Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Kiss freaking used the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump.
Now that is the headlines all over the globe, no
matter where you are on Earth, everyone knows they tried
to take out a sitting presidential candidate and former President
Donald Trump. Now we've heard from police and FBI and
Secret Service, and now we've got a woman who was
sitting in the front row at the Trump rally, not
behind the president, but in front. Okay, so Aaron's a
longtime Trump supporter sitting in front row at the Pennsylvania rally.
Aerin was a volunteer at the rally, so she got
prime seat position. And I just wanted to hear from
an actual witness because some of the reporting it shows
people ducking and screaming and running for cover. And then
there's other footage where some of the people in the
audience didn't realize that someone was taking shots at Trump.
They thought it was fireworks from several hundred meters away.
So there was a lot of confused but Pandemonian did
rain on the on the side. Aaron is a witness.
Good morning, ma'am, thanks for coming on. How are you,
How are you feeling after being caught up in one
of those shootings.
Speaker 2 (01:12):
It's terrific, right, yes, but I'm okay, And really my
concern was for President Trump.
Speaker 1 (01:21):
Yeah, Now I just want.
Speaker 2 (01:22):
To explain what I saw. Sure, go ahead, okay. So
President Trump entered the stage that his usual way, started
to speak. I thought it was maybe four to five minutes,
but I feel her report it was six minutes. He
made a couple of comments, and then he brought up
a graphics and he's pointing to the graphic. That's why
his head has turned. He made the first comment about
this is how many border crossings there were when I
left office, And then here and then you didn't hear anything,
and you heard pop pop pop pop. I heard four
coming from my left side. Trump crouched and my eyes
went right to Trump. Then he crouched, but then the
four Secret Service pounded on him, splat on the ground.
Now to his right, here's the photographers, which they were
in a corner. They weren't allowed to be in front
him while he was speaking. They got pound They were
like in a pile on top of each other, five
of them lifeless. And I'm thinking, oh my gosh, don't
tell me they shot Trump. And all these photographers. Then
the guys who had the bulletproof vests and the very
long guns entered the stage and they started talking and
they said, okay, left clear, right, clear, lift him up.
So they started to lift President Trump straight up, and
I'm looking at his face. I could see that it
was still rosy and it wasn't ashen blood on the
right cheek. But Trump said, I want my shoes. Yeah.
I thought, oh my gosh, his shoes must have fallen
off when they tackled them. Then they turned him to
is to exit the steps opposite of the way he entered,
and that's when I saw the blood from the top
of his ear down to the bottom. And I thought, okay,
maybe when he when they when they dropped him down
behind the podium, maybe he got it nicked, you know,
or you know, like like he would could happen in
an accident. That's what That's what I got. I didn't,
you know, I did not think he was shot, because
that's all because those four pops and nothing else. Nothing
else happened. He got immediately down the steps. Now before
the down the steps, they were pushing him and the
right arm went up, fight, fight, Fight. He didn't want
to leave the stage. I mean, if you look at
that closely, you'll see him kind of like not jerking
a little bit. I think he wanted us all to
know that he was okay, which was he was okay
and which was great, and I think everybody then like
the release came up. He got in the car. Then
they started picking up all these photographers that I saw,
and I thought, okay, they're all fine, so maybe that's
all it was. Then behind me, no one wants to
come in front of me, because that's the entrance to
the stage. That's too close. They came behind me and
they're starting to exit, and I see the gentleman who's
running for the Senate in Pennsylvania. Behind him, I see
a guy who was earlier on the stage, mister Elmore
from Beaver. I see his white shirt blood on the
right side from the top to the bottom. Now, he
wasn't shot, but he was sitting next to someone who was,
and he helped them. So that was the first time,
after all this has happened, that I'm realizing some people
were shot here.
Speaker 1 (04:44):
What do you think is going on over there? Erin
the political fraction, Like there's one side verse the other
here in Australia, we are not as polarized and we
don't invoke so much anger. If one side wins over
the other, it's sort of not that much difference. But
American political difference has been demonized. What's the way out
of this? What's the future? How do you stop this
stuff from happening?
Speaker 2 (05:13):
This is not this has never been like this. We
were like you, you know what changed everything? What Donald Trump?
Everyone loved this man before he ran for president because
you know why, he wasn't part of the game. He
didn't grow up in politics and make his money off
of skimming off the government and YadA YadA, and who
knows what else. He was a real I mean, okay,
he was a millionaire playboy, but he did work, he
earned money. And I think they when he ran came
down that escalator. The hatred that came out against Trump,
it was unprecedented.
Speaker 1 (05:54):
Why do you think that? Why do you think the
democratic sad, especially the politicians, We're in so much fear
that someone like Trump. They threw so much hate his way.
And the takedowns, the legal stuff, all the laws on
social media, the laws about the conspiracies with the laptop
of Hunter body, it just kept going and going. Do
you think it was inevitable that someone was going to
try and take this guy out?
Speaker 2 (06:24):
Yes, especially when they couldn't get him because the Supreme
Court overturned that that he couldn't be liable for everything
while he was president. That just put him in all cruisy.
But okay, think about it this way. If you've got
your hand in the cookie jar for many years, and
all your buddies had the hand, and it goes down, down, down,
and here comes somebody up who's you know, like a
like a mother figure, father, you know, the party's over.
They glow the whistle. That's what they're afraid of with Trump.
That's what I think.
Speaker 1 (06:52):
A lot of people don't.
Speaker 2 (06:53):
I think their game is over. Their game is over
with Trump.
Speaker 1 (06:57):
A lot of people not perfect.
Speaker 2 (06:59):
Yeah, is not the corruption? The corruption that has been
going on and the way they've sold out the United States.
I mean, what's what happening in this border. I went
to college in this little town in Ohio. I read
last week ten thousand refugees were dropped in this small
town of like fifty thousand people one night.
Speaker 1 (07:20):
That's crazy.
Speaker 2 (07:22):
These people don't speak English, so we don't have homes
for them. We don't have like a center. We've never
done this. Everybody in this town, you know, has have
a post officer, you know, goes to work and comes home.
We can't handle ten thousand refugees from Africa.
Speaker 1 (07:38):
What you've got to understand is is for Australians listening,
half half of the population of Australia, right, So, like
fourteen million people have moved over the border from and
it's not just the South American countries. It's China, it's Russia,
it's a lot from the Middle East. There are a
lot of Hondurans and Mexicans. And yeah, there are people
there that are escaping from terrible countries. But why are
mainly most of them men in their twenties. Where are
the women? Where are the children? Most of these illegals
men in their twenties, And they're not from South America.
They're from other countries, and I believe there was and
they're well.
Speaker 2 (08:20):
Dressed, they're well fed, and they have a cel phone.
Speaker 1 (08:23):
Yeah, it's crazy.
Speaker 2 (08:24):
I mean, you're right, they don't look refugee to me.
They do not look like a refugee. They're not was
there four hundred they're hungry or suffering.
Speaker 1 (08:32):
Was there four hundred odd people that crossed the border
that were on a terror watch list something crazy like that, Right,
these are horrible.
Speaker 2 (08:41):
Yeah. And now also the homeless situation in all these
American cities. Now there's just tens everywhere, drug addicts and
mental illness. Now, these people are on these crazy drugs
that you know, if you're walking down the street or
waiting for a bus, they just come right up to
you and punch you. And that's we've been so safe,
Like you know, it's like, I mean, personally myself, no,
I wouldn't go downtown with a pepper spray. I have
a gun permit, but I will be getting one a gun.
Speaker 1 (09:15):
Yeah, because.
Speaker 2 (09:18):
It's and you know, we'ren't just sick of it. Yeah,
and we're because it looks like the Democratic Party doesn't
care about crime. They have these sorrows attorney generals. A
guy got off of a buff in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with
like four hundred times of sentinel. He went to the
local magistrate. Guess what, he didn't give them any bail time.
Speaker 1 (09:42):
They released him, left, no jail time at all.
Speaker 2 (09:46):
No jail nothing zip And everybody now Donald Trump, okay,
write a check for one hundred thousand dollars to a
woman and has a bookkeeping error, and now you're going
to put him in jail. Yeah, I mean, we're going
to have another revolution. That's how I feel about it.
It's like, you know, our grandparents came us people that
are sixties, you know. I mean, we've seen our parents
and grandparents struggle. Mine came from the Carpaikian Russian Martins
in Ireland. But they had to be sponsored by somebody
who was already here, who had a place for them
to stay and promised for them to get a job.
Speaker 1 (10:22):
And you know what erin. A lot of people are saying,
why would the Democratic Party not shut down that border?
Why would they what's the purpose of letting fourteen million
undocumented people from all over the world invade America? And
it's just popped up last week that the Democrats want
all of those fourteen million to be able to vote
in the upcoming election. Now that all makes sense. Why
would you let all these millions in unless that you
were going to get something out of it. I hope
that you.
Speaker 2 (10:52):
Wanted to ruin it. I mean, why would they do
that to your house or your family? Why would your
father let in twenty five people to live in your home.
Wanted to ruin your family because somebody is going to
get raped, somebody is going to get killed. There's not
going to be enough food, It's going to be shortages.
You know, if you think about it in terms of that,
the only reason could be is because you want to
ruin what we had here.
Speaker 1 (11:13):
And a lot of black voters and Hispanic voters, people
that are American American citizens now that weren't, they're the
most against this because the migrants are taking the lower
income jobs. So a lot of yeah, all the stuff
that they were getting, it's finished.
Speaker 2 (11:29):
Forget, it's gone. It's gone. And they're feeling they're feeling
that they're coming on the Trump train. And that's what
they're really scared about. That's what the Democrats are really
scared about. They can't get Trump on the law fair,
they can't get how else can they get them? By
taking them out? They're just going crazy. I know, we're
going to keep them, eytop I.
Speaker 1 (11:53):
Understand you were there, you were there in the front row.
You witnessed the the well, you know, the former president
being shot. It's just a shocking thing from all over
the world.
Speaker 2 (12:03):
We empathize.
Speaker 1 (12:05):
Thanks Free, I really appreciate it. I appreciate your time
and stay safe, I mean thanks.
Speaker 2 (12:11):
Thanks. Jacking Saron by Aaron Kyle and Jackie Oh