All Episodes

November 8, 2023 81 mins
On tap this week: Kwik Trip offering free beer, Info on the inaugural "Florida Man Games,” Harpoon Brewery spreads holiday cheer, UFC announces Bud Light as its official beer, Sobriety ankle tags for criminals who commit alcohol-fuelled crimes, Fun Facts, Hold my beer and watch this, all this and so much more presented by Cask Branding. Enjoy the show! Cheers.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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This What's on Tap Radio on demandepisode is presented by Cast Brandy. Cast
Branding is a trusted source for supplyingbreweries, distilleries, and wineries with custom
merchandise and Brandy a member of theTexas craft Brewers Guild. Cast Brandy can
make your brand stand out with class. You preach, support local, Well,
how about practicing what you preach.Go to cast Brandy dot com,
Cast Brandy dot com, Cast Brandingdot com. Enjoy the show. This

is about to be good radio.Oh yeah. To me, a craft
brewer is much more of a mindset. We just opened two camps, spread
the gospel of good beer. Beer. Tons and tons of stuff going on
in the beer world. I lovecraft beer. I love different people's beers.
It's the first favorite. Cheers twoolas, beer geeks and those new

to the craft. What's on Tap? High five? This is What's on
Tap Radio Beer in the culture thatflows with it. Peers, Beer Guru
James Simpson and Beer Logics Chad PillbeanDo that are you? Oh? I'm

faking it right the second and you'regonna find out why we started cold there,
didn't we Welcome to What's on TapRadio? Quick? Bring it in
welcome to the show. You know, hug everybody. It's the coldest intro
we've ever had. I know,Quick, crack open a beer, let's
get this show started. Wait,what are we listening to? What's going
on here? Well I'm all right, well, welcome to What's on Tap

Radio. I'm James. That's Chad. Yeah, and we have a stunt
your drinking studio missus Bryan Holdsen hangingout with us as well. I didn't
want to ignore the fact that we'vegot help today. Well we needed some
help, we did. We needsome help. We were looking around at
each other and we're like, hey, you know what, we're hanging out
in studio and studio asks no lesson the west side of town. Here

we are. And I was like, we can't do this alone, so
we called him reinforced. All Chadhas to do is just he has this
beam of light like the bat signthat puts in the sky and sure enough,
here they come. But welcome tothe show. Glad to have you
aboard. Before we get in away, let's do some housekeeping. Very
important to me, very important thatI do this. Yeah, every week,
I mean for the past ten years. This is just how we started

the show and I'm not going tochange anytime soon. Yep. And that's
my thing. You are wonderful advertisers. Our sponsors allow us to do this
every weekend, and that's a TantrikBrewing, Superior Pest Control, Bio Lodge,
conference events, Renal tenake an insurancegroup, the Backyard Grill in course
sponsoring our podcast, which is availableeverywhere for free. Cast Brandy and cast
Brandy and Cass. Brandy, Welcometo the show. I am thirsty,
chat thirsty. Brian's thirsty. Ihope whatever you're doing responsibly. Yeah,

maybe you're thirsty too. Well,if you're being irresponsible, just don't include
alcohol. Yeah, maybe you'll maybeget some iced tea. Yeah yeah,
yeah, irresponsible ice tea drinking.We endorse that. Maybe get some water.
Yeah well yeah you want to drinkwater irresponsibly, no problem, but
not on this show. We're youknow, we're all safe. We you
know we're in studio. Respect thebeer. Let's do this, so let's

kick things off. Brought the tablethe first segments. How we always start
each and every show off we're outcracked beers until the mike's hot and everyone's
looking around come on, t tiktick, let's go. And this is brought
to you by friends over at theBackyard Grill where Chad Pilbean has been hanging
out. Oh man, that wasa great turnout there for the award winning
not yet world famous beer with Markand Chad, which turned into I mean

Mark couldn't make it, but thatdoesn't matter the spirit. Wait, so
you came in town, I did, and you just tag team like all
right? Mark tagged you like I'mout. Well, Mark, listen,
he's a busy man. Couldn't makeit. He's got like five six restaurants
he's got going on. Man,the man is a entrepreneur. And yes,
very very busy. Get that namedrop going? Come on, Sorry,
Brian was looking at me crazy.Mark mcshaffer, you drop a name,

Yeah, come on, there wego any It is thank you for
the on the northwest side of Houston, the Backyard Grill into everyone who came
out and hung out with us.We sampled a lot of great beers and
it's a good time. And inhonor of that, I want to go
ahead and crack open another great beardto share with James here and also stunt
Liver. Brian Holsen KPRC. I'mgonna go first. Yeah, you bring

a beer, I bring a beer. I'm gonna go first, all right,
And I want to go ahead andsay this. I was a little
upset with James earlier to prove thatmary couples fight. Okay, we worked
together, sometimes we disagree, andso I, uh, in town.
I want to tell him why?Yeah, in town? I said,
James, you got enough beer there? Or do I need to stop and

grab something before coming to the show. And He's like, do you want
to sit on the floor? Now? We have a rule here. If
you don't bring beer to the show, you have to sit on the floor.
This is a real rule, andJames was gonna enforce it. I'm
like, screw you, man,I can't believe this. You know what,
I'm gonna be petty about this.I'm gonna stop at a gas station
pick up like the oldest, dirtiestlight beer, some malt liquor. And
then I realized dawned on me.You know what, that's just petty.

I'm not gonna do anything that petty. I'm gonna bring something else. Proof
Chad's a better man than I am, because I definitely would have done that.
That's right. Yeah, so Ididn't want to do anything that petty.
But then again, maybe the sayspetty from brew Dog. I've got
the Bushwood Caddyshack Lagger. Brew DogJames Simpson's favorite brewery. Yes, is

my favorite. Actually on the radio, I talk about how much I hate
him. But if you go tolook at my closet, I got brew
Dog shirt, you'd have nothing brewDog in this house. Actually I do.
I have it in my cabinet downthere. I got a brew Dog
beer. It's under those glasses,Brian. I got a brew Dog ipa
from fifteen years ago that my buddyAsh gave me. Oh so you haven't

fifteen years ago, Yeah, Imean, but look, there's a brew
Dog beer right there. It's anipa that my buddy Ash won in a
poker game. He won the rightsto You only have that beer for the
simple reason that Ash gave it toyou, Otherwise it would be in the
dumpster, right Ash rest in peace, the owner of Duff Distribution. He

won the rights to distribute brew Dogin a poker game. WHOA all right?
All right? So you know whatI mean? You Knowice, I
got you that Samuel Adams, Boston. Oh, and it brings out the
aroma. I'm not sure I'm happyabout that. But here it is a
quote unquote light and fresh beer that'scrushable on the course, lightly colored straw
logger James makes the same odd face. The Hop edition gives this bush With

beer a light and grassy lemon characteristic. You know, it's weirds bear everything
it smells. The aroma is awful, but the taste isn't so bad.
It smells awful. It smells awful, but taste isn't so bad. It's
kind of like a tartness too.No. Oh, I'm sorry. No,
Brian trash, Brian thoughts, Brianholds in stunt beer liver, Get

up on that mic. What areyou thinking? No, No, it's
just bad there. No, okay, well that's when I brought the tail,
James. What's the alcoholic volume?Five percent? The bush Wood Beer
brew Dog Brud in Ohio. Yeah, Cattie shack. Yeah, it smells
like a ground It's it's not good. Now we're coming up on a break

here, But James, do youwant to tell everybody what You're gonna bring
the table and we'll crack it.Talk a little bit more about it.
But yeah, let's do this.Let's do this. Ready, this is
gonna get We're gonna get controversial here, Brian, ready the beer I'm bringing
the table. Are you ready forthis? Oh no? Are you ready
for this? She's melting from Shinerthe Holidays Cheer. This is a controversial

topic. These peaches belong and Christmasbeer. No, And so that's what
I'm bringing to the table, theShiner Holiday Cheer. Oh live, Chris,
Are you ready? Are you readyfor it? We're gonna go and
crack this. Oh my woo,spells like Christmas in here. Yeah,

oh my god. This is thatfive point four percent alcohol by volume,
the Holiday Cheer and al brew withpeaches and pecans, The Shiner Holiday Cheer.
We're kicking the holidays off right now. What's on tap radio? All
right? All right, we're talkingmore about Yeah, we're gonna pourt that.
This segment has been brought to youby the Backyard Girl. Sorry to
rush it, but unfortunately we ranout of time. But let me tell
you, little teacher, what wehave on tap this week. We're gonna

talk about quick Trip offering free beer. Harpoon is spreading the hotay, cheer
a beer bracelet, but it's nota good thing. And all this is
so much more, including coming upthe official What's on Tap Radio fun fact
of the week. We'll be rightback. Okay, we will buy no
more beer until we drink all thebeer we have at home, we said,

and then we laugh and laughed andlaughed. All right, cut it
out. This is What's on TapRadio. Back to James and Chad.
Hey, you know, it doesn'tmatter what kind of beer you drink.
Do you like it ice cold,do you like it served in cellar temperature?
Do you like it served in afancy glass or just drinking it from

a long neck model. It doesn'tmatter because everybody who drinks beer loves great
food and you're gonna find both atthe Backyard Grill, located on the northwest
side of Houston, Texas, atthe corner of West and Jones Road,
and proud sponsors of What's on TapRadio. It's Chadpilbean, the bier lout.
You guy here telling you to getout there and support those who support

us. And when you go inthere, hey, like I said,
it doesn't matter what kind of beeryou like. They've got it ice cold
beer right here, or check outtheir cellared beer menu. Oh yeah,
ask for the special stuff. Theygot a secret stash, forty eight taps,
everything you want, and one hundreddifferent food items at the Backyard Grill.
Check out their beer beeds, signup for their newsletter and find out

more at the Backyard Grill dot com. That's the Backyard Grill dot com.
Anyway you want, it's the wayyou need. Any way you wanted.
She mused to live. She missedthe same she does. You know a

song has been ruined for you Whenyou hear a song and it just reminds
you of a commercial, I thinkit's like an AT and T commercial or
something. No, I'm reminded whenI hear this, I think of Bushwood
Country Club, Caddy Shack, andRodney Dangerfield out there and being yelled at
by the judge. Turn that racketoff. I want to get more Christmas

music. But when the Christmas musicplayed, everybody in the studio gave me
this thousand yards stare like, dude, no, relax. Now you haven't
even gotten into the you know,talking about what we're eating for Thanksgiving,
and here we are trying to getChristmas beer. This, this song is
appropriate for the two beers that wejust opened, because anyway you want it,

all right, So we've got thisBushwood Caddyshack bear from brew Dog,
which I brought out of spite justto piss off James because he really does
not like brew Dog beer. Idon't. It's not that I don't like
brew Dog beer. I just don'tlike the brew Dog owner. Right well,
he doesn't like you either, soit works out a feelings mutual,
I guess right. But beer it'sI mean, those is terrible. No,

this is no this it smells skunky. If we did videos of drain
pores, we would absolutely show youthis going down the drain. This is
not going to be consumed. Weare not drinking this beer. I finish
it. I mean it's in myclass. Noop, noop, I got
one liver, dude, I amnot wasting it on this, all right,

fair, this is gone by rightFlipping over though to the beer you
brought. So this is We talkedabout this on last week's show, and
then I got flooded with pictures fromour listeners on social media of beers that
are on the shew, the Christmasbeers. They've landed and so long and
behold. I go out to mylocal beer retailer and I was going,
you know, I'm gonna pick upsome beer from the show, and boom,

there we are in caps of theChristmas beers, including an en cap
of the Shiner Holiday Cheer and it'salbrew with peaches and a cons And this
gotten a little bit of a discussionlast week. Brian that Chad was like,
do peaches belong Christmas beer? No, there's nothing peach about Christmas traditional
Christmas carol. You don't hear yousee the Dickens Christmas Carol where everybody's gathering

around with peaches. I'm sorry,it just no, it doesn't. No,
No, Now, what do youthink? What do you say about
this beer? I actually like it? Do you think it's very delicious?
And it's it has a little peachfruitiness to it. And I'm not gonna
lie. It tastes like a winterwarmer. It tastes like a holiday beer.
Holed it they call it Holiday Cheer. Yeah, I think it captures

the flavor of the season. Andeven though we're not in that season,
what the heck I mean we are? I mean the Big Box Doors is
already selling the decorations. It won'tbe long before, you know, people
take down their Halloween decorations to startputting up the Christmas decorations. It,
I mean, it starts pretty muchNovember tenth. Yeah, and then it
won't be long before the adult contemporaryradio stations flip over to Christmas. Meerch

that's happening earlier and earlier and yeahyear, but uh, let me let
me tell you a little bit.Let me tell you what I sip here.
I like it. Yeah, themulti flavors are enriched through the use
of multi barley m hm. Oh, and we the cruising cruising, cruising
cruising. You're doing great well.It ensures the smoothness that you know,

it's a subtle peach of pecan flavorson there. It's more satisfying than some
of the other Christmas ales out thereor crazy either way. Yeah, that's
what I said. Yeah, butagain, this is the shiner holidays year,
a dunkele vison. But yeah,we're kicking our holiday beers off.
This is it. We're doing itright now. We know much more about

beer than you A big word skintalk. Yeah. Anyways, I had
beer in my mouth you know.That's what it was. That's what it
was, just to really come towith some thoughts on this beer. I
like it. I like it.I are a good reader. I like
it. But again, the ShinerHoliday this is, yeah, this is
It's not too sweet and body islight. So I feel like I could

drink a couple of these and you'renot going to be sick of the sweetness
and it's not too heavy. Butwhat do you think about the peaches?
I I said, peaches don't belongin Christmas beer, so I'm gonna say
they're breaking the rule and for somereason it works. I would not kick
this beer out of bed, iswhat I'm saying. I like it,
Brian, I'm not a big fan. Oh you're not, Okay, you

are? What really? You know? What don't you like about it?
I don't like the peaches, that'sfor sure. Oh I feel like I
get peaches amba cons. Yes,yes, there's a happy medium there.
Now the official What's on Tap RadioFun Fact of the Week, brought to
you by Who's ever checked Clear?This week. Let's be honest, we
all know why you're listening right now. That's for these fun facts. I

know, and I'm going to crossinto a controversial subject here. Yeah,
do peaches belong in Christmas beers?Now we're gonna talk about history because all
the fun facts of the week,guarantee, there's not one fun fact we've
ever done about the future. Allbeen things that have happened in the past.
Yeah, yeah, I mean youcan't. I mean we've talked about
ai you know, being future brewmasters, right, but that's something that happened

so fun fact, I can't tellyou in twenty twenty six and January fifteenth,
twenty twenty six, brewmaster Roberts.You know, I can't see you
got into Deloreate right and went tothe future. No, these are all
historical ones, and this is asensitive subject, but I think it's one
worth revisiting. And we we uhnot too terribly long ago. We had

the grandson of the first black ownedbrewery in the United States on our show.
Oh that's right, yep, therewas the People's Bury People's Brewery.
Yeah. Yeah, we talked alittle bit about that great story. The
brewery out of San Francisco, yes, yeah, or it was being brewed
no they I think it was outof Minnesota. But then San Francisco brewery

was remaking the beer. Yeah yeah. And so one of the things that
that gets lost throughout history and peopletend to forget this is that history is
written by those who basically win thewars. I mean, if you,
if you win, if you,if you have power, you get to
write history. And what people tendto forget in the grand scheme of everything
and looking over where beer was madeand who was making beers. We dig

through ancient civilizations and we have learnedthat slaves in Egypt and throughout history were
fed a diet, a regular dietof beer because it was rich in nutrients,
it was healthy. It's actually prettycheap to make. It wasn't really
high ABV beer. It was prettylow alcohol content. I bet you tastes
like crap. Oh yeah, youknow it did they got yeah, they

got the they got the brew dogbushwood of the beer is going on.
No, no, no, nono, you got the slop and the
slurry. But they were fed aregular diet of beer. And so sometimes
workers would be paid in beer,but also slaves were fed a regular diet
of beer. Now fast forward allthe way to stories like what we talked

about with the People's brewery, andyou got to ask yourself, how is
it that we just discovered the people'sbrewery in such a just a small window
more recent times, It's like,why haven't we been talking about this for
years? Why is this like hiddenhistory? Well, it's because what I
said, for whatever reason, wedidn't capture this and write this down in
history. Well, it turns outthat all throughout Europe it was discovered that

African tribes and African nations and colonieswere very versed in the art of fermentation,
particularly in warm climates, and whenthey were captured as slaves and sold
throughout Europe, they were exploited fortheir talents and there is very little record
of their brewing. But turns outthat African slaves who were taken to Europe

were a major contributor to the successof the brewing industry during that time.
But your official What's on Tap Radiofun fact of the Week brings us to
the other side of the pond,to the colonial Americas in the USA,
none other than Thomas Jefferson, whowas an avid brewer. Does he know,

Oh no, well he's dead.Yeah, he hasn't listened. He
didn't listen to the show. Wheneverhe was around, though, well,
he had the Monticello Plantation, andThomas Jefferson was known for his brewing skills.
However, Thomas Jefferson not much ofa brewer, and that is because
his beer was brewed by none otherthan yes American craft beer pioneer, an

African slave, Peter Hemmings. That'sright, the legendary Thomas Jefferson, the
pioneer, one of the pioneer colonialpatriots of this fine nation, got credit
for beer being brewed at the MonticelloPlantation, but it was brewed by none
other than Peter Hemmings, one ofhis slaves. So to one, Peter

Hemmings. By the way, AveryBrewer Company made a beer in honor of
Peter Hemmings. Thank you very muchfor doing that. We raise a toast
to the brewers who were not recognized, who were taken illegally and captive and
slaves and exploited for their talents.So to you, Peter Hemmings, the
official brewer of Thomas Jefferson, Andthat's your official What's on Tap Radio fun

fact of the week. That wasa good fun fact. Yeah, OK.
Park Brewing brewed the people's beer andI think I have one of those
beers in my fridge. All right, you gotta take a break still to
come on this episode, we're goingto talk about a quick trip giving out
free beer, and there's a beerbracelet out there. It's not a good
thing. All right, we'll talkabout that. All this is so much
more. We'll be right back.Believe in something they say, we believe.

We'll have another beer. This isWhat's on Tap Radio. Back to
James and Chad. All right,welcome back to What's on Tap Radio.

A lot to get to on thisepisode. We've got a lot of exciting
stories as always. But Chad waslike, hey, I want to kind
of do something. I'm gonna getoff the freeway real quick. I want
to take a side road. Uh, totally off script, which is fine.
We like when it's you know,off script every now and in.
But I'm not exactly sure where we'regoing. But Chad was like, hey,
I'll take the wheel yep. Soall right, all right, all

right, so I'm gonna sit backand you know, enjoy my holiday cheer.
Not exactly sure where we're about togo. I want you to enjoy
that holiday cheer. No I amI am, but you know, we
we did have to pour out.The dog is down the drain. We
did do a drain. Poor.I feel bad for the municipality here in
Harris County. They've got to they'vegot to find something to do. That's
all going down the drain. Isit that bad? Yes? It really

was not not not good, notnot No. Although the I want to
keep the can for my collection becauseI love good marketing, and I mean
the cans look's pretty cool. Yeah, it's got the little gopher on it.
But is it labeled as a Berlinof ice, because that's what it
kind of tastes like. No,it's just it's actually labeled as a Pilsner.
Says it right there, dude,see Chris Pilsner. Yeah, Pilsner,

that's it. But it tastes likea Berlin avice. It tastes like
part notes. Yeah, it tasteslike, honestly that that gopher got into
it, and it tastes like abad decision. Yeah, but really,
yeah, I know, as Jameswould like to say, he said,
more than once, I'd finish thatbeer. But I'm a big fan of
tomorrow. I do like tomorrow.Yeah. Anyway, so James said during

the break here we were talking aboutthe People's Beer, right, and this
is a legendary in honor of thelegendary mister Theodore Max Senior, the first
African American brewery owner, and heopened a brewery in nineteen seventy purchased the
People's Brewery to offer jobs to innercity and minority employees. A great story.

Go listen to our podcast brought toWe had the Sun on. We
had a sun was it? Yes? It was his son, I guess,
Theodore Junior. Yeah, right,And I said James, Well,
James says, I think I've gotone of those beers still, And well,
it was canned in August of theyear that we won't mention. It's
between twenty one, and he's duringthe plandemic, right exactly between twenty twenty

one and twenty nineteen that year.And I'm gonna go ahead and say we're
gonna crack this open, and we'regonna see if it tastes better than the
Bushwood beer. It does. Thisis a light logger and it's designed to
you know, just compete with youknow, it's it's really kind of a
I don't know if you don't callit pre prohibition or whatever. But it's

just a light, easy drinking Americanstyle pilsner. And yeah, oh boy,
well that that yep, that horseis that horse has done turned you.
Wow, some wet cardboard in there. No, it's more like sweet
corn. Oh god. Yeah,yeah, I don't know. I'm very
fruit I mean, honestly, I'mnot mad at it compared to what we

Yeah, that's not good. Theoh my gosh. Okay, it was
better obviously when it was fresh,but it's now over. It's over three
years old. Yeah, I meanthat's just not You don't age all beers.
So all right, this was anexperiment and we wanted to try it.
It failed. Meanwhile, stunt liverBrian Holsen in studio with us,

did not like the Shiner holiday cheer. So I thought, in the spirit
of Christmas, you know, aswe know, the true spirit of Christmas,
isn't that the thought counts. It'sthat you better get me a gift
I want and if not, I'mtaking it back to the star. So
that's the real spirit of Christmas.If you don't believe me, just follow
me on social media at Chad theBeer Logic Guy. But James has two

beers in his fridge that are Christmasbeers from last year's Christmas pack. I
want to open those up and seeif we can get Brian a better gift.
So can you reach into your beerfridge over there? So we were
talking about this on the last episodewhere the Christmas beers are coming out at
the big you know, the warehousestores and like the Advent calendar and these

James, we've got two of themhere. I want to see if we
can step up our game and offer. Okay, I have two. I
have the Cookies and Cream Porter,and then I also have the cranberry wheat.
Oh, cranberry wheat. Come on, man, So Brian, I'm
gonna let you decide which one youwant to open. I have the cranberry
wheat or the Cookies and Cream Porter. What do you want to go with?
He's like really, like, Iknow, I know. It's like

it's like we asked him, youknow, like we should be like price
is right? I know, cookiecook I know, I know. It's
like Brian, it's it's not thatbig of a decision. It's not like
we asked you what your favorite tradeabout your wife is. I mean you
know, come on, what's yourfavorite child? Which one do you want
to go with? The cookies andgreenport? All right, we're gonna right
cark choice, all right, crackthat thing open, Brian, you're gonna

you're gonna do the honors and thewhole point of this again the holiday cheer
from shiner Brian didn't like. Andyou know, in the spirit of Christmas,
take that thing back. Let's getanother one. Let's try another Christmas
beer. And I'm gonna go aheadand pour a little bit here, James
coming around to you, and wewill find out this is a year old

and they're like four years old.Okay, right, you know how long
he's ad been calendar beer's been sittingon those shelves. The overwhelming majority of
these beers last year weren't good.Then we're betting that age didn't do it.
It smells sweet. It does.Wow. Yeah, it's like smells
like a liquefied I mean seriously,like liquid chocolate. It does spell like
liquid chocolate. Yep, James getsyour what are you picking up on that?

Brian? What do you got?Brian? It is really really sweet.
It's very very sweet. I mean, definitely taste a cookie. Oh
my gosh, it does taste likea cookie. I have a cavity.
Wow, that is sugary and sweet. Oh my goodness. I'm not mad

at it. I'm not mad either, but Brian is one of the better
advent beers I've had? Is thisbetter than the holiday cheer? I'm asking,
Brian Stunt Liver, Brian Holsen.Yeah, much better? Oh you
think so? Okay, Okay,see I this is too much for me.
It says it's a porter with naturalflavor of caramel, color, red

dye number five or whatever. Imean, come on, dude, what
other chemicals did they throw in thisthing? But yeah, I mean this
is the avant beers crafted for theholidays, cookies and cream porter. Yikes.
Yeah, this is seriously this mmhmmm. Who creates these beers?
Well? This is actually a breweryfrom Minhouse Brewery out of Monroe, Wisconsin.

Monroe, Wisconsin. You heard it? No, you said it?
No? Hear it is? Yeah? Is that right? Yes? It's
Monroe, Wisconsin. Say that,Yes, it's exactly Say it again,
James, is it? How doyou say it? Then? Area?
It says Monroe? It's Monroe,dude, Well, it depends on where

you're from? What em fastists areyou going to put on? Which salable?
Okay, it's Monroe from Monroe.That's what I like. If he's
changed to see with the ams Conroe. I mean, what do you think?
I want to thank you for tuningin where we are broadcasting from Hugh

Stone in Texas. Here, allright, what do you want to crack
this one? Now? Might aswell. I mean, let's get nuts.
I mean we're in, we're kneedeep in this segment here again,
thanks for tuning in. What's ontap radio where right now? What we're
doing is we're trying to redeem thebeers we brought to the table. The

first beers that we brought to thetable. We brought the brew dog Bushwood
pilsner, hoppy pilsner, which hasnotes of lemon and you know what has
notes of I'm just gonna say it, I mean, being hoard right down
the drain. It was not agood beer. I can't drink this yet,
Chad, because the poor has takenover the entire glass. So you

can, of course, you're gonnapour a cranberry. Well, what you
do is is you chug your glassright there because you only had a little
bit in that holiday cheer glass.Just finish it, all right, just
do it? Yeah quick, yeah, there you go. See it was
only like an ounce. Just andthen use your cranberry week to rinse.
Adjust your palate. That's enough.Just take us a little swig, adjust
your palate and have another. SoJames likes to rinse his glasses in between

tastes, and that's the smart thingto do. But if you can't do
that, use the next beer you'regoing to drink to put a little bit
in. Swish it around your glass, take us take a swig and then
top it off. Brian holds andmaking faces here. I'm gonna go ahead
and do the same James. Ohgod, that's awful. That's awful.
Oh that's terrible. Not a fan. This is what's on tap Radio,

the drain Poor episode where I mean, oh wow, that's terrible. Smells
like a smells like a jar ofsweethearts. I feel like Brian's about to
throw up. What do you thinkabout that one? Brian? That's the
worst one, the worst one.That's that's that's oh that is that's that
somebody crushed up sweet tarts and threwit in carbonated water that is terrible.

And this is an ale natural alewith natural cranberry flavor. I see,
I'm not a big fan of Cranberry's. I've never been a big fan.
I like when they say natural cranberryflavor. When they say natural cranberry flavor,
that doesn't necessarily mean it has Cranberry'sin it. From Monroe, Monroe,
Monroe, shut up, Tomato,Tomato. Anyways, I'm sure they

make great beer. Oh yeah,I'm sure they do. I mean,
this is the Beatdown edition right here, the beat Down segment. I really
am finding it hard to believe thatwe have gone through this many beers and
we really have not. I'm gonnahave to break for emergencies only. Oh
yeah, I break the glass andget a get a winner out because we
have to turn the show around.I think I might have to do that

because I like, we're gonna loseBrian. Brian's like, I'm never going
back. I know, why wouldI come in? Listen, stunt,
Listen, there's a limit to thestunts I'll pull. It's a stunt,
beer liver, but listen, youcan't just throw me out of the plane
and then tell me, well,there might be a parachute. I packed
it myself, but I get Iwas really tired when I did it,
though, and I've never packed ashoot in my life. But you'll be

fine. Bright, all right,thanks for sticking around while we decided to
destroy our palettes and our liver withsome really bad beer and a lot of
it. Feels like we should hitall controlled delete and just start over.
Just start all right, that's whatwe're gonna do. We're gonna hit all
controlled delete. We're gonna reset thebeer. We're gonna open a new beer.
We're gonna bring something I'm gonna reset. I'm gonna bring it back to
the to life here, all right. We're gonna take a break, but

still to come. The beer bracelet. It's not a good thing. And
move over, Olympics. There's somenew games in town. We'll talk about
that. All this is so muchmore. We'll be right back. The
only thing we throw back on Thursday, he's a pint of beer or two
or three. This is what's ontap radio. Back to James and Chad.

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jinglebell, around the jingle bell.
Somewhere right now, somebody is decoratingtheir house for Christmas. That is definitely
happening right now. Somewhere someone waslistening to this program and just changed the

chance. I don't worry. Youdon't want to leave us. We got
a lot of good stuff. No, no, no, if you're if
you're hearing me say that, youdidn't leave, but someone did and they're
gonna miss out on the rest ofthis great program. There's a lot of
good stuff on tap this week.But you know, anytime now the adult
contemporary radio stations are going to flip. And when they do, oh,
I mean they used to be tobe Thanksgiving Day, that used to be

when the stations used to flip.But now they flip it even earlier.
You know why they do this,right, you worked in radio for seventeen
years. I didn't. It's aratings generator. People love holiday music,
oh my god, and so theywant to get their Q four books and
they want to get those Q fourbooks. And nobody knows what the Q
four book is. They look atratings and based on the quarters, oh

the quarters, the fourth quarter Qfour Okay, so they get the fourth
quarter ratings. And it's always duringthe holiday season because people are driving around
going you know, shopping and they'relistening to Christmas music, or they have
the Christmas music playing why they're decoratingtheir house or maybe wrapping presents, And

so they flip it earlier and earliereach year because Generator Fund fun story little.
I saw a friend of mine wholoves Christmas Vacation just oh, that's
a great movie Love Chase. Yeah. Yeah, So it was pre Halloween
and took a photograph, put iton a social media page and said first

viewing of the year. And Ithought already, And he says, but
I didn't pick it, which makesme so happy. And I was like,
he didn't pick it, and thenit dawned on me. He's single
and he lives at home. Heblamed it on the dog. He has
a dog, and he said thatthis is a dog who picked the move.
Here's how I'm thinking about what happenedhere. He probably he probably was

watching something, maybe dozed off,and then dog picked up the remote.
That's what I did. Yeah,And then he walked. He woke up,
and then whatever he was watching before, maybe it was Office Space,
and then whatever he was watching beforewas now over, and now the Christmas
vacation was on. He was like, well, you know what, I
don't know who the remote is.I'm pretty comfortable, I'm snuggled up.
I might as well just watch it. We're not watching Turner and Hooch again,

so noth of that many ways.Anyway, speaking of not doing that
again, we have tried over andover to find a beer that we could
all agree on, and we havestruck out almost to the end of the
first hour of this program. It'stime to hand the keys to someone who
can hopefully bring this show back onthe rails. Uh stunt Liver. Brian
holds an in studio as here onthe West Side. When TV people come

in, look we got this.Yeah, and you know Brian going around
with Justice Sapleton in his new segmentwhen he's going around named drop for Stapleton,
Yeah, you do, all right. But Stapleton has this new gig
where he what's the name of thegig, what's the name of the bit,
Brian that he goes around and interviewsthese different breweries. He's doing great

to right because you know what,here's the thing. I told him to
stick his head down the cooler andhe's trying to decide which cooler or which
beer to bring out. Don't worry, we'll we'll we'll make sure we get
to We'll get the proper plug.But get the beer out. Let's go.
And meanwhile, I saw this coolcan. I thought one marketing selling
beer. Yo, this is gold. Oh my gosh, hit it,

dude. Oh there it is UltraMitchello Ultra Mitchello. I'm cracking it open.
I am opening it because it's gotto be better than what we've been
drinking. The turner Mitchello Ultra.Oh my gosh, how light that is?
Yes, this is the hyper lightMichael. Oh wait, hyper light
that belongs that Mitchello Ultra. Yes, I can't believe we're drinking this.

You. I said I was gonnabe petty and I was gonna bring bad
beer to the show. I don'teven know if I've ever had Hey Mitchello
Ultra before. I don't know ifI have. Dude, this is funny
because Brian, I think a pettiness, decided he was going to bring because
we brought bad beer, He's gonnabring you know what Brian should have done.

This is for next time. Justsay, hey, I'm gonna do
a blind taste test. What doyou think about this beer and chat and
I like, you know what usgood? I get some good, clean
notes. You know, I'm abig fan. This is the best beer.
Then we pull out and then youpull out the Mitchello. We have
opened four beers on the show.This now the fifth beer. Michelob Ultra

mitchell Lowbaltra. Sorry sorry ma hereMitchello. Okay, and this is the
best beer we have had on theshow. So man, will you please
open another beer so we can forour listeners out there. I'm gonna make
good on this. So here's whatI brought Galfson Bay their coffee stout.
All right, now we're talking herewe go. All right, man,

that's the real beer. I wasall right, I see what Brian did.
He wanted us some rents our palette, right, and this Mi Mi
mit Mitchello. For those that arelistening around the country, we have a
mayor. His name's Mayor Sebuster Turner. And one day he was announcing some
sponsors of this event, and oneof the sponsors was mitchell O Ultra.
So he was reading I mean,honestly, it was like saying it was

like saying Monroe Monroe, Louise orwas different or minute tomato to Hearria,
Illinois. All right, anyways,I want to get to the story real
quick. There we're talking about brewDog. We're talking about Christmas beers,
Harpoon Brewery. Now, I rememberabout twenty twelve thirteen. I remember being

at a beer festival and someone going, man, hey, they got Harpoon
here, Harpoon's here, Oh mygoodness, and so we're really Harpoon and
so we all lined up at theHarpoon tent. And now Harpoon is you
know, they've been in the marketfor a while, and they've come out
with their dunkin Donuts beer and allthat. But now they have come out
with this new holiday pack, andHarpoon IPA has just released these limited edition

twelve packs to retailers throughout the distributionfootprint. And if you could find a
twelve pack containing one golden can,you'll be an instant winter Wait a minute,
didn't brew Dog already do? Imean? Kind of? Except they
Yeah, all right, anyway,will You'll also be in a running for
one of the two grand prizes hostingthe ultimate Holiday party for up to thirty

people at one of the Harpoon's twobrewery locations. Harpoon's Brewery spread Holiday Cheer
giveaway program will award twenty seven Harpoonbeer lovers. There'll be two grand prize
winners, five second place winners,and twenty runner up winners, and the
Planet is to award the pair ofgrand prize winners through a random drawing on

around December eighth. One of thetwo winners will be awarded their own epic
holiday hosted by Harpoon Breweries Boston location, and the other winner will receive a
holiday bash for themselves and their friendsat the Harpoons Brewery and tap Room in
Windsor. Vermont's and second place winnerswill receive a custom twenty three deleted cooler
and a charcuterie board from Vermont Farmsland. Oh that's good, I'll get out

on that. Runners up will receivea Harpoon IPA swag pack including a Harpoon
IPA hat, T shirt and fourharpooned IPA pint glasses and kozies. And
anyone in the United States who's twentyone years older is eligible to win,
and the website is ww dot dotcom. In other words, you don't

sponsor our program, so if youare a big fan of Harpood and you
want to get in on this fun, exciting twelve pack scavenger hunt. I
don't know if it's really a scavengerhunt. I don't know, you know,
go out there and get yourselves aholiday twelve pack, which is probably
on the shelves now. I gottawonder in the marketing department, if they

were sitting around it was like,okay, what are we gonna do?
And somebody says, well, mykid just watched Willy Wonka on the Chocolate
Factory. I got this idea.And then somebody else said, you know,
I think somebody already did that.I can't remember who. I can't,
nor will anybody else. I thinkthis has been done once or twice
before. And it's like, allright, let's go with a new idea.

All right, what's the new ideasame as the old one. All
right, let's try that. Idon't I don't understand. I mean,
I get it. You want toput a golden can in? All right?
Yeah, it's exciting because you know, there's a lot of Harpoon fans
out there and they're going, youknow what, maybe this is a twelve
pack and I'm gonna be one ofthese epic winners think about is the chances
of winning are pretty high. Here'smy question, is this enough to get

you? Would would you go buyit just for the chance to find the
golden can? If you saw itin your grocer in the on the on
the on the cold shelf and itwas just in there. It's like I
wasn't buying harpoon before, but nowthat I got a shot at a golden
cane, it would be funny.It's like somebody who buys it and goes
Hey's golden can cool, and thenyou trying to throw the recycling. That

would be That reminds me of thefirst guy the Great American Beer Festival who
won the hate the gold for HazyI p A. He's like, I
hate hey, Hazy I pas andhe won the gold. All right,
we gotta take a break, socome we're gonna bring better beer, and
uh, we're gonna talk about ahold my beer and watch this. The
beer brace is not a good thing. Talk about that all coming up?
And now we number two, what'son tap? Rady? It will be

right back. And the teacher said, no, Bobby, there's no such
time as bureau clock fire that teacher. This is what's on Tap radio,
Father of mine? Demware have youbeen? You know? I just close.
My world is up. Go shoutout to all the days. Dad's

out there back to the day.Is it Father's Day already? It's never
too early to start preparing for Father'sDay. I love you dad. Oh
yeah, that's right. This summerI saw people with Christmas decorations in the
big box stores. Well, it'snow time you get ready for Father's Day.
Nobody cares about Father's Day. It'sall about Mother's Day. It's gonna

say we have we haven't even doneMother's Day yet. No, but New
Year's Day for crying out loud.It all makes sense here in a little
bit. But uh, welcome toWhat's on Tap Radio? Hour number two
got Chad hanging out, Brian holsIn and Brian he clussed our palates with
the MICHAELA. Ultra and then it'slike, hey, guys, that's just
kidding. And then he brought thisGalveston Bay Brewing Captain's Coffee stout. I

was just telling the guys during abreak, I am really just stoked about
everything Galveston Bay is doing over therein Dickinson, Texas. That new brewery.
I stumbled in there. And Idon't mean that that. It's not
like I was drunk. Story though, that's a great story. It was
the craziest thing. I was intown recently, on the south east side
of Houston and somebody I said,you know, I've heard about the new

Galveston Bay Brewery. I haven't beenthere. How far is it? And
somebody says, like ten minutes away. I said, let's go. Yeah.
So I walk in and I walkin the door and I see there's
our buddy Rodney Campbell cast Branding sittingthere, and I was like, what
the heck's he doing here? AndI started looking around the room and I'm
seeing all kind of people, hugyou was there, all kinds of people,

Thomas And I'm looking around Thomas,Yeah, oh beer bo, Yeah,
that Thomas too, and I'm I'mjust looking around and I'm like,
holy crap, I know all thesepeople. What is this? Like?
Was this staged? Is my wifegonna pop out from behind the bar like
surprise? I called, all yourfriends are here, and I'm like,
what the heck? It was theTexas Craft Brewers Guild meeting going on at

the brewery and I was just stoppingin for a pint and they're like,
oh, you got you came tothe meeting and I was like, no,
I wasn't came to get a beer. That's all I wanted to do.
But man, it was good tosee everybody. And that's one of
the things I miss whenever I movedto Michigan. I missed the food.
I missed the people. I wantto give a shout out just see all
the craft brewers guild out there.I mean Texas has a great one,
but other states Louisiana, Florida,Michigan, Gilt, Iowa has a great

one as well. Yeah, they'redoing great things for the state. So
yeah, they get together. Ithink I forget what Monday it is the
month, but they all get togetherand they're trying to improve the Crapier community.
So that's very cool that how youwalked into that, that's like,
yeah, Kenney Kennedy started wow wowwow, Yeah, so cool location.
They've done a great job. Speakingof doing a great job, Brian Holsen

brought the show back together with agood beer the coffee Stole. It's amazing,
But I feel like it's time forme too. I'm gonna I'm gonna
do your part. I'm gonna doa nice surprise. This is one of
my favorite, my new favorite beers. Anytime I can find it, I'm
getting it from our friends in Austin, Texas. Oh is this hold on
it is? Tell me say it, Sash. It's the secret stash.
It's the secret stash, the secretstash, India PL double dry hopped India

PL. From our friends over atIndependence Bury Company. And I'm doing the
you go ahead that well, I'mgonna pull a Spradley. This one's mine.
Where's yours? Open it slow becauseI just kind of just dropped it.
So all right, okay, butyeah, this is a double dry
hopped India PL and uh yeah,from Austin, Texas, Independence Bury Company.
And give a shout out to AmyCartwright. Yes. So if you

are a fan of the show andyou've listened for a while, you know,
anytime there's stash involved, this isa great I p a. Just
smell the get your honker in there, Oh, smell the aromas. Just
straight dank. This is yeah.Now, this one's a little ball and
this one's a little bit different.This one, this is a secret stash.
Yeah, this is a secret stash. Yeah, this is the double
dry hopped one. This is stashbut double dry hops. Yeah that's a

punch right in your mouth. Wow. So wow, I had that one
in there. I was like,you know what I have, Chad and
Brian Studio, hait me that can. I'm gonna I know what you're getting
ready to do. I'm gonna checkthis can out here. Hold my beer
and watch this brought to you bythe Ring Malda ten Hacen Insurance Group where
they'll cover you for just about everythingexcept this. Okay, Brian, are

we good on this water? Weare very good. All right. That's
the secret stash from Independence Brewing Company. All right, all right, hold
my beer and watched this time.Let's talk about Father of the Year.
Okay, because this guy ain't it? Okay, so I'm still in the
running. Yeah you sell is Brian'sSo this guy's chances at Father Year just
like a big hit. So it'sa thirty year old named Colby park Parker.

Colby Parker, and he called thecops one Monday night because he thought
his child had been kidnapped. Hesaid that he had left them in the
car while he ran into the grocerystore. But when he came back,
they were gone. Whoa, that'sscary. That's really scary. Cops immediately
started searching. They even brought thecanine units in, and they coordinated a
search effort with the other police departmentsin the area. And they also started

looking through the store security footage andthat's when they realized something, something's a
little off. Chad. Well,yeah, let's go to the tape.
Let's look at the tape. Sowhen they realized that the reason why Colby
couldn't find them in the car wasbecause he had forgotten the kid at home.
Oh ooh, yeah, I'm laughing, but that's not funny. No,

it's not so. Cops went tothe house after about an hour after
he had reported the child being missing, and the kid was there just fine,
watching TV. Mm hmmm uh.But Colby isn't fine though. Yeah.
They breathalyzed him. Oh, thisis when it comes out. Yeah,
he had been drinking and he washammered and he had actually driven to

the same grocery store twice that day. His kid was actually with him the
first time, but not the secondtime, and that's what tripped him up.
Ah, so they called a familymember to pick the kid up.
Colby was arrested for drunk driving,child endangerment, and a breach of peace.
So, yeah, he's gonna haveto pay back the search effort that
took place. Oh yeah, lookingfor the time, Yeah, that's like,

yeah, that's like pulling the firealarm when there's no fire, calling
nine one one when you don't havean emergency. Yeah, I mean you
fake something. Well I'm not sayinghe faked anything here, but there was
a story that hit news earlier thisyear that this woman had seen this baby
on the side of the road,and so she got out of the car
to search for the baby. Shecalls ninety one one and all of a

sudden, abruptly hangs up on thenine woman operator. And for three days
they started to search party and allthis it turns out she had faked the
whole thing. Of course, shegot arrested. I think she's served a
year, serving a year in jail. But she has to pay back all
this money. Yeah, all theresources it takes to, you know,
search for a missing child. Andthis is exactly what's gonna happen. So

again, a drunk dad reported hischild missing. Turns out he had just
forgot them at home. Remember,folks drink responsibly. Yeah and yeah,
that's that just like it's it's kindof funny, but it's really not.
The kids are okay, the kidsare fine. Okay, that's all about
now. They're with a family member. But it turns out this guy's in

jail and kids are fine all right. But again, yeah, this has
been brought to you by our goodold friends rinaldoton Han Insurance Group, well
little you know, and surting forlots of things, many things, car
insurance, I'm sure, maybe someboat insurance yep, but not turn this
guy, that's for sure. Orif your store in your cars for winter.
Yeah, they'll give you storage insurance. That's a great offer to you.

All right, shout out to them. All right, we're gonna take
a break. Still a com moveover Olympics. There's a new competition in
town. And also, uh beerbracelet, Why that's not a good thing.
We'll be right back. If youencounter wine snobs, just take a
full class of wine and put itto your ear. Mines will be blown.

This is what's on tap radio.If you're here in West Michigan and
you have insurance needs, why notsupport somebody who supports us ring all the
ten Hacen insurance. Reach out toour buddy John Klunder. That's ringing all
the ten Hacen insurance RTI Grand Rapidsdot Com one two. Bring in Folk

Snoop Doggie Dogg and Doctor Drake.Is that Ben Do? And Champion Chad
and Brian we're here too. Welcomeback to What's on tab Radio. Looking
at a plethora of beers that wecracked about the show. More bad ones
than good ones. Yeah, thisis a strange one and I'm going to
cross over here because we just openedthe double dry hopped Secret Stash at IPS

real fast from Independence Brewing Company,So real quick, if you're not familiar
with it, Austin Bury Independence BringStash I p A Stash regular Stash Dank
and Resinus. They call it thechronic of I p A s Why because
it's dank, is dank and pineyand resiny. It's it's like a big

bag of weed. It's delicious andI love that West Coast just awesome stash
I p A. So we openedup the secret Stash this first time I've
had this beer. I was soexcited, poured it in my glass.
I'm like, I don't smell weed, I don't smell pine, So I'm

I decided to see what it sayson the old untapped app Oh, it
is an impactful aromatic compound that invokesintense tropical in citrus character. Yes,
and that's what I got. Iwas like, why doesn't it taste like
Stash? I am not a bigfan of tropical IPAs and so unpopular opinion.

I was not a fan of thatbeer. It's enough of that guy.
That's enough that guy, Brian.Brian now holds it on second mic.
Right now, welcome to what's ontabrity, welcome kill my mic.
Thanks. I'm telling you, Iwas so excited about this beer, and
I was like, yeah, secretStash. I thought maybe it was just
gonna be an even more intense version. It's super intense. It's a punch

right in the mouth, but it'scitrusy, and it's just I'm not I'm
the polar opposite, like I wantall this IPAs and how do you feel
about tropical IPAs. I'm not asbig a fan of tropical IPAs, but
I do like them a lot.Do you like this one? I did
like that. That's good. Yeah, I know you're talking about. I
poured a little bit and I didn'tneed anymore. But you know what,

We've got lots of beers that we'vepoured out. And I know a lot
of people thinking, man, youguys are opening a lot of beers.
Well, there's three of us andmost of it went down the drain.
But speaking of going into the archives, now, this is a fresh,
fresh batch of what I have inmy hand. But speaking of archives,
do you guys remember what these thingsare called. It's a bomber, Yeah,
a twenty two ounce bottle. Whenwe started this show, we had

a lot of those. That wasover ten years ago. Can you believe
they still make bombers? Not manyof them though, No. And so
I'm gonna crack this open. Andthis comes from real ale in Blanco,
not Blanco Blanco, Texas and theHill Country of Texas. Yes, And
this is the one of my favorites, Sisiphus barley wine. And if you're

not familiar with this, I'm speakingabout Greek mythology. I am not talking
about a venereal disease. It's sissyphisokay, not syphilis, all right,
So just so you're clear, thisis a twenty two ounce bottle of ten
percent barley wine. And I'm gonnapour heavy because I brought it and I'm
a barley wine Well obviously you canpour heavy. It's a bomber. So

I love barley wine. I'm stillenjoining this coffee stout Captain's coffee style from
Gallas and Brew. This is reallysolid, dude. Okay, this is
this is a golden colored barley winewith a beautiful white thick head on that.
That's just gonna a lot of proteinin there. Holding up, let
me have a sip. What yearis this from? Is this this year's
Oh my, Brian, you canhave second mic. I'm gonna go,

I'm gonna go. I'm leaving,dude. This is amazing. Oh yeah,
this is this is This is hoppy, multi boozy, so balanced and
clean. It's like when I saybalanced, I mean equal punch in the
mouth of the Bilderness and we'll punchin the mouth of malt. I didn't
think I don't like it, butI'm a fan. I love this.

Oh this is so good. Youdefinitely get dark fruit on there. Some
prune notes some raisin raisin. Yeah, it's a little bit of raisin,
but it's not it doesn't taste old. It's not an ox size. This
is fresh. No, it's asfresh and it's not as dark. No
I thought it would be. It'syeah, it's like a gold it really
is golden light copper, right,copper there it is. Yeah, a
good way to describe it. Nicebeer. Right, So we're making good

on all those drain ports we hadin the first hour. What's on top?
Yeah, we had to because tellyou what, I'm gonna shift gears
here kind of pickingbacking it off ourhold my beer and wash. This is
a perfect segment to introduce this newbling that might be you might be seeing.
It's not a good thing though.Now this has started in Wales and
now it's moving into England and itwon't be long before we probably see it

here in the United States. Butcriminals in England who commit alcohol fueled crimes
are now required to wear ankle tagsthat monitor that are sweat every thirty men.
The so called sobriety tags will alertthe Probation Service if alcohol is detected
in their sweat sample. Offenders caughtbreaching that their drinking band could face fines
in further sentence and courts, andthe scheme is being launched in England following

a successful rollout in Wales last year. I feel like we're kind of talked
about it. I think a littlebit of it, but I guess it
caught on in Wales now they're introducingin England. More than one hundred defenders
have been tagged in Wales and remainedsober more than ninety five percent. So
there, that's some good news.Of the days they were monitored. Crime
and Policing Minister said that these tagshave already brought enormous benefit to Wales since

they've introduced in October, with oneoffender they met saying that it's not only
changed their ways and also saved hislife. Wow. Yeah, they're saying,
hey, look man, I neededthis. I couldn't do it on
my own. Now I need toget the monkey off my back. I
needed this bracelet. The smart andpowerful new tool is helping fight against alcohol
fuel violence which ruins two too manylives and families and creates mayhem and our

towns and centers. That's what theysaid. The tax can be distinguished the
difference between drinks and other types ofalcohol. Wow, these are some very
sophisticated tools here, I would say, such as hand sanitizer and perfume.
So it can detect whether it's alcoholfrom a beverage versus hand sanitizer and perfume,
and they work twenty four to sevenand can also tell if someone tries

to block contact between the device andtheir skin. So maybe they try to
slide a little band aid in there. Oh yeah, but yeah, So
a new beer bracelet hitting the roundsin England. Well, I was gonna
say, coming to a community nearyou, I have a feeling this is
gonna take off. And I meanwe we already have here in the US

bracelets for criminals, you know,for well, ankle monitors, ankle monitors,
right, I mean, why wouldn'tyou include this? I think they
had the breadth things in the carweet to blow before you can start the
car. Yeah, you've got those. And then I remember one time I
was at a bar. I'm notgonna say which one, but there was
a young lady who walked in.I used the term lady used loosely.

She walked in and she was alreadyunder the influence and sat down and ordered
another drink and somebody said, aren'tyou on parole? And she said yeah,
are you gonna tell? And thenher phone rang and she says,
ohep, it's my parole officer,Like, well, you think they're monitoring
that you through her phone? Idon't think they were monitoring at all.

They were just doing a random checkto find out where she was. And
so she had to run outside andtake the at the grocery store because you
have to. Yeah, you haveto take a you have to take those
calls. And when they call andthey gotta we want to know your whereabouts
and we want to check everything.And she's like speep, yeah, man,
so so interesting. Yeah, beerbracelet is sobriety. Ankle tags introduced
for criminals who commit alcohol fueled crimes. And I can see that taking off

here in the estates here and youknow, maybe next year, if it's
successful in Wales and if it alsois successful in England, you know,
maybe the courts cancide. Maybe that'ssomething they want to introduce here. Maybe
they can do it real quick.We're so cracking beers here. I want
to I'm almost out of I wantto talk about this story we talked about

last week, Chad. Uh,this sing Tao brewery. There was this
viral video that went around of thisguy urinating in the beer tanks. We
talked about this last week. Yeah, it was on the ingredients. Yeah,
on the ingredients. Yeah. Andthis was a video that went viral
all over social and China and thenmade its way all across you know,
TikTok and so forth, and itwas made national news. Well, Chad,

I got something report about this.Oh yeah. This actually inspired a
local music artist to come out withtheir own song called Whizzing and a Brewery.
No, please zip up your pants. This is a bottling plan.

You know. The children ran.You better step on back before you fall
in the tape. Don't be Advanujust nobody wants to drink it. You're
wizen in the brewy. It's yellowwith foam man. I ain't talking Lebruski.
You're Wsen in the brewy. Youain't. You're right, it ain't

right. Whizzing in a bury newhit coming to a radio station. Pick
up your copy at Tower Records.Yeah, that's what we do. You're
all ones on tap radio. Allright, We're gonna take a break.
Still come the Olympic Games. That'syesterday's news. There's a new games coming
to town that might pique your interest. We'll get the details on that.

All this is so much more.We'll be right back on average, humans
walk nine hundred miles per year anddrink twenty two gallons of beer, which
means the average human gets forty onemiles per gallon. Not ben what's on
tap d continues, boy boy plugour social media at what's on tap radio?

Facebook, twit on Instagram, getahold of us at what's on tap
rido, Gmail dot com. Inon my head out west. What's the
last time you listened to some kidrock? Depends? Were you watching Fox
News or are you listening? Who'sdriving around right now with kid rock on

our playlist? I remember I wentto a kid rock concert when I used
to do rock promotions back in mycollege days. But on a pretty good
show. Oh he does a greatshow. I mean this was what two
thousand and four. Don't take thekids though, No, no, no,
he had like pretty much strippers onstage. I mean there aren't like
actually stripping, but they were notfar from stripping. That was somebody's daughter

up there. Oh, Yeah,us just saw a bunch of broken dreams
and daddy issues on stage, andthere are a whole lot of words that
we can't say on this program.No, we can't now because we are
broadcast and so FCC. They liketo listen. They're they're big fans of
the show, but they don't likethat. That doesn't mean we get to
get away with saying whatever. Wedon't. We follow the guidelines. But

the other the other place you sawthem recently, if you were, if
you were listening to them, maybeYouTube, probably, yeah, probably,
But we're about to get in thestory that apparently, but lights it's trying
to win back some drinkers. Yeah, that's right. They're trying to win
back some drinkers here, and Ithink this plan might work. You mean,
free beer didn't work. Cases ofbeer for a dollar didn't work.

Man, Sometimes you just gotta keepgrabbing the tool box. I know they
partnered with Rich, not that Richdidn't work. Give me a socket nine
sixteenth, all right, that didn'twork. Yeah, the little bit of
chicken fried cold beer on a Fridaynight didn't work. So the stock keeps
tank and the sales keep going down. All right, we got one more

straw we can grab at. Let'ssee if this works. Here it is,
ladies and gentlemen, bud Light isabout to reclaim the title as America's
best selling beer and your favorite beer. And how do we know that?
Well, because we know the marketingdepartment is hard at work with a brand
new partnership with UFC Ultimate Fighting Championship. I think this could work. It

might, I think it could well. The Mixed Martial Arts Organization UFC revealed
that they have struck a multi yeardeal with beer giant Anheuser Busch or ABM
BEV, involving the bud Light brandhaving a heavy presence in UFC's content in
its broadcast an online presence beginning intwenty twenty four. Now this is my

favorite part right here. I lovethat you know the public relations department was
involved because UFC CEO Dana White saidin a statement, there are many reasons
why I chose to go with AnheuserBusch and bud Light, most importantly,
most importantly because I feel we arevery aligned when it comes to our core
values and what UFC brand stands for. I love, what are the core

values of two guys or two galsbeating the crap out of each other and
collecting a bunch of money on payper view. And don't get me wrong,
it's a great sport. I loveit. But I want to know
what the core values are it's like, and then what are the core values
of light beer? I just wantto know. I'm like when somebody says,
you know what, well, you'relooking too far? Oh oh am,

I thinking too much. You gotto bring it back a little bit.
Yeah, okay, Yeah. Hedid say though that the furthest thing,
you know, his decision to partnerwith anazer Bush. The furthest thing
from my mind was the money.Yeah, I'm not sure about this.
How much do you think of thatmoney deal? Was that a lot of
money? I think millions? Idon't know. Yeah, you know you're

millions, Oh easily easily. ButDan White did say this, and I
have to agree with this statement here. This is a good he says.
He says Anheuser Busch or ABMBEV employeesixty five thousand Americans, thousands of veterans,
and they spend over seven hundred milliondollars a year with US farmers.
So I agree, maybe those arethe core but I didn't know that UFC

a combat sport of a very mixedmartial arts fighting. Their core value was
the US farmer. I just didn'tknow that. I was unaware that could
be their demo. That might beone of their demo. It might be.
But whenever I turn on UFC andI'm watching and I like it,
it's a great sport. I thinkit's I think what UFC has done for

sports is fantastic. I think theUFC parties are great. I think it's
one done for bars and who getthe pay per view. I love it,
Dana White. I'm just waiting fora good friend Andrew Mitchell over at
Senate Brewing to start showing the theUFC and that he's a sports bar.
Yeah, rightwing shout out to youguys, love you guys. Yes,

But I just never understood that,I said, say, I don't know
that I ever will understand when UFCsays, yeah, our core value the
American farmer. Just not. Imean, I'm not saying you're against the
farmer. I just didn't know thatwas one of your core values. But
maybe the ones buying a lot ofT shirts UFC T shirts, maybe they
are. But anyway, look forbutt Light to reclaim the number one spot

on uh beer sales here in theUnited States. The brewery sponsor before.
I don't know if they had one. I mean maybe they did. Time
is it? Oh? Was it? Uh? Huh? No, Modella?
You knew this. So the currentnumber one. Oh, this is
why Modela is gonna fall. They'recurrently the number one best selling beer in

the United State. Three we're gonnafall the number two. Why because they
didn't sponsor UFC and bud Light says, yeah, we'll take that deal.
I wonder if they just put moremoney on the table. Oh, you
know, they didn't. Wonder it'sa lot of money. Alright. So,
speaking of sports and combat sports,move over Olympics. You know the
Summer Olympics are next year, butthey got some competition this time. Ready

for this one, guys, listento Florida Man the first ever Florida Man
Games Florida Man Games are set forFebruary and Saint Augustine. All right,
Yes, of twenty twenty four eventsthey got planned are a lot more interesting
than shot put in water polo.Wait a minute, hold, everyone in
Florida can sign up and potentially compete, So is it Florida Man or Florida

Woman or Florida any one the firstever Florida Man Games. Okay, but
it's up you know. It's opento anyone who's has any kind of felony
on their record and not just kidding. Any anyone in Florida can sign out.
They will choose sixteen teams which fivepeople each, and the five events
they got planned will be They gotthe Beer Belly Florida sumer Wrestling, which

is basically just like summer wrestling withoutthe training and prestige. They have the
Evading Arrest Obstacle course where you'll jumpover fences and run through yards while being
chased by the cops. They havethe They have the Catalytic Converter, two
bikes, and a handful of copperpikes. Is described as a head to

head match or lets you live aday to life of a Florida Man headline,
which is guessing you have to steala whole bunch of stuff as fast
as possible. The next one isa weaponized pool noodle mud duel, jousting
with pool noodles while standing on aplatform and above ground pool. It's got
to be an above ground pool ingground pool. No way, that's indeed

restricted community. Florida Man lives withan above ground pool. If you're just
sitting in we're talking about the inauguralof the Florida Man Games. Coming out.
Next on the list is the Categoryfive cash grab. Oh, this
is looting, like one of thoseboxes where you stand and try to grab
dollar bills and they'll say you're subjectto a hurricane force wins. So it's

like one of those two hurricane forcewins. Yeah, one of those those
two those like telephone booths. Whatlove it? What contest would be complete
without a mullet contest? Yep,a Florida Mam Beauty pageant. They have
a Florida Mam Beauty pageant. Howabout a chicken coop bingo where two chickens

will pick the numbers. You knowhow the chickens pick the numbers? Yeah,
they go around pooping. Yeah,they crap on the number. Whatever
number gets crapped on, that's thecall. And the facilities will end with
something called a nine to one toone fight night Brawl of the Badges.
That one appears to be a seriesof boxing matches between fighters and cops.
Oh my tickets are forty five dollarsor one hundred and forty five dollars for

VIP tickets. I'm buying them VIPand you can get through them through Alma
dot com and they enlist two formerAmerican gladiators to judge. So two former
American gladiators our favorites, Nitro andIce Nice and you can get a photo
with them for an extra fifty bucks. No, I don't want to.

No, I don't want No,you lost me right there. It was
a great value at one hundred andforty dollars for the VIP tickets because I
want to be there to see thiswhole experience. I want the entire experience,
but maybe not the entire experience becauseI'm not spent spending an extra fifty
bucks just to have my photo taken. More well, I mean, Nitro

and ies aren't doing much these days. No, all the money they can
get. So yeah, if youwant to compete, you have till mid
November to register, and their websitesays that there's no athletic training required.
Oh I love it. You justgot to sign the waiver. Yeah,
it's all gonna do. Hey,listen, you do not have to have
a criminal record, nor do youhave to have any kind of athletic training.
That would be pretty awesome though,if they gave you, like I

don't know if if you had ahandicap, you know where if you had
a criminal record, like you gottayou gotta five you gotta handicap like a
you know, five second delay orsomething like that. It reminds me of
the I'm Gonna Get you Sucker wherethey had the first annual Youth Gang competition
where they had to run with TV'sgetting chased and they yeah, they turned
the police dogs loose after him,and how fast they can strip a car

with trove bars and so forth.And those TVs Man, they were the
big old toom TVs too. Theylike these light flat screens either getting chased
by domberments. But yeah, theinaugural Florida Man Games will include beer belly
suma in invading a rest obstacle course. So there you go. I think
this is gonna take this will takeoff. I'm I'm in fact, I
want to sponsor it. What's ontap? Brady wants to be a sponsor.

All right, we gotta take abreak still to come in the last
segment, we gotta I gotta feelgood story and uh some more beard to
crack. This is what's on tapridohanging with us for one more. We'll
be right back. Beer has hopshops or plants. Plants make salad,
so beer is salad. Yeah.What's on tap Radio? James and Chad

talking about beer. Tantrik Brewing Company, located in Alegant, Michigan, prop
sponsors What's on Tap Radio and locatedright here in my backyard. Chad Pilbeam,
the beer logic guy, go inthere and ask for free What's on
tap high five and check out theamazing beers tantic Brewing, Tantik Brewing dot
com, Tantik Brewing dot com.Last segment of What's on tap Rio for

this week goes out to our longtimeheroes Shaft Richard Roundtree died at the young
age of eighty one. Dude,what about Chandler Bing? Oh yeah right,
I mean yeah, man, Iknow he couldn't I could have played

that or Shafting. Yeah, butsee everybody's everybody's all morning about Chandler Bing,
you know, very sudden, likehe was very suspicious round in the
security. Yeah yeah, but RichardRowntree Shaft and Classic A Bad Mother,

oh Man. Also, this isthis segment. The last segment went on
tap Ofo for this week is broughtto you by our good friends over at
Tantric Brewing Company. Yes, stilltalking about this October Fest tap fourteen.
Well, yeah, I think Ithink we've run that. I think we've
run out of the keg. We'verun that thing dry. Which, by
the way, I'm surprised they haven'tcome out with a Christmas beer yet.

Wait, I'll be there tomorrow.Let me go check. They may have
one. We're gonna tracks another beerhere. But before why Brian's pulling out
Because Brian's like, look, guys, it was a complete cluster in the
beginning. We poured more beers outthan we've consumed. This is a first.
I think I want to give alittle parting gift Chad going back to

Michigan. He's actually a studio UShright now, take this back a minute.
Will you take this back with youto Michigan and drink that sometime in
December? This no, no,no, this will be consumed very soon.
That's the Lone Star. That's anational beer Texas. It's OG.
It's the OG and it's something aboutdrinking a Lone Star in a different state.
YEA, hits different, it does. I mean, you could drink

it here in Texas all you want, but once you drink it like in
Wisconsin, Monroe, Wisconsin, oror Peeria, Illinois, Peria, Illinois,
or Charlotte, Michigan or whatever.It actually pronounced Charlotte in Michigan,
not Charlotte. Wherever you are consuminga Lone Star outside of the state of
Texas, it hits different. Itdoes because you're drinking the national beer Texas.

So I was gonna crack that,but I was like, you know
what, Chad want you just takethis back with you. Yeah, check
your luggage because I mean, uhyeah, put check your legge just because
you had this beer. Southwest Airlinesman, I am, I got free
bags. Okay, I'm good.Jazz only he has a little batpack carry
on. He's only gonna check itbecause he has a beer in there.
Oh that's funny. But all right, So why we're cracking another beer.

I will take a picture of allthese beers that we've consumed. Yeah,
they think it's consumed. In studiostunt liver Brian holzen KPRC is cracking open
another beer for us to round outthe show. Oh wow, Bolivard,
Kansas City, Boulevard's whiskey barrel stout. It is Kansas City, right,
it is Kansas City. Yeah,it's pronounced Kansas City. It's not Kansas

cety Kansas. It's not Kansas,Kansas City, it's Kansas. Yes,
we are notorious for mispronouncing names oftowns and cities, and sometimes we'll get
t shirts out of it. Yesyou are, and yes you do.
Yes, I've received exactly zero.That's not true. No, it is
good stuff here, all right,Thank you, Brian. We have beautiful

listeners who like to send us correctpronunciation. Holy crap, that might be
the best beer we've had today fromBoulevard. Wow. Shout out to our
good friend Scott's Ghannis show. Ohyeah, of a good friend. He's
over at Boulevard. We haven't talkedto him in a while. But yeah,
this is the whiskey. I'm notsure if I've ever had a whiskey
barreled stout from Oh I've had thistakes seven or takes seven? Is amazing?

Yes, Yeah, this is smoothand a little bit vanilla e and
slight caramel note, but it's notsweet. Before we get out here,
I wanna got some things to tellyou for Wisconsin. Speaking of Monroe,
Wisconsin, Quick Trips around the stateof Wisconsin are given free beer to Wisconsin

Heights. Now it's a gas stationconvenience store. Yep. Apparently a Quick
Trips system outrage caused some hassle forpatrons and a rack up re war points
and other loyalty program items. ButWisconsin beloved a convenience store is making things
right the only way they know howto. Well, I mean, it's
a beer drinking state. Better givethem free beer. You bet you free

beer? You bet you give ashout to that man I love Miles,
all right, that's right. QuickTrip is offering free beer after the system
outage. In their app. Allyou have to do is verify your age
to op into the age restricted offersand you'll be able to get beer for
free or give beer for free.And the offer expires this month the end
of the month and it's valid forWisconsin Quick Trips only, but weis consin

ights of age are encouraged to takeadvantage of this, which includes one free
Miller Light Course Light Course bank withsixty ounce aluminium pint or a twenty four
our single can and this is limitedto one per offer. But those looking
to kickstart their weekend head over toa local Quick Trip for free beer.
And this again, this is onthe app for Wisconsin Heights. So yeah,

they're apparently their system crash. It'scausing a lot of chaos because they're
Wisconsin, ight, it's gonna gettheir their beer, yeah, or their
quick Trip points, which is interestingbecause they're giving it out course light,
middle light, course light or ofcourse bank would excuse me, but what's
one beer they I see in mostwisconsas Knight's drink. Yeah, so it's

interesting. Okay, but there yougo. Hey, free beer for all
you out there in Wisconsin. Iknow you're listening. We see the data,
we do, all right, solet me take a sip of this.
Hang on, Yeah, you takea sip of that. While you're
doing that. I want to thankour friends at Superior Pest Control of West
Michigan for always sending us stories.And there's a there's a there's a story

from the archives and that we discoveredand so this didn't happen yesterday, but
we saw this like we've never talkedabout this, but this, this is
too good to pass up. Thisis a good one. Here James has
got his beer poured in his glass. He's happy. Yeah, he's got
his honker in there. Yeah,abb on this. Yeah, it's gonna
high eleven point eight. I wasgonna say, really up there at work,

all right? So have Yeah?Well here we'll just tie this in
perfect. James, you're already home. But if you decide to go for
a stroll tonight after drinking this highabb beer, not going anywhere? Yeah,
I was gonna say, but ifyou did, wouldn't it just suck?
If you were out walking around andforgot how to get home. Well,
I mean that means either A,I'm just really intoxicated, right,

or B I just all of asudden I got you know, dementia.
Or you just said, ah,this looks like my buddy's house. I
think I'll crash here for the night. Right. I have a story kind
of happened that way, But luckythe person's door was locked. Ah,
very good, Well, because Iactually I went I was upstairs and I
went to go grab something out ofmy car, and I was so try.
I was worried about getting it outof my car that I forgot which
apartment number they were, and that'swhat I thought was their apartment number.

It's not the right number. Iended up the door was locked, and
so I was like, man,this sys I don't know if this is
right. So I ended up withmy friend and they're like, no,
man, I'm in part and blahblah blah. I'm like, oh,
this is not the right part.But can you imagine can you imagine if
the door was unlocked and I justwalked in this is not my place.
I know that's crazy. Well,this is a beer drinking episode that just
went a little bit wrong. Becauseif you imagine being out after a long

night of drinking and you decide tostumble around in the neighborhood and maybe walk
it off, sleep it off,you know, sleep, walk it off,
whatever it is, and you decideto yeah, yeah this, I'm
gonna go over my buddy's house.Well, in this particular case, dude
ended up with a wife. Allright, so what you heard me correctly,
guy goes out on a beer drinkingbender and he's like, man,

I gotta go over my buddy's house. And he starts going around. He
walks into the wrong house. Well, a twenty two year old woman in
New York comes in, finds thisguy sleeping on her couch, calls the
cops and he's immediately arrested. Well, finds out what the real story is
and what happened, and he showsup. You know, after all this

goes down, brings flowers, apologizingand she looks at him and says,
you know what, you know what'sgonna make this right? You need to
meet my parents. They started talking, they became friends, shared a beer
two and seven years later they gotmarried. So if you're struggling out there

with the dating apps, what we'dlike, what's on Tap Radio would like
to encourage you to do is goout on a drinking bender and just stumble
around the neighborhood and whatever door isopen, walk in, lay down on
the couch, and fall asleep.Don't do that, Sclamer chat. We
don't have enough time. Oh yeah, okay, don't do that. But
it does have a happy ending becausenow the happy couple is starting a family.

So what's started out with a drunkenwalk around the neighborhood, walking into
the wrong apartment, the cops gettingcalled, ended with flowers, meeting the
parents and now married and having afamily. That's a good way to end
the show. So they call thepolice finding a stranger into the sofa,
and now they're getting married. Allright, we gotta say goodbye. I

want to thank Brian holds It forhanging out with us. Also want to
hang out Finger sponsors Tantric Brewing,Superior Pest Control, be AO Logic,
Conference and events we know all tomake Insurance Group the back of our girl
of course, sponsoring our podcast castbranding. So for mister Biology Chap,
he'll be Miam James Simpson thing.Thanks for checking on What's on Tap Radio.
We hope you enjoyed it, andwe hope that you enjoyed it.
For another Action Pack radio show nextweek. I have a good week,
folks. Cheers
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