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April 13, 2024 16 mins

Guest host Connie Willis and author John Ventre discuss his encounters with alien-human hybrids who gave him information on the creation of mankind on Earth, their shared fear of creatures from other dimensions, and receiving a book from 2072 that proves that time travel is real.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Now here's a highlight from Coast to coast AM on
iHeartRadio talking.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
To an old friend here tonight, John Ventry, and he's
going to be discussing who the aliens really are, and
has been the time travel false flag, what future holes
for humanity? But we keep giving into these really great
stories and they're just great stories. And time flies, doesn't it, John,
when you're here, just flies by.

Speaker 3 (00:26):
Yeah, but we got two more hybrids to talk about.

Speaker 4 (00:29):
Yeah, tell us those stories, let's hear them.

Speaker 3 (00:32):
Okay. So now it's twenty thirteen. I think I had
just finished up three years of being on the mouff
On board. I'm a multi state director with seven states,
almost like a regional director.

Speaker 4 (00:45):
So what were the seven stincts? Which ones were they?

Speaker 3 (00:49):
Yeah? I had Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Delaware, Main Massachusetts, Vermont,
and New Hampshire those wow states. Yeah, okay, so you know,
but it was not much different than what I did
at UPS. You know, I had three states at the

same time, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia with all these people
reporting to me. And you know, I had that security,
I had public affairs, I had all the airports, I
had all the claim payments and damages. So it was
a huge responsibility. So I was just used to being
able to cover large territories and you know, and working

with people remotely. So at this point, you know, all
I hear about is Roswell, roswellt So I said, all right,
let me go out to Roswell. I've never been there,
and it's the summer of thirteen, it's June, and I said,
I am not going to the festival because I'm not.
I don't be around people wearing tin hats and balloons
and terraines. I really don't because to me, I felt

that was making fun of the genre.

Speaker 2 (01:54):
There's actually a couple of people that do, right that
you will see a couple of people that do at
the festival.

Speaker 1 (02:00):

Speaker 3 (02:00):
Yes, I've never been there during that July fourth weekend,
let's say. So I went to last week of June,
and I really wanted to go to the museum, so
I did. And so I'm there and you know, the
museum needed some upgrades. You know, they had like stuffed
paint taped to the wall. All that's yeah, But they
had the best library, every any every book ever written

on the subject is there, huge library. So so I'm
there and I noticed this other female. But again she's
she's got that pale skin, you know, she has white hair,
white eyebrows, and those gray, bloodshot eyes. So I just
noticed her there. I didn't talk to her. I didn't

do anything. It's a different person. The first one from
nineteen ninety nine, she was about five to eleven and
more more heavy set. This one is just that's a
normal build, maybe five nine, but much dinner so fine,
you know. So now, whether it was that night or
next night, I'm in this Chinese restaurant, there she is.

She comes up to me. So I said, all right,
let's sit together and talk. So we have a two
hour conversation. And she says she's a hybrid.

Speaker 4 (03:17):
So she says she's one.

Speaker 3 (03:20):
Yeah, she says that. She goes, you know, she says,
s I know who you are. You we'd move on.
And I've seen you on a couple of TV shows
on Discovery Channel, you know, I had done the UFOs
over Earth, Close Encounters, Alien Mysteries. There's probably a few others.
And she goes, let me tell you the truth about humanity,

and I said, okay, go ahead. So she's telling me
how they were our progenitors. They created us, they upgraded
us from apes and that type of stuff, and I'm
disagreeing with her. I'm saying, look, I believe you've been
here because there's so much evidence in cases and I've

investigated them. But I believe in creation. I believe in
the Bible, I believe in God, and I don't agree
with what you're saying. And we've kind we sat and
debated this, and we went, we went. I'm telling you
it was a two hour conversation, but there was one
thing we agreed on and I brought up because I
had already been having these paranormal activities. Well, I told

you what happened in nineteen ninety nine with the other hybrids,
and she got like, I don't want to say she
got paler than she was because she was already pale.
But when I brought up these malevolent into dimensional entities,
the demonic that, and she says, yes, we're afraid of
them too. So it seemed like we had that income

and that was very interesting, that the common ground between
us and aliens is the demonic world, the interdimensional world
at that dark side. And she agreed with it and said, yeah,
we have that in common too, and she was very
afraid of them, very afraid. So now the following day,

I'm leaving and my trip was I flew into I
think it was Albuquerque, drove to Roswell, and I'm driving
now to Santa Fe and then I was going to
drive back to Albuquerque and flyout. So I'm leaving town.
And if you know Roswell, you got that main street there,
and I'm driving west heading to Santa Fe. And basically

when you get to the end of her businesses and everything,
you got desert. From one hundred and seventy eight miles.
I remember one town that was mostly deserted. About halfway
there was a diner and a gas station. So there
she is. She's hitch hiking. No what, Yeah, I.

Speaker 4 (05:51):
Mean, that's a movie.

Speaker 3 (05:52):
Come on, I couldn't make this stuff up. County hitch hiking.
I'm driving, I'm leaving, but you know she's hitch hiking.
She's got no bag, she's got no purse. She's wearing
blue jeans with kind of a blue shirt, short sleeve
with little white flowers on. And I remember distinctly remember it,

and she's hitch hiking. She puts her thumb out. I
make eye contact with her, and it did you have?

Speaker 4 (06:20):
How many thumbs did she have when she did?

Speaker 3 (06:22):
Well? She had five figures. I checked that out. She
wasn't the sixth finger pull man, you know. But I
looked at her and it was something in my gut said,
don't pick her up. Don't pick her up.

Speaker 1 (06:34):
You know.

Speaker 3 (06:34):
It's almost like I know what you did last summer.

Speaker 1 (06:37):
You know, it's a.

Speaker 3 (06:38):
Rainy night and it's a girl in the car, and
you don't stop to pick up a guy in a
black trench coat, you know. So I didn't pick her up.
I didn't pick her up, and I just kept going.
And that's that. It was something. Now, she was different
than the first one in nineteen ninety nine, the first
one in nineteen ninety nine. I don't know if she

was a high for you know, she certain see she
seemed more human like maybe that was a first generation hybrid.
I mean she had blonde hair, she had normal blonde eyelashes.
You know, she was light skinned, but not really really tale.
This one kind of give you a creepy feeling. You know,

there's something, there's something, you know, I don't know how
to explain. It's something about being near her or her eyes,
like you look into the eyes of your dog or
your pet. They don't have that same brightness that a
human has. There's just something different there. So that's the
second one, right. So I ended up writing a book

and I described as a whole encounter, and I call
it the Alternative History of Mankind because that's what she's
telling me, an alternative history of mankind as to how
we got our beginning, and I completely describe our conversation
and there. So I write that book, and I tell
you what, I got some great co art for it,

you know, the Thinker, you know. So as a matter
of fact, on my desk here I have an eight
holding a human skull sitting like the Thinker on a
stack of books. So this guy in Brazil did a
drawing of an alien, a great alien holding a human
skull like the Thinker. So I contact him. Damiano was
his last name, and he goes, yeah, you can use

it for the cover of the book. And I wrote
the title alternative History of MENTI was a cool title.
So I wrote that book. So, you know, then we
fast forward to last October of twenty twenty three. So
I go to baseball, and that's why I flew home
this morning from Florida and I went to two minor

league baseball games. And I normally do that spring training
that type of stuff and other teams locally. So I said,
let me go to the Arizona Fall League. And that's
really the like a minor league all star game, all
the minor leaguers play. So it's the week of October
and I fly out and uh so I'm there and

I go to drive the Scottsdale and I just I
looked at the right and there's like this complex there,
and I say, well, it looks like some sort of
amusement area. So if I checked it and I went
over there, I think it was the next day, and
it was Arizona Boardwalk at Talking Stick. That's just the
name of the area where the baseball stadium is. Also,

so like, I go over there, Ripley's believe it or not,
a dinosaur exhibits and things for kids, restaurants, and there's
a U the UFO Experience. So right away, I said,
that's the first one I'm going in. So I go
in and the manager, I said, can I talk to
the manager because I saw her on the window. It
said a speaking circuit they have, they bring speakers in.

So the manager comes over and I'm talking to her
and I said, well, you know, i'd like to be
a speaker. I'll be back next October. And she says,
you look familiar. And I said, well, I was on
TV would just you know, kind of recently, would Hanger One.
She says, oh, yeah, yeah, I recognize you. She was here.
We'd love to have you. So now I'm on the
speaker circuit. I'm going to be back there probably a
third week of October and speak at the event. So

so I go, Yeah, it was cool, So I go.
So I go through the exhibit and it was the
best UFO museum I've ever been to, better than Roswell
because they broke it down by uh not date order,
but genre, UFOs and the military, you know, UFOs and abduction.

So it was each room was a particular aspect of
ufology and category. So I'm in there and you know,
and this guy and his son is there and they
turn around. They also say, you look familiar in the
UFO fields. Again, I said, yeah, I was on Anger One.
He goes, That's where I know you're from. So I
look and over his shoulder there's another these hybrid him

and just standing there. She's kind of leaning against the wall.
Now she's much shorter than the other two. But again
the white hair, the white eyebrows, and but she doesn't
have the bloodshot eye. She's got light blue eyes, vizine.
Maybe she's wearing contacts, she's got vizine.

Speaker 4 (11:22):
Then she's just like, oh, I got to hurry up.
There's that John guy from Hangar?

Speaker 3 (11:25):
What put it in her eyes? Right? So I just
see her there, so you know, I don't talk to
her anything. So I go to the exhibit. It was
a cool exhibit, right, So I and then the next
two nights I go to the baseball games that the
talking stick I think the name of the stadium is.
I'm watching the games. I see her at the game.

I saw her at one game.

Speaker 4 (11:48):
Ooh, that's spooky.

Speaker 3 (11:50):
I see her a couple of rows behind me. So
then I drive up the Cave Creek about eighteen miles north.
I have a timeshare with the Hilton, right and they
have a timeshare there in case Craigs, I said, let
me drive up and just check it out. Maybe next
year That's where I stay so I go up there
and there's a big a street there with all like

Indian stuff and all these cool, really cool stuff, like
you could just stop in one store and go to
the next one. And then I check out the timeshare.
So then I go to a restaurant to eat. I
think it's called Harold Harold Steiner or something like that.
So I sit down, I order, and she comes walking in.

She walks straight towards me, sits down in the booth
across from me, and she's carrying a book, and she goes,
I know who you are, and she goes, I saw
you on TV. I respect you as a researcher. You'll
know what to do with this. And she hands me
this light blue textbook and she goes, you take this,

so where talk? And I said, so what is it?
And all of that, and she says that she was
in a reres, she was in a hotel and she
found it, like it was left behind in the hotel.
So I look at it and the cover is on
the front US Navy Intelligence Manual on Time Travel. Now,

when I get back to the room, obviously i'm reading
and I'm looking through it. But I'll tell you this
thirteenth chapters, two hundred and eleven pages. So right away
I look to see who published it. It's published by
the Naval Institute Press in Newport News, but dated twenty
seventy three. It's fifty years in the future. Yeah, I'm

telling that's what it says. I have the book right, so,
but it's brand new, you know, And I say to myself,
why would you Why would it be a printed book
in the year twenty seventy three. Wouldn't everything be digital?
I mean everything now almost is digital.

Speaker 1 (14:04):

Speaker 3 (14:05):
Yeah, I'm saying, something's not ending up here, you know.

Speaker 2 (14:09):
I get the feeling and I found and it'll just
be an audio book at that time.

Speaker 4 (14:13):
Even if that it'll just be a download, yeah.

Speaker 3 (14:16):
Or on the line or by then you'll have a
sensor in your eyeglasses that will play the whole book
in front of you, and you're on your glasses or
your contact lens or something.

Speaker 2 (14:27):
He'll be AI actors that are like performing it for you.

Speaker 3 (14:31):
So I'm suspicious. I was head of security for you, Pis,
and I'm saying, you know, why would you have a
printed book? You know? And she's she's telling me, I
want to get rid of this. There's a tall man
following me, and so she tells me maybe she was
there twenty minutes or so, and she says, you take it.

She gets up, she hits, she pushes the book to me,
It hits my water glass, spills it on the chair
where I'm sitting, and she leaves. So if I'm going
to go follow her, I'm going to have to move
across the water, you know what I'm saying, Like she
knocked the glass over on purpose. So now if I'm
going to get up, I'm going to have to go

through water all over the seat. Oh smarter her part
because I didn't get up.

Speaker 4 (15:20):
Yeah, yeah, I smart on her bar.

Speaker 2 (15:21):
But you know what this means, right, Okay, she's got
this tall dude following her.

Speaker 4 (15:26):
Well, she's going to give you the book. Now the
tall dude's following.

Speaker 3 (15:29):
You, well, absolutely, and I end up running into him too.
But I'm looking. I'm looking out the window, and you know,
I really don't see her out there. I don't see
any cars leaving the parking lot or anything. And uh
so I said, okay, so I take it back to
my room. I don't go to the ball game that night,

so I'm so because I'm so interested in this thing.
Whoever put this together took time and do the genre.
It talked about a lot of UFO cases, the history
of UFOs. It talked about the ethics of the chapter,
the ethics of time travel and changing history. Should you

you know, should it be done, should evidence be planted
to change something for the better, you know, or their
version of what they think is better or worse. They
actually attempted to go back, and they hit blocks where
they could not go back in certain time periods, you know.

Speaker 1 (16:35):
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