All Episodes

January 10, 2024 78 mins
First show of 2024! On tap this week: How long does it take for your body to recovery after a weekend of drinking?, Cheesy Bay Biscuits Beer and Blue Cheese Beer are a thing, A very cool Taylor Swift - Kenny Chesney story, Zach Bryan did a "Shoey,” Guinness cocktail terrifies beer fans, Would you drink a Doritos-flavored liquor? James gives Dry January a try. All this and so much more. Enjoy the show of 2024. Cheers!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Craft brewers and beer bars. Forall your promotional item needs. Check out
Cask Branding at cast Branding dot Com. Cast Branding dot Com. Give our
buddy Rodney Campbell a call, proudsponsor What's on Tap Radio Cast Branding dot
Com. This is about to begood radio. To me, a craft
brewer is much more of a mindset. We just opened to canvas. Spread

the gospel of good beer. Beer. Tons and tons of stuff going on
in the beer world. I lovecraft beer. I love different people's beers.
It's the first favorite. Cheers tooold us beer geeks and those new
to the craft. What's on taphigh five? This is what's on tap
radio beer and the culture that flowswith it. Pears Beer Guru James Simpson

and Beer Logics Chadpilbean. Yes,we are puffing up the gym. It's
all happening right now. Yeah,feet, they're stomping. We're going,

we're cracking. Open beers. Welcometo What's on Tap Radio, Brand new
year, brand new beers. We'regonna make some resolute No we're not.
We're not gonna resolve anything. Wedidn't resolve anything last year. The only
thing we figured out last year isthat. Yeah, last year kind of
sucked for beer. You're gonna getanything to check the one sheet, the

one she says in the first segment, we're gonna talk about our news resolutions.
Oh yeah, that's true. Wedid help boring that. I know
by the way, I know wealways do this, We're always due.
But I didn't like the idea inthe production meeting, you know why,
because you know what, twenty twentythree kind of pissed me off. Too
many breweries closed. I know wedid see some breweries close over the break.

We were out for the last afew weeks of December, you know,
to get some R and R,and unfortunately had some news of some
brewery closures, which we'll discuss ontoday's episode. But glad to be back.
I'm glad to be back. You'reglad to be back. Do we
do we even know how to dothis anymore? I mean, we were
on break for Soul. I waslike, it's funny, it's this button'
what's this button do here? It'sfunny? See Okay, yeah, okay,

I don't know what that one does, and it's funny. Whenever we
kick up the studio after a coupleof weeks. It takes a while for
it to warm up, and Iforgot to do that like hours ago,
So we might have some grimlins inthe machine. If we do, just
have some patience with us, we'llget through it. But yeah, excited
New year. See what this thisyear, this year has in store for

us. I was gonna say,the one sheet is packed, packed with
stories. And yeah, we're gonnabe kicking off the new year, as
I said, with some new beer. But we also want to thank everybody
who brought us to the dance andgot us into this New Year year,
because this is an important part ofthe show. We hear What's on Tap
Radio. Never want to take forgranted the fine sponsors of this program.

And not only do we have NewYear, New beer, but we have
a brand new sponsor of What's onTap Radio, which we are going to
be revealing. They're gonna help they'rehelping us keep the lights on. So
James being let's say things, PantrickBrewing, Superior Pest Control, You're a
Logic conference events, We knowed tennakAn Insurance Group, the Backyard Grill of

course, spatching our podcast cast,branding and brand new sponsor the show.
Haul's cough drops. That's not feelingwell. Apparently he went to the CBS
and they're like, hey, Igot I got twenty cents off a bag
here yea, and I'll mention youon the show and they're like, sent
off. The other bag goes nice, nice, good deal. I'm about

Harbor Light Brewing Company. Yes,helping us keep the lights on. Harbor
Light Brewing Company. Welcome to thepro, Welcome to the family, and
in studio stunt beer Lever, HarborLight Bill. Happy earlier James. Everyone,
I'm glad to be back on theradio. It is good. But

now James, we're four minutes inand it's time to crack open a beer.
James. I don't know how yourliver's doing after the new year,
but mine, I'm feeling well testedand well rested. So I'm gonna go
ahead and tell you what I thinkof twenty twenty three with this beer.
And I have no tasting notes onit because there are none, not on
untapped, not on the website.All right, what's the who's sponsoring this

segment? Oh? This segment broughtto you by our friends at the Backyard
Grill located on the northwest side ofHouston. Now the BYG, they've got
lots of beers, but they donot have this one from Abomination Brewery in
Connecticut. I can't believe, James, I can't even say the name of
the beer because the FCC won't letme. There's no way you can't say

that beer. What's the name ofit? It's literally spelled out on the
can in big bold letters, James, It's and Hey twenty twenty three too.
And there it is, dump,big old f bomb right on the
can. It's like they didn't like, Hey, she dumped it. Okay,
Yeah, we can't say on theradio, dude, Come on now,

I know, I know it's crazy. It's it's and Hey twenty twenty
three too, and there's aliens onit. Anyway, it's a set it
again, Chad. We're not apodcast. We're actually on terrestrial radio.
You can't. He's saying that,Man, it's a triple dry hopped IPA
coming in over nine percent. I'mgonna let you know what I think of

it. But hold on, ohbig nose, let's see, looks kind
of hazy. Looks like a hazyUh yeah, that's kind of murky.
It looks like orange juice here andlet's like it. Wow, what harbrolite

bell just he just that's a lotof hops, just a lot of hops.
Wow. That is drier than apopcorn fart. I mean that is
dry. Wow. That I meanthat gets you? Does the beer?
Does it taste fit the name?It's basically saying a big giant middle finger

in fu to twenty twenty three.That is kind of how I feel about
twenty twenty three. Yeah, twentytwenty three kind of pissed me off on
a lot of levels. But uh, all right, James, we gotta
get you and you're you're probably readyto get going. James, what are
you gonna crack open? I'm doingsomething new for the first time in the
history of this radio show and theten years we've been on going on eleven,
I've never done this bit. AndI've had listeners after listeners reach out

to us asking me if we've everdone this bit, and we've always said
no. But I figured, youknow what, let's just go ahead and
do it for the first time inthe history of the show. And I
am gonna do dry January on thisfine radio program. That's right, This
whole month of January. I ambringing in n a beer starting with this
week with the Spitzer Brewery Rodeo GoldenBrew. And this is that zero point

five percent alcoholic ABV. So Iguess there's a little bit of ABV in
there, but this is a nonalcoholic golden Ale and be going crack this
all right? You're struggling there fora little bit. Hey on, I
know you said you weren't feeling well, so have a drink. Well,
it looks good in the glass.How's it taste? Though? Let me

say this wig mm hmm. WellI shouldn't have had that cough drop an
hour ago because that I can't reallytaste all right? All right, hey
on, James, I want tohear. I want to hear a lot
more about this. A Rodeo GoldenBrew, Spitzer Brewing, non alcoholic brew.
That's how I kicked this segment off, Chad, turn it off with
the with a beer I can't say, And we're going to recap these beers.

Hey f twenty twenty three to two. This is brought to you by
our friends at the Backyard Girl.So much more coming up on this episode
of What's on Tap Radio. We'vegot new beer criminals that we're going to
be spotlighting. Fun facts coming up. And this is a jam pack,
brand new episode What's on Tap Radio. Don't go anywhere, We'll be right
back. This is What's on TapRadio. All right, We're still pumping

up the jam a little bit different. Welcome back once on tap Radio where
the FCC just called and they said, close call there, guys, really
close call the line there, Homie. First segment of the show here at
What's on Tap Radio, brought toyou here by our friends on the northwest

side of Houston, the Backyard Grill, home of over one hundred different beers
and great beer, great food selection. Check them out if you're ever in
the Houston area. And Brought tothe Table is our first segment. And
brought to the table James surprising everybodycall in an audible. By the way,
zero chance I'm gonna go ahead andsay this right now. Zero chance

that James and I bring the samebeer to the table this month. It's
the entire month of January. Soyeah, recapped the beer that you brought,
Chad. Well, so the beerI brought has a word in it
that the FCC won't allow us tosay on the radio from Abomination Brewery in
Connecticut. By the way, HarborLight Bill Stunt the beer Liver in studio

with us right now. He pointedout the date on this. This is
apparently canned in the first quarter oftwenty twenty three. So let me get
this straight. They already knew inthe first quarter of twenty twenty three that
last year was just gonna be theworst year ever. It was good,
well, no, the worst yearever was the year that we can't right,
right, But they already knew that. They already wrote twenty twenty three
off in Q one right exactly,and it's and it's and I'm not gonna

say it again, all right,it's the name of the beer is and
hey, f twenty twenty three totwo. And there's a big old demon
over planet Earth and there are abunch of et looking zombies and UFOs flying
over the planet like basically, screwthe planet, We're done, game over,

We're gonna let it go. AndI'm amazed that they were allowed to
write the word on there. Imean, it doesn't say F dash dash
dash. It is spelled out inbig bold letters right on there. I
remember when the F COVID beer cameout and they replaced the U with a
giant V from COVID, right,and they got around it with that.

But this spells it out not oncebut twice. And this is a triple
dry hopped India pale Al from AbominationBrewery in Connecticut nine point seven percent.
And Bill and I agree, verytasty, delicious beer held up very well.
And now that's what that's how wekick things off. And then you
really just kind of, yeah,threw a wrench in the old spoke there.

Radio first, this is what's ontape. Radio first. And I'm
not doing this because I'm under theweather. Because I am under the weather,
I'm getting over what's sinus affection,don't worry. I tested myself for
COVID. I'm negative, but Ithink I just came down with something.
So probably another reason why I shouldn'tbe consuming alcohol because I'm on medication.
But I decided to do something differentand go through the dry January. Because

we've had listeners after listeners over theyears ask us if we ever do any
NA segments. Yes, of coursewe talked about NA beers, but have
we ever dedicated the whole you know, a month like we do Flagship February
where we're in Flagship February, we'llbring classic beers to this show. But
this this year I decided, youknow what, why not spotlight some na

beers in this week. I kickedit off with the Rodeo beer from Spitzer
Brewing Shiner. And I'm gonna behonest with you. So I had a
cough drop about an hour ago,a Hall's cough drop in our production meeting,
and I figured, you know what, I'd probably be fine in an
hour. No, these things arelike thick. All I taste is cherry,

cherry and menthol. Yeah, mytholl. But the beer looks decent in
the in the glass, although tastingit it honestly, now again my taste
bud's a little shot up just becauseof the hall. Think but it's gonna
sinus infection and you've got Hauls onyour ballot. It tasted water down,
like a water down light beer.It's not good. Well, well,

all right, just so we're onthe record here because Special Brewery is probably
gonna be calling James. We knowthat when we taste and assessed beers,
we're not supposed to do so.After smoking a cigarette or eating bacon or
anything. I drink a lot ofwater too to clinch my palate. So
I thought I was in good shape, but apparently I still have a little

cherry. But I can still pickup notes on the beer, and it
does taste it really water down,but I get it. It smells like
a beer. It kind of tasteslike a beer, so I can see
this being refreshed. It is kindof a beer. It's non alcoholic.
It's near beer. In fact,they I got a can here somewhere.
I gotta find it here in mystudio. I don't know where it is,
but I have a can of nearbeer and it actually says near beer

on it, and it's the nonalcoholic beer. So all right, James,
good for you know what, forall of those out there, all
of our listeners who excited I'm doingthis for you guys. I know there
are a lot of non alcohol ofpeople who don't drink a lot of alcohol
or they like to stain completely,and they still listen to the show,
and we thank you listen. Wesometimes make jokes about non alcoholic beer,

but there is a definite market forit, and there's a niche for it.
And Dry January is a thirty oneday challenge to basically abstain from all
alcohol. And I think we sawa stat out there. It was reported
that I think it was eighty threepercent of all non alcoholic beer drinkers also
drink some alcohol on occasion. Bythe way, also eighty seven point six

percent of all statistics are made up, and that too is a statistic,
but don't quote me on that,but it is up there. But if
you're looking for fun facts, we'vegot those now. The official What's on
Tap Radio Fun Fact of the Week, brought to you by Who's ever checked?
Clear? This week? All right, class gathered around, gather around,
It's time to learn something that's right. All right, Well, this

kind of this is a fun funfact for me because I can relate to
this on so many levels from mycollege days and whenever I was broke as
a response a quote unquote responsible adult. But do you remember the movie,
the documentary The Beer Wars where therewas a woman who did a documentary on

the big beer industry and how theywere dominating squeezing out craft brewers. Great
documentary. It's pretty dated now,but it's still a good documentary to check
out, very very dated. Yes, well, when I went to that
movie, I saw in the movietheater you were not allowed to bring beer
into the movie theater, and soI smuggled beer in. So I had
cargo shorts and we had all kindsof beer. So as soon as the

lights went down and we just starteddrinking beer during the Beer Wars, and
everybody's looking at us, like,where'd you get the beer? It's like
we smuggled it in. Well,have you ever smuggled beer into an event?
Or alcohol into an event? Well, I'm this week's official What's on
Tap Radio fun Fact talks about atime whenever you didn't have to and it
takes us to the great beer cityof Milwaukee, home of the Milwaukee Brewers.

But before they were the brewers.James, what were they? The
Milwaukee Baseball Trivia SuDS on the spotthe SuDS, Yes right, yes,
yes, he said, Braves,folks, Yes, the Milwaukee Braves.
And yeah. In nineteen fifty three, the county built a stadium to lure
a major League based team, andthey successfully got the Milwaukee Braves. Now

the city's largest employers were brewers,and in order to lure people to come
to the games. They had acarry in policy. That's right, you
could bring in your own food.You could bring in your own beer and
went. Since most people worked atthe brewery, they got free beer.
They were walking in with cases ofit. And that was a good time

there at County Stadium to watch theBraves until nineteen sixty one when the county
said, hey, we could startcharging for beer in the stadium like other
people and make money. And theteam went, wait a minute, where's
the concession revenue go And they said, oh, it goes to the team
to buy players. And they went, yeah, we like this idea.
Well, the Committee for Beverage carryIns at County Stadium launched Operation six Pack

in a fight back against Oh yeah. They said no, no, no,
we're not doing that, and theygot eighty seven thousand signatures and stadium
attendance dropped twenty six percent when theyput in the ban on carriyons in nineteen
sixty one. Oh, not tomention the Milwaukee Braves. They fell from

second place to fourth place. Ohand also they weren't the Braves ironically they
were or sorry, they were theBraves then, and everybody's like, there's
nothing brave about keeping all the beerout of the stadium. But there they
were. They lost their they losttheir attendants, they lost their place in
the rankings, and they fought backwith Operation six Pack and the nineteen sixty

two it was repealed and everybody showedup at the stadium got a free six
pack of beer when they walked in, and it stayed that way until nineteen
seventy until, ironically, the teamwas changed to the Milwaukee Brewers. So
your official What's on Tap Radio funfact of the week is used to be
able to carry beer into County Stadiumfor the Milwaukee Braves, but when they

changed the name to the Milwaukee Brewers, ironically, you could not bring beer
into the stadium anymore. And that'syour official What's on Tap Radio fun fact
of the week. All Right,we gotta take a break, but on
tap this week we're gonna talk aboutblue cheese beer and cheesy biscuit beer.
What a time to be alive.Much We'll be right back. This is
What's on Tap Radio? Try carever have it losing? Speaking of f

twenty twenty three, we lost JimmyBuffett in twenty twenty three, but uh,
Chad was talking about the great stateof Wisconsin and is fun fact with
the Milwaukee Braves. So I figured, you know what, why not start
talking about some cheese stories. Wewill, Yes, yeah, cheese.
By the way, can I crackup on a beer because we're empty?

Gotta go ahead. I'm still drinkingmy Rodeo Spitzeer brewing non alcoholic beer.
Since I am participating in Dry January, now that means for the month of
January, I'm bringing in a beersto the show. Now, does that
mean I'm completely going dry? Probablynot. Just throw on the show.
Okay, all right, Well James, hey, listen. You don't have
a stunt beer liver like I do, So do me a favor. Pump

the brakes a little bit, takeit a little slower. Okay, this
point five percent beer? Who watchout? Yeah, if you started drinking
non alcoholic beer like a speed demon, I'm gonna get worried. But by
the way, all right, sothis is a beer that we're gonna crack
open. I brought this to theshow last year. I was completely skeptical.
It's from the same brewery, AbominationBrewery in Connecticut, and I saw

it on the shelf and I said, I'm gonna bring it again and see
if I like it. It's oneof those beers with ingredients that I said,
no way is this gonna work.This is from Abomination Brewery. Fog
nog like eggnog, but it's fognog double dry hopped double ipa with lactose
and holiday spices. And I waslike, there's no way this is gonna

be good. And I distinctly rememberwhen I had this last year, saying
to myself, this is one ofthe best beers I've ever had. It
was delicious, Well, I shouldsay, one of the best holiday beers
I've ever had. Now, watchBill's gonna pour it out. Then's gonna
look at the bottom of the canand say, hey, Chad, it's
the exact same beer you had lastyear. Because it's god here, let's

take a look. What does itsay? Is it last year's Please tell
me it's not eight three? Sowe're okay, all right? So it's
fresh, all right, It's freshand almost wow, smells like it smells
like lactose vanilla, almost vanilla andvanilla and holiday spices made o pine whoa

okay, lot sweeter than I thought. That's a lot sweeter and very very
aggressively spiced. We'll get back.I want to dig into this a little
bit. Wow, that's a palettewrecker that will actually wreck your palate.
James, you thought your hauls coughedwas gonna do it to you. Wow.
I don't know if we're gonna beable to taste anything except pine in.

I mean, take you know whatit tastes like. It tastes like
a candle. I hate to sayit. I don't love it. It
tastes wway one of those holiday candlessmell. Yeah, you mean the lack
of the one I got burning instudio right now. Bill. Oh,
you're gonna kill me, dude,you and your freaking hot dude. You
know what I'm gonna I have abrewery, make a beer that's not and

hey F twenty twenty three too.It's and hey F James and his candles
in his studio when he's beer drinkingin his halls too. I'm sorry money
doing, dude. You know Ilike candle Actually I don't really have a
candle light right now, but Ido have hauls that I ate about hour
ago. That's still kind of rickingmy palate. You have a sinus infection.

How would you know if you hada candle going. I can't smell
anything. I'm just saying, yeah, all right, I'm not sure I'm
loving this beer. This one mightbe tossed out of the student here in
just a little bit after a fewmore SIPs. But James, we were
talking about some unusual beers, right, It's a great time to be alive.

Bill Martin House are good friends outin Fort Worth, Texas. Love
those guys. They're always kind ofputting out some fun, innovative beers.
And this time they've put out aCheesy Bay Biscuits beer and it dropped in
the tap room for their Lobster Fest. Cheesy Bay Biscuits is at four point
two percent alcohol by volume, isbeer brood with cheese, garlic, butter,

onion, salt, parsley, andbis quick. I just want to
scream into the microphone as loud aspossible. No, right, pilch and
it's definitely gonna take your taste budsfor a ride and mix it with a
lobster pie for their regular seafood feastthat they had going on for their They
did this for a lobster Fest.But yeah, Martin House announced on their

Facebook page that they came out withtheir cheesy Bay Biscuits beer. You heard
that right, beer brood with cheese, garlic, butter, onion, salt,
parsley in bits quick. Now,I'm gonna go ahead and tell you
this right now. I looked thisup. Something was triggering in my brain.
We've been on the air now tenyears. Something bothered me about this
story was like, hasn't Martin Housedone a cheese beer before? Yep?

Twice they did a Fiery Crunchy CheesyBoy, which basically used Cheetos, so
the flame hot Cheetos based fire.And they also did one I know you'll
remember this one, the all cheesepopcorn tin beer, where they use cheesy
popcorn from a popcorn tin, youknow, the holiday popcorn. You get

the caramel, the cheese, andI guess the regular butter, right,
But this was the all cheese one, though it was not. They didn't
use the caramel or the uh yeah, or the white or the white cheddar.
No, no, no, wellactually it probably was the white cheddar.
In fact, yeah, cheddar socheese, cheese and cheese. So
so this is not a new thingfor Martin House. Nothing surprises me out

of this brewery anymore. Shout outto listener Larry. Hey, there's our
first name. Drop right there,listener Larry, who stopped by Martin House
and had the crustacean beer. Noword on whether or not he's bringing any
of it back to Michigan for me, but I thank him for checking in
and letting me know that that madea beer with shrimp or something like that.

And you know it's a funny thing. Ched My wife just made beef
stew using those same ingredients. Somebrewers. Ye, we had ourselves a
beer. I rather had the beefstew, I think. So. All
right, Well, speaking of that, let's keep this cheese train going.
So you know you got a sophisticatedpalette when you're reaching for a shot of

this. Dorito's flavored liquor is nowa thing that exists. Stop it right
now, listen. It used tobe something when we said, ladies and
gentlemen, we just put a manon the moon and we were like,
WHOA, that's amazing. Nobody eversaid, you know what, that's a

little too far. Let's we shouldhave stopped. No, that was really
cool. There are Dono flavored liquor. There are no boundaries. You've gone
too far, there are no boundaries. No, clearly, there's a spirit
company in Denmark. They have beenthere, uh called Imperial Coal, and
it's behind it and they partner upwith PepsiCo and it is the official Gerrito's

liquor. It's supposed to taste exactlylike their nacho cheese version. And it's
eighty four proof, so forty twopercent i'll cahol. So that's a little
stronger than your average eighty proof liquor. And they're calling it an uncategorized spirit
basically because it's a cheese flavored vodka, uncategorized for obvious reasons. So does
it actually taste like Gerrito's, I'mglad you asked. According to people who

tried it, yes, it's prettydamn close. According to people who've tried
it who didn't have a snus infectionand had a hauls an hour before trying,
it tasted exactly. They were smarterconsumers than I was. They infused
it with actual Gerido's. It smellslike them. A writer from a Food
and Wine said, as a bouquet, that's quote brimming with the unmistakable tang

of cheese dust. They thought theaftertaste was a little more like Frito's than
Geredo's though, And the evil geniusbehind this is a former chef named Lars
Williams who co founded Imperiical, andhe's actually been making Dorito's and fuseed booze
for years. This is just thefirst time we're talking about it. It
started when an employee came back fromlunch with a bag of them. Lars
saw the bag and wondered if itwas possible and started experimenting, and he's

been making small batches since then forhis friends. And they announced pre orders
that would start last week, andit's unclear how many bottles that there are,
and they'll assume that they'll probably sellout. And it's going for about
sixty five dollars for a fifth.So here is that owner of Empirical,
Lars Williams, explaining the origin storyof the Jaredo Spirit. The first members

of our team, Hero had goneout for lunch and come back with a
sandwich and a bag of Doritos.And at that time I was still doing
a lot of a lot, alot of tests of distilling different things.
So when he came back from hislunch. Run I took a look at
the bag of Doritos and said,sorry, buddy, I'm gonna have to
take buddy your lunch. You turnedit into booze and we tried it and

the result was amazing. So Chad, they're really trying to get this booze
out to the public. And wewere off during the break, but one
of our account execs sent one oftheir spots that they're running and asked us
if we would play this, youknow, since we're nice people. Here's
an ad campaign that's a little disturbingas a product itself. Oh, the

currunchy taste is delightful and now youcan have a snoot full. The booze
has a taste, you'll know,door Rito, door Rito, door Rito.
The flavor is so job dropping youreggnog. You'll be swapping the bits

in the bottle will flow Dorrito,Dorrito, Dorrito. Kind of catchy.
So if you're just tuning in,would you get drunk on Tourito's flavor liquor.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, youcan what a time to be alive.
I just feel like this. Ithis reminds me when that bit when

somebody got drunk on uh butt lightstrawberry rita, and and we were talking
about what the puke would look like, and I just want, like,
I don't even want to think aboutwhat the puke would look like. All
Right, I got too much,I have too many questions. Uh So,
James, we gotta we gotta takea quick break here and Bill and
I we gotta go dump some beeron the lawn because we're not gonna finish

this fog knock. You need tothis candle beer. We're gonna dump it
out. But we've got more What'son Tap Radio coming up, including next
hour. We got to hold mybeer and watch this and believe it or
not, there is another cheese story. He's not lying. This is what's
on tap radio. All right.Welcome back to What's on Tap Radio,

where occasionally we have to rinse ourglasses, not because we finished the beer,
but because we dumped it out.And that's kind of what happened here.
Yeah, I couldn't handle it.Chat's got a brown spot in his
yard because of all the beer he'sbeen porn out. No, I've got
a candle out there now because thefog nog double dry Hop double India palle

with lactose and spices. This isa beer from Abomination Brewery in Connecticut,
which I had last year and Isaid, there's no way this is gonna
be good. And then I triedit and I was like, Wow,
this is absolutely delicious. Blew moneyaway, Like don't don't look at the

ingredients and everything on there. Imean a lot of times you look at
it and you're like, I'm gonnahate this beer. I mean, if
it's fire Marshal Matt oh wait there'sa name drop. But if you if
if he's looking at this, hissipa, he already hates it. I
mean given. So that's why Ihad to go and get something for him
today and and this one, thisbeer is for him and definitely not for

you. James. Now, thelast time I was in your studio in
on the West side of Houston,we opened up a beer that I brought.
I picked it up because of thecan, and we took one sip
of it and we dumped it out. There's a lot of moth. I
mean there was like four or fivebeers that we dumped out. Yeah,
but this would be your quote unquotefavorite brewery. It's definitely brew Dog my

favorite be out of Scotland. Yeah, well, James, in honor of
that, I have because it's afterChristmas and nobody drinks Christmas beers after Christmas.
I have. It's a beauty.The pecan toffee National Lampoons Christmas Vacation
brew Dog beer a seven and ahalf percent pecan stout and it is a

pretty cool can. And again Ibought it just for the can. I
don't know if you still have thatbushwood that's what it was. It was
the bushwood lagger or whatever it wasthat was so bad. It was so
bad. This is a pecan coffeeor sorry, pecan toffee stout seven and

a half percent. Oh wow,great nose, yeah, big big,
big nose of a very nutty it'snot sweet smelling, but let's taste it.
Oh it's sweet. Never mind.Wow, that's actually really freaking delicious,
real nice like pastry stout. Yeahyeah yeah, but without without the

diabetes. Yeah, it's a pastrystout without the cavities. This is good.
I uh, you can definitely,I think you get. You get
the nuttiness of the pecans. Thisis nice beer. This is almost like
uh, I mean it's it's definitelybigger than a brown ale and nut brown
ale. It's a seven percent pecantoffee stout. It Actually, I can't

describe it any better than that,because you literally taste all of those notes
stout pecans toffee. And it's nicebecause they the malt comes through way more
than you'd expect on something like that, and it's and balances out that pecans.
It is wonderful. Yeah, that'sa great beer. No, that's
good, James, we found awinner. And brew Dog, I know
you hate to hear it. Imean, look, some of the beers

are pretty good. I mean,I'm not hating on I'm I just not
a big fan of the owner.Right, you just been You don't hate
brew Dog, you just hate theowner because he banned you on TikTok Sorry
on X on X speaking of which, Yeah, be sure to follow us
at What's on Tap Radio on XFacebook and uh TikTok we're there on the

gram as well as it doesn't Yeahyeah, Twitter, Yeah, Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, InstagramX like, yeah, we're there and
TikTok against at What's on Tap Radio. Let us know what you guys think
of the show. If you hateeverything, that's at James in the radio.
And if you love everything, it'sat Chad the beer logic guy.

And and don't forget to uh.You can drop us an email if you're
not on the social It's what's ontap radio at gmail dot com. That's
what's on tap radio at gmail dotcom. I want to keep this cheese
segment continuing. For the last segmentto a lot of cheese. Lots of
cheese. Do Now there's a breweryand creamery in organ that had teamed up

to create a product they emit mightinspire some skepticism, Blue cheese beer.
I already hate it. I'm sorry, no blue cheese beer. Rogue Creamery
and Crux Fermentation Project teamed up tocreate cool Shit Beer Number six, a

Lambic style ale brewed with using RogueRiver blue cheese and aged and oak barrels
for nearly two years, and ofcourse it's met with a lot of criticism.
So here's Margaret Merritt, she isa cheese missiary from Rogue Creamery and
Larry Sider, the founder of CruxLamentation, talking about the critics and all

the beatings they've been getting. Idon't know if it's beatings, but there's
people out there that are skeptic aboutit. Here's what they had to say
about it. We handled a healthydose of skepticism, even from our blue
cheese devotique. When I told mybrewers what we were doing, they pretty
much laughed. They thought, noway, this will not work. Once

you get to know it a littlemore, maybe stick two three glass two
for three, you may begin topick up on that slight hint of blue
cheese on the finish. And that'sMargaret Merritt, she's a cheese and missionary
of Rogue Creamery and Larry Sider,the founder of Crux Fermentation, talking about
all the people going out there andcriticizing what they're they're brewing. But I

don't know. I'll try it.I'll try it. I'll try anything twice.
But I'm sorry. No. Iwas watching I was watching the video
kind of like a little behind thescenes, and they had this cool ship
that has wheels on it, andthey drive it around and they drove it
from Bend, Oregon to this creameryand they started dumping the blue cheese into

this ward, I guess, andthen they brought it back to the brewery
and then started, you know,the whole process of brewing it. And
they said that you don't really getnotes of blue cheese on it, but
it's rather delicious. So don't knockit till you try it. Oh I'm
knocking it. I'm going to Yeah, I'm sorry. No, no,

no, if we can have wecan have cheese biscuit beer, Cheetos beer,
and squinting beer with menthol Yeah,the Martin House specialty. Okay,
got it, we can have younailed it. We can have a beer
brewed with cream cheese or blue cheese. Okay, all right, notre Here's
here's the thing. Here's the thing. There is a brewery now defunct,

gone from Houston, and we're gonnabe talking about some other closing breweries that
closed, but it's it's no longerthere in the suburb of Houston. And
they made a beer that did notcome outright. It had an off flavor
in it. One of the offflavors in beer is butterscotch, Right,

butterscotch. It comes off and it'sit's a DMS dimethyl sulfate. So or
is that diacatal? It's diactal,sorry, diasil is the butterfla. Yeah,
diascatal is what it is. Diasciddimethyl sulfate is the cream corn,
sorry, diactyl, And so youhad the diactyl flavor, and he couldn't
get rid of it out of hisbeer, so he sold it that way

and literally called it a butterscotch wheatand and everybody was like, oh,
my goodness, this is delicious buttersI'm like, no, this is an
off flavor. It's like, thisis so unique, it's so great.
It's like, no, no,no. Funky cheese smelling in your beer
is the sign of an infection.You don't want that in your beer.

I'm sorry. Uh, you don'tgo say I mean, I know that
Heineken skunk their beers for a whilebecause the bottles got skunked, and then
whenever they got kegs or cans ofHeineken, they're like, this is not
real Heineken. It doesn't taste skunky. So then they added the skunk flavor
to it. That's a true story, by the way, they really did,

but that is not I'm sorry.You don't go looking for reasons to
add off flavors to your beer.And blue cheese and funky cheese is an
off flavor in beer. Don't doit. Apparently the beer is really good
with chicken wings. Oh, don'tstart that. We did that one.
We did the Martin House beer,the Buffalo wing beer, and they said
rim the glass with ranch dressing,and we did it and it was trash.

I'm sorry. Yeah, I couldnot hit Oh we didn't finish it.
Hey, but we tried though.But yeah, brewery and creamery team
up to create a blue cheese beer. Let's say you would you drink it?
I'll try it. I'll try it, but I'm not buying it.
Chah will be the biggest fan.I'll drink it all day, all right.
I remember one in the books.Coming up next hour, I got
a pretty cool Taylor Swift story.I know that's not a subject we talk

about on the show a lot,but I'll tie it in. We got
a shoey story in the news.And there's a Guinness cocktail called the Badger
that's really terrifying beer fans. AllComing up next hour we'll discuss including the
Hold my beer and watch this.We'll be right back. Craft beer.
It's not alcoholism, it's a hobby. This is what's on Tap Radio.

Hey, welcome to our number twoof What's on Tap Radio first show,
A twenty twenty four Glad to haveyou. I hope you had a great
break. I hope you got someR and R. But we've got to
be on the radio with you,guys. Do people even know what R
and R? I mean, ifthey're our age, they know, but
do do do millennials or gen Zor whatever the heck generation. I'm a

teacher and I'm a teacher. Iteach journalism. And I was like,
I hope you guys had a nicebreak, got some R and R,
and like, h or is itlike a video game? No? I
didn't see rn R on TikTok.I didn't get tickets to rn R rest,
Rest and relaxation, right. It'syeah, it's just an abbreviation for

rest and relaxation. That's what andthat's all we want. I got a
little trivia for you guys. Namethe soundtrack. I name the soundtrack.
I know. I watched a lotof movies in the eighties, and of
course the millennials and gen Z whoare twenty one and older now, they'll

never see that movie. Nope.And the movie is well Anthony was Anthony
McCarthy and Kim what's her name,Kim Oh from Sex and the City,
Kim Cattrell. All right, what'sthe movie. What's the movie? What's
the movie? Mannequin? The Mannequin? Very good, very good. Today's

subject of Hold my Beer and watchedthis, which I am going to put
out now. This is rated PGthirteen, so bonus bonus. Though I
also in there the the night watchmanat the store in that movie, the
security Guard. He was in allI think the first four Police Academy movies

as the uh as the sergeant whohad to train all the new recruits.
Oh the guy who yeh had thewand and he's put it under his arms.
Yeah, yep, I remember hehad the Police Academy. Was that
when he had the deodorant that likestarted stealing his his armpits. Mahoney High

Tower. No, yeah, MahoneyHigh Tower. They're all right. Anyway,
we are so dating ourselves, Yeahwe are. That's fine, alright,
But I do want to put mycamp I want to do put this
out there before I do the Holdmy beer and watch this, which is
gonna come up here in a second. But this is a rated PG thirteen
Hold my beer and watched this,So if you have some, it's in
the car. You might want toput some meer muffs on them, or
you might want to let them listenand describe how not to behave in public.

I mean, this is how youwant to do a teachable moment for
your children. Totally up to you. I'm not going to tell you how
to parent your kid, but iwill tell you that this is a rate
of PG thirteen, Hold my beerand watch this, which is coming up.
But I haven't. I have anotherbeer to crack, but i'll I
guess I'll do that next segment.If you were just tuning in, I
kicked it off last or I didn'tkick it off, chat kicked it off.

But hey, did you run thatsounder? Did you run the twenty
twenties fourth sounder? I didn't.Well, shoot, now it's like it's
like, did you blow the cobwebsoff that button? No? Okay?
But anyway, So what I'm sayingis the first segment I kicked it off
with, I'm doing dry January.I'm doing dry January this month on the

show, and so I'll have anotherna beer ready to go. All right
now. With that being said,pull my beer and watch this. Brought
to you by the Ring Melta Tend, an insurance group where they'll to insure
you for just about everything except this. Are you talking about this? Are
you talking about that? They hadto hear it, man, I was
so excited because it's a new year. I wanted to hear it again.

The following feature has been rated pgB to the Motion Picture Association of America.
Parental guidance is suggested playing that justfor all those that are listening,
all right, you're ready for this, Hole my beer and watch this.
I'm so excited. You know we'vebuilt this up. I mean, I
hope this guy's from Florida. Ohman, you got your wish, didn't
you? Bill? All right?Man, So there are a lot of

people me included, maybe Chad,maybe Bill of us that has some ridiculous
stories of when we were young andstupid. But we've grown up, we've
insured. But if this guy canturn his life around, he should be
able to trump anyone's story. Ever. So there's a twenty three year old
man in Florida. Yeah, you'reright, Bill, having in Florida.

His name was Anthony Lessa and hewas arrested one Friday after a drunken outburst
at a restaurant, which included throwinggator nuggets. Now, if you don't
know what gator nuggets, they're likechicken nuggets, but with alligator meat.
Well it's out. Yeah it's alligatortail. Yeah, I hate alligator It's
too chewy. Really, I donot like it's too chewy. All right,

whatever, I'm not gonna argue withyou, but never had it.
It's no not a fan, allright. It's it's basically, if you
think chicken is flavorless, try alligatormeat. It's really flavor it's flavorless.
You gotta dip in a lot ofcocktail sauce, and it's really chewy.
Uh. But when someone confronted him, he ran over to a life size
manatee mannequin which was outside the restaurant, wearing a T shirt that says,

did someone say tacos? That's cute. That's a cute little picture. I
can imagine that someone walking into That'sa that's a sign of a good restaurant
you're walking in. Look at thatnice little uh manatee mannequin wear a shirt
that says, did someone say tacos. I can see some sober dad with
his kids walking by, and there'sa mannequin there. Did someone say tacos?

And the dad saying, you didn'tsee your dad's funny good dad joke.
Okay, here's where the story getsa little saucy. So, according
to the report, for some unknownreason, Anthony then begin sexually molesting the

man tea. Thankfully, it didn'tget any more detailed about what happened or
what entailed, but yeah, heactually sexually molested the manatee. Luckily,
the police showed up and charged himwith this early intoxication and disturbance. He
was booked in release and according tothe Internet, Anthony get this is a
student pilot at a flight school inFlorida. Okay, no, he was

a student pilot at a flight schoolthe past tense. Now he has a
nice job in the sanitation department ofsome suburb in Florida. So you're a
home my beer and watched this,which is probably brought to you by our

friends. Over at Renaldo tenecan insurancegroup, a man was arrested for sexually
molesting amnate mannequin. I don't Idon't want to see I don't want to
see this, but I do wantto see what a manatee mannequin looks at
a picture. I'll send you apicture. All right. That has been

your hole, my beer and washedthis good again thanks to our friends over
Renal tanakan insurance group. Well theyn'tassure you for lots of things, but
definitely not doing that to amanatee mannequin. All right. Still more doesn't have
to be a specified manatee, andmanatees for that matter, live or anakin.

All right, we gotta take abody still to come. We're gonna
talk about I got a very coolTaylor Swift story. We'll tie it all
together. And there's this drink outthere that's really upsetting beer fans. We'll
talk about that. All this isso much more. We'll go back.
This is what's on tap radio.Yeah, you go dream big in the

quiet of the night and all that. Yeah. Well, speaking of swifties,
this Jack and I are the biggestswifties. Well you know what,
welcome back at once on tab Radio. We had to take a quick swift
break and now we're back in hangingout with stunck beer liver Bill from Harbor

Light brewery and new to the What'son Tap Radio family, and he brought
a eight ounce beer to the table. We're gonna crack it open, and
speaking of swift, we're gonna justsplit this. That's four ounces of piece.
Hey, James, you said baseballseasons coming up soon. It is
coming up spring training out this monthscame. It's it's shaped. It's like
a baseball hardball IPA White Flame Brewingcompany. Why is it an eight ounce

can? Well, because it's twelvepoint five percent it is a hardball IPA
And yeah, I could throw thisthing or I could just crack it open
and drink it. So, uh, thanks Bill for bringing this. We're
gonna crack this open and get thingsgoing here. By the way, quick
update on a story. I'm gonnago ahead and talk about this very quickly.

You may remember we had a storyabout a Treehouse Brewing company being sued
by those who invested in the brewery. The shareholders. Yeah, shareholders,
they were like, they're spending moneyfrivolously. Well, Treehouse responded and they
said, the guy who filed thelawsuit invested ten thousand dollars and since he's
invested ten thousand dollars. He's madeover eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars in

return on his investment. So,hey, pal, you may not like
the fact that we took a privatejet or we bought a Tesla or whatever
we did, but you made eighthundred and fifty k on a ten thousand
dollars investment. So I thought thatwas pretty interesting. I'd share that it
is interesting. The hell up?You know, that's continue to develop.

I can't wait to see where thatstory goes from here. That's a that's
a that's a messy one. How'sthat beer go? You know what's not
messy? Is this beer? Wow? That's delicious. Wow. And I'm
still drinking my zero point five percentalcohol by volume Rodeo from Slow Down,
Slow Down. But dude, thisis a twelve and a half this White
Flame Brewery. This is a Hudsonville, Michigan, the official hardball I PA

twelve and a half percent. Splittingthat with Bill and James. Dude,
take it easy, all right?Well, you know it's non alcoholic beer.
You gotta you gotta watch that stuffbecause and I got another one and
then we'll sneak up on you.I got another one. Here in the
fridge and studios ready for me tocrack. And uh, I'm pretty excity
because you know in ey beers it'sa rising rising in popularity, and uh,

we'll talk about that here coming up. But I do want to discuss
a very cool story. I toldmy daughter, I'll just talk about this
because she's a big swifty Now.Chad and I, I mean, we
can appreciate it, but we wouldn'tcall ourselves swifties. If I was gonna
be a swiftye, it's gonna bethe Swifty Session Pale Ale from Real Ale
Brewing Company in Blanco, Texas.That's a great beer. Wow, Chad

pulled that one out. Whoof thatwas good? That was good. You
don't wanted to call it a swiftybecause the brewers wanted a beer that they
could get at the bar and finishedby the time they got to the door.
Oh that's good. That's why it'scalled swifty mart. So here's a
Taylor Swift Kenny Chezy story. Youmay already know or not. I don't
know, but Taylor brought it upduring her Person of the Year interview with
Time Magazine, and it happened whenshe was seventeen and she was booked as

an opener on Kenney's tour and shewas beyond excited, you know, coming
up in her career, this isa huge opportunity for her career. And
then a complication happened. A coupleweeks later, she learned that the tour
was being sponsored by a beer companyand she was too young to join,

and of course she was devastated.But here comes the cool part. A
few months after that, at hereighteenth birthday party, Kenny's rep gave her
a card and inside it read,I am sorry that you couldn't come on
tour. I wanted to make itup to you with the note was a
check. Taylor finished the story saying, quote, it was more money than

I've ever seen in my entire life. I was able to pay for my
band bonuses. I was able topay for my tour buses. I was
able to fuel my dreams. Whilewe're at at Kenny hit up Instagram with
a throwback photo of Hilm and Taylorwhile probably congratulating her on being Person of
the Year. So I thought thatwas school. Yeah, she was too

young to go into a with KennyChesney because he was sponsored by a beer
company, and to make it upto her, Kenny said her a nice
sized check. And now we don'tknow how much that check was for,
but apparently enough to pay for herband's bonuses and her some tour buses and
able to feel her dreams, andenough to get the attention of a certain

Kansas City Chiefs tight end. Andnow her career finally took off. Finally,
best move she ever did dating thatfootball player she put him, and
now she's finally selling some records.He put her on the map, didn't
he. But I tried to doI tried to do some digging because you
know, I'm a journalist and Ilike to do some digging, and I

try to find the beer sponsor andI could not find it for the life
of me. So if you knowit, please get ahold of us at
What's on Tap Radio Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or drop us an email
What's on Tap Radio at gmail dotcom if you know the beer company that
was sponsored this tour. I don'teven know what year this would have been.
I mean, she's in her thirtiesnow, so you know obviously years
ago, that's right, that waslike, oh wait, yeah, the

tight end. Let's see that waslike seven boyfriends ago that she broke up.
Geez, I mean, I don'tknow. I thought it was a
cool story. So that is agood story. That's I mean now,
And you need a nice, feelgood story, you do well? Uh
so, James, you're doing thewhole na thing for the month of January.
Dry January. I am I andyou said you weren't feeling well.

Well, I thought this was animportant story that I wanted to bring up,
not on the one sheet. Wedidn't talk about it in the production
meeting, but I went and Iduring the break, I pulled all the
stats together. But science, ohyeah, researchers now love science. Oh
yeah, experts they have now determinedhow long it takes to recover from a

weekend of beer drinking with you know, the super Bowl coming up, the
National Championship coming up, all thebowl games that we had, New Year's
Eve, we had, the Christmas, the Thanksgivings. This is a timely
story. This is kind of goodreason why. That's another reason why I
had to detox a little big.I mean, not that I hit the
beer's hard, but there's a timewhere I was like, you know,

I'm I'm getting older in age.It's time to give your body. I'm
getting time to get my body alittle bit of a rest. We're we're
all we're all old, but weneed to we need to be able to
appreciate this. I mean, thisis good. So James, listen for
the next month, pay attention becauseif you start pounding those na beers,
you're gonna need to know how thisis gonna affect you. All right,

So James, I'm looking out foryou, man, I appreciate. Thank
you. Experts reveal exactly that's right, science exactly how long it takes your
body to return to normal equilibrium aftera weekend of beer drinking. Now,
first things first, all of themyths that you believed were going to help

you actually hurt you, with theexception of drinking lots of water, right
because right, hydri hydrate exactly.See. The first thing is is,
uh, it takes like twelve hourswhen you start pounding alcohol and you go
on on a on a you know, a regiment if you will, and
you drink multiple uh, going ona bender. That's right, Yeah,

it takes like twelve hours to processthat all the way through your body.
However, it takes days for thetoxins to get out, and those toxins
hang around and they cause all kindsof problems for your digestive system, for
your gut, and for your liver. Your liver very important, very very
important. You need to have thataround. Now. There are other people

out there that believe that. Yougo ahead and you say, hey,
I'm gonna have some food because that'sgonna help me feel less drunk. Oh
yeah, no, that's one hundredpercent true. You'll feel less drunk.
However, believe it or not,it prolongs the hangover. It actually doesn't

help the day after. So whileyou feel good short term, it doesn't
help the next day because it slowsyour metabolism and you can't keep up.
Meanwhile, you've got ibuprofen, youwant to go ahead and take that or
coffee. Coffee irritates your already irritatedstomach. Ibuprofen works on your liver and
slows everything down. Basically, whatscience is telling us is it takes two

days for your digestive system and stomachto get back to normal after a weekend
of beer drinking, but it takesthree days for your bowels to get back
to normal. So if you're wonderingwhy you got the beer craps and why
things aren't crapping out normal, it'sbecause it takes three days. So science

is now determined. It takes twodays for your digestive system and stomach to
get back to normal after a weekendof beer drinking, and three days for
your old poop to get back tonormal. I like my Taylor Swift story
better I know. But hey,James, watch out for that na beer.
It'll creep up, mind you?All right? Speaking of on the
opposite of inn A Guinness cocktails calledthe Banger re emergences terrifying beer fans.

We'll discuss all this and so muchmore. What's on tap, Brady,
don't hang with us. We'll beright back. This is what's on tap
radio. The harmonica very underrated instrument. We'llcome back to what's on tap radio.

In the last segment we were talking, that was our country music segment.
We had our cheese segment earlier.Now we're having our country music segment,
which we ran out of time.We're talking about to Kenny Chesney did
a pretty cool thing for Taylor Swiftyears ago that just surfaced when she did
her Person of the Year from Timemagazine interview. But Zach Bryan, it's

been a while, Chad since wediscussed as shoey. I'm gonna crack.
I'm gonna crack open this beer andI'm gonna pourt my shoe and let you
know how it takes leather za Brian. I don't know a lot about Zach
Bryan, but I like what hedid in Australia. I'm not gonna actually
drink this beer out of my shoe, but I got stunt Liver. I

got stunt beer Liver bill with me. This is the from Cincinnati, Ohio,
the Ryan Geist I love. Ibought it just because of the name
name of the beer. Dad.That's all. That's the all. That's
it, Just Dad. It's ahoppy holiday ale, basically saying Dad,
mos acres of dank piney hops uphillboth ways in the snow, keep it

up. So I don't I don'tknow anything about it, but we'll talk
about it later. But we're gonnago ahead and keep this party going because
I got stunt beer Liver and he'sdoing his part working on it. Yes,
But uh, Zach Bryan, Idon't know a lot about him.
I don't either, but I'm afan when he did. So listen up,
musicians, because I know you're listening. If you're touring and have a

show in Australia, you will beasked to do this. Zach Bryan did
a shoey at a show in Melbournethe other day. What's a shoey?
Well, if you're not familiar withthat, So when you drink beer out
of someone's shoe, yeah, it'syeah, it's where you drink beer out

of someone's shoe. Yes, it'sa thing mainly in Australia though, but
although it's been picking up, we'veseen it around mainly in Australia though,
but Luke Brian, Casey Musgraves andLuke Combs I've also done it at shows
down Under. And there's a videomaking the rounds right now, Zach pouring
a good amount of Budweiser into ablack leather boot and drinking from it.
From what we can tell, it'snot his own shoe. It's not his

own shoe. It looks like someonefrom the crowd toss it up to him.
No, at least it makes abudweiser taste better. Oh whoa that's
Bill. That's Bill right there.That's at Bill at Harbor Light Brewery,
Bill at Harbor Light Brewery, SouthAven, Michigan. Yeah, you can
go ahead and throw that ye hateme out right there by the way,

James. We said we would tryanything twice or once or whatever. Yeah,
I'm up for any. I'm notsure I'm up for the shoey.
I don't know if I ever know. I've never done a shoeye no,
But would you no, not forif somebody else's shoe, because this is
apparently what did you do it outof your own though? Maybe no,
See I don't think I would.No, I don't either. The alcohol
kills the germs. Guys, No, it doesn't. But it doesn't look

like he was a shown shoe becauseit looked like he tossed the shoe back
to someone in the crowd after hewas done. But for what it's worth,
he didn't seem to enjoy it toomuch. It doesn't look like it
went down easy, but the crowdloved it. So Zach Bryan did a
shoey a show in Australia. Weused to talk about these years ago.
It seems like a story after storycoming out of people doing shoeies. I

think it was a game day ESPNbroadcasts where you know, you see the
people in the background and you havethe talking heads talking about the predictions of
the game and you see a guyin the background to his shoe. I
think we talked about that happened afew years ago. But yeah, there
he goes Zach Bryan down in Australia. Oh, fan tosses old other shoe
up and he's like, yeah,I'll drink a Budweiser out of it.

Although if you didn't like it,crowd loved it. Yeah. Well,
hey, real quick, I justI just want to make a mention of
this. I don't want to dwellon it because we're having such a great
show. We're kicking the new yearoff right some speaking of some funky,
different, weird things. No,I'm not talking about Martin House. I
do want to mention out of Humble, Texas, a suburb north of Houston,

announced just recently the closing of IngeniousBrewery. I think they've been around
for six years. Just yet anotherreason why twenty twenty three sucked. Now,
you may not have enjoyed that beerstyle that they brewed. I'm just
gonna tell you right now, Iwasn't their customer. They made a lot
of exotic, weird, slushy,fruity, lactose forward beers and they had

a huge following, but unfortunately COVIDand the way the economy's going and everything,
they just they couldn't make it work. And the fans of that brewery
are true fans of beer like theyare die hard fans and a lot of
broken hearts in the Houston area.And so to the people ingenius, I

want to say thank you for makingthe beers that you made that inspired other
breweries to be innovative and creative,and also for catering to those people that
just were behind you one hundred percent. They spent their hard art and dough
on on your wares and your drinks, and sad to see him go.
So yeah, I give a shoutout to our good friend James Carlisle as

a brewery. The men there's aname drop good guys been on the show.
Yeah, he has a lumless show. And I reached out to him
seeing if he was good, andhe said that he's doing good. He's
got some leads, so hopefully thoseleeds will turn out that guy can brew
beer. He's gonna find a job. Yeah, there's no doubt about that.
He will definitely find somewhere. He'sa talented brewer. But yeah,

I echo everything that Chad said.Yeah, that was definitely a surprise.
Like I wasn't their customer either,but I did appreciate some of their beers.
They're always doing fun stuff, keepingit entertaining and keeping it interesting.
You want to talk about one ofthe most instagrammed breweries in all of Texas,
it would be ingenius they did.They did a nice job, right,

not the I guess I'm gonna switchgears here, completely opposite of you
know, my na beer. Butthere's this story that's making the rounds And
I saw this story. Chad sentthis to me, and it really I
don't know. I got a lotof questions about it. Okay, I've
got yeah, me too, there'sa reason, that's why I said it.
I'm like, uh yeah. Sothere's this video making the rounds now

on social media and it's got somefolks riled up, and it shows a
man making a drink called the Badger, and the drink has two simple ingredients,
Guinness draft and smeared off ice.Vodka sounds incident enough, it is,
until the amount being poured it hasthe Internet talking. The amount of
alcohol being poured has really got peopleriled up. See the man. I

think I've seen this video and Ithink there's a discrepancy in the recipe in
the video. Okay, so theman in the video pours half a glass
of vodka into a traditional Guinness pintglass, which my friends, is twenty
ounces. That means there's about tenounces if not more, vodka in there,

right, and then he tops itoff with Guinness, pouring it very
delicately over a spoon. And theserve was originally created by a staff at
the Marine Boat House in Skegness,Lincolnshire, back in twenty sixteen as a
part of a previous Young Farm weekendcelebrations and initially circulated through social media with
the caption that says, don't knockit till you try it. But this

has a lot of people terrified,one basically writing that somebody must have an
iron liver to consume this memory,right, yes, because if you put
ten ounces of vodka and ten ouncesof Guinness, you're basically drinking coffee flavored
vodka. Ten shots. Ten shotsof vodka. Sorry, isn't that how

they used to make the black andtan spoon? Yeah? Yeah, that's
that's the whole black and tan withvodka on the bottom of guinnis on top.
Yeah, but not ten ounces ofit. Right. But see,
here's the thing. The recipe callsfor smeiranoff ice, which is basically a
zema and so the I saw thevideo and I looked at it, but

there is I'm not an expert onthis, but I don't think there's a
smeiranoff ice vodka. It's smear office, which is a vodka base.
This is alternative cocktail. This isover. Yeah, it's it's like a
six percent five percent uh sell it'sit's zema, I know, but this
this is over in England. Idon't know if they have a smear off

ice vodka because if you look atthe video, he has a twist off
bottle, twist off lid like theydo a vodka, like a fifth of
vodka. Right, that's the thing. I think the guy saw the recipe
and says, oh, a fifth. So I'm gonna pour ten ounces of
vodka and ten ounces a Guinness likeno it's smearing off ice. Which is

this? That's why I have somany questions. So, ladies and gentlemen,
this public service announcement brought to youby What's on Tap Radio James is
going dry. We are not.I'm not going dry here and somewhere out
there, somebody's gonna tell you thatten ounces of vodka and ten ounces Aguinness
is a good idea. Nowhere inthe spectrum of drinking. Is that a

good idea? Well, if itis, what is ten ounces of smirnoff
ice? You know, if youhad that ice challenge where you have to
get on a knee and chug it. I don't see why people would come
out with the comment, oh,you must have an iron liver because drinking
ten ounces of I mean, Iguess that's twenty ounce poor. I mean,
I don't know, Yeah, yeah, it's a twenty l's beverage.
I don't see that getting the samekind of outrage that I don't know outrage

is the correct word. But youknow, people are terrifiable for what they're
watching or what they're looking at.I don't know if knowing that it's a
spinoff ice would get the same reactionknowing that it's a it could be spirinoff
vodka in there. I don't know, I don't know, I don't know.
You know what it's. It's it'san Instagram generation in TikTok generation.
You know, if there's a coolvideo, it gets more likes. Who

knows well, it had over fortyfour thousand views in the first land the
hour or so it was posted,so it's doing quite well for itself.
Speiringoff ice wouldn't get that many,but smearingof vodka open a fifth ten ounces?
Whoa? All right, we gotone more segment of What's More,
But we got some stuff to getto, including a fundraiser that we're happy
to put our names behind and NewYar's Resolutions, New Beers Resolutions. All

this is so much more coming upthe last segment. We'll be right back.
This is What's on Tap Radio.All right, last segment of What's
on Tap Radio. This last segmentbrought to you by our friends at Tantrik

Brewing Company, where we just crackedopen a twisted leprechaun. No, it's
not like we found a leprechaun whois all messed up in the head and
cracked him open. No, thisis from their kinky series the Barrel Aged
Irish Cream Sweet Stout. We wantto thank Tantrik Brewing Company in the who's
located in the new renovated downtown Alligan, for sponsoring this last segments to the

finish line the week of the week. Yeah, they don't make it sound
like the last segment. No no, no, no, that's not it.
No, no no. This isa great beer, fair laid series
over there, delicious stuff and we'regonna end on a high note. And
this is gonna sound I gotta talkabout this. We're gonna talk about some
predictions here, but before we do, I want to get everybody's attention,

ladies and gentlemen, if I couldhave your attention, please, this is
a very important announcement. We havea very good friend in Houston who is
a fixture of the beer scene.He's also very well known in Michigan.
I'm not allowed to say how he'swell known in Michigan, because let's just

say he's got a lot of beerfriends all over chanting hearing of Nobe Public
House. I've talked about Nobe multipletimes. Located in Webster, Texas,
a suburb on the south side ofHouston. He and Laura. They have
a full three year old daughter namedOlivia, and right before Christmas, she

was diagnosed with cancer. And Iknow this is it sounds like we're ending
on a sad note, but Iwant to just talk about the amazing beer
community that has rallied around the heirand family. And Channing is just such
an amazing guy who supports craft beerand his family just a blessed and very

special family. And just want tosay I can't say enough about him and
how much he loves his baby girl. She's a beautiful girl. He posts
about her all the time, andjust the joy being a father. She's
actually just just a wonderful kid.And it's just a sad story from there,
but watching the beer community come together. They have rallied and they're helping

cover the cost of the cancer treatments. And there is a GoFundMe page if
you want to search for it.Go to GoFundMe dot com and search for
Channing, Laura and Olivia and youcan find out how you can donate there.
But on Saturday, February third,Urban South Brewery in Houston is hosting

a chili cookoff where one hundred percentof all of the proceeds are being given
to the heir and family to helpcover the costs of the treatment. So
Urban South Houston thank you so muchfor stepping up and hosting this chili cookoff
again. It's on Saturday, Februarythird. You can go to Urban South
Houston's Facebook page and see the events. But if you can make a donation

to Channing and help cover the costsof the cancer treatments, I know they
would be greatly appreciated. Any amount, any amount, oh yeah, twenty
dollars, fifty dollars, ten dollars, whatever you got, just anything you
can do. Channing. Just whenI was selling beer, he was one
of the He was very tough onme. Guy noses beer and he made

sure that every single beer rep thatcomes in knows what they're doing. And
he he treated me well, treatedme fairly, And we've been friends for
years, and even though I don'tsell beer anymore, we've just been friends
and I just can't say enough abouthim and his family. So again,
it's GoFundMe dot com, Channing,Laura and Olivia. If you want to

go make a donation, I knowthey they would appreciate it. We would
appreciate it as well and just wantto just lift up a good thought.
How about we how about we postthese links to our social that's a what's
on Facebook. Go to our facebook, that's what's on tapwado. We'll have
all the information there. But yeah, any donation you can do be greatly
appreciated. Yeah. Good, greatpeople, great, great people. Yes,

and thank you again Urban South Houstonfor doing the chili cookoff again Saturday,
February third. If you want togo out there, Uh, they're
gonna be raising money again. Onehundred percent of all the money goes to
them to help cover the costs ofthe cancer treatments for Olivia. So thank
you very much for in advance foranybody who's going out there. So watching

people rally around the community, youknow, the beer community rally around people
like this, that's exciting and it'sit is a sad way to kind of
enter the new year. But Igotta tell you Channing, he's in good
spirits. His family is and watchingeverybody else, and so I think now
might be an appropriate time to goahead and say, you know, do

we want to make some New Beersresolutions. This is where I predict what's
not gonna happen. Yep, that'sright, James. You're gonna go,
You're gonna go, You're gonna goto the well again. Is this the
year for it? I think likefive years in a row, I predicted
that glitter beer is gonna have itshine and it never happened. No,
guys, I promise this is gonnabe the year. This is the year

for glitter beer. Never did,never happened. No, No, I
want to talk to This is whyyou never make New Year's resolutions, Because
last year we made this resolution.I remember it distinctly. I said,
we're going to go ahead and weare going to track all of the stories
that we do throughout the year,and then at the end of the year,

we're going to do the best of, Like what was the best story,
what was the best fun fact?Did we do that? Nope?
What are you talking about. I'mtelling you right now. I played the
best of during the holidays. Ofcourse we did that. Shut up here,
No, we did. But Idid start writing down the stories so
I can start cataloging them. SoI gotta while you're doing dry January,

I'm committing to at least doing January, documenting all the stories and ranking them
in order of this is the beststory, and we'll see what we can
do. But I'm gonna make youknow twenty twenty three sucked because there's a
plethora of equipment available. Breweries areclosing, people are losing the you know,

the passion for their projects because theycan't pay their bills. That's the
thing that's being sucked dry. AndI don't and so a prediction for the
year twenty twenty four. Sadly,I think it's going to continue. However,
those breweries that are strong and survivingwith positive cash flow, I think
that's going to make them even morepassionate because they they are going to appreciate

what they do and their customers thatmuch more because they know that they benefit
from the customer who appreciates their craft. Unfortunately, I don't know that all
the breweries are going to make it, and and that hurts. I hate
hearing these stories. But that's aprediction. Another prediction. I'm gonna go

out and make this prediction. WestCoast IPA, which is taking a beating
on social media right now because everybody'sit's it's almost as if everybody forgot that
West Coast ipa is piney. Itdoesn't taste like grapefruit necessarily, And it
was like, yeah, I likeWest Coast i pas because I like sucking

on pine cones. Pine Cones arecoming back there, it is. There's
my prediction, Bill, Do youwant to make a prediction for twenty twenty
four? I think you're absolutely rightwith the the ipa thing. A lot
of people coming into my brewery areasking for something with no fruit added to
it. And I've got a coupleof pretty good IPAs and they're very they

seem to be fruit forward, butit's all hops. And we tell them
there's no fruit in it. They'regoing They say, I understand, but
I don't want that fruit flavor.So I think that piney is kind of
come back. So Bill just saidthe death of fruit beer. That's all
I heard. No, I'm kidding. I'm kidding. Well, you're not
wrong. I do believe that alot of the real crazy fruity beers are

going to go away. James makea prediction for twenty twenty four. Pilsners
and loggers. Pills's and Loggers aregonna be big, massive. I mean,
just start letting piers in the lockjust right, the pillsners and maybe
colshes, but those, you know, easy drinking, lighter beers, they're
gonna be They're gonna be big.Also in a beer that ain't going anywhere.

Hey, we're really not making anyresolutions because we failed last year.
You heard the predictions here, butthere's only one prediction that really matters,
and that's the one that James hasgot to make. Right now, James,
real quick, how are the astros? No, how are the astros
gonna do this year? Let's see, we need some pitching. No that
will lost. Boo, make aprediction. All right, we'll make playoffs.

We'll make it from there. Allright. Uh, we gotta get
out of here. We gotta getout here. But many thanks to before
we do that, including Tantric Brewing, Superior Pest Control Beer Lotgic conference and
events, and we knowed to makean insurance group, the backyard girls watching
our podcast cast, branding and keepingthe lights on brewery like he like,

because he's in studio with me.You're like, Chad, that's your line.
He also, don't forget gofund medot com channing. Laura and Olivia
go support them so for mister beerGuru James Simpson and Harbor Light build stunt
Liver, I am beer logic guyChadpilgan. Thanks for tuning into What's on
Tap Radio and we'll see you nextweek. Cheers,
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