All Episodes

April 27, 2024 40 mins

LaVar Arrington, TJ Houshmandzadeh, and Plaxico Burress talk about the NFL Draft, the shocking selection of Michael Penix Jr by the Falcons, the Chiefs move up to grab speedy Texas WR Xavier Worthy, and Eagles WR AJ Brown gets a massive extension!


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
This is It's up on came no while I puts
you up on game with Levariry Test, Tjhushman, Zana and
Plaxico Burres.

Speaker 2 (00:11):
Did you hear that? LeVar Arrington, TJ.

Speaker 3 (00:14):
Hutchman, Zada, Plexico Burs.

Speaker 1 (00:16):
It's a show with three of the best to ever
do it on and off the field, live from the
tire rack dot Com studio. So Fox Sports Radio. Now
here's pro bowlers Levararingtet, Tjhushman, Zanna and Super Bowl champion
Plaxico Burres.

Speaker 4 (00:34):
All right, all right, all right, Happy Saturday to everybody.
It is up on Game.

Speaker 3 (00:39):
We're broadcasting live from the tirack dot Com studios. Tyrock
dot Com will help you get there an unmatched selection, fast,
free shipping, free roadhazard protection, and over ten thousand recommend
it installers. Tire rack dot com the way tire buying
should be. All Right, guys, we got a lot to
get to today. It's been a great week heading into

the weekend. It's draft week. A lot of dreams have
come true. But before we get into talking about the
draft and everything.

Speaker 4 (01:11):
Man, I just ask man, you know how my guys doing. Man,
how y'all doing man, how's how's everything going? TJ plus?
What's what's the good word?

Speaker 2 (01:20):

Speaker 5 (01:20):
I'm good, you know, I'm just landed, sprinted home on
the freeway, sprinted yeah, yeah yeah rented yeah yeah, really
really really fast, not breaking any laws, just going, you know,
as fast as possible so I.

Speaker 2 (01:36):
Can hop on this show with my brothers. He has
the fun.

Speaker 6 (01:41):
There's a couple of things in that sentence that really
don't go well together. Was driving really fast, speeding, but
you won't breaking any laws?

Speaker 2 (01:47):
But I wasn't. I wasn't driving. See, oh you won't drive? Yeah,
I wasn't.

Speaker 4 (01:55):
No big time, big time panteam man got it? Driver?
What'd you like? Was panting and literally plying? Or what.

Speaker 2 (02:09):
Wasn't available to the DJ? Nah? No, it wasn't available.

Speaker 5 (02:12):
Hey, but wey, I come home and it's clear skies
a here we go from where you come from. I
was in Detroit at the draft, oh the dirty d Yeah,
I was in Detroit the last few days.

Speaker 3 (02:27):
Hey, we saw some I saw some some juice boring
and some stuff like that, like is there congratulations and
and uh in order?

Speaker 5 (02:35):
Plex Cobert, Yeah, I'm sorry, plex y'all. Plex sent us
a picture I promise you if that picture could have
been eaten off and he'll explain it. But Man, I
wanted that so bad. Oh, Man, go ahead pay.

Speaker 2 (02:52):
Yeah. It was the first SYU Bowl maide in house.

Speaker 7 (02:55):

Speaker 6 (02:56):
For people that don't know, I'm the owner of the
Nectar Juice Bar. And Wayne New Jersey.

Speaker 2 (03:01):
All right, all right, right alone. It's been a long
you know.

Speaker 6 (03:05):
We started this journey in pre COVID, and then COVID happened,
and it's a lot of things we're kind of just
put on hold. But Man, just seeing it through. Man
staying persistent. Man, and my grandmother's gonna be Wednesday, May first.
We're gonna have my vpece off opening on Tuesday. So yeah,
Man really excited about it. Man. Got a good team,

a great employees, great general manager. Man's looking forward to,
you know, giving the community what they need.

Speaker 2 (03:34):

Speaker 6 (03:34):
You know, just trying to be more health trying to
be more health conscious.

Speaker 3 (03:38):
And Wayne New Jersey, do you have an address? Throw
the address out there.

Speaker 6 (03:42):
Yeah, we'll address to next to Juice Bar is twelve
ninety one Hamburg Turnpike, Wayne, New Jersey, come on out
May first. Man, We're gonna smooth the juice up, ask
II bowl dragon fruit. Whatever you want, We're gonna make
it happen for you.

Speaker 3 (03:58):
Sound so we're gonna push it out there, man. And
speaking of owning ownership and having something of your own,
it's amazing that someone with our humble beginnings is put
in a position where we can do those things. And
it all started with the NFL Draft, all right. Now,

whether you get drafted or whether you don't, the idea
of it is is you're still on the day of
understanding that now it's real. You go from being an
employee that's unpaid and maybe in a lot of ways
undervalued at the college level, and then well not anymore.
But then now you go into a situation where you're

fully a professional and you get paid. The NFL Draft
took place, TJ. You said you were there. Two hundred
and seventy five thousand fans showed up in Detroit for
the first round. I mean, what was it like being there, TJ?
And let's build from there.

Speaker 5 (05:01):
First off, it was a great environment. The people were great.
I was shocked when I walked out. I was like, WHOA,
is it really this many people? And it just kept
going further back, Like you just looking and you're like, damn,
I mean they're still back there. Like it was so

many people and the hospitality was great, and so I
can foresee them going back to Detroit. It was that
good of a time to set up everything that the
city of Detroit. They did to make sure the people
were saved, to make sure the people had a good time.

Speaker 2 (05:45):
Hell of a job.

Speaker 5 (05:46):
Whoever organized that, you need to patch yourselves on the back,
because there's a lot of people behind the scenes that
make things like that go. But me personally, I was
thoroughly impressed with the setup in the way everything was
ducted in Detroit for sure.

Speaker 2 (06:02):

Speaker 6 (06:02):
Man, it's definitely a good look for Detroit, Man, especially
everything you know, a lot of you know, things that
they have been through, Man and Mark Wahlberg and Daniel
Gibson and a lot of people going into the downtown
of Detroit, Man and really building this place back up. Man,
it's good to see.

Speaker 3 (06:19):
And you're you're I mean, you're not from there, obviously,
being from the top, but you represented East Lansing, which is,
you know, kind of an extension of Detroit. You represented
the great state of Michigan. Just talk about like for
you and saying that the revitalization that's going on there
and the draft being there, how big of a part

do you like, How big an impact do you think
that is for the city that got the draft there?

Speaker 4 (06:47):

Speaker 6 (06:47):
Man, it's crazy because you know, you know, we've been
talking about the Detroit Lines and how bad this franchise
has been for the last quarter century, and now you
look at what the direction that Dan Campbell has its
team going, and they make it to the playoffs for
the first time in what seventy some years or whatever
the case may be. And then on the top of

it all, for that season they they have, they are
hosting the NFL's draft after their best season in.

Speaker 2 (07:15):
A very, very, very long time. Man. So it's a
good look for the city.

Speaker 6 (07:18):
And one thing I say about the people from Detroit, Man,
I went to school in Michigan State, Man. Deal, everybody
from Detroit, they let you know where they're from. Man,
I'm from the d I'm from Detroit, man. So it's
definitely a good look.

Speaker 2 (07:29):

Speaker 6 (07:29):
Jalen Rose he has his you know, a charter charter school,
his academy out in Detroit. So there are a lot
of good things, man, going on Detroit I've just seen
Chris Webber and Jayden Rose and all of those guys
man getting back, going back to Detroit, man and representing
where they come from. And this is a great revitalation
for that city.

Speaker 3 (07:50):
So let me ask you guys this, TJ. You take
this the idea of the.

Speaker 4 (07:55):
Draft moving around.

Speaker 3 (07:56):
I heard rave reviews about how it went and Noshville.
They said it was unbelievable spectacle. Obviously Vegas. I was
at the one in Vegas. I think we were all together.
Weren't we together at the one in Vegas?

Speaker 2 (08:11):

Speaker 4 (08:11):
Yeah, weren't. I don't know.

Speaker 2 (08:12):
I thought we were.

Speaker 4 (08:13):
I'm pretty sure we might have been.

Speaker 3 (08:15):
Anyway, the idea of it moving around, it seems as
though the NFL has tapped in on another way to
generate excitement and revenue and extend the season by creating
something that is there's no game being played, but yet

it has a big game feeling to it. Are you guys, like,
do you feel like this is a good move by
the NFL. Can't be a bad one, how you guys
seeing it?

Speaker 5 (08:47):
It's really what the NFL is doing. Hey put your
best foot forward to all these cities, and I look
as a trial of will we be going back to
this city, will be going back to that city, And
so to me, next year they'll be in Green Bay,
I believe, the following year in DC. The following year

after that will be Pittsburgh. And so to me, it's
put your best foot forward and when we get done
with this, we will double back on the cities that
showed us a great time and everything and all protocols
were met.

Speaker 2 (09:25):
That's how I see it.

Speaker 5 (09:26):
But for me, the NFL is turning into a global sport.
In order to do that, you take it from city
to city. I mean, I met some dudes last night,
Man from an international player Pathway Bro, the rugby dude
that signed.

Speaker 2 (09:44):
With the Chiefs.

Speaker 5 (09:46):
It was a tight end signed with the Jags, and
it was two offensive linemen.

Speaker 4 (09:50):

Speaker 2 (09:51):
One was from England, the other one was from the
Dominican Republic. Bro.

Speaker 5 (09:54):
These dudes were like the lineman six seven, three hundred
pounds off them dudes ran four seven, both of them dudes.
And so they're trying to expand the game with football
because it's so much talent. But it's an American sport
and so if we can turn take this thing global,

look out.

Speaker 6 (10:16):
Man, I think it really highlights the city because we
always talk about, you know, Dallas being an America's team,
and you know, everybody know that. You know, Pittsburgh is
a you know, blue collar football crazy you know, with Town, Buffalo, DC.
You look at all these cities and it just highlights that,

you know, off brand organizations like the like the like
the Lions in Detroit, what they're fan basing like in
what the city is like. And those people are football
crazy also, so I can't imagine what it would be like.
It's going to be crazy in Pittsburgh and especially you
know Washington and DC. Man, people don't understand how big

that fan base really is in DC. I know because
I grew up in Virginia and I can't wait to
see this draft when it is Washington, DC.

Speaker 4 (11:10):
Love it, love it.

Speaker 3 (11:11):
There's a lot to get to, different storylines connected to
the whole lot to get to. But next up, we're
going to talk a little quarterback action from the draft.
Unexpected surprise, unexpected pick at the position within the top ten,
and it may have ruffled the feathers of one of

the quarterbacks that just newly was acquired to that team.
We'll let you figure out that tease until we get
to the other side of the break. This is Up
on Game. That's TJ. Hitch Mainzada, that's Plexico Burst. I'm
LeVar Rrington. We'll take a quick break. We'll be right back.

Speaker 1 (11:48):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app search FSR to listen.

Speaker 2 (11:59):

Speaker 4 (12:01):
Hey, what's up everybody?

Speaker 3 (12:02):
It's me three time pro bowler LeVar Arrington and I
couldn't be more excited to announce a podcast called Up
on Game?

Speaker 4 (12:09):
What is Up on Game?

Speaker 3 (12:10):
You ass along with my fellow pro bowler TJ. Huschman,
Zada and Super Bowl champion Yup. That's right, Plexico Bursts.
You can only name a show with that type of
talent on it.

Speaker 2 (12:22):
Up on Game.

Speaker 3 (12:23):
We're going to be sharing our real life experiences loaded
with teachable moments. Listen to Up on Game with Me
LeVar Arrington, TJ. Huschman, Zada, and Plexico Burrs on the
iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcast from.

Speaker 4 (12:42):
All right, welcome back in. This is Up on Game.
We are live from the Tirack dot Com Studio. TJ.
Huschmanzada is Plexico Burst. I'm LeVar Arrington.

Speaker 3 (12:52):
Listen to National therap Rid Racing has a new independent regulator.

Speaker 4 (13:00):
It's HAISA. That's right.

Speaker 3 (13:01):
They're implementing comprehensive reforms and the sport is combining hands
on care with cutting edge technology to help keep its
athletes safe. To learn more, visit Safety Runs First dot
Com that Safety Runs First dot com Fellas speaking of
safety Running First, the Atlanta Falcons, they did some pretty

interesting here. They took Michael Pennix. They shook things up.
They took Michael Pennix and they had just newly acquired one.
Kirk Cousins paid him a lot of money. It's a
guaranteed contract. What do you guys feel? What are you
guys thinking about what took place? There seems to have
been a little bit of maybe miscommunication. I believe kirk

cousins agent said they were unaware. And now you take
your quarterback of the future, But what have you done
to the motions or the feeling or stability of your
quarterback of now?

Speaker 2 (14:09):
Who cares about what we've done to the court? Like?
Who cares?

Speaker 5 (14:13):
Like if they don't that probably bothers me more than anything.
And it's not directed at Kirk Cousins. It's the nature
of the way these quarterbacks think they're just better than
everybody else. Why can't you have competition? Like, who says
that a quarterback? Oh, we gotta call Kirk Cousins. Do

you think they call other positions when they draft a
got your position?

Speaker 2 (14:41):
Nah, they don't do that. Why they got to call
a quarterback?

Speaker 5 (14:44):
We drafted Michael Pennix And if you don't like it,
oh well, I mean that's what it should be. They
say quarterback is the most important position in the game.
So they wanted to make sure that if Kirk Cousins,
at his advanced age, isn't ready to go, that they
got somebody as a backup that can play, because Michael

Pennix is not going to play for the first two
years and the Falcons believe we're going to be pretty good,
so we won't be in a position to draft our
franchise quarterback for a while.

Speaker 2 (15:20):
So now that we are in.

Speaker 5 (15:21):
That position, let's do it now, and let's hope if
Pennix can sit for two years, dad, he's ready to
rock and roll. After those two years, that's what I
foresee happening. And if Kirk Cousins goes down, we have
a backup quarterback that we feel good about. To me,
that's all it is, like, Oh, he they called when

we were on when they were on the clock. You
lucky they called you. They don't owe it to you
to call you. The fact that they called you, the
fact that people are making a big deal about this
is crazy. It shows you how the ultimate team game.
They really always want to put the focus on one position,
in one player, and that's not how the game is

played because when the dem o lineman don't block them,
quarterbacks came through the whole line, don't block the running
backs can't run, Receivers don't get open who you're throwing
the ball to.

Speaker 2 (16:14):
So it's the ultimate team game.

Speaker 5 (16:17):
I have no problem with what the Falcons did because
they are planning for the future, Kirk Cousins. They believe
you're going to have some great seasons with them. They
won't be in this position.

Speaker 2 (16:27):

Speaker 5 (16:28):
I said it time and time again. I thought Michael
Pennix was being so underrated. He wasn't being underrated. They
were just trying to bring him down. Because I'd have
been on the field with him a ton and that
boy can sling the rock.

Speaker 6 (16:43):
Yeah, you know what, you know, people got to realize
Kirk Cousins is coming off and the Killers engine, which
just happened in October, and it hasn't it hasn't been
a whole calendar year. Michael Pennock Junior. He is an
older guy. I believe he's twenty three years old. But
you know, in my third and when I was twenty three,
I was going into my third season already, So I

think he played with six years in college over years,
you know, older kid or more mature. But when I
sit when I sit back and listen to Kirk Cousins
and his agent, and I think he highlighted one thing
for me. Uh, you know, with these with all the contracts,
this all this guaranteed money that Kirk that Kirk Cousin

has a mass since he was in that fully guaranteed
it was eighty four million with the Minnesota Vikings, He's always.

Speaker 2 (17:36):
Been in comfort mode.

Speaker 6 (17:38):
He hasn't had anybody to really kind of to push
him because the money that he has received allowed him
to be in a position where he doesn't have to
look over Surely he he doesn't have to be uncomfortable.
And I think that when they drafted Michael Pennis junior,
the agent that, well, why didn't y'all tell well, we

don't have to tell you that, man. This is our team,
this is our organization, and Tej, you are exactly right.
I think that what the Atlanta Falcons plan to do
is to learn under Kirk Cousins moving forward. And it
may be his third or fourth year of whatever, you know,
the case may be with Kirk Cousins, because he did
just signed a four year, one hundred and eighty million
dollar deal.

Speaker 2 (18:20):
He's already got.

Speaker 6 (18:21):
One hundred million dollars of the deal at signing, so
he's going to play for the next two years. Kirk Cousins,
you know, he's been injury prone. But I think that
the Atlanta Falcons was just really giving themselves some insurance
moving forward, just in case anything happens. Because Atlanta Falcons,
I think they're have a really good team. I think

they're building a good enough roster to be able to
compete in the NFC South. But if you're an agent
of your Michael and your and your Kirk Cousins, if
you're confident in what you're able to do.

Speaker 2 (18:56):
Right moving forward. Worry about Michael Pennix. You and your
fat tell you this. I know, I know, I notice
City of Atlanta.

Speaker 6 (19:03):
If Kirk Cousins doesn't go out there and perform well,
the fans of the Atlanta Falcons, they will be pushing
for Michael Pennick Junior. So with that being said, I
think he understands that also, what kind of city that
he is in with a backup quarterback?

Speaker 3 (19:22):
Would they be doing that if they didn't draft Michael
Pennick Jr. It is purely based upon well do they.

Speaker 5 (19:29):
Put if the Atlanta Falcons, If the Atlanta Falcons, if
Atlanta Falcons did not have Kirk Cousins on the roster,
I would have still taken Michael Pennick Junior with that pick.

Speaker 2 (19:43):
He's gonna surprise some people of art like that boy
can play man.

Speaker 3 (19:46):
He's such a bro about foreign arm and he's so accurate.
I knew about him before y'all knew about him. I mean,
maybe you might have seen him do y'all dirty.

Speaker 5 (19:59):
You know when he played with Indiana and he had
a man hold on. I'm gonna give you he had
ty Fried focal looking like he was gonna be an
NFL draft pick, bro a receiver.

Speaker 2 (20:10):
Tell me I'm wrong. Yeah, no, that that name. I
never would Yeah.

Speaker 4 (20:15):
He was.

Speaker 3 (20:16):
He was wrecking people at Indiana, and in that COVID
year he gave us the business bit, the bid, the
business right, I mean it was bad. And then I
was like, then I didn't see him anymore. I was like, oh,
oh man, he went to Washington. Don't think for two seconds,
not for one or two seconds, that Washington didn't go

to that national title game because of the director. No
doubt of Michael Pennix. Yeah, no doubt.

Speaker 4 (20:43):
I mean, let me.

Speaker 3 (20:46):
Throw this one out at you. Let me throw this out.
His name is Mike. He's left handed. He went to Atlanta. Yeah,
y'all talk to me. You talked to me. I mean,
I ain't gonna say he's not as athletic, obviously, but there.

Speaker 6 (21:04):
I think that when Kirk Cousins get too many camp
or the training camp or whatever the case may be,
and he gets that first glimpse of what of what
Michael Pennix is able to do throwing the football, he's
gonna be. He's gonna be, He's gonna be in shock.
He's like man, what damn, I gotta really go out
of him, be on, be on my p's and q's,
because this young man that's sitting behind me like he

ain't no joke, and there's gonna be some days.

Speaker 2 (21:28):
Trust me, I know how this.

Speaker 6 (21:30):
Thing goes where you know the teammate that the players
on the team gonna be looking at us in the
Wait a minute, now, we know they all just gave
this boy one hundred eighty million dollars, but the backup
quarterback may be better than he is, and that's the
position that they do not want to be in.

Speaker 5 (21:43):
Trust me. And you know what I do like is Penix.
He he's come out and said, you know, Kirk Cousins
called me. We had a great conversation. It's not personal.
We're teammates. I'm gonna be a professional. I'm gonna help
you along the way because I know, moving forward, the
only way that I keep my job is to play great.

Speaker 2 (22:04):
You can't play good. You can't play good. You got
to play great. You got to play great.

Speaker 5 (22:10):
Absolutely, if you don't play great, Michael Pennix will be
the quarterback in two years. But this happens to everybody
at some point in some time, every young current player
will be an old retired player at some point it's
going to come, and you try to prolong that and

put that off as long as you can. And for
Kirk Cousins, it's he's a great thrower the football, he
reads and understands coverage, but he is yet to get
his team to the promised Land. He's yet to produce
and take his team to where they've tried to go.
If he can do it with the Falcons, that is

a great problem to have. And if you don't. Michael Pinnix, well, now,
like LeVar said, be another left handed Mike in Atlanta,
and I believe things will be a lot different this
second time around.

Speaker 3 (23:11):
Chiefs trade up with the Bills of all teams, the Chiefs. Yeah,
I'm gonna repeat it. Trade up with the Bills for
speedy receiver.

Speaker 4 (23:21):

Speaker 2 (23:21):
You're worthy.

Speaker 3 (23:21):
You may remember, Zave, You're worthy of the combine texts
receiver fastest forty times ever.

Speaker 4 (23:31):
And he's going to the Chiefs.

Speaker 3 (23:33):
We're going to talk about that, but first let's get
an update from the legend himself, mister Isaac Loewencron.

Speaker 7 (23:40):
While LeVar suspicious timing as you toss it over right.
As a Penn State player gets drafted, that's it is
the Johnson Ye Penn State tight end Theo Johnson just
drafted by the New York Giants AD one seven overall.

So let's recap. Yeah, let's recap the fourth round. It
started with the Carolina Panthers drafting Texas tight end Jatavian Sanders.
That was followed by the Denver Broncos selecting Oregon receiver
Troy Franklin, reuniting him with Bone Nicks in Denver. Then
the New England Patriots drafted Texas A and M offensive

guard Leyden Robinson, the Arizona Cardinals selecting Texas Tech safety
Dadrian Taylor Demerson. Then it was the Los Angeles Chargers
drafting Alabama defensive tackle Justin E. Boygby, the Tennessee Titans
drafted North Carolina linebacker Cedric Gray, and again, moments ago,

Penn State tight end Theo Johnson was drafted by the
New York Giants. Those the first seven picks in in
the fourth round of the NFL Draft. Today's NBA Playoff
action gonna tip off at the top of the hour
with Game four from Orlando. You know, with the Cleveland Cavaliers,
leading the Magic two games to one, and Friday Nights
game threes. The Minnesota Timberwolves one a Phoenix one twenty

six to one oh nine for a three games to
none lead. The Indiana Pacers defeated the Milwaukee Bucks in
overtime one twenty one to one eighteen for a two
games to one series lead, and the Dallas Mavericks defeated
the Los Angeles Clippers one o one to ninety.

Speaker 1 (25:23):
The Mavericks lead.

Speaker 7 (25:24):
That series two games to one.

Speaker 4 (25:26):
Fellas, all yours appreciate Alo.

Speaker 3 (25:30):
If you're listening to up on Game Teacher, hisman zis
Plexico Burds. Fellas the Chiefs now the chiefs of all team.
All teams are the team that everyone is is chasing after,
including the Buffalo Bills.

Speaker 4 (25:48):
You guys got to answer me this.

Speaker 3 (25:51):
How do you allow a trade to take place with
your conference rival, your divisional rival, well not division but
conference yep, conference rival, and you allow them to add
a piece that may make them, with the addition of
Hollywood Brown, the most dangerous offense in the NFL.

Speaker 4 (26:18):
Yet again, were you guys okay with them making this move?
What like?

Speaker 3 (26:23):
Please give me some context as to why you make
this move if you're the Buffalo Bills.

Speaker 5 (26:29):
Ah Man, Brandon Bean said, we didn't care who they
were going to draft.

Speaker 2 (26:35):
I don't like that. I don't like that. Man.

Speaker 5 (26:38):
The Chiefs had a hard time last year offensively just
getting the ball down the field. It was more of
a dink and dunk two yards and a cloud of dust.
Offense defense really carried them, carried them, and offense just
made plays when needed, and they still won a super Bowl.
And they still won a super Bowl? Right, and so now,

well what's going on with was she Rice? You don't
know what's gonna happen. They acquire Hollywood Brown as a
free agent, and then you let them come up and
get Xavier Worthy and see people are looking at Worthy
and oh he's just fast, so he can No, he's
a receiver. He's a receiver, bro Like, he can run routes.

And it's almost as if, like you said, it your
conference rival, because it goes through the Chiefs. I would
the Chiefs would have to have given me so much
that what you're gonna get me? Oh no, no, no, no,
that I ain't enough. You got to ask something else
in there, like, no, I'm not doing that. But again,

when the Buffalo Bills believe in what they're doing, they
believe in whatever formula they had laid out. I wouldn't
have done that. There's no way possible. I'm letting the
Chiefs get Xavier Worthy and you think you're gonna trade
up with me and do that. Absolutely not. For the

Buffalo Bills. I hope it works out. I hope they
don't cross paths at the playoffs, and which they will.
Would it not be crazy if, of course, if Xavier
Worthy is the one that makes the play.

Speaker 2 (28:25):
I mean, there are just so many things that go
into that.

Speaker 5 (28:28):
But you know, when Patrick Mahomes has a guy that
can really get down the field, it opens everything up
because of his ability to really stretch the field with
his arm strength. And so now he got two guys
that can really get down the field in Hollywood and
Xavier Worthy. I'm the Buffalo Bills. I'm not doing that.

But let's see how this works out.

Speaker 6 (28:51):
Yeah, I just don't understand what this was from an
organization standpoint. For the Buffalo Bills. You're talking about just
like you said, afct mes, you probably gonna have to
face in the playoffs, and now you allowed them to
acquire the fastest person in the draft in NFL history,
making this offense more explosive than it already is. You

already can't cover Travis Kelsey and everybody knows that what
They throwing the ball to him and he's still manages
to get the football. Now you're talking about a guy
who can absolutely take the top off of a defense
in a Tyreek Ill type manner. And now you're talking
about the older Patrick Mahomes, a more mature Patrick Mahomes,
and you had Hollywood.

Speaker 2 (29:34):
Brown to the mix.

Speaker 6 (29:35):
We're not sure what's gonna happen with what she writes,
but you're talking about this offense being explosive and being
you know, last year, you know rinked at the bottom
the bottom of the pile as far as you know,
twenty twenty yard passing plays and being explosive, and it
just really doesn't make sense if you're a Buffalo bill saying,
you know, I don't care whoever we're gonna who, we're

gonna take me. You just lost Stefan Diggs, so he
would have been a great addition to your offense to
help Josh Allen hopefully one day get over the hump
of getting to the AFC Championship and maybe a Super Bowl.
But to allow Andy Reid, who I think, who I

say is the best play call in all the football,
quiet this guy and be paying with Patrick Mahomes and
Travis Kelshy on his offense. I just don't see how
you are going to stop him in, contain him and
slow him down. With this young man that they just
added to this team.

Speaker 3 (30:35):
You got to assume that Rice will be available even
if he does have to deal with some disciplinary actions.
It won't be the entire season you're going to get
him back. You're going to have all of those players
on the field at the same time. Not to mention
Pacheco out of the backfield. The amount of balance that
this team is going to have on offense is almost scary.

It's borderline area as it gets to add a guy
that can take the top of the defense off the
way that they're going to do with adding Worthy to
their their roster. So it's gonna be interesting to see
how that all plays out. Man, I'll tell you what
another receiver that well came up, aj Brown. He did

a deal. We'll tell you how big that deal is.
On the other side of this break you are listening
to up on Game. That is mister Stretch Armstrong himself,
plex Coburst and pante Man. As you heard, he flew
in you know via a panteam Man Skott Friendly Sky
from Detroit back to the crib to do this this

show today.

Speaker 4 (31:39):
So we got them and we got me. LeVar Arrington.
I'm just you know, I'm just tear at the School
of Mutants as a professor.

Speaker 2 (31:46):
That's all.

Speaker 3 (31:47):
That's just me, no superpowers. Anyway, you're listening to us,
This is up on Games. Fox Sports Radio will take
a quick break, we'll be right back. Welcome back, and
it's up on Game. We're live from the tyrack dot
com studios, var Arrington alongside TJ. Hoochman's out a Plexico Burts.
Shortly after the show, our podcast will be going up.

If you missed any of the day's show, be sure
to check out the podcast. Just search up on Game
wherever it is you get your podcast from, and be
sure to also follow rate review and you know, share your.

Speaker 4 (32:20):
Podcasts out to some friends. Again.

Speaker 3 (32:22):
Just search up on Game wherever it is you get
your podcasts from, and you'll see the show post it
right after we get off of the air fellas quick
segment here.

Speaker 4 (32:31):
But I'll tell you what interest.

Speaker 3 (32:35):
We had two receivers get paid raw Saint Brown, your
guy TJ. You know out here from from the west coast,
the left coast. He gets his payday from the Detroit Lions.
And then boom, AJ Brown gets his payday from the Eagles,

gets extended and becomes the high is paid receiver and
NFL history. What say you guys to these these payments
that have taken place for the receiver's positions.

Speaker 5 (33:11):
First off, congratulations to both of those dudes. They've earned it. Second,
Levarn need to be somebody's general manager.

Speaker 4 (33:18):

Speaker 5 (33:18):
Uh Like, When you look at what these guys have
you just received, it makes you wonder, what are the
Niners offering it a U that is now going up?
What are the Bengals offering Jamar Chase that has now
gone up? What are the Vikings offering justin Jefferson that

has now gone up way up? And so the nature
of the businesses, for sure would Jefferson and Chase their
eclipsing AJ Brown? Ayuk is going to want to be
near or more than Saint Brown.

Speaker 2 (34:04):
And so.

Speaker 5 (34:07):
It is one of those things where when you really
looked at the contracts at the highest played receivers, highest
paid receivers, it was never over thirty million. Because Tyreek
Kill was making just under forty four million in the
last year of his deal.

Speaker 2 (34:22):
That's fluff. They gonna renegotiate that.

Speaker 5 (34:24):
And so for Aminra to get thirty a year and
AJ Brown to get thirty two a year, it really
jumped a ton. And now all these receivers are like
smile and rebbing your hands together because you know what
is about to come down the line. And I thought

what the Eagles did with AJ Brown was great because
now if you led Justin Jefferson and jamar Cha Son,
AJ Brown is gonna want more than them. So they
are being proactive getting ahead of this and I like it.
But AJ Brown were well deserved. I'm in Ross Saint
Brown well deserved. Man.

Speaker 6 (35:06):
I never thought that I would see the wide receivers
will be making quarterback money. I mean, you talking about
guys making thirty plus million dollars a season, thirty two
million dollars a season. It's more than my four year
deal entirely when I signed here with the New York Giants.

So that's how much the wide receiver salaries has jumped
in the last fifteen years.

Speaker 2 (35:33):
And these guys are very deserving.

Speaker 6 (35:35):
And I just I'm thinking about Jamar Chase and Justin
Jefferson and these guys coming forward.

Speaker 2 (35:43):
They are sitting there for a crowball.

Speaker 6 (35:49):
They are sitting there waiting, like man, thank you AJ
Brown and the Philadelphia Eagles for just up in the
value at the wide receiver position. And these two guys, well,
I just mentioned a probably the top two wide receivers
in all of football. But AJ Brown and the Philadelphia
Eagles just set the wide receiver markt for these young

men moving forward. And this just is just, you know,
baffles me that these guys are now making thirty million
dollars a year.

Speaker 3 (36:23):
Okay, talk to me about Detroit because to me, it
seems as though when you look at a team like
the Dallas Cowboys and Ceedee lam because y'all didn't mention
Ceedee Lamb, Ceedee Lamb is staring at at what he
wants and how they could have easily just done his

extension and made him whole, but yet they haven't. And
then you see a Detroit do what they did, and
I look at that, and I say that's cultural. I
look at at Philadelphia, I say they had some issues
at the end of their season drama wise playing out
and it was with AJ Brown. And now they get

Aj Brown solid, emotionally ready to go for this upcoming season.

Speaker 4 (37:12):
Why wouldn't Dallas do the same thing.

Speaker 5 (37:16):
I mean, Dallas has shown us they don't do this.

Speaker 2 (37:21):
This is not what they do.

Speaker 5 (37:23):
They waited and waited and waited with Dak Prescott and
look where they are now. And so I don't understand.
It's not just the Cowboys. I don't understand a lot
of these teams. When you have a young player and
you know you're gonna want to resign him, and you

know he's a part of your future. The longer you wigh,
the more it costs. What do they not understand about that?
Like that's crazy. I'm not giving you a deal. You
have more money than me. Why would I give you
a deal when you have more money than me?

Speaker 2 (38:01):
Like what? And so.

Speaker 5 (38:05):
It just baffles me that these teams we're gonna put
it off. We're gonna put it off like it's gonna
go away.

Speaker 2 (38:14):
It ain't gonna go away.

Speaker 5 (38:15):
It's just gonna cost you a little more, and so
the longer you wait, the more you'll pay them. And
if that's what you want to do, clap your hands.
Kudos for the players, because the players, when you're that young,
you're just gonna continue to get better and better and better,
and the price is gonna continue.

Speaker 2 (38:32):
To go up, Go up, Go up. M Dallas, you're
looking at CD Lamb.

Speaker 6 (38:42):
I just don't really understand what they're really waiting on
to see the Lamb.

Speaker 5 (38:46):
Michael Parsons, Dak Prescott, man what they They have some.

Speaker 6 (38:50):
Decisions to make financially moving forward, and I think, uh,
you know, the elephant in the room is going to
be Michael poster.

Speaker 4 (38:58):
Fifty year option though, right, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2 (39:01):
That that gives them one more year.

Speaker 5 (39:03):
It's disrespectful, man, that that that type of stuff makes
a player mad. That makes a player mad, he's earned
a new deal. Give it to him. That pisses players off.
And they know that pisses players off.

Speaker 6 (39:15):
Yeah, all that does is give them, you know, uh,
you know, another year. But then when you pick up
his fifty options, now you're talking about Michael Parson's and
CD Lamb going to the table as free agents.

Speaker 2 (39:31):
So now you have to make a decision.

Speaker 6 (39:33):
One of these guys are going to get franchise because
you're not gonna be You're not gonna be able to
pay these guys max max dollars or whatever the case
may be. Uh, the choice that the Cowboys make.

Speaker 2 (39:43):
With that, who knows.

Speaker 6 (39:45):
But I would address the CD Lamb issue now because
if you wait another year, all all he's gonna do
is create problems for you in the salary cap when
it comes to Michael Parson's and CD Lamb.

Speaker 3 (40:01):
All right, you're listening up on Game. Hour two is
coming up. Listen Hour two start off. We're gonna jump
out there and I want to hear what TJ and
plexicost takes are on who they felt had the best draft,
had the best pick. That's gonna be interesting to hear.
There's a lot going on with that. We're also gonna
talk to some basketball cups. The Legend will be joining

the show. So listen up. Just make sure you take
a quick break. We'll be right back and hour two
is gonna hit you. All right, this Fox Sports Radio
up on Game.

Speaker 2 (40:34):
We'll be right back

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