Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Jersey and Amanda gam Nation.
Speaker 2 (00:03):
I believe who we've been managed to get hold of.
Who's on the phone at the moment. It's only wsfm's
very own Queen of the Night, Amanda Calla.
Speaker 1 (00:14):
Well, hello, gentlemen, how are you?
Speaker 2 (00:16):
But I don't know why I'm actually thinking of the
rocky music and yet quoting Bodyguard, I've got my movie
metaphors all over the place here.
Speaker 1 (00:23):
Wow, the image of people punching meat isn't helped me
me right now. But apart from that, I.
Speaker 2 (00:27):
Didn't even think of that. However, we could have played
some music from Terminator as well as you are now
a half woman, half machine.
Speaker 1 (00:34):
Well that is true us through an extray the other day, right,
there's two titanium hips. Amazing. And when the doctor opened
me up, he said there's a lot of fluid around
the joint and that would have been causing me a
lot of pain. So he said, don't let anyone call
you a winger. So I find Jonesy and said, see
it was you know I told you I was sick.
Speaker 2 (00:52):
You sound like a cooking show with the fluid around
the joint there though, you know that delicious?
Speaker 1 (00:58):
It's amazing. Three today and I just feel fine. I
mean that all the pain medications working, haven't been in
any pain. And I had a hit replacement eleven years ago,
and the technology is so different. They're probably more robotics
than things now, so the muscle doesn't get pulled and
manipulated as much, so there's much less swelling afterwards. And
you know, and I've been walking up and down the
corridor also, you know amazing. I feel great.
Speaker 2 (01:25):
I feel like I've spent too much money on your flowers,
knowing that you know you're in such good condition. But
you were telling me that off air, in fact, that
you've got the masking tape on there as well. It's interesting,
isn't it, the advances in technology, how it's able to
help us. Sometimes we get afraid today, but in this
particular case, it's been really advantageous.
Speaker 1 (01:43):
Oh, it really has. And that's what I would say
that in the old days too, surgeons didn't want to
give you new joints when you were relatively young, because
they thought they'd have to replace them as you got older,
whereas now the thinking is that these joints are probably
last a lifetime. But even so, you're too young to
me living in pain like that, Yeah, of course, And
that would be my advice, is that they say, you
know when you're ready to have it done, don't you
know your X rays? Everyone over the age of sixty
is going to have some kind of wear and tear
on their bones. It's how you feel. But if you
feel you need to just bite the bollet and get
it done, you know all the good things lie on
the other side of that. And that's what I spent
the week last week thinking, as anxious as I was
about going to surgery, I just want to be able
to get back to living my life again and not
taking painkillers and taking the dog for a walk and
you know, just getting back to normal again. So I
feel like my enthusiasm for life's coming back well excellent.
Speaker 2 (02:31):
And that's what Jimmy Barnes was saying to me just
before Christmas is do you get to the stage where
you really you can't deal with the day to day
pain that you know anything is going to be better
than the situation you find yourself in.
Speaker 1 (02:42):
And pain is so isolating too, because it's hard. No
one wants to know how feeling really, so you just
or if you don't want to be the wind or
goes on about it, so it can be quite isolating.
So I'm looking forward to rejoining the real world again,
of course.
Speaker 2 (02:56):
And speaking of Winds, I spoke to Jones of yesterday.
He's been done a pocketplectic, he said he was about everything.
He didn't manage to console himself though when you were
in surgery with a night out with a couple of
members of the Sham Tusis and Swanny. But you know,
he's very much excited for you to come back on
the show, which I believe is going to be next
week at this stage.
Speaker 1 (03:16):
That's right. So I'm in hospital still. I say day three,
which is today, is a harder one because I get
you walking a bit more. So I either go home tomorrow,
Thursday or Friday. But I'll do the show from my
home next week. But yes, I'm back on air Monday,
and bizarrely looking forward to it. I'm still haven't managed
to sleep in so I feel, as I said, my
enthusiasm for life will of return and I'll be wearing
to go.
Speaker 2 (03:38):
Well you've got them me with that. I mean, I
got in this morning and I thought, well, this is lovely.
He's a young boy down the front of the boomgate
with a coffee for me. I didn't realize this was
part of the course, but it was actually for the
other shows. I'm going to talk young generation right to
send out the front every morning with a happy meal
for you from the night before.
Speaker 1 (03:55):
Well, let's right, and just believe that the below in
my face to create a like breeze as I walk through.
Speaker 2 (04:01):
Yeah, that's right. Yeah, cue the wing machine. The Queen
of the night has arrived. Yeah. Aman, it's lovely to
torch you. I'm glad you're feeling better. Obviously everybody, all
of your fans will be excited to know that you'll
be back next week. And if you want to feel
good about yourself, just go on Facebook, which is something
you don't hear very ordinarily these days.
Speaker 1 (04:20):
But can I also say I have felt the love
and I've been very very touched. As a woman who
said that she's an expat living in Kyoto, I think,
and she went to a local shrine pray for me.
I've been overwhelmed with all the support, and I know
a lot of people are going through these sorts of
surgeries themselves, and I just want to give you encouragement
that it's going to be okay and the other side
is a lot better for it, so go for it.
Speaker 2 (04:41):
Fantastic, good to touch you, man, Thanks so much.
Speaker 1 (04:43):
Man to see you next week.
Speaker 2 (04:44):
You go, a man to cula back next week