All Episodes

April 9, 2024 81 mins
On tap this week: Country music super stars Megan Moroney and Lainey Wilson do their first Shoeys, Miller Lite revives iconic Great Taste, Less Filling debate, World’s most illegal beer breaks laws in over 50 countries,  An empty beer can sells for record-breaking amount, America's drunk driving limit may be changing, Budweiser launches limited-edition MLB beer cans, a cold call to special guest Billy Humberson to talk about the over 20 plates he has at the Flying Saucer. All this and so much more presented by Cask Branding. Enjoy the show, cheers!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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This What's on Tap Radio podcast isbrought to you by Cast Branding. I
remember of the Texas craft Brewers Guild. Cast Branding has been supplying breweries,
distilleries and wineries with top quality merchandisesince twenty thirteen. If you're looking for
a way to promote and grow yourbrand, check out Cast Branding on Facebook,
Instagram and online at Cast Branding dotcom, Cast Branding dot com,
Cast Brandy dot com. Enjoy theshow. This is about to be good

radio. Oh yeah. To me, a craft brewer is much more of
a mindset. We just opened twocamps spread the gospel of good beer beer.
Tons and tons of stuff going onin the beer world. I love
craft beer. I love different people'sbeers. It's the first favorite. Cheers
two Olaus beer geeks and those newto the craft. What's on Tap?

High five? Who? This isWhat's on Tap Radio Beer and the culture
that flows with it. Pears BeerGuru James Simpson and Beer Logics Chad Pilby.
You know the words sing along ona serious note, So up to

the show, Jad, you can'tdo that. I gotta We talked about
in the production meeting and we said, okay, We're not gonna do anything
stupid. And what did I do? That's a good damn. They gotta
have a beer cracked. Yet it'sa good thing. We have rules where
we can't crack beers on the microare hot, Otherwise I want to split
beer everywhere. Welcome to the show. I'm James. That's Shad Say hello,

Bill, Hello, Bill, alhe is paying attention. We got
a wet and wild episode of What'son Tap Radio plan for this week.
Glad to have you on board.Got some beers on the Uh, I'm
looking at the studious here. I'mtrying to debate what beer I'm gonna bring
later. I have the one I'mbringing on tap, but I got a
plethora of beers I'm gonna be bringlater. So excited to have you on

board. Got a lot of greatstories. But before we get underway,
Chad, let me pull this.Oh got to thank our partners in crime.
Well no, no, no,no, no, no, We've
never done that before. I mean, we got to stick to the script.
Let's start today. Let's start todayby thanking our sponsors, our advertisers,
our partners in crime, the peoplewho help promote and brea. Actually

we do this every week. Wegot to read the script. So if
I ever get hit by a truck, if somebody can fill in for me,
it'll be very easy to just kindof follow the script. And the
part two of the script says,think our sponsors and that being a Tantric
Brewing superior past Control be Logical conferenceevents, ren all, the TENAKA Insurance
Group, the backyard Grill. Ofcourse, uh give me the lights on,
which is very bright and nice inmy studio thanks to Harbor Light Brewing,

and of course sponsoring our podcast castbrandycasprandcast Brandy dot com. In case
people don't know, James already knowshow he's gonna die. I had this
dream when I was in college thatI got hit by Asaya truck and as
A the time when the Final Destinationmovies were coming out, So that just
tells you how long ago this wasa I A. By the way,

they don't sponsor the show, butif they were thinking about it, they're
like, James, listen, yougotta stop telling people to dream about when
I was in college that I gotdecapitated by one of these trucks. And
so now every time I see whatI'm like not today, and I change
lanes. But that's not why you'resuing it. Anyway, Bill didn't know
that Nord and maybe get some ofour newer listeners didn't do it. Yeah,

I know they're gonna be like,they're gonna be like listen from now
on. That dream was about nFI Freight Company. Okay, NFI is
that's the truck that hit you.But anyway, this is the show about
beer, not getting run over bytrucks, although if you drink too many
of them may feel like you gotrun over by a truck. That's a
little tease for things to come.But this is brought to the table,
brought to you by our friends atthe Backyard Grill on the northwest side of

Houston. Thank you, Mark mcshaffreyand Fred and Bill's gonna crack open the
beer because we're going first, becausewe're we gonna do some name drops.
We dropped Fred's name and dropped Gradfrey'sname. That's right. Head out there
on the northwest side at the cornerof West End Jones Road and check them
out. They've been there for overtwo decades. They are a beer institution.
Crack that beer, Bill, whatare you waiting on. They know

a thing or two about Yeah,they knew to know the restaurant game.
And that's another tease for a storycoming up, Bill, What are we
drinking here? To kick off thisepisode? To kick off, we got
an ipa from de Berry i' meansorry, from Central twenty eight brewing out
of de Berry, Florida. It'scalled the show Pigeon. It's a nice,

clean, unfiltered ipa. Of courseyou pick an ipa on the day.
I gotta, I gotta break upthis conversation for a second. I
go to my mailbox and I openup and there's a little box in there,
and I got a brand new drinkingglass shipped to me. And I
open it up and it is astainless steel Samuel Adams Boston Logger glass.

And I'm like, and there's nonote or anything. I'm like, I'll
bet you anything. Fire Marshal Mattsent this to me, and sure enough
he did. So there's another name. Jim Cook did No, Jim Cook
did so. I'm gonna find outif the stainless steel still makes dreams come
true. But then, of coursewe know Fire Marshall Matt hates I p
a try my best, So Itry my bet hung out with him over

at the while was Brufest, triedmy best. That's a nice looking glass,
too, Chad. Can I getthat guy like I? P as
Fire Marshall? Matt cannot get himlike I pas? How's the taste,
Chad? How's the tasting now thatnew Samuela and Boston Lagger? Is it
aluminum? Yeah? I guess itwould be illuminum, not stainless. Good
call right now. And Matt's he'sa mechanical engineer by so he's he's a

real full blown fire Marshal. No, he's not, and he does he's
a mechanical engineer by you know,as a hobbyist. But I really want
to talk about this glass, butI also want to leave you time to
get to your beer. But I'mgoing to tell you this right now.
I love this I p a.I love it. It is. It
scratches right where I at the firsttime, the first time I've had it,

I think is absolutely phenomenal. It'sjust a great balance of malt and
bitterness, with slightly more bitterness characteristic. But whatever hop they're using in this,
I love it. Oh my gosh, I wish we got to do
a little research on this, butJames, let me get you to crack
open your beer and we'll talk moreabout this, all right. From Taylor,

Texas, a brewery called Texas BeerCompany. Hung out with those guys.
Give a shout out to JD.Jins over at he's a co founder
brewmaster and set me up with thisbeer to bring just in time for springtime.
Chad from Texas Beer Company, Thisis the Sunset Cruise and this is
a Logger with natural raspberry flavors.Oh wow, yeah, so you must

be nice to have, you know, seventy and eighty degree weather in Texas.
Yeah, boy, is it eversounds like I want to do the
show from outside? Look at aglass I got. I got the actual
Boston logger glass that Chat normally drinksout of. Since he's now drinking out
of the illuminum one, but Iallon, I know, Matt Fire,
Marshall, Matt, He's gonna bestill ticked. He's like it's a lune.
I'm not staying the steel, youdumb ass. Oh, definitely,
strong notes of raspberry. We'll gotake a whiff of that. M strong

and I say, strong notes ofraspberry, and this is the Texas Beer
Company Sunset Cruise Logger made with naturalraspberry flavors at four point five percent alcohol
by volume, a round about outof time. So I'm gonna talk a
little bit more about that coming up. But that's what I brought to the
table, and I brought the show. Well, Bill did show Pigeon I

PA from central twenty eight six pointseven percent ABV and from somewhere in Florida,
some Florida. But it's absolutely delicious, all right, James, tell
him what's on tap that's been broughtto the table by so much by the
backyard Girl. Oh, we gota lot. We're gonna talk about the
world's most illegal beer miller of lightscoming out with a new ad campaign.
We got shoeies in the news,America's drunk driving law maybe changing, and

we're trying to get a guest onnext to a hour. We're gonna cold
call him see if we can getthem on them. All. This is
so much more Hang with us,action packed show coming right up, including
your official What's on Tap Radio funFactor of the Week. We'll be right
back. Sometimes we write drink beeron our to do list. Just I
feel like we're accomplishing something. What'son TAB Radio continues with James Simpson and

Chadpillbeam. All right, everybody's gota beer. You got a beer,
I got a beer. We gota beer. You know who else has
beer? The Backyard Grill on thenorthwest side of Houston. But when you're
drinking, you want to have somethingto eat too, So go get yourself
some grub at the byg. Themenu is amazing. They've got all your
Texas favorites like steaks, pahitas,chops, and it's all grilled on a

wood fired grill. Got burgers,you got raps. Hey, if you're
vegeta, they got salads, theygot soups, homemade dishes, and specialties
like smoky the beer chicken. Ohyeah, smoked chicken injected with local beer
sounds delicious, right yeah, Anddon't forget the green beans. I know
you're thinking, wait a minute,is this guy just talking about all the

grilled stuff and you're gonna tell meto eat your veggies? Hey, mom
said eat your veggies. Over onehundred different menu items, get the green
beans, trust me, you won'tregret it, and over one hundred different
beers. Head out to the backyardGrill in the corner of Weston Jones Road
on the northwest side of Houston.Cheers Seriously, if you know the words

sing along or just hummed, welcomeback with That's Radio. I'm not kidding.
I was talking to slavena bar andthe Chop Suey from a system of
Down came on and wrack up andsomebody says, you know there are words

to that song, right, AndI was like, I've just never been
able to make them out. Youever done a karaoke never done a karaoke
version. I would never do ChopSuey and karaoke. Oh man, that
would be bad. All right?As you said, welcome back once on
Tap Radio, Big show planned.Uh, James has a pile just like

a stack of stories that he printedout off the matrix printer. Got Superior
Pest Control Rainforest for this show.Yeah, Superior Pest Control West Michigan.
You know they don't pay for thepaper of the ink cartridges, but they
do sponsor our research department. Iwant to thank them for sending over all
these stories. First segment the showbrought to you by our friends at the

Backyard Grill, where I discovered anew beer that I really love. You
should have heard him during break hewas talking to Bill and this guy was
just like, oh, I know, so I always have belt. You
know, I live in Michigan andBells two Heart. It's always you know,
you can go to Costco and buyyou know, case of it.
You know it's big suitcase of it, really cheap in cans, and so

it's just kind of the go toI p A. And plus it's a
great beer. But I said thiswould replace it, and it's Show Pigeon
from Central twenty eight Brewing Company fromde Berry, Florida. Bill met those
guys, they let him in pourhim a beer so when he was out
on assignment. And this is whatI found interesting. I looked at it
on the Untapped app and it saysit's an American style IPA with an aggressive
hop profile. Okay, countered byan aromatic array of Now listen to this

grapefruit, orange, lemon, peel, pine and guava. Now how you
can pick out allll of those flavors. And I mean unless you have a
palette like James. I mean that'syou know, he does have that ability.
Y, yes, very very yes, especially when you're reading the can
but uh geez, but I no, it's a gift you have. It's

really it's really good. It isreading is fundamental. Left the right,
left the right, buddy, Ireally think, because I'm like, there's
not grapefruit, there's not orange,it's not citrus. I think it's the
guava. I think it's the tropicalfruit. But it's not overly. So
when I say the hop notes arereally pronounced, it's not real real bitter.

It's not I don't get piny.But there is another element I get
here. You were asking because I'mdrinking out of the sam Adams, not
stainless steel, but aluminum glass thefire Marshall Matt sent me. And it
does have a little bit of ametallic because it is luminant metallic aroma to
it. So it might be goodfor pool side. Yeah, that's what

I think you've got to do,like pool side or maybe by the lake.
So so normally, if you're drinkingout of the regular Boston Logger glass,
if you drink it, like ifyou get a parking ticket, not
only does a parking ticket go away, but they mail you a check and
say sorry, because that's how goodthat glass is it'll actually improve your driving
record even though you're driving worse.This one here just gets your fine reduced.

So if you get like a fiftydollars parking ticket, you owe like
five bucks. It's not that it'snot as good as a glass, but
it is good. Good to know, Chad. And of course I'm drinking
out of the regular Boston Lagger SamuelAdams glass that Chad normally SIPs out of,
and I poured the Texas Beer CompanySunset Rose. It's a Logger with

natural raspberry flavors. And let metake a sip of this and see if
you know it's opened up a littlebit since we've opened it in the first
segment. So let me tell youwhat I get out of it. Definitely
strong. No, it's a raspberry. Oh he's sipping again. This is
that palette coming through. Yeah,I could tell just by taking a sip
out of this Boston Logger glass.Four point five percent alcoholat volume. See

brute, it's brewed with solar andpeople power. Oh you can tell,
like like you you could tell fromthe taste that it was solar powered brewery.
Yeah, simply you're good. I'mjust saying that's one of the things
that you pick up on when youtake BJCP classes and you've had a radio
show for ten years and you're drinkingout of the Boston Logger Sam allowms with

logger glass. So that's a palette. That's so it comes. It comes
with experience, That's what it is. Before I do the What's on Tabrido
fun Factor of the week, we'retrying to call this guy. I met
this guy and he's fascinating to me, and we don't really know anything about
him other than that I know Ihad. I had about a two minute
conversation with him and it's like,hey, give me your information. I

think I want to get you onthe show. And he was like,
Okay, what we didn't We didn'tcall him, we didn't prep him.
We're just gonna try to call himduring the show and see if we can
get a hold of them. Andif we can't, then we can't,
but we're gonna try. Told methe story on this game, you men
met the Katie why west broof estYes, and he was sitting in the
high high octane area by himself,drinking a tat high octane tent. There

it is there, it is Chadbut yeah, he said, by himself
drinking eighteen percent beers like it's nothing. And I got to talking with him,
very fascinating guy. And I'm gonnasee if I can get my get
him on the phone. We'll see. I don't know, like I said,
I haven't emailed him. I'm contactedhim, but we're gonna try.
But before we do that, wegotta do this now. The official What's
on Tap Radio fun Fact of theWeek, brought to you by Who's ever

checked Clear? This week? Takeit away, Professor Chad. We're all
here, all right. Well,this is a sensitive subject to bring up
because a lot of people who listento the show, they they don't believe
that you should be when you're drinking. You know, you don't talk politics,
you don't talk church, you don'tdo that. We used to not

talk about who owned what brewery becausethat used to get people upset too,
But now nobody cares. Yeah,facts like you have a craft brewery and
it's bought by big brewery And I'mlike, oh, okay, yeah,
nobody cares anymore. You know,nope, I guarantee you right now.
The guy sitting across from Harbor Light, Bill if Anheuser Busch walks in and
says, we would like to offeryou ten million dollars for your two breweries.

He's gonna say, hey, Chad, guess who's not gonna be on
the show next week. You'd havea pin in his hand already before they
finished the statement. Either I gotthe pin right, So where do I
sign? Yeah? But I wasI was farting around thinking about bringing back
the rip from Reddit segment, andit was a question was asked, does

God hear drunk prayers? This isyear ten, almost eleven years and I
not once heard that before. Iknow, I know, that's what I
thought. And I was like,now this may be a future ripped from
Reddit because it was a pretty gooddialogue and of course you got people going

nuts going all over it. Butthen I started. Then somebody said,
well, who are you praying towhen your head's in the toilet and you're
going right? So that's a falsesidol if you're a Christian, so I
mean, you know, and ifyou're a Jew, of course, not
the God of Abraham. It's theGod of porcelain. And I'm not brying
to be sacrilegious here. I'm justpointing out some of the dialogue that was

out there, but it was ourgood buddy, get that name drop ready,
our buddy Kip Galaxy Jewelers, who'senjoying retirement after fifty years, who
said, did you know that thereis someone you're supposed to be praying to
whenever you got your head in thetoilet? It's like I did not.

Apparently there is And this is yourofficial What's on Tap Radio Fun fact of
the week. Did you know thatSaint Bibiana is the official patron saint of
hangovers? She was martyred and orchardand died because of things that her family

did, and when she was buried, herbs sprouted up on and around her
grave and they are the same herbsthat are used to treat hangovers in the
time. She was born in thefourth century and died in three sixty a
d. And she has a feastday which is December second, which is

appropriate because it's right before the holidayseason really gets into full swing, when
you probably will be drinking a lotmore because you're going to be spending more
time with your family. So yourofficial What's on Tap Radio Fun fact of
the week is there is an officialpatron Saint of hangovers. And it is

Saint Bibiana who was tortured, died, martyred, buried, and everybody saw
around her grave and on her gravethese herbs sprout up and they use them
to treat hangovers. And that's yourofficial What's on Tap Radio fun fact of
the week. The next time you'rethrowing up, say that prayer. All

right, Uh, still to come. And we got a lot on tap
this week. We're gonna talk aboutthe world's most illegal beer miller lites got
another gimmick and uh what else wegot going on? Oh, there's an
America's America's drunk driving limit. Arethey going to be changing that? All?
This is so much more, includingwe're trying to cold call this guy.
Hang with us. We'll be rightback. Well, that meetings sucked.
We wonder you can wait to gethome. Is there beers somewhere out

there? Crack open that new Ibathinking about us too? This is what's
on Tap Radio. Back to Jamesand Chad so chat walking back What's on

Top Radio? After the wild WestBrooffest. We had a good time,
good time. Rodney Campbell hanging outwith Fire Marshall, Matt good people man,
just good. People hung out,some listeners and then the beer fest
ended, and then Rodney Campbell givethe name dropped, Rodney Cambllcastbraandy dot Com
was like, hey, you knowwhat we should go? And I was
like home. He said, no, No, not Rodney Rodney. Rodney's

like, no, I got anidea. One more beer. So yeah,
one more beer, That's what hesaid. So he's like, no,
We're gonna go to No Label rightacross the street. Fine, all
right, go have a beer.I'll do that. No Label the laboring
company right literally across the highway fromwhere the Wildwest Broofest was. And Katie
and Katy text yes. So weget to No Label and Ryan Traylor trailer's

there, crew master, and Traylerwas like, hey, man, I'm
glad you're here. I got somenew beers I want to we're testing.
I want you to try them out. Tell me what you think. They
were so good? But one beerturned into two huh oh, No,
you went with Rodney. You're notgoing for one beer. There is no
such thing as going out with Rodneyfor one more beer. So I looked

at the clock and I'm like itwas like ten thirty and I was like,
I gotta get the hell out ofhere. I gotta go, I
gotta go. So I actually dida ghost exit I Irish was it?
Yeah? Ghost exit? No,Irish exit, Yeah, Irish say that
it's okay. Iris exit is that? Is that what it's called? Where
you just kind of leave and don'tsay anything. Irish exit is you don't
say goodbye and you look around.It's like, hey, where did he

go? Because I know I knewdan Well. I knew dan Well.
I don't said anything to anybody.They're like, oh no, no,
man, you gotta have one more, especially Rodney. Yeah. And then
there's a there's a letter Kenny leave, which is when you steal a case
of beer from the host and thencrashed through a glass sliding door on your
way out the door. That's aletter Canny leave. So I leave.
And I was supposed to meet Brianholes in the next morning at like eight

am. That did not happen.That did not happen. That No,
No, you didn't meet him ateight am. No you did. I
did not know I was supposed to. He texted me and he was like,
hey, leaving the house. Hetexted me like eight thirty because I
was supposed to meet him at nine. That's what it was. And yeah,
I know you got the message andyou said go back home. Never

mind, I wish I would haveknew it about this, known about this
God that you were talking about this. Oh look at the Saintanna. That's
so bad. That's so bad.If somebody just sniffed that out of context.
If Oh, I wish I knewabout this God. James is saved,
he knows about God. Hangovers allover God, That's what we're talking

about, the hangover Saint. Thepatrons sat hangovers. I was not feeling
the best that day. And I'llbe on. I ubered everywhere. I
was safe, but I was not. I was not. Let's say I
was about twenty four point three percent. Well, I'm gonna say this,

so I'm gonna go ahead and pileonand piggyback on this story here. So,
uh, Bill and I a coupleof weeks ago we went and I
said, you know, I toldhim about Seeds Brewery down in Union Pier,
Michigan. I've been talking about howreally just pick up that h like
best, what was the best newbrewery, best new brewery and the USA

Today and there in their poll,and of course, you know, Bill's
looking at me. He's like,what the hell am I chop suey here?
You know, you know? AndI said, no, no,
dun't, dude. You make greatbeer. Don't get me wrong. I
mean I love but there's something aboutjust the I like German beers, and
they that's what they specialized, Germanand Belgian styles, and it's a quaint
little unique. They're all in onthis concept. They're not trying to be

all things to all people. Anduh we he says, fine, I'm
going. I'm like, well,I'm going with you, pal, because
you're not going alone. And thenBill I said, hey, isn't there
another brewery here in Union p He'slike, yeah, we should go over.
It's called Union North North Pier,North Pier, that's up Harbor.
Yeah, that's it. So wedrove up there and then we went to

uh oh, we went to GreenBush. Oh no, we stopped off
at South It's St. Joe first, oh, Silver Harbor, Silver Harbor.
So so we started hitting these andthen we went to this brewery in
South Haven, downtown South Harbor Libraryand where I got this nice hat.
Yeah, I love it, whichyou know radio, can't you see it?

But Bill was asking me, He'slike, did you did you get
in trouble? And I said,what do you mean? I told you
that if I got home at eighto'clock, I was a dead man.
I had to be home. Ihad to be home, not at eight
o'clock. So I got home ateight thirty and I was still dead.
I don't know why I was nothome at eight. My wife said,
don't you come home at eight?I didn't. I came home at eight
thirty. Wait, and I'm tryingto do it math here, So don't

come home before eight. No,she said, she said, don't you
come home eight? And I said, okay, I'm serious. Okay,
So literally like, I'm not gonnabe I'm not gonna be there. You
told me eight, I'm home ateight thirty. I did not play well.

But we, you know, kindof like going out with Rodney Well,
Bill and I we we we westayed out for a little bit.
We were responsible, We shared flights, and we tried a bunch of different
beers. We had a lot oflaughs. Speaking of sharing beers, We're
gonna crack one open right now.This is Bill tell them what we're drinking.
Wow, we're drinking a beer calledmoon Pie and that's from Naked River
Brewing Company and Chattanooga, Tennessee.It's Naked River. What is now?

What style is this? It's astout. It's gonna be an oatmeal stout.
Please tell usn oatmeal stout. Yeah, it's not an oatmeal stout.
It's kind of like one of thesea pastry stouts. But oh joy.
Naked River has an exclusive right forcalling their beer the mo Moonpie because they

actually brew this with moon Pies,which is in Chattanoogat. Also, I
don't hate this beer. It's dessert. You usually don't like these. No,
No, I don't want a wholeI mean like, I don't want
a whole can of it. I'mglad I'm sharing it with a stunt liver,
but I'm not. It's not overlysweet, No, it's not.

It's very dry. Actually, yeah, it's got all kinds of sweet candy
aromas and flavor flavors. If you'veever had a moon Pie they put it
in a pretty much Yeah, it'spretty much nail the spot on. So
oh. For some reason, Ithought Moonpie had oatmeal in it, but
I guess I don't. No Moonpieis the chocolate vanilla caramel banana slices first.
Okay, when Bill said that,I was thinking that oatmeal little snacks,

but no, it's not okay,I got my snacks mixed up.
Sorry Bill. All right, SoJames was talking about going out and having
one more beer with Rodney Campbell,which again never turns into one and he
had the Uber home and he hadto skip the meeting. Yeah, I
was supposed to meet Brian holes inthe next morning, and I feel bad
because I told him I would andI just it was. It was a
bad decision, James bad, bad, bad. Yes, And speaking and

speaking of hanging out with friends,I forgot to mention. Also kicking off
the show, we had the showPigeon I p A, which a good
friend of the show and friend ofthe Backyard Girl Lindsey Morgan. He's part
of the BYG Brew crew. Hechecked that beer and gave it a four
point zero I, which is prettygood for him. Uh, he's a
little stingy with his four and fivepoint ratings, but yeah, give it

four point zero. But anyway,I wanted to move on to this study
that I stumbled across and ladies,tell me, did you get it like
hungover stumbling around? Yes? See, yeah, you play on words there.
Stanford University has a peer reviewed studyout suggesting that long COVID will actually

make your hangovers worse. So I'mI'm buying into this clickbait right away.
I'm click on the headline. I'mlike, let's go, man, COVID
is gonna make your hangovers worse,And it says new study shows and suggests
that long COVID sufferers will experience worsehangovers, including worse headaches, nausea,

fatigue, and sweats, all thingsin common with the hangover. And I
thought about that. I was like, wait a minute, that sounds a
lot like the same symptoms of COVID. And then I went and I was
like, wait a minute, holdon, what's long COVID. I looked
it up as Oh, it's peoplewho have these symptoms but are no longer

contagious. So let me see ifI get this straight. You already feel
nauseous with a headache, fatigued,and sweating, and you now are gonna
add alcohol to it and it's gonnaget worse. Hmm. Wonder why that.
I'm like, this is not andthis is a peer reviewed study.
I'm like, wait a minute,I'm where is this study going, Like

how how is this any surprise toanyone or research? But then I looked
at the research they did. Theyhave extensive research that they did on four
people, exactly four people, notfour hundred, not four thousand. Stanford
University did a study on four people, a sixty year old male and a

forty forty nine and thirty six yearold female. And they said, before
I had long COVID, I usedto be able to drink two glasses of
wine and I feel fine. Butnow I have headaches, nausea, fatigue,
and sweats because you have long COVID. But this is a peer reviewed
study that they put out there.And now, of course Stanford University is

saying, we do have to domore research to determine if this is a
long term trend and how valid thestudies are. But early indications suggest that
they make it worse. I couldhave told you this without doing a study.
How much the study costs. Iwish I knew, but I know

this. It came from an IvyLeague school in California. You tell me
man, government, tax dollars atwork, whatever, I don't know,
Stanford University. I'm gonna put thisup as a fail. We could have
we could have done this at theWe could have solved this at the bar
and send you some money. Allright, all right, let's take a

break. Stillicum, the role's mostillegal beer miller of LTEs got another gimmick.
And what else we ow? Budweiseris launching a limited edition can we'll
talk about this and so much more. We'll be right back. Okay,
we will buy no more beer untilwe drink all the beer we have at
home, we said, and thenwe laugh and laughed and laughed. I

cut it out. This is what'son tap radio. Back to James and
Chad. All right, welcome back, dude. What on tap radio?

Where we are hanging out in Alligan, Michigan? Harbor Light Bill and I
we've we've tapped into a couple ofbeers here. James hanging out in studios
in Texas. Yeah, he hadn'tfind anybody to hang out and drink beer
with him because he did dry January. And everybody still thinks if they come

over, they're gonna get a nonalcoholic beer. But now you know,
actually, Bryan Holsten was over herehanging out with me the other day.
That's yeah, that's cool. That'smy drinking buddy right there. Channel works
for our local TV station. ButBill and I we uh, we gotta,
we gotta, you know, we'resharing beers, so we're gonna crack.
But another one, this one fromTrail Point Brewery located in Allendale,

Michigan. I'm gonna pour this onein the Sam Adams Boston Lagger aluminum glass.
How's that working out for you?Still getting that aluminum taste? No,
I'm switching back to it. Sothat's the thing. I'm going back
to it right now because I wasdrinking out of my actually Saint Arnold taster
glass from way back in the day. Oh wow, that is an old

school glass right there. Yeah,it's giving out the breweries for tastings,
Yes, exactly. But this isa beer that Harbor Light Bill wanted to
try. This is a bourbon barrelage English old Ale strong Ale at ten
percent and it's called Drunken Hank fromTrail Point Brewery. This is a fun
brewery. I like this brewery.They make a lot of good stuff.

Bill, You've been up there.Yeah, yeah, yeah, I like
those guys. I've known him fora long time. They have a real
great patio and nice inside. Theyhave music, they have cigar days out
on the patio, a lot ofgood stuff. This is it's located right
off the campus of Grand Valley StateUniversity, just down the road. And
this is delicious. Holy crap,that is good. That is malty,

and it's like a it's like aboozy version of a toffee candy. I
mean, it's really really good.But the beer we had before that was
the Moonpie beer from Naked River BrewingCompany. And Bill starts peeling the label
off and I'm like, no,no, and he says, what do
you mean. I said, youtold me they had the exclusive rights to

make the Moonpie beer and that's theonly can I have. I want it
for my collection. And speaking ofbeer can collections, sorry about that.
We are going to talk about thatcoming up, but before we do,
before we do, I said,I was drinking out of the Boston Logger
glass. Bill is drinking the What'son Tap Radio waters WoT R and uh

James, there's a story that youfound where they were drinking out of a
different type of vessel. What isit? What is it about Australia and
shoeies. We've done stories after storiesabout shoeies. And if you don't know
what shoies are, it's basically youtake your shoe off your foot, yeah,

your sweaty foot, pour beer intoit and then chug it. That's
called a shoeye. And apparently thisis very very popular in Australia because these
stories keep coming out over and overand they used to be more popular,
like during the COVID area, likecoke quarantine and stuff. We were coming
out with a lot of these storiesand they kind of died off. But
here we go again, Here wego again. Chad on stage at the
CMC Rocks Festival in Queensland. Countrymusic. Guys, country music. It's

basically a country music festival or acountry music event in Australia and Queensland,
Australia. Morgan took part in theAustralian tradition by doing her very first shoeye
and she did it out of afan's shoe. Gross So some fan in
the crowd took off their shoe,threw it up on stage, she poured

a beer into it and drank it. Maybe she didn't pour the beer.
Maybe the fan that'd be even worse, the fans hot beer and pouring it
in a nasty, sweaty, smellyshoe Bill, Bill's dying the same thing.
Maybe she was one of those fourpeople that Stanford study on that had
all those symptoms from COVID. Ifyou're just tuning in, we did a

fun where we did a story onhow Stanford University did a peer review study
that long COVID, which has allthe symptoms of a hangover, will actually
make a hangover worse. Duh,But they tested it unfore people. I'm
gonna disagree with you there, Bill, because I'm gonna imagine her immune system
is way stronger by drinking. Butwhile she was hesitating on her first sip,

she downed the second. So shechugged the second sip and then She's
not the only country singer that didthis. Lanny Wilson's tour stopped in Australia
where she also took the challenge andactually got this on tape. So here's
Landy Wilson in her shoey, whichI have never done a shoey, and
I don't think I ever would allright. Uh here, so here's Landy

Wilson doing her shoey. I cannotbelieve that was King beer, but I'm
dying excited about it. You ready, brother, let's go, come on,
holler and swaller, holler and swallow. Right. So there's Landy Wilson
and taking her shoey. Chad,if you're ever visiting the land down under

par taking a shoey, No,I'm going with hard No Bill heard,
no Bill, no, No,it ain't gonna happen. No, no,
no, Megan Maroney Laney Wilson doingtheir shoeies in Australia. So I
don't know. Again, I don'tknow what it is about the landown under,
but there are plenty of stories comingout of people taking shoeies. I
guess it's the thing down there.I guess it's like it's tradition. You

get off the airplane and like,you know how like in Hawaii they'll give
you a la in the airport.In Australia they give you a nasty shoe.
What they'll do. What they dois is they got a beer for
you, and they're like, hey, we got a beer for you,
and they're like sweet and then youput out your hand, they're like,
no, give me your shoe,Like, what, give me your shoe?
And you're thinking that you're actually goingto get You're actually gonna get,

you know, a cold glass ofbeer, and it's actually a warm,
hot shoe. So right, well, I mean that's the way it was
portrayed in Crocodile Dundee, and sothat's gotta be true. So, by
the way, that's a good opportunityto plug our social media. If you
want to send me hate mail fora stupid comment like that, you can
send it to me my handle atChad the Beer Logic guy. He is

James in the Radio And you canalways email us What's on Tap Radio at
gmail dot com and you can listento me say stupid things like that,
and James stays say stupid things overand over again. Just download our podcast
where you find that anywhere. Podcastsare found anywhere, anywhere anywhere. People

ask me all that all the time. I say, what's on tap Radio
and there, like, is thatlike a podcast? Yeah, it's like
a podcast. Well, we gotthat on a T shirt because of that.
Yeah, I'm wearing a T shirtright now. It's like a podcasts.
It is. It is a podcastin a radio show and it streams
everywhere. Oh, so what platformyou on? I love it when I
say it is everywhere and they saywhat platform you on? Like, what

one are you on? And thenthey tell me and I say, we're
on that one. iHeart Amazon?Are you on? Twitch, Stitcher,
Grinder, all of them? Okay, wait, I want to talk about
this empty beer can because Chad isonto something. Because Chad collects beer cans.
I've got beer cans, and Ifeel bad for Christine, his number

one beer fan. You know why, because when he dies, she's got
to get rid of all these damncans. Yeah, and one of them
she's probably just brun the damn garagedown. No, no, she could
be throwing away a fortune because anempty beer can sold for a new world
record price just recently in Massachusetts atthe New World Auction. This was a

vintage Peroni beer can or parne excuseme, Paron beer can, not to
be confused with the Italian Peroni.The Pirne was a Philadelphia beer can from
the otto Eringerlinger Brewery. Came outof the nineteen forties and it was the
only known one left in existence conetop format in excellent condition, and the

auctioneer says it's a basically kind ofa holy grail can for many court collectors,
especially in Pennsylvania. Now, beforeI tell you what this went for,
some of the other beer cans thatwent there, pay attention, honey,
this is for my wife. Therewas a true blue ale cone top
can from nineteen thirties that went foreighteen, nine hundred and ten dollars.

There was another one from the nineteenthirties, the White Horse Pilsner beer,
that went for thirty three thousand,five hundred and fifty dollars. But this
nineteen forties one and only perone beercan from Philadelphia went for an astonishing sixty
two thousand, eight hundred and thirtydollars for one beer can. And I

have thousands of cans in here thatare probably worth dozens of pennies, but
maybe one of them is worth sixtytwo thousand. And that's that's my retirement
plan, and I'm sticking with it. Well, chaut, I hope you're
making a million dollars with that metoo. Otherwise it was all for nothing,
just a bunch of trash, allright. That's our number one of
What's on Tap Radio coming up nexthour we go home, I'm gonna watch

this. We're gonna try to coldcall this guy. And MLB's got some
new limited edition cans and Miller Litesgot a new gimmick. All this is
so much more with us. We'llbe right back. We like to have
at least five practice beers before wehave our actual beer. Well you need
now, there's lots of practice.What's on Tap Radio continues, Hold my

beer and watch this brought you byyour friends Edward All the ten taking Insurance
Group located in Grand Rapids, Michiganand Holland along the Lake Shore RTI Grand
Rapids RTI Grand Rapids dot Com.All right, I actually packed hour of

What's on Tap Radio coming up loton tap this hour, got home my
beer to watch this coming right up. But before I do that, it's
time for me to crack a beerbecause Chad and Bill are way ahead of
me. I want to give aspecial shout out to our friends over at
Texas Beer Company. Eddie Jens hungout with him. He's the co founder
and brewmaster of Texa Beer Company.Set me up with the Sunset Cruise,

a logger with natural raspberry and flavorsat four point five. But I'm gonna
double that chat. Let's double itup, baby, all right, do
it all the way from a BeataBrewing Company, New Iberia, Louisiana.
I'm going the Alpha Gator Imperial IndiaPale al nice. Yeah, wait a
minute, since I've done in theImperial I p A on the show,

so I figure to know it.Let me go ahead and do that.
Hey, while you're cracking that open, I just want to mention that this
drunken hank that I'm drinking the bourbonbarrel aged English old Ale that Bill and
I are on. On the label. You gotta look really close, but
it's a guy on a John Deeretractor who who mowed trail point into a
cornfield and then crashed it into atree. And now he's sitting next to

the John Deere tractor drinking a beerthat's pretty good. That's a good label.
And if mine the Alpha Gator ImperialIPA, that's a gator swimming up
to you. And this is ascene you definitely don't want to see when
you're swimming. Oh, that's alittle frightening, and that is very frightening.
You see this guy, and Iknow this is radio, and I'll
take pictures that we'll post it toour social media. And yeah, it's

got the Gator on it. That'sjust you know, casually swimming up to
you to rip your head off again. Alpha Gator eight point five percent.
Let me go and take a swigof this in my Samuel Adams Boston Logger
glass James going, that's a bigswig, dude. That's more like a
thirst quenching. I think you drinkhalf that can very good, mouthfeel very

nice. I'm gonna let that breathefor a second and I'll tell you more
of the notes. But before Ido that, plug our social its at
What's on Tap Radio, Facebook,Twitter, Instagram, drop us an email
What's on Tap Radio at gmail dotcom, which I got a lot of
emails that we've got to get tocoming up later. But number ways to

get ahold of the show and speakingto get ahold of We're gonna try to
cold call this guy later. Imet him at the Wild West brew Fest
at Katie where he was sitting alonedrinking a high octane beer. That's a
beer that's like double digits by himself. I think he's like reading a book
too, if I remember correctly,I mean, what are you doing right

now? I'm like, if somebodywere to cold call him then and say,
hey, what are you doing,Belly, you'd say, well,
I'm sitting at a beer festival drinkinga barrel aged stout and reading a book.
What are you doing? Like?Wait? What book? Is a
history of beer? I don't know. Man, very very fascinating guys.
So I didn't prep him. Ididn't let him know. No, we

don't even know if we're going toget him. That's the thing. This
is a cold call, Like we'refirst time in what's on tap radio history?
We're doing this yep, So staytuned. It could be a total
failure, but we're gonna try ourdamness. But let me go ahead and
punch this button, hold my beerand watch this brought to you by the
ring alda ten Hacen insurance group wherethey'll cover you for just about everything except

this bill. I'm gonna give Floridaa week off. How's that sounds that
sound okay for you? Oh?That's that's fantastic. Those guys have been
taking it on the chin lately.Okay, let's let's let's give him a
break because they've been working hard.We're gonna actually focus on the South Alabama
to be exact, because you know, people say focus on the message,
not the messenger. So police inOrange Beach, Alabama, were called to

an intersection on a Monday where asmall Toyota SUV was continuously ramming into an
electric sign that said zero tolerance drugsand alcohol. Let that sink in for
a second. I have it cameright away. It didn't take a second.

The humor's not lost on me.Man. I'm just falling out my
chair. Officers tried to stop him, but dash cam video caught him repeatedly
intentionally ramming into the sign again.The sign said zero tolerance drugs and alcohol.
He rammed in sign and so manytimes, and Teller's just pushed off
the road and completely destroyed. Eventuallyhis vehicle got struck and they were able

to arrest him for several charges,including criminal mischief and resisting arrest. So
we get alcohol back in the community, We take down that damn side.
You can't tell me what to do, get my drugs back. The sign's
gone. Signs signs everywhere sides inThe sign says long hair people came,

not a play, zero tolerance foralcohol and drugs. I took my electric
car and knocked it down. Nowyou ask yourself, why would this guy
do this? It's unclear why thisguy's what this guy's deal was. There's
no motive whatsoever. He didn't havea manifesto or anything like that. And

the wild part about this story isthe way there's more wild. There was
no drugs or alcohol involves, whichwas very surprising. The guy was twenty
ten years old. I was sohe did this sober? He did it
so yeah, he did it sober. I guess he was tired of seeing
the sign. He's like, thesign is taken down the value of the

neighborhood. He was planning for thefuture, That's what I bill. I
had the same thought. I waslike, listen, I don't do drugs
yet, but I'm going to.What he's thinking is next weekend, I'm
gonna get really trash and that signedbetter not be. There got a big
bender coming up next weekend. He'slike, yeah, that's right, I'm

gonna go. I'm gonna go ona bender down this road. And you
know what if I see that sign, I might feel bad and have to
sober up. Not gonna happen,so luckily, luckily, no one was
injured during the incident except the sign, of course, which was a total
loss devalued at approximately nineteen one thousand, five hundred dollars for this electric sign

that read zero tolerant drugs and alcohol. Now Here is the dash can remember
I told you there's dash cam ofhim repeatedly and intentionally ramming into the sign.
That's what I roll cut four.Holy kilt he's doing again. The
policeman's probably gonna have to like blockhim in there. He's gonna really go
this time. Oh my lord,what is he doing? Zero tolerance for

drugs and alcohol? He do?He squared up again for just do it
again? Your roll my beer.Watched this, which is presented by our
friends ever reading all Tenac and InsuranceGroup. A man intentionally crashed into a
zero tolerance drugs and alcohol sign forwhat reason We have no clue, and

he was sober when you did it. I don't under this might be the
first hold my beer and watch thisthat we've ever done where there was no
drugs or alcohol involved in the personwe're talking about. Yeah, I don't
understand this one at all. Idon't either. All right, well,
bringing all the tell you ten takean insurance group of West Michigan. They
remind you that we'll cover you forjust about everything, ex except for we're

raiming into a sign. Maybe they'llensure the sign. Hopefully they will,
because that's expense. They'll cover thesign out nineteen dollars. It's not a
cheap sign. That's an expensive sign. You're bringing down the value of the
neighborhood with that sign. All right, we got to take a break,
so to com let's talk about Oh, Budweiser's launching a limited edition can and
Miller lights at it again. Allthis is so much more. We'll be

right back. Believe in something theysay, we believe. We'll have another
beer. This is what's on TapRadio. Back to James and Chad Superior
Pest Control of West Michigan, SuperiorPest dot Biz. They are sponsors of

the research department here at What's onTap Radio making sure that we have all
this awesome content. Give them acall or reach out to them at Superior
Pest dot Biz. Right back,what's on top Radio? You know pseudo

ass here and then on Chad's studiocom and Bill cracking some beers having a
good time, your Logic World Headquartersand Drinking Emporium Alligan, Michigan with all
his beer cans that he's hoping tomake a million dollars off of which we
hope you do. Christine, mysuper fan, number one, my bride,
She's like, listen, I'll payyou. I'll pay you twenty bucks

if you just throw them all awaynow. Or we did this story that
this one can in auction went forwhat sixty two thousand dollars? Yeah,
it's crazy, the world record.What's the price for scrap aluminum? Yeah?
Oh, I see what you're saying. Hey, build things. I
can get more than twenty bucks,and I just scrap it all. Take
it to H's that a place.I'll pay you two dollar bills. Ceey

scrap C and D scrap Metal inHouston. I've been going for three years,
and I remember those commercials. They'regonna ru scrap Metals, CND scrap
metal and we'll pay you in twodollars bills. Rule man, they've been
they've been around for a long time. All right. Let me let me.
Let me take a swig of this. It's been in my Boston lagger
glass the Alpha Gator Imperial I pA, which I cracked, but I'm

gonna go ahead and give it onemore sip here. I'm convinced that that
is the regular Andy Gator hoppy versionthis brew. It starts big hot flavors
of tropical and citrus fruits. It'sat eight point five percent ABV. This
reptile rain supreme, Chad, mmhmm is that what your is that what

you thought of that that it's areptile that rains supreme. Yeah, that's
what I'm getting out of every sipquestion. Unquestionably at the top of the
fear chain. Oh wow, eightpoint five percent, that's the high ABV.
It's good thing that I have myown studio here at Studio S because,
yeah, you don't have to getdriving. I don't have to drive
anywre Although I'm a big fan ofUber and Lyft, I love the ride

shares. You remember, Hey,this is a fun fact. When we
started working together and we were doingthe show at the iHeart Studios, there
was no Uber. Well, wedidn't drink. We just pretended we did.
Shut up. That's not no.No, what I'm saying, I'm
not saying we drove home intoxicated orunder the influence. What I'm saying is

is we couldn't. There was nouber, there was no lyft, they
didn't exist. They weren't around.I don't think they were around. There
were taxis, yeah, there werecabs. I don't think they were around.
Cabs. I don't remember. LikeI said, we've been doing.
We took cabs. We did takesome such cabs with the dice in the

that weird pine tree thing that hungfrom the mirror that made the car smell
like pine trees. Yes, Butwe were talking last week about this law
or a couple of weeks ago inVietnam where zero tolerance whatsoever for alcohol and
some so killing killing business in Vietnam. So they're revisiting the law saying,

okay, because you can't have youcan't have one sip of alcohol. No,
if you have any alcohol on yourbreath and it comes up at point
zero zero zero one, boom,you're over the limit. Boom, you
can ear arrested and they get ahefty fine. But see, I'm gonna
go ahead and say this, thisis gonna piss somebody off, but I'm
gonna say it anyway, all right, COVID's over, and I know they
shut down all the businesses for COVID. But now some governments are looking for

another way to kill restaurants, barsand breweries again, and this law so
they do it. There are growingnumber of states that are considering lowering the
blood alcohol level which drivers are consideredto be under the influence. A bill
with that would lower the legal bloodalcohol limit to point zero five from point

zero eight, which was passed bythe Way in Hawaii earlier this month,
is now being considered another states.It follows a similar bill in Washington,
which currently the committee is looking at. While Utah has already adopted a lower
limit and every other state driver ispulled over by police cannot exceed a reading
alcohol of point eight percince when testedeither being unbreathalyzed or given blood or a

urine sample. Campaign's saying by loweringthe limit would prevent more deaths on the
road due to drunk driving, andreference to the fact that lowered limit is
already in a place in other partsof the world, including European countries,
and that zero said in Vietnam.But opponents are saying it would create an
additional burden on law enforcement and wouldcreate a potential lead for responsible drinkers be

penalized for having what two glasses ofwine at dinner or maybe a beer with
a nice steak dinner, which otherwisewould put them under the limit depending on
their weight. Yeah, we didmath on this, and so James says,
so under this new law, ifthis becomes law, if he wants
to go out, say to thebackyard grill, right and have two art

cars. You know, I likea good art car. I like good
art car when I'm meeting crawfish.Right. So it's a standard American IPA
comes in at like six point fivepercent. If James, given his body
type and his weight, we putit in the calculator, had two of
those beers, he would be overpoint zero five, but he would be

under point zero eight. So pointzero eight is the current legal limit,
but he'd be over point zero fiveand he would not be legal to drive
home. So there are states consideringdropping the legal limit from point oh eight
to point oh five. And they'vealready done this in Hawaii and Utah,
and it looks like it could bein other states as well, so keep

our eyes on that. But yeah, and I gotta tell you, you
know, this is what I wasgetting at because when we talked about this
story, and you can check outour podcast brought to you by Cask Branding,
go listen, we talked about theVietnam story, they went to zero
point zero, no tolerance, youknow, zero exceptions. And the nightlife,
the bars, the restaurants, theirbusiness is dying because people just said,

hey, it's not worth the risk. Well you if you make it
more risky. I'm not suggesting weneed to raise the limit to make it.
What we're saying, it's not whatwe're saying. If you don't hear
what we're not saying, we're sayingpoint eight has worked. But if you
people away next to nothing and youknow, you go out to a steak
dinner and have a glass of wine, will that puts you over point zero

five? Yeah? Yes, ifyou yeah, it would. And and
the crazy thing is is the peoplewho are being arrested for drunk driving or
driving under the influence aren't getting arrestedfor point oh eight or point oh nine.
They're they're just not they're getting bustedfor two point yeah, point one,
eight point three you know points,stupid points someone ridiculous, Yeah,

Don Mattingly's batting average. You knowwhatever I mean. They're getting pulled over.
Uh. But what we are saying, please take right shares, drink
responsibly, get a d d ye. Do that all right, James,
Well, speaking of illegal and beinglegal, I want to talk about this.
This might be my favorite story.It's definitely my favorite story of the

week, probably my favorite story ofthe year so far. But there is
a brewery that has made the world'smost illegal beer. We we've talked about
breweries making the world's strongest beer,the most the highest ib ibu beer with
hops, the most exotic beer.No this world or something right, it's

got some drug paraphernalia in it.Nope, nope, nope, no,
no illegal substances. They didn't usechild labor, nothing like that in Nope.
But with an exotic plant. Nope. This is a beer that breaks
laws from over fifty countries and ithas been dubbed from well, first of

all, it's from Mushcraft Brewery inthe United Kingdom. It is the world's
most illegal beer, breaking laws.As I said, from over fifty different
countries. Why is it illegal?Because it was made by women, women

only in celebration and recognition of InternationalWomen's Day and International Women's Month. The
brewery wants to raise awareness for genderinequality. Now I think this story is
awesome because they brought in brewers,women brewers from Russia, Uruguay, Italy,

Sri Lanka, Madagascar and even theUS and they joined for horses to
make this beer, involving women inevery step of the process, from brewing
the distribution. And yeah, theysaid, yeah, violates the laws because
in Lebanon you can't produce alcohol ifyou're a woman. You can't run machinery
in Uruguay or in nine other countries, and you can't lift heavy barrels if

you're in Russia or twenty two othercountries. So it breaks the laws.
And this brewery what are they gonnado. They're gonna brew it and then
they're gonna mail it. Oh,I love this to the ministries of justice
of the legislative bodies in each ofthose countries. Way to cold ladies whoa
By the way, be careful whenyou look up this beer online because the

label looks like female Genitalia. Allright, that's that is the most illegal
beer in the world, illegal infifty different countries because made by women.
All Right, we're gonna take abreak. Coming up, We're gonna try
to hold call this guy and thiscould bomb or it could be great either
or tune in. So what's ontop radio? Hang with this? Well
right back? And the teacher said, no, Bobby, there's no such

time as bureau clock. Fire thatteacher. This is what's on tap radio.
Okay, So we're gonna try somethingnew. We've never actually done this.

We've we've always kind of prepped peopleto tell hey, we're gonna give
you a call. We're gonna talkabout this. But this guy has no
idea we're gonna call him. SoI am going this is a This is
a real cold call a bit.This is we If this works, it's
gonna be pretty awesome. If itdoesn't, it might be even better.
So I'm gonna give him a calland dial him up right now. His

name is Billy. Does he goby Billy? Does he go by Bill?
You met him? You met himat the Katie Wall West Brufest.
He was in the high octane tent. I was having trouble saying earlier James
is calling him. It's ringing.That's a good sign. Okay, keep
my fingers crossed. This this works, please work, Please answer the phone.

Come on, come on, Billy. I feel like I'm on a
who wants to be a millionaires mylifeline. Yeah, the show's gonna suck
if it doesn't work. Oh,come on in my lifeline, Billy.
Answer. Ah, Oh, sorry, I can't answer. You call that

now message damn it an answer?You didn't answer? All right, try
I try them again. Yeah.Well, yeah, maybe send them a
text, you know. And andI don't want to send him a text.
I just want to call him.Okay, okay, maybe he'll answer
the second time. He might beone of those people that he might be
one of those people that don't answernumbers they don't recognize. That's true.
Yeah, yeah, I mean weare calling from a studio line. So

yeah. Anyway. Meanwhile, Billand I are sitting here and enjoying the
Naked River brewing Moonpie, and Iactually like this beer. I'm a little
surprise. Hello. Hey is thisBilly Bill? Hey, this is James
Simpson. I met you at theWild West Brewfest on the radio show host
what's on tap radio? Oh?No, who that was? Oh?
Okay, see I called it,Chad, I called it, so did.

This is a total cold call.So I figured you may have screened
the call because you didn't recognize thenumber, but I did want to give
you a call. How are youdoing, Billy? I'm okay. I'm
eating dinner right now, though.Oh can I know we called right in
the middle of dinner. And thisis what happens when you don't plan,
Billy. Can we borrow? CanI borrow you for like a few minutes,
real quick, and I'll let yougo back to dinner, Okay,

okay, all right, So I'mgonna set this up. So I met
you at the high octane Katie WillersBrewfest where it's all like eighteen percent beers,
and you and I got in aconversation about, uh, you have
how many plates at the Flying Saucer? Oh, well, the Sugarland,
I've hung sixteen. Oh my god, I have a I have a plate
at Downtown Usion Saucer. I havea plate the Lake Saucer. And I'm

sitting on a plate at the LakeSaucer, and I'm sitting on another plate.
I'm sitting on a plate that Ihaven't had a party all at the
Fort Works Saucer. I have one, Austin, but they are not opening
right now, these plates. Thisis we're talking with Billy here, who
has more plates than anybody I knowat the Flying Saucer bars around the country,

and more than me. Yeah.But but how many beers do you
have to drink to get one plate? Two hundred two do you have?
Have you done the math to figureout how much money you have spent at

the Flying Saucer? And I don'twant to know. Do you have any
idea how many beers you've had?Oh? Well, yeah, it's like
close to four thousand, four thousand. At well, we won't do them,
he says, he doesn't want toknow. But hey, when we
get when we get off air here, what we'll do is is we'll do

the math and we'll figure out howmuch money he's spent. Uh, but
you know that doesn't include if youbuy food. Oh no, that to
it. So what what, Billy? What do you do for a living
that affords you the opportunity to gosit at the Flying Saucer that for and
they only let you get three beersa day? Toward that total. Right,

Well, that means I've been goingthere over two months, two thousand,
I've been going there to twenty thirteen, twenty thirteen. I mean,
do you going there jobs? Sir? Well, I retired in twenty nineteen.
I used to work originally at usedtold not to get power, which
when I retired it was called centerphoneinterne And so you'd go, you go

there after work and have a libation. Yeah, sometimes for three days a
week or whatever. Now is amazing. I love this story so much so.
And that's a little over ten years, which is about basically how long
we've been on the radio. You'veconsumed four thousand beers. Now have you
been that's just at four thousand beers? Just at a flying saucer? A

good point? Good point? Yeah. Do you drink elsewhere? Well,
yeah, I've at different places sometimesyum and uh. When you're going to
the flying saucer, I mean,do you mix it up or are you
drinking the same beer or I meanthe same style? I guess. Well,
when when you to get a plate, you have to throw two hundred
different beers. Okay, but onceyou finish a plate, theoretically on the

next place you could have the sametwo hundred beers. So if you're just
tuning in, we're talking to BillyHuverson, who has more plates at the
Flying Saucer, then I have platesin my kitchen, my neighbor's kitchen,
and my other neighbor's kitchen. That'strue. I mean, seriously, he
has enough plates. Hey can holda picnic. I mean, but I'm

not the leader there. The leaderthere has got like forty five. Well,
we'll catch up to that. Now, let me ask you, Bill,
do you remember the first beer youever had at the Flying Saucer?
Do you remember what that beer was? No? I do not, Okay,
I can't remember. But is thereone beer that stands out from the
Flying Saucer that you just were like, Wow, this this this beer is

one of my favorites, one ofmy favorites. There is a Trappis rope
tearing. Oh yeah, that's agood one. It's the current. And
now you're going back. I thinkI stepped on you. Are you drinking
different styles? Are you kind ofjust I drink styles or I pas or
you just mixing up all different kindsof different styles because I mixed it up.

You mix it up and likes.I like pilsners, I like I
like lookally like bourbon barrels stout.Yeah, of course that's where I met
you at the High Octane. Yeahyeah, just send them sending by myself,
you know, hanging out and drinkingeighteen percent of beers. Like it's
nothing like it's casual. Now,I remember we kind of vaguely we had

this conversation. Now, do youcheck these beers on untapped? Yes?
I do every single one. Ijust the most part pretty much. I
do. Uh. You know,if I go to a restaurant and I
may have like two running a meal, PBRs or something, I may it's
only checking one. But for themost part I'll do checking everything. And

how many badges do you have badges? Oh my gosh, let's see,
I just pulled up my on tap. I have three, four and one
badger. Okay, for those whodon't know what a badge is, every
time you check in a certain typeof beer on the untapped app, they
may say, oh, you're ahophead, or oh you're getting multy,

or oh you're drinking the high octanestuff and you have over three thousand badges?
Yeah, think you have to havefive beers of each stall to get
a bag and he checks in everysingle God, man, you were I
thought I thought I loved beer,and then I hear about this Billy.
That's who we're talking to, whoJames met at the Wild West brew Fest,

whose dinner we're interrupting, and wereally are sorry about that. But
thank you for taking this call,because this is this is radio gold here.
I mean, this is great.So so my checks on untapped are
nine thousand, five hundred and seventynine and I've had three thousand and sixty
three seat that you've checked in.Oh my god. You know sometimes I'll

have like twenty beers at the samestyle or whatever. And Billy, when
are you getting your next plate atthe Flying Saucer? When you when you
get actually, actually I'm sitting onthree. I need to have three plate
parties. Well I want to gowith the party. Yet you get they
give you a bunch of free beerand like a gift card. Right,
yeah, once you get ten plates, you get a two dollars tap to

it to have and you've got threeof those sitting there waiting for you.
I'll try to remember to invite youto my next part. Oh, don't
worry about that. I'll remind youto remind me real quick. We have
a good time. Oh, Iknow we will. Now, I know
that when you get a plate atthe Flying Sauce, you get to write
some things like I think, Chad, what do you have right on your

plate? No mind, I've gotone plate one. I got two hundred
beers and it took me four yearsto get there, but it says everything
I know I learned from beer.Now. Yeah, so you guys are
very I remember what I had onmy very first plate, my very first
plate I had. I only drinkbeer when I'm alone or with somebody.

Now do you change it up?Do you change it up for each plate?
Because I can imagine it probably getshard to come up with new things
when you have five hundred plates.Yeah, right now I have number sixteen
hanging saucer, and I said sweetsixteen, and yeah I had. Okay,
well, Billy, I'm gonna BillyHummerson's our guest, the man who
has more plates than Yeah. No, if you go to Walmart back down

there, you're like, yeah,I need I need a new set for
the kitchen. It's like, well, you can go, you can chop
here. But if you need more, go see Billy. But yeah,
hey, we salute you, myfriend, and I'm gonna remind you to
remind me because I want to comeand see this. I'm gonna celebrate with
you when you have your next plateceremony. All right, James, so
like a plan to be all right, Billy, we'll let you get back.

By the way, what are youeating for dinner? What's for dinner?
I am at. What's the nameof this? I'm expectators, barn
They got a special today. Uh, the rabbi and mascitating and he get
a free domestic beer. So I'mhaving with it. I'm gonna check that
yingling in, check that thing in. There's a badge waiting for you.
I checked it in. All right, Billy. Listen, man, it's
nice talking with you. And uh, like I said, we're gonna keep

in touch with you, my friend. All right, anytime? All right?
Cheers man, a right, cheers, all right, my pleasure.
Oh glad that worked out like Idid. That's Bill Huberson, the man
who has more plates than holds bedbathroom beyond. All right, We're gonna
take a break. Last segment ofWhat's On tabrido coming right up. We'll
be right back. On average,humans walk nine hundred miles per year,

entering twenty two gallons of beer,which means the average human gets forty one
miles per gallon. Not ben What'son Tap Radio continues, We don't thank
our friends at Tantrik Brewing Company,located in Alegant, Michigan, right there
on the Kalamazoo River. Beautiful sites, beautiful beer, beautiful food, and
yeah, you see the beer logicguy in there hanging out stop by get

a free What's on Tap Radio?High five, great beer, great times,
great food. Located an Allgant,Michigan, Tantrik Brewing Company, A
right, last segment of What's onTap Radio starting for this week, for
this week, Sorry now shout outs. How about that interview Billy Hoverson,

who's got I can't even count.I think he said something like twenty something
plates? Was the more nets?Well, he is sixteen at one,
he had three he was sitting on, which those don't care. So that's
another nineteen and then one of thelocation that's closed twenties, it's over twenty.
Yeah, it's over twenty. Andhe had to have two hundred beers

for one plate and he's got twentyhundred different beers, right, Yeah,
you can't go in there and justsay, hey, you know, I'm
a bud Man and just order twohundred Budweisers. That doesn't work. And
the fact that we call called himand he was eating what was he at,
eating steak or something and he wassitting at a bar on a steak
night, having a yingling and asteak and some mashed potatoes. And he

took our call. He's like,oh, yeah, hey, I remember
you. It was like, well, you guys kind of got me during
dinner and we're like, sorry,can we do this anyway? You know,
because you know that's what good journalistsdo. Yeah, you ask and
if they say no, this dude, but he didn't say no. Now
you just kind of do it anyway. He was a good guy. Herrodlite

Bill who pointed out he uh,he pulled up his untapped stats and just
started spitting him out. Yeah.That was not playing whatsoever, not one
thing, but that really was notIt was one spontaneous James says, I
want to cold call this guy,and I said okay, and he says,
maybe you got to call him duringthe break and tell him we're gonna

cold I'm like, well, no, if we did that, He's like,
you're absolutely right. He's like,no cold calls. A cold call.
He's like, damn it, we'recold calling him. And I'm like
that's the spirit. And James islike, I got this. I can't
believe we're doing this and we've neverdone this. Boom, But I got
his information at the wil Was Brewfestand for the end, you know,
for the old intention of calling himto do an interview with him, so

you know he knew when we calledhim. Okay, here we go.
But shout out to Billy Uh.If you miss announced that podcast, check
it out. But this segment ofWhat's on top righty, the last one
of the week, is presented byour friends over Tantrik Brewing Company. Tantrik
Brewing Company, Downtown Alligan, Michigan. And I hate to bring this up,
by the way, just cracked openanother beer, which we're going to
talk about in just a second,But I got to bring this up.

If you're coming to West Michigan,Beer City, USA, Grand Rapids,
everybody knows about it. There area ton of beer destinations that people are
gonna go ahead and tell you,Hey, where else should we go?
I'm telling you Alligan, Michigan,small little town. I mean I live
in Alligan. There's only five thousandpeople here. You're close to Harbor Light.
Bill, You're close to Grand Rapids, You're close to Kalamazoo, You're

close to Holland. But right inthe middle of that gem. I'm telling
you Tantrick Brewing Company is putting outsome amazing beers. And want to thank
Patrick and Tanya for supporting their localcommunity and this show Tantrikbrewing dot Com.
All right now, Bill and Ijust cracked open a beer. Speaking of
West Michigan, you may want tocheck out Odds Size up in Grand Haven.

And Bill brought the award winning HipsterRye Hipster brunch Stout. This is
a gold metal winning beer. Thisis a bourbon barrel aged maple syrup.
Let's say, actually a rye whiskeybarrel aged coffee and bacon stout. Yeah.

I know we're going all in onthe fatties and on the sugars and
the Yeah, we're gonna need someinsulin, but this is what we're You
do need an insulin shot after thatthat sweet and big and goozy and flavorful.
Actually four years old from twenty twenty. Really nice beer, so held

up well, it did, nicejob. All right, Thanks for sharing
that bill, and thank you againto our friends at Tantrick Brewing. All
right, my favorite time of theyear, Chad, Not October Fest season.
No baseball season is back. I'mpumped ready for an exciting season.
We'll talk again in July. ButBudweiser is letting fans show their pride when

it comes to their favorite MLB teamwith a new limited edition beer can.
So if you're out there collecting stufflike memorabilia of your favorite sports team,
Budweiser just launched a unique beer candesigns for sixteen MLB teams just in time
for Opening Day. And these teamsinclude the New York Yankees, Minnesota Twins,

Cincinnati Reds, Tampa Bay Rays,Texas Rangers, the Phillies, Orioles,
Nationals, Marlins, Giants, Dodgers, Diamondbacks, Cubs, Cardinals,
Padres, and my team, theHouston Astros. And these cans can be
found anywhere Budweiser is sold. WasDetroit? Was Detroit on that list?
I don't remember you Tigers? Arenot on the list. Oo cubs were

though, Cubs were, Yep,cubs were. Oh well, Walter will
be happy, Yeah, Walter,he will be in if you know,
you know, all right, Butyeah, Budwiser's lunching a limited edition MLB
Team beer cans. And I knowthere's out there, there's people out there
that collect stuff like this, sothat can't maybe be worth sixty six thousand
dollars someday or sixty six cents ifI only knew a guy that collected beer

cans. I know, leave thelabels on these because this is good stuff.
All right, all right, it'sgetting close to time to put a
bow on the show. But notbefore we go, are we sorry?
Before we go, We're not goingto forget to bring up the iconic Miller
Light ad taste great last ling.Thanks Bill, dude. That was not
rehearsed. He just knew that wasa NAT campaign. It was. In

fact, it actually put light beeron the map because uh, Miller Light
took over from meister brow Light,and meister browl Light was yeah, it
was meister brow Light was the original. So Gablinger's diet beer was the first
diet light beer. Then it wasmeister brow Light, and then they couldn't

make it work and Miller LTE boughtit. And the way they got on
the map John Madden and using NFLand other sports stars to come in and
say, hey, what's the bestthing about Miller Lite. Does it taste
great or is it last filling?And then somebody say, well it's last
filling. No, it tastes great, and they would get in this argument.

Well, they're reviving the iconic disputewith introducing the new generation of all
stars having the famous debate. Nowthe campaign now features all stars including Luke
Wilson who's an actor, football icon, JJ Watt, David or Yes,
David Ortiz, and Jorge Pasada andone of the basketball greats Reggie Miller,

and Olympian soccer legend Mia Ham.Now, all of these fans are all
gonna be you know, rather,all these superstars are going to be in
these commercials, and the very firstad fans will see the one and only
JJ Watt coming out of retirement toanswer his true calling, which is I'm
gonna be a Miller lit At AllStar, which I think, yeah,

oh yeah. So anyway, alegend here in Houston Texans. Oh very
much. So yes, but thisrevives the legendary debate and the spin off
of the original ads, and itjust you know, what's old is new
again and it's fun. And tocelebrate the return of the great taste less
filling debate, miller Lite is goingold school because if you go all the

way back, you used to haveto actually watch movies on VHS you had
and then you could never afford them, so you had to go rent them
from a Blockbuster and be kind rewind, be kind a kind rewind. That's
right, I had the beta Max. Oh wow, sorry about that.
How that workout? Yeah, thatdidn't work out very well. But miller

Lite is now dropping beer tapes asa double featured set because one of the
tapes, one of the VHS tapesis in fact a real playable VHS that
brings fans alongside an interactive experience tojoin the debate. So the he though,

yeah you gotta have one, Ido. I'd still have one that
works, so I'm good I canget one. And the good news is
I'm gonna try and get my handson this. Okay, the second part
of this is a VHS. Yeah, well, hold on I've got instructions
on how to get it. Okay, all right, And here's the cool
thing. It's not on a websiteto say sold out. All right,
I'm there's there's another opportunity. Butthe second part of this is a VHS

shaped beer glass, Yes, anactual beer glass that looks like a VHS
tape. Now, if you're likeme, you have a working VCR you
want to get your hands on this. All you have to do is get
to Bend Organ to the last remainingBlockbuster store in the entire world. You

have to go to Blockbuster and BendOrgan in order to get it. They
say that they're gonna have a sweepstakesto give away some of this, but
no no official word on that.But if you can get yourself to Bend
to Orgon to get to a Blockbuster, you may get it and you may
see me there. All right.That's been this edition of What's on Tap
Radio. We want to thank ourgood friend Billy for calling in or letting

us call him and cold call himand talk about his plates at the Flying
Saucer. And we also want tothank our wonderful sponsors and partners in crime,
who include the Tantric Brewing, SuperiorPest Control Biologic Conference in Events.
We know it's NIG Insurance, grewup the backyard grill, keeping the lights
on. Thanks are good buddy BillHarbor Light Brewing and of course sponsoring our

podcast CASS Branding. So for misterBill Logi Chap Hillbeam Harbor Light Bill,
I am Bugrew James saying thank youfor checking out What's on Tap Radio.
We hope you enjoyed it and wehope you would join it for another action
back radio show next week. We'llsee that, folks. Cheers
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