All Episodes

March 12, 2024 81 mins
On tap this week: A famous Irish pub refuses to sell Guinness, A “Beer Trap” on a golf course gets shut down, An open container found in a racecar at the Daytona 500, A popular alcohol delivery service shutters business, Research shows that Cannabis is cutting in beer sales, Chilean TV inserted beer Ads the original "Star Wars" trilogy. All this and soooo much more presented by Cask Branding. Enjoy the show!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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This What's on Tap Radio podcast isbrought to you by Cast Branding. I
remember of the Texas craft Brewers Guild. Cast Branding has been supplying breweries,
distilleries in wineries with top quality merchandisesince twenty thirteen. If you're looking for
a way to promote and grow yourbrand, check out Cast Branding on Facebook,
Instagram and online at Cast Branding dotcom, Cast Branding dot com,
Cast Brandy dot com. Enjoy theshow. This is about to be good

radio. Oh yeah. To me, a craft brewer is much more of
a mindset. We just opened twocanvas and spread the gospel of good beer.
Beer. Tons and tons of stuffgoing on in the beer world.
I love craft beer. I lovedifferent people's beers. It's a first favorite.
Cheers to the beer geeks and thosenew to the craft. What's on

tap? High five? This isWhat's on Tap Radio? Oh yeah,
it is What's on Tap Radio?You heard the man with a deep voice.
You're in the right place. Thanksfor tuning in. Now talking about
beer and the culture that flows withit. Here's beer Guru Jeames Simpson and
Beer Logic's Chad Pilbeam. Oh yeah, we're ready. I'm feeling the fever.

Here it comes, bringing it in. You may hear a little different
show this week. Why, well, we're looking around right now, we're
looking around for what's that guy?Who's that? What's that guy's name?
Again? Well, if you're thatbig of a fever, maybe you need
some cole bell. I'm looking aroundand I'm like, Uh, where's that?

Who's the other guy? Oh?How can we forget him? He's
only the lead singer. Welcome toWhat's on Tap Radio and bringing us in
this week? Here I am onMike number one. The beer Logic guy,
Chad Pilbeam. Uh that voice thatyou just heard over there looking for
the cow bell, because that's otherthan the radio. That's the only thing

he can play, knows how tomake some beer harbor light bill in studio
with me hanging out on mike numbertwo. And what's going on? Where's
James Simpson? Well, James Simpson'sgonna be stopping by the show later on,
but right now we're kind of withoutour trustee leader, and that means

I gotta play with all the buttons, and I gotta make sure everything works,
and I gotta make sure the sponsorsare taken care of But you know
what, it is my second rodeo. I mean, you know they say
it's not my first rodeo, it'smy second. Got full confidence in your
chad, glad someone does. Allright? My mom gave up a long
time ago. All right, Thanksfor tuning in and hanging out wherever you
are. This what's on tap radiowhere for the next two hours we are

gonna be talking about some beer.We're gonna be cracking opening some beer.
We're gonna be talking about everything goingon in the world of beer. Want
to thank our friends at Superior PastControl for loading up the inbox. They
chair our research department. You know, that's how we keep our grand You
gotta do research and stories, infact, educational content. It is a
big part of this program. Butanother big part of it is drinking beer.

But before we do, in orderto do those types of things,
we have to thank our wonderful partnersin crime who make it possible for us
to bring you this wonderful program.And thanking those wonderful people. We start
off the list there with our friendsand Alga in Michigan, Tantric Brewing Company,
Superior Pest Control of West Michigan,Buer Logic Conferences and Events, the
b YG, the Backyard Grill,bringing all the ten Hacen Insurance Group,

Oh asterisk next to that. Oh, we got somebody else in the studio
and I'm checking yep. Lights arestill on helping us keep the lights on,
Harbor Light Brewing Company and bringing youour podcast Cask Branding. So welcome
to What's on Tap Radio Where thisweek? I don't know where James is
yet, but I got a littlefever. I'm feeling the fever. He's

going to show up sometime and he'llbe here. He will make it.
But for now, Harbor Light,Harbor Light, Bill An in studio with
me hanging over here on Stunt BeerLever, John Clender bring Nolaton Hagen Insurance
Group. Hey, welcome to theshow. Hey, thanks ched, Hey

Bill, glad to be here.I'm glad you are too, because right
now I don't know how much drinkingI'm gonna be doing because I'm, like
I said, I'm not checked outon this equipment. But we got to
crack open some beers here. Soour first segment brought to the table,
brought to you by our friends atthe Backyard Grill on the northwest side of
Houston. I want to thank ourfriend out there, Fred Stewart. Yep,
there's our first name drop of theshow. I want to thank them

out there again. One hundred differentbeers and a hundred differ food items,
and it's crawfish season. Yes,crawfish have gone up this year, but
they're still just as tasty. Butthey're up everywhere. But Bill, go
ahead, crack it open. Iknow you're going all right, so we're
not even gonna hesitate. Bill's openingthe first beer. We just threw a
bunch of beer together in the cooler. It's not that often that we get
to do this. We just grabbeda bunch of beers and we threw him

in there. And Bill, telleverybody what you're pouring police ah, pouring
the light lagger from from Nara Gossai. Yeah, you nailed it right there.
I wanted to see how he dofolks on his first try. All
right, Narrack Ganson, Rhode IslandBeer. This is the classic that's been
around since the late eighteen hundreds andeighteen eighty eight to be specific. As

somebody checked his Google. All right, way to go, Bill, This
right here is a beer that tastelike beer. Cleunder, get a sip
on that ring. No, theten taking insurance group in studio with us,
and he's gonna go ahead and takea sip. He's got one of
those monster beers. He actually lookslike the only brewer in here. I
mean, no offense. Bill,Yeah, you got a mount taken,
all right, good, But Imean he's got like that Duck dynasty thing

going on. It tastes like beer. Yeah, that's crisp. That's great,
it's beer. It is a beerflavored beer. All right. So
the first beer brought to the tableis a beer called Naraganson and it is
the famous been around according to theKansas ninety so sold on merit, well,
made on honor, sold on merit. This is a sixteen ounce can.

So a little bit more in here. What's the ABV on that bill,
Well, got up on a littlebit faster. You're supposed to be
on this. This is second mic. This is what you're supposed to do.
Help carry the show bill, workingon it. Okay, great,
all right, it's probably somewhere likefour and a half percent. But that's
the first beer that we cracked open. And now I'm gonna show you guys,
this is how you drink it righthere, doesn't say oh yeah,
that's that goes down down, sothat mine's gone. My sample's gone.

But that's the first beer that wecracked open. Now, of course,
we always like to crack open twobeers to kick off the show. Klunder,
What do we have here? What'swhat we got here? Ringing all
the ten Hacen Insurance Group Harbor Lightbill in here. We've got a second
beer we're gonna crack open. Sosecond beer we're gonna crack open here is
Cosmic Turtle. And this is anIPA. This is from Naked River Brewing

Company, Naked River. Okay,all right, PG. Thirteen. Here
we go. Where is this place? Naked River is Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Is this one you brought back fromyour trip? Yeah, when I was
on assignment. Assignment? Okay,all right, here, hand that over
here. I'm gonna take a quicksip of this and we're gonna get We're
gonna dive into this beer a littlebit more. But I just wanted to
This is cosmic turtle, and Idon't know how cosmic turtles differ from other

turtles. I'm betting these turtles wouldappreciate six pack carriers that are edible,
because you don't want to choke aturtle with a six pack carrer. Now
we're gonna let this breathe a littlebit here because we did tap into that
nar against but smell, oh wow, big nose on that and I'm not
getting tons of citrus notes on it. But we will talk about this when

we come back from break. Butdid you get a sip of that?
There? You may get a siphere, hazy ipa with little blood orange
in it. There it is.I was gonna say, there is something
in there. I'm not a bigfan of blood orange. I'll take a
sip when I get back from thisbreak. But that's our first segment,
brought to the table, brought toyou my friends at the Backyard Grill where
we opened up the narrogainst Lagger andthe Cosmic Turtle from Naked River Brewing Company.

All right, what's on tap thisweek? We are going to talk
about the best Irish pub that willsurprise you with what they're not doing.
We're going to be talking about abeer trap on a golf course and driving
after the Daytona five hundred with anopen beer can. This and so much
more. This is What's on TapRadio. We will be right back.
On average, humans walk nine hundredmiles per year, entering twenty two gallons

of beer, which means the averagehuman gets forty one miles per gallon,
not ben What's on Tap Radio continuesat a time when every tap and every
bar served the same mass produced lightlogger. It it was Kraft beer bars
who were the earliest proving ground forthe beer revolution. For over two decades,

the Backyard Girl has been supporting thecommunity of brewers and beer drinkers.
Is one of the original craft beerbars in northwest Houston to introduce guests to
West Coast IPAs, stouts and amberales. Today, the Backyard is over
to over one hundred different beers withan amazing tapall with everything from classic beer
styles that respect tradition to radically experimentalfruited sours, hazy APAs, and barrel

age stouts. And yes, theyhave your favorite mass produced lightloggers too.
Located on the corner of Weston JonesRoad, head out on Highway to ninety
or go online to the Backyard Girldot com and be sure to download the
v Backyard Girl app on your phoneto make online ordering from your device even
easier. The Craft Beer Bar isa pioneer for the craft beer revolution,

and the Backyard Girl is the craftbeer bar you need to check out in
Houston. Cheers. All right,welcome back to What's on Tap Radio.

Hanging out here in studio. NormallyI would say by myself because James isn't
here, but you know what hadto come, guys, they stepped up.
It's like an all sponsor show.Something like that will not you know,
I didn't say all of our sponsorsshow. We don't have everybody here
but hanging out in the studio herein Allegan, Michigan, at the Beer

Logic World headquarters and drinking Emporium.Harbard light Bill who's back from assignment and
he's hanging out with us and alsofrom ringing all the ten Hacen Insurance Group,
Stunt Beer Liver Johnny Klunder. Allright, we're gonna take a little
journey here on for next a littlewhile here. Maybe James is gonna show
up. I think he will.He said he's gonna call in later.

He'll be part of the program.He's gonna be stopping on by. But
what I want to do right nowis I want to reset these beers.
Want to thank our friends again atthe Backyard Grill on the northwest side of
Houston for bringing you brought to thetable and we kicked the show off.
Let's get bill another shot at thisbill. What's the first beer we cracked

open? There are soag nets Shamalamading dong, Yeah, so close narragance
okay from Rhode Island. I foundthis at a local beer store, sixteen
ounce cans. A six pack ofsixteen ounce cans was eight dollars. That's
not bad. That's not bad.That's a deal. And as we crushed
that lagger. That's a good,clean beer too. It's beer that tastes

like beer. Beer. Yeah,it tastes like beer. And we drank
it, and yeah, Clunder lookedup, looked it up because apparently,
you know, he knows how tolook up information really quickly, because you
know, he does a lot ofpolicies, and he's like, no,
I got it. Five percent.Yeah, we're good. We're under the
threshold. So we can kick outoff and crush that. And then we
switched over to a beer that Iknow, Bill brought from Chattanooga, Tennessee,

from was it Naked River Brewing?Naked River? Now, did you
stop at this brewery? Yes,we did. Great place, good food,
good beer, straight across the board. And then you bring me a
beer that has blood oranges in it. I'm not a fan of blood orange.
But what were you saying about thiswhen we were at the break A
big who was in it when Ifirst opened it up. Got a sniff

but kind of falls off in thetaste. And that's for me, is
perfect because I don't like blood oranges. Zero point. Okay, So good
crushable little beer. All right,all right, I like it. You
know, it's tasty. I'm I'mI'm good with this one, all right.
I mean it's if you're an IPAfan, you'll like it. Sorry,

Fred, there's our next name dropFire Marshall. Matt. Yeah,
he's not he's not loving that either, but uh yeah, these are two
nice beers. And again, thankyou Backyard Grill for bringing these. Uh
now, Bill, when you wereout before we get into uh the educational
portion of the program, Yeah,we actually have to do some learning here,

you know, we actually have todo some of that. Can you
tell me what it is you didwhile you were out there on the road,
like I an assignment. Well,eventually my wife and I headed down
to Flora, stopped in New SmyrnaBeach. My nephew has a place down
there. We stayed, hit NewSmyrna Beach, brewing a little distillery down

there, about three or four morebreweries. Stopped in Chattanooga, Tennessee on
the way back and hit four moreand everyone was really good. So you
went out there and spoiled yourself rotten. Yes, it was great, treated
your liver to a really good time. Absolutely, two of them. It
was funny because two breweries I gotin they weren't even open. And my

wife says, but they're closed.And I have the snack for just kind
of talking to people because I'm kindof in the business. Walked right in
the back door, sat down,started drinking beer. That's usually what happens
if you say your industry, youcan do that. But listen, folks
don't try that at home. Ohno, no, I mean if you
work in it by day and you'relike, well the breweries closed, let's

just walk in the back door.We hear what's on tap? Radio would
like to remind you that that youmay end up getting shot for trespassing,
especially if you're in Tennessee or somewherelike that. That's true. Yeah,
all right, all right, well, good beers to kick off the show,
get things started with. We're missingJames a little bit, I a
little out of sorts, but that'sokay. He's he's fine, he's well,

and he trusts me with the keysto the car to go ahead and
just bring it back with a fulltank of gas. Chad, all right,
well, speaking of a full takeof gas, we're gonna fill up
our brains with a little bit ofbeer knowledge. So it's time. Let's
see if I hit the right buttonhere and now the official What's on Tap

Radio Fun Fact to the week.Yeah see that's an old that's the old
sounder there. Sorry. Yeah.By the way, we were looking for
the paycheck to see which paycheck hadcleared, and I'll toss up is it
between James and Hi, because wegot to pay for that somehow. But

here we are the official On's onTap Radio fun fact of the week where
we are able to keep our licenseand stay on air. Why because we
provide you with valuable educational content.That's right. And speaking of the what's
on tape of Radio fun Fact theweek brought to you by whoever's check cleared
this week? This week we gointo a discussion about pay checks. Now,

at one point in time, Igot to call myself a professional beer
drinker. I don't get to dothat anymore. COVID kind of took that
away. But I used to getpaid to drink beer. And people said,
you know, how did you getthat job? Well, it's simple.
Basically, you know, you throwcaution into the wind, disregard your
resume for the rest of your life. Be prepared to disappoint your parents who

said you didn't go to college justto learn to drink beer. And I'm
like, well kind of did,but none of that was going to pay
the bills onl ask somebody actually paysyou to drink beer. But what if
somebody pays you in beer? Now, I've been paid in beer as well,
and many people have throughout history.If you look throughout ancient times,

many people have been paid in beer. Even to this day, people are
still paid in beer. Don't believeme. Go ask your neighbor to help
move a couch. Or borrow histruck. I guarantee you you offer him
two, three, five, tendollars, he won't take it, but
you offer him a beer, he'staking it. So you still use beer

as currency. So it's a greatway of evening up a trade or settling
a deal, or conducting commerce.Beer is a wonderful currency. And it
turns out that the world's oldest paycheckmay have been in beer. What yeah,

if you go back nine thousand yearsYeah, we had to hop in
the DeLorean to do it and justgo back in time get the flux capacity
or a juice. We go backin time, we can travel through all
throughout Europe and Asia and discover artifactsthat show beer was used and sold,
or rather beer was consumed and usedfor lots of different things nine thousand years

ago to build civilizations, but neverwas it used as commerce because it showed
beer as being one of those thingsthat everybody had an equal right to.
But four thousand years later, ohyeah, five thousand years ago, they
discovered in present day Iraq a stonetablet that had markings on it that showed
an indication of a head consuming foodand some other markings on it that indicated

that beer was used as part ofa trade, and there were markings on
it indicating exactly how much beer wasused to get this individual. And it
was a token of employment. Andso this stone tablet had a record of

what it cost, or how manybeers it cost in ancient Iraq some five
thousand years ago, how many beersit took to hire an employee. Now,
these Iraqi pictures were in the formof the language of the suniform.
And I'm saying that with confidence becausethat's exactly how it's pronounced. Don't you

dare try and correct me. Butagain, it had a tablet with a
head eating on it and a vesselnext to it of beer, with markings
indicating how much beer you could geta worker for. And this, according
to archaeologist, is officially the world'soldest pay stub. So you're official What's
on tap Radio fun fact of theweek is that the world's oldest pay stub

shows that somebody was paid to doa job and they were paid in beer.
That's right, and that's your officialWhat's on tap Radio fun fact of
the Week brought to you by wellUs because you know we we pay the
bills here. Actually, our wonderfulpartners do, and we want to thank

them for doing that. But uhyeah, that was a that was a
fun, fun fact. Actually,James sent me that one. Very interesting.
He's a good guy, you know, he sometimes goes out all right,
more once on Tap Radio when wecome back, including the day Tona
five hundred winner driving around with anopen beer can and beer traps on a
golf course. And now your weekendforecast chance of beer. You got What's

on Tap Radio? We want tothank Superior Pest Control West Michigan for flooding
our inbox with stories each and everyweek. Proud sponsors of our research department,
Superior Pest Control. You can findthem here in West Michigan at Superior
Pest dot Biz. That's Superior Pestdot Biz. All right, here we

go. We're just rolling with thingsright now. That's all we're doing.
Keep thought rolling, Chad, I'mrolling through all of it. All right.
Welcome back to What's on Tap Radio? Where James is. He's gonna
be stepping into the show later,I promise, But right now we are

hanging out drinking a couple of beers. We just filled our heads with knowledge.
Realize that the concept of paying peoplein beer is not It's not a
new concept. It's only about fivethousand years old. The oldest PAS stub
is actually paying somebody in beer.That's crazy. There's no record of anybody

getting a ten ninety nine, fivethousand years ago or fikaction, but we
do have record of somebody getting paidin beer. I want to thank beer
grewer James Simpson for sending me thatfun fact. He did the research for
me on that one. Really appreciateit, and hanging out with me in
studio On second Mike Harborlight Bill andstunt Beer Liver Johnny Klunder from ringing all

the ten Hacen Insurance Group right herein West Michigan. And while we were
at break first of all, Ithink this is probably that we we've got
some breaking news. But in orderto announce this breaking news, the first
thing we gotta do is we gotto refill our glasses. So, Bill,
what are we drinking here? Wehave the Sexy Mesi, another beer

from Naked River Brew. I wasjust gonna say, what's with the naked
in the sexy I mean, comeon, all right, Sexy MEXI.
Sexy MEXI a Mexican Lagger, niceand light at three point nine. All
right, Now, all right,he's cracking that open. And I have
so many questions because, I mean, I'm not trying to stir up controversy.

I'm just surprised that they got awaywith naming the beer that I'm just
saying that a horrible name. DoI have to say it? I don't
really want to say it. Imean, I'm not sure. I'm not
sure how I feel about it.Let me just say this. There was
a beer at a Northwest Houston brewery, which brewer is no longer in existence,

and they had a beer called GreenCard Mexican Lagger, and that was
not very well received. That Ican understand, right, But I don't
know. I just don't know ifcalling something sexy Mexi is And I'm not
trying to stir up controversy. I'mjust I don't know where the line is

on this one. But apparently theygot label approval, right, yes,
well label approval in Tennessee. Okay, all right, Well, what are
your thoughts on this one? Here? There's been a lot of people that
I've talked to that the Michigan MLCChas next beer names and lays and stuff.
Okay, all right, well thishere tastes like beer. Again.

I don't think we're gonna have anyproblem finishing this one. Bill. I
think you can finish it if youreally want to, because it's gonna go
hit one way or another. Thisbeer can is gonna be empty in just
a second. Splitting it up here. But as I said before, John
Clender doing a ring know the tenhaiking insurance stepping in on the research department,
helping out and breaking news. Thisjust in so, like Chad said,

we've got some breaking news here,and it looks like the party's over.
Drizzly is closing in March twenty twentyfour. This is the Drizzly is
the beer delivery online order shipping business. Yeah, so it's important here to
know that on March twenty eight,twenty twenty four, all Drizzly consumer facing
operations are disabled. Okay, Soif you got those gift cards, you

got a couple of weeks left.You said, what was the date on
that again? It was March twentyeight, Okay, that was March twenty
Is when all that's gonna stop?Does it say when they're gonna stop shipping?
Like if I if I order,I'm March twenty seventh. Does it
say when I can expect to receivemy package? And should I and who
do I call after a certain date? Yeah, it looks like here on
March eleventh is going to be thelast day that you're gonna be able to

do any ordering. So so Marchtwenty scheduled deliveries are disabled. So between
March eleven and March twenty, getsyour orders in. Dang all right,
Drizzly, Now this I just I'mcurious to know. You said they're owned
by Amazon. They're owned by Uberor Uber. I'm sorry, Yeah,
I'm sorry. Yeah, yeah,it was one of the Meggia Tesla Amazon.

You know, Google, somebody somebodywho, somebody big owns them and
gets your facts right, pillbeam theuh uber Uber has their Uber eats and
they're in the news this week withanother story that we're gonna be talking about
next hour. And uh, Ididn't know about this Drizzly thing. But
Drizzly was they if I remember correctly, they specialized in strictly alcohol delivery.

And it's interesting because Uber eats candeliver anything. I mean, they'll deliver
your pizza, they'll pick your kidup from school, whatever you want.
Okay, I don't know about that, but you know they'll get a lot
of things for you. But theywould deliver alcohol as well. And it
sounds like, based on what Johnwas explaining here, they were going to

focus on the Uber Eats brand andnot dilute the branding with Drizzly and that.
So, all right, another one. I don't want to say,
another one bites the dust, butanother one bites the dust. It's a
great concept, but you just haveto think that maybe someone's delivering to people
they shouldn't and they just don't wantto take any chances. Well, it's

that, but it's really more.I mean, if you think about it,
if they if it's owned by Uber, do you really need two brands
out there doing it? That's Imean, why dilute the branding? So
I think that's really the focus onthat. Speaking of branding, you guys
like to party like the Irish?Yes, so you do the Irish Saint
Patrick's Day, big parties, greenbeer yes or no? Give me give

me no? No? No?I agree? No, all right,
all right, nothing on the greenbeer. It's it's a novelty to some
others. It's a tradition. Butwhat about Guinness. Is Guinness a yes
or no? Guinness is a yes. It's a yes for me as well.
Okay, so that's the one dayof the year we're all Irish and

we can go ahead and have aGuinness. Whether we like it or not.
Most people don't. It's too thickto heavy, but it's really not.
It's not it's not if it's pouredcorrectly. Guinness is a great beer.
Oh, it's absolutely delicious, right, and yeah, it takes one
minute fifty nine and a half secondsto be exact. It's not two minute
poor. It's one minute fifty nineand a half seconds to be exact on

how to pour it. Well,the rankings are in and one of the
consistently highest rated Irish beer bars hasnow been named again the top Irish bar
in the United States. And notonly are they the top Irish bar in
the United States, they are theoldest pub in Philadelphia, and they are

the oldest Irish pub in the UnitedStates. They date all the way back
to the year eighteen sixty, whereis rumored that Abraham Lincoln himself walked in
and had a pint. Actually itis strictly a rumor, which when they
are asked about it, they said, well, we can't prove he was

here, but then again, wealso can't prove he wasn't, so we're
going with it. We're gonna goahead and sell it. But they've survived
the Civil War, they've survived Prohibition, and they have survived and bested all
others by being named the best Irishpub. And this pub is Gillan's Old

Alehouse, located in Philadelphia, andthey do something that no other Irish bar
does. And it may surprise you. There's a particular beer they don't serve.
No, I'm not talking about budLight. I'm talking about mcgillan's Old

Alehouse, the oldest Irish pub inthe United States, does not serve Guinness.
I know. You look at thelook on your face. You're like,
you're like, this is am bybeing punked gaslight gaslight. I'm being
that just seems strange. It is. It's very strange, and they haven't
served it for over twenty years.And the reason for that is they wanted

to stay true to their Irish rootsand they wanted to make sure that the
only Irish stout served in their pubwas exclusively brewed in Ireland. So what
do they serve Oh Haarre's Irish stoutthat is the only Irish stout served in

the number one Irish pub in theUnited States, And coincidentally, I find
this very interesting. They also saidit's the only non US brewed beer that
they serve in there, so theydon't serve any other foreign beers either,
which is interesting because this Irish pubthat opened up in eighteen sixty you want

to take a guess at what theycelebrated two years later the Battle of Puebla,
which was Mexican independence. Two yearslater, in eighteen sixty two,
they had their very first Mexican IndependenceDay, which then morphed into Sinko Day
Mayo. It's one of the bestbars to go to for Sinko Day Miyo.

But not to discriminate, they alsocelebrate October Fest. So the best
Irish pub in the United States.He's in Philadelphia, been open since eighteen
sixty. They don't serve Guinness atall, instead of choosing to serve oh
Haara's Irish Stout. And this ismcgillan's old Alehouse and they also have been
Evidently they are the longest running celebratingbar in the country. Then also of

Sinkle Day Mile. That should havebeen the fun fact right there. That's
a great fun fact. The oldestbar in the United States to celebrate Sinkle
Day Mile is an Irish pub inPhiladelphia. I never would have thought that
would have made a great fun fact. Dang it, Ah. I needed
James to bail me out of thatone. I could have saved that for

next week. Now I gotta worka little bit harder. All right.
Well, that's we got breaking newson Drizzley. We've got more beer to
drink, and now you know whereto go drink for Irish beer. All
right, we got more What's ontap radio coming up? Yeah, we
drink water, but it has tobe filtered through a brewery first. You've
got what's on tap radio? Allright, welcome back to What's on Tap

Radio. It's time to party.We are hanging out in studio, ready
to crack up in another beer?Oh yeah, it is it's time.
Eh. Bill reached into the oldbeer cooler. This is from the dust

shelf. So we talked about thatearlier. Sometimes you find some great beers
there, all right. So HorrodLight Bill hanging out in the studio with
me. Also Stunt Beer Liver fromRinging All the ten Hacin Insurance Group.
Both these guys, proud sponsors ofthis program, got John Klunder here,
gave us some breaking news on theclosing of Drizzly Toliver alcohol delivery service.

And now, if you want,you got to use the old Uber Eats.
But let's just be honest. Ithink everybody's using that now. But
if you want to party and haveyour beer delivered, you're gonna have to
get those use up those gift cardson Drizzly before it's gone. But speaking
of having a party, Bill reacheddown to the old dust shelf, got

out the old feather duster, andI'm gonna let him tell us what we're
drinking. I'm hoping what yours istwenty thirteen. It's old stock ale from
twenty thirteen. All right. Thecellar Reserve from North Coast Brewing got to
California. I'm hoping it's not raisingjuice. That's what I'm hoping for,

because a lot of these older beers, you'll age them and all the hops
fall out, they get oxidized,ends up being more of a barley wine
and prine juice too if it goestoo long. But let's see what we
got here that held up held up, Well, wow, that's smooth as

a grease baby's rear end. Man, I'm telling you that is smooth.
And it's not off putting. Imean, it's not very attractive to look
at. I mean it looks likedirty dishwater, to be honest. That's
going on eleven years. Yeah,it does not look attractive at all.
This looks like old, old,old beer, and it is. It's
eleven years. I mean, Iknow some of you drinking right now have
kids that are younger than this beer. And this is I'm a little worried.

When we get to the bottom ofthat bottle, we're gonna get some
dregs. I wouldn't shake it oranything like that. We may have to
decant it and just pour it verycarefully. Yeah, there's stuff at the
bottom. Okay, right, abunch of the floaties. But thanks for
getting the feather duster out and bringingthat. We got an ABV on this
North coast old stock ale. Yeah, comes in around fourteen point one,
right, but you guys are doingmath on this early. This is pay

attention, guys, this is beermath, all right, all right,
so you want to try doing thatmath again. Well, there's three of
us drinking here, and we've gotrelatively small glasses. The bottle comes in
at a five hundred milli liter bottle, so divided by three, really,
this is only about a five anda half percent beer, right, Okay,

that's all So all that's all we'redoing is we're just drinking another and
nar against it light beer. Butit doesn't taste like beer. It tastes
like amazing barley wine really does,all right. So that's what we're having
here, cracking open another one.I want to take a minute just to
plug our social media if you wantto follow along with us out there,

assuming Meta doesn't crash again and we'reall looking around going well, what are
we gonna do? Well, justhead over to X because we're on X
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Instagram and Facebook at what's on tapRadio? Give us like, give us
a follow, And the other thingI want to talk to you about is
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give us a thumbs up subscribe thatway, whenever a new episode hits,
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And we don't use drizzly, sowe don't use uber eats either,
but we use your podcast platform tomake sure that your latest episode of What's
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caught up. So, speaking ofcaught up, let's cat you up on
some more news from around the world. Let me have one more sip here
because this one's I've got two rathersobering beer stories. Don't worry, folks,
it's a two hour program. We'llbe back for another hour in a
second. But I want to talkto you about this a couple of updates
about things going on in the worldthat we've talked about on the show.

We mentioned and this came up preCOVID with the legalization of marijuana, the
concern that marijuana and recreational use ofmarijuana would kill the craft beer industry because
it's it's a substitution phenomenon where peopleare going to find a way to get

their their vice. You know,you can only have so many vices.
I mean not true. That's that'sthe bill at Harbor Light Brewery. Clearly
he hasn't met with his pastor latelybecause he's he's not right. It's got
an unlimited supply of vices, folks. By the way, if you want

to meet up with him, youcan find him at Harbor Light Brewery in
South Haven, Michigan, or youcan find him over at Oakstown Brewery,
which he also owns in Granville,Michigan. And I'm sure he'll share some
of his vices with you. Butback to this legalization of marijuana, there
was a lot of concern that thiswas going to happen, and James and
I reported on it and we didnot see this substitution thing happening. However,

new research coming out of Canada nowsuggests it has happened. And so
what they're saying now is they've reportsand running it both in the United States
and in Canada, and cannabis taxrevenue is exceeding that of beer and wine
and beer and wine combined. That'show big cannabis is growing. The legalization

and recommreational use and the acceptance throughoutthe States and throughout the provinces of Canada
have shifted dramatically. But the questionI have is are people were people already
getting turned off to some of thecraft beer and starting to drink more healthy
and drink other alternatives and drink less, and then they were like, oh

cool, we're not gonna get bustedfor smoking weed, now, let's just
go ahead and start doing that,and or did they really substitute out Well,
I'd like to know how much peopleare smoking and using cannabis as opposed
to drinking, because the tax oncannabis is a lot higher, so you
can use a lot less and you'retaxable coming into the States are going to

be bigger than alcohol sales. Andthat, folks, is called perspective because
this is the guy that just didyour beer math a minute ago, and
he figured that one out really quick. Folks. You know, clearly,
clearly, clearly, the man knowswhat he's talking about. So if we
start questioning as beer math, he'sright. The cannabis tax revenue is going

to be higher per use correct.Okay, that makes sense, that makes
sense. But beer wine sales docontinue to fall, cannabis sales continue to
increase, and you're seeing it throughoutMichigan, Colorado, actually in Colorado,
cannabis use is the revenue, thetax revenue almost more than alcohol and tobacco

combined, all alcohol and tobacco.That's crazy. So that's what's going on
out there. Let us know whatyou think, as I said at What's
on Tap Radio, send us amessage there, or you can go ahead
and drop into our dmur direct messageright there, or send us an email
What's on Tap Radio at gmail dotcom. Let us know what you think

about the legalization of marijuana, whatit's doing. But this one here,
this one here is gonna piss youoff just a little bit. We did
a story a couple of weeks agoabout Organ's failing health initiative, their alcohol
treatment facilities not being able to supportthe level of alcoholism in Organ. Turns

out that the health initiative, whichwas put out by the Organ Health Authority,
had a report that they were holdingback. They were trying to raise
tax revenue grossly on craft brewers,I mean a sick amount of money that
would have crippled them financially to payfor this health initiative. However, there

was a study done by the OrganHealth Authority which they held back while the
legislature tried to get this passed andincrease the taxes on the brewers. What
did this study say? The studysaid that the Health Authority was not convinced
that the tax revenue would actually improvethe overall systems in place to treat alcoholism.

Oh hey, let's get this passed, increase the tax revenue, and
then tell the public, Oh,we're not sure this will actually work.
One of the reasons I probably wouldnot like to visit Oregon. Yeah,
exactly. Needless to say, DirectorSajal Hathai has some questions to answer,

So we'll be following this story andstaying on top of it. But one
more reason not to trust your government. But you can trust us, and
you can trust us that we willbe back. James is going to be
showing up. We're got one morehour What's on Tap Radio, and we're
gonna be talking about driving with anopen beer can and some more things including
hold my beer and watch this whenwe come back. This is What's on
Tap Radio. We totally believe insecond chances, So if the first beer

doesn't get us buzzed, we'll justhave another. What's on Tap Radio continues
Hold my beer and watch this broughtto you by your friends at Ring All,
the ten taking insurance group located inGrand Rapids, Michigan and Holland along
the Lake Shore RTI Grand Rapids RTIGrand Rapids dot Com. Whoa, whoa,

All right, here we go,folks, here we go. We
are back our number two. What'son tap radio starts right now. And
guess what just happened. You're notgonna believe this, but we found him,
folks. He was out on assignmentdoing busy. I was doing baseball.

Guys. You had to take hehad to take off. The trash
was Jen said, you know,hey, clean your room, get these
kids fed, you know, givehim a bathlet the laundry had to fold,
and yeah, all sorts of funhoneyde chores. And he's like,
it's like, but honey, I'vegot a radio show to do. It's
like, not tell your toud doingyour honeydos. And well here he is

not wrong. There he has,folks, the man, the myth,
the legend, beer goodru James Simpson, he's back. I will tell you
man. I was listening on theway over. You guys were killing it,
but it just I was. Iwas broadcast see when you say that,
you don't mean we we killed radioand people don't. I was doing
baseball. I'm in the in thepeak of the season, and uh the

game ended, which I it waslike a very fast one two three pictures
duel one two three one two threethree. I was like, wait a
minute, I'm look at the clock. It's like, I bet you I
can get out of here and gethome and do the at least at the
end of the show. And soI'm listening to the show on the way
home and you guys are killing it. Thank you very much, And it
just so happened to be perfect timing. We're I was able to get home
before the start of the second hour. So how about that for the radio

gods on my side. I appreciateit. And it's time for you to
crack open a beer. Us tocrack open a beer because we're empty again.
James hanging out on the West Sideof Houston and Katie Texas studio s
and hanging out at the Beer LogicWorld headquarters and Drinking Emporium, Aleigan,
Michigan Harbor Light Bill and from ringingall to ten Hacen Insurance Group. Oh
we've gotta put an asterix on that, because we're gonna talk about them in

a second. John Klunder, myagent, I always I always like saying
that the way Cuba Gooding Junior saysthat in Jerry maguire, This is Jerry
McGuire, my agent. This isJohn Klunder, my agent, my master
of Kwan. Okay, all right, anyway we're gonna open them. Just
be careful of that because our actualagent's gonna hear that and go wait,

you don't give a lot of emphasiswhen you talk about me. All right,
harbor Light, Bill's cracking open abeer because our glasses are empty.
And I'm gonna just go ahead andtell you, James, what we're daring
here. We've had a few reallygood beers here to kick off the show,
but this one here tough to beat. This one's gonna be really tough
to beat. Where's my glass?What happened here? Oh? He's pouring
it right there? Francis, allright, thanks? Are you sure that's

my glass? But all right,whatever, this right here the world's first
canned, bottled and distributed and producedWest Coast Double IPA and arguably the first
one hundred perfect score rated rate beerbeer to be discontinued from circulation. I
give you Stone Ruination IPA. Ohwhat a classic right there, brought back

out of retirement, a fan favorite. Why did they kill it? Because
people drank enough of it and theystopped and they were like, and Greg
Cook, who knows us? Wecan go and give him named beer Jesus
our first guests when we had What'sthe Top radio launched in twenty thirteen,
over ten years ago. So yeah, you know, I mean, he
hopefully knows us. Hopefully you rememberedus. Hopefully he thought he had a

good enough time to remember us.That comment, he said, beer's meant
to be consumed, not to siton the shelf like a museum. So
there you go. All right,James, you have a beer you want
to crack? I do. Butwhat I do want to do is I'm
looking at this hoole my beer andwatch this, which basically I kind of
wrote this in the commercial break,and so I'm gonna have to like rip
and read, but I do wantto just go ahead and knock out the
hole my beer and watch this beforeI crack a beer. Is that?

Okay? Guys? Everybody? Everybodygo with that. I'll be full agreement.
I got a sponsor right next tome who's all in favor. All
right, let's do let's do this, hold my beer and watch this brought
to you by the Ring Malda tenHacen Insurance Group, where they'll cover you
for just about everything except this.I'll be honest with you. I was
not in the production meeting before theshow because I was doing baseball, but

I kind of glazed over the storyjust to kind of, you know,
get an idea. So here wego, Florida, take the week off,
all right. So last late lastmonth, there was a man named
Valasquez Dominguez does he know, Ihope not, okay, reportedly visit a
convenience store in Laredo. Yes,this happened in the Lone Starts state where

I'm broadcasting right here in Texas.Well. He went in to buy some
beer. No harm, no foul, right. Unfortunately for Dimingas it was
one in the morning, so thebeer fridges were locked. So any Texas
resident knows that alcohol sales stop atmidnight. Yep. So we're guessing either
Dominga's forgot or he possibly was sodrunk in the evening that he just forgot

because he got very, very veryand I mean very upset, so and
says that he couldnot purchase more boozeto keep the night going. Diminga is
allegedly punched the store clerk's head andthey're proceeded to get into a Ford f
one fifty and drove her through theconvenience store. That'll that'll open the locker

up, I'll open the beer cooler. I'll teach you, and so.
So he was arrested, of course, and here's an officer explaining what Diminga
is accused of doing. Let's rollcut. I think that's cut three.
An individual had gone into the storeand went towards the to the refrigerators where

the alcohol was at. He becameupset when he found out that the refrigerator
was locked. He went over totalk to an employee and allegedly he struck
an employee, assault at the employee, and exited the store, got onto
his pickup truck and crashed into theconvenience store. The thirty three year old
is facing charges of assaults and criminalmischief through investigation remains ongoing. But if

you're visiting the Lone Star State Ladiesand gentlemen. Here in Texas we have
what we call blue laws, andafter a certain hour and midnight on weekends,
you cannot be buying alcohol, especiallyat one in the morning. So
I guess Dimina's either he forgot aboutthat or he was just so a waste
to face that he forgot. Butyeah, don't get in the way of

this guy's beer. But apparently,I guess jail bars will be now,
so you hold my beer and watchthis. This week a textas man crashes
his truck through a convenience store.I guess he thought it was a drive
through. Wasn't a drive through?He was no, no, no,
no no. It was one somethingin the morning, and his watch was
set for Pacific time zone, sohe thought that he's had like another hour

and a half to go. Well, he got he was still safe.
He got upset because the fridges werelocked. So here's probably how it played
off. He was like, wait, you're telling me the fridges are locked.
I'll be right back, And sohe gets in his truck and the
private stary course like, what thehell is this guy doing? Oh oh
boom right into the into the covenionstore. But luckily he was arrested and

luckily nobody was injured. So itreminded me. That kind of reminds me
of the uh oh me myself andIrene whenever Hank, when Jim Carrey has
his split personality snaps and he's tiredof being mistreated, he just drives around
town and just raise it. Hell. All right, well, just remember,
folks, You're folks are bringing allthe ten hacre insurance. They'll cover

you for just about everything. Butthey're not covering Amos. That's pre damn
sure. I can tell you thatright now. His insurance wherever you had
before definitely had dropped him. Allright, that's all My beer watched is
coming up. I got a StarWars story in the news I want to
get to and I gotta crack myfirst beer of the show. All this
is so much more. Hang withus. We'll be right back. If
you encounter wine snobs, just takea full class of wine and put it

to your ear. Minds will beblown. This is what's on Tap Radio?

All right, welcome back. What'son Tap Radio. Just got an
email from our agent says, guys, listen to the show right now and
don't forget your obligame to do asports segment. I haven't heard one in
a while, so make sure thatyou are abiding by your contract and doing
a sports segment. So I guesswe're gonna do a sports segment here.

Also, am I fired because youkeep talking about this John clunder guy.
Now he's my insurance agent. Butwe're gonna I guess we're gonna make this
segment our sports segment. Speak ofsports. I'm a little late to the
game. Hot, see what Idid there, because I just did high
school baseball and the game just happenedin early enough where I was able to
get here for hour number two.But I have not cracked a beer.

I have not a cracked a beer. We are an hour to seg two
and I have yet to crack abeer. So I am going to crack
a beer since I want to catchup with Chad and the crew over in
his studio in the in the Mittenstate of Michigan. I am going I'm
gonna go big. I'm gonna bangthis one out, Chad, Oh the

banger Banger I pa Saint Arnold BrewingCompany, which is basically ops on repeat.
So yeah it is. So letme go and crack bang bang bang
bang bang. We just finished abanger of an I p A. We
got a beer to open up too. It's a different kind of banger,
but James is the singer old bangerI p A. That's that's a new

er, new er maybe I thinkmaybe third year, Yeah, a couple
of years. Not definitely, notyou know, a classic flagship center O
beer, but definitely it's worth getting. But look at that nice head retention
on there. Wow, here wego. How you is how you do
it? This is how a prodoes it right. I got my Boston
Logger glass, so I get alot of aromas and flavors from it,

so my palate will really get everythingit should with every sip and obviously also
the aroma. Here we go,here we go. Oh yeah, mm
hmmm mmmm. Definitely know it's oftropical fruit melon, uh cinch, just
balance with a soft bittering with asmooth mouthfeel. Wow, and it's amazing
how he just picks up all that. Yeah, this is this is pretty

hazy. IPA is a banger you'llcome back to again and again, which
is I'm thinking when I take asip of this in my sam when I
was Bosting Loader glass interesting ABV eightpoint four. Oh good, you are
going to try and catch up bitternessfor a double Hazy India PLL twenty nine
IBus twenty nine IBus. So Ithink the Ibu game is kind of done.

I think we're done with that.Oh remember back in the day,
it was like, man our Ibu'sover one hundred and thirty. It would
take the enamel off your one hundredthough, so you're one twenty, doesn't
matter, You'll take the enamel offyour teeth. Yep. I had a
one thousand Ibu beer once and Iwas just like, this is the dumbest
thing in the world. Yeah,but anyways, hops on repeat, banger.

I p a a Imperial Hazy Indiapl from Saint Arnold Brewing Company,
which is about to celebrate their thirtiethanniversary. Can you believe that? Coming
up in June, Yeah, I'mtalking with Santa. I'm gonna do a
big interview with Brock Wagner on I'mwanna do like a reflection interview kind of
how he reflects on the last thirtyyears in business. So I'm gonna be
working on that coming up later inthis year. So that's what I'm bringing

to the show dedicated a whole showtwo hours to No, how do I
do that in eleven minutes? Becauseyou know we only have eleven minutes since
we are terrestrial radio, we can'tjust go on and on like a podcast.
Rock James, James Brock, everybodywill do more introductions layer first question
go. So I don't know thatinterview. I don't know how speed dating,
but I'm looking forward to it becauseobviously I have a rich history with

Santa Old Bruin Company, especially Brock, and so yeah, that's something I'm
working on. But again, SantaNald Brewing Company, banger I pa hops
on repeat eight point four an ImperialEasy, I p A all right,
well, while John clunder from ringingall the ten Haken, he's, uh,
let me try that one. We'retime, Wow did you break it?

And all the ten Hacen insurance group. He first time opening a bottle?
He uh, yeah, I gotan insurance claim there, John,
he's opening a beer up that Uh. I picked up a few weeks ago
and purchased a very interesting situation.So, uh just recently invited our West
Michigan sponsors out to have some drinksover Oakstown Brewery and Grandville, and I

want to thank Superior Pass Control,Renal, the ten Hacen and also Harbor
Light Brewery for coming out. Wehad a good time. Unfortunately Tantrick was
out of town there and they werein Key West drinking beer, having a
good Actually, I think they werein the Caribbean. They're like the Bahamas
or something. They're at a greattime. Good on assignment. Yeah,
on assignment, right, exactly.Here's like Bill, Bill's normally on assignment.

We sent Tantric on assignment this week. But when we were done,
oh, harbor Light, Bill andI we decided, yeah, we're gonna
swing by. We're gonna stop atale Bird Brewery and uh we went in
there and we discovered that they changedownership. So I'm glad I had this
already. But this is the endBoss Imperial Stout, and I believe the

ABV. They're not even legally allowedto put it on the label or is
it on there? Twelve point six? Twelve point six bull crap. This
is an eighteen percent beer. Theylied. Okay, I'm telling you,
this is a huge beer, absolutelydelicious. This is a bourbon barrel aged
stout, deep roasty chocolate flavor accordingto the label. Great label, by

the way, but this is ahuge beer in a bomber bottle, which
nobody does those anymore. But veryboozy. Yeah, very Albird Brewery in
Byron Center, Michigan. So ByronCenter sounds like a great place to start
a open up a racetrack. Ifyou're gonna open up a racetrack, go
to Byron Center, Byron Center,this Sunday, Sunday, Sunday. Before

you start that story, I standcorrected. I was just corrected on x
banger IPA debuted January of twenty twentythree. So also I have to do
an I do a name drop forbrock Wagner. I do that either,
Okay, sorry, all right,So let's talk about race cars. Race
cars. That's right, This iskind of fun. It's always fun when
you have to talk about race carsand sorry, drinking and driving, right,

never do that ever? Watched thisone hundred thousand times about it and
it's never a good idea. Wellhere it is, folks. William Byron,
who won the Daytona five hundred,was caught in Las Vegas driving his
race car with an open container.Wait, his race car, yep,

oh yeah, this is a bigdeal. So he was at the UH
This he was at the NASCAR SprintCup or the Cup race in Las Vegas
at the Motor Speedway in his carwith an open container. This is a
NASCAR first, ladies and gentlemen.He was running good, the car was
strong. I think he was runningin fourteenth place at the time, and

all of a sudden, the windsstarted to pick up in Las Vegas fifty
mile an hour gust. Winds startedblowing cars, pushing cars, making things
difficult for the fans, and blewover trash cans and big old bags and
debris scattered all over the infield andonto the track, where Byron then found

himself in front of, or ratherbehind it, a big giant plastic trash
bag which didn't come loose. Hedrove a couple of laps with it,
and the car immediately began to overheat. He continued to drive around and finished
in tenth place overall. And whenthey got done after removing the plastic bag,

they were very disappointed. But thenas they started to inspect the car,
they noticed there was an open canof corps light wedged in on the
air filter. Oh okay, hedrove the race with an open container?
Oh okay, okay, I'm thinkingto myself, I'm like, he's got

a helmet on, how is he? Does he have a straw? I
did how they drank anything? Right? He did it right? An open
container? Okay, okay. SeeI'm thinking the whole time, I'm thinking
like, how's he is he takinghis helmet off to take a sip?
Does he have a long straw?Like? How's he doing this? Because
I know that did? They justdon't drive around with it? Well yeah,
yeah, wait, man, isthis the first NASCAR helmet with those

two beer cans on the side?Well maybe that's what I mean, like
Talladaked Nights or something, you know, like I don't know. Uh.
Even the pit crew was like,this is the first for me, man,
I don't know how there was Andit was a silber bullet too.
Funny story, man, we gota beer can wedges in there, and
it's like, well, you know, NASCAR has its roots with prohibition and

running booze and well, uh,he didn't win. He did win the
NASCAR the daytail of five hundred,but he finished, uh in tenth place
overall after this, but they hada good laugh about it. Sponsors weren't
too happy about the fact that thecar didn't perform better due to the debris
slowing the car down and then havingto pit prematurely, but they do have
a great story to tell. Sothere's your NASCAR sports story of the week.

And uh wow, that's okay.That's a first light out of sent
of a case of beer. Likesorry, all right, that's funny.
All right, we have to takea break. Coming up, there's a
Star Wars story in the news thatI'm I can't wait to get to.
All this is so much more.Hang with us. We got a lot
more to get to. We'll beright back, all right. We're going

to eat healthy and start exercising today. Oh look, beer, beer,
beer, what's on tap? Radiocontinues, all right, so baffled by

this story about the NASCAR and thecores can try to take the car down,
try to, but it didn't.All right, As the contract it
says, we have to do asports segment. So we finished one sports
story, but we're gonna continue onbecause now just keep rolling. Now we're
gonna transition. We're gonna segue,not transition, We're gonna segue from NASCAR

over to golf, right, Becauseif we tell you not to drink and
drive, we tell the fans todrink and watch because that's what you do.
I mean, if you can watcha NASCAR event without drinking beer,
I'm not sure I want to hangout with you. I just don't.
I mean, do you need beerto have a good time? Not necessarily,
but if you're watching NASCAR, youneed beer? Yeah? And golf

right, Well, that's the otherthing is I can't golf without beer.
It's so funny. I was watchingI was watching Happy Go more than the
other day was on TV. Youknow, shooters getting all upset because these
wild, crazy fans are coming outand he's like, this is golf and
not thinking to myself, wow,this didn't age very well because now look
at golf tournaments. People are gettingarrested and oh yeah, streaks. They're

cutting beer sales off because people arejust getting out of control. Things have
really come a long way since thatmovie came out. All right, well
there's a let's let's just keep theparty rolling. Or maybe not you you
be the judge. There is astop on the PGA tour in Cognisant,

and I don't know where that is. It's in Florida, somewhere Palm Beach
Garden. It's uh And there theyhave the iconic and very well known beer
trap. This is a nine yeargolf tournament tradition that has been going on.
And the golf course has houses onit and there is a family that

lives there, a gentleman by thename of Deep Chopra who has his porch
on the golf course right there,and his yard has been a staple destination
for nine years. People, Imean thousands of people have wanted to go
there and see this. Why becausehe has designed the world's first beer trap

on a golf course. Now youmay be thinking, wait a minute,
I know what a sand trap is. What's a beer trap? Not a
bear trap? This is not abear story. It's a beer trap.
What it is is it's designed tolure people over to their house to hang
out during the golf tournament and drinkbeer. And how do they do it.

They put up a giant sign thatsays free beer. And guess what,
you show up over there and yougot a free beer. I'm like,
what the heck is like a trap? Something? It sounds like an
well, I know but I meanit's like, what's the what's the catch?

Right, It's like, once theylure you, it's I feel like
offering free beer on a golf courseis the equivalent to the white panel van
with candy and like, hey kid, come here, I got some candy.
It's like, oh wait, yeah, I'll go. And what are
you luring me into? What's gonnahappen if I come over? There?
Nothing for a while, and thisis something they've been doing and people want

to come over and get their picturetaken. Unfortunately, they did this in
twenty sixteen, twenty seventeen and itwas a huge hit people, thousands of
people showing up and they're just givingaway beers. It was awesome until the
PGA and the course said, hey, wait a minute, this is cutting

into our beer sales. Oh thereyou go, there's there. It's ruined.
Yeah, we're going to ruin theparty. Yep, yep. You
know what the people pay to liveon that course. I mean they pay
a mint notch and if they wantto give away free beer, why not.
I mean they're helping the event.It's they're creating a destination. People

are coming getting their photographed by thesign and they're like, oh hey,
it's hey. We got to goto that event and guess what you got
to watch out with the beer trap. We got sucked in. Oh no,
we got to drink beer. Well, course officials ask them to please
refrain from doing that because it's cuttinginto their sales. So now they've stopped
giving away beeroo. Yeah. Theyput up two signs next to the beer

trap sign. One sign reads freebeer yesterday, the other one reads free
beer tomorrow. Hasn't stopped people fromstopping in and getting their picture taken,
but there are still many who thinkthey can get a free beer and they
go up and they're like, hey, where's the free beer And they're like,
well, sorry, they asked usnot to do that anymore, so
we don't, to which many peoplehave taken the social media to say this

really is a beer trap. Thereis no beer. See. It's very
similar to the North Shore End andNorth Peer Brewing at the Senior PGA tour
down at Harbor Shores. What theygive away beer. No, the North
Peer Brewing is right in the middleof that golf course and people stop in

get beer, burgers and stuff theyneed, and the Senior PGA tours trying
to shut them down because it's cuttinginto their business. Booooooo. So I
misunderstood you again, Chad, becausewhen I thought of beer trap, I
thought like they had beer, andthen you would walk over there and it'll
be like one of those you knowin the jungle where a rope grabs your
ankle and you know, flies upsidedown. Yeah, no, no,

no, it's not one of thoseone of those giant nets that picks you
up and takes you into a tree. No, it is not like that.
No, all right, right,Well I don't know, James,
I've got I've got a fishing story. If you like, Let's keep it
going. Let's just keep it going. We got we're covering all of our

sports here. I talked a littlebit about baseball. Now we got Nascar,
we got golf. Let's go.All right. I'm happy to tell
you that cors light or sorry sorry, that cores l like Keystone light rather
Keystone light. Sorry, Keystone light, which does definitely cours make Keystone.

Yeah they far off. Okay,so Keystone Keystone, which definitely did not
infringe on Stone's trademark Keith Stone.Yeah, that was funny. That was
a good bit why last, Ohmy gosh, but Keystone Light they have
a new campaign, uh focused onaggressive growth. Oh yeah, uh back

at the end of twenty twenty three, they made decisions to focus their brand
on growing market share and increasing sales. Commentary here probably in light of you
know, another light beer brand's demise, but they figured it out. What
they wanted to do is they wantedto start partnering with enthusiasts, and they
have come up with a twenty twentyfour campaign to be able to partner with

different groups of enthusiasts. Outdoor peoplediffer, people with different passions, different
hobbies. And they're kicking it offwith what they're calling fishing license renewal season.
Okay, we didn't. We werenot aware that there was such a
season, but no idea. We'reapparently in it right now. Is the

ice begins, the thaw and it'sgetting warmer and people are getting their boats
out and fishing license renewal season andthey are now offering the Keystone Light schnack
pack, which is sorry, they'recalling it the snackle box. It's not
a tackle box, it's a acle. And what comes in the snackle box.

I'm so glad you have because theygive you. They give you a
cooler with room for your keystone,light and ice. You need that,
Okay, gotta have that, Gottahave that. That's a muss yep.
And then they give you little tincans of some of the world's best smoked

salmon and rainbow trout snack, right, so you know, when you're out
fishing and you're trying to catch fish, who wouldn't want to just open a
can of tuna or source rainbow troutand start nibbling on this. And you
also get a twenty five dollars giftcard to be able to order your keystone

from uber eats and have it delivered. And thank goodness it's through uber eats
and not Dristly, because if itwas through Drizzly you'd have to order now.
But uh yeah, through uber eatsand they will deliver your beer and
you put it in there and you'regood. So it is available at dot
com. Not a sponsor, can'tthey don't sponsor. I'm not plugging it.

But here's the other thing, James. You know what I did.
I saw the link and I'm like, I'm buying this and I went and
I mean, it is John clunderRingo and Hagen Insurance Group. He went
there and what does it say?Sold out? Sold out? Yeah?

Who makes it again? I forgot? This is Keystone, who makes from
a molten Cores also known as theMiller Cores family. Yep, it all
comes, yep, all come fullcircle. Yes, the smooth snackle packs
have been caught for the day,but come back at later for a chance
to reel one in. Yeah,right, that means never. It's a

scam. Nobody got one. It'sa scam. How do I get to
buy salmon fresh? Though? Imean, are they gonna put it in
dry ice and send it to me? Like? No, no, No,
it's it's it's like store. It'slike store shelf stable salmon. You
know, it's the stuff that youbuy like if you were buy tune on
the shelf. Oh gross, okayyeah? And then who else just crack

that open eating whit you fish?All right, James, that's been our
sports. We've been fishing, We'vebeen NASCAR racing, and we've been golfing.
We got one more segment and whenwe come back, we will talk
about some things like Star Wars.We're gonna talk about Star Wars so all
you geeks out there, get ready. All right, one more segment that's
on top. You're hanging with us, we'll bright back. Did you know
that six beers a day can reduceyour risk of giving a rats ass?

We don't think. Our friends atTantrick Brewing Company, located in Alegant,
Michigan, right there on the KalamazooRiver. Beautiful sites, beautiful beer,
beautiful food, and yeah, yousee the beer logic guy in there hanging
out stop by get a free What'son tap? Radio? High five?
Great beer, great times, greatfood. Located an allegant Michigan Tantrik Brewering
Company one two three around because sheloves me soup. My last segment of

the week of the week, Iwant to thank Harbor Light, Bill and
John clunder Renaldtene Insurance Group holding theFord down with Chad for the first hour
as I was off doing baseball.Thank you guys. I really appreciate it.
I was listening to it on theway in and I have to say,
you guys did a great job.But unfortunately we come to the last
segment of the week, and thissegment is brought to you by our good

friends over at Tantrik Brewing Company.Friends at Tantric who couldn't be here tonight
and they've been on vacation, they'vebeen hanging out. But you got to
swing downtown Alligan. Check it allout. Food beer, great service,
great views, and a great localatmosphere. Support great people who are supporting

entrepreneurship and businesses in our small town. And they're not doing it by putting
on a mediocre product. I'm tellingyou great beer, great times. Tantrik
Brewing Company tantic Brewing dot com.Also, I don't I'm not sure.
I didn't listen to everything Chad didin the first hour, but I do
want to make sure we plug oursocial before we get out of here.

That's at What's on Tap Radio,Facebook x, Instagram, and TikTok.
To get ahold of the show,you can email us What's on Tap Radio
at gmail dot com. And thenI'm at James and the Radio, And
that's at beer Logic, Chadpilbeam.That's at beer Logic. Chad the beer
Beer Logic guy gets it wrong everytime. He's like, I'm already connected.
I don't have to look at hishandle it. You know, one

year I'll get it but real quick, I got we got to get to
the Star Wars story, because thisstory is hilarious and I have to give
it to the Chilean TV networks outthere. But I want to give a
special shout out to our friends overat the Cana Allen Alers home Brewing Club.
Yes, they recently just had theirOperation Fermentation, which is their annual
awards ceremony. It's a homebrew club, so all these home brews come from

all over the world and they arejudging this competition and they hold they held
an evening of awards, and sothey invited me to come out and be
a keynote speaker and had a lotof fun, a lot of fun.
And I got up there and Ispoke about the importance of sharing beer stories,
and I shared a beer story ofhow I got into home brewing and
it was a disaster, and youknow, it kind of molded into a

blog and then in What's on TapRadio here we are ten years later.
And anyways, it was a lotof fun. And then I have to
tell you, Chad, that wassome of the best damn home brews I've
had in a long time. Imean, he's a club that knows what
they're doing. I mean, wow, a lot of sours, sour heavy,
some of the best damn sours.Yeah. So Barry and Mastahnts were

out there, of course can AllenAlers, the Ninja Homebrew Club. Phone
Rangers were out there too. Rangersare there? Yeah? Yeah, But
KTB still around or are they?Were they not there? Who's at KGB?
Kirkandal Greenbergs. I don't Rember callif they were there or not.
Yeah, that was that was theoldest one that was up on the north
side in the spring. And whenI first moved out there over twenty years

ago, there's a home brew shopon the north Side and that's where I
shopped. And I can't remember theguy's name rest in PC. He passed
away, but he was a bigpart of the beer scene there and uh
you know he hit his home bruwsshop along with Defalcos. Okay, so
that around opposite ends of town theyhad different clubs. So yeah, like

I said, I mean, wetalk like a lot about how home brewing
it's just not as popular as itonce was. It's kind of like they
put it in the same category scottbooking, where it's a hobby that was
really popular, you know, backin the day, but it's just not
as popular as it now is.But seeing that and seeing the quality of
home brews comes out is very inspirational. Meaning that, I mean, people
are just really out there still puttinga lot of passion into it. And

so shout out to all the homebrewers out there that are just continuing to
kill it and keeping that hobby going, you know. Amen. Yeah,
So I'm gonna say this to allthe home brewers out there, May the
force be with you. There yougo, there you go. Hey,
speaking of I saw this story andI had no clue, but I have

to give it to the Chilean TVnetworks. This is so gold. Okay,
So here's the story. So,when the original Star Wars trilogy aired
on Chilean TV in two thousand andthree, network executive has found an interesting
way to avoid cutting to commercials.You know, you gotta take commercial breaks
because that's what pays for the programming, right. Yeah, if you're anytime
you're watching a movie on TV,you know, network television, they're going

to stop at opportune times and runfour minutes of commercials. Well, when
you're running a trilogy. You knowhow long are trilogies. It's pretty long,
but you have to fit in yourspot blocks, right A. Le's
Chilean and TV execs they got really, really creative, so instead of breaking
for commercials, they spliced ads forServesa Crystal beer directly into the movies.

So you're asking, okay, howare you doing this? That's the dumbest
thing in the world. No,it's cold, but go on, how
are they doing this? Well,I'm glad you asked. Okay, remember
trilogy right? For instance and aNew Hope, when Obi Wan Kenobi is
supposed to give Luke his father's lightsaberinstead, he reaches into a cooler and

pulls out an ice cold Servesa crystalinstead. That's serious, man, Not
like the one with Emperor Palpatine inReturn of the Jedi, when when he's
sitting there in the and he goesover to his chair and he spins it.
He used the force to spin thechair around, and then he puts
out his hand and a can ofcrystal comes into his use the force to
be That's what I saying. Like, okay, So in the Empire strikes

back when Yoda is training Luke,Luke reaches into the branches of a tree
and grabs a can oh and inreturn of the Jedi, the Empire uses
the force to summon a cold onelike Chad just mentioned. Great and supposedly
the ad agency that came up withthis idea actually won an award for it.

They did. Yeah, yeah,wow, And then and then Lucas
Films found out about it, andthey were not happy whatsoever. So George,
did George Lucas give that award?Now, George Lucas was not a
presenter. No, he issued thecease and desist. So let's give you
a little idea of what it soundedlike. So if you're in Chili watching

this trilogy, here's a little ideaof how they did this marketing. You
fought in the Clone Wars. Yes, I was once a Jedi ninth,
the same as your father. Iwish i'd known him. He was the
best stop pilot in the galaxy.It's the great part. I remember this
and a cunning warrior. I understandyou've become quite a good pilot yourself.

Yeah, wait for it, waitfor a good friend, which reminds me
I have something here for you.Your father wanted you to have this when
you were old enough your father yearold enough serve. Oh that's so funny,

man. So if you're just turninginto the song, if you're just
turning in. When the original StarWars trilogy aired on Chile and TV,
instead of cutting to commercial, theyinserted the beer ads into the actual movie.

He's out in the back of Yondaand he reaches into the branch.
He's like, he's trying to learnthe force. He reaches in and he
pulls out. It's like, ishe pulling out a lightsaber? Is he
pulling out survesa Chris stop. Ithink these guys might be onto something.
What if they what if? Whatif they're onto something? I mean,
this is back in two thousand andthree, but you know they're really getting

creative these days on inserting, marketing. You know, you do product placements,
but what if they just started doingyou know, you're in the middle
of watching I don't know, youknow, gone with a wind, you
know, and she reaches to graba broom out of the closet instead of
the you know, grabbing a broom. She I'm just saying, you can

do this with all sources of movies. My gun Maverick and Goose are walking
out. I feel the need.I feel the need for Oh my god,
that's so funny. That's my favoritestory of the week. All right,

Well, on that high note,man, we gotta wrap it up.
Put a boat on the show.I can't say enough about our wonderful
sponsors who are in studio with mehelping me carry the show, carry the
load. Thank you bringing all theten Hacen Insurance Group. Thank you very
much, John Klender. Absolutely alsothanking Tangent brilliant company. Also, you

know on vacation right now. Ihope you're enjoying yourselves with superior pest control
that sent us a lot of stories. I appreciate you guys, of course
the back of a girl who kickedoff hold my beer and watched this harbor
Light bill. Always fun having youin studio and a course sponsoring our podcast
which available everywhere. Cas Brandy.So for mister John Clender, we know
not detain an insurance group. We'vegot bill for harbor Light Brewing. Got
chadpill being bar Logic guy and Breuergredjameson Thing. Thanks for checking on What's

on Tap Radio. We hope youenjoyed it and we hope you woul joined
us for another action backup radio shownext week. See you that folks cheers
set Amir tempying on us, saidAmy Hap. Whackey mon,
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