All Episodes

April 27, 2024 120 mins

Brian Noe and Jared Smith talk about the Falcons absolute bungling of the first round in the NFL Draft by taking Washington QB Michael Penix Jr with the 8th overall pick, which team drafts they feel the most strongly about, the failed experiments in the NBA, NFL Draft home run picks, the odd evaluation process in the NFL Draft process, thoughts on the NBA playoffs, and more!


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You're listening to sports.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
Oh, good morning, welcome in here, as we look at
the NFL Draft, the NBA playoffs, Jared Smith's growing gambling
banking account, my shrinking betting account based on backing The
Sun's last night Good Nick.

Speaker 1 (00:22):
You bet on Bradley Beal again?

Speaker 2 (00:23):
No, I will never bet on Bradley Beal.

Speaker 1 (00:25):
I don't.

Speaker 2 (00:26):
I don't know that I ever will ever again. Well,
that's because we didn't have any money on it.

Speaker 1 (00:36):
He would have went over the world, probably.

Speaker 2 (00:39):
Partly why it went over there.

Speaker 1 (00:42):
You know what.

Speaker 2 (00:43):
Uh, let's cut to the chase. Two things here. I
want to let you down gently, everybody listening. No, Rich
Herenberger today.

Speaker 1 (00:50):
Okay, it's a it's a blow, but it is. It's
really rough. Jared.

Speaker 2 (00:55):
You and I were going to rally, absolutely gonna rally.
And it is a ball buffet, as I love to say,
because there is so much football to talk about.

Speaker 1 (01:04):
Love me.

Speaker 2 (01:04):
Some NBA playoffs will sprinkle that in as well. But
it's the biggest story of the draft by far. And
it happened on Thursday, and it was the Falcons with
the number eight overall.

Speaker 1 (01:16):
Pick, going QB.

Speaker 2 (01:19):
They go with Michael Pennix, Junior after signing Kirk Cousins
in the offseason. Did you like it? Did you hate it?
Did you just not understand it whatsoever? Because I was
all on the negative side of like, what are they
doing cliff Notes version here? Jared is one or the
other man that one or the other Falcons where you

knew Pennix Junior would be there at eight overall. So
if you're gonna take him, why did you sign Kirk Cousins?

Speaker 1 (01:50):

Speaker 2 (01:51):
And if you signed Kirk Cousins, why did you draft
Michael Pennix Junior. I just don't get it. This was
his seven to ten football team last year who made
up big splash by getting Kirk Cousins, and you could
build around him. You could have gotten Rome with Doonsday,
get him another weapon, could have gone defense. These guys
called pass rushers sort of important. Their pass rush is

freaking brutal, like dead last in the NFL, and they're like, Eh,
let's go QB who might pay off three or four
years down the line. I don't get it at all.

Speaker 3 (02:22):
Perplexing, I think puzzling, and frankly, I think punitive to
their long term future. And I know I'm not a
general manager. I know I'm not a scout. I know
I'm just a humble betting analyst trying to win you
mondies every week. But the response from this was pretty swift,
like it it was, and you saw the fans like that.

If you saw the video of the fans, I think.

Speaker 1 (02:47):
I forget what the stadium they were in there watching
somewhere in Atlanta.

Speaker 3 (02:50):
And it was like it was like they just stole
their lunch money, like it was a very unique pick.

Speaker 1 (02:57):
So the I guess the justification. I don't know if
this was.

Speaker 3 (03:02):
Given by Terry Fontno or some other analysts afterwards. I
saw Peter Schrager tweeted this yesterday and I just I
couldn't understand it.

Speaker 1 (03:09):
He's like, oh, well, this is like what the Packers.

Speaker 3 (03:10):
Did, right, like with Jordan Love and Aaron Rodgers, right,
Aaron Rodgers, and they had their say, no, no, it's
not that situation at all.

Speaker 1 (03:20):
It's not even close. It's not even in the same
zip code as that situation.

Speaker 3 (03:25):
Jordan Love was significantly younger when he was drafted, three
years younger. He was drafted with the twenty sixth pick,
not the eighth pick. There you go, and and Aaron
Rodgers was in Green Bay for like a decade, he'd
already won a Super Bowl, like the the ship had
sailed like they were kind of growing tired of the
you know, the dog and pony show and the back

and forth, and they were like, okay, like let's just
let's start to turn the page.

Speaker 1 (03:52):

Speaker 3 (03:52):
You can't turn the page when the book hasn't even
been opened yet. Kirk Cousins hasn't even taken a snap,
and you're already like it.

Speaker 1 (04:02):
Just it made absolutely no sense.

Speaker 3 (04:04):
And the draft capital you're spending at eight is very
different than twenty six at eight. And the funny thing
is they could have taken Byron Murphy at eight. They
ended up taking some defensive tackle from Clemson in the
second round.

Speaker 1 (04:15):
And they traded up.

Speaker 3 (04:16):
They gave up more picks to the Cardinals to take
this defensive tackle who I'm sure is fantastic grouke or horror,
you could have taken Byron Murphy at eight, kept all
your picks and then taken I don't know, Spencer Ratler,
another quarterback in the second round, and continued to do Now,
maybe they just really love Michael Pennix more than more

than God but I just don't understand any of the
logic here.

Speaker 2 (04:44):
I don't either, man, I really don't. And it's a
great breakdown where you look at if you want to
do a Packers side by side comparison.

Speaker 1 (04:54):
Brett Favre was.

Speaker 2 (04:55):
With the Packers for a long time, and then they
drafted Aaron Rodgers twenty fourth overall. Yeah, right, then Rogers
plays there for a long long time, and then they
drafted Jordan Love twenty sixth overall. Twenty fourth and twenty sixth,
those picks, like you said, Jared much different than the

eighth overall pick, so much different to make it out
to be the same thing as crazy, And I keep
going back to I remember when I was a young
kid and we moved into a new neighborhood and some
of the neighbors I'll never forget, they brought a pie
over and I was like, that's kind of nice, nice
little house, very middle Gift, very Midwest. They didn't say

like go blue, yeah, Irish suck or anything like that.
Very nice, very Midwestern. And I thought about that. The
Falcons basically live on the same block as Kirk Cousins,
and they just egged his house.

Speaker 1 (05:54):
That's what they did.

Speaker 2 (05:55):
They didn't get him a pie, they didn't say welcome
to the neighborhood. He hasn't taken one snappy yeah Blue.
And they get Michael Pennix Junior with the eighth overall pick.
That's a premium pick. That's a guy who could have
helped the Falcons big time in twenty twenty four, not
a guy that could maybe help the Falcons big time

in twenty twenty eight. That's just I don't know of
a worse house warming gift than what the Falcons got
Kirk Cousins.

Speaker 3 (06:27):
It's like the plant that you know you're gonna kill,
Like the plant's already dead before you bring it home.

Speaker 2 (06:32):

Speaker 3 (06:33):
That, And I'm sure Kirk will handle it like a professional,
because Kirk is a professional. And this will be like
you do two things here. There's two things that you
do here that you don't want to do when you
got a rookie head coach, I guess not a rookie
Raheem Morris has done it before, but for the most
part it's been a while since he was, you know,

cassed with this. And you get a quarterback now that
is under the gun from the start. Kirk Cousins is
going to be answering questions about this all summer long,
and he will deflect because again, he is a professional
and he will handle this like a professional. But why
change the tone in Atlanta to negative before this?

Speaker 1 (07:17):
There's gonna be plenty of negative things to talk about
once the season starts.

Speaker 3 (07:21):
Why change the tone to negative before the season even starts.
That's the part that really scares me here with what
whatever they're building and the exchange.

Speaker 1 (07:32):
I tweeted this out because it was hilarious.

Speaker 3 (07:34):
There was a brief exchange that was on camera in
the Falcons war room between Fontino and Arthur Blank, and
it looked like Arthur Blank like just got his like
they brought the wrong order out to him at the diner.
He's like, wait, wait, wait, hold on, I didn't order this,
Like you want to take a quarterback? We I just
paid Kirk Cousins one hundred million dollars and you And

maybe it was his choice, maybe he doesn't like kr
I don't know, but the look on his face was like, man,
I should have hired Bill Belichick. It was just such
a weird way to start this Raheem Morris campaign as
the new head coach, And the part that surprised me,
Like we all thought they were going defense, Brian Like,
it was like a three dollars favorite for them to
go defense.

Speaker 1 (08:17):
With this first pick.

Speaker 3 (08:18):
And the reason why it made so much sense Raheem
Morris rams, Aaron Donald, like Byron Murphy lot too, Like
there were some really good defensive players right there for
the taking, and they just said, eh, we're good. It
just it was a mind boggling decision.

Speaker 2 (08:34):
Yeah, do you go back to last season, the Falcons
defensive line not very good. They were dead last in
pass rush win rate, and if you just go by
SAX numbers, they're bottom third in the NFL in terms
of sacks generated last season. Like you said, there were
some dudes on the board right there that could have

helped you would have gotten cause again it was a
record fourteen offensive players to begin the drafts wild.

Speaker 1 (09:03):
It's wild.

Speaker 2 (09:04):
So if the Falcons went defense, they could have gone
with their first choice.

Speaker 1 (09:08):
Then the number one defensive player. And I thought Murphy
at sixteen the Seattle was a steal.

Speaker 3 (09:13):
Yeah, Seattle is going to have an unbelievable defensive line
now for the next decade with this kid. And I
like what Indye did with Latsu at fifteen, right, that
was we did our mock drafts before and like that
was the first That was the best defensive player I
saw in the draft prospect wise. I know there was
a neck injury issue, but most of the teams cleared him.
And then Dallas Turner, the Kiff Alabama, who you know

played in the SEC played in How many times did
he play in that building in an SEC championship game?

Speaker 1 (09:40):
Like, there was just so many good options on defense.

Speaker 3 (09:43):
It was just Bryan it was one of the most
And then of course Bonnicks four picks later to Denver,
like it was the six quarterbacks in the first twelve,
like we we'll probably never see that again in our lifetime.

Speaker 2 (09:54):
Yeah, we might not. And I'll say this for Kirk Cousins,
it's going to be an ongoing battle to stay positive
about this, right because think about it, the season starts.
You said it, right, he's gonna deflect and he's gonna
say the right things. Ses he's a professional in the
off season. But it's easier, a lot easier to say

the right things in the off season. But when the
regular season rolls around and you're in Week four, or
five or what have you. And you have a rough
game offensively, you lose the game, Like, how how often
is Kirk going to come back to the draft and think, Man,

it'd be nice if I had Roma Doonza to throw to.
Maybe right, Rome goes off for a couple of touchdown
catches in Week four and Kirk things after a loss.

Speaker 1 (10:49):
Huh, be nice to have that guy.

Speaker 2 (10:50):
Or the pass rush just can't get home and Dallas
Turner has a day right like it's going to be
an ongoing battle to just forget about it, forget about
what could be. But every single day you go to
the facility, there's Pedix.

Speaker 1 (11:10):
Junior right there.

Speaker 2 (11:11):
I know it's so and I hate the guy, but
you hate what it represents.

Speaker 1 (11:15):
You have to.

Speaker 3 (11:16):
It's like it's like when you're in the relationship, the marriage,
the long term marriage, and you're just like, what am I? Like?

Speaker 1 (11:22):
What did I do?

Speaker 3 (11:23):
What did I And that was so my first gut reaction,
after the shock of wow, they really did that, my
first gut reaction is what's Kirk Cousins thinking, Because listen,
this guy when the quarterback position in the NFL is
the position you want that person to feel so comfy

and cozy and happy with the situation, especially in a
free agency role.

Speaker 1 (11:49):
Right, it wasn't like they drafted him. It wasn't like.

Speaker 3 (11:52):
He was the first team that he was a part of,
and he came up with the organization and there's this
loyalty and this brand. You know, Oh, I love that
he that's the Vikings for him, or actually, frankly it's Washington,
but really the Vikings was where he made his name,
I think, and really became, you know, came into his own.
And then he signs this free agent deal and it's
all hunky dory for like three weeks, and then all

of a sudden, it like the reality of the NFL
really sets in and he and I'm and I'm thinking, man,
Kirk's probably like, what organize it?

Speaker 1 (12:22):
What Mickey mouse team? Did I just sign up with? Here?

Speaker 3 (12:25):
That that you just brought me in and you paid
me all this money and there's all these and the
crazy thing about this draft again.

Speaker 1 (12:34):
You had three quarterbacks taking in the first four picks. Yeah,
in the first three picks.

Speaker 3 (12:42):
And then the eighth pick, so that means you had
four other players taken before you had so many good
players on the board. Here, and then you tried to
sell it like, oh yeah, well this kid's and then
font after the draft is like, I hope he doesn't
play untill he's twenty eight.

Speaker 1 (12:59):
That being is a good thing. So you just.

Speaker 3 (13:01):
Drafted a player with the eighth pick that you hope
doesn't play for four years.

Speaker 1 (13:05):
Like, make that make sense? That is asenine. It is.

Speaker 2 (13:11):
Just that part of it. They took the fifth quarterback
off the board, right they they went, Is that right?

Speaker 3 (13:21):
It was no fourth because they took Pennix before McCarthy.

Speaker 1 (13:26):
Unbelievable, Terry Bottina.

Speaker 3 (13:28):
Whenever you're smoking down there in Atlanta, I want a
piece of it.

Speaker 2 (13:31):
I'm in the fourth quarterback or the first defensive player,
or the first any.

Speaker 1 (13:38):
Other player basically except for receiver.

Speaker 2 (13:40):
Real and they're like, you know what, let's go QB,
go QB.

Speaker 1 (13:44):
At least it ain't go kicker. That was that. At
least it wasn't the worst.

Speaker 3 (13:48):
Decision they could have made. They could have picked a
kicker and it would have been worse. So congratulations, Starry,
you made the second worst positional choice with the eighth pick.

Speaker 2 (13:56):
Man unreal.

Speaker 1 (13:58):

Speaker 2 (13:58):
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are often running here. We've got Jared Smith FSR betting analyst.
I'm Brian No coming up next. Drafts that we liked? Right,
we didn't like the Falcons at all?

Speaker 1 (14:34):
Are a few that I like? There were a couple there.

Speaker 2 (14:36):
A couple that I like a lot too. We'll compare notes.
It's Fox Sports Saturday right here on Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 4 (14:42):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 5 (14:54):
Hey, what's up everybody? It's me three time Pro BOWLA
LeVar Arrington, and I couldn't be more excited to anounce
a podcast called Up on Game?

Speaker 1 (15:02):
What is up on Game?

Speaker 5 (15:03):
You ass along with my fellow Pro bowler TJ. Huschman
Zada and Super Bowl champion Yup. That's right, Plexico Birds.
You can only name a show with that type of
talent on it.

Speaker 1 (15:15):
Up on Game.

Speaker 5 (15:16):
We're going to be sharing our real life experiences loaded
with teachable moments. Listen to Up on Game with me
lebar Arrington, TJ. Hutschman Zada, and Plexico Burrs on the
iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcast from.

Speaker 2 (15:35):
It is Fox Sports Saturday right here on Fox Sports Radio. Okay,
we got the uh, the critical analysis side of the
way at least to begin the show. I prefer going
that way. You know, what are the Falcons thinking? And
then we get to something that we like instead of
the other way around. You know, we're gonna hit on
the Falcons again at some point. Oh, I feel like once.

Speaker 1 (15:56):
Is not enough for Terry Fount knowing his gang name.
I'm with you for a pick there.

Speaker 2 (16:01):
I love that I've got something to say. We'll bring
it up in the third hour. Okay, nice, But something
that you said about Belichick made me think about bracelets
that were very, very popular years ago and how the
Falcons could have utilized one. But let's stick to what
we like right here. If you look at all the

drafts thus far, we're through three rounds, okay, so a
long way to go, but the premiere rounds, the premium rounds,
if you will, who do you like the most what
they've done so far?

Speaker 1 (16:33):
Jared? I mean the Bears have to be at the top.

Speaker 3 (16:36):
I mean they got I would say, a generational prospect right,
and we don't know what the future is gonna look
like for Kayleb Williams. But all the smoke he's been
getting over the last three months is is a little overblown.
Like the kid has handled everything very well. I thought
he handled Draft Night well, I thought, and who am
I to judge? Right? But there are a lot of

little checkpoints throughout the process. There was not one red
flag for me throughout this process. For Kayleb Williams, he
handled it despite all the negative criticism that he received
about his you know, work ethic and all the you know,
behind the scenes stuff and crying on the field and
all that nonsense, which.

Speaker 1 (17:12):
Didn't matter at all.

Speaker 3 (17:14):
He was very consistent to the process and the Bears
obviously made the right choice. And then, oh, by the way,
everyone thought they were gonna go defense at nine. I
thought again, Byron Murphy catching some steam there to go
in the top ten. I thought Atlanta Chicago made a
ton of sense, and they decided to go, Hey, we
just drafted a generational prospected quarterback. Let's bring in who

I would say, I know, Marvin Harrison, I think probably
the best overall receiving prospect in this draft.

Speaker 1 (17:40):
I think that is barring one hands down. But I'll
be honest.

Speaker 3 (17:43):
I really liked Rama Dunes and and I think he
has the I think the phrase that was used by
the scouts, and I love how they come up with
like this. You know these like weird like catch phrases
for these for these kids, alpha target catch trade or
something like the way he like catches the ball, like
the high pointing of the football.

Speaker 1 (18:03):
Like they thought he was the.

Speaker 3 (18:04):
Best in this draft at that alpha of the of
the catch radius. That's what it is, Alpha catch radius.
That was the phrase that was used for Roma Douonday.
So you get two picks in the top ten. It's
an obvious choice.

Speaker 1 (18:16):
But the Bears got a whole lot better on Thursday.

Speaker 2 (18:20):
Yeah, they really did. You're right about that. A couple
other teams that I really like what they did. I
really like what the Ravens and with the Eagles were abo.

Speaker 1 (18:29):
Yeah, especially Philly.

Speaker 2 (18:31):
Yeah, because both of these teams, I said, with both
of their first round picks, where I'm like, wow, those
players were still on the board. You know where you go.
The Eagles, they had to get a corner, and they
get Quiny and Mitchell out of Toledo, who could have
easily been a top fifteen pick, maybe a top twelve pick,
like Micah Parsons when you've got when Michaeh Parsons is

on a division rival Cowboys team and he's just like, ugh,
this made me completely sick. With the Eagles getting quinnyon Mitchell, Yeah,
that tells you everything you need to know right there.
And then also the Ravens they get Nate Wiggins, the
corner out of Clemson, and he just fits in perfectly

with what they do. He's just a physical guy, competitor,
and you're like, this is the epitome of a Ravens player.
He fits into their culture perfectly. And then with the
Eagles you also get Cooper de Gen in the second round.

Speaker 1 (19:31):
He could have been a first rounder.

Speaker 2 (19:33):
And look, man, you never know, just because you get
good value on a player doesn't mean automatically that guy's
gonna produce. But it's a good value pick. And the
chances are pretty high that they're going to be productive.
And for the Eagles, they needed to shore up that
secondary and they did with their first two picks. So
I really like what the Eagles and the Ravens were

able to do. Those guys fit into their cultures, I
think seamlessly.

Speaker 3 (20:00):
I agree, and I'll stay at the top because I
think the two quarterbacks that were taken after Caleb Williams,
I thought those were the perfect selections for the teams, right,
the fits. And we heard a little Jayden and Daniel smoke. Hey,
maybe they didn't like what how he handled it. Now
that was all smoke like he was always the guy
to Washington. It makes a ton of sense. He has
five years of experience. They caught college experience. They needed

someone day one to come in and play in this
Cliff Kingsbury new system with the new head coach and
the new owner and all the bells and whistles and everything.
And then Drake May, who was younger only had significantly
less college experience, goes to a situation in New England
where Jacoby Brissett, who I would say of all the
starting quarterback level guys, he's probably on the lower end
but a lot of experience.

Speaker 1 (20:44):
He's a good dude.

Speaker 3 (20:45):
He's a good you know, He's one of those guys
that'll bring Drake May in and you know, you know,
teach him the system and kind of bring them along,
and that's what Drake needed. So I thought the next
two quarterbacks were both good fits. I have no idea
which one of the two will end up being the
better pro A lot of that is scheme and situation
and what kind of receivers they bring in, and you know,
if the defense is any good in Washington.

Speaker 1 (21:05):
Who knows. And same thing with New England.

Speaker 3 (21:07):
But I did like those fits, the things that surprised
me a little later in the draft.

Speaker 1 (21:12):
And I don't know if this is gonna end up
being a good pick.

Speaker 3 (21:15):
But I cannot believe the Bills traded with the Chiefs
to let them go take the Tyreek Hill replacement. If
you recall, the Patrick Mahomes pick was also a Bills trade,
And it just seems like the Bills and the Chiefs
have this like weird trade draft mojo going where if
I'm Buffalo and that was a different regime that traded
the Mahomes pick, So you know, there's no apples to oranges.

But you got to remember that, right, Like you're getting
killed by this guy every year in the playoffs, and
now you're gonna make another trade to allow the Chiefs
to take Xavier Worthy, who you know, it was like
the best forty time in like thirty years in the combine.
Like who knows if he's gonna end up being a
great pro. But that's the kind of speed you don't
want to give Patrick Mahomes. So that was a bit
of a head scratching move. But I like to pick

for Kansas City, of course, to get a little bit
fast in the receiving group.

Speaker 1 (22:01):
The other pick I like a little under the radar.

Speaker 3 (22:03):
I thought the Bucks really needed help on the offensive line.

Speaker 1 (22:06):
In the interior.

Speaker 3 (22:07):
I thought Graham Barton, so I bet the under on
Graham Barton's draft position at.

Speaker 1 (22:12):
Twenty one and a half.

Speaker 3 (22:13):
I thought Pittsburgh Miami also needed some interior help, and
he was very versatile. The most versatile offensive lineman in
the draft and play guard and play center came from
Duke It understands, a really smart kid. I really like
the Bucks taking in because Ryan Jensen, who'd been a
staple of that offensive line during the Tom Brady.

Speaker 1 (22:29):
Super Bowl years. He was forced to retire because of
a knee injury.

Speaker 3 (22:32):
So again you can kind of see the scheme and
the fit and how these teams view their situations based
off of their first round. And then you've got you know,
Wackadou City there in Atlanta going on.

Speaker 2 (22:44):
Man, if you're the Chiefs, sorry, if you're the Bills
and you get called by the Chiefs right and they're like, hey,
we'd like to trade up with you, guys, I would exactly.
It would just be click, no, thanks, take a call
from somebody else. And that's crazy too, because yeah, you
go back to the Patrick Mahomes draft. So the Chiefs

jumped up in twenty seventeen from twenty seventh overall to
tenth overall to get Mahomes, and the Bills got a
good corner. They got Tradevius White, sure, but still out
the Chiefs got my home. Yeah, so you've got that
history there, and uh yeah, the Chiefs get a receiver
on top of it, Xavier Worthy, who has game breaking speed,

and uh, you trade out of the first round. You
eventually get a wide receiver and Keon Coleman, who's a
good player, but.

Speaker 1 (23:37):
I like that pick too.

Speaker 3 (23:38):
I thought the receivers at the end of the first
round were all really perfect fits.

Speaker 1 (23:42):
I really did.

Speaker 2 (23:43):
He's just not dynamic though, he's He's more of what
we would call a possession receiver. Yeah, and that's not
necessarily a bad thing, but it doesn't seem like you
have your number one receiver yet, you know, if you're
Buffalo and so that's that's rough right there. Hey, we
got to get to failed ex expeeriments right around the
corner first. Though not a field experiment whatsoever. This is

a great experiment that came through in winning fashion. He
goes by the name of Isaac blowing crown I low
with the latest.

Speaker 3 (24:15):
You know.

Speaker 6 (24:15):
Another great experiment moments ago the coining of the phrase
wackad City wacka.

Speaker 1 (24:21):
Do city in reference magic city, in reference.

Speaker 6 (24:24):
To the Atlanta Falcons. I really like that. I think
we're going to mark that down for when the schedule
comes out, when the season begins. And yesterday the Wackado falcons.

Speaker 3 (24:39):
U's nest flying through the cuckoo's nest.

Speaker 7 (24:43):
The Cuckoo's nest got an Academy Award out of that one.
My Jack Nicholson impression needs a lot of rust, not
having a lot of my Jack Nicholson impression has a
lot of rust, unlike Anthony Edwards because on Friday Night,
in Game three of the NBA Playoffs, the timberwolvest Are
scored thirty six in their one twenty six to one
oh nine victory at Phoenix for a three games to

non lead. Rudy Gobert and Carl Anthony Towns each had
double doubles as Minnesota out rebound of the Suns fifty
to twenty eight. The Indiana Pacers in overtime over the
Milwaukee Bucks won twenty one to one eighteen for a
two games to one lead. Tyrese Haliburton the game winning
three point play with one point six left at overtime.

Speaker 6 (25:25):
He finished with a triple double. Milwaukee played with that
Giannis Antetakumpo due to a strained left calf. Damian Lillard
aggravated an achilles tendon injury late in the fourth quarter.
The Dallas Mavericks defeat of the Los Angeles Clippers one
to one to ninety for a two games to one lead.
Luka Doncics twenty two points, ten rebounds, nine assists. Baseball

Friday night, the San Francisco Giants over the Pittsburgh Pirates
three to nothing. Patrick Bailey of the Giants broke a
scoreless tie in the bottom of the ninth inning with
a three run home run to win the game. The
Minnesota Twins beat the Angels in Anaheim five to three.
On a five game winning streak. Phillies won at San
Diego nine to three. They had five home runs, including

Kyle Schwarber seventh and Bryce Harper sixth. And The NFL
Draft resumes today at noon Eastern with Round four and
the Carolina Panthers leading things off at one oh one overall. Please,
if you're out there, do not put up any signs
on the outside of your restaurant in reference to the
Carolina Panthers drafting decisions.

Speaker 1 (26:26):
Back to you.

Speaker 2 (26:27):
Guys, Thank you. I Low. It's Fox Sports Radios uh
Fox Sports Saturday, and shortly after the show, our podcast
would be going up. If you missed anything on today's show,
be sure to check it out. It's just search Fox
Sports Radio wherever you get your podcasts. To be sure
to also follow, rate and review it again. Just search
Fox Sports Radio wherever you get your podcasts, and you'll
see the show posted right after we get off the air, man,

so I low let off the update with some of
these basketball scores. Oh yeah, and man, the Suns. That
was the nightcap. Suns just get bull dozed. They lose
by seventeen points at home when they went into the
game down oh two in the series. Right, like, this

is your season on the line. You're at home, it's
go time. What can you do? And you're trailing at halftime?
And so third quarter this is it, right, this is
your season on the line. What are you gonna be
able to do? They get outscored thirty six to twenty
wow in the third quarter, and they end up losing

the game by seventeen points. It's not even close. And
so this is an epic failed experiment where they go
all in. They get kd to go along with Devin Booker,
you add some Bradley Beal. It's Bo Benson said off
the air a few minutes ago. They don't have a
draft pick until, like, you know, like they went all in.

It might be twenty thirty you get a first.

Speaker 1 (28:00):
I like the Rams of the NFL.

Speaker 2 (28:02):
Yeah right, yeah, you had to go back to twenty
sixteen with the Rams for a first round pick. You're
gonna get that stat years from now when the Sun's
actually picking the first round and they're gonna be one
and done. And they might be one and done after
getting swept in the first round epic failed experiment there
in Phoenix.

Speaker 3 (28:21):
Yeah, and I think I'll look at it from the
positive light. Minnesota really took that, like they they learned
a lot from last year's playoff failure. And I like
that this Minnesota team is very dangerous, Like we have
not been talking about them enough, I think, and we
will be over the next few weeks as this postseason
continues to evolve. I don't know, like the KD stuff,

Like it seems like he kind of sold his soul
with the Nets and that was kind of their last
real chance, And I don't know if there's gonna be
another run for it, Like if he can't carry this
group of players that is arguably the most talented group
he's played with outside of that Golden State.

Speaker 1 (29:02):
Contingent, I don't know.

Speaker 3 (29:05):
I just I don't know if there's another group that, like,
unless he joins a super team as kind of the
third wheel, so to say. I just don't know if
he can carry a team anymore, because really this team
was perfectly made for him to carry. Like he had
the point guard and Booker, he had the secondary scorer
in Beal didn't have the big man, but that's not

as important in today's NBA. You had a big three,
a legit big thory. I mean, Bradley Beal was a
number one. I know we've had our issues betting the
prop market with him, but talent aside, like the dudes,
like a number one score dropped like fifty yeah, like
a crazy run with the Wizards. And Devin Booker is
an all star, high level point guard that has changed

his game. He was a little more of a score
has changed his game to more of an assist guy.

Speaker 1 (29:51):
It was ready made for Phoenix to make a run.

Speaker 3 (29:55):
And if they can't do it with this group, I
don't know if there is a group left that KD
can carry over the mountain, like he might have to
be a secondary piece for.

Speaker 1 (30:05):
The rest of his career down the stretcher.

Speaker 5 (30:09):

Speaker 1 (30:09):
It's uh, it's crazy that right.

Speaker 2 (30:12):
If you win a series or two and you're losing
the conference finals, that's that's different. If you go up
against Jokich and Denver and you lose. Okay, if it's
later in the playoffs, fine, but man, round one, the
rough look and the Clippers also, Man, you look at
them last night and they lose to Dallas in Game three.

They're trailing in that series two games to one, and
Kawhi Leonard, I mean, he's trying to do what he can.
He's got this knee injury and he's trying to gut
it out. But it's night and day. They didn't have
Kawhi in Game one and the Clippers looked great and
won that game. He's been back the last two games

and man, especially last night, he didn't do anything. He's
nine points, four of seven from the field. Paul George
seven points, three of eleven shooting like that's the fewest
combined points in twenty six playoff games together for Kawhi
Leonard and Paul George. Westbrook had one point and one ejection.

It's just a calamity all the way around. Now they're
down to one in the series. It's possible they somehow
pull that out, but they're going nowhere. This is absolutely
a failed experiment there also, and man, it's think about
that in the NBA, where some of these teams where
they make these power moves and initially you're like, whoa Clippers,

They've got Kawhi and Paul George or the Sons. They've
got Katie Booker and Bradley Beal and you're looking right
at both of them probably being one and done. It's
just it's shocking to see the results, not even close
to what a lot of people thought initially when those
moves were made.

Speaker 3 (32:00):
Yeah, the Clippers have a different situation, I think because
of just the the injuries that have followed Kawhi. It
just it's felt like a dark cloud has kind of
just been following them around all year, and it's just
like you're waiting for that moment where you finally get
the oh, okay, Kawhi's back, let's see it, and then
it's like, Yeah, it is.

Speaker 1 (32:21):
Hard, and I think I forget.

Speaker 3 (32:22):
There was someone on the network that brought this up
on a show early this week, and I agreed to
one hundred percent. It is hard to flip the switch
in the NBA playoffs, like Kawhi has not played a
whole lot of games this year at a high level,
Like he has been in and out, and that's been
the story of his career over the last let's say,
five years since the Toronto stuff.

Speaker 1 (32:39):
It is hard to just flip the switch in the
playoffs and say, yep, all right.

Speaker 3 (32:44):
Let's do it, especially when you've got kind of like
the island of misfit toys around you. Paul George Russell Westbrook.
I like the Zubac k He's been fantastic. His prop
numbers have been mislined the whole series, hammered the over
pr last night. It's been a money maker in the
postseason so far. That's the one guy that's kind of
overachieving what we've seen so far because he's not like

an absurd talent, but he is playing really well in
the middle there. And I do think the Clippers have
an edge in the paint because Luka Kana wants to
be outside. I think Zubach will bang a little bit
and you know, the Clippers. I do think the Mavericks
don't have as much size in the middle, and maybe
they should exploit that matchup more.

Speaker 1 (33:19):
But yeah, they need more out.

Speaker 3 (33:21):
Of George and Kawhi, and it's hard to get more
out of them. I mean, these guys have been through
the Ringer man. Like I was looking back at Paul
George's numbers. This dude was playing basketball at a very
high level a long time ago, and it is hard
to keep that level for over a decade.

Speaker 1 (33:37):
He's been through a lot of gruesome injuries.

Speaker 3 (33:39):
We know about the Kawhi stuff. Like you bring these
guys together and you throw them out. There is this
kind of like mismash. Like I don't know, if you're
a guy on Thanksgiving, Brian, do you mix your food
together or do you separate everything?

Speaker 2 (33:51):
I separate stuff now.

Speaker 3 (33:52):
Yeah, so these guys are all mixed together and mashed together,
and you wouldn't like that concoction very much.

Speaker 2 (33:59):
No, No, it's that's the thing is. It's a reminder
again where it's not just the amount of talent that
you have, it's how the talent fits together. There have
been Olympic teams, like Olympic basketball teams for the US
where it's nothing but talent, but it didn't fit together
very well. It's the same thing with the Suns or Clippers,

whoever you're talking about. It's got to fit. So I mean,
you look at say, the Nuggets are a great example.
They've got talent, perfect example, but it fits together so
well so well, so not always the case.

Speaker 3 (34:36):
And then you got the Lakers on the other side.

Speaker 2 (34:40):
All right, right around the corner here we get to
the parlay platter. Jared Smith has been scorching hot. We'll
see if the fireways continue. Also, man, there's gonna be
some fire for me with some listeners that don't know
how to listen, you know what I mean. We gotta
we gotta get a better description for listeners, you know

what I mean, Jared, Because some listen, some don't.

Speaker 1 (35:07):
So maybe we'll active and inactive listeners.

Speaker 2 (35:11):
Yeah, it's like it's like earwax ear listeners, you know
what I mean, They're just they can't quite hear. But
it's something like, so we'll do a two for one
little combo platter. I crush listeners that don't know how
to listen. Jared Smith earns you money. That's right around
the corner. It's Fox Sports Saturday right here on Fox
Sports Radio. It's Fox Sports Saturday here on Fox Sports Radio.

Before we get to the parlay platter over here, I
have to I don't know if these are trolls or
just listeners who don't know how to listen here, Jared, But.

Speaker 1 (35:42):
Yeah, what's going on with I didn't see any tweets yet.

Speaker 2 (35:44):
Got something from Holden cheesehead all says Brian. No, just
called Kirk Cousins Kurt over a half dozen time, a
half dozen time on Saturday morning Fox Sports Radio. I
know there's a typo right there, Jared is time.

Speaker 1 (36:01):
So you're gonna take the highro though, not mention that?

Speaker 2 (36:03):
No, no, yeah, yeah, you lose credibility, Brian, though, when
you don't even know the players' names hashtag NFL Draft
hash time.

Speaker 1 (36:11):
I didn't notice that Kirk. I didn't hear Kurt.

Speaker 2 (36:14):
Well, he's the thing. I know, it's Kirk. Granted I
might speak fast from time to time, and it sounds
like I kind of lazily run through it. We have
some audio from the first segment, so let's let's do
a little let's do a little ear test, if you will,
if you could fire that up for us, let's hear
it one or the other man, that one or the

other Falcons where you knew Pennix Junior would be there
at eight overall, So if you're gonna take him, why
did you sign Kirk Cousins? Yeah, and if you signed
Kirk Cousins, why did you draft Michael Pennix Junior. I
just don't get it. This was the seven to ten
football team last year who made a big splash by
getting Kirk Cousins.

Speaker 1 (36:58):
There you go, you said, Kirk, Yeah, so same thing.
I got the mid West accent. There.

Speaker 3 (37:03):
I understand why people maybe, and it's early, I don't
know clean the airwaks out though.

Speaker 2 (37:07):
Kirk. Yeah, I even't hit me up. He's crushing me, Kirk,
Brian Kirk.

Speaker 1 (37:12):
Yeah, call him Kirky, Kirky pie.

Speaker 2 (37:16):
I'll just say this and I'll take the high road, Jared.
I would say, uh, listen better, jackasses, listen better.

Speaker 1 (37:23):
Okay, that at least they're listening. Honestly, that's the best.

Speaker 3 (37:26):
And I'd speeled this way too, because we get a
lot of heat anytime I get a pick wrong. Even
when I get a pick right, sometimes I get trolls.
At least they're paying attention. Yeah, at least they're looking
at us. At least they're invested right there.

Speaker 2 (37:38):
Yeah, Okay, we've got money to make over here. Let's
get to the parley platter, shall we. Let's do what
check this out?

Speaker 4 (37:46):
Parlay flatter.

Speaker 2 (37:47):
But I don't know if I enunciated parlay platt plat. Okay, Jared,
what do you have for us, buddy?

Speaker 1 (37:56):
Well, it is a platter, right, so let's serve it up.

Speaker 3 (37:59):
I think this is a very fitting a pick for
considering the name of the segment. So I was watching.
I've been paying attention to this, to the Lakers Nugget
series very closely. It's I think it's been it's been
a one sided series, I would say thus far, but
the Lakers have had a couple of moments, but not
able to get over the hump. However, I think Lebron
James is still playing it at about the highest level
he could possibly play at.

Speaker 1 (38:20):
And we're gonna put him with.

Speaker 3 (38:22):
Our pound Nikola Jokic in a two team, same game
parlay tonight. Both guys the star players. They're gonna be
on the floor for a million minutes tonight. Let's hope
it's not a hlacious blowout, but we will put Jokic
and Lebron James each to record ten or more assists. Now,
they both have kind of been hovering around this number
the entire series. Lebron got there thinking one game, Jokic

got there in one game, and they both got nine
in another game. Their regular line for this game is
eight and a half. I would bet the over on
both of those as well, but just for the sake
of the parlay, we will sell one assist and we
will put Jokic and Lebron to reach the uple digit
dime plateau. Not again, you only need those two things
to happen, and this is a.

Speaker 1 (39:06):
Pretty good payout.

Speaker 3 (39:07):
Plus three seventy five over at bet MGM are our
partners there, giving us a I think a pretty decent
again payout for what is only two events happening that
have been pretty much consistent the entire series so far.

Speaker 1 (39:21):
Jokics so far eighty nine, averaging eighty nine.

Speaker 3 (39:25):
Passes in the series, which is well above his season average,
which is about seventy five, and he had fifteen and
a half potential assists in the last two games. Whereas Lebron,
how about this the first three games of the series.
Now they've lost all three games, but eighteen, seventeen and
sixteen potential assists. So I think getting to ten tonight
for both guys. One of these guys is gonna have
a triple double. It's a matter of who, and it's

a matter of can they both get to double digitus is.

Speaker 1 (39:49):
I think they both can, and I think plus three
seventy five is a decent day out to make it.
I like it.

Speaker 8 (39:54):

Speaker 2 (39:55):
You know, Jo Kic is an artist. He's unbelievable with
this pass, There's no doubt about that. And I also
think D'Angelo Russell. This might sound strange, but the point
guard D'Angelo Russell.

Speaker 1 (40:06):
Lebron passes to everybody.

Speaker 2 (40:08):
Yeah, he'll even pass the D'Angelo for an assist here
and there. He was awful in game three, didn't hit
a shot. I think he'll be a lot better in
game four. So if that could be an assister too,
to get Lebron over the hump as well.

Speaker 3 (40:22):
Yeah, I think over eight and so I bet over
eight and a half on both guys solo.

Speaker 1 (40:27):
But again, you're having a little fun with the parlay.

Speaker 3 (40:29):
You throw them both together, you mash it up, and
you just again plus three seventy five to me, usually
that's like a three or four leg same game par
Like last week, we gave you the Bradley Beal stuff.
We needed three things to happen, and that's all we
got was plus three seventy five.

Speaker 2 (40:43):
All right, Coming up, next more draft stuff, which rookies
and which veterans hit a home run with how the
draft is unfolded. Oh, good morning everybody. Hope you're having
a fantastic Saturday. A Rich Ornberger will reconvene with us
next week. Okay, get some work done with the I
think the old electricity over there and the Ornberger residents.

You know, gotta have all that working out.

Speaker 1 (41:08):
Yeah, that's important these days.

Speaker 2 (41:09):
Yeah, gotta have that for remote broadcasting. Kind of an essential.
So we will get back with Rich oh next week.
But Jared Smith, Brian know with you here today. I
thought this would be a good thing to do, Jared,
Where we always look at the draft one way, where it's, hey,
which teams got the best players? And that's not necessarily

wrong at all, but I like to flip it around
a little bit as well and say, hey, which players
ended up with the best teams? Which players are in
the best environments. So if you start with the rookies
and then we'll eventually get to the veteran players, like
who struck gold in terms of who their new teammates are.

Kirk Cousins would not be on this list.

Speaker 1 (41:58):
Kirk Kirk Kirk.

Speaker 2 (42:01):
For anybody who can't listen. But let's start with the
rookies here. Which rookies ended up in great situations. At
the top of the list, I think it's JJ McCarthy.
Yeah right, we're looking at, Hey, what's JJ gonna do
for the Vikings? And that's fine, but look at the
Vikings and what they're gonna be able to provide for him.

You've got Justin Jefferson, arguably the best receiver in football,
Jordan Addison, TJ. Hockinson, he comes back from the ACL
but he's a really, really good tight end. You got
a lot of talent around you in Minnesota. And then
you've got Kevin O'Connell as your head coach, who's great
at scheming things and really good play caller. You've got

a ton around you. I think JJ McCarthy going to
the Vikings that's a home run for him.

Speaker 1 (42:52):
Could not agree more.

Speaker 3 (42:53):
And then, oh, by the way, Dallas Turner, who a
lot of people thought was like the number one defensive.

Speaker 1 (42:57):
Player in the draft, yeah at seventeen.

Speaker 3 (43:00):
So they made two moves in this draft that add
to what is already a very reputable core. And I
think when you look at what McCarthy is the fit
in Minnesota, and there's Thorn Eiserman does a great job
for one of the local websites covering the Vikings has
been talking about this kid going to Minnesota and the

perfect fit for like the last three months, and I agree.
Like it is like styles make fights, right, we say
that all the time. We're talking about game breakdown games. Well,
styles make quarterbacks too, And I think Kevin O'Connell, the
style that JJ plays and the weapons around him, he
is going to get dropped in.

Speaker 1 (43:38):
I don't know if he's gonna be the starter from
day one.

Speaker 3 (43:39):
I think they want him to be, but they've got
Sam Darnold, and I think he's a guy that can
at least carry the load, kind of like Perset in
New England, where you're not looking at him long term.
But he's a veteran, he's been around the block, he's
played a lot of football, been through a lot of
ups and downs throughout his career. That's the guy you
want to kind of, you know, usher in a rookie
quarterback and to get him up to speed quickly.

Speaker 1 (44:00):
I don't know what that dynamic will be.

Speaker 3 (44:02):
I haven't heard Sam talk about JJ yet, but it
was pretty obvious that Minnesota was going to take a
quarterback in this draft. It was just a matter of
when and how, and they ended up getting a guy.
And I'll be honest, I credit the Jets a lot.
The Jets had that tenth pick, they saw McCarty there
at ten, and Joe Douglas kind of pulled a you know,
a little rope adpte there. He probably called up Minnesota

and said, yeah, man.

Speaker 1 (44:26):
There's a lot of people that want to come up
to ten. You guys really want this pick. You got mcarthy.

Speaker 3 (44:29):
They knew the Vikings wanted McCarty like that was like
the worst cup secret in the draft. So I think
the way it played out, not only for the Vikings
but also the Jets in that ten to eleven swap
was a really unique situation. But it also played out
I think that was like a mutually beneficial like the
Vikers like, sure, take whatever pick you want. We want
this McCarthy guy so bad, and so the Jets get
some benefit from it, and then oh, by the way,

the Vikings.

Speaker 1 (44:51):
Get their man in the future.

Speaker 3 (44:52):
And then still made moves a little later on with
seventeen taking Turner, so I think the Vikings with those
two picks in that that little mid range first round area,
getting the quarterback of the future and perhaps their next
edge rusher of the future was an absolute slam dunk.

Speaker 2 (45:08):
Yeah, And I would say somebody else from the first
round if you look at it from the player's standpoint, right,
So all these players that just got picked, We've got
one hundred players that have been picked through three rounds
so far. I would look at Xavier Worthy. So he
goes to the Chiefs, It's like, oh, cool, Mahomes is

my quarterback. I have a legitimate chance to hit the
ground running with Mahomes, you know. And they don't have
this true number one receiver. They just have a hodgepodge
of receivers over there. In casey, that's a great opportunity
for Xavier Worthy. They trade up to get you, yeah, right,

so you are a target for them, and so they're
going to try to make it work and you get
Mahomes as your QB.

Speaker 1 (45:59):
That's huge for him.

Speaker 2 (46:00):
I also think if you flip it around and say
the rookies that were just drafted, you know, who didn't
hit a home run, I would look at Malik Neighbors right,
So he could be really special out of LSU. But
he goes to the Giants, You've got Daniel Jones as
your quarterback. You compare it to the other two receivers

in the top ten, Marvin Harrison Junior goes over to
Arizona Kyler Murray over Daniel Jones all day, every day,
no doubt about it. And then also, I'd much rather
have Caleb Williams as a rookie QB as my guy
than Daniel Jones with the Giants, who's probably his last season.
He looks like he's probably gonna be on the way

out and he can't stay healthy either. It might not
just be Daniel Jones the wing you the ball. I
think that Malik Neighbors. I think he could be really
special for the Giants. They initially are not going to
be special for him at all.

Speaker 1 (46:57):
I agree.

Speaker 3 (46:57):
I'll give you one more positive because this happened kind
of under the radar later in the first round, and
I think it's gonna be a slam donk the Lions
taking the corner from Bama Arnold, and we've seen Holmes
the GM of Detroit really prioritize Alabama players recently.

Speaker 1 (47:14):
They took branch last year, right.

Speaker 3 (47:15):
Like, I think this is a team that is like
one or two really good defensive pieces away in the secondary.
I mean they were a breath away from beating the
Niners last year, right, Like, they're really close. And I
think that move really under the radar. Right Mitchell went first,
there was some smoke that maybe Arnold was the better corner.
Mitchell went first, but Mitchell went later than a lot
of people expected. Arnold going twenty fourth to Detroit, Like,

he is gonna be slotted in day one, perfect fit.
Aaron Glenn defensive coordinator is gonna play a ton of
bump and run.

Speaker 1 (47:45):
They're gonna be very physical with the line of scrimmage
with him.

Speaker 3 (47:48):
So I like that pick a lot for Detroit, and
I think Arnold fits their scheme and he is gonna
I mean, the Lions are super Bowl ready right now,
and they got better on defense. I agree about Neighbor.
I'll give you another one that's kind of in that
same boat.

Speaker 1 (48:03):
Now. I loved it because it made me a boatload
of money. But Brock Bowers to the Raiders, like, I
love this kid. He is an absolute rock star. But
Cardner Minch's throwing on the ball this year.

Speaker 3 (48:13):
Where's the upside with Brock Bowers? If they were able
to get one of the quarterbacks either in for agency
or Kirk Cousins or somebody, and then add Bowers, Oh boy,
get ready because you got DeVante Adams and Brock back
like that could be really special. But I don't know
if that quarterback situation is a really good fit for what.

Speaker 1 (48:34):
The Raiders are trying to do long term.

Speaker 2 (48:36):
You know, one more from the prospects perspective, right the
rookies here, we've talked about the Falcons thing, and that's
not great for Kirk Cousins, right He's not gonna be
giddy about Michael Pennick junior when they could have gotten
somebody to help them right here, right now. But think
about this from Michael Pennock's junior's standpoint. I don't think

this is there's a home run for him at all.
He's gonna be sitting for who knows how long, two
three years potentially. I don't know about you, but if
I'm drafted in the top ten, I want to play
and I need to know the quarterback. We always talk
about this, who's the quarterback who sat for a year
or two and then sucked. You know what I mean,

because we only have these well Philip rivers. He sat
for a while to look at him, and then look
at this other quarterback, Jordan Love played really well last year.

Speaker 1 (49:31):
He's sat.

Speaker 2 (49:31):
And we make it sound like if you sit for
a year or two you're destined for greatness. To have
to be a few examples where that's not the case.
But if I'm Penix junior, I want to play. And
if it's not my rookie year, okay, but we're talking
year two, year three, potentially, no, thank you. I would
want no part of Atlanta if I'm Pennix Junior or
a rookie quarterback.

Speaker 5 (49:52):

Speaker 3 (49:53):
And the sad thing is like, let's just close our
eyes for a minute and pretend the Falcons didn't sign
Kirk Cousins. So let's let's do let's let's play this
thought exercise, right, and they draft Pennis Junior. How do
you feel about the pick? Then, just if it's there's no,
there's no Kirk is gone. He's still in Minnesota. He's

somewhere else.

Speaker 1 (50:13):
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (50:14):
He's you know, sipping Mike ties on the beach somewhere yeah,
and they draft Michael Pennix Like sight unseen, How do
you feel about Penix?

Speaker 1 (50:20):
Then I still feel like it's a reach.

Speaker 2 (50:23):
Sure, and it could still work out, but I would absolutely,
absolutely feel like it was a reach. Where Wow, top ten. Okay,
maybe we thought he would fall out of the first
round and a half was total.

Speaker 3 (50:36):
I mean he took some steam late. Like all the quarterbacks,
it was obvious to me the day of the draft
all six would go in the first round based on
the market. I just didn't think they'd go as high
as they did.

Speaker 2 (50:46):
Yeah, yeah, I would still think it's a reach. But man,
when you do have Kirk cousins Kirk Kirk right, you do.

Speaker 3 (50:55):
You remember the scene in Step Brothers he's saying Pam
or Pam, Pam pam. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (51:05):
One other thing to look at Look at it from
the veterans standpoint. Okay, look at all the veteran players
in the NFL who hit a home run and who didn't.
I think you just stay in the top ten. There
was a lot of talk about the Giants drafting a quarterback.
So think about Daniel Jones, who's coming off of injury,

who could have been replaced, and instead they go Moleak neighbors.
They get a stud wide receiver that's a home run
for Daniel Jones and of course the obvious for Kirk
Kirk Kirk Cousins. You know, they get Michael Pennock Junior
and don't get him some help initially, so polar opposites.

Daniel Jones gets major help, Kirk Cousins gets no immediate
help with the backup.

Speaker 1 (51:53):
Quarterback Kyler Murray, right, I mean, huge.

Speaker 2 (51:57):
Huge home run for him. Yes, And.

Speaker 3 (52:00):
I wish I could like catalog every take I've had
on this show and like just recall them immediately, because
I feel like I was very negative against the Cardinals
going in the last year, and I thought.

Speaker 1 (52:11):
Yeah, if I'm Kyler Murray rehabbing that injury.

Speaker 3 (52:13):
I'm taking it really slow. Because the Arizona Cardinals, I
don't know what their future like, they just traded, like
at that time, they had traded their top five pick
to Houston, right, and then Houston got back up and
took Will Anderson third. So it was like, what's the
future here in Arizona? And I give Kyler Murray a
boatload of credit everything I said bad about you, Kyler,
You're not listening. But if you are, you handled that

situation last year, your team traded out of the of
the top five, right, had a chance to take someone
to help you, and you decided to, you know, play
the long game, which I understand that, and then you're
rehabbing the injury and Arizona start. I mean, it was brutal,
but then they kind of played a little better, right,
like they showed some fight. And I'll be honest, I
really I really liked the head coach and the way

that era Zona handled the back of that season. Right.

Speaker 1 (53:02):
Jonathan Gannon's a defensive coach. You didn't know what they
were gonna get offensively.

Speaker 3 (53:05):
But Kyler Murray came in and looked fantastic the last
month or you know, six eight weeks of the year,
and they rewarded him by I think taking the best
maybe generational kind of talent there with Marvin Harrison Junior.
So I think both Frankly, I think both Kyler Murray
and Justin Herbert taking the best tackle in the draft
both feel a little right little when they put their

head down to rest on Thursday night, they probably felt
a little better about their situation.

Speaker 2 (53:32):
Yeah, yeah, And it's weird right where if you go
back to the breck Brock Bauers situation, if you look
at it from Michael Mayer's standpoint, m the tight end
right like on a Notre Dame, and you gotta be
looking at this like, oh wow, we got another tight end.

Speaker 3 (53:50):
I don't know if he's a real tight end, like
he gives me Kelsey vibes like they're gonna line him
up at h back. He might even play running back
like I think Bower is gonna be like a like
a Swiss army knife.

Speaker 2 (53:59):
Yeah, and you good. I don't know if you're trying
to do a Patriots thing with a that had worked
out great until well, you know, untill it didn't right,
But for a while it was really good. How about
this nugget last thing I'll leave you with. So with
JJ McCarthy going to the Vikings home run for him,
a lot of talent there and Kevin O'Connell that that's

a really good environment for JJ McCarthy, this stat blows
my mind, Jared. The Vikings they still finished tenth last
season in yards per play. Wow, they didn't have Kirk
Kirk Cousins for ten games. They didn't have Justin Jefferson
for eight games, they still were tenth and yards per

play without those guys.

Speaker 1 (54:41):
Guys. Kevin O'Connell's a really good coach.

Speaker 3 (54:44):
We need to get to that point where he is
among the top offensive minds in our sport, where we
view him in that way because man the web and
you could just tell the way they designed the team,
like they traded in division for a tight like that
never happens, and he's been fantastic. Obviously, Detroit is okay,

they got Sam Lporter. They're not crying about it. But
the way that you utilize the weapons sometimes is more
important than actually having the guys on your team. And
for a tight end Indivision to come switch midstream like
that and to have the production that he.

Speaker 1 (55:19):
Did without a healthy quarterback.

Speaker 3 (55:22):
And then oh, by the way, justin Jefferson and Jordan Madison,
who I think, you know, one two punch maybe the
best in the league. Like, there is a really interesting
thing bruin in Minnesota if McCarthy can hit the ground running.

Speaker 2 (55:33):
Man, and that's a big if. Yeah, But he's got
a lot of talent around him, a lot to work
with right there. Hey, Thoroughbred Racing has a new Independent
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All right, we've got Jared Smith FSR best analyst. I'm
Brian No coming up next. If your evaluation ends up
being wrong, can you at least live with your reasoning?
We'll apply that to the biggest named NFL prospect. Right

around the corner. It is Fox Sports Saturday, right here
on Fox Sports Radio. It is Fox Sports Saturday, right
here on Fox Sports Radio. Man, So, there was some
harsh criticisms of New Bears quarterback Caleb Williams. And we've

all seen some of the things. We've all heard some
of the things, but there was one thing in particular here, Jared,
that got me thinking of this discussion we've been having
a little bit differently. Okay, So this was on the
Pablo Tory Finds Out podcast, and there is an NFL
scout that is quoted when he's talking about Caleb Williams crying.

Speaker 1 (56:57):

Speaker 2 (56:57):
This was after the Washington game. And just bear with
me for a second, because this comment in particular, I
was like, wow, it made me think of things differently.
So the scout said, raw emotion is great, but Caleb's
thing that was ridiculous to me. That threw up major
red flags. I will tell you that scares the bleep
out of a lot of NFL teams too. That's the quote. Now,

this is where I thought of it differently. Because we've
talked about the crying thing. We don't think it's a
big deal at all. But how I thought about it differently,
it made me think of evaluations that I got wrong
in the past. But I can still live with the reasoning,
you know what I mean. That's the question. If your
evaluation ends up being wrong, can you at least still

live with the reasoning? Or I'll give you a couple
of examples.

Speaker 3 (57:48):
C J.

Speaker 2 (57:48):
Stroud. I had major doubts about c. J. Stroud coming
out of Ohio State, mostly because of the talent he
had around him there. You know, he had dudes that
are first round picks all over the place. He had
Jackson Smith and Jigba. He had Marvin Harrison Junior. He

had what like Chris Olave and all these dudes. Right,
Garrett Wilson. Those were first round picks, like one after
another a couple of years ago. They were all CJ.
Stroud's teammates, and I'm like, he's just gonna hit the
ground running with Tank Dell. Okay, Like I didn't buy it,
and that was dead wrong, but I can at least

live with that reasoning. Same thing with Jordan Love. Jordan Love,
I looked at it and I said, the guy has
thrown eighty three passes in the NFL. That's what he
had heading into last season. I'm like an inexperienced guy
throwing to nothing but inexperienced wide receivers and tight ends.

I don't expect them to hit the ground running. That
was dead wrong, but I can live with the reasoning.
So the point is, what if Caleb Willilliams does pan
out for the Bears. Let's say he's really good. Can
you live with your reasoning if you're like, yeah, I
kind of doubted him because he cried after a loss. Like,

I don't think that you can stand by that reasoning
if he pans out and your evaluation is wrong. Listen,
evaluations are wrong.

Speaker 1 (59:22):
But some are really wrong.

Speaker 2 (59:25):
Like the reasoning is shoddy to begin with and I think, well,
Cayleb Williams cright after a game. I think that reasoning
is really really bad, and it's just gonna look worse
if he does pan out.

Speaker 3 (59:36):
I think there's a lot of closed minded people that
are scouts in the NFL. I think that the take
that I saw, and I saw it come out this week,
and I saw the you know, the discourse surrounding it,
I think he was called They called him Prince. They
said he's a weird kid. One GM told me if
it's like if Prince played quarterback, Okay, Like, Prince to

me is like one of the most iconic performers and
entertainers of our time.

Speaker 1 (01:00:03):
And I don't know if right, Like.

Speaker 3 (01:00:07):
Are we judging Prince as a person or are we
judging him for his entertainment accolades in the music industry?
Like how are we judging Caleb Williams. I understand that
you have to be a quality human. You have to
do your job, you have to go to work, punch
the clock, know the playbook, be a leader, all those things.

Take off the field, you know, internal mental fortitude to do.

Speaker 1 (01:00:38):
But Caleb's done all those things.

Speaker 3 (01:00:40):
Like I think if you look at the situation. It's
like you're you're judging this kid because of his personality,
where his personality has only shown emotion and passion for the.

Speaker 1 (01:00:54):
Sport that he plays.

Speaker 3 (01:00:56):
Now, you might not like how he expresses that emotion passion,
But this scout's probably thirty or forty years older than
Kayleb Williams. People need to realize. And I struggle with
this too. Sometimes it helps that I have three very
young nieces and nephews to kind of bring me back
to reality. The world has evolved since whenever this scout,
And he's a former scout by the way, so he's

not a current scout. He don't even have the job
right now. Maybe that's an interesting one, but that, to
me is the part of this that bothers me. You
are judging this kid for his personality. By the way,
we don't get to choose our personalities. They just exist
inside of us. There are you know, subconscious So judge
him for how he handles himself on the field, how

he handles himself with the coaching staff.

Speaker 1 (01:01:42):
With the players.

Speaker 3 (01:01:43):
Does he upset his teammates, No, he's just maybe a
little quirky, Like, what are we judging him? On, Like,
that's the part that really bothers me. This is a
strictly personal judgment of Caleb Williams. Now, if he doesn't
pan out because the weirdness is starting to affect his teammates,
well that's different. But right now you're just saying, yeah,
it's a little weird, let's not draft him first overall,

Like that makes no sense.

Speaker 2 (01:02:07):
It doesn't make any sense. I'll give you a couple
of dudes who are quirky and successful. Jim Harbaugh. Yeah,
Jim Harbaugh.

Speaker 1 (01:02:16):
Is a weirdo.

Speaker 2 (01:02:17):
You know, he's a different it's the nervous bird. Yeah, right, weird.
I'll never forget. After they beat Washington in the National
Championship game, he's being interviewed on the field and confetti
is just raining down and he's like, all these pieces
of confetti they tell a story and no, Jim, it's

just confetti. Man, what are you talking about. There's another
guy who's weird, Aaron Rodgers. But guess what, he's a
freaking baller, you know what I mean. It's this idea
that what you can't be weird and successful at the
same time. Okay, Caleb Williams does a few things that
some people might look as well, that's different or that's

that's I don't care. All I care about is is
he getting the job done on the field?

Speaker 1 (01:03:06):

Speaker 2 (01:03:07):
And as long as anything that's eccentric doesn't get in
the way of winning or anything like that.

Speaker 1 (01:03:13):
Who cares.

Speaker 2 (01:03:14):
Who cares if the guy does things differently than you do.
I just think it's a dumb reason to dismiss the guy.
And there was a lot of that leading up to
the draft, and there's only going to be more until
he proves those people wrong by producing.

Speaker 3 (01:03:27):
Frankly that like all the people that have doubted me
and naysayed me publicly. Of all, it's fuel. It's fuel,
and I'm sure Caleb will use it as fuel. But
we don't have the ability to go back in time
and change things in the past. We have the ability
to change things in the future, and unfortunately, we live

in a really judgmental society like it is the most
and you.

Speaker 1 (01:03:52):
Know, we're a blame.

Speaker 3 (01:03:53):
We're on the radio and talking about it every week,
but that's our jobs and it is It's really hard
to look at today's society and to compare it to
anything that took place when and Granted, I don't know
who this scout is. I'm assuming he's above the age
of forty. Let's just make a safe barrier. I would
say fifty may be safer two. But let's say he's

in his forties or his fifties. So he grew up
in the eighties and the nineties, like I did, right
that to me, the society was so different back then.
You are only comparing your like you're judging Kleb Williams
off of your upbringing, Like to me, he's weird. Well
maybe to someone else he's not weird. Like, I think

the judgment of a personality is the worst possible thing
you can do to frame someone's professional acumen. I have
the ability to take my personality and hit pause on
it when I do my job, Like that's called professionalism.
Like sometimes it seeps through at times and you get
a good glimpse of who I am on the air,

But there are times when you just have to your job.
And I think that is the part that bothers me
about this take. You are judging him based off of
his personality, and you didn't mention about the times that
maybe he toned down some of his weirdness. To make
sure the team did what they needed to do right,
whatever the vibe was that day, whatever the practice, whatever

the accomplishment, the obstacle they had to overcome.

Speaker 1 (01:05:21):
So to me, this is like.

Speaker 3 (01:05:22):
The worst possible way to judge a kid, and it's
unfortunate that this created.

Speaker 1 (01:05:26):
So much team.

Speaker 2 (01:05:27):
You know, I'll say this real fast because I just
thought of another guy who's some would view him as
a little bit dif weird, certainly emotional, Odell Beckham Junior. Right,
And think about this. The point I'm trying to make
is I would rather have a dude who's emotional because

he cares right. They just kind of like unplugged in
Jay Cutler esque, you know, where he's just kind of like,
I'd rather have a dude like Odell Beckham Junior. And
sometimes the emotion got in his way. Yeah, sometimes he
got attacked by a kicking net, you know what I mean,
Like sometimes that got in his way. But he was

a flat out baller early in his career when the
injuries didn't play a part, and a lot of that
fuel was how much he cared, right, Like he was
an emotional guy, but he was absolutely invested and cared
a ton I would rather have Caleb Williams crying after
a game because he cares so much than just unplugged

and unfazed, like what do I care. I'm gonna be
making thirty million dollars pretty soon in the NFL, like
we lost the Washington or big deal. I think that's
actually a strength. So it's a strange conversation. But long
story short, I'd rather have a guy that's invested and
cares than a guy that doesn't. Someone who cares a

ton about our general wellbeing and yours the maven of information,
mister Isaac Loewenkron, what's going on?

Speaker 6 (01:06:58):
I love the general well being of the Phoenix Suns
and their fans. Not great at this am because of
what happened in Game three of the NBA Playoffs on
Friday night, as Anthony Edwards at the Minnesota Timberwolves scored
thirty six in a one twenty six to one oh
nine victory at Phoenix for a three games to none lead.
Rudy Gobert and Carl Anthony Towns both with double doubles.

Earlier Friday night, the Indiana Pacers in overtime defeated the
Milwaukee Bucks one twenty one to one eighteen for a
two games to one lead. Tyrese Halliburton the game winning
three point play with one point six left at overtime,
as he finished with an eighteen point ten rebound, sixteen
assist triple double. The Bucks played without giannis on Tedtacunpo

because of a strained left calf, and Damian Lillard aggravated
an achilles tendon injury late in the fourth quarter. Also
Friday night, the Dallas Mavericks defeated the Los Angeles Clippers
one to one to ninety for a two games to
one lead. In Major League Baseball on Friday night in
San Francis, the Giants and Pittsburgh Pirates were scoreless all

the way into the bottom of the nine thinning. Giants
had two on Patrick Bailey at the plate and Hall
of Famer John Miller at the mic on canbr.

Speaker 1 (01:08:13):
Here's the set, the one one pitch.

Speaker 8 (01:08:15):
There's a drive in the deep light field way back there.

Speaker 1 (01:08:21):
The battle game is over.

Speaker 8 (01:08:24):
Oh what bar free run homer for Patrick.

Speaker 6 (01:08:28):
Bailey, twins over the Angels in Anaheim five to three,
Minnesota on a five game winning streak Phillies and nine
to three triumph at San Diego as they had five
home runs, including the seventh forour Kyle Schwarber and the
sixth by Bryce Harper. And the NFL Draft resumes today
at noon Eastern, less than ninety minutes from now, with
round four the Carolina Panthers on the clock, Fellas all yours, thank.

Speaker 2 (01:08:53):
You, I Lo it is Fox Sports Saturday right here
on Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (01:08:58):

Speaker 2 (01:08:58):
Guess who had money on the the Pirates yesterday as well?
That would be me. They had the bases loaded in
the top of the ninth inning and a scoreless game
there Jared, and it's your old one two three double
play just grinded out to the picture right there that sucked.
And then the bottom of the ninth that was the
three run homer that Isaac lohen crun just played for

you right there and crystal clear audio and uh.

Speaker 1 (01:09:24):
Probably wanted to tune out for that one.

Speaker 2 (01:09:26):
Yeah, yeah, actually, it's yeah, that's exactly what I was doing.

Speaker 1 (01:09:32):
Isn't that the best? When you lose like that?

Speaker 3 (01:09:34):
That's like the worst part about sometimes our business when
we do the betting thing, and then I have to
turn on the highlights, because you know, I watch highlights
of stuff, and then it's the pervasive media that highlights
are where things will just pop up on your feed,
like the bad beat that just happened. Yeah, you have
to relive that awful moment that just took hundreds of
dollars from you. But here it is, it's awesome, a

million exclamation points.

Speaker 2 (01:09:56):
You know what I hate the most. I wish my
reaction wasn't this way, But I really think it's human nature,
you know, and a lot of people can relate to this.
If you have a terrible day, nothing goes right. Let's
say you're betting on the Pirates and the Suns last
night and it just all goes the hell. You know.

It sucks when someone is like, I had an amazing
day of gambling and you're like, I've probably done that.
If you right, like, it'd be like you just broke up.
You don't know where your life is heading. And someone
else is like.

Speaker 1 (01:10:32):
I just got engaged.

Speaker 2 (01:10:33):
This is unbelievable, and you're right, like, I don't want
to be unhappy for anybody else. Yeah, if things are
going you're ware, that's great. I don't want to be
like and I can't help but think that where it's like, man,
good for them. But that just makes my day even worse.

Speaker 3 (01:10:52):
Maybe this is why that NFL draft scouts so mad
about Caleb Williams. Maybe he thought he was going to
be a quarterback in the NFL one day and he
turned out to be a draft scout or some you know,
talent evaluator, and now he's just gonna be overly critical
on things that don't matter in the grand scheme of
the world and football.

Speaker 2 (01:11:13):
That sounds about right. Maybe maybe that's it. By the way,
Real Fast Ilo mentioned this as well. The Bucks losing
in double overtime. Yeah, what a game though, Huh, that
wasn't unbelievable. It was Haliburton man. He missed every shot
until he needed to make one, any fund and one.
I feel bad for the Bucks, Jared, And it's not

just a Game three thing. It's an injury thing. They
haven't had Yannis all series long. He's got the strained
calf and now Dame is banged up. Where earlier in
the game he tweaks a knee, then in the fourth
quarter it's his achilles. It's like, my goodness, what else
can go wrong for this Milwaukee team. I hate that

injuries have gotten in their way because I really would
have liked to have seen a health team and with
Doc Rivers, just to see how far they could have gotten. Yeah,
they might not have gotten past the Indian. Who knows,
will never know, but I just know it sucks that
they're banged up at the worst possible time.

Speaker 3 (01:12:13):
Yeah, I think there is a savior that could help
them if Jannis does come back and play as well.

Speaker 1 (01:12:18):
This series is not over yet.

Speaker 3 (01:12:19):
It's two to one now. Nindy's got home court, They've
got the momentum. I think they're younger, they're fresher. I
think they're better equipped to win the series. But the
NBA's got a funny way of messing with your mind here.
And I haven't looked at the schedule. I don't know
if they get an extra date. They do not, so
you know, sometimes you get that extra date. Their extra

day was between Games two and three on the travel day.
Every game for the rest of the series will be
one off, one on, one off, one on.

Speaker 1 (01:12:49):
Which is not beneficial to them.

Speaker 3 (01:12:51):
So obviously the chips are stacked against them, I'll be honest, though,
Chris Middleton would he dropped forty last night, like, Yeah,
there's a chance for him to get high and to
kind of take that secondary scoring role away from from Dame.
But if Yannis doesn't come back, the series over anyways.
But if Yannis comes back in the next game before
tomorrow and is able to play, well, I don't think

this like I'm not ready to just call this series
just yet, because Milwaukee was able to win Game one
and and and kind of at least give themselves a chance, right,
because the question was we're talking about this about the betting.
Betting perspective wise, do we bet Indiana to win the
series now or do we wait because we don't know
about Gianni's status. The fact that Milwaukee won Game one

kind of changed the tone of things. So I don't
think it's over yet. But yes, obviously Chips stacked heavily
against the Bucks after last night.

Speaker 2 (01:13:45):
Yeah, really they are, and it probably would take Janni's
coming back, yeah, for them to win this series with
Dame being banged up, right, Like, this isn't uh yeah,
my left shoulder was a little bit, but I'm working
through it. And you're like, okay, who this isn't my
you know, my left ring finger and this is an

achilles yeah right. He's like, yeah, I kind of activated.
This achilles thing going on in the fourth quarter. It's like,
oh gosh, that's not good. Whatsoever? I will say book
ending this with how bad the day went. I've also
had a little in game Pacers minus three and a half.
I looked good a couple of times, Jared, where you know,

Pascal Siakam trying to trying to get the and one
at the end of regulation to go up four, misses
the free throw and Middleton cans the three.

Speaker 1 (01:14:39):
By the way, that helped. Huh it did?

Speaker 2 (01:14:42):
That was the only way we could have gotten home,
was Middleton hitting that. What crazy show are the Pacers doing?
Not fouling you when you're up by three in the
final seconds, why are you like, maybe Middleton will miss.
He's only gonna go for forty two tonight file the guy, yes,
but goes to overtime. Okay, they were in ot We
got the Pacers. They hit a three in the final

you know, sixteen seconds or so. Okay, all right, we're
looking good. Let's get a miss. They're gonna follow us. Uh,
Middleton banks in a three for double overtime. Then we're
crazy the side of that, Yeah, we're triple overtime. How
crazy was it? Were they inbounded the ball with like
six seconds to go. They throw it way in the

back court for Halliburton, unbelievable place. And he gets this
running start and hits the end one and and we
we win by three when we needed to win by four.

Speaker 1 (01:15:36):
Is in gambling fund right? You want to be a
gamblers crass? Yeah?

Speaker 3 (01:15:40):
Yeah, you want to hear an opposite side of that
that I was on that turned out positively. It's been
the conversation in a positive way to take it. So Halliburton,
who was like, oh for the world last night, I mean,
you could not hit a shot. I think it was
one for twelve from three his point total I bet
over sixteen and a half. It was fifteen until the
last and that's beautiful and he ended with eight. And

now the free throw didn't matter, but that shot put
him over his point prop for the night. And you
watched the game. He could not hit and the usage
rate went way up. I love the look. I was
very comfortable even if I lost the bet. I felt
comfortable with the read because you know, he took a
gazillion shots, he couldn't make anything, but that hitting the

way that it did, it felt fitting like Haliburton to
me is the heart and soul of this new what.

Speaker 1 (01:16:26):
He had fourteen thirteen assists last night, like absolute rock star.

Speaker 2 (01:16:29):
And it is fitting that you know your bet hit
based on this weekend. Mind uh, we're gonna get back today,
all right. We got to prop it up right around
the corner. So we'll see if I can rally things
and if Jared can stay red hot. He's Jared Smith,
f SR betting analyst. I'm Brian no Picks around the corner.
It's Fox Sports Saturday, right here on Fox Sports Radio.

It is Fox Sports Saturday, right here on Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (01:16:56):
Let's dive into this.

Speaker 4 (01:17:02):
Prop it up plays.

Speaker 2 (01:17:06):
Okay, we got some prop bets over here for you guys.
We'll start with you, Jared. Anything you like in particular.

Speaker 3 (01:17:13):
There is a lot that I like today in the NBA,
so I'll be honest. The NBA prop market in the
playoffs is an absolute gold mine. And here's why the
books are taking numbers from the regular season and they're saying, Okay,
this is about where the averages have been and it's
hard to create numbers and manually, I mean there's a
million players and they're throwing up numbers and you know

just as well as me, Brian in the playoffs, rotations,
Titan minutes up, more, minutes, more.

Speaker 1 (01:17:41):
Whatever, stats, assist points, whatever.

Speaker 3 (01:17:43):
So if you can find the guys that are getting
those minutes bumps, I think you have a big edge
on the books. Let's start with Evan Mobley. I love
buying off of blowouts. Obviously the Cavs. That was one
of the ugliest games I've ever seen in Orlando the
other night. They will obviously play better. He can't play
any worse. They will obviously play better. Today, Mobley still

score double digit points despite again Cleveland not being able
to score anything and only playing twenty two minutes. Mobley's
point prop today is said at fourteen and a half.
I think there's a lot of smoke on Donovan Mitchell.
I think that's where Orlando's defense will focus. I think
Jared Allen gets a lot of attention in the middle.
Evan Mobley can kind of fly under the raidars. This
is a guy who can absolutely go off at any

given moment. He has a seventy one percent hit rate
on his points prop. When he's got Garland, Allen and
Mitchell on the floor this year, more minutes, no blowout. Today,
Evan Mobley goes over fourteen and a half points. The
other guy I'll give you because of this minute's bump.
We don't talk about the Thunder a whole lot, but
keep an eye on Jalen Williams today.

Speaker 1 (01:18:44):
I don't care what you play. I bet over four
and a half assists.

Speaker 3 (01:18:48):
This dude is playing almost forty minutes a game, thirty
nine minutes in game one he played thirty five, which
was a blowout game, and his playoff passing rate most
on the team. Nine and a half potential assists per
game through the first couple of games of this series.
We only need five today to hit this prompt so
mobile over fourteen and a half points. That's the early

game Cabs magic. Williams over four and a half is
just Jalen Williams, the big man for the Thunder. This
two's Jayen Williams on. Okayc keep an eye on that
for okay see later two.

Speaker 2 (01:19:20):
Okay, So I'm gonna stick with that same game. Pells
hosting OKAC not too scientific right here. I just Jonas
Valentunis is way bigger than chet Holm Grit and he
went crazy in game one rebounding, had twenty rebounds, and
then came back to earth in game two Game three

at home. You know, Oka See is always a threat
to shoot the lights out, but on the road when
the Pels have to have it, I'm gonna say they're
not gonna be scorching hot today, and a lot of
rebounding opportunities for Valentunis. I'm gonna over eleven and a half.
And that's one of those numbers where it seems kind

of daunting beforehand. Like Jared Allen, I thought about him
as well. With the calves. It's at twelve and a
half is the total, and you're like, man, that's a
lot of rebounds. No, it's It's amazing how some of
these rebounding numbers they just start stacking up quickly. So
I'm going Valanchuna is just huge size advantage over chet

Holme Grin. Give me over eleven and a half today
for Big v As I call him, Jared, How do
you like the double double? Yeah?

Speaker 1 (01:20:35):
Yeah, a good one too for Jonas.

Speaker 2 (01:20:37):
Could be all right coming up next? Is the best
case scenario? Still good for this team. Oh, welcome in Hope.
You're having a fantastic Saturday. You know, Jared, if we
go back to the Pennix junior situation here for a bit,
the Falcons, you know well chronicled the land Kirk cousins

in the off seat in pay them one hundred million
dollars guaranteed, and then they get Michael Pennick junior with
the eight brawl. Pick what they ended up doing.

Speaker 1 (01:21:12):
Here's the thing.

Speaker 2 (01:21:13):
Maybe it works down the road, maybe it pays dividends,
but it won't. You're betting against it. Huh yeah, well
you've been hot start. It is from the start. Here's
the deal. Even if it does work down the road,

you're negating your greatest advantage of taking a quarterback in
the top ten where you're hoping to strike it rich
with say c. J. Stroud last year, where he hits
the ground running. And then the Texans they get really
aggressive this offseason and they make some big time additions

because you can.

Speaker 1 (01:21:56):
You've got a.

Speaker 2 (01:21:57):
Quarterback on a rookie contract, and so you just build
around the guy. You go out and you get danil Hunter,
you trade for Stefan Diggs. You know you're going all in.
That's the greatest advantage. If you look at some of
the teams that have made the Super Bowl the last
couple of years, the forty nine Ers this past season,

Rock Purdy rookie deal. Look at the Eagles. Jalen Hurts
was on his rookie deal the season prior, Joe Burrow
was on his rookie deal this season before that. Now,
none of those teams won, but they were right there. Yeah,
every game lost by a field goal like this close.
My index finger and my thumb are very close together.

They're like very close, fifty to fifty ball games that
could have gone their way. But the point is, that's
the greatest advantage in the NFL if you have a
really good, productive quarterback on his rookie contract. And the
way it's shaping up for the Falcons, whenever Pennix Junior
becomes the guy, this could be years down the road.

You don't get the same benefit of him being on
the cheap and on his rookie contract. So even if
this does work out, your greatest advantage has been negated
because he's gonna be holding a clipboard most likely for
a couple of years. That's one of the main reasons
I don't like this move at all.

Speaker 3 (01:23:21):
Yeah, one of my mentors in the gambling space when
I first started doing this, like really heavily, he said,
I know that the parlays and these fun long shot
wagers are are you know, they're gonna get your attention
and you'll get a lot of retweets and maybe you'll
make a couple bucks one day. But before you make
a bet, close your eyes and think about everything that

needs to go right in order for you to win
that bet. And if your mind starts taking you down
a road where it's like this has to happen and
this and the this, and then for this to happen
in here and that, you need to make sure that
you're being paid commeserate to what those you know in
your mind. The eye should match up to what you're
paying for it. So let's apply this logic to what

the Falcons did.

Speaker 1 (01:24:07):
In order for.

Speaker 3 (01:24:07):
This move to work, Kirk Cousins has to be successful,
because if he's not successful, then people are gonna ask
why the heck did you just spend one hundred dollars
of Arthur Blank's money to go get them? So first
Kirk Cousins has to be successful, maybe one year of really.

Speaker 1 (01:24:26):
Good quality play.

Speaker 3 (01:24:28):
Then you have to time it perfectly, like thread the
needle perfectly, where his decline starts to match up with
the incline of Michael Pennix feeling comfortable and safe in
a new system and a new situation, and then the
paths have to cross perfectly for this to work. That

is a lot of things that have to go right
a long way down the road. And I always say
when I'm handicapping the draft, it's a lot easier to
handicap the first two or three picks. The later on
you get, the more the crazy reality starts to say
it and this happens here and it changes everything. So
the longer we play this scenario out, it's harder and

harder to get it right because the future things change,
the variables change. We have to project out two to
three years in order to get to the proper answer
for the decision that was made on Thursday night.

Speaker 1 (01:25:28):
That is like a thirty team parlay. Yeah it ain't hitting.

Speaker 2 (01:25:33):
Yeah, No, it's a really well it's a really good
job of framing it. And it reminds me. I read
something totally random where there's a nugget where one fifth
of Americans on vacation think about their next vacation.

Speaker 1 (01:25:51):

Speaker 2 (01:25:52):
And I'm like, that's basically what the Falcons are doing
right now. Yes, they're on vacation and thinking about their
next vacation. I get that it's smart to plan for
the future in general, but there are times when you
just have to freaking go for it, you know what
I mean. And I think there's a situation that would

most likely present itself that might rival the Penis Junior
situation that would be even better down the road, you
know what I mean.

Speaker 1 (01:26:26):
Like, so you reach on Penick Junior.

Speaker 2 (01:26:29):
With the eighth overall pick, are you telling me that
there's not gonna be a similar situation, let's say two
or three years down the road. Yeah, where they could
have done the same thing and the timing would have worked.

Speaker 1 (01:26:43):
Out way better.

Speaker 2 (01:26:46):
Where Kirk Cousins has been around for a couple of years,
he's getting longer in the tooth. You're looking for the
next quarterback to take the reins. Kirk Cousins hasn't played
one snappy yet and he's got years left in him.
It just does it make sense to me? And even
if we play the best best case scenario I was
thinking about this year, if you look at the other

side of the coin, right, it's important to do this.
Let's play the what if game? What if things do
work out, what would that look like? Okay, if this
works out for Kirk Cousins, Hey, Kirk Cousins missed time
last year. What if Kirk misses you know, let's say
three four games and Pennix Junior fills in and plays

pretty well and they win a few of those games
and it keeps them alive in the playoff chase, And okay,
that's that's probably best case scenario. Best case scenario for
Penix Junior, Well, he holds a clipboard for a while,
eventually takes over and is a stud, and that's that's
good for him. But every best case scenario has a drawback,

you know what I mean. And that's what I can't
get past either, is, even if this works out as
best as it can, there's a drawback for Kirk. Let's
say Penix Junior fills in admirably, well, hurt for a
little bit. Well you know what's gonna happen. Well, why
don't just stick with Penix Junior. Why bring back Kirk Cousins.
That's not great? And then also the rookie deal that

I talked about, where you're not taking great advantage of that.
I look at the Packers as a good example. There's
a drawback to having Jordan Love sit for years is
they didn't get to take great advantage of him being
on a rookie contract. The Packers had a good season,
Jordan Love played great last year to number two in

the NFL in touchdown passes. They didn't take great advantage
of him being on a rookie contract because they didn't
know what they had and now they're probably gonna pay
him this offseason. So you never got a chance to
take advantage of that great luxury of a productive quarterback
on a rookie contract. And that's where I think that's alarming,

where every best case scenario still has made your drawbacks.
With the Falcons taking Pennix chew, Yeah, and.

Speaker 3 (01:29:03):
That's why again it goes back to predicting out the
future is not easy to do. The longer into the future,
you get I know what I'm having for lunch today,
I have no idea what I'm having for lunch next week.

Speaker 1 (01:29:13):
Yeah, like it just it.

Speaker 3 (01:29:15):
It doesn't make sense from a logic standpoint, and I'm
all about logic.

Speaker 1 (01:29:20):
I understand contrarian.

Speaker 3 (01:29:21):
This was you can't even put this in the contrarian category,
because contrarian is when you see a market bubble that
isn't being accounted for and you and you try to
zig when everyone else is zagging.

Speaker 1 (01:29:34):
There's no zig or zag here. This is like zilch.

Speaker 3 (01:29:37):
I just I don't understand the logic because you nailed
it with the two to three years that is the
window for Kirk Cousins. Let's call it a two year window,
just like Aaron Rodgers two year window. You're telling me
that in twenty twenty six, you have such a good
feel for the landscape of quarterbacks coming into the NFL

that you don't think one of those guys can give
you what Penix gave you. And I heard the clip
they played it during the commercial of Brady Quinn, who
was one hundred percent right, and he said he likes
the fact that Atlanta said he was Penix was so
good they couldn't pass him up. I like that conviction
and that if I'm Michael Penix, I have a lot
of confidence coming.

Speaker 1 (01:30:19):
Into Atlanta, but you're not the starter.

Speaker 3 (01:30:22):
If they liked just so much, they knew he was
playing in Washington last year.

Speaker 1 (01:30:28):
They watched him play, but.

Speaker 3 (01:30:30):
They still signed Kirk Cousins if they liked him that much.
This dude has been playing college football for five years.
You liked him that much, and you still took a
hundred mili of Uncle Blank's money and gave it to
Kirkie Potte Like I just it's.

Speaker 1 (01:30:47):
The logic of this decision.

Speaker 3 (01:30:50):
And I don't usually get this heated because I try
to stay calm, because when you're passionate and overly emotional,
you don't make good bets. This is the worst decision
I have ever seen since I've been doing this job
in terms of like draft capital, future projections, where the
team is now. I don't think you could have made

other than maybe drafting a kicker. You could have taken
anyone else at eight and it would have been better
than what the situation currently is.

Speaker 1 (01:31:19):
Yeah, and think about this too.

Speaker 2 (01:31:23):
Let's just say Kirk re signed with the Vikings and
then they drafted a quarterback. You'd be like, what are they?
Why would they be doing this?

Speaker 1 (01:31:34):
You know what I mean?

Speaker 2 (01:31:35):
They it makes zero sense for the here and now. Again,
I don't have a crystal ball. I don't know what's
gonna happen years down the road. Like Jordan love the Packers,
like that they have them now. But I would also
rewind to those last couple of years with Aaron Rodgers.
I mean, Aaron Rodgers had a couple of MVP seasons,

you know what I mean, Like, who knows what would
have happened, and if they used a first round pick
that might have been a major asset that helped them
get over the top.

Speaker 1 (01:32:06):
We'll never know that.

Speaker 2 (01:32:07):
I think you could play that game even better with
the Falcons. You're talking about the number eight overall pick.
There's an even better chance, right, it's a top ten pick.
This guy could help a lot. So I just don't
get it. I also think this last thing you mentioned
this at the beginning of the show, Bill Belichick, yep,
and the Falcons passed him over years ago, a lot

of people were wearing these bracelets that said, WWJD, you
remember this, what would Jesus do?

Speaker 1 (01:32:37):

Speaker 2 (01:32:38):
It's just like, I screw that. Just have fun, do
whatever you want to do. But then now it's yolo.
It's yolo now, But back then that's what it was.
I think that NFL front offices a lot of these
teams should have WWBD. What would Belichick do? And he
didn't get everything right. I'm not saying he did, but

I'll tell you one thing, Jared, there is no way
if they signed Bill Pelichick to be their head coach
in Atlanta that Michael Pennix Junior would be there. No
chance because it's just dumb.

Speaker 1 (01:33:11):
Zero shot. And that's why I tweeted this.

Speaker 3 (01:33:14):
So the video of Blank and font No going back
and forth is one of the funniest things ever. Again,
it reminds me of what my grandfather used to like
the like the waiter at the at the at the
diner he went to gave in the wrong soup and
he's trying to send it back and he's like, wait
a minute, I didn't order this. He's like, oh, back
and forth like wait, are you sure? And then the
what it happened was like I think in that moment

there was regret. Why didn't I hire Bill? Like I
I honestly do believe that, And I don't know. I'm
just basing it off of body language. In my personal opinion,
I don't really know what Arthur Blank is thinking. But
if I was Arthur Blank, that's what I would be thinking.

Speaker 2 (01:33:53):
Man, it makes me think about the report from last
week we talked about with Robert Kraft calling yeah yeah,
Arthur Blank and say, hey man, this Belichick guy. Don't
trust him, really hard to work with, YadA YadA, YadA YadA.

Speaker 1 (01:34:08):
Nix's agent.

Speaker 3 (01:34:09):
That was really called, right, Brian, There's got to be
an explanation out there in the universe somewhere.

Speaker 1 (01:34:18):
I don't know where it is.

Speaker 3 (01:34:19):
It's like the great mystery of our time, like how
the Big Bang theory and Michael Pennock's getting drafted eighth?

Speaker 1 (01:34:25):
You know what?

Speaker 2 (01:34:26):
And I'll spend this in a gambling direction real fast, Jared,
Jared is, I don't know about you. I would imagine
you're similar. Last that give you an example. Okay, Heading
into the game, I'm like, I'm gonna bet on the Suns.
I don't see them losing three straight. This is a
team that handled the timber Wolves. They won every game

in the regular season by double digits. They come home,
crowd's going to be into it. Maybe the sun shoot
the lights out. I'm gonna have them.

Speaker 1 (01:34:55):
Get a game.

Speaker 2 (01:34:56):
Yeah, I thought at least made sense. Then the game
plays out, and then a lot of gamblers do this.

Speaker 1 (01:35:03):
What was I thinking?

Speaker 2 (01:35:04):
That was such a stupid bet, That was so idiotic.
But with Pennix Junior, if you told me before the draft, hey,
I get a little tip for you. Falcons are gonna
go with Pennex Junior, I would have laughed in your face.
I would have been like, what have you watched football
and all? What are you talking about?

Speaker 1 (01:35:26):

Speaker 2 (01:35:26):
So it's like the the yin to the yang with gambling.
If you ever have a bet that misses and you're
kicking yourself and you're like, I'm the biggest idiot. What
was I thinking? Every now and then those long shots hit.
You'd imagine if you bet a decent amount on I

don't know, uh, Penix Junior to the Falcons, and that's
not what happened, you know what I mean, you'd be like,
what was I thinking? But guess what it actually did happen.
Some of this crazy stuff does happen. So long story show,
don't kick yourself because it's sports and crazy stuff happens.

Speaker 3 (01:36:03):
Well the draft, and we didn't talk about the bet
I hit. You know, it was obscene that the Bowers
to the Raiders bet hit, right, like it was basically
the bet was, and the draft has this really unique
way of kind of framing these bets, like this team
to draft this position, and it's a thought exercise because
and I give all the credit to Doug Azirion, who

I did a podcast with him last week, and we
were just having a conversation mid conversation about Brock Bowers
to the Jets, and we're like, that makes so much sense, right,
Like you brought some tackles in in the off season,
you got year two of this Aaron Rodgers window.

Speaker 1 (01:36:41):
You need to really get him some help. And they did.

Speaker 3 (01:36:43):
Later in the draft. They got the Western Kentucky receiver
who I love, Corley, but we're like, yeah, you know, Bowers,
like they might pass, And then Doug just mentioned it
off hand, like kind of mid conversation, He's like, well,
let's say the Jets pass on Bowers and he's still available,
and the Broncos at twelve are gonna go obviously, you
know eleven and twelve Vikings Broncos were quarterbacks, and if

the Raiders, who really want a quarterback, miss out on
these quarterbacks, and then Brock Bauers is sitting there at thirteen,
like Mark Davis is kind of a gunslinger, like I
wouldn't be shocked if he just you know, took a
chance on who could be He might be the best
overall offensive player in the draft when it's all said
and done, him and Marvin Arrison Junior. And I'm like, wow,
that really makes a lot of sense. And then I
looked at the odds. I'm like, this is sixty to one.
Nobody's betting this.

Speaker 1 (01:37:28):
I was like, all right, it could happen.

Speaker 3 (01:37:30):
So yeah, the long shots, dude tend to play out
sometimes in the draft, but you've got to really do
Like that logic made sense, right, Brian, Like that to me,
that logic makes that the logic with Penix I couldn't
have gotten there. There's no logic that could have gotten
me to make that bet.

Speaker 2 (01:37:46):
And it's hard to make a bet like, I know
this makes no sense, Yeah, but it could happening.

Speaker 3 (01:37:51):
Made a little sense, right, like maybe the quarterbacks early
and then and David Pennis does.

Speaker 2 (01:37:56):
It's just like, man, it's hard to make bets where
you're like, I know this makes no sense at all,
but it could happen. That just sounds like the thinking
of a mush you know, hey, Thoroughbred racing has a
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That Safety Runs First dot Com. All right, we've got
Jared Smith FSR betting analyst dom Brian No coming up next.
History made in a couple of ways in the NFL Draft.
Which way blows your mind more? It's Fox Sports Saturday,

right here on Fox Sports Radio. It is Fox Sports Saturday,
right here on Fox Sports Radio. Okay, so we had
a couple of records that were broken in the first round.
Here Jared of the NFL Draft. Which one blows your
mind the most? Okay, So here's the list among others. Right, So,

six of the top twelve picks were quarterbacks, all qbs.
Never happened before, unprecedented. Also, the first fourteen picks were
all offensive players. Previous high was seven. And then there
were twenty three offensive players drafted in the first round.
Previous high was nineteen. So of those three six qbs

in the top twelve first fourteen picks all offensive players.
Twenty three offensive players drafted in the first round. Which
record blows your mind the most? The quarterbacks, And I'll
tell you why.

Speaker 3 (01:39:40):
Yeah, I think the offensive stuff is like happens stance,
Like it just so happened that this draft the best
players were lineman, receivers and quarterbacks. I think that's just
next year could be all defensive linemen. Like it just
you might get four defensive linemen in the top that
next year. And I think it's just a matter of
the luck of the draw with who's coming out and

who's picking when I think that, and that also correlates
to the offensive lineman and all that other stuff. I
think the quarterbacks to me is a not necessarily a
generational shift, because we've been moving in this direction for
a long time, but it is the tipping point of
teams showing you how important this position is at the

top of the draft. And we know that, like we've
already known that answer for a long time, but now
we are raising the bar even higher to the future,
whereas now teams will be perhaps even more aggressive with quarterbacks.
Bon Nicks, who I love, is not the twelfth best

player in this class.

Speaker 1 (01:40:45):
He's not even close. He might not even be in
the top one hundred. He was taken.

Speaker 3 (01:40:49):
Twelfth because of the desperate need to have a quarterback
in the NFL. And I think that, I guess consolidation
of the cour back market will have ripple effects in
next year's draft and forward and forward and beyond.

Speaker 2 (01:41:08):
I'm gonna go with the first fourteen picks all being
offensive players.

Speaker 1 (01:41:13):
Pretty wild to hell a parlay.

Speaker 2 (01:41:14):
That's insane. It's double the previous record. Previous high was seven,
that was back in twenty twenty one. We got to
fourteen straight offensive players off the board. And what blows
my mind the most is we've talked about it a
lot on the show Atlanta. Atlanta goes Pennix Junior as

a backup quarterback for years at number eight. Overall, they
could have had their top choice of a defensive player. Instead,
they get the fourth quarterback off the board.

Speaker 1 (01:41:49):
And it's like, what, I'm just stunned.

Speaker 2 (01:41:53):
One of these teams in the top fourteen didn't say, Hey,
we could get the top defensive prospect instead of whatever
it may be, the fourth quarterback, the fifth quarterback, the
sixth quarterback. Right Like, let's go with the top defensive guy,
you know, I'm just surprised there wasn't one team in
the top fourteen that thought that way. That's what blows

my mind the most.

Speaker 3 (01:42:17):
I agree, and I think there came a point where
it was like, all right, we got to take a
defensive player now. And I think the first guy taken
was you know, it helps that I had a three
to one on him gonna be the first defensive player taken,
So I obviously feel very positive about it. But I
think he was the guy most deserving. And this is
lie to Latsu. The UCLA edge rusher went to India

at fifteen, and when you look at what defense is
in the NFL, Yeah, we might never see that again.
I don't know if we'll ever see six quarterbacks in
the top twelve again. Like I think that is because
how often are there six really good quarterbacks in the
same draft. Like I guess this draft was unique in

that sense where you had so many teams picking near
the top that were so quarterback desperate.

Speaker 1 (01:43:05):
It was like this perfect storm.

Speaker 3 (01:43:08):
And maybe that created the ripple effect of the offensive
players going where they were. It.

Speaker 1 (01:43:14):
This was a really weird draft.

Speaker 3 (01:43:16):
Now I've been covering the draft, I've been obviously a
fan of the draft forever, but really covering the draft
from like a gambling perspective, which to me is the
best way to cover anything, because you know the ins
and outs and the numbers and the odds and where
was you know, who was expected to go where. This
was the most unique of the five that I've covered
since that twenty twenty and that was a draft that
was held in Roger Goodell's basement, So that just shows

you how weird this one was. But the quarterbacks, to me.

Speaker 1 (01:43:40):
Just because of where we are in this NFL.

Speaker 3 (01:43:43):
Landscape, Yeah, fourteen offensive players in the road is crazy,
but six out of twelve, like, both of those to
me are on pretty level playing fields.

Speaker 1 (01:43:52):
But the quarterback position just trumps everything.

Speaker 2 (01:43:54):
Yeah, and I'm so curious to see, obviously, how this
quarterback class pans out. Yes, man, go back to twenty
twenty one and you look at these top guys. Trevor
Lawrence is the only guy. There were five quarterbacks taken
in the top fifteen. Trevor Lawrence is the only guy
who's still with his same team. Everybody else's been traded.

And so the point is, if you look at this
twenty twenty four class, man, some people are like, oh, man,
look out for this guy. This guy looks like a
this guy looks unbelievable. I think this guy's gonna work out.
Half these guys is probably gonna be complete duds. That's
what history would tell you, and you go back to
that twenty twenty one draft, Zach Wilson number two overall pick,

traded for a sixth round pick, and also like the
Jets had to trade Zach Wilson and a seventh round
pick and pick up a lot of the tab for
the Broncos to part with the sixth rounder. Ye right,
Trey Lance traded for a fourth, Justin Fields traded for
a sixth. Mac Jones traded for a sixth. Like three
of those guys were traded for sixth round picks.

Speaker 1 (01:44:57):
That's crazy to me.

Speaker 2 (01:44:58):
So if you apply that to this year's class, it
looks great now, but history would tell you it's probably
not going to look great over the long haul. Someone
who does look great over the long haul, that would
be Isaac Glowing Crown, morning, noon and night, still glowing brightly,
he's got the latest, what's going on.

Speaker 6 (01:45:17):
I love always glowing because I'm on the radio and
no one can tell the awful truth. That's why I
love it so much. We love the NFL drafted. It
resumes today at the top of the hour with round four,
the Carolina Panthers on the clock with the one hundred
and first overall pick. In Game three of the NBA

Playoffs on Friday night, the Minnesota Timberwolves, buying thirty six
from Anthony Edwards, won a Phoenix one twenty six to
one oh nine for three games to non lead. Earlier
Friday night, the Indiana Pacers in overtime beat the Milwaukee
Bucks one twenty one to one eighteen. Pacers lead the
series two games to one. Tyres Halliburton the game winning

three point play with one point six left at ot.
He finished with an eighteen point ten rebound, sixteen assists
triple double. Milwaukee playing with that Giannis Ante Kumpo because
of a strained left calf. Damian Lezard aggravated an achilles
tendon injury late in the fourth quarter. Also on Friday night,
the Dallas Mavericks defeat of the Los Angeles Clippers one

oh one to ninety. The Mavericks lead the series two
games to one. Baseball Friday night in San Francisco. The
Giants and Pittsburgh Pirates were scoreless in the bottom of
the ninth inning. The Giants had two men on. Patrick
Bailey at the plate, Hall of Famer John Miller at
the microphone on K and.

Speaker 8 (01:46:38):
Br Here's the set, the one one pitch. There's a
drive in the Kate Lfe field way back there.

Speaker 1 (01:46:45):
Hony, the ball game is over. Oh what three run?

Speaker 8 (01:46:52):
Hummer point Patrick Bailey.

Speaker 6 (01:46:56):
The Minnesota Twins over the Angels in Anaheim, five to three.
Minnesota on a five game winning streak in the Phillies
with a nine to three victory at San Diego. Perhaps
that's why Rich is not here this morning. The Phillies
had five home runs, including Kyle Schwarber's seventh and Bryce
Harper's sixth. Fellows back to you, Thank you.

Speaker 1 (01:47:14):
I Low.

Speaker 2 (01:47:15):
It's Fox Sports Saturday right here on Fox Sports Radio.
Shortly after the show, our podcast would be going up.
If you missed anything on today's show, be sure to
check it out. Just search Fox Sports Radio wherever you
get your podcasts. Be sure to also follow rate and
review it again. Just search Fox Sports Radio wherever you
get your podcasts, and you'll see the show posted right
after we get off the air. Extra importance today for

the knuckleheads who falsely accused me but Jared of saying
Kurt Man's Kirk Cousins. Of course, it's one of those
things where because Cousins starts with the same you know, sound,
they kind of run together where you say Kirk Cousins
and to the jackasses out there, it sounds like Kurt, but.

Speaker 1 (01:47:58):
They just like you.

Speaker 3 (01:47:59):
Honestly, the way I view I've changed my approach on
social media trolling significantly in the last couple of years
because I've gotten this is a good problem to have.
The more you know, more notoriety you get, the more
people that dislike you. It's just the way it works.
It's it's all a compliment, and anyone who's taking time
from their day think about, like what you do throughout

the course of your day. If you're taking time to
like type out a tweet about someone that you don't
like and send it, that's a compliment. It means you
actually are jealous or you actually do like. It's like
at the bully on the schoolyard. Yeah, you don't pick
on the guy or the girl that you don't like.
You pick on the girl you got to crush on.

Speaker 2 (01:48:36):
Yeah, no, you're right. It's funny because I give a
shout out to one of my friends, Bruce Jacobs, who
I worked with in New York for a little while.
He's the sports radio guy, and he came in smiling
one day because some troll had something crazy to say,
and I'm like, what are you smiling about? He's like, oh,
I love this.

Speaker 1 (01:48:56):

Speaker 2 (01:48:56):
I'm like, there's no way you can actually love this.
I don't believe that at all. He's like, no, I do,
and I'll tell you why. He's like, I would rather
you hate me.

Speaker 1 (01:49:06):
But know who I am?

Speaker 2 (01:49:07):
Yep that I'm just no one knows me at all.
I'm anonymous. So I'm like, that's a good way to
look for.

Speaker 3 (01:49:15):
A while to get there, because like, I'm a people pleaser.
And frankly, this is kind of the Caleb Williams story reincarnated.
Like it took me a while to be comfortable enough
with who I was on the air and doing this
job to not care about the outside opinion.

Speaker 1 (01:49:31):
You know.

Speaker 2 (01:49:32):
I have worked to get there because if someone's just wrong,
it drives me crazy and they won't listen. That's not
that they will not listen. Man, I'll like that. I
got to follow up tweet from one of the jackasses
out there and he's like, oh, you're wrong. Play the tape.
I literally, I will grab the I played the tape.

I'll even tweet it back to him and he'll still
there's no gain.

Speaker 1 (01:49:57):
You can't argue with these guys.

Speaker 3 (01:49:58):
They just want to be heard and and so my
approaches I just let them say what they say and
I just ignored them. The best thing, the best thing
ever created on social media was the mute button, really,
because what it does is it allows the people to
just keep talking and blabbing whatever they want. They think
they're talking to you, and you are ignorant to it.

Ignorance is bliss.

Speaker 2 (01:50:20):
I'm surprised, Uh, Elon hasn't gotten rid of something that's cool?

Speaker 1 (01:50:24):
Yeah, what I mean? I agree?

Speaker 2 (01:50:26):
Yeah, Hey, real fast as far as truth tellers go,
how about this Colts GM Chris Ballard.

Speaker 1 (01:50:32):
Hmm, so he's pushing back.

Speaker 2 (01:50:36):
There were some reports about character issues about a d Mitchell.
He's a wide receiver from Texas. The Colts took him
in the second round, and so there are reports, Hey,
you got some character issues, some red flags over here
and Chris Ballard unplugged over here, unfiltered. Check this out.

Speaker 9 (01:50:54):
I read some of the bull that was set on Tea.
I mean, just a typical excuse my language, our typical league,
unnamed sources, you know, bad interview. That's such a bull me.
It's bull like put your name, like, put your name
on it. I'm tired of we tear these young men down.

These are twenty one, twenty two young men. And if
you can, if people out there can tell me, they
don't they're perfect in their lives.

Speaker 1 (01:51:25):
It's crap. It's crap.

Speaker 9 (01:51:27):
This is a good kid, and you know, for for that,
for those reports to come out, like you know, I
said it last year, it's it's book. I'm sorry, that's
your language. I don't, but I do.

Speaker 1 (01:51:43):
I like to spoll it a lot more.

Speaker 2 (01:51:44):
After hearing this, he stuck to Landing too. I apologize
I don't, but I guess I kind of do. Look, man,
I agree with him in terms of put your name
on it if you've got something negative to say, especially
if it's really negative. I hate that it's anonymous. I
completely agree with him. And look, Belichick is a good

example of this. Belichick doing the draft coverage. I really
liked it because he was honest. He was not afraid
to be real. Some of these guys that get on there,
it's just funny where it's like, oh, this guy works
out great, it's a great fit, he'll have a great career.
Great great, great great great. And Belichick was just like, yeah,
I don't get it. I disagree with this. I love
that honesty, but it wasn't anonymous. You know, it's from Belichick.

So I hate when someone has something uber negative to say,
maybe about Caleb Williams crying, and you don't know who's
said it. I totally agree with Ballard as far as
that goes.

Speaker 1 (01:52:37):
Yeah, could not agree with you more.

Speaker 3 (01:52:39):
I think the draft, unfortunately, is becoming like a social
media cesspool because of all of the steaks that are
you know, stakes are high, and guys want to get
their picks where they want to get him. And I've
heard this a lot. I've heard a lot of really smart,
talented people tell me that teams will intentionally release bad
information intentionally to manipulate the draft. Yeah, and I understand

why they do it, but the cost, like the cost
of it is you are hurting these kids now you're
helping your team maybe, but you're hurting the kids, and
there's a human element to it.

Speaker 1 (01:53:15):
In this business, you remove the human element for the
most part.

Speaker 3 (01:53:18):
The things that I was that I had an issue
with Adie Mitchell I think had like a diabetes issue
or something like a medical issue that got really played
up before the draft that I thought was a violation
of his hippo laws first of all, and also just
really like low like that there's a way to say, yeah,

you know, we're not this high on this kid, we
think he's maybe character whatever, whatever, when you're saying we
don't like this kid because he's got this medical issue
that really isn't relevant to football unless you really play
it forward like he was born with this and I
it is really bad. The anonymous nature of it makes

it worse. But the way that they undercut these kids
before the draft, Yeah, it takes a lot of intestinal
fortitude to rise above that. Now the best athletes will
use it as fuel, and that, frankly is what makes
them the greatest athletes of our time is they're able
to take that negative and channel it into a positive.

But it has become a really dark process. In the
weeks and months leading up to the draft because of
how high the stakes are and these kids unfortunately are
treated like fodder.

Speaker 2 (01:54:33):
Well, I'll say this real fast, is I can understand it.
I'm not saying it's okay, but I understand if you're
talking trash about a player that you're trying to get
sure or I have the price drop in terms of
when you're selecting him. I get it. It's weird, but

at least get it. It's like negative recruiting in college. Yep,
Like that goes on the thing that I I won't buy.
Some of this is just cover for all these scouts
or coaches or draft analyst guys or whatever to talk
trash about Caleb Williams. Unless you're with the Bears organization,
you weren't drafting him, you know what I'm saying, Like, yep,

you at least have to put your name on it
if it's not for gain for your team and saying, oh,
this guy you know is medical and you're like, yeah,
we're probably gonna get him in the second round now, right, Like, yeah,
if you're talking trash about Caleb, he's a first overall
pick man. So I think some of that is cover. Hey,
he's shared Smith FSR betting analyst. I'm Brian No. Coming

up next, rapid fire. We got picks to make, honing
in on hopefully some correct predictions. We'll share them with
you right around the corner. It is Fox Sports Saturday,
right here on Fox Sports Radio. It is Fox Sports Saturday,
right here on Fox Sports Radio. Shout out to the
crew over here. Trusted producer, Bo Benson, Chris Purfett, technical producer.

Very excited about the Loins hashtag Gollins. You know big
Lions fan love their first round pick. You liked it too, right, Yeah,
I love the draft for that. Terry and Arnold needed
a cornerback. Very nice. And Isaac Lowan cron crushing the updates,
crushing life. Top of the hour, up on game, LeVar Arrington,
TJ Huchman, Zada, Plexico, Buris. By the way, shout out

to Hush announcing the Bengals picks in the second round yesterday.

Speaker 1 (01:56:30):
That was very cool. I didn't see awesome stuff.

Speaker 2 (01:56:33):
All right, we got some picks to make. Let's do it.

Speaker 4 (01:56:39):
Rapid fire.

Speaker 2 (01:56:41):
All right, Jared, We'll start with you, man, what are
you thinking?

Speaker 3 (01:56:43):
Yeah, let's go a little early nerfy action here and
I usually I'm kind of crazy because I like the
yur fie anytime the Dodgers are playing. But this total
uh Dodgers Blue JAYSUS game starts in about oh, I
don't know hour or so actually really soon might starts
sooner and now, so get this bed in now, glass now, Kokuchi,
that's your pitching matchup today, So we'll go no run
first inning here obviously, Glass now enough said the guy's

fantastic four and one Nurphy record this year. He's expected
fIF in the first inning, one of those Nerds stats
I love, very low. Kakuchi also five starts this year,
hasn't a lot of run in the first inning.

Speaker 1 (01:57:17):
He's got okay numbers against Otani. Of course, the Dodgers
bored a bunch of runs yesterday.

Speaker 3 (01:57:21):
I think the early start time in Toronto gives us
a sleepy start.

Speaker 1 (01:57:25):
So we'll go no run.

Speaker 3 (01:57:26):
First inning Toronto and La d and I will also
give you the nerfy in Miami.

Speaker 1 (01:57:30):
This is a popular one. We bet this a lot
last year.

Speaker 3 (01:57:32):
We're gonna go back to the well a lot this
summer because the Marlins are starting to hit that tank mode.
Good pitching matchup today, too really young, Edward Cabrera flame
fireballer for Miami, and Mitchell Parker, who played pitch really
well in his debut at Dodgers Stadium.

Speaker 1 (01:57:48):
He has been fantastic as well.

Speaker 3 (01:57:50):
So we'll go Mitchell Parker, Edward Cabrera, Marlins Nationals nurfy
and Dodgers Blue Jay's Nurfy.

Speaker 1 (01:57:57):
And then, guys, the White Sox won game yesterday? Can
you believe that?

Speaker 3 (01:58:02):
So we are going to absolutely fade that train because
be're basically I lost a lot of money fading in
the White Sox last night. We got to get it
back tonight. So I will take a raise laying it
one and a half on the run line. It's like
a minus one forty bet there because there's a very
little chance I think that the White Sox went too
in a row.

Speaker 2 (01:58:20):
Okay, I would agree with you on that logic. Would
you see the White Sox not just win, but score
a bunch of runs?

Speaker 1 (01:58:28):
You're like, whoa, what.

Speaker 2 (01:58:31):
What's going on right now? Okay give me the Celtics. Okay,
I'm gonna lay the nine and a half. I know
it's like, all right, the Heat just won. If they
shot the freaking lights out man twenty three made three pointers.

Speaker 1 (01:58:46):
That's insane.

Speaker 2 (01:58:48):
I just think the Celtics will be locked in. I
think they'll be out for blood today. I'm gonna lay
the nine and a half. Give me the uh the
prop bet on CJ McCollum. Okay, I'm gonna take over
his par, points, rebounds and assists. It's at thirty one
and a half. Look, man, the guy is overdue for

a good game. I like how Okac defense. They get
after you, but at some point cee J. McCollum is
gonna put it together. I think he's too good of
an offensive player to continuously struggle. I think he breaks
out today home game. Give me the over par and
then for my final act, I will go with the

Nuggets to just put the Lakers out of their misery. Okay,
I think that Jokic is just too much. I'll lay
the three and a half. I don't love it, but
I just think that the spirit is broken for the Lakers.
Are they gonna go crazy just to avoid the sweep
and get on a plane to play at altitude? And

even if they bring great effort, Denvers is better. So
I'll lay the three and a half there as well.
So a very chalky audition for me over here. And
also if we throw in richest picks.

Speaker 1 (02:00:04):
Yeah, I was gonna say he gave us some picks
last night.

Speaker 2 (02:00:07):
Yeah, not with us. Today, he's going the opposite. He's
going dogs. He's got Miami plus nine and a half.
He's got the Pelicans plus one and a half. He's
got the Calves plus two and a half in Atlanta.
You like the Calves today?

Speaker 3 (02:00:19):
I like the Calves, But I mean I like buying
teams off blowouts. Yeah, like buying a good team off
a blowout is is never.

Speaker 1 (02:00:27):
A bad bet.

Speaker 2 (02:00:28):
The power of embarrassment is real, especially with the Pros.
I don't know if we run it back for Game
four with the Suns, though, you know, maybe the Sons
are the exception.

Speaker 1 (02:00:38):
So we'll see Sons and four. Everybody have a good day.
We'll see you

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