All Episodes

April 19, 2024 31 mins

Congressman Greg Steuebe, of Florida’s 17th district is moving forward with 60+ GOP House colleagues to designate 11 Iranian proxies as Foreign Terrorist Organizations. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Our final news round up and Information Overload hour.

Speaker 2 (00:06):
All Right, News round Up, Information Overload Hour, Toll free
Warrior Calls coming up eight hundred and nine to four
one Sean, if you'd like to be a part of
the program. I have gone through a couple of times
so far this week, and I'm going to remind you
some of the highlights of the level of radical appeasement
of the number one state sponsor of terror, and that

is Iran. It started in the Obama Biden administration. If
you remember, you know the amount of money that would
become available to the Iranian regimes that had been sanctioned
and held up in foreign banks. It was up to
one hundred and fifty billion dollars. Now why was it
being held up? So they can't use that money to
foment more terrorism? And don't forget the planeload of cash

and other currencies that Obama sent over to Iran to
make the Iranian mullas rich again. And of course you
know Biden played a role in that deal. It is
beneath the dignity of this institution. Here he said this
as Vice President about Republican senators who wrote that Iran's
leaders and their warnings that any nuclear deal between the

US and Iran would likely be short lived. Well, why
would they believe it, There wasn't even a mandate. And
then guess what, Joe Biden gets elected president in twenty twenty,
Donald Trump removed, brought back the sanctions against Iran, got
rid of this for insane Iranian deal. Joe Biden gets

into office, and he gets sworn in in January of
twenty twenty one. By March of twenty twenty one, well,
the United States is importing sixty six thousand barrels of
oil a day from the number one state sponsor of
terror and turning a blind eye to the Iranian mullahs

and the sanctions that were on the books in place
selling their oil abroad, and estimates range anywhere from eighty
billion dollars to one hundred plus billion dollars of moneies
that they made so they can foment even more terrorism.
This is insane. And then of course the hostage deal

is made and Biden agreed to give them six billion
more dollars, which I don't believe got transferred in the end,
but he made the deal. And then Biden signed a
waiver on sanctions when it came to the Iraqis and
payments that they owed the Iranians for electricity, and that's
ten billion more in the coffers of mullahs in Iran,

the same people funding the Huti Rebels, the same people that,
according to reports, were involved in every stage of the
plotting and the planning and the scheming and providing the
military equipment for Hamas to who to attack Israel. This
the worst terror attack in their history in October seventh,
twelve hundred dead Israelis, hundreds taken hostage. How many people

were raped and brutalized that day? Well, where did they
get the money for all of this? Where did the
money ever come from? Everyone says, well, you got to
take care of the Palestinian people. Where did the money
come from to build the network? The hundreds and hundreds
and hundreds of miles of terror tunnels that I've been
in sophisticated as they are all throughout all throughout the

region in southern in the southern part of Israel, than
Gaza into Israel, so they can kill and capture Israelis.
You know, Biden continued, You know, Iran's access to the
ten billion dollars after their proxy killed three American soldiers.
It was six weeks later, this was the attack in

Jordan and President Brought Biden approved a sanctions waiver giving
Tehran more access more than more than to access of
more than ten billion dollars. And then anyway, so this
terror attack, the worst than Israel's history happens. And what
does Biden do. He keeps calling for immediate ceasefires. He
keeps chastising and criticizing Israel for trying to win the

war on terrorism that was started by the terror group PAMAS,
who in its charter calls for the destruction of Israel
and immediate ceasefire is essential. Now, when I asked to
make a comment about the threat of Iran attacking Israel
before the attack, and what was what was his response?
One word, don't hey, Joe. They did, They did, Joe.

And now Israel, if they do not retaliate, they will
be setting up, they will be setting themselves up in
the region up it that Iran will will feel emboldened
and can act with impunity and attack any time they want.
And for Joe Biden to tell our number one ally

that no, we're not going to support any offensive action.
And in retaliation when they should be telling Israel it
very clear, there's no moral ambiguity win your war on terror.
But it's not just Joe, it's the entire radicalized Democratic Party.
The whole party has become the radical squad. Chuck Schumer

calling for new elections as Israel is in a fight
for its very survival. Wow, Nancy Pelosi, you know, calling
for Biden to stop any transfer of any weapons to
Israel as they are fighting back radical Islamic terrorism. You know,
then of course you have AOC and the squad and

congresswoman to leave, you know, all accusing Biden of supporting genocide.
And then Biden gets the scare of his life. Over
one hundred thousand people in Michigan vote uncommitted as it
comes to the Democratic primary election in Michigan eighteen point
nine percent of Democratic voters over fifty thousand. Same thing

in Wisconsin. So Joe Biden has chosen as his blind
political ambition over over standing against radical Islamic terrorism. Never
thought America would sink that low. That's a low for
Joe and John Kirby denying any knowledge about unfreezing billions
of dollars for Iranian leaders listen.

Speaker 3 (06:21):
Now that we know that the Iranians do not listen
to President Biden's public warnings, is there any regret here
about unfreezing billions of dollars for Iranian leaders during the presidents.

Speaker 4 (06:33):
Of What unfreezing are you talking about?

Speaker 3 (06:35):
He unfrozen billions of.

Speaker 4 (06:37):
Dollars Monian leaders?

Speaker 5 (06:39):

Speaker 4 (06:41):
I don't think so?

Speaker 3 (06:41):
Okay, So, first of all, hey, it's for humanitarian purposes.
But doesn't that but you don't believe me, Well, doesn't
that free up money for them to spend on other stuff?
Where do you get the money for an unprecedented number
of munitions to fire at Israel?

Speaker 4 (06:53):
So first of all, I'm betting if they're sitting in Tehran,
they're taking it seriously. When President Biden says he's going
to defend Israel, we put skin in the game, a
whole heck of a lot of it and knocked almost
everything out of the sky. So I'm betting they're taking
it pretty seriously. And as for this unfreezing, none of
that fund none of those funds fund set up in

an account, by the way, by the previous administration, goes
directly to the Supreme Leader. The IRGC can only be
used for humanitarian purposes, and we're watching that account very
very closely to make sure that that's what happens anyway.

Speaker 2 (07:28):
Joining us now is Congressman Stuby Greg Stuby in Florida's
seventeenth district. He's moving forward with sixty plus GOP House
colleagues to designate eleven Iranian proxies as foreign terrorist organizations. Congressman,
welcome back to the program. Anything you would add to
the history that I'm trying to lay out here.

Speaker 1 (07:49):
No, and I think you did first. Thanks for having
me on, and I think you did an excellent job
laying out all of the failures of this Biden administration
and how they have enriched boldened Iran to do what
they're doing. I mean, right before Hamas attacked Israel, I
think it was two months before they the Biden administration

gave three hundred and fifty million dollars to the quote
Palestinian Authority for quote humanitarian aid, which you very well
laid out, is going to fund terrorism. That money we
know now, we've known for a long time goes to
fund terrorism, and this administration is continuing to do it.
And I think he made a very good point which
is why people ask me all the time, why would

Democrats do this? Why would Democrats not stand with Israel?
Why would Democrats give more money to the Iranians? And
you hit the point. It's because the far left of
their party and the progressives in their party, the pro
Palestinians in their party, will not vote Democrat and not
vote for Joe if he doesn't go up against Israel
and not stand with the Iranians and the pro Palestinian

type people. So it's completely a political calculation, and I
hope it blows up in their face and every Jewish
American that cares about their own and cares about Israel
votes for President Trump knowing that President Trump will stand
with those people in Israel.

Speaker 2 (09:07):
Israel never had a more reliable and better friend than
Donald J. Trump, starting with moving the embassy out of
Tel Aviv into Jerusalem its rightful place, supporting Israel in
their battle against radical terrorism, the Abraham Accords, and I
think he pulled off something that he never got enough

credit for, and that was building a coalition that consisted
of the US, Israel, Egypt, Jordan, the Emirates, Saudi Arabia
and they all aligned together, sharing intelligence at levels that
they'd never done before, all against Iranian hegemony. I could

tell you because I know for a fact that Egypt, Jordan,
Saudi Arabia, all of these countries they do not support
Iran and they see Iran rightly. So they have more
moral clarity than are the president of this country in
terms of understanding the clear and present danger that Iran

poses the world and how their radical ideology of convert
or die, coupled with nuclear weapons would result probably in
a modern day holocaust. And that is not hyperbole, oh.

Speaker 1 (10:21):
Absolutely, And Trouble was the only person in the history
of our country in the world it was able to
bring all those people together in agreeance on that. And
you just it's just amazing to me how far left
this administration has gone, and that myself.

Speaker 2 (10:37):
It's not just the administration, though, is it. It's the
entire Democratic the radicalized Democratic Party. Basically they are led
by the squad. They are the squad.

Speaker 1 (10:47):
Oh, we've been voting the last couple of days on
bills that would be pro Israel, going against Iranian proxies,
and just look at the number of Democrats that are
voting against it. Five years ago, crats wouldn't have voted
against us and would have stood with us and stood
in Israel for Israel, and you have You're right. The
entire party has lurched to the left because politically, you

hit it on the head. They know that they can't
upset those in the Muslim community, the pro Palestinian community
that are far left progressives in their party to not
vote for Joe in November.

Speaker 2 (11:20):
Quick break right back, and when we come back, we'll
hit the phones toll free. Are numbers eight hundred ninety
four one sean if you want to be a part
of the program. As we continue, all right, our final
moments with Congressman Greg Stuby, he is with the Florida
seventeenth district. As we continue our discussion, did you ever
think you'd see in America in the halls of Congress?

Do you ever think you'd see on college campuses all
around the country. Did you ever think you'd see worldwide
all over Europe, other continents like Australia, et cetera. Do
you ever think you'd see such virulent hatred, radicalized anti
semitism in your lifetime? Because I never thought I no,
and not.

Speaker 1 (12:01):
Only anti Semitism, but anti American. I mean you see
people in it.

Speaker 2 (12:05):
Oh, you mean like death to America being chanted in Michigan?
You mean that? Yeah, you don't have a problem with that, Congressman,
do you. I mean everybody should be able to chant
death to their own country, right, that's not a problem.

Speaker 3 (12:17):

Speaker 1 (12:17):
And right down the hallway for me is a pro
Palestinian flag in front of Rashida Sleib's office. And never
in a million years did you think that I, certainly
in my lifetime, would have experienced this. But this was
a calculated decision all the way back to the Obama
administration to allow immigration from all these different countries that
are pro Palestinian, that are pro Somalian, that are changing

the dynamic greatly in America.

Speaker 2 (12:41):
Well, I never thought that Joe Biden would allow ten
million unvetted illegal immigrants from and tens of thousands coming
from China, Russia, Iran, Syria, Egypt, and Afghanistan. But that's
exactly what I keep telling people every day. And I
don't have any doubt in my mind at all whatsoever
that Joe Biden has allowed terror cells into this country

and they probably are currently plotting, planning, scheming the next
nine to eleven The next October seventh or worse, and
we will see it. It's not a matter of what.
It's not a matter of if. It's a matter of
when this is going to happen, and I got to
imagine it's probably going to be sooner rather than later.

Speaker 1 (13:22):
Well, don't forget the forty thousand Chinese Communist Party, the
over thirty thousand Russians that are all coming in here
not to live the American dream, but to destroy America.
Even the FBI Director Ray, not too long ago, who's
in the Biden administration, has said that this is a
very dangerous time and they expect something.

Speaker 2 (13:39):
It's the third congressional appearance he's made where he said it.
I have a question, why isn't Director Rays, who's the
head of the FBI, why isn't he demanding that Biden
enforce our immigration law?

Speaker 1 (13:52):

Speaker 2 (13:53):
Amen have an answer to that. I don't know. I
think in that sense, if he understands the nature of
the threat and it's never been this severe, which she
keeps saying, why is any doing something about it?

Speaker 1 (14:04):
Yep? Because we all know it's coming from the southern border,
and we all know that they're doing this intentionally and
deliberately again for a political purpose. But it's not making
America safe. It's actually creating terrorism havens and opportunities to
attack Americans.

Speaker 2 (14:18):
Pretty scary times. Congressman Greg Stuby, Florida's seventeenth district, What
does your district consist of? Where are you.

Speaker 1 (14:25):
Sarasota, Charlotte and Lee Counties South?

Speaker 2 (14:28):
You got you got one of the best seats in Congress,
by the way, just.

Speaker 1 (14:31):
Saying yeah, everybody's moving there.

Speaker 2 (14:34):
I guess, yeah, exactly. But anyway, we appreciate you being
with us. Congressman Stuby, eight hundred and ninety four one
Seawn is our number if you want to be a
part of the program. So when I got word on
Friday that this attack by Iran, the number one state
sponsor of terrorism, was going to happen against Israel, I

got very alarmed. I had a couple of friends that
I knew were in Israel for varying reasons, and John
and Rassic, for example, he was there to sing that
song we've played that we played again. Maybe tomorrow we'll
have John on the program. But he was there and
he was literally, you know, singing his music before the

people of Israel. Just hours before this unprecedented attack by
the Iranian regime. Another friend of mine was there, somebody
everybody's familiar with, and it's the great one, Mark Levin.
So it was literally during this radio program, I'm feverishly
typing away and texting away. Mark you awake, Mark, you awake.

I'm texting his family. Is anybody there. I need you
to get a hold of Mark. Call Mark, Call Mark,
call Mark. Tell him. I needed to talk to him.
Tell him it's an emergency. Tell him it's an emergency.
Because I was. I have very good sources in Washington,
and they told me that it was light. They thought
it was likely going to happen after sunset on Friday.
It ended up happening on Saturday. Mark, for some by

some miraculous way. You know. It's six hours later. He
was asleep and he woke up, he saw my text
and he called me immediately. I said, Mark, this is real.
These sources are impeccable, and he said he understood, and
he had been hearing similar things himself. And anyway, he
was there up until yesterday and now he's home safe.

I assume you're going to be on your radio program
in what about twenty minutes from right now, and you're
gonna tell a lot more. I'm not trying to steal
your thunder here. I just wanted to say, first, welcome home,
and I'm grateful you're okay. And you had a lot
of interesting things that you were telling me. Why you
were there, how you doing, hey.

Speaker 5 (16:42):
Buddy, person of all, I will tell you I had
no fear whatsoever. I mean, you had one of the
greatest militaries on the face of the earth, and itself
to this really day in and day out, in one
form or another. And that's the Israeli military, back to
the greatest military on the face of the earth, the
United States military. And the only fear you would have

is that Joe Biden would screw things up. He pretty
much did. I was watching reports at the time, Sean
about how the people are psychologically affecting it if people
in Israel are very very strong people, and I saw
it more in the middle of this than ever before.
Let me tell you something, these people are warriors. They

are not backing down. They have nowhere to go, Seans.
They can't just agree to whatever Biden says, the Chancellor
of Germany or the yuon They have nowhere to go.
This is in their land for four thousand years and
they are not going anywhere, and they will fight to
the end if they have to. The only people holding
them back from literally crushing Iran are the Democrats, are

the Europeans, and Biden and so forth and so on.

Speaker 2 (17:52):
Bob Biden has done the worst. But I don't want
to interrupt.

Speaker 5 (17:55):
You go ahead, as far as I'm concerned, and my wife,
my stepsons who were there, we were fine. But they
want the American people to understand when you go to
a hotel there there are signs to the nearest shelter everywhere.
When you walk down the streets, there's signs on the
nearest shelter everywhere. This country is under constantcies by Iran.

Missiles are coming today as we speak from Hesbolag, which
is a massive terrorist army that has destroyed Lebanon. They
assassinated the former president of Lebanon to take it over,
who was Christian. It was a Christian Muslim country. It
was a real pearl in the Middle East. It was
a fantastic democracy. They destroyed it. Lebanon. The gods of

strip Po now Iraq, Yemen, and so this whole thing
about a two state solution shows you what a bunch
of ignoramuses were dealing with. What two state solutions. Ron's
not interested in the two state solution. Ron's interested in control,
including with and what really upsets me Sewan is is

I was sitting there thinking about it. I was sitting
in this show. I was pissed off.

Speaker 2 (19:07):
Look, look, can I confirm one thing you remember? And
I've been to Israel a number of times as you
have been, And during one of those trips is when
I went into the Terror tunnels and this was in
the middle of a flare up. Actually I saw a
rocket literally explode, you know, two or three hundred yards
away from me while I was there. I went to

a place to eat one day. I went back the
next day and the parking lot cars had been bombed
out from the night before. I went to a town
called Stroad, which is on the border of Gaza. You
can see Gaza with the naked eye, and this is
where ten thousand plus rockets at that time had been
fired into that one border town alone. And I saw

the remnants of recovered rockets in the police station when
I was there. And this is the town where I
went into the underground plague around bunkers. Kids can't play
outdoors because if they fire a rocket is there in
ten to thirteen seconds. They don't have enough time to
get to safety. So the kids never come out. And
let me just reaffirm a point you made. I was

asking the people because this was during a flare up
too and the Kibbutz had got hit the night before,
which is a neighborhood in Israel, and I was asking
the people, why do you stay? And they looked at
me like I was insane, and that the answer was
an affirmative. This is our home, We're not leaving. And

I was stunned at the answer because I thought, well,
what would I do? And I said, I probably try
and find a safer place to live and let my
kids get some vitamin D and play outside. But I
can i from my experience what you are saying. This
is the threat. They have lived under their whole lives
since night the UN partition plan in forty eight.

Speaker 5 (20:58):
And Sean, here's the problem of all these people calling
that yag. We're telling him what's doing so for he
said that he appreciates all the advice and the different suggestions,
but he's going to do what he needs to do.
The people of Israel want Iran to be hit. You
cannot descend yourself by simply descending yourself. You got to

take out the missile silos and other things. And from
my perspective, when you listen to Joe Biden, this is very,
very important. When he said the United States will not
support Israel should it go on offense, he's saying that
includes should Israel go ASKU the nuclear sites, they will
not support Israel. Bottom line America is Joe Biden has

already telegraphed to Iran that they can go ahead with
their nuclear program. He has effectively funded their nuclear program.
He's effectively funded their terrorism acx so Hamas and has
Blah and the PLO and the rest against Israel. He's
actually transferred more money directly and indirectly to Iran than

to Ukraine. And he has had no support in the
United States Congress. They don't ask the United States Congress
what this man is doing. And the fact of the
matter is, I don't want to get into my conversations
I had with top people over there, but I have
my own view and I also posted it and I
told you about it. A lot of this was choreographed.

I've never seen drones come in have have lights on them.
They all the drones have lights on them. For what
he puts lights on drones when you shoot them at night.
The whole point is to shoot them at night. They
came in with light I saw it. They came in
with lights on them. And why because they wanted them
to be shipped. They wanted to go through this process.

That's not to say the strategic to defense activities aren't
very very important, but if if Iran was going to
attack is a different way, it would have been more
difficult for Israel to defend. And Israel we're going on
the immediate offense immediate office. People need to understand the
Israeli Air Force. It's one of the greatest air forces

in the planet. These pilots they take the jets that
we sell them, whether they're at fifteens, that sixteens, not less,
thirty fives and so, and they change them, they add
more technology. And the deal is when they develop more
technology and add more technology, they agree to share it
with the United States. It's same with these various defense missiles,
the patient missiles and everything. They've been in a collaboration

with the United States for almost thirty years. They take
their mithile defense system is the most advanced on the
face of the earth, more advanced than ours. How many
missile defense systems do we have in the United States?
I happen to know. They can't divulge that because when
I was a justice, I know. But it is not
even close to descending this nation. Way had batteries of

them and so forth. So as they advance the iron dome,
the slain shot, they are different types that I'm aware of.
There could be more of missile defense systems depending on
the types of missiles that are fired. The reason is
it's extremely expensive, and they share that information with the
United States. It's one of the reasons India is such

a close relationship with Israel, because they're facing down China
and they need the technology to protect themselves too well.

Speaker 2 (24:24):
Why is it that Russia and China, and I'm sure
that Russia in particular would not mind sharing with Iran?
Why is it they have hypersonic missiles and we don't mark.

Speaker 5 (24:35):
Because we're in a suicide mission right now where we'll
spend a fortune on everything more than it's necessary except
our security. And I want to have one last point
on this Sean. I don't care what people say we
don't fund with arms. If we don't provide arms the Israel,
the Taiwan and Ukraine, we got a huge problem in

our hands because these are our allies. They're the ones
putting lives on the line. In one case the fight
around and terrorism, and the other to confront and stand
to China. The other is Cutans who wants to cut
through Ukraine. I don't care what people keeps saying. They
want to he wants to cut through Ukraine and he's
aimed at the Balkans and Poland. And you're afraid of
a world war, you're afraid of that sort of thing.

These little countries, they're little countries, Taiwan against China, Ukraine
against Russia, Israel against the entire fring of Middle East.
These people are standing up, they're putting their lives on
the line. They're doing everything they can and it's not
like we have Well, I've said enough. Can I say
one quick thing on this impeachment thing. I'm going to
bring up the constitution very very quickly, and I'll let

you go. And I say this not as a braggart.
Nobody has studied impeachment more than I have. And I've
studied the great scholars, Raoul Berger, Professor Charles Allen, all
the rest. I've gone back and I looked at that
clause high crimes and misdemeanors. I went back and looked
at English law. I went back and looked at what
the Parliament used to do. He's a vither king, and

so forth and so on. This is with a Mearci's impeachment.
It is beyond an overwhelming case of high crimes and mystery.
It's not a policy issue which they throw out there.
That's number one. Number two. There's not a single word
in the history of the debates on our Constitution, and
impeachment was the second most debated issue beside the Office

and the Presidency, about the Senate dismissing an impeachment that's
brought by the House of Representatives. So you're dismissing an
impeachment with fifty one votes in this case fifty one Democrats.
When you're supposed to have a trial, and if you
want to find somebody not guilty, you're required to have
a super majority two thirds vote. So by blowing out

the whole process first time in American history. Although bring
up some of these ridiculous cases. A guy resigned, I'm
not talking about that. This guy didn't resign.

Speaker 1 (26:54):
There he is.

Speaker 5 (26:56):
And to say that, well, there's nothing that says we can't.
You look at the Constitution. They twisted the fourteenth Amendment
on the bout. They twist the impeachment clause on this.
They impeach the election process for the state legislatures host
to have a role, not the election boards and the
mayors in the city. They are eviifferating our constitutions. They

are bulldozing it. And they're supposed to hold a trial.
Doesn't have to be a long trial, but they're supposed
to hold a trial in the Senate. If they want
to find my artists not guilty, then find them not guilty.

Speaker 2 (27:29):
Listen, I agree with you, and you know forty one
Republicans can insist on it and bring the Senate to
a screeching halt, as we all know, and it is
their constitutional duty to do so. I'm glad you're home safe,
Welcome back. I know you're gonna have a lot to
say in your radio show coming up. Thank you my friend,

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Speaker 5 (29:29):
He's your watchdog on Baby.

Speaker 2 (29:31):
Brother every day.

Speaker 5 (29:33):
Kennedy is on right now.

Speaker 2 (29:40):
All right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. A
viral video by an Iranian American. I don't know if
you saw this video. Linda Lisia Labona is the name,
very very compelling. She will join us tonight. Senator Josh
Hawley tonight. He was on fire yesterday. Aaron Cohne has
been phenomenal on Israel. Doctor Ronnie Jackson, who has basically

gone after Biden on a law legal matter in a
suit that he's filed. He'll he'll join us, and much more.
It's all coming up, say DVR Hannity tonight nine eastern
on Fox News. We'll see you tonight back here tomorrow.
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