All Episodes

April 24, 2024 38 mins

Chris and Rob discuss the idea that LeBron James would be widely regarded as the greatest player of all-time when millennials are the ones controlling the national narrative and preview Game 2 between the Los Angeles Clippers and the Dallas Mavericks. Plus, FOX Sports Radio Weekend host Martin Weiss brings us another award-winning edition of Trollin’ or Rollin’.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to The Odd Couple podcasts. Be sure
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Speaker 2 (00:24):
Let's get this, punnies, you're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (00:32):
All right, it is The Odd Couple. I'm Chris, He's Rob.
We're live all the way live our number three of
a trash Talking Tuesday. We're in the tire Rack dot
Com studios, and shortly after our show the podcast goes up.
So if you miss any of today's show, just check
out the pod. Search Odd Couple wherever you get your podcasts,

and be sure also to follow, rate and review the podcast. Again.
Search Odd Couple wherever you get your podcasts, and you
will see today show post it. Right after we get
off the air, we got trolling and rolling with Martin
Weiss in about thirty minutes. Keeping locked for that. Alex knows.
I'm trying Chris to you know, watch the wave.

Speaker 3 (01:16):
Get ready for the NABJ Convention in Chicago to July
so I just sent him a picture of my little snack.

Speaker 1 (01:23):
Alex. I had a glizzy in my mouth up going
to say that, what is rob eatiezies? Two hot dogs? Chris?
No bun would catch up. That's how you're watching your weights?

Better than me and Mayo? I usually have that, but
I wasn't better than meat? What what is? What do
you think the hot dog? Definitely not mean? No, no, no,
it's it's it's all little wall Ain't no telling what's
up in next include rad hair, I get you. I
get it as leftovers. They're leftovers from the cow that

they just put together. I got to be honest. I
don't know when the last time I had a hot dog?
Are you serious? Chris? I'm dead serious? Can I tell
you this?

Speaker 3 (02:17):
And you know I owned a hot dog restaurant in
Detroit called the All Star Dogs. We sold the some
bread hot dogs they sell on the street in New York, Chris,
with the red onion sauce.

Speaker 1 (02:27):
You've had those, right? Yeah, nothing to write home about.

Speaker 3 (02:30):
Oh are you kidding? Delicious? Oh my god, Alex, I need.

Speaker 1 (02:35):
Your hot dogs?

Speaker 3 (02:36):

Speaker 1 (02:36):
Is it still exists? Not at all? I sold it?
I stay correct, No, I sold it. I stand uh.
I don't know, ce B.

Speaker 2 (02:43):
If you never want to eat a hot dog again,
just go watch the video of Snoop Dogg watching hot
dogs get mad.

Speaker 1 (02:48):
I've never watched it because everybody tells me so I
already know so bad. I thinking I used to need
hot dogs when I was ten and my mom made
him for us. They wouldn't give us not No, that's what.
I drink A lot of kool aid to kool aid
and hot I don't think I'm doing that.

Speaker 3 (03:05):
And Chris, the bad thing is when you were a
kid that you know, the cheaper hot dogs were not
the beef ones. They were the meat, which was like
chicken and pork put together.

Speaker 1 (03:16):
They said they were pork though, right, yeah, pork dog
that chicken hot dogs gross? Absolutely, I'll tell you what though,
I mean, am I off pork is the best taste
in meat. I mean, I get it for you. I
like steaks too. I love steak, like a good steak.

But pork, man, it's hard to be Chris chops okay,
I mean, pork is rob Gi. I know, Alex, you
you don't like anything, but that's why Alex said pork killed.
It's p I mean, pork is hard to beat. I
love beef, though, I'll take beef any beef rib what

rib you like beef risk? No, I don't like pigs feet.
That's just all fat. Yeah it's it's good once a
year we see it on New York. Yeah, I know
that's what black folks used to eat. My mom.

Speaker 3 (04:18):
My mom was from the South Chrise, She's from Alabama,
and so the traditional New Year's meal is pigs feet
and and potato salad. Potato salad, you eat Chitlin's. Never
ate chitlins, never ate your mind to make chilins. She
made them, I didn't eat them. They my mom smelled
white like chilling man.

Speaker 1 (04:39):
First of all, Chitlin's you have to clean for like
two days. I mean really, my mom would clean those
pig Yes, well that's what they gave the enslaved Africans
to eat, and we made soul food out of it.
But yeah, Chitlin's pigs feet rib is. I remember trying
somebody's giving me when I was a getting fat fat.

It was just like fat like that like good, No me,
you still eat pigs me? No not.

Speaker 3 (05:09):
Since my mom passed, I really haven't had it again
now I don't like Rob, real quick, real quick, where
are you beef pork?

Speaker 4 (05:17):
Well, unlike the grizzy gobbler, Rob Parker, I think it
just depends on It depends on what kind of food
you're making. Like, of all the things things you can
make of a beef and pork, steak is the best one,
like people. But to point, yeah, pork is more versatile.
You can do more things with pork. That that's gonna
pork ribs. Pork can't be bacon, pork beef.

Speaker 1 (05:42):
I'm Chris, I'm not interested in me right. And you
like bacon. I've seen you eating bacon or bacon and
and and sausa you love. That's why I wonder what
kind of Yeah, pork sauce. Yeah, pork is way more versatile. Yes,
that's why I wonder about your diet. Man, You on
your daet eating bacon.

Speaker 5 (06:00):
I could eat that stuff that eggs, mayonnaise, hot rims,
like yeah, hot dogs, No vest sauce, no sauce, no vegetable.

Speaker 1 (06:10):
You on that akings is that that's the act.

Speaker 3 (06:13):
But I eat vegetables quis tonight I'm gonna have a steak,
a salad and spinach.

Speaker 1 (06:17):
That that's that's my meal. I'm I'm I'm. I've become
very picky about steak. I kind of consider myself like
a steak snob is a rib with a bone, kind
of sewer. Nah, I like ribbi with a bone. Yeah,

I like to have the bone for the flavor. I
like flavor, right, But I mean like out. I mean
I gonna say any names, but certain places, I you know,
I like the nice steakhouses, the real good steakhouses. Oh,
when you're spending like two three hundred dollars for you
and the wife. Nah, well, everything included, not just steak.
But anyway, all right, let's get into this, rob g.

Can you get on the mic now? The players did
the anonymous poll. We talked a little bit about it yesterday.
Give us a quick rundown of the goat thing they
did with the goats, robbed Sure.

Speaker 4 (07:12):
Well, the thing we highlighted yesterday was that Paul Pierce
got a vote shout out to all the truth, one
vote out of one hundred and thirty three for the
greatest player of all time.

Speaker 1 (07:21):
You know, you know, Pierce sticking his chest out like yeah,
boll I told Yaul I used to get feel different.

Speaker 4 (07:29):
No, but The big headline of this player vote again
one hundred and thirty three votes of current NBA players
is that, over the last five years, without really accomplishing
a whole hackle lot of anything, at least to do
a team success wise, Lebron James be a little more transparent, dude,
Lebron James is rapidly closing the gap between himself and

Michael Jordan in the eyes of NBA players. Twenty nineteen,
Jordan had seventy three percent of the votes, Lebron was
second at just under twelve. Twenty twenty three, mj was
at fifty eight Lebron was at thirty three percent, and
then this past year Michael Jordan forty five point nine percent,
Lebron at forty two point one percent. And in the

Athletic they featured anonymous cools from players explaining their rationale
and the general themes exactly for current players was that, yeah,
Mike had this dominant run, he had these championships, but
Lebron James did it for two decades and he was,
if not the best, one of the best players the
entire runner.

Speaker 1 (08:33):
Yeah. Look, Rob, I've said for years that when young,
and you probably heard me say it win the millennials
or Generation X whatever, I don't know what Z whatever's
after the millennials. When they're controlling the conversation. I think

it's like Lebron's going to be called the goat, just
like right now you and I, our generation controls the
narrative and the conversation. Steven A. Skip baylest you know,
guys are roughly our age, and we say it's Jordan.

We're the ones with the TV and the radio shows
and all that. We say it's Jordan. The generation before
us Rob and I'm talking about the players Oscar robertson Kareem.
They're not saying it's Jordan. They're not saying it's not him.
They're not saying it's really anybody. They might say will,
but they're not saying Jordan. It's our generation. And so

I do think the Last Dance Rob went a long
way and kind of solidifying Jordan for a while. But
I also think now Lebron's assault on the record book
with the you know, the forty thousand points and he's
in the top five and assist and all these individual
records he's you know, getting, I think that is affecting,

you know, the way some people look at this and
I'm firmly Jordan. You're firmly Jordan. But like I said, Rob,
it doesn't surprise me. And I do think when the
younger generation is controlling the discussion as we do now,
I won't be surprised. I almost expect it to be
that they're saying it's Lebron. Yeah, I disagree, and I

don't think that even in time. I get what you're
saying with the numbers and what's happening late, but people
will look back and really take a look as you
go forward, and it's just like I always say, Chris,
and there's no goat conversation in baseball. It's a different
conversation because of the nature of the game, right, But

no one discounts Babe Ruth who hasn't played in one
hundred years, Like there's no discounting him and saying, well
they played Bab Bab. You know I'm not counting Babe Ruts.
He doesn't count.

Speaker 3 (11:00):
I don't believe people just automatically are going to do
that because Michael will have such a legacy if Lebron
doesn't win again and plays four or five more years,
and then people look and go, dude, the guy played
twenty three years. He only won four times. He didn't
win a champion. You know, like you'll start to win
you really add up all the things. Sure he should

have all the record, played twenty three years. Why why
wouldn't he He didn't go to college, Kareem went to college,
Like they'll be a narrative.

Speaker 1 (11:30):
Oh he lost in the final six to seven times.
He lost six times in the finals. Michael Jordan never lost.

Speaker 3 (11:36):
Okay, when you start to do all that due diligence
and really take a look at it, the same way
people think George Washington is still one of the greatest presidents,
if not the greatest.

Speaker 1 (11:48):
Nobody talks about George w. Bush. And I'm not picking
any political political side, Chris.

Speaker 3 (11:54):
I'm just saying, or some president of recent day that
because of what happened had to happen, and what had
to happen in the country to form the country, and
all kinds of other stuff. In the beginning, all I'm
saying is, I don't believe that just what happens last
is always.

Speaker 1 (12:12):
Going to be the best.

Speaker 3 (12:13):
Because you talk to people all the time, even younger people,
it's just not that easy.

Speaker 1 (12:18):
I don't believe that. Look, that's a good argument, and
you may be right. I think the thing that will
help Jordan Jordan is he's obviously a living legend. But Rob,
he's darn near mythical. I think he actually is mythical,
you know what I mean, Like in terms of people's

views of him the shoes, Rob, there are people that
weren't even born when he plays, and they love the Jordan's.
People that don't even like basketball that my daughters wear Jordans.
They don't watch basketball, they wear Jordans. You know, they
want me, they ask me to get them Jordan's for Christmas.
Even believe it? Could you when they asked, right like

I mean, you know, I mean I would you know,
I wouldn't surprised. You should have told me I could
have saved you some money on a couple of But
you know that good that's a that's a good point, Rob.
He is similar to Babe Ruth and that is just
he's mythical and that won't go away. And the same

people who.

Speaker 3 (13:26):
Love who love Lebron, they're wearing Jordan's, Chris, and they'll
be wearing you know what I mean.

Speaker 1 (13:32):
Like, that's the other part that's strange to me.

Speaker 3 (13:34):
You'll be in a barber shop and God will swear
up and down about Lebron But they got Jordan's on.

Speaker 1 (13:41):
But I I think that I think a lot of
it is that Jordan's. I mean, you know, doctor Jay's.
We used to call the converse docs, right, but they
were really just the converse that everybody was wearing. He
was just the most famous player, where so Jordan was
kind of not not technically the first, you know, with

his signature shoe, and then his were so unique, Rob
he was you know, his shoes looked different than anybody
else's shoes like at that time, and so that helped him. Now,
you know, everybody, I mean tons of players got signature
shoes and they don't sell like the Jordans. They don't
become nearly as popular. Lebron's. Aren't that necessarily that popular.

I mean they're fine. I think they're I think their
second I don't know, Rob g, I don't know, do
you know, Like I think Lebron's has the most popular
ones of the players today, but no nobody comes close
to Jordan. Yeah, it'll be interesting, but I just I
don't know. We'll see what these you know, these these

next group of writers and reporters, Rob are saying, but
I wouldn't be surprised if when they controlled the narrative
they got Lebron A seven seven ninety nine on Fox.
What are your thoughts? Do you think that Lebron will
be regarded as the goat by the next generation? He's
not right now, it seems firmly Jordan, But when the

younger kids are talking about it, will it be Lebron?

Speaker 6 (15:17):
And Rob?

Speaker 1 (15:17):
We gotta be honest, when Ben Yama might make all
this move, I mean, if it's gonna come down to
how much he wins and how how much of a
dog he is, But that dude is something like unlike
we've ever seen or how much he loses. You know,
he didn't lose eighteen in a row. So we just
I mean, you ain't watching the games, You're just looking
at the you know number. Yeah, I'm looking at the

eight trade lost your rona. I get it, but he
I'm serious, Michael never lost eighteen in a row, not
even in pee wee basketball, Lebron, but we ain't never
seen the seventh for five? Dude do what he did?
Everyone knows you even know see you even know A
seven seven ninety nine On Fox, You're Turning Away and

Lebron Future goat your thoughts.

Speaker 2 (16:03):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Odd Couple
with Chris Brussard and Rob Parker weekdays at seven pm
Eastern four pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the
iHeartRadio App.

Speaker 1 (16:15):
Hey, what's up everybody?

Speaker 7 (16:16):
It's me three time pro bowler LeVar Arrington and I
couldn't be more excited to announce a podcast called Up
on Game?

Speaker 1 (16:23):
What is Up on Game? You asked, along with my
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Speaker 7 (16:27):
Hutschman Zada and Super Bowl champion Yup, that's right, Plexico Buruts.

Speaker 1 (16:32):
You can only name a show with that type of
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Speaker 7 (16:35):
Up on Game We're going to be sharing our real
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Speaker 1 (16:56):
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It's all presented by Express Pros eight seven seven ninety
nine on Fox. You're turned away in is Lebron soon
to be widely recognized as to go your thoughts? All right?
Frank in North Carolina, You're in the Odd Couple. Fox
Sports Radio. What's up? Frank? Hey?

Speaker 8 (18:23):
What's up, guys.

Speaker 1 (18:24):
How y'all doing good man?

Speaker 6 (18:25):
How are you pretty good?

Speaker 9 (18:28):
Thank you?

Speaker 8 (18:28):
So I think Lebron is the soon to be go.
Just how long he's been doing it it is just crazy.
But I also agree with the fact that Jordan is
like a mythical character as well. Does how long the
brand's been going and still going strong and looks like
it's going.

Speaker 9 (18:46):
To continue to do.

Speaker 6 (18:47):

Speaker 8 (18:47):
I work in retail, so I see it every day.
Kids come in literally literally can't count, but they could
tell me one to eleven every Jordan.

Speaker 1 (18:56):
There you go. Ain't that crazy? That's crazy? Chris, that's
so do you? Who do you have as to go?

Speaker 8 (19:04):
So I'm thirty five, right, Okay, I've seen a little
bit of Jordan, but I've seen more Lebron, and I've
seen the whole career in full, So I have to
say Lebron.

Speaker 1 (19:14):
For me, Okay, personally, Okay, yeah, that that that is
kind of what we're talking about. But I do think
Rob when you just look at the careers, I mean again,
it's peak over long, peak versus long Jeff, and I
think we generally have always said peak and how dominant

somebody was. Yeah, Lebron did not dominate the NBA like Jordan.
And even when Lebron really.

Speaker 3 (19:42):
This hey day, Chris, people, everybody ate, everybody got championships.

Speaker 1 (19:45):
During that time.

Speaker 3 (19:46):
I just it's not that he Steph in his own
era and the Lebron era has four championships. Yeah, the same,
rob Ge.

Speaker 1 (19:55):
Where you at? I mean, you're you're in that you're millennial, right,
technically technically I'm a millennial.

Speaker 6 (20:02):

Speaker 1 (20:03):
Who do you have as the goat?

Speaker 4 (20:05):
I think it's Michael Jordan. I don't think it's particularly
close either, But you have George?

Speaker 1 (20:09):
Do you have Lebrown? Second? Yes?

Speaker 4 (20:12):
But but I I agree with you, Chris, that I
think as the discourse, the people predominantly in the forward
facing media that are having these conversations as they start
to age out, you know, and Nick right is the elder.

Speaker 1 (20:25):
Statesman going to be.

Speaker 4 (20:29):
Talking and and my comparison goes back to again's anecdotal,
but my dad always said that to him, Kabar was
best player he's ever seen, and before that it was
Algend Baylor.

Speaker 1 (20:38):
But it's different.

Speaker 3 (20:39):
Your dad said the best player ever seen, not the goal.
But but that's a dial I'm just saying, there's a
dialogue of conversation.

Speaker 4 (20:45):
I mean, I'm reading this the Athletic Column, and the
quotes come out of these players. That's exactly the way
the players are talking. It's not like because to them
there's nine goats, there's not just one. Right, So to them,
it's this is my goat, this is the goat, and
it's the The phrasing doesn't seem to matter as much
to them as it does maybe to your generation.

Speaker 1 (21:07):
Yeah, all right, can we squeeze him too? Well?

Speaker 3 (21:10):
Go ahead, Jay, Jay in Virginia, you're on the odd
couple of Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (21:15):
What's up, Jay?

Speaker 6 (21:16):
How's it going?

Speaker 9 (21:17):

Speaker 6 (21:18):

Speaker 9 (21:19):
The fence, yeah, Banks, I'm not gonna ride the fence
on this thing. When it comes to Lebron, you know,
he's getting allowed the pub now because of the recency bias. Uh.

Speaker 1 (21:27):
You know, he's the one.

Speaker 9 (21:28):
That's on the stage right now, so of course he's
gonna get a lot of bias when it comes to that.
Of course, you know he's going against the goose. That's
you know, it's been thirty years and Mike, Mike is
still knocking him off. So that's telling you right there.
You know the longevity that Mike has when it comes
to stay in power. You know, the other thing with
Lebron is that you know, he's going against the the

alpha complex. Mike was Alpha, went to Chicago State with
Chicago made it happen into Chicago. The young folks like
to said, he get it out the mood in Chicago.
And when Lebron took his you know self to to Miami,
he went from alpha to beta because you know, he
went to Dwayne Wade's team, and then he went from

beta to baby when director, when Derek came through and
had curled up, you know, and that final was in
twenty eleven. So as people see those things and time
goes on, he's always gonna have lazy people that you know,
just gonna just take whatever somebody else says. But when
you do your research, you know, over time it's like
you said before, Chris, when it comes to the goat debate,

you didn't get picked. And when it comes to six
and oh, when it comes to do three peaks, not
once but twice. Right when it comes to you going
to Chicago, that was getting getting sold out by girl
scouts and you know, and yeah, built that franchise up
to what it was. You know, it's it's you know,

it's it's it's unquestionable who the goat was.

Speaker 1 (22:54):
That's what he called a great call and good jobs.
I've always said, if I go to the park rib
and I just be like, who wants to run? And
I run it, the run the court for three hours,
that's more impressive than if I go and watch and say, Okay,
those are the four best dudes outside of me, let

me go get them and then we run the court
for three out you know what I mean like, And
that's that's the equivalent of when Lebron went to Miami. Yep,
you know. And again I never killed Lebron, and I'm
fine with it. But in a nip when your nitpick,
Jordan took whoever was there.

Speaker 3 (23:34):
And you know, and everybody and everybody says he didn't
win until Scotty Pippen got there. Scottie Pippen never won
a finals MVP. Chris, It's not wasn't it wasn't exclusive
to Jordan's. If Pippen was that big, right, right, they
have won or something didn't win them all?

Speaker 1 (23:54):
Nobody, Isaiah. I mean now I think about just shock
shack one ree out of four, like who else won
them all other than Lebron Now that I think about it,
you got yokas, she's got one. But you know so, yeah, uh,
we got trolling and rolling next.

Speaker 2 (24:12):
But first, be sure to catch live editions of The
Odd Couple with Chris Brussard and Rob Parker weekdays at
seven pm Eastern four pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio
and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 1 (24:24):
They see me, Tom Brady, he's done. Aaron Rodgers did
not have a Pro Bowl season. Trying to kiss me.
It's trolling or rolling.

Speaker 6 (24:37):
That's right, trolling and rolling. I'm Martin Wise, and I'll
break it down for you real quick, just in case
you haven't heard this before. If Robert Chris liked the
story that I read, you're in a roll. Sound they
see me, and if they don't, they'll go ahead and roll.

Speaker 1 (24:52):
Oh many, Hey, hey, hey, Now.

Speaker 6 (24:56):
The Light and the Game of Caleb Williams has been
picking and looked over a million and one time since
the last time he played football, But he did in
gender a comparison that Sad did to have the Internet
of Blade quote. The book on him is that he's
just sort of a weird kid. A former NFL Scout
reporter told I'm sorry. A former NFL scout told reporter

David Flemings, quote, one GM told me it's like if
Prince played quarterback Chris Rowling off only a Prince comparison
for Caleb Williams.

Speaker 1 (25:32):
I mean, look, I don't know a ton about his
you know, person I mean, I know he paints his
fingernails and uh all that, but uh and what he
have a pink pink phone or something like that? Prince,
that that's very that's eccentric. Is he like Daddy centric?
But yeah, I'm gonna trolled it. I don't know, man,

but we'll see, you know, it's gonna be interested to
see how his personality does mesh in an NFL locker
room or can he lead guys? So we'll see. But
I think he's a very good prospect. I'm trolling it,
oh many. I think all that stuff is out of pocket, man,

And I really do. I just cannot.

Speaker 3 (26:21):
I don't know if it's just an amount of time,
or they feel like they can't control them, or they
don't want to they don't hear what they want.

Speaker 1 (26:29):
To hear, or whatever.

Speaker 3 (26:30):
All these things about really Prince like Prince Chris, that's
just an extreme. That's that's an insult. That's an out
and now character assassination of Caleb Williams and a Heisman
Trophy winner and all the stuff he did at USC.
You don't have to like him, Nobody Chris has to

pick him like unanimous or say that he's the greatest
quarterback who ever came out of college. But a Prince comparison,
come on, man, I don't respect that. That's a cheap
ass shot at Caleb. Wow, you're not a Prince fan.

Speaker 1 (27:07):
Huh No.

Speaker 3 (27:08):
I like Prince as a musician, I'm sorry, not as
a football quarterback. Prince's four foot five stopping. I'm just saying,
you saying, like Prince, you know, did some hatus crimes.
I was just like Chrise, he's like five 't two
stopping with the playing his height way.

Speaker 1 (27:29):
He acts, and I mean, that's an extreme. But I
didn't think it was as insulting as you. I just
thought it was over the top. I think it's insulting.
All right, Good, I'm sorry, Martin Good.

Speaker 6 (27:41):
I just got good thinking a quarterback. It was just
a few short years ago that Daniel Jones was drafted
with a stick stick by the New York Giants, and
just a year ago they signed to an extension. But
the thing about the old days, those are the old days.
Reports are now linking the Giants to another quarterback for
the ACC Drake May Chris Holing a role in New York.

Spending his first round pick on another quarterback.

Speaker 1 (28:06):
Well, I'm a roll with it, you know. Look I've
been down on it too. I'm not I'm not gonna
be mad if they don't draft when I'm not gonna
say it's the worst move. But when those that have
scouted Drake May say most say he needs a year
to sit sit behind a quarterback, and Daniel Jones only

has one more year guaranteed money. So if you think
Jones is not your guy, then why not draft? I
don't playmate this year, play Jones and let May sit learn,
maybe work on his mechanics whatever he needs to work on,
and maybe he's your guy. So I look, they need
a lot. I don't think they're in a team that

really will put a quarterback in a good position, but
you know, maybe a year from now that could change.
So I'm not going don't kill that. What did you
just do? Troll it? I rolled with it. Yeah, I'm
a troller. Oh man, hey, hey, hey hey.

Speaker 3 (29:11):
If that's the case, then Daniel Jones, then you need
to get move the coach and the general manager out
to that even did that, and and and Greg Jennings
too said he was a top ten quarter and all
these other people now and Chris knows that we went
at Greg Jennings over that he was never a top
ten quarterback at any I don't care what he did

at any stretch.

Speaker 1 (29:32):
But my point is, shame in the ACC. Shame on them.
They need they need other other positions. They killed. Really,
the Giants gonna punt this season and not pick up
any help to help that team because they're gonna take
a quarterback who's not gonna play. Nah, I'm not with that.

Speaker 6 (29:50):
I mean, Daniel Jones is the top ten quarterback in
the state.

Speaker 10 (29:53):
Of New York, okay, right, and he plays New Jersey
catter days five to eight Pacific for more witty banter
like that.

Speaker 6 (30:07):
Hey man, hey, I.

Speaker 1 (30:12):
Thank you quick.

Speaker 6 (30:15):
Thirteen of the eighty thirteen percent of the eighty one
players voted that it was Minnesota Timberwolve Rudy Gobert as
the most overrated player in the league. Chris trolling and
rolling Go Bear the most overrated guy in the association.

Speaker 1 (30:29):
I'm aa troll it oh many right now off the
top of my head. I'd have to look at the list.
I don't know who it is. I don't think it's
go but I think he is a bad rap. He
is a good defensive player. Nobody's saying these Kareem abdul Jabbar,
but I think he is a good player and he's

showing it right now and helping the t Wolves, you know,
maybe make a run in these playoffs. Yeah, I'm trolling
the two oh many. Hey, Hey, hey, hey, I don't
know who that player is. I have to do some homework, Chris,
but I ain't Rudy Gobert. I'm with you. Who's gonna winfen.

Speaker 6 (31:08):
The rest of the poll was Jordan Poole got eight
point six percent of the vote, Trey Young seven point four,
Dylan Brooks four point nine, and James Harden four point nine.

Speaker 1 (31:18):
Wow, I mean Trey, I don't know where Trey's even rated.
It's yeah. And Dylan Brooks, well, we expecting a lot
from Dylan Brooks and that doesn't even sound right. Yeah,
I'd have to really look but I think the players
are a little off on this one. Well, what a shocker.

Speaker 3 (31:35):
The players got it wrong and evaluating each other because
they're personally involved and they can't separate themselves.

Speaker 1 (31:42):
I'm smartin quickly, you're a millennial, who's the goat?

Speaker 6 (31:48):
I'd go with Jordan's.

Speaker 1 (31:49):
So do you think when you're we're I don't know
if you heard our conversation earlier, we were I was saying,
I have a.

Speaker 3 (31:55):
Big time radio show twenty years from now, Okay, go ahead, yeah,
I mean when when the millennials are controlling the narrative
as me and Rob and our generation do.

Speaker 5 (32:05):

Speaker 1 (32:06):
I was saying, I wouldn't be surprised if Lebron is
kind of viewed as, like, you know, universally, kind of
the goat. And I'm saying no right now.

Speaker 3 (32:15):
And I'm saying no because Babe Ruth never went away
and he hasn't played in one hundred years.

Speaker 6 (32:20):
Chris, Not only will Lebron give view as the goat
the argument that we'll be having twenty years from now,
if all things stay, the shame is is Victor Winbin Yama?

Speaker 1 (32:31):
Well, no, I agree, Lebron. I don't even know I
don't even know. I mean, honestly, at the start so far,
I don't even know if it'll be a debate, but
it's gonna be how much you can win. When he
doesn't win any championships, it'll be a debate. Now, if
he don't win championships, he ain't gonna be in it.
But if he's a winner and a dog, and he

looks like he's a dog. But you never know un
till you get to that moment. I thought he looks
like the prince on the basketball Baker. He gonna make it.
He gonna make it move a moot point. I agree
with that. Martin. All right, Uh, it's The Odd Couple.
Chris and Rob Martin. Thank you, five to eight, The
Martin VJ Show. They bring fire, check it out every Saturday.

Speaker 6 (33:15):
All right, guys, all right.

Speaker 1 (33:17):
Man peace, We got a Clippers MAVs preview and Kawhi
Leonard is in the house. That's next, Aye couple. Fox
Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (33:26):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Odd Couple
with Chris Brusar and Rob Parker weekdays at seven pm
Eastern four pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the
iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 1 (33:38):
All Right, it's The Odd Couple Chris br Rob Parker
live from the tire Rack dot com studios. Thoroughbred Racing
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Rob one of the most or at least was billed
as and I think it could be still the most
competitive series in these playoffs. First round is the Clippers

and the Mavericks in the four or five matchup. They
will play Game two tonight in Los Angeles. Clippers routed
them in Game one surprisingly without Kawhi Leonard, and now
Kawhi Leonard will be back. How do you expect that
to kind of play in the game too, Rob, If.

Speaker 3 (34:49):
You're the Clippers, I think you're in a great position.
I mean, he's he's your main guy. If he's out there,
that means he's healthy. There's no reason we know that
he won't rush back, Chris. We saw it in San Antonio, right,
he won't rush back and he's not healthy. So you know,
you have an able body and somebody who can play,
and maybe it's not as bad and maybe this is

the worm turning for the for the Clippers, and maybe
just maybe that first game, you know, can can spur them.

Speaker 1 (35:18):
Because I think you're right.

Speaker 3 (35:20):
The natural reaction Chris might be, well, we won game one,
let's just see what happens in game two, and like
Kawhi West some more. No, they're not doing that. They
think they have a chance to beat this team and
they want to be a full strength and give it
a shot of another home game here, right, why give
up a home game and then go to Dallas for two?
I love what they're doing. If he's healthy, I.

Speaker 1 (35:41):
Was gonna say, I actually agree with this strategy, like right, yeah,
you don't have time to waste give up this game,
like go in to town because you run game one
and then you go to Dallas and lose two to
three to one. The season's over. We saw that was
in Milwaukee last year. Uh, they lost game one one,

Game two without Giannis and didn't play in for game
three and lost that game and then it was I
believe I'm exact on those things and then lost you know,
didn't win another game. So you're right, right, like you
seize the moment. That's what if he's healthy. If he's healthy,
put him in a two oh hole right right. You

know it's Luka, Doncis and Kyrie Irvy. You can't be
fooling around.

Speaker 3 (36:30):
Kn't playing around with you can't think you're gonna have
another thirty point lead without Kawhi the first half. Just
that's that's a pipe dream, Chris. If you if you
believe that, that's a pipe dream, no, no doubt, no doubt.

Speaker 1 (36:44):
So yeah, I think this is the right move and
it'll be interesting. We'll see. And I also think part
of it too, Rob is probably like, look, we've sat
Kawhi long stretches before. I'm not saying you're being reckless
and careless with him, because you're right, he's not coming back.
If he's not, that's just his how he is, and

like it or not, that's how he is. But I
also think Rob, they're probably like, look, I mean we've
sat him for long stretches thinking we were being cautious
and it really didn't matter. Like he still got hurt eventually,
so you just got to play him. And if he
gets hurt, he gets hurt. But I think you just
gotta have the attitude of you know, we're going with

this guy who's our best player. We're trying to win
this series now, and they need to go up to Oh,
you don't have the advantage anymore. You lost home court advantage.

Speaker 3 (37:39):
That's what you're trying to hold on to. And if
you win, Chris Dallas gotta beat you four out of
five times.

Speaker 1 (37:46):
That that's hard. So you were saying, what did you
say about the final? I said no, I was just
saying about them.

Speaker 3 (37:52):
If they could get to the finals or something, that
would be incredible, going into that new building like that'd
be huge.

Speaker 1 (38:00):
I got them. I had them going to the conference,
to the conference finale, and they have the road and
Dallas has it too, which every team wins this series.
I think should win the next round. OKC or New Orleans.
All Right, we're out, but keep in locked. Jason's with
and Mike Harmon the next they bring fire. They really
got the racism.
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