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July 10, 2024 6 mins


“This is how I’ll remember Jackie, my wife’s mum who died suddenly on Saturday. My mother-in-law who was way more than that to me. She welcomed me into the family when I was in debt, in a sales job I was sleepwalking through and mumbling about a dream of getting into radio


We are devastated and shocked and also grateful for a true small miracle that Sarah and I were there for her last few minutes. We held her and Sarah got to say how much her mum meant to her.


In a truly heartbreaking day, I also saw such incredible kindness and support from the first responders, Rob and Cass and the team who were humane and so caring in a devastating moment. Also the Police, Senior Constable Matthew at Victoria Police who gave us real care


The last three years she moved here to Australia and in her mid 70s built a strong community and life for herself. That’s who Jackie Sherrington was. Someone who makes something out of life.


Go in peace Jackie, we love you.”


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Christ Yeah, welcome friends to the Christian O'Connell Show podcast.

Speaker 2 (00:06):
I'm just going to say something, but before I say that,
I just want to flag up what we're going to
talk about, because I'm obviously where that you know, anytime
when you're on the radio, you could start talking about
something and someone might be going through something in their
own life and you didn't know what it was about.
So if anyone is going through grief at the moment,
and you can probably guess what I'm going to be

talking about, it is going to be a death that
happened to my mother in law over the weekend. If
you're going through this right now, just don't listen to
the next couple of minutes. The last thing I want
to do is upset anybody, the rest of you. I
don't want to be a down this morning or ruin
what you normally get from the show. But one thing
I hope we always do every day on this show
is we talk about our lives and hopefully that we're

there to talk about anything that goes on in our lives.
That's what I love doing about this show. It's everything
to do with our lives. The funny stories, the hardships,
and hopefully helping each other through the heat ups and
downs that you'll find in life. And over the weekend, sadly,

my mother in law, Jackie, she lost her life and
it was sudden, and the in amongst author awfulness of
what that's like, we were all there. That's my wife,
me and our two daughters as well. And Jackie didn't
die alone. She was surrounded, even though it was sudden
and we had no warning. But if you know my
mother in law, when she wants to go, she just goes.

You know, you look around sometimes that jackets on and
she's like, take me home, farmer wants a wife is
on in ten minutes, Doe hanging around here. She had
made her mind up. And despite my poor wife doing
actual CPR, that's how sudden it was to her. Mum.
I mean, my wife is always my hero. But I'm
telling you guys, you know we were waiting for the
paramedics and it must have been ten minutes off and

the suddenly you're inner world. I feel like my wife
and I this week have joined this club that no
one really wants to be in. Suddenly this whole other
part of life just opens up, and suddenly there's a
kind soul on the line for the emergency services the
other end of triple zero. These people that do this,
this is their just this is their day. And this

woman is counting when I run into a room when
I heard what happened that Jackie had collapsed. She's counting one, two, three,
four to keep my wife in time doing CPR. And
so Sarah did CPR to a mom to try and
keep her alive. And I was holding Jackie's hand, but
you could see that she actually looked like to me,
I don't know whether I imagined it in that moment.
It was all so quick. It was just it was

It was traumatic. And the reason I want to talk
about this is actually to say thank you to the
people that do this stuff. Whoever that lovely lady was
trying to save somebody's life over the phone. She was
so calm but in control. I never got to thank
or anything like that, whoever you were. Thank you to
the paramedics that came. The firefighters were the first ones

there after agonizing ten minutes, terrified daughters weighing out of
the roads, trying to find when the paramedics were going
to come. But there were two paramedics Rob and Cass
who were just in a in the darkest time in
your life, who just turned up and throughout all of it,
and obviously Sarah losing her mum in a couple of minutes.

It was so quick guys and brutal. They were incredible, right,
and that's what they do. We don't know what they
actually go through. It must be so hard, so stressful.
You don't know what situation are going to. It is
disgusting how they're not supported, they're not paid enough. But
I'm telling you now what those guys did for us.
We just didn't know because there'd been no warning. Suddenly

there's someone someone who's lost their life and she's lying
on the floor of a little unit and you don't know.
Nothing prepares you. Suddenly it's like so surreal. You don't
even know what I actually said to them. What happens next,
you know, because I didn't know, And he was like,
did you have any plans? Weren't and I always have,
saying she wasn't supposed to die. Today we try not.

Speaker 1 (04:01):
To laugh because I meant it. I was just like, no,
we were just chatting to her an hour ago. I
just got a Maca's cheez burger. She was very alive
an hour ago, and her last words to one of
the kids was I'll call you later on this week
and we're talking about who won Master Chef. She'd been
house sitting for us while we're on holiday, so she
was suddenly very alive and then not, and it was

I'll talk about check my phone yesterday some like twenty
one minutes and it was all over and this suddenness,
and then you're like, so, what happens next? And he's like,
you need to call a funeral director. I'm like, right, okay.
Then I'm googling on my phone while my wife is
literally collapsing and everything's suddenly very quiet. There's this stillness
in the air that hangs around there, and it's so sudden.

Speaker 2 (04:46):
But thank you too. I think it was W. D. Rose,
who've been the funeral directors we're dealing with here, who've
been just beautiful with my wife, just holding a hand.
They've got like a therapy dog there, you know, just
helping her through what is just the worst week of
your life. And suddenly you're in this admin for some
kind of party that you're throwing for someone who is

there and you've got to go into admin mode this
week of the worst kind of admin. The other day,
my wife said, I just need to go back to
Mum's unit and I said, what for. She doesn't need
to pick up an outfit for her. I went an
outfit for what? And I thought, she's not something to lose.
The plot is she's going to be one of these people.
And she said, I suddenly realized what the outfit was

for was for her to be buried in And you
kind of imagine someone happened to go through and do that.
But I'll say this, paramedics were amazing, the police who
had to wait with us for a couple of hours
as well, Senior Constable Matthew Scott, thank you so so much.
Wd Rose, the funeral director's just incredible, heartfelt. These beautiful
souls that do us day in day out. I don't

think they appreciate what they do in a tough situation.
And the other thing I want to say is Jackie
was seventy nine. She loved her life, She moved here
three years ago what kind of moves, and built a
new life the other side of the world in their
mid seventies. There's something we can all take from that,
there's an amazing final chapter and then you've got to

be close to her and have her here. Yeah, and
you know what, It was savage, it was sudden, it
was brutal, but there was grace and there within all
of that there was beauty. I'm glad we weren't there
to hold her out. Let's take a break. I'll be
back in a minute. This is the Christian O'Connell Show podcast.
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