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April 24, 2024 30 mins

KFI's Kris Adler talks about the Anti-Israel Encampment protests at USC. More on Anti-Israel Protests on college campuses across the country. 

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
I am six forty.

Speaker 2 (00:02):
You're listening to the John Cobel podcast on the iHeartRadio app.
Usc is where the action is today because one of
these stupid pro terrorist protests is now broken out. They're
breaking out all over the country. You're probably aware of
Columbia and also going on right now at the University
of Texas in Austin and at usc and we have

Chris Adler on the scene from KFI News and see
what the situation is right this minute.

Speaker 3 (00:31):
Chris, how are you okay, Don I'm alive so far.
So far, there's still a lot of pielue in today.
But you know, the students here are still marching now.
When I got on scene, there were still they had
in campments. These encampments were a national thing across universities.

Speaker 1 (00:50):
We saw.

Speaker 3 (00:50):
I'm at Columbia University. They were starting to break the
tent down. They have broken the tent downs, but then
they moved over into Alumni Park on the outside the
park and now they're still marching around in circles chanting
free Gaza, Free Palestine, holding signs, you know, many of
them with the Palestinian flags. There are Jewish people out

here in support of this ceasefire in Gaza, John, they
say that they cannot stand by and let Israel massacre
hundreds and thousands of people. And they can say that
they can't stand by in that Israel is using their
past genocide as a weapon to justify this massacre. So

they're still here, soul marching, I'm sorry, a little load
of breath and been marching trying to keep up with them,
And if you can hear them in the background, they're
still going here, John. So they say that they won't
stop protesting until the university meets their demands. And they
have made seven requests here and I just want to
read you a couple of them. So they want the

university to digest from Israel and US colonial them apartheype
genofide and violence. And they want them to participate in
a complete academic boycott of Israel and provide full financial
transparency of the US the endowment and investment. So that's
just a few of the seven requests that they're making

to the university.

Speaker 2 (02:19):
Boycott academic investment, Sun can hear me, Yeah, I can.
I was trying to understand what boycott academic investment means.

Speaker 3 (02:33):
Meaning they don't want support of is a Jewish students
that are antire or that are not for the ceasefire
in Gaza.

Speaker 2 (02:42):
Oh, they don't want Jewish students to uh to be there.
I guess, huh, that's.

Speaker 3 (02:48):
What they're boycotting.

Speaker 2 (02:49):
H Really, well, that's constitutional good. You have the wrong thought,
you have the wrong position on an issue, and you
can't get educated, excellent.

Speaker 3 (02:58):
Students anybody who is. They're saying, anybody who does not
support a ceasefire supports a and a murder and murder,
that's what they're saying.

Speaker 2 (03:07):
These are also talitarians, clearly, I mean these what how
big is the protest?

Speaker 3 (03:13):
Well, I think we've got about maybe about two hundred
to maybe about two fifty people out here right now,
and then the ones that are marching, we probably have
about probably about one hundred of them.

Speaker 2 (03:26):
And what's the status of the tents? You mentioned early
on what the tents?

Speaker 1 (03:32):
You said there were tents going.

Speaker 3 (03:34):
Yeah, so they were just they were just camping out.
It was just in campus. They were having camps and
they were joining other universities like Columbia University. So a
nationwide call to camp out on the campuses, to call
on a ceasefire in Gaza. So again this goes back
to the the conflict between Israel and Palas nine. And

I spoke with one Jewish student. She was completely covered
from to toe. She said she wanted to remain anonymous,
but so she's out here today because she can't stand
by and watch people being murdered. And it doesn't make
her an anti jew for being out here. You can
support Jewish people, but not support the Jewish government who
is leading these attacks.

Speaker 2 (04:17):
Among the chants, are they chanting from the river to
the sea. Yes, okay, Well that's code to kill all
the Jews and force them out of their homeland forever.
So that's a little different than opposing the war.

Speaker 3 (04:32):
I asked the Jewish woman that was marching out here today,
I said, you know, we're hearing from the river to
the sea. Can you just explain to me exactly what
that means, just to see what she would say? And
she didn't answer the question or where it derives from,
where it comes from. She said, it means that we
need to stop the murder, murdering in Gaza, and that

was it. That's what she said.

Speaker 1 (04:54):
I see, Well, maybe she doesn't know what she's chanting.

Speaker 2 (04:57):
See when I was driving in I listened one of
the cable news channels and they had the police commissioner
on and one of the police chiefs in New York,
and they're of the increasing opinion that there are a
lot of outside agitators here, that these are organizations that
have infiltrated the universities and it's not just students, and
they're the ones supplying all the lookalike tents, and that

this is well choreographed, well funded, but it's not necessarily
just students. And I understand that sometimes when these alleged
students are getting questioned, they don't seem to know what
the details are like, they don't know what the river
to the sea means, they don't exactly know why they're protesting.

So I wonder if this is hard to tell, but
is there any sense that these are fake protesters and
not actually students interested in the war issue?

Speaker 3 (05:51):
Well, it wouldn't be hard to tell, but I can
tell you there are students here that are wearing USC sweaters.
Now that doesn't mean that they go to you, of course,
but they are wearing USC sweaters. There are several of
them that are part of the march. As far as
whether there are outsiders, It's definitely a possibility. I've covered
multiple other protests like these Israel Palestine related John and

I have dealt with other people who were not part
of a group that just came.

Speaker 1 (06:20):
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (06:20):
I wouldn't necessarily call them agitators, but they were not
part of the groups that be. So whether that's happening today,
it's definitely a possibility. It's always a possibility.

Speaker 2 (06:31):
The police officials in New York were using the word agitators,
and they were pretty convinced that there was a lot
of organized, fake demonstrators in the mix. At Columbia specifically,
they were very skeptical that these were all students providing
the energy and especially the money and the materials.

Speaker 3 (06:49):
Well, that's highly possible, and you know, students could be
willing to accept that support because maybe they're not getting
the support on the campus that they would like, in
the numbers they would like, and maybe they are accepting
any kind of outside support. But I have talked to
students who said they were USC students, and so, you know,
of taking them at their word, but we don't know, Dohn,

we don't know, you know, who these people are. I've
talked to a couple of people who wouldn't even talk
to me because I was the media, and they kind
of just showed me away and put their hand in
my face. I was like, no, no, no, we're not
going to talk to you. But but one thing they
did tell me, the Palestinian protesters was that the jew
there are Jewish groups out here today, and the Jewish
people are some Jewish people are out here supporting this

ceasefire and supporting this protest, and that there's been no
violence between the Jewish and the Palestinian communities and the
opposing groups. There was a scuffle with laped as they
tried to break up the camps, but among the Jewish
protesters and the pro Palestinian protesters, there haven't been any
kind of altercation or violence. And I've been here for

about two hours now and I haven't seen any violence
between any of the protesters. Actually.

Speaker 2 (08:00):
All right, Chris Adler, if anything unusual happens, please let
us know immediately. We'll put you on the air.

Speaker 3 (08:06):
Oh you got it, John, All right.

Speaker 2 (08:08):
Chris Adler from KFI News at the US protest over
the Israeli Palestinian war. There is much more to come.
I want to talk about the possibility that this is
being driven by outside forces and not necessarily just college students.
The Wall Street Journal had an opinion piece by Steven Stilensky,

and it's headlined, who's behind the anti Israel protests? Well,
he's got some possible answers here that might surprise you.

Speaker 1 (08:39):
Coming up.

Speaker 4 (08:41):
You're listening to John Cobelt on demand from KFI A
M six forty.

Speaker 2 (08:47):
We have a lot to cover now that we have
a some home grown terrorism here, which is really what
this is. These are not just protests. I'm going to
read you something under the Wall Street Journal in just
a moment. I'm very skeptical of most protests, especially the

big organized ones that cover the major issue that's tearing
America apart. And in most recent times, let's go back
to say, I don't know, around twenty eleven twenty twelve,
remember Occupy, which we renamed Occupou And those are the
people who were living in tents and taking craps all

over public areas, public parks, the lawn at City Hall,
and what looked to be in retrospect, it was an
organized protest to highlight that Obama was running against a
wall street guy Mitt Romney, a very wealthy man who
owned a private equity fund, or was a principal and

a private equity fund, and that he was going to
be the epitome of the rich guy in a suit.
And it's in retrospect it looked like it was.

Speaker 1 (10:04):
It was.

Speaker 2 (10:04):
It was choreographed to create some street theater to sour
the country on the idea of a rich guy running
running the nation. And then as time went on, we
had Black Lives Matter, was born out of a fake
confrontation between a criminal and police Ferguson Missouri. Remember Michael Brown,

that whole hands up, don't shoot story, which turned out
to be false, but the you know, the networks ran
with that for years after it was proven false, including
by Obama's Justice Department.

Speaker 1 (10:44):
Then then what was next.

Speaker 2 (10:45):
Was the the anti Trump protests, the pink hats in Washington,
d C. The million this March, the million that March.
Then you had the George Floyd protests, you got transgender protests,
and of course the anti Heifa protests. Remember when they
shut down a big chunk of Seattle for half the summer.
There was that special zone. I forgot what they called it,

but there was a whole zone in Seattle that nobody,
nobody was allowed to live in, and it was permitted
by the Seattle officials. It was it was a culled chad,
or it was the chad. It was chop chop zone,
I remember, anyways, and it was no go for normal
people and business is closed and it was just terrible.
And and Tifa, right, I mean, that's the mother of

all these activist groups. And there was an increasing sense
that these are professional protesters and what they're doing is
they're migrating from one hot button issue to the next,
depending on what year is it. What's what's going on Now,
it's not occupoo, it's not Black Lives Matter, it's not
transgender okay, now it's going to be the Israeli Amas war.

And I remember, on a more minor level, all this
might be ten years ago, we had a reporter O
Kfi who went and covered protesters for the local fast
food unions because they were agitating for more money. And
she went, she talked to it was Joe Kwan and
she went she talked to some of the protesters on tape,

and it turned out they didn't know what they were protesting.
They didn't know that they were protesting for fast food
minimum wage increases.

Speaker 1 (12:23):
They were hired by the union.

Speaker 2 (12:26):
And I remember we were the target of a protest
twenty years ago at the radio station, and it turned
out the people in the protests, it was a march.
They were marching in front of the building, and you
talked to them, and they didn't know what they were protesting.
They were like it was like homeless guys off the
street and they were given a bag lunch and a
ride on a bus. And then they came over and

they were giving things to chant. So there's a lot
of fakery going on and a lot of it's so
stupid too, because it's just dumb rhymes. You know, how
many words can we find to rhyme with genocide?

Speaker 1 (12:58):

Speaker 2 (12:59):
And the whole context of their protest against Israel is false.
Israel on October seventh is sitting around minding its own business,
in fact a little too much. They had no idea
what was coming. Their whole intelligence system had failed. I mean,
how coy you could be conducting genocide when actually everybody
was asleep and we know what Hamas came in and did,

and we know what's in Hamas's charter, and if you
don't know read it. I think they wrote it back
in nineteen eighty eight. And it is for there's boil
it down. It's death to all Jews, and all the
Jews leave Israel. Israel's destroyed, All Jews are dead, you
want to sum it up. And they've stuck by that.
They have never rescinded that, they've never announced it in

any way. That's they wake up every morning, and that's
what Hamas wants to do. Hamas could end all this
right now. They could surrender, they could give all the hostages,
turn over all their weapons.

Speaker 1 (13:54):
They don't.

Speaker 2 (13:55):
Instead, they hide behind civilians. That's the truth. Israel is
not doing a genocide. Israel is trying to root out
a major terrorist group. But you got to hand it
to Hamas, or maybe it's really easy to do. They
have manipulated the media and they've manipulated the public relations
of this war, where all of a sudden, people are

walking around saying that Israel is actually committing a genocide.
No no, no, no, no, you've got it backwards opposite,
it's upside down, everything's in reverse. When we come back,
I'm going to tell you about this piece written by
Steven Stelensky in the Wall Street Journal. Who's behind the
anti Israel protests? These aren't organic protests that are suddenly

sprouting up in this country from American students. That's a
piece of it. But there's a larger organization behind this,
and it's the terrorists. And I don't know what we've
led into the country, and I don't know if everybody
knows what it is they're.

Speaker 1 (14:55):
Fighting for here.

Speaker 2 (14:56):
But I'll tell you about this this Wall Street Journal
piece when we come back, because it's quite instructive. And
after listening to the New York City New York City
Police Commissioner and one of their top officials, that's what
the New York City Police believe, that this is an
outside agitator situation that's whipping up emotions with some students,

but that the students wouldn't be able to pull off
what's being pulled off.

Speaker 4 (15:23):
You're listening to John Cobels on demand from KFI AM
six forty.

Speaker 2 (15:29):
Run from one to four and after four o'clock John
Cobelt's show on demand. We are going to be on
top of what ever's breaking out at USC with these
anti Israel protests. Chris Adlers on the scene. The Wall
Street Journal had this piece written by Steven Stelensky, and
he's executive director of the Middle East Media Research Institute,

and he chronicled in this how when you see at
Columbia University demonstrators against Israel and they're chanting, what they're
chanting for are terrorist organizations. I think everyone's forgot that
Hamas is an extremely dangerous, deadly terrorist organization. They're burning
the American flag and they're waving the Hesbola flag. And

Hesbelah is another dangerous terrorist organization that is based in
Lebanon and attacks Israel as well. Both Hesbel and Hamas
are financed by Iran, and one of Iran's main missions
in life is to destroy Israel and kill all the Jews.
So this is who these people are chanting. These are

the flags that these students are waiving, the students and
the outside agitators, and they are taunting Jewish students like
at Columbia specifically, never forget the seventh of October. Okay
that you hear these people going, oh, these are just people,
and you know they feel very sorry about what's happening
to the innocent Palestinians in Gaza.

Speaker 1 (16:54):
No, that's not what they say.

Speaker 2 (16:57):
Never forget the seventh of October that was massive murder
and rape and burning of babies. They're not I don't
hear chants about the innocent people in Palestine getting caught
in the crossfire here. That's not what they're chanting. When
here's another chant that will happen ten thousand more times.

Speaker 1 (17:21):

Speaker 2 (17:21):
These are the students and the agitators, So listen to
what they're saying. You don't have to come up with
a cover story an apology for them. They're proud of
what they're fighting for. They'd like to see all the
Jews dead. Take them at their word. There's no reason
to say, well, you know, they're just.

Speaker 1 (17:37):
No, they're not stop it.

Speaker 2 (17:43):
These groups, these groups infiltrated the fundraiser for Biden, Barack, Obama,
and Clinton were there and that was a big news story.
But what Stephen Stolensky says is what was not reported
on was what the protesters were saying. They were chanting

in front of Biden, Barack and Clinton. Down with the USA,
Down with the USA. Al Cassom are on their way.
That is Hamas's military wing These are the people who
actually rape the women and kill the babies. Al Cassom
is on their way again. Is not oh, those poor

innocent Palestinians caught in the war.

Speaker 1 (18:32):
No, that is urging the Hamas terrorists to.

Speaker 2 (18:35):
Go in and kill more men, women and children, to
rape more women and to burn more babies. The flags
that they waved Hamas has Belah the popular Front for
the Liberation of Palestine. It's been at protests all over
this country and Canada and Great Britain.

Speaker 1 (18:56):
He writes. This has been going on going back to
twenty fourteen.

Speaker 2 (19:00):
Is in Gaza there was a war and Hamas's Interior
ministry issued guidelines to social media activists because that was
rapidly growing. The social media influenced ten years ago, and
the guidelines how you frame events for a Western audience,
In other words, how do you manipulate Americans and their emotions?

What are Americans susceptible to if you want to influence them,
What attracts them, what repels them. The whole social media phenomena,
when it was invented with Facebook, is about mind manipulation.
And then there are people who have mastered how to

manipulate your mind with their posts, with their organizations, with
their with their crusades. He says that official statements by
Hamas and the major Gihattist groups about the protests are
nearly identical. They seem like talking points for pressuring US
and Western decision makers. And as you know, they've been

working on Biden, at least with his rhetoric. He's backed
away for being a full threaded supporter of Israel because
he's afraid he's going to lose some states like Michigan
that have a large percentage of Arab Muslim voters who
support Hamas who hate Israel. The Hesbal leader Hassan Nasraala,

just last month he was complimentary of the political activity
of American Muslims in Michigan is very influential. Many people
demonstrating in America. We should salute them. This is an
important means of pressure on the Biden administration. The Hamas
leader and former Palestinian Prime Minister Ismael Hanie exhorted the

resistance abroad on October seventh. Allies and all partners in
creating this great victory join the battle in any way
they can. Every senior HAMAS leader has acknowledged the importance
of these protests in America.

Speaker 1 (21:11):
There is a.

Speaker 2 (21:14):
There is another terrorist named Haitham Abdo, And he also
discussed publicly about how there's a massive demonstration of support
in the US, that fifty percent of young Americans are
now pro Palestinian, and that we see that the Biden
administration is affected by this transformation. Well, they have been

organizing these things on campus at Columbia University. There's a
student group that hosted an event called Resist one oh
one to influence other students to join the movement.

Speaker 1 (21:50):
This is what's on TikTok all day.

Speaker 2 (21:54):
And I imagine the Chinese are manipulating the algorithms on TikTok.
So once you saw c Ana, once you exhibit an
interest in the Israel Gaza war, they'll feed you a
lot of anti Israel pro Hamas propaganda through these videos.
I read today that the average teenager spends five hours

a day on social media, much of it is on TikTok.
Now and the Chinese government, in case you wondered why
the US government voted today to force China to sell
TikTok or be banned in America, this is why. So
that's an overview that he laid out. I want to

play one more thing. This is cut number three and
this is at NYU the stern.

Speaker 1 (22:45):
No, no, no, what do I want? I want? Oh?

Speaker 2 (22:48):
Yes, NYU? These are cut five anti Israel protesters. Asked
why they're protesting.

Speaker 1 (22:55):
Says the main goal with tonight's protest.

Speaker 3 (22:58):
I think the halls are showing on for Palestine and
demanding that NYU stop.

Speaker 1 (23:02):
I honestly don't know doing. Is there something that NYU's doing?
I really don't know.

Speaker 3 (23:07):
I'm pretty sure there.

Speaker 1 (23:08):
Do you know what ny He's.

Speaker 2 (23:10):
Doing out there?

Speaker 1 (23:12):
Protesting here?

Speaker 3 (23:16):
That was more educated?

Speaker 2 (23:18):
Yeah, I wish you were more educated too. Now how
many I mean those two bubbleheads are out there because
it's a party atmosphere. Atmosphere, it's a lot of fun.
All the cool kids are doing it. We're here protesting
against NYU to stop what they're doing.

Speaker 1 (23:33):
What are they doing? Well, we don't know what they're doing.
Do you know what they're doing?

Speaker 3 (23:36):

Speaker 2 (23:37):
I'm not educated on that, but you know, this is
a lot of fun. It's fun shouting rhymes demanding death
to all the Jews. What rhymes with genocide? What rhymes
with the Jews? Let's come up with a catchy rhyme.
Here we could do a really cool chant. I mean,
can you get two more empty headed girls than this?
And they made it to NYU.

Speaker 1 (23:56):

Speaker 2 (23:59):
We don't really know what they're doing, but we want
them to stop it immediately, whatever it is, and you
know tomorrow we'll get educated about it.

Speaker 1 (24:07):
Got more coming up.

Speaker 4 (24:09):
You're listening to John Cobelts on demand from KFI A
six forty.

Speaker 2 (24:14):
Coming up after two o'clock, we're going to talk with
assembly Woman Kate Sanchez. She's got a bill that was
double the fine for protesters who do stupid things like
blocking the Golden Gate Bridge. Remember that last week. This
would double the fines and it could rise to as
much as one thousand dollars if you're arrested multiple times.

And she's got Democratic and Republican support because everybody's fed
up with this.

Speaker 1 (24:39):
This is not a political issue.

Speaker 2 (24:41):
This is I got to go to work, kids got
to go to school, I got a doctor's appointment. It's
get get these crazy, especially you know they increasingly it
seems to be outside agitators. This is this is the
Antifa effect all over again. And I don't think we
have to put up with this. I don't think. I
don't think the university should. I realize the universities are
run by these ultra woke progressives.

Speaker 1 (25:02):
But I know.

Speaker 2 (25:03):
I mean, I had three sons, and I know that
a lot of these kids, most of the kids who
go to these schools, even you know, the elite left
wing liberal hotbeds, most of the kids just want to
go to class and get their work done and get
a degree and go on with life. They don't care
about these boutique dujure issues. Dujure, they don't normal students

don't care, and they really hate having their cancer. Their
class is canceled, having to walk long distances around campus
because there are walkways and roadways closed, have to deal with,
you know, the violence that goes on and the threats
that go on. Like you want to be a Jewish
student at USC today and it's exam's week. Yeah, I mean,

you're spending seventy eighty ninety thousand dollars at Columbia. Here's
exam exam week for the final semester.

Speaker 1 (26:00):
And you got to put up with.

Speaker 2 (26:01):
This crap and shame on these jackasses and run these universities.
Throw them off the campus, arrest them, charge them with trespassing,
charge them make up crimes. Because I heard New York
Police Department. I don't know what it's gonna be like
here in LA and New York Police Department said, if

they get the signal from Columbia, they're gonna go in
there and arrest everybody, tear down the tents, carry them off.

Speaker 1 (26:28):
That's what they're doing in Texas.

Speaker 2 (26:30):
Like in Texas, they're not putting up in this crap
at the University of Texas at all. You send in
all the layers of law enforcement. You don't let this
go on for a minute. This is this is not
free speech stuff. This is terrorism, and it's in supportive terrorism.
And what happens when a story goes on and it

breaks off into all these little side issues and side skirmishes.
Everybody forgets the origin. Everybody forgets like the main point here.
They have to go to school. The students, most of
them want to go and they don't give a rats
ass about some fake Palestinian group screaming in Los Angeles
about what's going on in Israel. By the way, I

don't know if you heard, but the net and Yahoo
administration says it's full speed ahead on invading Rafa, and
they are building like a massive refugee camps for the
Palestinians who need to get out of Rafa before the
Israelis go in there. Because there's four battalions of Hamas
still inside hiding behind the civilians.

Speaker 1 (27:32):
There's a lot more to come.

Speaker 2 (27:34):
And you're not having any effect on Hamas, and you're
not really having any effect on Biden, not just rhetoric.

Speaker 1 (27:40):

Speaker 2 (27:41):
We're still sending the money, We're still sending the weapons.
Nothing's changed. We haven't we haven't kept one dollar back,
and we we haven't kept one bullet. We're giving them
everything they need. So these people, this is like some
kind of mass hysteria. I think a lot of the
people involved in those organizations are paid very well. They

are well funded. There are a lot of donors. There
are a lot of people who fund chaos now in
the world. And you can do it very quickly over
the internet. You can organize people quickly over social media.
But this is not what it looks like. Okay, these
are not Vietnam War protesters. It's not that I know
so many people that want to relive the spirit of
the sixties or live it themselves for the first time.

That's what's going on here. These are professional terrorist organizations.
I think it was laid out pretty clearly in that
Wall Street Journal story, and it certainly is the opinion
of the New York Police Department that these are professional agitators,
professional organizers who are using the Israeli hamas war in
order to create mayhem in America, just like they did

with Occupy, just like they did with George Floyd, just
like they did with Michael Ferguson and Black Lives Matter,
just like they did the hysteria that was created during
the pandemic, or maybe this week it's climate change or whatever.
Trans gender rights goes on and on and on, and
I think it's all the same people in the same
organizations and the same funding sources, and it's just about

creating constant chaos and dividing everybody up into camps so
we're all at each other's throats. I think this is
a lot of nonsense, and shame on the media for
not figuring this out and investigating it. They just want
to report, Oh, today there's a big crowd and they're
chanting this, and they're chanting Dad. Look at that depth
to Jews. It's like, no, that's not what the story
is about. Story is about who's funding this and why
are they funding it, and what's the Chinese government's role

in feeding all kinds of garbage into the minds of
people in their teens and twenties through TikTok. It's a
tremendous amount of this going on. Five hours a day,
five hours a day on social media, not five hours
a day in church, not five hours a day talking
to their parents, not five hours a day studying chemistry
or geology or English literature. It's five hours a day

on freaking TikTok or Instagram.

Speaker 1 (29:56):
And you had no idea what's coming over. It's a sewer.

Speaker 2 (30:00):
They're acting out, and they're acting insane, no wonder they're
they're going to climate cafes to cry with other twenty
somethings because they think the earth is boiling over the
extent of the brainwashing is astonishing and it's been successful.
It's a tremendous effect on anybody under the age of thirty.

Will we come back, Okay, We're going to talk with
Kate Sanchez. I think everybody has had it. After a
five hour blockage on the Golden gig Bridge last night
over this Israel hamas war and Kate Sanchez has a
bill to increase the fines and she's got support from
both She's a Republican, but she's got a lot of
support from Democrats. We'll talk about it with Kate Sanchez

coming up. Hey, you've been listening to The John Cobalt
Show podcast. You can always hear the show live on
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