All Episodes

April 25, 2024 28 mins

Republican US Senate Candidate Steve Garvey comes on to talk about his Press Conference Regarding Anti-Istrael protesters on College Campuses. Secret Service Agent, assigned to Kamala Harris, has a Mental Break. Drag Queen Story Hour for Free Palestine.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Can't. I am six forty. You're listening to the John
Cobelt podcast on the iHeartRadio app roun from one until
four and if you missed the show after four o'clock,
it's some podcast on the iHeart app, John Cobelt's show
on demand. Last call for the moist line right, eight
seven seven moist eighty six. If you've got anything to
rant and raven complain about eight seven seven moist eighty six.

Because we're running all the highlights tomorrow. You can also
use the talkback feature on the iHeartRadio app now in
the studio Steve Garvey or the low lights right, well, like, yes,
that would be more accurate. You have always been fair
and balanced, my friend. Highlights and low lights. Yeah, I

used to be back with you, Steve, as you know
you should know running for governor, running for senate's one
at this time you should have been governor. Yeah. He
is running against Adam Schiff as a Republican for US Senate.
And you held some a news event today talk about

all the insanity going on on the college campuses and elsewhere,
all these pro terrorist, pro amas, anti Jewish, anti semitism,
of all this stuff going on is really crazy. What
motivated you to speak out today about what's going on?

Speaker 2 (01:19):
Well, John, you know, we've come a long way in
six months. You know, we were fortunately talk to you
after we announced we got to the general almost a
dead heat with Adam Schiff. I think we were four
thousand votes different in four and a half million casts.
We won the temporary seat by three hundred thousand right

the two months, and we you know, we've eat all
the Republican primary presidential candidates by five hundred thousands, So
we've got a good start, right Yeah, But it's you know,
it's been and we talked about this. The reason I
got in the race was, I guess what I thought
was an implosion of this country, dysfunctional Washington politicians who

weren't thinking about the people, who were thinking about power.
And what I've always said is I'm the one person
that's running for all the people. I never took the
field for Republicans, Independence, Democrats. I took it for all
the fans, and now it's for all the people. And
it's days or weeks like this when if you talk
about leadership and the lack of it and all these years,

I think one of the things people always remember me
as a leader on my team I built teams businesses
was that I was always willing to step up in
difficult times and talk about what was needed. And we
taught cot last two days with my great team, and
we decided let's do a press conference. We did at
Beverly Park right off of Santa Monica, where there's a

thoy three hundred flags Israeli flags and thirty company country
is represented to signify the sacrifice that the Israeli people made.
But it's more than that.

Speaker 1 (03:01):

Speaker 2 (03:02):
Recently I've been up to the Hoover Institute and spent
about six hours with their fellows talking about afford. Up
at Stanford, I met with Condaleza Rice and her staff,
talked to General Mattis, spent time with Admiral Ellis about
geopolitical ideas and this is the rarefied air. Talked about economics,

talked about the border issue, the homeless issue. So they
have a deeper understanding, probably deeper than my opponent or
most politicians, because once you get in a position, it
has a tendency to be, you know, day after day
doing the business, making votes, but not really touching and
talking to the people and what I got from that

session with them was we're in dangerous times. It's never
been more dangerous globally from a defense position than now.
We're underfunded, we're helping Ukraine, we're helping Israel, we have
to develop aware is for Taiwan. And they said, it's

never been more dangerous, But we have never been more
optimistic because now is an opportunity to bring our allies together.
Everybody's watching us and looking for leadership now because everything
is so dire. Let's get together start building defensive platforms
where we need them.

Speaker 1 (04:19):
Do you have a lot of Democrats backing away from
Israel very interested, They're stumbling, you know, tript over each
other to run out the back door, afraid to support
Israel anymore, And then includes Joe Biden, the includes Chuck Schumer,
the Senate President. And suddenly the only ally that we
have the Middle East, the greatest ally we've had is
is suddenly on on on probation and it looks like

might be abandoned depending what happens in the next election.

Speaker 2 (04:47):
Well do I do I think this country is is
going to be invaded by enemies? No, we're that strong.
We are to turn around the world but I'm more
concerned about an implosion within this country. And this is
a prime example of how starting with Israeli war that
within forty eight hours, over one hundred colleges and universities

were activated to protest. Now this was already, this was programmed.
There's a dark underlying factor that's sponsoring this, that's supporting this,
that's funding this, that's getting these kids. And they really
don't understand what they're talking.

Speaker 1 (05:29):
Have you seen some of the interviews They admit, we
don't know what it is that NYU is doing with Israel.
We don't know. We have to get educated. But they're
out there chanting and hitting their drums, but all we
know is proomas they're being pursued. Please, really, have you
gone to the UN.

Speaker 2 (05:47):
Site that talks about their investigation and the videos from
that initial attack, that genocide on Israel. I mean, you
won't believe it. You have to turn away, But this
is what happened. Don't talk about out. Let's have a
cease fire. I mean I've said from the beginning Israel, yesterday, today,
and tomorrow, I support with my whole life. We can't

tell them what to do, we can't tell them that
they can't maintain their sovereignty. We can't tell them they
can't protect their state. So anybody that starts in politics,
you know, left wing, progressive, whatever, that says, oh, there
is a genocide.

Speaker 1 (06:28):
US really.

Speaker 2 (06:30):
Israel's being attacked, and we say, well, don't respond now, right,
don't respond to those three hundred missiles and drones that
were sent over there, because you'll inflame a Middle East war.
I'm sorry. This country has always been about the United States,
about protecting our allies, protecting democracy area.

Speaker 1 (06:46):
What do you think we've been infiltrated?

Speaker 2 (06:47):
Absolutely, these groups that you see at USC, at Columbia, NYU,
that's starting now at UCLA, all these are deterrents to
life in America, life on the campuses. And I talked
about today in the press conference. Let's make these leaders accountable.
Let's make these presidents accountable. Let's make Washington accountable. Let's

If you believe that all these displays now are organic,
you're totally wrong. It gets back to what I said,
it's funded by a dark underbelly that's trying to It's
not about Israel. It's about dividing America. It's about getting
staring us from within. Getting back to a Marxist society,

getting back to a socialist where you control the people
and try to make them all look as much alike
as possible.

Speaker 1 (07:36):
Hang on, time for another segment. Steve Garvey. He's running
for Senate against Adam Schiff here in California on the
Republican ticket. We'll do another round with him.

Speaker 3 (07:48):
You're listening to John Cobelt on demand from KFI AM
six forty.

Speaker 1 (07:54):
Steve Garvey, he's running as a Republican against Adam Scheff
for Senate. And we were talking at the governorship, not
the governorship. I gave you an I don't know, is
that an upgrade to be going. I'd rather be governor
than senator. Just that's my preference. But you want to
be senator, so free timing, that's right now. I'm still
young at seventy five, vibrant. You know, let's say you

got to go with the job opening, right, governorship may
be open, sooner better than later. Yeah. So we were
talking about just the only idiotic demonstrations against the Jewish
people in Israel in favor of the terrorists. Did you
see the USC canceled its graduation ceremony?

Speaker 2 (08:32):
Absolutely? I mean I mean that this is about leadership.
You know, today my theme was a political courage. You know,
I'm stepping up out here and talking about it. You
don't see too many people talking about it liberals because
they're torn right, they're torn between left wing and even
my opponent Adam Schiff. Obviously it is for Israel being Jewish.

But that's all. You won't hear him say anything else. No,
I haven't heard much out of him on this political courage.
Stand up and say exactly what you mean, put courage
the DA or some Yeah, that's that's gone. What are
you going to do?

Speaker 1 (09:07):
Uh? This is this is terrorism disguised as free speech.

Speaker 2 (09:12):
Anytime that you you know, start to abuse people physically, mentally,
spiritually and and for me also this goes into the community.
This goes into our law enforcement, the police and the sheriffs,
uh and all their special support. They're being affected to.
They put their lives on the line. You don't know
when one of these what you think is a relatively

calm display, all of a sudden, he's ignited somehow, because
these are run by organized people. You can see him
walking around the group, right, You can see him put
put phone numbers on your on your wrist. This is
all programmed. And uh, mister Gascon, are you going to
prosecute these these people that you're you're bringing into the
police station for terrorism, which is what they're doing, because

they're affecting these Jewish students. By the way, Jewish students,
what do they have to do with Israel?

Speaker 1 (10:00):
Nothing. They're trying to get an education.

Speaker 2 (10:02):
Their parents are spending their heart earned money trying to
get them a great education, and the institution is letting
them down because you're supposed to be in a safe,
protective environment to learn to coexist a culture.

Speaker 1 (10:15):
That's not what's happening. AMAS is one of the most
vicious terrorist organizations on the planet, and we know what
they did. So we have these students and these outside agitators,
these people who have organized these protests and they're not students,
and they've created these demonstrations, which has now frightened the
US the administration into not having a graduation ceremony because

they're afraid of terrorism, because they're afraid of the terrorists,
they're afraid of their own students supporting terrorism. Somewhere in
there is a terrible crime and a terrible shame that
all the people who are not supporting terrorists, they can't
have a graduation.

Speaker 2 (10:50):
Now, what this does is it puts a mental gridlock
on leadership in colleges and university great institutions that were
rolling right along. Fortunately, fortunately they didn't have any foresight
committees where you think, what's the worst thing that can happen,
and it is this, Because think about think about hundreds
of college universities around America now being organized to protest.

It's a pretty good franchise, pretty good franchise for pro hamas,
and there's a lot of money in it, and there's
a lot of money in it. It's all being driven
by dark money. And I challenged the press today, I said,
here's your opportunity. I'll protect your free speech, but you
go out and find out who are the perpetrators of this,
who are trying to be the underlying source that's trying

to fractionalize America.

Speaker 1 (11:38):
There doesn't seem to be any curiosity among the press
to investigate this. There are a lot of demonstrations that
are fake demonstrations and they're organized by outside forces and
nobody ever delves into it maybe years later, and this
is definitely one of them. Well, is media?

Speaker 2 (11:54):
Is it news or is it infertainment?

Speaker 1 (11:56):
Is it visual?

Speaker 2 (11:58):
You know people like videos, right, And I say this
when I went to the border. We all watch videos
of the border and we see this, and we see that,
and we feel it's terrible until you get down there,
and it's much worse now when you see these illegal
immigrants coming across the border, raising their hands and in
seventy two hours they're going to have a debit card,

they're going to have come back in ten year card.
They're going to go into America. They're I mean welfare
paid for you and I in the state of California,
and they're infiltrating America. And this is another way to
fractionalize life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And it
goes into the streets and what happens then it's crime
and what makes us feel the most uneasy, and that's

not being safe. So that's what's happening to us. Let's
get that political courage, join me, step up, step a
voice against terrorism. Let's get things back, let's support our police.
Come let's make California golden again. Right, it's a little tarnish,
but we can do this with the right leaders in
a relatively short.

Speaker 1 (13:02):
Amount of time, like myself. Steve, good luck, thank you
for coming by. Come again anytime you want. Steve Garvey
dot com right, that's your site, Yes, sir, solve that
again one more time, Steve Garvey dot com. Yes it does,
all right. So Steve running against Adam chef for a
chef for you have Senate just happened that day. When
we come back, we do have some details as to

what that Secret Service agent who freaked out, she's one
of Kamala Harris, a Secret Service agent, and other Secret
Service agents had to restrain her she started attacking them.
We'll tell you the details. It's some stuff you are
not going to believe. You could not predict. This wasn't
an ordinary psychological breakdown.

Speaker 3 (13:46):
You're listening to John Cobels on demand from KFI AM
six forty.

Speaker 1 (13:52):
That interview with Steve Garvey we just did in studios
on Eric recorded it for Instagram, going to look at it.
Eight seven and seven moist eighty six eight seven seven
sixty six four seven eight eighty six is the Moistline.
This is last call really for sure. Tomorrow we're going
to be doing the Moistline. In this hour and you
can use the talkback feature on the iHeart app and

you can follow at John COLEBLT radio. Well you follow on,
you follow at John Cobelt Radio for the social media purposes.
Conway is going to be here in half an hour. Okay,
now here this is This is really entertaining and it
got better as the day wore on. You may have
heard that a female Secret Service agent sign a sign

to protect Kamala Harris had a bizarre mental breakdown. This
happened at nine o'clock in the morning yesterday at Joint
Base Andrews that is the home base for Air Force
one and Air Force two. Air Force two is the

official plane for the Vice President and Harris was at
her home at the US Naval Observatory at the time
of the incident. And I guess she was going to
head to Air Force two and there was going to
be some travel. So a female Secret Service agent known
as known as Michelle Hertzeg Hertzeg showed up at the

terminal and, according to her co workers, other agents began
acting erradically. She grabbed one agent's phone and started deleting
the applications on it. Then the other agent was able
to recover his phone and pretended nothing happened, but Hertzeg
continued acting up. She began mumbling to herself, then hid

behind some curtains, and then started throwing things like menstrual pads.

Speaker 4 (15:47):
Oh God, they weren't used, were they?

Speaker 1 (15:52):
It doesn't say I guess she was pulling them out
of her purse, and so she's whipping them at the agent,
telling him that he would need them later to save
another agent, and then started telling all her coworkers that
they were going to burn in hell and needed to

listen to God. Hertzeg then started screaming at the chief
agent they called the special Agent in charge, rattling off
the names of female officers on the Vice President's detail
and claiming that they would show up and help her
and allow her to keep working. Now, the agents believed
she was in the middle of a complete mental breakdown,

and she was approached and the supervisor said that she
was relieved from her assignment. Well, that didn't go over well.
She then chest bumped her supervisor and shoved him, tackled
him and punched him. Wow, the other agents had to
jump on her. Is she a big lady? You know?

I'm looking at a photo and doesn't seem to be
that big a lady. No, but you know, she has
a past. So they wrestled her to the ground. They
had to take her gun away. Oh that's right, she
has gun.

Speaker 4 (17:11):
Oh that's very scary.

Speaker 1 (17:13):
Well, she's willing to throw menstrual pads. Yeah, she's willing
to fire off her gun. And they immediately removed her
from the terminal, removed her from the assignment. Now, the
Secret Service agents are questioning whether it's the hiring process
and they didn't adequately screen her background because they have
a diversity, equity and inclusion program. It's called thirty by

thirty and they wanted to get thirty percent women on
the Secret Service force by the year twenty thirty. So
they think they started ignoring some warning signs in her
past because he used to be very strict standards to
be a Secret Service agent. And for example, in twenty sixteen,
she was a cop with the Dallas Police Force and

she filed a gender discrimination lawsuit against the city claiming
she was assaulted by a male superior and she wanted
a million dollars. Well, a judge threw it out. Then
she started claiming she was retaliated against she started making
sexual harassment claims lawsuits thrown out. Court of Appeals threw

it out a second time, and then denied her a rehearing.
And I guess these various judges thought she was full
of it and making up the story because you know,
it's not hard to get these kind of discrimination lawsuits
through the system and make some money. She also was
involved with another officer shooting an armed man while he

sat in a parked car. So she had the kind
of record where the Secret Service would say, we just
don't want to bother because they normally want a pristine past.
In fact, an investigative reporter for the Post, Ronald Kessler's
written several books on the Secret Service, and normally they
would have viewed the discrimination lawsuit because it was dismissed.

That would be disqualifying. That should have been enough to
exclude her, because you have to have a pristine record.
This has been true in the past. And it goes
on to talk about the thirty by thirty initiative. But
there must have been she must have like an unhinged
some kind of wire.

Speaker 4 (19:25):
Loose, and they weren't able to find They couldn't find
one other person instead of her to fulfill that thirty
by three.

Speaker 1 (19:32):
No, I don't know. I mean they only had only
twelve percent of the Secret Service agents are women, or
actually twelve percent of all the officers in the country
are women and three percent of leadership. So they've got
this goal, and you know how this works in bureaucracies,
You get pressure to meet the goal.

Speaker 4 (19:54):
Yeah, but they still have to they still have to
keep up the standards. And if there isn't enough people,
then what can you do. You don't just hire somebody
that isn't Uh.

Speaker 1 (20:02):
That's insane.

Speaker 4 (20:04):
Well, I wasn't going to stay insane, but it doesn't
fulfill the requirements.

Speaker 1 (20:07):
If you're throwing menstrual pads, somebody's throwing menstrual pads at me,
I'm going you're insane. Well, there's probably other incidents in
her past because you go through a pretty rigorous background check.
I mean, this is when you're protecting the vice president
and the president. You have to have a live the

perfect life. Yes, so this can't be the only incident.
This can't be the first time she had a breakdown.

Speaker 4 (20:34):
Someone's going to get fired who didn't do a correct
background check.

Speaker 1 (20:38):
Yeah, well, this nor did you start throwing menstrual pads?

Speaker 4 (20:42):
You and the menstrual pads.

Speaker 1 (20:43):
I just never heard of that. More coming up.

Speaker 3 (20:50):
You're listening to John Cobels on demand from KFI AM
six forty.

Speaker 1 (20:56):
There's so many things I don't understand. And here's another one.
I'm gonna play a little clip too, but let me
explain this. You've heard about this ridiculous drag queens story
time thing, which completely baffles me. I don't know why

you'd want to expose little children to drag queens reading stories.
I don't understand what the upside of that is really.
And there's a particular drag queen known as little Miss
hot Mess, and she showed up at a school in
Massachusetts Amherst, Massachusetts, and it was entitled Queer story Time

for Palestine. It was organized by the Valley Families for
Palestine group. This is a real thing, and she starts
to lead the kids in a chant. I mean, this
particular is really frightening. If I was a small child

and I had her up on stage in front of me,
I would be terrified. And apparently she was trying to
get the kids to sing. If you're a drag queen
and you know it and you really want to show it.
If you're a drag queen and you know it, shout
free Palestine. And the kids started chanting free Palestine. Now,

you know, in Palestine, if you're gay or lesbian, or
a drag queen or whatever, you get murdered, you get executed,
you might get stoned. But I guess the drag queen
doesn't know that. Certainly the little kids don't know that.

Here's a little piece of the clip, cut number two.
No not wait wait a second, which one is it? Oh,
it's cut number one. There just quick, palas I going
to hear that. And you know it, solf if you're
a dragon and you know it.

Speaker 3 (23:10):
And you really want to show it, you're a dragon
and you know it.

Speaker 1 (23:14):
So these are these are little kids. I have a
photo of them. These are these are little kids. And
she's telling them to basically imagine that they're all drag
queens and then shout free Palestine, which is a nation

that would murder drag queens if any of them showed up.
I I don't understand this. And the and the organizers
put all of the photos on an Instagram account of
the kids and their parents watching and smiling. The he's

the parents wanted their kids to experience this. I mean,
anything you'd want to say about this is so obvious.
It's just hard to believe that it exists. Why do
you want to entertain kids with men dressed up as women?
What's what's the purpose of that? Like, what are you

trying to accomplish? And you may have heard that Harvey Weinstein.
Weinstein's rape conviction was overturned Thursday in New York and
he's probably going to get a new trial now. Now
he's still going to be in prison for a while
because he was convicted here in Los Angeles. But the

story is he's going to try to use his the
overturn of his conviction in New York to bolster his
chances to get it overturned here in LA. And the
reasoning was with the Court of Appeal. It was a
four to three decision. They thought that the judge and
the case had let too many other women talk about
how they were sexually abused by Weinstein and to created

a prejudicial atmosphere. So I'm really confused on the law.
I would think something like that is a pretty hard rule.
Either you can bring in other similar cases to show
a pattern of behavior or you can't. So why did
the judge think you can do it? It's been done.
I mean, I remember in the Phil Spector trial, after

the first trial was hung jury and the second member
of Phil Spector killed that actress, what was her name,
Clark Clarkson. I think Lanta Clarkson. What he did is
he had testimony from other women who'd been on dates
with Specter and got into his house and how he
had like a similar ritual that led to eventually Lanta

Clarkson getting killed. And that's how they got the second conviction,
proving that this is the way he treated women and
if they wanted to get up and leave, they put
the purse on their shoulder and that was the signal
for Spector to lose his mind. Well, it's the same
idea here. They got all these other women who'd been
sexually attacked, and that was supposed to prove that the
woman who brought these charges against Weinstein was telling the

truth and he was guilty of this crime. But now
the appeals court says, no, you can't do that, so
he's off the hook. For dell On, the New York
conviction not the LA conviction, so he's remaining in prison indefinitely. Conways, here,
wasn't that.

Speaker 5 (26:33):
Guy Phil Spector. Wasn't he the guy that showed up
with that space wig for trial?

Speaker 1 (26:37):

Speaker 5 (26:38):
And then at one point he had all the hairdos
of the monkeys, you know, he had the group the monkeys. Yeah,
he went through all of them, and you know, it
was interesting to see what wig he would show up
the next day.

Speaker 1 (26:51):
I looked the old videos of him. He used to
show up on talk shows in the nineteen sixties wearing bizarre,
obvious wigs. But back then nobody questioned it. Just pretended
he was normal.

Speaker 5 (27:01):
And you know what he did instead of he was
sort of you know, I guess smart and devious. But
instead of getting a house in West Hollywood or Hollywood
Hills or Beverly Hills, he went way out of town.

Speaker 1 (27:11):
Right, yeah, where you know al Hambright?

Speaker 5 (27:13):
Yeah, right before you know or uber lift all that crash.

Speaker 1 (27:17):
Sure, right, Hey, let's go to my house. Where is it? Riverside?
You know?

Speaker 5 (27:21):
And that's uh so a lot of women are trapped there. Yeah,
there's big castle of his and no uber lift to
get out of there. There's a weird weird, spooky, scary guy, right,
and not the only guy, and obviously in Hollywood, who
is no crazy? All right, Steve Garvey's coming on with us.
That's a cool deal. And Dean Sharp at six twenty.

And then we have all the arrests at USC well
ninety three, will name all of them. And then UCLA's
look like looks like they're going to have to clean
up house as well. They've got an encampment there at UCLA.

Speaker 1 (27:53):
Yeah, I know the toddlers are going from college to
college and making a big mess. These are a few leaders. Yeah,
I know. That's that's that's what's scary. That's wild. Yeah,
they're gonna they're gonna be all the activists and politicians
in ten years. Does the future reporters future politics right? Definitely,
they're all gonna be working at the LA times. They'll
be working right here.

Speaker 5 (28:13):
Oh, give them time, Yeah, give them time.

Speaker 1 (28:17):
Some of some of them are. Yeah, I was gonna say,
we know who you are. Crozier's got the news live
in the KFI twenty five room. Hey, you've been listening
to the John Cobalt Show podcast. You can always hear
the show live on kf I Am six forty from
one to four pm every Monday through Friday, and of
course anytime on demand on the iHeartRadio app.

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