All Episodes

April 28, 2024 79 mins

Aaron Torres and Kerry Rhodes talk about the NFL Draft, the Falcons selection of Michael Penix Jr, the Bills helping out their playoff rival Chiefs, the bleak future of the Phoenix Suns as they’re on the brink of being swept by the Timberwolves, the Lakers staving off elimination, the Broncos selection of Bo Nix in the first round and the odd choices of Sean Payton, and much more!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio Radio.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
Welcome in everybody, Fox Sports Radio, Fox Sports Sunday Air
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The way tire buying should be erin Torres alongside Carrie Rhoades.

Speaker 3 (00:30):
Carrie, what what was Thursday night?

Speaker 2 (00:32):
Do you have you know, do you sit by yourself
with a notepad? Do you have buddies over?

Speaker 3 (00:39):
Like? Like? What is Carrie?

Speaker 2 (00:40):
Were you at Hermosa Beach where there was apparently a
huge Rams watch party.

Speaker 3 (00:44):
I was.

Speaker 2 (00:45):
I was at her Mosa Beach on Friday. Had no idea.
There's Ram stuff everywhere. What how did you take in
Thursday night of the NFL Draft?

Speaker 4 (00:52):
Well, I took it a Thursday night NFL draft by
watching NBA basketball.

Speaker 2 (00:56):
Oh okay, so that's a good sports talk radio host.
Catch up on the football later.

Speaker 3 (01:00):
You know what I had it on.

Speaker 4 (01:02):
I definitely was aware of the picks that were coming
in and obviously no surprises at the top, like we
talked about last so where you know, we're the top
three were kind of you know, kind of fell in
order with the quarterbacks and that deal. But yeah, I
was watching the game, man and going back and forth
and really, you know, really indulging in NBA playoff basketball.

Speaker 3 (01:21):
But the draft is allways special as well. Well.

Speaker 2 (01:24):
There's a lot of a lot of things that happened
on Thursday, really Thursday through Saturday that we can get into.
You know, listen, the Pennix Cousins stuff is very interesting.
I want to talk about that momentarily, but I actually
want to start with with your New York Jets.

Speaker 3 (01:37):
You played there forever not your team, but you know
you played. Okay, you do you? Okay? You and Whatdy Johnson? Okay,
can we get Whatdy Johnson? And Hour too? Is it free?

Speaker 4 (01:45):
Absolutely? I don't know about this time, but next week
for sure we can get them on. Okay, no pressure.
But I found what they did really interesting and it
was funny. So my setup was my mom was in
town and we were out ordering dinner, bringing it home
to my wife and everything like that, and we're kind
of at the bar like waiting for our food. When

you see how the draft has played out. You see
that Michael Pennix has gone. You see that brock Bowers
has fallen. You see that, Okay, Romadonze is not gonna
be on the board. But you see that old fashion
who is there as well. And I bring it up
because I said.

Speaker 2 (02:19):
To my mom, I said, oh my goodness, the Jets
and smartly they traded back one pick. Whatever I said,
They're gonna do it. They're gonna make Aaron Rodgers happy.
Go get brock Bauers, go get another weapon when we
all know that offensive line was just has been a
train wreck for a long time. And so the pick
comes in and you see Olu fashion U hugging on

the couch with mom and dad, and I don't know
if you saw the video, Mom kind of boxed out
the girlfriend who went in for a hug. It's a
great video if you haven't seen it yet. But I
would bring it up because I think what the Jets
did was as interesting as anybody in Round one. They
back it up by taking Jordan Travis late in the
draft yesterday, the star quarterback from four order State who
unfortunately got a very major injury.

Speaker 3 (03:02):
Late in the year.

Speaker 2 (03:03):
Where they are in a situation now where listen, I
think there has been a public perception that it's all
in on this year, that Aaron Rodgers' opinion is the
only one that matters, that he's running the organization, that
he's a shadow GM basically, And it felt like the
Jets made the adult, prudent decisions. We're building long term.

We're gonna build the O line. We have a backup
for Aaron. We don't have to scramble if something happens
this year. Long story short, I love what the Jets
did this. Yeah, the Jets did a good job.

Speaker 4 (03:33):
A lot of times, when you have a star player,
a player of Aaron Rodgers caliber, you're gonna acquiesce to
most of his needs, right, And that's that's kind of
how it works. But as a GM and functional organizations,
they make the picks and they make the trades and
they and they you know, and they do that thing
the way that it's gonna set the organization up for

for a long time, right. And so I think the
Jets addressed that. I know they addressed the tackle and
the O line needs in the offseason as well. But
you know, you want to bring in a guy that
can be the cornerstone of your franchise for a long time.
You get a left tackle that comes in and protects
your quarterback for a long time, then you're making the
right pick. So it's a solid pick. He's his comparable

is to another great that the Jets drafted in my
time there in the Brikershoft Ferguson, So kind of fits
that mold. And if he pans out to be close
to the Brikersoft Ferguson, that's a really good pick.

Speaker 3 (04:26):
Let me ask you, let's just talk big picture Jets.
I find them to be.

Speaker 2 (04:32):
I still like, like I'm not as dead, like I
can see where the people that are just down that
have sold all their stock.

Speaker 3 (04:38):
I get it. I do.

Speaker 2 (04:39):
It's not one where I think like people are wrong.
If you just believe that this team, this ero with
this quarterback, it's.

Speaker 3 (04:45):
Just not gonna work. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (04:47):
I'm not really there though, because you look at the division. Listen,
you give to all that money you had previously given
Tyreek Hill, all that money, you're losing pieces. And oh,
by the way, the Dolphins weren't that good down the
stretch last year. I mean, I don't remember the numbers
off the top of my head. But they had whatever
three game lead with four weeks to go or whatever,
they end up end up in the wild in the
wildcard spot, so they're you know, I know, by the way,

let's and I don't say this disparagingly or mockingly, but
it's like two also stayed healthy, which we really have
no track record dating back to Alabama that he can
really do over the course of an extended period of time.
So I'm not rooting for injury, but I'm just saying
history says that last year was actually the.

Speaker 3 (05:26):
Anomaly that he stays healthy. Do you have the New England.

Speaker 2 (05:29):
Patriots, which I'm not an NFL expert roster evaluator, might
have the worst roster in the NFL. I mean, I
don't think that's an exaggeration, at least on offense, they're
gonna struggle, right and even the Bills. You know, we
just heard the keyon Coleman's sound about you know, he
gets his close at Macy's in the offseas all that,
and like, I think they'll be good, but they lose
to Fon Diggs, they lose Gabe Davis, and they are

really in a situation where now they're really starting to
have to pay the piper for that big Josh Allen
contract that he signed two three years ago. So I
just sit there and say, I get where people don't
will not buy into the Jets until they see it.
But I think I'm a little bit higher on them
going into next year than most people.

Speaker 4 (06:10):
I mean, this year, if Aaron Rodgers stay is healthy,
as bad as that team looked at times, they would
have made the playoffs. Yes, And so you can't be
too off of them. I think that the injury bug
is always a factor. And you have a quarterback and
that's up in age, you know, as Aaron Rodgers is,
it doesn't matter how good he is, the injury bug
is always a real threat. But I also think they

addressed they addressed that even before the draft. They went
out and got Tyrod Taylor, a guy that obviously can
steady the ship if Aaron Rodgers is out any time
this year. I mean, it's not going to be Jordan
Travis this year, to be Tyrod Taylor. And so to
have a guy like that that's proven, a proven backup
quarterback that can go in and compete and win you games.
With the defense that the Jets have They're gonna be fine.

But yes, I'm high on the Jets as well, and
I was high last year, but this year they've really
taken the steps of addressing the things that were the
pressing issues even coming into the season last year. So
I'm really high on them as well. And as that
AFC East Division looks right now, how it stands, I
mean I have Miami one, I have Jets two, and
I have Buffalo three.

Speaker 2 (07:12):
Okay, so that's really interesting. So what is it about Buffalo?
I mean, I know I just laid it out, but
you lose Stefon Diggs, you lose I used a couple
of defensive guys as well as Gabe Davis again on
the offense.

Speaker 3 (07:24):
Is that what the concern is with Buffalo.

Speaker 4 (07:25):
Well, the concern with them is the I think that
window of dominance for them has gone.

Speaker 3 (07:31):
They missed it.

Speaker 4 (07:32):
I mean, they ran into a buzz saw called the
Chiefs and then also another buzz above saw with the
healthy and with the healthy Joe Burrows in Cincinnati. Right
those are two situations where anybody could lose to those guys.
So they didn't fail, but that window shrinks really quickly
in the league. Other teams catch up. Other teams start
to you know, address their needs and surpass you really quickly.

Speaker 3 (07:54):
So yeah, just right now.

Speaker 4 (07:56):
I just even with Buffalo last year, I didn't think
they would even make the playoffs. They down the hot
streak last year at the end of the season to
get in. But yeah, I think they are a little
down and it's gonna take this some time to get
back on top. But this is a good spot for
Josh Allen to get to see where he really stands
as a player.

Speaker 3 (08:11):
Though. Yeah, it's interesting.

Speaker 2 (08:12):
So first of all, I think most people that love
football would remember, but they were six and six going
into their by going into December, they get hot win
five straight, but they were a not good football team
for you know whatever, sixty six, you know, two thirds
of the season. And with Buffalo, what I think is
interesting And let me ask you this, did you think

after the case loss that they should have more seriously
considered moving on, like starting over with the McDermott stuff,
because a couple things stand out to me. One, it
felt like he had lost the locker room about midway
through the year.

Speaker 3 (08:44):
Now they rally two.

Speaker 2 (08:47):
This was the year like and I still go back
to you have Kansas City at home. They Yes, we
know now that they ultimately won the Super Bowl, but
in that moment, it was like they were, what three
weeks were moved away from losing the Raiders on Christmas Day.

Speaker 3 (09:03):
They were not the Kansas City Chiefs of old.

Speaker 2 (09:06):
And so that's another one where I go back and
forth on because on the one hand, I sit there
and say, well, now that we have the hindsight of
Kansas City really was that team again? And they went
through Baltimore and they went through San Francisco, But in
that moment, it was like, you know, the definition of
insanity is doing something over and over expecting a different result,
and it did feel like in that moment, it was like, Okay,

Sean McDermott, it's great that you want a couple games
late in the year to win the AFC East again,
to get that number two seed, to get home field
advantage against the Chiefs, but you have to take advantage
of it at some point.

Speaker 3 (09:39):
And what was this the.

Speaker 2 (09:40):
Fourth straight well, third straight year, the third out of
four years that they've lost to the Chiefs, fourth straight
year that I think you could argue a relatively crippling
playoff lost, you know, the thirteen second game, the Bengals
at home and now the Chiefs at home. I personally
felt like this year, this was the year to make
the move off of McDermott.

Speaker 3 (10:00):
They keep them. What do you think about just that
in general? Yeah, I think you're right.

Speaker 4 (10:03):
I mean, if it was a perfect time to do
it in a situation where it would all make sense
for all parties. I mean, coaching staff moving on to
something else. I mean, the team's not the same team
that he inherited. A lot of injuries that took place
for Buffalo last year as well, but it did seem
like there was a connection issue going on with him,
and obviously from the top, when you have star players

that are speaking out in a different way and showing
their true colors at that point that you kind of
sense that the locker room has been lost, right. McDermott's
a good coach. I just don't know if he has
what it takes to get over the hump. And we'll
we'll and we'll. I guess we'll get a chance to
find out this year because this team isn't coming into
the season with the same expectations as previous season. So

if he can do a really good job this year
and get them over the hump, then maybe we're having
a different discussion.

Speaker 3 (10:51):
Right, So that's kind of whey. I stand with it.

Speaker 4 (10:53):
In Kansas City, we talked about them just a little bit.
It's that team wasn't the best team last year. But
it doesn't matter. You get hot at the right time
and you get your you know, get you get all
cylinders fired off at the same time and everybody in
unison and you believe at.

Speaker 3 (11:08):
The same time you can win, you can win it all.
And that's what they did. Oh, the Bills are the
exact opposite.

Speaker 2 (11:12):
I don't think they believe they can meet Kansas City
right now, which is another one. And yeah, you know
it's funny one pm Eastern time, Top of the Hour
will have the Knicks in seventy six ers. And I
bring it up because I get some kind of Tom
Thibodeau vibes from Sean McDermott of Thibodeau. Okay, great, you
take this awful team. He's gonna build him up to
a certain level, but can you get him over that
final hump? And I do wonder the same with Sean McDermott.

By the way, we will revisit the bills here in
just a little bit, because uh, just give it away
a pick to the Kansas City Chiefs for them to
select maybe their next Tyreek Hill. Fox Sports Radio Aaron
Torres and Carry Rhoads in here on a Sunday afternoon.
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That Safety Runs First dot com. We'll come back continue
the draft talk. We will get to the big controversy
involving Michael Pennix and Kirk Cousins. I'm gonna tell you
why we're talking about the wrong part of that story.

Speaker 3 (12:18):
That's next. Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (12:19):
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Speaker 3 (12:32):
Hey, what's up everybody?

Speaker 5 (12:33):
It's me three time pro bowler LeVar Arrington, and I
couldn't be more excited to announce a podcast called Up
on Game?

Speaker 3 (12:40):
What is up on Game?

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Speaker 2 (13:12):
Welcome back everybody, Fox Sports Radio aratorus Carrie Roads taking
you up till two pm Easter time. I just found
out your brothers are Yukon fans, so he is, I
got you kind of guys texting me. You better break
in on the draft coverage to talk to Yukon if
any news breaks. Now I find out your brother's expecting
me to talk to you. Kind of everyone's putting a
lot pressure on me.

Speaker 4 (13:33):
So yeah, they're just riding away. Ukon's winning right now.
They're just trying to you know, trying to put that
out there because I'm a dookie.

Speaker 3 (13:39):
Yeah, where did that come from?

Speaker 4 (13:41):
Well, I mean early nineties, I mean you know, I
was eight and nine and those guys are really good.
And I saw that. I saw a head coach that
I was like, he's really fiery. He gets the best
out of those guys. They got skilled players. They had
Kristin Layner, Grant Hill. I know everybody hates Kristen Layon,
don't I get it. But Kristin Laightoner, Grant Hill, Bobby Hurley,
those guys. I was like, I like this, and so
I just kind of jumped on board.

Speaker 3 (14:02):
Yeah, okay, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2 (14:03):
Wait, I'll forgive you only because well, first of all, Yukon,
you know, ninety nine and oh four ran right through
Duke to win a championship. That's the truth, including my
buddy JJ Reddick, who I told you about last week,
you know four. And then yeah, I can't be too
mad at the early nineties Duke team because you know
the Hurley, the Hurley genealogy. I mean, you know, we

got the hurt We got the Hurley we wanted, so
it all worked out well for us. But uh, but yeah,
just found out Carrie's got you. I think everybody knows.
I went to Yukon. Carrie's brother is a fan, So
me and carry are gonna start Carrie's brother and I
will start our own group chat will exclude you after
after the show, but I think most of America wants
us to focus back on football. All right, let's get

to the big story number eight. Mm hm, So I
actually think people are talking about the wrong part of
this story. I find the Kirk Cousins response to the
pick much more interesting than the pick itself. But I
do think we should start with the pick number eight overall,
Michael Pennix a twenty three suit, like literally next week.

Speaker 3 (15:09):
Will be twenty four years old.

Speaker 2 (15:11):
Yeah, you've basically drafted him if everything works out, to
be a backup for two to three years to a
guy that you had just paid one hundred million minimum
and guaranteed money to. What were you you were obviously
you were watching Nick seventy six ers or whatever.

Speaker 3 (15:26):
But when that flashed across your screen.

Speaker 2 (15:29):
What was Kerriy Rhodes's reaction to Michael Pennis going to
the Falcons.

Speaker 4 (15:32):
Yeah, it's one of those things where you need to
know the mindset of the team, right. Obviously a lot
of teams go into situations where you want to address need.

Speaker 3 (15:44):
They shouldn't have that need.

Speaker 4 (15:45):
They just paid somebody to come play that position at
a high level. Sure, a lot of money, so it's
not need. Okay, if it's not need, then what is
the next step?

Speaker 3 (15:55):
Right? So if their board was best.

Speaker 4 (15:58):
Available mm hmm, then I still don't know if that's
the best the best deal. So I really want to
know what the what the interest level going into that
situation or did Michael Pennix blow them blow them away
during the interview process and the meetings and all that stuff,
because I think we all can watch and see that
this guy is a really good pure pastor of the ball.

He's had injury issues, all right, you got a quarterback
there that that's coming off of major injury and it
and is older, and so the fascination around that pick.

Speaker 3 (16:29):
I would want to know. I would want to get
to the root of why why that happened.

Speaker 4 (16:33):
But as far as bringing him in to be a
backup or compete or whatever, it really makes no sense.

Speaker 2 (16:41):
Okay, let me play Devil's advocate because I heard Ryan Clark,
who is close with Raheem Morris, talk about this, yeah,
and basically he made Raheem Morris's point for him, and
I'm paraphrasing.

Speaker 3 (16:51):
You know, obviously, Ryan Clark has the relationship.

Speaker 2 (16:52):
Not me. Yeah, I think the Falcons argument is, let's
say Kirk Cousins was a ten year Atlanta Falcon and
not a guy you just signed this offseason, and he's
thirty six years old coming off of an Achilles injury,
and you have no like there's no real backup in
the building. And so one, even at thirty six off

an Achilles injury, you should probably be planning for it anyway.
And like, there's really two other elements to it. One,
you know, everybody says, well, you have to worry about
helping the team this year. Well, who's to say Michael
Penix isn't gonna help the team this year based off
of that? And then I think where I stand, and
this gets a little bit into the Kirk Cousins side
of things, is everybody that's saying, oh, I mean me

need Well, first of all, Kirk Cousins, the reason you
wanted to be in Atlanta Falcon was because the last
three drafts before this one they took skill position guys.
So it'd be like, like it'd be one thing if
this is like a random hypothetical, but like if the
Patriots had somehow ended up with a top ten pick
when they had Brady and they had no weapons around him.

But kirk Cousins has the weapon, and I understand it.
You know, defense, there were spots they need. But Raheem
Morris is a defensive guy. He obviously feels comfortable with
that side of the ball. And you have weapons. It's
not as though, well, I mean, you could have taken
brock Bauers you needed a receiver. Now you have those guys,
and now it's just about ensuring kirk Cousins. So that's
why I don't really have a problem with it, because

they clearly have young skill position talent, and I just
don't think it's a guarantee that kirk Cousins plays seventeen
games this year either.

Speaker 3 (18:27):
So when you hear that argument, what does that make you?

Speaker 4 (18:30):
Yeah, but the guarantee is the part that's the issue here. Sure,
because they guaranteed him a lot of money, Yeah.

Speaker 3 (18:37):
Sure, sure, sure to do this thing.

Speaker 4 (18:39):
And so if you're investing that amount of money into something,
you probably wanted to be there all the time and
do his job. So you're gonna if you're gonna invest
that much that amount of money into a player into anything,
you want that to be a pretty solid, secure thing.
So if you're already invested in the thing that's gonna
replace him at eight, that's really high. And that's that's

that's alarming for me, And I think that's alarming for
a lot of people because you know, there's other quarterbacks
that come up injuries and you know, had great careers
and there's no way and no way in hell they
would get that money guaranteed. So we're talking about the
guaranteed part of this whole story. That's the part that's
the issue for me.

Speaker 2 (19:21):
So I I don't necessarily disagree with all that. Here's
my question for you. Do other guys in the put
us side kirk Cousin We'll get to him on the
other side of Eisen, But yeah, does do the other
guys in the locker room care? Are are the guys
that aren't you know, aren't now have a guy breathing
down their neck? A young guy like, wait a second, Now,

I'm a ninth year VET. I'm thirty one years old.
I got one or two more years at this Why, like,
do other guys in the locker room care? Again, I
don't agree with kirk Cousins clearly being upset about it,
but I sort of understand it. But as a cornerback,
as a safety, as a defensive and you know, hey,
our star linebacker just retired or whatever, like, like, do

the other guys in the locker room will they have
a fundamental.

Speaker 3 (20:06):
Issue with I don't think so. I think.

Speaker 4 (20:08):
I mean, when it comes to winning, guys want to win, Yeah,
and the best person at that position needs to play.
And that's just how it kind of chuckles down. I mean,
take a personal story of mine. When I was in
Arizona in twenty eleven, I got hurt during the season.

Speaker 3 (20:23):
I broke my foot, and.

Speaker 4 (20:25):
You know, I was all about, you know, helping our
younger safety go out there and compete and put his
best foot forward because I knew he was gonna have
a chance.

Speaker 3 (20:33):
To be really really good.

Speaker 4 (20:36):
In this league and have a chance to you know,
when I walked away or our other say the Adrian
Wilson at the time, walked away, he would probably step
into that place. So I was all support and was
loving it. He was out there, he's playing well. His
name was Rashad Johnson. So he ended up having a
really good career after but he was out there playing
really well, I was texting them before the games and
giving them all this positive feedback, and I was watching

them playing Blossom and Bloom. I'm like, Okay, this dude's
getting really good. All right, I probably should get back
to being healthy myself now. I really focused on myself
and get to that point. So, you know, you start
to do that and you help the team, and you
help these guys become who they want to be and
achieve what they want to achieve. But again, personal ego
comes to play where it's like, all.

Speaker 3 (21:16):
Right, he's playing really good.

Speaker 4 (21:16):
I should probably get back out there and show them
that I'm really good as well. And so you start
having those that internal conflict between your own personal psyche
and who you are and the player that you've been.
And then you have this young guy that stepping into
that position or getting that shine and getting a chance
to show what he can do, and you're like, oh,
he can play too, so I need to get back
into it. So it's that internal battle within people as humans,

that the human element it's gonna take place where there's
gonna be some negative energy towards and and I could
see Kirk Cousins having.

Speaker 2 (21:46):
That, Yeah, I want to get to Cousins in a minute.
But last one, last question, and this might be a
dumb question, but you know, I obviously penixes the backup whatever,
but how much does them kind of being differ front quarterbacks.
I mean, Pennix is a lefty, Cousins is alrighty, Pennis
a little bit more with his legs, although he's more.

Speaker 3 (22:05):
Of a pocket guy.

Speaker 2 (22:06):
But like I think the thought process is when you
have Brett farrv and you draft Aaron Rodgers, they're kind
of the same guy, so they're going through reps.

Speaker 3 (22:13):
You don't have to change too much.

Speaker 2 (22:15):
If Brett Favre goes down, it's okay because Aaron Rodgers
got the same quarterback like our Cousins and Pennis going
to be able to practice the same. So Penix gets
the reps that he's gonna need when he gets in.
Or because he's a lefty, do you have to do
everything different like that. That's the one thing I'm a
little bit confused about where it's like if you have
Kirk Cousins and say you draft JJ McCarthy, say Drake

may was available there, then it's a little bit more
of a mirror of similar styles, righty, on righty. You know,
Drake May is more of a pocket guy like Kirk Cousins.
Does it impact the practice schedule at all because Pennix
and Cousins are a little bit of a different kind
of guy.

Speaker 4 (22:50):
Yeah, you're gonna devise the plays to suit that player,
for sure, and so there's.

Speaker 3 (22:55):
Not as much overlap as Yeah.

Speaker 4 (22:57):
Yeah, so you'll definitely, you know, being a lefty, probably
the right side of the field is going to be
a little bit stronger for him. He'll be able to
see that clearer as a as a rookie coming on,
and so you would make even if it was game
plan specific stuff to take advantage of his skill set
and where where he's the most comfortable. They're going to
do that obviously for sure. I think in mini camps

and training camps OTAs, they'll devise plans for them both
to get equal reps because again, Kirk is coming off
an injury and so we don't know how, you know,
how healthy he's going to be going into those mini camps,
OTA's and all those things. Obviously he's back and he's
throwing the ball. I've seen that, but you know, we
don't know, and they're going to be cautious with them
as well. So I'm sure Penis will get a lot
of the reps early, so he will be I think

well suited and know the offense and know the scheme
going into the going into the season, probably better than
any other rookie probably would. And you also talk about
the Brett Favar Aaron Rodgers thing. Right, you go back
to you go back to best available. They didn't take
him at eight, they didn't take him at top ten.
They took him at the end of the first round,
and so talk about best of it.

Speaker 3 (24:00):
And he was plumbing. Yeah, Roger, of course they're going
to take him.

Speaker 2 (24:04):
Yeah, yeah, all right, Leilana Falcons now have two good quarterbacks.

Speaker 3 (24:10):
They have two good ones.

Speaker 2 (24:10):
Yeah, they also have a very disgruntled starting quarterback. And
I want to discuss that part next.

Speaker 3 (24:15):
We will.

Speaker 2 (24:16):
Before we do, let's toss it over the news desk
first time this afternoon for US Isaac Loncron.

Speaker 3 (24:21):
What is trending? My friend?

Speaker 6 (24:23):
All right, Aaron and Carrie, and we start in the NBA.
We're a short time ago. The Milwaukee Bucks officially ruled
out Giannis on Tetakoumpo and Damian Lillard for game four
of the playoffs tonight at Indiana Jannis because of a
strained left calf Lillard because of right achilles tendonitis.

Speaker 3 (24:40):
The Pacers lead that series two games to one.

Speaker 6 (24:42):
Today's NBA Playoff action tips off at the top of
the hour with Game four from Philadelphia between the Sixers
and the Knicks, with the Knicks leading the series two
games to one. In Game four on Saturday night, the
Los Angeles Lakers stayed alive with a one to nineteen
What Await victory over Denver, which still leads the series
three games to one, as the Lakers boca head to

head eleven game losing streak against Denver perfectly summed up
on social media by at Lake show Yo, who tweeted,
I don't care who you are, nobody beats the Lakers
twelve times in a row.

Speaker 3 (25:20):
Box Sports Radios Rob Gara had a very similar tweet,
Yeah that I saw last time.

Speaker 6 (25:24):
Actually, you know what I now that you think of it,
I did see more than one tweet relating that exact
same line. Earlier Saturday night, the Boston Celtics led wire
to wire in a one four to eighty four victory
at Miami Celtics Tick of two games to one lead
in that series. In the NFL, today, the Buffalo Bills
have signed former Detroit Lions receiver Quintez Cephis, best known

for being suspended for all of last season for violating
the NFL's gambling policy.

Speaker 3 (25:52):
I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on
in here, so thank you very much.

Speaker 6 (25:58):
Anyway, Cephas was officially stated ten days ago, and now
he's in Buffalo.

Speaker 3 (26:03):
Back to you, guys, Thank you very much.

Speaker 2 (26:05):
I was glowing cro on Fox Sports Radio, Fox Sports
Sunday Ara Towards Carry Rhoades broadcasting live from the tyreq
dot com studios. All right, I've teased it enough. Kirk Cousins, Yeah,
drum roll please. Because his agent, who of course is
speaking on behalf of him. He had a lot. It

was funny, you know, Like I said, I was with family. Yeah,
drum roll please, it's late.

Speaker 3 (26:32):
But it's there. There, it is there, it is yeah,
there it is. All right.

Speaker 2 (26:35):
So I saw about four straight tweets come up about
Kirk Cousins agent. I was like, oh, that was a
mass text to the media for people. Don't know how
all this stuff works. Is that when somebody wants a
message delivered. They get it to to just about everybody,
And so I want to read what kirk cousins agent
had to say, really again, basically on behalf of Kirk Cousins.

If the internet was slow in here, I would already
have it up. So please forgive me. I'm gonna vamp
here a little bit and talk a little bit about Kirk.

Speaker 3 (27:06):
Okay, here we go. Direct quote.

Speaker 2 (27:09):
I just well here, okay, this is the direct quote. Yes,
it was a big surprise. We had no idea it
was coming. The truth is, the whole league had no
idea this was coming. We got no heads up. Kirk
got a call from the Falcons when they were on
the clock. That was the first we heard. It never
came up in any conversation. Well, first of all, Mike McCartney,

your agent, you're a liar because you said we got
no heads up. Then the next sentence you said Kirk
got a call when they were on the clock. Okay,
I think this is soft and weak from Kirk Cousins.
You got paid one hundred million dollars of fully guaranteed

money as much as whatever it is, one eighty I
think it is. Yeah, you're obviously the starter. But you
are thirty six, you are coming off injury, and I
think the other thing to me, you just got to town.

Speaker 7 (28:06):

Speaker 2 (28:06):
I'm not saying that the Packers were Clearly they weren't
wrong to draft Jordan Love as a replacement for Aaron
Rodgers or Aaron rodd but you just got to town
to sit there and think that you're owed something by
a franchise that you have done nothing for.

Speaker 3 (28:25):
I'm sorry. I think this is soft.

Speaker 2 (28:27):
I think it's weak, and I know fans get mad
when guys like me say this. Kirk Cousins, shut up,
get back into the film room, and focus on leading
the Falcons next year. That's my opinion. Clearly, I don't
want to speak on behalf.

Speaker 3 (28:40):
Of you, but go ahead, Kerrett.

Speaker 4 (28:41):
Yeah, I mean a guy like Kirk Cousins who came
into the league and had to compete. Yeah, he's had
to compete for everything he's had, and so I would
see him. I don't even see why this is a
relevant conversation. Yeah, And why was that tweet or message
or it? Really he's put out for people who are
listening to us.

Speaker 2 (29:01):
You were critical of the decision by the Falcons, which
is different than how Kirk Cousins himself should feel about.

Speaker 3 (29:07):
So I want to continue for anyone that's been listening.

Speaker 4 (29:09):
Yeah, no, No, he's like I said, he's a guy that's
competed his whole career and to be in a situation
where he was the guy that would would have you know,
came in as the backup and competed and got the job.
So I can see where his mind may wander, Like
I said, I mean as a human right, Like his
mind's wondering like this is this is the situation I've
been in before, and it's happened in the other way,

the other way around, like I took the starter's job
and never gave it back, right, And so that's creeping
in his mind obviously human nature. But again, he just
got paid. He just got a guaranteed boatload of money.
He's the guy they can't take it back. He's going
to be the guy go out there and play and
compete and win and win them games and he will
be fine. So I don't even know what the conversation

about that is for him. Now as far as the pick,
like we can argue about that being the right pick,
but just go play football. I'm with you on that
take as well. This isn't this isn't a big deal.
The guy isn't brought in to steal your job. If
that was the case, they would have gave you a
little bit a little less money and let you come
in and compete on a one year deal, two year deal.

Speaker 3 (30:11):
This is the case right now.

Speaker 2 (30:13):
And I think, and this is the other spin from
this is the other spin from the Raheem Morris I heard,
I said, I heard Ryan Clark, who's close with Raheem Morris,
talking about it. Yeah, and I know this is spin, right,
It's it's, you know, a franchise trying to justify whatever.
But I did here and I thought this was actually
a good point as well. And this is a testament
to Kirk Cousins. Is Hey, Kirk Cousins, here's the other thing.

If you're as good as we expect you to be
over the next two three four years, we're never gonna
be in position to get a quarterback this good ever again.
And so, as I said last segment, there's a lot
of pieces there. This is kind of built for you
to step in win the division next year. And let's
be honest, because we know how this works. You play
so many division games against bad teams. This could be

an eleven to twelve win team, not because they're one
of the three best teams in the NFC, but because
just the way the schedule breaks everything is built.

Speaker 3 (31:06):
So I think that's part of it as WELLCOH.

Speaker 4 (31:08):
And the one thing that we haven't even talked about yet,
and I'm gonna throw it out there, is again, if
it's best available, you take a guy like Michael Pennix
at eight. If Kirk Cousin pans out and he plays
four more years of great football and they win, this
is another bargainionship. This is another hip as well that
they could have up to leave. That's a great call.

Speaker 2 (31:26):
That's a great call because I think that's what we
forget is every single year there's three, four, five teams
that going into the season you don't think you're gonna
need a quarterback that end up need a quarterback. I'll
just give you a quick examp because I want to
come back and talk about some other stuff. But like
if the Cowboys had done this, Let's say somehow the
Cowboys had the eighth pick and they made this decision,

and I was Dak Prescott, I know he's going in
a contract year, but it's like I'd be pissed because
I'd be like, dude, I have gave blood, sweat and
tears for this organization for the last eight nine years. Yeah,
and you're doing me dirty like this, and the count
would still be go out and earn the job whatever.
But at least Dak has equity in that building. And
I think that's that's maybe the part. Like Kirk Cousins,

we first of all, we get it, you overcame a lot.
You were the whatever, fourth fifth round pick, you know,
back up to RG three.

Speaker 3 (32:14):
We get all that a million years ago.

Speaker 2 (32:16):
It doesn't change the fact that you just got there
a million uh uh, you know one minute ago.

Speaker 3 (32:21):

Speaker 2 (32:22):
I I just the whole thing, just like I said,
the Kobe Bryant soft soft. So it just feels soft
to me. I just I don't I don't like it.
I don't know, a little soft and entitled exactly. Yeah,
and that and that's and that's what it is. I mean,
the cachet that you you kind of develop as a player.
You know, other other players, other teams know about that.
So when you walk into a new locker room, you

you know, you have to humble yourself though, because guys
see that and a guy like him, like you just said,
that hasn't put any equity into that team coming in
with a huge ego, because that would come off that
way as well to people that don't know you. It
can It's not a good way to start. One last
last question. Just give me like a thirty second answer.

We've seen in the past where you sign a free agent,
you draft a guy like a Matt Flynn Russell Wilson,
but Russell Wilson was like a fourth fifth rounder and
Matt Flynn didn't have all this guaranteed money. There is
no way that if Michael Pennix is the better quarterback, like,
he's still not going to be the starter, not next year.

Speaker 3 (33:19):
Right, there's no way.

Speaker 4 (33:20):
Okay, that's what yeah, I do to make sure you
didn't pay one hundred million dollars for a backup exactly.

Speaker 3 (33:24):
Yeah, yeah, all right.

Speaker 2 (33:25):
Fox Sports Radio Aaron Torres, Carrie Rhoads in until two
pm Eastern time.

Speaker 8 (33:32):

Speaker 2 (33:32):
Following us will be Steve Hartman and Rich Orenberger will
come back and the trade that shook up the first
round and maybe shook up the AFC title race that's next.

Speaker 3 (33:42):
Fox Sports Radio, Welcome back, everybody.

Speaker 2 (33:45):
Fox Sports Sunday erin Torres, Carry Roads, taking up till
two pm Eastern time.

Speaker 3 (33:50):
It's crazy.

Speaker 2 (33:51):
My show on Saturday goes till two am Eastern, so
I'm always used to saying two am, and I almost
slipped on the two am there. But if we're on
till two am. As much as I love talking about
the Draft, I think we would have run run out.

Speaker 4 (34:03):
Talk about the two am would have been a probably
a reminder of that song that we were just listening
to in the club.

Speaker 3 (34:08):
In the club, Yeah, you had a flask back there.
I ain't making it.

Speaker 2 (34:13):
Yeah, I am making it till two am today, I
can tell you that much. But now two pm Steve
Hartman and Rich Orenberger will follow us. Steve Hartman is
already in studio vigorously prepping for his show. All right,
So we talked to We talked a lot about a
lot of different things with the draft, and we'll get
to more draft stuff an hour two. We'll talk about
the NBA as well, But there was one storyline that

certainly caught people's attention. We talked about the Buffalo Bills earlier.
Sean McDermott. You know whatever AFC East we were talking about.

Speaker 3 (34:43):
The Jets, Yeah, I bring it up.

Speaker 2 (34:46):
Bills were part of certainly what you would call maybe
the most interesting trade of round one, as they traded
the twenty first pick and a couple of late round
picks to Kansas City for the the thirty second pick
and some late picks whatever. I bring it up, by
the way, Then they traded out of the first round

to thirty three, where they did take Keyon Coleman, the
Florida state wide receiver. So that is worth noting. But
what is also worth noting is that the Kansas City
Chiefs used the twenty first pick to a year after
they struggled the wide receivers were not good. They took
literally the fastest person in the history of the.

Speaker 3 (35:29):
NFL Draft combined.

Speaker 2 (35:32):
As Xavier Worthy is the twenty first overall pick, and
the Kansas City Chiefs not only plug the biggest hole
on their roster, but they do it with a pick
from arguably their biggest rival. Yeah, did the Buffalo Bills,
but as I said earlier in the show, have lost
in the playoffs three of the last four years to

the Kansas City Chiefs.

Speaker 3 (35:55):
Did they make a mistake. Should they have traded with
the Chiefs at all?

Speaker 4 (35:59):
Little gamesmanship that you're that you're speaking about here, It
just it's it's tough because yes, you don't want to
give your competitor any advance, Like you.

Speaker 2 (36:11):
Were a Jet forever if the Jets traded back and
the Patriots traded up, and I you swap picks with
them and then they took the one spot that they
needed to continue beating your brains in no offense because
you guys had a good track record against Belichick. But
I like, would you have been pissed as a player, Like, crap, dude,

all they needed was that one edge rusher and now
they just got him and we helped them get them.

Speaker 4 (36:38):
Well, I think I think that's a long, a long
game because we have to see what this guy does.

Speaker 2 (36:45):
It will be one of those like the Mitch Trubisky
over Deshaun Watson and Patrick Malbs, Like if it works
out the way we think it could work out exactly,
it'll be like twenty twenty nine and we'll still be
like remember when the Bills traded for sure the picked
and they got Xavier Worthy and Patrick mahomes is thirty
nine right now, and you just won as eleven straight
Super Bowl.

Speaker 4 (37:04):
So yeah, but yeah, they traded down and obviously they
switched picks there, but they ended up getting the guy
that I'm sure that they wanted as well in Keon Coleman.

Speaker 3 (37:12):

Speaker 4 (37:12):
And so the conversations around and that is we have
to wait and see, because I think Keon Coleman should
be it should have been the first round guy. And
so seeing him play and seeing him up close in
personally at Florida State, you know, being in the acc rival
of ours in Louisville, It's it's gonna be interesting because
I think they both got their guys. And at the

end of the day, if they trade down and financially
in business wise, it made sense, then that's a whole
different discussion.

Speaker 3 (37:38):
But we gotta wait and see.

Speaker 2 (37:40):
No, you know, it's funny because I actually don't have
as much of a problem with it as others because
it is the draft, like if you were trading in season,
like if you had traded for some reason and you
wouldn't have, but if you had traded like Stefan Diggs
instead of to Houston, you trade him to can't see.
That's one thing different. But first of all, all you're
doing is trading back. All they're doing is trading up.

In theory, you don't really know who they're gonna take.
And I think the NFL Draft has proven you know,
nothing is guaranteed. Like even if you watch Texas this year,
Zavier Worthy was not their best wide receiver as Ady Mitchell,
who went in round two to h to the Indianapolis Colt.
So you know, yeah, it's funny, it's a great conversation piece.
I just don't know that I'm as upset and as

furious as everybody else is with it, you know what
I'm saying.

Speaker 4 (38:24):
So and I'm sorry. But the thing about that is,
I think they both got their guys. And if you're
trying to do anything in this lifetime to prevent somebody
else from succeeding, you're putting yourself in a disadvantage anyway.
So that's my take, and that's what I would see here.
Both teams got their guys. You can't try to block

somebody else's blessing. You got to do your own thing.
So that's how I feel about it.

Speaker 2 (38:48):
Really quickly, you just mentioned it so key on Coleman,
because I watched them, and I thought, you know, kind
of a bigger receiver. And people say he doesn't have speed,
but he returned pumps for them, and I don't think
he's a burner quite like a milite neighbors. But I
really liked him. And it sounds like you did to
Keon Coleman, the second round pick of.

Speaker 3 (39:09):
The Buffalo Bills. Ah crazy athletics. Yeah, beast game speeds.

Speaker 4 (39:14):
Totally different than what he ran in his forty know,
it's forty times a little it was a little slower,
but he's going to be a gamer for sure.

Speaker 2 (39:20):
No, I thought this wide receiver class was really good.
I like Marvin Harrison. Marvin Harrison in defense of him.
The quarterback play was not good the last year post CJ. Stroud, Right,
but I love milite neighbors real quick. You like melite neighbors.
I mean, not for the Giants because they don't have
a real quarterback.

Speaker 4 (39:37):
But he's a beast crazy right that conversation around them
possibly taking quarterback there, I was like, Okay, that didn't
make sense either, talk about that.

Speaker 3 (39:44):
But I think it's gonna be a great fit.

Speaker 4 (39:46):
He seems like a guy that's really committed to what
he does too, so I'm excited to see what he does.

Speaker 2 (39:52):
Incredible, incredible draft, and we're going to revisit a lot
of stuff in around two. In hour or two, we'll
talk a little bit about Drake May and the Patriots
and maybe some elite neighbors and the New York Giants
as well. But I'll tell you what, Carrie, we will
come back. And when we come back, we got to
talk a little bit of NBA. The Lakers survived last night.
We'll see if the Suns do. And the box who

interesting news. We'll discuss that all next Fox Sports turning.
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the way tire buying should be. By the way, I
got a nice comment from Sandra on our hour one
conversation about Kirk Cousins. She said, thank you both for
your comments on Kirk Cousins. I am so tired of
hearing sports media folks all boooo over this for him?

Do they think this is fifth grade cyo football? I
don't know why anyone cares what Cousin thinks this. Sandra,
thank you. You know you know who does not care
about what Kirk Cousins thinks me. Suck it up, Buttercup.
We can argue over whether the picks should have been made.
I just don't want your whining. And not only do
I want your whining. You just got to Atlanta thirty

seconds ago. Just go out, work the locker room, meet
the guys, do whatever it is that quarterbacks do to
ingratiate themselves. You know, Tom Brady was having practices in
public parks during COVID, Right, go have.

Speaker 3 (41:34):
Practice somewhere, dude, I'm over it. So Sandra, Sandra knows
what and he's and he's he's well taken care of,
so he's okay. Yes, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2 (41:44):
I saw a producer ian who I love, and I'm
not criticizing him. He's like, well, Kirk Cousins moved his
whole family to Atlanta. It's like, yeah, they're gonna live
in a big freaking mansion in Atlanta. Okay, like, no
boohoo for a guy that got a hundred million guaranteed.

Speaker 4 (41:56):
All right.

Speaker 3 (41:56):
And by the way, he can retire.

Speaker 2 (41:58):
I mean he could just not play and you know,
keep all you know, not get all that money. I
don't think his his wife or his family's gonna.

Speaker 3 (42:04):
Want that either, all right.

Speaker 2 (42:05):
So NBA four games are about to tip off, starting
right now in just a few minutes, with game four
of the of the Philadelphia and New York series. We'll
get to that in a minute. First of all, a
couple things won the late breaking news. As Monci just
told us, Isaac told us last hour. Milwaukee Bucks will

be without Damian Lillard and Giannis Antennacupo in their game
later today against the Indiana Pacers. Game is in Indiana.
Pacers already are up two to one. Tyre's Halliburton with
that big bucket late in the game the other night.

Speaker 3 (42:44):
This is this series?

Speaker 1 (42:45):
Is it?

Speaker 3 (42:45):
Is it over? This series? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's told.

Speaker 4 (42:48):
I mean a lot of people, myself included picked the
Pacers when this before the series started.

Speaker 2 (42:53):
And then it's was it because of Giannis's health or
you like the matchup or I just like the matchup.

Speaker 4 (42:57):
The Pacers are team that can score a lot of points, obviously,
one of the one of the highest scored and average
teams in the league, and Milwaukee had problems stopping people
all year, and so just the matchup and even in
the regular season, that matchup was one that gave Milwaukee problems.
And so coming into this series, No, Johannis obviously will
help Indianapolis. Indianapolis, it's calls, yep, But yeah, I just

felt they were had too much firepower for Milwaukee coming in.

Speaker 2 (43:26):
I don't really much add because I do think the
series is over as well. What would it say about
the Bucks? I mean, obviously, you know, you trade, I
think they missed your holiday, man. I mean I I
just they can't get stops. And obviously there's the Damian
Loward element of it, there's the Doc Rivers element of it. Yeah,
but you know, this would be what the really third

straight season that they don't get out of round two
because last year they obviously lost to Miami. The year before,
Giannis was a monster against Boston, but he just I
think who was it? Middleton was hurt in that series. So,
but what would it say about the Bucks if they
can't even get out of round one, although there are
injuries whatever.

Speaker 4 (44:08):
I think there's dysfunction there. Obviously there's some stuff behind
closed doors that we don't know yet, but it will
come out, you know how it always does. I mean,
obviously for the coach to be fired, you know midway
during the season with the second best record in the
East is there's some calls for concern there. I mean,
you can even go back to before the regular season
started where they bring in you know, Dame Lillard's old coach,

Terry Stotts, and he leaves before the season shore. So
there's just so much stuff there that's happening. It's almost
one of those things where when you again we talked
about the Kirk Cousins thing where you try to acquiesce
to the star. Obviously they're doing that with the Giannis
with his brother being on the team and not playing
and not good enough to really be on that team. Like,
there are some things that are bubbling up there and

so calls to concern for them internally. But even on
the court, they never really seem to figure it out
this year and Janna's Dame situation that they're two headed monster.
It looks like it should have been a seamless fit,
but it hasn't been.

Speaker 2 (45:07):
Either Let's go to one of the Lake games today
or the late game today game four Minnesota and Phoenix.

Speaker 3 (45:13):
And we talked a little bit about this last.

Speaker 2 (45:14):
Week when I was in with you in this time slot.
I never thought the Brad Beal, Devin Booker, Kevin Durant
thing would work. We just have Yeah, we just have
a track record of in this era, three guys with
no bench.

Speaker 3 (45:30):
It's not gonna work.

Speaker 2 (45:30):
By the way, the best example of it involved Katie
in Brooklyn. Yeah, Katie, Kyrie James Harden for all the
ink that was spilled, wins one playoff series the entire time.
And I find this whole situation interesting. So they're down
three to zero. Even if they somehow win, it's like
the Lakers last I mean, we could have overanalyzed the
Lakers and Nuggets, but the Lakers aren't winning four straight

to win that series. And so we'll talk about the
Lakers in a minute. But even if the Suns win today,
this is over. I don't think it's gonna work. But
I don't know what you do either, because you've traded
all your assets. You've traded your draft capital. And like
I know that in the NBA, like draft picks aren't
as valuable as the NFL obviously, but you can still
if you're a good team, you can get veterans in

the back half, older college players in the back half
of the first round that can help you. You know,
Christian Brown last year as a rookie was a very
key contributor for the for the Denver Nuggets. Hime Hakkas
for the Miami Heat this year. So there are ways
to get for lack of a better term, cheap labor
in the NBA.

Speaker 3 (46:32):
But the Suns can't do it.

Speaker 2 (46:33):
And like it was crazy yesterday on the on the broadcast,
like they flashed what those contracts look like. I mean,
they're the big three are all making forty five, fifty
to fifty five million a year, like for two to
three four more years. It's not like, you know, Brad
Beeal comes off the books next year and it's like
you got to get through one more year.

Speaker 7 (46:51):

Speaker 2 (46:52):
I just I think it's so. I think it's over
before it started. I was telling my radio part of
Jason Martin last night. I do feel kind of bad
for Kevin Durant. Now he's picked all these situations, but
he can't pick them.

Speaker 4 (47:05):
You know.

Speaker 2 (47:05):
It's like, you know, you have friends that can't pick
a girlfriend or a boyfriend, like he can't pick situations
in the NBA. And so that's the one that to
me is more interesting because I just don't know what
they do to get out of their current situation, and
I don't think their current situation is going to work
in any way, shape or form.

Speaker 4 (47:22):
Well, KD made the right choice and then renigged on
that choice, right he went to Golden State, where if
he's still in Golden State now, they may win.

Speaker 3 (47:32):
A couple more times.

Speaker 4 (47:33):
And so that's that part, right, Like it's always the
grass is greener on the other side, and it's not
like you want to get into such a situation where
instead of putting in the time, putting in the work,
actually committing to something, and you know there's gonna be
down moments in anything that you do. The first sign
of trouble or the first down moment doesn't always mean

you run. And so for him to leave that situation
with a little scuffle with you know, with the Draymond
Green and all those things, and I'm sure there was
more things that happened during that journey. But you leave
that situation where it's you look at it, look at
it from the outside looking in, it's the most stable
situation out and you go to something that you want
to experience and experience.

Speaker 3 (48:15):
For your life. You start to regret those choices.

Speaker 4 (48:18):
And so I don't feel bad for him in Phoenix
and the places that he's gone because that's his choice.
But when you look at that team the way they're built,
those three we talked about it last week, don't fit.

Speaker 3 (48:29):
They don't. They don't fit.

Speaker 4 (48:31):
Like, if you're gonna have KD and Booker, which they
had first, you bring in the true point guard.

Speaker 3 (48:36):
Well, can I jump in on that road?

Speaker 2 (48:37):
Yeah, for sure, Because I mentioned this last night, and
I think this is what's gonna happen with the Lakers
this offseason. Is I think whenever you lose, especially early,
I think there's always this belief that it's a disaster.

Speaker 3 (48:50):
We got to blow it up, we got to shake
up everything.

Speaker 2 (48:52):
Right, But you go back to last year, the Sun's
actually played the Nuggets tougher than anybody in the playoffs.
They took two. Now that's not good enough. You don't
want to lose four to two in the second round
of the playoffs. But when you counter it with the
Lakers got swept, the Heat took one, Yeah, you took
two in the Western Conference finals. In the finals, you

were closer to them than those teams were. And that
was with Chris Paul, with DeAndre and whatever.

Speaker 3 (49:19):

Speaker 2 (49:19):
And I always say I'm not saying that teams shouldn't
try to get better. Yeah, but I think there's this thought,
and it feels like it's in the NBA more than anything,
is that when you lose early, it has to be
this seismic blow up, shake up, whatever, and sometimes it's
like the little tinkering. And I just think also, the

Nuggets are a great team. The pieces all fit, and
the pieces are all still either in their prime or
just entering their prime, and it's like it sucks. I
know that's not what Kevin Durant wants to here coming
out of a season, or Lebron James or Devin Booker,
but it's like, you look at the Suns, they actually
weren't as far off with the Chris Paul DeAndre Aan

thing as I think they probably thought a year ago.

Speaker 4 (50:05):
Yeah, let me talk about like when you put equity
in something. You want to see those returns. There's no
bigger example of that than the NBA. They're making big
investments and they want those investments to be returned right away.

Speaker 3 (50:20):
That's not how it works.

Speaker 4 (50:22):
Even in you go back to go back through history
and look at teams that won, even those early those
those ninety Chicago Bulls teams.

Speaker 3 (50:31):
They lost a lot.

Speaker 4 (50:31):
Yeah, in the playoffs, you're gonna break Scotti, Pittman and
Michael Jordan up because they lost a couple of rounds
of the playoffs. And and you know in that era
where obviously it was a tough era in Boston, and
you know La and the Pistons obviously at that time
were giving them fits.

Speaker 3 (50:47):
They figured it out. You have to invest in in time,
in equity.

Speaker 4 (50:52):
You have to give that relationship, those games, those teams
time to bloom. If you don't have patience in sports
or in life, you will fail and fail miserably. But
by trying to run and chase other things, that isn't
in the cards for you right now.

Speaker 3 (51:10):
But that doesn't mean it won't be. No.

Speaker 2 (51:12):
I agree, and I think you know and we you know,
we talk about and first of all, by the way.
You know, He's another example that the Nuggets. The Nuggets
lost was they lose it. They lost in the Western
Conference finals in the bubble, I think, or whatever, and
then you know, they lost a few times and it's okay,
and they stuck together.

Speaker 3 (51:28):
There wasn't a massive blow up. It wasn't.

Speaker 2 (51:31):
And I think the other thing too, is maybe it
was just that previous era of guys where I think
Lebron really kind of set the tone. But Lebron was
so good that like he could go to Cleveland and
in a year they'd be in the finals, you know.

Speaker 3 (51:45):
But it's not the same for James Harden.

Speaker 2 (51:47):
It's not the same for Kawhi Leonard except for the
one year in Toronto, It's not the same for whoever.

Speaker 3 (51:52):
And even Kevin Durant.

Speaker 2 (51:53):
It's like it's clear that as great as he is individually,
there needs to be a structure around him, like there
wasn't Alahoma City like there was in Golden State. So
I don't know what else there is to say. I
just think the Suns are just a sad case study
of of what you just said is like just rush

no patience, you know. I think part of it's a
new owner aging Superstar. But it's like, I'm not saying
they would have won it if Chris Paul and DeAndre
Ayton were on this team. I just think they were
probably a little closer than they thought, and they're certainly
a little bit closer than they were than they are now.

Speaker 3 (52:28):
So yeah, I mean just structurally they were they were
built to win.

Speaker 4 (52:31):
Star structurally as a team as the team piece bringing
and it wouldn't have worked, obviously, But imagine if they
had that core right now and then you bring in
another Bradley Beal type for cheaper.

Speaker 3 (52:46):
Scharlotte Bill is not a needle mover anyway. Look at
like Contavius Cole Pop just fills a role. Aaron Gordon.

Speaker 4 (52:54):
Yeah, it's just that, like taking these big swings with
offenses is more about the ego of the owner.

Speaker 2 (53:00):
I agree, And that's really what it boils down to
Phoenix Suns. They are the late game this evening. They
will play Minnesota in a win or the season is over.

Speaker 3 (53:10):

Speaker 2 (53:11):
By the way, we do have one game has just
tipped off in Philadelphia. The New York Knicks up two
to one on the Philadelphia seventy six Ers four to four.

Speaker 3 (53:19):
In that game in early the first quarter.

Speaker 2 (53:22):
Fox Sports Radio Erintoris Kerry Roads, tell you what, Kerry,
We'll come back, maybe talk a little Lakers. Then we
got to get back to the NFL Draft. Plenty more
to discuss. That's all next. Fox Sports Radio, Welcome back, everybody,
Fox Sports Radio, Fox Sports Sunday Aeron Torres, Carrie Rhodes
broadcasting here in La.

Speaker 3 (53:44):

Speaker 2 (53:45):
What else from the NFL Draft? We talked a lot
in our one about the Bills and then and they're
trade with the Chiefs, and we talked a lot about
Michael Pennix versus Kirk Cousins, that little whiney. You know what,
what is the biggest story that we have not hit
on yet?

Speaker 3 (53:59):
I think the biggest with.

Speaker 4 (54:00):
The draft, Uh, for me, it's always seeing the family reactions,
you know, really really getting to see how guys, a
lot of guys it's dreams are coming true in real
time for people to see. And you have those moments
to have those in you know, in closed doors cameras,
capturing these images and these special moments between you know,

the players and their families. Man, I think that's the
biggest thing. And you know, also seeing some of the
guys where they feel like they've dropped or they feel
like they've been overlooked.

Speaker 2 (54:31):
It's all sentimentally special until your brock bowers and you're
going to the Raiders exactly right.

Speaker 3 (54:35):
It's just pissed and mad and angry, and that part, yeah,
you get. You get to see that in real time.
So I like that.

Speaker 4 (54:40):
I like that part of the story that really kind
of encapsulates the draft because there's highs, there's lows, there's
all those things in between, and there's also moments where
you feel slighted and you come out and you take
it out in the league.

Speaker 3 (54:54):
So it's cool.

Speaker 2 (54:55):
So let me ask you this. So you mentioned it earlier,
and I'm in agreement with you. There was I think
two narratives that I did not understand at all going
into the draft. The first one was, first of all,
the idea that the Chargers are gonna trade Justin Herbert
was the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my life.
You know, anybody who knows Jim Harbaugh and I don't,
but I know people who do. They're like, the whole

reason he took that job was because he wanted to
coach Justin Herbert, Right, but then never thought they were
gonna get a weapon for him. Thought they were gonna
go with whatever was the best offensive or defensive lineman.
They do, And of course Jim Harbaugh then says, quote,
I believe offensive linemen are weapons. So what do you
think of the team that he is building. They have

we'll call them skill position guys, since Jim Harbaugh doesn't
deem just wide receivers and running backs as weapons. But
they've gotten rid of a few wide receivers, clearly rebuilding
through the old line defenses.

Speaker 3 (55:52):
They have the pieces.

Speaker 2 (55:53):
They just had an incompetent play call in Brandon Staley,
But that's neither here nor there.

Speaker 3 (55:58):
What do you make of the early stage of the
Harball rebuild outside of the quarterback position.

Speaker 4 (56:03):
The needs that need to be met for a team
to be an actual contender starts up front. Sure, and
you build that way. Jim Harball is old school. He
knows how, he knows how to build teams, and every
situation he's been in, he's won. So if I was
a fan, if I was somebody like doubting him building

a team to compete and to win, I would say,
pumpy breaks, Yeah, give him a little time and obviously
we don't live in an era what time is.

Speaker 3 (56:35):
Valued like it should.

Speaker 4 (56:37):
But yeah, you got to build up front, and if
you don't have the big uglies upfront that can control
the game on both sides of the ball, you won't
win anyway.

Speaker 2 (56:45):
So I like to pick for them. Yeah, I mean,
you want your coach to be true to who he is.
And I think that was the problem with the last
guy was Brandon Staley. I don't think he stayed true
to who he was. I think he thought he was
the analytics guy that it backfired and he wasn't the
analytics guy.

Speaker 3 (56:56):

Speaker 2 (56:57):
Harball is a run first defense kind of guy, or
you know, a ball control is probably right way to
put it. It's like, you know who that helps more
than anybody, justin Herbert. He doesn't have to put up
thirty eight points every game now, and and I think
it is gonna work out so well for them. I'm
so you know, we talked about the Jets and all
these teams that we're excited to see. I would put

the Chargers up there with anybody. The other narrative that
I never understood I didn't buy was that the Giants
we're gonna draft a quarterback. And it's just because you
do this long enough and you know the kind of
ethos of certain organizations, and the Giants are conservative.

Speaker 3 (57:38):
It's the marras.

Speaker 2 (57:39):
You know, they're kind of the opposite of the Belichick Patriots,
where like Belichick will get rid of a guy a
year head of schedule. Yeah, it feels like the Giants
are more give the coach the extra year, give the QB.

Speaker 3 (57:51):
Remember that.

Speaker 2 (57:52):
Remember when it was like the biggest story because they
wanted to bench Eli, but they were afraid to bench
Eli because he had the Dart streak going. And it's like, well,
we can't do Eli dirty like that, and it's just like, yeah,
if he's not the best option, and I think he
probably still was in hindsight, I don't even remember who
the backup was. But the point I'm trying to make
is that that's just not like the ethos of the

Giants isn't to be paying Daniel Jones even a reasonable
thirty thirty five million dollars whatever it is relative to
other quarterbacks, right, but it's not to pay that guy
and also draft another guy and especially in his situation
that could that couldn't probably will take Daniel Jones spot.

Speaker 3 (58:29):
So I never understood that giants end up with malike neighbors.
What do you think?

Speaker 4 (58:34):
Yeah, you know what, I I'm a Daniel Jones. I
don't believe. I don't believe Daniel Jones is the guy.
So for me personally, obviously, you can't make that move
right now because it looks like you're wrong sure to
take a quarterback. So that was my thinking, not that
they shouldn't have taken a quarter I agree, Yeah, So
it's it's that, it's that for me, it's if they

took a quarterback at that spot right now, you're saying
you're wrong sure as a GM, and so that I
just don't think that would have happened.

Speaker 2 (59:04):
There's nothing wrong with being wrong, by the way, No,
of course I don't own it. Now the question becomes
after that top three It was kind of a you know,
how much do you like guys?

Speaker 3 (59:15):

Speaker 2 (59:16):
We know in hindsight Atlanta rarely like Michael Pennix, But
you know JJ McCarthy at his questions. Bo Nix is
a little bit older, has his questions. But I think
that's a dumb way to do things. But I think
you're ultimately right. I agree that that was the thought process.
I just think it's a dumb way to do things.

Speaker 4 (59:31):
Oh for sure, if it's not the right guy and
you missed, then you move on. And that's the New
England way that you talked about earlier, Right, they don't
sit on that, Like if you.

Speaker 3 (59:42):
Prove that you're not the guy, you're not the guy.

Speaker 4 (59:44):
But anyway, but I think Malik neighbors in that situation,
giving you know, your quarterback another weapon, a weapon that
I really feel is going to have a really, really,
really good career. I mean, the guy's mindset is just
about competing and being the best version of himself. I
hope that elite neighbors. Yeah, do you know him personally,
I don't, But just hearing the stories of him, and
I've seen like interviews of him talk and he's something

you talked about Ryan Clark earlier, where they had to
sit down with with your league and so just hearing
him talk and where he came from, and you know,
he wasn't always the guy in theory. He had to
earn his earn his way, and so I like those
guys and those stories. I just hope in that New
York market he's able to keep that keep that same
mentality and operate from that space.

Speaker 2 (01:00:26):
Well, I think I think the talent isn't the problem.
I just think it's the guy getting him the ball.
And I don't I don't know enough about his background
to know if he's like blow up on the sidelines
if he's not getting the ball guy, But if he is,
I think I think we will. It's gonna come out
next year. So Giants go to Mileak neighbors and the
Chargers obviously go with the offensive line.

Speaker 3 (01:00:47):
No surprise there.

Speaker 2 (01:00:49):
Tell you what, I do want to come back and
discuss what I think is the toughest situation for any
first rounder.

Speaker 3 (01:00:56):
We'll get to that next.

Speaker 2 (01:00:56):
But for the first time this afternoon, let's toss it
off news desk Mazi Belanios. Who's over there watching nineteen
ninety four Clippers highlights?

Speaker 3 (01:01:06):
Is she was in it? Right? And she was in it?
Who was on that squad?

Speaker 7 (01:01:10):
I'm actually watching Kean Coleman's first press conference as a
member of the Bills.

Speaker 3 (01:01:15):
Oh that that sound is making the round? Yeah, that's
literally what I was looking at. And then I hear
I was like, oh, that's me, that's me.

Speaker 7 (01:01:21):
As I'm also watching this Knicks game because yes, mellas
the playoffs continue today. Right now, Philly has the early
lead against the Knicks. It's fifteen to thirteen with about
five minutes to go in the first quarter. Jalen Brunson
leading the way for New York. He's got eight points
for the Philadelphia seventy six ers.

Speaker 3 (01:01:37):
It's Joelle emb six points, but it's very early. We'll
see how this one goes. New York does lead the
series two to one.

Speaker 7 (01:01:43):
We have three other game fours, Mavericks Clippers, let's not talk.

Speaker 3 (01:01:47):
About it because Carrie's here. Mads lead the series two
to one.

Speaker 7 (01:01:50):
Then the Bucks are taking on the Pacers in Indiana.
Milwaukee again will be with Aulianisntetokompo without Damian Lillard.

Speaker 3 (01:01:57):
We'll see how that one goes.

Speaker 7 (01:01:58):
And then the Phoenix Suns will try to keep their
season alive against the Minnesota Timberwolves or the Timberwolves are
gonna bring out the brooms. That's the last game for
today at nine thirty pm Eastern time on the ice.

Speaker 3 (01:02:10):
There is a possibility of a sweep as well.

Speaker 7 (01:02:12):
Four game fours in the NHL as well, they're going
through Round one of the playoffs. The Rangers are going
to try to close out the series with the sweep
against the Capitals. The puck is set to drop at
eight pm Eastern time for that when we got a
lot of baseball.

Speaker 3 (01:02:23):
That's about to start. And how about this guy?

Speaker 7 (01:02:26):
Sonny Vaccaro told TMZ Sports that he thinks that Caitlin
Clark's people dropped the ball, that her deal with nike
should have been just as good as Michael Jordan's, that
he is surprised it's only twenty eight for eight million,
and he thinks he should have She should have gotten
a piece for basically everything, just like Michael did. And
he says that her people dropped the ball, and then

Nike took advantage that everybody else kind.

Speaker 3 (01:02:48):
Of like stopped trying.

Speaker 7 (01:02:50):
And so he's like, no, this is it should have
been more, is what he's saying.

Speaker 2 (01:02:53):
Wow, that's what market negotiation has got to get. DTAs
involved sneakers.

Speaker 4 (01:03:00):
One you don't you don't you don't want to hoop
and those you don't want to totally.

Speaker 2 (01:03:06):
Yeah, a while the Big Baller brand put in an
offer for Kaylyn Clark or.

Speaker 3 (01:03:11):
What probably probably I don't think they have.

Speaker 2 (01:03:15):
The cash depends on if LeVar is going to take
out a loan from LaMelo or not? Oh man, is he?
Is he on the market for that LaVar LaMelo? Well,
I think LaVar's just chilling. So you guys don't know this.
That was how I got in at Fox Sports Radio.

So I'm a college hoops guy and I knew that
family since Lonzo was probably a sophomore and so, uh
so I just became like the guy whenever LeVar said
something crazy, they were like, Torres, what do you think
about LeVar saying whatever?

Speaker 3 (01:03:46):
And I'd be like, oh, you know, that's the var
and then it's kind of a flex.

Speaker 2 (01:03:51):
It was asked Jason Smith. Jason Smith called me the
LeVar ball whisper. Actually, Mike Harmon was just here he
could have confirmed that. But uh but yeah, big Baller
brand did not go according to plan.

Speaker 3 (01:04:02):
Yeah. Yeah, that's a nice way to put it back
to you guys. Thank you real quick. Do you have
any big Caitlyn Clark takes No. I mean I think
what MONSI just said.

Speaker 4 (01:04:10):
It's funny because I just watched the The King Richard
movie last night. And so when Venus was on the
market to sign with Nike, Nike offered her a three
million dollar deal. So for a fourteen year old girl
in their family coming from Compton, three million dollar sounds
like a lot, and you're like, ah, I should probably
sign this deal. And this is before her first actual

professional matches. She won the first one, came back and
won it, and they, you know, they upped the deal
to four million, and her coach at the time was like,
you should take this deal, like they're not getting this
and they and they held out. She loses to a
Rancho Sanchez Viccario in the next round, but plays really
well and next thing you know, she walks out and

all these girl fans, these little girls and you know,
black girls and just girls all over the world are
like celebrating her. All the other all the other brands
came to the table and at the end of the
day she signs with Nike. The number was I think
it was end up being eighteen million.

Speaker 3 (01:05:11):

Speaker 4 (01:05:12):
So they tried to sign a deal, say it was
on the table for twenty four hours. They cut the deal.
She ends up making a lot more money and like
eight in less than eight months, and so wait it out.

Speaker 3 (01:05:22):
Make your money.

Speaker 4 (01:05:22):
Caitlyn probably could have done more for sure if that
was the deal back then, So yes, I think it
was a misstep.

Speaker 3 (01:05:29):
Like Carl said.

Speaker 2 (01:05:30):
But do you have any takes on like what she's
gonna do for the wm YA do you like, are
you team Kaitlyn Clark anti Kaitlyn Clark or no?

Speaker 3 (01:05:37):
Oh no, no no.

Speaker 4 (01:05:37):
I'm just I'm a fan of what she does. I
think she's a brilliant basketball player.

Speaker 3 (01:05:43):
I do.

Speaker 4 (01:05:44):
I do caution people saying she's the best ever because
I just don't think that's an accurate depiction of her.

Speaker 3 (01:05:51):
Yet I agree, but she can be yeah.

Speaker 2 (01:05:53):
Uh And I say this unbiasedly, but even as a
Yukon guy, like obviously I probably watched more women's ball
as a kid than most people. I do think it
bothered me a little bit that like people were Basically
I think the insinuation was like she elevated the like
there have been a lot of women before her that
have really helped get to the point where Kaitlyn Clark

can have the stage that she does now. It's not
just Yukon girls. It's you know, Rebecca Lobo certainly from Yukon,
Diana Trozi, but Candace Parker, Shamiqui holes Claw, and so
that was the only thing that bothered me was and
that's society right now, right is like everything that's happening
in the moment is the greatest thing ever, and everything
that's happened before it doesn't matter. Something anyway, really quick,
what your takes. So you we talked about this last week.

You played for the Jets, played for Mangini, you know
the Belichick tree well, and I am worried for Drake
May in the Patriots. And let me just really quickly
that I brought this up to my partner last night.
I thought I thought it was a great point. I mean,
you know whatever, I mean, surprise, surprise. You look at
all six quarterbacks that were taken this year in the

first round, and I think you can all argue that
it is a semi advantageous situation for them except for once,
let me lay it out, Kayleb Williams, Okay, defensive head coach, whatever,
But they draft Romadonza, they sign a bunch of guys.
They clearly want Caleb Williams to work there. Yes, number two,
Jayden Daniels defensive head coach, but Cliff Kingsbury is there.
You'd assume that, really you know Kingsbury's gonna run the offense.

Dan dan Quinn is gonna be hands off. So then
you go to the back half. Michael Pennix. Do we
like to pick do we not? He's a backup, He's
got time to develop whatever you have. JJ McCarthy obviously
great situation justin Jefferson, my Minnesota Vikings whatever.

Speaker 3 (01:07:34):
And of course bo Nicks is gonna work. Is it
not gonna work well?

Speaker 2 (01:07:37):
Sean Payton whether you like him, whether you hate him,
And maybe we touch on Sean Payton in the final
final segment. Sean Payton is pretty good with quarterbacks. The
one guy that I did not mention, Drake May, who's
pretty much the youngest and probably needs the most work,
is going to the defensive culture with no weapons, first

year head coach, defensive guy who came up under Belichick.

Speaker 3 (01:08:02):
I'm worried about him.

Speaker 2 (01:08:03):
I'm not saying he can't work, because there's so much
of a track record of just not knowing in the
draft process.

Speaker 3 (01:08:10):
But I do worry about Drake May and New England.

Speaker 4 (01:08:12):
Yeah, and we've seen we've seen New England try to
deviate from having the top tier, top notch athletes on
the offensive side of the ball for a long time.
They've managed that well when you have a guy like
Tom Brady at the helm. So I think that's been
their approach. Now he's not gonna be able to succeed

in that situation and it's just not going to happen.
So they're gonna have to bring and bring weapons around.
But right now he's definitely in the toughest spot. And yeah,
they're they're they're going to be in the bottom of
the fcast for sure right now.

Speaker 3 (01:08:44):
Yeah, it's really funny.

Speaker 2 (01:08:45):
I remember I was on air Old Studio next Door
with Arnie Spanier the night that the Patriots lost the
Titans in the wild on Wildcard weekend. It was Brady's
last game, and I remember sitting there like, Wow, this
guy's washed up. Can do this, can't do that. And
then in like one game in Tampa with Mike Evans,
with Chris Godwin, with Antonio Brown at the time exactly,

you're like, oh, he's still awesome. They just had nobody
there and it hasn't improved. And my question for you,
like Durrod Mao, I don't know if you played with
him or you know him or whatever.

Speaker 3 (01:09:17):
Yeah, but independent of whether you know him or not.

Speaker 2 (01:09:19):
My concern is we can say, oh, it's a fresh
era and he's gonna say all the right things, but
he's a Belichick guy.

Speaker 3 (01:09:26):
That essentially that's all he.

Speaker 2 (01:09:28):
Knows, and so I don't really know how much like
that culture is going to change, the way things is
run is going to change, Like do you think that's
fair to say? I think it has to change. But
do you think he not that he's capable. He's clearly capable.
He's a smart guy all that. But if all you
know is one way in one thing to do like
a three sixty, which is kind of what has to
happen in New England right now, do you think yeah, yeah, yeah, no, no, yeah.

Speaker 4 (01:09:51):
I think it's gonna be hard to debate from that.
But for him personally, I hope he does because he's
going to have to use that organization with some more
energy and his way of doing things. Because if you're
essentially in a situation where let's take for example, the
Duke situation right where Coach K was there forever and

you bring on one of his disciple players, John Shire,
and you know Coach K still still has an office
there like that looming over you will create that situation
where it stays the same. But I see with Bill
Belichick being out the door being gone, it's a chance
for Mayo to implement his type of play, his style
and hopefully start fresh from there because they're gonna need it.

Speaker 3 (01:10:36):
And I think that's probably the right way to approach
it well.

Speaker 2 (01:10:39):
And the one thing, too, is the most important thing
is you have support from the guy upstairs. The boss
clearly wants things to change, yes, and so we'll see
if they do. But yeah, I think it's a tough
spot for Drake may We will see. I think of
all six quarterbacks usually because you know, usually guys taking
that top four, top five, top six, even top ten,
you're kind of going to a bad situation whatever. And

I think most of them are headed to at least
a decent situation except for except for Drake Mayos, except
for Drod Mayo.

Speaker 3 (01:11:07):
We'll see. We'll see about that. Fox Sports Radio Aaron
Torres and Carrie Rhodes taking you to the top of
the hour.

Speaker 2 (01:11:13):
We'll come back. One more draft thought and some great
sound from last night that you got to listen to.

Speaker 3 (01:11:18):
That's next. Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (01:11:20):
Come on, Aaron I actually don't know the words of
this song. I do like the background. I'm sorry, I'm
not I've said this before. People make fun of me.
I'm not really like a huge music guy. Like when
I listen when I get in the car, I listen
to radio or sports.

Speaker 3 (01:11:35):
Podcasts, Like that's not I don't lyrics, torres loose. Just
be yourself. Nobody's listening. Yeah, yeah, that's great. Whoa profet?

Speaker 2 (01:11:53):
Iron shouts, all right, one more NFL draft take before
we get out of here. Only quarterback we really well,
we didn't talk much about Jae and Daniels, but.

Speaker 3 (01:12:03):
Bow Knicks and Denver.

Speaker 2 (01:12:05):
So another one that, like, I feel like everybody was
kind of in their mock drafts projecting bow Knicks to Denver,
and it was because, hey, you know, they're not going
to get one of those top three guys, but they
need a quarterback. Then they trade for Zach Wilson during
the week was Zach Wilson's clearly not going to be
your starter. So there was a little bit of like

I saw a little pushback on the decision. I didn't
really get it because I thought they were always going
to take a quarterback. But just in general, your thoughts
on bo Nicks, but also of course the rebuild that
Sean Payton is in the middle of this year, this
year in Denver.

Speaker 4 (01:12:40):
Yeah, bo Knicks is a success story to me. Seeing
him in Auburn, I didn't I didn't think that. I
didn't think the kick can throw the ball. M I
mean it was bad, he was, and he was a
very hillard that coming in. But seeing him there, I
thought his career was over. So the go to Oregon
in Revamp's career and be a first round draft pick
is It's great, Just an amazing story. Now as far

as Sean Payton and that rebuild and what he's trying
to do and build in Denver, he's one.

Speaker 3 (01:13:09):
I just I'm not a Sean Payton fan.

Speaker 4 (01:13:11):
I think that he feels that he's the smartest guy
in the room all the time, and he doesn't try
to hide that at all. Sure, so it's like one
of those things where Sean humble yourself. You didn't outsmart
everybody people like you just said in the mock drafts
had you taking bow Nicks. He's like, I tricked these
other guys to think that I'm gonna move up to
take No, we know who you like, so just relax

and rebuild your team. So just for me with the
Sean Payton stuff, it's I hope him well, I hope
that they do do okay, But for him personally, he
just needs to calm it down a little bit.

Speaker 2 (01:13:43):
Well, It's it's tough because I like guys and girls
that are like one hundred percent themselves and one hundred
percent honest. Sure, and so like when he comes out
and publicly is like, hey, Russell Wilson, stop kissing babies
and doing whatever.

Speaker 3 (01:13:58):
Yeah, and then what did he say?

Speaker 2 (01:13:59):
He was like, we were the worst coach team I've
ever seen last year. I sort of like it, but
I do think there's some stuff that you should keep
under the hat. And I'll say this about Sean Payton
is I think there's probably a little bit of arrogance
just in taking this job to begin with, where you
won a super Bowl with the Saints. You know, you
had a couple of nice playoff runs after the super
Bowl run, but you take a year off and like,

I get all these guys want to get back into coaching,
but it's like, dude, you're working at Fox a couple
of days a week. Probably got a nice little condo
in Manhattan Beach. You know, it's like, and I get
you want to work again, But we knew that the
Chargers job was probably gonna open this year, and we
just knew there were gonna be better situations than Denver.
I understand, you know whatever, twenty million, twenty five million,

whatever the Waltons are paying them, but that just felt
like just taking that job in and of itself, it
was kind of arrogant in its own right, you know
what I mean. It'd be like if urban Meyer was
retired and he wanted to get back into coaching and
he took like the you know, the Texas Tech job
or something, he'd be like, dude, Texas Tech.

Speaker 3 (01:15:04):
Like well, you know what I mean. And it's like,
that's kind of like what Sean Payton did you know?

Speaker 2 (01:15:07):
Yeah, yeah, no, it's you're right, you think about urban
Meyer Texas Tech.

Speaker 4 (01:15:12):
I was just about to say, oh my god when
you said when you said urban Meyer, I was like, ooh,
it's crazy, just the negative connotation that goes around with
him now. And you know, before trying to make that
leap to the NFL, we thought he was the best
coach ever.

Speaker 3 (01:15:25):
Right, So it's just how the Mighty have fallen. They
fall really well, really quick.

Speaker 2 (01:15:30):
Speaking of falling quick, so the New Orleans Pelicans are
down three to zero in their series against the against
the Oklahoma City Thunder. Did you see what Charles Barkley
said after the game last night? Okay, So for people
who did it, it is a pretty common refrain. By
the way, we do have one NBA going game going
on right now, Philly up twenty nine to twenty one

early in the second quarter. But as anybody who's watched
inside the NBA knows, very common refrain when a team loses,
they say, what are you doing?

Speaker 3 (01:16:00):
One? Two, three? Can coo? Here you go?

Speaker 2 (01:16:03):
In other words, season's over. Hit the beach, the season's
done well. The inside the NBA crew asked Charles Barkley
what is next for the New Orleans Pelicans after they
fell down three.

Speaker 3 (01:16:14):
Here's what Charles Barkley had to say, disappointed Orleans.

Speaker 8 (01:16:17):
Where they're going chuck Galveston, dirty ass water. They not
even gonna We're not even gonna sitting there. The cant coo,
We're gonna sit there. The Gaveston with that dirty ass
water be washed up on the shore. And people think
they're in the beach.

Speaker 3 (01:16:30):
Y'all, y'all, we all go sit y'all a cant cool, y'all.

Speaker 8 (01:16:33):
Drive y'all, y'all quit drive down to Galveston.

Speaker 3 (01:16:38):
Come on, man, a little come on.

Speaker 8 (01:16:41):
But they didn't try. Man, we're not getting.

Speaker 3 (01:16:43):
A no plane ticket to the beach.

Speaker 8 (01:16:45):
We sit there as to Galveston, Texas right with that
dirty water wash up on the beach. They can't even
get in the water.

Speaker 3 (01:16:54):
Man, come on, man, dude, that is so good.

Speaker 2 (01:16:59):
And uh, first of all, I said this last night
is like when you get the full, like full chested
laugh from Ernie Johnson, because Ernie Johnson is the professional
and he'll chuckle.

Speaker 3 (01:17:13):
But I was dying when I heard it, old school Barkley.
I loved everything about it.

Speaker 4 (01:17:18):
Man, that show when it's when it's really gone, it's
just the best show.

Speaker 3 (01:17:22):
Yeah, it really is.

Speaker 4 (01:17:23):
I mean, it's allowing these these big personalities to just
be themselves and it's it's great TV.

Speaker 3 (01:17:29):
Man. And and Ernie is the best. Ernie's the best.

Speaker 2 (01:17:32):
Chuck is the best going to Galveston, not Senator A
can't coo. They don't deserve a ticket because they stink
and they quit we're sending them to Galveston four games today,
as we said, Philly and the Nixes in the second quarter. Uh,
you got any bold predictions on Dallas Clippers later today?

Speaker 3 (01:17:51):
Manzi? If you have time to turn on your mic,
you can hop in on this one, Manzi. Ear muffs,
ear muffs? Yeah this this what you say?

Speaker 4 (01:17:59):
Yeah, I mean I'm said it before. I mean this series,
this series was a Dallas series and I picked six.
But now I think it's over in five.

Speaker 3 (01:18:07):
I do so. I think here's the big question.

Speaker 2 (01:18:12):
Do the clip Do the Clippers deserve a trip to
Cancun or Galveston after after this?

Speaker 4 (01:18:16):
Well, they're they're on the West coast, so we can
we can send them to nobody going to the hospital
there you go, all right, club bed one of those things? Yeah,
but no, they're It sucks though. I mean those it's
four Hall of Fame players that I really, I really enjoyed,
have enjoyed watching.

Speaker 3 (01:18:33):
But it's it's over for them. It's not playing traffic.
You just say you've enjoyed watching them.

Speaker 4 (01:18:40):
I've enjoyed watching them this series because it's it's advantageous.

Speaker 3 (01:18:43):
For how often do you ever get to watch them.
How often do you ever get to watch them and
never on the floor together this series? Well, yeah, but
that's been one game terrible and I know, but it's
good for me. Do you understand that the logic get it?

Speaker 2 (01:18:56):
I mean, I understand that like one month stretch where
they were awesome with James and everything, like.

Speaker 3 (01:19:00):
The James Harden experience. Wow, it's working. It's like, just
give it a little sorry, mony like just as well
as the twenty twenty four Lakers have so good news
as we'll see Kawi in the Olympics.

Speaker 2 (01:19:12):
Dude, that's another thing. En beat Kawhi Anthony Davis. It's like, dude,
if you can't play like four straight regular season games,
ad played a lot this year play, Yes he did,
but you can't be playing an the limbs anyway.

Speaker 3 (01:19:24):
Carry Man awesome again. Appreciate it.

Speaker 2 (01:19:27):
Appreciate Monsie and Isaac. Appreciate Producer Bo. Appreciate Chris coming
up next, Rich Orenberger, Steve Hartman. Steve Hartman's like a
horse in the racetrack, ready to go.

Speaker 3 (01:19:39):
He's coming in next. Fox Sports Radio

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