All Episodes

July 18, 2024 • 35 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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And welcome to gun Radio Utah.I am your host, Clark Apostion,
I chair the Utah Shooting Sports Council. Sitting across from me Bill Petterson,
Director Utah Shooting Sports Council. Bill, in a virtual environment, I guess
you could say, and and andby way of admission, we are pre
recording this. So something happens betweennow in our realm of time and space

and when you're listening to this.It's not our fault that we didn't talk
about it, okay, because yeah, we got off the air last week.
Ye're live. Last week we gotoff the air, and what happened
that was crazy? Somebody tried,Yeah, I tried to assassination for the
president. Yeah, And and Ithink maybe we'll talk about that and talk
about how far away? And Bill, I want you to discuss minute of

angle. I mean, I wantyou to discuss that to give people an
understanding, because not just gun nerdsand dactical folks listen to gun Radio Utah.
Some regular folks do too. Andcan you explain? Okay? So
Bill explained, how far away wasthe shooter? Well, we're hearing around

one hundred and forty yards on hundredand thirty to one hundred and forty yards.
Okay, And when I think that, okay, my gun, my
rifles are all zeroed in at twohundred yards. Okay, Now that's zeroed
in, with zeroed in, ithits point of impact, dead center,
with dead center, but two hundredyards. But a lot of those guns,

I'm sure you're gun, including thebullet is literally still rising at two
hundred yards until it hasn't reached itsarc. It's eight at the top of
the arc yet, and it doesn'tstart dropping until after two hundred yards.
And certainly in ar fifteen you knowfive five six or two two three,
it's going to be the same way. Well the end with the five five

six, those are pretty flat shootingcartridges in the first place, but they
have you know, very lethal rangesthat are way beyond you know, even
two hundred three hundred yards four innerdyards that they can do deadly damage.
I guess what really, I mean, I can hit. I'm hitting targets

with iron sights, no optics,no red dots, nothing, all day
long, on shall we say,catalog sized targets at one hundred yards,
all day long, without even thinkingfrom standing from prone, from rest from
you name it from barricade and ithit those all day long and do it

fast. Yeah, it surprises mehow close this individual got to the president
without you know, I mean,of course, the people are on the
ground saw it, you know,and they brought it up and we saw,
you know, we heard that apolice were involved. They went up
on the roof, they looked atapparently brandished or pointed the rifle at him.

Guess what your ten arge maximum awayfrom this guy on the roof.
Okay, he's pointing a rifle atyou. He's not using his scope to
put his crosshairs on you because hecan't see you in the crosshairs. I'd
be doing something. And I wasreally upset because, you know, I
guess the communication between Secret Service andlocal law enforcement was not there. You

know. Apparently this law enforcement guydropped his hands and felt, you know,
dropped to the ground off the roof. I would have drawn my firearm
and started shooting in the air,drawing attention to myself. So I've got
Secret Service running and rushing the stageto pull the president off. Yeah,

now that and that would have workedif they would have, yeah, draw
some attention, because obviously they weren'tlistening to the fifty people on the ground.
So yeah, but anyway, we'restill learning to talk about Bill talk
about how close the shot actually cameto ending President Trump's life. Well,
they're they're talking millimeters, and soif you look at that from an optic

perspective, I mean they're talking aminute of angles, and a minute of
angle on a target is just onesquare inch. Okay, at one hundred
yards, you've got one minute ofangle, which means I got one inch.
And at one hundred and forty yards, I'm going to say that he

was off by probably less than onehalf of a moa, maybe a quarter
of a mo Yeah, I wouldsay, I would say less less than
that, yeah, which is justokay. Folks. If you if you're
shooting two hundred yards, okay,and you're off by one mo o a

one moa, it's two inches,yeh, You're just off two inches at
two hundred yards. This is lessthan two hundred yards. You know,
this could have changed history. Well, I think a lot of people say
this could have changed history if thiswould have carried out. But I think
it has changed history. And there'sso many people that don't understand the guns,

the ammunition and that type of thing. In fact, of course,
it was the In fact, I'mnot even gonna mention it was not Fox
News, but it was another itwas it was one of the Clinton News
network, so to speak. Theysaid, they said, the headline read
that, I just just read thatthe shooter, I'm not gonna mention his
name ever, purchased purchased a largeamount of ammunition for the rifle. And

so I got looking and I'm thinking, this guy pot you know, I
don't know, did he buy apalette, did he buy a case?
Uh? You know, how manyrounds he bought? Just a day or
so before, I heard fifty fiftyrounds? That's what. How do box?
That's I mean, yeah, it'show many boxes? It's one box?

Yeah, yeah, I've seen himin this smallest twenty round box.
Yeah exactly. Yeah, I'm gonnasay one box, one box. That
was a large amount of amm Yeah, supposedly. But and it's it's for
this reason that the media is perpetuatingfalse, false claims about guns, about
their their things they can do,and they don't understand it, and people

get their information from the media.So, yes, the round was probably
going just under three thousand feet persecond, and we're probably figuring he had
the shooter, had had President Trumpand his bullseye, as as President Biden
would say, and at that momentin time when he went to press the

trigger before he could change he PresidentTrump moved turned his head to the side,
denying that shot. And even atthree thousand feet per second, miraculous.
Yeah. Oh, before we tellwe've got some great guests coming up.
Yeah, We've got fantastic You're gonnawant to stay on and listen because

I've been told we have discount codesin both we have two tilers coming on
today. Uh, so you definitelywant to go to stay tuned to second,
third, and four segment two becausewe have discount codes that you're going
to want to write down and jumpon quickly, especially if you're hearing this
on Saturday. So, uh,stay tuned. We'll be right back with

our first guest in segment number two. Be right back and welcome back to
Gun Radio, Utah. So gladto have you with us on this lovely
Saturday afternoon. Bill Petterson, directorof the Utah Schoening Sports Council across from
me. It's also the chairman ofthe Utah Shooting Sports Council. Gun Radio
Utah, Clark a potion, andwe are so glad to have you with

us this afternoon because we've got awonderful guest that we want to bring in,
Tyler Smith, the director of saleswith Axel here, a great,
wonderful Utah company, and we're goingto talk about the X Core Pro.
Tyler. Welcome to gun Radio Utah. Hey guys, thanks for having me
on. Happy to be here,you bet. And we've been trying to

work you guys in for quite sometime now, and you've got some good
innovative hearing protection. This is somethingI never took care. I never really
even paid attention to us at allas a kid, and neither did my
parents. I didn't and that's Ididn't either, and that's why I'm wearing
hearing age right now exactly. Butthis is something that we need to we

need to bring to the forefront.And you know, I don't think we're
going to get suppressors off the ATFand two hundred dollars tax stamp, so
something better than that is to getsome hearing protection. And and you guys
have this great earbud. We've beenactually trying out. Clark and I have
been at the range a number oftimes with these XCore pros. Tell us

a little bit about xcre and theXCore Pro. Yeah, you know,
the XCore product family line was largelyto develop because most of our users are
wearing some form of headset or earbud. But we figured why not develop one
for the hardcore tactical crowds. Sowhat we did is we developed one that
has all the functionalities of the devicesthat you see commonly like a like a

Beat's ear bud, and placed intoit superior technology for enhancement suppression with a
recharge Oh, go ahead with thatwith rechargeability. Oh, and the rechargeability
is so fantastic. I don't haveto go looking around for a USB plug
because I just put them back intothe little case and they charge themselves.

And then when I get around toit, I can charge the case.
And it's really cool and the caseand everything it protects it. It's nice,
it's solid, but it goes rightin my pocket and it's a class
act thing. Now. We havebeen using Bill and I have been using
Axel products ever since we found outthey're a Utah company, and we had

the ghost Strikes, the kind thatfit in your ear and to take the
little hearing aid batteries. Love those. I still use those. Then they
had the ghost Strike Pro, theones with the cable on them, and
then now the X Core Pro.I had to tell you first off,
communication on the range when I'm teaching, you know, whether it be ten

people, twenty people, thirty people, and I have to be able to
communicate. They have to be ableto communicate with me. They can hear
me. I can hear them ifthey're using some type of some type of
a hearing protection that also allows themto hear me. But yours is actually
even different because on a lot ofthat like the ear muffs and that kind

of stuff, when they hear theloud noise, it cuts it out completely.
But on yours, I can actuallystill hear people. Yeah. Absolutely.
We use a proprietary technology called compression. And what compression allows you to
do is take those harmful noises,picture a mountain peak being the top where
the threshold would actually cause hearing damage, and bring that to a safe,

tolerable threshold while still feeding you thegood frequencies. And that's why you're able
to hear speech through light fire.Okay, now Bill, Bill's a big
time hunter and I'm just barely dippingmy toes into it. But Bill,
up until now, you haven't.You haven't really worn hearing protection while shooting
right while counting? No, areyou going to now with you? Oh?

Absolutely yeah. I mean it's soconvenient, so lightweight, and it's
not obtruce that it doesn't get inyour way, and so absolutely I need
to do it at my age anyway, because what hearing and I've got can
put on, I say pros withone hand. It used to be that
I would have to use two hands, one to lift up the top of

my ear to in. Certainly Ican put these in and just takes a
little twist essentially a quarter quarter twist, and bam, They're in. They
stay in. I can wear these. I like them because I can be
on the treadmill. I can belistening to music on the treadmill Metallica or
whatever we have. Bill listens toAppa. But I can take a phone

call. Then by a tap,I just tap the side, one little
tiny little tap, and I cantake a phone call. And I asked
people, I say, can youhear me. Okay, you know I'm
using these new exports. We hearyou like you're on a regular handset,
you know, yeah, yeah,you know, Bill and Clark. That's
the versatility of this product. Imean, it's really cool. The phone

can remain in your pocket the entiretime. You could be on the range
with full enhancement hearing speech. Youcould be streaming audio, taking a business
phone call, whatever it is,all while protecting your hearing at the same
time. It's a pretty unique product. Nothing like it in the marketplace.
All right, Where do people findout more? They can see the pictures,
where can they order them, andwhere can they buy them? Yeah,

We've got multiple opportunities for people topurchase, and right now is actually
the best time to purchase as we'rerunning our special Christmas in July promotion,
so various vendors throughout the state.If you prefer an in person like Sportsman's
Warehouse, Shills, Cabela's, BestPro, et cetera. And then we
also have our direct consumer website whichis goaxl Goaxil dot com, and they

can purchase through any of those differentvenues. And you said you've got some
specials going the Christmas in July special. Yeah, so specific to the x
Core and the x Core Pro.We've never actually offered this low of pricing
and so there are typical retails abouttwo ninety nine. We're running a special
for one through through the weekend.Wow the hell you say? Wow?

Dang? And when does that end? The twenty first? Oh? Wow?
Okay, get on there, Geton there quick. H that's fantastic.
Yeah yeah, jump on there veryquick because by the time our audience
is going to hear this on Saturdaythat you got twenty four hours in,
this sale is gonna go away.Yeah yeah, get on there, do

it online or run over to Sportsman'sor something like that. That's fantastic.
Tyler, Tyler Smith, you're thedirector of sales, so we we do
have. You are the big guy, So yes, sir, you know,
we definitely appreciate you and axe Oledfantastic Utah company for being on Gun
Radio Utah. So go to goAxle dot com and check these things out

and pick them up. You'll bea lot safer on the range while hunting,
and hey, while on the treadmilllistening to ABBA. Thank you very
much for having me. Guys.I appreciate it, you bet. And
when we come back, we've gotmore to cover here on gun Radio Utah.
Stay tuned, we'll be right back. And welcome back to gun Radio

Utah. I'm your host, ClarkA. Potion and you know, sitting
right across from me, Bill Pettersonand he's the director of Utah Shooting Sports
Council. And you know when wego into the segment, he goes into
this like he starts from like sixtyand counts down to one pretty much.
And so I want to give youplenty of time, Clark, plenty of

time time. But this is justsome of the behind the scenes things.
Hey, we were great. Itwas great to have Tyler Smith with axelon.
Now this is gun Radio Utah ofthe Tylers, because now we have
Tyler Olson with bone dry bone drydot com. Tyler Olson, Welcome to
gun Radio Utah. Thank you somuch, glad to be a part of
it. Tyler's a great name.So yeah, part of the show.

And bye. By way of admission, I have known Tyler since you were
what how old were you in nineteeneighty nine? Uh? Young? Yeah,
you were young, yeah, veryyoung. Out of diapers though,
yeah, yeah, I have knownyou and your entire family and love absolutely
love love love your entire family.They're fantastic people. Tyler, you are

you have moved up. You arenow the COO of bone dry dot com
or no bone Dry. I guesswhere is it? Dry Out? Explain
explain your position with with the twocompanies. Yeah, I appreciate that.
Yeah, it's it's the company isbone Dry. It's in the website's b
O n E dash dri i dotcom. But yeah, uh cel of

the company of bone Dry, andwe can get into the details of the
two companies. Look forward to talkingabout that. Dryouts are also our company
that you mentioned and and the CEOof that company as well. Okay,
so, so you've been to likethe shoe tie, you've been to the
in fact, you were at theUH Success in Education, UH Sporting Clay

shoot. You had a big youhad a big booth there. And so
you make you make cases, right, you guys make cases to put valuable
things in that sometimes get wet.Is that right? That's correct? What
what is why should I use yourcase versus my gun case? That is

that has my nice wool and andand and and soft cushy stuff in it.
What's different about your case? Yeah, your case will make your firearms
feel warm and fuzzy, that's that'sfor sure. But our cases actually do
a lot more than that tart.So we we have so our bone dry
cases. Their their rust and corrosionprevention cases. They protect firearms, ammunition

of any kind and all sizes.They prevent it from rust and crosion from
moisture caused by moisture. And aswe all know, moisture isn't just it's
not just rain. It's not justfrom the pool, of course, it
is from those, but it's alsofrom humidity from from those types of sources.
So rain, snow, you know, you drop your firearm and you

jump in a lake and you haveyour firearm on you, you're out at
the range and it starts to rainor snow whatever it is, all forms
of humidity. Are our cases preventthe rest and crosion from this cause taking
even taking your gun from the hotlet's say it's hot like it is hot

today into an air conditioned environment.Bam. I have literally seen, uh,
the not a frost, but moistureon the gun going from a hot
to cold environment. Yeah, yeah, it's alarm and anyone who any form
of firearm, any handgun, rifle, doesn't matter, shotgun if anybody who

has one that's dealt with moisture knowsthe pain that you're talking about. And
like you said, even that littlemist can cause so much rust in correcta.
So I mean before, I mean, if I if I did jump
in the link, I'm gonna wipemy gun down and I want to put
it away. But your your cases, this the the dry out technology that's

in the bone dry cases. Now, how did they take it out from
the inside of the gun. Yeah, that's a good question, and that's
probably the biggest differentiator between our casesand the case that you mentioned with your
warm and fuzzy wool to keep itwarm. But yeah, so our cases

are engineered with dry out technology,and dry out is a patented advanced wick
advanced moisture wick material and this materialit wicks or pulls the moisture off of
a hard good and to your point, it pulls it also from the inside
as well. So, like yousaid, you're out shooting, whatever you

jump in the lake, you wipeit off. Well, we can't be
naive that the firearm is definitely stillwet. On the inside. You can
even take the firearm apart. Howmany of us have taken the firearm apart,
We've wiped it down, and thena couple days later we have that
crap moment and we start to seesome rust on the inside of the firearm.
So the dry out technology is it'sa patented moisture working material, and

our bone dried bags are engineered withthis dry out technology on the inside.
So when you are done shooting,for example, we have a dual rifle
case. It fits two rifles.It also fits a couple handguns, magazines
and ammo and knives, whatever elseyou want to put. I have my

eye on that one. As amatter of fact, I've got you.
I got you. So yeah,So after you're done shooting, you wipe
off your rifle and you put therifles back in the bag. And what
that will do is it will wick. Our dry out technology will wick or
pull the moisture off of the outsideanything you missed. But also to your
point, it will pull off themoisture on the inside of the gun that's

unseen. That will prevent the rustand crosion. Okay, so Tyler,
you I think you may have misjudgedme. I'm not a US Navy seal,
even though some people think I am. So I'm not actually jumping in
the lake very much. But it'sa canal in his backyard. But however,

now it's not just rifles and thatkind of stuff. Basically, anything
that gets wet that shouldn't stay wet, you can protect. So I've got
to ask you, uh, dearCasey Jane, our media coordinator. UM,
I don't know if it's a gamewith her what she drops her phone
in the toilet often, and youknow, and then she does the bag

of rice or whatever she does.I don't know. Actually, then she
just says I need a new phone. So then she gets the latis and
greatest new phone. And then butbefore that then I call her phone a
toilet phone. So Casey Jane,we might have a solution. What do
you have for that, like alaptop or a phone or a rangefinder?

Yeah, we definitely, we definitelyhave the solution. And Casey is not
alone. We've We've done studies andtheir studies are out there. It's an
alarming number of people have dropped theirphone and toilets. And I'm not going
to ask you too. If you'veyou've done that, I won't. I
want you never have never never,No, I am actual. Yeah,
we definitely have the solution. Sopart of our our product line with bone

Dry is we do have a pouchand we call it a rescue pouch.
We have a small and a largeone and both of those pouches again are
engineered with the dry out to achnologyand just like we were talking about the
rifle, those with the draft technologyin those pouches will wick the toilet water
out of out of Casey's phone,so its toilet water. Okay, tell

us about a guarantee. I mean, you've got these cases. I've actually
handled some of these cases at yourdifferent events that you've been at, and
they seem pretty dang rugged. Theyseem they seem, you know, pretty
tough on the outside and in theinside, and that I didn't understand the
technology at the first. What kindof guarantee do you have? Yeah,
that's a good question. So weoffer We're confident in our product. It's

it's high end, high quality.We offer a lifetime warranty so if anything
breaks on it, rips, whatever, will replace it. Just send us
a picture of it and we'll sendyou a replacement, not just a replacement
part yep, that's it. Justa picture and we'll send you a replacement.
We're not going to send you azipper or something that if it broke,
We're gonna send you a full bag. And we've only in the years,

in the years we've been selling these, we've sold tens of thousands.
We've only had to reship a couple. We stand behind our product. That's
in you'r a Utah company, right, yes, yep, we're based out
of Draper, Utah. Okay andokay, now give the website again.
Yeah, it's Bone Dry or BoneDash DRIVEE B O N E Dash d

R I dot com. Okay,so Bone Dash Dry d R I dot
dr I dot com. And youhave a special you have a special thing
for Gun Radio Utah listeners, don'tyou. I do. And because we
love you and Bill so much,we've we're gonna throw out a discount code
if anybody wants to look at ourour products and get a discount for it.

So we uh, well, thediscount code is g R U thirty
and that's a thirty percent discount onyour entire order. G R you Gun
radio Utah, gru what the hellyou say? That's twice now I've said
that today. That's that's awesome.That a discount. Well, thank you
very much, our listeners very much. Thank you. And you know we

talked Bill, I'm gonna do I'mgonna do this a little here. You
can't see me because you can seeOh you're seeing Okay, good and uh
I want to talk. Tell mewhat you can about some of your users
that are maybe in special occupation.Yeah, because I'm thinking of dry out

as a technology and the product itself. I'm thinking of a lot more applications
than just gun cases. Maybe maybenot civilian, is what I'm talking about.
Tyler, what can you what canyou say about about that? Yeah,
that's a really good question. Well, are so the dry out technology,
uh, as you are both alludingto, can be used in many

applications. It's not just for arifle. It's it's not for a handgun.
The drought technology can be used forwith consumer electronics, photography. It
can be also for the military.You think of the military, you have
the electronics for pilots, you havethe headgear for war fighters with all their

calm systems. You have drones,all of these electronics that in metals that
you have, medical tools that weneed to protect from moisture damage. Those
are the things. Then the applicationsthat can be can be used. There's
also I mean you think about withour technology. You've mentioned rice and rice

it just doesn't work. And thecompany actually started by our founder who he
actually dropped his phone in a bucketof water while washing his boat and he
went to best Buy, and bestBuy said, hey, go put it
in some rice, and he putit in rice, and of course he
got a little kernel stuck on hischarging port and the rice didn't work.

And maybe we've all had those momentswhere we put it in rice and our
phone works. But I can promiseyou with certainty that you're lucky. And
then also to your guys' point,uh, the insides of phones and electronics
are never the same right after theyfall in water and so outside. So
of course, so that's kind ofthat's how the company started, and that's

that's how dry out started and launchedthe bone Dry. It's awesome dry brand.
That's awesome. You've got a greatrange of products online. If you
go to a bone dry dot com, bone Dash dry dot com. Make
sure you do it that way.It's d r I d r R yeah,
and make sure you use that discountcode g r U for gun Radio

Utah thirty. Yeah, that's fantasticdiscount on your order. That's awesome.
Thank you for doing that, Tylerfor our listener. Yeah, of course,
I appreciate you, guys, So, Tyler Olson, COO of bone
dry dot com or bone Dry,fantastic. We look forward to hearing more
and more about all the new stuffthat you're doing and maybe even when you

are selling some of this technology tosome of these bigger companies we had talked
about that. We want to hearmore about that and have your back on
gun Radio Utah. We love that. I appreciate the time, appreciate this
opportunity. Fantastic, Thank you somuch. So now as we step out
a third segment, we're going tobe going into so stay tuned. We've
got more to come on gun RadioUtah. So stay right there and welcome

back to gun Radio Utah and ouraction backed Lightning Round. Fourth segment and
a big thank you to Tyler andto Tyler for those fantastic discount codes on
both the actual products and on boneDry that was very nice. I remember
gru thirty Gun Radio Utah thirty forbone Dry Bone Dash Dry. That's dr

Yeah, fantastick off. I meandiscounts. I mean, if you want
to do some early Christmas shopping,you probably will not get deals as good
as as this weekend. Jump onespecially jump on that the only till the
twenty first or something. Yeah,so yeah, get on that, jump

on that because that's a that isa fantastic deal. Got to tell you,
when Gun Radio Utah reviews products orhave somebody on, we know about
them. We may sometimes pretend wedon't to ask the questions, but we
know about these products and we willnot we will not promote anything or talk
about anything that we don't know isfantastic. So anyway, uh, Bill,

what was I gonna? Oh?I got to throw it to you.
Yeah. If for our listeners outthere, if you have not signed
up for Utah Shooting Sports Council,jump over, grab your computer, grab
your laptop, grab your phone.Utah Shooting Sports Council dot org. Make
sure you're signed up for the emailalerts. And also you can peruse around
the website and gather all kinds ofinformation. But this is a good way

of staying informed on upcoming legislation,upcoming events. Sometimes things will happen.
We look for volunteers. We'll shootout an email to our members and give
you an opportunity to help, youknow, do a good cause. Maybe
it's just a simple teacher class,or maybe we're doing something big and we

need some volunteers to help us outof gun shows, all kinds of things.
It's a great way to get involvedunderstand Utah gun laws. And yeah,
make sure you go over to UtahShooting Sports Council dot org sign up
for our email alerts, and that'salso a great way to chat to the
members as well. Just email usif you have a question regarding the Utah
gun laws, maybe you have anidea of something that we should we're not

aware of. It's a great wayto drop off that way. We did
a lot of emails. Yeah,we have an alerted lot of times to
UH two important you know things orwhat what is the University of Utah doing
lately? You know. In fact, I've got a couple of people that
have reached out via the Utah ShootingSports Council dot org. UH through the

email and and I've talked to them. Know, they're great, and they
have been waiting and they're going toget an introduction to the board, you
know, and we'll see how wecan use them. But I want to
thank thank all the people that,uh that want to be involved in Utah's
gun lobby. Yeah. One ofthe things we wanted to cover on this

last segment, Clark was gun safety, and well, yeah, I want
to talk about gun safety in fact, but I got to jump in front.
I gotta cut in front of youreal quick. Here the gunsmith,
the gunsmith, that sportsman's warehouse.Uh, if you if you have a
toilet gun, did your spouse dropyour gun in the toilet and then you
didn't put it into a bone drycase and get it and it's starting to
rust. They can read finish it. They can get it all fixed.

They can replace any parts, theycan remachine, they can you know,
put if you want to put amuscle breke on or a suppressor. They
can thread the barrel, Sarah cotengraving, you name it. They can
get it done and you can takeit right over to them. At sixteen
thirty South fifty seventy West in SaltLake City, give them a call at

eight to one three zero four eightyseventy or better yet, I think maybe
better yet, take it into anyof the over one hundred and forty six
Sportsman's warehouse locations and tell them toget it to the gunsmith. They will
take care of you. Bill.I do want to talk about safety,
and every time I am in frontof a class, whether it be baile
agents or armored truck or armed secuit, whatever it is concealed carry, I

say, please, you know,don't get too complacent. Don't get complacent,
don't get lazy with your secure storageof your firearms. If you have
a firearm that someone in the houseshouldn't have access to, whether by age
or maturity or maybe legal reasons,you got to secure that firearm against unauthorized
access. We know what just happenedthe end of last month in Tuila uh

and well Tula County in the inthe county deputies responded where a four year
old had actually accessed a loaded firearmin their in his basement and that gun.
He fired that gun one way orthe other. He fired that gun.
It went through the ceiling of thebasement, through the floor of the

upstairs and into his sibling's foot.Now, thankfully the kids okay, but
did have to go to the hospital. Could have been extremely worse, could
have been a fatality. Got tosecure those firearms against unauthorized access. But
I was just noticing all the andall the chatter on the websites, you
know, the comment section. Youknow they instantly want to, you know,

say that the homeowners should never haveaccess to guns again, and guns
should never be allowed in the home, and blah blah blah. Because of
this, folks, take your timetake a look at the actual accidents of
youth. And I'm not talking abouta sixteen year old gang banger who shoots
himself or his friend in the legand calls it an accident. I'm talking
about the true accidents. Burns,poisons, chokings, falls, drowndings just

in the home alone account for somethinglike ninety nine percent. And firearms are
solow even though we have a lotof guns and a lot of homes in
Utah. So you know, wecould spend all the time we could on
this, but it would be aninappropriate prioritization. I'm hearing to tell you

right now, all we do isguns secure your firearms guns und authorized access.
But don't get lulled into this thatthey are the number one cause in
any way, shape or form.But if you have friends, you know,
make sure they know that. AndOkay, I see, I see
Bill, Bill is making some reallyyeah, I've got some people making some

noises around me. Yeah. Soanyways, Bill, I mean, do
you agree with that? I totallyagree. Be responsible for security in your
home too, for goodness sakes,because they are much more likely than your
firearm to a resulting problems exactly,And you know that's all we ask for.
Go out. There's lots of placeyou can buy little mini gun vaults
or something help restrict the access tothose that you don't want to have access,

especially little kids. And you mightwant a kid. I hope this
family might even consider keeping it unloadednext time too. So Bill fantastic,
Hey, be careful out there,take somebody out shooting, clean up after
yourself, and tune in next weekfor a brand new edition of Gun Radio
Utah. Have a great weekend.
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