All Episodes

April 13, 2024 38 mins

LaVar, TJ, and Plax talk about Tiger Woods at The Masters and his chances of winning another major, Cuffs the Legend from the Some Dude Show stops by to talk roundball, and thoughts on Tom Brady hinting at a possible return to the NFL!


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
In Round three of the Masters, Scottie Scheffler, Maxhoma, and
Bryson Deshambeau share the lead at six under par overall.
The three of them will see off around two thirty
five Eastern time this afternoon. Tiger Woods just parred his
first hole of round three, so he remained seven shots
back at one over par overall. In Major League Baseball,

the Atlanta Braves confirmed today that All Star pitcher Spencer
Strider is out for this season after undergoing elbow surgery yesterday.
In Minnesota, Twins today play shortstop Carlos Correa on the
ten day injured list with a right oblique strainer.

Speaker 2 (00:38):
One game going on right now.

Speaker 1 (00:39):
The Yankees a one nothing lead at Cleveland after three
NBA Friday Night Spurs defeat a Denver one twenty one
to one twenty. Denver falls into a tie for first
place in the Western Conference with Oklahoma City and Minnesota.
I'm Isaac clon cron.

Speaker 2 (00:56):
Fox Sports Radio over this up on game caught by
hush Mainzada for the touchstops. This is the show for
you Levarro two with LeVar Aaring, Tet TJ. Hushmanzanna and
Plaxico Burres. J.

Speaker 3 (01:16):
I love the way you break the game down. L
A Man, you were jacking by my squad number two
overall and that's nine.

Speaker 4 (01:21):
And Plaque Man, you are seven five seven product and
everybody knew plat was growing up around her.

Speaker 2 (01:25):
Many three of the best to ever do it on
and off the field, live from the tire rack dot
Com studio, so Fox Sports Radio. Here's pro bowlers LeVar Airing, Tet, TJ.
Hushmanzana and Super Bowl champion Plaxico Burres.

Speaker 5 (01:42):
All right, welcome into hour two.

Speaker 6 (01:44):
We are broadcasting live from tyrack dot com studios.

Speaker 5 (01:48):
Tyre rack dot.

Speaker 6 (01:49):
Com will help you get there an unmatched selection, fast,
free shipping, free road hazard protection, and over ten thousand
recommended installers. Tyre rock dot com the way tire buying
should be. This is up on game. It's Plexico Burds,
It's t J. Hutchman's atas, I'm LeVar Arrington. We got

cups to legend coming up soon. But before we get
into talking some basketball round ball, we're gonna talk a
little small no diddy, We're gonna talk a little smaller ball,
uh that you hit with with the wood, No diddy.

Speaker 7 (02:25):

Speaker 5 (02:26):
We're gonna talk some Masters. Uh.

Speaker 6 (02:29):
And and your your guy, uh, Tiger Woods, He's he's
set the te off. As as Ilo said in the updates,
Are you guys golf fans?

Speaker 5 (02:40):
Are you Tiger Woods?

Speaker 8 (02:43):
I wouldn't say I'm gonna speak golf fan, but I'll
watch it. If Tigers playing, I'll watch it. But I
I abandoned the clubs years ago.

Speaker 4 (02:51):
Man, not good for my back. Oh man, I'm watching
the Masters as we speak. Man, what's your take on it?
What's your take on st oh Man? I'm just you know,
if you're a younger, you know golfer, professional golfer right now,
and you watched and you watched the way that Tiger

Woods played yesterday and he shot even Paul what it's
like a forty forty eight, almost approaching fifty years old,
everything that he's been through, and everybody's saying that he
would would not make the cut, and he wouldn't make it,
you know, walking in terrain for four days in Augusta

and now we're sitting here. I believe he's plus one overall.
But yesterday, in the conditions that they played in with
fifteen twenty twenty plus mile now wins and he has
a better day than some of the top golfers in
the world, like Jordan Speed didn't make the cut. Justin Thomas,

I believe didn't make the cut. Ricky Foles, what is he?
He's plus four plus five and you look at Tiger Woods.
He just set the record for twenty four consecutive cuts
made at the Masters. Some of these guys that are
professional golfers, they weren't even born when he started playing

in Augusta at nineteen years old, and some of these
guys are twenty four and he has not missed a
cut in twenty four years. Man, it's just simply remarkable
to watch him go about his craft. And even though
he's approaching fifty, being fifty years old, the man is

still able to get out on a golf course at
a Gusta of all places, and shoot even Paul unbelievable.

Speaker 6 (04:49):
Unbelievable. That sounds amazing to me. You know, I'm not
a big golf fan. In fact, I'm not a golf
fan at all. The music sounds like, you know, funeral
parlor music.

Speaker 5 (05:02):
It just looked like somebody's.

Speaker 4 (05:03):
Man, somebody I wish I would have played started playing
golf earlier. But obviously, you know, being in the circumstance
that we were growing up. You know, my uncle just
informed me, I grew up in Virginia Beach. I was,
I grew up in Virginia Beach until like nineteen eighty
two or eighty three, eighty eighty three, Like we black

people weren't even allowed to go on the golf course
at Boak Creek Golf Course and that's not that long ago.
And it kind of just blew my mind when he
told me that yesterday. I was like, really, He was like, yea, man,
why do you think we was never on the golf
course and were talking about the eighties? Yeah, that's crazy.

Speaker 6 (05:46):
Well, man, if you think about when Tiger Woods was
first getting getting going, he dealt with a lot of
interesting feedback and pushed back in terms of, you know,
being in certain certain country clubs and stuff like that.

Speaker 5 (05:59):
The the infamous.

Speaker 6 (06:01):
Uh you know, deal with that Fuzzy what was his name,
Fuzzy Zeller's or whatever he had.

Speaker 5 (06:06):
When he was referencing them and some fried chicken. Yeah,
why don't we.

Speaker 4 (06:11):
Just bring fried chicken and watermelon to the dinner to
not because he had just won the Masters.

Speaker 5 (06:18):
It's crazy man, So we haven't.

Speaker 6 (06:21):
I mean, so Tiger has felt that what you're talking about,
that element where he's at in his career now plex
what like and even for you, TJ.

Speaker 5 (06:32):
Does it like? What is it?

Speaker 6 (06:35):
What do you feel or how do you interpret if
he were to have success at this point he's not
on the success well, I mean, like twenty four consecutive
cuts made at the Masters is crazy.

Speaker 5 (06:51):
Nobody for I mean win it, I mean win it.
He won.

Speaker 4 (06:56):
He won the Masters be four years ago, I believe
nineteen and nobody expect for him to win it. But
he doesn't have to win another golf event ever in
for the rest of his life because to me and
just because he is one shy of I believe Jack
Nicholas of winning majors, but I think Tiger has twenty four,

he has twenty five. Just because he does not get
to Jack's record does not mean that he is not
the best golfer of all time. So he does not
have to win to solidify himself from a statistical standpoint,
being the fact that he's been twenty five majors, which
will tie Jack Nicholas as being the greatest golfer of

all time. I honestly and personally think and as a
lot of other people do, that Tiger was is the
greatest golfer of all time?

Speaker 5 (07:52):
Is that biased?

Speaker 4 (07:54):
It's not biased. It's not biased because I'm looking at
the body of work that this young man has put
forward and I was able to witness this. It goes
h the same thing as the lebron and a Michael
Jordan comparison. I witnessed this body of work. I watched it.

It may be somebody that was better before Michael Jordan
statistically or one more championships, but for what I saw
with my own two eyes, Michael Jordan is the greatest
basketball player of all time.

Speaker 5 (08:30):
That's fair.

Speaker 6 (08:31):
But some people would say Jack Nicholas is the Michael
Jordan of golf because because of what reason that mean,
Because he because they saw, they watched him play in
his era, and he has one more major victory than
Tiger Woods.

Speaker 4 (08:48):
So on paper, he is the greatest player of all time.
Just like they say, uh, we're going through this whole
debate of Margaret Court versus Serena Williams. Everybody's calling to
Reena Williams a goat and Mark Corter's over there, wait
a minute. Now, I've won more tennis titles than anybody, But.

Speaker 5 (09:09):
It's the impact of for the sport of the.

Speaker 8 (09:17):
Impact, that's what it is, and to me, that's the
biggest thing. And so Tiger Woods has people, he will
have people that don't play golf, don't care about golf
when he's playing a tune in. I'm one of those people.
I'm one of those people. And so it's the impact
that he's had on the game of golf.

Speaker 5 (09:38):
Hmmm, all right.

Speaker 6 (09:41):
I tend to think that when we look back on
Tiger Woods' career, he's definitely one of the most polarizing
sports figures.

Speaker 5 (09:54):
I mean, he took took the sport by storm. And
one of the most.

Speaker 6 (09:58):
Interesting stories that that I I've heard and I don't
know this to be true, but if it is true,
I find it to be really, really super interesting, is that, Well,
when you go to country clubs, you know, country clubs
are for you to go there, you know, network, meet
meet the people that you know, you're you're cool with,
and and your exercise was golfing.

Speaker 5 (10:19):
That's why you didn't use golf carts.

Speaker 6 (10:21):
You walk from hole to hole, you talk, you walk,
you swing the you swing it, you hit it, you
walk up on it, you keep walking.

Speaker 5 (10:29):
And that was your exercise.

Speaker 6 (10:31):
And I don't know if this is legend or if
it's true, but basically what was stated was is it
is it reasonable to think that Tiger Woods changed the
game because Tiger Woods started lifting weights and working out
to play golf. So he started exercising and getting stronger

to go do what was considered to be the exercise.
To begin with, he started driving the ball so much
further than everybody else. But then you started seeing the
pack started to catch up to him, and now it's
it's just it's this is what it is right there.
There is no separation of how guys are preparing for

for their their you know, the tournaments that they're going
to play in.

Speaker 5 (11:22):
And I always thought that if that.

Speaker 6 (11:24):
Was true, then he basically like evolutionized the game by
by creating a different approach to you know, how how
you prepared for it, how you looked at it, and
what it would take to be competitive against him.

Speaker 5 (11:42):
You know. One of the other things that.

Speaker 6 (11:43):
I'll say, I'll add to it before we wrap up
on Tiger Woods being in the majors, the Masters, is
that I used to hear stories about if it came
down to the final couple holes, you know, Tiger Woods
had like this this Jedi mind type of deal where

even if you were playing better than him, you just
knew there was some way, somehow that Tiger was going
to beat you. And he created this reputation and like
for me, I always wanted a reputation like that, like
I just you just know I'm gonna beat you, you know.
And so to me, I look at some of the attributes.
While I'm not a big golf fan, I look at

some of the attributes through the years that I've heard
about how people explained Tiger Woods, and it definitely comes
off as pretty flattering.

Speaker 4 (12:35):
When you say he has done things and that nobody
else has done. We're talking about in nineteen ninety seven
man Tiger Woods finished the Masters in Augusta at eighteen under.
Do you know what that means? How many holes on
a golf on a golf course? Eighteen He beat the

golf course by a whole day.

Speaker 5 (13:00):
Mm hm.

Speaker 4 (13:01):
After that Master, they was like, you know what, we
got a Tiger Woods proof the golf course.

Speaker 5 (13:06):
Because he was doing it too easy.

Speaker 4 (13:08):
He was making it look too no nobody had ever
seen it, nobody had ever done it.

Speaker 5 (13:15):
He won the vent by an entire day.

Speaker 4 (13:19):
There was like, we gotta change the whole entire golf
course for Tiger Woods.

Speaker 6 (13:25):
And that was because of his drives, right, he was
just driving it exactly. Yeah, we got a Tiger Woods
proof the golf course.

Speaker 5 (13:34):
Well, there you go.

Speaker 6 (13:35):
That's Tiger Woods and that you know what, and that
is Plexico Birds talking from Tiger Wood.

Speaker 5 (13:40):
Y'all thought we just talked football before you go.

Speaker 8 (13:42):
What you like to call your former teammate Hines Ward
has just been named the wide receiver coach at Arizona State.

Speaker 5 (13:48):
Oh oh, going on out of the tempe. Yeah, sorry, sorry,
didn't mean interruption, Misterrans.

Speaker 6 (13:55):
That's very nice breaking news, and that's I love my bad.
I load. That's show job. I'm sorry that was breaking,
but we'll get into the next update. That's ourr it's
coming up. Allo, you're gonna get your shout out at
Ilo with your funeral music.

Speaker 5 (14:10):
You know, we get it done. You're listening to up
on game. That's t J.

Speaker 6 (14:14):
Huchman's ot. That's Plexico Burs. I'm LeVar Arrington on the
other side of the break. That's right, Cuffs the legend
some dude show up up on Game Network, He'll be joining.

Speaker 5 (14:24):
Us to talk basketball. This is Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (14:29):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app search FSR to
listen live. Hey, we're Cavino.

Speaker 9 (14:42):
And Rich Fox Sports Radio every day five to seven
pm Eastern. But here's the thing. We never have enough
time to get to everything we want to get.

Speaker 7 (14:49):
To, and that's why we have a brand new podcast
called over Promised. You see, we're having so much fun
in our two hour show. We never get to everything, honestly,
because this the over promising things we never have time for.

Speaker 2 (15:03):
Yeah, you blubber list Jam and me.

Speaker 9 (15:04):
Well, you know what it's called over promise. You should
be good at it because you've been over promising women
for years.

Speaker 7 (15:08):
Well, it's a Covino and Rich after show, and we
want you to be a part of it. We're gonna
be talking sports, of course, but we're also gonna talk
life and relationships. And if Rich and I are arguing
about something or we didn't have enough time, it will
continue on our after show called over Promised. Well, if
you don't get enough Covino and Rich, make sure you
check out over Promised and also uncensored by the way,
so maybe we'll go at.

Speaker 9 (15:29):
It even a little harder. It's gonna be the best
after show podcast of all time.

Speaker 7 (15:32):
There you go, over promising. Remember you could see it
on YouTube, but definitely join us. Listen over Promised with
Covino and Rich on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts or
wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 5 (15:44):
Let's get into some basketball man, because when you hear this,
it's time for Cuffs the Legend.

Speaker 2 (15:51):
Now it's time to check in with Cuffs, the Legend
from some dude show podcast on up on Game Presents.
Cuffs is giving you his spicy takes on what's going
down the heat like Lebron and now here's Cuffs the legend.
It's gold time.

Speaker 5 (16:15):
All right. Well, when you hear that, you do know
what time it is.

Speaker 6 (16:19):
That's right, it's time to talk round ball with the
dude from some dude show up on Game Network, Mike Man,
Mike Guy, my main Manmjama, Cuffs the Legend a Cuffs
before you get going with with TJ and Plex with
everything that was going on. You gotta say my analysis

by paralysis last week as it applied to both.

Speaker 5 (16:45):
The women's and the men's final, was almost.

Speaker 6 (16:50):
Like like I should get paid to do it. Give
me my props, get your boys props. I don't know
if you remember, but I called it almost to a t.

Speaker 3 (17:00):
Yeah, you did like you had you like we both
had winning it all. And you know South Carolina they
was they was too much for Kaitlyn Claude. But shout
out to Kaitlyn. She showed the whole world that she
moved the needle unlike any other women's player we've ever seen.
But I know everybody want to talk about the playoffs,
cause we be right here, Bro, it's right around the
corner to know the play in is coming next week.

But before we get started, I want to address the
elephant in the room, or the baby elephant as I say,
plat the Coe Burts know you from the Hampton area
to Tidewater area.

Speaker 5 (17:33):
That's right.

Speaker 3 (17:34):
I got to talk about the Alan Iverson statue. They
did my boy, dirty man. They did my boy, dirty man. Bro,
they gave they gave my guy. I'm the biggest Allen
Iverson fan. You're ever gonna come across.

Speaker 5 (17:50):

Speaker 3 (17:50):
I've been riding with AI since the Georgia Down days.

Speaker 5 (17:53):
Bro, ask my guy.

Speaker 3 (17:56):
Y'all seen the movie like Mike Right, bow wow, you know,
like like Mike Right, that was Calvin Cambridge.

Speaker 5 (18:06):
Come, don't do my man. Let's cold blood it man.

Speaker 4 (18:09):
I've been knowing Chuck Man a long time, man, and
you know, Man, I'm here in shot of down Man.
I might hot than I got today, but man, uh,
I would assume for a player, when the organization calls you,
they didn't just call him like a week before or
two weeks four, a couple of months. Hey man, we're
going to build you with statue. The unavailing for this

statue is going to be on this day. And I
can only imagine as a player you're thinking about a statue.
He's like, Oh my gosh, I'm gonna get a statue
of myself outside of this arena. I cannot wait to
see what it looks like. And like I can see
Chuck looking at this, looking at this little looking at

this statue underneath a cover or talk whatever you want
to call it, and I know in the back of
his mind he's thinking, like, what the hell is this
is it? Is it standing up or is it on
a pedestal? And when they took it off.

Speaker 3 (19:11):
Did you see how he was rubbing the head of
the statue.

Speaker 5 (19:15):
I can see the unveiled.

Speaker 4 (19:16):
I saw the unveiling, and everybody was just in shop
and in all, just like he was, and he smiled.
But it wasn't the passionate AI and I've known since
I've been sixteen years old.

Speaker 5 (19:30):
If you are the Philadelphia seventy.

Speaker 4 (19:32):
Sixers, you have a what is a fictional statue of
the Italian stallion Rocky Bell Bull.

Speaker 5 (19:42):
In the city of yourself.

Speaker 2 (19:44):
That's not even real.

Speaker 5 (19:47):
It's not even real.

Speaker 4 (19:48):
If you're an organization, you're saying to usself, you know what, man,
we gotta do.

Speaker 5 (19:52):
We gotta do better than this.

Speaker 4 (19:55):
We are going to build this man a real statue serves.

Speaker 5 (20:01):
Man. I can't believe they actually did that. Man, I
thought it.

Speaker 8 (20:03):
I can't believe they actually did that.

Speaker 5 (20:06):
That's crazy. I thought he was gonna pick it up
and walk home with it like it was just like
it was a trophy. They trophy.

Speaker 3 (20:14):
Yeah, it looks it looked like it looked more like
an au trophy than a statue.

Speaker 5 (20:19):
Bro I really did it.

Speaker 4 (20:21):
Really did it really did? Man, Philadelphia seven and sixties.
You gotta be right by my guy. Man, build this
man the statue real nerves as being the greatest player
enfranchise history. Do right by number three. Build this man
a real statue. Thank you very much.

Speaker 5 (20:43):
Is he the greatest in the history. I mean you
have Doctor J.

Speaker 6 (20:48):
You got most, you have Moses MALONEA, you got Moses Malone.

Speaker 5 (20:53):
Cops, Come on now, don't you hurt around now.

Speaker 8 (20:56):
I mean generation and this generation is ai bro and
this generation is all.

Speaker 4 (21:03):
I know what you're thinking when they when I think
about it, and when it comes out of my mouth,
I say the same exact thing. I know that Doctor
J played for the Civil sil sixers and everybody loves them,
and so Charles Barkley and Moses Malone. But if you
had to, if you go through it all from a
statistical standpoint, like we had this conversation a few minutes ago.

We're talking about Alan Iverson, the MVP who took the
Los Angeles Lakers to the NBA Finals.

Speaker 5 (21:36):
They go on the road to beat.

Speaker 4 (21:38):
The Lakers in their building in Game one, when everybody
thought they would be swept. They didn't win another game
in the series, but they won one. Were talking about
the MVP, Alan Iverson, the greatest basketball player in the
Philadelphia seventy six history.

Speaker 5 (21:58):
Build this man the statue that he.

Speaker 4 (22:02):
Deserves, because his legacy is bigger than that statue that
y'all unveiled the other day.

Speaker 5 (22:16):
When they when they when they're building, when.

Speaker 10 (22:20):
When they're building that statue, Hey, do you think, Hey,
you don't think the builders of that statue as they're
building it are saying, what are we doing?

Speaker 3 (22:33):
Statue? That statue was bow wow? Bro, that was a
little bow wow.

Speaker 8 (22:38):
When they're building that statue, you don't think they're thinking
to themselves, what are you doing?

Speaker 5 (22:43):
Why are we?

Speaker 8 (22:44):
Yeah, it was that that. It was just odd. It
was odd. It was odd.

Speaker 4 (22:49):
Those are the statues that are inside of the building,
like when you go to like Yankee Stadium and you know,
inside of these clubs, and those are the the statues
that are inside the arena, not outside for sure, exactly.

Speaker 8 (23:06):
Y'all want to talk about juffs. Let's let's talk about this.
This the seed in the Western Conference. It's a lot
of jockey and back and forth. How do you see
this playing out? The Lakers went out obviously got a
great seed if they can win out, which they have
a great chance to do.

Speaker 5 (23:25):
They we play the Pelicans tomorrow.

Speaker 8 (23:28):
How do you see the Western Conference seeding playing out?

Speaker 3 (23:36):
The West is for us to have to come all
the way down to the final game of the season
to even decide not only who's going to get into
play in like you said, but the first seed is
still up for grass.

Speaker 5 (23:46):

Speaker 3 (23:47):
Yeah. If Oklahoma City wins, they will get the number
one seed, and if the Lakers win tomorrow, they get
the eight seeds. So we're we're looking at pretty much
Oklahoma City Thunder La Laker, you know, one versus eight.
That's that the Lakers can win that playing game, which
I think they can, even though I will say the
Angelo Russell is really starting He's really starting to make

me nervous.

Speaker 5 (24:08):
TJ. Hey, yes, I'll say this.

Speaker 4 (24:12):
I'll say this in a one verse eight OKC versus Lakers,
I think the Lakers can be the OKAC team.

Speaker 8 (24:19):
Man D'Angelo Russell is looking like the D'Angelo Russell early
that season, not Denver.

Speaker 4 (24:27):
But they can beat an OKC team in a seven
game series.

Speaker 3 (24:32):
Let me ask you this last, how do you feel
about because I feel that the Timberwolves. They are the
best matchup because they have that that that interior WI
with go Beer. They have quarackety Towns back in the
mix now and nas Reid is playing out of his mind.
I have I still have no idea how he went
undrafted out of LSU. That's still bobles my mind. But

those guys are starting to really play well. They the
number two seed, they should end up the number two seeds.
Looking at a situation where if they fake Denver, I
think they can take Denver at least five or six.

Speaker 5 (25:07):
Games, six games.

Speaker 4 (25:10):
But do we really trust Minnesota to make a deep
run into the playoffs.

Speaker 3 (25:14):
No, no, we don't. But what I'm saying is if
man if Anthony Edwards, if he can give us one
of those two thousand and six d Way type performances,
because he's capable of going nuclear, if he can elevate
his game in the playoffs and really really become a superstar.
We've seen god be superstars in the regular season, you know,

at averaging thirtieth game and all that. That's fine, But
I think this is the playoff run where Anthony Edwards
can't cement himself in that game antheon with the d Wade.

Speaker 4 (25:46):
You know, his game has to go to his game
has to go to another level, next level. If the
Minnesota Timberwolves want to be taken seriously, yeah, if they
want to beat you know, a of Denver or Phoenix
or whoever it is, he has to average thirty points
consistently throughout the playoffs.

Speaker 3 (26:08):
The series, the series that I have my eye on
going into, the only series is pretty much locked in
right now in the West. I said this on previous
episodes with y'all over the weeks. Kyrie Irvin and Luka
Donnich they are the best offensive duo in the NBA
right now. And I hope, I hope Jalen Brown. I
hope Jalen Brown and Tatum here. It is because they

It's something about the Celtics right now. I don't like Nia.
I don't trust the Celtics how they going into the playoffs.
They coming in kind of arrogant and they taking the
foot off the off the gas in the last couple
of games here. But I think we're gonna see Luca
and Kyrie. I think they're gonna beat the Clippers. Bro
the Clippers, but Kawhi is not healthy. We don't know
what's up with Kawhi right now. You know Paul George,

we know him to disappear in the playoffs. I don't
think the Clippers really have it have it this year.
Todd Lewis been calling his team soft all year. So
I'm looking I'm looking forward to Luca and Kyrie really
making some noise and if the Lakers can get that
eight seed and get passed, okay, see, we're looking at
a Lakers Mavericks series in that second round. But that's
gonna be intriguing.

Speaker 5 (27:15):
Man, let's get back to the Celtics. Man. The one
thing that scares me about the Celtics this Jalen Brown,
because man, every year, a year in and.

Speaker 4 (27:25):
Year out, this man has he has a great regular
season and for some strange reason, when he gets into playoffs.

Speaker 5 (27:32):
He has great home games. But when he travels and
he goes on a road on the playoffs, he's non existent.

Speaker 4 (27:41):
He can't afford to go on the road in the
NBA playoffs against the Philadelphia seven and sixteen, or a
Miami Heat team that's coming on strong, or Milwaukee Bucks
and scored ten to twelve points. They need him to
be in at twenty to twenty five point range.

Speaker 5 (27:57):
For the for the Celtics.

Speaker 4 (27:59):
To get back to the to the Eastern Conference Finals
and compete with the Milwaukee Bucks. I don't think they
can beat the Milwaukee Bucks in the seventy games. Shit
use the commence final anyway. It doesn't matter what round
they play in because Jalen Brown, he's just he's been
too streaky as a player. When he goes on the
road and he plays in the playoffs, you just can't

trust them.

Speaker 3 (28:22):
My issue, my issue with Jaylen Brown and Tatum as
a duo. Why I just mention Kyrie and Luca as
a duo. If you notice Kyrie and Luca, they found
that synergy where they're not just standing there watching each other,
just play iceo like they have a good continuity with
each other. If you watch Jalen Brown and Tatum the
same way you watch Devin Booker and KD. Kevin Durant

and Booker, they just play io ball and they just
want to show the mid range pull up and whoever.
Like if Booker has the ball, KD is standing in
the corner watching him. It's the same with Tatum and Brown.
When Tatum is doing his con drill ice, old work.
You see Jalen Brown just standing off on the wingle
in the corner, and if no, you never see them
run any actions together. You never see Tatum and Brown

running a two man game. And I think sometimes with
these guards, like even with with Steph Curry and Klay Thompson,
Steph is used as a screener a lot Stephan than
the stand in the corner and watch somebody else just
do whatever they want to do. Steph is in ball
screens and he's popping out and he's getting the ball
that way. Tatum and Brown just are so Iso centric

and Ito heavy that they fall in love with that
three ball. That's their problem. They fall in love with
the three ball. But I think when it comes to
Boston Black Boston will beat Milwaukee because I think Porzingis
will be the X factor in that series. I think
he will outplay Brook Lopez because I think we are
on the collision course nobody in the East I see

getting to the conference finals. That Knicks have been a
good story, you know, Jalen Brown's is one of my favorites.
The crafty Lefty Orlando is a good story this year.
But they don't have no experience with Paulo and from Walker,
those guys like I don't trust the Cleveland Cavaliers. I
don't trust Donovan Mitchell. So we're gonna see your Milwaukee
Bucks and Bobby Porters. I think we're gonna see that.

Speaker 5 (30:08):
But I've got the Chelsea.

Speaker 3 (30:10):
I got this Chelthy taking because here it is black.
They can't move the puppies the Bucks. The Bucks have
too many slow defenders that they don't have. No athleticism.

Speaker 5 (30:20):
Yeah, the Celtics are coming out of the East. Easy man,
easy easy, come on to you. They don't do easy j.

Speaker 3 (30:28):
They gonna come out of the East. But when Boston
comes out of the East. We've seen them come out
of the East against Golden State a few years ago.
But my simple question is what is Tatum and Brown
gonna do when they face the Lakers or the Nuggets,
Because that's what's gonna be in the front.

Speaker 5 (30:43):
Call you what happened? They gonna they cuffs. Let's let's let's.

Speaker 4 (30:48):
Uh transition to something that something we got this, we
got a to it. But was talking about was talking
about making it look easy.

Speaker 5 (30:58):
Man victim woman Young is making thoughts look easy.

Speaker 3 (31:02):
He's gonna be a real problem man, Man, Listen, man
shout out to him because his logo did not keep
putting out. That logo was amazing. I love the logo
Ni he gave him. Man watching him last night against Jokics,
he really was it.

Speaker 5 (31:15):
Was it a win puppet? Was it?

Speaker 6 (31:17):
Was it a logo of a winm puppet?

Speaker 3 (31:22):
It was an alien he I really think, man, he
needed to do it. We need to drug test him
and blood test him because he might be from Saturny.
He might be from somewhere else. Because I told y'all
several times he reminds me of a six I'm sorry,
a seven five Tracy McGrady with that wiggle and that hesitation.
He's shooting transition threes at seven.

Speaker 6 (31:45):
Five to y'all. But we gotta go, man, like I got.
We gotta pay the bills. Listen. We could go all
day with cuffs the legend, and that's why we give
it two segments with my man and as y'all can see,
with all of it back with plex TJ back, it
gets a little bit spirited, but we gotta go cuffs,

So you know what, y'all, make sure y'all cup catch
my man. Cuffs the legends. Some dudes show up on
Game Network. You can catch him on his IG as well.
He does some live viewing other shows. It's pretty dope
to watch. Make sure you check them out. That's TJ.
Hutchman's out as Plexico Burt. I'm LaVar Arrington. On the
other side of the break, We're gonna wrap this thing up
with well one of the goats of the Goats. Maybe

he hasn't had enough talks about possibly coming back and
playing some more football. You'll find out who that is
on the other side of this break. This is up
on Game Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (32:39):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 6 (32:42):
Go Go, Go, Go shawty We going to party like
it's your birthday. All right, we're back's up on Game.
We're live from tyraq dot Com studio. YEP, Voltron was
connected all of the Tigers lines, whatever it is, those
little little things were. They're back. They're together. We made

the big robot that goes out there and fights in
galaxy in the universe. Some of y'all may not have
caught that might win over your head or you're just
too young to know about it. But anyways, if you
miss anything, make sure you check out the podcast. It
will go up shortly after the show ends. Make sure
you rate review and you know, follow the podcast. All right, fellas,

before we get out of here, there was a call
that was or an interview I believe. I don't know
if we have the sound on Tom Brady or not,
but we do take a listen to Tom Brady and what
he had to say and let me know. Would you
be okay if Tom Brady came back for a playoff
runt at this point, Listen to what he had to

say and let me get your opinions on it.

Speaker 2 (33:49):
One day.

Speaker 3 (33:49):
There's a situation, right ma, if it's the forty nine.

Speaker 5 (33:52):
Ers, maybe you know, head in to the playoffs.

Speaker 2 (33:53):
Offense is great.

Speaker 11 (33:54):
Patriots, you never know, Scott forbid, somebody goes down, would
you pick up that phone.

Speaker 2 (34:01):
I'm not opposed to it.

Speaker 5 (34:03):
If they would.

Speaker 11 (34:03):
I don't know if they're gonna let me if I
become an owner in the NFL team, But I don't know.
If I don't know, I'm always going to be a
good ship. I always be able to throw the ball,
so to come in for a little bit like MJ
coming back. I don't know if they let me, but
I wouldn't be opposed to it.

Speaker 6 (34:18):
First, I got say, he humbly flexed on us. You know,
he flexed on that ass by saying the whole ownership piece.
If he gets that done, which after that, that's not
going to happen. I hope he gets it.

Speaker 4 (34:29):
But with the owners, that the owners that they're not
really going forward because he's not paying the stick that
everybody else played.

Speaker 5 (34:36):
But that's the whole other.

Speaker 6 (34:38):
Right, all right, But would you guys, do you think
that would be a good idea. Do you think that
that's possible that that happens, that he could come back
and actually play if one of the main guys went
down on one of these good teams.

Speaker 5 (34:53):
It's what he said. He's always gonna be able to
throw the ball. He can't touch anybody anymore.

Speaker 8 (34:59):
I like you going if a head coach really feels
like he can come in and help and he can
be more valuable than the backup.

Speaker 5 (35:09):
Football is universal.

Speaker 8 (35:10):
Everybody runs the same place, it's just called differently, and
so yeah, he'll be able to do that.

Speaker 5 (35:17):
Now, this is what people don't understand. Man. You get
away from the game of football.

Speaker 8 (35:23):
Your eyes, your eyes have to get used to the
speed of the game, like you can you can be
away and you think you're gonna go back in that
huddle and play like in your mind like I got this,
I got this. But you're not used to the speed
of the way guys are moving and coming at you.
That takes time to get used to. And so it

looks good and it sounds good until you're in that situation.
I don't believe guys realize how difficult that is for
your body to recalibrate in your brain to be able
to process that information like right now. If anybody can
do it, it could be him. I doubt if it happened, so.

Speaker 4 (36:01):
Mm hmm, I wouldn't be surprised if you back Man,
it's Tom Man. That's what he is, what he's I
don't think he really wanted to retire anyway.

Speaker 5 (36:09):
I don't think so either.

Speaker 8 (36:10):
You think you think he can set out the entire
season and then come back in say, mid December.

Speaker 4 (36:18):
Would you not put put it on him that he
would be better than half the quarterbacks that I'm playing
right now, half half, it'd be more than half, exactly,
give a higher percentage than half. Okay, So he's just
inflex on this the way that he did. Because if

I saw Tom Brady in the NFL uniform playing for
some team that calls him and says, our quarterback is
down to.

Speaker 8 (36:48):
Be basically two years out, two years out of the game,
I don't like.

Speaker 10 (36:53):
Guys, your eyes have to right here, Like that's tough
what you're saying.

Speaker 5 (37:00):
You're legit with what you're saying.

Speaker 8 (37:02):
But I just said it is from an intelligence because
of this, I want to see it now. I want
to see it because I've always had this notion that
it's really hard to be out of the game that
long and come back and play, and and this thing
though you're not even practicing, you're not even going through
training camp or like you going straight into the fire
like this would be interesting.

Speaker 5 (37:24):
But he throws He's done the same regiment. He still
throws the ball the same way that ye but you
ain't no defenders out there. I get it. But the
timing is the timing.

Speaker 4 (37:34):
He's better than half the why he's better than half
the quarter with thirty two teams, I guarantee you he's
better than your backup quarterback.

Speaker 6 (37:45):
Okay, there you go, there's your answer right there. Well,
we're about to put our backup quarterback on the radio.
The JKS Show is coming up in a matter of moments.

Speaker 5 (37:55):
Make sure you guys stay tuned in to enjoy that. Uh.

Speaker 6 (37:59):
If you miss anything, again, make sure you check out
the podcast. All right, make sure you enjoy your Saturday, guys.
I'm about to go over here to Beaver Stadium and
and then and and then enjoy my college football team
in their spring game. Hope y'all enjoy all day. It's
Fox Sports Radio. You've listened to up on game. We'll
check you out next week.

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