
don't rehearse this stuff. All right, I'm gonna crack it open. See
Buill didn't earn a beer either,he screwed it up. So now,
James, can you want to drinkall the beer because neither Bill nor I
have earned one. Well, youwoke up this morning. You probably made
the bed, That's what I say. I didn't. I woke up and

I stripped all the sheets off thebed and I said I'll make it later
because it's laundry day. Well youdid laundry, so I guess that's something
to be proud of. All right, this is the eight percent I pa
from Red Rock Brewery, Salt LakeCity. Is this one Salt Lake City?
Or is this Ogden? It wasthis saying the Salt Lake City,
Salt Lake City. So I'm gonnagive you guys a recap on my trip.

But I had this beer on mylast day there with dinner. Absolutely
delicious, really nice, big dank, bitter double ip A. So sorry,
Fire Marshall. Matt, there's ourfirst name drop of the show.
On this end, it's gonna beip A heavy. We'll talk more about
this and my trip to Utah andwhat some of the weird beer laws are,

but Bill and I are enjoying asixteen out scan of Red Rock Brewery
Elfino double IPA very nice too.Starting off strong, all right, so
is it time for me to enlightenyou guys out. I brought to the
table go man Go okay from Kingwoodat Texas Megaton Brewery. I don't know
if we've ever brought a beer fromMegaton Brewery on the show, have we?

I think we did. I brokeinto a I broke into Mega Ton
once, okay, I can't rememberor not so, but I am making
its debut on brought to the tablethe rocket Launcher American pale Ale from our
friends in Kingwood, Texas at MegatonBrewery. And I'm gonna go and crack
this and I'm gonna put this inmy What's on Tap Radio glass, which

is there's very few of these ina while now or not in a while,
but that are going to be outin the wild. So because we
don't have a glass maker anymore,Cas Brandy doesn't have a glassmaker, So
I'll talk about that here in asecond. But strong uh strong notes,
let's sake sit, that's pretty decent. Not as happy as I thought it

would be for an American pallel butat five percent alcohol by volume. That
is the rocket Launcher Make a TonBrewery. I'm actually gonna let that breathe
for a little bit because we aredue for a break. But I brought
the rocket Launcher make a Ton Breweryout of Kingwood, Texas at five percent
alcohol by volume. In Chad kickedit off from Salt Lake. Yes,
Red Rock Brewery. Oh what wasthe name of that again, Bill?
Was it Ali Fio? Yeah?Me either, Okay, al a fino

there it is. So it's EL E P H I N O A
double I P A. And we'llbreak down this beer a little bit more
when we come back from break.But that's we again want to thank our
friends over at the Backyard Grill onthe northwest side of Houston brought to the
table. And this week James telleverybody what's on top we're gonna talk about.
Uh, there's another brewery facing aboycott. Kid Rock was seen rocking

a Bludweiser hat and he explains why. And uh, Florida, there's a
Florida brewery that's in some trouble fora peanut butter beer that they made.
All this is so much more,including the official What's on Tap Radio fun
Factor of the Week, which iscoming right up. Hang with us.
We got to actually back a radioshow you that you don't want to miss
an ounce of. We'll be rightback. Yeah, we drink water,
but it has to be filtered througha brewery first. You've got What's on

Tap Radio? All right, everybody'sgot a beer. You got a beer,
I got a beer. We gota beer. You know who else
has beer? The Backyard Grill onthe northwest side of Houston. But when
you're drinking, you want to havesomething to eat too, So go get
yourself some grub at the buyg.The menu is amazing. They've got all

your Texas favorites like steaks, pahitas, chops, and it's all grilled on
a wood fired grill. Got burgers, you got wraps. Hey, if
you're vegetarian, they got salads,they got soups, homemade dishes, and
specialties like smoky the beer chicken.Oh yeah, smoked chicken injected with local
beer. Sounds delicious, right yeah, and don't forget the green beans.

I know you're thinking, wait aminute, is this guy just talking about
all the grilled stuff? And you'regonna tell me to eat your veggies.
Hey, mom said eat your veggies. Over one hundred different menu items,
get the green beans. Trust me, you won't regret it, and over
one hundred different beers head out tothe Backyard Grill in the corner weston Jones
Road on the northwest side of Houston. Cheers excited. I'm always excited to

hang out with you guys. Thanksfor tuning in. What's on Tap Radio?
Have another great show plans. Thanksare taking the time to hang out
with that. It's always appreciate that. I'm very grateful for that. You
can be doing anything right now,anything, but you're hanging out with us,
and I appreciate that. Having abeer hopefully if not, uh,

whenever you're able to get where you'reyou know, maybe you're at home or
I don't know, whatever, you'redoing responsibly having a beer with us.
So I'm James. Chad Bill inthe first segment brought the table spots a
lot of friends over at the backyardGrill. Uh. Chad kicked it off
back from his vacation from Utah,which we're gonna hear about here surely,

And I don't know what it waswhat was it? Bill? Uh?
Yeah, me either. That's good, that's good. Come on, all
right, see we're working on thedelivery, all right, We're gonna go
on tour. Bill and I,however, light Bill. So, uh,
this is a double I p afrom Red Rock Brewery, Salt Lake
City. I took a pilgrimage outthere. No I did not join the

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter daySaints. Yet he's got the tamplet though.
No, No I did not.Actually I was a little worried that
nobody even asked to join. Ithought, you know, because of the
Mormon population out there, somebody who'sgonna knock on the door, hand me
a leaflet, you know, askme if i've you know, inherited my
universe yet or whatever it is.I don't know how it works, but
I do know this. They don'tdrink, so that wasn't an oversight.

They don't drink. Oh thanks,thanks. They took a look at me
and said, well, you know, tithing would go up a little bit,
but do we really want this guyanyway? This elf, I know
that we have absolutely beautiful double IPA. It's got a it's got a
body to it. Like a lotof double I p as do. So
there's some residual sweetness in there.But what I like is it is aggressively

bittered, and with that residual sweetness, you're almost get almost like a papaya
fruity note to it, like afruity esther, but it balances out with
aggressive bitterness of that hop and uh, just big nose, big flavor,

Absolutely delicious. I wish I hadmore of it. And I'm going to
tell you this right now, spoileralert. I was in Utah, and
I before I left, somebody saidyou better get your fill of good beer
before you get there, because allthe beer in Utah sucks. Well,
spoiler alert, I really like thisbeer, and this might be the fifth

or sixth best beer I had onthe entire trip. In other words,
there were five or six beers,four or five beers better than that stereotype
was incorrect. You're saying, we'regoing to talk about that when I do
the recap on Utah. But that'swhat I brought to the table is that
brewery in Salt Lake City. Isaid that I was in a hundred percent.
Ye's okay, that's what I thought, Okay, And I think they
have multiple locations. They've been aroundfor a while. Now I will also

share this. I can't say thison have the beat button ready in case
I accidentally say it. But Igot off the airplane and there was a
Red Rock Brewery cafe right there atthe terminal when I landed in Salt Lake
and they had another double I PA and it was spelled pH UK I

F I N O. And Iwas like, I took a picture of
it. Now I'll post a pictureto our social but I can't. Yeah,
I can't say the if I know, just can't. But pH uk
was the monogram. Okay, Solet me recap the beer that I brought

to the table. So I wasdoing some research during the break on this
beer that I brought to the table, which is a rocket Launcher from maga
Ton Brewery out of Kingwood, Texas, which is a north of Houston.
And this is a collaboration. Ididn't realize this until well, actually I
was told this when I was handedthe beer, but I kind of forgot.
It's a collaboration with the seven timecy Young winner Roger the Rocket Clemens.

What's the name rocket launcher? Andif you look on the side.
There is his utograph right there withthe cy Young seven. Yeah, and
he was a part of the brewingprocess. So this is the Rocket Launcher
hence the name Rocket from Roger Clemenscollaboration with Roger Clemens and make it Ton
Brewery. So also in Chad duringto break, I am not fan of

this beer. I like it,but for me a palel, I want
some more low, a little bitmore a happiness to it. It's kind
of I guess it's a good introductionto a pal al for those that don't
like better beers, but for me, as somebody who's been drinking pale ales
for a long time, I likemore of a bitter, not an idiot
pale al bitter, but a slightbitterness to the uh pale al than the

beer that I'm bringing to the table, which is but still good, still
good, but uh not one ofmy favorites. So all right, well
we we don't love every beer,and I'm not dogging it. It doesn't
mean it's just not my favorite.It doesn't mean it's a bad beer just
to style or to your palette.It's not what you were expecting every peal.
It's difference let's do this, Chad. Now the official What's on TEP

Radio Fun Fact of the week,brought to you by Who's ever checked clear?
This week? All right, ProfessorPilbeam back from spring break to take
us to school. Yeah, that'sright. Yeah, the Utah Beer tour
out there. I was wondering ifthere was anything out there that made Utah
beer Utahian beer. And you know, because I mean, when you go

to Colorado, it's like it's realColorado beer. You go to California,
it's real California beer. You goTexas, not so much Texas, but
if you go to Houston, it'sHouston. There's the Houston beer scene,
there's the Austin beer scene. AndI don't know, James, can you
put your finger on any one ortwo things that would make a Houston beer

a Houston beer? Can you likejust one thing? I mean no,
I mean because it's so diverse.It's such a diver, right, that's
the thing. Very diverse. SoI don't know, not the top of
my head. But if I said, if I had the same name,
two beers that represent that just speakTexas two beers, Shiner, but you
right on a spot, Shiner,Bingo. Yeah, in Lone Star,

Lone Star, exactly right, becausethat's that's pure Texas. In fact,
Lone Star is the national beer ofTexas unofficially, don't it's not in the
charter or anything like that in thestate constitution. Uh. But there are
some things that make up certain regionsof the world and make those beers unique,
like Fosters, for example, whichwe know is clearly Australian for beer.

Right, Oh, it's not Australia. Oh no, oh, yeah,
we debunked that a long time ago, didn't we. We did.
We we found out that that Fostersis not really Australian for beer. In
fact, yeah, it's two Americanexpats who went there. And most of
the beer is brewed in Canada nowand and most of it is consumed in

the United Kingdom. In fact,Australians don't even drink it. But there
is one other country though, thatwe know is has a staple, and
that would be Jamaica. And let'ssee, let's put bill on the spot,
Bill red stripe, red stripe beer. That's barely Jamaica. Mon oh,
yes, except it's not. Ladiesand gentlemen, you're official. What's

on Tap Radio. Fun Fact ofthe Week takes you two the great state
of Illinois, and not just anypart of Illinois. I'm not talking Chicago
or one of the suburbs, orSpringfield the capitol. Oh no, no,
no, no no, We're goingto Galina. Yeah yeah, fun
fact ulysses As Grant had a housethere because it was up on a berm

and you could see the neighboring twostates of Iowa in Wisconsin. Don't ask
me why, but Galina Brewing Company, which was open pre prohibition, brewed
a white stripe beer, a bluestripe beer, and a red stripe beer.
Brewery the White Stripes. Yes,the brewery closed down during Prohibition,

struggled after Prohibition to stay open andended up selling its recipe for its red
stripe beer to two British citizens whothen relocated to Jamaica because Jamaica has a
largely British influence there and the beerstarted to be brewed there. And contrary
to what many people believe, theorigin of the very first red stripe beer

and red stripe recipe was not inJamaica, but it was in the eighteen
hundreds and it came from Galena,Illinois. And is that a suburb of
I don't know where it is atAlifio. That Ladies and Gentlemen is your
official What's on Tap Radio fun factof the week. Interesting? Alright,

see what we're learning things on thisepisode? All right? Red Stripe's not
really Jamaican, No, And Iremember we had a whole topic on that.
We were just mind blowing, likewhat we've been lying to. All
right, we got to take abreak still to come. The Baltimore Orioles
have new owners and they really madea good first impression. We'll explain what
they did. All this is somuch more. Hang with us. We'll
be right back. This is what'son Tap Radio? All right, welcome

back. What's on Top Radio?Got a lot of good stuff on tap
this week. Couldn't coming right up. Chad's gonna recap his spring break went
out to Utah. We hear allabout that. But you know, I'm
trying to, you know, expandmy horizons when it comes to music.
You know, I like all sortsof music. If you look at my
playlists, it's all over the place, you know, from country, not

not really a lot of country,but I'm getting there. That's what I'm
about talking about but like a lotof hip hop, you know, rock
and roll, classic rock, andso forth. But there's this genre of
music called bro country, Bill Chat, are you familiar with what bro country
is? Uh? It's a newform of one eludes me. It's a
new form of country music and I'mnot really up to speed with it.

But a quick look at it's thestyle of music country music influenced by hip
hop, rock and R and B, featuring a lot of it's male vocalists.
For obviously, you know bro country, and it's lyrics celebrating themes such
as drinking women and pickup trucks.So I thought it'd be fun. I
thought it'd be fun if I playeda bro country song. And for you

that don't know what bro country soundslike, well, i'm gonna we're gonna
we're gonna do this experiment together.Now, I don't know if we're gonna
like it or not, but we'regonna do the experiment together and we're gonna
figure out whether or not we likethis style. Okay. So it's as
put out by YouTube channel called thereI Ruined It. It's a song called
what Broke Country sounds like To peoplewho don't like bro country, all right,
So I'm gonna roll this and uh, you tell me whether or not

you can get down with this kindof music. Okay, here we go.
Cut I think that's cut. Fivetrug, jeans, beer, girl,
creek, boots, drug, tanlegs, trained dog, beer,
d got a beer and my beerand a Chevy and my trug, got
a dog at the wheel, Cutoff jeans, truck, dirt, rolle,
back road beer, moonlight, redWhite and Blue Girl Friday. I

got my boots, skin, thedirt, got the dirt from a dirt
rolle beneath my truck, got thefrom my girl's dirt. In this song,
name checks truck seventeen times, beereighteen times. It's one hundred percent.
Other lyrics are bro country cliches.It sounds like when a while back

from some of the country music triedto start rappings. Oh, when you
combine country and wrap, you getcrap. This is exactly what this is.
B You've nailed, nailed it onthe head. Hit them and by
the way, if you want tohave an argument with the man, you'll
find him at Harvard White Brewering Company, South Haven, Michigan. And one
of the lyrics is I got beerin my beer? Got beer in my

beer. Yeah, that's what Ithought, he said. I was like,
yeah, this is somebody who's youknow. I mean, I don't
know it just no, So youknow what I look, I just try
to experiment, trying to expand myhorizons, you know, because I work
at a high school and I'm tryingto get hip, you know, relate
to the music the students are listeningto. Now, I got you,
I got you. And so here'sthe thing though, you know, there's

we talked about this before, howIrish music actually made Guinness taste better?
Yes, And I think about whatbeer you'd pair with different types of music,
and I know exactly what beer Iwould pair with bro Country. Hey
on, let me let me letme roll like you pair all of it.

You want to drink all the beer. There is not all the beer.
You have all the beer so younever have to listen to it again.
Let me roll like the first tenseconds of it. Run that cut
again. Trug jeans, beer girl, creep boots, drug, tan legs,
trained dog beer, Dixie cub gota beer in my beer and Chevy
and my drug got a dog atthe wheel. Geez fun fact, this

is an AI generated song. Thisis a AI Luke Bryan voice. This
you know wonder I hate it.Nath My Trug got the how about that?
Yeah, answers a lot of questions. Answers so much. I'm like,
there's not a musician in the worldthat would be this dumb. I

mean, hold on, I will, I will take this. Take this
back a second, I'll walk thatback. When Limp Biscuit did Faith,
that was and when they were interviewed, they asked Fred Durst like, why
did you want to go? AndGeorge Michael's like, oh, that's so
cool. He wanted to turn myballad, you know, my little happy
little ballad because you got to havefaith, the faith, the faith into

a screaming rock song. And hesaid, and he said, why did
you pick that song? He said, because I wanted to take the absolute
suckiest song I've ever heard in mylife and try and make it cool.
I don't think George Michael appreciated that, but yet I give him credit on
that. But yeah, I'm tellingyou guys, this is the future.
You don't you know, there's notreally a song by Beer and all that

like that. I won like drinkingI pas and hanging out at the baseball
game. Let me just generate asong by AI and it makes it sound
like Lubrian and we can do that. That is going to happen. Guys.
You can take any genre, putit in whatever you wanted to him
to do a song about, andthey'll make a song. It will sound
just like that artist. A bettersound is I believe the beer that Chad

just cracked Yeah, good segue.Yeah, Oh I like it all right,
Spradley easy on the poor anyway,the beer. I just cracked open
another beer from Utah. And no, it's fine. You can help yourself
to that there, Bill Stunt LiverBill on Mike three, we just cracked
open t F Brewing Templan Family FerdImperial I p A Double I p A.

Sorry again for all of you thatdon't I said I was gonna be
heavy on the I p a's thistrip. It just so happens. I
scored some really really good beers.Now this is a beer I have not
tried. Bill an initial. That'sa good beer. Great nose, great
taste, beautiful mouth feel, niceand bitter on the very better Yeah,

but flavorful where it needs to beflavor. That's bitter. Wow, that's
an angry beer. That's an angrybeer. They are so polite out there
in the Mormon capital of Utah.But James, you want me to you'll
give you. I'm sure that theCVB, the Convention Visitors Bureau, would
appreciate a reco So this is radioand obviously you can't see, but Chad

has about five hundred and thirty pictures. He's about to go through every single
picture. You know what, Youget excited when people come back from the
cruise and hey, guys, I'mgonna batch you guys over and I'm gonna
show you all my pictures. I'mgonna go one by one through every picture.
That's what Chat is about to doon the radio. Go. I
can't wait for the slides. No, I want to. I want to
talk about a couple of things.So first of all, shut up,

both of you. I hate youboth. This is a great story.
Okay, so this guy you don'tknow, but man, we met him
on the third day and oh mygod, he's a right he told this
one joke. It's just kill me. I'm not going to recap. No,
that is not not my family.Vacation. Yes, I went out
to see my son. That's allyou're gonna hear about that we went.
Is Chad Junior living in Utah?Yeah, I didn't know that. I

thought he was in Colorado. Forsome listeners don't want to hear about this.
You don't want to hear about whatmy family's doing. You want to
hear about beer. I like Chad, you drive. I didn't know that
he was living in Utah. That'sgreat for him. Yeah, that's why
we went. We spent a weekout there and we I don't remember how
many different breweries we hit. Itwas quite a few, actually, but
we went and again I was told, you're going to the Mormon capital,

and I thought everybody was gonna beMormon. There's gonna be it's gonna be
hard to find beer. It's gonnabe hard to find alcohol, not at
all. First of all, ifyou buy, if you want to buy
anything over five percent, you haveto buy at a state run liquor store,
which I went in there and therewas this huge display of Melvin Beer
from Wyoming. Oh my gosh,James is still pissed right now because Melvin

Beer is beer, a brewery thatwe fell in love with at the Great
American Beer. No, it's notthe dead to me. No, Yeah,
because they wouldn't let you do ashotgun which, by the way,
I'm going to repost that video toour social media. Is a good video.
That's a video that m you've repostedevery now and then. Yes,
But the thing I learned is isthe brewery and even out of state breweries,
they make beer just for Utah.So you go in there and everything

right at five percent. They justrecently changed the law from three to two
to five percent for draft beer,so you will not get a draft beer
anywhere over five percent. So ifyou want to see her and have had
a palal on draft comes in atlike five point four or five point six
percent, you will only get thefive percent version. That is crazy that
they make a Utah version of that. But all the bars and breweries sell

their cans and you can drink them. They're on premise, and that's where
you start getting into the big boys. So they're really not stopping people from
drinking high octane beers. But oneof the breweries that we went to is
the beer I'm drinking right now thatBill and I cracked open TF Brewing absolutely
one of the best breweries I haveever been to in my life, and
I found it in Salt Lake City. Soup to nuts, top to bottom.

Their beers are phenomenal. From theJapanese rice lagger to their fruited sours,
to their IPAs to their stouts.Everything was so so good, I
mean absolutely rocked it. We wentto a brewery outside of Park City called
off Set Brewery. Oh my goodness, the beer there stupid good. And

I mean there is a bunch ofreally good beers out there in Utah,
but the beer laws a little weird. Some breweries they would give us a
flight of four. Some breeries saidyou can't have more than two at a
time because of Utah law. ButI would tell everybody that if you're thinking
about a beer vacation that involves beingoutdoors, hiking beautiful scenery, Utah absolutely

the place to go. And I'mgonna do another shout out for TF Brewing.
Absolutely one of the best brewery experiencesI've ever had, and this beer
is exceptional. Wow. How aboutthat For I didn't expect to fall in
love with Utah beer. I did. That's a really it's a new real

all right, uh so, moreabout Chad's trip to Utah coming up.
But on Tap this week, westill got to talk about Kid Rock rocking
a Budweiser hat. Why is hedoing that for a guy who was shooting
it up last year? The Oriolesnew owner won some fans over, and
there's a Florida brewer that's under firefor a stunt they pulled. So,
oh, this is so much more. Hang with us, We'll be right

back. This is what's on TapRadio. Oh, by, Chad just
coined a new segment for the show, drop your news. So this is

it. This is very bad news. Okay, so this is odd.
This is odd. And I gotthis sent to me by three or four
listeners. They want to let's let'ssuck our social while we're doing this.
What's on Tap Radio. We're onFacebook, Instagram, TikTok, go into
our dms you want to send thestories, or you can go to What's

on tap rado at gmail dot comwhere you can send the stories. And
I got this sent by a numberof listeners. I don't really watch a
lot of Fox News close. Idid close the MySpace account last week.
Okay, well, you know it'sbeen a we weren't we getting lost?
We can't be. Yeah, butuh we got We got a lot of
listeners that listen to our watch FoxNews. I don't really watch the news
news per se. I mean Ido, but I don't really have like,

oh I watched CNN, I watchFox. But there are people that
are diehards. So I got anumber of people that send me this story
and I want to thank you guysfor reaching out to us. Kid Rock
was on Fox News with Laura Ingram. Okay, this happened last week,
and people were stunned because he goeson the show wearing a Budweiser hat that

says this Bud's for you, andhe was also wearing dark sunglasses. Yeah,
so a lot of confusions, alot of confusion going on because you
know, this is the guy whoa year ago, probably about exactly a
year ago, it was around thistime when this whole boycott started taking place
with Budweiser or bud Light, wherehe shot up these cases of bud Light.

Well, people are now confused becausehe goes on Fox News wearing a
Budweiser hat that says this Bud's foryou, and of course as a journalist,
you have to ask, good Rock, I got to ask, you're
wearing a Budweiser hat. And thiswas his response of why he decided to
wear the hat. This is hisexplanation, Let's run cut things. It's

cut too man. We got wegot. I didn't know what hat I
was wearing. We got bigger targets. I mean when you look at what
who just Planet Fitness, Like whatare they doing? Like men and Jerry's
I don't want to put any targetson people's back target Like I talked to
the dudes from bud Light or AnheuserBush, the CEO and the people like

they messed up. It's too bad. They just won't say it, like
hey we messed up a little bit, you know whatever, But that's not
how they're cut. And you knowwhat, I got my answer, and
uh, I don't want to.I don't want to hurt people's jobs and
stuff like that when they don't haveany dog in the fight. But there's
a whole lot more companies we shouldbe going after, for sure. That's

Kid Rock explaining why he was wearinga Budweiser hat on Fox News, or
did he explain why he was wearinga hat, a Budwiser hat on Fox
News. I think I think heexplained it. I think he did.
Sorry, So just recapping for thosewho may be familiar, maybe just forgot
when Dylan mulvaney was the recipient ofsome bud Light cans and Dylan Molvaney as

a transgender individual, Uh, itticked off a lot of conservatives, and
then the marketing Actually what really tickedhim off was when the marketing VP from
bud Light said, I think that'swhat really did it. I think people
were, yeah, upset about that, but it was the fact that what
the marketing people would have yeah,people would have kept drinking bud Light.
And everybody's like, I can't believethey did this. Give me another bud

Light, you know, I mean, that's what would have happened. But
then when they said that it's anold, dying brand of old frat boys,
you know, and it's like,you know, ignorant frat boys.
It was like, whoa, youjust insulted your entire drinking bass, your
customer base, and that was abad move on so many levels. And
and and then of course kid Rockbud Light drinker, He's like, oh,

really, all right, screw you, And he takes out his AR
fifteen and shoots up a bunch ofcases of bud Light, you know,
to make a statement, and andeverybody's like, okay, well that was
a little childish, but all right, you're pissed. I got it.
And then there was rumor that budLight or that kid Rock was seen drinking
a bud light. Right, hewas an event which I had. I

had this this theory that he neverstopped drinking bud Light. I think behind
closed curtains he was still in drinkin bud light. But he's a closet
but light drinker. But did youhear I don't know if you caught that.
Did you hear what he said thefirst say why he was wearing a
Budwiser hat. Listen closely to whathis response was. I'm gonna play it
one more time. Man, wegot, we got. I didn't know

what I was wearing. I don'tknow how I was wearing. Yeah hat,
let me go on national TV.Let me just uhb that hat in
some sunglasses. No, he knew, damn well, what had him?
He knew exactly what hat you werewearing? And you were hoping you weren't
gonna get asked, and you gotasked, and then and then and now
now he's we called it that.In the South, we call that craw

fishing. He started crawling because he'sbecause some people say it's backpedaling. But
in the South, when you gotry and pick up a crawfish, he
back he crawls backwards, and uh, it's kind of funny. So he
was crawfishing there. But uh,I think he answered the question. He
basically realized. He's like, okay, all right, you know, butd

Light's not going anywhere. There area lot of people who work there who
are good people, who are youknow, listening to his music, and
they're good, hard working Americans andrepresent his bass. Eh you know what,
buy guns beat bygones. And he'sgonna move on. Yeah, so
I think, but let's just beyou and I were talking at the break,
It's like, I'm not sure.I mean, I'm I'm not a
clinical psychologist here, but he maynot be playing with a full deck.

I mean, I'm just saying.Although I was telling Chad and Bill off
the air that I went to Iused to work in rock radio promotions and
like a two thousand and seven oreight. I went to one of his
concerts in Houston at the Woodlands Pavilion, and I got to bring some winners.
They want some a chance to siton stage to watch Kid Rock,

and so I kind of was,you know, there, to escort film
onto the stage to sit there andwatch it. And you put on a
pretty good show. I didn't geta chance to meet him, but put
on a good show. Good show. But that was, you know how
many years ago, two thousand andeight, long time ago. There you
go, kid Rock now ripping thebutdw washer hats on national TV. I'm
chang speaking of all the gossip andtrends and everything. I moved back to

Michigan a couple of years ago,and like this whole story just right over
my head. Apparently there was somebig news about a reality TV show from
dark Horse Brewery and Marshall, Michigan. Yeah, it's back in twenty fourteen,
called The dark Horse Nation. That'sBill Eir Harbor light Bill with the
doing the research on that for me, Thank you, sir. And apparently

the owner of dark Horse Brewery priorto selling the brewery in twenty twenty.
Oh wait, sorry, the yearwe're not supposed to mention. Sorry,
I forgot about that. We can'tmention that. But he we don't talk
about that year. Or was ittwenty twenty two? I think it may
be. No, it was theyear you're not supposed to mention, the
one after twenty nineteen. But thatyear he sold dark Horse Brewery. But

prior to that he engaged in someillegal enterprises. In fact, he as
the sole business agent of dark Horse, pled guilty to conducting a criminal enterprise,
and he agreed to enter a andcomplete a drug addiction program because he
passed bad checks to his employees.Aaron Morse, forty seven years old,

of Marshall, Michigan, was chargedof conducting a criminal enterprise in five counts
each of larceny by conversion, receivingand concealing stolen property, property, and
larceny by false pretense. According tothe Attorney General. Turns out, this
guy wrote over twenty thousand, almosttwenty one thousand dollars in invalid checks to

his employees ouch He also failed topay over thirty six thousand dollars in retirement
contributions for those employees, and anothertwenty nine thousand and employer match retirement funds
and another twenty four thousand in healthinsurance policy premiums. Just keeps adding up.
Yeah, it does. Yeah,over fifty thousand dollars and unpaid employee

benefits to thirty six employees who wereenrolled in the program. Having pled guilty,
he has agreed to pay the twentynine n and seventy two dollars and
eighty two cents back to the employeesaffected. But the former owner of Dark
Horse Brewery in Marshall, Michigan pleadingguilty for writing almost twenty one thousand dollars

in bad checks. Jesus, Inever watch that show, did you,
Bill? Was it any good?I it was very similar to that Duck
Dynasty stuff where every once in awhile they would have the cameras and the
people in the brewery doing the brewingand talking and arguing and getting in fights
in there. But then there wasalso a lot of the stuff outside of

the brewery where they'd go fishing,they'd go hunting, get into fights and
a lot of drama just everywhere,very similar to the other shows. And
then what was that guy on theshow of excellent question? I couldn't tell
you all right, we want togo buy the DVD set for all one
season it was on they'll do aresearch. All right, that's our number

one. It was on Tapado.That's our number one. And what's on
tap Radio? Buddy. We gottaget a lot to next hour, including
hold up beer to watch this,and we gotta talk about what the Orioles
new owners did that it's winning fansover in Florida brewery under fire. We'll
talk about that. All this isso much more coming up next hour.
We'll be right back. On average, humans walk nine hundred miles per year,
entering twenty two gallons of beer,which means the average human gets forty

one miles per gallon. Not ben. What's on Tap Radio continues, Hold
my beer and watch this brought toyou by your friends Edwing and all the
ten Taking Insurance Group located in GrandRapids, Michigan and Holland along the Lake
Shore RTI Grand Rapids RTI Grand Rapidsdot Com. I wanted to play name

the theme song. It's too easybecause they say it in the first five
seconds. Spider Man, Yeah,very good, spider Man, good job.
So this hour we're gonna be talkingabout it. Who played the best
Batman? Oh, come on,Who played the best batman is going to

be the topic of this hour.Who played the best Batman? Was it?
Adam West? Michael Keaton? Whowas it? Who was it?
Who played the best Batman? Canwe all say in unison that the worst
was George Clooney? George was Kilmer? No Kilmer? Was Joe George Clooney
the worst? Adam wil Kilmer?I hate picking on Val Kilmer right now?

Adam West or Michael Keaton? Whoplayed a better batman? Michael King?
Right now? Now? Michael Keatonwas in the movie. Adam West
was in the nineteen sixty sitcom.So who played a better batman? Adam
West was? I think Adam Westwas the best, but mainly because they
weren't trying to make a real serious, big batman movie out of it.

It was what it was back then. What about Christian Bale? That's what
I want to know? Right?Where do I rank? And all this
tell me where I rank? Allright? There? All right, we'll
talk about that here in a second. But before I get into hole my
beer and watch this, Chad's gotanother beer he's bringing. So rather than

going through you know, pictures ofhis his trip. Like you know,
people will invite you over after theycome back from a cruise. Hey,
we got all these pictures we wantto show you guys. So Chad's not
doing that with exactly thank you Bill. Chad's doing that with beers. Oh
man, I don't even know whyI make him come and do the show.
Shut up, listen. Okay again, I was told, Utah,

you can't. Everything's under five percent. Not true, everything's three to two.
No, it's not. You justhave to know you They sell all
the stuff in cans and I haveand again I apologize, we are very
IPA heavy. But there's a reasonfor this one. This is one I
did not have there. I boughtit on the way out the door because
I didn't realize this the story behindthis beer. So I'm fantastic. It's

squirrel juicy ipa. So it's aNew England IPA from TF Brewing again,
the place that just blew my mind. Ladies and gentlemen. The beer I'm
holding in my hand is the goldmedal winner at the World Beer Cup in
twenty twenty three for the New Englandstyle ipa. Oh and this is the

very first New England IPA the breweryever made. How cool is that?
Hey, guys, you think wegot to get into this new England IPA
game. No, they're stupid.All right, fine, we'll make one.
All right, let's do it.They made it one gold and that
is murky and murky. Wow.Maybe we'll talk more about that. We'll

let that rest. But that isa murky looking Chad I for the gold
medal winner. I have to mentionthat I I didn't hear anything you said
because I have really bad attention deficitdisorder. I was diagnosed at a young
age, and as soon as hesaid squirrel, I started looking for squirrel.
And that, ladies and gentlemen,is how you do a bit.
And that was not rehearsed either,but you know what, you know it

wasn't tell you what was rehearsed.Our rendition of hold my beer and watch
this? All right, let's dothis. Hold my beer and watch this
brought to you by the ringdolda tenhacen insurance group where if they'll cover you
for just about everything except this,reach out to us. What's on tabrito

at gmail dot com? Who playedthe best batman? I'm saying it's between
Adam West and Michael Keaton. I'mgoing to Michael Keaton though. Okay,
so that's that's we'll talk about thatlater as soon as we start. We'll
get the results to the pole later. But if cops ever arrested Batman,
he could be hit with a litanyof charges. Let's look at this.
Speeding for one thing, and personatingan officer, breaking and entering, trustpassing,

assault, and stocking. Think aboutit. Think about all the times
he watched Batman as a kid withAdam West, or maybe the movies.
He did all that a lot,especially the speeding. Oh yeah, yeah,
he had no regard for the lawsof the road. No, I
mean trustpassing. He wasn't a legitimatepolice officer, so he's got no business

speeding. Yeah, he's at afirst responder technically not under the law.
But I can tell you have allthe episodes I ever watched of you know,
with Adam West and you know,Mike and Christian Bale, Val Kilmer
or all of them. I neverd u, I would not be one
of them, do U. Iwouldn't be one of them. But a
forty no, no, yeah,no, a forty two year old man

in Michigan named Jamal Batman. Iknow him, no, yeh, he
just because he lives in my state. I'm sorry, I don't know everybody.
He was arrested for DUI last weekand it was kind of Batman.
Yeah, his name was Jamal Batman, and it was kind of obvious that
troopers saw an open bottle of tequilainside of his vehicle, and there was

more, the police said. AfterBatman was taken out of the patrol car
to jail, troopers located a smallplast plastic bag he containing a white powdery
substance that tested positive for cocaine.Ah, so it was in the seat
actually where Batman was seated. Batmanwas hit with four charges DUI, which

is his third offense. By theway, guys, uh, driving with
open intoxicants, possession of cocaine,driving with a revoked license, and he's
being held on a one hundred thousanddollars bond. Now to be clear.
He so when you said it waspretty when they when they pulled him out
of the car, it was obvious. I was like, what did he

have a cape and a mask?No, it was obvious that he was
drinking because of the open bottle tequila. Okay, but just I have to
know was he wearing a cape anda mask or does he just go by
the I'm gonna say so many questions. I don't think. I don't think
he was wearing a cape and maskbecause I would have I feel like they

would have mentioned that in the article. But actually, if he was wearing
the cape in the mask, theywould have been like, sir, we
need you to step up. Ohsorry, Batman, go go ahead.
They'd let him go solve a crime. And why would they pull over the
batmobile? Right? Yeah, soclearly it was okay, he was out

of uniform. So so yeah,man, Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne.
But this is Jamal Batman, andI go say safely, he was probably
not the best Batman. Dude.Okay, somebody needs to make a beer
bill. Get on this, JamalBatman. No, this is a Michigan
brewer. Gets step up right now, Jamal Batman. It's a tequila inspired

beer. Yeah, you can doget tequila age barrel, Belgian Triple Agent
or tequila barrel. No, Ijust think yes, and if you want,
yeah, and you can dry hopit with cocaine, all right.
We don't do stats. That's washinginsurance. A guy named Batman was arrested
for his third d u I andthis has been brought to you by our

friends of her. Take insurance group. We'll ensure lots of people, but
Jamal Batman probably not gonna be insuredby We don't take insurance groups. Okay,
cancel Jamal Batman's policy. What isgoing on in Michigan? That is
the question this week? All right, we've got to take a break still
to come. Uh, there's thisForida Brewer that's under fire. What do
they do? We'll explain. Andthe Orioles new owners want some new fans

with our first impression. We'll explainall that so much more. We'll be
right back. We like to haveat least five practice beers before we have
our actual beer. Well you neednow, there's lots of practice. What's
on Tap Radio continues Superior Pest Controlof West Michigan, Superior Pest dot Biz.

They are sponsors of the research departmenthere at What's on Tap Radio making
sure that we have all this awesomecontent. Give them a call or reach
out to them at Superior Pest dotBiz. All right, welcome back,

What's on Tap Radio? I amthe Burologic guy. Here Chad Pilbein hanging
out in West Michigan, the BurelogicWorld headquarters and drinking in for um.
I'm on Mic number two, Mikenumber one, all the way over in
Studio S on the west side ofHouston. Beer guru James Simpson hanging out
on third mic, helping us keepthe lights on. Harve light Bill hanging

out here. He and I aregoing to be cracked open another beer here
in just a second. James hasgot his hands on the trigger. He's
ready to crack open the but finishmy rocket launcher from Magiton Brewing, a
collaboration with the rocket himself, misterRoger Clemens seven times cy Young Winner.
But it's time for me to crackopen another beer. Look before you do.
I got a quick I got aquick. Do a shout out.

I gotta do a quick shout outbecause I do, I do, I
do, because we got it.We got a message, a listener message
telling us thanks again for promoting allthe great beer and putting on the program.
We we thank you guys for listeningbecause you know we we do.
We do our thing. You guysdo your part. Listen. I want
to thank Sam and Joe Lane,who are hanging out at the Backyard Grill

on the northwest side eating crawfish.Best damn crawfish. Oh my gosh,
I missed that place so much.I tell you what. That one hurt
moving away from the Backyard Grill.Oh my gosh. I will be back
in May. But it is crawfishseason, and if you love crawfish and
you're in Houston, head out tothe byg and Sam and Joline. Thanks

for supporting our sponsors, and uhthanks for sending me those pictures. I'm
a little jealous, all right.So by the way, the drink,
it's hearing about a pale ale withthat. That's great. That's great beer
to eat with crawfish. I havenot eaten in crawfish this season yet.
It's very expensive this season. Thecrop this year is so bad, and
so that's driving the price up.Yeah. So yeah, it's gonna be
hard on everybody. But all right, right now, everybody's got an empty

beer glass. I do. Ido have an empty beer glass. I'm
going another Texas brewery. I broughtthis brewery to the show last week,
and I'm gonna do it again,Texas Beer Company. I was liking the
beer that I brought last week,the pale Ale, but now I am
going the hop Rodeo and it saysthis is a rotating hazy India pale Ale.

I like the artwork on that.There's a cowboy riding a giant hop.
I do like that. That's anice it's a very nice design on
that purple looking the can pour alittle bit of this and there. Yeah,
if you look at it rotating,yeah, there you go. I
know it's a it's radio so youcan't see it. We'll post it to
our something. Where's Texas Beer Companyout of Tyler, Texas? Tyler Texas.

Okay, oh yeah, yeah,yeah yeah. At the hop Rodeo,
we're bulldogging whatever delicious and juicy hops. We can get wrangle. The
flavor can change, but the thrillis the same. It's a good copyer
there. All right, Well youpoured that in your glass. You're gonna
do that and Bill's gonna start pouringours. That's actually got that's good.

That better than the beer I broughtto the table earlier. But it's elder
Ada Hops Citra Falconer's Flight Cascade it'svery bright, delicious. All right,
Texas Beer Company, all right,represented on the show. Also representing on
the show, Harbor Light. Billbrought something from Harbor Light Brewing Company and
we just cracked out. I justsmelled it. I have no idea what

it tastes like, but I Ismiled from ear to ear just on the
nose. Bill. What do wehave? Well, we got what I
like to call the mob rye.It's collaboration with the Mob, which is
a the moskeige in Ottawa brewersk homebrewClub rye I p A actually a rye,
probably a triple I p A hg in bourbon barrels dry hopped in

the barrel, then put back inthe bright tank, carbonated and thrown in
the keg. So I'm not surehow much tops are coming through, but
it ends up pretty much to barleywine. I was just gonna say,
there's okay. First of all,color I'm just here we go. Bill

is a friend, he's a sponsor, and he made this beer, and
I'm gonna say this to his face. If that's an I p A,
I'm a chinaman. Okay. Andsecond of all, this is phenomenal.
Oh my, this is barley wineheaven. This is delicious, It is
amazing. I don't know how itstarted as an IPA and ended up this
dark. I mean, folks,this is dark, Chad. It was

an ip a about two and ahalf years ago. Okay, moving on,
all right, now we know anyway, that's what we're drinking here,
all right, James, hang on, what's happening is hop Rodeo Hazy India
Palel is a very very I wasgonna say, what's happening over there in
studios without hop Rodeos. I'm tellingyou it's bursting with strong, tropical fruity,
juicy flavors, residual bitterness, floralfrom tropical tropical aroma. So the

strong gets smooth beer. It's sureto make you saddle up for another rounds
Oh, settle up for another round, man, Yeah, there's no other
beer. There's no other beer thatmakes you want to settle up for another
round. I mean, that's that'show sophisticated his palette is. Folks.
He knew that seven point five percentabv the hop Rodeo Hazy and Palel from

Texas Beer Company. So all right, we got to get some stories here.
So I want to bring this up. Baseball love it one of my
favorite sports. Is my favorite sport. And the Baltimore Orioles got themselves some
new owners, and the new ownersmade themselves a really good first impression.
First impressions is everything because you onlyhave well twenty nine seconds to make a

good first impression. And so thenew oriel owners made a good first impression.
On opening day, they were ata bar called the Pickles Pob and
the new owners got up in frontof the pub and introduced themselves. And
this is a bar located in CanyonYards and alongside the new co owners,

they made everybody at the bar veryhappy. Let me roll cut seven O
yo, I'm listen up yo everybody. It's very difficult to get everybody's attention

after owens get at a pub,but they're doing the best. Bye.
I want to introduce myself. I'mMike carrat Goatty, one of the new
owners of the Oats. This isthis is my best friend Smitty, also
new owner of the Oats, andwe're buying everybody a beer. That's one

way to make a good first impression. Buy everybody at the pub a round
of beer. And that's what thenew owners of the Baltimore Orioles did,
and they purchased the Baltimore Orioles whatfor one point seven billion dollars in January.
Wow. So that's one way tomake a good first impression by buying

everyone at the bar a round ofbeers. So I got a funny story
to tell you. Back when Iwas living in Houston, I was doing
some work representing Brass Valley Brewing Companyor good buddy Josh Bass out there in
Brenham, Texas, and we weredoing a I don't know if it was

a pint night or tapped the We'redoing some beer release at brew thirty tap
house which is out there in Cyprus, and uh, the Astros game was
on. Oh, I know whatit was. It was Bingo night.
We were called. I was callingBingo and we're yeah, and we were
giving away Brass Valley beer tokens andprizes and stuff like that if you got

Bingo. And what I did isuh, the game was on and I
asked Josh. Josh came out.I said, Hey, I'm gonna have
some fun and he said what areyou gonna do? And I said watch
this, and uh, the baseswere loaded, and I don't know a
DECI of Rabu or whoever plays forthe Astros. I don't know any of
the players. But whatever he is, he's some one of those guys,

uh, Jorge Gonzala, whatever heis, he's you're doing great. Yeah,
I know. Anyway, he's upto bat and I said, hey,
I said, everybody, I said, hey, if we take the
lead here, if we take thelead, I said, everybody gets uh,
everybody gets half price on the BrassValley beer. And I said,
but if he hits a Grand Slam, I said, I'm buying everyone in

here a brass Valley beer, andson of a gun, he smacked it,
and Grand Slam cleaned the bases,and I bought everybody in the place
of Brass Valley beer. We endedup emptying two kegs that night. We
had a great time. Man,I would have like exited through the back
door. No, no, JoshBass picked up that tab. All right,

nice, All right, that's wegotta take a break. Coming up
next segment, we're gonna talk aboutthis boycott. We got an update on
a boycott, and we are goingto recap April Fool's Day. All this
is so much more hang with thiswhat's on TAPRIDO will be right back.
We're buying everybody a beer. Okay, we will buy no more beer until

we drink all the beer we haveat home, we said, and then
we laugh and laughed and laughed.Alright, cut it out. This is
what's on tap radio. Back toJames and Chad coming up in a second.

Not literally, but we're gonna doa recap of the April Fools.
We love April Fools Day because thereare bruies getting in some shenanigans when it
comes April Fools. Now, wedon't do any April Fools pranks on that
radio because we've been instructed not todo that, and I want to stay
on the radio, so I buythose instructions. But some breweries had some

fun on April Fool's Day. Socoming up, we're gonna talk about some
shenanigans they got themselves into. Butbefore we do that, some boycotts.
Earlier, we're talking about how KidRock went on the Fox News Network with
Lauren Ingram wearing a Budweiser hat,and so everybody was like, what the
it was about a year ago.It's about a year ago that the whole

boycoite started with Budweiser. But nowthere's another boycott on the horizons. And
this is a little recap of astory that we did probably about a month
ago. But yeah, there's anotherbrewery boycott. At least they're trying to
get some people riled up for thisboil kite. But the International Brotherhood of

Teamsters is calling for consumers to boycottthe company of which I'm about to talk
about in Here in a Second,which owns the popular brands such as Here
we Go, Miller Lights, BlueMoon, and Coors Light amid March madness
after it failed to reach an agreementwith union workers over wage agreements. Yes,

we were talking about Moulson Cores,which we talked about about a month
ago. There was in Fort Worth. So Teamsters is representing about four hundred
and twenty workers at the Molson Corepsbrewery in Texas who have been in strike,
who've been on strike since February seventeenth, after their beverage company offered workers
less than one dollar per hour andwage increases with negotiating a new three year

contract. And last week, afterstriking for forty one days, the union
workers returned to negotiating with the companyover a new contract, where they are
still unable to settle on an agreement. They were offered only an additional five
cents per hour on top of thecompany's the original offer of ninety nine cents
per hour and wage increase in theFebruary We'll give you one dollar. I

don't want a dollar. I wantmore, so okay, a dollar five.
And the union also claims in apress release that will be out in
full force. They're going out fullfour and cities, Texas cities, They're
going to Detroit, they're going toBoston, et cetera. And they're asking
consumers to boycott Molson Corps beers duringthe March Madness season. And the union

even reportedly wrote a letter to Congresslast week urging lawmakers to participate with it's
boycott Moulson Corps, encouraging them toinstead of buying Molson Corps, to buy
Anhyser Busch, which owns by Lights, calling the major employer who they say
the employer actually treats their employers fairly. So they're saying, don't buy molten

course, go buy Budweiser and hyderBusch because they an Hyser Busch. They
treat their employees fairly, so thisis so an email statement to I'm not
sure who. A spokesperson for MolsonCorps claims that the company is looking to
settle its unionized workers on an agreement, and then quotes they say, we

remain committed to reaching a fair agreementand offered a highly competitive wages and benefits
off in already strong base, wrotethe spokesperson in an email. In the
meantime, our strong contingency plans continueto ensure and meet demand. We're still
brewing, packaging, and shipping outof Fort Worth. So despite this protest

or this boycott that's going on Forworth, they're still packaging and shipping out of
Fort Worth. So yeah, anothermajor boycotts. The popular beer company has
major problem brewing on its hands.People are saying, hey, this March
Madness season, don't drink Mulson Cours. According to the Teamster representative, I

just I'm trying not to say somethingthat's gonna get us kicked off the air
right now. I really want to. I really want to. So I'm
gonna try and find a nice wayto say this. Let's see, if
you drink beer, do you reallycare about the corporate politics of a major
corporation brewing your mass produced American pill. That pill theya heild it right on

the head. There's a reason whythey boycotted Budweiser a year ago, and
it had nothing to do with negotiationsof the union or what benefits. No,
it didn't. And then this ideathat stop drinking are pale watered down
yellow fizzy beer for drinking and drinksomebody else's pale water down yellow fizzy beer.

It's like, you know what youdo, I'll take things I don't
see craft brewers doing for a thousandalex. I mean, I just I
don't see I don't see people gettingriled up from this boycott because of now
No, I get yet. Shouldthey be paid well or better? Maybe,
But I don't see people going,no, I'm not buying Miller Lite.
You know why, because they're notpaying their workers enough. They're not

gonna do that. I know they'renot going to No, No, that's
just on that's right. He addthat to the five cent by race.
But hey, to those workers,look to those workers out in Fort Worth.
I I do hope they can getsome kind of agreement where they can
get paid a little more. Butyou guys are boycotting. I hope you

make a million dollars on that idea. But to the guy, to the
representative of the teamsters, I justdon't see a boycott taking off. No,
alright, I wish youd. Let'slighten up a little bit, James.
All Right, April Fool's Day wasaround the corner, and brewers ever
since the Mount Rushmore prank have reallybeen capitalizing on April Fool's Day. What

was Mount Rushmore? I remember that. Oh I'm gonna recap that, don't
you worry. But brewers really wantedto try and dupe their customers and thinking
they're going to do something really crazy. But the Mount Rushmore plant prank was
whenever Kim Jordan from New Belgium,Sam Calagioni from Dogfish Head, Jim Cook
from Boston Beer Company, and KenGrossman from Sierra Nevada, we're going to

have their faces carved into a mountain, and they announced it on April on
April Fool's Day. People fell forthat one. Oh people, absolutely,
I did. I fell for ittoo, I did. I did.
And by the way, you speakingof people that fell for April fools.
I want to give a shout outto our buddy Stesty Steve there in Houston.

He's one of the best beer repsyou will ever meet, representing Stesty
Beer. Always love Lady Texas,always sharing our posts and all that.
He's a good guy. He toldeverybody, he says, well, now
he's a good time and any totell everybody. I've accepted a job with
Sweetwater Brewing Company and I'm loving Atlanta. Everyone's like, good for you,
man, way to go, hey, way to move up. And everyone's

like, oops, wait, wait, stop the press. That was an
April Bools joke. I really thoughthe was April. I really thought he
got a job with Sweetwater. Holdon, are you see I'm sh my
gosh, shut up, dude,No, it was an April fool's joke.

All right, all right, we'regonna revisit that because I got to
get to these other ones here.Okay, uh, oh my gosh,
oh man, geez, I don'teven know where to go. I thought
that was a real. Okay.Shipyard Brewery out of Portland, Massage or
Portland, Maine did a clam chowderI p a that was chunky with potato,

bacon and clams good mouth Field.Oh yeah, that's right exactly the
parish. I don't know if thisis a real one or not. This
one could be real based on everythingthat Martin House does. But Parish Brewing
out of uh Louisiana did a dD S I p A which is a
double dry sausage with and dewey andannounced it. Let's see here, uh

Banded Brewing company one. Thank fireMarshall Matt for sending this one here.
Swamped green onion sour and that waslike, okay, green onion sour,
all right. Pilsner Erkel launched theirnew Pilsner Erkel potato chips, which tastes
like SaaS hops. Rogue Dead Guyuh from Rogue Brewery. Yeah, they

got new gummies that have the sameab V and IBus of their Rogue Dead
Guy ale. Uh. There wasa hop distributed or hop manufacturer Harvester rather
uh, I guess distributory. They'redoing Glowing the Dark hops now. Yeah.
Yeah. Cors Light has a newcores Light I p A. That's

a good one. And Shiner.This one almost wins the whole thing.
Shiner. They are now the officialsponsor of the Alamo and they are putting
a bar in the basement with nextto Pee Wee Herman's bike. That's pretty
awesome. And the Stone Stone Brewerydid a sub zero beer now negative six

point nine percent ABV. They wentbelow zero ABV. And Dogfish Head did
an na Dogfish one twenty. Butthe ultimate one is still Founders Brewing Company
with the ultimate KBS experience where youcan spend a year in a barrel with
your KBS and watch it age.And that goes a shout out to every
buddy Josh Lindsay for sending us thatone. Oh my god. Yeah,

they had fun. They always do. They always have fun on April Fools.
But man, I feel like afool for falling for a stetsty Steam.
I really thought that he was doingall there. Okay, alright,
So there you go. There's arecap of April Fool's Day. So we
have got to take a break.Coming up in the last segment of What's

on Tap Radio, we have afew more stories you get to including a
Florida brewery that's under fire and allthis is so much more. Also real
quick, James, not not AprilFools. Jamal Batman was arrested. Oh
he was, and we're trying toget a harblite bill and brew a beer
for him and all this and somuch more. Hang with us for one

more, one more, We'll beright back. Beer. It's like pouring
smiles on your brain. What's onTap Radio continues, We don't thank our
friends at Tantrik Brewing Company, locatedin Alegant, Michigan, right there on
the Kalamazoo River. Beautiful sites,beautiful beer, beautiful food, and yeah,
you see the beer logic guy inthere hanging out stop by get a

free What's on Tap Radio? Highfive? Great beer, great times,
great food. Located an Alligant,Michigan, Tantrik Brewing Company. Last seven,
what's on tab Rido for this week? It's been a fast show,

very fun, have a good time, got your beer conversations. But can't
thank our friends enough over at TantrikBrewing for bringing you, uh the last
seghen i. What's on top radiofor the week? That's right, proud
sponsors this program and hanging out anddowntown Alligan, Michigan, where you know
everybody wants to complain about the roundaboutconstruction, but nobody's complaining about the beer.

Head on over see Patrick, Tanyaand the staff get some great food,
great views of the river, andof course amazing beer. Tangik Brewing
Company, Tangent Brewing Company. Sorry, Tangk Brewing dot Com, Tangkbrewing dot
Com. A couple of stories getto but I am still joining this hop
rodeo rotating Hazy India pl from TexasBeer Company. I'm kind of disappointed we

have to do stories. I can'tjust sit here and take a sip of
this beer that Bill brought from HarborLight and just do this. Okay,
So a couple of stories get nineminutes. Couple stories get to before we
get out of here. Yeah,including this. We've been teasing this story
the entire show. This floor breweryinto some hot water. Oh yeah,
this is great. Yeah from theso okay up. Quick update on the

April Fool's Day not April Fool's Dayjoke. Not an April Fool's Day joke.
Grand Rapids Brewing Company not reopening.That's not happening. They caught on
fire a few weeks ago. TheGrand Rapids Brewing Company the original, that's
the original brewery in Grand Rapids gone. Okay, Founders Brewing Company, which

closed for two months, opened onApril Fool's Day. Not an April Fool's
Day joke. So they did.And also yes, they did reopen.
And so they did reopen their taproom. And they because they closed down
for two months, they did aremodeling job. Yeah they did. They
did. They said they were goingto close down. They reopened on April
Fool's Day. Not a joke.Also not a joke. Out of Florida,

this brewery is the first brewery tolaunch a peanut butter ale that mocks
people with a peanut butter allergy.That's right, this Florida brewery. Oh
yeah, the play play Linda BrewingCompany in Florida has now put on the
market the EPI pen ale. Iam not making this up, folks.

This is the real deal. Iam not kidding you. Yes, yes,
yeah, they went ahead and wentput it out there. Brewerymaker is
slamming those with a life threatening nutallergy. By the way, you want
to think our friends a superior pestcontrol of West Michigan for sending this story.
And uh had a Florida brewery firstlaunched their beer and they thought,

oh yeah, that'll be all right, Yeah, who cares. Yeah,
everybody's got a sense of humor,right, yeah, wrong. Yeah.
They stacked these up during Peanut ButterWeek, which was apparently March twenty nights.
Wait, they have a peanut butterWeek. Apparently, evidently they have
a peanut butter Week. And Ididn't know either. I just didn't know
that part of peanut Butter Week wasmaking fun of people who have a life

threatening nut allergy. I don't thinkI don't think that's the intention of peanut
Butter Week. But I don't thinkso either. But EpiPen Peanut Butter Ale
from play al Ino Brewing Company wasquickly pulled off the shelves, just in
the face of backlash from online criticism, saying that they were discriminating, they

were ignorant, they were toned deaf. By the way, in case you
were wondering, it was a fivepoint three percent, like it matters,
I was like, anyway, itit was a very insensitive beer. But
apparently it tasted really good. I'msorry, I'm trying not to laugh.

It actually said it was a deliciousbeer. But anyway, but people walked
out when they saw the EpiPen,like they had this big event and like
trip Advisor, commoner went into thebrewery is like, hey, I'm gonna
have the wait does that really saywhat I think it says? Whoever thought
this was funny obviously doesn't have achild who may die from this allergic reaction.

They are disgusting and they walked outof the brewery. In case you
don't know, an EpiPen is alife saving autoinjector that delivers a drug that
basically prevent an individual from going intoa shock from having an allergic reaction.
So yeah, this is a prettyinsensitive. Other commenters praised. They were

like, oh yeah, this isjust dark humor, like no, no,
no, and some even said,hey, at least they're transparent about
their ingredient lists, like no,no, no. Do you think do
you think they went too far?What's that? Do you think they went
too far? They absolutely went toofar. I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I think they absolutely like the Thereis a there's some people joking around.

I like this one. Here.An allergic Livings Airlines correspondence said, I
love this. Sticks and stones maybreak your bones, but words will never
hurt me. Does not apply tofood allergies like I think they absolutely would.
Listen, there comes a point wheneveryou want to try and make an

impression, and with a with abeer name like the l from Red Rock
Brewing Company, it's like, well, I get it, okay, cool,
but yeah, I don't know everybody'sgot that one. You you would
not make a beer, you know, you know, Baldy Chemo, I

p a. I mean, youjust wouldn't do that. You you just
don't know. It's it's insensitive.It's just you don't By the way,
you guys got real. Both ofy'all got real quiet when I said that.
You're like, what were you thinking? What the do this? Peanut
butter, peanut butter beers, peanutbutter stop, peanut butter porters, peanut
butter, a lot of peop Youdon't know, but I guess the marketing.

That's what saves somebody's life from havingan allergic reaction from peanut butter.
Actually, one of my daughter's friendslast year died of a peanut allergy.
She was exposed to peanuts. Yeah, sad story, but yeah, I
mean it's all of a sudden itgot real. Yeah, you know,
I mean it. James asked thatmom if she thinks it's an insensitive name.

I'm like, we're still working ona polo. Who played the best
Batman so far, Adam West iswinning. No, Jamal did. Jamal
Batman played the best. He's fromMichigan. He's gonna have a beer name.
None of the other Batman's had abeer named after him. Jamal will.
I do want to end the storyon a high note. I'm gonna
praise this guy. He's our Notall heroes were capes. But remember that

scene in Happy Gilmore, not evenJamal Batman. No, remember that scene
in Happy Gilmore. And then kindof the very beginning when his girlfriend leaves
him and she's like, I'm notgonna stend my whole life with this loser.
Wanna be hockey player, And he'slike, fine, get out of
here. This is a story kindof similar to that. So there's a
guy out in Australia and maybe thisguy should be thanking sex for the extra

motivation. Either way, tough luckfor her. Here's what happened. A
guy in Melbourne, Australia opened anew Korean barbecue joint. I love Korean
barbecue, so good amen. Andbefore he opened for business, he put
up a huge sign to dunk onhis ex for dubbing him when he had
no money. So in big blackletters, it says, hey, Sophia,

you broke up with me because Iwas poor. Now I have money
to open a Korean barbecue. Areyou regretting it? It looks like he
actually put up two signs went oneach side of the building, so he
wanted everyone to know in her thathe is doing well. No word from
Sofia, but it's gone pretty viralin Australia, so we're guessing she's probably
seen it by now. So anotherplace same area got in on it and

with desserts to doughnut joint nearby andhave his own sign says yo Korean Barbecue.
Don't worry about Sofia. We haveall the desserts you need right here.
So he's getting a lot of supportfrom other businesses. So, yeah,
a restaurant owner was dumped by hisex because he was broke, but
now he's dunking on her by openingup a restaurant with a big, nice

sign right there on the side ofit saying, Hey, Sophia, you
broke up with me because I waspoor. Now I have money to open
up created a barbecue restaurant. Goodon you, my man. Yeah,
why how do you like them apples? Yeah, you're broke. You're never
gonna go anywhere. I'm out ofhere. And she probably what was I

in? Was it? Big Daddy? When she broke up with him because,
uh, he worked at a tollbooth. He worked at a toll
booth and his girlfriend breaks up withhim because he's a loser works in a
toll booth. But then he endsup becoming a lawyer. And at the
very end of the movie he runsinto his ex girlfriend who works at Hooters.
I'm gonna say yoke because I neversaw that movie, and I'm gonna

trust you. Yeah, I'm achant on this one. It's all.
That's all Adam Taylor Movies. Allright, we've got to get out of
here. That's been a show.That's been a show. But before we
do, let's think our sponsors arewonderful advertisers who keep us on the radio
each and every week. That beingPantrick Brewing, Superior Pest Control, Biologic
Conference and events we know, Altonaand Insurance Group, the Backyard Grill of
course, keeping the lights on hereStudios in Chad Studio, Harbor Light Brewing

and of course sponsoring our podcast whereanywhere podcasts are found. Thanks for our
friends over our cast branding, Sofor Bolgic Chad Pill Beam, I'm Big
James Simpson and Hope forget to HarborLight Bill saying thanks for listening to What's
on tap Rado and we hope youenjoyed it and we hope that you would
catch us for another action back radioshow next week. Have a good week,
folks. Cheers
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