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April 17, 2024 30 mins

Mosab Hassan Yousef, a Palestinian and author of the upcoming book, out this August, From Hamas to America: My Story of Defying Terror, Facing the Unimaginable, and Finding Redemption in the Land of Opportunity grew up on the West Bank, then worked as a double agent for the Shin Bet, The Israel Security Agency. He understands our enemy and the path that lays ahead for those who try to appease Iran. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Stay right here for our final news round up and
information overload.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
All right, News roundup and information overload. Our toll free
our number is eight hundred and nine four one Sean
if you want to be a part of the program.
I can't take the lying that is never ending, non stop.
You know, it's just a flurry of lies. We've we've
gone over the history of the Biden administration and their

appeasement of Iran. We went back to the Obama Biden administration. Remember,
you know, estimates on the amount of money that became
available with the Iranian deal of Obama and Biden with
the ira that was one hundred and fifty billion dollars.
We talked at length about the four hundred million, you know,
in a in a cargo plane in cash and other

currency dumped on their tarmac and how insane this is.
We we talked a lot about how important it was
that Donald Trump stepped up as president and Donald Trump
stopped the Iranians from being able to sell the oil
on the world market, and those sanctions had real, real
impact on the Iranians. Where we were beginning to see

the early signs of people rising up against this regime.
Joe Biden becomes president. Starting in March of twenty twenty one,
he's importing sixty six thousand barrels of oil a day
under Joe Biden, you know, with the president welcome Iranian
oil into the US. Well, we'll talk about that if
we get to that point. That was in February. By

March they were importing it. And of course Joe wanted
to you know, transfer and basically pay ransom of six
billion dollars that he had freed up for Iran. And
then he gave a waiver to the Iranians to get
ten billion dollars in payments from the Iraqis for electricity.
And then the worst thing that he did is he

turned a blind eye and allowed the Iranians, in spite
of the sanctions on them, to go ahead and produce oil,
resulting in anywhere from eighty billion to one hundred billion dollars.
Now what does that money do for the Iranians, Well,
that number one strengthens their ability to be an oppressive regime.

It allows them to fund these proxy wars, whether it's
Hezballah in the north at Elebanon or Hamas in the
south out of Gaza, or the hoodie rebels, It lets
them do all of this, none of this would happen,
and then buy weapons that they're now providing to Russia. Now,
Russia's reciprocating by by showing military support and military aid

to Iran as they you know, they took this new
unprecedented step and escalation and attacking Israel directly on Saturday night.
You know, why do you think Biden has been calling
for an immediate ceasefire after October seventh? Why doesn't Biden
have the moral clarity and sense to understand that radical

Islamis need to be defeated. Why wouldn't this country support
Israel in their war on terrorism? Why would Joe Biden
make Israel the enemy in this in this in this
case because his entire party has been radicalized and they
sympathize with the wrong people here. And as a result,

Joe Biden by saying well, we're not going to be
with you if you return fire against Iran, he's basically
emboldening the Iranians to do whatever the hell they want
to Israel at any point that they want. What is
wrong with him? You know, Biden administration waiving sanctions on
Iranian civilian nuclear activities. When asked to make a comment
on the threat of Iran attacking Israel, his one big answer, don't, hey, Joe,

don't didn't work. They did, and you saw the reigning rockets, fired,
cruise missiles and drone attacks. At what point do you
stand on the right side of history? Not just Joe,
it's the entire Democratic Party, Chuck Schumer calling for new
elections as Israel is now, you know, reeling and battling
back after the worst terror attack in their history. Nancy Pelosi,

you know, she has to weigh in as well. Why
why keep Nancy Pelosi out of it? She doesn't even
want Biden to sell weapons to Israel, which which would
render them, you know, helpless again in this war against
terrorism that they have to engage in. And now the
modern extreme, radicalized Democratic Party, the entire Democratic Party basically

has become the squad. You know, Congresswoman Sally to Leave
posting videos accusing Biden of supporting genocide. All Biden cares
about here is he is looking at his eroding base.
He sees it with African Americans, with Hispanic Americans, young people,
suburban women. And he's also seeing it in massive numbers

by the radicals, for example, out of dearborn in Michigan,
among them, some of them chanting death to Israel, death
to America. And they saw the number in the Democratic
presidential primary, and eighteen point nine percent of voters are uncommitted.
They didn't vote for Joe Biden over this issue, over
one hundred thousand people in total out of Michigan. So

Joe Biden, rather than put principle first, has abandoned our
number one. Ally, that's what's going on here. All right,
let's get back to our phones. Eight hundred and nine
to four one, Sean, if you want to be a
part of the program, let us say hi to Jeff
in Michigan. Hey, Jeff, how are you? What the hell
happened to your state?

Speaker 3 (05:33):
Man? I wish I knew other than the children are
in the office, and we really need to get some
adults back up here, as you were just saying, with
the chance that we're going on down in Detroit, which
just sicken me that people in America would be chanting
death to Israel, depth to America. America really needs to

open its eyes and start paying attention and looking at
the bigger picture.

Speaker 4 (05:58):
You know, back in.

Speaker 3 (05:59):
January, the Chinese nationalists got pulled over with over one
hundred mice in the trunk of the car. And thank
the good Lord above that the police officers did their
job and tracked them down and figured out what was
going on because with no bail laws, the only law
they committed. Crime they committed was driving with no identification,

no license and stuff. But they went to a biolab.
I couldn't stress this enough for people to start opening
their eyes and paying attention an underground biolab totally funded
by the Chinese government. Shi Jan Ping was in California
in January. Do you think he went and visited the biolab?
Probably did well.

Speaker 2 (06:39):
I can tell you right now the fact that American
money was going to the Wuhan Virology Lab. NIH money
funneled through the Eco Health Alliance right into a lab
that they knew was involved to gain and function research,
a lab that they knew that was involved with coronavirus research.
And by the way, it's continued today and we were

lied to at the highest levels. Read Senator ram Paul's
book about doctor Fauci. It is eye opening. I forgot
to mention in my little rant there that you know
the Biden administration. They're just full of liars. The border
is secure, the border is safe, the border is closed,
blah blah blah. You know it's Trump's fault that this
is all happening in the Middle East. Donald Trump is

responsible for my bad economic policies and inflation. John Kirby
actually denied knowing about the billions and billions of dollars
that were unfrozen for the Iranian leaders. Listen, now that
we know that.

Speaker 5 (07:38):
The Iranians do not listen to President Biden's public mornings,
is there any regret here about unfreezing billions of dollars
for Iranian leaders during the presidents.

Speaker 6 (07:49):
Of what unfreezing are you talking about.

Speaker 5 (07:51):
The unfrozen billions of.

Speaker 6 (07:53):
Dollars Monian leaders? I don't think so. Okay, So, first of.

Speaker 5 (07:58):
All, it's for humanitarian purpose, doesn't that But you don't
believe me, Well, it doesn't that free up money for
them to spend on other stuff. Where do you get
the money for an unprecedented number of munitions to fire
at Israel?

Speaker 6 (08:09):
So first of all, I'm betting if they're sitting in Tehran,
they're taking it seriously. When President Biden says he's going
to defend Israel. We put skin in the game, a
whole heck of a lot of it, and knocked almost
everything out of the sky. So I'm betting they're taking
it pretty seriously.

Speaker 3 (08:24):
And as for this.

Speaker 6 (08:27):
Unfreezing that none of that fund none of those funds,
funds set up in an account, by the way, by
the previous administration, goes directly to the Supreme Leader of
the IRGC can only be used for humanitarian purposes. And
we're watching that account very very closely to make sure
that that's what happens.

Speaker 2 (08:43):
Joining is now Mosab Hassan Yousef, a Palestinian author of
the upcoming book it's going to be out in August,
from Hamas to America, my story of defying terror, facing
the unimaginable, and finding redemption in the land of opportunity. Anyway,
father was one of the founders of Hamas.

Speaker 7 (09:02):
Correct, That's correct.

Speaker 2 (09:04):
And your life took you on a very interesting journey.
And that is where at one point you found yourself
as a Hamas terrorist. What changed you?

Speaker 1 (09:15):
Well, you know, this is a long journey of transformation.
You know, today I'm an American, an American citizen, and
by the American laws and American constricutions.

Speaker 8 (09:29):
That was my past.

Speaker 2 (09:30):
Did you feel guilty being part of a terrorist organization?

Speaker 8 (09:35):
It doesn't need a lot of intiligence to know that
violence visited and rating, killing, fucturing, abusing children, using human fields,
blowing up.

Speaker 1 (09:47):
Buses, killing people indiscriminately does not require genius to know
that it's wrong. Most people, most people are afraid to
pay the price to do the right thing. They prefer
stay in their darkness. And I choose not to say
in the darkness, I vote, and in the in the process,
I lost my family, I lost everything. But this doesn't

mean that I lost the war. Because the final thing is,
how do we serve humanity, not only serve the tribe
and try to compromise our truth for the sake of
the family, for the sake of the society. Isn't this

what everybody.

Speaker 9 (10:33):
Is doing well?

Speaker 2 (10:34):
But the problem is is that you have, for example,
in Gaza, from the earliest ages, young children are indoctrinated
to quote, hate the Jews and kill Israelis. And once
that indoctrination takes hold, there's very little free thinking that
that takes place in the minds of people that have
been brainwashed obviously you are able to overcome your indoctrination.

What do you think the difference was, Why don't more
people overcome it like you did.

Speaker 1 (11:04):
Yes, it's a rigid conditioning. It's meant for me to die,
to die to my false identities. You know, I was
born free. I was not born a Muslim. I was
not born a Palestinian. I was born free. Children are
just children. But then the Mullahs and the sheikhs, the imams,

the religious authorities, the politicians conspire against the children and
they used us in the worst possible way. They wanted
us to die to serve their political legendars. And they're
still doing this sometil now. And this is part of
my anger. This is part of my frustration when I
see the death of the children in Gaza and there

are only Palestinian criminals. They are can artists. They have
been exploiting what's so called revolution, by the name of occupation,
by the name of colonialism, by the name of resistance.
They have all these fancy terminology and their goal is

only to get rich, to get power at the expense
of children, at the expense of generations. They have been
playing this for seventy years, since yeah, are Fat and
all the foreign entities taken advantage of.

Speaker 2 (12:28):
Let me ask you this, what should Israel's goal be
in their battle with Hamas and Iran? Should their battle
be victory? Should their battle be restraint? What do you say?
We only have about a minute.

Speaker 1 (12:41):
Look, Israel is not alone in this fight. I am
with Israel in this fight, and it's a vow that
we will not retreat until Hamas is defeated, until Hamas
is eradicated. Now, Iran is the root cause of this problem,
the Islamic regime of Iran. They are not only causing

regional trouble. They want global chaos. They want to change
the world order. They want to turn it into an
Islamic revolution, and this is not acceptable. Israel cannot finish
this job alone. We need we need to give Israel
to support. The United States need to get on board
full power. You know, our president is weak. Our president

is weak and is not taking a firm stand to
tell Iran what the heck are you doing? They've just
launched hundreds of missiles. Israel is a very tiny country,
and what are we doing about this? The adequate response
is to hit the Iranian New Clear program. Now, We
cannot allow any Islamic regime to attain a new clear power.

It would be a disaster. It's already a disaster. We
cannot give them our technology, our intellectual property, then we
give them a nuclear weapon. This regime is irresponsible, and
it's not only Israel's responsibility to stand against all the
evil of the Middle East. Israel is fighting on how

many fronts in the north, in the south, and such
a tiny, small nation on its own, And what is
the responsibility of the superpower? The president of the superpower.
He thinks that he's showing tolerance, but on the other side,
it's perceived as weakness. This is what I've been saying

for twenty years that Middle Easterners don't understand tolerance. They
only understand the language of the sword. And if you
show tolerance, they think it's weakness. This is their mentality.
They don't think like Westerners. We need to understand their mentality.

Speaker 2 (14:54):
I couldn't say it any better. Mosab Hassan Yousef, son
of a Moss. One of his father his father was
one of the founders of A Moss. Look forward to
your new book and having you back soon. Thank you,
Sir eighth Shawn is our number. All right, eight hundred
nine one, Shawn is our number. Let's check in with

Seawn in Mississippi. What's up? Shawn? A trucker And to
every trucker out there, breaker one nine, thank you for
all you're doing, because our store shelves would be pretty
bare and empty without y'all working so hard. How you doing,
I'm good, sir.

Speaker 9 (15:30):
Thank you for shaking my call.

Speaker 2 (15:32):
By the way, are you looking forward to the Biden
mandate for an electric rig?

Speaker 9 (15:39):
Absolutely not.

Speaker 2 (15:40):
Yeah, there's not one trucker I know that wants that.

Speaker 9 (15:43):
No, we have trouble finding a parking spot. I could
only imagine the trouble we would have trying to find
a charging station for him.

Speaker 2 (15:51):
That's such a good point. You know what's amazing, And
most people don't know this. And you can confirm this
is true because I have friends in the trucking business.
For example, let's say you're truck has three hundred thousand,
three fifty three hundred and fifty thousand miles on it.
Now true or false? Do you go out and buy
a new rig? Or is it often the case that
truckers will will bring their their truck in for service

they'll get a loaner in the meantime, and they stripped
down that they strip the truck down of the chassis.
They basically rebuild the truck from the bottom up. You
have a brand new truck with a brand new engine,
with a with an updated chassis, updated you know, interior,
uh and new tires and everything in between, new brakes,

and you're good to go for another three four hundred
thousand miles. Is that true?

Speaker 4 (16:41):
Yes, sir, it is absolutely.

Speaker 2 (16:43):
And it's a lot cheaper than buying a new.

Speaker 9 (16:45):
Rig right, Oh, a whole lot cheaper, right, yes.

Speaker 2 (16:50):
Well, anyway, what's on your mind today? Glad you called,
Thanks for what you do.

Speaker 9 (16:54):
And I appreciate you taking my call, But you know,
I wanted to touch on the border crisis, you know,
all the illegal immigrants coming over to our country. I'm
just kind of nervous that, you know, with you saying
it's not a matter of if, but when we get
hit with its terror attack, to me, their perfect opportunity
would be you to use these eighteen wheelers because you

see so many people not being able to speak Angcaus
I'm trying to put this in a nice way, not
being able to speak English from those countries over here
driving eighteen wheelers and look how much stuff they could
pack into it. They get the seat places that make
us vulnerable. And that's my concern with our border being
weak like it is.

Speaker 2 (17:36):
So you're basically saying if they loaded up an eighteen
wheeler with you know, really powerful weapons, that that could
create a lot of damage and and chaos.

Speaker 9 (17:47):
Correct, absolutely, I mean, if.

Speaker 2 (17:50):
You're you're one hundred percent right now. There are for example,
in New York. Many people don't know this. I wouldn't
disclose it if it wasn't already public, but I know
people that have gotten like a medical exam where you know,
some type of they shoot it with radiology die. I
don't know the whole process whatever, but they have radioactive

material in them, and they have these monitors throughout the
city of New York that instantly picked them up. And
police are like stopping people on the street and like,
you know, wondering if they have some type of some
type of radiology device that could bring damage and they're saying, well,
I just got back from the doctor, what are you

talking about? But at least that technology exists for some
level of defense. Now, with that said, there are a
whole lot of things you can do. What do we
learn with what happened in the Oklahoma City bombing? You know,
a bunch of fertilizer and fuel caused an awful lot
of damage, didn't it?

Speaker 9 (18:53):
It did, And it only took nineteen terrors to bring
us to our knees on nine to eleven.

Speaker 2 (18:59):
That's a great point. And I'm not wrong in my
prediction that there are terror cells in this country that
are plotting, planning and scheming. They will attack us. We're
gonna get hit, and we're gonna get hit, probably way
harder than you think.

Speaker 9 (19:12):
Absolutely, and I agree with you on that, and I
hope I'm like you. I hope that we're both wrong
that it don't happen. But it's bound to happen. With
the government that we have in here now, it's found.

Speaker 2 (19:24):
To happen, and fortunately the risk is much higher. That's
why two hundred and two days from now matters an
awful lot. I don't care who you are, and Republicans,
I'll say it again, and I know you think I'm
a broken record, and I'm okay with that, and that is,
please do not resist voting. Early voting by mail. Please

do not resist volunteering. Please you do everything you can
now so you don't wake up the morning after the
night before election day and wish you had done more.
Get involved now, they need your help. All right, my
friend listens, God speed on the road, stay safe, okay.

Speaker 4 (20:08):
All right, thank you, sir.

Speaker 2 (20:09):
There's a lot of a lot of jackasses that can
drive on the road. I deal with them all the time. Anyway,
back to our phone, Sean is number Sewn number two.
This one is in North Carolina. I guess I'm Sean
number three today. Anyway, Sean, how are you glad you called?

Speaker 7 (20:25):
Yeah, they're going Thanks for taking my call.

Speaker 2 (20:27):
What's going on?

Speaker 7 (20:29):
Uh No, I just wanted to bring up issue about
Arab voters. My wife is from Iraq. We've been married
for eight years, and I can just see within the
community that many of them have switched their stands and
we'll be voting for Trump.

Speaker 3 (20:47):
You know.

Speaker 2 (20:47):
The New York Post had a front cover story about
an Iranian woman who you know, is explaining how real
young people and real people are iron think that they
don't support this regime. Donald Trump, by taking the position
of bankrupting Iran was working. If Iran did not get

this influx of hundreds of billions of dollars because of
Biden importing their oil and you know, turning a blind
eye to sanctions and of providing sanctioned waivers. They wouldn't
have the money to be fomenting terror and these proxy
wars with the hoodie rebels and Hamas and Hezbolah and
these attacks that they have been involved in now themselves

against Israel. They wouldn't be giving Putin military support. Now
Putin is returning the favor giving military support. You know,
none of this would have happened, But nobody wants to
get that deep into the weeds unfortunately, which is sad
for our country.

Speaker 7 (21:50):
Yeah, they're very aware of the soft power of policies
of Democrats abroad and they're sick of it. And mm
hmm eight or twelve mail in ballots. I didn't really
want to last election, but I did.

Speaker 2 (22:08):
What did you do with eight mail in ballots?

Speaker 7 (22:10):
I signed for them as a witness signature.

Speaker 2 (22:14):
Oh, you didn't do anything illegal. You signed the witness
part right.

Speaker 7 (22:19):
And every single one of those will be Trump voters
this election, and many more and all their family, many
Arab Americans, Christian Arabs, Muslim Arabs.

Speaker 2 (22:32):
So you were a witness of legal ballot harvesting. It
sounds like, okay, we'll understand, all right, man, appreciate the call.
Thank you, Adam Utah. Next Sean Hannity Show, Hi.

Speaker 4 (22:44):
Well you can call me your Crownburger buddy.

Speaker 3 (22:48):

Speaker 2 (22:48):
By the way, just the fact that you mentioned that,
and right now I'm so freaking hungry. I really don't
like you because I love I'm only kidding, I love
Crown Burger.

Speaker 4 (23:00):
You know.

Speaker 2 (23:00):
It's everyone makes fun of me because somebody calls from
whatever city and it's like, oh, crowd Burger, Oh in
and out Burger, Oh so and so, barbecue, oh whatever,
or waffle house or cracker barrel or you know all
the places I love to eat that I only eat
when I'm on the road, eat at when I'm on
the road.

Speaker 3 (23:19):

Speaker 4 (23:20):
But hey, my question is I'm looking for an opinion.
Do you think that history we record these times as
the early days of World War three? Why or why not?

Speaker 2 (23:34):
It's a great question, I hope and pray the answer
is no. However, it would be very very naive of
me to say that. And let me just you know,
I wrote a book. I think it was back in
two thousand and four. When I published it, it was
called Deliver Us from Evil, Defeating Terrorism, Despotism and Liberalism.

Liberals got mad at the title. But if you don't
win the political battles, then you're going to have the
appeasement policies like we have in the case of Biden.
And if if in the last century, if it's any
indication of the depravity of what man's inhumanity of man
can look like, then it doesn't bode well for the

world situation now with war in Europe born in the
Middle East, the new access of evil Iran and China,
and Russia, Russia now quickly coming to Iran's defense and
military aid. It seems like, but if you go back
to the last century, what do we have. We had
Mao China, Stalin Russia, Hitler Germany, Mussolini Italy. You know,

you had you know, Pole Pot, the killing fields Tojo Japan,
and when you add up all the human death and
destruction in that century alone. My dad had spent four
years in the Pacific fighting in World War Two, and
you had altogether. The estimates are about one hundred million
human being slaughtered in the last century alone. Now we

had World War One, we had World War Two. We
know how World War two ended with war in Japan,
victory over Japan. It ended with Harry Truman launching you know,
Adam Baum's into Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And to this day
that that decision is questioned, I don't question it. I

think he made the right call, hard call, not fun.
But you know, we didn't start that war. They attacked
us a pearl harbor. They dragged us into it. It
became inevitable that the world had to unite against Nazi
Germany because of the you know, a madman that had
taken over. Evil does exist. I would argue that we

the regime in Iran is evil. It's evil on the
micro level, the way it treats its citizens, the way
it treats women. If you're gay or lesbian and you
live in Iran, they won't blink an eye. They're going
to throw you off a building and kill you. They're
evil in terms of the the proxy wars that they're

funding and having fought in the entire region, and the
death and destruction all associated with it. This attack against
Israel was not make for tend. It was real. They
talk about wiping Israel off the map. I think they
believe it. I think the ideology of convert or die
is very real. I think you have entire generations now

that have been indoctrinated into this mentality that you know,
if you die as a matter of jihad, that you
know God Roil Olive will will reward you with seventy
two virgins. Is real. People with that sick ideology exist
in this world today. So it'd be really dumb, naive

and stupid bit of me to not believe it can
happen again. History does have this uncanny ability to repeat itself,
doesn't it. It certainly seems. Let me put it another way.
I've been saying this, and I mean this. I have
never been more concerned about the future of this country

on an economic level than I am now. I've never
been concerned about the situation in the world as it's
currently configured as I am now. In large part, it's
because we have the worst president we've ever had in
our lifetime, both on domestic policy, economic policy, border policy,

energy policy, and he's abdicated America's role as the leader
of the free world. In its absence, it is that
void has been filled by the likes of China, Russia,
and Iran that are now I call the new Axis
of Evil. So the answer to your question is, do

I think this could escalate into World War three? I do, Yes,
I do.

Speaker 4 (28:11):
As part of that, do you think there would be
some nuclear exchanges?

Speaker 2 (28:16):
I think that the idea of a tactical nuke. I've
been reading about it all week, The possibility of tactical
nukes being used in conflict. Yeah, I think Plutin's capable
of it. I do. I think the Mud is an
ironic capable of it. I do. Do I think Kim
Jong un is capable of it? I do do I

think President She's capable of it, Probably ironically less so
because he's a little bit smarter and more strategic, But
I do think it's possible. Yes, it's a shame. Yeah,
He's are dangerous, chilling times. I don't think he can
write a novel and anybody like this that any one

would believe at this time. But anyway, eight hundred nine
one Shawn is hot number. I wish I had more
time to talk about this. It's sad, but yeah, I
do believe that, Linda, you disagree with anything. I said, no,
not at all.

Speaker 3 (29:14):
It is very sad and depressing, like so many other
things these days.

Speaker 2 (29:17):
Yeah, well, i'd say, you know, get to your pastor's
house even though you won't let me talk to him,
and pray. Right, that's going to wrap things up for today.
We'll update you on day two of this so called
trial in New York, which is just unbelievable to me.
Nobody in the media wants to tell you the real
truth facts around it, which just shows you how corrupt
they are. We'll have the latest also out of Israel.

We have Marco Rubio, we have Kerry Kopeck is going
to join us. Alan Dershwitz and Greg Jarrett will be
joining us together. Larry Cudlow, Mike Cuckabee, Steve Miller all
joining US News. I promise you're not going to get
from a very corrupt, abusively biased media mob. Nine Eastern
set you DVR Hannity on Fox SYA, then back here tomorrow.
Thank you for making this show possible.

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