All Episodes

February 27, 2024 81 mins
On tap this week: Vending machine dispenses free craft beer to amazing guitarists, Beer Can Island is for sale, Tennessee lawmakers are trying to ban the selling of cold beer, Molson Coors brewery workers in Fort Worth go on strike, Jacksonville Anheuser-Busch employees threaten to go on strike, a look at the Texas Craft Brewers Guild Award Ceremony, plus special guest Tycen Kooiker talks home brewing. All this and so much more presented by Cask Branding. Enjoy the show!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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This What's on Tap Radio podcast isbrought to you by CASP Branding, I
remember of the Texas craft Brewers Guild. Cast Branding has been supplying breweries,
distilleries and wineries with top quality merchandisesince twenty thirteen. If you're looking for
a way to promote and grow yourbrand, check out CAST Branding on Facebook,
Instagram, and online at cast Brandingdot com, Cast Branding dot com,
Cash Brandy dot com. Enjoy theshow. This is about to be

good radio. Oh yeah. Tome, a craft brewer is much more
of a mindset. We just openedtwo cans, spread the gospel of good
beer, good beer. Tons andtons of stuff going on in the beer
world. I love craft beer.I love different people's beers. It's the
first favorite. Cheers too old usbeer geeks and those new to the craft.

What's on Tap high five? Thisis What's on Tap Radio beer and
the culture that flows with it.Kears Beer Guru James Simpson and Beer Logics
Chadpilbe. Let's try this one.D three Okay, so far, so

good. I like it, Ilike I like you and your jukes.
The darn kids don't even know whatthat with references because you know they have
the apps on the phone. Nowthere's no B three. That's because that
chat and are jukebox euros. Oh, welcome to What's on Tap Radio,
show dedicated to librarians across the land. And they're screaming, Oh no,

it's not librarians, it's not tapdance. We're drinking beer, dude,
right now, look at the onesheet here. Interesting stuff on tap this
week. There's some angry people outthere. We're gonna have to settle people
down. Why don't think be soangry? I don't. I don't know,
maybe because I don't know that theydon't like their job, they don't
like what they're getting paid. Theythey don't they hate cold beer. I

mean, believe it out there arepeople out there that, hey, cold
beer. Do you know there's onestate in almost two that are trying to
ban cold beer. That is notthe most wild thing I've ever heard.
Thanks for to talk about on thisepisode of What's on Tap Radio. But
let's get in devil. We're notcast. It's a devil, bob Bo.
What's on Tap Radio? Cold beer? Devil? I'm James as Chad.

Welcome to the show. Glad tohave you aboard for the next two
hours, We're gonna have some fundrinks, some beers, talk about what's
going around the old beer world.And before we dealing with that, let's,
uh, let's thank some sponsors.I guess that's the song. Okay,
pay the bills man, so putthem at the front of the line.
Let's do a damn thing. Let'sthank our friends over at Tantric Brewing

Superior Pest Control, which by theway, always always always sending great for
the research department. Yeah, withoutthem, we would have like one story,
but now we have like nine.Uh, we have to be a
fifteen minute program, be allowed toconference that events rein all today, an
insurance group, the backyard grill andyeah, the lights are still so thanks
to Harbor Light Brewing and of coursesponsoring our podcast cast Brandon Cass Brandon casperanny

dot com. That's a fun sponsorbecause you just hung out with one Rodney
Campbell. There's our first name dropof the show. And happy sixtieth birthday
to mister Rodney Campbell. He didn'tlook a day over fifty nine. Man.
I gotta tell you no, I'mtelling you he's money is. We're
hanging out in Austin and we'll talkabout that later on. But we're hanging

out Austin and he goes, youknow what, Sunday's my birthday? What?
Oh? By the way, AndI like, well, how old
are you turning? Rodney sixty's andyou're hanging out with us on your sixtieth
brand? No, I don't know, man, where'd you go wrong in
life? He's a dedicated man.Speaking of being dedicated, this is a
show dedicated to drinking beer. Yes, we actually drink beer. We crack

him open and want to thank allof our wonderful sponsors, including the Backyard
Grill on the northwest side of Houston, who brings you this first segment brought
to the table where James brings abeer and I bring a beer. Actually
this week in studio with me,I've got two stunt beer livers. That's
right, I got stunt drinkers withme in studio helping out, and we're
gonna crack open some beer. We'regonna have James more than you because you're

still you're still trying to rebuild yourbrand after doing Dry January, and no
one wants to drink with you becauseyou're they're afraid you're they're gonna get non
alcoholic beer. But with that said, thank you to the Backyard Grill for
bringing us what's on taps brought tothe table. Now, James, do
you want to go first or secondon this one. I'm kind of scared
to go first, but I can. It's up to you. I'm bringing

something I normally don't bring to theshow, but I wanted to do something
different this week. I wanted toexpand my horizons. And I drink a
lot of sours over the past weekendwhen I was over in Austin, because
sours already sour heavy over there,and I decided to know what I'm gonna
bring to the show because this issomething I've done. So yes, Chad,
I will kick it off from BlueOwl Brewing Company. Oh boy,

Yeah, I've been there. Yeah, I'm going with the Tropical Brute and
a kai Berry sour sparkling Ale.I don't know what to make of this.
I'm sorry, I've been to BlueI went to Blue Owl one time
right when they opened, and wewere I think everybody in there was there
for their twenty first birthday. Andwe walked in and we were forty something

years old, and I realized oneof these things was not like the other,
and it was us we were old. Yeah, I don't know about
this one. It smells super sweet. It's a sour sparkling ale. Let
me take a swig of this.Well, if you take a sip of
that and you get a canker sore, you know that the uh lactic acid
in there's high. It's actually notbad. It's actually not bad. I

don't look at James fall in love. Yeah. It's a Palm Tree pools
Sidery Paradise, Austin, Texas TropicalBrute Mango, a kai Berry sour sparkling
Ale, Blue Al Brewing Company.And I don't know the alcohol by volume.
Yeah, I'll follow it up onthe untapped app Well, all right,
well, I'm not mad at that. I'm not mad at oh six

point seven percent? Six point Yeah. Reading is fundamental. It's right there
on the can. Okay, therewas a sticker covering it. I put
a sticker on it. What's ontap? Radio? Sticker on it for
some dumb reason. Must have beena hack on a trip. I don't
remember why I put a sticker ona beer can. All right, oh,
because we had different beers and Iwanted to know which one's were mine,
so I put what's on tap stickersall over them. All right,

Well, before we go to break, I got to crack open a beer.
And I'm not going to crack opena beer because I didn't bring this
beer to the table. By theway, you got to try and meet
or beat that description of your beerin studio with me, my brother in
law. But he's secondary. We'renot going to talk about him. He's
hiding out over there, Jeremy Stuntbeer liver. But also I've got Tyson

in studio from wood Shop Brewing Company, and in case you're looking for it
on the untapped app probably won't findit. I don't know, maybe you
will. But Tyson, crack openthat beer and tell everybody what we're drinking.
This is your beer. So we'redrinking a coal style. It's a
coal style ale. It is fivepoint five percent, and I try to
make it to the standard of Germanpurity laws. So no palm trees,

no lawn chairs, no. Okay, So he didn't. All right,
so we got it. James,you're a journalism major. We can work
on his creative writing skills. Butother than that, let's taste this beer
and see what brilliantly clear, verynice gold color. And we'll talk more
about this after the break, butlet me get a sip here first.
Mm hmm. It's a diacidal bomb. This is not kidding. I'm totally

kidding. It's totally shott. Thisis absolutely delicious. It is clean,
clean fermentation, beautiful white head.We're gonna talk more about this, but
that's been brought to the table,brought to you by our friends at the
Backyard Grill on the northwest side ofHouston. Want to thank Tyson from Woodshop
Brewing Company. We're gonna talk moreabout that and this beer. And James

brought the Blue Oul Brewing Tropical Brutes, which I'm going to dive more into
when we come back from break.But let's tell you what we have on
tap this week. There are twostates, well one state in another state,
that are trying to ban cold beer. We'll talk about why. And
strikes. There are strikes going on. We'll discuss that. All this is
so much more wild, wild stuffgoing on. We'll be right back today.

We are heroes, heroes who rescuedsome beer that was trapped in a
bottle. This is what's on TapRadio. At a time when every tap
and every bar served the same massproduced light logger theo, it's craft beer
bars who were the earliest proving groundfor the beer revolution. For over two

decades, the Backyard Girl has beensupporting the community of brewers and beer drinkers.
Is one of the original craft beerbars in northwest Houston to introduce guests
to West Coast IPAs, stouts andamber ales. Today, the Backyard Girl
is over to over one hundred differentbeers within an amazing tapple with everything from
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and barrel age stouts and he yes. Today have your favorite mass produced lightloggers
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download the the Backyard Girl app onyour phone to make online ordering from your
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revolution, and the Backyard Girl isthe craft beer bar you need to check
out in Houston. Cheers William,then conn Werson, you would have right.
Welcome back to What's on TAB Radio. Glad to have you on board.

We've got a great show planned forthis week. Still try to figure
out this beer I brought to thetable. Thanks for our good friends over
at the backyard grill. I kickedit off this week. Do it's a
little different, do something a lotof my wheel house, something I normally
don't do. But I decided whynot Blue Al Brewing Company, Austin,
Texas their tropical brute mango Achai berrysour sparkling ale and uh, you want

to guess the IBus on this chad? Uh? Four lower? No?
Yeah, I was, I saidfour is a joke. Yes, definitely,
way lower than four. And Isay way lower than four. Well,
you can't go negative, No,you can't go negative, but you
can go But as my wife,the math teacher, tells me, zero
is a real number. So isit zero? Zero point zero? And

that's that say six point seven percentalcohol by volume? They brewed this sour.
Let me taste this real quick?Yeah, taste take another taste of
that. I like how James alwayskeeps reminding us that it's it's ABV alcohol
by volume because we haven't done alcoholby weight in thirty years. No hops
in this beer. I can tastethere's no hops in this and instead they

actually yep, sparkling mineral water,water minerals dry mall. Oh there you
go. Is that what you're tasting? Yeah? Yeah, you have such
a refined palate you can taste theminerals in the mineral water. You're not
gonna like this term chat, butI'm gonna throw it out there anyways.
Don't you say it dry malt backboneon it? Oh you suck? I
hate you with It's gonna it's gonnadry malt back bone with with hang on

yep, yep, with some supportingroles from mango kai berry. But this
is a brute that's unique mouthfeel ina tense tropical flavor. Yeah, uh,
definitely definitely. High levels of waterminerals give this brute a unique mouthfeel
and flavor. Hey, Tyson,don't tell any of our listeners, but

he's reading that online. Okay,okay, so don't don't feel like you
gotta keep up. I have aWhat's on Tap radio cast branding glass known
as the water Glass w O tR and every time I take a sip
of this, I get all theromas and flavors that you normally wouldn't get
if you drink to have a regularpint glass. So that's how that's how
I can tell just by drinking this. There's no hops in this. Instead

they use mineral water, sparkling mineralwater. Now, see, I have
the exact opposite of that going on, because I have a beer that's so
good I can drink it out ofan inferior glass and still the beer surpasses
the vessel which it's in because Ihave a ten ounce beer logic beure logic
conferences and events glass. But youmay notice the logo is flaking off.

And why is that? Because Ididn't get it from Cast Branding. True
story, I bought all my glassesfrom Cast Branding after that. No joke,
Rodney Campbell, you know it's asad story. Cast Branding no longer
does glassware. I don't know ifI was supposed to stay on the radio,
but they no longer do glassware.I don't know if you caught that,
but that was a moment of silence. Yeah, because I don't anyway,
although they do do hats coming soon. I gotta, I gotta,

I gotta move I gotta move onfrom that because there's a little bit of
a pain right here in my chest. In fact, hey, but that's
okay. They do hats and comingsoon. What's on tap radio? Hats
you could drink out of the hat? I don't know, but we got
hats coming in studio helping me drink. My brother in law, Jeremy,
and also from Woodshop Brewery, Tyson. Tyson, tell everybody what we're drinking

again. Don't worry about coming upwith all the flowery language like they did
in Austin. But go ahead.What are we drinking? So we're drinking
a kolsh I named cole Style.It's a five point five col shale brude
like the Germans would do it,at least as well as he can do.
In Michigan, Fire Marshal Matt isgonna love this because he's like,
wait, what kind of beer isit? It's a culsh and what'd you

name it? Colch Style. I'mlike, that's what I like, because
Matt Fire Marshal Matt, by theway, there's a name drop. He
hates going to a brewery. He'slike, do you want to try the
flip flop backflip pool beer? Like, what is it? Oh? It's
a culsh Like well, why didn'tyou just call it coolsh? Why don't
you call it your brewery Colsch beer? Because it's like, no flip flop
back flip flop pool beer. He'slike, I don't know what that is

and I can't remember it all?What about just give me the dad Colt?
What about fancy lawnmore? What doyou complay? Yeah? Yeah,
he can handle that. But anyway, but that's what we have. We're
gonna talk more about Wochot Brewing Companyand why Tyson's are not easy to brew.
Well, we have a homebrewer instudio. Oh did I say homebrewer?
Oh? Yeah, I kind ofgave that away. I didn't think

anybody who's homebrewering anymore. Well,according to Julia Hers over at the Homebrewers
Association, she'll say otherwise. Yeah. Well, and apparently according to the
guy who's sitting across from me,he would disagree as well. In fact,
he brought a whole bunch of beersfor us. We're gonna be cracking
open on the show, so we'regonna have some fun with that. But
speaking of cans of beer, bythe way, he did put these in

cans. We're gonna be talking abouthow he cans these beers. But I
got a fun fact for you today. Can I push it that you can
hit the button? Go ahead now, the official What's on Tap Radio Fun
Fact of the Week, brought toyou by Who's ever checked? Cleared?
This week? People love the funfacts. I've seen the analytics. Yep,

I checked the bank account. Stillthat check hasn't cleared, because nobody's
check cleared. So sorry, we'renot gonna name drop anybody out of this
week. You're cussing out the nonsponsors, yes, because all the people
that thought about it and then forgotabout it pastwards. Anyways, all right,

sorry kids, we didn't warn you. Uncle James is angry. So
it's a great, all right segmentto sponsor it is it is all right?
So right now, James, themost popular can size, as we
know, is the nineteen point twostovepipe. It is hot. It replaced

bombers twenty two ounce bombers, whichif you think about it, it was
like bombers is such a bad value, so such a ripoff. I like
that yet nineteen point two, AndI don't want to step in your fun
fact, but no, they're good. They're priced well, they're priced perfect,
They're priced way better than bombers everwere. They're easier to carre around.
I mean you get basically just shortof two beers. I mean it's

a good deal. But not allbeer cans started out going bigger and better
and batter like that. In fact, that today's official What's on Tap Radio
fun fact of the Week takes usback to the origin of the aluminum can.
And if you go digging, youwill find pages and pages and pages

of research and stories on how theCores Brewing Company in Golden Colorado employed one
hundred and thirteen people and spent tenmillion dollars doing research on aluminum cans and
trying to be able to get awayfrom steel and get into aluminum because aluminum

was lighter, and it was betterfor the environment, and it was less
expensive, and most importantly, itdidn't change the flavor of your beer nearly
as much. And so that wasas big research and he spent years trying
to develop this and finally rolled itout on January twenty second, nineteen fifty
nine. The pioneer, the truepioneer from Golden Colorado Cores Brewing Company,

the first to release the aluminum can, except he wasn't the first. I
know, if it's on the Internet, it's got to be true, according
to Abraham Lincoln and the Telecommunications Actof nineteen eighty four, as we know,
facts on the internet has to betrue fact. But yep, that

checks out. But it's not true. Turns out, the very first aluminum
can came from Hawaii and the nowdefunct Hawaiian brewing company Primo Beer. Primo
Beer was released one year prior toCores releasing the Cores Banquetbeer and aluminum cans.

There was one small problem. ThePrimo beers couldn't hold up under the
pressure and they failed miserably in themarket. So they were quickly pulled off
the shelf, pulled out the market, and they quickly tried to redesign them,
but they couldn't do it and theycouldn't figure it out. Meanwhile,
the failed and colossal failure of thePrimo Beer in the market yanked them off

the market and made room for Coresto come in and release their beers,
but they weren't sure it was goingto be a success, so they released
their beers, not in nineteen pointtwo ounce cans, not in twelve ounce
cans, but in seven ounce cans. So the seven ounce can came out
for Cores to release the aluminum can, and once it was successful, the

Cores Brewing Company tried to convince everyoneelse to get on board and change and
it took a few years, buteventually they convinced everyone and by the way,
Primo in Hawaii they eventually fixed theirproblem by creating a longer lip on
their beer cans, which explained whyall the beer cans in Hawaii to this

day still look different. So yourofficial What's on Tap Radio fun fact of
the week is that in Hawaii,all the beer cans look a little bit
different, all because Primo Beer wasthe first to release the aluminum beer can
and failed, and the only waythey knew to reinforce it was to create
a different lip on their beer cansand to keep their cans from exploding,
regardless of what Courus says. Andthat's your official What's on Tap Radio fun

factor of the week. I'm todayyears old when I learned that, and
I bet you there's still stuff Idon't know, but let's find that out.
Coming up next, beer has hops. Hops are plants. Plants make
salad, So beer is solid.Yeah. What's on tap radio? James
and Chad talking about beer. We'vegot the one sheet. A lot of

great stuff on tap this week.Coming up, we gotta talk about some
strikes going on two different breweries.Oh, I thought I thought we were
going bowling or you're gonna say it'sbaseball season anyway, I mean we aren't
spring training, but not those kindof strikes. Uh, there's a state
that's already banned cold beer, butthat was another that's trying to do so

craft beer vending machine they tried.We'll see, we'll see about that.
What else we got, Oh,we got the Texas Craft Brewers Guild Awards
ceremony. We're gonna discuss now,if you're from not if you're not from
Texas, you're from a different state, don't tune out for this. We'll
talk about that. Yeah, Iknow you're going to cross the Country're gonna
appreciate this story. Yeah, yeah, So a lot on tap this week,

and uh, Chad is ready tocrack his next beer. They were
finishing up this Yeah before I do. Yeah, I just wanted that we
were having a discussion. I've gotstunt beer livers in my studio hanging out
here, and Aligan, Michigan atthe Beer Logic World headquarters in drinking emporium,
Tyson from Woodshot Brewing Company, andmy brother in law. By the
way, we're going to talk tomy brother in law about this island that's

for Oh wait, that's our otherbrother in law. Yeah, he's the
rich one. Never mind, butspeaking of wealth, a guy who owns
a brewery. Tyson in studio,we're going to talk about his brewery.
I already kind of gave it away. He's a home brewer, but he
does have another beer he wants tocrack open and share. So what are
we drinking here? So right here, we got a half a waison which

is also brewed in the same waysof the German pearity laws. And this
is a in my opinion, abanana bomb. But this one's a little
less banana than normal ones. Sohe's being critical. So want he wants
me to take a taste, andhe wants me to beat him up.
So I was joking earlier when wecracked open his colch and I said,
yeah, it's a diacidal, butI'm totally joking. It was absolutely delicious.

But this has the haze, hasthe thick, pillowy head beautifully white.
Let's take mm hmmm, you wantmore banana? Okay, well,
I'm sorry to tell you, butit's not liquid banana bread. But it's
very delicious and it's really cold.I mean, I will tell you something
I learned over the past weekend whenI was in Austin for the Texas Crept

Brewers Guild conference. Half advisons arereally still very very popular, oh,
very very popular. And as amatter of fact, we went to this
dive bar to get some hamburgers theyhave we have hamburgers. It's off Sixth
Street called Casino al Camino, andI was sitting right at the bar and
just the whole time we're there,there's pulling pints of all stats helf a

vison. The half is good.They must have pulled probably thirty pints.
So people love heavisons, man goodbeers. Well, I want to make
fun of Tyson, but I can'tbecause the beard does not suck. Okay,
this is really good stuff, andI'm not just saying that because he's
in the studio. He told mehe's just beat me up. Tell me
how bad this is, tell mewhat's wrong with it? Like I really

can't. It's delicious. I meanI like it a lot, so it's
got right amount of balance. Andfor me, it doesn't have a ton
of clove, which I'm not abig clove guy, you know. I
just it's nice. This is trueto style, nice refreshing. I'm probably

gonna crush this one, and we'llget into a little bit more about that.
But yeah, on the fun factthough, I do want to just
kind of because we were talking aboutthis, how are the Hawaiian cans different?
So basically, you know at thetop of your beer can where it
kind of goes in and goes upto the lid and the lip well.
On the Hawaiian beer cans, it'sabout twice as tall, and it's got

little ridges in it, and it'sdesigned to hold up to the pressure so
that whenever you stack them up ontop of each other, they don't collapse
or burst. Now, clearly technologiescome a long way and can designs have
changed, but Hawaiian brewers still continueto use this there for beer sold domestically
on the island. Now, Iknow, if you've been to Hawaii,

some of you're gonna probably fact checkme and go ahead. Well it was
on the internet and they still saythey use them today, so I'm gonna
I'm going with it. And I'venever been to Hawaii. So I multiple
sources and we checked it all out. So you know, if you don't
like it, let Superior Pest ControlWest Michigan know that they we got to
start fact checking these stories better.They send us the stories. I do

the research, okay, and theysend us a lot of interesting stories this
week. So I'm trying to Iwant to buy an island, Chad,
But the problem is, I'm fourteenpoint two million dollars short to buy it.
How much is the island for fourteenpoint two billion or fourteen Okay?

So got it? So you're soyou're short the whole thing? Yeah,
short, the whole thing. Yeahyou did mention. We need a sponsor
for the uh the segment, soall right, go ahead. I've always
thought I always find it fascinating,like, oh, I want to own
an island one day, Like howthe hell do you own an island?
Like how does someone own like Hawaiior something. I guess anybody someone doesn't,
But well, I bet don't.Don't kid, don't go down that

road. Somebody from American history willpoint that out. You're gonna get some
hate mail. But there are smalllittle islands that people can buy. I've
just never been in the market forthem because I don't have fourteen point two
million dollars. You don't even havehalf that now, I don't even have
half of that. I can't evenreally say it. You don't have the
point too, I don't even havethat. Yeah. So there's an island

called pine Key, better known asbeerd Can Island, and it's for sale,
oh right, And it includes thenine acre island about two miles off
of the Pollo Beach, plus sixtyacres of submerged land. And the listing
price is, like I mentioned,fourteen point two million dollars. Now,

they're looking for cash. However,if you don't have fourteen point two million
dollars in cash in the next fewweeks, the owners will take it to
cryptocurrency only auction next month. That'sright, You're gonna it's gonna be an
online auction where you bid in bitcoinand ethereum and doge coin and welcome whatever

else, Welcome to the future.So uh. The island, which is
interesting fun fact about it had noamenities until last few years. Campers and
boaters flocked there to party at theirown risk. Then a group of friends
looking for a place that doctor tikiboat bought it and turned it into a
party venue, adding bathrooms, trashcans, food security, and a campground.

How about that for some partygoers.I was gonna say, somebody invested
in it. They bought it,and they decided to, you know,
hey, let's let's spruce it upa little bit. It says, Yeah,
I mean, hey, we needsome bathrooms. It's probably the girls.
You know, they're taking these girlsand the girls are like, I'm
not going there's no bathrooms. Like, well, if we want girls to
come, we got it. Addsome damn bathrooms. So that's where it
started up at. Yeah, probably. So uh. The changes set off

a zy owning flight with Hillsboro Countyofficials who want to see the island treated
as a nature preserve and would wantto squash its use as a party venue.
The bait is ongoing, but asof now it is for sale for
fourteen point two million dollars. Soyou got a little bit of a battle
on your hands if you want tobuy this island and you want to keep
it as a party venue, becauseyeah, the Hillsboro County when they want

to treat it as a nature preserve. Yeah, Hillsborough County. I'm sorry,
they got this all wrong. Theyreally haven't thought this thing through,
because you just said it. Forall the way up until last year,
there were no amenities on this island. So this island existed. And do
you think people in their pondtom boatswent, Oh, there's an island,

let's pull up and party. Well, I wonder what the Hillsdale County Board
Environmental Protection Agency would say. You'reright, let's give them a call.
We probably shouldn't go up there becausewe got to be concerned about preserving that
island as a nature preserve. You'reright, let's turn around and go back
and not have fun. No,everybody took their boat and pulled up to
it. You know how I knowthis. They do the same thing in

Torch Lake, Michigan. Everybody pullsup. There's a sandbar up there,
they beach their pontoon, they hopout, they party, yeah, they
probably pee in the water and everythingelse. And they're like, man,
it would be really nice if somebodyput a bathroom out here on this sandbar.
But nobody's gonna do it. Whybecause it's in the middle of the
lake. But this out off ofTampa Bay, they've got a dagum island
there, and you've got all thisspace, and they say, hey,

you know what, let's not havepeople peeing in the water. Let's put
bathrooms out here. Let's treat itrespectable. And then all of a sudden,
the government says, well, wecan't have people out here partying.
They've been doing it for years.What they have the Tequla monsters that there's
four of them that are endangered,so you can't move them, upset the
ecosystem. Oh is that what itis? I know you did, I

know, But hey, if youhave fourteen point two million dollars burning whole
in your pocketing, you're like,you know what, I just can't figure
out, can't quite put my handson it. What can I spend this
money on. Well, there's anisland for sale, pin Key better known
as Beer Cane Island. I thinkI don't know. If we talked about
this, but I'm gonna go aheadand add this in here. Mark Zuckerberg,

the Zuck of Facebook. I don'tknow if you heard this, but
he bought some ridiculous amount of acreagein Hawaii. Speaking of Hawaii, and
he's got cattle out there, andhe's feeding them spent grain from breweries and
putting them basically on a beer dietto fatten them all up. And he's
pissed off a lot of the localsout there because he's buying up a bunch

of land in Hawaii. And thenhe's letting all his cattle grays out there
and they're sucking up all the resourcesand all the environmentalists like beef is bad,
beef is bad, and then he'sfeeding them beer and so plus the
cow's fart. You know what calfarts do. Yep. So maybe Zuck
who's got a I think he's gotfourteen point two million, you gonna buy

it? No, Yeah, hecould probably buy that island, probably by
and then he can talk about he'snot gonna put his cows out there.
I mean, I guess he could, but it would upset the monsters.
He put cows on Hawaii. Youcan put it out there in Tampa Bay
too. So there you go.We are not a show about real estate,
but if you are looking to purchasean island, well we certainly can
put you in the right uh spot. Fourteen point well brokeer that deal for

one percent. All right, wegot to take a break. Not that
I'm in market for it, buthey, one day on a bucket list
to know somebody that owns an island. All right, let's talk about the
Texa Craft Brewers Guild a war ceremony. How did that go? Let's chat
about this. What's on tap rido? Hang with us, We'll right back.
Yeah, we drink water, butit has to be filtered through a
brewery first. You've got what's ontap radio. We want to thank Superior

Pest Control West Michigan for flooding ourinbox with stories each and every week.
Proud sponsors of our research department,Superior Pest Control. You can find them
here in West Michigan at Superior Pestdot biz. That's Superior Pest dot biz.

This just in, Chad, justjust in. I am still fourteen
point two million dollars short of buyingthat island. It's a shame. Okay.
Well, but I'm trying to raisemoney. But maybe by the end
of the show I'll have fourteen pointtwo million. But as of now,
I don't Hurricane Island for sale.Beer Can Island. That's a there's a

beer can house in Houston. Thereis a historical landmark. It's very cool.
If you were visiting the Houston market, step on by. It's a
very cool place. It's literally ahouse completely covered, like just somebody took
beer cans and cut them all upand made basically aluminum siding out of the
whole thing, and the roof,the shingles, everything, the whole inside

the house, everything, it's allbeer cans. The fence on the outside,
beer cans, everything. It's prettyamazing. So, as James said,
welcome back. This is a showabout beer and the culture that flows
with it. As we were told, I was told nobody's home brewing anymore.
Well, we're going to talk toa home brewer next hour. Oh

wait, he's sitting right across fromme right now. He brought a bunch
of his home brew in and we'reempty. And I know what you're thinking,
Chad, slow down, drink responsibly. Well, there are three of
us here, so we are takingour time, We're pumping the brakes.
But at the same time, I'vegot stunt beer livers in here, my
brother in law Jeremy, and Tysonfrom Woodshop Brewing, who is going to

crack open another beer? And asmy buddy Michael would say, and by
the way, name drop, it'snot a party until somebody plays Steely Dan.
And well, Tyson, what arewe drinking? So we got Royal
Scam, which is off my favoritealbum and it's a Midwest I p a
dry hopped with Centennial and Crystal.All right, now your favorite album,

say it? Come on Royal Scam, which is Steely Dan. Of course
it's a Steely Dan reference, soyou gotta It's now officially a party,
James. Now now we can party? All right? Well we started cotting
before, but now while we startoff the show with let's party? Right?
Oh wait, yeah we did,so we we did put start off
the show with Let's party, SoI guess it's okay to party. Speaking

of partying, do you want totake some time to look at the Texas
Craft Brewers Guild Annual war Ceremony.Now I listen, I know that we
are heard across the country and inother countries. But me, why cure
about awards and duxes. Well,it's because your good quality beers are being
made and we want a spotlight thelmAnd you were there. This is the

other thing that I like distress.You were there with our good buddy Rodney
Campbell. And when you're there andyou're in the heart of it, you
get to talk to the people.So it's not just hey, this is
what's going on in Texas, butthere are stories that come out of that
about the industry, about the marketand way it's going about beers and beer
styles. So we James was on, he was the man on the street.

Well, I was one of them. But so they ended the trade
shows a whole weekend of activities,but they always ended the February trade show
with the awards ceremonies. Is thesecond annual award ceremony they did, and
it is a very well done awardceremony. Now you were telling me that

the Texas Craft Brewers or the festivalsput on by the guild. Yes,
and so Michigan has a couple ofdifferent beer festivals the Summer, the Winner,
the one in the up and thefestivals are very well attended and they're
great, But I don't know thatMichigans. I know it's put on by
the Guild here in Michigan, butI don't know that they have an award

ceremony that ties into those I'm notsure I would recommend those states do this
because it really builds up the community. Everybody's rooting each other on. It
just really just brings a great vibeto the state. And so I'm looking
at some of the competition stats.Nine hundred and fifty six beers judged,

one hundred and seventy competing breweries.Remember these are all Texas breweries, over
one hundred and fifty plus styles.There were thirty one metal categories, ninety
three metal winning beers, sixty fivemetal winning breweries, fifty five judges,
and eighteen awesome volunteers. So that'spretty impressive. Nine hundred and fifty six

beers entered. Yeah, that's yeah, that's some variety. So I just
want to take a second because Iam broadcasting in the Houston That's where I
am studio s on the west sideof town, west side of Houston and
Katie and so I just want togive a little shout out to those Houston
brewers. Obviously I don't have enoughtime to give them. You know,

everybody bit I want you to announceevery single medal to every single brewery.
Go, I can't do that,but we have equal parts. We have
Walking Stick, Arica Heights, SatanaldBrewing Company, Great Heights, True Nominally
Brewing Company, which I'll talk abouthere in a seconds, our friends a
Texas leaguer, and am I notmissing? Is that it? Yeah?

I don't know you were there.Yeah, but I want to say congratulations.
Yeah, I'm looking at the listright here. Congratulations to a True
Nominally Brewing who picked up Brewer ofthe Year six hundred barrels plus for the
second time in a row. Yeah, they picked up four medals at the
text Crat Brewers Guild Board ceremony.But it was very exciting seeing all these

guys. They're they're hard work payingoff. Not on the list because obviously
not Houston, but a shout outto our friends over at Houndsong Brewing picked
up two picked up two one fortheir songs. Hound Song is one of
those unique breweries is I've not beento, but I have heard so many
good things about them, and they'reout in the middle Columbus of where Columbus,

Texas, which is where between Austinand Houston, So Austin and Houston
or San Antonio and Houston. Austinit could be Austin and Houston can be
San Antonio, just whichever. Thatwas right off I ten, kind of
yeah, kind off I ten.You take a little farm road off of
it for about a couple of milesin the old right, That was right.
That was my point is you takea farm road and it's out in

the middle of Columbus. Yeah,small square, it's, yeah, but
just a small little town. Hegot. They're making great beer. Yeah,
Hounsong got a medal for their AmericanI p A which is actually and
it was American I p A category, but it was New Zealand, India
palotl. So Travis the brewmaster wasthe kind of scratching his head on that

one, but he's happy to takewhat he got. And then they're double
box because you know, it isin fact double box season because we're in
Litton season, so we shouldn't drinkin the double box. But again,
right and before Lent ends, don'tforget those Octoberfest beers are gonna be rolling
out next right, I'm telling youthe summer beers are gonna be hitting those
shelves rather soon. But a coupleof stats I ran in. I saw

that there's two hundred and thirty nineoperating breweries that are a part of the
guild. Now that there's other breweriesthat are not a part of the Guild,
but there are two hundred thirty ninethere are. It's just gonna say
there's around three hundred breweries in thestate of I think, or maybe a
few more, but two hundred andthirty nine are in the Guild. And
then there's seventy breweries in planning.Seventy breweries in planning, which I thought

was rather interesting. Yeah, intimes where you've seen a lot of breweries
close, you're seeing a lot ofbreweries open as well. So I thought
that was a pretty rather interesting howthis is seventy brewers who are just tied
to the guild. So there mayeven be more than possibly more than that,
yeah, planning. And also somethingI learned from the is now breweries
are gravitating more tours flagship beers,and they once were five years yeah,

and they were brewing all these oneoffs so our flagship chocolate cake, pastry,
twinkled toad. People going more towardsparcole stout, no Pilsners and Colshes.
Oh nice. So a matter offact, they broke up the pilsner
category into two categories, forty entriesto the American International Pilsners thirty five injuries

and the German Pilsner category. Aboutthat seventy five. I like this.
I like this movement. So westarted off the show here drinking a couple
of true to style German beers.Now people are going back true to style.
I like it. It's a lot. I like it too. People
have turned you know there, theyhad their fun with their one offs and
all that, but now we wantto go back to the old styles that

we we've grown to love, likethe Colshes and the Pilsners and so forth.
Like that. So pretty interesting.Say congratulations to everybody that did medal
at the four tex Scrap Brewers GuildAward ceremony. A lot of great beer
served in a lot of great times, so shout out. I have a
theory on why people are going backto flagship beers because the way the market
has shifted, people are drinking lessbrewers are being forced to have to make

beers that are profitable, and flagshipbeers that you can make in volume without
a lot of expensive adjuncts are profitable. Oh I'm sorry. Shout out to
Center Avenue Brewing also medaled. Ohmy gosh, the mayor is gonna you
forgot The mayor forgot? All right, If I missed anymore, I'll bring

that up letter at the next hour. But coming up next hour, we're
gonna talk about boycotts that are goingon. No, there's strikes, strikes,
not boycotts or strikes, and uhcraft beer vending machines. And we're
gonna play a new game name thatsound. All this is so much more
coming up next hour, including holdmy beer and watch this. We'll be
right back, all right. We'regoing to eat healthy and start exercising today.
Oh look, beer, beer beer, what radio continues? Hold my

beer and watch this? Brought toyou by your friends at Ringing all the
ten taking insurance group located in GrandRapids, Michigan and Holland along the Lake
Shore RTI, Grand Rapids, RTIGrand Rapids dot Com. Alright, Hour

number two of What's on Tabrido startsright now coming up this hour, I
got lots going on, putting.Uh, some strikes going on. We've
got a strike in Fort Worth,Texas and a strike in Jacksonville. We
have craft beer vending machines. Imaginethat. Imagine a craft beer vending machine.

And by listener request, don't forgetwe're gonna talk homebrewing. We're gonna
talk about homebrewing. Also coming up, and we're gonna play a game called
name. That sounds all coming upthis hour. So don't you go anywhere.
Don't you go anywhere. However,if you do, got to tap
out. Hey, look man,I got my in laws coming over.
I can't listen to the show.You do not want to. The podcast

would be available for free anywhere podcastsare found, thanks to our good friends
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what's on tap radio. And whatI would suggest is find a platform you're
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we do all the work once theshow's uploading, go straight to your device.
You don't have to do anything osearching for it. It's there.
Nope. But however, if youdo want to see what we look like,
or what we're drinking, or whatwe're doing, where we're hanging out,
who we're hanging out with, maybeit's you go to our social media.
That's at What's on tap Radio,Facebook, x, TikTok, Instagram.
We're all over the place, andif you want to give us an

email, you can do. Sowhat's on tap radio at gmail dot com.
That's what's on tapway to at gmaildot com. Yeah. Now,
before we get into the hold mybeer and watch this. Yeah, our
glasses are empty again. I havetwo stunt beer livers with me helping out
tapping into this and to fire MarshallMatt's point, sometimes beer names can get
in the way. My brother inlaw sent me a text message. He

says, Hey, check out thesebeers and tell me what beers you want
brought to the show. And oneof them was called Royal Scam and the
other one was called good Talk,And so he thought he I was gonna
tell him what beer styles I wanted. Yeah, I said Royal Scam,
good Talk and he's like, whatdo you mean it's a scam, And
he was so pissed off. He'slike, what do you mean good talk?
Like like I was, he thoughtI was trying. I thought he

was trying to scam me and thentrying to get me to part with money
to buy beer and everything. I'mlike, yeah, yeah, good talk,
nice tripal And it's like, no, that's the name of the beer,
and that's what we're cracking open rightnow. So to tell us about
this beer style, I'm gonna crackit open, Tyson, tell us what
beer you made here? So thisis based off my mentor of brewing.

He told me every time I gotbut got too long with this storyball,
he go, good talk, goodtalk. So we made uh, we
made a gentleman's bet and said,whoever makes a better double back gets the
name. So here we are withgood talk double bocks. I like it.
That's a good that was by theway, that that story was not
too long, and so I likethat. I use that if I if

I'm talking to somebody and they don'trespond to me, I'll say good talk,
good talk. Yeah. Yeah,there's a guy in the beer business.
We can't say his name, butyou know who I'm talking about.
You you'll you'll sit there he'll askyou a question, you start answering to
him, answering him, and hejust just like drifted off and doesn't care
about your answer. You're like,then you just look at him, say
good talk, and he's like yeah. It was like never mind. By
there's a radio guy that I usedto work with who would do the same

thing. Hey, how's the kids, James, And I'll start answering the
next thing. You know, he'sjust like doing something else. I'm like,
oh, good talk, yep,good, Oh wow, that's good.
All right, I'm gonna crack herebeer here in a second, but
I do want to think this button, hold my beer and watch this brought
to you by the ringold of tenHacen Insurance Group, where they'll cover you

for just about everything except this.Hey, aren't you James Simpson? Aren't
you the show that does that?Hold my beer? And don't you do
that show with Chad who does thefun Facts? Yep? That's us man.
I like that show. What's What'son Tap? Yep? That's it?

I like that show. Can Iget a picture with you? You
can? I love it when thathappens. It happens a lot. Just
it is fun. It is fun. Yeah. So anyways, Bill harblighte
Bill on assignment this week. Butwhat I would do in this particular moment,
I would say, Hey, Bill, do you want to guess where
this took place? And then BillTyson's here we can ask him. Okay,

what state do you think this storytook place in? Florida? Ding?
Ding ding ding Ding' Get that manbed It's his first time on the
show and he got it right.All right, man wins himself on What's
on Tap Radio High five, Florida. Yeah, that in five bucks will
get you a cup of coffee.That in fourteen dollars will get you an

electric jellyfish at a hotel bar.It's quite price, okay, but they're
very good. A forty three yearold man in Florida got that right,
named Jonathan whitesides Well. He wasarrested after Drunkely drove up to his sheriff's
substation one Sunday. What's gonna beon Sunday? That's the day for Jesus.

He's a mechanic for a local schoolboard. Oh, I know,
he was a mechanic. He wasme. I know how this story ends,
let me fix it. He wasa mechanic for a local school board.
In all sense, this is sucha Florida story. It all started
when he was hauling in the airboat and it fell off his trailer right

in front of the station. Youcan't get more than that, Florida.
Yep. Some cops noticed that heappeared very intoxicated, but before they can
nab him, Jonathan left the scene, and then he later came back with
another man named James. Then thetwo men started arguing, and then the

cops came out and one debut.He tried to get James to calm down,
but then Jonathan took an aggressive stancetowards him, charged at him,
and started yelling in his face.Jonathan was arrested. Two breathweiser samples showed
that his breath alcohol content was threethree four and three seven. That's point

three three four and point three ohseven. That's way. That's like way
over the legal threshold of a pointzero eight is drunk. You can't get
or impaired. Impaired. You can'tget more Florida than this story. No,
so you're home might being to watchthis this week, my friends,

a super drunk Florida man was arrestedafter driving up to a police station and
confronting the cops. This has beenbrought to you by our friends. I
got a problem with you guys.Hey, your airboats back there in the
road of all the places your airboatcan fall off, right from a police
substation. And he's like, aren'tyou aren't you Jonathan Whitesize, the guy

who fixes all the school buses.Hey, by the way, yeah,
they'll still ensure the school bus,but they're not insuring this guy. Or
is what about his airboat? No, no ringing all the ten taking insurance
group out of West Michigan, giveeverybody John clunder a call for all your
commercial insurance. And uh yeah,he's a good guy. And he was
actually supposed to be here this week, but feeling a little under the weather.

But to hope he feels better.Rt I g R dot com point
three three four and point three ohseven. Goodness sakes alive? How is
he still alive? All right,that's been your home, my beer watching
it still to come. We're gonnatalk about these strikes going on in beer
vending machines, all this so muchmore. Hang with us. We'll be
right back. If you encounter winesnobs. Just take a full class of

wine and put it to your ear. Minds will be blown. This is
what's on tap radio. Take thisjob and shovey. I ain't working home
down to them. I so wishthe cameras were working on radio now,

Like, wait a minute, thatdoesn't work. But James out watching James
dance. It's kind of funny.It's a sight to see. It is
a sight to say. You don'tget out. Welcome back to what's on
tap of radio. Right now,we're gonna be talking about people who don't

want to brew beer anymore, atleast not for what they're paying them to
do. And coming up next segment, we're gonna talk to a guy who's
willing to brew beer for free.Now, how's that for a inian.
Yeah, he's a homebrewer. Imean, well, yeah, he'll do
it for free. But these guys, you know, I'm sure he would

like to sell his beer. Imean, I'm sure it'd be nice to
pocket some money. I know fora fact that he does not sell his
beer. So he is he isstrictly a hobbyist and enthusiast, and he
is definitely under the two hundred gallonsthat he's allowed to brew per year.
Yeah, you hear that, he'sdefinitely under that. Okay, we got

that disclaimer in all right, SoChad, I'm gonna wow. Yeah,
James needs to crack open a beerto support the beer industry, because if
he doesn't start drinking, then brewerieswill go out of business. But breweries
might go out of business anyway ifpeople don't show up to work. But
we're gonna talk about that after Jamestells us what he is drinking as we
sit back. And so it is. It is the month of February,

Black History Month, so I figuredit'd probably be appropriate to bring a Blackest
Beautiful beer to the show. Wehaven't had a Blackest Beautiful beer in a
long time. I didn't even knowthey were still doing it. They still
are. And I happen to bein New Orleans over the holiday break.
Remember I took a hiatus during themonth of January before Dry January, but
I was in New Work. Ilost all his friends I did. And

then if you're drinking non alcoholic beer, I'll see in February. That was
like the hot topic. When Iwas in Austin, people are like,
really, Andrew Mitcham, the mayor, right sit in Avenue Brewing. He
was like, really the whole month, I'm like, yeah, did you
feel any different? I was likeno, not really they did you have
more energy? No, never feltany difference. So you wasted your livers,

sucker. He's like, then why'dyou do it? So I can
see if I can do it?Because my doctor asked me once so like
she's like, could you quit drinking? I was like yeah, and so
I decided January I'm gonna do it, and I did. But now I'm
making good on all the beers thatI have with refrigerator. So I am
bringing a collaboration form three different breweries, Cajun Fire Brewing, Beltway Brewing,

and Black Viking Brewing, and theyall got together and brewed benyer stout wait
benyet. So if you're not fromif you don't know what a benner is,
it's basically an overpriced pastry that NewOrleans sells. It's a very It's
not over price like three bucks forI know, horrible very price at all.
I know, I'm kidding, Iknow, but it is. It's

a It's a staple in New Orleanscafe Begner is the DuMond Well Cafe well
cafe yeah, oh sorry, sorry, no, no, no, you're
right. Cafe Dumont is the staple. Sorry. Cafe Beigner is on Bourbon
Street, and that's the lesser knownof the two. But the cafe is
very, very good, though it'soff the actually Decatur cafe. They have

one off the Decatur. Yeah,I was just there. Cafe Beignet is
behind the Louis Armstrong statue on BourbonStreet. So all right, not considering
to argue, uh, I willfight you, okay, But this is
the black is beautiful the Beignet stouts, and it's only at seven point one
percent alcohol by volume. And thisis their pastry stouts, brewed with Beignet's

straight from New Orleans. And goto take a sip of this, m
hm oh, definitely gets some Madagascarvanilla beans on there, some caramel kind
of brings that a cream brulet ofquality to this stout. Delicately balanced,
bold chocolate notes, dark mault.Yeah, definitely easy drinking for stout season.

So this is the blackest beautiful Beignetstout seven point one percent alcohol by
volume, brewed with mo Bennet's andThis is a collaboration with Cajun Fire,
Black Viking, and Beltway Brewing Company. So the scary thing is, I've
never had anything from any one ofthose breweries. I've never looked at this

like I know nothing about them.So where did you score this beer?
I got this? It uh inNew Orleans. I forget where we picked
it up, but kind of goback. I haven't been there in a
hot minute. Look at this luxuriousOnyx Hugh right there. Look at that,
so the Onyx Hue. Okay,stop it, shut your cake hole,
shut your begnet hole. Transfer youto a quaint cafe in the French

Quarter. When you take a stipof this, Oh my gosh, you
are You're such a toy. Wegot to talk about some some strikes.
Talk about something that isn't pre writtenon the can or on the What you're
talking about, willis the website?Yeah you're sitting there. Yeah that,
And that's how a pro does it. My taste buds are that sophisticated that

they just put the English language andliterary poetry in my brain and I just
articulate the flavor profile. It's Vignet'sin a in a glass that's more like
it. There you go, allright, all right about the strikes.
All right, you want to startin fort Worth? Let me get that
queued up. Why don't you knowyou let's talk about Jacksonville and I'll talk

about all right, you talk,you talk fort Worth, I'm gonna talk
Jacksonville, all right. Molson CorsBrewery in Fort Worth, Texas. Uh,
yeah, they're quitting. They hadenough Teamsters Local nine ninety seven.
They hit the old picket line.Aaron fort Worth went out there and they
said they're looking for a new threeyear contract for the four hundred and twenty
workers who work at the brewery thereand now this brewery, Mulson Cores.

They're known for packaging tobo, chicos, paps, Yingling, and other major
beverages. Yeah, yingling. Yeknow, some of you were like,
wait a minute, Yingling. It'slike, yeah, when yingling came to
Texas, that's where they started brewingit. But the four and twenty members
of Local nine nine seven say theywant higher pay, healthcare and retirement benefits
with a new and improved contract,new and improved. They want a better

deal. All we're asking for isour fair share, and if you start
looking at the brewery profits. Yougotta remember Molson Cores they saw a huge
increase in sales when the boycott ofbud Light kicked in. Because we were
doing reports on this, and itwas almost exact. When bud Light sales

dropped ten percent, Molson Cores saleswent up ten percent. When bud Light
sales dropped twenty percent, Molson Coressales went up twenty percent. And it's
like, wait a minute, youguys are more profitable, You're selling more
and guess what, we just wantour fair share. So they're they're fighting
for a just cause, according toJeff Pruitt, who's a member of the

Teamsters, and uh yeah, they'rethey're gonna be on the picket line until
they get a new and improved contract. They want a three year deal for
more pair, more pay, andbetter benefits. Yeah. Now, the
question is is this going to interruptthe supply chain. Funny thing is statement
from Molton Courses we were anticipating this, so we just upped our production while

we're negotiating, so they knew thiswas coming. Apparently this happens kind of
every three years. Yes, butnow let's take a look not Miller.
Now anhyser Busch employees are rallying andJacksonville more than three hundred employees at Jacksonville
and hyser Busch Brewery are on theverge of striking, just like they are
in Fort Worth. The group helda rally at the plant in Jacksonville North

Side one Saturday, a mid astall contract negotiations. The union members are
giving the company another week and ahalf to come up with terms on a
new contract and if they don't getthey will be at the brewery, only
they won't be working, they'll bepicketing outside. And Jacksonville Teamster president Russell
Pain says negotiations with anhyser Busch startedoff well. No we fought hard and

we were able to get a tadagreement in the two tier healthcare and better
protections for our retirees and pre andpost sixty five retirement. Our proposal to
the company is is to maintain thecurrent headcount for full time employees across the
nation as of December twenty twenty three, and the company so far as not
willing to meet those demands or evenaddress those at the table. If the

company doesn't decide that they want togive us a contract, We're prepared to
walk out on the street, andunfortunately, these customers might have to go
somewhere else to get their beer.An hier Busch provided a statement and they
said, we are aware of theunion demonstration at our Jacksonville brewery, which
is common during labor negotiations, andtop of our priority remains securing a contract

that recognizes in rewards hard working employeesand prioritizes long term security for the best
jobs in the beer industry. Asa precautionary measure, we have robust continuity
plan in place to ensure we willcontinue bringing our industry leading brands to our
valued customers and consumers lost the country. The PR Department nailed it on that
press release. Anyway. You knowwhat, you know what they did forget

though, they forgot that Super BowlSunday. Year over year last year to
this year, bud Light sales downfifty percent. Maybe that's why they can't
afford the union contract. Interesting things. What will come out of this.
We'll keep you updated, but let'stake a break. Let's talk homebrewing.
We haven't discussed that in a while. I'm very excited to do that,
so What's on tap Radio? Hangwith us. We'll be right back here

in What's on tap Radio? Weknow two types of people, those you
drink with and those that make youdrink. Oh, your parents are coming
for the weekend. Either way we'redrinking. You don't get to hear this

often or not. I'm telling youwhat am I talking about? This song?
No, what's on tap radio?We're only on once a week for
only two hours. But this song'spretty good too. And welcome back.
Thanks for hanging out with us instudio with me, I've got stunk beer
livers to make sure that we canget through all of these beers that were
brought in. Now, if yougo out right now, you've been listening
and following along Wood Shop Brewery.You guys are looking it up, like,

man, where's this guy getting thesebeers? Turns out it's a little
brewery in Zealand, Michigan. Butyou're not gonna find it. You gotta
know a guy who knows a guy. And fortunately, my brother in law
he's an all right guy and heconnected us. So Jeremy said, you
got to meet this guy. Andhe brought me some of his beers and

I said, this guy knows whathe's doing. So hanging out in studio,
my brother in law, Jeremy andjust sit over there and keep drinking.
Okay, don't you do your part? And also hanging out with me?
Tyson? Am I saying it?Right? Is it? Quaker?
Quaker? All right? There?It is wood Shop Brewing Company, which

is h it's it's your brewery.It's your wood shop. What is this
thing? It all started out wasthe as a wood shop, and slowly
more and more beer was consumed,and next thing you know, we got
a brewery. Wait, right,so you're a homebrew so stop. You
got people not together though you weren'tdoing bandsaws and drinking. Oh you never
know? Oh okay, all right, so James got down that though we

how many days has it been sincewe've run the disclaimer? I don't want
to have to play it right now. I do not want to play the
disclaimer right now? Kids, Remember, okay, do all do all your
shovel saws and band saws first?Then yeah, that's right. Once you
blow all the sawdust away, thengo and open up a beer. But
you know, because if not,something could go terribly wrong. So with

that right now, we're gonna talkabout some of that. We're gonna talk
about the beers that we have andhow they got brought here and how you
got into this because I've been toldnobody home brews anymore, and yet you're
killing it. But before we do, since you seem to know what you're
doing, we want to test yourknowledge on something where James has a new
game that he wants to We've playedthis before, but it's been a long
time. Yeah, you know,every now and then, we've got to
try it again. It didn't stick, but hey, we'll try it again.

It's called name that sound. Sowhat I'll do is I'll play a
sound. You listen to it,and you've tried to identify what exactly is
that sound? All right, solet me go ahead play it and I'll
have to if I need to playit twice, I'll play it twice.
But here's the here's here's that sound. I think I might have to play

it one more time, so letme rewind a little bit. If you
can name that sound, identify thatsound, let us know what it is.
Here us play it one more time. Do you know what that sound
is? Homberer Tyson quaker a WoodchupBrewing Company. It's either a dude surfing

or it's a hopgeyser. It's mytwo guesses. Oh, hopgeyser. That's
a good guess. If you don'tknow what hopgeyser is, well here.
Yeah, when you drop in abunch of dry hops and next thing you
know, you got a guyser flowingout of the fermenter top. He's close,
he's close. So this sound lazyand gentlemen. That is video of

a brewer getting blasted by beer.It literally knocks him down like the Three
Stooges movie back just he got pulledlasted. There was a leak on this
fermentor and it shot out like afire hose and he went fly in.
Yeah, it happened in a placecalled Black Channel Brewing Company in Minnesota,

and the guy seems to twist somethingand then beer just blasts like a fire
hose like pressure and just out ofthe tank and the beer blast knocked him
several feet. Luckily, he's okay. But they were able to save most
of the beer in the tank,and they decided to call their new beer
blow Back India pale Ale. Ohso that's nice at least they were able
to save most of the beer,and uh he was okay, so huge

beer leak hits brewery worker like ashotgun blast. And that is this week's
name. That sound so not toofar off, not too far off?
He was, no, no,no, with the hop guyser. That
was a good guess. All right, all right, James, I'm gonna
playing I'm gonna play a new gamewith you. Okay, it's called name
that sound. All right, I'mjust gonna play this. I just played

that game. Oh all right,round two. Listen carefully, all right,
see if you can guess what thissound is bush. No, No,
it's a it's a it's a beerbeing cracked. It was not a
bush I just said that to befunny. It is not a bush beer.
It's a beer I was in acan. Please welcome to the show,

Tyson Quaker of wood Shop Brewing Company. Thanks for hanging out with us.
Man. All right, so youbrought all this beer in here,
so I want to thank you forhelping out with my beer budget this week.
But you brought this in. Bythe way, what did we just
crack open? This is Nila JoePorter? Whatna you just vanilla? Java?

Porter has already taken so Nila.So basically what he did is he
didn't want to spend the effort toput in the rest of the consonants and
vowels. Nilah. It's like thatguy in uh Georgia, what's that beer?
What's that beer? We got beer? We got you mean Miller?
No moo? All right, gotit? We can't afford the r all

right. Anyway, Uh Tyson isa home brewer in Zealand, Michigan.
And as I said before, mybrother let me try some of his beers
and I was like, there's nobodyhomebrewing anymore. Now. James got hit
up on the email from some ofour listeners and also in Austin about how
we used to do a big segmenton homebrewing. Yeah, they asked us

why we don't talk about homebring asmuch as we used to. We used
to do a whole thing about itfor like years. We had a big
sponsored to Valco's homeline of beer suppliers. Yeah, it's fun, it's a
good time. And the thing isis if you go research week over week,
and it is getting harder and harderto find stories about homebrewers. Meanwhile,

this guy just strolls in and orI strolled into his shop, his
wood shop, and he turned allthe power tools off because I was afraid
I was gonna start playing around.And he starts pouring us beer. And
the guy knows what he's doing.So the first thing I got to ask
is what's the bigger hobby? Isit wood shop or is it bruined beer?
And how'd you get into either?Well? I got into wood shop.

The wood shop was primary nearly myfirst hobby, and I kind of,
you know, you play around,you do a bunch of stuff,
you kind of get bored of hobbies, and next thing you know, I'm
brewing beer. And that became thenewest, biggest, best thing. So
now I'm homebrewing. It's kind ofthe bigger hobby right now. And without
getting too geeky, the home brewersout there, the people who have home
brewed, tell everybody what your brewlike, how big is your your system?

What type of equipment are you using? But don't get all geeky.
I get it, I get it. I got a ten gallon breuzilla and
I got a couple stainless steel conicles, and uh, I'll keep it simple
for that. So this is it. So, and this is more than
what a eight tap system. Okay, an eight tap system. We're gonna
talk about the bar here in asecond. And this is more than what
you find in your average kitchen.This is something that probably needs a little

more room. Yeah, I likea wood shop. Like a wood shop,
it piles up the tools. Nowdo you have to put tools away
to make room to brew? Ordoes each have their own dedicated space?
Oh, they got their dedicated spacenow, okay, in a corner,
stand their line. Drill press.Drill press. You have a drill press,
don't you? Okay, I knowall right, I knew it all

right talking about Tyson Quaker of witchUt Brewing Company in Zeeland, Michigan.
Know you're not going to be ableto buy his beers because he does not
have a license to do so.And as a homebrewer, you're limited to
exactly how many gallons of beer?Right for you? Because you're married,

so you have two? Right?Why? Death? Why Why isn't homebrewing
as popular as it used to be? It's a lot of work. He
doesn't want to he doesn't want togo ahead and disclose, you know,
throw anybody under the bus. Butwe were talking about this before, and
Okay, he's gonna throw me in. I'm gonna throw myself under the bus.
I said, I don't want todo it anymore. He's like,

didn't you homebrew? And I andI said, uh, I said yeah
I did. He said, whydidn't you do it anymore? Like it's
a lot of freaking work. Idon't want to do it. Man.
Commitment. Yeah, it's a timecommitment. I worked at that home shop
for two years. Man, Iknow how much work's involved, clean out
those tanks and constantly turning things.It's a commitment. And I commend you
for doing it. All right,So we've got just about a minute left

here before we go to break.But I want to ask you. You
said you got an eight tap system, so it is you constantly brewing?
How often are you brewing? Howmuch? I mean I try to brew
every week if I can. Imean, never know when the kegs are
empty, right, and never goingover two hundred. But this is the
thing I find most interesting. Youhave your own labels in your own cans,
and your own Crowler machine. Howdid you How did you get the

commitment from your wife to let yougo and do that. I don't know
that. To be honest with you, you just married a good woman.
Yeah, she probably doesn't know,Chad. She probably hasn't told her,
so thanks for doing that. Damnit, Chad. Actually she doesn't hear
this episode. You're right. Whatshe probably what he probably did is he
probably said, hey, honey,I'm gonna put all my beer and growlers

if you don't let me do this. And how do you feel about growlers?
I hate them? Why growlers?They? You got a crack open
a growler? You got four pors. You gotta hope you have friends over
that want to drink the same beer. Hate them. You know, homebrewing
is not dead. I had theexact same conversation with somebody over the weekend.
I'm glad you mentioned that. Yeah, you have to have somebody who
wants to share it. And ifsomebody doesn't like it, then now you're

stuck drinking it. I hope youdo like it, all right. So
Tyson Quaker of Woodshot Brewing Company,the guy who has his own crawler machine,
if you can find him, maybeyou can get a beer out of
it. It's kind of like theA team. If you need beer and
you can find him. Maybe youtwo can have Woodshop Brewing Company. All
right, we got one more segmentof What's on Tap Radio coming up,
and we come back. Beer vendingmachines and why does Tennessee hate cold beer?

We'll tell you this on the lasttime. But What's on Tap Radio?
We'll be right back. If you'rebuying yourself drinking a beer and listening
to the show, you're not drinkingalone, So be a pal and put
your pants back on What's on tap? What's on tach? This is what's
on tap reaty, we don't thankour friends at Tantrik Brewing Company, located

Alligan, Michigan, right there onthe Kalamazoo River. Beautiful sites, beautiful
beer, beautiful food and uh yeah, you see the beer logic guy in
there hanging out. Stop by geta free What's on Tap Radio? High
five? Great beer, great times, great food. Located an Alligan,
Michigan, Tantrik Brewing Company. Allright, last segment of What's on Tap

Radio for this week only. We'llbe back next week, but for this
week, we got to make aroom for the next show that comes on
after us. With this last segmentof What's on Tap Radio? Is brought
to you by our good friends TaticBrewing Company and Chat's Neck of the Woods.
That's right downtown Alligan, Michigan backopen for business. I know it
was like, what did they closethe whole city in a way they did

construction shut everything down, made thingsdifficult. But I'll tell you what downtown
Alegan is booming by go in.Tell them what's on tap? Radio setting
you to go in there. Twentyfour beers on tap, They've got cider,
they've got wine, and they havea full kitchen. So get your
grub, get your beer, andget a nice view with the Kalamazoo River
right there on the waterfront. TantrikBrewing Company Tantrik Brewing Company dot com.

You can't see me right now,this is radio. I'm doing air guitar,
playing myer guitar, playing my aericguitar. There you go. Because
one of the things breweries really tryto do nowadays is they try to different
events in their tap rooms to getpeople in. You know, maybe they'll
do a trivia nights, or they'lldo a food beer pairing, music bingo

music, Bingo's Hot. I mean, they do all sorts of things.
But there's this craft Brewery, NewZealand. They're going somewhere with this.
Never heard anything like this before.And New Zealand craft Brewery has an invented
a device that awards free beer ifit deems a guitar skills are good enough.
So the brewer is called Panhead CustomerAles and they're based in Wellington,

New Zealand. Not sure, butI'm pretty sure it's nice this time of
year. And has called a custommade vending machine called Slay to Pay,
and it uses AI fingerprinting technology torate guitarist ability. And this is a
quote. It says it's essentially asouped up guitar Hero for adults. Panhead
custom Ales head and brand and creativeRebecca Sinclair said, as far as we

know, this is a first ofits kind machine with some pretty cool new
tech. That's best kind of rewardthose willing to give it a go.
And the machine is perfect combination ofa couple of our favorite things, cold
beer, really loud music. Sinclairadded. We gave its first run and
the Panhead Rolling Stone Music Awards andit turned out being pretty ruthless. It

rejected some of the best guitarists inthe country. Can you imagine, like,
you know, some of these amazingguitars going in there, like say
like Prince was still a live Princevilleyeah, or Eric Clapton. I was
just say Eric Clapton, Eddie vanHalen going up there and it's like,
hey, I can I can geta free beer out of this vending machine.

I'm just gonna show my skills Andnow all of a sudden it's like
sorry, play again, Like whoarejected? Yeah, there's this craft beer
vending machine dispenses free beer to talentedguitars, but you have to prove to
this AI that you have the skillsto get that free beer. Now here's
the question I have though, becausethe AI machine can test your skills,

but it doesn't check ID. Sowhat if there's some sixteen year old kid
in Australia who's pissed off at hismom and locked in his room and all
he did was play guitar like aprodigy. He snuck out the window,
goes to the bar and he stepsup to the machine, just thrashes some
licks on his six string and they'relike, dude, you can play and
boom outspits a beer and they're likewhoa, whoa, whoa, you're only

six? Have you seen these kidson like Instagram and TikTok, Like these
prodigies are like four or five yearsold. They're just banging on a drum
kit. Or I saw a fiveyear old playing Rush songs playing drums like
Neil Peart. I couldn't believe it. Yeah, I'm not sure where the
drink beer not an alcoholic of course, I'm not sure it's legal. I'm

not sure what the drinking age isin New Zealand, but I'm sure there's
some rules that apply. But yeah, yeah, probably AI technology can rate
how good your guitar skills are,and if it deems well they're good enough
for a free beer, well you'rea rock god, I guess in this
this pub. So I thought thatwas pretty cool. Like I said,
breweries are trying to do with allthey can to get people in. I

would come in just to watch peopletry to get free beer. Oh yeah,
that would be pretty cool because you'reall sitting around nobody knows how to
play guitar, but you're watching thisguy play and they start cheering and like
go go co co co go,and all of a sudden, the beer
spits out. They're like, yeah, it's like the sixteenth hole at the
waste Management Phoenix open, except youyou actually get in and don't get kicked
out, and they don't shut downthe beer sales. And then some guy

comes in thrashes and the AI goesand you're like, oh, come on,
boo, I can see that happening. That would be fun, that
would be fun. But there yougo. I like this technology. I
hope we'll see this technology come ourstate side. All right, speaking of
fun, let's talk about stealing it. Yeah, boo, let's end the

show on a low note. InTennessee. In Tennessee, that's right where
they definitely don't drink any alcohol whatsoever. Two Republican lawmakers have introduced a bill
trying to prevent the sale of coldbeer. They hate cold beer, cold

beer, cold beer. Not here, Joe the beer guy, cold beer.
Oh yeah, here's a guy that'sbeen on the show. Yep,
all right. Bill sponsored by RepublicanSenators Paul Rose and Ron Grant. Now
it's pretty funny because the Democrats saidit's funny these two senators. Every time
there's a gun, a shooting event, mass shooting event, they say it's

not the gun, it's the shooter, and yet they want to go after
the beer because it's cold. Iwas like, well, kind of hard
to argue that logic. They kindof got this one wrong in my opinion.
But basically what they need is theybelieve that we need another law to
prohibit or help reduce the risk ofdrunk driving. That's what the goal of

this bill is, to curb drunkdriving and deadly crashes where alcohol is involved.
They're saying it's just too darn easyfor people to get behind the wheel
of a car after drinking a coldbeer, but if the beer was warm,
they would be less inclined to doso. Well, just so happens
that one of the representatives involved wasinvolved in a twenty twenty two car accident,

and this prompted him to want topush this forward. Now, there
are three parts of this bill,and this is this is kind of insane
as far as I'm concerned. Imean, this is this is really bad.
The first part of the law isto ban all cold beer sales from
convenience stores and stores so that youhave to actually take your beer home and

chill it. And Representative Grant saysis it such an inconvenience to only buy
room temperature beer, my goodness,and knowing that you're doing that, you're
stopping bad actors from having easy accessto cold beer because you know that's going
to stop drunk driving. Ban ofroadies. Yeah, ban, I'm roadies.
That's right, because the one thingyou definitely can't do is buy ice

in a bottle of water and astyrofoam cool I'm not telling you how to
do this, folks, I'm justsaying bad actors are still going to find
a stage. Okay, they're goingto do it. The second part of
the bill is going to Now thisis crazy. They're going to restrict the
number of drinks at a bar orrestaurant unless you have a designated driver with

you. How do they prove that? How do you gonna enforce it?
I could see some club just bump, just packed, and people were just
lining up, line up. It'slike, okay, is this your Is
this your second or third drink?Or cause I gotta cut you off after
this, Like but I got adesignated driver? Oh sure, but where?
Sorry? I don't know how theydo that. And then the third
part of this is that they wantthe local ABC, the Alcoholic Beverage Commission

to investigate all drunk driving accidents sothey can trace the consumption of the alcohol
back to the establishment that sold them. Oh my god. Remember during COVID
they had that. Wow, theywere tracing like where people were getting COVID.
So if they got they went toa party, you had to write
down your name and your phone numberwhen you came in, and so that

way they could trace you. Andthen if somebody got COVID in there,
they could call you and oh,somebody out the reds COVID isolate yourself like
whatever, wow, wow. Anyway, Well, I They've got two things
to report updates on this story.One New York has followed suit and they
are considering a similar bill. Andan update on this bill, the representatives

who brought it forward now shelving itto tone down the language because the backlash
has been so severe, like wedon't hate cold beer, and like,
yes, you do. You hatecold beer and you hate everything about beer
and like, well, okay,So they realize they got a little emotional
and overstep their bounds. They're shelvingit to re write it. But Tennessee

representatives Republican representatives wanting to kill coldbeer due to a twenty twenty two drunk
driving accident. Probably that bill onhold. Apparably, it's already a law
in Indiana. It's wild stuff,all right. We I've got to get
out of here. We are beingtold we have to say goodbye before we
do, so, let's thank ouradvertisers, our sponsors out a loudstand,
the radio, that being Tantric Brewing, Superior Past Control, Beio Logic,

Conference and Events. Wean all theTenaca Insurance Group, the Backyard Grill keeping
the lights on, the episode workand Harbie Brewing and of course sponsoring our
podcast Fast Branding or Mister Beard LogicChap. He will be my Brugrew Jameson
saying, hey, thank you forchecking out what's on Taprio. We hope
you enjoyed it and we will hopeyou joined us for another action back rido
show next week. We'll see youthen, folks. Cheers
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