All Episodes

April 19, 2024 31 mins

Sean covers the real impact that President Trump is feeling as a result of all the lawfare around him!  Democrats are trying to slow down democracy in the courts.... this shouldn't be allowed!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Be aware coming to your center.

Speaker 2 (00:07):
You a conscious song from coast to coast, from border
to border, from c to Shining Sea. Sean Kennedy is on.

Speaker 3 (00:29):
Thank you, Scott Shannon, Thanks to all of you for
being with us. Here is our toll free telephone number.
It's eight hundred nine to four one, Sean if you
want to be a part of this program. In this extravaganza,
a lot of drama going on inside the courtroom in
New York where the trial is taking place. I actually

have a friend of mine who has a sister who's
in the courtroom today and literally they were exchanged, you know,
text about what was going on in there. And this
is part of it. You can't imagine the jury panel
that not one person reads the New York Post, watches
Fox News, or listens to talk radio. Quote Donald Trump

is shrewed and then goes on to say, most of
the people that they're picking are like, you know, liberal,
quintessential liberal New Yorkers that get their news from Google,
MPR and fake news. CNN. Didn't see any working class people.
Now there is a drama. Kind of things went off

the rails a little bit today where two jurors who
had already been screened and approved to render an unbiased
verdict in the case, had to be removed from the jury.
One was caught lying to the court. The other was
scared because she'd been identified by friends and relatives. And
this got very very odd and very very strange in

one sense, because the child the trial judge in this case,
the one that donated to Biden, the one whose daughter
works for in political consulting, that is using this particular issue,
which I think was caused for recusal. And of course
the issue of the gag order came up today as

prosecutors are accusing Donald Trump. He violate he spoke, he
violated the gag order seven more times. I mean, it's unreal.
I thought we had freedom of speech in America. Clearly
we do not.

Speaker 4 (02:30):

Speaker 3 (02:31):
The judge, on the one hand, addresses the press and says,
it's certainly is certainly able to and permitted to write
about anything that's on the record because it's on the record. Okay,
all of these jury, all the information went gleaning about
the jurors is on the record. Nobody's getting their names.
But anyway, but I'm directing the press to a simply

apply common sense. I don't even know what that means.
The only thing that we have talked about and really
focused on is, all right, they're from this part to
New York. Uh, you know, maybe a little bit about themselves.
Maybe one person was a nurse, for example.

Speaker 1 (03:07):

Speaker 3 (03:07):
And where they get the news from, And in almost
every case it's the New York Times and the New
York Daily.

Speaker 1 (03:15):
News and Google. Uh.

Speaker 3 (03:18):
And the one that said Fox News that also said MSDNC,
and that Fox News may not be the Fox News channel.
It may be Fox five in New York, which is
the local news channel. It's a very good one, but
it's it's not anything like Fox Fox News. But you
know a lot of people New York Daily News, New

York Times, Google, you know, Google, TikTok. One person said
talk radio. But you know, Uh, there was a questionnaire
that said who do you listen to? I guarantee she
did not put down Sean Hannity or Mark Levin or
any conservative that we would know. I doubt that happened anyway,
So Newsweek reporting at the start of the proceedings, Juror

number two was brought into the courtroom and express she
had concerns about her ability to be fair and impartial.
Yesterday alone, I had friends, colleagues, and family push things
to my phone and questioning my identity as a juror.
The juror was later excused from the case, and the
judge said, we just lost what would have been a

very good juror on this case. A second juror was
dismissed after prosecutors raised concerns about the accuracy of this
person's answers. He does not need to come back and
should not come back Monday morning. The man was summoned
back to court today to answer questions after prosecutors said
they found an article about a person with the same

name who had been arrested in the nineteen nineties for
tearing down political posters. And prosecutors have also disclosed that
the man's wife may have been involved in a corruption
inquiry and cooperated with the Manhattan DA's office, which is
prosecuting Trump's case. Even The New York Times said after
two jurors were disqualified, the judge ordered the press to

not report the answer to two queries on a lengthy questionnaire,
who is your current employer and who is your prior employer?

Speaker 1 (05:16):
All right, so.

Speaker 3 (05:17):
We'll follow the judge's orders in the hopes that maybe
Donald Trump can get there. You know, I don't remember.
We never reported, Linda. We did report what some people
do for a living. I think there was only one
case we might have disclosed. Well, actually, I don't think
we actually did give the exact location. But it's neither

here nor there. I'm not looking to I'm not looking
to make life difficult for anybody that wants to serve
on a jury. But the jury pool in this case,
and the question is, can then impartial jury, you know,
occur for Donald Trump in New York City in Manhattan.
I don't believe the answer is yes. And you know,
can somebody againsolutely with a political agenda sneak through.

Speaker 1 (06:03):

Speaker 3 (06:04):
Absolutely, But when you have only twelve percent of New
York City in that voted for Donald Trump, it's not
the best venue for Donald Trump. You don't have to
be a brain surgeon to figure any of this out.
One of the dismissed jurors, I won't play it now,
but I'll play it later, immediately runs to MSDNC and

you know, among other things, say that, well he looked
less orange. I didn't know it was. The trial was
going to be about him until later. I was surprised
he wasn't as orange as I thought he was. You
look more yellow like you can't even make this up.
But that's what we're dealing with. It's a circus. This
is like a third world banana republic. It's unreal. So

that's been going on here. Two thirds of Americans, according
to the Associated Press, are not convinced that Alvin Bragg's
case against Donald Trump is legitimate.

Speaker 1 (06:55):
It's not legitimate.

Speaker 3 (06:57):
The judge who donated to Biden should not be presided
over this case. An attorney in this case, a Manhattan
DA that runs on a platform to get one person
and one organization and one family should should not be
prosecuting this case. Even initially he passed on it like

his predecessor passed on it. You know, how do we
get eight years out of when this all went down?
When now passed the statute of limitations, the DA comes
up with a convoluted legal theory about incorporating federal law
to up what it would be in New York a

misdemeanor into a felony. Only thirty five percent of Americans
believed that Donald Trump did anything illegal in this trial.
I mean it is. It's just unbelievable. This is a threat.
Bill Barr was right. This is a real threat to democracy,
it really is.

Speaker 1 (07:55):
And Steven A.

Speaker 3 (07:56):
Smith got it right, said he believes Democrats want Trump
convicted in the hush money trial to avoid facing him
an election. That's a disaster. Even said, he goes, somebody
needs to tell you all, and I'll say it. He
called the case much ado about nothing. He's right about that.
And he said to my liberal friends out there, all
you're doing is showing that you're scared. You can't beat

him on the issues and the merits. That's why he
keeps saying. It's a political campaign against me. That's why
he keeps saying. They can't beat me at the election,
at the polls. This is the only way they can
do it. And if you don't put him in jail,
and he still goes on to be the presumptive GOP nominee,
which regardless of all of this, he will to the

official GOP nominee. He goes to the polls, even though
he was gonna, you know, whatever, whatever, whatever, but they
don't want to face him. Now, if Democrats had their way,
would he would literally be in a courtroom, and this
has become an issue in this case. Now there are ish,
there are cases the judge, with the approval of the prosecutor,

which is not gonna happen, you know, could allow him
to get back on the campaign trail and let us
let his lawyers handle this for him. There's not much
he can do during jury selection. He just sits there
and waits and sits there and waits and gets bored.
But this deranged get Trump you know, mindset has completely

taken over any anything that would resemble or reflect common sense.
But I will tell you they have so overreached here.
And if Democrats have their way, they'll be the next
trial in d C. They have their way, they'll be
the next trial in Fulton County, Georgia. If they have
their way, they'll love the next trial in Florida. I mean,

does this Does this not look like this case goes
back eight years and you're telling me that they can
only start the case two hundred and three days outside
of an election. Really, why didn't they do it in
the eight years prior? We've you don't know about this
before the twenty sixteen election for crying out loud and
then you have a dismissed duror racing out to MSDNC.

Speaker 1 (10:07):
You've got to be kidding me.

Speaker 3 (10:10):
Unbelievable. Now, we do have information that's favorable to Trump
today is in terms of polls that are out there.
The latest one out of Wisconsin shows Donald Trump at
fifty one percent Biden at forty nine percent. And by
the way, that includes undecided voters who and those that
were polled if they had to choose right now who

they would support. Undercided voters tended to break towards Biden.
If you're undecided at this point, odds are probably low
that you're even going to vote. But I'm not sure
if these polls mean a whole bunch of anything, but
this would be a major crack in the Democratic blue wall,
these seven swing states that Joe Biden, I mean, think

about this. While Trump is forced to be in a
courtroom or being threatened with jail, Joe Biden based as
the field to himself to go to all of the
swing states as often as he likes. Now it's not
working out particularly well for him. Yesterday was an unmitigated
disaster on the campaign trail. And I'll give you some

of the details of it. I mean, I played this
yesterday on TV. But Joe Biden claiming his uncle was
eaten by cannibals. He didn't say it just he didn't
say it just once. He said it twice. Let's hit it.

Speaker 4 (11:31):
And my uncle they called him Ambrose Brosie, they called
him my uncle Bosey to hell. An athlete, they tell me.
When he was a kid, and he became an Army
Air Corps before the Air Force came home. He used
to those single engine planes as reconnaissance over war zones.
He got shot down in New Guinea and they never

found the body because there used to be there are
a lot of cannibals, for real in that part.

Speaker 3 (12:02):
Really his uncle cannibals. Biden confused the Israeli city which Haifa,
with Rafa in Gaza. He can't make that up be there.
But he, you know, suggesting that his uncle was eaten
by cannibals in New Guinea. Oh okay, but military says
that his World War two plane was actually lost at sea.

Why let the truth get in the way of a
good Joe Biden's story. You know, his boring appearance at
a Pennsylvania gas station. You compare that to Trump's enthusiastic
reception when he went to the bodega where Jose Alba
had to defend himself and first got charged with murder
only because of public outcry to that case go away.

You know, you look at what the da in New
York City. New York City has never been more dangerous,
more screwed up than it is now. And people are
arrested for violent felonies and sixty percent of felonies are
downgraded to misdemeanors by Alvin Bragg. You know, unless you're
unless you're a conservative, unless you're a Trump, you know,

forget it. Things they're going to be very different for
you Biden administration. By the way, the nonprofit group American
First Legal has filed a lawsuit against Biden for allegedly
the leading federal employees emails and violation of an existing
statue statute on the on the books and its former

President Trump. Is this trial open anyway? Trump? You know
you look at this hitler pig sleepy said one on
a thread to capture now post by Maggie Haberman, who
thinks she is the expert on all things Trump. She's
the one that got the pull uitz Serprize for the

phony reporting on Russia. Russia, Russia anyway. So Donald Trump's
trial opens up, and you know, here we are anyway
eight hundred nine one, Shawn is our numb if you
want to be a part of the program. You know,
I said this the other day, and I said, maybe
Trump's not gonna like this, But you know, because all
the left gets triggered. It's the very sight of him,

except when he's in a courtroom, uh, or being indicted
or whatever, then they're then they're.

Speaker 1 (14:17):
Just outright giddy.

Speaker 3 (14:18):
But they get triggered at the sight of Donald Trump,
and and god forbid he speaks, they get triggered by
that too. And I said, maybe he will. He probably
won't like it. Maybe it won't work.

Speaker 1 (14:30):
Out to be so bad.

Speaker 3 (14:32):
If if Joe Biden has the playing fields to himself
for a month and he keeps talking about telling crazy
stories about uncles and cannibals and mixing up things like
Haifa and rafa, uh, don't move on on on on Haifa.
Why would Israel attack itself? I mean, that's how he

That's how compromised this guy is cognitively. That's why you know,
with the election two hundred days away from today.

Speaker 1 (15:00):
Not good.

Speaker 3 (15:02):
I mean he has he shows up at a gas station.
Is who's enthusiastic about this guy? What could you ever,
what could you ever say about Joe Biden? That is,
I don't know that he's accomplished. That is even good? Anyway,
So I mentioned that Maggie Haberm posts this, uh, this

update from the courtroom. It appears that Trump might be sleeping.
This was on day one. The post immediately went viral
on x and instantly the talk on you know, liberals
in the world, which, by the way, I think I'd
fall asleep if I was there. Democrats close to the administration.
Uh but anyway, Hitler pig sleepy, one individual says on

the threat Hitler pig moniker. Four people in Biden's orbit
told the West Wing playbook is one of the aids
to the an ally of the president.

Speaker 1 (15:57):
Wow, Sean Hannon, always concerned for our country, always honoring
our servicemen and service women, and standing up for liberty
every day.

Speaker 3 (16:11):
Well, I want you to pay close attention to this
story that was broken by the Washington Times. That's where
I first saw it. Anyway, because it's kind of breathtaking.
We watched yesterday every Senate Democrat take the articles of
impeachment against the Secretary of Homeland Security, may Orcus, and

basically say, no, we're not going to try this case.
That's how viciously partisan Democrats are. They have allowed this
administration over ten million unvetted illegal immigrants into the country.
You know, this year alone, we have already surpassed the

number of Chinese nationals that they've confronted. This does not
include any got aways over twenty six thousand. Why are
twenty six thousand communist Chinese showing up at our border
last year and this year already you know, we're on
pace to be at forty fifty thousand. Who knows how many,
never mind the tens of thousands from Russia, all the

people from Iran, all the people from Syria, all the
people from Egypt, all the people from Afghanistan. And I
will tell you that every Democrat that has basically codified
Joe Biden's law breaking by not pursuing this case against
may Orcus, all of them. For every murder that takes

place by an unvetted Joe Biden illegal immigrant, I don't
care where they're from, For every rape, for every murder
for every criminal act. They have blood on their hands.
They just do. Because Joe Biden has been aiding and
abetting in the law breaking the entire time he's president.
Get to choose as president. I want to talk about

democracy in peril. You don't get to choose which laws
as president you will enforce at which laws you will ignore.
And the president has even taken it a step further
because he's not only ignoring the laws, but he's been
aiding in a betting in the law breaking. Well, if
this doesn't shock you, I don't know what will. You

might recall the case of nursing student Lincoln Riley. I've
had an opportunity. I've talked to her parents and let
me tell you something. This family will never be the
same again because the guy that is now the murder
suspect in this case.

Speaker 1 (18:40):
Here's the latest news on him.

Speaker 3 (18:43):
Homeland Security, that's may Orcus's department released the illegal immigrant
that stands accused of killing Lincoln Riley. And they've released
him into the US because they lack the detention space.
We're told according to his confidential immigration file, as reported

by The Washington Times, Josh Hawley, Missouri Republican read parts
heat parts of the file into the record at a
Senate hearing today. The man charged with killing Lake and Riley,
by the way, not Lincoln Ryley. Maybe this was Joe
Biden's way of saying how much he regrets using the
term illegal immigrant. Maybe that's why he never apologized to

Lake and Riley's family when he called La Lincoln during
the State of the Union address. That was jacked up
Joe Knight. Anyway, he's now released under the Homeland Security
Secretary Alejandro Majorcus, whose Senate Democrats would not even try
the case of impeachment that was passed in the House,
and it's supposed to be used in limited cases and

only when there is an urgent humanitarian need or a
significant benefit to the public. Well, we can scratch off
the second part of that pretty easily. As for the
first part of this, well, they don't have any problem
finding hotel space for the unvetted illegal immigrants that Joe
allows into the country and the hundreds of billions of

dollars it's costing all of you that hear my voice
right now. Anyway, Mister Haley said that lack of detention
space doesn't meet either of these standards, and he said
that mister Mayork has broke the law in releasing the
suspected killer. That is the United States of America under
your President Joe Biden, and any murder that takes place,

any violent act that takes place, any rape that takes place,
or as I've been saying, because all these people are
coming from our top geopolitical foes, and I have been
arguing that there is no doubt in my mind that
terror cells have entered the country illegally because of Joe's
open borders. And if this country is hit with another

nine to eleven or worse, blood is on all of
their hands. That would be every Democratic senator that went
along with this yesterday. That would be every single member
of the Biden administration that fails to speak out. Ultimately,
Joe Biden will have the most blood on his hands,

along with Vice President Borders are Harris on top of
may Orcus. They're just you know, doing this. Now you'll
find this interesting. It kind of dubtails into this. Now
we have a North Carolina high school student has been suspended. Guess, Glinda,
you want to take a guess why. I bet you

don't know why. You never have no idea. Why no,
Because he used the phrase illegal alien in class, which
happens to be the exact words that our own government
uses in government documents. A good thing he didn't use
the term, I guess biden illegal, or they probably would
have expelled them on the spot.

Speaker 5 (22:00):
I wonder if they expelled the students that are attacking
the teachers and fellow students the way that they're expelling
this young man for exercising his First Amendment rights.

Speaker 3 (22:09):
What about all the students now that are suffering in
terms of classroom size and all the resources being drawn
away by the children of illegal immigrants to teach English
as a second language without hiring new teachers. Anyway, the
student I won't give his name, sixteen suspended for three

days from Central Davidson High School after using the term
during a classroom discussion about word meetings, and he questioned
the term alien in an assignment, asking if it referred
to space aliens or illegal aliens without green cards. As
reported by the Carolina Journal, his comments so offended another
student who physically threatened him, leading to the involvement of

school authorities. I didn't make a statement directed towards anyone
I asked a question, he said to the local paper.
He said, I wasn't speaking of Hispanics because everyone from
other country needs green cards. In the term illegal alien
is an actual term that I hear on the news
and you can find in the dictionary, and I'll add,
in his defense, is found in our own government documents.

His suspension could impact his chance of securing an athletic
scholarship because apparently he played on the school's track team
and ran cross country. His mother said that despite their efforts,
the assistant principles unwilling to remove the infraction from Christian's record,
and because of his question, our son was discipline and

given three days out of school suspension for quote racism,
wrote the mother in the email. And you know, he's
devastated and concerned that the racism label on his school
record will harm his future goal of receiving a tract scholarship.
It's just absolutely going to harm him. Now, I don't know,
you know, hopefully there is an attorney somewhat in the

state of North Carolina they can step in and help
this kid because he certainly needs it. Pretty unbelievable. Now,
let's compare that school to what's going on at the
Ivy League institution known as Columbia University in New York
Ivy League school. Because you have, and it's pretty unbelievable

to me, you have the president of this school, you know, saying, well,
I don't like these terms, but I'm not going to
do anything about it. Well, what does that mean?

Speaker 1 (24:31):
You'd like?

Speaker 3 (24:32):
The Columbia's president said, they won't call anti israel the
call of from the River to the sea. You wouldn't
call an anti Israeli cry anti Semitic from the river
to the sea. For an Ivy League president to not know,
it means the annihilation of a group of people in

an innocent country. And that's acceptable. But look at the
teachers they have on staff. They have this one guy.
This was in the New York Post today. Joseph Massad,
he apparently a tenured academic, faced widespread calls to be
fired ever since. He referred to the October seventh attack
in Israel, the worst in their history, that killed twelve

hundred inflicted by AMAS. He called it awesome. He called
it a stunding victory for the Palestinian resistance, said the
sight of the Palestinian resistance fighters storming Israeli checkpoints separating
Gaza from Israel was astounding, he penned on an eighteen
hundred word essay published twenty four hours after the bloodshed.

Perhaps the major achievement of the resistance is the takeover
of the settler colonies and the death flow to its
ability to protect them. And they have another another professor
at Colombia, Amid Tobashi.

Speaker 1 (25:55):

Speaker 3 (25:55):
He is a professor of Iranian studies the Ivy League Institution,
current director of undergrad Studies within the Middle Eastern, Southern,
Asian and African Studies Department. He's come under fire for
a slew of controversial social media posts, including a since

the leaded one in which he blamed Israel for every
quote dirty problem in the world, every dirty, treacherous, ugly,
pernicious happening in the world. Just wait a few days
and the ugly name Israel will pop up in the atrocities,
he wrote on Facebook in twenty eighteen, as he cited
as cited by the Jewish Journal. His remark was in

response to a New York Times article accusing Israeli intelligence
of gathering dirt on President Obama's then National Security aid
in a separate post, he allegedly bashed Zionist as hyenas as,
sparking calls from a pro Israeli student group with the
professor to be rebuked. How about the professor gets fired

and you got this other guy, Mohammad Abdu, apparently in
the spring of twenty four is teaching a class called
Decolonial Queerness and Abolition. Just days after October seventh, he
declared on social media, Yes, I'm with Hamas and Hezbalah

and the Islamic Jihad. You got Kaimen Ahmad, another teacher
at this Ivy League institution. You know he has previously
been ripped for alleging indoctrinating him for allegedly indoctrinating students
to hate Israel with his lectures. According to The Wall
Street Journal, his lecture prior to October seventh. In the attack,

he labeled Israel a colonial settler state that has oppressed
indigenous populations and displaced Palestinians. Should I keep goingland or
I think I made my point? You are living.

Speaker 5 (28:00):
It's a really sad state of affairs when each story
and each occurrence that you're describing is worse than the previous.
That's the really sad thing, and we can't do anything
about it because all of our justice systems and departments
and heads of legal areas of our nation are completely
and totally biased and weaponized. It's really, it's a really

scary time to be alive.

Speaker 3 (28:23):
New York Post has an op ed today by David
Sony and anyway, before is Iran attacked Israel, he's making
the case to truly comprehend how demented our foreign policy
has become, he writes. Iran reportedly informed Turkey in advance
of its planned operation against Israel, and Washington told Tehran

through Turkey that the attack should be within certain limits.
Now would that not be a little mind boggling that
Biden likely knew Iran was going to move forward and
still gave is you know, impotent don't answer? Is this
the world we're living in? Is this the president you
want to re elect? Is this the guy you want

to elect in two hundred days? Because all of this
is hanging in the balance. By the way, Biden's economy
is for Adam Schiff. Biden's soaring interest rates has sent
a commercial real estate market into a massive tailspin. About
one point five trillion in commercial mortgage debt is due
by the end of twenty twenty five, but steeper borrowing costs,

coupled with tighter credit conditions and a decline in property
values have increased the risk of default dramatically. Six hundred
and twenty five commercial real estate foreclosures in March, up
six percent from February and one hundred and seventeen percent
up from last year. The Federal Chairman, Jerome Powell, has
now pulled the plug on planned interest rate cuts because

of Joe's roaring inflation coming back. Rising inflation Wall Street
Journal during the first quarter is called into question whether
the Fed will be able to lower interest rates this
year at all without signs of an unexpected economic slowdown,
Jerome Powell said yesterday, his remarks indicating a clear shift

in the Fed's outlook following a third consecutive month of
stronger than anticipated inflation, red lobster facing bankruptcy because of
labor and leasing costs soaring you can't afford it. Joe
Biden's America, how's that working out for you? Tell me
what has he done in the last four years that
has made your life better? I had a lot of

chaos in New York in the courtroom during the jury selection.
I don't know what the hell the judge meant when
he said, yeah, of course you're allowed to report anything
that happens in the courtroom, but just use common sense.
What does that mean? And then two jurors kicked off
the panel. Anyway, we'll go over this. We'll check in

with Roger Severino. He's an expert in jury selection. We'll
get to that later on. We'll check in with Peter Schweitzer.
John Andressic was in Israel during the attacks on Saturday.
We'll talk about his experience. Straight ahead,

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