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April 16, 2024 31 mins

Iran has gotten away with taking hundreds of billions of dollars from Western nations and President Biden has given Iranian sanction waivers to Iran several times.  

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
All right, thank you Scott Shannon, and thanks to all
of you for being with us. Here's our toll free
telephone number. There's no news to talk about, right, Londa,
and this is this is like Insanity Week. Eight hundred
and ninety four to one, Shawn is our number. You
want to be a part of the program. We're really
following three stories around the country. You have these pro

Palestinian protests hitting cities.

Speaker 2 (00:24):
Now, why that's important is it.

Speaker 1 (00:27):
Goes to the heart of two separate issues and that
is one that Joe Biden or we got I guess
we could probably call them Neville Chamberlain, Joe Neville Chamberlain
and Biden, because you know, the pressure after what happened
on October seventh, what twelve hundred Israelis killed, another two
hundred and forty or so taken hostage. Among those hostages,

we don't know how many have been killed. There has
only been one hundred and twelve of them released. We
have no idea about the fate of many others. But
this is what the po s He's of appeasement will
bring you. And you know we have this trial unfolding
in New York. We'll get to that in the course
of the program today and we're we just we just
got a lot of news to cover Throughout all of today,

I have yet to see any cops show up at
the the Golden Gate Bridge out in San Francisco to
stop what has been a shutdown of traffic on the bridge.
Can you imagine Linda being in one of those cars?
How many hours now has this been going on? And
they're track Oh it's not only I think now finally

maybe a cop has showed.

Speaker 2 (01:35):
Up, right, But they're not doing anythings.

Speaker 3 (01:37):
They can't do anything.

Speaker 2 (01:38):
They're completely and totally handkled.

Speaker 1 (01:40):
Well maybe they could learn from Ron DeSantis because the
first image that I saw in Miami of these protesters,
U I saw cops on video right there at the
time it was happening in real time.

Speaker 2 (01:52):
He's not waiting, So you know, I didn't mean to
cut you off, by the way, No, you're right. I
mean the problem is they got the support of the
governor and everywhere else.

Speaker 3 (02:01):
They don't.

Speaker 2 (02:01):
You know, if you knew that as a cop, you
could do your job and you were going to end up,
you know, behind bars yourself for doing what you were.
You know, elect you know your duty to do give
me a break. They don't let them do anything. Uh
So we got all these stories. We're going to be
on all day today.

Speaker 1 (02:15):
Now, if you watched on Saturday, I'll start with the
Iranian attack. You saw what happened. You witness Now, my
sources have been telling me on once I got off
the air on this radio program on Friday, I was
given a heads up by various sources of mine. I
will never divulge that in fact, they thought it could happen.

It was as imminent as the day is born. And
that is that this attack by Iran, a direct attack
never happened in history against Israel, was coming and that
it was going to be a big attack. And it
turned out that it was a massive attack. And so
we have But this whole dovetails into what's going on
now because if you look at these images and the

people that are out protesting in cities around the country
and shutting down the Golden Gay Bridge and other areas
and other cities around the country, this is the base
that Joe Biden now finds himself in needing if he
has any political ambition to win this election in just
two hundred and three days. This is why you know,

Israel the worst terrorist attack in their history. You know,
twelve hundred people killed, you know, hundreds of others taken hostage.
And what have we been hearing from this administration, Oh,
we need a truce. Oh, Israel's too aggressive in fighting
their war on terror. No lectures have been given to
hamas the terrorist organization. This was an unprovoked attack, killing

innocent men, women and children. And then you add the
rape stories on top of it, and all the atrocities
and all the videotapes that the idea if I wish
they'd released these tapes that I have seen, because I'd
like to show it to each and every Americans so
they understand and how the brutality of this terrorist organization,
a terrorist organization that has in their charter a call

for the destruction of Israel. And then we watch on
Saturday night three hundred plus aerial threats launch from Iran
and it's and its proxies. Now they did intercept, thankfully
ninety nine percent of them. That may not always be
the case. And then it's certain to me that the
White House likely leaked the call with Prime Minister nets

and Yahoo and Joe's admonition and lecture to Prime Minister
net Yahoo, Well, we're not going to be with you
if we if you respond offensively. That was whatever response
Israel has here would be a defensive response. And what
has gotten lost in all of this is any sense
of moral clarity of right and wrong.

Speaker 2 (04:51):
You know, I guess that.

Speaker 1 (04:52):
You know, if Israel wants to fight against radical terrorists
that invade their country and kill their countrymen and take
others hostage, why are they getting lectured by the Biden
administration to have a ceasefire, how to fight back? I mean,

I hate to say it. I mean, that's why he's
Neville Chamberlain. And then you look at the history of
Joe Biden with Iran, and it's not a pretty picture.
I went back over the weekend and I just put
together his history of appeasement starting with the Obama Biden administration.
This is the twenty fifteen Iranian deal. You know, they

placed an amount of money that became available to the
number one state sponsor of terror by allowing foreign banks
to release up to one hundred and fifty billion dollars.
And then of course the four hundred million in cash
and other currency that they dropped right on the tarmac. Well,
what do you think the number one state sponsor of
terror is gonna do. They're gonna use it to foment
more terror. And that is exactly what has happened. And

according to every report Hamas that they were rained by
Iranian Revolutionary Guard forces and Kud's forces, that a lot
of the ammunition that they used in this attack on
October seventh came from Iran. We know that the Huti
rebels they are also getting their arms and logistical support

from Iran. We know that Hezbala in the north that
has been firing missiles. Now Israel has been involved really
in a two front war Hamas in the south and
Hezbollah at Elebanon in the north. We saw that unfold
also on Saturday, and now Iran is getting Now Israel's
being lectured. Why isn't Iran being lectured?

Speaker 3 (06:38):
You know?

Speaker 2 (06:38):
And Netanyahu warned back when they'd.

Speaker 1 (06:42):
Made this first idiotic deal with Iran in the coming decade,
the deal with the the deal will reward Iran, the
terrorist regime in Tehran, with hundreds of billions of dollars.
This cash bonanza will fuel around Iran's terrorism worldwide. It's
aggression in the rear and its efforts to destroy Israel,

which are ongoing. He called it then in twenty fifteen
a historic mistake. He was right then. And then Biden
played a big role. And when Republicans put out a
letter on how stupid this deal was, Oh, this is
beneath the dignity of the US Senate. It's beneath the
dignity of this institution, I revere. Well, then you look

at Okay, so he's now become president. Well, Donald Trump
got rid of that idiotic Iranian deal, just like he
got rid of America being in the Paris Accords. And
what did Joe Biden? What was the new policy of
appeasement towards Iran? Well, US has been importing crude oil
and petroleum products from Iran since March of twenty twenty one,

when we were at that time literally taking in sixty
six thousand barrels of oil a day. These sanctions was
supposedly in place that they were not allowed to sell
their oil on the world market, but they've been selling
it to country like no sorry, North Korea and China,
and apparently even up until October of last year, selling

it to the United States. Well, all that's going to
do is make the Iranian Mullas rich, which then funds
their terror. This is a terrorist state, the number one
state sponsor of terror. Now, whether Joe Biden, like he
has been doing, is pressuring Israel not to win its
war with Hamas in Gaza, or is warning Israel, well,

we're not going to help you if you respond to
the three hundred rocket attacks that took place, one hundred
and seventy UAVs, one hundred and twenty ballistic missiles, thirty
cruise missiles fired right at Israel. Thankfully they were able
to stop this round. I'm not sure they're going to
be able to stop the next round. And at some

point this is going to keep escalating. But to tell
Israel that they cannot defend themselves or that they are
supposed to retreat in the war on terrorism, well, you
know the pressure is coming in every day. You have
the likes of Michael Moore out there saying that if,
well if Joe continues to do this, he's going to
lose the election. So it's all about Joe Biden now

has put on the back burner the morally superior clear
stand of fighting radical islamis that believe in this ideology
of convert or die over. You know, he put his
blind personal political ambition because he's got to give into
the people, just like these lunatics, lunatics around the country

that are, you know, closing bridges and not being stopped,
the very people that have been pressuring the Biden administration.
What scared the hell out of him is the eighteen
point nine percent of Democratic primary voters in Michigan, a
lot of them out of Dearborn where we heard that
chant death to America and death to Israel. That he

has chosen to go after that base, which represents the
radicalized Democratic Party of which he is the head of,
and losing those votes way more important to Joe Biden
than standing up with moral clarity against radical terrorism and
convert or die. And that means even Iran. And it's
the same Biden administration that allowed the ten billion dollars

to be transferred by waiving sanctions in Iraqi payments for
Iranian electricity. He was the same guy that was willing
to make a deal of six billion dollars for the
release of hostages. I mean six billion dollars. I'm not
sure that I thought that money might have got frozen,
but the ten billion from Iraq did not all the money.

Estimates are that it's anywhere between one hundred plus billion
dollars in profits. All of this that all this has
done has allowed the Iranians to build up their terror
network and continue to fund these proxy wars around the world,
and they're doing it with impunity, and now they're doing
it with Biden's pretty much seal of approval because he's

not going to stand with the innocent victims of radical terrorism.
Biden administration extended the sanctions waiver so that you know,
they can allow Iraq to continue to purchase their electricity.
That's after the ten billion dollars and just six weeks
after the Iran backed drone strike killed three American soldiers

in Jordan. Well, then it was only six weeks later
Biden approved the sanctions waiver, giving Tayron that access to
the ten billion dollars. How many times has Biden called
for an immediate cease fire in Gaza. The message should
be clear, go win your war on terror, and if
you want to buy weapons for us, we will be

here for you. If they launch any any if they
try to escalate with anything more than a conventional war.
We will stand with you. That should be the message.
Biden said that, you know, immediate hease fire is essential.
Why is it essential? All it does is embolden more

of this terrorism. All it does is strengthen Iran. When
asked to make a comment on the threat of Iran
attacking Israel, you know what was in the days leading
up to this weekend?

Speaker 2 (12:19):
Or don't don't?

Speaker 1 (12:21):
Oh, well, they did, Joe, and they did because they
knew they'd get away with it. And who knows the
fact that everybody knew that this was coming makes me
really suspicious. Okay, we understand, you have to respond, send
slow moving drones so that they can shoot most of
them out of this guy. And then the Iranians make
the comment, well, we consider the matter closed. No, it's

not closed, because Israel should not be listening to Joe
Biden and the United States when it comes to the
survival of their country and their battle against the war
on terrorism. You know, Biden waved the sanctions on Iranian
civilian nuclear activity. Biden waved sanction on Iranian oil trade.
You know, why would he do any of this? All

you're doing is making rich and then the rest of
the Democrats. They saw what happened to Michigan. Why do
you think Chuck Schumer came out and called for new
elections in Israel because they know bb Netanyahu is not
going to sit idly by while his country survival is
hanging in the balance. Or why do you think Pelosi
called for Biden to stop the transfer of US weapons

to Israel? Why do you think you got people like
squad member congresswoman to lead posting videos accusing Biden of
supporting genocide? What is all of this pressure from the
Squad and AOC and Schumer and Pelosi? What has it
created an environment where Joe Biden feels emboldened? In the end,
these policies only embolden terrorists like Hamas and terror states

like Iran. And we will pay a horrible price down
the road for all of this appeasement. And why is
the we have wide open borders. Why do you think
tens of thousands come from China, Russia, Iran, Syria, Egypt, Afghanistan.
You think they all want a better life for themselves

and their families. I don't think so. That'd be pretty
damn naive. No, the message if we were the United States,
if we had moral clarity, it would be win your
war on radical Islamis that have attacked you unprovoked attacks
on October seventh, and an unprovoked attack on this past
Saturday night. Why is Joe Biden literally lecturing Israel, threatening Israel,

abandoning Israel while they lost, after they lost twelve hundred
of their citizens, you extrapolate out the population, that'd be
like losing forty thousand Americans in a day. Never mind
the people that are still hostage, be still being held hostage.
I'll tell you why. And just like all these people
that are protesting around the cut today, that's why the

Golden State, the Golden Gate Bridge has been closed. That's
why they're all over now marching in the streets in
New York. The absolute Adam schiffhol that that is. And
Michael Moore sums it up best, warning Biden that his
Israel support will make him Hillary two point zero and
what happened in Michigan and what happened in places like Wisconsin.

All he cares about is getting re elected, and if
it means having to take a tough stand against radical
Islamic terrorism and supporting an ally that is a victim
of radical Islamic terrorists who have pledged the destruction of
the state of Israel.

Speaker 2 (15:41):
He clearly is choosing the.

Speaker 1 (15:42):
Latter, and he's adopted nothing but policies of appeasement when
it comes to the number one state sponsor of terror,
and that of course is of course would be Iran
and the mulls in Iran that he's helped make rich.
You know, I'm gonna tell you something this just when
you think think I couldn't get any more crazy or worse,
the first thing that I saw today is that Biden

Whitehouse and felt like they're trying to blame the bad
Biden economy, in Biden's inflation and Biden's border disaster all
on Donald Trump. Now they're actually trying to blame Trump
for a RAN's attack on Israel. You know, they're propagandist
John Kirby, you know, blaming Trump for emboldening Iran. I

just went through the history of emboldening Iran, and that
was done by Obama and Biden, and to a much
greater extent by Biden since he was elected. And now
he's now gotten to the point where he has to
appease the Michael Moore base, that is the Democratic Party
warning that Biden, if he gives any support to Israel,

will make him Hillary two point zero. That's what's going
to happen to you. You better not support Israel, which
is why the pressure for Israel to stop its war
on terror after they were attacked an unprovoked attack on
October set twelve hundred dead people, hundreds of hostages and
never ending, you know, never ending days of rockets being

fired from the north and Lebanon and Hesbolah and the
South and Hamas and Gaza, never ending, and this is
where they have been. Now that did Kirby blame Trump
for emboldening Iran? Okay, that's a lie. I just went
through the history of all of the appeasement policies of Biden,
first Obama and Biden now Biden alone, and the billions

of dollars Joe Biden has made Iran rich again. When
Kirby was he denied knowing about unfreezing billions of dollars.
He's just flat out lying to us, just like they're
blaming Trump. It's flat out lying. The border is secure,
the border's closed. Now it's Trump's fault when all else fails.
That's what you've got. They have emboldened Iran to do this.

They made Iran rich by allowing them to sell their
oil even to this country, waiving sanctions so Iraq can
give them ten billion dollars they wanted to give six
billion in ransom payments. A Ran needs to pay a
very dear price. And then to say to Prime Minister

net Yaho in Israel, you're on your own if you
if you defend yourself and fight back, and you should
take it as a great victory. You stop the three
hundred plus aerial attacks on Saturday.

Speaker 2 (18:27):
Well, what do you think they're going to do again?

Speaker 1 (18:28):
They'll do it again if there's not consequences to be paid.
And for Ron to say, well, through their un spokesperson,
the matter is deemed completed. No, it'll be complete when
when Israel decides it's complete. And that would include a
proportional response at a minimum, And to me, that would
be to take out their refineries and I'd cut off

their money supply. And if we had a real US president,
this would be the opportunity to take out their nuclear sites.
Because if that day ever comes, and we keep reading
they getting closer and closer to nuclear weapons. This this
radical regime and their radical ideology. They're the ones that
would use nuclear weapons. That day comes, we will rue

the day as my mother used to say, that we
didn't prevent it. One top House Republican says Biden's Iran
appeasement led to Saturday's attack. Mike Waltz, I was actually
watching all the coverage on Saturday night, stayed up working
all of Saturday night. There's no other way to describe
the Obama Biden's Middle Eastern policies except a disaster and

utter calamity. Just a few years ago, on the President Trump,
Isis was destroyed, Iran was broke and on their back foot.
Young people were showing every signs that they were ready
to rise up against this Iranian regime. You know, we
had the Abraham Accords. Trump was able to put together
a coalition I never thought we'd see in our lifetime Israel,

the US, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, and this
appeasement strategy has just made Iran rich yet again. You
have a thugish regime launching drone and missile attacks. Imagine
if they did it to our homeland. Would you not
want your government to fight back? If they killed again

extrapolated out for population forty thousand Americans in a day,
when they killed twelve hundred Israelis in a day and
took hundreds hostage. They have less than ten million people
occupy Israel. But anyway, Israel, Yeah, with the help of allies,
took out the ninety nine percent. But there's gotta be

a price that they pay for doing this or it's
gonna happen again and again and again. And the US
is just lecturing Israel to stop their war against an
unprovoked terrorist attack on October seventh, and they're warning a
ran and the Joe Biden's administration is warning against retaliation. Well,

we're talent. They're starting a war against their country. What
the hell do you expect them to do? Joe Neville
Chamberlain Biden, all of this will result in nothing but
more attacks. How hard is this for him to comprehend?
I know he's dumb, but is he really that dumb

or is this really based in politics?

Speaker 2 (21:28):

Speaker 1 (21:28):
Net and Yahoo you know, has said he doesn't care
what Joe Biden is warning. He says there will be
an appropriate response. There should be an appropriate response. And
I'd say the first thing I'd go for. And then everybody, oh,
they're predicting World War three. World War three, Well, if
you keep appeasing radical Islamis that believe in convert or die,

guess what, that war has already been started. They're attacking
innocent countries as we speak. But all Joe cares about
is the ad cominition of Michigan in the Democratic presidential
primary and the admonition of Wisconsin and the Democratic presidential primary,
and Michael Moore saying, you keep supporting Israel, you'll be

Hillary two point zero. It's an interesting Telegraph article. The
West needs to remember how to fight. It may already
be too late. You know why it may be too late.
I'll tell you why. Because Iran is claiming they had
hypersonic missile technology in this attack. Iran is claiming that, well,
how come they have it? And this new access of evil? Russia,

Iran and China has it.

Speaker 2 (22:39):
They all have it. Why don't we have it?

Speaker 1 (22:41):
Why are we so far behind the eight ball? I
love what Senator Kennedy said, go to Amazon and buy
a spine talking about how wobbly Biden has gone on
supporting Israel, and the GOP rightly is saying that the
price must be paid, they will response. Senator Marco Rubio
said Israel doesn't need Biden's help or permission to respond

to this unprovoked attack, and if anything would be the
right time. The only Democrat that actually showed common sense.
I gotta tip my hat to him. Senator Fetterman of Pennsylvania,
he said, we should have Israel's back.

Speaker 2 (23:20):
Is very clear.

Speaker 1 (23:20):
I'll play it later in the program. I don't have
time now accusing the US of not standing firmly with
Israel with no conditions attached. Right if you're going to
fight a war, unfortunately war started by them. Anybody that
dies in Godz that dies because of Israel, that dies
because of Hamas, not because of Israel, by Hamas's attack

on Israel, Russia, China. Now Iran has hypersonic missiles, but
according to DefenseNews dot com, we don't have it. Our
program is struggling Iran claiming they launched several hypersonic missiles. Unbelievable.
We're gonna have a lot more on this throughout the
program today. Now we're watching the shutdown of the Golden

State Bridge and protests around the country. He's pro Palestinian protests.
Isn't it really that they don't want Israel to defend itself.
I mean, Joe Biden has chosen sides here, and he
has chosen to put handcuffs on an innocent country that
is a victim of terrorism, and he's done it for

his own political expediency here anyway, jury selection expected to
take up to two weeks in this ridiculous case being
brought by Alvin Bragg in New York. A judge warning
Donald Trump he's going to be jailed if he doesn't
show up to court every day of this trial from
hush money trial as they call it. By the way,

it's not illegal. Corporations do it every day. They go
into non confidentiality agreements NDAs non disclosure agreements every day
with people over allegations true or not true, but maybe
financially just better off to make it go away. By
the way, it might make the president missus suns Baron's

high school graduation ceremony. You got to be kidding me.
We're going to have Doug David Showan and Greg Jared
On about this. Jonathan Turley nailed it in his article.
Bragg's lawyers have been scouring the civil and criminal codes
for any basis to sue or prosecute Trump before this
upcoming election in two hundred and three days. So a

case that dates back to what twenty fifteen or sixteen
now is being tried two hundred and three days before
election day. It just shows the damage, the utter damage,
and how weaponized our political justice system is in this country.
Bragg is bringing a case what it's taken eight long

years to bring, and by the way, before the twenty
sixteen election, and what he's even charging is ademeanor which
under state law had already expired under the statute of limitations.
It's beyond a legal mess. So then as a means
of getting around this, Bragg used and alleged federal crime

to bootstrap a defunct misdemeanor charge into a felony charge
in this current case, arguing that Trump intentionally lied when
his former lawyer listed the payments to to Stormy Daniels
as retainer costs rather than a payment. It simply if
he had simply had Cones report the payment as quote

hush money, there'd be no crime. I mean, this is
this is the most repellent case, and that their lead
witness was just recently called by a judge. This was
in Jonathan Turley's column. Cone recently denounced by a judge
as a quote serial perjurer. Well, he's their star witness
in this case. He's gonna convert dead a dead state

misdemeanor that had passed the statute of limitations into a
felony based on an alleged federal election crime that even
the Feds themselves rejected. Very similar to the case with
John Edwards that they lost, and they lost fairly spectacularly.
The only problem is that this is a venue where
only twelve percent of the population in New York City

voted for Donald Trump.

Speaker 2 (27:22):
I want to see how crazy they are.

Speaker 1 (27:23):
Just take a look now at all these people that
are protesting all over New York City today. It's pretty unbelievable.
You know, the Trump trial is a spectacle. This is
not justice or equal justice. This is what Trump calls it.
This is a way to weaponize the justice system. And

only two hundred and three days before an election as
a means of helping Joe Biden because he certainly can't
run on his record, and ABC, NBCCBS, they all fail
to identify Trump prosecutors as Democrats, and that this guy
ran on a platform to get Trump, just like the
Attorney General of New York did. So he's going to

have a deep blue jury pool as this case begins.
Pretty unbelievable times we're living in, and the issue of
recusal is front and center in this case. You got
a judge in this case in spite of very clear
language that would force him to recuse himself. In this case,

he has an adult daughter, political activist runs a prominent
democratic democratic consulting firm, including representing people like Adam Schiff.
Fundraising off the case that her data is presiding over
her client's racked up according to reports of ninety three
million dollars in donations. Okay, well that would be excuse me,

a means for recusal just based.

Speaker 2 (28:53):
On the law.

Speaker 1 (28:54):
But the law is only applied to the full extent
if you're a conservative or a Republican. It doesn't apply
if your last name's Clinton or Biden. But if it's Trump,
if you're registered or prominent Republican and conservative, then all
caution of the wind goes away.

Speaker 2 (29:12):
Pretty unbelievable.

Speaker 1 (29:14):
The code, by the way, nycr are one hundred point
three twenty two nyc r R. One hundred point three,
Paragraph E Section one D, Article three requires reccusal and
a relative to the sixth degree could substantially affect be

affected by the proceedings. Well, that's not really an issue
in question, based on everything I've been reading, that these
fundraisers based off the case would be an absolute cause.
By the way, remember Michael Cohne waive the attorney client
privilege on Bob Costello, and apparently he would undercut a

lot of his testimony. Let's see if he gets called
into this case, I'd imagine he has to be and
now Donald Trump has to be in court of the
judge says, you're going to put him in jail. That's
what the judge says. So God forbid he wants to
take a day and campaign in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, or
maybe Arizona, Nevada, maybe Georgia, North Carolina. No, he better

be in the courtroom every day. I saw one liberals,
Well you can, he can, certainly you could take he
could take his off days of being on trial for
a month before an election, I mean a pri missory
Republican National Convention two hundred and three days before an election.
Country's doomed if this, if we don't win in two
hundred and three days, I hate to imagine where this

country's headed. I can't even guess. Eight hundred and nine
point one. Shawn is on number. You can't for twenty bucks,
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Speaker 3 (31:35):
Pure Talk, Jean Hannity, all right, let me come back.

Speaker 1 (31:47):
We'll get full legal analysis of the insanity of this
trial starting in New York jury selection. We'll have the
latest on the protests around the country and of course,
the latest out of Israel.

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