All Episodes

March 5, 2024 81 mins
On tap this week: Beer can life hacks, Men can now literally have sex with beer, The inaugural "Florida Man Games" was a hit, High school students angry over cartoons on beer labels, A pig rescued in exchange for beer and money, Dublin, Ohio entices the Irish with free beer, A brewery closing up has fans lined up for free beer in final days, special guest Ray Allen calls into the show to talk about riding around the country on a bicycle and visiting over 300 breweries, all this and so much more. Enjoy the show!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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This What's on Tap radio podcast isbrought to you by Cast Branding. I
remember where the Texas craft Brewers Guild. Cast Branding has been supplying breweries,
distilleries in wineries with top quality merchandisesince twenty thirteen. If you're looking for
a way to promote and grow yourbrand, check out Cast Branding on Facebook,
Instagram and online at Cast Branding dotcom, Cast Branding dot com,
Cast Branding dot com. Enjoy theshow. Fortunately, my car was stolen

about five weeks before I started mytrip, so you know it was a
It was a little cheap econocar andinsurance said they totaled it. And if
I'd have seen the car on thestreet, I'd given somebody two thousand for
it. But they told it andgave me a check for ten thousand.
This is about to be good radio. To me, a craft brewer is

much more of a mindset. Wejust opened two cans, spread the gospel
of good beer. Beer. Tonsand tons of stuff going on in the
beer world. I love Kraft beer, I love different people's beer. It's
a favorite. Cheers two old USbeer geeks and those new to the craft.
What's on Tap High five? Thisis what's on tap radio beer and

the culture that flows with it.Keears, Beer Guru James Simpson and Beer
Logics Chad Pilbean. Oh here weare. Can't stay it, No,
we can't. I've been waiting forthis, Zach Bawman for so long.

I got a got a beer sittingin my hand. And you know the
rules are rules. Can't crack beeruntil the mics are hot. And my
favorite time this we get started.Welcome to the show. I'm James.
Hi say Hi Chad, Hi,Hi Chad. And by the way,
James is very particular about that ruleabout never cracking a beer before the mics
get hot. But I can tellyou over at least a dozen times in

the in the years that we've donethe show together. He breaks a lot
of other rules. Well, Ihave, you know, some rules I
have to live by, and thensome of them might just kind of he
knows the guy who has the beatbutton, Yeah, you're not supposed to
say those words beat. He hitsthat one, okay, and then the
other one is the other one forgetto turn his phone off? What No,

I'm I've gotten better over the years. About that, you've gotten better,
but you have broke that rule morethan anybody. Well, welcome to
that. What's on TAB Radio ashow about breaking rules and following some breaking
the law. Yeah, we actuallyfollow some of the rules because we're on
air and you know, we havea production standard to meet and we've got
advertisers that take care of but mostimportantly, we have an audience that demands

the finest quality product that we canput out, and we come up short
every week. But damn it,we're gonna keep trying. That's why we're
on your ten because we're not thereyet. Once we get to that mark,
then you're eleven. Is the yearthat we finally achieved greatness. I
feel like we're years behind. Butall right, before we get underway,

we got to do some housekeeping.We got to make sure that the lights
are all on bright and you knowthat we dust it around a little bit,
you know, the housekeeping tighting upa little bit. And also think
you're sponsors that that being our advertisers, our partners of crime. So before
we get under way, let's thinkTantric Brewing, Superior pest Control, bid
lots of conference and events. Weknow all the take an insurance group,

the backyard grill, keeping the lightson because they are nice and bright.
Got these studio lights shining on rightnow thanks to Harvard Light Brewing, and
then of course sponsoring our podcast whenit's available everywhere. It is available everywhere.
I was branding the Internet shut downwhen it's available. Oh yeah,
the Internet took a break today.It's not hey, listen, the Internet
is not like AT and T.They don't take half a day. I'll

sound like Chick fil A takes Sundaysoff. Chick fil A. AT and
T. Well, we were tryingto make it better, but it just
didn't work out. Instead of afive dollars credit, will give you a
high five credit, but we dothose free What's on Tap Radio high fives?
You got to ask form. Butit's it's time to have a beer.
It's been a it's been a week. It's been a week since we've

joined you last and so we're happyto tell you what's going on in the
world. But well I'm not gonnado that without a beer in my hand.
Thanks to our friends over at theBackyard Grill, which I knew that
though they were out there for theHouston Livestock Showing rodeo, Cookoff, Wow
Cooker, Half Ass Cooker. Iam so sad again this year. I
could not make the trip. Theymay kick me off the team, but

you know what, they are stillin my heart. It's been two years
I have not been there. Oh, great time there and support the team,
all right, I did. Iactually went on my phone when they
were at the cookoff and I justplayed around on the Backyard Grill app.
Download the app for your phone,just so I felt like I was part
of the team. But anyway,this is brought to the table. Thank

you Backyard Grill on the northwest sideof Houston. James, you've got a
beer in your hand. I knowyou're ready to crack it open. I
have a beer in my hand.I'm ready to crack it open. But
you've got first. Mike, who'sgoing first? Why don't you take the
lead? Chad done? The lead? Done. Saw a post on social
media, I'm beer tasting Houston wheresomebody said, I know this brewery is

ab owned now, but I stilllike clowning around and that would be none
other than the double ipa rodeo clownfrom Carbox Brewing Company. And of course
it got lots of cheers and jeers. Some people love it, some people
hate it. Well, I wentto one of my favorite beer stores here
in West Michigan and I saw thesix pack sitting on the shelf and I
said, wait a minute, didthey brew this beer again? And they

said no, it's just been herefor two years and nobody's picked it up
yet. And I said, waita minute, was that pre Sapporo or
post Sapporo? And they're like,it's post Sapporo. So it's a supporo
beer from Stone Brewing Company. Twoyear old, plain old, ordinary Imperial
stout. So he took the feather, you took the feather duster and bought

it. Huh yeah, but it'sno adjuncts. It's a ten point five
percent beer. It is straight upImperial stout. I know, Fire Marshall.
Matt right now is love and it'slike he started the show without an
ipa. What is next? Thesolar eclipse. We're gonna talk about that
maybe on the show today. That'sa little tease, but wow, rich,

roasty chocolate nose, but is balancedwith a bitterness. I'm not sure
if that's a hot bitterness or acoffee bitterness or just a well, it's
not real coffee. That is that? Where's your knife and fork for that
thing? I was gonna say,I think I can float the bottle cap
a bottle cap on the head ofthis. Let take a quick sip.
I think it's midnight midnight black,two years old and still drinks amazing.

So the beer that I have,there's a big, long story here on
the side. I'll put my readerson and tell you about it after James
gets into his beer because he's thirsty. Two. But I brought the stone
Imperial stout ten point five percent?Uh, just straight up American Imperial stout.
What's the AVV on? It wasalcohol by volume ten five oh ten
five ten five ten five. Allright, James is so busy going through

the checklist he forgot I said it. I know I've heard about that.
Hold on, watch us, holdon, I'll say the way James does.
Uh. And this comes in atten point five percent ABV Okay,
Chad, what do you got there, Bud? So I'm getting out the
wheelhouse. I'm getting out of mycomfort zone. I'm gonna do something totally
awesome this this this week, totallyawesome, awesome. I'm gonna drink a

beer called awesome sauce cherry coconuts sourSeltzer. Is it even beer? No,
it's seltzer. Okay, yeah,can you guess the sauce Martin House
it is. That was a totalguess, but I had to be right
because it's cherry coconut Seltzer. Whoelse makes that? That thing looks like

it's a wine cooler? Oh god, oh boy, here we go see
grooms golden wine cooler. Oh wow, well that is very strong on the
cherry. James is not like Okay, we can't show you his face,
but that's brought to the table.We will talk more about these beers and

whatever it is or this beer andwhatever it is James is drinking. We
come back, but I brought theStone Imperial Stout and James has the awesome
sauce sour Seltzer cherry coconut from MartinHouse Brewing out a Fort Worth, Texas,
which I'll talk about here coming upbefore we do the official What's on
Tabrigo fun fact of the week.But it's been brought table thanks reference at
the Backyard Girl on Tap. Thisweek beer can life Hacks thanks to an
emailer. We're going to talk aboutthat in men, you can get it

on with beer most place, Pg. Thirty All this is so much more.
Hang with us. We'll be rightback spilling a beer. Oh no,
the adult equivalent of letting go ofa balloon. So like that last
little bit of hair remaining on yourhead, hold on tight to more of

what's on tap radio. At atime when every tap and every bar served
the same mass produced light lilight tho, it's craft beer bars who are the
earliest proving ground for the beer revolution. For over two decades, the Backyard
Girl has been supporting the community ofbrewers and beer drinkers. Is one of
the original craft beer bars in northwestHouston to introduce guests to West Coast IPAs,

stouts, and amber ales. Today, the Backyard Girl is over to
over one hundred different beers with anamazing tapole with everything from classic beer styles
that respect tradition to radically experimental fruitedsours, hazyipas and barrel age doubts.
And yes, they have your favoritemass produced lightloggers too. Located on the
corner of Weston Jones Road, headout on Highway to ninety or go online

to the Backyard Girl dot com andbe sure to download the v Backyard Girl
app on your phone to make onlineordering from your device even easier. The
craft Beer Bar is a pioneer forthe craft beer revolution, and the Backyard
Girl is the craft beer bar youneed to check out in Houston. Cheers.

I'll just tell Chad off the airthat the beer I brought to table,
Thanks Dore friends over the backyard grill, the awesome sauce sour Seltzer five
percent alcohol cherry coconut from Martin HouseBrewing and you own it. Reminds me
of a moxacilin when you were akid. You know, you sit maxacillin,

a cherry flavored mox of cilin whenyou had like a sore throat or
you had strupped throat or something.I was just gonna be not funny and
say something you don't want to drink, something you want to pour down the
dream. Yeah. What does Chadalways say? Chad always says, never
judge a beers first. You gottawait three SIPs. Now Here's the thing
I've also learned. Every once ina while we get a really really good

Martin House beer. Oh they makebeer. It's not very often we get
our hands on one. But theydo make some really good beer and when
we get it, we praise it. You know my favorite beer they do,
the Imperial Texan that double Yes,yes, the Red yep, the
double Red. Yeah, yep.Great beer, great beer. But see
then then they make stuff like thisand squitting beer and menthol and crazy.

Like I just saw it. Iwas like, you know what, this
is something I normally wouldn't drink,and I want to know you wouldn't.
And ten years I've abways kind ofbeen bringing IPAs and stuff, but I
was like, let me get outof my comfort zone and let me try
something new. So last week Ibrought a sour and that's how I was
pretty good. But this one,on the other hand, is like I
said, never judge a beer afterits first sip. Sip to the moral

of the story, folks, isdon't waste your four dollars. Just go
with your gut. You're not changingcherry, cherry on the front end,
coconut on the finish. It's likea mullet go you got you got cherry
on the front and coconut in theback. I'm not sure. Yeah,
but which one is the party?You're saying coconuts the party. Yeah,
Oh, the coconut is definitely theparty. The coconuts. Like, hey,

now the headliner's on on stage.Okay, all right, that's cool.
But again, I can appreciate itfor what it is, but it's
not anything I would ever want todrink. And here I'm gonna go ahead
and say this. If you're listeningin your fans of Martin House or you
work at Martin House, and wealways say, you know, if you
want to sponsor the show, weunderstand why you don't call I do,

but you know what I mean.I go out to the Texas Craft Brewers
Guild annual conferences and Austin and theJuly we're gonna be in Fort Worth and
Martin House's Neck of the Woods,and I always yeah, I talk to
those guys all the time, like, man, you guys make some killer
beer. And then sometimes those beersI'm just like yeah, and you know
what said the brewer said, Yeah, I feel that way too, But
they sell, but they sell,but they sell. That's exactly right.

That's exactly right. People line up. And by the way, I have
said this since day one that I'vebeen on this show. I don't care
if I think your idea is stupid. I don't care if I hate it
and it's taste like trash. Ifyou can make money at it, people
are lining up hand over fistful ofdollars, you are a winner in my
book. I hope you make amillion dollars with that idea. Chadd out

of my mouth, exactly right.I hope we make a million dollars.
And I'm sure they're doing quite well. But I am just not the clientele
for this. I am not thedemo for the awesome sauce sour seltzer cherry
coconut at five percent alcohol. Thatis just on me. But Chad,
you actually brought a two year oldstout Stone Brewing Company. How's it treating?
Yes, well, I say it'stwo years old. Technically it is

a year and a half, butthat's we're semantics here at this point.
It is a fantastic beer. It'sit is Stone's Imperial style, and it's
part of the fan base series youvote we brew type thing, and they
did that recently with Ruination Beer andbrought Ruination back. By the way,
I want to take a guess whatI'm bringing to the table. Next week.
Oh, I hope it is Ruinationbecause that beer is amazing. But

it even says right here, youvoted we brewed. Ask any hardcore Stone
enthusiasts about our most legendary and you'rebound to hear the mention of this one.
It's jet black, fluffy hot charcoalassume me fluffy hot, chocolate colored
head, and it's an obsidian wonder. Held up to the sky, it
could block out the sun. Oh, like an eclipse. Anyway, you

can age it for years, butyou don't need to drink it fresh.
Or if you walk into the beerstore and you see a six pack and
it's a year and a half old, go ahead and buy it. In
fact, I even asked the guy. He was so cool, I wanna
go ahead and just say it.I was at d Shoolers in Wyoming,
Michigan, and the guy was sohonest with me. I said, did
they just brew this again? Isthis the last six pack? And he

could have said yeah and sold itto me. He didn't. He said,
no, it's actually my last one. It's almost two years old.
And I bought it anyway, andhe said, I'll make you right.
Speaking of making you right, we'regonna make you right in the head right
now. Now the official What's onTap Radio fun Fact of the week brought
to you by Who's ever check Clearthis week. But I do want to

thank the Backyard Girl for sponsoring.They brought to the table segments A men,
thank you so much. Now Ihave a fun fact that comes to
us from a former sponsor. Isay former, like, didn't he like
sponsoring your show anymore? No,he retired. Let's get that name drop
out for good, our good buddy, Kip, Happy birthday. Kip's birthday

was last week. Dude, KipperGalaxy Jewelers. Who what was he like?
Forty years in business in Houston orsomething ridiculous, but yeah, long
time, long time in the jewelrybusiness. I had a fun fact all
lined up and he sent this tome, and I was like, well,
this is going to the front ofthe line, baby. This is
a good one. And it startsoff with me mentioning a tradition that kind

of goes I don't want to say, to the gangbanger scene or I'm not
even sure exactly where it comes from. Maybe I had to make this a
fun fact, But where did theorigin of pouring one out for your homies
come from where you you know,you're you know, like your your buddy
gets killed and you're getting ready tolay him to rest into the ground,
and so you take your beer andyou pour it on the ground like you're

pouring it for him, hoping thatyou know, the beer in the ground
gets to him because you want tobuy him one more beer, like boys
in the Hood or something, right, right, pour some out for your
homies. Right? Well, Igot a story from New Zealand, an
official What's on Tap Radio fun factof the week where you don't pour one
out for your homie. And thisstory takes us back to World War Two

and an eighty four year old bottleof beer. There is a pub in
New Zealand where patrons can come byand they can see this unopened bottle of
balance x x x x four xbeer that has been on display for over
eighty years, and it is knownas Ted's bottle. And what happened was

is this particular bottle of beer.There was a guy named Ted. I'm
gonna try and pronounce his last name, but it's like French, Norwegian,
Slovakian, Hungarian, Jewish, Idon't know what is devungarie, devange avag
whatever. I should have said itwith confidence and you would have believed me.
But he was born on February twentyfirst, nineteen oh six, and

he was a farmer. But herealized that he needed to be involved when
he saw the World War One goingon. He needed to be involved,
so he enlisted as a kind ofa reservist. And he sat as an
army reservist for thirteen years. Butthen in thirty nine, nineteen thirty nine,
when Germany invaded Poland, he said, I didn't play soldier for thirteen
years to not get involved when thereal thing happened. And when New Zealand

went to war against Germany, heenlisted and he got involved. He was
the twenty seventh machine gun but partof the twenty seventh machine Gun Battalion,
and he went to fight in thewar. He departed in January nineteen forty.
But before he left, he wentto the pub and he sat down

and he had a beer with allof his friends and they all toasted and
he says, yeah, I'm gonnahave another one. I'm gonna have another
one. And I was like,all right, guys, that's it.
I've had enough, and they saidI have one more, and he says
I will, and he ordered it, and he says it for me,
I'll have it when I get back. Like, whoa, that's awesome.
Everyone's like, all right, Sothey save that bottle of beer. Ted's

beer sat there. So Ted goesoff to World War Two nineteen forty January
nineteen forty serve for eighteen months.Unfortunately, at the age of thirty five,
he was tragically killed in action innineteen forty one. Damn it.
He never came home. But thebar now had Ted's beer and it became
a permanent fixture in the bar.Naturally, a lot of us might think,

well, let's take it and pourit out for our dead homie,
but they did not. They hada farewell party. They got together,
they celebrated, and today, tothis day, Balance xxxx, a eighty
five year old, unopened bottle ofbeer, is on display to celebrate the
man who went to war for hiscountry to fight against the Nazis from New

Zealand, but never made it home. So you're official. What's on tap
radio? Fun fact of the weekis that Ted's beer is on display at
a bar in New Zealand. It'san eighty five year old, unopened bottle
of beer that sat there the momenthe went off to war in nineteen forty
and said I'll drink it when Iget back. But he never made it

back. And that again is yourofficial was on Tap Radio fun fact of
the week. Man. That's acrazy story. Wow, I know,
thank you very much Kip for sendingthat to me. That's like a feel
good story, you know. Andhis name's gonna live on an infamy.
All right, that's a good funfact. Let's keep the momentum going on
tap this week. Remember we talkedabout the inaugural Florida Man Games. Well

they had they had the games.Howd it go? We got an update.
All this is so much more.Hang with us. We'll bring it
back beer. It's why we wakeup every afternoon. Wakey, wakey,
what's on test? What's on tap? This is what's on Tap Radio.

I don't think I can do it. I don't think I can do it.
Train poor, Yeah, it's gonnabe a train poor. Welcome back
to What's on Tapado. If you'rejust joining us in the first segment,
brought to the table before we didthe official What's on Taprido fun fact a
week I kicked it off, well, chat actually kicked it off, and
then I just followed up with theawesome sauce sour Seltzer cherry coconut from Martin

House Brewing, and I might likesip four or five and I thought maybe
it'll grow on me. It's not. Yeah, I like it. So
this is a show about beer andthe culture that flows with it. I
started the show with beer. Jamesstarted the show with the culture that flows
with it pretty much, and nowit's gonna flow down in the tree.
So yeah, I'm gonna have togo down and pull another beer from the

fridge here at studios. But uh, I'm gonna stay with my beer for
a little while because I don't knowif you've noticed listen to Hey in studio
with me is yeah, exactly,no one. I have no stunt beer
livers. This week Bill's assignment stillBill's back. He went to the Michigan
Winter Beer Fest in Grand Rapids,Michigan, and he called me up after

that and he says, Chad,I'm not feeling the best. And I
said, all right. He says, I'm gonna stay home and take take
I'm gonna take like a week offand just not do anything. So he's
just he's been laying low and recovering, and I can appreciate that. I
can respect that as well. Yeah, so that's why he's not here this

week. And actually, uh,Johnny klunder ringed all the ten Hacen Insurance
group coming up in the next hour, hold my beer and watch this.
He was supposed to be in heretonight. He got called away. So
I'm I'm drinking alone. I wantpeople to know that Dry January ended on
January thirty first, So people,you can come hang out with me now

if you just if you don't know, my reference is the fact that nobody
I'm drinking beer again, come back. Nobody called me in the month of
January to come have a beer withme while I was doing the show,
because I was doing Dry January.So hey, I'm letting you guys know.
Maybe that's why they haven't called mebecause I'm not going to James the
studio and trying to feed me soursawesome sauce sour seltzer. Look, hey,

all respect, all respect to MartinHouse Brewing Company, but this one
I really like Martin House and thebeers that are good that I'd like,
like the beer beers, the beerthey make really good beer. But then
they just I don't know, theyjust they throw caution into the wind and
just say, you know, whateverwe have in the drawer, throw it
into this and let's just see ifit sells and it sounds chat I just

go speaking of Martin House brewing realquick. I know we're gonn get into
this story about the teenagers. Thisjust came across my desk. There are
people who are gonna get excited aboutfast food chains announcing new healthy offer.
I've never met any of them.I've never met any of them, but
I imagine they find it enjoy andenjoying their lives. But for everybody else,

they have this in my email,just got into my box. KFC
is rolling out a new menu itemcalled Chiesa Chiesa it's the name of a
mashup we have chicken and pizza.It's pronounced chiza, so it rhymes with
pizza. It's not fried chicken oron a pizza, it's pizza on fried
chicken. So the fried chicken filetsare the crust with marinair sauce, mozzarella,

cheese, pepperoni on top, andit sounds like one of those are
actually pretty much on the toppings now. But the Chiesa will be available on
most KFC locations nationwide starting next week. It's a limited time thing. It's
unclear how limited. It's gonna costnine to ninety nine on its own,
but you can make it a combofor twelve ninety nine. And the reason
why I'm bringing this up, Chad, because at any day now, at

any day now, Martin Housburning willannounce their new release, the Chiesa Red
Ale. Oh yeah, So ifyou like pizza and fried chicken, Kanc's
rolling out the Chiza. It's apizza made from fried chicken. I don't
know if you want pizza and beer. I mean, just check out our
buddy Joe Cruz over at Cases.I mean, he's that guy there.

He's got the job of lifetime.And if you don't believe me, you
can go listen to our podcast broughtto that Cask Branding. We interviewed him
last week, and that guy,he's got the job of lifetime. What's
what's your job? Drink beer,pair it with pizza for who Casey's.
Casey's one of the largest pizza retailersin the world. Right, that's pretty
awesome. Would you would you eata Chiza chad fried chicken pizza. I'll

try anything twice, Okay, Wellthe second Martin the second that Martin House
comes out with their Chieza red Ale. Oh yeah, I'll let you know.
I mean, I'll try it.But by the way, speaking of
red Ale, I gotta throw thisout there. I'm sorry. We this
is not on the one sheet andwe just went down a rabbit hole.
We don't normally do this. We'reproduced radio. But you know what beer
that I haven't heard and forever mentioned? Velvet Hammer, Oh, Pettical's Brewing

Company, thank you, Yeah,out of Dallas, Texas. That's an
award winning beer. Uh yeah,it's a Scottishale. Right, I don't
think it is a Scottis shoe.I think it's an Imperial red Ale.
Okay, I can't remember. It'sbeen so long since. I think it's
an Imperial red Ale. That's whyI brought it up, because it's won
so many awards and it's such acoveted beer, and yet it just it
just goes to show you how clutteredthe market can be, and that's why

breweries need to find ways to standout, and breweries that need to stand
out. They're getting more and morecreative with their marketing and they're labeling and
they're doing everything they can. Now, if you remember a while back,
you got to go back in thegetting the DeLorean, go back in the
time machine. Got to go backto like twenty seventeen when the Brewers Association
and the federal government and everybody says, look, we're gonna have some integrity

with this labeling. No more sexistlabels, no more cartoons, no more
funny business. Relaxed on those Youthink, yeah, I think they did?
You think I remember there was aBelgian beer that came out of Antwerp,
and there's a statue in Antwerp wherethis giant had his hand cut off
and they put that on the labeland they said they couldn't use that,

it couldn't sell it in the USor parts of the US because it promoted
violence. And I was like,are you kidding me? They took the
baby off of Founder's Breakfast Out becauseit promoted children drinking beer, and everybody
said, we need to put thewe need to drop the hammer on this.
We need to clean up, Weneed clean us up. Well,
they kind of turned the other youknow, it's like, eh, what

did it really produce? Well,in New Hampshire, there are some teenagers
who have had enough. Yes,you heard me correctly, teenagers, high
school kids, oh boy, middleschool kids. Oh, please tell me
why they're so mad. Oh they'reso angry. I can't get them to
turn their homework on on time,but they're mad about something. Yes,

The do Over Youth to Youth tooka field trip to the state House in
Concord, New Hampshire, and theyarrived armed with empty beer cans to tell
lawmakers we've had enough. Look atthese beer cans. It's terrible. They
are designed like kids animated movies,like Finding Nemo. Said Megan Merrigan,

who's twelve years old. I'm tryingto keep a straight face and say this.
There's a twelve year old with anempty beer can yelling at the state
legislature saying you need to change thelaw because there's a Finding Nemo like artwork
on this can and it might enticesome child to drink That state senators were

that has a parent, that hasparent behind that written all over it.
Oh dude, oh this is yeah. I mean, yeah, what what's
it? Greta Thurnberg, Yeah yeah, yeah, Oh dare you? State
senators were handed cans of all ofthese illustrated beers that resembled Disney movie posters,
and she went on with her teenagepeers to contend that alcohol makers are

using imagery on their labels, whetherintentional or not, to appeal to minors.
Has anybody looked at the price ofbeer and craft beer on these things
lately? This is probably like atwenty four dollars four pack of six percent
azipa and it's called finding Nipa,which is a good name, don't get

me wrong. And I get it. People said they were going to crack
down on this, We're not gonnaallow this anymore. But I tell you
Danny Sumner fourteen, she got inthere. She says, kids go for
something that's enticing to the eye.They're not gonna go for the boring beer
like they're not gonna go for it. I'm sorry if you this is editorial
now. If they drop the hammeron this and pass this, you will

not see teenage drinking decline. Teenagekids are not drinking twenty four dollars four
packs of fine nea hazy ipa.It's not happening, Nor are they in
the places that sell that. No, they're not. No, they're not
even allowed to go in because they'renot of age. But this new legislation
which is being proposed will ban theuse of cartoons, toys and other fictional

characters and prohibit them from being usedto entice people to buy alcohol. However,
they say that administering this law willbe complicated because under current new Hampshire
law they block a lot of thesethings with miners being able to drink.
But then you have to ask thisquestion because right now there's a sunny d
seltzer, there is an ego seltzer. So now the question is is that

targeting children or is it targeting nostalgicadults. One brewer even said, I
took a photograph of my dog's facewith his tongue sticking out and flipped it
upside down, and it was bannedfor being too cartoonish. I don't know
what was cartoonish about my dog havinghis tongue out and being photographed upside down,

but they banned that label. Sono word out now on whether or
not they're going to do it.We talked a little bit earlier about how
the band of the trademark A MickeyMouse was lifted and a Michigan were repicked
up on that and made a MickeyMouse beer. Oh yeah, teenage drinking
in Michigan and youth drinking Michigan throughthe roof Mickey Mouse beer killing kids.
Okay, I made that part up. Some teatoller got some kids to go,

Hey, I need you to goin front of the Congress and get
mad and say that you're mad aboutthis label. It's the kids are just
puppets, you know. Kids careabout dare you. Kids care about their
stupid phone and Wi Fi. That'swhy it's not going to curb any youth
drinking. But nevertheless, New Hampshire, you're you're spearheading all right. When
we come back, we got morestuff to talk about, right James.

Absolutely, we're going to talk aboutgetting it on with your beer. I
know it's a real thing. I'mnot making it up. We'll explain this
is what's on taprio. Hang withus. We'll right back. When someone
says, hold my beer. Youknow, a trip to the er is
in your future. So hold yourown beer, buddy and just listen to

What's on tap What's on Tap Radio? Right, So, got a lot
to get to on this episode ofWhat's on Tap Ring. Let me take

a moment to plug our social getahold of us, follow us. It's
at What's on Tap Radio, Facebook, x, Instagram, TikTok. To
send us an email, you cando so at That's What's on tap,
reo at gmail dot com, What'son tap redo at gmail dot com.
That's Matt Jerior Pest control sends alltheir stories every week. They flood our

inbox. I want to thank SuperiorPest Control for sponsoring our research department.
Actually they kind of are. Theysend us, They send us to such
good stuff. Also, if youwant to get a hold of me,
I'm at Amason and Radio. Andthen you want to get a hold of
Chad, that's Chad the beer logicGuy. Here you go, okay,
Chad the beer logic guy. You'relike, who had the beer logic guy?

The beer logic guy got an emailChad from Joe in Cut and Shoot
Texas. Oh now, hold on, hold on a second. You don't
get to say cut and Shoot withoutme telling the Cut and Shoot story.
Super fan number one Christine and Iwe were visiting some breweries and we were
coming back from up north and northeast Texas, and we were we were

traveling through and traffic was really badon I forty five heading south into Houston
back when we lived there, andwe look for a sideway to get home.
Cut off, boom, I amnot making this up. There was
a science said cut and Shoot,right, that can't be a real city.
Yeah, it is, it is. And we went through and I
am not making this up. Wesaw a bunch of houses that were painted

ridiculous. It looked like a carnival. And I joked and I said,
it's like the dang circus. Thenext thing you know, we're gonna see
an elephant or something. No joke. There was an elephant right there.
And Cut and Shoot. I amnot making this up. So there you
go. I don't think I've everbeen to Cut and Shoot, Texas,
but hey, somebody has unless it'san accident. Shout out to all our

friends out and Cut and Shoot Texas, especially you Joe who sent us an
email and he said, pullman,Michigan. Where where Rusty Rocket is?
There's only two two things to doin Rusty rock in pullman, drink it
Rusty Rocket, and find the body. Okay. So I'm not gonna okay,
he's got a great email address.I'm not gonna read it on the

air, but it's a great emailaddress. But it says Joe. His
name is Joe. I'm not goodat sending emails, but I'm gonna do
the best I can. He spelledsome of the words, it's all right,
it's all right, it's okay,it's okay. Maybe his computer doesn't
have auto corrector or spell check,but he said his wife sent him this

video and he wanted to share withus. And so actually, I sent
this video to Chad and I'm notlook Joe, I love you, man,
I appreciate you listening. But Ithink Chad, when he watched it,
says, I wish I could getthat what ten minutes back over your
life? Oh my gosh. Yes. So in this video it's called Redneck
Dad, and I'm not gonna beI'm just gonna break it down for you

because this guy, Joe is soexcited about this video that he wanted to
share it with us, And sowe watched by the way. If you're
sharing videos with us, we loveyou. I will buy you a beer.
Yeah, I don't care how goodthe content is or how bad.
I will. I love you Joe. If I'm around cutting shoot man,
I'm looking you up, my man. But yeah, he sent this video.

I'm to Michigan. I'll buy youa beer, and it's called Redneck
Dad. He demonstrates twelve easy waysof twelve easy beer can life hacks,
and yeah, beer can life hack. That's the one I like. It's
like, wait a minute, mylife can get better with a beer can.
You're gonna give me twelve ways todo it. I'm man, let's
go. I would like to thankRedneck Dad for the following gems and thank
you Joe for sending us our way. And like I said, I try.

The video is kind of hard towatch. So what I'm gonna do
instead of watching a video, I'mjust gonna break it down for you.
Okay, it's a six minute videowhere he's got ten snips and he's showing
you how to cut a candle.So if you don't have dryer sheets left,
if you don't have dryer sheets left, like you're out of the bounty
dryer sheets, No problem, justtoss an empty beer cannon in the dryer.
It gets rid of this. Tomorrow, I'm gonna see if it works.

It gets all the static electricity.According to red Nick, Dad,
that was pretty awesome. Okay,how about a beer can lantern? So
basically what this is what Chad took. He was talking about the sneers.
So basically he cut two wings intothe can, so there's room inside it
for a candle, for a littlelike a little what do you call those

candles that the lantern candles? Alittle tiny one, Yeah, those little
white cup, the little cup.You know, the light bounces off the
reflection of the sides. Plus it'sshielded from the wind on the back,
so extra points. It's also alittle romantic, you know, no it's
not. It's romantic, very bluejean wedding. Look, baby, I
got I got the candle that dittergoing. Hey, honey, how about

these flowers off a grave? Usinga can opener, remove the top of
the beer can and the edges shouldbe smooth. Now you have yourself a
beautiful vase or a toothbrush holder.That was the one that got me,
the toothbrush holder, because I'm alwayssitting around. I'm like, huh,
damn, I got this toothbrush.I just brushed my teeth with. Where
will I put it? Hey,I gotta go drink a beer and cut

the top off because now I havea place I hate when I put my
toothbrush down. I'm like, damn, I just wish I'd had a place
to put my toothbrush. It's justI'm putting it on this dirty counter.
If only I had a place toput my toothbrush. You know what you
definitely cannot do. You can't drinkthe beer with the open where you put
the opener and definitely put you cannotput your toothbrush in that hole. No,
no, you have no You're gonnahave to cut the top off.

You gotta use a can opener.And here's the one I need you to
check. Dad again, we're talkingabout beer can hacks. According to Redneck
Dad, our listener out there andcut and shoot texes, judge shoot tixaes.
He says, did you know youcan cut a padlock with a beer
hand? No? This one?No, pick the lock. Oh yeah,
yeah, well we broke it.Yeah he broke into a padlock.

Okay, so basically him. Hedidn't cut it, he picked it,
so red neck Dad, he madeit look pretty easy. All you have
to do is cut a thin pieceof the can. Yeah, you can
shimmey down the padlock and then youjust turn it a bit and then the
lock will pop right open. That'sall he did. Yeah, he picked
the lock with a beer can.I'm like, all right, So,

I mean, if I'm coveting myneighbor's possessions, I know what I'm doing.
I'm drinking a beer first. I'mgoing to tell you right now if
you do any of these hacks.Oh yeah, this is not what's on
taperto. This is not James,it's not this is redneck Dad. I
don't even know where redneck Dad isrun into. Disclaimer quick, we are
not We are absolutely not. Theseviews are not expressed and shared by any

of our affiliates, our sponsors,producers, or what anyone like nothing.
But if you're out of those tieddryer sheets or those only dryer sheets,
and you want to if a beercan ruins your dryer, don't call me.
See boo boo boo boo boom boom, boom boo boom. You hear
that that's all that static electricity togetting out of my jeans. My clothes

are torn to shreds. But man, there's no or. You want to
make a nice romantic evening by thetrailer park, you just make yourself.
You can't later. Look, I'msorry, I'm sorry. I love you,
Joe. I love making. Iappreciate it. Now people be like,
man, hell no, I ain'tsend them any stories. I'm gonna
sit there. That's right now.He's all mad. Listen, I just
told you you come to Michigan,I am buying you beer. You show

up where James is in his neckof the woods. Hell, he will
buy you a beer. Next time. I'm going out that way. I'm
with Rodney Campbell and Rodney we gottamake a pit stop and cut and shoot.
I gotta find Joe and I gottabuy him a beer. When you're
talking about Rodney will stop there.He probably knows like five people. The
dude. It's like my cousin livesthere. I know Rodney knows everybody.
Okay, all right, so thereyou go. Beer can hacks thirr can

in the dryer. Just get somestatic electricity, every gene as you can
make a lantern. You can alsomake a too brushoulder or a lock.
Yeah. Lock. Basically you canuse a beer can find yourself in jail.
All right. Yeah, that's likebreaking an innery. All right.
I want to talk about this breweryoutside of Pittsburgh, in Pennsylvania. This
is the I'm gonna try and sayit correctly. It's the Necromancer. Yeah,

Necromancer, Necromancer brewery game over doorsare closing. Sorry, folks,
we can't do it anymore. It'sa funeral for the brewery. Oh,
going to that business going out ofbusiness sale, right, so everything must
go. That's right, everything mustgo. Fifty sixty seventy percent off.
Nope, free beer. Just showup and pick it up. Their closing

in, their in, their expansionplans all canceled. They're disappointed to have
to do this. It's a verysad day, but the time has come.
Citing the current economic conditions as wellas the current beer market, they
don't see a pathway to success,and they are stepping out of the race.
Oh was that an election reference?It was, But they are done.

When they're hanging it up. Sorryto be closing down, because you
know what, it's been a greatplace to been an institution. It's been
there, and great atmosphere, greatbeer. However, this is the part
that pisses me off. They said, anybody want to come in right now
pick up a free case of beer. You can come in and pick up
a free case of beer. Weall we ask is that you make a
tip donation to our staff in thetip jar. Well, they have a
virtual tip jar. I don't knowanything about the virtual but then maybe they

did. But they just said,please, you're getting a free case of
beer. Make a love offering.Regulars have said, this is the busiest
I've ever seen it. I've neverseen this brewery this packed ladies and gentlemen.
Don't support your local brewery when they'regiving you free beer. Support them
to avoid having to give you freebeer because they're going out of business.
And plus, these people are lightingup in the rain. Do you see

that. It's like a line,a line in the rain in the list.
Support them when it's inconvenient, becausethey're open when it's inconvenient. Support
your local brewery. Don't just showup when they're giving away free crap.
Yeah, there's some mores to liveby, all right. We gotta take
a break. We'll be right backbeer. It's why we wake up every

afternoon. Wakey, wakey. What'son text? What's on tap? This
is what's on tap radio. Pullmy beer and watch this brought to you
by your friends at We're all theten take an insurance group RTI, Grand
Rapids dot Com. I'm gonna putout APV. It's all points bulletin trying

to get this. Some people don'tremember what that means. We're trying to
get this. Guest On had ahard time. I think there's a problem
with his cell signal. He's inWillis, Texas, and he told me
when I talked to him earlier today, I said, dude, wherever you
are the signals great? You soundcrystal Clear, says really, I've been
having problems all day. We'll stayright where you are. See what move

he moved? He moved, Yeah, it is okay. Well, we're
trying. We're trying. We're efforting. That's a big time broadcast word.
We're efforting. That's not a realword. No, no, listen and
broadcast in broadcast terms. We're effortingto get him on. That's like googling.
You can't. That's that's like whatthe kids are saying, now,

this is the one that pisses meoff. And I mean this one really
pisses me off. James. Youyou call games for baseball for high school?
I do. This is when thekids say, right here, this
is enough to make you drink.By the way, drinking not a solution.
Well technically it is, according chemistry. But listen to this, James.

Uh, you had a game withwhat two schools playing? Can you
say what schools? Are you willingto say? Or just or you give
the mascots we had I don't evenknow. We had the Rams and the
bulldogs. Rams are the bulldogs?Okay? Cool? The kids today will
say the Rams are versing the Bulldogs. I'm like, no, they are
not. Versing is not a verb, you know, No, it is

the Rams versus the bulldogs. Butyou are not versing anything anyway. Sorry
before chat yell at cloud rant.Yeah, we were efforting to get this
guest on. Hopefully we'll get themon if you're the same kids that need
to remember this. Okay, rememberthis, drink responsibly, which we always
promote and fun fact, I learnedthis this week. Read for this,

Eminem checked himself in the AA atsome point in time. You know whose
sponsor is I do not Elton John. Oh wow wow has bringing more fun
facts after the fun fact, allto celebrate that. I'm gonna open a
beer, all right, the hopbullet from Sierra Nevada. But okay,
move on, let me do this, hold my beer and watch this brought

to you by the Ring Malda tenHacen Insurance Group, where they'll cover you
for just about everything except this.Hey, Florida, you've been busy the
last couple of weeks. Go aheadand sit down on the bench. All
right, I'm taking I'm taking tothe Florida. I'm gonna bench you guys
this week, all right. Instead, we're gonna go to New Jersey.
Going to New Jersey. And thisguy's not named David. It's day wid

day wid wor Janowski. Yeah,Wordzanowski is his name. He's thirty nine
years old from Alpha, New Jersey, and he's charged with this orly person's
shoplifting second degree, to eluding police, drunk and driving, having an open
container of alcohol in the vehicle,and multiple traffic offenses. According to a
statement by the Pattacong Township Police,ever been in that area Poddocong. He

it's really nice this time of year. Cherry Hill is my only area of
New Jersey I've been to Okay well, police said. The incident unfolded shortly
after about ten fifteen pm, whenofficers were called for a shoplifting in progress
at a Walmart supercenter. Oh boy. The Walmart investigators were met by a
store employee who pointed out the carin the parking lot with Wargzanowski allegedly inside.

Worganowski stole less than fifty dollars worthof ice cream containers and oven mits
from the store before leaving without paying. Ice creaming oven miss weird combination,
right, Well, you never knowwhen you're gonna need an other and met
and well ice cream there's always roomfor it. Go ahead, apparently so
so yeah. An officer drove towardsWurgzanowski an attempted to stop them, but

Wartzanowski backed the vehicle out of theparking spot and began to drive away.
The officer followed the car, activatingthe sirens in the emergency lights the whoop
woop woop woop, but Warzanowski continueddriving erratically. The vehicle eventually ended up
in a front yard of somebody's homealong the boulevard. This guy's wasted Organowski

was arrested and removed from the vehicleby offs. Investigators reported finding open containers
of beer and the goods allegedly stolenfrom the Walmart inside the car. Police
said that Warzanowski submitted an alcohol breathtest, which showed his blood alcohol content
point two one. That's a wayover. It's over. That's over.

That's way over the limit in NewJersey, which is point oh eight.
He was were everywhere. He wasreleased, pitting court dates coming up next
month. So David war Zanowski,thirty nine years old. Oh, I
forgot to tell you what he doesfor a living. No wait, wait,
wait, wait, hold on,let me get comfortable. I have

no beer in my mouth. Igot a feel like this is ladies and
gentlemen. This is what's called risingaction climax. It's coming three two yeah.
David Warzanowski thirty nine a Roman Catholicpriest at the same Catholic church in
Alpha. Yeah. He's a Catholicpriest at the Saint Mary Catholic Church in

Alpha. Yeah. Spokesperson and chancellorfor the diocese said the diocese was aware
of the incident and confirmed that hewould be stepping aside as pastor of the
church and a quote. It isclear father Dayvid has a very serious problem
with alcohol. Spokesperson and chancellor forthe diocese said in a statement, he

has accepted this fact and this ishis first step to recovery. He will
be stepping aside. He will stepaside from the role as pastor at Saint
Mary Catholic Church in Alpha to providehim necessary time to seek impatient treatment out
of state. Father is extremely remorsefulfor his conduct. He's aware of the

danger he posted to the others inhimself and he's resolved to seek the necessary
treatment to ensure that he never engagesin such behavior again. And another identified
priest has been temporarily assigned to theparish to give this the opportunity to assign
a temporary administrator. So you're ahold my beer and watched this. A

Roman Catholic priest who was accused ofshoplifting from the Walmart supercenter in Puttacong Township
before allegedly leading the officers on apursuit to avoid arrest, is stepping away
from his role as passer as theSaint Mary Catholic Church in Alpha. Does
he get to go and confess hissins and just go back to work?
You know, I read a jokeon next I'm not gonna repeat it,

all right, anyway, that holdmy beer and watch this brought to you
by our friends at Ringold, theten Naked Insurance Group, where they'll cover
you for just about everything, buttell you what not if you're a job
Yeah, now, if you're aNew Jersey priest accused of shoplifting and driving
drunk, and buddy is stepping downfrom the church, so that's been your
whole I wonder if they're gonna stillensure the church. I don't know.

I'm sure it's a weird world outthere. But anyway, I want to
thank our buddy John Clunder, whowent out and visited some local breweries with
me. RTI Grand Rapids ring Allthe ten Hacen insurance Group. He's a
big fan of the craft beer community. Supports them and for all your commercial
and residential insurance need John Clunder RTIInsurance, Ringing all the ten Hacen.

All right, there you go,All right, we gotta take a break.
Still trying to get this guest on. Also, we got to get
an update on the inaugural Florida Mangame. Speaking of hold my beer and
watch this all. This is somuch more. We got a lot to
get to. We'll be right backbecause it's five o'clock somewhere, Lived Life,
every Old and Menonomics. It's alwaystime for those slackers of What's on

Tap Radio, Superior Pest Control ofWest Michigan, Superior Pest dot Biz.
They are sponsors of the research departmenthere at What's on Tap Radio making sure
that we have all this awesome content. Give them a call or reach out
to them at Superior Pest dot Biz. Right about now, the Funk Soul
Brother check it out now, theFunk Soul Brother. Right about now,

the Funk So Brother. Check itout now, the Funk So Brother.
Good news, good news. We'reefforting to get this guest. And now
I've just got a confirmation that wehave a guest coming up next segments.
His name's Ray Allen. He's ridinghis bike around the country visiting breweries.

So I got the forest gump ofbicycles and beer drinking, except he is
a smart man. Yeah, Andthe thing is, we're having a hard
time get a hold of him becausehe's riding his bike and he's in parts
of the country where they're not gettingthe best cell service, and so we
just happened to have him to catchhim where he's actually in a good spot.

And so we told him, don'tmove, don't freak out freaking move.
And this is guy I met onRagbry last summer. And when I
met him, he was one hundredbreweries into his tour and he's he's still
going come in, you come in, just speak what Yeah, So he's
coming up next segment. So inthe first segment of What's on tab Radio,

I brought the table thanks store friendsover at the backyard grill. I
opened up a beer from Martinhause BrewingCompany, the Awesome Sauce Hearts Heart Seltzer
Sour Seltzer Cherry Coconut. Couldn't doit. I took four or five STIPs.
Could not do it. So whatI'm doing now, Chad, is
I am playing beer Roulette? Oh? Now, hold on, I love

this game. This is a fungame. This is a This is a
game that actually used to be playedat the No No Ginger Man downtown Houston
when they had a fire sale thatthey just reach in and grab any beer
and pull it out, and itwasna be two dollars whatever it was.
It was two dollars. You mayget bush light, you may get stone
Ipa. Okay. So I havemy son in studio and I told him
to go out to the fridge inthe garage where I have some of the

beer i'd have. I didn't reallywant pulling a beer from studio, I
said my son. All right,yeah, hang on, did you not
hear the story about kids in NewHand? You're being angry about so,
uh, I don't want to graba beer from the fridge I have here
in studio. As I just toldmy son, I was like, hey,
go out to the fridge in thegarage where I have some of the
other beers, but not to givea beer from the crisper drawer. So

that's where beer you did? Toget this from the chrisper drawer. Okay.
Oh, he says he can't evenopen the crisper drawer. So all
right, so now, yeah,I don't know what beer's gonna give me.
So he's headed into me what beersis? Oh, that's not bad,
that's not bad. Okay. You'regood. You can go go play
a Fortnite. Uh kid, getout of here. Carbock Brewing Company,

Uh spec y'all Mexican stock. Iwant to go ahead and make a comment
really quick before you open that.You sent your underage son to go get
you a beer. I did.Yeah. Was he attracted to all the
colorful finding Nemo cartoon labels? Now? No, he was bitching about how
long it took me to get thebeer. He's like, because you've I
meant a Pauses game to go giveme a beer, and you got,

and he got. He brought youback a very basic label. Yeah.
I just told I was like,just grab me any beer, it doesn't
matter which beer. Bet. Donot pull a beer from the crisper drawer.
And this He was not attracted tocartoons or cartoon logos or labels,
which I know you have in yourfridge. Although I think you dropped it
though, because there's lots of dentsin the can. All right, hey,
open it, open it, doit, hold it away from the

microphone. You don't ever open allright. Car Block Brewing Company, the
Servesa especial Mexican style lagger. Takea sip of this. I love the
fact that you're sent your underage sonto get you a beer and he was
not attracted to the cartoon label beersthat you have in your fridge, proving
that New Hampshire kids are wrong.You just want to go play video games.

He's mad that I took him awayfrom playing Fortnite for five men.
I'm gonna grab the first beer Ican find, dad. That's what I
basically told me, was just gograb a beer, just don't grab it
from the crisper drawer. So what'sthe story on this beer? What do
you it's there Vienna style lagger.Uh, you know it's got straw notes
to it. Mm hmmm when thiscomes to you at four point five percent

alcoaloid by volume, light years betterthan the awesome sauce I had earlier.
So just for the record, JamesLight opened up a Seltzer which he poured
down the drain and switched over sometime later to a four percent beer.
I started the show with no stuntliver, which is why I am drinking

very carefully, Always drink responsibly.The Stone Imperial stout at ten point five
percent, which I finally got through, and I switched over to the Syriana
had a hot Bullet Magnum addition ImperialIPA good beer, a very it's so
good, but it's also nine anda half percent. So I'm going to
coast into the sunset when I'm goingto ride out the rest of the show

on this beer. Why because Idon't have a stunt beer liver and I
would like to drink responsibly. Sothat's what I brought. And then uh
yes, miscan style of logger fromCarbuck Brewing Company. All right, we
got to get an update, update, update time so much ago that news
breaking news he wants ago. Wetalked about how they were having the inaugural

Florida Man Game, speaking a wholeof my beer and watched this actually gave
Florida the week off, went toNew Jersey and we talked about a Roman
Catholic priest who decided to get themselvesa little trouble stealing from the old Walmart
and driving drunk. But the FloridaMan Games in Saint Augustine, Florida organizers
that are saying a huge, huge, huge success. If you haven't heard

of it, it's basically the Olympicfor Florida crazies. Events include the mullet
contest, the mud duel with poolnoodles, and even invading arrest obstacle course
were actual cops chase people have videoof it. If you don't believe me,
now I can post video. Igot video of it. Check it
out. It's not clear how manyfans ultimately showed up, but tickets cost

around fifty dollars and they were expectingabout five thousand people. And I'm looking
at a picture and there it isquite the crowd there chat. I'm not
exactly sure if five thousand would showpay fifty dollars to watch that, in
a second, I would. Iwouldn't even hesitate take my money. There
is a quote from a guy namedJames Gordon, who won the Barbecue,

Pork and Sausage speed eating contest,and he says, quote, I love
this. I lived in Florida mywhole life. That are calling these events,
but I'm calling this a freaking Tuesdayafternoon. This is just a Tuesday
afternoon. We're having a gathering thisSunday. And by the way, this
is an annual event. He's like, no, it's not. It's like

my Tuesday. This is Tuesday afternoon. I mean We're so crazy about this.
I don't get it. Yeah,why I want to pay fifty dollars?
I do this every week. Oneof the judges at the games was
a lady named Lourie Frederick who playedice on American Gladiators, remember that show
from the nineties. She suggested thatthey add an actual events for the ladies

next year and hold a separate theFlorida Woman Games. Well, I agree,
why not I look for I wouldlook I look for that. So
the annual Inaugural Florida Man Games.And here's a couple of participants in the
organizer, Pete Millef at the inauguralFORDA Man Games. I think it's cut
for drinking beer, having fun withour friends, and then jousting somebody wild,

messy and hilarious. Alligators, nudityand drugs. We couldn't get nudity,
and we couldn't get drugs, butwe definitely got alligators out there,
for sure. Man. Honestly,because I love God and I love America,
and I'm here to be a FloridaMan. I'm here to Florida Man,
huge success sod and I love America. That's why I'm here. I'm
a Florida Man. Oh but hey, congratulations are the organizers of the inaugural

Forida Man Games and they look lookfor next year the Florida Woman Games.
I'll be exciting. We got wehave gotten. Oh my gosh. We've
got an interview coming up and we'regoing to talk about ragbry And I'm gonna
just tell you this right now.I've seen some crazy things on Ragbriy.
Not sure I've seen drugs. Notgonna say yes or no to the nudity,

but some crazy things have happened.All right, speaking of crazy,
I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'mgonna play this real quick. Hang on.
The following feature has been rated PGMotion Picture Association of America. Parental
guidance is suggested PG thirteen borderline ratedR. Yeah you have some kids,
brace yourself. Cover the kid's earsright now. Do not let your children

listen there. Okay, if you'rea true beer lover, prove it.
Because there's a company. There's acompany called Blush, and they're selling a
beer can sex toy for men.It looks like a sixteen ounce can,
but inside is designed to love yourunits. Some people call those sixteen ounce

cans pounders, which seems to berelevant. The label labels a take on
the old Schlitz logo, and thebrand name is Shags and they got three
different versions depending on whether what doyou prefer. Loggers care stolets lawyers are
calling. They retail about forty dollarsand it looks like they'll be available for
a little while. At dot comwe are not giving that website no,

but they got a big write upon it. And yeah, there's actually
a sex toy that looks like abeer can. So crazy thing, James.
My browser is never gonna look thesame. I went to look to
see if I could buy one,and I could, Unlike anything I've ever
tried to buy from Miller Lite,I don't understand. I'm like, no,

empty cart, empty cart, emptycart. I don't want it.
All right, We've got an interviewcoming up next segment. We're gonna talk
to a guy who's been riding hisbike around the country checking out breweries,
and we're gonna find out why heis doing it. Is it for world
peace? Is it for women's rights? We'll talk to when we come back.
The more you weigh, the harderyou are to kidnap, stay safe,

drink more beers. You've got what'son Tap Radio? I want to
rad Man, welcome back to HackeyRadio. I'm uh James, that's chess
Rag Bright time already. What's onTab Radio? Got a special guest on

the line. Thank god we've paidour phone bill this week. I know
Willis, Texas. Willis, Texasnot too far from where I'm broadcasting.
But he's not from Willis. Knowthat's that's just where he is right now.
And I want to bring in thanksto modern technology and this phone line
thing we got going on, RayAllen, who's doing something that I look,

I'm like, he's crazy, he'scrazy. I think he's insane.
I know, but I met himand he's actually a really sane guy.
Uh So real quick, Ray Allen, before we bring him in here and
tell you who he is. Wementioned him on the show earlier, probably
a couple of months ago. Icame back from Ragbriy and I met this

guy and he was riding his bicycleacross the country visiting breweries and he just
jumped in Ragbriy and there he was, and like, wait a minute,
who the heck is this guy?I like this guy. This guy has
stories for days, and he wasthe highlight of our beer table. I
don't even remember what city we werein, but Ray Allen, welcome to
What's on Tap Radio? Bud,Hey there, good to be there.

It was Sioux City, was whereRaby started, right But remember the Something
Brewers, Yes it was. Thatwas my one hundredth brewery, Jackson Street
Brewery, And that was your onehundredth brewery on this tour. Yes,
all right, so it ladies andgentlemen, I want Ray to go ahead
and tell you. First of all, Ray, tell everybody where you're from.

Yeah, tell him? And whenwhen you and when you got on
a bike and just decided. Imean it was like it's you. You
kind of remind me of Forrest Gumpa little bit, only you're definitely smarter.
I mean, I've talked to you. You're you are a highly intelligent
guy. You got on a bike? What day and where? What happened?
Well? I left Homa, Louisiana, about an hour south and west

of New Orleans on February twenty eighthlast year, and I rode around the
country. Instead of across at northor southeast to west, I rode up
to Dallas, Fort Worth. I'vegot a daughter there, and down to
Houston, Willis got a daughter there. Towards Austin, Fredericksburg, Roswell,

New Mexico, Phoenix, Arizona,Rancho Cucamonga, Southern California. Was what
was the inspiration behind it? Whyjust go right around the world? Peace?
Take a car or something. Yeah, you try to roll peace like
world world peace. Yeah, worldpeace. I had. I had a
lot of the right. A lotof people asked if I was if I

was riding for a cause, andI was. I was just riding the
cause I can. I just feltlike I was just bike. That's pretty
much. I've always ridden my bike. I love me a beer, you
know, and so I just putthem both together. Ray was your card
in the shop, you know.Fortunately, my car was stolen about five

weeks before I started my tripads,so yeah, and you know, it
was a it was a little cheapEcono car, and insurance said they totaled
it. And if I had seenthe car on the street, i'd given
somebody two thousand for it. Butthey told it and gave me a check
for ten thousand. So what thatpretty much paid for any any hotels or

motels I stayed in for the trip. So, Ray, you're riding your
bike across the country, and haveyou run into any kind of dangerous situations?
Not seriously, I ran off theroad semi or anything. One actually
actually that was the one. Therewas one semi that tried to kill me

in Arizona and I made it pastthat. But other than that, people
just they they really don't want tohit you. No, you know,
everybody says they're scared to ride onthe road because the drivers are going to
kill you, and they won't.It would be so inconvenient if they if
they hit you, you know,it would scratch your car. You know,
they'd lose a day of work.I'll you know, you'd be dead.

But they you know, their cardbe scratched, So they don't want
to hit you. You want todeal with a scratch car and losing the
day at work. Gas ride hisbikero on the country. Now, how
do you set this up? Doyou set up I'm going to ride eighty
miles to this hotel or do youjust get on your bike and ride and
see where it takes you. Thatis that's pretty much yet the whole brilliance

of my plan is I had noplan, so there was no way for
me to sail. You know.I rode as far as conditions and weather
and my body felt like it.I never planned more than two or three
days ahead where I was going.I would, you know, hit camp

at night and look at the mapfor the next day. I probably averaged
fifty miles a day, and soI look at the map and there might
be three cities, you know,in the general direction I'm headed in forty
six mile range. And then Ido a real quick Google search of brewery
near me, and whatever time hada brewery or the most breweries was where

I went that next day. Now, do you have a wife or a
girlfriend who's like, well, justlet me know when you're coming home.
How does that work? I mean, yeah, you know, I hope
you don't have a dog that you'rejust leaving behind or anything like that.
I mean, you said you lostyour car, but is there rent or
a house or any like what didyou leave behind to go on this year

line. I had been downsizing quitea bit over the years. Besides what
I had on my with me onmy bike, my bike, I pulled
a trailer with camping gear and clothesand stuff. But between that, I
had a five x ten storage unitin hom and that's really all I had

on the planet. I had ahouse. I have a trailer and I
pulled behind my bike and a storageunit. No no home. I was.
I was renting, So I wasactually I was actually making money while
I was on the road. Idid not have a car payment. I
didn't have an insurance pay. Ididn't pay rent. I didn't have a

electricity bill. You know, Ihad my cell phone bill. And then
whatever I spent on the on theroad for hotels or beers or you know,
food along the way. We're talkingabout road actually cheaper to cruise on
the bike. Talking to Ray Allenriding his bike across the country and visiting
brewer and visiting when I saw you, you met you were at brewery number

one hundred, and that was duringRagbriy last summer. And if you don't
know about Ragbriy, that is theRegister's annual great bike ride across Iowa.
I do that with the Backyard Grillguys. And we met up with you
at a brewery and you told usabout this. But how many breweries have
you hit since and do you havea favorite experience. I I've finished up

the actual map circle of the rideJanuary thirtieth. I made it back to
Homa January thirtieth. The calendar I'vegot till tomorrow. I've got one more
day to rack up a couple moremiles and another brewery for sure. So

tomorrow I will have visited three hundredand ninety one breweries in the year.
Ray And typically I typically I'll havea flight or two because I know I'm
not going to be back, soI want to try all the beers.
But I would I would say probablyprobably reasonable that I tried two thousand different

beers last year. Are you checkingthese out on untapped or anything or documenting
them anywhere? Now? I've neverbeen able to make untapped work. Yeah,
nobody does either. Every single timeI have to, I have to
log in and they don't like mypassword, and I feel I'm on the
sat. Ray Allen's our guest.Ray. Are you are you running on

the interstate? Are you taking farmroads? What's your route? Interstates?
You can't ride a bike on theinterstate, but highways, railroads. I
was on gravel roads. Google mapswas not friendly to me. Sometimes.
There was a day that I pushedmy bike for two hours. I went

from a highway to a gravel road, to a logging road, down through
a pasture into somebody's backyard. Allthe while I was, you know,
dead on the GPS track and thenback out to the highway. And you'd
never been chased by dogs or anythingor coyotes. I had two dogs that

actually made an attempt to snap atme. Had a lot of them,
you know, would run out tothe road and bark and fuss, but
really not never had a problem.All right, well, Ray Allen,
never had a log. I gottatell you, I never had a problem
with dog and never had a problemwith people. You like. People asked

and police asked, you know,are you are you packing? Are you
aren't you afraid? You know?Are you by yourself out here? You
know? And I said, yeah, no. I had a pepper spray
and a little air horn to fusswith the dogs, but otherwise I was
I was not worried. You arethe only guy I know that's ever gotten

on a bicycle with can of pepperspray to go beer hunting across the country.
Ray Allen's been our guest here.Ray, I I wish you well.
I hope you make a million dollarswith this idea. And I want
to thank you for going out thereand supporting local breweries wherever local is for
you. Because you're on your bicyclebyicycle riding around. Hey, Ray,
thanks for joining us. Be safe, buddy, Hey, we'll do Thanks.

Are we got one more segment ofWhat's on Tap Radio? We will
be right back. Craft beer,it's not alcoholism, it's a huh be.
This is what's on tap Radio.We don't thank our friends at Tantrik
Brewing Company, located in Alegant,Michigan, right there on the Kalamazoo River.
Beautiful sites, beautiful beer, beautifulfood and h yeah, you see

the beer logic guy in there hangingout. Stop by get a free What's
on Tap Radio? High five?Great beer, great times, great food.
Located an Alligant, Michigan. TantrikBrewing Company been a very busy show.
Last segment of What's on Top Radiofor this week. I want to

thank Ring Allen stopped by the showriding his bike across the country. I
want to take this opportunity to plugour podcast that's anywhere podcasts are found at
What's on Tap Radio. After wegot off the air, we did another
few minutes with film, ask themmore questions. Very fascinating, fascinating guy

riding around the country visiting breweries,just living his best life. And check
out the podcast wherever podcasts are found. Thanks for our friends over at cast
Branding. But yeah, we wentextra land yapp so check that out.
And yeah, Landy a little extravalue for you. A little Baker's dozen't
but I'll see. Can follow uson our social media that's at What's on

Tap Radio, Facebook, x,Instagram and TikTok. He said that he's
gonna send over some photos so youcan get an idea of what his adventure
looks like. So, but thislast segment of What's on Tap Radio brought
to you by our friends over atTantrick Brewing Company and Chad's Neck of the
Woods. That's right, Tantrik BrewingCompany located right there on the Kalamazoo River.

Beautiful views, Downtown Allegan revitalization projectdone. It is booming. You've
got to get down there and checkit out. Patrick's brewing up some great
beers and check out the kitchen,great food. Want to think Tantrick Brewing
Company, Tantrik Brewing dot Com forsponsoring this last segment. What's on that
radio? Last segment for the weekof the week. Like, Yeah,

we're not done. Done, we'llbe back. We'll be back next We'll
be a lot of the stories toget to. But what I want to
do now is I want to kindof end the show in a high note.
Uh, not that you know,we talked a lot of doom and
gloom, but it's been a whilesince we've ended with a nice, feel
good story. And so we havea couple here before we say goodbye for
this week, including a pig thatwas rescued. Do you want me to

go across the pond first? Yeah, but we're gonna go across the pond
first. But okay, we're gonnatalk about a nice pig that was saved,
it was rescued. Yeah we will. And before we do, though,
Dublin, Ireland, home of someof the best Irish stouts in the
world, the home of the Irishstout for that matter. Well there's another

Dublin that says, you know what, we welcome you here, Dublin,
Ohio. Have you been there toattract visitors from Have you been in Dublin,
Ohio? I have. I betshe's nice about this time a year.
Oh, it's absolutely beautiful. ButI've never been during their Irish festivals
when they're celebrating, you know,they share a name. Yeah, but

and they throw a big party.I've never been Dublin in Dublin, Ohio
though, to have Dublin Ireland beer. But Doublin, Ohio wants to welcome
people, and they're telling everyone whodecides to make the three thousand, five
hundred and sixty six mile trek,or if you're in Dublin, Ireland,

you don't know what a mile isfive thousand, seven hundred and thirty eight
kilometer trek, you come over hereand we will buy you a pint of
beer. Now, this is whereit gets a little interesting, because Dublin,
Ohio is home of the largest threeday Irish festival in the world.
You heard me correctly, ladies andgentlemen, the world, not just the

US. Dublin, Ohio is homeof the largest three day Irish festival in
the world. They celebrate Saint Patrick'sDay and they are known as the Greenest,
Grandest day of the year to celebratean Irish attitude, and they are
encouraging dublin ER's Dublin Ireland to comeand celebrate Saint Patrick's Day with their parade
and their Celtic Cocktail trail and theirSaint Patrick's Day pub crawl. And if

you do, you make the track, we will buy you a pint of
beer. Now this is where I'ma little confused. The press release,
the news from the CVB conventioned VisitorsBureau, and everybody else. They don't
say exactly how you can claim yourfree pint. They don't say how many
pints you get. I do knowthat a ticket from Dublin, Ireland to

Dublin, Ohio. By the way, there is a direct flight from Dublin,
Ireland to Cleveland, Ohio. Now, yes, all because of the
Dublin Ohio connection, so you canfly direct and get close. But I
don't understand how the translation of afree pint translates into what you paid for

a ticket less Dublin, Ohio wantsto show off their Midwest hospitality, something
that we haven't necessarily been known for. However, I do know, believe
it or not, I'm a bigMichigan guy. Ohio very friendly state,
believe it or not. I knowthey're not Iowa friendly. Iowa nice because
Iowa ice is nice. But theyare now trying to entice people from Dublin,

Ioland to come and celebrate in thethree day festival. I'm curious to
know how they're gonna collect on theirpints. I'm not sure, but I'm
pretty sure if you show your passport, I bet you, I bet you,
they welcome them at the airport.Oh if you show up with a
Dublin Ireland passport and you say I'mhere to go to Dublin, Ireland,

passport will be a Dublin Island passport. Well yeah, if you show Irish
passport, there you go and you'relike, hey, I'm here to visit
visit Dublin, Ohio. They'll probablypick you up from the airport. They
may give you some beers, thoughexactly how that's done. It's kind of
funny because if you go buy somethingfrom Miller Lte on their website during one
of those promotions that don't actually exist, they tell you exactly how to do

it and claim it, but theydon't exist. There's no word on how
to claim your free pint. ButI actually believe you will get a free
pint. I bet you they will. I bet you they'll pick you up
the visitor center, will pick youup from the airport and drive you straight
to the nearest pub and double Iknow, And yeah, I'll be a
good on them. That's a goodpromotion right there. Amen. I think,

what if you don't live in Dublin. What if you don't live in
Dublin Island? What if you livein like right outside of Dublin? Does
that count? Wing it? Like? What if you live north High if
you were born there? But whatif you're like thirty kilometers north of Dublin?
What's a kilometer? I don't know. I was born there, Okay,
I live here now, all right? All right, stupid Americans don't

know collect All right. We're gonnaend on a high note. This is
a feel good story about a pig. Dave Ward would be proud, longtime
broadcaster here in the Houston market,always always ended his broadcast with a nice
story that made you feel nice andwarm inside. And that's what I hope
to do this story, Because thereis a pig in Parker County, and
he's safe and sound after nearly adozen rescuers helped to free him from some

thorny bushes. Pojo, it's thename Pojo. He's a six month old
pot bellied pig. He found himselfcaught in a thorn bush and Springtown has
happened back in February. Pojo's owner. I love her name, Marie Lenda
Heidi Cooper. It's a good namefor a pot belly pig. Yeah,
well that's the name of the owner. Yeah, and she's actually the CEO

of a fifty one to fifty farmand Rescue and she and another worker rushed
to the site to save the pig. After two hours of trying to free
old Pojo, he still refused tobudge. Cooper said they put out a
call on social media and offered anincentive to anyone willing to help. And
she is a woman of her word. She said, if you can help

me catch this pig, I willgive every body beer and everybody money.
In thirty minutes, people from Dublin, Ireland, Dublin, Ohio, We're
off. Everybody showed Everybody showed up. No, actually, truthfully, eleven
people showed up to help rescue Pojo, and after three hours, the volunteer

rescues finally managed to free the pig, and the rescues were rewarded handsomely for
their efforts. According to Cooper,Pojo may have a possible spinal injury,
but otherwise he's doing just fine.He's in good spirits. So everybody lived
happily ever after, So a ParkerCounty pig rescued in exchange for a six

pack of beer. And for thosethey came out and rescued him, those
must be some really thorny bushes toget two hours of trying to get and
then once they got him out,he had spinal injuries. But once again,
this is what I'm talking to.There's a brewery that's gonna close and
it's never been busier than when theygave away free beer. I'm telling you,

he's a pig that's stuck. Nobodycame to help until they offered free
beer. I get that beer isan incentive, but do the right thing.
Support your local brewery. And ifyou see, if you know about
a pig being trapped in thorns,doesn't matter whether there's beer involved. It's

a nice touch, but help thepig out. Yeah, she throws on
some pizza, might get kids,might help her move too. All right,
call our buddy Joe cruise over theCasey, Hey, what's the pairing
with pig rescuing a pig, pizzaand beer? All right, that's been
this episode once on Taparado, Jamestell them who we want to think?
We want to thank Ray Allen forsomething by the show riding around the country.

Like I said, go check outthe podcast. Uh speaking of podcasts,
cast Braining sponsoring our podcast, butour other sponsors Tantrik Brewing, Spear
Pest Control Beer, a lot ofconference and events we know to take an
insurance group be back Yard Grill andkeeping the lights on Harbor Light Brewing.
So for mister Britology Chap, he'llbe mine. Bruger jameson saying thank you,
thank you, thank you for checkingout what's on tap Radio. We
hope you enjoyed it and we hopethat you enjoyed us. For another action

back radio show next week. Folks, go out there and make it a
better world one day time Jeers
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