All Episodes

March 26, 2024 81 mins
On tap this week: A smiley face on your receipt makes you tip more, Another Pizza-Flavored Beer is coming soon?, There is a new top brewery in the country, Beer made from recycled water, Vietnam’s controversial zero-alcohol driving law is being reviewed, Study finds listening to Irish music makes Guinness taste better, We welcome our new neighbor, Voodoo Brewing to talk about their new spot and menu. Featuring special guests Peter Gomes and Chef Jonathan Quintanilla. All this and so much more. Enjoy the show!
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Episode Transcript

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This What's on Tap Radio podcast isbrought to you by CASP Branding. I
remember of the Texas craft Brewers Guild. Cast Branding has been supplying breweries,
distilleries and wineries with top quality merchandisesince twenty thirteen. If you're looking for
a way to promote and grow yourbrand, check out Cast Branding on Facebook,
Instagram, and online at cast Brandingdot com, cast Brandy dot com,
Cash Brandy dot com. Enjoy theshow. This is about to be

good radio. Oh yeah. Tome, a craft brewer is much more
of a mindset. We just openedtwo camps, spread the gospel of good
beer, good beer. Tons andtons of stuff going on in the beer
world. I love craft beer.I love different people's beers. It's the
first favorite. Cheers two old USbeer geeks and those new to the craft.

What's on Tap High five? Thisis What's on Tap Radio beer and
the culture that flows with it.Pears Beer Guru James Simpson and Beer Logics
Chadpilbeean. Wait wait hey, turnhim, turn him, turn turn out

quickly. You may get in trouble. Okay, Oh he's cracked a beer
right there as we're getting on theair. Chat was like, hey,
let's not wait around, let's cracka beer. Let's not waste any time
to crack a beer. And damnit, I just did it. The
box were hot, Chad, thebox were hot, so I cracked the
beer. I did too. Buthere's the thing, James, I'm gonna

do what's on tap radio first,and I'm gonna tell you what that is
here in just a moment. Butwelcome to What's on Tap Radio where we're
not screwing around this time. Actually, I think what happened James is uh,
James wanted to turn the uh uhbump music down because in case we've
you know, got in trouble withsomebody for playing us. We've already we've

already been in trouble, but weare hands slack. Do all bore you
with those details, but welcome thisshow. I'm James, that's Chad.
We got Bill back from assignments hangingout with us as well, and got
a lot on tap this week andbefore we uh, well, we probably
cracked a beer. So but let'sdo it. Let's do our housekeeping so

we can get to these beers becausethere are probably should thank our sponsors,
even though we open the beer.By the way, I don't know if
you noticed that I opened two beers. No, I only noticed one,
which was What's on Tap Radio exclusivefirst time ever in the history of the
show. But before we do,we're gonna do something we do on every
show, and let's thank our wonderfulpartners in crime. That'd be Tetric Brewing,
Superior Pest Control. Looking at myone sheet, Wow, good stuff,

Thank you, Superior Pest Control,Beer Logic conference events we knowed today
an insurance group, got a reallyreally good hold my beer and watched this
coming up next hour. Of course, the Backyard Grill, which is sponsoring
this segment, which we'll talk abouthere in a second. And nice and
bright my studio. Thanks to ourfriends over at Harbor Light Brewing. Thanks
Bill, I appreciate that, ofcourse, sponsoring our podcast cast Brandingcast Branding

dot com. And uh yeah,we are in. Beers are cracked.
Let's do a thing, chand andI'm gonna go first through. I brought
the table you really like, Irespect your wishes. I respect your wishes.
You told me like, Hey,I don't want to wait around.
Let's crack beers. Let's not wastetime. So I cracked the beer like
the second the intro hit. Andso I am bringing something that's never been
brought to what's on tap radio isbrought to the table. It's a brand

new beer, I'm thinking, atleast as far as I know. And
this is from Spintle Tap Brewing Companylocated in Houston, Texas. In Houston,
Texas, and this is the SpintleTap Houston Hustle. Oh can I
guess? Can I guess? CanI guess? I don't know anything about
it, but yes, I justwant to guess. Is it a hazy?

I p a? It is ajuicy IPA? Aren't all hazy's juicy?
No? Aren't all juicy? Juicy? Is hazy? No? Aren't
no all New England's hazy? No? Aren't all Hazyland's hazy? By Samuel
Autam Boston Logger Glass. I'm gonnapour it into because that makes dreams come

true. According to Chad, itdoes, it really does. Yeah.
I mean, how do you thinkhow do you think Sean Penn got his
big break I Fast times at RidgemontHigh Because sitting around drinking a beer in
a Boston Logger glass and next thingyou know, he ended up marrying Madonna.
All stuff you're gonna learn on today'sepisode of What's on Top Radio,

Jad's dropping fun facts before the officialWhat's on Top Fun Fact segment. All
Right, I don't know. Idon't know if those are fun facts,
but sure was fun to make thatup. Yeah. I didn't say yeah,
made up facts. I guess Ishould have said, all right,
maybe the things not made up.Here goes the best palette in the business.
Folks. He just had cookie doughand he's got a candle burning in
his office. But I do nothave a can, although I did had

some cookie dough right before we wenton the air. So tell us about
this delicious beer, you beer judge, you well, you know I'm getting.
That is juicy. It is juicy. It's you're taking to paradise in
a glass, That's what I'm getting. The juicy explosion of citrus flavors makes
for a harmonious symphony of tropical delights, complete with a bold, hoppy finish.

Chad and this has come to youat six point five percent. I'll
call by volume. Oh okay,nice, And this is the Houston Hustle.
Oh this beer has been out fora while I'm looking at the I'm
checking in on the untapped ap.It's been around for a little bit.
It's been around for Attle. That'sbeen around for a minute. Yeah,
but first time I'm on What's onTap Radio? But yeah, that's what

I'm bringing from spinl Tap Brewery,Houston, Texas. The Hustle. All
right, Juicydie, We're gonna doanother What's on Tap Radio exclusive, a
What's on Tap Radio first right here. Never before in the history of this
show have we opened a Dragon's MilkTriple Mash from twenty twenty two and compared

it to Dragon's Milk Triple Mash oftwenty twenty four. And the reason for
that is is because we never hadtwenty twenty four before, so we were
never able to do that before.So that's why it's an exclusive. And
literally, James, we did justopen a twenty twelve and at twenty fourteen
side by side, one of whichis poured into the Sam Adams Boston locker

glass. The twenty twenty two releaseof Dragon's Milk Triple Mash, a bourbon
barrel aged Imperial Big Beer from NewHollanburn Company coming in at seventeen point three
percent ABV, and not to beoutdone, the brand new release, the
twenty twenty four Dragon's Milk Triple Mash, coming in at eighteen point seven percent

ABV. So Bill and I BillStutt, he's gonna run stunt beer liver.
We're gonna take a sip of thetwenty twenty two first, and we're
gonna compare them side by side veryquickly. Here, O, Chazz,
what we're doing. That's good?What's called a vertical he's doing any vertical
tasting right now? So right,and I don't have any cookie dough to
rinse my palate between taste here theway James does like a real pro.

But let me have one more saperial. What we're getting out of that,
I'm not gonna lie. The brandnew Dragon's Milk eighteen point four version,
I'm liking it. It's a littlebit sweeter the age on the twenty twenty
two. But we're gonna let thatbreathe for a little bit and we will
come back and visit those. Butthis is brought to the table brought to
you by our friends on the northwestside of Houston, the Backyard Grill,

home of over one hundred different itemsand entrees for over two decades and best
damn beer bar out there on thenorthwest side of Houston and James kick things
off from Spindle Tap Bury, theHouston Hustle, Juicy Ipa and Bill and
I. We opened up Dragon's MilkTriple mash a juicy hazy. No it's

not. It's just a bourbon parrelage Imperial stout. But that's what we
kicked the show off with. We'lltalk more about these in the next segment,
but James, tell everybody what's ontap? Not only do we have
fun facts hold my beer and watchedthis, but I predicted this a few
weeks ago. Pizza Flavord beer comingsoon. I call this a few weeks
ago. Is it the brewery thatI predicted? We'll talk about that,
and beer made from we'll tell youwhat kind of water and Vietnam that controversial

zero alcohol driving law is under review. All this is so much more,
including an interview coming up next hour. So hang with us. We got
an axback show. We'll be rightback for the Fisher. What's on tap
Redo fun fact the week right back. A real partner will make you feel
loved, needed and sexy. Waitit's beer beer already? Does that?

What's on Tap Radio Continuous with JamesSimpson and Chadpillbeam. All right, everybody's
got a beer. You got abeer, I got a beer. We
got a beer. You know whoelse has beer? The Backyard Grill on
the northwest side of Houston. Butwhen you're drinking, you want to have
something to eat too, So goget yourself some grub at the byg.

The menu is amazing. They've gotall your Texas favorites like steaks, the
hetas check and it's all grilled ona wood fired grill. Got burgers,
you got wraps. Hey, ifyou're vegetarian, they got salads, they
got soups, homemade dishes, andspecialties like smoky the beer chicken. Oh
yeah, smoked chicken injected with localbeer. Sounds delicious, right yeah,

and don't forget the green beans.I know you're thinking, wait a minute,
is this guy just talking about allthe grilled stuff and you're gonna tell
me to eat your veggies? Hey, mom said eat your veggies. Over
one hundred different menu items, getthe green beans, trust me, you
won't regret it, and over onehundred different beers. Head out to the
backyard grill in the corner of WestonJones Road on the northwest side of Houston.
Cheers, alright, looking back,what's on tap radio? In the

first segment, which is about thetable, we wasted no time to get
a hustle on. Chad was likein our production meeting, He's like,
you know, I don't want towaste time. Let's crack some beers.
I need a beer. It's beena long week. And I really was,
I you know, I I toldthe intro, I told the producer,
pulled that music. Now, let'scruck beers. And so what I

cracked was the spinle tat Brewery,Houston, Hustle Juicy India Palal. And
then Chad and Bill are doing avertical. Yes, the dragon's smelt,
and this is not this is notany lightweight vertical. We we kind of
stepped in the weight room. Normallywe warm up with some fifteen's and maybe
some twenty pounders, you know,and then and then we work our way

up to like the forties. AndI said, now grab the seventy five's.
Let's just go right now. We'regonna grab the old, grab the
big, grab the big ones,and uh, we grabbed a couple of
Triple Mash, one from twenty twentytwo and another one from twenty twenty four.
Triple Mash is an Imperial stout agedin bourbon barrels from New Holland Brewing

Company, Holland, Michigan, andthe twenty twenty two version is seventeen point
three percent. The twenty twenty four, excuse me, twenty twenty two version
is yeah, twenty two is seventeenpoint three, and the twenty four is
eighteen point seven. So not lackingin the strength department. But I wanted
to try these side by side andsee if there was one I liked over

the other. And I keep tryingthe older one first and then going to
the newer one. I'm gonna changeit up here. So I got some
cookie dough to cleanse my palate.That's what James does now before he goes
on air, his wife brings himcookie dough into the studio. It's like,
have a good show, honey,I didn't have time to bake these,
so here's some raw cookie dough.Hope you don't get salmonella. And
then he eats that and he getshis mouth all coated with sugar and candy,

and somehow whenever he drinks an ipa, it doesn't taste like you know,
drinking orange juice after brushing your teeth. And the guy can has an
amazing palate to pick up some ofthe nuances and tasting notes of that.
But let me try this newer versionfirst. Hang on here. To me,
the new version is a little moreoaki, more bourbon, and the

older one is mellowed out, butit sweetened up a lot. I remember,
folks of vertical, it should beexpected. Let me remind a vertical
that they're taking an older version anda newer version and newer side by side
and tasting the differences between the two. And that's what a vertical is,
and that's what Chadd and Bill aredoing. Meanwhile, I'm just sipping on
this and I'm gonna tell you,Houston, I like both of them,

but for different reasons. They're alittle bit different, and both of them
in their own way, are fantastic. James, how's that hustle treating you?
I'm telling you it's paradise and aglass. It's a juicy explosion of
just citrus flavors making the symphony oftropical delights. It's a complete with a
bold, hoppy finish six. Andagain this is a Houston hustle spindle tat

brewery. And you know what's interesting. I like to peruse the untapped app
while i'm you know, drinking,just to see, you know, why,
what people are saying about it.And I got a check in from
the backyard grill. Somebody checked hisbeer in from the backyard grill. So
shout out to them checking this beerin? Nice? Nice? What did

you say? It tastes like?What did you say? Tell me what
that beer tastes like? One moretime? It's it's a ticket to paradise.
You're Houston, Yeah, ticket toparadise. Paradise as like that,
not any kind of good. That'sthe Samuel Adams Boston Logger glass and it's
a juicy explosion of And now youknow what Bill just did not he'll actually

just cross contaminated. He actually pouredhalf and half in the same way.
I know you did that. Yeokay, all right, but yeah,
but why'd you do it in bothglasses? You did only added to it
and wanted to test out. Hepoured the old made a half and half,
so he did his version of thatfor Saint Patriot Saint Patrick's Day.
I like that, all right,all right, So hey real quick before
we get into the fun fact,I want you to just think about this.

I want to I want to talkabout this before I wrote down a
note, was listening to the introand some of those voices they're not in
the beer business anymore. And Iwas thinking about this as I was pondering
opening up an eighteen percent beer andthinking about some of the individuals in that
intro. Where are they now?We should do an update. I kind

of want to do it. Ijust maybe if we have time, we'll
talk about it, but just thatMike Bobian, our imaging director, should
make us an updated intro with peoplethat are still We probably need one,
but I just like, I justwant to just ask the question and just
dialogue. James, where do youthink Jeremy Cohen is right now? Don't
answer that now because we got todo the official What's on Tap Radio Fun

Fact of the Week now, theofficial What's on Tap Radio Fun Fact of
the week, brought to you byWho's ever checked clear? This week?
Jeremy Cowen, He's in the intro, he has that real deep voice.
He's like, I like people's beer. No, I love graft beer.
I love different people's beer. That'sthat's not his deep voice. No,

that's not his voice. He's theother deep voice. So all right,
yeah, well there's another isn't thereanother voice in there? It's like,
this is gonna be good radio.Some people have been black vesters. B
Hey did Bill's never met that guyand he said he sounds drunk. All
right, let's do some fun facts. He was. James is like,

hold on a second, does ourinsurance call ring all the ten Hachen.
They don't sponsor this segment, butwe needed we need insurance for liability.
All right, we're gonna stop rightthere. Okay, James mentioned earlier with
the beer that was checked in atthe Backyard Grill find on the Untapped app
and uh just a bonus fun factjust for mention here. Recently there was

the USAD Today's Top Lists that cameout, and I hope to be able
to tap into some of that thisepisode as well, if we have time.
But Great American Beer Festival. Yeah, James and I we got out
to the JABF and we actually metthe owner of Untapped. We hung out
over the found when we met himpeople, we got to hang out and
drink beer with him. Yeah,they're good people. That was a lot

of fun. But untapped, theyare the new guy to the game.
There were other rated beers out therethat came out before them. And those
other beer sites were beer Advocate,which a good site, good site for
rating beer, and also rate beer, which took a beating whenever they were

purchased by Anheuser Busch because they said, well, you know what's gonna happen.
None of the ab beers are gonnage. They're gonna drop ratings and
lift up ab beers and make itall happen. Well, it turns out
I checked the list and this ispretty interesting. It's like nine of the
of the twenty worst beers on therate beer app are owned by Anteiser,

like Wow, and some of theworst beers that coming in on that rate
Beer depending on which version you getor which year you checked, like Natty
Ice and Natural just one of theworst ranked beers on the rate beer app.
But I was thinking about this becausewe did talk about Pizza Beer and

ye week, the one beer atone point in time that had a perfect
zero point zero score on rate beerwas Mama MIA's Pizza beer. And I
had that beer. In fact,the bottle is right outside this studio,
hanging up on the wall. I'vegot it, an empty bottle of it.
It was absolutely terrible. They usedmint, they used sage, they

used oregano and basil and put itin and then they added tomatoes to it.
And I discovered that the guy whocame up with that recipe partnered with
Aurora Brewing Companies Walter Payton's Steakhouse orchophouse, and that had a brewery and
I remember when that was open.I've got a growler from there. But

that was the first place to makeall that. But I say all of
that because of all the beer sitesout there and all the places and the
different places that you can get lookfor the worst beer. Don't ask me
why you would ever go look forthe worst beer you could ever taste.
The absolute worst beer that you've nevertasted is still FuMB Ducker beer. Thumb

Ducker Beer was the idea of areal estate agent in Florida, and he
opened up and promised that this beerwas going to change the world, generating
over one hundred million dollars in revenue, and he believed it too, and
he was trying to get people tobuy into it. Well, I've got
an update for you. For tenpercent of the gross revenues from the sale

of the brand, you can buythe trademark, which has never sold a
single thing. So your ficial On'son Tap Radio fun fact of the week
is, no matter how bad thebeer is out there on all the different
rate beer sites, which you mayhave tried, the worst beer that you've
never tried because it's an even worsecompany is thumb Ducker Beer, which you
can now buy the rights to intrademark off of the Internet. And that's

your official What's on Tap Radio funfact of the week. You know,
damn will there's people gonna try toget their hands on it now, all
right, No, speaking of terriblebeers, pizza flavored beer, there's a
new one coming outs and I predictedthis is it the brewery that I predicted
and also coming up next hour,I got a great interview. All this
is so much more. Hang withus, We'll be right back. Yeah,
we drink water, but it hasto be filtered through a brewery first.

You've got What's on Tap Radio whenlove is Chat. I'm going to
miss these days. These are thegood days. Yeah. Hey, it's

over seventy years old. The trademarkgood Pizza PI. I predicted this months
ago when I was talking about thisnew Oh my god, what was it,
this new pizza coming out? Itwas like a pizza roll. I

can't remember. Man, We've doneso many stories. But anyways, I
predicted that there's gonna be this brewerythat's gonna make this this pizza. I
gotta dig it up. It isnot that brewery. It is not that
I found one here Evil Twin.Evil Twin through frozen some frozen pizzas in
the match because I dug up anold story on this. Mama me a
pizza beer that was rated a perfectzero point zero. It was awful,

and I discovered this. Evil Twinthrew some frozen pizzas into the mash their
beer, and I discovered this.I had no idea, but Stone Brewing
Company in twenty sixteen made a Hawaiianpizza beer for the release of a teenage
newtant Ninja Turtles movie called Ninja NinjaTurtles, and Pizza Hut offered a pepperoni

Pilsner as an April Fools gag.So this is they've been playing around with
this like we can. Yeah,well, the people who started Mama Me
As Pizza, they made it tobe a real beer, and so when
people started making fun of it andthen trying to make disgusting versions of it,

or as Jay Leno said on TheJay Leno Show, when Mama Me
a Pizza beer hit, he's like, hmm, the great taste of beer
and pizza all in one glass orall at once. Normally you don't get
to experience that unless you're throwing themboth up. That's funny. So I

have, Chad, and I'm not. I'm debating on this one. I
have in my crisper drawer, youknow the crisper drawers, the drawer where
beers go to die. And inthis drawer I have that's where good beer
goes to die from Martin housebrew Company, the pizza beer. No, you
do not. And it is thesame six shot. It's the same six

pack that when you were in studiowith me. How many years the studio,
Yeah, my old we were wewere at we were ALDRC. No,
No, this wasn't KPRC. Thiswas in my old studio. Remember
when I was on the other sideof town. Oh my gosh, okay,
you sure that wasn't. No,that was quitting beer at No,
that wasn't. Remember we had aneighbor Christmas in studio with us. This

is god, this was twenty Wellthey would have been. You can't say
the year. You can't say theyear it was. That year was it?
I thought I was twenty twenty one? But I have that. I
have that beer in my I havethat beer in my Christoper drawer. Should
I crack that beer on this wholeepisode? You think so? No,
you absolutely opened you know, youabsolutely opened that. I don't have it.

I don't have it's my It's inthe garage. It's not in the
studio us here. So there wasever a time to open that beer.
I mean, it's not getting anybetter, speaking of which it can't.
I mean, I don't think it'sAlso, I don't think it can get
worse. That beer was pure crap. Do you think that the basil and

Regano do you think it'll mellow itout? Because man, that beer tasted
just like like Marinera. So Idon't think we finished it. I don't
think I think it was a drainpour. And this is again we jumped
it out. This is the samesix pack from that that time. Now
I think that was twenty twenty one. But anyways, I'm gonna bring it.
Yeah, don't say the other yearbecause that ar damn that year.

Okay, so I think you youshould do it now real quick before you
get into the pizza beer. Ijust want to say, because people have
been asking, They're like, Chad, you open two beers, which one
do you like? I'm going withthe fresh one. I'm sticking with it.
When a brewer releases the beer,that's when it's best. I'm sorry
you age it two years. Sorry, I don't care for it as much.

There we go. There, I'msticking with my my creed beer is
made to be consumed, not siton the shelf. All right, all
right, so here we go.Done. Pizza flavored beer coming soon the
domb But pizza's a classic sober meup, I mean, got carbs,
but now you can get drunk withit. Pizza Flavor beer is arriving very

soon, my friends. Dr PizzaNew Belgium has partnered up with the frozen
pizza brand Tombstone Tombstone. They makepretty decent frozen pizza. I mean it's
not my favorite. I'm more ofa giorno or what's a Sicilian one?
I like, oh, look atyou being all fancy with a yeah yeah.
James over there is like, well, let's see Tatino's pizza. I

think I'd rather eat the box thatcame in. Okay, I'm gonna talk
about Tatito' pizza here in a second. Okay, So this pizza beer,
it's an ip A Tombstone Tombstone Tombstone. Yeah. This this is an i
PA seven percent and they're selling itunder their ip A brand, Voodoo Ranger,
and it's described as having hints ofCrispy krust, tanky tomatoes, US

savory herbs and spices with a pepperonifinish. Chat's explode about to explode?
Get chrisp Crispy Crispy is a texture? What does what does Crispy taste?
Like? What the If you wantto find out what it tastes, tell
me it? You can? Youcan find out by signing up at their
website at dot com and you canwin some. It's tomato. It's tomato

forward with a with a pepperoni backbone. Shut up, Bill, shut off.
So they'll start selling at seleg markets. You're gonna start selling at sleg
markets on National Beer Day, whichis April seventh, and each four pack
will cost fifty dollars each four fiftyfive zero dollars. So, while we're

on the subjects of pizza no Noand other pizza news, Chick fl A
is doing a is dipping its toein. They open a spinoff restaurant in
Maryland and it's called the Little BlueMenu where they'll test new menu items and
this is a nod to the originalBlue menus at their first location. And
they just added five pizzas, includingthe Chick fil A Pizza Pie top with

their Chicken Nuggets, pickles, andChick fil A sauce. Chick Fla getting
in the game. Is Chick filag going a brew of beer? No?
AND's not it only on That wouldbe something it's only sold on Sunday.
Yeah, there you go. Thatwould be the best April Fools prank
ever. Okay, Chick fil A, listen, you can use this idea.
Just name a sandwich after me.Listen, this is what you're gonna

do, all right for April.First Chick fil A now bruised beer and
we're releasing it this Sunday. Comeand that would be just gold. I'm
telling you that might be the best. And speaking of the pranks, I
tell you that's pretty good. Youknow, Pizza Hut did that pepperoni pilsner.

I was like, yeah, comeon out, try it. Tombstone
Pizza. Tombstone Tow Pizza is prettypretty cheap pizza. I mean, it's
not the higher end of the frozenpizza category. So why is a four
pack of the Voodoo Ranger pizza beercosting fifty damn dollars? I mean,
I don't know. I'm there's alot of bad decisions being made out there.

In fact, I'm gonna just speakingof bad decisions here. I'm gonna
flip the script here. Okay,I just want to flip this around.
We've been talking about this. We'vetalked about beer made from a lot of
different things. But in Charlotte there'sa wastewater treatment. Oh no, you're
getting made this beer from recycled water. I wasn't ready for this, chab
but okay, get into it.Well might as well. We're talking about
drinking sewage. So you know it'spizza beer. What the hell, let's

go down this road. But awastewater treatment plant in Charlotte, North Carolina
is recreating beer in an ultra sustainableway and the beer is called renew Brew.
It's the first beer in the Carolinais made with recycled wastewater. Now,
they're not the first to do therecycled waste water, but they're getting
into the game because they are wantingto be ultra sustainable. To Charlotte Brewery,
what is it town Brewing there itis has partnered with Charlotte Water and

the water technology group Xylum to makethis and so here's what they're doing.
They're basically taking eighty five million gallonsof water that are being processed through the
Charlotte Water treatment plant and instead ofreturning it into the river, yeah,
it goes through extra purification and thenit's tested for one hundred and fifty contaminants
and then this process, they're saying, is going to pioneer the future and

could be the solution for communities wherewater is scarce. Renew Brew won a
Best of Show at the Queen CityBrewers Festival Blind test tasting taste testing,
test tasting, whatever, you knowwhat I mean. And the beer is
not yet for sale, but youcan go to their four twenty festival next
month. And I'm gonna suggest thatyou definitely want to try it at the

four twenty festival, because maybe that'sthe only way you're gonna work up enough.
Gus. I'd say, dude,far Out, you want to go
try that wastewater beer. No way, I'll do it if you do it,
though, Yeah, let's go,man far Out. They're not the
first to do this. Yeah,there you go. They're not the first
to do this, taking wastewater andbrewing beer away it. Do you remember
a few about a year ago,there was someone who vented a beer made

with air conditioners to condensing. Itwas at California. It was the condenser.
Is the conversation coming off the aircondesssers at airport runways? Yeah,
And as a matter of fact,I'm collecting it. I was reading this
waste spot and I was like,I was reminded of that air conditioned beer.
Just when you thought you'd tried justabout every micro brew there is,

get your taste buds ready for anew adventure. Air conditioner beer Yep.
We figured out a way to mixgreen hawks and yeast and run it through
an evaporator coil with the condensation grippingfrom the krusty hose hanging by your furnace.
Taste the subtle multi flavors of freeon, notes of dust in,

the metallic aroma of a clogged drainline, air conditioner, beer and coming
soon radiator leak, white claw,and then waste water, get hints of
toilet paper and it don't matter.So heylaw, we gotta do what we

Care's a shortage of water, allright? Uh, continue on our conversation
with pizza. Let's continue that andcoming up next hour, I met up
with a new brewery. We're gonnabring that to the show. All this
is so much more. Hang withus. We'll be right back. After
reading about the evils of drinking.We made up our mind, we're gonna
stop reading. What's on Tap Radiocontinuous with James Simpson and Chad Tilbeam Superior

Pest Control of West Michigan, SuperiorPest dot Biz. They are proud sponsors
of the research department here at What'son Tap Radio. Make sure that we
have all this awesome content. Givethem a call or reach out to them
at Superior pest dot biz. Youready made people in the place to be.
It's about that time. Yeah,what you know about going out right

next TV? I did it.I did it. During the break.
I ran to the garage fridge studios we're on broadcasting on the west side
of town, and I found inmy crisper drawer. Remember that's the drawer
where beers go to die. Soif you have a shell full of beers
and you're like, you know what, I have more beers coming in and
I don't drink all these old beers, those beers get moved to the crisper

drawer, including the Space Pizza beerfrom Martin House Brewing Company and Chad the
Brew of the Cannon. Date Januaryfourth, Yeah, twenty twenty one.
January fourth, twenty twenty one.So I was right, Trust me,
it did not get It didn't getworse. There's no fricking way it got

worse. I forget better. Whenyou hit rock bottom, it can only
go up. I mean really,So what I did mean if you're dumpster
diving, which is what you're doing, this is the equivalent of dumpster dive,
and I want to stress something.I've got to stress this. You
don't always just shuffle beer into thecrisper drawer. So I'll give you an

example. We held a huge partyfor the celebration of my in laws for
their I don't know fiftieth wedding anniversary. I think it was, Yeah,
it was their fiftieth wedding anniversary.And we had a bunch of leftover beer
because people had one and they stoppeddrinking. I'm like, well, I
know what I'm gonna do with theextras, and we brought it back.
I didn't have space in a fridge, so I just didn't have space,

so I said, oh, putit in the crisper drawer. I forgot
about it for two years, andI was like, well, there goes
that. Bell's too hearted, andthere goes that and so fun fact,
I've got photos I'll post to oursocial media. I took the cans out
and I got a new pellet gunand I shot them just to watch the
cans explode, because I did.I was right down by the lake.

We had a nice summer day,or it was a summer like day.
We had a break in the winter, and I blew them up. I
got I'll post those to our socialmedia to see those. My story.
But anyway, James, my storyis different because my story goes I get
more beer and I'm like, oh, I have all these old beer.
I'm not gonna drink these, andI don't have the heart to throw them
in the trash or pour them out, so I just throw them in the

drawer. So that's how my Chrisperdrawer came to be. But yeah,
this is the Space Pizza beer fromMartin Dude. As from the story I
was talking about was KFC was rollingout the Chiesa. It's a pizza made
from fried chicken. And then Ithought to myself, I was like,
well, pretty soon Martin House willcome out with a Chiza beer. Not

yet, not yet at least,but they do have the pizza Space Pizza,
and I'm gonna go and crack this. And now what I did is
I went and grabbed more cookie doughand water to cleanse my palate. Good,
clench your palate. Bill and IBill Harvard, by the way hanging
out in the studio with me,Harbor Light, Bill Stunt beer Liver,
and he brought some beer. We'regonna crack one open here too. We
really do not have any cookie though, but James, go ahead, right

here we go, right, andI went and got another glass. I
am not pouring in this in theSamuel Lobbins Boston Logger glass. I refuse
to do that to that glass.Yeah, because you know what, that's
the one beer that will actually ruinSamuel Adams Boston Logger glass. So let
me go ahead and pour that inthere. Oh man, I can't wait
to see this, folks. I'mgonna run color commentary here because this is

what it's like whenever you're listening toa hockey game on radio. Smell all
right, Jans got remember when yougo into like showbiz? But he says,
a kid, that's exactly what itsmells like to me. All right,
here we go. Oh so basically, all right, he says,
it smells like showbiz pizza, whichbasically kids who peed their pants really bad
pizza and dads who just got backfrom the parking lot after smoking a Marlborough

light. The animatronic over there.All right, here we go ahead,
James, where a kid can bea kid. Oh wait, that's no,
that's a showbiz Well let me lossfor words. Let me give it
one more taste. Remember what didI say? Why? Two tastes?

Three? Three? Yeah, youcan't judge a beer until the third sip.
But that one there, I canjudge from the can. I can
look at it and tell you whatit's gonna be. Bill is right,
Bill is right. It did mellowout, the basil, the oregano,
It did mellow out. It's notas intense, but still as bad.
Right, So it's a what didyou What did you say it was?

It was a tomato forward beer witha pepperoni backbone. Shut up, dude,
I hate you all right now,there's no reason to drink no Martin
Martin House. Listen, if we'reever in the room together, if we're
ever in the room together, rememberthese two things. Remember these two things.
Everything I say about these ridiculous beersyou make I love from a business

standpoint, because you guys are makinga mint and I love that. Yeah,
I could respect it as if Icould invest in that, I would
be like, dude, take mymoney. I think it's the dumbest idea
ever. Take my money because Iknow it's gonna pay Listen, stupid ideas
pay off, and I love it. I love this, and second of
all, they make their regular liketheir non ridiculous beers are absolutely delicious.

And it's actually at a pretty coollocation even though we uh fort Worth.
I'll be there in July. Yeah, fort Worth, I'll be there in
July. They're having it's it's nota bad location. They're on the uh
there's a bike route that goes throughthere. And yeah, yeah, the
annual place, the annual Texas craftBrewers Guild Safety Summit is going to be
held in Fort Worth and they're goingto have their They're gonna have a gathering

at Martin House. So I'm lookingfor you to that. So I tried
to hold on a second. Igotta I gotta hold on a second,
totally off the one. See thisis not planning. Did you just say
there's a Texas craft Brewers Guild SafetySummit, Yeah, every every July where
they talk about having them. Sothe safest brewery. You know, I'm
gonna ask do the drink during thesafety I mean, we're not on four

we're not operating forklifts, you know, we're no the safety summits held at
the hotel. You do see theirony. I do what saying, But
to defend the text Craft Brewers Guild. No, they're not doing that.
At the same time, we're notdriving forklifts, pounding the shotgunning beers.

No, it's held at the hoteland then we'll carry on onto the to
the brewery and try different samples andso forth. It's very safe, it's
it's very professional. Anyways, Itried it. Okay, it's gonna be
Oh did you hear that noise?Ah, that's a drainport. I don't
know if you heard that noise.So James gonna drain port and Bill just
opened this beer. So we're onthe opposite end of the spectrum according to

Bill. So I want to tellyou what Bill said during the break when
he brought this beer into studio.He brought it in, he says,
have you had this beer before?And I said nope, And he said,
well you're welcome, just like that, like very matter of fact.
And just to prove a point,Bill could have poured this into the Boston

Loger glass to make it the ultimateexperience. He's so confident that this beer
is that good, we don't needit. Bill, tell everybody what we're
drinking. Please from Waypost Brewing theImperial Golden Ale coming in at nine percent.
Now there's more than that, dude, Now, hold on a second.
Well, no, no, no, there's something going on here.

Yes, British Golden Ale. Keepgoing remnants of a dessert beer with a
cheeky twist. It's a maul forwardcenter, sweetened with a touch of milk
sugar, keep going back toose.We then condition the beer on row and
green cardamom for a floral sweetness,very floral, and a herbal sensibility.

Herbal contains laxtose. Yeah, it'syeah, So if you're lactose intolerant,
don't drink this beer. It's absolutelydelicious, but it is very pizza beer
forward. It is very herbatious.I like it a ton, but it
is very floral, little little intensefor me. So I don't know.

Hey, real quick, I wantto get to this. I'm just gonna
I'm gonna want to give a shoutout to d G. David Graham from
Carbok Brewing Company. He's a friendof the show from Carbok Brewing Company here
from Houston. Yeah. Formerly he'snow at Trogues in Pennsylvania. Named the
best beer tour in all of thecountry. According to USA Today, also

winning again. Yes, another reasonto come visit us in West Michigan.
Come hang out with Harbor Light Bill, and also come hang out with our
friends over at Tantrick Brewering Company rightaround the corner from Beer City USA.
Grand Rapids, Michigan wins it again. Yes, up in the Great White
North there in the pinky outside ofTraverse City, Michigan. Hop Lot wins

the second best beer garden according toUSA Today and Mott. I've been ranting
and raving about this. Oh bythe way, sorry, Bell's number six
on the beer tours. I forgotto mention that. But I've been ranting
and raving about this brewery, SeedsBrewery in Union Pier, Michigan, down
on the southeast corner, just downfrom Harbor Light Bill about thirty minutes best

new brewery in the country. SeedsBrewery is amazing. I will talk more
about who. I just want toget that out there. According to who,
Who's this? According to Corny inthe USA is nice? USA Today?
Nice? Congratulations? Yes, allright, we gotta take it by
coming up next to our Holday Todaytop ten list, Hold my Beer and
watched this and we got to talkabout Vietnam's controversial zero alcohol driving law.

It's under review. An update onthat. All this is so much more.
Hang with us. We got anotherAX backed hour coming right up.
We'll ride back. Beer has hopshops or plants. Plants make salad,
so beer is salad. Yeah,what's on tap radio? James and Chad
talking about beer. Hold my beerand watch this brought to you by your

friends at Ringing all the ten takinginsurance group located in Grand Rapids, Michigan
and Holland along the Lake Shore RTIGrand Rapids RTI Grand Rapids dot Com.

Alright, hour, What's on TopRadio starts right now. We got a
lot to get to this hour goingcoming up. Caught up with a new
brewery in my neck of the woods, Voodoo Brewing, which is a franchise,
have a couple of locations across thecountry and they upened a location in
my neck of the wood. SoI'll catch up with thelm and what else

we got going on? Oh home, my being and watching this. Oh
Vietnam. I'm talking about Vietnam.They had this controversial zero alcohol driving law.
Yeah and uh yeah, it's underreview. So we got an update
on that. All this is somuch more. But I know Chad has
finished his vertical that he's hanging.Yeah. We So we had the way
Post Imperial Golden lel that Bill broughtand it was delicious, It really was,

but it was so floral and Idon't know if just maybe because of
the packaging or whatever. Delicious beer. Bill. I loved it. I
loved it, My wife loves it. Just it was so intense and it
was completely out of balance for me. I would not knock. I mean
again, James and I we bentout the way Post when he came and

visited. Shout out to Hannah Leeout there, there's a name drop and
uh we we love the place.That just thatarticular beer was just a little
too intense for me. So we'regonna tame it down now, Bill,
tell everybody what you're cracking open,Uh cracking home Bok pursuing Hollow. One
of the beers I got when Iwas on assignment to Florida. It's their

dirty Blonde Blondale coming in at fourpoint one percent. I love it.
He got this in Florida. Andwe're doing the hold my beer and watch
this segment. That's how Bill's aprofessional. Bill Bill knows. Bill knows
how the transitions work. It's calleda toss. We call that a toss
in the industry. Mm hmm.Yeah, all right, well that because

more than likely the hold my beerwatch this is probably some guy from Florida.
See Bill even knows to provide theexplanation for the new listeners. Yeah,
look at that. I mean seriously, because everybody who's like, like
right now, Fire Marshal Matt issitting there is like, we know Bill,
but yeah, you know, wehave new listeners every week. You
they're like, hold my beer andwatch this. This sounds interesting. Hey,

James, do you want to goahead and maybe hit that button and
tell us where we're going? Holdmy beer and watch this? Brought to
you by the ring Meldup ten HacenInsurance Group, where they'll cover you for
just about everything except this. NotFlorida this week, Bill, Not Florida.
Oh wow, Rochley kidding. We'reactually gonna hop the pond this week,
Hop of the Pond, going toEngland, Going to England this week.

Yeah, Florida. You know,every now and then they deserve a
day off, and now we're gonnagive it. We're gonna give them the
week off this time. But uh, there's a video of this, and
I'm gonna work on and try andget it posted to our social media.
But it's a great video. It'sgreat because you can really feel the cop
getting more and more frustrated with thisperson and our subject for a hold my
beer and watched this this week isa fifty two year old woman who got

pulled over and she had alcohol onher breath. So they did what most
cops would do, give her theold breathalyzer, and then she made it
more complicated than necessary. The copexplained all she needed to do was blow
steady for a few seconds, butinstead she tried to suck it like it's
a straw. She asked him doI blow in or out? And when

she said, how do you blowin? That's sucking And her next question
was I am sucking in or out? Am I sucking it or out?
Very frustrated the cop was getting inthis video. He told her to pretend
she was blowing up a balloon,and she understood that, but then she
stopped early, so they had todo it again. She eventually blew four

times, not one, not two, not three, but four times.
The legal limits. And it happenedin January, but it's now in the
news. She got sentenced to eighteenmonths probation, one hundred and twenty hours
of community service. And this isnot her first, second, third,
but her fourth dui. Hold ona second, hold on a second,

her fourth dui. She was notone, not two, not three,
but four times over the legal limbit. You heard that right, that's like
the Don matting Lee story, herfourth DUI. I'm going four times over
the limit, baby, whoa.And you'll be happy to know that she
has lost her driver's license until twentytwenty seven. Good things. She's in

the UK. There's a lot ofpublic transportation. I'd like to see the
police reports to see if for thirdtime was three times over, second time
was twice you know that would begold. Yeah, it would it would.
Don matting Lee's kid is sitting there. It's like, damn, I
didn't think about that because you don'tremember James did to hold my beer and

watch this where Don matting Lee's kidthe Hall of Famer baseball play. Yeah,
New York Yankee. Yeah, DonMattingly a Hall of Famer baseball player.
Yeah, he had a batting averageof like like three something or two
eighty seven or something like that whatever, and his kid got pulled over for
DUI and blew a bac that washis dad's batting average. And it's like

that is gold, Like you can'tmake that up. It really just happened.
And now this lady on her fourthDUI blows four times over the limit.
By the way, we are goingto be talking later in the program
about why you never want to drinkand drive or being TOXICID and drive,

buzz driving. Can I can Itell you hats off to how professional this
police officer was. Amen. Thefollowing feature has been rated PG by the
Motion Picture Association of America. Parentalguidance has suggested when he said, pretend
is blowing up a balloon and notoh, I thought the same thing.

When she's like, so do Iblow or suck? Do I blow or
suck? And I'm like, andlike, pretend you're blowing up a balloon,
blue, blue, blued. Let'sgo with balloon. Hats off to
the police officer is very professional becauseI can imagine what was going through his
mind was, look, lady,just pretend it's a balloon blued balloon.

Bloo, yeah bloon, and soyour hold my beer and watch this.
This week is a drunk driver didn'tknow the difference between blowing and sucking test.
And this has been brought to youby our good friends over at Renoledge
Taking Insurance Group, where I'll assureyou for lots of things. But this
fifty two year old in England probablynot gonna be covered by Renowledge and Take

Insurance Group. I can see that, I can see. I could just
see John Klunder over there at RingingAll the ten Haagen right now is like,
hey, listen, if you needan explanation on the different you know
what. Nope, not even gonnatouch that one. Just get me out
of here right now. We sponsoredthe segment. That's the best we can

do. If you don't understand thedifference. Look, lady, all you
have to do is blow steady,just for a few seconds. It's all
you need to do. Don't suckit like a straw. Just blow steady.
Simple instructions, simple instruction. Butwhen she finally did, she blew
four times illegal limit and this washer fourth. DUI, So all right,

that is your hole my beer andwatch this one of my favorites.
This has been a good one.I told you that's the real That may
be one of the best of theyear. Okay, all right, still
to come. I'm gonna catch upwith a new brewery on my neck of
the woods. And we got totalk about this story out of Vietnam where
they had this controversial drunk driving andit's under review. We'll talk about that
all so much more. Hang withus, will be right back. If

you encounter wine snobs, just takea full class of wine and put it
to your ear. Mindes will beblown. This is what's on tap radio.

You saying you got something for meto bookoo, to bookoo something that's
a welcome back to what's on tapradio. So a lot to get to
coming up next segments. Caught upin a new brewery. It's a franchise
brewer, VOOO Brewing out of Pennsylvaniaand they opened a location in my neck

of the woods, Katie, andcatch up with them, find out who
they're all about. By the way, real quick, uh. If you
want to go ahead and comment onthat, go ahead and reach out to
us on social media. You cango ahead and reach James at James in
the Radio that's his handle, Jamesin the Radio and I am Chad the
beer logic guy. Also, ifyou want to send us a message the

old fashion way, I can't believeI'm saying this the old fashion way email
you want to email us, it'sWhat's on Tap Radio at gmail dot com.
Otherwise, slide in the old DMS. If you don't know what that
means. That's why we give youthe email address. You can hit us
on the DMS. On social media. That's at What's on Tap Radio on

all of your favorite platforms x,Facebook, Friendster, Napster, Grinder,
tender, oh wait. We liketo make ourselves available everywhere we are.
By the way, we got pickedup by more podcast platforms and like people
are like, dude, numbers areoff the charts. We were gonna just
start airing you. Like okay,it's funny. I'll get an email from

a podcast platform I had never heardof and they're like, congratulations, we're
now picking up your What's on TapRadio radio show. I'm like, yeah,
but that's the thing. Some ofthose some of those are goofballs.
But the ones that we've got,some real legitimate ones are like your your
podcast is now airing on this platformand like whoa that one? And like

wow, okay, so yeah,we're on every platform you can find us
and Spotify. Oh, hold ona second, Hold on, Hold on
this second, Hold James. James. Bill has a theory on why we're
getting picked up on all these otherplatforms. The new platforms are coming on.
I think because I started joining theshow. That must be it.

You know what, Hey, Bill, tell everybody where you're from Harbor.
Yeah, that's enough of you.Okay, there we go, all right,
moving on? Uh yeah, no, Bill. Bill's Bill's been a
nice addition to the show and Iappreciate it. It's fun to hang out
with and he brings beer. Speakingof bringing beer, Bill, crack something
open there beer. We got ahippie I p a from Persimmon Hollow in

Florida. I'm sick and tired ofyou guys always dealing the spotlight. I
want to crack a beer every nowand then. Well then crack one.
Well, I mean you're sitting therelike crooker beer. Well there's two of
us. That's the thing. Sorry, Sorry, Bill, go ahead and
finish. I'm gonna tell you whatI'm bringing, all right, James to
India paal Al from cruising the beach. Birdie went down the East Coast style.
I p a from Presumming Hollow outof the land, Florida as opposed

to the water. That's pretty tasty. But I'll tell you it comes in
at seven point one. I'm notI'm not picking up the seven point one.
That's fine. This is a yeah. Bill gives me the extra because
he knows he's got dry. Speakingof which we are gonna be talking about
why you do not want to overindulgeand why we always drink responsibly here and
we share always right. But James, James, uh, you said you
wanted to crack open a beer.Finally, Yes, I missed this opportunity

last week when we were broadcasting onSaint Patrick's Day. Now, we didn't
do a big Saint Patrick's Day show. We although we used to do one
hell of a great Saint Patrick's Daybroadcast before the old plandemic happened. But
I missed the opportunity to bring thisand I'm gonna make good on this this
week. From Tantric Brewing Company,which sponsors our last segment of the show,

I am bringing the pint of Gold. Oh yeah, heint of gold
and this would have been appropriate forSaint Patrick's Day because on the cover,
I'm on the cover, on thelabel, you got a nice pot of
beer, not gold, but yougot a nice little rainbow. And then
four leaf clo or three leaf clover, pint of gold coming outs and it's
a logger. I'm gonna go andcrack this. It's a lagger. By

the way, we want to thanklistener Larry who sent us a message,
who also went over to Tantric BrewingCompany in Alegan, Michigan, just down
the road for me, that's myhometown brewery. They he went and got
the barrel age Hammer Spank, whichis an Imperial Irish red ale for the
release of Saint Patrick's Day. Buthe told me that the worst rated beer

talking about the first segment here sorry. The official What's on Tap radio from
in Fact of the week worst ratedbeer on Untapped is Chibuca Super Sorghum beer
from Delta Breweries in Africa. Accordingto the Untapped app, interesting, this
very is very good, very crisp, very It's kind of sweet, a
little sweetness to it. This isthe pin oh yeah, at five percent,

but very easy I'm not gonna saycrushable, but very crisp, sweet
and drinking. I'm a fan.A little straw notes to it. It's
it's it's just it's not a heavybeer. It's not a crushable beer.
It's it's like a beer beer.It is a beer beer. It's a
beer, you know. It wasnot a beer beer. The pizza beer

that I couldn't finish it, guys, I couldn't finish. Yeah, I
had to pour it down the drain. Sorry, I tried, but it
was two years old, so yeah, I don't. By the way,
I don't know if you heard.But this past week, Grand Rapids,
Michigan beer City, USA, accordingto USA Today again wins the title is
best Beer City. And if youdon't believe me, come check it out,

come visit and I'll I'll meet upwith you. Give you what's on
tap radio High five. But GrandRapids Breweries were on a boil band because
there was a water main pipe thatburst and there was contamination issues. So
everybody was on a boil band thispast week and they investigated it found out
exactly what caused it problem was somebodybought the uh pizza beer from Voodoo Ranger,

and they tasted it and then pouredit down the drain and that boom
blew the main right and grand.Those are facts, by the way.
Now, I have not tasted thatVoodoo Ranger pizza beer, but I can
tell you I'm probably gonna guess it'sgonna taste better than the other pizza beer
I just drank. But that's justall again. When you're listen, listen,
dude, listen, I'm just gonnasay this right now, if you're

at rock bottom, six inches offthe floor, is still above rock bottom?
I mean, ask me how Ireally feel. James. By the
way, speaking of how I reallyfeel, can I talk about what's going
on over in Vietnam? Tell mewhat's going on in Vietnam? Okay.
We talked about this story not tooterribly long ago about how Vietnam is now

enforcing this zero point zero Oh it'sdry January. No no, no,
no, no, no no no. This is a zero point zero,
zero tolerance policy for drinking and driving, which basically means if you use mouthwash
and leave your house and get inthe car and get pulled over busted.

Why because they have a zero toleranceon this So just to kind of recap
here, Uh, this is alaw that was put into place a couple
of years ago, and they didthey were going to roll it out basically
say, you know, if you'regoing to drive, you have to have
a blood alcohol content or BAC ofzero point zero. Well in December of

last year, in January, theystarted cracking down and they started setting up
checkpoints right outside of bars and restaurantsin Vietnam. And the second you walk
in, you walk in, yougrab a beer, you walk out,
you get in the car. Boooo, they're the lights. Boom, poll
over, blow into this, blowers, suck. No, don't suck.

Oh wait right boy, maybe buyyourself in the time. I don't know,
I don't know. Over do Isuck? I'm so confused. Well,
the Vietnamese government and the Health Councilare now looking into this because it

is literally destroying the economic nightlife,restaurant businesses, drinking establishments. It is
killing it, and they suspected it. Now this is a great social economic
experiment that's going on because they haveseen since they have been enforcing this year

over year, a twenty five percentdecrease in alcohol related traffic accidents. And
a fifty percent decrease in alcohol relatedfatalities. I mean, this is huge.
And now this is a country Vietnam, they like their beer and their
beer in two thousand and in theyear two thousand, they had eleven thousand

traffic deaths that were related to alcohol, and nineteen years later it jumped to
fifty three thousand. And they're seeinghuge declines now in all these fatalities.
However, the businesses are suffering andit is literally destroying the industry. So
nightlife and Vietnam Gone restaurants suffering.So we're gonna keep up tabs on this

and see what happens. But rightnow, Vietnam has agreed to revisit their
policy on this zero point zero becauseit is killing the industry. Again,
do they not have uber and lyftand taxi cabs in Vietnam? I don't
understand that point. Okay, wellwe'll figure that one out. But hey,
coming up next segment, I caughtup with Voodoo Brewing Company just opened
up down the street from me andfind out what they're all about. Is

what's on Tap Radio? Hang withdoes very fascinating story coming right up.
We'll be right back here. EdWhat's on Tap Radio. We know two
types of people, those you drinkwith and those that make you drink.
Oh, your parents are coming forthe weekend. Either way we're drinking.

I don't get enough sticks on Welcomeback What's on Tab Radio? Special guests
joining us right now at the studioas you can hear by all the noise
in the background, which is great. I like to get out of the
studio every now and then. Butwe made our way Katie, Texas,
which where our broadcast studio s toVoodoo Brewing and Villaggio here off of the

coordinates Peak Road and West Summer Parkway. Joining us Peter Gooms and Chef Jonathan.
Welcome to What's on Tab Radio.I appreciate you guys having Man Reducer
karaoke. And there's a reason whyI'm bringing this a he sticks onto the
show with you guys because Peter askedme what I wanted to drink, and

for some reason I thought logger andI thought sticks, And now I have
the what am I drinking here?The old Mama American Golden Lagger rock star
of Lagger. That's right, andit says sticks right there. It's the
collaboration with the sticks. Yes,their logos on there. We did some
work with them. You can graba can, is that right? Yep?
And he'll play the song. No. I was just like thinking,
it was like, oh, yes, through the logo on there, and

uh, here we go. ButTommy Shaw everything right, yep, exactly,
Okay, So we work with themto create the can art and we
got a collaboration going for that particularbeer. So John fantastic. I was
just cracking a joke and he's actuallyfor real. No, there's a QR
code on the cans and if youscanning, it'll play one of the songs.
What sir? Okay? Voodoo BrewingCompany, brand new location, Velagio

here in Katie, Texas. Howlong you guys open? Hello? You
just brand new? Right? Justopen February fifth, so some weeks six
weeks ago. Yep. Sound it'sbeen pretty hectic. I can imagine I'm
opening a business, which is prettyinteresting because I was talking to Peter off
the air. Both you and yourwife have other jobs that you guys decided
to You've always wanted to open agroup hub, so you finally open it?
Why? I mean, there's somany different franchises you can go with

why. What was about Voodoo brewingtbe very simple. Was the beer and
the food. I mean, itwas fantastic, and we really wanted to
do something that was community based,give us a chance to work with families
in the community, other businesses andjust have a really good time. And
that's what Voodoo brings to the tablefor us. And it's the location here
in Belajio Town Center. If you'venever been before, it's beautiful. We
have a great fountain in the middlehere for the kids to run around and
play with, and it's just anawesome atmosphere. Well, it's gonna reading

my question because I mean, Houston'sfourth largest city in the country. I
mean, you could have gone Heights, you could have gone sugar Land,
you could have gone Seabrook, LeakCity. Why Katie. So we actually
started out looking in sugar Land fora bit. They're looking at locations,
and then we expanded the search outto Katie. And when we came to
this location, I mean the welcomingthat we got from the community, the
other businesses around here, like therunning club Good Time Running right across from

us. We had a really goodwelcoming of everyone around the YMCA, the
Rotary Club. So we said,hey, this is the place for us.
We really like this community vibe thatwe're getting, and that's what Voody's
all about. So we said,this is where we're gonna go and we're
going to open it up here.It's perfect now because it's a franchise.
W's the original location, right,Yeah, it's a Meadville, Pennsylvania.

That's where the all the magic happensup there. All the beer gets brewed
and then brought down to us toserve to you locally. So you actually
doing brew on site. You gotthe beer brewed in Pennsylvania and its shipped
here, yes, sir, andit's it's good, good stuff. I'm
let me try the logger here.Actually I've tried to say. I tested
the West Coast I PA, whichwas amazing. Yes, that's one.
Yeah, it's one of our favorites, our best sellers. And then oh

mom, I was right up thereas well. And we're working local distributor
Dynamo. Guys. Great guys,help us out, get this, get
this flowing and keep it rolling.Katie, Texas, you guys decided,
But I want to talk a littlebit about because you are actually working it.
Your wife works in jet aviation.Why. I mean, I'm sure
you're super busy. Why the adventureof opening up a root. It was
definitely not for lack of being busy, that's for sure. So it's a

passion for us. Like we actuallyI said earlier, you know, we
were up in Charlotte, North Carolina. We used to go to this pub
and we loved it. With ourkids, we have twins. We used
to hang out there in the patio. It was just really good times.
We used to sit there and drinka few beers. We said, I
want to do that. I wantto own something like that. And flash
forward to today in Texas and Katieand here we are and we're we're doing
it the way we want to doit. So bringing the community and family

together. So you brought that vibefrom North Carolina. It was in North
Carolina, you said, that's rightin Charlotte, Charltte. And then to
Katy, Texas. Yeah, welove it. We have the arcade machines
here for the kids, the boardgames. You have the whole square so
they can all hang out and parentscould just have a good time. And
it's not just beer. You havea full bar, cocktails, wine,
everything. You have a full coffeebar, which is actually interesting. I
don't think a lot of people knowthat. But we do mix espresso into

our drinks and there's some of ourtop sellers for our mixed drinks. And
we do have lattes and cappuccinos whichare done with Kat's Coffee. Oh yeah,
Cat's Coffee. All about community.We do slow Oh, we do
Cat's Coffee. We have Dublin Sodas. These are all local Texas businesses we're
supporting. So if you're standing ontalking to Peter Gomes chef Jonathan Voodoo Brewing

here in Katie, Texas, butnot just to beverages, the food,
and I want to bring you on, chef, because one thing we love
is food. Talk a little bitabout the menu, some of the things
you guys are working on here atthe VOOO Brewing. Yeah, so the
menu works with our corporate office aswell, and most of it is like
a fast, upscale pub food andwe try to make it quality as possible.

My background being American fine dying andso there's always that standard of food
and not just visually but also thequality stays the same and it's mostly scratch
kitchen. Actually ninety percent of ourstuff is scratch kitchen, and you know,
we just try to push that thatconsistency in the quality. You know,
you can't be perfect every time,but if you can be consistent with
the same system, you know,just pretty pretty dang you perfect. And

I asked you before we got onthe air, what is like that one
dish that you're just when you makeyou just sit back and go, Man,
that's a that's a dish that I'mproud of. Yeah, so it's
hard to choose a specific one,but there we go through seasons as chefs
where you just kind of get stuckto one thing that we really perfectioned.
And then lately it's been that baconjam and the chocolates wore cheesecakes that we
just added to the to the menuand took me a couple of tries to

get some of those done, butit's turned out great. They're sing like
crazy, and so you know,those are the two things I'm lately proud
of, you know, along theline, once we changed the menu here
every season or so six months,or at least within every four months,
it's four to six months. I'lltry to come up with something new a
whole entire idea. It's kind ofkeeping it the same, like the same
idea on the menu for pub food, but just doing like you know,

Asian mix, Mexican mix, stufflike that. So you said future things,
What are something that you're working onnow that you want to pull out
in the future. Yeah that youyou haven't got there yet, but you're
you're still working on review. Yeah, peaks. A lot of sneak peaks
that we've been doing lately is kindof doing like that, Asian and Berg
refusion, stuff like that, Mexicanburger fusions. Keep keeping it interesting.

What does that mean Asian fusion?Right? What does somebody expect if so,
we've never heard of that before.So we're starting an experiment with a
lot of their sesame oil and theirteriokeys and then homemade sauces that they have
a lot of. It is veryjust citrusy, and it has three to
four different profiles flavorite profiles, andthen you try to mix them in with

the vegetables keep the burger and youthrow in some some mixed veggies along with
those sauces and sesame seeds and stufflike that. The next one Mexican.
I want to do like a cherisoburger instead of a baking unity cheriso and
avocados, So like a Cherisa avocadoburger stuff. So just ideas to keep
it interesting for people and always tryingto change it. Yeat talking to Peter

Gomes chef Jonathan Voodoo Brewing here inKatie, Texas. Is there vegan options?
Are there options for people that arevegetarian? Yeah? Absolutely, We
do have a wild variety so faron our menu. You can do any
of our stuff without meat, andthe most popular, I would say would
be our salads and wraps. Youget any of the salads into your rap.
We're working on experimental with Tofu Peowant to add to food to the

mini so they have like that texturefeeling they don't always want to do just
vegie, so that they want tohave like some sort of texture towards meat
but actually not beat meat. Andwe're looking to adding that to the mini
as well. And we got somegluten free options as well, calliflower crossed
pizzas right gluten free buns. Soyeah, yeah, imagine because I like
to interview chefs all the time andthat's one of the things I get from
listeners is like, hey, whatabout their vegan options? What about their

vegetary option or gluten free options,because there are people you know, have
allergies and so forth that they wantto come out and try their food,
but you know they don't know ifthere's options before they come out. Yeah,
no, absolutely, we do tryto cater to everybody with their whatever
dietary needs that they may need.And you know, it's no issue.
We're happy to do it, andit it keeps us on us toe.
You know, you got to experimentwith different kinds of foods and make it

interesting. Even for myself that eventhough I do eat meat and stuff,
but I should definitely expand into thatarea. Now, being at you guys
kind of a group hub, areyou doing beer dishes or anything like that?
So most of our sauces, actuallyall of our sauces, the blue
cheese, the barbecue, the cheese, sauce, everything, but the ranch

has one of our core beers onthere that we make. So our blue
cheese is our ipa that you tried, Yeah, some of that ipa in
there. The barbecue has some ofthat chocolate stout. Our omama is in
our beer cheese and in our muscles, so we definitely used Yeah, our
beer muscles are awesome, so wewe always we use everything we have in
house into our recipes and mostly,like I said, everything his scratch kitchen.

It's it's pretty cool. So you'repretty excit. I think he's got
the biggest smile. I know thisis radio, but he has the biggest
mile on his face. Peter Golm'schef Jonathan Here Vood Brewing. We got
about a minute less. What ifsomebody need to know about coming out to
Voodoo Brewing? Do they need toget a reservation? Is it? I
mean, what's the vibe? Like, what's try to cater to the community
casual? Yeah, so if youwant to have a reservation, we have

many great parties here already we actuallyhad a party come in with your own
band and we had a great timehere. You stayed open a little bit
later, so we do what weneed to do for the community. But
you can stop on buy without ares If you have one great then you
need a big party, you canget a table reserve. This staff will
do whatever they need to make youhappy. We have a great atmosphere here.
We're gonna have bands on Thursdays TriviaNights. We're looking at stuff for
upcoming events, so we're always planningsomething new. So just stop on buy

and enjoy the vibe with the team. I mean there's a great time here.
Yeah. We're also very dog friendlyin our patio. You can bring
your dogs. We have little waterout there for them, and then we
all our kids. Minion is prettysolid too, you know, bringing in
your kids, have them enjoy thevilagio, the water fountain out here,
and then you guys can sit back, have a few drinks and try our
badass many you know. Well,I know we're heard nationwide, but on

behalf of What's on Tap Radio PeterChef Jonathan, Welcome to Katie Voodoo Brewing.
If you're an area, perfect placeto come out, hang out with
the kids, or making a datenight, right, that's right, yeah,
absolutely come check us out. Allright, I appreciate you guys on
by the show. Thanks very much. It's What's on Taprido hang with us.
We got one more second. We'llbe right back because it's five o'clock
somewhere, Lived Life, every Goldand Menonomics. It's always time for those

slackers of What's on Tap radio.We don't thank our friends at Tantrik Brewing
Company, located in Alegant, Michigan. Right there on the Kalamazoo River.
Beautiful sites, beautiful beer, beautifulfood, and yeah you see the beer
logic guy in there hanging out stopby get a free What's on Tap Radio
high five, great beer, greattimes, great food, located an Alligant,
Michigan, Tantrik Brewing Company. Allright, welcome to the last segment

of What's on Tap Radio. I'mgonna drop a fun facts added value,
Chad. This is the Irish sobrietytest when you get pulled over by the
police. If you can see thiscorrectly on your first try, you're free
to go. Last segment, What'son Tap Radio for this week brought to
you by our friends over at TantrickBrewing Company, Hendrick Brewing Company and Aligan,

Michigan, where they encourage you todrink and enjoy responsibly, well not
not listen. They have music bingo, they have karaoke, They've got all
kinds of fun events, great food. But they are not going to encourage
you to learn how to sing thisIrish song to get out. And by

the way, that probably won't workin Alegan but you know, I do
want to change the subject here becauseyou brought it up. And that's this.
I don't know if this is urbanlegend, but until somebody proves me
wrong, I'm saying it's facts.Somebody told me one time that they got
pulled over, and I heard Iheard the story a long time ago they
got pulled over, or they heardsomebody who got pulled it's always I didn't
do it as a friend of afriend, you know, right, And

they got pulled over. And thecop says, okay, I want you
to recite the alphabet, but Iwant you to do it backwards. And
so he's facing the cop looks himright in the eye and he turns his
back to him. He abc andlike and the cop went, if you're
smart enough to think of that,get out of here. And he let

him go. It's like, like, all right, I'm just wondered,
do I blow or do I suck? Drink responsibly? Drink responsibly? All
right, Well, again, thankTantrick Brewing Company for bringing us this last
segment of the show for the week, for the week, for the week,

And I'm drinking the pot of goldmuch much better from the pizza beer
I was drinking earlier from again,not saying much from you can do.
I mean, you can say it'sa good beer, and then you can
say it's better than the pizza beer, and well, you know what,
my shoe is better than the pizzabeer. So let'm give a shout out

to Peter Gomes and Chef Jonathan overAVOOO Brewing for joining me if you missed
announcement that that interview. Our podcastswill be available everywhere on so many different
platforms. We don't even know whatplatforms are out there that are broadcasting it,
but chances are you'll find it.It ain't hard to find, thanks
to our friends over at Cast Branding. But I want to thank our friends

over as Superior Pest Control for sendingthe story our way. Now, this
is something I've never really thought about, but I've seen it one hundred times.
Have you ever gotten a receipt fromthe bar? I mean, you
your tab and it's got a littlesmiley face on it makes you feel good?
Right, You're like, oh,well, look that's a nice little
smiley face on there. Well,there's a reason they're putting a little smiley
face on there. You didn't knowthis, but now you do. And
I'm sorry Bartender's if I'm giving yoursecrets away. But there's a reason why,

and the reason is that a studyout of the Journal of Hospitality Management
found that people do tip more ifthey see a smiley face on their receipt.
But the kind of your server draws, it's what you have to look
at. So they printed different typesof tips and for different receipts, so
there's like a fifteen to twenty twentyfive percent, and each one of them

had a different emoji no, Sothey basically wanted to see if the mojis
were shoeing people in the tipping more, and the lowest percentage had a neutral
face emoji, the rest had asmiley faced emoji, and the smile got
bigger and bigger, their percentages wentup, and so the average out emojis
was twenty two point nine percent androse twenty five point four percent, with

them an eleven percent increase all byputting a nice smiley face on the receipt
well, and they also tried itwith delivery orders and saw a ten percent
bump, and takeout orders saw thebiggest increase, with a thirty three percent
bump. So if you're out there, if you're out there, bartenders,
keep doing those smiley faces, keepgetting those tips in because a smiley face

on your receipt makes you tip more. Now you know what else makes you
tip more when you actually show upand check on the table I was in.
I'm not going to say what breweryI was in just recently. I'm
not going to throw them under thebus, but let's just say I was
in Lancing for my daughter's concert andwe went out for dinner afterward, and
uh, we had a party often and great beer, and uh,

place wasn't busy. But when youwhen you have a party of ten in
a restaurant that's not busy on aSunday night, maybe you want to check
in on them. But when ittakes fifteen minutes to get water brought to
the table and nobody come like andyou never once checked on anybody's food,

and then the food that did showup showed up cold, It's like,
wait a minute, there's no reasonfor you not to bring hot food because
the place wasn't busy. Yeah,if you pay attention, you get bigger
tips. Was your smiley face onyour receipt didn't look because all I did
is signed my name. No,I did tip a little. I tipped
a little, I tipped No,I'm I started twenty percent and round up

this time I started at ten androunded up Chad tip check on tables.
No, they just he was nonexistent. And I mean the only reason
he got ten is because when hewas there he was very pleasant. He
really was pleasant. But I waslike, we kept trying to flag him
down, and he was talking toother servers and he wasn't paying attention.

And the beer was great, youknow, great brewery and food, well
everything except for the corn beef.And if you ever want to know how
to make corn beef, I'll showyou sometime. Any of that. He
had thirty pieces of flair on.Anyway, anyway, we happened to be
nice one. We were there though, on Saint Patrick's Day, and I

was a little I was kind ofbummed out for two reasons. They didn't
have a dry Irish stout and theyhad a Saint Patrick's Day party which had
ended, but it wasn't like therewas no dry IRI's stout and there was
no Irish music playing. But whattime is out? Wait? Wait,
time to the party end like fouro'clock, I think, And you gotta

end up thing at like two inthe morning. Four. Come on,
It's all right, it's ourr anyway. I do like the establishment. I
just I was really disappointed in ourserver. And and you know I didn't
stiff him on a tip, butI just I just rounded down, that's
all so. But check on checkon tabe and I don't. I didn't
even look for a smiley face.But it turns out though if I had,
maybe I would have tipped more becausethe beer would have tasted better,

maybe if I heard Irish music onSaint Patrick's Day. But apparently Irish music
makes guinness taste better. The genreof music that you choose can change the
flavor of your beer. Eureka,who knew? All right, this is
awesome. By the way, harborlighte Bilt, pay attention. You are
on a beat. You're in abeach town just down the road. You
need to start playing some yacht rockmusic. Okay, just pay attention and

the beer will taste so much better. We had the Irish music on Saint
Patrick's Day. You should come downyacht rock music in the summer. My
friend didst better? Yeah right,I don't know if they tipped better.
No, the beer taste better withthe Irish, is it playing? Oh
absolutely, our beer tastes way better. Researchers have confirmed though, that Guinness
the favorite beer of Aquaman. Ohyeah, Jason Momo. Yeah yeah,

he's like my wife says, that'sher hall pass. Yeah nice, yea,
so she said, apparently according tohim and everyone else and researchers at
the University of Lincoln, home ofthe Swanees. Oh yeah, I looked
it up. The mascot. Ohyeah, it's a Swan. That's what
a professional journalist does. That's right, because you know what in Lincoln,

Nebraska, the first thing I thinkof swans. Yep, yeah, sure.
Anyway, that found that Guinness theflavor profile changes depending on the genre
of music that you're listening to.Study was published in the Journal of Frontiers
in Psychology and reviewed by The DailyMail. Oh yeah, that's reputable,
all right. And a senior lecturerwhose name I am not even going to

even try to pronounce. Thanks forthrowing that in there. Those who put
the one sheet together, you jerk. Okay, this he's a election sure
of the psychology at London University inLincoln This is in the UK explained the
difference in taste boils down to twopsychological phenomenon and basically, your brain kicks

in and thinks it's authentic and tastebetter because another sense tells you it does,
which is probably why beach towns andresorts sell way more Corona than everyone
else. Why because you're here inthe Caribbean music. You're there on the
beach and you're like, wait aminute, this Corona is amazing, but

Corona doesn't really sell well in thunderBay, Canada. All right, So
right there, ladies, and justit's why cheap light beer tastes really good
when you're listening to country music,like I feel like a loser, and
then you find out you're listening toa song about a guy who lost his
truck, his dog and his wife. All right, that's been this episode
once on Tap Radio. Thank youfor tuning in Harbor Light. Bill's hanging

out with us here, James inStudio s Lady Texas. Thank all of
our wonderful partners in crime. Sois the Tantric Brewing Superior Pest Control Biologic
Conference Events and renoded to NAC andInsurance, Grow Up the Backer Grill,
Keeping the lights on, Harbor LIGHTEBrewing of course sponsoring our podcast cast branding.
Also want to thank our friends overat Vodoo Brewing for stopping by so
for mister Biologic Chap Pillbeam Harbor LightBill. I am Bugrew James Usain.
Thanks for checking out What's on TapRadio. We hope you enjoyed it and

we hope you would join us foranother actual pack radio show next week.
Folks forgot great one plan. We'llsee then. Cheers
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