All Episodes

April 26, 2024 34 mins

Candidate for LA County DA Nathan Hochman comes on the show to talk about the 11 felony charges filed against current LA County DA George Gascon's top aide Diana Teran. A lady went crazy on LAX workers but it turns out she was at the wrong terminal. More audio from anti-Israel protests on college campuses. Who is funding these protests on college campuses? Adam Schiff had his luggage stolen from the airport in San Francisco.  

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Can't I am six forty you're listening to the John
Cobelt podcast on the iHeartRadio app. We're on the air
rather from one to four, and then you could hear
the show as a podcast after four o'clock John Coblt
on demand on the iHeart app as well. Moistline we're
gonna play twice in the three o'clock hour. Also, we're
gonna have many hacks in the dumpster. It's gonna be
a layers and layers of bodies that we're throwing in

the dumpster. And now we're gonna talk with Nathan Hockman
and continue something we started last half hour with former
sheriff Alex Viannaweva. And this concerns District Attorney George Gascone.
He's got an assistant district attorney named Diana Turan. She's
been charged with eleven felonies. She used to be a

deputy public defender and she accessed illegally confidential files of
eleven sheriff's deputies, and then when she joined Gascone's office,
she used the information against those sheriff's deathbuties. And now
there's an investigation and charges from the state Attorney General

and we're going to talk now to Nathan Hoffman, who's
running against George Gascon for La County DA.

Speaker 2 (01:12):
This is quite a scandal. Nathan, welcome again. How are you.

Speaker 3 (01:18):
Very good? John, Thank you very much. Not a good
week for George Gascon. I must say no.

Speaker 1 (01:23):
Talk about what based on what you know and what
you've read, what do you think she was doing here?

Speaker 2 (01:29):
Diana Turan.

Speaker 3 (01:31):
So first, what's actually shocking is that this is the
first time that a senior member of a DA's management
team has ever been charged with criminal felony accounts. I mean,
this is literally historic. And the person who actually charged
Diana Tehran was none other than California Attorney General Rob Bontac.

And the reason that that's significant if you remember Rob
Bonta was one of George Gascon's biggest supporters in twenty
twenty that he famously published a selfie of the two
of them smiling together with his endorsement. And so if
Rob Bonta believes that the evidence is so strong that
he is willing to basically do the right thing and

go against a political ally, it shows you how bad
Diana Taran's actions are and it raises huge questions about
what George Gascon knew and when he knew it.

Speaker 1 (02:30):
It seems impossible that he didn't know that she was
carrying all this information and was using it in prosecutions.

Speaker 3 (02:39):
You're absolutely right. When these allegations first surfaced in twenty nineteen,
they were publicly made the news media reported on him.
In January of twenty twenty one, he hires her specifically
to be in charge of prosecutions of police officers, and
he had to have known that these allegations existed but
then didn't care, which is a level of incompetence and

lack of judgment that is just is profound. But he
tripled down. He doesn't double down. He triples down on
Diana turn in January twenty twenty four, this past January,
when he elevates her to the Assistant DA the number
three spot, putting her in charge of ethics, integrity and
police prosecutions, knowing that there's an active Attorney General criminal

investigation against her. Yet he doesn't care. And that's either
one of two things. Either he is literally incompetent when
it comes to managing the DA's office and needs to
resign for that reason, or he blessed this that he
thought that this is a criminal activity that he was
okay with, and that opens up a whole other set

of doors that I'm sure George does not George gascon
does not want to walk through.

Speaker 1 (03:54):
Well, if this was going on with his blessing, what
else has been going on for the last three and
a half years, Because this is really outrageous.

Speaker 3 (04:04):
You know. We know, for instance, back in twenty twenty
two that Diana Tehran, and this is the subject of
a lawsuit, Diana Tehran supposedly prohibited the disclosure of a
declination of a police officer who was involved in an
excessive force case. The DA's office had reviewed the evidence,

they were prepared to decline the case, but that was
right before Sheriff Villa and Aueba was up for election,
and Diana Teuran didn't want to do anything to help
Sheriff Villa and Aueba, so she delayed the issuance of
that declination until after the election. This is that same
Diana Tehran who now is the subject of eleven felony counts.

Speaker 1 (04:49):
Well, it seems like she and gascona were blinded by
their disdain for police officers.

Speaker 3 (04:56):
I think that's right. I mean, the only reason to
bring Diana try Tehran in from the Public Defender's Office
is because she had worked on police cases, cases involving
police officers, and so it's not a surprise that she
brought with her confidential information that she had developed when
she's with the Sheriff's Department originally then the Public Defender's Office,

now the DA's Office, brings it with her because she
is she's got a mission, and the mission is to
see how many police officers she can possibly prosecute, because
that is what Gascon promised to the people of Los
Angeles in twenty twenty. And he is not backed away
from Diana Tehran at all. There's no statement out there

saying that he is appalled by her conduct, that he's
overly concerned about the charges that have been filed against her,
that he has suspended her from her duties, none of that. So, again,
George Gascon has a lot of questions to answer about
when he knew, what he knew, and what actions he's taken.

Speaker 2 (05:58):
The thing is the two of them now that all
this stuff is illegal.

Speaker 1 (06:02):
There's no question she knew she was doing it illegally.
He knew she was doing it illegally and they still
kept going.

Speaker 3 (06:12):
You know, again, this is very consistent with how George
Gascon has staffed his senior management. If you recall, you know,
his chief of staff Tiffany Blackmail, also someone who's never
been a prosecutor. Although Diana Tauram was a prosecutor, she
came from the Public Defender's office, Tiffany Blackmail never was

a prosecutor and came from the Public Defender's office, and
she was famously pictured with a T shirt during the
defund the Police movement in twenty twenty it said the
police are trained to kill us, calling them barbarians in
an occupying army. This is his political ideology that he's
sadly inserted in the DA's office, forcing those to queue

to his political agenda or face retaliation if they don't.

Speaker 2 (07:00):
How does he carry.

Speaker 1 (07:01):
On for the rest of the year, and why, I mean,
at this point, why is he even bothering? This is
a huge betrayal of the public confidence.

Speaker 3 (07:13):
Here, absolutely, I mean he's lost the confidence of the
seven hundred and fifty people the deputy district attorneys who
worked for him every day, ninety eight percent of whom
supported his actual recall you know, he's lost the faith
and the and the sort of partnership with law enforcement
because it's been clear he's much more interested in prosecuting

law enforcement than he is partnering with them to go
after the criminals in our society. And he's lost the
faith and trust of victims groups because he's abandoned victims
groups and so many different instances rather than be their champion.
So why George Gascon wants to be the district attorney
as opposed to a public defender? I have no idea.

Speaker 1 (07:56):
It's it's really stunning. Well, what's likely to happen here?
I mean this is she could go to prison obviously
for all this.

Speaker 3 (08:05):
I mean she I think the maximum sentence that if
she was convicted on all counts would be close to
nine years. And yes, she could very well go to prison.
It's certainly a consideration in the case. And that would
be extraordinary. I mean, even her going through this process
will reveal who in the District Attorney's office besides her

knew what was going on. I mean, was it her boss?
Did her boss actually bless these actions?

Speaker 1 (08:33):
If Gascon knew that she was using this stolen information
to prosecute people on his watch.

Speaker 2 (08:39):
Is he not liable criminally?

Speaker 3 (08:43):
You know that It's an excellent question and one I
am sure that Rob Bonta, the Attorney General, will look at.
Because Rob Bonta said in his press release no one
is above the law. And I think you know he's
not just referring to Diana Turan. If George Gascon, the
evidence shows beyond a reasonable doubt that George Gascon worked

with Diana turn you know, to engage in these illegal
conduct that I'm confident that Rob Bonta in the Attorney
General's office will pursue all leads wherever they may take him.

Speaker 1 (09:16):
All right, Nathan Hawkman, thank you for coming on again
and we will talk again soon. Website for people to
keep track of your campaign is what.

Speaker 3 (09:23):
All right, Nathan Hawkman, N A T h A n
H O c H M A N dot com. And
thank you very much for having me on. Have a
wonderful weekend.

Speaker 2 (09:31):
All right, you too, anytime. All right, we'll continue.

Speaker 4 (09:35):
You're listening to John Cobelt on demand from KFI AM
six forty.

Speaker 1 (09:41):
All right, we have several public meltdowns now to play
for you. I don't know what's going on out there.
I don't know if this has always went on, but
we just didn't have so much recording to document it.
But people are having emotional breakdowns and it's it's it's hysterical.

We'll start with a crazy lady uh at l a X.
She she uh apparently had some problem with her Delta
flight and she wanted to be booked on the next
Delta flight. And she started screaming at all the people
at the at the desk, and they were staring back

at her, and they were giggling.

Speaker 2 (10:24):
And the reason was.

Speaker 1 (10:27):
That was the west Jet desks, the west Jet desk,
and she's screaming at him because she needed a Delta
flight booked. I'm not making this up. Listen, listen to
her here, young woman, right now.

Speaker 5 (10:49):
Right now, right now, get me up on the next flight.
Get me off on the next mother.

Speaker 2 (11:06):
Seriously, they're laughing at her.

Speaker 5 (11:11):
For Hey, for that, I will call me motized right now.

Speaker 6 (11:20):
Call this.

Speaker 2 (11:26):
Somebody's gonna tell her we're west Jet, not Delton. This
is west Jet not Delton. There, you're wrong. She starts laughing.

Speaker 3 (11:39):
Mini, good.

Speaker 6 (11:43):
Dude, you're taking me.

Speaker 2 (11:47):
I'm talking you want to take a start. Come on,
I don't even know what to say about that.

Speaker 1 (11:57):
Wow, if she had to be on a flight, book
the flight, there was no one in front of her,
There were no other customers there, Nobody was in her way,
nobody was delaying her, nobody was telling her that she
couldn't get on another flight. She just flipped out and
started screaming at the wrong people.

Speaker 7 (12:14):
I wish she would have done that in Dubai.

Speaker 2 (12:16):
Yeah, that's what I thought.

Speaker 1 (12:17):
I thought that was going to be debrah when she
was trying to get her light back to America.

Speaker 7 (12:25):

Speaker 2 (12:26):
I was thinking of you too.

Speaker 7 (12:28):
No, no, by do not scream at light attendance or
anybody that any tsa.

Speaker 2 (12:34):
No, it's all federal crime.

Speaker 7 (12:35):
I was searched in Dubai.

Speaker 2 (12:37):
I just let it go. Hi made her flight. That
took a lot of time. I know.

Speaker 1 (12:44):
If she was in a rush, why not just put
down your put down your license and and and your
credit card and get out of there all right now?

Speaker 2 (12:53):
This is good?

Speaker 1 (12:54):
Uh Emory University. Wait, where is that? That's down south,
isn't it. It's in Georgia, Georgia. Yeah. And there's this
lecturer named Caroline Folan who is at one of these
protests and Apparently she was trying to help one of
the demonstrators who had been accosted by the police, and

she went to the rescue and listened to her scream.
She gets in the way, and one of the cops
decided he's not putting up with her interference and takes
her down.

Speaker 2 (13:26):
I mean just takes her.

Speaker 1 (13:27):
And she's on the ground, face on the concrete, and
she's trying to defend herself by saying she's a professor.

Speaker 2 (13:34):
Listen to this.

Speaker 3 (14:00):
Oh my god.

Speaker 2 (14:02):
You'll be more cops.

Speaker 7 (14:03):
You're hit you, John, don't ever say that.

Speaker 2 (14:16):
I'm crazy? What's he saying at the end?

Speaker 1 (14:21):
There you are, John, the cops, Nazis and rabbit dogs.
Let me see, Well we got some time, right, Why
don't we play at least part of uh. This is

a u c l A a pro Israel student getting
into a debate with an anti Israel U c l
A teacher assistant over the definition of genocide.

Speaker 2 (14:54):
We'll just play part of this cut number four. This
is the professor here you set univers Yes I am,
and I'm talking about the truth. It's a genocide, man,
what's your problem? You clearly don't know the definition of
the genesis. I don't know, Joe. This is a professor.

Speaker 3 (15:14):
I don't know what.

Speaker 2 (15:16):
She doesn't know the definition of a genocide?

Speaker 6 (15:18):
What is it?

Speaker 4 (15:18):
The free?

Speaker 6 (15:19):
Tell me?

Speaker 2 (15:20):
Tell me it's a great name. It comes from Vienna's.

Speaker 8 (15:23):
Genos and you know from it's like the felling.

Speaker 2 (15:27):
Oh thanks, jo, Oh that's.

Speaker 9 (15:28):
What you mean.

Speaker 4 (15:29):
And why has the Palestinian population number Holy been increasings?
It's nineteen forty eight, genuine question, How is that a
genocide in the population?

Speaker 3 (15:36):
Is Holy?

Speaker 2 (15:37):
Help me here to answer this question? Oh? It right, stop,
it's not right there.

Speaker 1 (15:42):
So he says, if it's a genocide, how come the
Palestine population has only gone up since nineteen forty eight?
And she looks to the crowd and goes, somebody help
me here answer this question. Oh just wait, just wait
till you see who answers it. Okay, this question?

Speaker 4 (15:56):
Can you help me?

Speaker 2 (15:57):
I want to you want to help me? Okay?

Speaker 8 (16:00):
So you think for seventy years the modesty of people
have been treating fairly, have been treating that stayed where
they could protect themselves.

Speaker 6 (16:12):
Did they have a choice? The kids that there didn't die,
the massive grades, did they have a choice. They have
a choice that's a much choice to get born there. Yes,
I am a professor.

Speaker 2 (16:24):
They don't have much choice. They don't have much choice
the kids that that Why.

Speaker 6 (16:29):
Give people that are people or from us the terrorist organization?
I don't say that.

Speaker 2 (16:36):
I just think we getting killed people that they didn't
have many choice. They were just born there. And I
see people aren't selling them products here and wants to.

Speaker 8 (16:46):
Survive and they're.

Speaker 2 (16:47):
Moving them at the same time.

Speaker 8 (16:49):
And I understand, and I've not been I wanted.

Speaker 2 (16:53):
I don't know another racist.

Speaker 5 (16:54):
I don't.

Speaker 2 (16:55):
I don't believe that all to be fairly spreads.

Speaker 6 (17:02):
I'm just saying that. And I'm saying, you want to
promote the people here with goods, Yes, you can't here
to promote you're.

Speaker 3 (17:11):
Doing spreading fear.

Speaker 2 (17:12):
I'm fighting fear. I'm gonna get right to protect thing.

Speaker 5 (17:15):
He's not.

Speaker 1 (17:21):
He's standing there with an Israeli flip flag and she
is having a completely integrate.

Speaker 2 (17:27):
The problem's flat. It's fun for you. It's just be actionary.
I'm here to show juice.

Speaker 7 (17:38):
I'm so glad I spent money sending my daughter there.

Speaker 1 (17:41):
Yeah, people are spending what seventy eighty ninety thousand dollars
a year on these schools. Well that not U c
L A, not U c L A usc USC. Yeah,
well it was even worse over at USC and a Colombia.
Columbia I think is ninety thousand a year now. And
then they complain that they don't have job prospects and

they have hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. Well,
what should you be hired for if that's what you've
been doing with your time, If that's the garbage in
your head. If you were running a major company and
you normally get your hires out of places like Columbia
or USC, and you see these people on your television,

why would you bring.

Speaker 2 (18:24):
Them into the office.

Speaker 1 (18:26):
I mean, you wouldn't want them to deliver pizza on
a Friday afternoon. They're dangerous, they're so deranged, and they
don't know what they're talking about.

Speaker 2 (18:37):
That's the thing. Why don't you have like a calm,
reasonable discussion here?

Speaker 7 (18:43):
And it's just screaming, Well again, nobody seems to go
back to what happened on October seven.

Speaker 1 (18:50):
Yeah, I know.

Speaker 2 (18:53):
Israel has been so busy with the war.

Speaker 1 (18:55):
I think they neglected the public relations, which you have
to have have because, especially with social media and the
insanity there. When there's a vacuum of information, that vacuum
gets filled with a lot of nonsense.

Speaker 2 (19:09):
The narrative has completely changed. I know, I know, it's absurd,
all right.

Speaker 1 (19:13):
We got more coming up next hour or two ends
of the moistline Hacks in a dumpster.

Speaker 4 (19:19):
You're listening to John Cobel's on demand from KFI AM
six forty.

Speaker 2 (19:25):
Coming up next segment.

Speaker 1 (19:26):
Adam Schiff had his luggage stolen by car burglars in
San Francisco.

Speaker 2 (19:32):
Really, this is really funny.

Speaker 1 (19:34):
Mister progressive criminal justice reform had his car busted into
and they took all his clothes. What are you gonna
do with Adam Schift's dirty laundry? Hei, We'll tell you
about that coming up next segment.

Speaker 2 (19:50):
Right now.

Speaker 1 (19:51):
One of the things we have been discussing the last
few days, ever since these protests went crazy at the
college campuses, is who's funding this, who's organizing this? Because
if you look at an aerial shot like over Columbia University,
you could see all the tents or uniform they're all
the same, and the messages are all the same, and

somebody has to do the logistics of putting a protest together.
You have to make sure you have enough people. You
have to get them the message. You have to buy
the tents. Somebody's got to ship the tents. You got
to have people there to set it up. You got
to organize the speakers who are going to lead the
nursery rhymes the whole thing, right, This is not These
are not spontaneous demonstrations. You could see every time they

talk to local students, the students are absolutely no nothings.
They don't know what they're yelling about, but they know
they're mad. New York Post has a story today and it,
excuse me, it looks like it's George Soros again. It's
his organizations, starting with the Columbia protest, and now they're

all over the place, and it's all copycat tent cities
at Harvard, Yale, Berkeley, Ohio, State Emery in Georgia, and
all of them organized by branches of the same nonprofit,
Students for Justice in Palestine SJP, funded by George Soros,

and he has many, many nonprofit subsidiaries and they use
his money to create this chaos. Students for Justice in
Palestine is funded by a network of nonprofits, and all
those nonprofits ultimately are funded by Soros and others. Soros

is a billionaire left wing investor, and he has been
funding a lot of the groups that have created the
anarchy over the years for all these issues that seem
to come and go like fashion, like pre pea stained pants,
anything from occupy in the old days, to Black Lives Matter,

to transgender to I don't know it. You can't even
keep up with it, the George Floyd protests. Obviously, these
are all organized and funded by George Soros and other
tech billionaires as well. This is what they put their
money into, and it's largely the members who are willing
to do the marching from the colleges are upper middle

class white girls and white guys, and they seem to
have some terrible rebellion against the privilege that they came from,
and they create most of the havoc.

Speaker 2 (22:42):
Now, most of them are absolutely ignorant.

Speaker 1 (22:46):
At three colleges, the protests are being encouraged by paid radicals.
These radicals are fellows of the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights.
George Soros fund this group as well. They are paid
seven eight hundred dollars and for community based fellows and

those on campus, and so these would be students are
paid roughly between twenty eight hundred and thirty six hundred dollars.
You spend eight hours a week organizing campaigns led by
Palestinian organizations. Now these are pro terrorist, Prohamas organizations who
preach death to Jews. They're trained to rise up to

join the revolution. This radical group again, US Campaign for
Palestinian Rights got three hundred thousand dollars from Soros's Open
Society Foundation since twenty seventeen also took in three hundred
and fifty five thousand dollars from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.
Now we're talking about, you know, the Rockefellers. It's now

the fourth generation of Rockefellers, and they are giving away
their ancestors' money to all these ludicrous groups. George Soros'
son Alexander, now controls Open Society Foundations. Alexander his new
girlfriend is Huma Abadin, who used to be Hillary Clinton's

top aid and she still is legally married to Anthony Weener,
that pervert Open Society. The Soros group has given more
than twenty million dollars to the Tides Foundation, who then
sends the cash to smaller groups. One of them is
a Jewish Voice for Peace and they have been a

prominent part of the protests at Columbia. And they're the
ones who get on camera to say, hey, look we're
Jewish and we're against what's going on too. You have
Jews who are pro Hamas, Jews who are protest arrest
who are busy killing Jews. But you know, everybody's making
money on this because they've gotten six hundred and fifty

thousand dollars a Jewish Voice for Peace. Also there is
the Westchester People's Action Coalition Foundation that got one hundred
and thirty two thousand dollars and they're a major funder
of anti Israel groups.

Speaker 2 (25:25):
So you know, you go on and on here, but
you get the idea.

Speaker 1 (25:28):
It is an intricate spider's web, starting with very wealthy
people who intentionally want to cause public disturbances, radicalize young
people in college or too stupid to know any better,
and everybody's getting paid. They're making money, the organizers are
making money, the students are getting paid to protest. Of course,

they're getting paid to protest. Imagine that, Imagine you could
get three four thousand dollars just for going out and protesting.
Of course, the students are going to eat that up
and they'll say whatever you want them to say. It's
all performance theater. But that's what's really going on. Of course,

you think every news report like here locally, every news
report that covers USC or UCLA protests should be asking
that one question. Who's paying for this, who's donating the
money for this? How much are the students getting paid
to stand and chant their nursery rhymes and beat their
toy drums?

Speaker 2 (26:29):
More coming up.

Speaker 4 (26:31):
You're listening to John Cobelt on demand from KFI A
six forty.

Speaker 2 (26:37):
Adam Schiff, Let's see, let me get this right here.

Speaker 1 (26:40):
If you go to Adam Schiff's congressional website, it says
that Schiff has been a champion for progressive and practical
criminal justice reform. You know what, that's code for, let
out all the prisoners early and don't prosecute all the
criminals today. So there's a huge number of criminals running

around even if they get caught, don't go to jail.
There's no bail for their crimes, and if they are caught,
they spend they spent very little time in jail, even
if they're prosecuted, even if they're found guilty. In fact,
oftentimes they're released immediately. So they go and they steal more. Right,

That is the whole progressive philosophy. Let the criminals steal
as much as they want. Well, Blue back on Adam
Schiff Shifts showed up in San Francisco. He was supposed
to go to a fancy dinner party an attorney. I
imagine this guy, Joe Katchit is one of his big donors,
and they were going to have a dinner to commemorate

their relationship. And he just had to wear his ordinary shirt,
sleeves and hiking vest. Everybody else was in suits. He
had no clothes. Schiff's car had been parked in the
garage for a couple of days for appearances, and be
discovered that they took all his luggage while he was

in his downtown parking garage and catch it. The lawyer
supporter says, well, Adam really showed himself tonight. You know,
he was unruffled by all this. He'll be a great senator.
He's going to change the Senate tremendously. I don't know
who Joe kotch It is. And what he wants to
return from Schiff. But Schiff is an idiot if he's

a progressive criminal justice reformer, because all that happens is
more and more people steal stuff, and more and more
people assault the innocent. There's more theft, whether it's from cars, stores, homes.
Everybody's taking stuff because there's no consequences, and no consequences

is the whole point of progressive criminal justice reform. So
of course this this idiot lawyer is going to donate
money and Schiff is going to go pay his respects
and kiss his feet. Chiff admitted that he was warned
not to leave anything in the car, but he was
in a hurry. He didn't want to be late. And

I'm reading these news stories and it looks like everybody
was just making a lot of jokes because it's funny, right,
It's funny when you have all your stuff stolen. They
really don't care. Here's another this progressive justice reform. Here's
another example. We're going to play you this story and
then we're going to talk to one of the women

who owns Pink Sponge home cleaning in Glendora. You may
have heard there was a group of teenagers who trashed
to the two nut of twenty five thousand dollars a
large number of vehicles that the Pink Sponge home cleaning
business uses to clean people's homes. And these were pink

Bookswagen Bucks. They're kind of cute looking. And these three
teenagers and I looked at the video. Two of them
are girl. Two teenage girls smashing windows and destroying these cars,
their tailights, the headlights, the windows, the paint. We're gonna

play this clip now from KTLA Channel five, Sandra Mitchell blasting.

Speaker 9 (30:18):
A fire extinguisher and torking on top of cars.

Speaker 10 (30:22):
They kicked in every single headlight that they could find.

Speaker 9 (30:26):
Teenagers on a vandalism rampage.

Speaker 10 (30:29):
They pulled down on the windows so hard that they
broke the regulators. They carved into the hoods of the cars.

Speaker 9 (30:37):
Those bright pink Volkswagen bugs belonged to Pink Sponge Home
Cleaning in Glendora. For two hours early Saturday morning, the
vandals tore through this rooftop parking lot at the Glendora Marketplace,
causing twenty five thousand dollars in damage to the parked cars.

Speaker 10 (30:54):
They happily tore open doors. They threw products over the
side of the building.

Speaker 3 (31:01):
It was.

Speaker 4 (31:04):

Speaker 9 (31:05):
Eighteen of the company's twenty five vehicles were badly damaged.
And still this company that prides itself on respect and
integrity and giving back to their community is determined to
push ahead.

Speaker 10 (31:18):
I couldn't understand how someone could do something to a
company that was trying to do good, and it didn't
make sense.

Speaker 9 (31:26):
The vandals carved gang symbols on some of the cars,
and that helped lead police to one of the suspects,
a fifteen year old gang member from Laverne is now
in custody arrested for felony vandalism.

Speaker 10 (31:40):
And we've built everything from the ground up, so to
see our hard work just be vandalized for hours was
just completely disheartening. Our Pink Sponge team is strong, but
we it's been so it's been very sad.

Speaker 9 (32:02):
Glendora Police tell me they do have this cell phone
of that teenage suspect. They're going through it to final
links to the two girls you just saw in the video.
By the way, Pink Sponge telling me their insurance claim
was denied because they have been vandalized previously.

Speaker 1 (32:18):
Of course, of course it was denied, Yeah, because they
were vandalized previously. Because there aren't any laws in La County.
So eventually, if you get vandalized or broken into often enough,
the insurance company says, we're not insuring you anymore because
this place is chaotic, there aren't any laws in force.
This is the legacy. This is legacy at Gascon. I

looked at the video. They actually turned on a smoke
machine spread smoke across the parking lot. I guess to
hide their identities. It was a fire extinguisher. It was
a fire extinguisher.

Speaker 2 (32:50):
Yeah, that must have been.

Speaker 1 (32:52):
But anyway that eventually the smoke or whatever it was
faded away and you could see it was a guy
in two girls, and the girl was acting actually this
is the first time she'd committed a crime. And she
picked some kind of heavy object up and she was
a little unsteady and unsure, and then she hurls it
smashes the window of one of the pink bugs and
then stands there, stands there with her mouth open like

the bimbo that she is, gone, oh wow, look at that.
Look what I did.

Speaker 3 (33:20):

Speaker 1 (33:20):
They did a lot of the damage. I guess the
guy was the gang member maybe they were all gang members.
Oh and the other girl, one of the other girls
climbed up on the roof and was twirking, sticking her
rear end up in the air. You could see it
under her skirt there she lifted it up. How do
you raise something like that? I mean a lot of

guys are hopeless if they're not raised properly. But you
rarely see girls acting this way and committing this kind
of damage. What kind of damaged childhoods that they all
have now they all ought to be charged with felonies
and they should actually go to jail for years for this.

We are going to talk to the co founder of
the Pink Sponge, Jennifer Algrim, when we come back, and
she's got to go fundme page, and maybe we can
do our part collectively to help her out. You go
to GoFundMe dot com and the search phrase local small
business becomes victim to random vandalization local small business becomes

victim to random vandalization. Type that in and it's on
all our social media sites as well. Deborah Mark Live
in the KFI twenty four our newsroom. Hey, you've been
listening to the John Cobalt Show podcast. You can always
hear the show live on KFI Am six forty from
one to four pm every Monday through Friday, and of
course anytime on demand on the iHeartRadio app

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