All Episodes

January 23, 2024 81 mins
On tap this week: No beer was safe inside Arrowhead Stadium, Sam Adams wants to give 9-month supply of NA beer, 0% alcohol White Claw is getting a beating online, Fired UW La Crosse Chancellor gets his own beer, Olympics brings on its first global beer sponsor, Utah brewery discontinues beer after Mormon church trademark complaint, all this and soooooooo much more. Enjoy the show!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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This What's on Tap Radio podcast isbrought to you by Cast Branding. I
remember of the Texas craft Brewers Guild. Cast Branding has been supplying breweries,
distilleries and wineries with top quality merchandisesince twenty thirteen. If you're looking for
a way to promote and grow yourbrand, check out Cast Branding on Facebook,
Instagram, and online at cast Brandydot com, Cast Brandy dot com,
cast Brandy dot com. Enjoy theshow. This is about to be

good radio. Oh yeah. Tome, a craft brewer is much more
of a mindset. We just openedtwo cans. Spread the gospel of good
beer. Beer. Tons and tonsof stuff going on in the beer world.
I love Kraft beer. I lovedifferent people's beer. It's the first
favorite. Cheers too old us beergeeks and those new to the craft.

What's on Tap? High five?Who? This is What's on Tap Radio
Beer and the culture that flows withit. Pears Beer Guru James Simpson and
Beer Logics Chadpilbean. Dad's get onthese drums. Well's come to the show.

Yeah, Hey, whose voice isthat? That sounds like our intern?
He got a promotion, dude,I got my voice back. Ladies,
and gentlemen, I am well kindof, but hey, I feel
a lot better than I did lastweek as far as my voice is concerned.
Oh. Here we are to keepyou nice, warm and cozy.
We understand that's half the well majorityof the country is, you know,

trying to find heat and stay warm, and that's why we're here to help
you feel cozy. I'm James,That's Chad, and welcome to What's on
Tap Radio. Hey, you sawhow I hit that post. Because I've
been doing radio for over fifteen years, folks, James, I gotta tell
you I had I had people askingme when I was on first Mic last

week and Harbor Light Bill was onsecond Mike, like, what happened to
James? Happened my voice? Imean, I'm still here? Well,
no, they didn't. And then, of course you were the intern last
week. Yes, yes, Iwent back to my guys. I went
back to my old roots, myold feel fine, but I'm still going

through puberty. Fun fact about mebefore we get to the fun fact next
semes, next next period. Myold When I first got into radio.
For the first two years I wasin radio, I went by intern James.
That was my radio name. Andthen as I was not an intern
anymore, I mean graduated college,So I guess I could drop that intern
and it'd be sounded weird if Iwas like forty three years old. Game.

Hey, it's in turn, James. You're like, okay, welcome
to the show. On the show, I'm just talking a lot because I
couldn't talk much last week, soI'm kind of all right, all right,
I'm gonna sit back and coast.I'm just gonna drink beer. Let
you run the show before we doanything. You better, you better forget
rule number one. Thank the peoplethat brought you to the dance. I
turned my phone off. First's rulenumber one. But yeah, yeah,

Chad's right. Uh, let's thinkour one to filve advertisers about them,
we wouldn't be here that being TedtrickBrewing, Superior, Pest Control, your
logic conference in Vince Renaldo, TenekInsurance Group, the back of the grill,
keeping our lights on, which ifyou noticed my studio, your chad
very nicely brightened here, Harbor LightBrewing Company, and of course sponsoring our
podcast cast branding. So somehow Igot a three hundred dollars electric bill last

month. I don't know what wasrunning that long. Probably an electric space
eater because it's so cold in Michigan. Harb Lightbrary helping us out with the
summer electric bill for me. Wow, that's a lot crazy. All right,
Well, James, we you saidthat you got a message from a
listener this week thinking that dry Januarywas a figment of our imagination. No,
they thought we made it up.And yeah, he was like,

hey, I've heard you talk aboutit, but I've never heard it before.
What the hell is that? Andthis they thought it was a bit
that we made up, And thenno, this is actually we'll think dry
January is a real thing. It'swhen people take a break from alcohol for
the month of January. Now doesn'tmean they're, you know, going completely
sober for the entire year. They'rejust taking a month off to kind of
detox, you know, give yourbody a break and after New Years.

Yeah, that's what I'm doing.That's what I'm doing now. I'm kind
of dry ert January. Now I'mstill on the show bringing in a beers.
But am I kicking around with mybuddies drinking in a beers when we're
not on the show. No,I'll probably bring drinking some other beers as
well. But you know, justoh wait a minute, so you're the
kid rock of non alcoholic beer.You swore off the bud light and then
you got photographed drinking a bud Light. That's an old pisure that's from last

year. But all right, James, well we got to get to it
though. To be honest with you, I haven't drink any alcohol since December
thirty first. But I'm just sayingthat if I want to partake in a
beer, I don't know week.Yeah, I love it. I love
it. Dude, You're like,I am, I am not. I'm
going to commit to not commit.All right, there you go. It's

like to get gym membership, youknow. First segment here, folks,
we got to start drinking. Broughtto the table. That's where James brings
a beer. I bring a beer. This is sponsored by our friends on
the northwest side of Houston, theBackyard Grill, where you know about the
beer menu we talk about all thetime, but the food and crawfish seasons
right around the corner. Check outbyg the Backyard Grill dot com on the

northwest side of Houston. Now,James, it is dry January, and
it really is a thing. You'vebeen bringing non alcoholic beers to the show.
You want to go ahead and dothe honors. I am going to
do the honors. So this weekthis is a listener suggestion, and so
of course when the listeners suggest something, I'm gonna do my best to see
if I can bring this show.And I did. And now I have

tried this beer. I tried thisthe other day and it's really good.
So I'm bringing it for the firsttime in the history of this show,
a beer that we spoke about whenit first released the last year. But
this is the Samuel Adams just thehaze in a IPA. So let me
go and crack this. Now thatbeer, I don't know if we're gonna
I don't know if that one madeit. Yeah, so you got the
sam Adams Boston lagger Glass. Thisis a non alcoholic hazy IPA. So

James has that in the exquisite SamuelAdams Boston lagger Glass, which everything better.
I think that appearance. Nice headon there, nice golden haze.
I don't see any alcohol in that, James. You can't see alcohol.
It's an illusion, all right,James, takes a zip and it is
really really good, very delicious tropicalnotes. But I will break this down

next segments. I gotta open mybut I have to have time for Chad
crack Oop minus beer. But againfrom a listener suggestion, this is the
Samuel Adams just the Hayes Hazy,juicy and refreshing, non alcoholic India plal
all right, well in studio withme right now, in my hands is
one of the most award winning beersin the history of brewing. This is

a fine pilsner beer brewed with thehighest quality ingredients using the choice hops from
the Pacific north West as well asnoble sas hops, and delivers more taste
and aroma and color with only onemore calorie than michelob Ultra. I give
you the fine pilsner beer Miller Lite. And this was dropped off by Stunt
Beer Liver in studio with me rightnow, neighbor John, all right,

middle light. I think this isthe first time in the history of the
show we've been on almost eleven years, folks, that we brought a Miller
Lite two brought to the table,no, not to not to the table.
We've had it on the show.Got excuse me, had it on
for brought the table mm hmm ye, and what I taste is gold medal
awards and the most award winning UHAmerican Premium pillsner UH in the in the

world. Yeah. Oh, evenon the label it even says brewed with
triple hops. So that's been broughtto the table. Brought to you by
friends at the Backyard Grill on thenorthwest side of Houston, where I brought
a fine pilsner beer Miller Lite andJames brought the Samuel Adams just to Hate
hazy, juicy, refreshing non alcoholicIPA for dry January. So that has
brought table. All right, wegot to take a quick break. Coming

up. We got a lot onthe show this week, including no beer
was safe inside Arrowhead Stadium. We'lltalk about that, and a new zero
percent alcohol white Claw is getting abeating online. We'll explain that. Oh,
this is so much more. Hangwith us. We got an action
back show. We'll be right back. Beer has hops, hops or plants.
Plants make salad, so beer issalad. Yeah. What's on tap

radio? James and Chad talking aboutbeer at a time when every tap and
every bar served the same mass producedlight logger, so it's Kraft beer bars
who were the earliest proving ground forthe beer revolution. For over two decades,
the Backyard Girl has been supporting thecommunity of brewers and the beer drinkers.

Is one of the original craft beerbars in northwest Houston to introduce guests
to West Coast IPAs, stouts andamber ales. Today, Hey, the
Backyard Girl is over to over onehundred different beers with an amazing tapole with
everything from classic beer styles that respecttradition to radically experimental fruited sours, hazy
APAs, and barrel age stouts.And yes, they have your favorite mass

produced lightloggers too. Located on thecorner of Weston Jones Road, head out
on Highway to ninety or go onlineto the Backyard Girl dot com and be
sure to download the The Backyard Girlapp on your phone to make online ordering
from your device even easier. Thecraft beer bar is a pioneer for the
craft beer revolution and the Backyard Girlis a the craft beer bar you need

to check out in Houston. Cheersright, welcome back, giving me cozy
one nut beer out of time.I am James that is Chad, welcome

to What's on TAB Radio. Hopeyou're staying war It's really cold out there.
And I was telling the chat offthe air that not to be the
get off the long guy or yellingat cloud guy. But I really hate
winter, really do. I amnot a fan. It's not cool,
James. I don't even want tohear about it. Because you guys got

a little ice and had to closedown. We've had feet. Yeah,
I know that different parts we livein this this is this is what we
should expect in Michigan. But Iwas telling you in studio with me stunt
beer liver, neighbor John helping meget through some beers here, and I
got the old snow thrower out.And I know if you guys follow us

on our social media at What's onTap Radio, But on the Facebook,
I put on the end, asI said, the Facebook, that's how
old I am. On the oldFacebook. There, I put a video
of me snow plowing and that wasmy road and my driveway. But I
actually had to put in a pathto neighbor John's house because we couldn't we
couldn't hang out and drink beer becausethe snow was too deep. I had

to take the snow through or rightthrough the lawn and just and if I
get a chance, I'll post apicture on our socials. I'd show you
the path. Those diehard Bill's Mafiafans, you know, they wanted to
they wanted to watch the game,but they had to dig their own seats
out of the snow. Did youhear it for the first time? And
I mean, you know, theywere drinking plenty of beer before the game,
and they were drinking everything they couldinside the game. And I think

we got a story coming up aboutbeer at arrow Head Stadium where no beer
was saved. But apparently for thefirst time in modern era, at Bill's
Stadium, if you could get inand find a spot, it was yours.
There. They did no tickets becauseall the seats in the rows were
covered in snow. They couldn't theycouldn't tell what row and seat they were

in. So they basically said,when you're in, just get in,
find a spot to stand, andthat's your spot where you're basically working for
your seats. How hard did youwant to work for your seat? If
you saw a seat not maybe insection one oh one that was completely under
snow. How bad do you wantthose seats? And if it's a thank
you, you know an hour tono see, damn what you've earned it.
Yeah, they were even paying peopleto show up. They're paying them

twenty bucks an hour to shovel.And I was like, this is stupid.
We can't get enough people. Anyways, I want to reset the brought
to the table sposorby friends over thebackyard grill. I kicked it off with
you know, I'm continue dry January, which no, we did not make
this up. I had a listenerreach out to us, going thinking that
we made it up, but no, it's an actual thing. And then
I and then I had other listenersgoing, why James, But I'm doing

it just to kind of reset.You know, my body, I ate
like crap during the holidays, atea lot of oysters. My liver enzymes
probably not the greatest. To seeyou got a liver down there that's tapping
out. It's like, yeah,raff, I'm tapping out. Come on
mirr that white flag in So Iwas like, you know what, I
want to give it a break fora month. And so I've been bringing
these in a beer so I'm continuingit off with the Samuel Adams just the

haze, hazy, juicy and refreshing, non alcoholic IPAs is a listener suggestion.
Good listeners, did you yes?And so let me go ahead take
a sip of this. Tell youwhat I'm tasting. Mm hmmm. It's
a good beer that always hits thespot, but you always went the buzz
Chad. So they made a worldclass IPA just happens to be non alcoholic,

and so they removed the alcohol slowand gently, saving all the flavor
for you. This is all Iget from when I taste it out of
the same Atoms glass chat. Soif you rotate in this hazy, hoppy,
non oclock, I pa, it'sa it's a purely just making your
days and nights and all every cheersin between a delight. And again this

is the same al Atoms, justthe haze, hazy, juicy and refreshing,
but definitely some notes of pineapple.I like how you can taste the
amazing detail that you just described.Well, it's only because I'm drinking out
of the same Adams Boston Logger glass. If I was drinking out of in
your order a pine glass, Iwouldn't be able to taste any of that.

All right, But here's what Iwant to know, and I'm serious
here. If there's somebody who canlaying this one to me, I'm all
ears. Tell me. You're gonnatell me that the alcohol was removed slow
and gently, yes, as opposedto what like violent, hard and angry
with with with with force. You'respeaking very nicely to it. You're beautiful

alcohol, cause hey, you knowwhat it was like, Mike with the
bear. Come on now, yougotta get out of here, all right,
No more violence, no violence,Chad? All right, how's that
mineral light tret you? Oh?The Miller light? Hey, tastes like
an award winner since say, eighteenfifty five. Miller's been around, No,
not Miller. Now the official What'son TEP Radio Fun fact of the
week, brought to you by Who'sever checked clear? This week? Sorry,

Chad to cut you off, butwe got get some fun facts in.
And now, just by the way, I'm just gonna I'm still trying
to get those beer mints, MillerLite. If you're listening, I was
just gonna say, dude, goback to interning. You cut me off.
Hit the button too soon? Well, I had to do it because
I'm looking at the time and theproducer. Now, we're fine, we're
fine. Out of time? IsI got the fun fact? I had
first Mike last week? Listen.I took the car out, I brought

it back, parked in the garage, full tank of gas. We were
ready to go this week, andthere were no scratches on her. So
we did all right. Dad washappy. But it does taste like it's
triple hot brood. I'm just gonnasay. Also, it tastes like a
fake marketing campaign where you'll never seethose mints. All right, this is
your official What's on Tap Radio funFact of the Week, brought to you
by Oh wait, we don't havethat, okay, because we don't have

a sponsor for this yet. Allright, but it could be you.
All right. It is ice coldout there, James, and I mean
it is ice freaking cold. We'vegot ice shutting down the South. We've
got ice and snow and winter advisoriesall over the place. Beers are no
longer safe at football stadiums. Heck, we've got schools being closed, We've
got cars in the ditches. Butwho do we have to blame for all

of this nasty weather justin Stapleton.There's our first get that name drop,
that's our first drop KPRC Channel twoweather man here on our local Channel two
TV station. I don't know ifwe can mention what he said on air.
Well he said it on air.We can say it. Can't we
say what what he said on air? If it gets too cold? Oh

yeah, he was talking about thepeople tail getting at the national football game.
That was that energy. And hewas like, look, I think
he just lost his train of thought. And he basically was just like,
look, guys, if you're cold, just go inside the stadium, drinks
some beer. Right on air,Right, that's great advice from your weather
man. Yeah, he doesn't.Most weathermen will tell you stay out of
the elements. Bundle up, youknow, make sure you stay out of

the wind, you know, dressinglayers stabled and says, go get inside
and get a beer. It'll warmme up. I love it all right.
No, Actually, I don't knowwho we can blame mother Nature.
Well, I wanted to tell youabout a man by the name of John
Gory who was a doctor and ahumanitarian, and he was the inventor of

ice cubes. Yes, really inventedice cubes. Yes, that's a good
day ice cube. No, notthat guy, not that guy. No,
no, no, no, he'snot like the great great great grandfather
of rapper ice cube. No,he is just the inventor of ice cubes.
Now. He died in eighteen fiftyfive, and it's sad to note
that when he died, he diedalone, sickly, broke and beaten because

he spent his whole life trying tomake refrigerant and refrigeration a success and air
conditioning a success, something neighbor Johnwould really appreciate knowing. But he just
couldn't. He couldn't do it financially, and so he lost his entire fortune.
But he spawned the innovation for refrigeration, which was very beneficial to breweries.

So your official What's on TEP Radiofun fact of the week is which
brewery was the first brewery to adoptcommercial refrigeration here in the United States,
And that would be Liebman's Sons andBrewery in Brooklyn, New York. They
were the first commercial refrigerant using breweryin the US in eighteen seventy, some
fifteen years after John Gory invented icecubes. Now fast forward, go all

the way to September of twenty twentythree. You may be thinking, you
don't like ice in your beer.Nobody drinks beer and ice cubes. Well,
they do in Laos, and theydo in Thailand. And then Heineken
invented star shaped frozen beer ice cubesto sell in Thailand and Laos to embrace
the ice cube beer culture. Soyour official What's on Tap Radio fun facts

of the week, Or that JohnGory invented the ice cubes and the first
commercial brewery to use commercial refrigeration wasLiebman and Sons Brewery in Brooklyn, New
York in eighteen seventy, fifteen yearsafter Gory died. And in twenty twenty
three, Heineken made the very firstbeer ice cubes for Thailand and Laos.

So those are your official What's onTap Radio fun facts of the week.
That was interesting, How do youdie alone? That's sad. The guy
who vent at ice cubes, comeon now, ran out of money and
nobody his personality was far less interestingwhen he was broken. His friends were
like, yeah, we liked himwhen he was rich. All right,
we gotta take a break. Comingup we're gonna talk about this zero percent
white claw that's getting up beating rightfully, so all so much more hang with

us. We'll right back. Yeah, we drink water, but it has
to be filtered through a brewery first. You've got what's on tap radio?

All right, on tap this week, got a lot going on. We're
gonna talk about how no beer wassafe inside Arrowhead Stadium. We'll talk about
there's this new zero percent ABV whiteclaw that's getting up beating online rightfully.
So, Hey, the Olympics.We talked about the Olympics and all.
This is so much more coming up. But Chad John's got a stunt beer

liver in studio. Yes, Johnhis neighbor who had, you know,
basically dig a trench so John canwalk over from his house otherwise, Uh,
you know, true story. Idon't make that absolutely okay, dry
January real thing, not a madeup holiday. It's holiday. We didn't
make it up. Even though alistener had never heard of it before and

so they thought it was just abit that we did on the show.
No, no, no, youactually go look it's wild. James is
yeah, drinking non alcoholic beer forJanuary, bringing it to the show.
I brought a stunt beer liver.They were John. But in order to
do that, I had to takea snow thrower and go a snow throw
No, this is not like asnowblower. This thing throws. I mean

this thing will throw snow. Itis. It chucks it. Yeah,
if you if you don't know whatyou're doing, you will actually put out
windows if you catch something. Itthrows snow that hard. You do not
want to get hit. It throwsit. Man, And I had to
cut a path, and I meanit's it's I mean it's probably knee deep
anyway out there walking across. AndI'm like, I can't go hang out

with neighbor John and drink a beer. This sucks. I trapes all the
way out to the barn. Iopen it up, and I plow a
path all the way down to theroad, and I plow a path through
my yard, and then I goright up to John's deck and I plow
a path all the way over tomy deck. And it's like, now,
whenever he wants to come over anddrink a beer, he can come
over and drink a beer, orI can go over there. So chat
I got an observation. Okay,so normally I get lots of people.

Hit me up. Hey, youknow, James, if you need a
stun beer deliver to hang out withyou at stud us, hit me up.
You know, I'd love to comehang out. I've not gotten one
email since we've kicked off try.I had message from anybody wants to come
and drink down alcohol beer. Oneperson has volunteered to come hang out with

me in studios since I've now saidI'm for taking in dry January here on
the show. It's just an observationthere, Chad John Well, my stunt
beer liver and I've we've crushed throughthe fine pills neer Miller Lite and it's
time to move on to our nextbeer. And this is another award winning
beer. As I mentioned before earlierin the show, Miller Lite is the

most awarded light beer in the world. Well, this is another award winning
beer. And it might even beoh oh, do you think you know
what it is? It is notmgd's not Miller Genuine Draft. No,
this one's been awarded more awards,I believe in this one category than any
other beer in the world. Andthat category is the commercials ladies and gentlemen,

we are cracking open from the landof sky Blue waters Hams, who
actually was nominated for an Emmy innineteen fifty six for their commercials. I
know you're sitting there like what,yes, and I was trying to hold
it in. God Handle Beer haswon more awards for their commercials than they

have for the liquid itself. Theregot another observation there, folks. Here's
observation number two. Chad has beensnowed in for so long that he has
now gone to his crisper drawer tobring beers to the show. And if
you don't know what the chrisper draweris, that's basically, when we don't
have enough room on our beer's shelfand our beer fridge, we'll put beers

that we don't drink into the crisperdrawer, basically where beers go to die.
So Chad has basically gone through allthose beers and now has resulted in
going to the crisper drawer and nowhe's bringing those beers to the show.
Is that observation correct, Chad?I thought so. I thought I'd like
to I'd like to tell you thatis correct. But the last time I
had Harbor Light Bill on the show. He used a Chrisper beer to rinse

out the glasses from a beer thatwe hated so much, and then we
just went and dumped it in.But believe it or not, I picked
up a thirty pack of this hamsOr eight ninety nine for fourteen dollars.
It's less than fifty cents. Acan come here you're broke without telling me
you're broke. Wow, I'm justsaying, all right, well, I

can tell you who's not broke ifyou really want to know. Oh.
Anheuser Busch and the Olympics. Yeah, the International Olympic Committee. They're doing
something they've never done before. Theyhave signed their very first beer brand in
the forty year history of sponsorships.It's the first time that the International Olympic

Committee has had a at a beersponsor and ABM BEV coming to the deal
or bellying up and they are votingand throwing billions of dollars at the organization.
And the deal was announced by theIOC, that's the International Olympic Competity
Committee and Anheuser Busch IMBEV. Andof course they're going to be promoting all
their favorite brands Budweiser, Corona,michelo. Oh wait, Mayor do we

have we got a new mayor,so I'd retired a sound bite. We
had to retire that SoundBite. Dangit, Okay michelob or Mitchel, Yeah,
it's true. Yeah, and Medelloand so for the next three summer
and Winter Games and the Paris Olympicsare going to open up on July twenty
sixth, and the deal includes thetwenty twenty six Winter Games in Northern Italy

and then the La Olympics in twentytwenty eight. The value of the deal
not disclosed. I wonder why.Probably has something to do with the fact
that that what is it, Qatarcutter cutter. Yeah, with the World
Cup, they renegged on that dealand said Budweiser could have the deal,
and they talked about how much thatwas worth, and maybe they didn't want
to talk about how much they loston this one, but they It said

that some of the sponsors pay morethan three hundred million dollars to be the
top Olympic partner program for a fouryear commercial cycle, so likely in the
three hundred million dollar range. Butthe IOC bringing in their first beer brand
is a global sponsor for the Olympics, so that's you can. And as

long as it's not held in oneof the fourteen countries that ban alcohol like
Cutter Katar, you should be ableto drink these fine Anheizer Bush products if
you get tickets to the Olympic Games. And obviously I'm gonna want to know
how much they made on this deal, but I don't think it's been disclosed
yet. No, no, no, it's not. But there's again they're

saying it's gonna that that probably there'sa check written for about three hundred million.
That's wild, all right, youknow it's a lost art writing slowly
and gently removing alcohol from beer.That too. I no writing comments when
people checking beers on the untapped app, but I'll scroll because I wanted to
check in this. Samuel Addin wasjust the haze, hazy, juicy,

refreshing nine o'clock, I pa,and so I started scrolling down. I
was like, how come no onewrote any comments? And I do came
across one, so I wanted toread it. It says I have tried
many inn A beers, I thinkthis one is the best. Naipa is
typically need more body and can havetoo strong of a hot punch. Sam
has done a good job, giventhis some good mouth feeling, a balance

hoppy profile. Good job, Jim. Was that written by our putties Brian
Holsen a little sweeter than a normalI PA? But yeah, I'm just
going through the untapped app just seeingwhat people said about it, and apparently
not a lot of people. Imean people were giving it four out of
five. Not astadgist, but Iguess they're badges. But yeah, uh

but I like it. I'm abig fan of it. But if you're
a fan of it and you havea wife that's per pregnant, you might
want to listen it up to thispromotion that Sam Adams is doing. Check
this out. Now, this wasnot me, nor could I ever partake
in this. But I'm not likeI'm having kids. But if I would
have rewound the time, I stillwouldn't have done it. But hey,
this could be you, all right. So it's called do date, brew

date, Do date date, brewdate, do date brew date? All
right, So pregnant, you gottadue date mm hmm. So they're doing
a contest for expecting couples. SoSamuel Adams will send five lucky people a
forty week supply of just the hazenon ocalad IPAs but it like I'm drinking
to reward them for giving up alcoholto support of their pregnant partner, the

company announced in the release. Sothe contest dubbed du Date Brew Date will
throw a n a six pack ofSam Adams Boston Lagger for making it to
the end. Oh and to celebratethat new addition to your family, of
course and UH. To enter,simply go to Samuel Adams Do Date,
Brew Date. It's a post ontheir Instagram and post a comments giving your

due dates and tag your partner withthe reason you believe they should accept you
in the challenge, and each personis limited to one entry and the same
Adams team will select the winners,and all winners will be notified in a
direct message on Instagram and receive aeight hundred and fifty dollars electronic gift card
along with a one hundred dollars onehundred dollars to go towards their baby registry.

So, if your significant other ispregnant and you want to you know,
staying from alcohol like your partner,you can enter this contest and they'll
send you a gift card to goout and buy just to haze Samuel Adams,
I call ipa support. Now Icould have done that because I took

advantage of My wife was pregnan outa nine month DD and I was designated.
My wife's just like driving like Ihate you, hate you, hate
you, so so do dey brewday. Sam Adams wants to give nine
months supply of NA be ers toex inspecting couples. That's so sexist,
James. I'm just saying, youknow, let's let's go out and support

and the You know what, honey, if you can't drink, I'm not
gonna drink either. So I'm gonnadrink this in a beer. Thank you,
Sam Adams. All right, allright, all right, we gotta
take a break. When we comeback, we're gonna talk about Arrowhead Stadium,
the NFL. It's so cold outthere. What does that mean for
your beer? Well? Beer?What saying? Maybe people going around stealing
people's beers. We'll talk about itall this so much more beer. It's

like pouring smiles on your brain.What's on tap? Radio continues Hand me
down a road that's a little beryto a place they still put sugar in
their eyes. Women are fine inthe levees, right this show what's on

tap Radio? Just consuming my nonalcoholic Samuel Adams, just to haze,
hazy, juicy and refreshing ipa fordry January, because you know, I
just decided. People keep asking me, why are you doing this, James,
I just wanted to see if Icould do it. I wanted to
see if I can actually do I'mchallenging myself now. I'm calling of dryer

January because in the event, likeI'm at like day twenty five and I'm
like, you know what, Ireally want an art car Ipa. So
if I do drink the art carIpi, well then I'm not doing the
dry January anymore. So I callit dryer January just the same. Yeah,
you're not as not as alcoholic asyou would be because technically, really,

if you want to do dry January, you're not really supposed to do
any kind of alcohol none. Yes, because I won't even use mouth wash.
Yeah. Well, if you lookat the alcohol story, there's zero
point five percent alcohol in these as. Okay, all right, so hold
on, I'm gonna go ahead andcall BS. According to the keyboard cowboy,

Chad keyboard cowboys. Please, no, I'm sorry, stand down,
stand down, because no, youwould have to be you'd have to be
chugging gallons. I okay, thisis a belief. Okay. By the
way, I'm not a doctor ora scientist, and I'm not even that
good at math, but I'm gonnago ahead and throw this out here.
I'm gonna say this. You woulddrown from all of the water you would

consuming beer because beer is ninety fivepercent water. It's actually more than that
non alcoholic beer, but it's ninetyfive percent water. Okay, you would
drown from all the water in thebeer before you got a buzz on non
alcoholic beer, and from all ofthe carbs which convert to sugars in non
alcoholic beer. You would make yourselfa diabetic. So there you go.

So before you got a buzz,so you would be a diabetic who drowned
from ingesting too much water before yougot a buzz on non alcoholic beer.
And if you don't believe me,try it out yourself and you prove me
wrong. I'm kidding. Don't dothat. Do not do that. Okay,
Listen, we do not have enoughliability insurance. So I am officially

saying, do not do that.Well, the Keyboard Cowboys said that because
it contains point five percent alcohol byvolume, you are not completely going alcohol
free January. So I'm just sayingthat with the writing on the old interwebs.
But hey, real quick, ZachBryan, I want to talk about
himal quick. So he played asurprise forty minute acoustic set one Tuesday,

and it looks like it was Januaryeighth at some bar in Austin, Texas,
and the first hundred fans that showedup got in and they also received
a free beer courtesy of Zach.So I guess he did kind of a
little pop up and that people maybeposted something on his social and so the
first people that showed up got inand they got a free beer courteousy of

him. So, but if you'vebeen following Zach, which I haven't,
but according to some of his followers, he been participating in dry January,
well it seemed to have caved thatTuesday, January eighth, because that night
he actually toasted the crowd and thenlater tweeting, quote, I'm a weak
man. I guess back to thebidenness tomorrow. What I guess, abiding

into the abiding, ah, theabided. Yeah, so he was eight
days into dry January. It waslike, oh, yeah, that's right,
I'm doing a dry January. Butnow he wanted to toast his fans
who came out and to see ashow. But Zach Bryan brought bought beer
for everyone that came to a surpriseshow in Austin, Texas. So that

was pretty cool. Wow, thatis kind of nice. But he probably
did it not even realizing he wasa dry January thing, and oh crap,
that's right, I'm doing this dryJanuary thing. So it seems like
it's more of a challenge, that'swhat it is. It's a challenge than
it is than it is a lifestylechange. Yeah, but I guess it
can turn into a lifestyle change becauseI've heard of people that have said,

you know what, I'm gonna trythis try January thing, and then they
get to January thirty first and they'relike, you know what, I'm gonna
see if I could take this further. And next thing, you know,
it's you know, months and thenmaybe a year and if you want to
do that, hey, great,great, good on you. But I
decided just to do this because Ieat a lot of oysters, and oysters
are not good for the liver,and so I decided to know what I

was drinking a lot. I waseating a lot of oysters because I went
to New Orleans over the holidays.I was gonna say, and yeah,
I don't know that you eat alot of oysters on a regular No,
not normally, but the week thatwe were in New Orleans, I mean
you probably went nuts dozen oysters here? Doesen oysters there? I mean we
were just knocking them out, andon the fact, I was just washing
it down with beer. And youknow, oysters not good for the liver.

So I decided to know it.January first, I'm gonna give my
body a little bit of a breakand we'll see what happens on February first.
Although I am missing a lot ofgood beers, I have some good
beers in the bridge that I pickedup when I was in New Orleans that
are like, hey, man,what's going on. We're just sitting on
the shelf, like what we can'tget any love. But then again,
and I'm also sitting in the studioalone because nobody's hitting me up to the

studio with me. It's very odd, very odd, because I noticed that
when I'm drinking breaking these good beersto the show. Not that these aren't
good, but people are hitting meup. Hey, I'll be a stunt
liver, James, you ever needone. It's been crickets. Oh man,
all right, well but I digress. Yeah, there's some people hitting
this guy up here in the news. I want to go ahead and tackle
this story because this one's a funone, this one. I laughed really

hard hitt this one. But theUniversity of Wisconsin of Lacrosse, their chancellor
is getting his own beer, nowthat's right. This story broke during the
holidays when we were off. Yeahyeah, yeah, so we missed.
We missed this one. This onefell like we were in a production meeting
and it slipped off the table andthen the beer, the beer is just

being released. But the story ofwhat happened with the chancellor broke during the
holidays. Yeah, yeah, weheard about it. And then we were
picking up some scraps, sheets ofpaper and somebody spilled a beer and it
land It's like, oh, what'sthis story? And I was like,
oh yeah, we we forgot aboutthat one. Here it is, but
Joe gow the chancellor of the Universityof Wisconsin at Lacrosse, he likes to

engage in some extracurricular activities and thatgot the attention of you know, tennis.
Not tennis, no no, no, no, no no, not
pickleball, no no. These activitiesgot way more attention from the university and
also the community and the Milwaukee Journalin Sentinel. Uh. He likes to

record himself having sex with his wife, whoa yep, yep, and some
of the videos got out, soas I said John Gough, the chancellor
of the University of Wisconsin Lacrosse.He is now the former chancellor of the
University of Wisconsin at Lacrosse. Butthat didn't stop a brewery from immediately upon

the news breaking, designing a mostlynude cartoon figure a logo. I looked
at that. I know, he'sbasically it's an old man who's basically naked,
but he's got some sort of likea like a cap and gown on
or something like that, and he'srunning and it's got a big censored sign

over his private areas. And it'sdescribed as a fruited sour with Cherry's apricots
Peaches and Vanilla. I don't knowwhat that has to do with anything about
the event, but the incident thatinspired this whole thing. Yeah, the
the university has said that they arebasically they're they're not training it as a

funny matter at all. They areinvestigating him, and I think he's done.
He's he's officially done according to atthe time of this story, he
was on his way out, butthey said that it caused significant reputational harm
due to his abborrent online activities.So I don't there's no word on whether

he posted these for others to watch. Oh, no, he definitely did.
He definitely did. It is veryproud of that. He's very proud
of it. So he's been shootingthese videos for a while with his wife
and decided, okay, let's uploadthese to the porn community for people to
enjoy. I got so many recognized. Of course, somebody recognized it,
as they will, and of course, you know, there's some kind of

violation of Yeah, there's a clausein there, but because he's a tenured
professor as well. But he's defendinghis behavior. He's arguing that, hey,
I'm not making money off of this, so it's not like a side
hustle or he's moonlighting and it's hisfirst Amendment, right, I can make
these videos. So he is consideringlegal options because apparently the school has moved

to dismiss the chancellor. But thebeer's name and I love it in the
inspired by nothing other than U vanHalen's Hot for Teacher, this one hot
for Chancellor. But I love howI love how this guy is really coming
out to defending, Like, look, this is something my wife and I
enjoy doing. What's the harm?Nobody's getting hurt by it. If you

want to know more about this,you can find out from six o eight
Brewing Company six eight Brewing Company.Hot for Chancellor's all right, that's our
number one of what's on tap radiocoming up in the second hour, James
is gonna kick us off. Ithink we're gonna open up another beer,
and we've got hold my Beer andwatch this and much much more. Don't
you go anywhere? One more hourcoming back at you. This is what's
on tap radio and Jim, hey, h stop trying to make everybody happy.

You're not beer. You've got what'son tap radio. Jane Chad talking
about here hold my beer and watchthis brought to you by your friends at
Ringing all the ten taking insurance grouplocated in Grand Rapids, Michigan and Holland
along the Lake Shore RTI Grand Rapidsrnt I, Grand Rapids dot Com.

All right, welcome to hour numbertwo. What's on Tap Radio. We
were just talking about this story aboutthis chancellor who has been let go or
I guess they're underinvestigating or under investigation. But he's flue to videos and uh
he encourages people to Hey, Ilistened to an interview he did with CNN.

He was encouraging people, look,give it a chance, like go
watch it, you know, yeah, the good stuff. You know,
he's promoting his brand. That's that'shis that's his hobby. Yeah, his
hobby is videotaping himself with his wife. Some people play foating it to public
platforms. Some people play pickleball,go to the gym. You know,
they film themselves wine tasting, winetasting. But this guy at travel at

workout extra size, him and hiswife got a little uh videos going on
uh some porn sites and well nowhe's uh where he puts that out movie,
puts that on a resume for hisnext job. It's like other activities
and hobbies include he probably has thaton his resume. Amateur porn star probably

yeah, yeah, yeah. Websiteswhere he can be found, you know,
LinkedIn, his LinkedIn profile, hisFacebook page. Oh my god,
hey, hey, you know what. He may be out of a job
teaching, But hey, Lisa gota beer out of it, all right.
Speaking of getting a beer out,I got a beer out of the
fridge and I'm gonna crack it openright now. Stunt liver. Neighbor John

hanging out with me. We're stickingwith the pills in her theme. What
did shack it out of the crisperdrawer? No, no, no,
no no. This is a pureMichigan Shorts Brewing Company Winter Pills, made
with all Michigan ingredients. Now,this is an Imperial pilsner, meaning higher
ABV. Had to look it up. I think it's coming in at nine

point four percent. But I lookeddown the side of the can here and
it reminded me of something because lastyear at the Michigan Winter Beer Festival,
I remember seeing Shorts and they hada outdoor beer booth made out of blocks
of ice, and I think thisis what they're referring to. Because on
the side of the cant it says, one time we cut a load of
three inch or excuse me, threefoot ice blocks out of Torch Lake to

build a massive ice booth at abeer fest. I'm like, hey,
I remember that. And on theside of the can it says it literally
says load sh l oa D.So you don't have to censor that.
Okay, hang on, what canI I know we gotta do a home
my beer and watch this. Butwe've talked about last week you had a
beer called three Yeah, you can'tsay that, and then now you have

a beer that has that on thatand then we have a porn right you
know, label a guy running neckdwith a sensor. What happened to the
beer le police? I know,Well, I'm glad you brought this.
A few years ago, the BruceAssociation was coming out like, hey,
we're not having any offensive labels anymore. You know, we gotta be inclusive.
And I am so glad you broughtthis up because I got a phone

call this week from our buddy JohnKlunder at ring All the ten Hacen insurance
group. Now they sponsored this segmentHold my beer and watch this. And
he called me and he's like,hey, we got to talk about this.
You guys were talking about something onyour show last week and I'm not
sure how that got through, butwe can cover you for most things,
but we can't cover you for asanction from the FCC. And I said,

what are you talking about it?He says, you guys were talking
about a cool sh and I saidwhat he said, a cool and I
said a cool ship ship. Hesays, that's not what I heard.
I thought you guys were talking aboutcool shi the word for dookie, and

he said you guys kept repeating it, and he's like, dude, I
don't know how you guys are gettingaway with saying that, but you can't
say that word on the radio andship high end transit right, Ship high
end transit right. So I onceI explained, We had a good laugh,
but just goes to show ringing allthe ten Hacen listening to the show.
But you know what, we doa pretty good job better than the

guys featured in this segment. Holdmy beer and watch this brought to you
by the ring Meld of ten HacenInsurance Group, where they'll cover you for
just about everything except this. Yeah. There's ways to celebrate and this ain't
one of them. So this happenedin our friends in the north. Yeah,
we'll give him Florida the week offand old Canada. Hey. A

twenty five year old driver in Bramptonhad his driver's license suspended after police alleged
he was driving under the influence,speeding and exhibiting careless and driving behavior.
MM, careless driving behavior. That'snot good. Police claim they found an
open container of alcohol in the vehicleand the driver's out facing multiple charges.

So here's what happened. According topolice, the man had just taken and
passed his driver's license test just twentyminutes No, he had passed his test,
no, twenty minutes later, decidedto go out and celebrate, And
in celebration, the driver cracked abeer and decided to drive back to Brampton
on Highway ten. Alleged a policeofficers, Yeah he did. He must

have skipped the question or got thatone wrong on the driver's exam. I
was like, can I drink analcoholic beverage in the car? You know
he can't. Nope. As adriver headed south, he flew past an
unmarked police vehicle. Whoops. Policealso alleged that the driver was weaving in
and around other vehicles in a carelessmanner, and then a quote from one

of the officers says, I can'teven began to understand why someone would think
that drinking a beer in their vehiclewhile driving is a smart idea, let
alone a novice driver who should wellbe versed on the rules of the road.
He said. The officer pulled himover, and police are claiming that
they found an open alcohol container inthe vehicle. That didn't say what it

was, but he said the driverwas registered a blood alcohol concentration above zero.
See novice drivers have to have hisno alcohol in their systems right soever.
So he had a concentration above zeroand a man's driver's license was immediately
susmended for thirty days as he wascharged with stut driving, Keller's driving,
novice driver with a BAC above zero, and driving with an open container,

and several other document related offenses.Police said, so he let me see
what you got this straight? Sohe had a driver's license for twenty minutes,
twenty five minutes. Jad he waslike, no, what I'm gonna
go out and celebrate. What betterway to celebrate than cracking a beater and
drive like an a hole. Soa twenty five year old man accused him
of going fifty kilometers above the speedlimit. I'm not sure how much that

is over Drew Carrie thirteen moved adecimal point and square root of nine,
weaving in and out of traffic headinghome from the driving test center. So
people can't even believe that. Ican't even understand what would Why would this
guy think this is perfectly okay behaviorcelebrating getting his driver's license by cracking open

a beer and driving record twenty fiveand he's a novice driver. It's like,
yeah, Mom didn't let me getmy driver's license when I would turn
sixteen twenty five nine years later celebrate. Brampton man twenty five charged with open
a beer while driving to celebrate hisnew driver's license. I my beer.
You can buy beer at nineteen inCanada. He could buy beer before he

was driving. Thank you, Renaldoto an Acre Insurance group for supporting this
segment. But they're supporting this guy. They're not ensuring this guy. So
I can't make this stuff up.Folks in this guy's line of work.
This police officer said he has neverseen anything like this, nor can he
understand why anyone would think this isperfectly okay behavior. All right, we
gotta get a break still to come. Oh my god, I can't make
this stuff up. Zero percent alcohol, white claws getting a beating online.

Explain why all so much more,we'll ride back. If you encounter wine
snobs, just take a full classof wine and put it to your ear.
Mines will be blown. This iswhat's on tap radio. Yeah,

yeah, you know how you missthe first hour. What's on tap radio.
Chad's fun fact talk about how theguy who invented ice cubes, John
died lonely and sad. You wouldthink that, you know, he would

be praised for this modern invention.Well, he does have a statue in
Florida, doesn't he Yeah, statuein Florida because he invented He was the
pioneer for refrigeration, which led toair conditioning, which Floridians love. This
guy should have schools named after him. Just saying, all right, So

I just came across a stupid article. So I've been dealing with this crud
for the past dot how many dayswe in January? And I tested negative
for COVID. I just last weekI lost my voice so much that I
had to sit on third mic andI just went by my old radio name
and turned James. So Chad andharbor Light Bill, who's actually at a

studio. He's on assignment this week, so he's not with us. We
sent him out. Yeah, gocheck the temperature out on the pier.
Yeah, we sent him out onassignment. But I had to sit on
the third mic because I had novoice whatsoever. And so I was just
like, you know what, Istill want to hang out. I'll chime
in, I'll do my hold mybeer and watch this, but Chad and
Harblight Bill will carry the show.Just came across the stupidest article I ever

read. But maybe this is ontosomething. We're beginning of the new year
with what we call the triple Demmickis due to cases are three major respiratory
viruses, the flu, COVID nineteen, and RSV. So maybe that's what
I have. That's why I'm testingnegative for COVID, because I have all
three. The flu you were talking, COVID nineteen and RSV is called the

triple demic. You were talking aboutthe nineties during the break, Yes,
wasn't there A Wasn't there an allgirls soul group that are called RSV.
Wasn't that? Wasn't that? ORLC? No, it's SWV Sisters with Voices,
That's what it was. It wasan RSV. It was sw SWV.

At least I tried to try.But some says, some seek vaccines
while others are dealing with this healingpower with music. So maybe that's what
I need, just some good music. So anyways, maybe that's what I
got, the triple demick. Soif you know some people who've had the
crud for the last couple of weeksand they don't know what it is,
well, I don't know. Itest negative for the flu. I never

got COVID. I just got thiscrud coffeeing. I got this flim in
my throat. It's called the tripledimmick. Something to be started out in
four James. James doesn't know whatto get treated. First, he goes
to the what is it the En T which is the nose and throat
doctor. It's like, what's yourproblem? I can't see what's up my

nose, but it's affecting my throat. Treat it all. Yeah, of
course they're working on a vaccine forit. You have to get it,
of course, of course. Yeah. I started for all of it,
and they tested out on owls forthe eyes. You have to get four
doses of it, giraffes for thethroat. I'm not making you. You
can google it yourself. Triple dimmick. It's no triple dim all out.

All right. That was that maybewas the dumbest thing segment we've ever done.
Go on to some other dumb stuff, all right, other dumb stuff
coming out of Utah. That's right. Hey, just remember they're thirsty mores
out there who are not drinking.But apparently, if you are a brewery
in Utah, like the Bewilder BrewingCompany, whatever you do, don't try

and use a trademark from the Churchof Latter day Saints. That's right.
The LDS community not too fond wheneveryou make a beer and name it after
something that, quite frankly, isa trademark complaint. Now you might be
thinking, do churches have trademarks?Well, if there's a likelihood of confusion,

the Mormon Church, even though theydon't. Finally, explicit trademark.
They are the users of the worddesert. Now I'm not even familiar with
this word. I had to lookit up myself, and desert actually comes
from the Book of Mormon, excuseme, and it means something to do

with honeybees. And I was like, oh, okay, hard working nature,
which if you've ever met anybody fromthe LDS community, they are hard
working if nothing else. And they'revery friendly too. I've never met a
Mormon who wasn't the most friendly person. Yeah, they are. I have
a really good friend who's a Mormon'svery cool, very nice. They are

very But the Salt Lake Brewery BewilderedBrewing Company made desert I pa and well
in the brewer's words. Unfortunately,a large tax exempt Utah based entity wasn't
pleased with the use of our wordof the word desert in describing it.
And so Mormons don't drink. Iknow. That was the whole point.

Now, desert desert was Desert's beenused on other things like coffee shops and
other businesses in town, and theyhad no issue with it. But when
it came to alcohol, they're like, no, that isn't the case.
So a lawsuit was filed and theUS Patent and Trademark Office showed proof of
registry and they said, hey,you know what, you can't use it.

And so they didn't want to fightit. They let it go.
So so just goes. A holywar has been avoided in Utah. They're
not going to go there, godown that road. The owner saying that
he doesn't have money to fight thechurch. So you don't say, really,
you can't take on an entire church. Come on, small little brewery.

Yeah, apparently the brewery had somethingin the recipe with honey in it,
so they were ready to go.Just just goes happen. It just
goes to show how difficult it isto name a beer. You think you
have this great beer and all ofa sudden you're a hit with a seasoned
assission, Like what what unless youmake a beer like hyper Light, like

one brewery did in Houston, withthe sole purpose of getting a C and
D season desists, It's like weknew it was coming. We only made
one enough of the labels just toget rid of it. Well, then
our buddy Kelly Meyer, he kindof did that with Shiner right, yep,
it's like true, he's like bringit on, and which named rop
He got a national attention for itbecause it made headlines. And that's actually

how we caught wind of him.Now he's one of our good friend that's
right, all right, since we'retalking about stupid things, I want to
go ahead, and this is noton the one sheet, James. I
stumbled onto this and I had towrite hand handwritten notes right here. I
have wrote this down. We've talkedabout this before, like what's a good
lawnmower beer. I'm still trying tofind out what a good snow snowblower snow
thrower beer is. We talked aboutwhat a good shower Beerian New Belgium used

to have that snow day that wouldhave been the perfect snow snow beer.
And we've done we've done some stupidstories like and I've even called them stupid
when we did them, like uh, the beer best for your zodiac sign
or your personality prof those are sostupid. We have that story in our
evergreen file because we keep getting itover and over and over. Well,
I was looking through the internet lookingfor beer pairings that are the absolute worst

beer pairings out there. No,I'm not talking about beer being paired with
food. I'm talking about dumb beerpairings, like pairing a beer with your
zodiac sign. I found five horrendous, absolutely terrible beer pairings, and I
want to share these with you.So do not pare your beer in this
way. Okay. First of all, all right, here we go.

One. People have attempted to parebeer with a television show or a movie.
I'm sorry, but the Caddy ShackBushwood beer that James and I had
in his studio did not taste betterand would not taste better if we were
watching Caddy Shack. Wait. Wait, what if I drink brew of H
while watching a U of H game? It will not make your beer taste

better? Okay, okay, norwill drinking the om Omagang Game of Thrones
taste better if you're watching Game ofThrones. Okay. Don't try and pare
your beer with your favorite comic bookcharacter. Not gonna happen. You're not.
It doesn't work. This is anactual list. It's on the internet.
Okay, Okay, Now this oneall right, So there's two,
there's two, al right, Thisone here, this one here, this
one drives me nuts. This one'sstupid. Pairing a beer with your kids

leftover food. This is a pairingthat's on the internet. Chicken nuggets and
mac and cheese. Here you go, dinosaur chicken nuggets and bites. Yep,
dumb beer pairings on the internet,that's what I'm talking about. So
I went out and I just scouredthe internet and found some of these out
here. I got two more Iwant to share with you. One of
these I'm kind of impressed by,but it's stupid. And the other one

is just dumb, dumb and stupid. This one here, somebody went impaired
eighteen beers with each of the eighteenholes at the Masters, and they did
it based on the plant life aroundeach hole. This is dumb. Now
you just got to wonder, though, did somebody try and take on all
eighteen beers and do it all?But this last one here again talking about

worst beer pairings out there on theinternet. Pairing a beer with your personal
failures, that's right. So ifyou're all depressed about your personal failures,
this is the best beer to drinkyourself into another bad decision. These are
actual beer pairings on the internet thatare the dumbest beer pairings on the internet.

Post that to our social mediaset what'son tap Radio? Facebook, Twitter,
and Instagram? Oh x and Instagramthat's funny chat. All right,
still to come zero percent alcohol?Uh white claw getting a beating? Rightfully
so? And why were your beerwasn't safe at Arrowhead Stadium? All this
is so much more. We'll beright back. Did you know that six
beers a day can reduce your riskof giving a rat's ass on Superior Pest

Control of West Michigan, Superior Pestdot biz. They are pro sponsors of
the research department here at What's onTap Radio making sure that we have all
this awesome content. Give them acall or reach out to them at Superior
Pest dot Biz. It is agood day. It's always a good day

when we're hanging out with you guys. Welcome back to What's on Tap Radio.
I'm James. That's Chad get aholdof us. Many ways to do
so you can dm us. That'strick message. Why our social media is
what's on tap Radio? Facebook?Twitter? No, Facebook X still comes
off the tongue, Chad, Yeah, I know, TikTok Instagram, And
then you get ahold of the show. What's on tap Rito at gmail dot

com. I'm at James and theRadio and Chad you can be found on
the Old Socials at Chad the beerlogic guy. That's it. Get ahold
of us. Let us know whatyou're drinking, let us know what you're
doing. Maybe a beer suggestion,anything that you can contribute to the show
will be really appreciated. But itis time for me to crack my next
inn a beer. I kick thingsoff me too. Oh wait, not

in n a beer. If Iwas Yeah, if I wanted to drink
an na beer, I come overto your place and hang out. But
well, I've noticed that not manypeople are hitting me up asking to come
hang out with me, or notasking. But hey, I'll come in,
said, you know, saying they'reavailable to come out and hang out
with us. But I kicked offwith the Samuel Adams just the Hayes,
hazy, juicy and refreshing non alcoholIPA very good and we talked about a

promotion that Sam Adams is doing rightnow. If you are a significant other
is pregnant and you want to knowgo alcohol free the for the nine months
you can enter a contest where theywill give you nine months worth of Samuel
Adams just the Haze. Go backand check out our podcast, which is
available by Cask Branding. But Ipicked this beer up the other day.
I don't know much about it.It's called Oatmeal Dark. Oatmeal Dark.

Oatmeal Dark is from Bravis Brewing Company, and it is it is a oatmeal
stout. So this is a nonalcoholic oatmeal stout exactly right, Bravis,
Bravis Brewing Company. Okay, nowI'm not gonna. I'm not gonna.

I don't want to speculate, butI've never heard of Bravis. Where are
they out of I don't know,but all I know is there since twenty
fifteen, they became North America's firstnon alcoholic craft brewery. Oh really,
Yeah, so I don't know ifthey were before athletic obviously athletics. The
self proclaimed Anaheim, California Chad Braviscoming to Anaheim, California. All right,

what's the James? Take a tasteand tell us if it's worth drinking,
because I'm skeptical having very very richdark chocolate, Chad, Yeah,
what do you got there? Tasteit? What do you got? Yeah?
Very dark chocolate, tobacco, cigartobacco. Okay, yeah, not
bad, coach, right, coachthe throat, but it tastes I get

the cigar tobacco favor. Well,you're saying, coast the throat. So
does it help with your rs VCOVID triple dimick? Yeah, the hay
fever or whatever the heck you gotgoing on? Yeah. In twenty fifteen,
Braves Became the North Came North America'sfirst non alcoholic craft brewery. All
right, Apparently if you drink itfrom a Sam Adams Boston logger glass,

not only will it cure your COVID, but it'll also fix that hang Neil,
all right, good news, ud, feeling better right now? Drinking
is not an alcoholic beer. Yeah, tobacco notes. Oh what do you
got, Chad? Oh? BecauseI got a stunt beer liver, I
can open this up. Came thedrawer. No, no, no,
no, no no. This isthe Christmas sale a Scotch ail. So

a lot of Christmas ales from brewerieschatters are expired. Okay, great,
drink those are expired. Yeah,it's probably Yeah. In fact, I
think if you drink this, youget RSV. It's like october Fest,
Octoberfest in November and December can't doit. So I'm just gonna give that
the stunt beer liver neighbor John andlet him drink the rest of it and
we'll see what happens. Hey,John, you try it first and everything
works out, I'll give it ashot. But uh, speaking of giving

things a shot, I got toshare this story. This might be my
favorite story the whole year. Ifyou're familiar with Olivia Dunn, she needs
no introduction because she's only and bythe way, if you're not familiar,
here's your introduction. She's only thesecond highest paid collegiate athlete in the world
and the highest paid female athlete inthe world. She is a gymnast with

LSU. She is not the numberone gymnast. She doesn't have a cool
trick that she does on the floorexercise. Nope. She's just really really
good at social media and so isher sister, who manages her social media
account. Well. Olivia Dunn wasat a meat against Ohio State and her
sister, who Jeles, wanted togo and watch the meat and of course,

she says, my psychotic mother likesto get there way beforehand and to
get good seats. Yes, callsher mom psychic on social media. Psychotic.
Yes, Yes, so Jules wantedto catalog on social media and see
how many beers she could drink beforethe end of the meat. Yes.

So they got there an hour anda half early. And for saying she
does when she gets in the dooris she catalogs it drinks beer. And
then she slips in beer number twobefore the girls even finished the warm ups,
and then she starts taking pictures andposting it. Before she could grab
the third beer, the girls startedto run out of the tunnel, so
she quickly got that third beer,and she says, you know what,

I don't care that they're coming outof the tunnels. And she says,
quote, I really couldn't give anf because all I wanted to do is
go to the concession stand and getanother beer now. She then grabbed beer
number three, watched her sister warmup, and while she's sitting there watching
her warm up, she finished thewarm up. She ran back and grabbed
beer number four and drank that meathasn't even started yet, and then she

watched her compete and she says,I lost my ever living sh you know
what watching her compete, and thenI sounded like a forty five year old
divorced man at a bar watching hisfavorite NFL team on Sunday, screaming at
the TV. Yeah you go alive? Whoa. And then after yelling all
that, I said, you knowwhat, I'm gonna celebrate with a mohedo

and a fifth beer. She keptgoing and the video ended with her holding
up her mohido saying this is thereal hero of the story. So uh.
The moral of the story is OliviaDunn's sister, Olivia Done the highest
paid female athlete in college athletics.Her sister wanted the catalog how many beers

she could get in the entire gymnasticsmeat. The answer was five and one
mohido, and she jokingly said atthe end of her catalog, Yeah,
don't mind me. I'm just theforgotten sibling of the Dune family. So
Olivia Done. I know, OlviaDone the highest paid at college athlete in

the NCAA. Her sister catalogs howmany beers she can drink at a gymnastics
meat. I bet she has afun ride home. I guess she wasn't
drinking non alcoholic beers at the meatU No, no, no, she
was leaning into it. She wasactually drinking michelob Ultra and bud light was

She's not drinking any of the whiteClaws. She was not drinking white Claw.
But I hear now you can drinkas many White Claw as you want.
I'm telling you, what mess youup? What a time to be
alive, Chad. So the hardcelizer company White Claws sparked a social media
frenzy after releasing this a new zeropercent alcohol variety pack with a hefty price
tag. Each twelve ounce can hasfifteen calories and includes electrolytes for hydration,

and after reaching the store shelves onJanuary first, at many retail establishments,
users went to x to complain tooffer their perspective on the new product line.
One user on X said We've comefull circle alongside of a picture of
a stack of zero percent White Clawsat the grocery store. Minie cows question

the purpose of the new alcoholic beverage, with some typing just rebranding sparkling water.
Another user on X came up witha new tagline, A new wave
of drinking started, castly calling itclever revention of Seltzer water. Oh what
if we use it as a mixer, It could be as good with vodka,
one member wrote, So let meget this straight. It's just flavored

water. One user added, andsome user online took issue with the cost
of the new Seltzers, which suggestedretailer price at seventeen dollars to nineteen dollars
for a twelve pack. Oh mygosh, which is more than beer.
So this new na Seltzer is goingfor a higher price tag than a six
pack of beer. So let memake yeah Seltzer water Seltzer water at beer

prices. Seltzer water existed, Yeah, flavored Seltzer water existed. Then white
Clock comes along and says we're gonnamake alcoholic Seltzer water flavored Seltzer water.
Then they said, wait a minute, people are drinking more non alcoholic beverages.
We're gonna make white claw which isalcoholic Seltzer water and take the alcohol

out, which is right back toflavored Seltzer water. But wait, you
can buy it for three times thecost of what seltzer flavored Seltzer water where
somebody added they took a picture ofit because right next to this. Seltzer
was Seltzer water for half the price. It's ridiculous, cry half the price.

Lacroix. Yeah, flavored Seltzer water. Boom, there it is.
My favorite comment was, Hey,this would be a good mixture to add
with vodka because that's what's in WhiteClaw. Not all comments were bad,
though, Chad One actually wrote,I actually like this as someone who can't
have alcohol. Now I can drinkthis, So yeah, and don't know

about I don't know if Vita's inWhite Claw or not, but I don't
know if it technically is because theycall a malt beverage. But but I'm
sure that that's what you use asa you know, you know, you
use Seltzer water with vodkas. Butnews News zero percent abv White Claw draws
a beating and a praise on socialmedia. Seltzer water at it's eer prices.

It's like we evolved into an organismwith thumbs and then went and cut
them off. Okay, last segmentof Once on Tap Radio coming up.
When we get back, We're gonnatalk about why no beer at Arrowhead Stadium
was safe that and yeah, we'llwrap up with a bow on the show
this once on tap Radio. Onemore. Don't you go anywhere. We'll
be right back, and now yourweekend forecast chance of beer. You've got

what's on tap Radio? We don'tthank our friends at Tantrick Burn Company,
located in Alegan, Michigan, rightthere on the Kalamazoo River. Beautiful sites,
beautiful beer, beautiful food, anduh yeah, you see the beer
logic guy in there hanging out.Stop by, get a free What's on
tap Radio? High five? Greatbeer, great times, great food.
Okay, an allegant Michigan Tantrik BrewingCompany. I'm going to Kansas City,

Kansas City here dot com. Theywring a jacket. I'm going. We're
going the last segment What's on tapRadio for the week, for the week.
I was just getting started. Chet. I know you were back after
interning for us. By the way, I want to thank you for doing
that. I also want to thankfor coming in studio for stunt lover neighbor

John who provided us with a finepills nerd to kick off the show,
Miller Lite. But speaking of providingus with fine beer, I want to
thank our friends at Tantrik Brewing Companyfor bringing us this last segment Tantrik Brewing
Company Tantrikbrewing dot com. You canfind them where in downtown Allgant And there's

a good chance you're gonna find methere. In fact, I think maybe
even after the show, might evenhave to take a trip down there.
Oh yeah, you'll find me thereanyway, Downtown Allegan. Get a free
What's on TEP Radio high five.Thank you Tan to Bring for bringing us
this last segment for the week.Not forever, now forever. We'll be
back next week. Yes, yes, I know, all right. James

taking it easy with the non alcoholicbeers Travis Brewing Company oat Mill Dark,
very very good. It Like Isaid, it's a oat mill stout,
So you get a little creamy butvery strong, dark chocolate notes and a
little bit a cigar tobacco. Right. And the good news is is James

poured it into the Samuel Adams BostonLugger glass tested positive for the flu before
the show. Now not no longercontagious Triple Demick, Chad triple Dimick.
I know, I know, allright. So this story was sent to
us from our friends at Superior PestControl of West Michigan. I want to
share this because it's kind of funny. I was having a conversation with Fred

over there and we were talking abouthow Greenland is actually shipping This is unbelievable.
You want the ultra rich contributing tothe environmental concerns. They were taking
ice from icebergs and melting it downand shipping it to the United Arab Emirates

where people could drink glacier ice water. Oh yeah, so the icebergs are
melting or we're chipping away and meltingit down so that the ultra rich and
deserts can go ahead and drink it. Proof. You can market anything you
can, and Mark Zuckerberg is tryingto do the exact same thing with his
mission to raise wagu beef and Anguscattle on his one hundred million dollar Hawaiian

compound. Now you may be askingyourself what's interesting about this story and what
the heck does it have to dowith beer? Yeah? What could be
so bad? Well, again,thank you Superior Past Control West Michigan for
sending this over to us, Becauseit turns out he is going to feed
them exclusively on macadamia nuts and beer. So basically the cows are just going

to be sitting around eating nuts anddrinking beer or eating spent grat No word
whether or not they're going to setup a bar in a television to let
him watch the game, and lethat sounds like a bar. It does
sound like a bar, like sitthere, Hey guy, I got another
bowl of nuts and pour me anotherone, Darya slim. You know,
Hey, Sam, I gotta getsome another beer and a bowl of nuts

here. Yeah, yeah, bringme another shell, some more peanuts.
Anyway, he says that it'll takea few years to determine whether or not
the diet works, but he knowsthat the macadamia nuts in particular, are
very high in nutritional density, withlots of proteins and fats. We already
know that Cole benefit from eating spentgrain and beer. But he is confident

that the diet will affect taste,but again he admits it's going to take
time to prove it. He thenlater was quote as saying it may only
have a minimal difference in the taste. But apparently there's a lot of controversy
involved with glad You mentioned that.Yeah, he's he's apparently buying a lot

of in in Hawaii, and well, people aren't real happy about that,
and the fact that he's using itto raise cattle and feeding him these I
mean Macadamian nuts. If you wantedto price nuts, I think macadamia nuts
qualify as one of the most expensiveof all of the nuts. I mean,
they're definitely cheap. They're more expensivethan peanuts. Cashews are up there,

they're on the higher end. Pecansnot so high. But you know,
walnuts now, you know, Imean, they're no but macadamianots they're
a premium. Well, he's alsogetting a beating because he's raising cattle,
and environmentalists don't like cattle because cal'sdo what's right. They fart, cayle

farts, and beer makes you fart, so hey, you know what,
not many greenhouse gases you're gonna give, you're gonna give an animal that already
farts a lot a beverage and ingredientsthat make it fart even more. But
anyway, so he's not chipping awayice from glaciers and contributing to the melting

of those too, just so thatsomebody in the United Arab Emirates can be
drinking glacier water. But no wordon how much longer he's going to continue
to do this, but he believeshe's going to create a market of a
very delicious wagu beef and Angus beef. And I'm sure there's somebody getting off
Facebook right now because they're appalled andoffended that he's doing this because all the

greenhouse gas is that these cows arefarting that are gonna contribute to global warming.
And then they'll get right back onand sign up with a new account
right after they realized they don't knowwhere their friends are, what their family's
doing. I don't want to callmy family. I just want to look
at it on Facebook. Give itthe thumbs up. Well, you know,
speaking of global warming, you knowthey're suggesting that because of global warming,

that's why these temperatures are so extremelycold. That's right, because they
weren't cold before. They weren't.They weren't cold before then, but they
are now. It's cold weather.Yep. Weather was apparently very you know,
nice and cool and not too hotbefore man came and ruined everything with
their erected it you know, carsand exhausts and all sorts of things.

But uh, I was talking abouthow no beer was safe inside arrowhead stadium.
And I'm not just talking about becausepeople going around stealing people's beers,
like, hey that person, I'lllook at it. Rather beer, No,
we're talking about. No beer wassafe inside Arrowhead Stadium because the sub
zero temperatures, so fans of theKansas City Chiefs versus Miami Dolphins wild Card
game took the social media to displaytheir frozen refreshments. One person quoted saying

the worst investment to make tonight atArrowhead is beer or pop. They're freezing
within minutes when he's are said onX. Another fan said saddest thing I've
ever seen, referring to two frozenBushlight cans with icy foam coming out of
the opening. But Light official Xaccount got on the action, saying you
think you're cold today, try beingan Arrowhead. The negative four degree kickoff

temperature is franchise records for both Chiefsand Dolphins, so I guess, yeah,
damn cold. But even even beerwith ten percent alcohol can freeze an
under twenty six degree temps. Theaverage beer between four and six percent alcohol
freezes around twenty eight degrees mark,and many fans at the game could have

saved their money they'd known this knowledgeahead of time. The negative twenty seven
degree windshield at kickoff certainly didn't bringany beers back to life. So,
although these temperatures are rare in KansasCity, depending on the alcohol percentage,
beer can freeze as high as thirtydegree weather. So imagine that you're paying
you know, what is it,twelve to fifteen dollars for a beer?

Oh yeah, and you go backto your seat and within minutes just have
a frozen beer slushy. Yeah,I know. And they don't let you
come in with box cutters to cutit off and just treat it like a
popsicle or you know, they can'tcut the top of the can off.
You're kind of screwed on that deal. And I was talking to neighbor John.
He went to the Winter Classic,which is the New Year's Day outdoor

hockey game NHL game that's played,and they played when it Soldier Field,
and he went and he had abeer and it was in a cup.
It was a draft beer and acup, and while he was sitting there,
the top of his beer froze andhe had to bust through it to
drink his beer. Yeah, atthat point, I think, you know,
I'm just gonna drink hot coffee orsomething. Actually, they left after

the first period said screw this,we're gonna go watch the rest of the
game from a bar, and theydid. Then they got out of there.
That's the way I would do it. But hey, these diehard fans,
man, you know they're buying eighteento nineteen dollars beers that are freezing
in minutes. So it's just crazy, that is it. My friends.
We have got to say goodbye withthat queue. But before we do,
let's think our sponsors for allowing usto stay on the radio each and every

week, go out and support TantricBrewing, Superior Pest Control, Biological conference
events, the Backyard Girl of course, keeping our lights on Harbor Lights Brewing,
and sponsoring our podcast cast branding.So for mister bid Chadpill be my
embriger, Gymson said, saying thanksfor checking out what's on Tap Radio and
we'll see back in the radio airwavesnext week. Every week folks to cheers,
so that ship have ment me love, he said,
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