All Episodes

November 14, 2023 80 mins
On tap this week: A study finds non-alcoholic beer may bring higher risk for E.coli, Salmonella?!, Samuel Adams Utopias returns, Oskar Blues Austin suddenly shuts their doors, Canadian law enforcement seizes over 300 cases of beer destined for wedding, Another installment of the “Great Bear Adventure,” Listener emails, Plus, a sneak peak of the upcoming documentary, “Beer City, USA” with filmmaker Keith Patterson. All this and so much more. Enjoy the show, Cheers!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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This What's on Tap Radio on demandepisode is presented by Cast Brandy. Cast
Branding is a trusted source for supplyingbreweries, distilleries, and wineries with custom
merchandise and Brandy, a member ofthe Texas craft Brewers Guild. Cast Brandy
can make your brand stand out withclass. You preach, support local,
Well, how about practicing what youpreach. Go to cast Brandy dot com,
Cast Brandy dot com, Cast Brandingdot com. Enjoy the show.

This is about to be good radio. Oh yeah. To me, a
craft brewer is much more of amindset. We just opened two camps,
spread the gospel of good beer.Beer. Tons and tons of stuff going
on in the beer world. Ilove craft beer. I love different people's
beers. It's the first favorite.Cheers two olas, beer geeks and those

new to the craft. What's onTap High five? This is What's on
Tap Radio beer and the culture thatflows with it. Pears Beer Guru James
Simpson and Beer Logics Chad Pillbeam.I had a glitch there for a second,

Sure what happened there? This isa flawless operation. Dude. Listen,
you don't get to say we hada glitch there mid flight if you
were an airline pilot, they wouldhave grounded you. We just had some
merds, ladies and gentlemen. Well, the good thing is is we're drinking
beer on this show, and theywouldn't let us on a plane anyway.
But we're all things. Get itaround that one. All things look great

now, Welcome to the show.Welcome to the show. I think we
have clear skies for the rest ofthe flight. Oh boy, am I
glad to be with you. Guys. Welcome to the show. I'm James,
That's Chad, and we are hereto entertain you. And if we
don't, it's one money back guaranteed, and we'll tell you how to get
ahold of show later on. Andif you are not completely satisfied, well

we'll tell you how you can getthat money back. Guard to self address,
postage paid, stamped postcard, pobox and yeah, we'll give you
your money back for listening to thisshow. All right. You know,
I was just looking at the beers. I was going to be bringing the
table. You know, I gota Spreadsharet in studio S and I guess

I'm just doing this. I guessI'm gonna do this. I'm going all
in I'll explain here in a second, but before we get in a way,
ten years we've been doing this fineradio show. In ten years,
we've been starting off the show thesame way, and we're not going to
change this anytime soon. With thatgood formula. Yeah, I mean,
if it works, thank those whobrought you to the dance exactly right.

And so with that being said,let's think our advertisers. Let's think our
partners in crime who allow us tostay on the radio each and every week
for the past ten years. Well, they've come and gone. We've got
some new sponsors, you know,we said goodbye and we'll bring it on
some more in the future. Butright now we're hanging out with Tantric Brewing,
Superior Pest Control, bio Logic conferenceevents, and we knowded to make
an insurance group the back of ourgirl, and of course sponsoring our podcast,

which is available everywhere free cas brandingcashBranding dot com. All right,
now that we got that underway,it's time to crack some beers. This
segment s brought to the table.I'm bringing beer. Chat's bringing a beer,
and I hope whatever you're doing responsiblyyou can be having a beer with
us because it is time to cracka beer. You're a couple of minutes
in. Who's going first? Thisis table that's right byg on the northwest

side of Houston bringing you this segmenthome of a one hundred different menu items
and over one hundred different beers.And want to thank our good buddy of
Fred out there. And that's ourfirst yeah, first name drop of the
show right there and northwest side ofHouston. James, you said you're going
to do a thing. You wantto tackle your your beer fridge. But

we're gonna do something here. AndI say we because I got a stunt
beer liver that's going to help outwith this. James, What happens to
october Fest beers after Halloween? Like, when October's done, you're into November.
What happens? I heard they explode? Right Well, I found one
that didn't explode, So we're gonnaopen it now just in case it explodes.
I mean it could go. It'sa ticking time bomb. It could

go any minute. I'm gonna gofirst. This is the Eastwood october Fest
mars and style beer from wax WingsBrewery Kalamazoo, Michigan. Yes, Larry.
There's another name drop listener, Larry. He's a big fan of the
show. This is, in hisopinion, the best brewery in the state
of Michigan. What that's a boldclaim there, kind yeah, big claims.

So I mean there's only six breweriesin Michigan. So I guess there's
not. Yeah, yeah, Wellwait a minute. You heard breweries are
closing all over the country. Whatyeah, so now there's only five.
But that's okay. There's one inCalifornia, there's two in Texas. We
still have three times more than now. Only one in Texas just closed.
Shut up, all right? Anyway, go ahead, as stunt beer Liver.

I've got Keith Patterson in studio.We're gonna be talking to him later
in the show about Beer City USA, the documentary television series. Nice.
That's gonna be fun. It's gonnabe fun. I look forward to that.
I watched the trailer. It's veryimpressive looking sizzle reel. Yeah.
Yeah, So that's what we havehere from Waxwings Brewery. This is again

the Eastwood Octoberfest, mars and stylebeer Kalamazoo, Michigan. Wax Wings coming
in at five point. I don'thave my reader glasses on eight percent.
I'm gonna go five point eight yep, So and so and by the way,
we already we both had a sip. It's got a nice mahogany color.
Uh actually a little more copper thanreddish, and off white head a

little tan. Nice looking, verytasty. And we're drinking october Fest beers
in November, and neither one ofus is dead yet, so it's still
safe to drink. But later onthe show we may be talking about a
beer that may kill you. Ohwell, we gotta talk about that teaser,
Chad, that teaser, all right. So the lawyers got involved.
Great, Yeah, I had torevise the one sheet boom, So what's

the ABV on that one? Fiveeight? Hold on, watch this,
James. Well, it's a radioprogram, so you have to tell them
what I'm doing. Here, Herewe go, Here we go. James
put his readers on so you canread. Yeah, no, I can
read it. Oh yeah, that'sfive eight all right. So I told
you I was gonna do this.I guess I'm all in. I'm doing
it from my beer fridge to themicrophone I am bringing from our friends over

at Saint Arnold Brewing Company, youknow, one of my favorite brewies here
in the Houston market. But Iguess I'm going all in, Chad,
I'm going all in. No withthe Christmas too early, is it though?
Is it though? Well, I'mdrinking a beer that's late. You're
drinking a beer that's early. Allright, Christmas Tale, the Yale Old

Christmas Ale, rich and cheerful SaintArnold Brewing Company. Into my Samula Adams
Boston Logger glass. You see it'snice copper color, nice roasty, rich
maltz right there. And this comesto you at seven point five percent alcohol
by volume. Well that'll get theparty started. It will get the party

started. So I went off toone of the big box stores to pick
up something for I buy water saltsfor my water softener. And when I
was greeted when I walked into thebig box store, I was greeted with,
ah, the Christmas decorations. SoI guess you know what, if
they're all in, I'm all in. So here we go. I'm a

year old Christmas sale, rich andcheerful. I'm going to take a swig
of this. Yeah. Of course, that's a classic. Comes out every
year usually about June, because youknow Christmas beer is coming out earlier.
Maybe split my beer out. Youcan't make me. You can't do that.
He just spent me a on themicrophone. It's a four hundred dollars
mic all right. So that hasbrought the table. Kicking things off this

week, Chad with the the EastwoodOctober Fest Marston style beer wax Wings Brewery,
of course, Larry says, thebest brewery in Michigan. And you,
of course went with the classic yeold Chris Christmas sale from the award
winning Saint Arnold Brewing Company. Allright, and that's how we're kicking this
off, brought to you by theback grill. All right, we're gonna
take a break, but still tocome. On this episode, we're gonna
talk about Samuel Adams Utopius and there'sa beer out there that could get you

sick. See how I changed that? Oh man, the lawyers got involved.
Yeah, all, this is somuch more on this edition What's on
Tap Radio? Coming right up,the official What's on Tap Radio Fun Fact
of the Week. We'll be rightback on. Average, humans walk nine
hundred miles per year and drink twentytwo gallons of beer. Which means the
average human gets forty one miles pergallon, not ben What's on Tap Radio

continues, Hey, you know,it doesn't matter what kind of beer you
drink. Do you like it icecold? Do you like it served at
cellar temperature? Do you like itserved in a fancy glass or just drinking
it from a long neck model.It doesn't matter because everybody who drinks beer
loves great food, and you're gonnafind both at the Backyard Grill, located

on the northwest side of Houston,Texas, at the corner of West and
Jones Road, and proud spots ofWhat's on Tap Radio. Here's Chadpilbeam,
the beer lodgy guy here, tellingyou to get out there and support those
who support us. And when yougo in there, hey, like I
said, it doesn't matter what kindof beer you like. They've got it
ice cold beer right here. Orcheck out their cellared beer menu. Oh

yeah, ask for the special stuff. They got a secret stash forty eight
taps everything you want in one hundreddifferent food items at the Backyard Grill.
Check out their beer beds, signup for their newsletter and find out more
at the Backyard Grill. Dot com. That's the Backyard Grill dot com.

All right, welcome back to theshow. Glad have you hanging out with
us? Were good? James Simpsonjoined by Bister Badelatch himself as a chap
hill Beam. First segments brought tothe table spots my friend's over at the
backyard Grill. Chad decided to doan experiment, decides, you know what,
let's just see what happens to thisOctober Fest if we crack it here
in November. And guess what,ladies, gentlemen, guess what. He's

still with us. And yeah,the thing didn't explode. He didn't grow
an extra arm a tail, that'susually what happened. His nose about that,
his nose didn't fall off his face. No, no, no,
no, he doesn't have eight aroundthe room backwards. He doesn't have aids.
No. Yeah, that was theone that was okay, you brought
that up. Golly, what wasthe guy's name from San Antonio? Scott

Metzger. Scott Metzger. There's aname drop, there's a name blast from
the past. Yeah, and hesaid all october Fest beers on November one
turning into cans of eights. Well, I asked him. I was Interviellium.
We're at the Great American Beer Festival, and I asked him. This
was god twenty eleven, twenty twelve, maybe a long time ago. And
I was like, Scott, whydo you think people don't drink Octoberfest beers

in November and December? And he'slike, well, obviously, because it
turns to cans of aids in theinterview he said that. I was like,
Oh, that's a that's a that'sa cut. I'm always gonna refer
to. Yeah, I know,but that's not true. It's not true.
There's nothing wrong. It's not true. Yes, that's why fake news.
Because I've got a stunt beer Liverin studio. He's like, what

did you just give me? Hangout with Keith Patterson Beer City USA,
the documentary television series on Stunt Liver. And because I've got some more beer,
we need to open up. I'mnot saying we have to open up
more october Fest beer, but yeah, we got to open up some more
Okay, before you do that.So the other day, the other day,
I went to my local beer retailerand on the Clarence Aisle, guess

what was on the shelf. Don'ttell me october Fest. October Fest four
ninety nine six packs? What theheck? Four ninety nine six packs of
october Fest on the Clarence Aisle onthe clar You remember what brewery it was?
Of course I bought it. Ohit was Saint Arnold. No no,
no, no, no it's notSaint Arnold. Oh no it wasn't.
I'll bring that later. Oh,going to bring it later, all

right? Well, whether that's latertoday or later on next you know week,
or oh yeah, but yeah,bringing up bring it out for the
holiday, or nine six packs ofOctober Fast beers. That's insane. Yeah,
all right. Well, to tellyou a little bit about the beer
I brought to the show. Firstsegment, Brought to the table, brought
to you by our friends at theBackyard Grilla on the northwest side of Houston.

I have the Eastwood october Fest marsand Beer and Stunt Beer Liver in
studio with me to help me getthrough this in case I pass out from
too many october Fest beers. KeithPatterson, take on this beer. What
do you think? Like it?Love it? Hate it? Drain poor,
want to chug it? What doyou want to do. Oh,
I think it's pretty good. It'sgot some great flavor, great color,
as you mentioned, and as faras I can tell, not a trace

of aids. All right, allright, that's good side. I don't
I don't want to ask Keith how. He's an expert on not being able
to pick up aids and beer,but Clymdia might be different. Yeah right,
yeah, yeah, He's like,haven't had that one yet? Cheat,
It's like, all right, moveagain. Speaking of skating around and
over things, let's move on,James and uh yea, So it's time

for me to really kind of diveinto the beer. I want to take
a sip. Tell you what mythoughts are. Okay, oh, this
is always good. This is thebest part of the show. Well,
you know, not quite the bestpart, but no, this is absolutely
the best part of the whole part. It goes downhill after this. Here
we go. He's taking a sip. Yep, definitely rich, hearty,
perfect for the holiday season, multisweetness with a spicy hot character. Let

me take another sip. Oh yes, yep, there it is the second
sip. I definitely get a generoususe amount about five different malts for this
full flavor, high alcohol level inthis beer. This is the best consumed
probably I would soon about forty fivedegrees fahrenheit. And this is that Seties
and gentlemen, write all that onyour Christmas cards and send it to your
family right there, because that's whatevery family member wants to hear this holiday

season. Seven percent alcohol by volume. And uh oh as I hang on
as talking to oh yeah, yeah, okay. Gold medal winner at the
Real Festival in two thousand, Goldmedal at the Real Festival in nineteen ninety
eight, Bronze medal in the OldAle category in nineteen ninety eight, Silver
medal the World Beer Cup. Allright, this guy, I'm telling you

what beer guru, James Simpson,he's an encyclopedia. He gets all that
from every from every sip. ButI'll say he gets all this information.
It's only and he it's only becauseit came out of the Samuel Alams Boston
Longer glass. If I was drinkingout of a different glass, it wouldn't
have told me that. Now.The official What's on Tap Radio fun Fact
of the Week brought to you byWho's ever check Cleared? This week?
Who's check Cleared this week. Dowe know I'm looking hold, I went

to the mailbox today. Oh,there were a handful of bills and I
just threw those in a pile.But I was looking for the check.
Well, we didn't see. Wewere taking to the check cashing place,
and he told us that we tookit there one more time, they're gonna
call the police. So we gonnatake there anymore. We can't afford the
juice on those payday loans anyways,So if you try to cash another check

here, we're calling the police.I know, I know, but we
need beer money, all right.Well, speaking of beer money, that's
a nice what we call a toss. And James didn't even know he did
it. But we're gonna talk alittle bit about beer money, but not
the kind of beer money that we'vetalked about before, because in a prior
What's on Tap Radio fun Fact ofthe Week, we talked about what beer

money really means and whether or notit means you have enough money to go
buy beer. It's the money thatyou save to buy beer, or whether
it's the money that you just decideto take out of your budget, which
you have no budget for beer money, but you just instantly create it and
you just go without, I don'tknow, feeding the kids or paying the
mortgage, whatever it is. Thisis a different type of beer money.

Now, beer money is a cryptocurrencyright now, which at the time of
press here when we went live,it was trading for one tenth of one
cent, and it's not a realhot cryptocurrency right now, but it's out
there. But I started thinking aboutthat people buy and selling trade cryptocurrencies all
the time, and I just wascurious because we did talk about this people

day trading while drunk, and it'sthat thirty two percent of all day traders
admit to doing so under the influenceof alcohol. That's a fun fact in
itself. But ladies and gentlemen,we've talked about that before. So I
don't like recycled fun facts. Solet's jump into the real fun fact and
let's talk about real stock trading anddoing it the way the professionals do it.

Okay, James, this is theway the real pros do stock trading.
And what does it have to dowith beer. Well, we're going
to consult a billionaire, none otherthan our good friend Jim Cook of Boston
Beer Company. Speaking of the Bostonlagger glass. Definitely feel little guilty.
I got a Boston lagger glass righthere. I'm not using fee feel a
little guilty. But Jim Cook billionaire. He is the founder of the Boston

Beer Company, makers of Sam AdamsBeer, and he has a very unique
investment strategy. And his billionaire planis too. Every two weeks, randomly
pick a stock and then hand allthe trading over to his family's former baby
babysitter to oversee all the stock purchasesand trades. That's right, if you

can believe this, beer billionaire JimCook buys a random stock every two week
and then trusts his former babysitter toexecute all the trades, all the buying
and selling. Yeah, I'm gonnapick this stock in that one boom,
and then says, yeah, Iused to watch my kids. I trusted
you with them. I trust youwith my money. And he says,
he said this, this is great. He does this randomly because he says

that I don't believe I have anychance in hell of ever outsmarting any professional
investor. If you sold me astock, you know more about it than
I ever will. I just wantto focus on running my company. So
what does he do. He randomlypicks a stock and hands it to the
babysitter, and he has outperformed mostof his other stock portfolios with this technique.

So your official What's on Tap Radiofun fact of the week is,
if you want to be a billionairelike Jim Cook, this is a sound
investment strategy. You know what,there's probably an investment show that's on one
of our our Houston market it's probablyafter this show and before, probably on
right after this show, and they'renot gonna get You're not gonna get this
sound advice. But by the way, maybe a good time to run the
disclaimer for the lawyers. But yourofficial What's on Tap Radio fun fact of

the week is beer billionaire Jim Cookof the Boston Beer Company randomly buys a
stock every two weeks and then givesit to the former babysitter of his kids
and say, all right, youmanage my portfolio. And he has outperformed
his other stock portfolios with this strategy, and that is your official What's on
Tap Radio fun fact of the week. He buy stock and dockers. You

know, he's got stocking dockers.The dude only wears Dockers and denim shirts
by Strauss and Levi Dockers. Proudto say I've never day traded intoxicated.
You know I know that because Inever day traded. I'm gonna say you've
never been intoxicated. No, you'venever day traded the same. All right,
we gotta take a break, soto come. Speaking of Jim Cook,

we're gonna talk about Samuel as Utopias. It's returning. Yay uh opp
sees uh a lot of beer.There's gonna be a rehearsal party. That's
not happy. All this is somuch more coming up. This is what's
on tap. Brady will be rightback. Yeah, we drink water,
but it has to be filtered througha brewery first. You've got what's on

tap radio. I want to bea billionaire, so freaking bad by all
of the things on now he dowe know the network of magazine Jim cooks?
Who is it his? Uh oh, his babysit baby. Why is

he have a babysitter? Well,no, it's a former babysitter. She's
now the assistant to Jim Cook's wife. Okay, do we know her network?
Because of his investments? You know, back in the day Jim Cook,
he had a paper route and hesaved up enough money to buy one
hundred and forty dollars worth of stockand Procter and Gamble I think it was.

And those two shares of stock rightnow are worth over twenty thousand dollars.
So he had that when he wasa he had a paper route.
My guess is that babysitter. Shewasn't working for four bucks an hour,
five bucks an hour watching kids?No, no, no, no no
no. She was doing all right. So I don't know what her net
worth is, but she had beermoney. That's all I gotta say.

Good for her. All right.We got a lot to get to on
this episode, a lot of storiesget to, but I got a listener,
email, chat oh chatz and cracking. Oh yeah, I got to
crack up in another beer because thiscan could explode at any moment, because
it's another Octoberfest beer. Octoberfest lowouts. Yeah, if there's any october Fest
beer left in the fridge, youknow, f t A may show up.
And you know, de e af t A A T F A

t F that's the one I wasthinking of. Yeah, not the f
A. We already talked about airlines. But anyway, this is I don't
think we have this one on theshow this year. This is this Sierra
Nevada October Fest Fest beer, andno we haven't. This is a collaboration.
Uh, here I go again.If I'm gonna read the can,
you gotta put on the old glasses. Oh sure, thanks a lot,

Ken Grossman. It's a collaboration withthe cur word or brewery. I can't
kur waiter right now. Sasha Tibo'slosing his mind. Uh. He's our
resident German and if you can't pronouncethe German names, he gets really upset.
But there we go. Got astunt beer liver in studio with me

Keith Patterson, Beer City US adocumentary television series, and he's gonna help
me consume this. Meanwhile, James, now that we have beer and this
is the fest beer, we'll talka little bit about this beer in just
a little bit, once we geta chance to enjoy it. But you
said we have a listener email.Guy, a listener email, and it
says, James, Chad love theshow. I heard you guys talking about

this story about a guy went outfor beers with his coworker and a fly
landed in his beer, and theguy went and got the beer replaced.
You guys talked about how you guyswould just get the beer. I'm paraphrasing.
It's kind of long. Basically,we talked about how this fly landed
and the beer, and the guywent and got another beer, and we
were talking about how crazy that was. We would just take the fly and

you just flick it out. Continue. It's not the bar. It's not
the bar, brewery's fault. Ifyou got a beer, picked it up
at the bar, went back,and you're walking back to your seat,
sit down in a fly lands inthe beer, and you want to go
ahead and blame the establishment. Well, I don't know if he blamed it.
He just got it replaced and theyreplaced it. They actually did,
and his buddy, the guy Iwrote the email, was like, Hey,
I mean, what's big deal,Just take the fly and flick it

out. So hard about that,but he insisted on getting another beer.
So this listener email says that here'sa link to a story, and you
tell me whether or not you wouldcontinue just flicking that fly out of your
beer. So it says when you'reeating outdoors in a fly lands in your
food, What do you do?I'm guessing what we all do right,

rush it away and just continue oneating or in this case, drinking.
But this press might change your approach. So it turns out, within a
first few seconds of a fly landingon your food, it starts vomiting digestive
fluid on it. The fly istrying to get it soggy enough that he
can slurp it up, since itdoesn't have any teeth. And flies aren't
exactly sanitary bugs. We know yousee them buzzing around on cow manure and

then slurping that up too. Andso when a fly throws up on your
food or in your beer, eventhe tiny amount, they could be spreading
dangerous bacteria onto it, including Salonellaand equali. Speaking of that, we
got that on a coming up.Uh. Not every fly is going to
contaminate your food, but they could, and babies, elderly people, and

people with weaker immune systems are mostsusceptible. So what do you do when
you're outside and a fly lands onyour food or on your beer? What
are you gonna do? Now?I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say my
immune system is still strong enough.I've been doing it for over forty almost
fifty years. I'm not a smallinfant child with a low immune system.
And even if I'm ninety and Ihave a low immune system and I'm facing

i can see the light at theend of the tunnel and it's a freight
train coming my way or something likethat, or I'm getting ready to be
called home, or i can hearthe grim Reaper whispering in my ear.
Don't do it or else. I'mlike, look, dude, if I
go because of a fly, ofa little fly vomit telling you what,
I'm gonna go ahead, and I'mgame on. But listen, I will
roll the dice. But does thateven slightly change your thing? You know,

change your mind? Going? Youknow what? Maybe I won't.
Maybe I'll go see if i canget this beer replaced. Oh does it
change my mind? Let me?No? No, No, it doesn't.
I'm sorry, Keith, Keith Pattersonstunt beer liver. Does this change?
Does this? Has this affected youin any way? Are you gonna
all of a sudden change your dietaryhabits because of flies landing? Now that

you know this? No, I'mwith you. I'm just gonna take the
chance. Take the chance. That'sright, Throw caution into the wind.
Listen. I appreciate the fact thatwe have listeners who care about us that
much that they send us emails andthey say that that we got it wrong.
I like that because I love beingcalled out because if we get it
wrong, we want to know.But if I'm wrong, if every if

every medical expert out there agrees withour listener who sent this email and that
I'm wrong, I am okay.I am okay dying on that hill.
I really am say quite literally,if you want to send us an email,
you can do so. What's ontapado at gmail dot com like this,
fine listener, did or you getahold of us through our social media
that's on tap Radio, Facebook,Twitter, Instagram and TikTok. You jump

into our dms, but yeah,there you go. You'll never I love
it. A listener went that farto look out for our well being.
They care, they really care.And then now they're probably I don't know
again, I don't know. Didyou say I'm sorry I didn't catch who
sent it? Well, okay,so I'm not gonna say their name because
they didn't tell me whether or notthey Okay, they didn't, so I

never know. So I just don'tunless unless they say, hey, you
can say my name. Then gotit? Got it? Got it?
Well I do. I do wantto say that. They're probably upset with
me now. They're like, Itried to save your life, man,
and you don't even care. Thatstubborn son of a he just wouldn't listen.
And now you're taking Keith with you. And I wanted to see that

documentary. All right, we're gonnatalk about that later the show. Oh
well, here's a here's a littletwist. I'm gonna go ahead and throw
this little twist at you. Whatwould happen? You know, we're talking
about a regular beer. This isa standard pint, probably cost you about
six bucks at the bar. Whatif you got yourself a pint and that
pint of beer cost you, oh, I don't know, somewhere around I

don't know, two hundred and fiftybucks for a pint of beer. Yeah,
and a flylands in it. I'mnot even what it does that fly
come with the beer? Maybe maybeit's no, no, no, no,
I'm saying, if you if youknow, people are wondering what the
heck I'm talking about what you're talkingabout. Fine. Boston Beer Company has
once again released sam Adams Utopia.Oh okay, okay, you lost me

for a second, but you gotme back in. Okay, you to
This is a twenty eight percent alcoholby volume malt bomb. And this is
not your typical stadium poor boozy ipa. Oh no, no, no,
no no. You get those bourbonbarrel stouts that come in at fourteen percent.
That's child's play. By the way, we're not encouraging children to drink

beer. But sam Adams Utopias isbeer that's so strong it's prohibited in fifteen
states. And it comes in ata suggested price of two hundred and forty
dollars for a twenty four point fiveounce bottle. So it's a little more
than a pint, you know,at you know, sixteen ounce pint versus
twenty four ounce pint. So well, here, how about this two beers

for two hundred and forty dollars becausetwo twelve ounce beers, Yeah, for
two hundred forty bucks. You pourthose in a glass and all of a
sudden, the flylands in it.Are you gonna go ahead and say no,
I need a new one. Ineed a new one, of course,
not that ain't gonna happen. Now, if you have never had Sam
Adams utopias, it's more like cognacor port. You don't chill it.
It's still servet it room temperature,preferably in a sniffer. But it is

banned in several states because it isstronger than a lot of spirits. So
it has that, you know,it falls into the spirit category. Right
states, What does it say withstates? The states that cannot sell it
include Alabama, Alaska, Georgia,Mississippi, Montana, is New Hampshire,

North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon,South Carolina, Utah, Vermont, and
West Virginia. Okay, definitely Utah. Yeah yeah, Utah is on that
list. So anyway, James,first of all, I want to ask
our stunt beer liver Keith, haveyou ever had utopias? No, but
it sounds awesome. It is.It is awesome, James, James,
It's terrible. It's awful. It'sgarbage. I've had it four or five

times, never once have I go, Man, I can't wait to try
that again. I still had iton the show, didn't we have it
on the show. I don't think. I don't know if we did.
Yes, we have. We've hadit on the show. Oh you know
when we had it on the show. I think we were at the backyard
grill. Maybe I got a pictureof it. I got a picture of
it. But I've had it atthe Great American Beer Festival. It's fantastic.

I love it, and at onetime I wanted to spit it out,
but I felt that it was tooexpensive to do that. So I
have a twenty nineteen bottle still inmy house. So Adam and people still
go crazy for it. I thinkthey do. I mean, if you've
had it, you've had it.But you know you either like it and
love it. But it's something Iwas trying to get every year, but

I couldn't. So so there yougo. Utipius is returning hundred forty bucks
for two beers. All right,we gotta take yourybody still to get to
Still, to get to Canada hasno fun. We'll talk about that so
much more. Will you ride back? The only thing we throw back on
Thursday is a pint of beer ortwo or three. This is what's on

tap radio. Back to James andChad. It's appropriate, deleast get one

holiday song on Welcome Back to What'son Tap Radio. I'm still consuming my
Christmas ale Saint Arnold Brewing Company.I'm just going all in, I'd said
in the beginning of the show.I'm just going all in. I why
fight it is going all in withthe Christmas beers. This won't be the

last guarantee that. But I dohave some Octoberfest beers in my fridge here
at studios, and Chad has alreadyconsumed two of them and he is still
kick, live and kicking. Yeah, that's all right. In fact,
we crushed both of those, theEastwood october Fest from wax Wings and then
the Octoberfest Fest Beer from Sierra Nevada. I like that what Sierra Nevada does

with that, they do a differentcollaboration every year with a different German brewery
to make this beer. That onethere was a little more on the bitter
side, bittering hops, and itwas a little drier than what I remember
some of the other examples being.But then again, as we've talked about
on the show, our palettes evolvedthe change and who knows, but speaking

of dry and bitter, and Ido have a stunt beer liver in studio
with me Keith Patterson, Beer CityUSA documentary, And well we're just going
to crack another one. Why becausewell there are two of us. We
almost had ourselves a spell. Whoachad, such a pro that it foamed

over, but he is quickly toget it into his glass and not a
lot of head on that glass.So that is a true, true pro
right there. That was a goodsave, all right. So, uh,
this is a fun beer that Ilike to pick up. This is
one I typically grab whenever I'm outwith Mark mcshaffery and the Backyard Grill brew

crew on Ragbri riding their bikes acrossIowa. I like to grab the Axe
Man I p a from Surly BrewingCompany out of Minnesota. This beer formerly
known as Todd the Axe Man,named after the brewer Todd, but Todd
doesn't work there anymore, so screwTodd. We're taking his name off them
Todd. It's a really good beer, though, so we're just gonna call

Axe Man ipa. And this onecomes in at Oh here we go again.
Oh no, I can read thisone. Seven point two percent dank,
hoppy, loud, an angry,can kind of looks like, you
know, the End of Times terminatorsena a terminator either that or maybe some
barbarian war. I don't know,but delicious beer, bitter dank hold on,

Oh, that'll clean out the oldnose. Well, that serves its
purpose. Everything that fire. MarshalMatt hates because it's bitter. Piny resmee.
Yeah, another name drop right there. So he's a good friend of
the show. Hates IPAs though Idon't understand that one, but okay,
teach their owne. I know Freddoesn't like it either. There's got to

be at least one he likes.No, dude, I have tried.
I have sat He was my neighborfor twenty years, oh nineteen, I
think it was, but close enough. And I'm telling you, I've known
the man a long time and I'mjust not a single IPA fan. Huh.
I've tried several and he won't doit. Man, he won't do
it. Well, there's an IPAthere out there. Just you'll keep looking

at We're gonna keep looking. Yeah, ah, man. I hate to
report some bad news, but talkabout some news that caught us by surprise.
This is a wow. This leftme and a lot of others in
shock. North Austin brewery shuts itsdoor. Suddenly, Oscar Blues Brewery in
North Austin is no moss no more. That's it. Wow, out of

nowhere. No one expected this one. I was shocked because the announcement was
we're closed. That's it. Thatwas it. That's it. So the
Colorado based crap brewer relocated. Itwas on Metric Boulevard. They've just put
a sign on his front door whichsimply read we're closed, along with a
message we have enjoyed being a partof the Austin craft beer in music community

and we thank everyone who supported ourbusiness along the way. If you're so
interested in finding our beer, itremains available at retailers across the state of
Texas. However, there's no reasongiven to why the brewery just shut down.
It's not clear what happened to theemployees. People had tried to reach
out to Oscar Blues, however,we have not got a response. But

the sudden closure comes after other breweriessituated in North Austin has also closed.
Delbert's Brewing, which we were talkingabout during the break. Delbert's that was
kind of like a Belgian inspired brewery. They did a lot of Belgius,
completely Belgian inspired in it. Itwas inspired by the owner's brother, Dell
if I remember correctly, traveled allover He was a world traveler. And

in the early days of this show, like probably a year four and five
six, they were sending us beersall the time. We're sampling on the
show, a lot of them.I was a big fan of the other
Closer Doors. In twenty twenty two, fourth Tap Brewing shut down. This
is also the latest closure one ofChad's favorite breweries. He's still just heartbroken
about this one Circle Brewing, CloserDoors. Yeah, yeah, the the

the a political non political brewery thatwas political. Yeah yeah. But so
this is just one of the latestclosures in Austin and it has a lot
of people talking, a lot ofpeople in talking whether or not has a
bubble burst? Is craft Beard dying? Now? Correct me if I'm wrong?
But wasn't Did I read in theproduction meeting? Didn't I read the

uh that Bobby Mullins was quoted inthat article? Bobby Mullins brewmaster over at
Sells Brewing Company. Let drop aname for Bobby mill Yeah, that's a
good guy. Uh formerly of Armadillol Works in which closed closed. They're
off Bell Street, and I raninto him. I think I told you

this, Chad. I ran intoBobby at a craft brewers conference. It
was a conference about a year ago. And you know, it's always good
running into him because you know,you never know. You hate to see
them close your doors, but it'snice to see them at another brewery and
you know he's working, and hewas at like a small craft brewery.
The up and coming now was kindof latest I've heard. And then I

saw him quoted in this article basicallysaying how, just like everybody else,
they were shocked because sell Us isactually like a football throwaway. I just
say, it's right down the street. Yeah, you can throw a football
from Oscar Blues to sell Us Brewing. And there's a couple other breweries situated
in this industrial park of Austin.But yeah, there's just no explanation why.

And a lot of people have theories, whether it's a lot of overhead
because it was a ginormous facility,there's the theory. I mean it was
so big. They took us ona private tour on a golf cart it's
on a golf cart. It lookedlike the span of a couple of football
fields. I saw big this.Now, granted, they're not only brewing
for Oscar Blues. I mean they'rebrewing for you know, Cigar City.

That's right, because it's part ofthe Canarky Canarchy can what's actually here?
Was it the brewery in Michigan,the Paren Paren Parrien I think Deep Elum
Brewing. So there's a lot ofunder this umbrella that they were brewing for.
But it's just it's shocking that allof a sudden, there's out of
nowhere. So you got to feelfor the employees that hopefully they were given

kind of a notice say hey,this is happening, so they were able
to, you know, at leastget some resumes going and some references.
But I would hope that they didn'twalk in and the doors were locked and
they were saying, hey, thedoors are shut, what's going on?
Oh yeah, we closed. Wellhere's another one that I found very interesting.
Another brewery closing. Not that we'retrying to pile on, but out
of Brooklyn, Coney Island Brewery closedthe doors there in Brooklyn. They've been

slinging beers from their tap room theresince twenty fifteen. Now not noted in
this article, but if I'm wrong, somebody will correct me. But Coney
Island Brewery was founded by Jeremy JeremyCollen. Yeah, of hebrew. This
was all, yes, part ofhebrew, part of the jew brew.
Yeah, he had the the SchmaltzBrewery. He owned Coney Island as well,

and then he sold it in twentythirteen. Because it says here in
the article the brand was born intwo thousand and seven and then purchased by
Boston Beer Company in twenty thirteen.That is when I believe Jeremy Cowen sold
off the Coney Island brand to BostonBeer Company strictly to focus on the Schmaltz

brewery line. And that's whenever theydid death of a contract brewer and opened
their very first brewery, because allSchmaltz beer and all Coney Island beer used
to be brewed by contract burr.Interesting. You know what now that you
mentioned that, I think that,Yeah, that sounds right. Wow,
all gone, man, So ConeyIsland another one bites to us. We
used to play that song for anotherreason. But yeah, but that yeah,

you're seeing these breweries close, andis this the time? I mean,
we don't know why, we haveour theories, but hopefully this isn't
the sign of the times. Youknow, we'll see more breweries opening.
I don't know, but yeah,North Austin Bery closing his doors, Oscar
blues Bery Company. Man, it'scrazy. All right, coming up next
hour. I got hold my beerand watch this all. This is so
much more. We'll be right backand now your weekend forecast. One chance

of beer. You've got What's ontap Radio? Almost heaven? All right,
welcome to our number two What's ontap Radio? Blue Ridge? A

lot the kids too. I know, I absolutely love Bob Dylan. This
is the that's Bob Dylan's song.It's a good opportunity to plug the how
to get ahold of us? That'sat Chadpilbeam. I'm at James and Radio.
What's on tap Radio at gmail dotcom, what's on tap Radio?
At What's on tap Radio? Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Many ways to

get a hold of Chad and lethim know that this is clearly Jim Croche
right, yeah, of course,yeah, yeah, saying about the sinking
of the Edmond Fitzgerald that's right.And by the way, yeah, everybody's
hating us and screaming at the radioright now. By the way, can
we still say we're on Twitter?Do we have to say we're on I
don't know. That's still an oddone to me. I don't know either,

but we're I guess, and mycopy still says Twitter. The producer
has an updated to say x welost our producer to Covid. Oh that's
die. Covid didn't take our producerthat way. We just couldn't afford to
pay them anymore. Oh, well, that makes sense. That's why our
copy hasn't been updated. Well thatmakes a lot of sense. Chat,

I've been one all these years,Like, why hasn't our copy been updated?
How come our copy still says thisis because, uh, apparently we
lost the producer. I know it'sstill in the fact, I think the
copy is still printed with all ofour sponsors from pre covid and the ones
that the ones that closed. Wejust have to go and cross them off
every every week with a pen.You know what, Chad, you really

inspired me. You inspired me allright something, all these octoberfests you you've
been enjoying, you know, Ithought to myself, I still have a
few October Fest beers over here inmy fridge here studios. Now, I
did tell you that I got somesix packs for four ninety nine in the
clearance, but I'm not gonna tellyou which ones because I don't want the

brewer to be listening get all bummed, like, oh, so I cannot
tell you. I cannot confirm ordeny. The beat I'm bringing right now
is one of those that I wason the clearance Aisle. Okay, but
you are bringing in October five.Well, it's a fest beer. Okay,
Well that count Okay, Okay,you're getting into technical It's not a
margin, it's a fest beer.It's an October festoral kite, all right.

So from Erika Heights, the vonWolfhausen. Did you bring that this
year? No? I did.I did TV with it, but I
never brought to the show. Ohthat's right, Yeah, that's right when
you were on with h TV withHouston Life. But I've never brought to
the show. So I decided,you know what, I need to make
room for all these Christmas beers thatI have. It's just stockpiled here in

studio that I have no room forbecause I have all these october Fest beers
in my fridge, So I gotit. Just start consuming all these Octoberfest
beers. So let me go andcrack this one. Yeah, while you're
cracking that open, let me remindeverybody that we've opened up a couple of
tall Boys and a couple. We'reon a third beer here now, and
we're about to open a fourth prettysoon. But I have a stunt beer

liver in studio with me. KeithPatterson Beer City USA documentary in television series,
James reading all the cop No wait, no, sorry, doing chat.
I am clearly studying and examining everyroam the bubbles. Just hey,
get ready, folks, he's gota side hustle with Hallmark. Watch this
crap. This is a neat magictrick. Go. Definitely definitely a Pilsner.

Vienna Munich Malts joined forces in thismulti German Fest beer. Hang on,
I'm taking our ship. Yeah.Very crisp and easy to drink.
I find that it was because Ican drink this, I can eat more
pretzels and it pairs well with alittle sausage. Dude, every time he
takes a sip, his taste budsare like a typewriter to his brain and

he just spits out the words.I'm telling you. It's amazing. It
is again amazing, and it's atfour point. You teach journalism too.
I know my students are blessed fourpoint five percent alcohome, I foll you
ound and I said, narcissistic.There, hold my beer and watch this
brought to you by the Ring Meltof ten Hacen Insurance Group. They'll cover

you for just about everything. Yeah, my journalism, My journalism students should
feel blessed because I'm their teacher.Yeah, that's right. Yeah, they'll
cover you for Hey, James,bringing all the ten Tacen Insurance Group.
They'll cover you for everything except thelibel and slander that you're throwing out right
now, even though it's kind ofagainst yourself. But all right, go
ahead. You know Zest beer isthe best beer according to the uh my

taste buds here. All right,So if you didn't know this, if
you didn't know this, write thisdown. Okay, I'll take it.
I'll give you a second to writethis time. That's thing. I got
my pen, all right, gotit? You can't park on the road,
what Nope, you can't do it. You can't park the road written
down. Okay, go. There'sa thirty two year old man in Michigan

who was pulled over last week becausehe parked in the middle of the road.
Oh, in the middle. Iwas like, wait a minute,
I park on the road all thetime. You can't pick it. Not
in the middle of the road.Not in the middle. Now, I
can't do in the middle, youknow, like Tommy gets pulled over,
Dude, tell me boy though,it's the Black Sheep. He's like,

usually a Black Sheep episode. Usuallywhen I pull people over, they'll pull
over on the card, but pullover on the side of the road.
And he's on the media and youknow how fast you were going? Oh
no, seventy seventy five six,you're six miles. I'm transporting a fugitive
here. And no, we justfinished that, all right, go back

anyways. Anyways, anyways, thesky in Michigan parking the middle of the
road, in the middle of theroad, and he was It wasn't even
a highway, it was a countryroad, but still it was a road,
not a parking lot. And thecops approached the man and he asked
him what the problem was, whatwhat what's going on? I don't see
the big deal. They asked himwhy he was parked there, and uh,

what do you think is its sponsorbledid? Oh you know what?
I ran out of gas? Iuh, you know, I stopped to
car, just stop stop, stalledon me. No. His his excuse
was he was smoking marijuana and hethought he was being followed, and so
he also admitted at this point thathe had some meth in the car.

Oh yeah, so the cops did, uh, what the cops do?
They searched, and they found overthirty five grams of methan fetamine and other
drug paraphernalia. And to be noted, there were some open containers in the
car. Oh wait a minute,yeah, because you know you can't you
can't drive with a open container.No. Uh, that's the highlight of

the story. The man was arrestedand is looking at several charges, including
possession of myth with intent to deliver. So your watched it. He was
also also got busted for an opencontainer. Yeah, I guess those charges
got dried. Say does it saywhat kind of beery was Drake? Agg
does not. It doesn't lazy journalism. It was lazy journalism. But I
guess the methan fetamine trump the opencontainers. But yeah, you're a hold

my bean and watch this. Thisweek is brought to you by renaldton Haagen
Insurance Group, where they're unsure.Lots of people, but not a meth
head who parked his car in themiddle of the road and asked the cops
what went wrong? Uh? See, Florida gave you the week off.
This week we're picking on the oldman. Take a break, Yeah,
but what about me? Sit outand you'll have your day. Yeah,

the old Mitton state gotta get highlightedevery now and then. All right,
thanks a lot, Yeah, wegotta do it. One of Chad's friends.
All right, we're gonna take abreak. Still to come, Still
to come. How Canada is aparty pooper. We'll explain why. We'll
talk about that. We'll be rightback. Beer has hops. Hops are
plants. Plants make salad, sobeer is salad. Yeah, what's on?

Tempardio, James and Chad talking aboutbeer. If you're here in West
Michigan and you have insurance needs,why not support somebody who supports us?
Ring all the ten Hacen insurance reachout to our buddy John Klunder. That's
ringing all the ten hacking Insurance RTIGrand Rapids dot Com. All right,

welcome back. What's let's have radiowhere we're hanging out cracking open a few
beers? Why because you know it'snot authentic if you have you know,
you tell people you're gonna drink beerand do a show about beer and then
don't actually crack any of these open. We're about ready to crack open another
one here at the Beer Logic Worldheadquarters in drinking Emporium. Why because I

have Keith Patterson here, who ismore than just a stunt beer liver.
But what else do you do?I mean besides come over here and bring
beer and drink beer. By theway, he doesn't have to sit on
the floor. He brought beer.We're gonna crack that open. What else
are you? What are we gonnatalk to you about? Well, I'm
a documentary filmmaker and my new projectis called Beer City USA. But I

gotta tell you, man, maybeI got into the wrong career because being
a stunt liver may be the wayto go. How do I get paid
to do this? Oh? Assoon as we figure out how to get
paid. Don to do radio.We'll show you how to get paid doing
it. Meanwhile, we're gonna crackopen a beer you brought. This is
right here, proof that the mandoesn't have to sit on the floor.
Thank you, Keith. This isfrom Bell's Brewery, the Oberon Eclipse.

Now, the thing I found interestingabout this beer when they released it.
It was Bell's way of saying,we're gonna go ahead and make Oberon year
round. But my understanding is itdoesn't taste exactly like Oberon. It's a
little bit different. So this isthe Bell's Eclipse. Looks a little bit
darker than the normal Oberon. AndI'm gonna take a sip here mm hmmmm.

This first time I've had it,and I think I like it better
than Bell's Oberon. Out is citrusy, it's a little dryer. I don't
I'm not a big orange grapefruit guyin my beer. I think I like
the Oberon eclips better than the regularOberon. Keith. Any thoughts on this,
Yeah, it's my second time.I agree. I mean, I

will always love an Oberon in thesummertime, and I'll put an orange in
it for sure, But Oh wow, you're that guy. This is a
good winter option for sure. I'min all right, you're round Oberon Eclipse
Citrus Weet. Thank you very much. Keith Stunt Beer Liver and we're gonna
talk to him in the next segmentabout this documentary coming up. But meanwhile,

James and I we've been going backand forth on this and the lawyers
got involved, James. James isgonna get so mad at me for saying
this. I wanted to talk aboutthis one story where a particular type of
beer may kill you. And he'slike, you can't say that, dude,
you can't do it. He's alreadyyou can't do that. No,

you can't. That's that's clickbait.Chad, all right, I'm gonna,
all right, I'm gonna I'm gonnawork on my script here, I'm gonna
work on my delivery. Meanwhile,you've got to Yeah, I'm gonna.
I'm gonna kind of piggyback off theHold My Beer and watch this. This
is a front runner for the HoldMy Beer. And watched this which a
meth head getting pulled over in themiddle of the road and telling the cops

that he was smoking weed and gotparanoid because people was following him. Kind
of you know, beat this oneout a bit, but this is still
worthy to talk about. So thisis likely to have some teary eyes at
some wedding reception. I'm not exactlysure is who. But this is just
days after the provincial police seized threehundred and twenty six cases of beer after

they were called to a vehicle breakdown on a busy highway. And this
happened in Canada if you haven't guessed, but the LINUX in Addington, Ontario
Provincial Police also known as the lNA opp Yeah you know me. But
the attach man was the dispatched toa traffic hazard for a rental van that

had blown a tire on the shoulder. And when police arrived, they found
rim marks along the highway's shoulder,eventually becoming flatter, indicating the rim was
worn off and the vehicle was rubbingon the hub. It calls it a
hub in Canadian but hubcap all right. They found the van still moving couch
of Chesterfield. They found the vanmoving very slowly, about a little further

than when it was called in andthe rear left tire was beginning to smoke
it from the heat, the policesaid, and the vehicle stopped and officers
who went to speak with the drivernoticed four cases of beer in the front
passenger seat area. Well, whereelse are you going to put the beer?
I always buckle it in, makesure it's safe, safety first.
The cases had only French language markingon the boxes, and the driver described

it as evasive when confronted about thetransportation about the beer from Quebec. A
further search of the vehicle for liquorfound the entire back of the van filled
with cases of beer, the oppreported. When unloaded, the final count
was three and twenty six cases oftwenty four beers of various brands with bottles

and cans, A lot of Heinekens, a lot of Heineken, A lot
of Stella, a lot of Stella. Dude, this reminds me the time
we went to that one brewery.I don't even remember if we've ever said
the name of the brewery. Didit was a b We did? No,
We never did. Okay, Butthere was a brewery and they they
they had their October Fest beers andthere were no it was there winter beers.

No, it's October, the winter? Was it October? It was
Octoberfest. I thought it was.I thought it was like a winter warmer
type that that that also happened aswell, So it happened, okay,
all right. And then it waslike you guys can take as much of
this as you can take because wehave to destroy it. We can't sell
it. And I mean we tookI think we took like forty cases and
my mini van was dragging. Iremember thinking to myself when we took it,

I was like, this is toomuch. And they're like, I'm
sorry, I don't mean to takeso much, and they're like, no,
you need to take more. Youcome back tomorrow and load up again.
We had gave it so much beerthat the bumper was just scraping.
Every time Chad hit a little bump, the shocks bottomed out. The shocks
did boy, the bottom nowt hewent over a speed bomb. Just it
was like forty cases, this islike four hundred cases. Yeah, how

big is that van? Three hundred? I don't know, I didn't say.
I'm guessing it's one of those youknow these bands your windows spinner vans,
Yeah, the four vans, andthat's when the forklift can pull it,
you know, drop a palette inthere three hundred twenty six cases of
twenty four packed beers. The drivereventually admitted that the beer wasn't purchased in

Ontario. He further admitted that thebeer was for a wedding and not for
his personal use. Right. Seethat's the key, That's that's what gets
you. See, this is thedifference between US and Canada. See,
they have provinces up there, andwe have states here and I can go
to Illinois and I can pick upbeer and I can drive it up.
Oh wait, no, not forthe purposes of distribution. Oops, Okay,

maybe not. Yeah. Apparently liquorpurchased from Quebec and transported to another
province must be for personal use only. Yeah, that's that's the same in
the US too. You can't gobecause I remember taking a lot of beer
to Texas and I was like,I think Abbott and Company said, and
that's a governor said, yeah,make sure you declare that when you get

to the border. Like, yep, yeah, we'll get it over.
We're gonna right on that, yep. The driver admitted that it was for
personal use and kind of hard explainedthree hundred and twenty six cases of twenty
four packs of beer for personal consumption. But hey, if you like to
party, it reminds me of Smokyin the bandit. What do you need
all that beer for? He's thirsty, dummy, exactly right. The driver
was charged with unlawfully possessing liquor,unlawfully purchasing liquor, and operating on unsafe

vehicle. So again, Oppc's isthree hundred and twenty six cases of beer
are destined for a wedding after avan breaks down on the highway. Can
you imagine that phone call? Heyman, yeah, I'm gonna be a
little delayed with the beer. Here. I got a flat tire. Oh
hey, hey, I got somehelp coming. Oh wait, uh oh

yeah that's that's got a police escortto the wedding. I gotta go the
l n A opp is here.I'll call you back. And meanwhile,
there's, you know, a weddingreception, just like, hey, you
know any beverage? Yeah, theway, the way, Yeah, yeah,
yeah, they're gonna make it.I keep calling them and it goes
straight to voicemail. That's right.But uh yeah, I'm pretty mad at

this guy. He could have lied. You could have lied how do you
talk your way out of having fourhundred cases for personal consumption? I got
problems. I got a problem.I know my doctors have talked to me,
but I got a problem. Ohthat's what I'm just saying. I
got a fatty liver and I'm tryingto go ahead and nurse it. What

what is this? I don't know? Or no, you could say,
hey, I was born in theUnited States, and after the exchange rate,
it's only like twenty cases. Yeah. I don't want to say the
big problem. I just say,hey, look, no, I love
I love Heineken, I love Stella. I mean, what can I say?
I got a new man cave.I got to stock the demand cave
for my personal consumption. I'm I'musing it to make I'm using it to

make marinade or make barbecue sauce.See he's not thinking you can definitely go
the cooking route. I love this. There's so many things we can't say
on this show, but yet wecan give legal advice on how to get
out of some sort of commerce lawfor legal use in Canada. All right,
all right, well here's the deal, folks, ladies and gentlemen.

We're gonna take a break. Whenwe come back, we're gonna talk to
Keith Patterson about he's making a movie. We're gonna talk to him all about
this documentary, Beer City USA.We'll be right back. After reading about
the evils of drinking, we madeup our mind. We're gonna stop reading.

What's on Tap Radio continues with JamesSimpson and Chad Pilbeam. They're gonna
put me in the movies. They'regonna make a big star around me.

We will make the Yeah, wewill be on that TV show. All
right, Welcome back to What's onTap Radio. We have a very special
guest in studio with us who hasbeen training for this moment his whole life
to be a stunt beer liver onWhat's on Tap Radio. But maybe more

importantly, he's got another project goingon talking about Beer City USA, the
documentary and television series. Keith Pattersonand studio. Thanks for hanging out,
Bud oh Man, Thanks guys forhaving me. This has just been really
fun hanging out and drinking some beerand hearing you guys do your show.

But if he doesn't bring beer,ladies and gentlemen, what's the rule?
Mark it on the floor. Buddy, we get a trump. It is
a rule we made. We've madeWe've made other people who were on television
no less, not just behind thecamera, but actually the face on television,
and we've made him sit on thefloor. But anyway, you got
a beer here, we're gonna goahead and crack this open. We're gonna

talk about this documentary. Go aheadand crack that open and pour some beer
for us, and we're gonna talkabout this Beer City USA. Now,
if you're not familiar with Beer CityUSA, don't worry. We're gonna ask
all the hard hitting questions and answer. Get the answers for you here.
But tell everybody what we're drinking here, because you brought it, so you
get to sell it. Yeah.I brought a Bell's Best Brown, another

beer that I like to drink inthe wintertime when the weather starts getting cold,
and that's what's going on in Michiganright now, so I thought it
would suit the mood. Hey,Fire Marshal Matt, that one's for you,
buddy. He likes the Brown Ale, same with Fred. These are
longtime listeners and supporters of the showand they hate IPAs. So you got
to open a Brown Ale. Ithink, I think. Don't we have

a contractual requirement, James, wehave to open one brown Ale every quarter
once a year, Well, justonce a year. Okay, Well,
there we go. We met ourquota. We got it in. Just
under the wire. It's almost Decemberthirty. First, all right, speaking
of getting things under the wire,Keith, talk to us about what it
is you're working on. And firstof all, I'm gonna I'm gonna let

you sell it. I've been gonefor twenty years. I've only been back
for a couple of years in GrandRapids, beer City, USA. Where
is this place and why is itcalled that? Yeah, well I kind
of have a similar story to youbecause I was born and raised in Grand
Rapids, Michigan. But I livedin LA for almost fifteen years. So
I moved back about six years ago, got married, started a family,

and yeah, just I was lookingfor a long form story to tell about
the city of Ground Rapids, andthe brewing industry was really like the first
thing that came to mind. Nowwe're furniture city as well, but talking
about office furniture probably not as interestingas beer. Well, we used to
be furniture city. We used tobe the number one furniture manufacturer in the

world, and that was our city'sbrand. But back in twenty twelve,
Charlie Papasian did a national online pollto determine what was the best beer city
in the country, and that firstyear Grand Rapids tied with Asheville, North
Carolina. And in twenty thirteen,we want to outright Asheville, North Carolina.

Who's eve even heard of that place? Yeah, okay, so I'm
kidding, I'm kidding, I'm kidding, all right, No, but it's
it's something that that our the citizensGround Rapids have really rallied around, and
that is that is the brand thatour city lives by now, something that

like our local convention and visitors beerexperience, gund Rapids really got behind and
marketing it. And even since then, USA Today readers polls have named us
best Beer City, Best Beer Scenea number of times, including this year
we just won Best Beer City again. How early what's the history of beer
in Grand Rapids? How early doesit going? Yeah? So, the
brewing industry and ground rap Hats startedall the way back in the eighteen thirties

with a guy named John Penell.He was an English brewer made a hop
ale and then followed by a lotof German immigrants, including a guy named
Christoph Kusterer. And one of theinteresting stories that about our city is that
when Anheuser Busch moved into town inthe late nineteenth century with the invention of

refrigerated railcars, they were undercutting theprice of all our local brewers, and
six of the largest breweries in GrandRapids formed together to combat the influence of
Anheuser Bush and form the Grand RappidsBrewing Company. Wow, but our documentary
is telling the whole historical timeline fromthe eighteen thirties all the way through the
modern day home brewers, brewerania collectors, the Grand Rapis Community College brewing program,

festivals like the Winter Beer Fest whereI met Shad last night was fun.
It was fun, absolutely, andthe Proram Festival, which is put
on by the Beer City Brewers Guild. Keith Patterson is doing a documentary Beer
City USA. And well, it'sa documentary TV series. I'm gonna ask
you about that, but what's yourbeer background? I mean, were you

a wine drinker? And just said, well, I really want to talk
about wine and Grand Rapids, butthere's really no vineyards. Let's jump over
to beer. Or do you havea beer background? I mean, were
you a brewer at someplace and justdecide to jump in, or what's your
background? You're doing a documentary,that's a commitment. Sure, Really,
I've just always been a beer lover, just a consumer like most everybody else.

You know. When I lived inLa getting Grand Rapids beer was pretty
hard to get for most of thetime that I lived out there. And
I remember when we started seeing likeTwo Hearted and some Founders beers in the
specialty stores. It was pretty exciting. And and then we started seeing them
on tap around around town. Andevery time I came back to Grand Rapids

it was the first thing that Idid. I would I would go out
and get a local craft beer.And uh yeah, just learning more about
the industry over the last year anda half as about filming this, and
I've met some made some really goodfriends in the industry and it's just been
super fun. So, dude,in documentary, I can imagine there's a
lot of resources. Do you haveto go get funding? Are you shooting

this basically on an iPhone or youdo you get the real deal? No?
I definitely have a professional crew,and I'm a writer, director,
producer, so I don't I don'tshoot her edit. I hire those positions
out and I've got a really greatcrew. But to answer the other question,
you know, you can you canpitch it to networks directly and they
would fund it and they would kindof have the creative control over it and

things like that. I really choseto make this independently because I didn't want
network executives in New York or Rallytelling me what Grand Rapids was supposed to
be. So yeah, because thenthey can start taking out I want you
to take that part out. Iwant you to take this, but you
haven't creative control. You're completely youknow, independent. Yeah, it definitely
makes it more challenging. I mean, we've been raising money as we go,

and in the middle of a crowdfundingcampaign right now and also seeking additional
corporate sponsorships. But we've raised onehundred grand out of the three hundred grand
goal and feeling very good about beingable to meet that goal pretty soon.
So everybody's got it there. I'msure everybody's wondering the same thing that we
are, wins the release planned,And I mean we've seen, We've seen

documentaries before. You have a plan, you know how this is going to
get released? How are you goingto see this thing all the way through?
What's the goal? We talked alittle bit about this when we were
drinking beer before the show, buttell what's the real answer from the man?
Yeah, our goal is to actuallycomplete the series by January of twenty

twenty five. We're going to submitit to all the major film festivals,
choose where we premiere it, andthen partner with a sales agency for domestic
and international distribution, hopefully on astreaming service. Now, do you worry
since this is going to be solike twenty twenty five that it could be
a little dated or are you justjust shooting for that date? No,
that's a great question, And I'veheard people ask me similar questions before too,

and like why are you making thisnow? And things like that,
Because you guys kind of mentioned whenwe were off air two the peak of
craft beer may have already happened,right. We may be in a trough
right now and it really started beforeCOVID. I do think now is the
right time. It gives us alittle perspective, especially being on the other

side of COVID too, which wasreally the big challenge that breweries faced since
prohibition, so to be on theother side of that. Also, you
know, trends are changing. Peoplearen't going out like they used to.
There's new products in the market likeSeltz's, which I don't personally care for.
I think it's a fad. Noone talks about zema anymore so,

but smart all right, craft beeris here to stay. Beer has always
been with us, you know,ever since you know, before civilization started,
and it will always be with us. And the craft beer market in
the United States has not reached thepeak of its market share compared to big

domestic beer. So the future ofcraft beer is bright. There's an ebb
and flow to everything. But lookingforward to seeing what the future holds.
So Keith Patterson, the producer directorfilm Man Everything, the blood, the
guts, the sweat, the passionbehind Beer City, USA, film documentary

television series on Grand Rapids, Michigan. What would you want our audience to
know about this project that we haven'tasked you yet. Yeah, So if
you want to learn more about ourproject and watch our sizzle reel, you
can go to Beer CityUSA Dot TV, and we'll plug it on our social
as well. We'll plug it.It's a great trailer. Yeah, thank
you. That's right. And maybemaybe I don't get cut out of the

I mean I might make the broll. We did an interview at the
Winter Beer Fest, which I thoughtwas fun. Oh you're gonna be in
the show, all right, makingthe final cut. I don't know,
man, all right, Well,all right, Keith Patterson, Beer City
USA. Check out the sizzle reel. Look for it and if you're interested
in funny reach out to him beerCity USA or US. What's on Tap
Radio? Okay, thanks for beingon the show. We've got one more

segment. One more. Don't yougo anywhere. When we come back,
we're gonna talk about some stuff,maybe even crack open another beer. One
more segment is What's on Tap Radio? Will be you right back and now
your weekend forecast chance of beer.You've got What's on Tap Radio. Tantrik

Brewing Company, located in Alegant,Michigan, proud sponsors What's on Tap Radio
and located right here in my backyard. Chad Pilbeam, the beer logic guy,
go in there and ask for freeWhat's on Tap high five and check
out the amazing beers Tantic Brewing,Tantik Brewing dot com, Tantik Brewing dot
com. Well, this has beena fun show and we're about ready to

put a bow on the show,wrapping things up for the week. I
want to thank everybody for hanging outfor the last segment here What's on Tap
Radio. I want to thank KeithPatterson Stunt Beer Liver hanging out at the
Beer Logic World headquarters and drinking emporiumhere in Alegant. If you missed that
interview and you're just now tuning in, you missed. First of all,

you missed a lot. But thanksfor catching the last little bit here,
and we are going to crack openanother beer. To go ahead and do
that. Keith's not sitting on thefloor, He's gonna go ahead and crack
this open. This is the bighearted IPA from Bells Brewery. He brought
some beer. But I also wantto thank Tantrick Brewing Company for bringing us

this last segment. Tantrik Brewing Companyjust down the street here, I mean
that's where Keith and I met.We sat down, we chatted it up.
Check out the documentary series, theSizzle Reel, also known as a
teaser Kaith, tell everybody where tofind beer City USA. Where are they
gonna find it? Yeah, youcan check it out at beer CityUSA dot

TV. There you go. Yeah, I'm looking at the website right here
at watch the Sizzle support the project, the real all about the crowdfunding campaign
again, that's beer CityUSA dot TV. Very cool? All right, James,
here it is. I've you andI have gone back and forth on
this. The lawyers obviously told mewhat I couldn't say. Oh, I'm

gonna disregard it, all right,to keep everybody happy. And now the
legal mumbo jumbo, legal mumbo jumbo. That's a good beer. Names opinions
stated by What's on Tap Radio andcontributors to What's on Tap Radio are not
to be considered as endorsed by thisawesome radio station. You were urged to
use your own discernment that's your brainfor you dummies, and draw your own

conclusions. Please drink responsibly. Cheersyou want, Chad, So now I'm
gonna say whatever I want. Yeah, because it doesn't matter. We ran
the disclaimer, all right. Sohere's what we were told to say,
we were told to talk about abeer that may affect your health, a
beer that may get you sick,a beer that may impact your overall well

being or give you an illness.Now I'm to go ahead and say it.
There's a beer out there. Itmight kill you, kill you,
it's gonna get you sick. It'snot gonna kill you. It may you
may die, you may die.Okay, and Cornell University has got my
back. Okay, maybe they don't. We ran the disclaimer. I can
say whatever I want. A studyby scientists at Cornell University. That's a

high falutin university of very efficiados,very educated aficionados who know what they're doing.
Yeah, I got a two pointseventy five GPA in the school communications.
Trust me. I'm listening to whatthey have to say. But they
said that there is a beer outthere that is a breeding ground for bacteria
such as E. Coli and salmonellaand also lysteria. Oh yeah, we

talked about this before. There's acertain company I don't want to mention their
name, but they had a productthat had a listeria outbreak that was linked
to some deaths. Therefore, I'mextrapolating their data. Jad, you just
can't come out that. You justcan't come the blue and just throw a
bell on us and not tell uswhat the company is. What you don't

want me to tell you what?You don't want me to just throw a
bell out there. Fine, I'llblow it up for you. Okay,
I don't know. I'll blow itup for you. I meant that's what
I meant, blow it up,not blow it up. Yeah, it's
not a blow up. It's nota blow up bell. It's a blue
belt. Okay. Maybe there wasan ice cream company in Texas that had
hysteria and maybe some people died.And if there's a beer out there that

has lysteria in it, and lysteriacan kill you, well, according to
microbiologist Randy Warrebo, he and histeam have studied the growth of three types
of bacteria E. Coli, salmonella, and lysteria in one type of beer
and it is found to be abreeding ground in It's not IPA s Yeah,

sorry, Matt, sorry, farmarcial, Matt, it's all upset
now. No, it's not IPAs, no pastry stouts. No, it's
not that. He the non alcoholicbeer they attempted to identify the effects of
the acidity storage, temperature, alcoholconcentrations, the reproduction and the death of
the microbial pathogens. Pathogens. Yeah, easy for me to say, I

wouldn't have I wouldn't a chemist andI wasn't a biology major. I'm just
reading the copy. Listeria died offin each brew. Okay, so maybe
it won't kill you because listeria diedoff. But non alcoholic beer that was
at most risk for developing E.Coli and salmonella, and scientists have theorized

that this is due to the lackof alcohol, and so now brewers are
being encouraged to look at how theyare handling the beer and how they're going
to curb the bacterial growth in nonalcoholic beers because alcohol serves as a way
of preserving the beer and staving offany bacterial growth with The good news,

though, is that regular beer isimmune to this type of bacteria. Translation,
non alcoholic beer, which is onthe rise right now, maybe has
an image thing that they got todeal with. But the reality is,
I have a feeling. Here's thereality. I think non alcoholic beer is
gonna be just fine. Even thoughscientists say it is a breeding ground for

salmonella and E. Coli. Soregular beer not at risk. So low
alcohol beer you're okay. Non alcoholicbeer, I feel like you run the
risk. These scientists were paid offto say this. I bring this back
full circle to our conversation about thefly and the beer. So now now

that you know this, you nonalcoholic beer drinkers, you may not drink
a beer that had a fly thatlanded in it. Oh that's gross.
Are you gonna stop drinking non alcoholicbeer? I'll wait. I remember there
are a lot of people that sworeoff eating in ice cream because of this
listeria. Oh yeah, or not? They continue doing that. I never
did, because I mean, Ilove this blue Belt. He's the best

day of ice cream out there.Same thing with the fly, the fly
lands and my beer. I'm gonnadrink it, thesterium, my blue bell.
Guess what. I'll take my chances. Yeah, they clean it up
and I don't see any problems withthis, But you know, just put
it out there letting you guys know. But I do. Before we get
out of here, I do wantto bring some information up. We have
an update in our bear story.There's a development in the saga. This

is the so if you remember,folks, the bear started in Pennsylvania by
going to an outdoor party, crashedthe party, and then Mike drinking beer.
Mike. Mike was like, uhh, you gotta get the hell
on out of here, bear,So he escorting them out of the backyard
and into the street. They Mikewalk the bear right out of the party,
and the bear was Mike was like, come on, Bear, let's
get out of here. And thebear was like, okay, I guess

we'll leave. And then right ashe was about to exit, he looked
at Mike and was like, youknow what, Mike, one more partying
get before I get out of here. Swap right there on the ass scratched
them all up. He's like,Mike. So then the bear was on
his way and decided, you knowit, I got to start hibernating,
and I got to start moving myway south. It's getting a little cold
up here in the East coast.So he started making his way south,

made his way to Georgia, wherehe broke into a house to enjoy himself
some white claws. However, itwas thirsty after it was thirsty. However,
somewhere between Pennsylvania and Georgia. Hegot hit by a car something and
he lost the paw because he onlyhad three paws. When he went to
this house and drank three white claws, one for each paw, one for
each claw, and then left thatparty and then made his way down to

Florida to Disney World, where hegot into the amusement park and into a
tree. Well, they're giving awaybeer now inside those parks, are they.
Yeah, they're selling beer there,Yeah, they were, And so
they quickly escorted him out of there, and then he made his way to
a boat, a boat. Hegot on a boat which had a cooler
full of beer. So now thebear has made his way to a Florida

neighborhood where he was enjoying himself sometrigger treating candy. And this bear decided
to help himself stacking on all thecandy left out for the trigger treaters.
And here is a hilarious video wherethe kids react to the bear eating their
candy, eat with the wrapper?What's the wrapper though? I think that

sometimes what I used to established withthe rappers? What? Yeah, I
know that. Yeah, the bearwas just eating the candy with the rappers,
and rather than the kids being scared, they just were amused by the
fact that the bear was eating thecandy with the wrapper on it. So
that is your latest development in thebear story, his bears to a Halloween

party and eating up the candy ina Florida neighborhood party. All Right,
we gotta get out of here.We gotta get it here. But I
do want to thank Keith Patterson beerCity USA. Check out beer CityUSA dot
TV documentary is gonna be coming outin twenty twenty five. It's gonna be
a great documentary. I can't waitto see it. Also want to thank
our wonderful sponsors that being in TangientedBrewing, Superior Pest Control, Bierologic Confidence
and Events we KNOWLEDG, Teneg InsuranceGroup, the Backyard Girl of course sponsoring

our podcast, GAST Branding. Sofor mister Berl himself, mister Chap,
he will be mine bigger jams tosay thank you for checking out What's on
Tap Radio. We hope you enjoyedit and we hope that you would join
us for another actual back radio shownext week. See that, folks, Cheers,
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