All Episodes

April 28, 2024 120 mins

Mike Harmon and Dan Beyer open the show recapping the latest slate of NBA playoff games and look ahead to the ones to come. They also talk some NFL draft, discussing the overall spectacle that the event has become, giving their takes on some of the more polarizing picks, and much more! Additionally, the guys take a way-too-early look at the landscape of fantasy football in the draft's immediate aftermath. Plus, more fun with a brand new edition of The Feud!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio Radio. Greetings and welcome in.
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Speaker 2 (00:21):
The way tire buying should be. Well, the draft is over.
People are doing their grades. Some are lamenting the fact
that people do grades. You know what, like everything else,
go back to Kevin Durant, who's gonna be sitting on
his couch pretty soon like the rest of us. You
don't like it, don't watch, don't read, don't click whatever,
move on with your life. There's plenty of other content

to consume with that high I'm Mike Carmen. Welcome in
for another beautiful edition of Fox Yeah, Fox Sports Sunday.
It's Dan Byer alongside me, my partner on the iWatch
of Flex podcast. You hear him with Doug Gottlieb, with
Cavino and Richard during the week twelve to four Pacific time.
What's going well, buddy?

Speaker 3 (01:01):
These draft grades are crazy, just for the simple fact
Mike of if you only have like five picks, no
one's giving you an a like you have to if
you're going to grade great on a curve, great on
what you had available to you, because I always feel
the teams that either made them move up or ended

up having about like twelve picks in a draft always
end up getting great draft grades because they were the
team that we heard the most. Now you also have
the opportunity to cancel out some bad picks because you
have more of them. But if you're going to grade
a draft, at least do it on a curve.

Speaker 2 (01:40):
Well, do the activity of the GM How active were they?
Did they get did they look like they were sweating
in the draft room like Sonny Weaver back in the
day in draft day. I mean that that's kind of
where we get to at the final analysis to your
your point of you know, how active were they in
terms of making more from what they had or did
they at least not go and draft someone that made

to the common thinking no sense, because then you kill them.
So it's one of those processes like you take it
for what it's worth and laughing.

Speaker 4 (02:14):
You know.

Speaker 2 (02:14):
The other crowd is the well, we can't judge him
for four years, like, no, that's not the way it works.
The programming is now, and we're projecting forward, just like
these guys are and making their selections.

Speaker 3 (02:26):
The programming is now, But the contradictions that happen are
it's it's profound, and it's the reason why I don't
love draft grades.

Speaker 5 (02:36):
And I just go to the fact.

Speaker 3 (02:38):
Of when Randy Gregory was in the draft years back
and he was flagged for having a positive drug test
at the NFL combine. So Randy Gregory was a first
round talent who ends up falling to the second round
and the Cowboys end up taking him at that time,
and then you're saying, look at this great value, Well, yeah,

there was a reason that he was that. And I'll
even take a more recent one, Jalen Carter last year
of the Eagles, when drafted by Philadelphia, there was a
reason why he fell to where he fell in the
back half of the top ten because of the drama
that occurred in his life with the street racing. And

but then you hear man, Howie Roseman did it again. No,
Howe Roseman just was willing to take the risk to
bring in Jalen Carter or nobody else was. It's not
a wasn't a master class move, and so that when
people put that as part of grades, that's what annoys me. Obviously,
the talent at that spot is great, but there's a

reason why that player fell to said spot, So that
team shouldn't necessarily be rewarded just because maybe they had
the I don't know know guts, or maybe they just
had the depth to be able to make the pick.

Speaker 5 (03:55):
That's the stuff that I know.

Speaker 2 (03:56):
Oh that's the latter part, right, is that they were
drafting from the position of great strength on their roster.
So if it didn't work out and there were more
things to come out of that or future problems, ah
well we missed on that one. We move forward, sure, right,
then go back to Laramie Tunzel and the Darth Vader mask.

Speaker 5 (04:14):
Mm hmm.

Speaker 2 (04:16):
Now he's potentially a Hall of Fame guy all these
years later, but he's a guy that at the time
is like, wait, what the hell is going on here?

Speaker 5 (04:23):

Speaker 2 (04:24):
I remember that draft night, but it's it's all of it.
It all comes out in the wash, and we'll get
into the draft in earnest. As the show goes on
from the Fantasy angle as well some winners and losers
coming out of the draft picks. But you and I
talking a little bit before the show, you know, we
get excited when it comes playoff time. Right, Sometimes sports

stay not in the background, but don't get that, you know,
front page fodder until you get to win in time.

Speaker 5 (04:50):

Speaker 2 (04:50):
We do it every year with college basketball because it's
overshadowed by the NFL. And then we get towards Christmas Day,
towards the end of the NFL regular see in the
NBA steps forward a bunch in college basketball. If you're
a college basketball fan, obviously you're watching, you understand what
I'm saying. It's like hockey fan is excitable that you
know the regular season exists, but then the playoffs are

a different level. For the NC DOUBLEA, we wait for
the NC DOUBLEA tournament, everybody predicts their upsets and gets excited.
Now we're watching the NBA playoffs, Dan, and every night
it becomes the all right, I'm gonna flip it on.
I'm gonna watch five minutes and we'll see if if
there's effort, and that's the scary part that we're talking about,

and then I'll check back in at about an hour
and a half, knowing it's about a two hour to
twenty win, and see what the differential is in points
at that point. Have you made a run or is
this just a all right, we were up to nothing.
We'll clap our hands and move forward. Yeah, I am.

Speaker 3 (05:49):
I don't think it's as much efforts as this sense
of urgency. And that's the and I think that lingers
throughout the NBA. I mean, just take a look at
you yesterday's games, Mike, and it's the second straight weekend
where we've pretty much had absolute dog games like to
start out the weekend in the NBA playoffs last weekend,

Pelicans at Thunder were really the only matchup to really
save us to say hey, you know, this is a game,
and it went down to the final possession, so you
had that excitement. Lakers had a lead against the Nuggets
and then the Nuggets come back and rally, so there was
a bit of a story one there, but it wasn't
that the fact that the games ended up being close games.

And you look at the slate yesterday. So now we're
a week into the playoffs and there's still no urgency,
and it reminds me a little bit of this regular
season and why I just I can't give the Lakers
a pass. I know we're going to talk about them
a little bit. Is if this team could compete with
the Denver Nuggets night in night out the NBA playoffs,

then why are you fighting for a seventh seed or
an eight seed during the regular season? And is that
to me signals something of something's not right, You're not
turning it on, You're not doing what you need to do,
because if you can match up that well with Denver,
then you can match up with anybody in the West.

Speaker 5 (07:12):
Then why do you do it? Why? Why?

Speaker 3 (07:14):
I'm not saying that they're settling mic for the seven
or eight seed, but it provides such a safety net
for some of these, you know, for some of these teams,
and that safety net takes away that that need for urgency.
And I don't think any of these teams were urgent,
except maybe for Boston yesterday, because Boston goes and takes

it to the heat after dropping Game two. But I mean, man,
it was just it was not a great slate of basketball,
and Lakers end up getting the win and not having
Denver come back in the game, which was different from
their first couple of contests, you know, but still even
that one, it felt like the Lakers kind of kept
Denver at arm's length.

Speaker 2 (07:53):
Well, yeah, watching last night, there are a couple of
runs towards the end of that game, and it's like,
are they going to get them again? Then a couple
of big plays from Lebron. I know, there's a couple
of great video clips, right, there was an early challenge
that he was mad at Darvin Ham for not challenging,
yelling at the official stomping up and down, made happy
Birthday to Brody. You've probably seen that with a three

year old at this point right where Look and we've
all had our moments of just not a national TV
like that, but you're mad, and then you totally ignored
that play is restarting because you're man, they missed the call, right,
he was right, but in the end your coach isn't
gonna challenge it. You move on. But then you had
the other which was the big steal, Yokich holding the

ball and he slams it down and Lebron starts going
the other way. People are doing the Zubruta film and say,
how many steps do you get before you have to
dribble the ball these days, which again laughable. But the
point was Lebron did everything in his power down the
stretch and took over in spot to ensure the win.
The fact that D'Angelo Russell, after being lampooned everyone which

way till Sunday after his Game three performance, came back
with a big effort twenty one on eight of sixteen shooting.
But they survive and it's advance it. But to your
point about urgency, and you know, I use the term
effort in the in the larger scale of all right,
we know that we need to win half our games

to be in the play in conversation is I guess
where we're at. And this year for the Lakers was
a bigger deal for the fact that you had Lebron
and ad play virtually every game. Yeah, eighty played seventy
five games. Lebron missed some down the stretch, you know,
bload management or whatever you want to call it. But

the fact was that they played together. When you say, well,
I've got those two guys against the world, the sporting
cast is important to a degree. There's a lot of
bad teams in the NBA on either side of the aisle, right,
so you're gonna win some of those games by default.
So the safety net of that nine to ten addition
to the playoffs because yes, if they were the seventh

or eighth seed, stipulate they would make the playoffs. But
and eventually you're going to have to get through Denver,
so you get them early while these guys are healthy.
Like I understand some of the logic of you know,
the matchup side of it, but also there's no urgency
for home court advantage. Like what's upon a time that

seemed to be everything. Now it's I'm praying that my
stars are healthy for April. Yes, so as long as
we can get in, we may have a puncher's chance.

Speaker 3 (10:38):
And because home court advantage really doesn't kick in until
the actual game seven, in terms of if you really
think about it, it has.

Speaker 5 (10:46):
Not been that important.

Speaker 3 (10:48):
I mean, you saw it a couple of years ago
when there was the battle of trying to not face
Brooklyn between Milwaukee and Boston in the East, and Boston
actually accepted the challenge. Milwaukee turned away from it, and
it was only at that point when they their semi
final series because Boston destroyed Brooklyn and met the Bucks
in the conference semifinals that it ended up going to

a game seven and guess what home court advantage mattered.
It was the Grant Williams game ended up blowing Milwaukee
out in that Game seven after the Bucks were up
heck three to two in that series. But to your point,
like that's the one off in all of this, there
is just you mentioned a lot of bad teams in
the in the NBA, in the Western Conference, there were

ten spots for eleven teams. That's what this season basically was.
You know, Houston was in it for the last you know,
up until the last week or two in the in
the regular season, but they end up not making it.
But the I don't know, I don't know if the
the value of getting in the top six is enough

to con to provide that urgency for these teams, because
you would think it would like, hey, we don't want
to get into the plan because it's one and done. Well, heck,
there's a safety net in the play in if you're
a seven or eight you lose, guess what you get
another game? And yeah, and it's at home and the
team's on short you know, rest because of who played

so like so like even that factor. And I just
I'm not saying that it's it's the sole reason, Mike
for it, but there just doesn't seem to be urgency
in the NBA and in these playoffs. And then you
have a slate of games. I mean, it's been blowout
city with the Calves and Magic in the series that
nobody I means made for NBA TV. We joke about it.

But the Magic got scored the Calves sixty one to
twenty nine in the second half of a game four.
You know, you know, like it's just it, like what
do what is going on? Like where? And it may
say more about Cleveland as a team than anything else,
but you know, that's your make or break game, Mike, Right,

you go up three to one, you go back home,
you have the next you know, two or three at
home if you're Cleveland, and then you get it outscored
by thirty points in the you know, in the second half.
It's just it's it's not good and and and they're
not the only ones it's been. You know, it's been
that way throughout And I don't think and I don't
think it's just because teams are better, like I think

Minnesota is better than Phoenix, and I think that they've
showed that.

Speaker 5 (13:22):
I think Phoenix has some issues.

Speaker 3 (13:25):
But the Cavs Magic Series is probably the perfect one
of why you just have these games that end up
getting out of hand when you think that you have
too evenly match squads.

Speaker 2 (13:35):
One hundred percent. He's Dan Byer at Dan Byron Fox
is where you find him. Find me over at Swollen Dome.
More NBA playoff talk as the show continues, but coming
up next, we'll turn our attention to the NFL Draft,
the good, the bad, the ugly. Obviously that pick number
eight is still blinking out there for us to comment on. Uh,
and you know, kill off some of those justifications you

may have heard these last seventy all of that and more.
And I do a victory lap as a guy with
the Bears that they didn't screw anything up yet. We'll
talk about all of that as we continue here. It's
Fox Sports Sunday on Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 6 (14:14):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to
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Speaker 7 (14:26):
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Speaker 5 (14:34):
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Speaker 5 (14:44):
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Speaker 2 (15:08):
Welcome back in. It's Fox Sports Sunday, Fox Sports Radio.
I'm Mike Harmen alongside me Dan Byer. Follow us in
the Twitter verse at swollen Gnome at Danbyer on Fox
Take us wherever you go the iHeartRadio app download it
obviously Fox Sports Radio, all our affiliates, all the music stations,
all the podcasts. It's one stop shopping for your audio needs,

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My brothers are getting their outfits ready, Dan, they go
every year part of a large contingent. I think they
can write a book on some of the stories getting
to and from Churchill Downs.

Speaker 5 (16:04):
There could be a.

Speaker 3 (16:05):
Book about the two and from, and then there could
be another book about what actually happens on the grounds
during the Kentucky Derby.

Speaker 2 (16:13):
No question about. It's so much to go on with that,
the pomp and circumstance, because look, we're talking about record
numbers and crazy numbers, seven hundred thousand people plus across
the city of Detroit. We've got our guy Chris Purfett
with us, our technical producer today. No, he was very excited,
right the Lions the last couple of years showing out

on the field and then you get M and M
and they all show out. It's one of those events.
I still want it in Radio City Music Hall. I'm old.
I'm old. Like I liked that there was tradition, like
it's tradition that we talk about lot Dan with sports
and when you change. And I love that cities get
to do this. I don't mean to diminish it. I
hope everybody had a wonderful time. We've seen it in Nashville,

We've seen it in Green Bay is next, right. You
you take it around this traveling road show and see
everybody show out in their jerseys and and and cheering,
and it's fantastic. There's just still something about me that
thinks back to those drafts in that spot that how
with the Hallowed ground, and you're part of what might
be that I got a notification that tickets were going

on sale for Ringo Starr and his All Star banned
at Radio City. All that, but the timing kind of
you know, came together. But you know, it's it's the
kind of thing that I again, I appreciate the largest
of what the NFL has become, but there's something to
the old school.

Speaker 3 (17:33):
You know that first of all, that that number just
seemed really large to me, like it was just like
it's just where it was like nobody's really gonna call
them on it.

Speaker 5 (17:43):
They're not gonna say like how do you estimate that? Yeah?

Speaker 3 (17:47):
Yeah, So it's and you spread it out over three
days and you have that total. But it just it's
it just seemed it just seemed only for the NFL's benefit.
On why it was great, because I don't want us
to sound like get off my lawn, guye. But I
did think about what would it be like to attend
an NFL draft and what we what we see these

What we see at these drafts with the enormous amounts
of people are the crowd shots, the sky shots where
you just see this swarm and it looks like a
music festival all into what's you know, leading up to
the to the stage.

Speaker 5 (18:28):
But then you have these.

Speaker 3 (18:30):
Manufactured team sections where the fans sit so the camera
can always go all right, let's Jaguars are on the clock,
and they've got their own designated spot where there's a
guy dressed up in all of his Jaguar stuff or
same thing, somebody with a cheese head that's a Packers fan.
Like you've got all these different team sections that are
set up by the NFL. My question is, and what

I in why I like the old version better, is
how many of those seven hundred thousand fans walked through?
Really we're paying attention to what was going on to really,
aside from the Terry and Arnold pick of Detroit, how
many people are there if you're a draft fan or

a fan of your team, are you there to really
soak in the draft. And I guess that's probably the
NFL's argument, Mike, is it's the draft is the draft,
but it's all about the NFL in that weekend where
you and I are probably like, no, the draft is
the draft, and it's about the draft. And the great

thing that happened with those drafts is that that New
York fan base Jets are giants. Usually the Jets were
never happy with their picks, or the Philadelphia fans would
come up and they would then end up, you know,
being critical of their bicks and booing Donovan McNabb. It
was a celebration of the NFL is what the draft

has become. And it wasn't that in New York. And
I think that's the part where it was more authentic.
This is just as you said, you know, Eminem is
on stage, all these Lions come out. There's aside from
maybe a if you're a Packers fan there, excuse me
if the Packers are picking where the Lions fans would

boo or maybe the Bears beautify because of a division rivalry.
It's more of just the celebration of the National Football League.
And I just don't think that that is that to me,
isn't authentic. It's not a commission always gets booed, But
it's also the booing of the teams that he came
accustomed to, Jets, Eagles, Giants, those teams.

Speaker 2 (20:39):
Yeah. I got to attend it in New York once, right,
long ago, the Matt Lioner year. So let's go back
to two thousand and six for that one. And he
was the last guy in the green room, okay, and
what was he the tenth or eleventh pick?

Speaker 5 (20:53):
Yeah? Yeah, right, top five card.

Speaker 2 (20:55):
So gone and that was it. So the rest of
the night it was filled with an awful lot of
former Jets and Giants and trivia questions with them and whatever.
But it felt like it was a and again, celebrate
the growth of the NFL, no question about it, and
make your money and take your victory laps where you can.
There it felt like you were at the theater. So

you're watching a show like you were watching a live
theater event. And the intermissions are when a team would
take the full amount of the clock, or there'd be
a trade and it would extend and all of that stuff.
So there's filler, like an intermission. All right, go get
your popcorn and whatever. But it felt like everybody was
at rapt attention for what was coming next to your

point about it's a celebration and it's a big party.
Everything else. Good for the folks in Detroit and these
other places that have hosted it, but there it felt
like it was a business. Like you and I watch it,
but it's like you know, you go to Broadway to
see theater. It was the same thing. All right, what's
the next act going to be? Where's the twist? The

m Night Shaliman movie whist on a stage for the draft? Well,
we know we got that at pick number eighth this
year in a big way. So yeah, it's it's that
kind of thing.

Speaker 3 (22:11):
It's never going back. And I am I am curious
because I you know, I know, you know, Chris Perfet's
a diehard Detroit guy. I just I'm curious in his thoughts.
I'm curious on Ian's thoughts as well as a younger viewer,
as Chris just with did it do anything with you?
Having it in Detroit, since you're from basically the area

you cover the Lions. Did that do anything for you
in watching over these last three days.

Speaker 8 (22:40):
Yes, But I think there's some extenuating circumstances to it.
First off, I know we, like you know, I've been
planning to go. A lot of that fell through, So
I think it was kind of at least fun for
me to view it from afar my connections to the city.
At least I know, like the restaurants around there, the
people who are going in. I know people have made
plans for months. But I think the big factor that

really made it as successful as it is, that that
made it bigger than Nashville, that brought in these huge,
record setting crowds, was that it did come on the
heels of the Detroit Lions having one of their most
successful and most celebrated seasons, not just successful, but celebrated,
lauded for the team, for Dan Campbell, for everything else

in recent memory. It's only a few months removed from
the Lions playing in the NFC Championship Game, and I
think that just carries it carried a lot the same
momentum from that Lion season that this is still a
feel good moment for Detroit. And there's always the emotion
when I get to see people from the outside go
to Detroit and dispel all of their held conceptions of Detroit.

That kind of comes from, you know, the national media
or people outside of what they think Detroit is. They
go there and it's like wow, it's this is different
than what I expected. This is great downtown in this
sports area. So it has that element to it. Yeah,
I think that's fair.

Speaker 3 (24:01):
And and the reason I bring I wanted Chris's thoughts
and I want Ian's thoughts, Mike, is because Chris has
got a local connection. Ian's twenty years younger than we are,
you know, like you know, like in terms of what
we remember and pull back the curtain.

Speaker 5 (24:15):
Dan, Hey show up. I don't know, but but I
but I am. I am fairly I'm fairly certain. I
appreciate your joke. Soul Man.

Speaker 3 (24:25):
Do you do you remember New York based drafts? I mean,
you're I mean, you know, I know it's your Jets fan,
it's your.

Speaker 9 (24:30):
I'm twenty four, so you know I was around for
that stuff. Yeah, but I've only the only draft I've
attended was the one in Vegas.

Speaker 5 (24:38):
A few years ago.

Speaker 9 (24:39):
Okay, but I gotta be honest, I I really like
what it's become.

Speaker 5 (24:43):
See that's I am what I was curious about.

Speaker 9 (24:45):
Maybe that is like a young person's way of looking
at it, but I like, I I kind of like
that Eminem's on still. You know, it's a little weird.
It's a little like, what are you doing here, dude?
You know, like because you're hip hop. But he's an
icon in the city that it's being held in, So I,
you know, I thought there was a place for him.

Speaker 2 (25:02):
Again, a younger person.

Speaker 8 (25:04):
I was going to say, I also attended in twenty
seventeen the Draft in Philadelphia, and like, with no connections
to Philadelphia, we'd gone out there with a couple of friends,
but like I was blown away by the Philadelphia crowd too.
So I think there is something to just, you know,
to what Ian's saying, that there is something Getting to
see each fan base's culture on display is something remarkable.

It's not always going to be a hit, and it's
not always going to be a hit. I don't think
we could hold this, and like say, Jacksonville and I
have questions about the capacity in Green Bay for two
hundred thousand people.

Speaker 2 (25:36):
But you know, well, there's a lot of open space
in Green Bay right there is.

Speaker 3 (25:43):
They're not having it on a farm in pastic They
could have.

Speaker 2 (25:49):
Been around that state. There's land even right around this date.

Speaker 9 (25:53):

Speaker 3 (25:55):
In fact, houses are being knocked down where my family
would part at Packer games. That house no longer exists
because the packers have taken it over for their own space.
But they're gonna be fine. They're going to figure out
a way to do it. And that's that's the point
of it is. There's so Chris and Ian if both
attended NFL drafts for whatever reason, you attending a New

York draft is like it's there's not a long like
there there are more people who have attended these drafts
than it ever attended in New York draft because of
just I mean, heck, if you have two hundred and
twenty thousand and basically you know probably yeah exactly at
Radio City Music Hall, for surely.

Speaker 2 (26:35):
And I appreciate it, like, look, you know me, we've
known each other a long time. The guys as well.
Like I love live events more than anything, Like it's
the lifeblood of of If I can get to a concert,
I can get to theater. I'm there like schedule permitting,
my daughter's wanting to roll up. We go to anything
and everything that is available to us because that's where

you have all the energy going into the same same
direct Right outside of your church, synagogues, your house of worship,
that's the only place that happens is in that kind
of environment. Right live live concerts, you may not like
their set list, you may be mad they left your
favorite song off, but you're still celebrating the artists. Sporting events,

we may hate each other's teams, but we're still there
to celebrate the game we love and watch the game
we love, be it soccer, be it the NFL, be
it even the NBA where blowouts rein supreme. But it's
but it's that idea for me, so I appreciate it. Yeah,
one level, no question, I'd love to go experience one.
Green Bay would be a hell of a time to

go go back towards home, right being a Midwesterner and
and seeing that on display, I think would be great,
like great hospitality anytime I've traveled through there. It would
be fun to see, like like Chris said, with Detroit
people getting to experience that.

Speaker 3 (27:54):
Sure, and want to just find so interesting is again,
even in this draft that we just have, we had
known the number one overall pick, but still there was
a lot of hype around it the draft classroom. You
have the six quarterbacks and obviously the Penick story. There
a majority of these picks, the two hundred thousand people

don't really care that are there. And that's why I
was really curious about Ian's thoughts on it, because it
is a new age draft and as you and I
talked about, it always seemed to be about the drama
and what it is, and this is about the show
and to your point about the live events and concerts,
that's you're right, that's what this is. And when Roger

Goodell says that we are having more cities, there's better
competition to host the Draft than there are super Bowls
because not everybody can host super Bowls, I find it
pretty interesting. And so that seven hundred thousand number is
also a hey, all you other NFL cities, if you

want seven hundred thousand people, eight hundred thousand people in
your downtown area over a three day weekend, that could
help with restaurants, hotels, and everything else you may want
to bid on this, so it's good. It goes back
to the business, It goes back to the dollars, goes
back to you know, the NFL just being completely mainstream.
I have no problem with NFL, you know, putting EM

and M on stage. I think it's awesome. I just
think they do it to soften the blow that Roger
Goodell's getting, you know.

Speaker 2 (29:25):
Oh you know he's also got a new album coming out.

Speaker 5 (29:27):
Yeah, yeah, sure, yeah, there you go.

Speaker 2 (29:30):
It's perfect album.

Speaker 3 (29:32):
Absolutely, But it just it's so much about the marketing
of it, marketing of it, than it is of the
actual draft.

Speaker 2 (29:40):
You don't have to like Roger Goodell, and many people
don't correct, but you want to talk about business acumen
and directing this thing forward. Remember a couple of years
ago when everybody was saying it was dying. I can
only laugh at Dan Byer on Fox. Where you find Dan,
find me over at Swollendome, find Chris at Chris Purfett.

Now we're going to turn our attention to our man,
Isaac Loewenkron with an update of our sporting universe. What's
going on?

Speaker 10 (30:09):
I love The latest update is you guys have sent
me down the NFL draft rabbit hole with all this
talk about the history of the NFL draft and the locations,
and within the last few minutes and listening to your discussion,
I found out that for about four years in the
nineteen fifties, they held the first three rounds of the

draft in November, and then they held the final twenty
seven rounds of the draft.

Speaker 2 (30:37):
Two months later.

Speaker 5 (30:39):

Speaker 10 (30:39):
So the seven the first three rounds were in November
in Philadelphia and the final twenty seven rounds were two
months later in Los Angeles. So I remember the NFL
Draft in the Radio City musical. I had no idea
until you guys brought it up that the NFL Draft
used to take place over a couple of months.

Speaker 2 (31:00):
So that's your NFL draft history.

Speaker 3 (31:02):
I'll tell you what, if they were really, really smart
back then, they would have been trading a twenty twenty four,
twenty sixth round pick.

Speaker 5 (31:09):
You know, like that. That really would have been smart business.

Speaker 10 (31:13):
But you know, that's a great idea that would have
really livened things though.

Speaker 2 (31:17):
So ten years down in the future, I will give
you our first round pick twenty thirty four. Let's go.

Speaker 10 (31:22):
I'd hate to be holding the Portsmouth Spartan's nineteen thirty
six second round.

Speaker 2 (31:28):
What do you do with that?

Speaker 10 (31:31):
We waited eighty eight years and they don't even exist anymore.
Speaking of not existing anymore, the Los Angeles Lakers almost
did not exist, but they kept their season alive on
Saturday night with a one nineteen to one toh eight
win over Denver, breaking an eleven game head to head
losing streak with Denver one nineteen to one. Await the
final score, but Denver still leads a series three games

to won. Lebron James score thirty, Anthony Davis twenty five
points and twenty three rebounds, Nikola Jokic thirty three three points,
fourteen rebounds and fourteen assists, a triple double in a
losing cause. Earlier Saturday night, the Boston Celtics won in Miami,
what four to eighty four for a two games to
one lead. In Game three of the Stanley Cup Playoffs.
On Saturday night, the Dallas Stars and Vegas Golden Knights

were in overtime, tied at two. Here is Josh bogorad
on KTCK Johnston delay.

Speaker 2 (32:24):
Shoots his scars, Go Wight upstairs.

Speaker 9 (32:27):
One shot.

Speaker 6 (32:30):
Won's the hero The Stars win Game three.

Speaker 2 (32:34):
And we've got ourselves this series.

Speaker 10 (32:37):
Vegas still leads the series two games to one. That
was Johnston's second goal of the game. Baseball Saturday night,
the Philadelphia Phillies won at San Diego five to one.
Phillies pitcher Rangers Suarez eight innings allowed one to one
on three hits, eight strikeouts, no walks. Rangers Suarez is
now five to zero with a one point three to
two ERA. And here's your Ranger Suarez trivia. I'm not

making this up. Ranger Suarez has a sister named Ranger Lynn.
Really Ranger Lynn, Big Chuck Norris fans what apparently, so
you got Ranger and Ranger Lynn.

Speaker 5 (33:15):
I think you also buried the lead.

Speaker 3 (33:17):
Isaac lon Kron Harmon's White Sox are on a winning streak.

Speaker 5 (33:21):
It's right, yes, of two right now.

Speaker 2 (33:26):
My mom's losing it because they're down north towards Tampa.
But the fact that they're beating the Rays. But it's
funny you bring it up. The defunct NFL teams makes
me think of when you'd win. You know, they have
these different awards you get in grade school, and a
lot of local businesses would be part of the action.
If you go around and try to get donations whatever.

But sometimes they wouldn't quite recognize that that local business
had gone out of out of business because like, hey,
you know what, you had a great quarter. Here's twenty
dollars to the you know, yogurt shop or the frozen
custard shop, like they closed four months they're gone, Like
can I trade this? Like that's all we got.

Speaker 3 (34:08):
You could come over for ice cream in my house.
That's that's about it. That's all you can do it.

Speaker 5 (34:13):
Yeah, you get.

Speaker 3 (34:15):
Here's here's here's a here's a coupon for blue Bunny.
What are your grocery store?

Speaker 2 (34:20):
And there you had it. He's an hit fire at
damn Biron Fox, Thanks Zilo at Isaac lowenkron Uh he
had the call on Angel City on Friday night. H
a tough one in extra time, three to one, and
we've got Arsenal putting it all over Tottenham uh at
forty first minute because we got we got our international
listeners on the iHeartRadio app. Of course, Hey, coming up next,

Fantasy Impact of the Draft, which rookies are you gonna
be targeting early in your twenty twenty four selections? We'll
do that next here on Fox.

Speaker 11 (34:52):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio Radio.

Speaker 2 (34:57):
Hey, welcome back in Fox Sports Radios. Fox Or It's Sunday,
Mike Carmen alongside Dan Byer. Thanks for hanging out with us,
giving us a few minutes of your time. We know
you have a lot of options audio, video, sleep that
you can get to on a Sunday morning. We appreciate
you having a cup of coffee to frump service, walking
the dog. However you're listening to us. How whatever device

on which you're listening to us, we appreciate you. All
the program directors and our four hundred plus affiliates nationwide. Really,
we are honored to be able to try to entertain
and inform you here from our Bully pulpits as we
celebrate all things draft, the NBA playoffs, the NHL playoffs.
My team not participating, and that's fine, and the Bulls

were a nice early exit. But you know, there is hope,
and as we know from Shawshank redemption Dan Bayer, hope
is either the best of things or it's the most
dangerous of things. And well that's what we get coming
out of the NFL Draft weekend. So from the positive perspective.
Let's talk fantasy impact of some of these rookies and
what we're looking at for our draft day experience. We

did a five round mock draft proceeding the draft. I
think we had a couple of rookies crack that list.
You can find that wherever great audio is found, wherever
you get your podcast, go and find the iewatch flex podcast.
But you know one of your guys right off the board,
and I know you were salty that he stayed in
the NFC West, but I mean, Marvin Harrison, I think

the over under on is receiving yards is of thousand.

Speaker 5 (36:26):

Speaker 3 (36:27):
That does not surprise me though, because even if you
were to take the other wide receivers that wentz in
that top ten and Dunza going to the Bears and
Elik Neighbors obviously going to the Giants, the opportunity in
Arizona of wide open, like it's He's w R one
right away and Malik Neighbors maybe that with the Giants,

but I would rather have Kyler Murray throwing the football
than Daniel Jones. And Arizona still a team that's making
its way up and building its way up, So I
think he is the far away.

Speaker 5 (37:02):
Really the the.

Speaker 3 (37:04):
The guy if you were talking rookie wise, to make
an impact, especially from you know, the first rounders. Heck,
even brock Bowers is now in a bit of a
committee you know with the Raiders, you know, just like
duns would would be with the Bears. You expect maybe
he's gonna get more favorable coverage considering you have DJ
Moore and Keenan Allen there as well. But yeah, Harrison

to me, just far and away, and even Mike even
if just in Arizona, like they drafted Trey Bentzon, the
running back from Florida State in the third round. When
you look at how the running backs and the running
back you were none in the first round that were
drafted or you know, on on Thursday, that could be
a spot. So maybe Arizona is now this place where
all of a sudden, okay, maybe you can find some

fantasy value. But Harrison, uh my, no brainer for sure.
Benson my sleeper that you could get something from in
twenty twenty four.

Speaker 5 (37:56):
Yeah, I did.

Speaker 2 (37:57):
You mentioned in Dona and he's one of those interesting spots.
It seems like it's a feast or famine kind of
situation with the number of weapons because you added DeAndre Swift,
you have Everett and Comet at tight end, and obviously
DJ Moore and Keenan Allen a lot of mouths to feed.
So they're gonna be games where it's gonna work. And

let's face it, nobody's banking on Keenan Allen to play
seventeen games on that soldier field surface, because that's something
I don't think that's been talked about as much as Oh,
he goes to Chicago and there's Caleb Williams and look
as much as we and we'll talk about Caleb a
bit more like you talk about coming into a sweet situation,
like they built a very nice soft landing for him,

because just the quick comparison to the wide receivers that
Justin Fields came into the Bears organization with really as
Ben was one of the starting wide receivers when Justin
Fields Okay, like again, NFL player gotta career, But that's

not Keenan Allen, that's not Dj Moore to bring it in.
I think it's curious what they did in Carolina. You
got a couple of guys that should be able to
make an impact if you believe that they can turn
things up, and that Canalis can fix some things, right,
Jonathan Brooks. One of the great stories of the draft
because after Night one, Jerry Jones doing his State of

the Union talking about how much he loved him and
was all excited, and then Carolina went and drafted him
ahead of doubt having the opportunity to do so. And look,
Miles Sanders and Chewba Hubbard, they're guys at this point, right,
And especially with Sanders, I think the recognition of you know,
how much that offensive line in Philly really made him

look better than he was. Xavier Worthy to me is
interesting there in Kansas City because we don't know what's
gonna happen with Rashid Rice, Travis Kelce older regular season.
He's almost like the NBA conversation. We're having a bit
of load management where we don't have to kill him
because we know we need him for the playoffs to
step up big and worthy being the speeds that he is.

And obviously Keon Coleman.

Speaker 5 (40:09):
Yeah, almost by default, right, right, I mean.

Speaker 2 (40:11):
That's it, like he becomes de facto potential monster there
for Josh Allen.

Speaker 3 (40:17):
And considering that Buffalo had made those trades and we're
still willing. And then to Coleman where they did makes
me think that there's even more belief in him in
being able to contribute to that offense the way they need.

Speaker 2 (40:30):
He's Dan Byer. So much more to talk about from
the NFL Draft as we continue at Dan Byer on
Fox find me over at Swollen Dohm. You have some
fantasy questions that you want to gain of of course,
kick him over our way as well. Coming up next
more from the NFL Draft, and we'll go back to
the number one spot and the juxtaposition with number eight.
We'll do that next.

Speaker 11 (40:52):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio Radio.

Speaker 2 (40:56):
Greetings, welcome in. It's our two of the program Fox
Sports here, Fox Sports Radio. Thanks for being with us
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over ten thousand recommending installers, tire rac dot com the
way tire buying should be overseas. We've already got action

on the pitch all over the place. Full day of
sports coming up, I mean, really replete with so many things.
The NHL playoffs. We've got the NBA playoffs. We'll see
who gets blown out today. I mean that's really kind
of where we're at. It's Dan Byer next to me
here along with you.

Speaker 5 (41:40):
And that one also may hit a little closer to home.

Speaker 2 (41:43):
It wasn't I mean, it wasn't staring at you with
a Bucks logo in my hand at that point. Are
you suiting up.

Speaker 5 (41:49):
For this one? I may have to, right they.

Speaker 3 (41:54):
I'd give them the about what they would expect or
what they got in Game two, which wouldn't be But
if you don't, it's tough enough without Yiannis. And again,
it's not like this team didn't have issues heading into
the playoffs if everybody was healthy. Right now, you take
Giannis and Damian Lillard out and like, is there is
there even a reason to rush Giannis back? The answer

is no, like absolutely not. Probably actually gives you more
of a reason to just be like, you know what,
it's not it's not our it's not our deal.

Speaker 2 (42:29):
Yeah, Lillard with the Achilles diagnosed. So, although it was
really interesting watching Middleton take over that game, the bank
shot and then the fade away, it's like, is he
gonna hit it? Are we getting another overtime and then
it falls harmlessly off the rim. But hell of an
effort from him.

Speaker 3 (42:45):
Yeah, heck of an effort for sure, especially considering that,
you know, I think a lot of people are wondering,
like how much is actually left in his tank for
considering the injuries that he's battled over these last couple
of years, that, by the way, will not be better
in the future. It will only be getting likely beginning worse.
So it was nice to see him have that moment.

But there's you know, scenario in that Game three on
Friday where Indiana is just keeping the ball basically for
a minute because the Bucks couldn't get an offensive rebound,
and there were just so many reasons why I twooted
about the officiating that may have been in the moment
a little little eight.

Speaker 2 (43:24):
I'm not say disagreed with you, though there were number
of really.

Speaker 5 (43:28):
Yeah, we're doing balls.

Speaker 3 (43:30):
Yes, yeah, it was a bit frustrating, but yeah, I mean, heck,
you look at even look at the lines today in
what we've what we've got, the Bucks are almost a
ten point dog.

Speaker 5 (43:42):
I mean, and by the way, probably rightly so.

Speaker 3 (43:45):
Without Giannis and Damian Lillar nine and a half on
the road, total to sixteen and a half.

Speaker 2 (43:50):
For those paying attention, we've got Clippers, Mavericks. The early game,
the Nicks and seventy six ers. We talked a lot
about tackling skills the last couple of days in the
NFL Draft. Joel Embiid tried to do his best the
other night in what can only be described as a
desperate and a dirty play under the rim as he

went for the to grab and wrap the legs of
Mitchell Robinson underneath the basket. And he's gone through all
sorts of crap. I mean where he's at right now physically,
I mean we're talking about Bell's palsy, his knee injury.
I mean you watch him labor up and down. He's
basically dragging one of his legs. Still doesn't excuse that
play by in any way, shape or form. But for

the Knicks, I mean they're relentless. I mean they've taken
on the Tom Thibodeau persona and as of yet, they
haven't been run into the ground like so many Thibodeaux
teams of the past.

Speaker 3 (44:44):
I find for as much as we complained about what
has gone on with some of these blowouts here in
the first round. When we do get to the Conference semis,
if it plays out how I feel that it's going
to play out Celtics and Orlando or Cleveland whoever's that's fine.
It's probably the least intriguing of the four. But you

could have a Knicks Pacers revival if the Knicks survivor.

Speaker 2 (45:10):
Many times do we see Reggie Millers right over?

Speaker 3 (45:13):
But yeah, I mean, like that's that one necessarily be bad.
And then you go to the West and you see,
all right, if Dallas continues to pull this out, now
you've got them in Oklahoma City, and what a great series.
And then on the other side, the one team that
no one talks about is Minnesota and for matching up

against Denver no matter whatever Denver's series, however long it
lasts with the Lakers, but that's some really good stuff.
And with some new teams and some new blood. Yeah,
I mean, Minnesota enters tonight a favorite on the road
against Phoenix, which just does it they're a better basketball team,

but also maybe tells you that maybe Vegas doesn't think
that there's going to be a spirited effort of the
Suns to keep their season alive, but I think it's
more of the you know, the former than the latter.
But yeah, I think we could be setting up for
a really good conference semi finals. And I hope so,
because so far it hasn't been that great in the
NBA playoffs as as we've talked about it.

Speaker 2 (46:22):
Well, what's funny, though, Dan, is you know the other
side conversation. All of this goes to, you know what
you said in your analysis there of these young teams
and new faces right Denver, we've seen them, we know them,
we love them. Luca's gotten a lot of run, but
for some of these other squads, it's the introduction. So

we won't have Kevin Durant, we won't have Lebron James,
Steph Curry's already on the golf course, and go on
down the line. That changing in the guard and people
do the lamentation because for whatever reason, it seems like
the more fractured programming has become of I've got to
go find this and if you have noticed, they're doing
bet casts for games on True TV as part of this, right,

so you've got your t When I go on my
YouTube TV subscription and I go to log in and
view an NBA game, it says would you like to
watch it here? Or would you like to watch it here?
Sometimes there's a third option if it's available in Spanish,
but it becomes the you know, here's TNT and here's
the true TV betcam. So you got coachs doing the

live betting analysis and discussions. As will continue to see
that grow. But folks get so caught up in TV
ratings for everything and comparing and contrasting. And again I
said it in an hour, Wan, I say it here.
If you don't like it, you're not gonna watch just
But if you're into the NBA, guess what, You're gonna
embrace the new teams, the new guys. And if you

don't like watching Edwards play basketball, then you really don't
like basketball. Yes, so you should go do something else anyway.
But it's that kind of thing. You stop looking at
the logos we talk about for fantasy for all the
years we've been doing the podcast, you're gonna find stats,
no matter how horrid the team may be. Somebody on
that squad is gonna help you to a fantasy title.

Speaker 3 (48:10):
Yeah, you're right, And this is and this is the
thing about Minnesota is that it isn't just Anthony Edwards,
and it isn't just Anthony Edwards. And you know Carl
Anthony Towns. You know, Jane McDaniels had a you know,
big game in Game three. Like they have got pieces
around them. Heck, it's why they honestly, it's why they

were in contention for the number one overall seed up
until you know the end of the Ratlar season.

Speaker 2 (48:37):
Yeah, and a couple of guys that came from other squads.

Speaker 5 (48:40):
Right, naz Reid's great Alexander.

Speaker 2 (48:42):
Walker was a guy who was an afterthought, comes to Minnesota.
Now he's he's a guy averaging fifteen a night in
the regular season.

Speaker 5 (48:49):

Speaker 2 (48:49):
You find these these these gems along the way. So
we'll we'll see how that plays. But yeah, these sons
trying to avoid elimination. Your final game tonight. But as
we're talking about the NFL Draft, much more on it
as we go. We got a little bit of golf
to get to it. And what a couple of teams
trying to figure out how they're navigating going forward. Dan,

you know the juxtaposition the celebration in Chicago the night
before or the day before the draft. They have this
big pump and circumstance and presentation about here's the stadium
we want to build on the lake front. We're only
going to need two point three billion dollars of your
public money to do it. We'll start with the prayer session.
And I get it. We're on a Sunday. I'm not

going against the man and his mission and what he
does in the pulpit, but for this event to be
praying for wins and for money to more or less
fall from the sky, when you've got representatives of different
unions there that are also in the middle of negotiations
and battles for public funds, you know, teacher salaries and

things of that nature, just seemed a little bit odd.

Speaker 5 (50:00):

Speaker 2 (50:00):
The next day, Caleb Williams gets drafted. All is right
with the world and the Bears quote didn't screw it
up the number of times I saw that in my
social media, wondering if at the last minute suddenly they'd
decide to zag when everything seems so right, And certainly
the betting odds told you that of Caleb Williams. But

you have that and then at eight got a straightforward draft, right.
I mean, you know, if you were doing a rock draft,
which I did. I got my SAT points for putting
Caleb Williams first, and then I had the five and
seven flopped. I had Latham going to the Chargers thinking,
all right, they signed re signed their right tackle, but

maybe Latham was the fit, and all well, they flipped
that fine, Tennessee takes him, Neighbors goes six. But then
the Michael Pennock selection. Immediately you just it's the record
scratch moment. Yes, of all right, you spent all this money,
Kirk Cousins is coming in, and you could try to
sell me on insurance policies and all of that stuff.

Trying to compare one to one what the Packers did
a few years ago to what the Falcons did to
me is just a false equivalence on so many levels.
But what's also been I think a disappointing part of
it is it became a further dissection of Michael Pennis
the player, when that shouldn't. It's all about the organizational

pick rather than the player coming in at eight, right,
Michael Penix was probably gonna go no later than thirteenth,
or so we thought. And when the pick first first
got announced, I'm like, who did they draft for sure,
or you had the other thing of all right, who
do they draft for because they're getting hit with tampering
sanctions for the Kirk Cousins negotiations. Is this how it

manifests me?

Speaker 5 (51:52):

Speaker 2 (51:53):
And instead we start dissecting it. But what was disheartening
was all right, now we're gonna go back and pick
apart all the things on Michael Pennocks. No, we did
that in the analysis. This is now about the Falcons
and the organization.

Speaker 3 (52:05):
Well, there's and that unfortunately for Michael Pennix, and I
guess unfortunately for the Falcons who put themselves in that situation.
It comes with the territory. The you know, the fact
of the matter is likely after one season of Sam Darnold,
Minnesota's gonna hand the keys over to JJ McCarthy and
will things will move on from there. Kayler Williams is

going to get the keys of the vehicle on on
day one, you know, I mean, Jayden Daniels, you know,
same thing if you want, like this is this is
your show, let's do this. Drake May and New England,
you know, like those those situations are set up for
those guys too, sooner rather than later take over that organization,

and now Pennix, who might it's crazy to think that
age can be used against you, but because it's happens
in the NBA, he's a senior who would want you
know that gold of God? Yes, yes, you like there
was even a little of that with Michael Pennix and
it It may not, it may not be fair. But
when you're trying to make sense of of what the

Falcons did, because the pick just really it made no
sense at all. In any point that you can make,
you could come up with a counterpoint or rebuttal to it.
There's there has not been one scenario that has been
thought through that hasn't been flagged by someone saying, well, yeah,

but then what about this? Then why did you do
this or why were your actions that? And I and
I get Atlanta wanting to sit there and say to themselves,
you know, we want to shore up our quarterback room
for the next you know, however long even if if
that was the case, like why it just it it

doesn't make sense because Pennix was never thought to be
a top ten guy, and throughout this whole process, so
in March, when you're the first to take kirk Cousins
because that deal. Again you mentioned the tampering charges. Not
only did they sign kirk Cousins, they wanted him so
bad that they were willing to maybe break the rules

to do so. And then you do this. It just
it doesn't add up at all, whether it's health, whether
it's Pennix's health. The two years you talk about the
Packers situation, Yeah, nothing like Packers weren't signing Aaron Rodgers
to free agency the year that they you know, in
free agency, the year that they drafted Jordan Love. None
of it makes sense and I and I just don't

know how, especially when you're picking in the top eight
and you really could have a team that could win
the division or even challenge for the NFC, as crazy
as that sounds. That's why you brought in kirk Cousins
to be an NFC contender. You could have added a
player of that caliber to your roster, and you failed
to do so, completely missed by the Atlanta Falcons.

Speaker 2 (54:56):
Just if things break right to your point, they can
win the division and suddenly be challenging for much bigger
stakes because that offense is replete with weapons. I don't
know if you know and this was the best joke
I think on Draft night. It's like, for the second
straight year, the Falcons drafted a guy they won't use
in the first round owing to the fact for fantasy owners,
you know, well, yeah, if you went after b John Robinson,

he was in a box for much of the year.

Speaker 5 (55:21):
Well at number eight overall as well, well there you.

Speaker 2 (55:24):
Go, all right, and then number eight you know Kyle
Pitts's who's that guy? But you've got weapons across the board, right,
you had a couple of wide receivers you've been I
love them as ones, but they're being brought in to
be two, three, four. Right. You look at Mooney and
was it Rondell Moore? Right? Is there that you know
you've built this offense and you still had every defensive

player you could possibly want sitting in that spot.

Speaker 5 (55:49):

Speaker 2 (55:49):
Right, any edge rusher that you wanted to bring in
to help you know what? What's kind of cycled there
because you have a good offensive line, one of the
best in the game the last couple of years, you've
been able to effectively run the ball. And in theory,
you went in for Kirk Cousins and paid him what
you did one hundred million guarantee and I know it's
two years, is ninety million of it, And that's been

one of the justifications. Again, it's ninety million dollars that
you spent to bring this guy in to win, and
then immediately it's instead of making it better about winning
right now, it's you know, my mom always had to
say it phrase, I'm gonna save this for good. Hi Mom,
if you're listening, I know you guys were a little
bit earlier out there in Florida. It's the save it

for good to where you have something, right we would
buy or a nice top or or something for the
kitchen or whatever. It was as like, I'm gonna save
it for good. Well, the good doesn't always necessarily come
in short order, right, So it goes to the back
of the closet, or it goes in, you know, into
a cabinet, and it's forgotten about. And for Michael Pennix,

by time he may see the field, it's either year
three or year four. If the kirk Cousins purchase works.

Speaker 3 (56:59):
It also fly in the face of what today's NFL is.
And I'm not saying that the Falcons have to go
along with group think and do what everybody does. But
why if you're Atlanta, would you say to yourself, all right,
we want to tie up our next not only in
their scenario of it working, Mike, in their scenario of

it working, we want to tie up eight of our
next ten years with an extreme quarterback salary of forty
million dollars plus, because that's what you.

Speaker 5 (57:30):
Would be doing.

Speaker 3 (57:31):
If their plan works, meaning Cousins is their god for
two years, then Penix takes over, well, Penix takes over
in what year three, and then after year three he's
eligible for an extension and to that point where maybe
you don't have to give it to him, but that
would be the point. So then if it works out
to how you planned it, now you're having to pay

Michael Pennix after just one year and give him that
sort of contract. That doesn't make sense. It doesn't make
sense at all. Green Bay situation was so completely different
and with no guarantee, and again Jordan Love was taking
twenty sixth overall in the NFL draft, talking about a
top ten pick. Then now you're gonna maybe have to

end up paying without the information that you would gather
than all these other teams and teams are moving off
of their top ten picks in two years in the NFL,
if you're the a lot of falcons, you're gonna have
zero information about your draft pick in your presumed and
am using air quotes's best case scenario.

Speaker 2 (58:30):
What's funny is that camera's on, so we got the
air quotes on us. He's Dan Bayer at Dan Byer
on Fox. Find me over at Swollen Dome. It's Fox
Sports Sunday here Fox Sports Radio. Coming up next, we'll
turn our attention to the golf world, one of Dan's passions.
I'm a casual, but when some of the headlines break
through and you see some of the crowds, it's worth

noting on a Sunday morning, let's get after it. Next
here on Fox. Welcome back in It's Fox Sports Sunday Here,
Fox Sports Radio. Karmen, Dan Bayer with you here, Thanks
for being with us. We've got I and we've got
Chris and Isaac. We'll get the family together a little bit.
We got to have a meeting and it means we
play some games, of course, Dan as we do. So

you know, Thoroughbred racing has a new independent regulator HAISA,
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First dot Com. Safety Runs First dot Com. Even though
I won't be able to actually go to the derby,

my brothers will be there, as I mentioned last hour,
I'll still dress up for the part like I was
on the infield, you know, like you see the pompits,
are you.

Speaker 5 (59:43):
Will on Saturday?

Speaker 2 (59:44):
On Saturday?

Speaker 5 (59:45):

Speaker 3 (59:45):
Then you have to and where will you be going
next Saturday? Or I'm not going anywhere? So it's just
my house okay, But I'm gonna dress the part like
I'm barted the pagetrin. I mean paramutual wagering online, you know,
good times. California can't bet yet, but you can bet
the horse races. I would say that I appreciate the

commitment because there are other events I I appreciate your
commitments of the Kentucky Derby.

Speaker 2 (01:00:16):
It's one of those things we grew up. What my
dad's hobby is the one thing kind of did other
than occasional concerts and home games, but was horse racing. Sure,
and so you learn the systems you go to play it.
We had the tracks around Chicago. Uh many a late
night burrito after a night at the track. Uh We
had one place I called Burrito's as big as your

head was there tagging, Yes, really stretched it when my
brothers and I came to town. Let me tell you,
a dome moniker has its origins, no question about it.

Speaker 3 (01:00:49):
Gosh, I'm trying to think of what was what was
the place called? Well, we had l Farole, That's what
it was, all right, Okay? Yeah, and then then other
places have used that as well. Yeah, but yeah, plenty
plenty of joints.

Speaker 2 (01:01:04):
And Matt Money Smith, he's got his history in the
Chicago Indiana's Eyes and such. You'll mention it here locally
on five seventy five seventy LA Sports here he and
Petros he's voice of the Chargers as well. But he'll
mention it in passing. Once in a while, I will
communicate about our favorite haunts, kind of like I was

doing with Chris Purfett talking about different recommendations he had
for people if they were going to Detroit for the
draft of places to check out. Now, if you were
going to say a live golf tournament, Dan, and I
know you're not the biggest of the live golf supporters
in this world. Adelaide would be a pretty good place
to go hang out.

Speaker 5 (01:01:46):
Yeah, yeah, apparently so. And Mike is right.

Speaker 3 (01:01:49):
I loathe live golf. I can't stand it. I've just
I don't even understand fully. I mean, I do, but
I don't. It's one of those things like I get it.
I hear the rhetoric, I know the dollar signs that
get with it, but I just I don't like what

it's done with the PGA Tour. And it's not that
the PGA Tour was innocent in their dealings and maybe
how they distributed money, and but it's just the fact
of is I think that it's really hurt the tour.
What it's done is it's hurt the communities that supported
the PGA Tour for so long, and there's going to

be a lasting effect because you're catering to these top players.
And I just felt I know that golf is driven
by the top players, but it wasn't always like that,
and now it feels like it's that way. And so
you take a bunch of these great players, you move
them to live golf, and now I feel that you
have two golf products that really aren't drawing the interest.

But I will say that the success for the second
straight year that Live Golf has had in Australia at
this event at Adelaide is tells us a lot about something.
And what it tells us is that while the PGA
Tour may have had issues and maybe some of the

events weren't as marquee as other ones, I always felt
that that was okay because I always use the Quad
Cities and the John Deere Classic as an example of
it wasn't one of those tournaments that Tiger Woods is
teeing up every single week and got moved around on
the schedule. But I think it meant a lot to
the Quad Cities, you know, to have that, to have

that road show come to your town. And now with
the amount of money that was needed with certain purses,
sponsorships are harder to come by, you're trying to find
that cash. How much do the little guys end up
getting run out of town was always an issue. What
I think why I think this is important here is
to see the success that Live Golf had in Australia

is that maybe everyone was narrow minded because there is
a thirst of golf. Australia loves golf, an absolute thirst
of it. They would draw so well when when the
pros would come over in November and December for the
tournaments that they had. It truly, truly is a golf
rich country and you saw that. Plus with the backing

of Greg Norman, you know, country's hero. I think that
helps a little bit, but I still think that they
would be crazy about golf and it just tells you
of maybe on how that's where golf needed to be.
Because the PGA Championship about I don't know, ten years
ago or so, I was looking at different ways to
spice their championship up because they were lost between amongst

the Masters and the Open Championship. In the US Open,
they were just the fourth major of the end of
the year. There wasn't a lot of build up to it. Well,
now they get a new date, which really helps them.
But at the times they were looking to change, there
was even talk about why not maybe take that a
broad take it to Australia to see what it would
you know, And then I don't know how far those
discussions actually got, but it was actually brought up. The

point in all of this is I don't think live
golf works in the United States. I just I don't.
I don't think it's as great of a draw as
the PGA Tour is. But you found it in Australia.
You found it in the spots, and maybe that's the
place for it. I don't agree with how you know,
how they do business, but one of the things that

they've really been lacking is attention and gist of it
being an electric event. And for the second straight year
they've put on a great event in Australia. Maybe that's
the lesson of trying to find these spots around the
globe that you can really make a benefit and tap into.

Speaker 2 (01:05:48):
Well, also a proof of concept. If the PGA did
decide it's like, well, clearly this works, sure right. We
may not have Greg Norman to put out at the
Rubber Chicken dinners, but we've got a product. And obviously
there is, as you say, the thirst sport. So you say, okay,
that's a spot we can go back in, you know,

with live golf here in the States, and I would
compare it, I think to some of the upstart football
things that we do here. You're not going to top
the NFL, No, but there's an audience, right because there's
still you have your favorite golfers that maybe you followed
for years. May not like the business of live golf,
but you might want to see that guy go and

follow him for the eighteen holes or fifty.

Speaker 3 (01:06:34):

Speaker 2 (01:06:34):
So we get to go for three days. But you
get what I what I'm saying there. They also you
know our rowdy there in Adelaide because we one of
the headlines that broke through literally was the guy getting
hit in the head with a water bottle as if
they were at the Phoenix Open.

Speaker 5 (01:06:49):
Yeah, and that's exactly what they They're a watering hole.

Speaker 3 (01:06:51):
One of their part threes is they set up and
it actually looks it looked like a really neat, intimate
venue where you have fans all around. You Canadian opens
done it as well, a little bit with a tea
box on one of their holes, but on the on
the PGA tour, but this is Yeah, it was unique
and there's there's a thirst for it and and so

you tap into that. Do I think that they were
all about it because it was Greg Norman and camp
Smith was home, Like I just I feel that's a
very small part of it. I feel that they just
they love golf in that country, So go to the
places that love golfer where it's not maybe oversaturated or
and and maybe that's what the PGA Tour should have

should have done. The Zeri Classic is this weekend. One
of the things the tour has done is they made
that a team competition where you have PGA Tour players
teaming up, and it was a way to try to
spice things up, a way to get other players to
commit to that event that maybe normally wouldn't have. You
had to think outside the box.

Speaker 5 (01:07:56):
And I think.

Speaker 3 (01:07:56):
That that's what this weekend ended up proving. Where you
just can't, you know, dropping a tournament in Miami and
playing it at Trump durrell As.

Speaker 5 (01:08:06):
You know, it is what it is.

Speaker 3 (01:08:07):
It's it's it's it's not gonna it's not gonna move
that that needle in golf. And it's almost kind of
looked like a bit that maybe even of a lost
opportunity that maybe these other entities didn't look and figure out,
how can we do this, How can we how can
we go overseas, how can we do it within our
calendar instead of doing it, you know, for us in
the middle of football season in November and December. What's
a way that it would have worked and they never

figured that out.

Speaker 2 (01:08:29):
Well, but that's thing that that's one of the I mean,
I guess one of the criticisms and one of the
how a live golf can start toes date now the
money and everything else, again we owe to the business
of it. Is that for the PGA, if it ain't broke,
don't fix it. Seems to have been the motto, yeah
for the organization and still does to a large degree.

As much as you celebrate certain events, like there's not
that forward thinking of growth expansion, it's.

Speaker 3 (01:08:57):
Because there was no competition, right, there was never and
there was nobody else to challenge it. And I even
think back then you would say, like, well, why would
you why would you try to do something outside of
the country in the middle of your tour season, in
the middle of the major season, And like do I
do I think that Brooks Koepka loves going to Australia,
you know, in between the Masters in PGA Championship. Probably

not probably wouldn't have done that, But if you were
to figure out a way to make it a unique
tournament or a special tournament or make it. You know
you're like then that then that maybe could have worked
at that time and allowed you. It wouldn't It wouldn't
have prevented live golf by by any means. But it
just it just shows on how untapped of a resource. Uh,

you know Australia has been in professional golf and how
they've turned out for it.

Speaker 5 (01:09:46):
And it's not a.

Speaker 3 (01:09:49):
Secret by any means. Everybody knew it. Everybody knew that
golf would work down there. It's just that live is
just finally taking advantage of it.

Speaker 2 (01:09:56):
Well, putting money up to try to do something seems
to be the mantra of the league is it stands
all right, we'll figure out the actual concept and proof
thereof later, but let's throw some money, get some participants,
get the sites. The if you build it, they will
come kind of model seems to be.

Speaker 3 (01:10:17):
The Yeah, data fact the team competition is still really stupid,
but I that's that's beside the point.

Speaker 2 (01:10:23):
Movies damp Fire at dam Bire on Fox, Find Me
over at Swollen Dome coming out next Yeah, Well we'll
have a little bit of family time, but first we
got to talk to Isaac Lowancron get an update of
what is going on in our sporting universe. Not a
beautiful Sunday morning. What's up?

Speaker 10 (01:10:36):
I love well that includes some fresh NFL news This morning,
The Buffalo Bills have signed former Detroit Lions receiver quintessiphis
best known for being suspended for all of last season
for violating the NFL's gambling policy. Hey, Buffalo need a translator,
asked Hepe Mizuhara anyway. In the NBA playoffs on Saturday night,

in Game four in LA, the Lakers defeated Denver one
nineteen to one O eight, so the Lakers stay alive.
Denver still leads the series three games to one. Lebron
James scored thirty Anthony Davis twenty five points and twenty
three rebounds, Nikola Jokic a thirty three point, fourteen rebound,
fourteen assists triple double in a losing cause for Denver.

Earlier Saturday night, the Boston Celtics won at Miami What
four to eighty four for a two games to one
lead in the Stanley Cup Playoffs. On Saturday night, the
Dallas Stars in overtime what at Vegas three to two
Vegas still leads the series two games to one. The
game winning goal was scored by twenty year old Wyatt
Johnston sixteen minutes and twenty three seconds into overtime. It

was his second goal of the game. Unfortunately, because he's twenty,
he could not celebrate afterwards in all the Vegas casinos.
In Major League Baseball, on Saturday night, the Philadelphia Phillies
won at San Diego five to one. The Phillies have
won ten of twelve. The Minnesota Twins beat the Angels
in Anaheim sixteen to five. The Twins on a sixteen
winning streak for the first time since May.

Speaker 2 (01:12:04):
Of twenty twenty two. And with that it is all yours, fellows.
Apreciate you, Isaac and Isaac. Loewen kron is where you
find Isaac. The Bears are on the clock five point
fifty five left for the first pick of the NFL Draft,
because you know, I had to watch it again to
celebrate the pomp and circumstance of the pick, because you
know they did tell Ryan Poles we got to have

some highdrama and wouldn't let him submit the pick.

Speaker 5 (01:12:29):
You also have to fill that TV window, that's right, right, yes.

Speaker 2 (01:12:32):
There's all the b roll that we have on Caleb Williams,
all the futility of the Bears quarterbacks that we need
to talk about a little bit more before the commissioner
gets to come out and get his obligatory booze.

Speaker 5 (01:12:44):
What a joke.

Speaker 3 (01:12:44):
We talked about it how a week ago on why
they hadn't done it, And there's why the Bears just
didn't take Caleb Williams because Ryan Pole's even said on
the phone call, We've known for the last month, Caleb
Williams said, you've known for the last five months.

Speaker 2 (01:12:58):
Yeah, you know forever, right, And as soon as Justin
Fields shuffled off to Pittsburgh, there was no longer any
question of any of that, although I did like all
the rumors of Justin Herbert potentially getting done to different spots.
But we could do that with the Chargers at the
top of the hour. But coming up next, Hey what
NFL coaches, no more than some of their peers, ponder

that for a moment. We'll discuss it next here on
Fox Sports Radio. Hey, welcome back in It's Fox Sports Sunday,
Fox Sports Radio. I'm Mike Carmen, He's Dan Bayer and
right now, I'm just gonna hand the giant stick microphone
over to Dan. He's wearing a nice shiny suit coat,
so I will be the rod Roddy for him here. Dan,

time to shy. All right.

Speaker 3 (01:13:43):
The Fox family is together and it's time to play
the feud. Mike Carmen is here. Chris purfet Ian Roddy
and Isaac Lohin Crown make up the Fox family. Top
eight answers on the board. Three strikes and the family
is out. Good news. Pass is in a today, So
if you want to use the pass, it can only
be used once by the team and I'll reveal an

answer and we'll move along in the game. But once
it's used, it is done. It also brings up the
point that I can withdraw the pass at any point
that I feel necessary. I don't think i'll do so
today until there's maybe one answer left on the board.

Speaker 5 (01:14:22):
Ah, you're right, you're ready.

Speaker 3 (01:14:23):
Top eight answers on the board Current NFL head coaches
that have played at least one snap in an NFL
regular season game. Top eight answers on the board NFL
at coaches that have played at least one snap in

an NFL regular season game, Mike Carmen, we start with you.

Speaker 2 (01:14:47):
Well, I'm just gonna steal the obvious one that we
talk about all the time, and Profet's gonna hate me.
I'll take Dan Campbell.

Speaker 3 (01:14:52):
Okay, Dan Campbell, show me Dan Campbell, you know, a
great career as a tight end in Detroit with the
Giants Cowboys as well. Dan Campbell is off the board.
Over to the aforementioned Chris Perfet.

Speaker 8 (01:15:08):
Okay, I'm man. If Frank Reich was still coaching, I'd
still be able to i'd have an answer ready to go,
but he's not. I'm trying to think. So we've got
seven on the board. Still, Yes, I hate to do
this this early. I'm blanking. Uh dude, I'm trying to think. Yeah,

I'm trying. I'm just gonna I'm gonna have to pass
right now. He's gonna take the past. But, like my
brain is, fit has already been used.

Speaker 3 (01:15:41):
Jim, Sorry, Chris, Jim Harball obviously took snaps in the NFL.

Speaker 2 (01:15:47):
So what's that I take back the pass.

Speaker 3 (01:15:50):
I just had one finally pop into my no because
I just said Jim Harball played, So that.

Speaker 5 (01:15:54):
Is that is the past. The pass is gone. All right.
Over to Ian Roddy.

Speaker 9 (01:16:00):
Jim Harma is going to be my answer, but no,
that's all right, I have others.

Speaker 2 (01:16:04):
I'm gonna go Tomiko Ryans.

Speaker 3 (01:16:05):
Demiko Rans great career with the Houston Texans, the team
that he now coaches. Show me Demiko Ryans, all right,
there he is on the board. Over to Isaac Lohincron.

Speaker 10 (01:16:16):
I'm gonna go with Brett Farve's one time backup. Doug Peterson.
A right in Jacksonville. You're right, Doug Peterson playing for
Green Bay. Also spend some time with Philadelphia. Show me
Doug Peterson.

Speaker 5 (01:16:30):
There he is.

Speaker 3 (01:16:31):
Doug Peterson off the board. Back around to Mike Harmon.
No strikes so far. Current NFL head coaches that played
a snap at least one snap in an NFL regular
season game. We've had Dan Campbell, Demiko Ryans, Doug Peterson,
and Jim Harbaugh are off the board. Looking for four more.

Speaker 2 (01:16:49):
Reminder that shortly after the show, the podcast goes up.
You missed Eddie of today's show. Be sure to check
it out. Search Fox Sports Radio wherever you get your podcast,
be sure to follow, rate and review it. Just look
for Fox Sports Sunday Buyer and Harmon again, Fox Sports Radio.
Wherever you get your podcast, you'll see this show posted
right after we get off the air. Now back to

our round two.

Speaker 3 (01:17:11):
Antonio Pierce, Ah, that may be an easy one. Show
me Antonio Pierce. He's the head coach of the Las
Vegas Raiders, longtime linebacker for the New York Giants. Antonio
Pearce's off the board. Back over to Chris Purfett.

Speaker 8 (01:17:26):
All right, I'm back in the game. Now, I've got
my head back on straight. I'm gonna go with Kevin
O'Connell Minnesota Vikings.

Speaker 3 (01:17:33):
Kevin O'Connell Minnesota Vikings. You know he was a quarterback.
Show me Kevin O'Connell.

Speaker 5 (01:17:39):
There it is.

Speaker 3 (01:17:40):
However, I think he's taking like four snaps like that's
about it. Like that's that's all that we've got. Colect check,
but it works all right. Over to Ion Roddy uh
g Mayo as hands show me girod Mayo.

Speaker 5 (01:18:00):
All right, there it is seven for seven.

Speaker 3 (01:18:03):
It's not a perfect game because of the pass that's
like a walk, but still kind of a no hitter going.
Isaac Longkron, can you find out the eighth and final
head coach that played a regular season snap at least
one regular season snap in the NFL, and.

Speaker 10 (01:18:18):
If only you had held the mail anyway, let I
would have expected at least a mercy chuckle. After that,
I'm gonna go with a guy who I think actually
played in a Super Bowl, Todd Bowles.

Speaker 3 (01:18:36):
All right, let's find out is the no hitter intact?
Show me Todd Bowles?

Speaker 6 (01:18:42):

Speaker 5 (01:18:44):

Speaker 11 (01:18:45):
Eight for eight.

Speaker 2 (01:18:46):
Yeah, I would have not gotten that one.

Speaker 5 (01:18:48):
I mean, we.

Speaker 2 (01:18:49):
Joked super bowls when he was a coach of the
Jets because of my partner Jason Smith during the week,
but yeah, I wouldn't never remember.

Speaker 3 (01:18:57):
I gosh, this is actually I wonder when you guys,
if you guys cheated, this is the this is the time.
This was I thought you'd get one strike. I thought
you would get one strike today.

Speaker 9 (01:19:07):
My next guest would have been Raheem Morris, which I
guess now we know is wrong.

Speaker 2 (01:19:12):
Was Mike McDaniel. I was out there for like Andy,
I I thought I had passing punt.

Speaker 8 (01:19:19):
That that was I just my brain just fried out,
and like two seconds after I said pass, I'm like,
oh right, yeah, Demigo Ryans, there.

Speaker 3 (01:19:27):
Are there are guys who spent training camps with teams.
Zach Taylor a guy but never never ended up officially
taking playing a snap or taking a snap in an
NFL game.

Speaker 5 (01:19:42):
And when when I looked back and was double checking.

Speaker 3 (01:19:45):
I just wanted to I wanted to make sure, and
I'm like, all right, Sala never played.

Speaker 5 (01:19:50):
But you mentioned Frank Reich.

Speaker 8 (01:19:51):
You know, He's always in my brain as like four
quarterback ys.

Speaker 3 (01:19:55):
Lost Rabel, you know, Rabel would have been an obvious answer.
So there were other guys. Uh, Cliff Kingsbury spending time
in the NFL was a name that that popped up
as well. I'm not sure what Cliff's sexual stats were
in the NFL. But so you had you had a
transition of players in and out, but those were the
eight that actually took a snap. You had teams again,

guys that played on you know, preseason games and stuff
like that, but they weren't included in this.

Speaker 2 (01:20:20):
Yeah, but O'Connell and Kingsbury, guys who once got to
watch Tom Brady work.

Speaker 5 (01:20:24):
Yeah, you're right about that.

Speaker 2 (01:20:26):
Maybe that's the next few. Yeah, who are former coaches
that are affiliated some way because they were drafted as
quote the next Tom Brady, He's Dad, I'm Mike coming up.
What the hell are the Vikings and Chargers doing?

Speaker 11 (01:20:41):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (01:20:45):
Greetings and welcome in final hour of the program for
us today Here a beautiful Fox Sports Sunday. Hopefully you're
having a glorious start to your day wherever you are
out and about. Thanks for giving us a few minutes
of your time as we broadcast live from the tire
rack dot com Fox Sports Radio Studios. Tire rack dot
com will help you get there an unmatched selection, fast,

free shipping, free road hazard protection, and over ten thousand
recommended installers. Tire rack dot com The way tire buying
should be. Mike Garment alongside my tag team partner. He's
Dan Bayer at Dan Byer on Fox. Where you find him.
We do the Eyewatch Flex podcast, Fantasy and Football and
the Meaning of Life. Find that wherever you get your podcasts.

You hear him as part of the Doug Gottlieb Show
and Cavino and Rich here twelve to four Pacific and
with me here Sunday mornings right now, Dan, good to
have you in. We had an edition of the Feud
where some confusion rained a little bit, and you start
thinking about the histories of coaches, and now we're thinking
about well coaches and how they felt about what their

gms did coming out of NFL Draft weekend.

Speaker 3 (01:21:51):
You know, it's funny, we just did the with the
feud and we had some drama. I am curious Chris
Purfett who popped.

Speaker 5 (01:21:59):
Into your mind?

Speaker 3 (01:22:00):
And when you utilize the pass and then wanted to
take it back, that's what that That's who it was.
So we would have we would have stayed on track.
I find the coaching aspect of the draft very interesting
because if Raheem Morris wasn't the head coach of the

Atlanta Falcons, are they willing to do what they did
with this Michael Pennix, meaning first year head coach, you
got some leeway. I look at what's happening in Minnesota
is one that will dive into. Is very interesting, an
interesting scenario considering where the Vikings are in the division,

where they are in the NFC, what they did in
the draft, what the future could hold, and then you've
got a whole different scenario in other places where coaches
are firmly entrenched. We think so much of the GM
when it comes to these these moves, Mike. But yeah,
these coaches have a lot of say, and especially if

your jobs on the line. Like I thought about Matt
Eberflus when he hopped on the call with Caleb Williams
being like, all right, now this works, Eberflue's going to
be around for a while. But if it doesn't, if
it goes off track, then there's going to be somebody
else talking to draft picks in twenty twenty five.

Speaker 2 (01:23:17):
And that's a curiosity, right. We know what the Bears,
and we talked about it a lot going into the
twenty twenty three season and what it became with Iberflus.
I never believed he was going to be fired because well,
the Bears don't pay out money to guys that are gone.
They ride it out for another year. And you saw
once Montees Sweat showed up in Chicago, and you know,

we're still looking for Alan Williams. Which is funny when
when folks were putting up their pictures of a number
thirteen jersey and putting the nameplate of is it Alan
or is it Williams, which when you know kind of
thing and I'm like, ha, hop, that's funny Alan Williams
still haven't found him. Former Bears defensive coordinator who resigned

citing lots of things, but there were a lot of allegations.
You go read about it in the interwebs. It's an
unsolved mister spring back.

Speaker 5 (01:24:06):
Robert stack harmon so much it's hilarious.

Speaker 2 (01:24:11):
Not often do you have a guy fired or dismissed
or resign that you never find out is whereabouts again, Dan?

Speaker 11 (01:24:19):

Speaker 2 (01:24:19):
We always have Hey, he pops up here? Or this
is why the team will issue a statement to kind
of say, hey, done deal, other than he's no longer
with the team.

Speaker 5 (01:24:30):

Speaker 2 (01:24:30):
This is the equivalent of the HR scenario. Like, we
had a couple of people way back in the day
fired for cause when I worked at Yahoo. Well, when
they went down the road to another internet company. The
only thing that HR could legally do is confirm that
they actually work there. Sure you can't say, hey, here's
why they got bounced out of here, Like, I'm not

looking for a lot of details about Alan Williams, but
could you at least give us a little bit of
something as to why he disappeared in the the middle
of the year. Either way, iberflues took over the defense
and it was one of the top rated units. Down
the stretch, you saw the offense play better, which opened
the conversations about justin fields, will they won't they? Whatever?
It doesn't matter. Caleb Williams shows up there, but a

guy who clearly you've got a front office that has
asserted themselves quite well and with great power, like Iberflus.
Is there your point about Raheem Morris If that's Bill Belichick,
it's a fight, right. If they'd hired Bill Belichick, as
had been rumored a lot, how much control he really

would have had in this iteration, We don't know, but
I gear and dan Teya Michael Panix ain't the pick
if they just spent one hundred and eighty million dollars
on Kirk Cousins. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (01:25:43):
I also think like Raheem Morris signs off on it
because he hasn't coached a game yet, right, So they're
not gonna in all likelihood. We've seen NFL head coaches
move on after one year, some even less well sure
and certain circumstances. I don't think that that's the case
in Atlanta. I think that there's there's time to grow,

and so there isn't the urgency for Raheem Morris to
balk at the pick, like seeing Kevin O'Connell perk up
when the team's trading up to get Dallas Turner and
that meme. Yeah, it gets you excited, but it also
tells you, all right, you got it. You know something's

gonna have to happen now this year, you don't want
to miss the playoffs and back to back years. Your
division's getting a lot better, like you need to step
it up in it.

Speaker 5 (01:26:35):
It was also the look of a coach.

Speaker 3 (01:26:37):
That you know may maybe teetering on hot seat or
not hot seat.

Speaker 2 (01:26:42):
Well, sure you'd move on in the quarterback slot, whether
it be Donald or now JJ McCarthy comes in and
we'll see how that plays.

Speaker 9 (01:26:52):

Speaker 2 (01:26:52):
A lot of discussion of well, it doesn't need to
play right away, so yeah, generally they do like I'd
love the long long ball approach if you can do it,
and that's the only like really way down the list
idea for Atlanta, like if you can grow a guy,
but not at the eighth pick overall, right, you're drafting
in the top ten, top fifteen, the expectation is you're

getting that guy ready to play and right quickly from Minnesota.
To your point about the NFC North, Yeah, there's no
shrinking Violet anymore, like there's no all right, they're obviously
going to be last. Detroit's not going away. Can they
repeat what they did and have the same level of success?
Schedule changes, personnel changes, and look, we why we celebrate

the Patriots so much was the continuity. We don't see
that with great regularity Packers. We think we've had Jordan
Love find his way after some rough footing early, a
run game that was non existent for the first half
of the season. Suddenly Aaron Jones went away for two
weeks and he's just like shot out of a cannon
down the stretch rightletely different offense as he returned. The

Bears talk about it like all the weapons they added.
You look at the defensive side that got better last year.
So all of a sudden in division from Minnesota, you
had Kirk Cousins and the wide receiving room between Hawkinson,
Addison and Jefferson one of the best trios that we've got,

no question about it. You bring in Aaron Jones to
the backfield, now keep them in division. You've got a
roster that you should be able to win with and
for Kevin O'Connell, you know, adding that other defensive piece. Yeah, absolutely,
it would seem that you're you've got a GM who's
got a firm grasp of what he's trying to do. Here.

It's like, all right, I got you the guys, you
got to go win. But there's there's no easy wins
in division.

Speaker 3 (01:28:51):
I have so many questions about Minnesota, and I would
be willing to make an argument that I think that
the NFC North is on the verge of being the
best division in football. I think the AFC North has
held that flag, you know, with just you know, just
you know, especially with the emergence of Joe Burrow in Cincinnati.

You think Cleveland's a playoff team and now you wonder,
if you know, are things going to change if Deshaun
Watson's healthy. The whole season was this just a Joe
Flacco magic run? But I think you can incorporate all
of that. I don't know all good Pittsburgh's going to be,
but heckedon made it to the postseason last year, so
they held that mantle. But going forward, everything that you
named with Minnesota should make them a.

Speaker 5 (01:29:36):
Better football team.

Speaker 3 (01:29:37):
Yet I look back at their draft, and which is
why I like the NFC North being that division, because
I think there the Bears are going to be there,
whether Caleb Williams is a wonder kid or not. That
defense is going to carry a lot of the of
the water as well. So I think the Bears are better.
And green Bay and Detroit's Super Bowl contender, and green
Bay went tote toe with San Francisco and the division

playoff there right there, I think there's a legitimate argument
that can be made that the NFC North is the
best division in football, which makes me scratch my head
even more on maybe why Minnesota did what they did
in their.

Speaker 5 (01:30:10):
In the draft.

Speaker 3 (01:30:12):
They have four draft picks next season, I believe, Yeah, I.

Speaker 5 (01:30:19):
Got it in front of me.

Speaker 3 (01:30:20):
You have your first round pick, you've doubt, your second
is gone, your third is gone, your fourth is gone,
You've got a fifth, and you have another fifth, and
then you've got a seventh rounder. So you have four
picks in the NFL draft next year. Because you've put
all of your apples and everything in this draft. I
don't think that you needed to address the quarterback position,

but I would have almost rather have swaited to see
what Sam Dnold was doing instead of maybe doing what
they did, and then you trade it up to get
Dallas Turner because all the defensive players fell. I just
I didn't think Minnesota was a player away mic and
the player that they were probably away, you know, away
from last year was Kirk Cousins, but then he wasn't

there for the second half of the season.

Speaker 5 (01:31:06):
And I'm not even sure how good.

Speaker 3 (01:31:07):
That they are, you know, they are without him, and
how good they would even be with him in terms
of the rest of the division and the rest of
the NFC. I just if you're a Vikings fan like
JJ McCarthy has to work out, and not only does
he have to work out, he's got to be really
really good considering where your team is. And it's just

it seemed like a front office that I know, it
looks like it's planning for the future by drafting JJ McCarthy,
And maybe that does that with the front office. But
if you're Kevin O'Connell and it doesn't work out, you know,
in twenty twenty four, man, there's not a lot to
hang your hat on in twenty twenty five with your
draft class, either, so how much can actually be better?

I just I wonder how it works for the Vikings.
They were the ones who had just kind of had
me scratching my head considering all of the moves that
they made to move up in the draft and take
the players that they wanted.

Speaker 2 (01:31:58):
Well to your point about you know, coaches, and you
don't get the long leash anymore, even if you're winning.

Speaker 3 (01:32:05):
Yeah, yeah, I get it. No, it's just like the
any of the quarterbacks. No, that's right, I mean first
round picks. We've seen how many teams move off of
guys after a year, two years, you could say it's
grossly incomplete. Again in Chicago, a lot of the discussion
is just, boy, if Justin Fields had had half of

these assets for more than you know, at one season
with with Dj Moore and Cole Kament obviously got a
lot better last year of much more secure.

Speaker 2 (01:32:36):
Hand hands than he'd had before. But just go on
down the line, and for coaches, even guys that have
great success, I mean Marty Schottenheimer used to be the
guy it's like, well, yeah, that great year and they
fired him. So he was always the example. No other
They're littered with him because GMS want their own guy.
It's not just they want their own quarterback. They want
to be as lockstep with their their coaches as they can.

Which is why it's curious when you do have the
veteran coaches that do exhibit more clout, like some guys
just stay out of the way, right, Like that's Andy
Reid gives his input, but Veitch and company they do
their job right, and then he goes to work. I'm
sure he has his input, but it's never been put
out that, you know, Andy really put his foot down

to get this guy or whatever right separation of duties.
Whereas we have in Denver, as as we've talked about
a little bit off air. You know Sean Payton, who's
been hailed by many as you know wild E Coyote,
super genius, this you know, messiah of coaching. All Right,
you won a couple of games here and there in

the non Drew Brees parts of New Orleans. But the
two years in Denver been a disaster.

Speaker 3 (01:33:50):
Yeah at this point, Yeah, it's well so far, because
it's been the one it's just.

Speaker 2 (01:33:55):
One setting up for a year two so one year.

Speaker 3 (01:33:59):
But it's funny because I don't think you're the only
one that like the head scratcher was Denver for you
for again. For me, it was just it was Minnesota
in going all in. The thing about the Denver thing
was I felt everybody was mocking, not making fun of,
but predicting Bonnicks to Denver, and then it's where yeah,

and then that's that's like then it happens that everybody's like,
awful pick when that like that's all. I don't know
if people were predicting Denver to make that pick or
they were just predicting Sean Payton's arrogance that he was
going to get a quarterback that that he feels that
he can work with. But like, man, that was one
of the one of the picks that I felt people
had kind of you know, targeted and nailed when it

came through the.

Speaker 2 (01:34:43):
You know, I got that one right in my uh,
you know, dart throwing exercise. But I don't do trades,
like I fully anticipated that they'd be able to slide back,
get some other assets and still be able to get him,
because everybody that really wanted a quarterback had already done it. Seattle.
I'd heard whispers people were trying to talk them into

the quarterback run to some way, shape or form. While
they brought in Sam Howell mm hm, and you have
Gino still there.

Speaker 3 (01:35:11):
There was a report that they had looked to move
up maybe to try to get Pennix. Obviously, with Ryan
Grubbed their offensive coordinator coming over from Washington, there'd be
familiarity there, so there was an opportunity. How serious those
talks got or what was being asked, we don't know,
but there was a report that they did at least
look to move up to try to.

Speaker 2 (01:35:31):
Look at quarterback. Yeah. Yeah, but for Bo Nicks in
good college career, and certainly our teammate Jeff Schwartz going
through a little deep you know, he's the Oregon guy,
so kind of getting a little deeper. They brought in
Franklin in the fourth round, so he gets a guy
that he's familiar with. Still, you know, as much as
they've ruled out trading Courtland Sutton or whatever, that's not

done and we still have a long off season to go,
because that was I think my biggest surprise of everything
in the draft is that we didn't see more activity
than AJ Brown getting his contract When it came to
veteran wide receiver.

Speaker 5 (01:36:06):
Yeah, yeah, you're right.

Speaker 3 (01:36:07):
There's a lot of names that you thought, especially in
San Francisco with Deebo and Brandon Nyuk being I don't
think San Francisco forty nine er fans really felt that
either was going to go because they just can't imagine
a world without both of them.

Speaker 5 (01:36:23):
But they were brought up.

Speaker 3 (01:36:24):
You know, New England and Buffalo were the two names
I think most prominently attached to those two and it
never happened. But yeah, you're right, there wasn't There wasn't
much much movement with that at all.

Speaker 2 (01:36:34):
Really thought we'd get far more activity in that top
half of the draft.

Speaker 5 (01:36:37):
It was boring trade.

Speaker 3 (01:36:39):
Yes, the panixpicker actually made it exciting, but because we
had heard, we knew Washington was going to stay, but
we had thought that the Patriots were maybe open for business,
and that the Cardinals could be moved off of number
four if they wanted to, and even honestly, the Chargers
because we felt that they were likely to go offensive
line it was either Harrison Junior or offensive line that
they would maybe be willing to move back because you

felt some tackles and some linemen could go anywhere between
five and fifteen, but then that didn't happen. You know,
Giants obviously didn't move up, so they stayed at six.
So yeah, it was a little a little boring in
that way, but there were there were no trades to
really get excited about in the first half of the draft.

Speaker 2 (01:37:19):
Still plenty to rip as we do here in sports
talk radio. So we'll go back to the Chargers and
talk about them here as we continue here, it's Fox
Sports Sunday at Dan Byro on Fox where you find
Dan find me over at Swollendom. And you mentioned Marvin
Harrison Junior. Just another great example of how old I've become.
Did you really make me feel old? Every time one

of these guys gets drafted or a guy gets called
up in Major League Baseball? It's just it's a dagger,
you know.

Speaker 3 (01:37:47):
You mentioned, you know, Caleb Williams, and obviously his jerseys
are very popular, wearing number eighteen in Chicago. But Marvin
Harrison Junior, at the Adam Schefter pointed out hadn't signed
as NFL p a right, So they ended up having
to put a note online explaining why there there weren't

any Marvin Harrison chatters tweet yes, yeah, yeah, yeah, so
crazy crazy stuff.

Speaker 2 (01:38:14):
Everybody, you know, you want to angle for as much
as many dollars as you can, because that's famously been
done by a few guys here. LeVar Arrington didn't do
that back in two.

Speaker 3 (01:38:24):
Thousand and uh a little about QB Bills, Untech Mobile
Eagle Eagles, QB QB Eagles, Randall Cunningham because.

Speaker 2 (01:38:32):
The NFL Quarterback Quarterback Club Yep, YEP, which had all
of those guys and then what like Jerry Rice and
like one or two other guys.

Speaker 3 (01:38:41):
The the funny story about that Damian Miller, former MLB catcher,
was one of the guys who actually crossed the picket
lines during a labor negotiation. So when obviously when he
continued in the league, but wasn't a part of the
of the license deal because he crossed the picket line.

When you would play like MLB the show in like
two thousand and six, they would have to make up
a fake name for Damian Miller, like like it wasn't
like the Barry Bonds that was the fake name or
the top guys. You're just like, wait, where's Damian Miller
in this game? And it's like, yeah, they couldn't They
couldn't use him? Yeah, crazy, He's Dan, I'm Mike. We
continue with the Chargers next. Here it's Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (01:39:24):
Hey, welcome back in. It's Fox Sports Radios, Fox Sports
Sunday Mike Harmt alongside Dan Byer live here from the
tyrac dot Com studios as we talk all things NFL Draft,
the react, roster building, and fun and excitement. As a
Chicago kid, I'm still waiting for something else to go

awry because right now the roster looks strong. Then the
only thing I have to laugh about is the stadium proposal.
And it helps me though. Dan here, here's what this does,
the draft and where the roster is, and talking about
you know, opponents, and eventually we'll get our big schedule
released the next national holiday for the NFL. When we

do that, and then we could chart in all our
wins and losses and everything. Is that it's helping me
get through the early trials and tribulations of the Chicago
White Sox. Winners are too straight.

Speaker 5 (01:40:17):
Yes, but the streaking White Sox it's just.

Speaker 2 (01:40:21):
Been a horrid, terrible start to the year.

Speaker 3 (01:40:24):
I know you and I have talked about this before,
but I don't think it's a conversation that I've heard
in a lot of other places because the bar set
for the minimum of what Caleb Williams has to do
is pretty high in Chicago, and I would even argue
Mike did it probably has to be even higher than

what it is for him to be a success, because
I do feel that last year's draft plays into it,
because you did have the number one overall pick last year,
and the point is is getting that quarterback that is
a franchise quarterback, no matter no matter what haul you got,

and even if that hall included the number one of
the year before, if Caleb Williams isn't better than c J. Stroud,
I consider that almost a bear's miss. Now if they're
their neck and neck, and you know, if it's a
if it's a Manning and Brady is a bad example
because they're two of the greats. But if they both

have successful careers with Pro Bowls, it's gonna be tough
to decipher on who is whatever. But if, if, if
there's a gap between what Stroud has done or does
and then what Caleb Williams would do or where Stroud
is better, I do think that that is a bit
of a fail on the shoulders of the Chicago Bears.

Speaker 2 (01:41:47):
Well, I would say the thing that we have to
to back it out though, is would he necessarily have
been the guy right or would it have been Bryce Young?
Because we got it, we got to pull back and
I have that to go because I still have wounds
from twenty seventeen and the way people do their revisionist
history now because the Bears pick if we go back

to twenty seventeen, wouldn't have been Patrick Mahomes, as everybody
tries to conveniently tell you now that he's going upon
the list of all time greats. It would have been
Deshaun Watson. Sure, and guess what you might have run
into all the same issues in the off field proclivities
that Deshaun Watson has had in his career that it
wouldn't have been him. And for what it's worth, even

with suspect surroundings, ammunition coaching, et cetera, Traubisky still won
games in Chicago. He was still unware right to the
playoffs twice and look, was he perfect? No, but he
still completed two thirds of his passes. There's a lot
of positives. He just wasn't Patrick Mahomes who is, but

the pick would have been Deshaun Watson. So my point
is that last year, if they'd stayed at one, would
they have necessarily taken Stroud? I guess is the discussion, And.

Speaker 3 (01:43:03):
Then I would have just criticized their evaluation, you know,
like like of that, like where it's where it's even
if Yeah, in hindsight, looking back, if they would have
had the pick and held onto it, there is the
chance that they took Bryce Young. But there's also just
the simple fact of that you had the opportunity, so

you take CJ. Stroud and you failed to do so.

Speaker 2 (01:43:26):
And now you see the bar right, you saw what
Houston did a year ago, and you compare the Bear's
roster and we talk about the division is going to
be no picnic. Well could not have anticipated Jacksonville and
what they were last year, right, Indianapolis a lot of
wishing and hoping with Richardson coming in, Well he gets
hurt and then they still cobbled together in okay season right,

all things being considered, and then Tennessee, well it went
off the rails and you have what you have Jacksonville's
second half of the year, between them and Philadelphia. If
you want to decide, scratch who had the worst, you know,
back half of a season, saying, all right, you see
him to have held things together well enough in the
first half. What went wrong over here? And it was
a collection of things. But to the point, Houston, you

get your big big man up front, right, and Anderson
who's gonna be there for a decade. And obviously CJ.
Stroud set the world on fire. And that's with tang
Dell missing as much time as he did. Nico Collins,
who nobody thought a ton of like we liked him
a bit as a kind of a ninja sleeper guy.
In other words, someone had to catch the ball. Couldn't

have anticipated he'd step up to the level that he did.
But yeah, for the Bears, given all the names that
are on the roster, and Caleb Williams, to his credit,
he's owned up to it, right, He's flat out saying, like,
all right, the joke that he had with Taylor, I
know some folks got mad about it. What he can't
take a dig at the Iowa futility and have a

little bit of fun with it. It's like the guys
play around a little bit I'm sorry that levity isn't
for all of you in sports media. Ooh, he's really
setting it, putting a target on himself, like he already
did that in another interview where he said, look at
all these guys that I'm playing. Well, if we're bad, yeah,
then then things have gone terribly wrong and it's probably
by fault.

Speaker 3 (01:45:16):
And I also think that you can point to them
getting DJ Morris part of the deal, you know, but.

Speaker 2 (01:45:22):
That's just had all those other picks yea and.

Speaker 5 (01:45:25):
Yeah add on.

Speaker 3 (01:45:25):
I just think in the world when we live in
the in that vacuum of getting your franchise quarterback, it
isn't just about this year.

Speaker 5 (01:45:33):
I do think that last year needs to play a role.

Speaker 3 (01:45:36):
And I and I readily admit one hundred percent, I
am a guy you talk about the Patrick Mahomes not
being drafted by Chicago. You know, even if if if
that was the case, there's no guarantee without Andy Reid
being there, that that's that player ends up developing into
that player.

Speaker 2 (01:45:55):
Right, because we talk about that all the time. Right,
you go the right system, the right organize, where's their stability?
Where is they're not?

Speaker 5 (01:46:03):

Speaker 2 (01:46:04):
For years, the Patriots were a model of stability. Guess
what twelve was there?

Speaker 5 (01:46:09):

Speaker 2 (01:46:09):
I love Bill Belichick and the fact that people try
to disparage and take away what they accomplished there is
wrong because he built around that guy in when exerting power. Well,
once he wasn't there and now now you can question
an awful lot of movements. But was Mac Jones ever
really given a chance to succeed? I would argue no.

So all the assailing of him as a player and whatever,
I'm not saying he was going to be a top
five or tap ten player, right, but you didn't exactly
arm him with any any kind of hope with the
Jets for years. I mean they're the running running laughings
lit right, laughing stock of the of the NFL, where

it's like, all right, you go there. For the Bears,
it was always receivers go to die well, and I
like that Ryan Poles is just saying, look, we're not
going to the past. That's the past, that's our history,
that's where we're going. So for Caleb Williams, yeah, the
assumption is that he becomes the first Bears quarterback to
hit four thousand yards and thirty touchdown passes.

Speaker 3 (01:47:12):
That expectation or those expectations though so so lofty, is it?
I mean, it's the hall that we were thinking that
Chicago could get for this pick was going to top
what they got from last year's pick if they would
have made the deal.

Speaker 2 (01:47:30):
Well, and that was going to be the curiosity, right
wouit he double down on trading out of that pick,
but as soon as Justin Fields wasn't there, And you
can argue and discuss amongst yourselves, we'll do it here
for a brief moment about why you make that pick,
Like some folks put it to the sensitivity of the players,
not just from a will the quarterbacks be able to

handle it, but will the locker room because a lot
of those guys in the room, you know, and look
so long as the guys your quarterback, you're going to
talk them up because you want the ball well, But
the reality is you had one hell of a second
half of the season. Yeah, Justin Fields and what that
offense was starting to become now where there's still a
lot of warts and problems. And did he hold the
ball on too long? Did he hold it out like

a loaf of bread at times and cause chaos? Yes,
he did but there were also times where he saw
the electricity and what could be if it really harnessed
into a full on effort and a full season with
a full compliment of players, which never came to fruition.
So all of that to say, you made your choice,

so it was now a done deal for the month,
three weeks, whatever timeline you want to put on. In
all those bogus reports of he may not want to
go to Chicago, Okay, sure, who did you talk to?
You know, I got sources for a million things too.
The guy at the end of the bar might be
a source that heard he doesn't like Yeah, he doesn't

like their history.

Speaker 3 (01:48:59):
How could you say? I'll say, and I'll say this
about the Bears. I don't think people realize they won
seven games last year. I think that people look at
them as a four and thirteen team and they don't
realize what did happen over the second half of the year.
And maybe those that do realize are also setting that
bar higher, because that's what you are going to need

if you're Caleb Williams, to reach because there are there
are legitimate expectations now with everything that you've added, making
the or missing the playoffs in twenty twenty four would
be a disappointment.

Speaker 2 (01:49:31):
I think, no question about it. Not that you get
the extra nine to ten seeds like you do in
the engine area, but to your point, the extra wildcard
spot is there. But like go back through the Bears
the Bears year, gave away a game to Detroit, gave
away a game to Denver, like there were other points

in the seasons like all right, this is really starting
to trend. And you know, again, hope being a dangerous
thing if you've lived a lifetime as a Bears fan, See, hey,
this is starting to come together. And then wait, you've
still got the number one pick. Yeah, and now you
can go get this guy who has shown you that
he can carry squads. And I thought it was interesting,

you know, you get into the points of, you know,
guys getting drafted and how many guys from their offense
got drafted along with them. Well, for Caleb Williams, you
had a nice round number sure along the way, right,
So you look at that, he's Dan byer On, Mike Carmon,
We're here live inthetirack dot com studios. Hey, you know,

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sporting universe.

Speaker 10 (01:51:23):
Well, speaking of the NFL and Buffalo, the Buffalo Bills
have signed former Detroit Lions receiver Quintes Cephis, best known
for being suspended for all of last season because he
violated the NFL's gambling policy. Cefas was officially reinstated ten
days ago in Game four the NBA Playoffs on Saturday night.
It was the case of the missing shoes. The Los

Angeles Lakers stayed alive with a one nineteen one toweight
victory over Denver, which still leads the series three games
to one. But before the contest, Denver's shoes were mistakenly
loaded onto the wrong bus to the arena. It caused
multiple players to have to go through their pregame shooting
warm ups in flip flops. Yeah, here's how it sounded

when Denver head coach Mike Malone was asked about the
impact of the missing shoes in his postgame news conference.

Speaker 2 (01:52:15):
Money's got to be the shoe.

Speaker 11 (01:52:17):
Shoo, shoo, shoe. It's not the shoes.

Speaker 5 (01:52:20):
Shoe, man, what about the shoes?

Speaker 2 (01:52:22):
No fun, Money's got to be the shoes.

Speaker 10 (01:52:24):
So Michael Malone, Sorry, guys, press the wrong button.

Speaker 2 (01:52:29):
Wrong Mike here is Mike Malone?

Speaker 11 (01:52:31):
Is that ideal?

Speaker 2 (01:52:32):

Speaker 4 (01:52:32):
But I'm not an excuse guy, And I'm not going
to point to the reason we got our buts kicked
in the paint because shoes weren't here.

Speaker 5 (01:52:41):
Is it ideal?

Speaker 1 (01:52:41):

Speaker 4 (01:52:42):
And hopefully we can figure out and make sure that
never happens again.

Speaker 5 (01:52:46):
But that's no excuses, no explanations. We didn't get the
job done.

Speaker 10 (01:52:50):
Earlier Saturday night, the Boston Celtics did get the job done.

Speaker 2 (01:52:54):
They led wire to wire in a one.

Speaker 10 (01:52:55):
O four to eighty four victory at Miami for a
two games to one lead. Today's action tips off at
one pm Eastern Time from Philadelphia as the Sixers ho
It's the New York Nixon Game four, with the Knicks
leading the series two games to one. Finally, in the
Stanley Cup playoffs on Saturday night, the Dallas Stars in
overtime what at Vegas three to two. Vegas de leads

the series two games to one.

Speaker 2 (01:53:19):
Fellas back to you, appreciate you, Isaac at Isaac Low
and crowd where you find him there part of the
Chargers team. Also Angels City FC for play by play,
go to his Twitter account. You get some of those
those calls.

Speaker 3 (01:53:32):
I never once thought when I would watch the players
in their pregame and they walk in and the cameras filming,
you know, forty minutes to tip off. Here is Jason
Tatum walking into TD Garden. Never once thought like, why
don't they have their duffel bag with them with their
shoes like anybody else, anybody who ever you know, played
basketball or anything. So it never dawned on me that

there would be a case where their shoes wouldn't didn't
show up. But now like two and two makes like, yeah,
they're not walking in with their stuff. They're usually walking
in with their phone and whatever. Design shit, it's.

Speaker 2 (01:54:06):
A full, full presentation, like they're walking a red carpet. Anyway. Yes,
but I kept seeing in my timeline the Michael Porter
Junior wearing slides picture or little gifts, and I was like,
that's going on, and I didn't explore it anything than that.
Then it's game time and all right. He was just
getting a bit cheeky, and certainly for Laker fans, look

how disrespectful they are. They're not even putting on their
seekers for warm ups. Yeah, they want to clinch at home, right,
you know they're thrown away a game. We'll give Lebron
one amazing. I want to send him home too early.
He's Dad on Mike coming out. Next the audio you

need to hear, and some good shopping advice, no question
about it. Next on Fox. I feel like I'm right
in the middle of a crime drama and I'm gonna
do something chaotic right now. Who's ready? My Garbin Dan
byer with you here at Fox Sports Radios, Fox Sports
Sunday having a blast with you this morning. So much

that we've covered and if you missed any of it.
Shortly after the show, the podcast is going to go up.
Be sure to check it out. Search Fox Sports Radio
wherever you download your audio. Be sure to follow rate
review the podcast, tell us how brilliant we were Again.
Search Fox Sports Radio wherever you get your podcasts. You'll
see the show posted right after we get off the air.
Three hours goes by.

Speaker 5 (01:55:30):
Really fast, it does.

Speaker 3 (01:55:31):
It flies by, and you know, it's great to look
back at the draft and the NBA playoffs and they'll
blow out city that it has been. But I just
to not to dive into this. Do you consider like
the start of the new NFL year in March? Do
you consider it at the start of the draft, or
do you consider it when training camps open?

Speaker 2 (01:55:51):
I'd say, now, do you Yeah.

Speaker 3 (01:55:53):
I'm a training camp guy, like I'm still like this
is a part of the previous season, even though it's
not like like it's once camp's open in July, That's
when I'm like, all right, now is the start of
the new year.

Speaker 5 (01:56:07):
Let's do this like a.

Speaker 2 (01:56:08):
Prologue kind of thing. This is all you know, make
believe and we're getting our kids.

Speaker 3 (01:56:13):
It's connected because the NFL will actually go away for a.

Speaker 5 (01:56:16):
Few weeks in June, like it actually will happen.

Speaker 2 (01:56:19):
But does it really? It does then, because then we're
going to talk about Michael Penix a lot at that
point and maybe maybe some.

Speaker 3 (01:56:29):
More hours and we're gonna talk about Michael Pennix a lot.
When Kirk Cousins gets picked off three times in a game.

Speaker 2 (01:56:35):
So that's that's the other part of the chaos theory
that has now been introduced in the wonderful world of Atlanta.

Speaker 5 (01:56:42):
It's so good they did it to themselves.

Speaker 2 (01:56:44):
Hey, is is Phoenix going home tonight? Yes, they will
go out with a whimper in Minnesota advances. I just
think Minnesota is better.

Speaker 3 (01:56:54):
And then the problems that Phoenix seemingly has, Yeah, I
think it's I think gets over tonight.

Speaker 5 (01:57:00):
I do like that.

Speaker 2 (01:57:01):
We've already had the conversation this week of whether Kevin
Durant joins the Lakers this offseason. Yeah, Nick Philly coming
up in about an hour's time. Then you have Clippers
Dallas Kawhi Leonard and his knee. A huge question Paul
George of whether he's going to show up at all.
And I say that with sarcasm dripping from my mouth.

Right now, Milwaukee, Indy Man, I'm holding a lighting a
candle for your squad.

Speaker 5 (01:57:30):
Sorry, buddy, something's meant to be.

Speaker 2 (01:57:32):
No, that's right, you still have that title, and it's recent.

Speaker 5 (01:57:34):
That is true. You cannot that's true.

Speaker 2 (01:57:38):
They can't do that, all right. A guy who's gonna
take the metal stand this week is the best SoundBite
Keon Coleman. Guy that we we thought we'd see day one. Well,
he comes off the board very early. Buffalo the odd
trade with Kansas, that's one of the other hedge scratchers,
just really quick, like, what are you doing? Even if
you don't want that guy, why do you trade to

the Kansas City Chiefs to give them any advantages, any
perceived advantages. It's just stupid when that's the team you're chasing.
Oh and they've stuck the dagger in you several years
in a row. Anyway, Kean Coleman being asked about his
attire and getting ready for Buffalo Man.

Speaker 11 (01:58:17):
You forgotten what the score in Michigan for two years?

Speaker 4 (01:58:20):
Guess why I got this wrong though. That what I'm saying.
You got a guess You're gonna.

Speaker 5 (01:58:23):
Be wrong though, But guess.

Speaker 4 (01:58:26):
Nah, Macy's what do you mean?

Speaker 11 (01:58:30):
They be on sail on the rack.

Speaker 4 (01:58:32):
All the colors look seventy nine eighty nine.

Speaker 2 (01:58:36):
Nice little deal.

Speaker 4 (01:58:37):
You can get the trench coad for like one hundred dollars. Nicely.
I take it up personally. I might go get some
more colors. I need a blue one a and another
red one. See, I ain't I ain't know nothing about Thanksgiving.
I get you See, I'm shopped by my mom. I
get my coat in the summer time. You got to
shop to seas a season or two before, just in
case you know, any be cheaper because you go with

Thanksgiving everybody and thingsgiving. You know what I'm saying, Oh
we go my bad hood. It is an.

Speaker 2 (01:59:07):
How great is that gives you some shopping advice, I
mean wise words from mom. Get out of the crowd,
you get go on Thanksgiving in Black Friday sales because
everybody's looking for winter stuff because they know winter is nigh.

Speaker 3 (01:59:20):
Yeah, and buy your Christmas wrapping paper on January third, rights.

Speaker 2 (01:59:25):
Holloween decorations on November first, I mean all of those.

Speaker 3 (01:59:28):
Things, and he's He's like me, when you fall in
love with like a shirt, I just want like five
different iterations of that shirt, whether it like be golf
shirts for me. Like, if I find like a brand,
I like, I'm like, all right, I'll just get four
different colors.

Speaker 5 (01:59:45):
He's the same thing with his jacket.

Speaker 2 (01:59:46):
Lay No, I had a nice little I mean it
wasn't a full Costanza Gore text, but it had a
little bit of No.

Speaker 5 (01:59:53):
But he understands the cold weather for the time at
Michigan State.

Speaker 2 (01:59:56):
I dig that the cold weather. And then the guy
responded with Tom is like, no, what do you mean? Well, no,
Masi's man, I mean, how quickly is he going to
have an endorsement deal with them?

Speaker 7 (02:00:08):

Speaker 2 (02:00:09):
He's Dan Byer. I'll buy carbon. Thanks for hanging out
with us this morning. Coming up next year on Fox
Sports Radio, got Aaron Torres, Kerry Rhodes again. Take us
with you all day long the iHeartRadio app, look for
the Eye Watcher Flex podcast. Thanks for hanging out. Have
a beautiful Sunday.

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