All Episodes

February 27, 2024 81 mins
On tap this week: An out of control crowd causes Waste Management Golf Tournament to cut-off selling beer, Taylor Swift had a good time at the Super Bowl, The most popular Super Bowl beers, Trump urges US beer drinkers to return to Bud Light,‘Woke-free’ beer CEO responds to Trump defending Bud Light, You can now sip on cans of "Gin and Juice" from Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg, A teen threw a party, and other kids intentionally trashed the place to get her in trouble, Former Boston Beer employees launch new beer.. Hero95, Special guest Joe Cruz stops by the show to talk about his new role as ‘Chief Pizza & Beer Officer’ of Caseys. All this and sooooo much more. Enjoy the show!!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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This What's on Tap Radio podcast isbrought to you by Cast Branding. I
remember of the Texas craft Brewers Guild. Cast Branding has been supplying breweries,
distilleries and wineries with top quality merchandisesince twenty thirteen. If you're looking for
a way to promote and grow yourbrand, check out Cast Branding on Facebook,
Instagram, and online at Cast Brandingdot com, Cast Branding dot com,
Cast Brandy dot com. Enjoy theshow. This is about to be

good radio. Oh yeah. Tome, a craft brewer is much more
of a mindset. We just openedtwo camps, spread the gospel of good
beer, good beer. Tons andtons of stuff going on in the beer
world. I love Kraft Beer.I love different people's beers. It's the
first favorite. Cheers two old USbeer geeks and those new to the craft.

What's on Tap? High five?Who? This is What's on Tap
Radio Beer and the culture that flowswith it. Kears, Beer Guru James
Simpson and Beer Logics Chadpilbean O chat. I wanted to start the show off
with some horns. This is whatwe're gonna do this week. Yeah,

no classic rock, just classic music. Well, maybe sprinkle a classic rock
later. No, you won't.You've already declared gihat on it. It's
like a holy war for you.No classic rock every place. Watch every
now and then I go through thisphase. We're like, I'm I'm done
with the little classic rock. Buthey, we'll maybe change our minds late
on the show. But welcome tothe show. I'm James. That's Chad.

Welcome to What's on Tap Radio.We're gonna bicker for the next two
hours about whether or not we're gonnaplay classic rock. No we're not.
We're gonna bicker whether or not we'regonna drink beer. Oh wait, Although
I did get an email from alistener the other day who said we have
great bumper music. So thank youfor those that have chimed in for their
comments. But welcome to the show. I'm James. The content of the
show questionable, but your bump musicis on. Boys. I'm telling you,

we've got a good producers. Butfor the next two hours, we're
gonna entertain you. Guys. Iwould say normally that we will take you
away from the world, the politicsand you know, the doom of gloom.
But I'm looking at the one sheetand there's definitely some politics in the
news. There's some chaos out therein the world that we got to talk
about weird things happening in the worldof beer this week. That's what Chad
said in the in the in theproduction meeting, is like, this is

a very weird one sheet full ofweird stories. It's weird stories all we
When we were pregaming earlier a couplehours ago, I was going through the
list with you and I was like, do you realize how many weird stories
we have? We have quite quitethe weird stories, but we'll fill you
in later. But what's important iswe're here with you, so it's time
for you to have a beer withus. And that's what we do.

We have a beer with you,guys. And before we get underway,
we got to do some housekeeping becausewithout these wonderful advertisers and sponsors, our
partners in crime, that's what wecall them, we wouldn't be here.
And let's give a little special shoutout to all of those that being Tantric
Brewing, Superior Pest Control. Bythe way, look at the one sheet.
Yeah, a lot of great storiesthat Superior Pest Control center way be

a logic conference and events. Weknow, the Tenak and Insurance Group,
the Backyard Grill, Uh yeah,nice, and brighten my studio thanks to
our good friends over at Harbor LightBrewing and of course sponsoring our podcast cast
Branding Cast, Brandingcast branding dot com. So you know you mentioned them as
being partners in crime. The realityis is when they sign that sponsorship agreement,
there's an indemnification clause in there.I know it's a big word,

but we haven't opened a beer yet. I can use that, and it
basically means that, uh yeah,they're not they're not liable for anything.
In fact, they can just youknow, they can say, hey,
that's not us, man. Wejust wrote a check man, and we
just like those guys. So ifwe say something stupid, that's all which
is bound to happen. But yeah, it happens every episode. In fact,
it's been a while since we runthe disclaimer. We may have to
run it today, depends. I'mnot sure I have a number right here

this. It has been eight showssince we've had to use the disclaimer.
I don't I want to put achalkboard since we've had an injury. All
right, Well that's uh, wewant to thank all those wonderful sponsors for
making this happen. Thank you somuch. This now is time to crack
open a beer or whatever it isyou're drinking, by the way, I
wonder do or let's wait until weopen a beer. I don't think so
those rules, don't they're drinking beforethey have but we wait, Yeah,

there rules. I definitely was notat Tantric Brewing Company earlier before the show
started. I definitely wasn't there havinga pint, and I definitely didn't have
something to drink before the MIC's gothot here in the studio here. But
this is brought to the table,brought to you by your friends at the
Backyard Grill on the northwest side ofHouston, home of over one hundred different

beers and over one hundred different menuitems. Get out there. I know
what you're thinking right now. Ifyou're living in the South, when's crawfish
season gonna start? It's a weird, weird season mantea soon, and it's
gonna be very pricey. It's goingto be really expensive. But that's not
why we're talking about that. We'retalking about the fact that they have great
food over there. Get over thereand check them out. And this is
when James brings a beer and Ibring a beer and we crack it open.

James, you want to go first? You want me to? Why
don't you go ahead and take thelead? I did it the last couple
of weeks, So why don't yougo ahead and take the lead on this?
All right in studio with me.I've turned the light on and Harbor
Light Bill is out on assignment.And so apparently we've got some listeners out
there who send in their applications.We reviewed it, we interviewed them and

check out we have. We gottheir soil security number and we checked it
out. And Adam, who's alistener of the show, Adams, he
hit the first name drop of theshow. There you go. Adam gets
in and uh, he's a schoolteacher and he said, I want to
be a stunt beer liver. Andthen he said, oh wait, I'm
allergic to beer. I can onlydrink cider. I'm like, that doesn't
help me. So he brought anotherteacher along with and so Erica, another

school teacher is here. They lotschool teachers on the show. It's almost
like there's a break or something.Chad, I know that I'm gonna be
grated on my fun fact. Igot teachers in the room, all right.
I just cracked open something so thatone of our stunt beer livers or

cider liver can hold up here.I have from Virtue Cider in Fennville,
Michigan, the Michigan cherry hard cider. This is a five percent ABV cherry
cider. And uh, I knowone of the individuals in this room is
going to be particularly fun of it, but I'm gonna go ahead and get
a little. Actually, I don'tknow why, but I still smell apples.

Maybe it's because the word cider isstill in it, but I still
smell apples. The mental thing maybeit's a combination of apple and wow,
it is a combination. I gotAdam over there. He's correcting my work
already. He's like, I knowthis sider. It has cherries and apple
in it, bright, refreshing,not too tart, but it is dry

and that's what I like about it. So that's what I brought to the
table, and the Michigan cherry ciderfrom Virtue. James, what do you
kept cracking open before we go tobreak? All right? So I had
a beer with my good friend,our good friend, mister Brian Holsen this
past weekend, and name drop,he brought over a beer that our buddy
Josh alday all. I can't neversay his name right, sorry, Josh.

Formerly, I have no label nowto car Bock, making great things
happen over our car Bock. ButJosh gifted this beer to Brian, and
then Brian gifted this beer to me. So this is like a like a
third hand beer, right well,Josh gave him a Brian a few of
them. So I am bringing thisis the arca Indian style premium lagger with
specialty malt and rice. I don'tknow anything about this beer. I don't

I've never even seen that label orbrand before. What is it? I
have no idea, but I'm justgonna yeah, it's Indian Tale lagger,
so it's not from Indiana. Idon't know. When I taste it,
I'll be able to tell you everythingabout it. Is it Indian or Native
American? It says India. I'mmy beer, Okay, all right,
I'm just being nice Golden collar.Oh yeah, that's yeah, very Chris.

All right, I'm gonna sit onthat for a second because I can
see you. You got a confusedlook. This is brought to the table
sponsored by our good friends over atthe Backyard Girl, where Chat kicked it
off with the Yeah Virtue Cider,Cherry Michigan Cherry Sider, the hard Cider
five percent ABV and I brought thearca India style premium logger, which I'll
talk more about coming up in thenext segment. But on Tap this week

weird stories including Donald Trump, wegot the woke free beer, Taylor Swift
has had a good time at theSuper Bowl, and golf They're getting out
of control at golf tournaments. We'llexplain all this and so much more coming
up on today's edition of What's onTap Radio, So hang with us.
We'll be right back. Hey,stop trying to make everybody happy. You're

not beer. You've got What's onTap Radio? Jane Chad talking about here
at the time when every tap andevery bar served the same mass produced light
logger. The it's craft beer barswho were the earliest proving ground for the
beer revolution. For over two decades, The Backyard Girl has been supporting the
community of brewers and beer drinkers.Is one of the original craft beer bars

in northwest Houston to introduce guests toWest Coast IPAs, stouts and amber ales.
Today, The Backyard Girl is overto over one hundred from beers with
an amazing tapall with everything from classicbeer styles that respect tradition to radically experimental
fruited sours, hazy IPAs, andbarrel age stouts. And yes, they
have your favorite mass produced lightloggers too. Located on the corner of Weston Jones

Road, head out on Highway toninety or go online to the Backyard Girl
dot com and be sure to downloadthe The Backyard Girl app on your phone
to make online ordering from your deviceeven easier. The craft Beer Bar is
a pioneer for the craft beer revolution, and The Backyard Girl is a the
craft beer bar you need to checkout in Houston. Cheers all right,

welcome back. Got Snoop dogg Inuh doctor Drein in the news this week
on today's What's on Tap ratey,I told you a whole bunch of odd
stories. Golf people are getting outof control on golf at golf tournaments,
and we're guys got a story comingup about that. We've got to interview
coming up next hour. I'm told, yeah, that's a This is exciting

because for three weeks I've been tryingto pitch this story and everybody's like no,
no, no, no. Andthen all of a sudden, the
story is that we we've done thisstory like this one hundred times and there's
just never a follow up. Andso I was like, look, I'm
not gonna do a story that there'snot a follow up. And lo and
behold, there's a follow up.So I was like, Okay, I

guess we'll do the story now.Yeah, but yeah, we got that
coming up next hour. Hopefully itcomes through. You know, they never
know, We never know. Theydon't call a fire and a producer.
We're firing a call screener. SometimesI don't call, so you know,
we just gotta you know, awayfrom the call in if they don't call
in, and unless they call inat the wrong time, and then you

hang up on them like you didJames Watt from brew DOGG. That happened
and then you and then on Twitterthey never talked to you again. He
blocked you Twitter and he did.He got very upset about it. And
it was just an arogy. Itwas just an accident. I accidentally hung
off on it. Not an accident. You're talking to Julia Hurts from the
Brewers Association. We had two interviewslined up and he called in early and
you hung up on him, like, no, we're not taking your call.

Now you're called in an hour early, callback late out chat's hollywooding up
the story. I did not.I don't think so. I accidentally I've
meant to put him on hold andI meant to, And who cares.
I'm not trying to bring up Ifeel like Patrick Fujit in almost famous.
I was there. I was thereand I saw it. All right,
Let's we set these beers that webrought the table before we kick it off.

We do the official What's on Tabriofun Factor of the week. Oh
I'm gonna take a beating on thisone because normally we kick off with a
beer and I kicked off with acider. And doesn't matter. We can
do siders, you can do Seltzer's. I mean it's twenty twenty four.
You can do whatever you want.Boo. That's right, I'm telling you.
Accordingly was the TTV. That's technicallyall beer, you know what I

mean? Anything's beer now, Imean doesn't matter. You can put a
pizza pie in it with a scoopof Sherbert. That's a beer. It
is as long as you can andlabel it properly. You can ease whatever
bathroom mill wants to use. Chadall right. Virtue Michigan cherry cider,
delicious cider of apples and cherry notes. I think it's got a great balance.
It's got a great nose of apple, but when you taste it,

the cherry really comes through. Dry, not too tart at all, very
refreshing and Erica. Stunt beer.I got two stunt well, one stunt
beer liver, one stunt cider liverin studio. Still stunt liver. Yeah,
stunt livers. There we go,stunt livers. They're gonna help me
out. So we're gonna get througha few beers today and a few siders.

So we're gonna open some more ciderand beer. But that's what I
brought to the table. And Jamesa beer that we're not familiar with.
I've never had it, never evenheard of it. But this was given
to the brewery from our buddy,Josh. You gave it to our buddy
Brian Holsen. Brian Holsen came overlast week. It has a few beers
with me and yeah, this isthe India style premium logger with specialty malt

and right arca. And I'm gonnago and take a sip of this and
I will tell you exactly what Itaste. Oh okay, let's see what
you pick up with. James hasan amazing palette folks. Well, I
have the What's on Tap radio castbranding water glass w O t R and
allow. It picks up a lotof aromas and uh, it's very well
balanced. Chris finished with the notesof rice and multi taste, slight caramel

and orange grapefu aroma. Yeah.Also, in the language of ancient India,
arca actually means sun and energy offlash of lightning, inspired by strength
and culture and nature combined. That'sall I get from this. With every
sip, you all of a suddenbecome an expert on Indian history and culture.
I could tell that Arca created abold, refreshing and a balanced beer.

So I'm just gonna sit back,relax and enjoy the sun. And
kids. Just remember that's how chatGTP works, all right, So you
can you can describe any beer andthis comes to you at four point three
percent alcohol by volume, and uh, oh, I know it's not four
point three percent alcoholed by volume.I apologize. I lied. It is

four point eight percent, so sorry. Four point eight Oh yeah, so
your palett's a little off. Youthought it was four to three. But
when you check the notes, theliner notes, you realize that your palette
was a little fatigued. Oh I'mgetting told this is brewed by a beta
brewing company. It doesn't even saya beta anywhere on the on the bottle.
No, but it's got the stubbybottle. I guess. But I
mean lots of breweries use the stubbies. But that's the shorties. They're not

stubbies. But yeah, Beata Brewingout of what is it bat not Baton
Rouge, just a north of thetrain, north of New Orleans. Yes,
uh yeah, I've been to thebrewer before. A very nice brewery.
Yeah, it's a very nice brewery. And when you take the tour,
they let you pour your own beer. Oh I don't remember that.
There's a fun fact. That's yourofficial What's on Tap Radio fun fact of
the week. Thank you, misterproducer for telling me. See that's why

we have good producers. Any stylelogger, premium lagger that is from a
beta brewing company, premium. Ifit says premium, then you know it.
Yeah, is we're gonna do this, Do this now now. The
official What's on Tap Radio Fun Factto the Week, brought to you by
Who's ever check clear this week?Okay, Chad, tell them what premium
means when you see it on abottle. Anytime you see premium on a

beer label, it isn't they're they'rethey're overcompensating. Sorry, it's not my
favorite beer. It's it's decent,but it's it's okay. Go look at
any beer that says premium on itand immediately you start downgrading it it.
Just just do it, Just downgradeit in your style premium water. Okay,

Okay, I give it a whirl. It's it's decent, you know.
Yeah. You don't want to upsetyour friends who give you free beer.
I mean, I'd finish it.There's a bonus What's on TEP Radio
Fun Fact of the Week. Anytimeyour friends bring you free beer, don't
dog it, because then they'll stopbringing you free beer. You notice that
the whole month of January. Ididn't get a phone call. Oh that
was so funny, since I wasgoing dry all right. Anyway, you

know what, James, Maybe itwasn't that they went dry for January.
Maybe they finally read the Surgeon Generalwarning on the side of the label and
decided to stop drinking beer. Becausethat's worked throughout history. Listen, we
all know this. You cannot legislatemorality, at least not through alcohol or

tobacco, because we know for afact that when they took Joe Cammel off
the pack, the kids suddenly stoppedsmoking. No, they didn't. It
just didn't happen. You increase thewarning size on the labels and on the
packs and everything else, and nobody, nobody just wakes up and all of
a sudden he goes, oh mygoodness, the Surgeon General. He's a
really smart guy, and he says, this is really bad for me.
I think I'm gonna stop. Itdoesn't happen. It just does not work

like that. I'm gonna think I'mgonna take up kill chips and rice cakes.
No, it just it doesn't worklike that. People are going to
find a way to get their beerone way or another, and if you
don't believe me, I give youPruno. And if you don't know what
pruno is, bonus fun fact.That's right, all these land yaps extra
value being added into the fun facthere. But I mean, there is
no access to home Bruce applies inprison and you're not allowed to have alcohol,

and yet they somehow find a wayto make prison wine out of toilet
water. I don't know how theydo it. I don't want to know
how they do it. But peopleare going to find a way to do
it. And I'm just gonna tellyou just it's one of those weird things
that no matter how hard you tryto get people to stop drinking, they
don't do it. The teetotaling movementdidn't work. Prohibition didn't work, The

Gin Act didn't work, The brewHouse didn't Act didn't work. We've talked
about these on What's on Tap Radioand previous What's on Tap Radio fun Facts
of the Week. But you cannotlegislate drunkenness. People are gonna get drunk
whether or not you care. Butthere was one time in history when the
act of getting drunk was discouraged througha different form. They they've tried legislation

laws. It didn't work. They'vetried economics. Listen, poor people,
poor people. It doesn't matter.They're just gonna get poor if you raise
the taxes. Okay, they're goingto find a way to get drunk.
They're just going to do it.By the way, Well to do my
ted talk, but I want togo ahead and say there's another way that
getting drunk was discouraged, and thathappened in seventeen fifty one, and it

was when artist William Hogart he drewthe art pieces Beer Street and Gin Lane.
People in the United Kingdom were gettingso drunk on gin that the only
way to get them to try andsober up was to drink beer. And
so he created two prints where beerwas the hero and gin was the villain.
And Beer Street showed economic prosperity,people happy people drinking pints of beer,

people loving each other and having agreat time, and well, Gin
Lane not so much. Babies weredying in the street, people drunken mothers
were falling over, people were beatingcats. It was a very morbid,
twisted time. So your official WATSon Tap Radio fun fact of the Week
is that you cannot legislate people tostop getting drunk. And even if you

try and use art to do it, as it was done in seventeen fifty
one with artist William Hogarth using theBeer Street and Gin Lane art pieces,
it did not happen. And that'syour official What's on Tap Radio fun fact
of the week. That is interesting. How about that moonshine? That's that's
another one. All right, legislatedrunken sobriety through art. Yeah, who
knew? Told you learn something?All right, let's take a break,

come back and U let's dive intothese weird stories we got on tap.
But hey, just because they're weirddoesn't mean they're not worth listening to.
I guarantee you're gonna learn something,you're gonna like it. Plus you're drinking
beer with us. It's a winwin. All right, we'll be right
back. If you encounter wine snobs, just take a full class of wine
and put it to your ear.Mines will be blown. This is What's

on Tap Radio. I just gota wild story sent to me from our
good friends over at Superior Pest Control. Wholely cows all I gotta say about

that. I would be knocking someheads before I get into the story.
I know Chad's out of beer,and I gotta stunt beer. I have
stunt livers plural hanging out in studioAlegan, Michigan, the Beer Logic World
headquarters and drinking Emporium. I've gota couple of school teachers, Adam Erica.

They decided to They saw they lookeddown the road. They like,
where's that where's that bright light comingfrom? And they saw the beer neons
in the barn and heard some beerscracking open. They're like, hey,
can we help? Like, yep, they brought new Harbor light and brewing
Bill was on assignment this week.Yeah, he's gone, he's out.
Yep. But we've got empty glasses. And since Adam can't drink beer,

Eric and I were gonna do thehonors. This is a beer that we
haven't brought to the show in along time, and it's a beer that
I fell in love with the firsttime I had it. Lagaanit is ipa
from well, it's actually from Chicago. That's the weird thing is like,
wait a minute, isn't that abeer from California? Yeah, until Heineken
bottom for a billion dollars. No, they really did. It was two

purchases of five hundred million each,so they bought it for a billion dollars.
But this one, here, thisone cracks me up because on the
side of the can it says herenow brewed in Pataluma or Chicago and beyond.
Yet somehow this particular can found itsway into your reality at this very
moment. WHOA life's uncertain, don'tsip Yeah, we're gonna chug this one.

No or not, we're gonna sipit. But this next story that
we have coming up, By theway, this is a beautiful West Coast
ipa six point two percent ABV,highly balanced and super drinkable. I don't
think that's false advertising. I'm fairlycertain that ever, everything they just wrote
about one percent accurate. Notice itdoesn't say premium on the can. You
know why because it is premium.Well, I'm still drinking the arca India

style premium logger from a beta brewingcompany. Yeah, you're taking you don't
have the stunt livers in here.And by the way, Adam just cracked
up in another sider, so we'rewe're doing our part. I enjoyed the
loginis in a I p A.The na pa, that's what it's called.
It was good. Jad just fellout of his chair. This is
so this is so refreshing and delicious, and I mean it's got floral hops

and bitterness. And it's not thatit doesn't taste like grapefruit juice. That's
what I love about it. It'sjust it's a little bit piny and resiny
and just it finishes so clean andjust dry and crisp and just the right
amount of bitterness. It's not it'snot angry. It's drinkable, crushable,
just like it says on the canI love it. This story is so

wild. I'm sorry, Schea.I'm reading the story that superior p I
know, I know, okay,well can I talk about Can I talk
about chuck and beer? Yeah?But oh my god, I don't even
know what I would do if Iwas this poor mother. Collect your thoughts,
collect your or do you want totalk about that? Yeah, let
me do this. You better go, you better go. Let me do
the story, because yeah, thiscame across the desk like five minutes ago,

and I'm reading it as a Chadwas talking about this log and edis
ipa and I am just I'm myblood's boiling for this, mom. So,
did you ever throw a wild partyat your parents' house when you were
in high school? No? Iwas afraid my dad would kill me.
Se same I never, Well,I didn't. I didn't throw parties because
A I didn't want people at myhouse and B I don't want them trashing

my house. And then yeah,my parents would, Yeah, my parents
would. I saw sixteen candles andmy parents were never that cool. Yeah.
But you know, if you throwa party and it goes wild enough
to go on the local news,oo, boy man, some heads will
be ringing. So at TV stationin Cincinnati, just talked to a mom.
Her name's Bridget Strahan. Does sheknow us? I don't know.

I bet I really feel for her. Her kid threw a party in it
got way and I mean way,way out of hand. So while she
was out of town last weekend,her eighteen year old daughter threw a rager
and made the invitation public. Oops. More than one hundred kids showed up,

and some of them decided to intentionallytrash the place just to get her
in trouble. So if it wasa broken vase or something, you know,
Bridget would not been so mad,But there was legit legitimate vandalism.
So let's hear what they did here. They ripped off her counters off the
wall, smashed a guitar, pouredbooze in the washing machine, super glued

cups and cinnamon to the countertops,and some idiot ate one of her plants.
Even worse, they puked it up. Well, I actually, I
don't know what's worse, eating plantand puking it up or eating plants and
be like, yeah, that's ameal. I'm good with that. I
mean, I guess, I don'tknow. I'm kind of glad they puked

it up because they're a vegan.Uh. They also stole a stole a
porcelain goose named Betty from her frontporch that she loves. A friend gave
it to her back. Yeah,yep, they stole Betty and a friend
actually gave it to her a whileback. And somehow someone at the party
is holding Betty hostage. Yeah,they made a TikTok video just to taunt

her. They also taped a photoof goose to her mailbox and wrote we
have Betty now. This went viral, obviously, and somebody on Facebook actually
started a support group called Bring Bettythe Porch Goose Back and quickly racked up
over four thousand members. And nownow one piece of good news is landed.
Someone found Betty dumped it in ayard across the street from the daughter's

high school rival. And there's actuallya hole that needs to be repaired.
But she's still in one piece.And this hold my beer and watch this
ringing all the ten Hagen insurance.This isn't even all my beer and wash.
This this is just I just gotsyent this. This is wild and
so Bridget actually thinks she has apretty good idea of the kids who actually
trashed her house, and she's incontact with the cops so they could face

charges for it. But here's aBridget straight hand, the mom talking about
the damage to her home and missingthe Taylor Swift porcelain goose. Let's that
roll cut four. They superglued cupsto my counters and cinnamon. My countertops
come apart from the wall now becausethey were standing and dancing on counters.

Somebody ate my plant and threw itup. Also, who stole my goose?
This is not in my house,This is in somebody's room. They
made a TikTok with Betty, likepretending to be Betty and harassing me on
my TikTok? What is wrong withpeople? Oh? I know is wrong
with you. He's definitely a memberof Toastmasters because she enunciates and articulates every

single syllable and you can definitely understandher chash. She's trying to hold it
together. Somebody stole her her Betty, someone told stole someone stole my goose.
Not making fun of this poor momwho had her house trash. And
by the way, if this ismy kids, oh, my kid would
be going to boot camp so fast. So if you're just joining us,
we're talking about a teenager through aparty and other kids intentionally trash the place

just to get her in trouble.That in this poor mom got a goose
stolen and these poor these kids aretaunting her on social But she got her
back, thank god. But let'sjust hope that justice is served. I
can't believe I'm reading this. Thisis a wild story. I poor Booze
in the in the washing machine.I don't know, I know, I

know, it's like an episode.It's like seeing sixteen candles all over again,
or as the mom would say,it's like seeing sixteen candles all over
again, as I enunciate the titleof the film, not making fun of
the mom. She's very upset abouther person was upset. But maybe what
happened was these kids saw a TaylorSwift video of her chugging a beer during

the Super Bowl. You know,good on Taylor Swift. I'm glad she
had a good time. I know. And you know that's the thing is
is Taylor Swift. She's up there, and I think she spent like what
was it it was to go tothe Super Bowl? It was like seventeen
million dollars a ticket. Well,and you know, her boyfriend brought bought
a suite for the whole family.So yeah, it was a whole family

five million. Yeah, a wholefamily can get together. That's a lot
of coin to be spending two pointfive million. In fact, Kelsey was
asked about that before the game.It's like, hey, you know,
how you think you're gonna play?What do you think you're gonna do you
think you're gonna yell at your coachduring the middle of the game and bump
into it. No, No,they didn't ask him that, but they
did say, you know, hey, you know what are You're ready for
the game? And he says,all I'm thinking about is how much this
dang thing's gonna cost me, becausehe's spent two point five million on the

suite plus all the snacks and everythingelse. And they didn't just have the
regular stuff, but they had thegourmet buffet. But that didn't stop Taylor
Swift from being true to her heart, and boy she was. She caught
herself on the JumboTron and she thoughtshe was at the US Open, and
so what did she do. Shegrabbed a hold of her beer and started

chugging it. And if you're notfamiliar, there's the US Open girl who
chugs beer during whenever they put heron the jumbo tron because you know,
you know, tennis is a littleboring. So they scan and look for
somebody sitting there and there's a prettygirl sitting there drinking a beer. She's
like, oh, I'm on TV, and she chugged the beer. Well,
Taylor Swift's like, I've never beenon TV before. Quick chug a
beer. So that's what she did. What she was thinking? They never

put her on sarcasm reply, Butjust so you know, there are a
lot of people out there who weresuper impressed, and they said, look,
if you go to x formerly knownas Twitter, people said, look,
she's one of us, but thereare other She's just like us.
She's like being Chad. I know, I know she's good. Yeah.
By the way, Taylor Swift's agentgive us a call. We'll we'll go

ahead and do an interview. ButI also want to say that some SWIFTYE
fans not impressed, saying, youknow, you have a lot of young
girls who watch you, and that'snot a good thing to go. That's
what I say about that. Ican't win. You know what, She's
an adult, she's watching her boyfriend, she's having a good time. She
just got off this gigantic tour inJapan. Let her have a beer,

let her chug it, and she'sworth a billion dollars and she never has
to do another thing in her life. Yeah, so good on you,
Taylor Swift. Hug the beer ifyou want. I'm proud of you.
That's what I gotta say about that. Hey, we gotta take a break.
Coming up. Speaking a super Bowl, let's talk about the most popular
Super Bowl beers. What were peopledrinking during the Super Bowl. Somebody broke
that down. All this and somuch more, we'll be right back,

all right, We're going to eathealthy and start exercising today. Oh look,
beer beer beer. What's on radiocontinues. We want to thank Superior
pal Control, West Michigan for floodingour inbox with stories each and every week.
Proud sponsors of our research department,Superior Pest Control. You can find

them here in West Michigan at SuperiorPest dot Biz. That's Superior Pest dot
Biz. Okay, we're just relivingour super Bowl moments, our favorite moments,

and I have to say I wasvery impressed with the halftime show.
Yep, Usher killed it. Youknow, normally after the halftime show is
aired, you go to social mediaand there's that comment and it says,
yet another halftime show that wasn't asgood as Prince. Oh that always is
that comment controls. I didn't seethat one time. I don't think it

was better than Prince, but Idon't think anybody wanted to dog it because
Usher was good. Yeah, hewas brought out Luda, Luda. That's
good man. I get some Ludaon the show. You know, was
a radio guy he first named LudaLuda Chris. He came up in radio.
He was a radio guy before hewas a big rap star. Did
you ever produce for him? Wenever did. How cool would that been

before my time? Before my time? But I was looking through some stats
here and now, Chad, wereyou having some beers during the old Super
Bowl where you drink some beer?Let me check? Yes, were you
drinking? Were you drinking Miller Lite? No? I know drink. In

fact, I was, believe ornot. I started off the evening with
homebrew and I gotta mention this.I believe next week we are going to
have a home brewer stunt beer Liverin studio. Oh nice, Yes,
and he's gonna bring some beer.In the very early days of What's on
Tap Radio, we used to dodedicate a whole segment to home brewing.

This was like, oh yeah,in the early early days when home brewing
was exploding, there were what fivehome brew shops in Houston. Yeah.
We were endorsed by Defalco's homewown andhis beer supply. So we had a
segment sponsored by Defalcos where we talkedabout home brewing and tips and we try
different home brews and we you know, we troubleshoot some of the beers that

will have some off flavors. Yeah, we had a whole thing. And
then now Scott's retired, Yeah,living his best life too. Scott Birdwell
man, that guy. This isa wife like the CEO of Arara Mark
or something. He's very high upin Airmarks. So she's like the I
think she's the vice president of AraMark. It's so funny because, uh,
Scott Boroughwell, if you don't know, he's longtime friends of ours.
He owned a homebrew shop that wasopening business over thirty years in Houston.

They're opened before it was legal tohomebrew backs, yeah, in the seventies.
And so his wife is very highup in air Mark. If you
don't know what Airmark is. Theythey do all the vending vendors for the
balls're eighteen dollars beer and a ballat the super Bowl cost. And so
me being the big baseball fan thatI am, and Scott Burdwell is also
a baseball fan, and there'll betimes on watching you know, the Astros

and whatever, and there's away gameand all of a sudden there would be
Scott Birdwillsiton in the citats just upthere in the suite. You know,
you're just sitting in the like byon the first baseline because they always point,
you know, they'll they'll single outthe fans, and sure enough I'll
look over, I'm like, that'sScott Birdwilson right there Finway Park. Okay.
Then and then immediately you go,I wonder what beer he's drinking?

Yeah, so drink starting the SuperBowl. I was not drinking Miller Litre
drinking another light. You were aminority, Chad. Because someone actually scans
social media post. Somebody had alot of free time on their hands,
and they scan and they found themost popular Super Bowl beers in all fifty
states, and the official sponsor ofthe game was Bud Lights, but didn't

rink anywhere on this list. I'mshocked. Yeah, they we do have
a we have a strange story comingup. But yeah, bud Lights ran
an ad, they ran a spot. Uh, cors Light actually ended up
running a spot. But that wasit as far as the beer spots,
right, I think there was oneBudweiser was the clys Dales made a return

right right, yes they did,and then the cors Light beer tree.
But I didn't see the Miller Lightad that they were talking about that was
gonna air. Oh no, thoughthey pulled the ad, that's right.
They did social media with the marathonrunners or whatever it was. Well,
they didn't have to, they didn'thave to run an ad chad because Miller
Lights was the number one beer acrossthe entire Midwest. What Yeah, Miller

Light took it in with out spendingseven million dollars for thirty seconds, including
the Mitten State drinking the Miller ofLights, the Mitton, the Mitton drinking
Middle of Lights yep. In NewEngland, michelob Ultra and much of the
northeast cors Lights. We're going totake a stab at what was Pennsylvania and
a handful of states around it.Yengland, y England, Yeah, Yngland,

Yeah, ye England, Pennsylvania.And I love watching people who like,
how do you what's that beer?Yingling? What's wrong the beer?
We got? Okay? What's theonly state where Budweiser ranked first was Missouri?

Shocker, and from California to Floridaacross the south Modello time fool?
What time is it? Tell me? You have that clip? Yeah?
What's wrong with the beer we got. I mean, the deer we got
drank pretty good, don't it.I ain't never heard nobody complain about the

beer we have. You drank prettygood, right wise. Yeah, I
wasn't named to them all the bellbut move go. You drank pretty good,
don't it. So yeah, thereyou go, Budweiser. But Light
not the number one beer, noteven ring first anywhere, and even though

they were the official sponsor of theBig Game. But yeah, people were
drinking the mirror of Lights and Modelloacross the entire South, including California and
Nevada and New Mexico and all thosestates. But yeah, there you go.
Somebody had a lot of free timeon their hands. And so the
most popular beers at the Super Bowl, or according to social media, those
were with that we're posting on socialmedia. Yeah you know, and that

guy whoever calculated that probably didn't getpaid to calculate it. By the way,
we got an interview coming up nexthour. It's confirmed. It's confirmed.
We just I'm I'm getting that greenlight. We got the chief pizza
and beer officer of cases Now,if you've never heard of Casey's, will
explain what that is. If youlive in parts of the country of cases
isn't operating. But I got alot of questions for this guy because he

has got a job title that Iwould love to have. Yeah, the
guy who counted up all the beersand the most popular during the Super Bowl
in each state. That guy didn'tget paid, but chief Pizza and Beer
officer, he's getting paid to dosomething pretty cool, all right, So
stop me if you've heard this storybefore. A Boston beer employee sides the
leave and start their own beer companyfrom Boston. Yeah, this goes back

to Beer Wars, and it wasa documentary on the beer industry and the
craft beer industry trying to compete againstbig beer. And there was an employee
who left the Boston beer company,makers of Samuel Adams, and she left
to create a beer called Moonshot.And she was documented throughout this documentary showing
all the different challenges and hurdles,both legislatively and also from a lobbyist standpoint,

what she was competing against, tryingto get shelf space and a very
difficult battle. And it did notend well. Well. A Boston beer
veteran has started their own brewery.I know, I know. Early In
February, Boston Beer Veteran group ofBoston beer veterans launched Hero ninety five,

a crisp, low calorie lagger ohin the high end category of low calorie,
low carb beers brewed for active lifestyles. Because there's a lack of beer
brood for active lifestyle people apparently anywaystart rolling out in the Boston area.
The new beer only ninety five caloriesthree point six carbs. Because when you're

drinking beer, Let's just be honest. You go to the bar, You're
like, hold on a second,how many carbs are in that? Because
I can't have too many? Imean, you just know, you make
fun of that, chad. Peopleactually do, That's why they're ordering.
No, they do not. Iguess people drink low carb stuff, but
nobody counts. Nobody's counting, butthere are looking out. Okay, I
can drink this many beers and havethis many carbs and drink this many beers.

They know. But Here, accordingto the press release, has a
deep commitment to giving back by supportingcauses and charities because no other beer company
has ever given back. I'm sorry, I'm being facetious here because I've heard
this story before somebody wants to gostart a beer company. They want to

launch something to tap into a nichemarket, which whether it's saturated or not
doesn't matter, and they're going togo ahead and get back to charity.
And then they said, with acollective sixty five plus years, well,
what is it sixty five or sixtysix? I mean it's less than sixty
six. Apparently industry experience. Thisteam put together a former Sam Adams and
Angry Orchard employees, is launching anew high end beer brand for beer drinkers

looking for something more. What thatis, they don't say, But anyway,
the idea of Hero ninety five bornwhen they were looking for beer choices
for the fit and active lifestyle andgood taste, and there weren't a lot
of choices. So I'm going tobe interested to see how Hero ninety five
plays out. But I think I'veseen this story before, and I saw
a lot of Kickstarter ads for similarbrands. Hero ninety five listen, I

hope you make a million dollars withthat idea. But that's our number one
of what's on Tap Radio. Comingup an hour number two, we've got
more bizarre and weird stories, aninterview from the chief Pizza and Beer Officer
of cases and coming up next,Hold my beer and watch this brought to
you by Ringold, the ten HaagenInsurance Group. This is what's on tap
Radio. We will be right back. Craft beer, it's not alcoholism,

it's a hobby. This is what'son tap radio. Hold my beer and
watch this, brought to you byyour friends at Ringold, the ten Haicen
Insurance Group, located in Grand Rapids, Michigan and Holland along the Lake Shore.
Rt I Grand Rapids RTI Grand Rapidsdot Com. Yeah yeah, yeah,

yeah, give it to give itto me, Nash, give it
to na give us him a nap, Yes, yeah, right, I'll
remember two. What's on Tap Radiostarts now right, and this is the
first hour. Shame on you,but hey, we can catch up on
our podcast. We'll tell you wherecoming up momentarily. But Chad, I

got a crack a beer, don'tyou. Well no, we're cracking I
told you I've got stunt livers instudio. We've had a few beers here,
but now our number two. We'regonna start our number two the same
way we started the show with acider and to tell you what we're drinking.
Adam, tell everybody what you justcracked open. Yeah, we got

another sider from Virtue Cider, alocal place. This time we're drinking the
Peach Sider. Nice little sweeter,little less tart's another one of their fruit
Belt series. It is my favoritedrink that they have down here. He
brought it, so, you know, I had to give him the props
to right bring it, all right, and that is absolutely delicious. I'm
starting to get turned down the sider. I'm kind of excited about it.
Nice change of pace, that's Adam, Thank you very much. That's a

very popular sider company out there inMichigan. We may have to get Greg
on the show. Yeah he's beenon the show before, but not when
he was owning a My daughter worksthere. Oh wait, I'm not supposed
to say that what swoops never findnothing. We don't that my daughter works
at a cider company in near thearea. Okay, there you go,

there you go. All right,So let's go ahead and do this.
Hold my beer and watch this broughtto you by the Ring Malda ten Hacen
Insurance Group, where they'll cover youfor just about everything except this. This
is wow, a very very interestingHold my beer. Watch this now,

Florida, are you listening? Takethe week off? Oh Florida. Man,
he canna sit on the bench.I can sit on the bench this
week. And I thank god.Man, we've been every week. We're
tired. We're tired. What's ontap? Right? And we're tired.
Now we're talking about a Sparta man, thirty year year old Sparta man.
This is Sparta and he's being heldin a and she doesn't make fun of

me by the way I say this, but I'm gonna say it anyways because
I'm from Louisiana or my roots areMonroe County jail. Yeah, but I
don't think he's from Michigan though.On a fifty thousand dollars bond, and
he allegedly led police on a drunkencar chase in early February. So his

name is Mark A. Tompness andhe's charged with listen to these charges.
Wow, this guy is uh,he's something else. He's a piece of
work. He's felon accounts of sixthoffense of drunk driving Drake wisconsinably, Yeah,
that's where he's sixth defense of drunkendriving, eluding an officer, bail
jumping three counts, and a misdemeteraccounts of resisting an officer and orderly conduct

and just Topness is also facing eighttraffic citations, including reckless driving, running
a stop sign, and operating aftera suspension. So I guess he has
draw the line on that because isn'trunning a stop sign reckless? Pretty much?
Yeah? I like that he wasdriving and running a stop sign.
I like how they attacked in everything. So let's find out what happened here.

So, according to a criminal complaint, police responded shortly after about ten
pm to a domestic incident in Sparta. Now, Tomness wasn't at the residence
when police arrived. Police locate Tomnessa short time later, parked in a
commercial lot down the street. Thepoint says that an officer approached Tomnis and
told him he was investigating the domesticincident, and Toomnis reportedly told the officer

that he did nothing wrong, andthe officer reported that Toomness smelled of intoxicants
and he had a slurred speech,slurge speech, blurred speech, yes,
no, blurred slurred speech, slurgespeech, slurred speech so the officer asked
Tomnis to step outside the vehicle andtell his side of the story. Thomas
reportedly responded by placing the vehicle inreverse and abruptly moving back ten yards.

The point says that Thomnis told officers, I don't abide by yours ah before
accelerating from the parking lot. Thevehicle went south on Ideal Road, which
is our guest in this town,and it reportedly reached speeds of over eighty
miles an hour a police initiated apursuit. The complaint says Topness turned the

vehicle's lights on and off a partof his effort to elude police. Now
the old turn the lights on andoff show they'll never see me. He
then drove two miles outside the citybefore heading down a steep embankment. He
drove through a ditch about fifty yards, but was unable to return to the
roadway. Thomas exited vehicle and wasordered by police to surrender. Then Thomas

re entered the vehicle and then drovethrough a cornfield before entering the road.
Tom Just stopped the vehicle on alocal highway, turned and headed towards a
squad car and then Toomnas, thenbrought the vehicle to a stop. An
officer gave multiple commands to Tomness tosurrender, and he reportedly told the officer

just good, shoot me, shootme, tase me. God blank,
you're lucky. I don't kill you. You want to say that to a
police officer? No, no,no, not when the barbs of justice
are going to come out. Healso allegedly threatened to kill another officer's whole
family. Did they taze him though? That was old boy? Did they

ever? So police handcuffed Homness andtransported him to jail. See what happened?
The complaint says that the police neededto employ the old barbs of justice
to complete the arrest. Fifty thousandwatts right to the dome in the first
I don't no word if he reallydid get hit in the face. No,

I'm betting that there's no word onwhat beer he was actually drinking.
Well, police located a seven hundredand fifty millimeter bottle of whiskey and topn
this vehicle that was two thirds empty, along with some empty beer cans.
But no what brand? Well,I'll tell you why. We don't know
what kind of brands I had?A journalism friend who kind of explained it
to me, and it made lazyjournalism lazy. So Tomness is due to

court on March eighteenth. So howabout them charges, he says, I
don't abide by your law, Spartaman tells police before leading them on a
drunken driving chase. So I likethe fact that he was that hammered and
shirtless and knew how to use theword abide in a sentence. I mean,
that's that's a talent. You know. There's something to be said for

the education system in Monroe or Monroe, Sparta, Wisconsin, Telero County,
yelling off, tell us or shootme, shoot me, tase me,
got blank, You're lucky, I'llkill you, and then threatening another cops
entire family gonna kill them. That'snot gonna end that. Yeah, so
much for the education system. We'llthrow that out. And this did not
happen in Florida, my friend,So Florida. Take the week off,

Wisconsin, drink Wisconsinably, this hasbeen brought to you by Rinaldo tenekan insurance
group, because they not insuring thisguy, Mark Tomness of Sparta, okay
for just about everything, but drivingthrough a Cornfield, evading arrest, running
a stop sign. My favorite partyis driving. My favorite part is when

he's starting to lights on and off, like they'll never find me there.
Ha ha, they'll never find medriving with the lights. So many things
wrong with this picture. That isWow, that is one hole my beer
and watched this. Oh my god, I can't make this stuff up.
Folks. All right, woof,we gotta take a break. Still to
come. We got a big timeinterview coming up, a guy who just
got a recent job that I'm wishing, I'm kind of jealous of. We'll

talk about that all this is somuch more. Hang with us. We'll
be back. Yeah, we drinkwater, but it has to be filtered
through a brewery. First. You'vegot what's on tap radio? Jesus,

you know how all right? Well, beccha what's on tap radio? If
you're just now tuning in, I'mgonna just say right now, you need
to go back and listen to ourpodcast when this thing drops, because the
hold my beer and watch this.You're gonna if you listen to that.

James just talked about this a manfrom Sparta, Wisconsin. It's gonna make
you feel a whole lot better.About your life decisions, because this guy
every charge that you can get hegot, Yeah, every felony, he
got every felony. That's right.He had more felonies racked up in a
single incident than items on the OldCountry buffet. I mean, it's just

that guy got rang. Uh.Even people in the Green Mile are like,
whoa, whoa, hey, man, that's a little too much.
I know, I know that.I can imagine the judge when she's reading
the charges. She's about halfway through, and the judge says, we're gonna
take a fifteen minute recess so Ican come go rest and come back and
read the rest of the charges.I mean there are that many. But

uh, if any of these storiesyou find shocking, bizarre, weird,
don't worry. We've got more ofthem, and if you ever want to
comment on them, follow us onsocial media. You can go ahead and
follow us on Facebook x formerly knownas Twitter, Instagram, TikTok. Also,
if you want to reach out tous, send a self address,

stamped envelope and or postcard to usat peel bot. Oh wait, you
know you don't do that. Yeah, we just continue that ask too much
money? Oh all right? Inthat case, just send us an email
What's on Tap Radio gmail dot com, and we will respond. And if
we don't respond, we didn't likeyour email. No, I'm kidding.
It means we got so many emailsthat we couldn't keep up and we try
to respond to everything as quickly aswe can. But give us a follow,

give us a like, give usa share, and wherever you listen
to the podcast, make sure youhit the subscribe button, because then you
don't have to do anything. Wejust come to you. It's just it's
called a push notification bing, andit's like there's a brand new episode of
What's on Tap Radio and you're like, yes, my day just got better.
Speaking of days getting better, Jameshas an empty beer glass, dude,

and his day is about to getbetter. I still have a little
bit of this arca India style premiumlogger left, although I do want to
crack another one. You know what, the best thing about Dry January stunt
beer livers so bad and with you, I think everybody stayed away because they
thought you were still doing the nonalcoholic thing. Well, Brian Holsing came
by and had some beers with methe other day and he's actually the one
who gifted me the arca Indian stylepremium logger from a beat A brewing company.

But one of the great things aboutdoing dry january's drinking all the Christmas
beers yet left over in February andthey're not old yet. No, And
so I had some Christmas beers leftover my fridge because hey, the whole
last week I brought a Christmas beeron. So I bring got a Christmas

beer though it says Christmas on itright there. It came out in September.
Christmas Ale from Santa Old Brewing Company. It's their ye old old Ale
Christmas Aale. It's an old ale. Yeah, an Aldi, not too
hoppy. That's that's a classic signatureHouston. I'd say even Texas Christmas.

A very very delicious multi beer,not spiced or anything like that. There
goes James as I'm describing it.It's an iconic beer. It's been around
forever. Yeah, it's really good. And I had a few of them
left over in my fridge because,like I said, wasn't drinking in January.
So it held up, chat itheld up, and it held up.
That was that was on the marketin Houston before Halloween. Yes,

and their spring their spring box isso bad. Their current Springbok that's on
the shelves now came out on Decembertwenty sixth Yes, yep, Springbok before
like the day after Christmas. TheirSpringbok Like, wait a minute, we're
not even the New Year's and thenall the Christmas beers are on clearance.
But yeah, the Saint Arnold BrewingCompany Christmas Sale rich and cheerful. This

is at seven point five percent alcoholby volume. And uh yeah, it
held up, Chad, in amonth that I didn't drink it. It
held up. I've had that beerso old, like two year old version
of but old Alle's they hold up. They even drink them. Is they
hold up? You drink them sixto eight months, maybe ten months after
it? It does not taste isgood, not even in fact, I'm
gonna say this, it does nottaste good. But two year old Christmas

Ale from Saint Arnold actually tastes betterthan a lot of beers. It does.
It's it's it holds up. SoI just got this across the desk
here, Chad, creaking news creakingWell, it's not really Yeah, I
guess press release just got to me. Uh, Doctor Dre and Snoop Dogg
has just released a canned alcoholic cocktailcalled gin and Juice, just like their

song that you know came out innineteen eighty four, right exactly. They
took their nineteen ninety one to perfectthe recipe. Apparently, let's say nineteen
eighty four. I'm a nineteen ninetyfour. They come in citrus melon,
passionate fruit, and apricot. Sonow you can sip a canned gin and
juice beverage from Doctor Dray and SnoopDogg, just like they did in the
nineteen ninety four hit song, andthey're ready to drink alcohol it cocktail.

They come in a couple of differentflavors like I just mentioned, and they're
starting to roll out in stores now. Maybe they'll be out in cases,
who knows. But Dre and Snoophave more stuff planned. Last year they
filed for several trademarks, including oneof for a vodka in juice, so
that'll be a possibility soon. Sonow you can sip on cans of ginna
juice from Doctor Dre and Snoop Dogg. But we talked about these ready to

drink cocktails that are just going tobe continued to be more popular. We're
starting to see them more and moreon the on the shelves. So if
you love that song off the Chronic, then get yourself some that's hitting the
shelves soon. Oh it's old isnew again apparently. I guess everything resurfaces.
You know that everything comes back?Ll cool. Jay was driving the
cors Light train in the Super Bowlcommercials like saying things come back. Yeah,

strange things. Man, it's aweird episode. Speaking of weird,
this might be the strangest story ofthe I don't understand it, so Chad
makes sense of it all. Tryembrace yourself for this one. Okay,
just brace yourself. I think it'spretty safe to say that the ultra conservative

movement also known as MAGA, followedby Donald Trump, really not into anything
progressive, liberal or woke. Well, if there's ever been a beer company
in the news for being accused ofprogressive, liberal and woke over the last
twelve months, it's Anheuser Busch andbud Light. And even more shocking than
Taylor Swift chugging a beer at theSuper Bowl. Well, we looked at

the analytics that was the number onebeer story on What's on Tap Radio in
three it was it was yassive.This one should be because this is the
most bizarre, weird story I haveever heard. But Anheuser Busch, MBEV,
ABMBEV and bud Light are getting asecond chance, and America is being
asked to give bud Light a secondchance. I think people, I think

people have already given him a secondchance. I don't see much chat.
Their sales are down thirty percent andpeople are getting laid off. I'm sorry
it's not turned yet. Well,it's getting their chat still, I see.
Well, it's gonna be interesting tosee what happened because this movement is
being led by none other than DonaldTrump. Donald Trump is asking America to

give bud Light a second chance.ABMBEV, investing heavily and rebuilding its beer
brand has apparently now by the way, somebody once sent me this message.
They said Donald Trump must have stockin abm BEV, because why else would
he do it. But apparently ABMBVhas not invested in the reelection of Donald

Trump. They have not made anycampaign contributions. But Donald Trump is saying
they are not a woke company.And he is looking at the bd Light
sales that have plummeted thirty percent overthe past year and saying that this is
a company with American workers, Americanblue collar but the heartland of America,
and we need to give them asecond chance. And I was really shocked

by that, particularly because we justrecently did the story about the woke free
conservative beer. Oh yeah, theultra conservative beer. The ultra Right CEO
Seth Weathers when he launched his DonaldTrump beer as a way of raising money
to get him on every ballot inevery state, using his mugshot and endorsing

Donald Trump. Well, whoops,this is awkward because the woke free beer
company Altra Right said, don't giveyour money to bud Light, Nannheuser Busch
and other woke companies, give itto us because we're helping Donald Trump.
And now Donald Trump saying give yourmoney to bud Light. Awkward. This

is a weird change of events.And I will say this though, the
president of the woke free beer UltraRight saying we will continue our concernervative message
and continue to fight back against wokeness. Conservatives want options for companies that support
their values and conservative Dad beer willcontinue to hit the market. But this

is a weird story where some companydecides to endorse Donald Trump, and Donald
Trump decides to endorse the company thatthe Woke Free Beer denounced. Very weird.
First Kid Rock, now Donald Trump? Oh nice call? Kid Rock
scene holding a bud light after shootingbud light with a machine gun. All
right, we gotta take a break. Coming up, Joe Cruz will be

joining the show. If you don'tknow who he is, well, he's
got a job title. You mightwant hang with us. We're buy back.
The more you weigh, the harderyou are to kidnap, Stay safe,
drink more beers. You've got What'son Tap Radio? A right,

welcome back? What's on Tap Radio? Ten years. We've been doing this
radio show, and I don't knowhow many times Chad's been asked this question,
but I've been asking, probably Ican't even count dozens and dozens of
times. Is why I tell him, I do a show about beer,
and like, wow, how doyou get that job? And then for

once, I actually gonna turn thatquestion to our next guest, because our
next guest has a very cool jobtitle, and I'm kind of curious of
how do you get that job?And so I like to bring in our
special guest, mister Joe Cruz.Welcome to What's on Tap Radio? Ho
fellows doing today? We are,We're doing great, and I want to

do it as good as you,man, because you get paid a lot
more money than we get paid todo something a lot cooler than we get
to do. And I got yourbusiness card right here in front of the
front of me, and I'm gonnaread it, Chief Pizza and Beer Officer,
Joe Cruise. That is correct.Hang on, fellas, before we
before we get started here, Igot it. There we go. All

right, Well, I'm gonna dothe same thing here hanging out here in
studio there, James, what doyou you still drinking your beer? Yeah?
I still got this z Abta arcaIndia style premium logger. I've just
kind of been nursing. It's ayeah, I got That's okay, It's
okay. Sidekick there, All right, Yeah, we creoked. We cracked
open a bell's lighthearted. I pa. I wonder what kind of pizza

that would go with. But wellwe'll get into that in a little bit.
Joe Cruise from cases. Now,if you're not familiar with cases.
We'll get into that just a second. But first of all, Joe,
what did you crack open? OhI I cracked open a local brew here
from Kincater Brewing. It's actually acalled Devil's Gap. It's a raspberry klipano
ale. Interesting is this spicy?Has it's a little it has a little

bit of a kick at the end. Okay, okay, but real smooth,
nice little kick. I got alittle sensitive. I got a sensitive
tummy. I can't drink so likethat. Well to try a flight sometimes.
That's why I don't have That's whyI'll have a cool job title.
All right. So Joe Cruz isthe chief pizza and beer officers for Cases.

Now, for people who don't knowJoe, tell everybody who Casey's is.
All right, So Casey's General Storethey are in Casey's Countries consists of
seventeen different states. Casey's is thethird largest convenience store gas station style in
the US. It's actually the fourthlargest liquor license in the US, and

it is actually the fifth largest pizzachain in the USA. What so that's
where I come in? Yeah,all right, yeah, you don't.
That's always a jaw dropper to toeveryone. I tell it was even surprising
to me here and that for thefirst time. But yeah, and just
like Casey's new motto is We're herefor good. I think that those numbers

really prove it. I have kindof blown away by that whole thing.
Wow, that's it's great now.All right, So you got in the
Casey Story's fifth largest pizza chain.But you guys also have tons of beer
in that. Like you said,that's where you come in. So first
of all, what is your jobdescription? What is your role like day
to day? What are you goingto be doing as a chief pizza and

beer officer. Well, I'm gonnastart with a lot of research. I
got a lot of pizza eat,got a lot of beer to drink,
and then I got to start findingthe good pairs pairing of those two and
put them together and then go outand tell all of you in the community
in the world about what I find. And they pay you for that.
They are certainly paying me for that. You are a blessed individual. That

is a great deal. So howthis came about, Cases had a little
bit of a rebranding and they actuallygot trademarked as the official pizza and beer
headquarters. So they said, ifwe're the official pizza and beer headquarters,
we're going to need a CPVO tolead the charge to go tell the world.

And they put it out to everyoneon the internet. Uh everyone in
Casey's country, I should say,because to apply, you have to live
in a state that has cases init. Otherwise I think Jason Kelsey would
have won after he took his shirtoff at the Bills game and stared screaming
at the field. But uh,bab But so they they put this out

and a friend of mine told meabout it. I don't even I wasn't
even aware until she sent me amessage and she's like, Joe, you
you eat and breathe beer and pizza. This is you. And I said,
you know what'll be? You're right, I'm going to go get that
job right now? And here Iam. Now does one go to college
to get this job? How dohow do you? How's your resume?

Look? What kind of a yeah, what kind of educational background were they
look at? What experience do youhave to have you get a job?
Like you have to be in afraternity? What I mean, come on,
that's a really good question because theydo have you send in your resume
when you're applying. I took myresume that I haven't touched for ten years,
but I just erased all of myprevious employers. I erased the education,

and I just slifted from two thousandand seven to present, and then
about one hundred different beers that I'vedrank, and then two thousand and seven
to present. I listed all thedifferent pizzas I've hat even including my Bagel
Bitesino Pizza Bytes. Oh yeah,I submitted that, which I thought I

wasn't going to get called because Iwasn't being serious on the resume. I
just got to say this, ifyou start, you started, Okay.
I started with my resume and Ierased everything, so in no word,
you started a blank sheet of paper. I love it, man, that
is so awesome. I kept.I kept the awards on the side that
I've gotten received, you know,a couple of addies for a Design and

Optimism award, but you know thatcan say. I think I put down
that I've won a few costume contestsin my day, and yeah, the
rest all pizza and beer related.Okay. Talking to Joe Cruz, the
chief pizza and beer officer. Okay, so for someone I teach high school
and I teach how to do jobinterviews, what is your job interview and

what did you go into Because Imean there's I read over five hundred applicants.
What do you say that makes youstand out? I think I think
it was really my Instagram handle.I let that do all the talking for
me. I recently, I don'tknow what I just watched, but someone
was given a motivational speech of howdo you how do you get to this

platform? And even might have beenSuper Bowl related, and they just said,
you just keep showing up and doingthe work. To keep showing up
and doing the work, eventually someone'sgonna see that dedication in you. And
I've been doing beer reviews, dumbvideos on Instagram, all this TikTok and
social media for three years, goingstrong, putting up I believe good content

at least weekly. And I evenhad the comment of my wife once was
like, who you're drinking this beerfor? Who's watching this? Who's this
for? And I'm just like,I enjoy it. Some people out there
might enjoy it. And now Iknow why this is. This is exactly
what it's all been accumulating to sothat Cases could see my Instagram and say

we got our new piece and beerofficer in the job interview did they was
it in person? You over onlineor on the phone? Well here,
I don't know if I'm even supposedto say, but they they send me
one email said you're a finalist.If you get through the background check,
then we'll come We'll come back withthe next step. So I thought being

a finalist meant there would be thatfinal interview, there would be you know,
I'm up against you know, fouror five other people. But three
days later, I just get anotheremail says congratulations, you're selected, and
my heart stops. I'm I'm overjoyed. And then I did get the initial

interview with the Casey's crew and theywere even more excited to see me on
screen than I was to be there. So they had great warm welcoming arms
for me and bringing me right inon the team. Talking to Joe Cruz
of Cases, the chief Pizza andBeer officer, and the question that I

think all the wives of you knowyour you're you said you're married, so
the wives are like, honey,does this mean you're quitting your day job.
I need to know is this afull time gig? It is part
time, so I don't have toquit the day job. But that Friday
that it was announced, I shouldtaking the whole day off. I only

took a couple of hours off tofit some more interviews. But I had
six interviews. They kept calling andsaying, we got another one for you,
we got another one for you,And I'm like, oh my gosh,
my boss is gonna kill me.They must have they must be amazed
by this, they must love this, They can believe it. Yeah,

My my coworker, Henry comes intothe office every day like, I still
can't believe you got that. Ican't believe you won this. I can't
believe Pizza Deer, I can't believethis. So yeah, it's it's pretty
remarkable, unbelievable. Joe, wegot about a minute left. Joe Cruise,
our guest chief Pizza and Beer officerfor Cases. How can people follow

you on Instagram? How can peoplesee your story? You can find me
on the American role Model on Instagram. You know it's got to be called
something right, and and then ofcourse you can old cases at Case all
right, look out Jake from StateFarm. We got Joe Cruise on the

scene here, all right, Joe, Man, I gotta tell you,
I love hitting up cases during Ragbry. I'm gonna be back this summer in
Iowa and Casey's is my oasis.I really appreciate that, But I also
appreciate that they followed through because alot of these promotions you never find out

what happens to him. And herewe are. We're talking to the man,
Joe Cruz of Casey's, a chiefpizza and beer officer. Thanks for
joining us on this episode What's onTap Radio? Dude, You've been an
awesome guest. Awesome, thanks forhaving me. Guys again, Congratulations on
your gig and I can't wait tosee what you do with it. Man,
that's awesome. All right, Yeah, me neither. This is What's
on Tap Radio. Hang with us. We got one more segment. We'll

be right back here. In What'son Tap Radio. We know two types
of people. Those you drink withand those that make you drink. Oh,
your parents are coming for the weekend. Either way, we're drinking.
Tadrick Burn Company proud sponsors What's onTap Radio. We want to thank them.

For joining us on the program eachand every week and making it possible
for us to bring you this fineradio program. You ever see me,
Chad Pilbeam, the beer logic guyhanging out there, stop in for free
What's on Tap Radio? High five. We're going to last segment of What's
on Tap Radio for this week.Hello plus Malone, big fan here,

big shout out to mister Joe Cruz, chief Pizza and Beer Officer. If
you miss it, Alice of thatepisode, it will be available on podcasts
sponsored by Cast Branding. But speakingof podcasts, after the segment was over,
we continued on and went on witha few more minutes with him and
ask more questions. Very interesting man, very interesting job title. So check

out our podcast. Any of ourpodcast are founds thanks to our friends over
at Cast Branding. But this lastsegments of What's on top Rado for this
week being brought to you by ourgood friends at Tantric Brewing Company and Chad's
neck of the woods. That's right, And by the way, we're gonna
have to call him reinforcements. I'mgonna have to go find a neighbor to
help us out here, because TantrickBrewing Company hooked me up with a howler.

It's a howler. You know whata growler is? A half gallon
of beer. Holler half of that. And this is their batch four hundred
in case you're wondering, very creativename. It was their four hundredth batch.
Yeah, they didn't have to sitin the hot tub to come up
with the name on this one.But it's an English Golden Ale at ten
percent ABV. And they said,crack that open on the show to end

the show, and i'ment okay,But it's just me and one stunt beer
liver. Eric is hanging out instudio. Got two teachers here tonight,
and I want to thank them forstopping in and helping share some cider and
beer. But this ten percent EnglishGolden Ale has cocoa nibs and I believe
cherries in it. And yeah,watch yourself, Erica. This is a
strong hoots right here. But we'regonna close out with that, and thank

you Tantric Brewing Company. Yes,real quick. While we're on the subject
of pizza, since we were talkingto mister Joe Cruz about pizza and I
asked him, what was that onetopic that should never be on a pizza
And if you want to hear hisresponse to that, check out our podcast.
But there's this pizza story in thenews. There's a lot of reasons
the restaurant would close its dining room, but this might be the funniest one

I've heard. So there's a pizzahut in Canada that put up a sign
to announce that they were going tobe only open for takeout and delivery and
had an unfortunate typo. See whatthey said, and it said, quote
due to unforeseen circumcisions, the diningroom will be closed this evening. Sorry
for the inconvenience, which is funnybecause they spelled inconvenience correctly, which is

a word that's often missspelled, butthey didn't spell circumstances. They said unforeseen
circumcisions. So naturally, social mediahad a lot of fun with this.
One person joked dinner was dinner hasbeen cut short. Another said, I
guess they're making some staffing cuts anduh A local hospital jumped in to say

they could handle the circumcisions. Adamsloose there. We got some teachers in
the in the in the studio withtheir yeah, so drinking livers here.
It's one of those things where autocorrect you'll you'll misspell circumstances, and autocorrect
will try to you know, thinkof the word that you're trying to spell,

and then the person double checking andmaking sure that's the correct word.
I'm assume that's probably what happened.They probably a throw a note up real
quick that were closed started for theinconvenience, and they're like, misspelled the
circumstances for excuse me, and thenit's spelled circumcisions. But the funny thing
is Pizza also had a good senseof humor about it, which is good.
You know, hey, we allmistakes. They apologize and they confirmed

that it was an autocorrect issue,and they put up a new sign that
says emphasize circumstances, and they alsohad they also hyped a new five dollars
promotion and jokely added no tip required. Pizza Huad had a sorry it's sorry

for the typho saying they were closeddue to unforeseen circumcisions, not circumstances.
That's good, hey, good outthere for a poking phone at their own
selves. You know, that's that'swhat you should do. That's a fun
way to round out the show.In fact, you know, I'm gonna
piggyback off of that, because wedid talk about golf and the PGA and

the Waste Management Phoenix Open. Well, they had a social media post that,
unfortunately they cannot blame on on autocorrect or typo. Nope, nope.
They put it out. They postedthe question on the Waste Mansion Phoenix
Open on their x account formerly knownas Twitter hashtag the People's Open question mark.

The post included a twenty second videoof fans going crazy on the sixteenth
hole and showing a lot of alcoholbeing consumed by spectators at the event.
The posts also included the message doesthis answer your question? Sincerely the Breakfast
Club. So they took it rightout of the Breakfast Club. It's like,
you know, is this the People'sOpen? Does this answer your question?
Sincerely the Breakfast Club in the videoand in with the words we are

the People's Open, meaning this isfor the people, the golfers. Yeah,
we need to go the golfers hereto have a good old time.
But this is a different event.And we talked about this recently on a
previous episode where golfers were even takingten dollars bills and wrapping them around golf

balls and autographing them and throwing theminto the stands so that people could go
and buy more beer. Now,this is a fun event where people who
make amazing shots, particularly on thesixteenth in this stadium course, will throw
beer into the air, jump upand down. They wear wild and crazy
outfits and celebrate. They'll throw beercans and beer cups out there, and

it is insane what goes on.Well, the game, which my grandfather
once called cow passed your pool tableor a good walk spoiled. Basically,
it's a boring, high level,high brow rich man's game. No no,
no, no, no no.The Waste Management Phoenix Open brings it

down to Happy Gilmore status. Andbecause of the success of Happy Gilmore and
what they were able to get awaywith, we now know it is perfectly
acceptable at the Waste Management Open toexcuse me, the Waste Management Phoenix Open
to do beer bongs in the stands, run out on the golf course,
in a hockey jersey, ellen screaming, get into fights, and even knock

out a famous game show host ifyou want to, if you can find
one, Okay, we know that, but where is this happy medium between
the chaos of happy Gilmore and propergolf. The Waste Management Phoenix Open,
well, this year the Shenanigans tookover and it was much more happy Gilmore

ish chaotic crowds in the scene atthe Waste Management Phoenix Open were insane,
filled with mud slides, fights inthe stands, people wrapping themselves in trash
bags and sliding down wet grass hills. One guy jumped out onto the course,
ran out into the sand trap,did a flip and then did a

snow angel and there was a streakerwho tooked what scene. I didn't hear
that part. They took everything.People were doing shoeies in the stands.
If you don't know what that is. They were taking their shoe off,
pouring beer into it and drinking outof it. Absolutely disgusting and well,

this got a little too far.It just got a little too much for
the golfers. In previous years,the Shenanigans and the buffoonery, it was
all in good taste, even ifit was in bad taste. But this
year seems like the fans wanted tokick it up a notch and they did
and well, angry words from USRyder Cup captain Zach Johnson basically said to

the spectators, you know what,We're sick of you. We are sick
of you, and you need toshut up. And then they went over
and golfers were going over to thestaff there at the open saying you need
to do your effing job and getthese people out of here. And people
have been arrested for different things.Fights were really prevalent though. That was

the thing. This was always afun event where people always got along and
cock come and common spirit. Notthis year, and it was, according
to one PGA Championship winner, atotal show oh yes, which yes,
well I didn't say it, hedid, okay, totally out of control,

every hole and insane. Over twohundred and fifty thousand people showed up,
but not everybody with a ticket wasable to get in because of the
buffoonery. They shut down access andeven shut off beer sales where people were
chanting and yelling we want beer whenthey couldn't buy anymore. So the waste
management Phoenix Open turns into the happyGilmore Open, and no word from the

PGA on how they're gonna respond orhow they're gonna handle it next year.
But we've been on the air forten years and we're not going anywhere,
so we'll be prepared to give youan update next year. And that is
this episode of What's on TAB Radio. Let's thank some sponsors before we get
out of here, to that beingTantric Brewery, Superior Pest Control, Beer
Logic Conference, and Evince Renaldo Tenakinserts grew up the back of our grill,
keeping the lights on Harbor Light Brewingand of course sponsoring our podcast.

Cat Branding also wanted to give aspecial shout out to the chief Pizza at
Beer Officer, mister Joe Cruz.For mister Bill Oogie Chap, he'll be
my bergerud Dreams Sis, saying thanksfor checking out What's on Top Radio.
We hope you enjoyed it. Wehope you would join us for another action
back radio show next week. Havea good week, folks. Cheers
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