All Episodes

April 19, 2024 31 mins

Bill O’Reilly, author of the upcoming book, Confronting the Presidents, No Spin Assessments from Washington to Biden,  joins us after his trip to Malta. From his message of the day:

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:30):
All right, Leonard skinnered simple man.

Speaker 2 (00:32):
That can only be one thing on this radio program,
and that is all things self proclaimed simple man, and
that means all things Bill O'Reilly, all things Bill O'Reilly
at Bill O'Reilly dot com. Mister O'Reilly, sir, I'm pretty
worked up today. I've been worked up for a while.
In two hundred and one days, we will have what

I believe is an inflection point for the country, the
most pivotal election in our lifetime. And we now find
ourselves at a point both on the world stage and
in this country that I never thought we would get to.
I never thought we'd have a president on trial for

something that happened over eight years ago, whose statute of
limitations were run out, and we have a local New
York DA trying to use federal criminal statutes to go
after the presidential candidate. Now, I'm going to be a
very generous post today, and I'm going to let you

pick whichever topic you want to start with, but I
like to get your comments on both.

Speaker 3 (01:43):
How are you, by the way, the quote Kenney loggins,
I'm all right, nobody worry about me. I'm fine back from.

Speaker 2 (01:51):
By the way, but nobody needs to worry about O'Reilly.
O'Reilly's good hat taken care of O'Reilly.

Speaker 3 (01:56):
So reliance. We have mugs at Bill O'Reilly dot com.

Speaker 1 (01:58):
And say that, oh my god, go ahead.

Speaker 3 (02:02):
So when I was over in Europe last week in Malta,
a very fascinating place for the column on it, I
was asking people because I did have breakfast with the
Defense minister over there, and this goes right into the
Israeli Iran situation. And Malti is the smallest country in
the EU, but obviously people in Europe attention. And I

asked him two questions. I said, well, what second census
of among them all tes about Joe Biden. And he
looked at me kind of blankly, and he goes, well,
he's not really a factor here. There's a lot of discussion,
a lot of media on him. I said, well, what
about Trump? Goes divide it? The Maltese like Trump's foreign

policy because there wasn't this kind of a threat. It
didn't exist in those four years, and you can extend
that to Ukraine. Don't like his stance on global warming.
Global warming is big in Europe. I thought that was
very interesting. So I'm not sure that Biden even knows.

And I'm not saying this in any kind of cheap
shot way, but I'm not sure that Biden even knows
the extent of the Iranian villainy. I just don't think
he understands it.

Speaker 2 (03:28):
Built Now we hang on a second, and I'm not
interrupting you, but I really need clarification here. Okay, you're
telling me that the President of the United States of
America does not understand because it's not a very complex
thing that he must understand here, right, that the Mullahs

in Iran that chant death to America, death to Israel,
that have been the number one state sponsor of terror,
that have fought proxy wars through the Huti rebels in Yemen,
that have been supplying Hezbalah with rockets to fire into
Israel for how many years now, and that literally their

Cuds forces and their Iranian Revolutionary Guards forces not only
helped plan the attack on October seventh that killed twelve
hundred Israelis, which would be the equivalent of forty thousand
dead Americans in a day based on their population size.
You're telling me that this president does not know the
danger that is Iran.

Speaker 1 (04:28):
Is that what you're telling me, I don't.

Speaker 3 (04:30):
Think he's able to calibrate it. And let me point
to something that happened on Monday.

Speaker 1 (04:34):
Oh my god, do you know how scary that is?

Speaker 3 (04:37):
Yeah, I'm well awarehouse scary it is. So he meets
with the Prime Minisser of Iraq. Now, traditionally, Iraq and
Iran our iminenties. They fought a war. They hate each other.
But now the Iranians that infiltrated Iraq to the extent
that this prime Minister's got to watch his butt every

day because there are sunes that would do him in.
And so you would think that that would be that
Iraq Prime Minister in Biden would have a dual press
conference about Iran. Right, wouldn't you the attactic police Saturday?
This meeting is taking place on Monday. Wouldn't you think

that they would have a joint press.

Speaker 2 (05:23):
Conference, Hannity, I would think, yes, the wister O'Reilly, sir?

Speaker 3 (05:29):
Right, anybody, anybody, you got the Prime Minister of Iraq
in the White House, you got the press, the worldwide
press sitting there, and you don't have a press conference
on it.

Speaker 1 (05:43):
On Saturday night.

Speaker 2 (05:45):
Joe Biden didn't even address the American people and has
not addressed them since what happened.

Speaker 3 (05:51):
You're making my point, he doesn't know. And let me
let me give you another one that you use on
your television broadcast. He's sitting next to the Prime Minister
of Iraq. He can't even summarize what they talked about
ten minutes earlier. He's got to read it off a card.

Speaker 2 (06:12):
And by the way, when he reads, they actually put
in big letters pause. Did you see the moment when
he reads pause?

Speaker 3 (06:20):
And we reported on the No Spit News my TV broadcast.
But when you put the puzzle together and the evidence
is overwhelming, there is the President of the United States,
and he's there, visible and he cannot assimilate information. So

b Lincoln and Sullivan, a Secretary of State and National
Security advisor, are in charge. They are making the decisions now.
I do not believe that they have told that Yahoo,
you cannot respond to Iran. I believe what they have
told him is give us a heads up on the response.

Make it something that is not going to start World
War III, because that's going to boomerang back on you.
You're the first target in the Muslim moral And they
use the word proportionally. I think that's what's in play.
Mine's not going to go out and tell Iran, tell Israel,

don't reply to Iran. I'm not going to do that.
If we're going to do that, he would have said
that when a Egypt, Egypt, when Israel killed the seven
Revolutionary Guard members two weeks ago, which prompted this attack
by Iran on Israel, he would have said something that
he said nothing. But for our purposes here in the

United States, it is beyond any reasonable doubt, Hannity, that
we have a president who does is incapable of understanding
complicated situations. He cannot understand them.

Speaker 1 (08:03):
Let me ask you a follow up question.

Speaker 2 (08:05):
Israel says they will retaliate against Iran, and there are
a lot of risks for them to do so. I
don't think they have any option, Bill, because this had
never happened before. And if they don't respond, they're only
inviting further aggression. And I think the only thing people
in a lot of these countries, these bully countries, these

countries that are sympathetic and support terrorism and the radical
ideology underlying their terrorism, they only understand strength.

Speaker 1 (08:38):

Speaker 2 (08:39):
And here's the saddest part to me and maybe the
lowest point of Biden's presidency, and there are a lot
of low points in my mind, and that is that
Joe Biden has now abandoned the war on terrorism. Both
in Israel's battle against Thomas and Hezbollah. They're fighting a
two front war. Most people are not aware of the

northern front Lebanon and his Volah, and now they are
going to have to go it alone with Iran. And
I will tell you that, Bill, O'Reilly to hear our
president not support them is to me, it is so
beneath It is such an ab he's abdicating the role

of the United States as the leader of the free world.
I'm not saying to send troops, Bill, I'm not even
saying to send money. Israeli's just want to buy weapons
from US, and we ought to give them that and
the moral support and approval to and our message should
be clear and unambiguous. Go win your war on terrorism,

because if forty thousand Americans died in one day in
this country, I think America would fight like it's never
fought before. And if they didn't fight, well, whoever was
president would be out within probably.

Speaker 3 (09:59):
Within Look, Biden is not going to take a leadership
role in this and it's not going to happen. So
we ought to be in a real world here. The
Israelis there are many different ways they can respond to
this attack, all right, And Massad is a pretty effective
intelligence agency, and the CIA is helping Israel. American should

know that American intelligence agencies, the CIA, the NSA, they're helping.
They knew this attack was coming days before the Israelis
were prepared for it.

Speaker 2 (10:33):
Hey, Bill, my sources told me on Thursday of last
week that it was likely Friday, but it may be Saturday.

Speaker 3 (10:39):
And you reported that and that's true. So we're the
United States is supporting Israel, but you're not going to
get a leadership profile from Joe Biden.

Speaker 2 (10:50):
Well, slow down a second. They are not supporting Israel's
the need to respond and retaliate. Well, if Israel doesn't retaliate, Bill,
you have now basically given a green light for more
of these attacks by the number one state sponsor of terror.
Israel needs to hit them hard. I see two options

that I would put on the table. Number One, they
probably need the US help, and that would be the
bunker buster bombs that would be necessary to take out
the nuclear sites. If the world doesn't take out those
sites before they get nuclear weapons, my prediction is they
will get them and they will use them because their
ideology will compel them to do so. Convert or die

number two And probably the best option that Israel can
do on their own is to take out their financial resources,
which would be their refineries, knock them out. That they
can do on their own without any help from the US.

Speaker 3 (11:49):
You have to be cautious year And I'm not going
to say no, you're wrong, but I think we don't
have you and me enough data to really make a
singular judgment on what should happen, because well, you do a.

Speaker 2 (12:05):
Great way, but you do agree that if Israel does
not retaliate, that you are emboldening.

Speaker 3 (12:12):
Do it without unintended consequences that make the situation even worse.
So China gets most of its oil from Iran. You
bomb the Iranian refineries, then you got a problem with China, okay,
and that has to be taken into consideration. So I
don't know. I mean, I'm more of a trump person

in retaliation. Now what does that mean? So if you
read killing the killers, because I think at research is
as thoroughly as anybody in the world. Trump does not
did not want war at a high level overseas. You
would agree with that, right, I'd agree.

Speaker 2 (12:56):
But he also, okay, you know, wiped out the Caliphate,
and he did it, and he did it in very
short order, and he was very effective.

Speaker 3 (13:05):
In dismantling ISIS. But he didn't want nation against nation,
and he to this day says, if I were president,
you wouldn't have Ukraine. Putin wouldn't have done that. That's
what Trump says. And Trump is very clear he doesn't
want nation against nation in a war circumstance. Well, what
Trump did, very effectively and quietly unusual for Trump, was

that he brought in a number of military options to
destroy a fairly sophisticated operation Isis. He killed them all,
all the leadership and again, killing the killers is the
book to read if you want to know how he
did it. That option exists today. You can pretty much

assassinate every major Iranian leader. It's not like Putin, all right,
The Iranians are vulnerable to that. Putin's not You never
see him, He's not visible. He controls everything around him.

Speaker 2 (14:04):
Iron doesn't let me tell you what I do know too,
and I've got to run after those who you and
I could talk about this all day is Saudi Arabia, Jordan,
the Emirates, Egypt. They all want Iran knocked out because
and that was the beauty that Trump was able to
pull off. And very few people knew it that he

created an alliance between all of these countries against Iranian
hegemony in the region. And none of them want Iran
have a nuclear weapon. Right, all things simple, man, Bill
O'Reilly Bill Oreilly dot com, Welcome back. Glad you had
a good vacation, sir, Thanks.

Speaker 3 (14:41):
For having me appreciate it.

Speaker 2 (14:43):
Eight and ninety four one sewn on number. We'll hit
the phones when we come back. Now, when cool stuff
does occasionally happen in Washington and somebody steps up and
just utterly destroys somebody, you gotta play it, and we
got to just let you know, oh this there's a
little hope in the world. Such a moment came yesterday

with Senator Josh Hawley going right after Jennifer grand Home
over presiding over institutionalized corruption within her department, and then
right to her face calls on her to reside listen.

Speaker 4 (15:18):
And on the board of directors at Protera. You made
millions CNN reports and stock options at Protera. Then you
you promoted Protera stock and Proterra products as Energy secretary.
Was that one of the stocks that you sold?

Speaker 3 (15:32):
This is so?

Speaker 4 (15:34):
I mean really was that one of the stocks? So?

Speaker 5 (15:36):

Speaker 6 (15:36):

Speaker 4 (15:36):
No, you were presiding over institutionalized corruption in your energy department.
You have violated the Stock Act nine separate times. You
have been referred by the Inspector General for violations of
the Hatch Act. It is institutionalized corruption that you are
now the face of. And here's what I'm trying to
figure out. I just want to know who really runs

the energy department?

Speaker 5 (15:58):
Is it you?

Speaker 4 (15:59):
Or is it the the corporations who stock that you
own that you're making profits in, Oh my goodness. Or
maybe it's the foreign billionaires who fund your conferences. Let's
try something else. Do you know the names of the
foreign billionaires who fund the conferences you go to? Since
you don't know the socks, do you know the names
of the foreign billionaires?

Speaker 3 (16:16):
This is unbelievable to me.

Speaker 4 (16:18):
Let me help, mister chairman. One of them is George Weiss,
a Swiss billionaire who has used various dark money front
I do not know what you to funnel various dark
money's front groups to funnel foreign money into American politics.
He has used the Burger Action Fund twenty million dollars
that then sent money to the Fund for a Better Future,

that then sent money to the Climate Power Group that
has funded conferences you've attended. Do you know who this is?
You think it's a no idea to attend conferences idea
foreign billionaires.

Speaker 6 (16:50):
I have no idea what you're talking.

Speaker 4 (16:52):
You don't know the stocks, you don't know the billionaires.
You would take no responsibility. Meanwhile, your Energy Department executives
in your Energy department are trading stocks and companies that
they have direct oversight over, and you were too fagretary.
All I have to say is this record is just deplorable.
It is despicable. It is outrageous that hundreds of officers
in the Energy Department are trading shares. It is outrageous

that you misled us. It is outrageous correct that you
are continuing to mislead us. And it is outrageous you're
going to conferences and events funded by foreign billionaires using
dark money to try to influence our politics. This has
got to change. And frankly, you should go.

Speaker 2 (17:29):
Another great moment from yesterday, Merrick Garland. Now they're having
all these meetings, for example, they had Mayorcis in, they
have Merrick Garland, and this is all about funding at
this point, and every department wants their quote fair share.
Senator Kennedy probably one of my favorite senators because he's
so damn smart and funny at the same time. But

he's asking Merrick Garland a question and he won't answer.
Senator Kennedy's question about why the DOJ let the statute
of limitations run out on Hunter Biden so he couldn't
be prosecuted.

Speaker 1 (18:04):
He won't answer that question.

Speaker 7 (18:06):
Listen, mister Hunter Biden did not pay taxes on one
million dollars in twenty fourteen. In twenty fifteen, and he
deducted payments from his income tax for personal expenses when
he did file for hookers, for Lamborghini, for strip clubs,

for sex clubs, for porn website memberships. Why did the
Department of Justice let the statute of limitations run as
you well know, so you can't prosecute.

Speaker 8 (18:40):
As you well know, Senator, that investigation is being conducted
by mister Weiss, who was appointed by President Trump to
be the US Attorney in Delaware. Much of the investigation
they're talking about occurred during the previous administration under mister Weiss.

Speaker 1 (18:56):
I mean, every once in a while, you got to
give props.

Speaker 2 (18:59):
Props to Josh Haull, props to Senator Kennedy for doing
the right thing. All right, eight hundred ninety four one, Sean,
if you want to be a part of the program,
let's say hi to Barbara, our friend in Maryland. Barbara High,
how are you. It's been a while. Welcome back, glad
you called.

Speaker 6 (19:14):
Thanks for taking my call. Sean, it has been a while.
Your lines are so busy it's hard getting vide you.

Speaker 1 (19:20):
You missed me, though, so you keep trying. I do
appreciate it.

Speaker 2 (19:23):
You've been a friend of this program for a long time,
although occasionally you've been wrong, only occasionally.

Speaker 6 (19:29):
Well, I tell you what, I think you're right today
about what's happening with Israel, and as far as our
president not being not knowing, it's called dementia. I think
it's time that people just face the fact about that
something needs to be done about him before he gets
us all killed. I just I was surprised the day

after I ran and launched all of those missiles at
Israel into Israel what they were trying to do. I
was surprised the next day that there maybe was it demolished,
their air force demolished, and the oil refineries burning. That
would have been decisive. It would have it would have
stopped all this speculation about oh, don't respond. I'm getting

so sick of this weak approach to the situation. I
don't think it can be approached that way, Sean. I
think they need to take the bull by the horse
and should have done it already.

Speaker 2 (20:24):
Well, I look, I don't I think Israel needs time.
I think it probably has been a little bit of
a shock that Joe Biden and the United States of
America abandoned the war on terrorism, and they did it
for pure political expediency and ambition. I bet that is

beyond disappointing. I mean, did you did you ever have
a close friend just kind of stabbed you in the
back and it kind of takes your breath away and
you never expected it, but it happens. We've all experienced that, right,
I mean, this is this is now happened on a
pretty spectacular level. I mean the fact that we have
a president of the United States that doesn't have the

moral clarity to understand that number one, Israel needs to
win its war. It's not our war, it's their war.
They acknowledge that they've never asked for one boot on
the ground. They're not asking for anything other than our support,
and our support would come in the form of helping
them build up their ammunitions, and even if we sell

it to them. I mean, they certainly need to be
able to defend themselves. And from a moral standpoint, you
would think that that's not a hard decision for an
American president, the so called leader of the free world.
This president has abdicated that role, and I don't think
it should be a tough moral quandary or a dilemma

or the United States president to say that Israel has
every right to respond to the three underd quote missile
attacks that they were able to fight back on on
Saturday night, that's a no brainer too. But based on
the history of radical appeasement of Obama and Biden in

the in Obama's term as president and Biden literally helping
to make the Iranian Mullas rich again, I guess we
really shouldn't be surprised that he will not support Israel
and their right to defend their country against an unprovoked attack.
You know, this is the number one state sponsor of terror.

They have been promoting all of Israel's enemies, they have
been arming all of Israel's enemies. They've been coordinating attacks,
including the attacks on October seventh that took the lives
of twelve hundred Israelis and hundreds of others taken hostage,
many of those killed, others raped, many still being held today.
This should not be a moment of moral ambiguituity. This

should be a moment of moral clarity.

Speaker 1 (23:02):
What is our aim?

Speaker 2 (23:04):
Victory, Victory at all costs against the monster's kidd any
You know, all I have to offer is blood, toile,
tears and sweat. That's all we need to do. And
we ought to be supporting. You know, Joe Biden has
basically now emboldened terrorism in the form of Hamas and

in the form of Iran. And that is an embarrassing
but yet sad pathetic moment for the world and for
this country. And that is why what happens in two
hundred and one days is gonna freaking matter. I hope
people are paying attention. All right, we love you, Barbara
god Bush. I think I left your speech speechless. All right,

quick break, right back to the phones. Eight hundred and
nine to four one, Sean. If you want to be
a part of the program.

Speaker 9 (23:55):
The final hour of the Sean Hannity Show is up next.
Hang on for conservative solutions.

Speaker 2 (24:08):
I'm back to our busy phones. Daved, New Jersey, Dave, Hi,
how are you glad you called?

Speaker 5 (24:13):
Sar good efternoon? Sean. Thank you for taking my call.

Speaker 1 (24:17):
I bet what's on your mind?

Speaker 5 (24:20):
The reason I called is President Trump's current court case
in Manhattan. On yesterday morning, driving to work, I listened
to CBS News Radio the recap out of New York City,
and you.

Speaker 2 (24:36):
Ought to be listening to our flagship, the All New
Am seven to two R. You'll get a lot more
truth and information from them.

Speaker 5 (24:44):
I understand that. But I also listen to mainstream media
because I like to hear what they report and more importantly,
what they often don't report. And that's really what I'm
calling about. They reported that the judge threatened to put
President Trump in jail if he was not in court,
and instead decided to attend the Supreme Court case in

Washington next Thursday.

Speaker 1 (25:12):
And while it's a it's repulsive, isn't it.

Speaker 5 (25:15):
Yeah, it's important to most Americans. But I don't think
that's something that the average Joe like I can relate
to because I don't have skin in the game in
regards to the Supreme Court.

Speaker 2 (25:27):
Yeah, I think you're okay, you describe yourself as an
average Joe.

Speaker 1 (25:30):
I kind of consider myself the same thing.

Speaker 2 (25:32):
Okay, my job I do publicly, your job, you work
just as hard in whatever field of endeavor you're in Privately.
I think the average Joe can understand this. It makes
sense that, Okay, that's a Supreme Court case. There's a conflict,
and certainly the president should have a right to be
there for oral arguments, just like you should. It shouldn't

be a question about whether or not he can attend
his son, Baron's high school graduation.

Speaker 3 (25:58):

Speaker 5 (25:58):
Well, And that's the one thing I want to talk
about is because they did not report on the fact
that the judge threatened President Trump with jail again if
he chose to attend his son's high school graduation, and
that I believe is something that most Americans can relate
to Because.

Speaker 2 (26:17):
By the way, did they mention on this broadcast that
the judge donated a Joe Biden? Did they mention that,
based on the law in New York, that the judge
should have recused himself. I've read the law many times.
I won't regurgitate that here. Did they mention that either?

Speaker 5 (26:33):
Well, of course the rhetorical questions and you know the
answer to that, of course not. But my point is, Sean,
that most Americans can relate to a high school graduation,
whether you were the graduate or you have a child
or level one graduating, and that's a once in a
lifetime event. It cannot be recreated or relived. And for

the judge to threaten the president like that, that's unconscionable.
And I think most Americans, regardless of their political persuasion,
would relate to that. What I'm asking, what I'm proposing
is that people like me who listen to you, we
know this, We've heard about it, but there are millions

of Americans who are not aware of it because they
listen to mainstream media. So I'm suggesting, because you do
great montages of the mainstream media's talking points, the Democrat
talking points and they pirate the same words. So any
Republican or Trump supporter that has a broadcast on mainstream,

whether it be TV, radio, podcast, regardless of the topic,
that they work into it what this judge threatened the
president with, because if that word gets out to the
vast public, millions of Americans who haven't heard it, I'm
sure it will sway some votes.

Speaker 2 (28:06):
I'll add one thing to what you're saying, and what
you're saying is very smart, and the one thing that
I would add to it is that while all of
the other people that will be involved in this case
and testifying in this case are out there all over TV,
this president doesn't have his freedom of speech rights. He's
been muzzled, he's been silenced, he's been threatened with jail

if he dares talk about the case. That's unfair too.
You make too much sense to actually ever be an
elected official. But I'd say you'd be a good one
if you ever tried. Dave new Jersey, thank you for
listening to AM seven to ten wor We appreciate it,
Okay eight hundred ninety four one, Sean, if you want
to be a part of the program, you know what

the Biden administration is doing. Joe talked about it yesterday.
They want to tax you to the brink. They want
eighty seven thousand new IRS agents to harass you. They
want to control you with a digital dollar. The government
would then know every penny you dare spend and what
you spend it on. Forget about privacy rights. And that's

why there are thousands and thousands of hard working patriotic
Americans opting out of the system, diversifying their savings with
precious metals like gold and silver. Now, if you've been
following the price of gold and silver, they have been
hitting record high after record high after record high, because

most people rightly see that the Biden economy is getting
into very dangerous territory. Now that's where my friends a
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to qualify for the up to ten thousand and bonus silver.
That's gold code eight five five eight one five gold.
Let's face facts, America is not the same country we
once knew. Violent crime is spiking at an alarming rate,

but the media they don't want to tell you about it.

Speaker 6 (30:57):

Speaker 2 (30:58):
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