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June 22, 2024 • 36 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Then welcome to Godden Radio Youtu.I am your host, Clark Opotion and
Bill Petterson is who's still my cohost. He is on an excused absence
today taking care of trees at acabin and so apparently apparently he is out
of communication range even for iHeart.So anyway, I don't know. Maybe

if he hears it, he canstill call in. I don't know,
but he is on an excuse absence, but I will be here. And
that's scary because I'm all alone.I can't just look to him and say,
hey, fill in because I havenothing. No, we have lots
of stuff we're going to talk about. Talk about. The Supreme Court issued
came down with some more rulings.I don't know how many they've got left.
I know they have the Trump decisionon can a president be sued for

stuff he did while president? Iguess. And I'm waiting on the Chevron
case. I don't think that thisspecific case dealing with Chevron deference has come
out that basically is talking about iministrativeagencies, executive agencies like the ATF,
the EPA, so on and soforth. Can they how far can they
go when they're writing administrative rules,which effectively are law. I mean,

you know, so how far canthey go on that? So my case,
my bumpstock case, dealt with that. But we're going to talk about
a case that you know, alot of two A supporters think went south.
I think it could have gone farthersouth. But I don't think it's
as bad as what we thought.It's Raheemi, the US versus Zachary Rahimi,

who by all accounts was not agreat guy. And I mean he
was really just a bad dude.And I wonder why was that one chosen
to go to the Supreme Court,Because we could have had a more at
least a more sympathetic case. Sowe're going to talk about that. We'll

talk a little bit about bump stocks. No, I know, the question
is did Clark get his bump stockback? Not yet. I'm waiting because
even though it is the Supreme Courtthat you know, Clarence and the Supremes
have spoken and said you can haveyour bump stock back. What I guess

we have to go through the legalyou know, ethereal to to get it.
So my attorneys have contacted Justice JoeParrish, the Court Tense Circuit court
and said, you know, senta letter of remand I can't remember all
the stuff, but anyway, they'redealing with it, and they do not

expect the ATF to to you're restrictanymore. They don't expect them to,
you know, put up any anyfight on this one. And as soon
as I get the order, becausethe judge had told them, don't destroy
Clark's bump stock. So there's abet going around that, you know,

when we get there, apparently themedia wants to join me. And when
we go down to the ATF office, and when I go to pick up
my bump stock, will it actuallybe there? Will it be in pieces?
Will it be a big melted blobof plastic? So anyway, so
I get my as far as theATF was concerned, I get my machine

gun back. All right, Wellwhatever, we'll we'll talk about that little
bit. And we're going to talkabout well maybe something in Michigan and something
in Sandy firefighters. Sandy firefighters didn'tthey let a garage burn? Well,
you know, I wasn't there.I don't know. I'm just looking at
the news report from another news agencyand they didn't get in. And we're

going to find out why didn't thefirefighters, you know, I attack this
fire more vociferously. There's the wordvociferously, all right, So I shout
out to Casey Jane. She isthere at Ghoesteme and her ghost dye man
are in You into county and farnorth you into County experienced a huge windstorm

knocked down a bunch of trees thatnormally wouldn't have been a big deal,
but they blocked. She was outrunning some errands and the driveways are really
really really long, somewhat narrow drivewayon one side or just a whole huge
bank of trees, and the otherside is a big oil pipe fence,

not not on an oilfield, butanyway, and there are trees that just
fell right down across it. Andfor some reason she couldn't there were big
trees, and she couldn't get herlittle new her new little Mini Cooper scarlet,
even though it's an all wheel drive, she couldn't get it through because
supposedly the trees were too big.So anyway, why would why'd they get
Casey Chain an all wheel drive MiniCooper if if she can't handle some trees?

Anyway, Thank a big shout outto our neighbors who came in with
chainsaws and a dump truck and everythingand took care of everything very quickly so
I wouldn't have to drive back.All right, So let's talk you know
what, Let's see what time.Yeah, I'm want to talk about Raheemi.
Rahimi was a bad dude. Hewas an abuser, He was a
and admitted, I mean he admitted. And so he was charged with a

bunch of you know, ag assaulttype crimes, DV type crimes. And
apparently his partner, spouser partner,well they both got I think they both
got kind of you know, companionprotective orders against each other. But he

definitely had a protective order against him. He had not had his charges adjudicated
yet though, the other charges,but he had a protective order, and
the protective order was issued prior toany you know, adjudication on the bigger
charges. But he had a hearingand that type of stuff. So then
later on he was found with agun. And if you have a protective

order, you can't have a gun. So the protector order in and of
itself does not say you committed acrime. It just says that there's a
credible threat that you might commit acrime depending on what was supposed that you
have done. So it's not alot of due process there, but the
government has held that there was.So anyway, he sued. They also

so once you're found with a gunand a protective order, you may not
have committed a crime before that,but you now definitely have committed a felony
and you are further barred forever frompossessing a firearm, amongst other stuff.
You can go to prison in that. So anyway, so he sued based
on the fact that you know thatit was illegal using Bruin, the Bruin

case history and tradition of the SecondAmendment, you know, there was nothing
to say that the should he shouldhave been barred. Well, the Supreme
Court in an eight to one decision, with Justice Thomas Clarence Thomas dissenting,
and I really liked his dissent.But anyway says when an individual the United

States Supreme Court held that when anindividual has been found by a court to
pose a credible threat to the physicalsafety of another, that individual may be
temporarily disarmed, and that is consistentwith the Second Amendment. So it says,
since the founding, the nation's firearmlaws have included regulations to stop individuals
who threaten physical harm to others frommisusing firearms. And you know, it's

interesting because had they ruled in hisfavor, he still would be in prison.
He's going to be in prison forprobably the rest of his life,
if not close to it. So, you know, and the justices knew
that, they knew that, youknow, they weren't going to be letting
a you know, a very dangerperson out regardless of how they ruled.

So I don't think that was thecase. But anyway, in his dissent
in Justice Thomas's descent on this case, he says, just as important as
the federal law eighteen Usc. Ninetwenty two expressed terms and what is what
it leaves unsaid is also important.He says, it does not require that

protective order statue does not require afinding that a person has ever committed a
crime of domestic violence. It's nottriggered by a criminal conviction or a person's
criminal history. And that is true. That's one of the big problems that
we have. And another part ofeighteen Usc. Nine twenty two is that

you know, first it you haveto issue the order after the actual So
the notice, the emergency notice isgiven in and you're not even in the
courtroom for it, and you can'thave guns. But then you're given within
two weeks I think it's two weeksan opportunity to go to court and give
your side and see if the judgewill, you know, unblock or take

away that protective order. But inmy case, the bell has already been
rung in my opinion, all right, so you have an opportunity to participate.
Second, the order restrains the accusedfrom engaging and threatening behavior against an
imminent partner, an intimate partner orchild. Oh my gosh, isn't that
kind of already the law. Youdon't need a protective order to also say

that you can't you know, threatenpeople in that. And Third, the
order has a finding that the accusedrepresents a credible threat. So anyway,
so Justice Thomas approached this on youknow, they were doing it on basically
Second Amendment grounds, the rahemi.But Justice Sammis has a problem with lack

of due process. So anyway,he says, despite eighteen US nine to
twenty two's broad scope and lack ofprocess, it carries strong penalties. So
this is interesting in that it doesn'thave it lacks due process the law,
and it has huge penalties even withoutthat due process. I mean, if

federal prison and a ban for lifefor possessing a firearm and up to fifteen
years imprisonment without I think, withoutappropriate due process commensurate with the affectation of
the Second Amendment of your right tokeep your arm. So anyway, that
is my take on it. Andthe media called me all over the place

yesterday. I had not read theopinion, so I couldn't really talk.
Anyway. We are pastime for abreak. When we come back. Real
interesting guys, we're gonna have onwith a company called ride Dog and so
stay tuned. I'll be right back. You know, I'm really stoked to
have This guy's name is Adam Nelson, and he's with a company called ride
Dog Security. And I was Iwas peruising through Bill and I were peruising

through the Sportsman's Exo expo something awhile ago, and I walked by this
thing and I kind of glanced atit, and I says, whoa whoao,
and I rely. I literally backedup and I went back over there
and I looked at this this guy'sproduct, and so you talk company and
I looked at this guy's product andI had to find out more about it.

So long story short, I gota hold of one of these things,
and we're gonna tell you what itis. In just a sec we're
gonna have We're gonna have, Adamon. But this is, you know,
gun people like us, we domore than just gun stuff. Sometimes
we're out in the snow, we'reout mountain biking, where hike, we're

atv and we're snowmobiling, we're jetskiing, whatever, and we have our
stuff or we have our guns inour vehicles in cases or whatever. And
how do you keep track of allthis stuff? How do you protect somebody
from taking our stuff? So,Adam Nelson with Ride Dog Security, are
you on? Yes, sir,how are you? Hey? I'm doing

fantastic. I'm really fan. Infact, I'm just sitting here and I
said, you know what, I'mjust gonna just for fun, I'm gonna
hit the app and my my truckhas checked in. Uh it's it's I
put it back on the truck andit is checked in. Just uh,
I think just about forty five minutesago, it checked in on of itself
and said, it is where itis. It's the it's where it's supposed

to be. It's on its littlemap and everything, and I am hundreds
of miles away from it right now, but it's kind of it's really neat
having that peace of mind. Tellus about what ride Dog is, what?
What is this device that is thatis just fantastic. So we have
taken a basically your standard GPS trackerand build a security platform around it to

create an anti theft device for thepower sports community, the automobile industry,
motorcycles, boats, campers, RVs, pretty much anything that's got a battery.
We can put it on and getreal time location reporting so that you
know that your toy, your machine, your truck, your boat is where

you put it when you need itto be there. Okay, so I'm
going to add something because this isgun Well also I'll add something in a
second. But you've got this fantasticapp that does everything that alerts you in
real time. Oh and by theway, when if you forget to turn
it off when you get in yourtruck, you get an alarm like a

like a like a nuclear explosion isabout happen and you cannot you know,
it's not a ding ding, It'sa definite, absolute, really cool alarm
that you you you do not neglect. Let me just put it that way.
So one thing we really tried tofocus on as we developed the basis

of the company, is any otherGPS tracker out there at best is going
to send you a text message.Most of them just send you an email
that said, Hey, something's happeningwith your vehicle over there. You should
probably, you know, do something. I don't know about you, Clark,
but I missed text messages and emailsall the time. Yeah, So
we wanted something to get your attentionand said, hey, you've got a

problem with your vehicle right now,go see what's going on with it.
Yeah. And I had it ona side by side and it moved.
The wind moved it the other dayand I got alerted just the wheels didn't
even move, but the whole thingkind of shifted, and I got an
alert that there was movement in thevehicle, and I thought, Okay,

that's pretty cool. I wasn't thereat the time, but I knew that
there was some really really strong windout there. Anyway, it's super simple.
One I like this. I'm literallyactually using it as we speak.
It's really really simple to install.And when I say that, it's not

hyperbole. It's super simple to installand it is really really easy to use
to set up. So don't worryabout that, you guys. You guys
have really taken care of everything.Now, let's say explain what happens if
you put it on your ATV andsomebody decides they want your ATV while you're

out camping or you're wherever you're awayfrom it, and they decide to put
it on a trailer and take thatthing away. What happened? So,
yeah, the first thing that's goingto happen is that motion alarmed and says,
hey, somebody's messing with your vehicleright now. If you're nearby,
you can get out there and youknow, intervene investigate if they happen to

get away with it, they happento actually steal it. If it moves
more than two hundred feet from whereyou parked it and activated the app,
that alarm is going to go offon your phone again and says, hey,
you're right, your vehicle, yourboat, whatever it is is gone,
it's not where you left it.It's currently heading down the freeway or
going down State Street or wherever itis. And in the app, it'll

pop up and say, hey,do you want to enter theft mode and
you say, yes, I wantto enter theft mode, and that pulls
up the last two hundred points ofwhere that vehicle was, and it gives
you almost real time tracking updates thatevery ten seconds to say, hey,
look it's going down the freeway,it's passing Exit two seventeen, or kick
a left on a State street inMidvale, or it's down in Saint George,

whatever it is. You don't haveto wait five minutes between an update.
You don't have to wait thirty minutes, or in some case some of
these other trackers are every eight hours. Ours every ten seconds. You are
going to know as soon as thatvehicle is stolen, you will know right
where it's at, so you can, as my lawyer says, I have
to say, alert the proper authoritiesso they can go help you get it
back. The proper authority's very good, all right, Now, how do

you communicate? What does this thingused for communication? So the sd carbet's
in it is the best on themarket. Then our device kings all major
cell towers at ANDTT Mobile, Hoverizon, US Mobile, Mint Mobile, all
those little ones. It pings thetop five in Canada, the top five
in Mexico. Honestly, it'll wecan program it to hit six hundred and

fifty something sell network worldwide. Butthere is no protection for any other GP
for any GPS tracker if there isno connection, and so we made it
absolutely the best connection possitive. We'retalking one bar of LTE. We've taken
this deep into the u Wentes.We've taken up above Daniel's Summit, you
know, near Strawberry's, taken outof Saint George, taking it to Hawaii.

I've had it done in Mexico.I mean, we've taken this all
over the place. I want togo with you. I want to go
with you to test this thing out. You sound like all the great places
a riddog dot com and whatnot,And it's riddog dot com. So while
you're listening, just get on yourphone and just take a look a real
super ride to dogt dot com.One word, well ride doog dot com.

And so I but I've got morestuff. I want to talk about.
So all right, now, let'ssay you didn't even have one bar
of signal and you parked your whatever, your truck or your side by side
of your snowmobile. Casey Jane,Casey Jane wants you jet skis ATVs side

by sides snowmobiles. I think therewas something else, but anyway, and
so we're can I get one forall these? But let's say you have
zero bars and it gets taken.What happens? So all the location data
is stored inside the device and assoon as it gets back to again we're

talking one bar of LTE, justa minimum viable cell service, it's going
to send all that data to youinstantly. So even if you have an
intermittent flash of oh my gosh,you know there was a teeny little one
bar for a second, but bam, it's going to toll you. Okay,
yep, all right now, myneat thing that I walked back and

I asked you, you said anythingwith a battery, But this thing has
its own battery in it doesn't itIt does, and so the battery that
will last. Sorry to cut youoff there, no, no, no,
how long will it last? It'llcontinue to track for up to seven
days after it loses power. Soyou know, a big concervative GPS trackers

is, well, what if somebodyfinds them. They just cut it out,
They just cut the power to Yeah, well one the Ride Dog app
is going to tell you, hey, power was just cut. That alarm
is going to go off again becauseit's not something that should happen, and
it's going to say, hey,something happens that shouldn't happen, Go investigate.
But it will still continue your trackfor up to seven days. So
you know, when somebody steals something, they don't take time to look in
the glove box and under the hoodand all this. You know, you're

going to hide this device in yourvehicle. They might see a wire they'll
recognize and decide to cut it,but they're you know, they're grabbing and
going and that's that's what's so differentabout the Ride Dog is it's that instant
notification so that you don't have towait to find out your machine is gone
and think, oh, it's fine, I got a GPS tracker. Oh
it's already in California, it's alreadyheading down to the southern border. Yeah,

yeah, you know right away.So they're not even going to get
a chance to look for the device, but even if they did, it
continues to track even if they cutthe power to it. Adam, I
want you to stay over. Inever do this, but I want you
to stay over. And because we'vegot to go to commercial break right now,
but i want you to stay overbecause I've got some more questions for
you on Ride Dog. So inthe meantime, while you listen to commercials,
go to ride doog dot com.Take a look at the thing.

It's really cool. Stay tuned,and we are very quickly going to make
a connection between Ride dog Security.Go to ride doog dot ride at dog
dot com and uh and check thisout. Great website too, very quick,
very easy to read website, lotsof information on it. We're joined
by Adam Nelson, President of RideDog Security. Adam can I, since

this thing has its own battery upto seven days battery life, why can't
I put it along with my riflein a pelican case, lock it up,
and you know, put it inmy check baggage on an airplane?
Can I do that? There anycoepitions about that? Because I get worried.

Let a check let it follow it, see where it's at. Yeah,
and it I mean that that wasthe honestly, I'll be honest.
It was the first thing that cameto mind when I saw this thing and
when you told me it had itsown battery, and when we were talking
there at that sports expo or whateverit was, and that was all I
thought about. I didn't think aboutside by sides and trucks and snowmobiles and

all this kind of stuff. Butthe the the applicability, the usefulness of
this has really you know, expanded. What if you take your vehicle,
I mean, even if you onlyhad one of these things, but I'm
going to recommend you get more andhook it up and you have to take
your vehicle in for service, youcan find out where they took your vehicle

after you dropped it off. Andor let's say you park your ATV on
a trailhead and you go as faras you can on the trailhead and you
get lost. You can find yourway back with this thing, you know,
find your way back to the tothe vehicle. Ride dog dot com
and what was the other Oh,so you're gonna have some information. I

don't know, does ride dog canride dog tell where my vehicle is or
is it just me that can?And do you share that information? So
we can tell on our end,we can look at the GPS coordinates of
it. But we do not sharethe information with anybody. We do not
sell it, we do not transferit, we don't let anybody else have
access to it. We don't buyour devices from China like most of the

GPS tracker companies, so there isnobody that's backdoor spying on the information you're
putting out there. These the datagoes to our servers and that's where it
stays. All right. I likethis, Adam. How much? How
much are these things? The retailon them is two forty nine. We

have a special going on right nowfor fifty dollars off use the code save
fifty that brings it down to oneninety nine. That buys you your device
and your first year of service.After that first year, it's just seven
bucks a month. Okay, thisis this is this is really awesome.
You've got to go check out thewebsite riddog dot com and Adam, thank
you so much. This is soI'm going to be getting some more.

I'm gonna be getting some more.Of them. I'm gonna use that fifty
dollars off deal and get some moreof these things because I have lots of
places to put them. So thanksso much for being on Gun Radio Utah.
Thanks for having me. I noproblem, all right. That was
Adam Nelson Roddog securityreddog dot Com reallyis a cool thing. I wouldn't be
telling you about this had I notchecked it out myself, because premiary,

I want to use it in mypelican cases, my gun cases, and
because it's got a little backup battery. Anyway, Hey, you know,
we want to talk about bump stocks. Let's see. Yeah, I've got
to do that right now. Allright. So obviously the bump stockery,
the machine guns that were or thebump stocks that were previously referred to as

machine guns by the ATF are notnow machine guns anymore. So if you
think back about it, even throughoutthe Obama administration, two three times the
ATF it said no, these arenot. These are affirmatively asked, hey
are these machine guns? Can youknow, slide fire ink and whatever?
Can we sell these things? Arethese machine guns? They sent them into

the ATF. The ATF comeback atleast two if not three times during the
Obama administration, these are not machineguns, all right? Then during Trump,
Yes it was President Trump. Yeah, I'm a fan of Trump,
but I'm also not a fan ofthat. And he directed his ATF to
re examine it, and lo andbehold, they said, oh, you

know what we were. They aremachine guns. There are these are these
plastic devices that don't have really anylevers or buttons or anything. They're they're
now machine guns, and they turna semi automatic rifle into a machine gun.
Hey, folks, bump stockery isnot the only way to get bump
firing out of a semi automatic fire. They have been people have been bump

fire firing with certain manipulation of theirthumb on their belt loop literally since you
know, for over one hundred years, since semi automatics have been around.
And so does that mean that ifI took a regular semi automatic and watched
a couple of YouTube videos on howto hold my thumb on a belt loop
with the finger and the trigger guardblah blah blah, does that mean that

my semi automatic rifle is now amachine gun now that I have figured out
how to bump fire without a bumpstock. Of course it doesn't. So anyway,
it really came down to can cancan the ATF just blatantly rewrite the
law. Senator Dianne Feinstein out ofCalifornia. Now she has long since achieved

room temperature, but she uh beforethat, she actually said, hey,
the at when the ATF first proposedthe unlawful rule, she said, the
only way to ban bump stocks isfor Congress to revise the statutory definition,
and she arned Congress to do it, and Congress did not have the appetite.

Now Schumer in the Senate and ChrisMurphy and I can't remember who it
is in the House with some handringingBedweather in the House, is that they
want the House and the Senate tonow ban bump stocks. Which is the
way if you're gonna ban something,that's the way to do it, not
an executive agency that enforces the lawalso riding the law. So anyway,

that is that. And I willobviously let you know when I get my
when I'm able to engage in bumpstockery again, not that I really did
that too much. You know whatI gotta tell you about before we go
to break though, I had totell you about the gunsmith that sportsman's warehouse.
Of course, the gunsmith at Sportsman'sWarehouse sixteen thirty South fifty seventy West

in Salt Lake City. Give themcall it eight to one three zero four
eighty seventy eight one three zero foureighty seventy. So in fact, we
were just training for a client thismorning. It was a warm morning too.
Over at the lee K the State, the State centers training some armored
truck driver or armored truck couriers,armored truck officer personnel. They carry big

bags of money around in big highsecurity trucks. Anyway, we're training a
bunch of them, and one ofthem was having a problem with their gun.
It was either the gun or theAMMO, and I couldn't decide which,
maybe a little bit of both,but it was we were getting misfires,
and so I just said, youknow, I don't know what's wrong

with it. Seems to be working. Sometimes it works, sometimes doesn't.
If it's not the AMMO, getit over to the gunsmith a sportsman's warehouse.
They can take care of that stuff, even for stuff you don't know
what's wrong with it. If you'rejust not sure, Get it over the
gunsmith. Now, let's say youdon't live near the gunsmith in Salt Lake,
you live out three hours east awayand you went to county or something.

You can take it to any ofthe over one hundred and forty five
one and forty six sportsman's warehouse locations. They will get it to you,
and they will deliver it back tothat same place if you want so,
really good. They can take careof anything that needs to be done to
your gun, including stockwork, machining, new cartridges for your you know,

new chambering, obviously, threading,Sarah cooting, engraving, reblueing, whatever
it is. Get it over tothem. Sixteen thirty South, fifty seventy
west in Salt Lake. It wonthree zero four eighty seventy. When we
come back, we've got some interestingfun things to talk about. Stay tuned.
There are no apologies the hell yousay, yes, anyways, I

had to get that in. Hey, Bill Patterson is out. I don't
know what he's doing with some treesor something on his cabin hideaway, his
his fallout shelter it is, buthe's on an excuse absence and we'll be
in fact. So I think I'llbe joining him this next week at the

Success in Education Sporting Clay shoot overat Wassatch Wing and Clay. I think
it's Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,but anyway, so that'll be fun.
And he usually is the one,but he's not here, so I have
to do. He's usually the oneto tell you about Utah Shooting Sports Council
and of which he is a directorand I chair it for the time being

until they fire me. But anyway, go to Utah Shooting sportscunseil dot org
and sign up for our email alertsand you can get in touch with us.
So and if you've got questions.In fact, we just I just
got an email from somebody that wehad talked about landlords, less ores and
less ease. And you if yourent from somebody, you're a lessie and

the person you rent from is alesser or so anyway, they had a
very terrible clause in their rental contractthat said you can't have guns. And
so yeah, we are working onthat. We are about to smack the
hammer down on those folks that aredoing that. And that's what that's the
kind of stuff we do at UToushoting Sports Council. We are experts in

the law and the application. Andwhereas even if I'm not, somebody on
that board is we have lots offantastic people. All right, So Utushoting
Sports Council dot org and sign up. Hey the Michigan, what do you
know about Michigan's a weird shaped state? I will tell you that they some

Republican representatives in the Michigan State Houseare proposing to make the AR fifteen,
that black rifle, the Michigan's officialstate rifle. Now why does that make
attention? Well, I mean they'reknown for they have a lot of leafs,
and they have a forests and it'sbeautiful, and they have a lot

of wild game and I think itwas the birthplace of the automobile. But
they aren't really known for guns necessarilyanyway. So and they have a state
bird, and they have a statemammal, and probably a state rock and
a straight state tree. But nowthey're going to have a state rifle,

or at least they're trying the ARfifteen, and I'd find it. I'd
think it's good. Utah was thefirst date? What year was it?
We technically passed it in twenty ten, so that twenty eleven the one hundred
year anniversary of the Model M nineteeneleven, the Browning designed M nineteen eleven,
which was adopted by the military innineteen eleven. That's we did it,

one hundred yar anniversary. And wewere the very first state to have
a gun, sorry, state firearm, well, to have a state firearm
anyway. Then Kentucky got their longrifle and I think the Winchester Model seventies
in Alaska. I don't know someothers, but anyway, we were the
first. So that's interesting, andthey're getting a lot of grief. In

fact, the likelihood is that insiderssay it's highly unlikely it's gonna make it
out of the state House and theSenate or even to the governor's desk.
Too bad, all right, Soa story came out. I think I
was off. I think we anywayfor one reason, another gun Radio Utah
didn't cover, but we're covering itnow. There was another news report another

news agency that reported that there wasa fire in a garage in Sandy Sandy,
Utah. And it was a detachedgarage and the report says it contained
raw gunpowder. I don't know aboutyou. I may not like it.
I may like it medium well,but raw gunpowder, hey, you know
anyway, and a significant amount ofammunition were caught in a fire in Sandy.

This was about ten days ago,leading to a hazardous situation for responding
firefighters, and the fire chief,Ryan McConaughey said, there were they these
were firing off, so we immediatelywent defensive. He's the deputy fire chief.
He says, We're not going togo into the structure, but even

another layer of defensive because we don'twant to get hit by a bullet.
We're taking cover behind hard objects,obviously staying on the outside, trying to
spay spray water where we can't.Okay, folks, if there is an
answer to this, there's a anentity that was created I don't know,
back in the twenties. I wantto say, at the best of the

United States government. It's called SammySporting Arms Ammunition Manufacturing Institute. And I
got to tell you they anticipated thisand they worked with the International Fire Chiefs
Association to create a video. Goto Sammy dot org and follow the links.
Sammy, It's Saami dot org.What they did is They used over

four hundred thousand rounds of ammunition.They did it in the single cartridge ignition,
sixty five foot drops of boxes ofammo with blasting caps, bullet impacts,
fortlift impacts, bulldozer crushing, grinding, packaging, unpacket, literally putting

it in bonfires. And the resultwas the fire department, you know,
they had set up these big plasticbarricade type things and you know, in
bullet resistant shields, and they hadthe firefighters there with their turnout coats and
their hats and their super big faceshields, all that kind of stuff,
and pretty soon by the end theytook down all the shields. They're standing

right next to this huge conflagration bonfireconflagration maybe that's the word. Anyway,
as the empty shell casings were justigniting, I mean the ammunition, the
rounds of ammunition were igniting and everythingwas just hitting. The empty shell cases

were just bouncing off their turnout coats. They took down everything else and just
stood there and it was thank you, Mark, I got that. So
it was very informative and I thinkthat every first responder, whether it be
MT law enforcement, fire, takea look at this. Now what happens

if there's ammunition and so it doesn'thurt if it's in a chamber of a
gun and the gun catches on fire, Yeah, look out, that thing's
gonna fire like it fired like aregular gun.
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