All Episodes

February 6, 2024 81 mins
On tap this week: Buffalo Bayou Brewing Co. shuts down, Is beer, men’s version of wine?, Healthiest alcoholic drinks, Biden speaks gibberish at a brewery, Miller Lite may be forgoing Super Bowl spots, Leinenkugel is selling shorts for those that like to wear them during the winter, 'Woke-free' beer earns F rating with BBB, Vietnam gets tough on drunk driving, Beer-balls, Fun facts about the making of the We are the World, All of this and sooo much more. Enjoy the show!!
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Episode Transcript

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This What's on Tap Radio podcast isbrought to you by CASP Branding. I
remember of the Texas craft Brewers Guild. Cast Branding has been supplying breweries,
distilleries, and wineries with top qualitymerchandise since twenty thirteen. If you're looking
for a way to promote and growyour brand, check out Cast Branding on
Facebook, Instagram, and online atcast Branding dot com, Cast Branding dot
com, Cash Brandy dot Com.Enjoy the show. This is about to

be good radio. Oh yeah.To me, a craft brewer is much
more of a mindset. We justopened two cans, spread the gospel of
good beer. Beer. Tons andtons of stuff going on in the beer
world. I love craft beer.I love different people's beers. It's the
first favorite. Cheers too old usbeer geeks and those new to the craft.

What's on Tap? High five?Who? This is What's on Tap
Radio Beer and the culture that flowswith it. Peers, Beer Guru James
Simpson and Beer Logics Chadpilbey. Ohyeah, oh yeah, oh yeah,

we're partying all the time. Welcometo What's on Tap Radio. For the
next two hours, we're gonna tellyou everything you didn't know about the making
of We Are the World. Yeah, there was a couple of interesting stories.
I watched the documentary on it thispast week and was the greatest night

in pop music and my favorite,well my favorite. One of the things
that just shocked me was al Jirouwhen they got when he just kept saying
bring another bottle, Bring another bottle, and people are like, wait,
what's going on. He had tosing a solo and they recorded him trying
to record a soul. He washammered. Interesting. See all things are

gonna learn on this week's epist ofWhat's on Tap Radio. Welcome to the
show. I am Biergo, JamesSimpson, that's mister bier Logic himself,
mister Chad Hillbeam. We're really notgoing to be talking about the making of
We Are the World for the nexttwo hours. However, what we can
do with pepper fun facts about WeAre the World because you know, it's
the anniversary just happened, and yeah, it was a huge hit when in

the eighties when we were you know, lads, and so I figured it
would be fun, it'd be fun, but I was gonna dy came out
and like you said, the anniversaryand uh, that's some fun facts and
maybe there'll be something beer related.I was gonna start. I was gonna
start with it, but it startsvery slow and you need energy when you
start to show. So anyway,so we heat a certain call, this

show would not be on this radio, James, It's time to start drinking
some beer. Let's do it.Let's let's think our advertisers. Let's say
Tantric Brewing, Superior, Pest Control, beer Logic conference events. We know
all the take Insurance group, thebackyard Grill. Hang on, let me
flick this light switch on and off. Oh, it's working, thanks to
our friends over at Harbor Light Brewingand of course sponsoring our podcast cast branding.

Oh, I'm ready for a beer? Who's ready for a beer?
I don't know if I am.This is the first time, this is
the first time What's on Tap radiohistory. I can honestly say, I
don't know if I'm ready for abeer. Chad Dry, January is over,
Buddy, Well, January is over. That case, Head over to
the backyard grill, where the foodis awesome and the beer is as well.

And the backyard Grill brings you What'son Taps brought to the table.
That's what we're doing to the tablefirst segments. Yes, on the northwest
side of the Houston. Check themout out there. And James, do
you want to go first? OrI'll go first. So I'm gonna do
this, okay, because I'm notsure I want to do this. Okay,
I'm gonna go first. Now,I had gone the entire month of
January dry, no alcohol for theentire month of January, just because I

wanted to give my body a detox. I wanted to see if I could
do it, challenge myself, andI succeeded. I completely went alcohol free
the entire month of January. SoI had all these n A beers that
I bought, you know, samplingthem, and I'm gonna post which ones
I liked them, which ones Ididn't. But I still have a few
left in the fridge and I'm notgonna drink these anytime but on the show.
So I figured, you know what, I had two left, and

so I'm just going to continue dryJanuary into favor just so I could drink
these beers in my fridge. SoI can start off, you know,
next week with some beers that Ibrought last month no in Smber. So
I'm gonna bring another NA beer justso I can finish them, because I'm
not gonna drink them, you know, while I'm hanging out watching you know,
the Super Bowl or anything. SoI'm just gonna gohead and get rid

of them. So the beer I'mgonna be kicking off this show with is
from Sierra Nevada. They're non alcoholicTrail Pass India Palal. All right,
So yeah, this is the lastof this is the last of the NA
beers. Chad and now Studios.I had so many different ways, and
so I'm gonna go ahead and pourthis into my What's on Tap radio cast
writing glass also known as a waterglass. WoT R. Oh yep,

mosic citra all the way. It'suh mm hmm yep. There they nailed
it. These are A beers thesedays are very very very tasty, very
hoppy citrus zero percent alcohol by volume, ninety five calories. Oh wow,
ninety five calories. Watching that waistline, Oh I am you know, I

I've slimmed down, I've lost apound and so I have, uh,
you know, from not drinking.And in case you don't know, that's
like it's like ten percent for James, if you lost the time, I
am about a butt oh five soakingwet. But yeah, this is the
non alcoholic Sierra Nevada Trail Pass Indiapale ale As zero percent alcohol by volume

and uh yeah, very citrusy,balanced, hoppy and uh yeah. Like
like I said, these breweries thesedays have really nailed the beers. We're
in a blind taste test. Iwould think people would have a hard time,
you know, deciding which one's then A beer, which ones not
the inn A beer. But yeah, that's what I'm bringing the table.
Thank you, backyard all right,James, Well, I got a decision

to make here. I'm not sureI really want to drink beer today because
I, oh, Chad doing driedFebruary no d well. I detox as
well, but not I had thetalks first, and I got food poisoning.
I don't know if you're gonna bringthat up. Yeah, I'm gonna
bring that up, and so Imay not be able to drink. I'm
gonna so I've got two pints inmy hand in one hand. I thought

it's a perfect beer that I broughtto the show before from wax Wings Brewery.
And eight and a half percent IPA double IP A collaboration with Baryl
Theory called you sure about that?Like you really want to have a beer
just after getting food poisoning? Areyou sure about that? And then in
my other hand, I have theKirkland signature purified water from Yeah, this

is from Osco. So this isI'm gonna I'm gonna try the Are you
sure about that? I'm gonna crackthat open. I thought you're gonna go
pedia light well light, Yeah,yeah, I got pretty messed up on
food poisoning. But uh, itis a hazy double I p a.
I'm getting a little sniff, verytropical orange rindes. I'm gonna take a

sip, all right? That ironI'm gonna go for it. I'm gonna
go for it, dude, I'mgonna take a sip. Here we go,
that iron stomach of his. Willhe keep it down? Is the
question? Well? I thing Ilove about it. It's bitter, it's
not just tropical. All right,that's we'll talk more about this. We'll
break these beers down. But Ibrought the are you sure about that?
From wax Wingsbury Kalamazoo, Michigan aslong as well as the Kirkland signature purified

water in case I can't do it, And James, you brought the Sierra
Nevada non Alcoholic Trail Pass India paleAle and this has been brought to you
by our friends over at the backof Our Girl. We'll talk more about
these beers coming up on tap thisweek. We're gonna talk about beer ball.
Is beer a men's version of wine. There's a celebrity that said that
Miller Lite is in the news.Line of Googles in the news. So

much in the news, So let'stake a break, come back with the
official What's on Tap Radio fun factorof the week and dive into what's going
on in the beer world. We'llbe right back. A real partner will
make you feel loved, needed andsexy. Wait, it's beer beer already
does that? What's on Tap Radiocontinuous with James Simpson and Chad Pilbeam.

At a time when every tap andevery bar served the same mass produced light
logger, though it's Kraft beer barswho were the earliest proving ground for the
beer revolution. For over two decades, the Backyard Girl has been supporting the
community of brewers and the Beer Drinkersis one of the original craft beer bars
in northwest Houston to introduce guests toWest Coast IPA's stouts and amber ales.

Today, The Backyard Girl is overto over one hundred different and beers with
an amazing tapple with everything from classicbeer styles that respect tradition to radically experimental
fruited sours, hazy APAs, andbarrel age stouts and he yes today have
your favorite mass produced lightloggers too.Located on the corner of Weston Jones Road,
head out on Highway to ninety orgo online to the Backyard Girl dot

com and be sure to download theThe Backyard Girl app on your phone to
make online ordering from your device eveneasier. The craft beer bar is a
pioneer for the craft beer revolution,and The Backyard Girl is the craft beer
bar you need to check out inHouston. Cheers, cassio, keyboard and

horns in one song put you down. It's gotta be Al Drew. So
I told you on this episode we'regonna drop we are the world fun facts
before we get into the official fund. In fact, you know Harry Belafonte
started it all. At least itwas his idea to do something about the
hunger in Africa, but they didit based on the band Aid charity single

do they Know It's Christmas from theUK, which came out first. So
there's your fun. There's your funlittle first uh fun fact about we are
the World. Not exactly sure why. At our production meeting we were supposed
to be talking about the show andwhat we're gonna be talking about on the
show, but we didn't do anyof that. We just sit there and
talked about the documentary that just cameout. I don't even yeah, I

don't even have one sheet. Idon't know what we're gonna talk about.
I mean I have some stuff inthe news. But we didn't go over
in the production meeting like hey,well Chad takes this story, I'll take
this story. I'll do color onthe story. You do color on this
story. No, it was noneof that. It was just more or
less like, hey, we arethe world, all right? Yeah?
I think there were Yeah, wedid talk about we are the world.
We are the world, and weare the world, but there are three

things that we know are going tohappen. Absolutely the official What's on Tap
Radio fun fact the week coming upmomentarily, hold my beer and watch this
brought to you by Ringold the tentake an insurance group. And yes,
due to I mean, we've gotthousands of messages about this. We will
be talking about a certain Houston brewerythat the doors were closed on. Yeah,

we will talk. We had along partnership with this brewery. Yes
we will. We'll discuss it.We will spend significant time talking about it.
So if you've been wondering why we'vebeen quiet, we wanted to wait
till all the facts came out,or at least enough to be able to
talk about it objectively. So Iwas waiting to get on the damn radio

to talk about it. I cansit there and talk about on social media,
but I have a platform. SoI was waiting to get on the
radio to talk about it. Butwe'll talk about that later on in this
episode. But before we do anyof that, what we're going to discuss
is, let's recap the beers thatwe brought the table thanks to our friends
over at the backyard group. Ikicked it off with the cir Nevada Alcoholic
Trail Pass I PA. Now Idid the entire drive January no alcohol for

the entire month, but I stillhave some beers left over, and I
thought to myself, you know,I'm not gonna sit back and drink these
because I'm gonna I got other beersI gonna drink. So I'd rather just
drink them on the show talk alittle bit about it, because there are
people out there that you know thatthey drink no alcohol beer all the time.
And so I've decided, you knowwhat, this week, I'm gonna

drink the n A beers for onelast show. Well, the Flagship February
never really took off. It didtake off, but then it kind of
just fizzled out. Yeah, well, yeah, it was cool for one
year and then it kind of died. And so if Flagship February is not
going to be a thing, thenmight as well do an extension of Dry

January, just at least on theshow. To get rid of your supplyes
just getting rid of my supply.So that's what I kicked it off.
The trail pass ninety six calidaries,no ninety five calori excuse me, and
very trop mosaic citrus hops, alittle pintiness to it, which I like.
And yeah, like I said,they've dialed it in. They have
got it dialed in on these nA beers. And then Chad, who's

got food poisoning. I can't believehe's drinking a beer. That's amazing to
me. I thought he was justthe pounding pedialytes. Well, I know
it's food poisoning is just an awfulthing. I mean, you're just your
guts wretching, and yeah, you'reheaving and heaving, and it's bad.
I was in bad, bad shape. Yeah, James went on dry January
lost one pound. I think Ilost. I think I lost about twelve

in about a twenty four hour periodbecause I was just even. So I
wasn't sure if I was gonna goahead and do it. But but I
found in my fridge, and Ididn't want the beer to go bad.
But I found a can of waxWings double ipa, a collaboration beer with
the Barrel Theory Brewery, and it'scalled are you sure about that? From

wax wings Bury Kalmazoo Michigan Frickin DeliciousBeer wax Wings We got a listener,
Larry, there's our first name dropof the show, because al Jaude and
what's the other guy? You justmentioned from We Are the World, Harry.
They don't know us, so wegotta go. We gotta give Larry

the name drop. But uh,he says, that's the best brewery in
Michigan. That's his words, notmine. I I go in there and
I find things I love, andI go in there I find things that
not my style. But this oneit wasn't my favorite beers when we went
there. Yeah, this one though. I gotta tell you, this particular

beer scratches right where I itch becauseit's a hazy I p A that has
It's not overly tropical. It's gotgreat balance, but it still tastes like
an I p A. You getbitterness and some dryness from it. It
doesn't. It's not sticky and cloyingand uh, really nice refreshing beer for
a double I p A. That'shazy. So what's the be honest?

Hey, I was just gonna saythe old eight and a half percent.
Now, now I gotta know something, James, Are you going to buy
any more non alcoholic beers? Anddo you have plans to buy more n
A beers this year? No?No, okay? Are you gonna do
dry January next year? I don'tknow yet. I don't know yet.
We'll see. Okay, I gotmy physical coming up. We'll see what

the doctor says. He if thedoc gives you a clean bill of hell,
hey, you know what, maybemaybe thirty days is enough to keep
those insurance premiums down. All rightnow the official What's on Tap Radio fun
Fact of the Week, brought toyou by Who's Ever Checked Clear? This
week. I can't really lie tomy doctor because it's easy to you know,

call me out because I have aradio show about beer, so she
can easily just tune in and belike, hey, didn't you tell me
that you weren't drinking, because Idefinitely heard the show the other day and
you said you were, so Ihave to be honest. Yeah you do,
all right? All right? Wellwell yeah. One of the other
things I discovered. I was thinkingabout doing fun fact about this since I
had food poisoning. There are studiesthat suggest that drinking alcohol with your meal

will reduce your chances of getting foodpoisoning. I did not know this because
I know so here I am,I'm coming out of food poisoning. I
wanted to look up. I wantedto, you know, take care of
my body just say, hey,is it a good idea? Is it
a bad idea? Or does itnot matter? You know? Should I
be having a beer? You know, I'm thinking about getting one, And

that's why I said, are yousure about that? That's what I'm drinking
from wax Wings. And I wasn'tsure about that, so I asked,
and I wanted to find out.And turns out that beer after you've got
food poisoning no good, no goodat all. It does not help you
feel better. It will not makeit go away faster. Sorry, But

so if I start feeling bad,I'm switching over to the Kirkland signature purified
water. But studies suggests that drinkingalcohol with your meal will reduce your chances
of getting food poisoning. All right, anyway, that's your fun fact week
n I got another fun fact foryou here, no way. So,
in all my travels over the years, I've had the privilege of visiting some

of the finest cities. By theway, USA today just recently came out
with another list of the top beercities in the country. If you're wondering
what that list looks like, itlooks just like the one from last year
and the year before that and theyear before that. So we decided to
cut that one. We did takethat one, and we took scissors to
that and it's on the cutting roomfloor. We are not going to talk

about that on today's show. However. One city that is on there is
Fort Collins, Colorado. Great absolutelygreat city, beer city. I've been
there many times. It's about anhour hour and a half north of Denver,
Colorado, and they are known forhaving just an explosive and fantastic beer

scene, most notably New Belgium BrewsCompany. Oh yeah, the makers of
Fat Tire. And yeah, KimJordan, yep, she knows us.
There's a name drop right there,even though I don't. I don't know
if she owns it anymore. Shesold it to a foreign entity, but
no longer a craft Bury according tothe Brewers Association, but still friends.

But they're in Fort Collins. Theyhave twenty four breweries in this town.
It's not a huge booming town,but twenty four breweries. That's that's a
nice little concentration college college town.Yeah, oh it is, that's true.
That's true. Well, there isthere's an area, or there are
areas all over the country in thesefine cities that have brewery districts, and
they will name the streets after beers. In the brewery districts, however,

there is a Fort Collins neighborhood,a residential neighborhood that has beer themed streets.
So you're official What's on tap radiofun fact of the week is that
Fort Collins, unlike other major beercities which have brewery districts and breweries near
them, which names streets after beers, has a residential neighborhood with beer themed

streets including Lagger Street, Stout Street, Lambic Street, Box Street, Duncle
Street, Trappess Street, Sayson Street, Pilsner Street, pale Ale Street,
Shandy Street, and Pint Street.And that is your official What's on tap
Radio fun fact of the week.That's interesting. I did not know that.
All right, we gotta take abreak, but still to come is

beer the men's version of wine.We're gonna discuss that all this so much
more. We'll be right back.The only thing we throw back on Thursday,
he's a pint of beer or twoor three. This is what's on
tap Radio. Get back to Jamesand Chad Superior pest control of West Michigan

Superior Pest dot biz. They aresponsors of the research department here at What's
on Tap Radio. Make sure thatwe have all this awesome content. Give
them a call or reach out tothem at Superior Pest dot Biz. Well
this is a fun song. Youcan't see you, but I was doing

jazz hands. Keep the vibe,keep the bye. Oh you're Another fun
fact about the making we are theworld? Well, okay, I'll tell
you. You know, Michael Jacksonand Lionel Richie they avoided any dated expressions
when they wrote the song, youknow, like saying like right on or
yo dog. They wanted to makesure the lyrics were timeless. Also,

there was a moment whenever, accordingto the documentary, where Lionel Richie was
at Michael Jackson's house and it turnedinto like wild Kingdom because he was sitting
there and trying to come up withthe lines and the lyrics and how they're
going to do it. And Michaelsays the Lionel Richie says, you know
what you need to do. Youneed to go see Bobo. She's like

what. He's like, that's mychimp and he's like you need to cuddle
with the chimp, like what youneed to cuddle with the chimp to come
up with lyrics in the melody forthe song. And then while he was
there, I guess he had atalking exotic bird that got into a fight
with a dog, and then abunch of records got knocked over by a
bull constrictor or python. Python,So I know he was just freaked out.

He's like, man, I gottaget out of this house. The
chimpanzees and talking birds, barking dogsand snakes. But it worked because he
had a great verse. He kickedit off. He kicked the whole song
off. Did Yeah, he did. He got the whole thing started.
Speaking of kicking things off, wekicked things off to start the show,
James decided he was going to continuewith liquidating his non alcoholic beer. And

I just want to point this outnow. I'm not you be the judge.
I'm not saying cause and effect,but you be the judge. Thesis
in Rochester, Minnesota, been openfor five years. Great name for a
brewery. Yeah, Thesis, it'sactually the Thesis Beer Project. Okay,
I like that. That's good.Yeah, Yeah, solid brewery, cool,

cool little place. I checked itout. And at their current pace,
they're struggling like a lot of breweriesare. We're gonna be talking about
that one brewery. Don't worry,We'll get to it eventually. But Thesis
announced that January twenty twenty four wastheir worst month ever for beer sales in

the company's five years or five yearhistory. James, this was dry January.
I know where you're going. Youare killing brewer. Okay, sorry,
you be the judge, folks.Is James killing breweries? Is dry
January killing breweries? His Thesis beerprojects the worst beer month ever, the

byproduct of people not drinking outcohol fordry January. Well, I'm gonna say
no, and I'll tell you why. Because the beers I brought to this
show throughout the month of January prettymuch all craft breweries. He had Sierra
Nevada, I had Samuel Adams,I had Athletic, I had Shiner.

What are they all have in common, Chad? Yeah, it all came
from breweries. They're all craft breweries. Yeah. Now, but hold on,
let me ask this. This isa real question. I don't know.
I'm not on the non alcoholic kick. If you are going to have
a session where you're drinking with yourfriends. Not we're talking regular full strength
beer. You're gonna sit down,You're gonna have two, three, maybe

four whatever. You know, beresponsible, don't do things stupid. But
are you gonna sit down and drinkthree or four non alcoholic beers or even
two? When I was smoking,I was smoking some ribs. Yeah,
and I was watching football. Yeah, I had a couple of A beers

as I was smoking the the ribs. But would you Are you drinking less
n A beers fewer A beers thanyou would normally drink? Yes, And
I'll tell you why, because Idon't have as many. Oh okay,
all right, moving on. Butif I had as many, then uh
then maybe. But I you know, I only had so much, and
I had like maybe a six packor so, and I'm not going to
drink all six you know, inone sitting. I'll drink you know.

Maybe I think I had my three. But the only I think, the
only non craft brewery in Aber Ihad was he Heinekan, which was really
really good. I was like oneof my actually my favorites. But hey,
speaking of dry January, I wantto piggyback off this real quick.
Uh, I want to ask howpeoples dried January went. Good news is
it's over, but chances are youprobably already started drinking again. A lot

of people don't go the entire month. They go, you know what,
I screw it. But just becauseyou know we're in a new month doesn't
mean that you can't drink with ahealthier options. And so a dietician had
come out and broke down choosing ahealthier beverage and looking at things with lower

sugar and higher healthy ingredients. Andit came out of the list of some
healthy alcoholic beverages. So if youcontinue, you know, trying to keep
that body slim, here's some optionsfrom this dietitian, says Hard Seltzer.
So most are just sparkling water withclear liquor like tequila or vodka. Just
look for the ones who know addedsugar. They said red wine. It's

chock full of antioxidants which reduced toinflammation and help prevent cancer and heart disease.
Number three on the list Bloody Marry'stomato juice typically doesn't have a lot
of sugar. Plus what other alcoholicbeverages comes with celery Of course, chad
gets very sick. If he drinksbloody marries, allergic tomato tomatoes, or
the Hot Toddies. It's just hotwater, fresh limon juice, honey and

whiskey. It's about as healthy asit gets. But notice on this list,
beer did not make the cut.No way, I don't understand it
said right there on the bottom ofthe article. Beer did not make the
cut. So if you're looking forsome healthy options, you know this early
in the year, try hard Seltzer'sred wine, Bloody Mary's, or Hot

Toddies. According to a dice somebodywho this is a hip piece on beer,
that's all it is. They're tryingto kill the beer industry, just
like you guys who were doing dryJanu. All right, maybe not.
I'm telling you I had if morecraft breweries did it in a option,
which I feel they should. Iknow it's more expensive, but they could
get a new demo. But isthat demo big enough? I don't know.
I'm not saying. I guess itwouldn't be their target audience. But

they'll get you know, some newcustomers, new consumers, yep, I
know, I know, all right, lots of business they need. I'll
tell you where they need in abeer Vietnam. Yeah, and a beer
in Vietnam might actually save some ofthe businesses. But then again, who
knows, maybe people will just stayaway. But right now, zero point
zero is killing businesses in Vietnam,but not the way you're thinking, because

as you're thinking, non alcoholic beeris killing businesses. But as James just
said, they need non alcoholic beer. No, we're not talking zero point
zero ABV. But Vietnam, whichis a community that is known for having
a blustering nightlife and lots of activity, the food scene, the bar scene,
dancing, crowded streets. Oh yes, good ammen, ammen, all

that it's come to a screeching halt. And the reason zero point zero.
And as I said, not nonalcoholic beer, but the country's hard crackdown
on drunk driving. They now haveimposed well a law that says zero point

zero if you're going to operate avehicle. Now most people in Vietnam operate
motorcycles and scooters. There are somecars as well. But if you're operating
a motor vehicle and you have evena trace of alcohol on your breath,
you will be cited with a dui. Now, this is a law that
went into place in twenty nineteen,but they really haven't cracked down and enforced

it until just recently. You mightbe thinking there was a huge uptick in
deaths or injuries. Well there wasn't. They just decided to start enforcing it.
In the last two months of twentytwenty three, Vietnam put in its
most strict crack down on the antidrunk driving campaign. So there are several

people who spoke with reporters and wegot some quotes, but some of the
quotes are kind of funny, butthey did not want to go on record.
They wanted to do it anonymously.I'm not sure why that is,
but they said that they think thelaw is too strict because you can go
out and have two beers and mostof the beer, bijoi beer comes in

at right around three and a halfto four percent, and you can have
a couple of those beers and bejust fine. You're not drunk, And
they don't think that that's a goodindication of impaired driving. So what they're
asking police to do is do awaywith the breathalyzer and make them do some
sort of a zig zag formation ordance or obstacle course they're actually coming up

with any kind of agility or somesort of physical challenge to prove that you
have the ability to operate a motorvehicle. But they said that this is
the zero point zero is too strict. Now, how is this affecting businesses?
Because the cops are setting up checkpointsright outside the bestros and restaurants and

bars, so the second you walkout, you are checked. And this
is causing people to stay home.So now all the clubs, all the
bars, all the rest restaurants,nobody's going out now. No word whether
or not they're going to continue thiscrackdown like they did the last two months
of twenty twenty three. But ifthey do, breweries are going to suffer

because the Hanoi ton Hl Beer Companytheir fourth quarter sales went down eleven percent
and the Saigang Hanoi Beer Company theirprofits dropped twenty five percent. So what
do you think, James, Ithink they should use it. I think
Uber should really be doing well overthere, or lift one of those right

share companies. Taxis something I meanthey can't did they not? They insist
on driving I don't understand that.What about a rickshaw? I mean something
anything, all right. I guessthey don't have right shares over there in
Vietnam. I don't know. Hey, we gotta take your break still to
come. We're gonna talk about thewol Free beer. Remember we talked about
that. How's it doing? Anduh also Miller LTEs they're getting ready for
Super Bowl. What their plans are. We'll discuss all this so much more.

We'll be right back. After readingabout the evils of drinking. We
made up our mind. We're gonnastop reading. What's on Tap Radio continues
with James Simpson and Chad Pilbeam alot of interesting fun facts in front of

us about the making of We Arethe World. Yeah, I know,
we just watched the documentary on it, and well, Stevie Wonder. They
really wanted to get Stevie Wonder intothis all along, and they kept calling
and calling. This is before socialmedia and everything else. You had to

go through assistance and try and gethim and leave messages and hope he calls
you back. And he never calledback. He just showed up and he
walks in and he thought they weregonna write the song and he was like,
no, we're actually recording. Timeto go and then right in the
middle of it, no joke,he starts singing we Are the World in

Swahili, and he says, weneed some Swahili in here. And when
Waylon Jennings heard that, he walkedout the door. Waylon Jenning's just a
good old boy. Yep, hesays, ain't been no good old boy
singing Swahili. He ain't gonna startnow. And he walked out and he
was just he came out. Hewas on the back riser and uh he

uh walked down the risers, wentto the door and walked out. Didn't
say goodbye, kiss my butt,nothing. He was gone, just left
all because Stevie Wonder was singing weAre the World in Swahili and he was
trying to get inserted into the song. Speaking of Stevie Wonder, at this
time, Eddie Murphy missed a chanceto be there because Eddie was at Stevie

Wonder studio recording as single Remember PartyAll the Time, which we kicked the
show off with. So Stevie askedEddie Murphy to come over, but Eddie
declined. When he realized what hepassed up, Eddie Murphy felt like an
idiot. History Meanwhile, dan Ackroyd'sgoing ha ha because he took part by

accidents. He just happened to betalking to talent manager that day and the
guy invited into the recording session.Hey, what's come on over dan Ackroyd?
That musical sensation. Wait, he'snot a musician. Nope, he's
not a singer either. No,how did he get invited We Are the
World? And the thing is isthey listed the uh, the participants in

alphabetical order by last name, sowhen you look at it, dan Ackroyd's
is the first name you see onthe list. So he's not buried in
there all because the talent manager invitedhim and he came over, and you
know he took the invite. Heyuh, speaking of artists that if they
redid We Are the World, possiblycould be a part of it. Jelly

Roll very popular artist. Now forthose who don't know who jelly Roll is,
I like jelly Roll fan. Ilike his story, his story,
I like his personality. I'm notthe biggest fan of his music. I'm
not either, but I like himas a person. He came up poor
and you know, now he's avery successful singer. He went for he

had a lot of bad things.He ended up in prison, right,
But he went in front of Congressnot too long ago talking about the fetanol
addictions and so forth, and howthey need to have tougher laws on fetanyl.
But this interview just resurfaced. Now. This is I don't know,
I'm not sure when this interview tookplace, but uh, maybe a few
years ago. But I want toknow, is he Jelly Roll knows how

to get clicks and Yeah, allyou have to do is question the manhood
of beer drinkers and you'll get allkind of hot takes. So I just
came we came across this interview afew months ago where Jelly Roll made a
very bold claim that's sure to rufflesome feathers. So here's what he said.
Jelly said, I've always looked atbeer as a man's version of wine.

It's kind of like something you know, girls would do. I don't
know about you, but them arefighting words. He went on to say,
when a dude's like, oh,I drink ten beers, I'm like,
oh, you could have drank threeshots like a real man. What's
funny about this? Later in theinterview, his wife Bunny threw him under
the bus and said he couldn't drinkbeer because it makes his tummy hurt.

So apparently jelly rolls he has agluten analogy and never had beer, and
he admitted very few things are moreembarrassing than his wife saying publicly about his
tummy hurting. So jelly roll callsbeer men's version of wine. Now let's
say you do you agree with this, and you can go to our social

media at What's on Tap Radio,Facebook, x, Instagram, and TikTok,
or reach out to us at What'son Tap Radio at gmail dot com.
But interesting words there, So whatis I'm trying to understand his point?
Is he saying that everyone should justbe drinking hard liquor? Pretty much?
Okay, if you're sitting around drinkingbeer like women drink wine, why
don't you be a man and takeshots? Says the guy who was addicted

to drugs and ended up in prison. And now he's got who has by
the way, who has more tattooshim? Or post malone? You know,
he's so funny when you before youeven finish that sentence, I thought
you were gonna say, he's gottasay post molon. It's gotta say post
alone. There you go post alone. I don't know. It's a good
question. They both have a lotof facial tattoos. But uh yeah,

he's come through, he's battled hisaddictions and he's very successful. And uh
yeah, he came out. I'mnot, like I said, I'm not
sure when this interview aired or youdon't know where it was, but uh
yeah, I was just doing somedigging and came across. I was like,
wait a minute, that's interesting.But maybe there's people out there that
agree with him. I don't know. I don't know. Well, the
thing about him is he's kind ofthe common man man's but yet correct me

if I'm wrong. I mean,I don't don't think he drinks at all.
I don't think he does. Ithink he's he's free and clear,
Bible Jay sober as a judge,as they used to say. But I
like to think that Jelly Roll,who's he's a big boy. He's a
large statuted individual, and you knowhe he he stands out. It looks

like the kind of guy that knowshow to throw down and knows how to
party. And I like to think, could you ever see a golf club
in that guy's hands out there onthe course with maybe some like Stuart Payne,
Stewart Nickers and a little cute capand golfing. It's very odd because
when you think of golf, that'sthe last thing you think about partian.

But somehow in the last I don'tknow how long because I don't really watch
golf, but now partying is associatedwith golf. Well it's we've talked about
this before the Waste Management Phoenix opened, and it's coming back. It's it's
gonna happen, and uh, thisis pretty odd awesome. It is known
for really three things. It's gota party like atmosphere, drunk fans egging

on their favorite pros, and beerballs. Now I know what you're thinking.
What is a beer ball? Like? Maybe you're old enough to remember
the party ball that you could getfrom bud Light. The bud Light party
ball had like five gallons of beerin it and you can buy that from
the party store. Oh yeah,those are good times. But these are
different because they're at the Waste ManagementPhoenix open where, by the way,

when you hit an amazing shot,just expect to see beer cups go flying
and people just cheering and hollering,and you may even look over and see
Jelly roll because that's his kind ofparty. I'm sure he'd fit right in
there. Your typical pressed shirt andproper etiquette golf clap atmosphere that you would

expect to see at a golf event, At a professional golf event, not
the waste management Phoenix open. No, no, no, no, this
is a party. So what arethese beer balls, ladies and gentlemen.
These are golf balls wrapped in cash, and then they are distributed to spectators.

Now you might be wondering, howis this done? Well, Golfer
Ryan Palmer already prepping up his golfballs or his beer balls. He's taking
his golf balls, autographing them andputting the slogan on cheers, and he's
wrapping a ten dollars bill around itwith a rubber band. And when he
gets to the sixteenth hole, he'sgonna start throwing him into the stands for

people to go buy more beer.That's my new favorite golfer right there,
unless somebody else is doing it ona different hole than that would be my
favorite golfer. But the forty sevenyear old he is all ready to go
for the waste management, Phoenix open, and he's gonna make a few new
friends. I'm sure this right ofpassage here began in twenty fifteen, when

Palmer started to throw bills into thestands. Oh, I love this guy.
I love this He threw him inthe stands on the par three sixteenth,
and well the word got out.He is he keeps the spirit of
this thing going, saying again withcheers. He writes cheers on it.
And the money he knows he's goingto be used to buy beer. This

is fun here, it says.The Colosseum stands if they can handle it.
We're gonna find out soon enough,because the place gets really rowdy.
I mean it gets rambunctious, itgets rowdy, it gets nuts, and
this guy is gonna help fuel thefire. I like this guy. I
don't know a lot about him,but I'm a fan. I'm actually thinking

about getting a picture of him withhis beer balls. And that sounds really
weird. That did not come outthe way I intended that to sound.
James, Yes, I want apicture of this man and his beer balls
hanging on my wall. It's notwhat it sounds like. Chad's twenty twenty
four and we don't judge unless it'sa Hold my beer and wash this which
is coming up next hour. Allthis and so much more. Hang with

us. You don't want to missan ounce of it. We'll be right
back. Craft beer, it's notalcoholisms, it's a hobby. This is
what's on tap radio, Hold mybeer and watch this, brought to you
by your friends at Ringing All thetenacin insurance group located in Grand Rapids,

Michigan, and Holland along the LakeShore RTI Grand Rapids RTI Grand Rapids dot
Com. All right, I'll renumbertwo. What's on tap radio starts now.

I want to put a disclaimer onthis. What's the disclaimer this song
or song title? Maybe you makequalify for the lamest song type in the
history of song kitess why's that?Yeah, because that's what every kid imagines

growing up. Yeah. Hey,it's hip to be square, man,
it is. I mean, it'sbetter than being a rectangle, no,
or triangle. It it's cool.Just I'm sorry, man, I just
I was I was in I wasin elementary school or middle school. I

think I was middle school when thissong came out. Yeah, because this
was after the Sports album and uhyeah, I was in middle school and
this thing came out. It waslike, what kid ever said, Yeah,
it's so hip to be a square. No, nobody ever said that.
But I'll tell you what it is. Hip is whenever Prince is supposed

to show up for We Are theWorld, because we're sprinkling in we Are
the World fun facts. Not surehow we got into it. Our whole
production meeting was about some documentary andso here we are we we decided to
sprinkle or pepper in some fun factsabout we Are the World, and so
Huey lo chat, what are welearning? He had a he had a

solo on on the on the songon the record, but that was not
the original plan. They were tryingto get prints there and they had a
solo lined up for Prince and nobodyknew if he was coming. Nobody knew
if he was coming, and finallySheila E said He's not coming, and
they were like, well, weneed somebody to sing. Who's who's going
to sing it? And Huey Lewisgot the nod. Huey Lewis ended up

singing a solo on We Are theWorld because Prince didn't show up. You
want to know where Prince was whilethis is all going down. He was
at a Mexican food restaurant. Yeah, he was at a Mexican food restaurant.
And people believe that because of hisrivalry with Michael jack that's why he

was a no show. There's alot of theories of why he wasn't there.
That was brought up in the documentarytoo, because for best record,
it was down to when Doves Cryand Michael Jackson's Thriller, and when Doves
Cry won, Prince won. Soyou think, all right, he won,
might as well show up. Theystill wanted him there. I don't

think Michael would have minded. Idon't know, But like I said,
we're just bringing this show is notabout We Are the World, the making
of Wheel of the World. It'sabout step It's about like stuff like this,
hold my beer and watch this broughtto you by the ring meld of
ten Hacen Insurance Group, where they'llcover you for just about everything except this,

although we will continue peppering these inthroughout the show. But uh oh,
I want to People may have noticedthat Bill is not hanging out in
the studio with Chad this week wesit Bill out on assignments and maybe he'll
be back next week. That andalso is that Chad's been on a diet,
not voluntarily, No, just incase it wasn't food poisoning and it

was some sort of a stomach bug. I didn't want anybody around me,
so I just like, you knowwhat, I'm gonna empty out the studio,
and I was just gonna mention,I'm still sipping on this beer and
I'm doing pretty good. I don'tknow if I'm gonna crack a second one.
Yeah, Chad's been taking it reallyliked this week. Usually around this
time, he's probably on beer numberfive or six. No, I'm not.

Usually Bill and I are on ourthird or fourth, but I'm on
my second usually and I haven't evendrank half of this, so that's okay.
I'm taking it. I'm drinking alittle slow over here. I am
continuing to consume my Sirra Nevada nonAlcoholic Trail pass India pale Ale. You
know some people they shouldn't be drinking. They shouldn't be drinking, maybe sticking
to non alcoholic beverages like you knowthis trail pass ipa is what this subject

should have done. This almost soundslike a setup to a joke, Chad,
but it's pretty real. So anaked woman walks into a convenience store
armed with a potato peeler on Sunday. And this happened in Take your guest,
Chad, Florida. Damn right itdid. And it wasn't Idaho.

No, this was not in Nebraska. This was in Florida. And yes,
she was very, very intoxicated.She was thirty five years old.
Her name is Celia Barrett and shewalks into a store in Saint Petersburg one
Sunday evening and started yelling about gettingkicked out of the same store the day
earlier. Apparently she didn't get themessage that hey, we don't want you

to coming back. But you know, she got kicked out the store,
went home, thought about it,got that rage built up. She's like,
you know what, I'm gonna goback and I'm gonna show them and
I'm gonna do this naked. Well, she threatened two workers with the peeler,
and she says she was going tokill one of them whoa with the

peeler. If that's been possible tobe killed with a potato peeler. Yeah,
I don't know if that's ever beenHas anybody ever been murdered by a
potato peeler? Was that ever?Was that ever? In clue? Oh?
He was killed in the uh,in the convenience store with a potato
peeler and in the lobby with thepotato peeler. Colonel Mustard did it in

the lobby of the Comea's store orin the lobby of the store with a
potato with a potato pillar. Well, she also while in the process of
all this going down, she toppleda display of red bulls and tore open
a carton of cigarettes, spilling themall over the floor. And a ploye
called the cops, and she wasstill fully naked when they arrived. And
uh, kids, ear muffs,give you a second, Okay, I

got the ear muffs on. Okay. Uh, she's began to pleasure herself
in front of the officers, WHOAyeah, hopefully not with the peeler.
Though hopefully not with the peeler.She told them that she had about six
shots of liquor that day, andshe didn't know how many beers, but
she had a few beers. Andshe's facing charges of aggravated assault, disorally

intoxication, trespassing, criminal mischief,and in decent exposure. So you hold
my beer and watch this. Thisweek, a naked woman walks into a
convenience store armed with a potato peeler, And yes, that does sound like
a setup of a joke, butno, this really happened in Saint Petersburg,
Florida. And that has been yourmy beer and watched this brought to
you by Renaldo Tenek and Insurance Group, where they're probably shaking their head with

yeah, I know. I'm like, I gotta talk to my buddy Clonder.
Listen. I can't. I don'tknow what's going on in Florida.
I we don't. I can't makewe don't have this stuff. It just
exists. By the way, Ijust did a little research here. Yeah,
potato, It says right here potatopeelers can be fatal. And then

there's a story here out of theUK man who murdered flatmate with a potato
peeler. Well, there you go, so it is a deadly weapon,
and so there you go. Maybeshe saw that story and it's like,
you know what, I don't havea gun or a knife, but I
do have this potato peeler. I'mgonna go tell them I'm aggravated about them
kicking me out the day earlier.But that is your home. My parent
watched this. I said, folks, we can't make this stuff up.

All right, we have got totake a break. Oh my gosh,
We've got still so much to getto. Joe Biden's in the news.
We gotta talk about Joe Biden andMiller lte they're getting in with the super
Bowl. We'll talk about with whatthey have going on, and liking Googles
in the news. We'll talk aboutthat. All this is so much more.
We'll be right back. And theteacher said, no, Bobby,
there's no such time as bureau clock. Fire that teacher. This is what's

on Taperdio always liked this song,Linel Richie, welcome back to We Are

the World the Inside to Scoop onTop Radio. By the way, you
know what we should have done,though we did screw this up. Well
that's basically every show we somehow screwup something. Well, somebody may have
wanted to watch the documentary and wenever once said spoiler. Well, we're

kind of giving you previews of whatto expect when you watch the documentary.
We're giving you all the show.We're literally giving you the whole thing.
For example, for example, Chad, did you know that my Madonna was
not invited? Apparently some of theorganizers felt that she wasn't good enough,
she was not a good enough singer, so they went with Cindy Lapper instead,

and sources said it broke Madonna's heartand Cindy Lapper almost backed out because
it was recorded right after the AmericanMusic Awards and Cindy Lauper performed on stage
and then went backstage and says,I don't think I'm gonna go. My
boyfriend doesn't think it's gonna be ahit O. And Lionel's like, you

need to think about this and bevery careful about what you decide. Yeah,
I wonder how that relationship ended.Yeah, I don't know that he's
a seacher anymore. We're just givingyou a little, you know, teasers
of what the documentary is about.So anyways, let's talk about let's talk

about some beer I want. Yeah, I was so old. Did you
say you were gonna crack open?Are you crack open a beer? My
last day beer from the fridge hereat Studio S Broadcasting on the west side
of town. Whole month of January, I was doing the Dry January and
I have some beers left over,and I decided, since I'm not gonna
drink these hanging out with you know, Brian Holsen or neighbor Vic or neighbor

Chris or some name drops right there, I decided, you know what,
I'll just go ahead and consume himon the show since we have some listeners
out there that do consume and abeer's on a regular basis. So my
last brew I'm bringing, uh maybefor maybe not for the last time this
year. I may bring it lateron this year, but just for the
time being, I'm gonna go withthe original athletic brewing Company, Run Wild

IPA my last n a beer,the run Wild India pale Al Athletic Brewing
Company, which is on track tobe probably the most successful. If they
are not yet in a craft brewer, they are by far the most successful.
Oh, and non alcoholic craft brewsmells bad. Oh oh, James

James is making faces. No,he really is. He's not faking this,
this is real. He's do youget is it old? Yeah?
Ta's old. Oh is there adata on the can? Good question.
Check it out, James. We'redoing some investigating. Sixty five calories,
zero percent, and I'll call itby volume. Oh, yep, there

is packaged March ninth, twenty twentythree. Yeah, there it is.
And I bought this at a localretailer. That's the beginning of dry January.
Hold on as a mixer sixer.I bought it as a mixer sixer,
and yeah, this is skunky.This is a public service announcement for

you, your friends at What's onTap Radio, learn from James mistake,
especially when you're buying the single cansfrom the shelf. Always always, always,
always check the dates, especially onIPA's Yeah, no bitterness whatsoever.
Oh yeah, oh, I guessyou're gonna be dumping that. Uh yeah

that Wow. That's not a goodway to end my dry January for February.
Yeah, okay, it's normally prettysold IPA, but in this case
they took the old feather dester anddusted it off in here. I was,
yeah, in a hurry, becauseI was in a hurry, and
I just picked random six I gets. But I won't buy an IPA unless

I'm positive it's fresh or I canread the date. If I can't read
the date, it's pretty much ano go. But I mean, like
if celebration al came out from SierraNevada. By the way, those have
dates on them. But a celebrationalefrom Sierra Nevada came out and I know
it's seasonal and I'm and I'm inseason I'm gonna buy it. But any
other I PA that's year round.If I can't, if there's no date

on it, forget it, notdoing it. We've talked about this.
I am really upset right now.Crimes against beer right there, folks,
that's one of the crimes. Wetalked about it. Go check out our
podcast brought to you by Cast Brandinglast week. We did talk about that.
Speaking of crimes against beer, Iwant to bring this up here.
I know you're all been following theorgan beer scene very very closely because the

task force out there now, whichhas been launched, a twenty person panel.
They want to raise taxes on beerand organ so I can watch what's
going on in the organ or organbeer tax laws. Yeah, well,
this one's kind of interesting. Butan organ task force has many members on
there again, it's twenty person taskforce wanting to raise money through increased taxes

on beer, wine and spirits torepair the insufficient This is their words,
they're very poor addiction support and treatmentprograms. In other words, they're saying
that the residents of Oregon have ahigher than normal addiction rate to alcohol and

a very high cost associate for thestate, a five billion dollar price tag
alcohol costs them. And that's alcoholrelated illness, car crashes, and loss
of productivity. And so they formedthe Alcohol Pricing and Addiction Services Task Force
or APAASTF. We're very familiar withthem. Right, do you apply for

that job? Do you fill outan application? How does one become a
task force agent? The Alcohol Pricingand Addiction Service Task Force? How does
one become one of those agents?I don't know. I'm not sure.
You probably got to be deep intopolitics and not care about business because brewers
and sighteries and wineries are saying youcould not be sending a tax hike on

us. At a worse time,beer consumption is down overall five percent nationally.
And check this out. I didnot know this. Beer is the
third largest revenue generator for the stateof Oregon. I did not know that,
and for the first time, andI don't know how long, last

year twenty twenty three, more breweriesclosed in Oregon than opened. That's very
telling for a state that was knownas having vana, the perfect beer centric
Portland organ the place to go forcraft beer. But more breweries closed than
open an organ last year. Andthe last attempt to try and pass the

tax would have raised the tax onbarrels of beer in Oregon from two dollars
and sixty cents to seventy dollars fora barrel of beer. So, needless
to say, brewers very upset.Basically, in case you're wondering what that
does, it basically says, forevery keg of beer that goes out,

the full sized keg, it's adollar thirty and they wanted to raise it
to forty five dollars. So anyway, we'll be watching that scene. But
if you're listening in orgon knock itoff. If you're wondering why you're spinning
eleven ninety nine for a six packof beer these days, well there's her
answer. Yeah, beer price isgoing up stuff like that. So let's

switch gears for a second. I'llnever understand why people like Chad do this,
but why in God's name do peoplewear or insist on wearing shorts during
the winter. Never understood that becauseit's comfortable, but it's you know,
five degrees outside and you're walking aroundwith shorts on. But apparently Line of
Google's jumping on this trend because theWisconsin based brewery Line of Google hopes it's

new heated shorts will optimize the quirkypractice once described as and I quote both
ridiculous and rebellious, crackpot and courageous, kind of a middle finger at both
the men and winter. So onsale soon. They're going for fifty dollars
a pair, and they are alimited edition Lenny's shorts or Laney Shorts,

I guess. And they have aheating elements powered by a rechargeable battery in
the legs, an external bottle holster, and a cheerful lemon print to celebrate
the return of the brewers seasonal citrusspiked summer shandy inspired by those who bear
their calves in the winter, liningGoogle's hopes, and they want to ensure

that the hardy foe could keep thissummer vibe going year round with it a
warm bods and cold beers. SoLine of Google is selling heated shorts with
a beer holster to encourage a pantsfree winter. So again this comes from
Line and Google, who's owned byMiller, which means this product doesn't exist.
Just putting that out there. Soyou're like, hey, I want

some heated shorts. Well you cantry to log onto dot com and so
you get yourself a pair of butchances are probably not. I just thought
I'll throw that out there. Okay, let's take a break, Chad,
let's come back in talk about somebrewery closures. All this is so much
more hanging with us. We'll beright back. On average, humans walk
nine hundred miles per year, enteringtwenty two gallons of beer, which means

the average human gets forty one milesper gallon. Not Ben, What's on
tap Radio continues, Right, We'vegot more fun facts here about the making

of We Are the World. Wewant to thank our friends over at Superior
Pest Control for sending the next storyI'm about to talk about. Before we
get into that, have you everwondered how they are able to get all
these huge stars together at once?Have you ever wondered about that, like,
how were they able to get allthese massive pop stars together all in

one place? Like what were theyall doing on that night where they could
coordinate and get everybody there at thesame time. Well, how they were
able to do that? As theyrecorded it after the nineteen eighty five American
Music Awards, So after the awardsceremony they were able to get all the

huge stars together to perform. Sothere you go, a little extra fun
fact for you on this episode ofWe're making of We Are the World.
Just kidding. Yeah, no,I don't know. Our production meeting,
we were supposed to be talking aboutwhat was on the one sheet, but
we decided to take the meeting anddiscuss the documentary that just came out,

very good documentary, and so uh, well we'll springland one more fun fact
coming up. But Chad, whohad got food poisoning. I thought he's
gonna be drinking pedia light throughout theentire show. He's on number was gonna
make it. But here he ison beer number two. I I I,
yeah, I took my time,and I actually feel great. And
I saw what you did. You'recleaning out your fridge. I went to

get another beer, and I sawI had one of these left, and
I said, yep, we're gonnatake it down in the spirit of James
Simpson, who had one non alcoholicbeer left, which turned out to be
a dream. Poor Yeah, Iknow, uh, just one thought.
I had one Christmas aale left fromBells Brewery as Scotch ail. I'm like,
Okay, that's gonna hold up.That'll be fine. We'll drink it

before it You know, it's ayear because the beer I'm drinking is brewed
packaged well over a year ago.Did not know that when I bought it.
I love it. Yeah, sevenand a half percent Scotch ale from
Bells Brewery. The Christmas ale,which, by the way, I find
that interesting about Bells in their Christmasaales. I know we're not really supposed
to be talking about that now becauseit is February. We're supposed to be

talking about summer pills. But rightthe summer season is already coming out,
that's right. And by the way, next week pumpkin ales in Octoberfest.
But yeah, Christmas ale. MostChristmas ales are spice beers. Not so
with Bells. They did the Scotchaale. You can't get I'm not mad
at that, No, not atall. It's delicious. Mahogany color,

very deep, deep ruby red,almost brown, multi nose, a little
sweetness. It tastes old, No, tastes amazing. It's amazing. Chad's
able to hold it down. Hehasn't thrown up once. I am,
you know, I'm just pumping thebrakes, taking it easy, getting my
stomach back. Food poisoning is veryserious, man. I don't screw around

with that. But then again,I don't have a choice. Oh when
it gets you, man, itgets you hard. It's awful, all
right. I want to plug oursocial that's at what's on tap radio on
Facebook x, Instagram, TikTok andget ahold of the show. You want
to email us, you can doso at what's on tap rate at gmail
dot com. That's at What's onTaprido at gmail dot com. Like our

good friends over at Superior Pest Control, continuing to send as stories after stories,
and uh, we got a goodone this week. We got a
new SoundBite. I'm always looking fornew sound bites. Love a good SoundBite
to put it on the board.Here. This this, this actually did
come up in the production meeting becausewe kept saying it reminded us of the
saying, Hey, if you putthat on the radio, people will listen

to that on the radio. Itwill so. Grandpa Biden gave a speech
at earth Writer Brewery It's a SuperiorWisconsin, where he toued out his economic
record, ak Biden nomics and thesuccess of his bipartisan infrastructure legislation, and

a bid to short up as supportfor his twenty twenty four re election bid.
However, online onlookers were distracted fromthe economic talking points by an extended
gaff Biden made about the brewery andit's beer. So part way through his
remarks he appeared to mumble, herewe go, cut five beer brood here

it is used to make the brewbeard. In his final ooh, earth
writer, thanks for the great lakes. I wonder what the hell did he
just say? Well, it's agood thing. I have a trans his
transcribe here the beer brood here isused to make the brew beard. Here.
While most of the sentence was unintelligible, he seemed to add, oh,

earth Writer, thanks for the greatlakes. I wonder why the beer
here it is used to make theprove beard his fine Ooh earth Rider,
thanks for the great Lakes. Iwonder so yeah, he trailed off as
the audience laughter drowned him out throughIt seemed unclear what exactly they were laughing
at, but X users didn't getthe joke. Conservative influencer Coln Rogue posted,

just in, President Biden sounds likehe's speaking a different language while giving
a speech at the earth Writer Breweryand Superior, Wisconsin. Don't worry.
The media has assured us that heis sharper than ever. And then he
provided his own trans and then heprovided his own translation of the speech,
adding the beer brood here is usedto make the brood beer. During his
defined oh earth Rider, thanks forthe Great Lakes, Biden said, according

to his speech transcriber, so yeah, all right, Well, I like
a good sound bite, and wegot a good one that I'll be playing
throughout the years. All right,Well, speaking of soundbites, I'm gonna
go ahead and just tell you thisright now. This one's We've been sitting
on this for a while, butyou've asked for it, and we're going
to talk about it. We've gotsome information and we got the black blew

up yep, here we go,folks. A recent announcement from CEO William
McLucas of Buffalo by You Brewing Companysays our best years are before us or
yet to come. Rather is whathe said, and why would he be
saying that? Well. Buffalo byYou Brewing Company in Houston, touted as
Houston's most creative brewery, has beenlocked out of its facility in Sawyer Yards

for non payment of rent. TheSawyer Yards owner John Deal served Buffalo by
You CEO William McLucas with notice ofdefault and locked them out. He said
he did. It was not astep he wanted to take, but he
had no other choice. Now.Buffalo by You has been in the media
in Houston with many other struggles andparticularly on social media, and it's been

documented on several different outlets, particularwith regard to defaulting on payments for their
investors using the Next Sea crowdfunding,as well as they're being sued by shareholders
alleging that mclucless committed fraud when acquiringthe business. And there's also another lawsuit
from a financial services company that allegesthat they are owed ninety four thousand dollars

for work performed between twenty twenty oneand twenty and twenty two. Now buff
brew doors are closed, but theCEO says, don't worry, this is
temporary. We'll be back. Socialmedia had a heyday with this and we
have been getting hit up now.Just for those of you who don't know
Buffalo Byue Brewing Company, they wereone of the oldest breweries in Houston and

partnered with What's on Tapp Radio fora long time out seven years and seven
seven years. Yeah, we werepartners with film YEP. They helped bring
this show to life each and everyweek, help us make sure that we
could broadcast, and certainly grateful forthat. But James, how do you
I mean, you've been getting moreemails than I have, Well, not

email, I mean people just textme and text me because you know,
they reached out to me going,hey, you must know the inside scoop.
You and Chad longtime partnership with theBuffalo Byry Brewing Company. You guys
must know the inside scoop. AndI'll be honest with you, I don't
know any more than what you know. We hadn't had a partnership with the
Buffalo BYU and probably about a yearand a half, maybe two years.

Everybody that we had partnership with overat Buffalo BYU has since moved on.
Every single person, every single Yep. I don't know. I don't think
I know a single person that worksat Buffalo Balue Brewing Company anymore. And
so people were hitting me up andI'll be honest with you, I don't
know, and they're like, oh, you're lying. But the truth of

this, I haven't even been tothe brewery in about a year, probably
since I think we did our lastshow there, which probably well over a
year and a half, almost twoyears ago. It was actually right before
I moved. Yeah, And sowhen everybody you know went their separate ways,
we went our separate way. Andthat's how it was. And so
when we got the news of themclosing, I learned when you guys learned,

So stop texting me because I don'tknow any more than you do.
So here's what I'm going to goahead and add to this. And this
is editorial. So pleased I am, I am, I am stating my
viewpoint on this. Okay. Whenthe brewery opened, it was supposed to
be according to one source inside thebrewery who I was close to At the

time, it was supposed to bea I believe it was supposed to be
an eighteen million dollar venture. Itended up being a twenty one million dollar
venture. They found creative ways toget financing and investors, and they had
very aggressive growth plans. I amnot going to say that the market has

dictated what has happened, but certainlyCOVID didn't help. But I know that
they receive some assistance from the PPPprogram through COVID. That's the to help
pay their employees. So there wasa lot of pay that the PPP Payroll
Protection Program. A lot of thathappened. But I have no idea,

Like James says, I don't havethe inside scoop on this, but I
can tell you right now, whenyou go into a venture that big,
with that much capital and that muchexpense, that's a tough ship to keep
afloat in a down economy. Butif any news does develop, we will
bring it to you. But I'msaying I'm learning just as fast as you
guys are. Okay, so sendus your comments. We'll we'll try and

respond. But other than that,we do not have the scoop. No,
we just know what you know.So all right, coming up to
the last segment, we got totalk about Middle Light and their Super Bowl
plans. All this is so muchmore. Hang with us for one more.
We'll be right back. Beer hashops hops or plants. Plants make
salid So beer is sound? Whatyou know? How we do it?

Yeah? What's on Tap Radio?James and Chad talking about beer. Jadrick
Burne Company proud sponsors What's on TapRadio. We want to thank them for
joining us on the program each andevery week and make it possible for us
to bring you this fine radio program. You ever see me, the Chad
Pilbeam, the beer Logic guy hangingout there, stop in for free.

What's on Tap Radio? High fivelast segment of What's on Tap Radio for
this week starts now dropping mad funfacts all episode out the making of We

Are the World. I got onemore, but here's another unofficial fun fact.
This was my high school graduating classsong. Tell us high School class
of nineteen ninety nine. This wasour class song, party like it's ninety
nine nine, because you know Igraduated ninety nine nine, so fits.
But this segment, I honestly thoughtyou were saying that that we are the

World was your class No no,no, no no. I was like,
dude, that is such a nono party like this nineteen nine nine
Prince was my graduating class song fromDulles High School in nineteen ninety nine.
We've been, like I said,talking about fun facts about the making of
Wheel of the World since our productionmeeting got overtaken by fun facts. But

real quick, let's drop one morebefore we get into the last news of
the week. But Bob Dylan almosthad a nervous breakdown. He got all
stressed out trying to figure out howto sing his part when all they wanted
was him to sound like Bob Dylan. That's all they wanted. That's all
they wanted. Now how did theyget him to do it? Do you

know? Because I saw the documentary? So Chad, we have to stop
there because we have to give thema reason to watch the documentary. Oh
my gosh. Okay, So that'sthat's their little tea. So if you
find out you want to find outwhy, you gotta go watch the documentary.
All right, this segment brought toyou wonder That's all I'm gonna say.
This segment brought to you by ourfriends over at Tantrik Brewing Company.

Yes, Tantik Brewing Company where Igotta tell you they Uh, what's what's
the singing competition in America's got talent? The voice? Yeah? Actually no,
the voice, yeah, add thealigant voice. Yes, believe it
or not, Aligant Voice tournament isactually, Uh, they have a singing
competition that goes on there and thenyou go and compete in the next round

in West Michigan. It's pretty cool. And uh, Denver, who's the
lead bartender over there? She is. She's got a fantastic voice, great
karaoke, knows how to sing,she's got some pipes. But she also
knows how to offer up great customerservice and also serving up great beer.
Tantrik Brewing Company, Algan, Michigan. Also, don't be afraid to ask

her for a joke. She alwayshas a new joke every day. That
Denver. I know Tantrick Brewing Companydot com. So some news to get
to before we get out of here. I got an update on the woke
free beer we've been talking about ultraconservative. Yes, it's about about nine
months since they've spring in action.The conservative criticism of Bud Light's trans marketing

campaign, while they came out withtheir own the Woke Free American Beer put
out by owner Seth Weathers, andhe originally contracted with a brewery and Lawrenceville
now uses a larger one in Lakelandof Florida. But they're selling the beers
online. They're selling the beers online, so people been going to his websites

and ordering beers. However, nowadaysthese would be customers are heading to a
different website, the Better Business Bureau. They're filing complaints that they have paid
Weathers for the beer but has neverarrived. You know, when you go
to the Better Business Bureau website,it's generally not to say I love these

guys, they're the best. Ijust wanted to drop a line saying how
they are doing a fantastic job.Yeah. The company currently has an F
rating with THEBBB out Yeah. Oneperson quoted saying, I don't care what
the product or ideology you're doing.This is horrible customer service. Apparently one
of the customer's wife S has placedthe order last September and a limited edition

Conservative Dad's Revenge six pack with DonaldTrump's mugshot on the label. Four months
later, still no beer, andthe only response they have received came with
a generic email offering refunds. Butit's so damn frustrating that nobody responds to
you. This is supposed to bea business. Someone complained on x When

the news outlet reached out to Weathersabout this, what's going on, he
said that, well, this isa four person company and they're overwhelmed with
orders and no one bothered to payattention to the BBB complaints before they ordered.
Apparently it's been going on for awhile. But since it's a four
man operation and the demand is morethan the supply, but someone doesn't went

their beer at this time, they'lloffer them a full refund. They're doing
the best they can to put thecans out there and get as fast as
they can. But the company youhave scored an f with the BBB.
Customers are furious also because they've beenordering merch hoodies, shirts, hats all
that still haven't come in. Soyeah, yeah, that happened with another

brewery and it was one it wasby It was a bunch of brewers who
were trying to raise money for blackcolleges, that's right. Yeah, And
they put out hoodies and stuff likethat too and never delivered. Yeah,
yep, yeah, they took themoney. And I don't know if the
money ever made made it to theblack colleges that they were trying to raise

money. I doubt it did.I don't think. So there's your update.
The Woke Free Beer venture in Georgiaearns an f rating with the EBB.
So if you you know, Ithought yourself, Hey, I want
to get my hands on this,this commemorative beer. Yeah, you might
want to check the BBB before youdo so, so yeah, maybe,

yeah, before you hand it overit anyway, all right, super Bowl,
Big Game. I know I can'twait for the commercials my favorite part,
and I know it's seven million dollarsfor thirty second spot. Yeah a
lot. If you're looking for Heineken, you won't see it. And if
you're looking for Miller Light, you'renot going to see. If you're allowed
for cores like oh they're bringing thetrain back, but you're not going to

see a Miller like commercial. No, no, forging a big game spot
in the Big Game that's gonna runyou about seven million dollars thirty seconds A
lot of money at them. That'swhy we couldn't. That's why we couldn't
afford to put a spot in thesuper Bowl. That's right, What's on
Tap Radio the unofficial official beer radioshow sponsor of the Big Game. We

were gonna put a spot out there, but we were about seven million dollars
short. We were. By theway, if you want to sponsor the
show, reach out to us.What's on Tapperradio gmail dot com. Anyway,
we were. There are a thousandpeople, though that they're counting on
is helping them promote their brand becausenobody really yeah Miller Lite, Okay,
yeah, thousand people. I mean, if they can get a thousand people

to help them, I think it'llreally help their sales take off. Because
Miller Light, nobody really knows whothey are. They're kind of struggling.
That's not a really well known sarcasm, folks. Sarcasm. Yeah, that's
right. But I have a feelingthis is just a hunch that the thousand
people who get this item may actuallyget it, unlike all the other Miller

Lite items which they advertise. Butwhat they are doing is they are tasking
one thousand QR code wearing fans toembark on a beer run on the big
game day and help get some beermoney. What now, how's this gonna
work? I'm not exactly sure,but this is kind of cool. So
Miller, like, instead of runninga beer commercial, is going to have

a thousand football fans and they're goingto wear this shirt that's got a QR
code on it. I believe that'show it is. They're going to go
on a run and there's a thousandpeople they're going to serve as the official
brand ambassador, and they're gonna goon this whole big marketing deep dive and
consumers that starting on February first,which will have been able to sign up

online to receive the Miller game timejersey, which was a couple of a
couple of days ago. See betterhurry right right, yes, yeah,
yeah, it hasn't sold out already. And then you can wear this while
you're going out during the commercial breaksor you know, whenever, wherever,
whenever you decide to step out,go get more beer. I don't know
people that leave in the middle ofthe game and go get more beer,

but whatever. Yes, but ifyou do these jerseys, what you're gonna
be offered to a thousand customers canbe scanned for a chance to win beer
money. I like that. That'skind of fun. That's fun, all
right. Yes, they've teamed upwith the lead beer runner, who is
actor and comedian Rob Wriggle, andhe's gonna be participating in it. This

is a different move for them,high stakes beer move. But Miller Lite
joining. As I said, Heineken, who will be foregoing their spots this
year, but be looking for thatcors Light Train and a thousand beer advocates
out there. I teach marketing andjournalism, and I feel like this is
a new way of marketing and we'regonna see a lot more of this in
the future. I feel like withthe Core's light and Mirller Light, the

way they're doing marketing these days,you can start seeing more companies do that
in the future. So look outfor that. All right. We have
got to say goodbye. But beforewe do, let's tank our sponsors,
Chad. Let's thank our sponsor TantentBrewing, Superior Pest Control, Beer Logic,
conference Events, we Knowledge and ACInsurance Group, the Backyard Grill,
keeping the lights on, ye lookingon and off, Switch Harbor Light Brewing,

and of course sponsoring our podcast castbraining, so for mister bider logic
Chad pillbe Mian brewgrew Jamesons saying thanksforts to our fun facts about making the
We Are the World and other beerstories, but I would hope you would
join us for another action backed radioshow next week. Have a good week,
folks, cheers welcome. Still arenot dead again? Today the Internet

said I had passed away.
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