All Episodes

April 23, 2024 31 mins

 Eric Trump, joins to discuss the hush money trial and the fact that today Trump had a win against Letitia James as she attempted to block his bond

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Stay right here for our final news round up and
information overload.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
All right, News round Up, Information overload hour toll free
our number we'll get to your calls eight hundred and
nine to four one sean if you want to be
a part of the program on truth social President Trump
put out, Oh, the Palestinian protests at Columbia University have
closed the college down, but the area surrounding the courthouse
in downtown Manhattan is closed up like a drum with

New York City's finest meaning the police all over the place.
Why not send some to Colombia to protect the Jewish
students that are being worn by a Columbia rabbi to
stay away because it's not a safe environment for them.
And he said, anyway, the university would then not have
to shut it down. Republicans want the right to protest

anywhere in America, but it's got to be peaceful, and
it's got to be you know, they have certain rules
and regulations that go along with it. Anyway, we had
a lot going on in court today, not the least
of which was Letitia James was challenged in the idea
of Donald Trump's hundred and seventy five million dollar judgment bond.

It will, in fact stand maybe one of the oddest
moments that I ever heard of from somebody I knew
in the courtroom told me that I think it was
judging Goron again literally saying, well, well, how do we
know if the one hundred and seventy five million is
is going to be guaranteed? The money's in cash, sar? Well,
well what if the money you know, what if the

money loses value? It's in cash, sir. And then like
asked the question two or three times. Anyway, Eric Trump
is with us with the Trump organization. That was a
big win for your side today. But is that did
it happen in unfold the way I described it?

Speaker 3 (01:48):
Sure, exactly, And this is exactly the nonsense we've been
dealing with for the last three years with this judge.
The judge didn't know what a money market account was.
I mean, this is a person that ruled against my
father and you know, neighborhood of five hundred and sixty
million dollars and the guy didn't know what a money
market account was. That's how kind of unsophisticated he he was.
And we had to put up one hundred and seventy

five million dollar bond. We posted it in cash cash
and we told the judge that Latisha James wasn't happy
with that. The Attorney General of New York, she wasn't
happy with that, and she said there's not enough collateral there.
So we go in we explained what a money market
account is to the judge. We explained that the full
one hundred and seventy five million dollars was posted by
my father in full, and he was still questioning whether

enough there was enough collateral and he finally got to
the right answer because it was just foolish. But you know,
this is what we've had to deal.

Speaker 2 (02:36):
Well, what part of that being cash is Was he
having a difficult time understanding.

Speaker 3 (02:42):
Sean, I mean, I think a part he is having
a difficult time understanding is how he you know, what
would maybe for the first time, have to rule against
Hesha James, who you know is clearly in his pocket
in some way, shape or form. It's it's disgusting. We
had a judge that ruled against my father again in
the neighborborhood of you know, half a billion dollars when
our banks testified in front of the court that we
are the greatest lenders that they've ever had, that we

never breached the covenant, that we never defaulted from a loan,
that we paid back all our loans ahead of time,
that you know, we were you know, we were an
A plus borrower, That he was the mogul, That he's
the type of business that they wanted from everybody because
he had, you know, tremendous balance sheet and everything else.
And despite all of that, and despite all that testimony,
and despite the fact that there are no victims, and

despite the fact that my father's statement of financial condition
was undervalued, not overvalued, you know, he levied up you know,
five hundred plus million dollar fine against our family because
he wants to try and pull my father out of business.
He wants to make sure he doesn't use that money
on the campaign trail.

Speaker 4 (03:40):
You know.

Speaker 3 (03:41):
He was told by somebody to go after Trump and
attack him in every way and to make his life
absolutely hell, you know. And and and so that's the logic, Sean.
I mean, this isn't you know, this isn't a logical.
This is how can we take down Trump, How can
we hurt Trump? How can we use a legal system
against Donald J?

Speaker 4 (03:58):

Speaker 3 (03:59):
How do we benefit at the Democrats in power. How
do we help Joe Biden. It's all a leagal you know,
it's all an abuse of the legal system that's being
done for one political party. And we're seeing the same
thing on the DA side, which you're watching today as well.

Speaker 2 (04:15):
Well, let me go there, because, like Leticia James, Alvin
Bragg ran on a platform in part to get your father,
the Trump organization and the Trump family of which you
are a part of. But anyway, this case is going
forward eight years later. How is it the case started
with two hundred and three days to go before election day.

We're now at one hundred and ninety six days to
go before election day. And meanwhile, how that's not election
interference I don't know, But this is eight years later.
They couldn't find the time up to this moment to
bring this case forward. And why is it that Alvin
Bragg himself did not argue make the opening arguments today?

Instead we saw this guy I believe his name as
Michael kind of Jello is his name. And anyway, he's
not a brag loyalist. Apparently he's a Biden appointee at
the Justice Department who assigned was assigned to Bragg's office
after Bragg himself decided not to prosecute Donald Trump and
then changed his mind last minute. The previous DA decided

not to prosecute your dad. We still don't even really
know what the charges are, considering it would be a
misdemeanor case to begin with in New York. And somehow
they're trying to bring in federal election crimes into this.
But the DOJ that is as weaponized as it is,
they passed on it as well. So it seems to

me that you know, probably every corporation in New York
City has some number of non disclosure agreements, then not illegal.
How do we get to.

Speaker 3 (05:48):
This point, Well, no one actually believes this case, Sean.
I mean, let me put in context for everybody, this
is one hundred and thirty thousand dollars. Alvin Bragg himself
said he wanted nothing to do with the case because
there was no case there. And every single day in
New York they're shutting down the FDR drive, They're shutting
down the entire you know, all the streets. You really
think that the state of New York, which is having
women getting thrown in front of subway cars, people are

getting shot in Times Square. Do we really believe that
New York State is doing this because they want to
rectify you know, what they think is the injustice of
one hundred and thirty thousand dollars. Give me a break.
I mean, every single time they shut down the FDR
drive it cost them half a million dollars. A million
dollars did the police presence around the courthouse has cost
them millions and millions and millions of dollars a day.

This whole thing is a sham. And you're right, Alvin
Bragg didn't want to bring this case. And Michael Coangelo
is the prosecutor that you're talking about. He's gone from
case to case to case. I mean, he's the bulldog
that wants to take down Donald Trump. And it's all
for political reasons. And let me just be very clear
to everybody out there. My father was in Washington, d C.
He had nothing to do with any kind of accounting, right,

I mean, he had given up his position in the
Trump organization. He wasn't an officer, he wasn't a director.
There's no communication with him because we took ethics incredibly
seriously and we built a wall in between. Obviously, the
White House and a private company. My father was not
involved at all on a day to day basis, so

you know, in any organization, on a basis in the organization.
And they're saying that he committed a books and records
violation because a legal expense submitted by an attorney was
booked as a legal expense, which is exactly how you
would book something that's submitted by an attorney. And by
the way, a side note to a general ledger, which

is about two words long, right, it's not like you
can write a paragraph in there. It was expensed as
a business expense. And they're saying that, you know, now
this is thirty four felon accounts of which he could
go to jail for the rest of his life because
while he was sitting behind a resolute desk in Washington,
d C. You know, a lower level accounting you know,
booked this as a legal expense because it was submitted

by a lawyer. That is the sum total of this case.
But Sean, in the details of the case don't matter.
They want to get Donald Trump. They want him to
be sitting in this courthouse. They want to smear his name.
You covered it better than anybody it's no different than Russia.
I mean, they ran with nonsense for three years just
to smear his name, and today you'll read about, you know,
a Russia collusion in college textbooks, even though everybody knows

that that whole thing was a sham and it never happened, right,
and it didn't matter, I mean, the truth didn't matter.
You had Adam Schiff out there every single day saying
that my father colluded with Putin and all this nonsense,
and everybody knows it's not the case now, but they
wanted to smear his name. They're doing the exact same
thing in New York and they want him to sit there.
They don't want him to be in all the states
that he wants to be in. They don't want him
campaigning all over the country. They don't want him out

there fundraising. You know, they want to try and prop
up Biden in any way possible, and they're calling have
you ever noticed that it's all liberal DA's and attorney generals.
I mean, in the blue est states in the country
that are going after my father. Why is no one
else going after him? And why why not? Once in
his entire life before he came down the golden escalator.

Speaker 4 (09:05):
Did he ever get so.

Speaker 3 (09:05):
Much as a parking ticket? It's only after.

Speaker 2 (09:08):
He created Let me ask you about this, Miranda Devine
packing him. She reported, for example, that and this is
very curious, and I have every belief it'll come up
in the case. The star witness for the prosecution will
be Michael Cohne. I believe his conviction had to do
with lying to Congress. But if you go back and recall,

and this has been made public, apparently the attorney client
privilege was waived by Michael Cohen, which is why this
is public knowledge and why Miranda was able to write
about it. But anyway, when Costello first met Cone at
the Regency Hotel, Cone was distraught, suicidal, repeatedly said I'll
never spend a day in jail. I don't care what
the f I have to do, And Costello memorialized that

in writing, Cone kept asking what his escape patch was.
Being a lawyer, Costello said that information in criminating Trump
would would get give him a get out of jail
free card, and then at the time insisted to his
lawyers that he didn't have anything on Trump. One other point,
if you look at the statements and the books, and
the records as they were entered a fundamental question. All

of these so called payments were in twenty seventeen, the
entries that were made in the whatever I guess accounting
books that you have, how does that constitute election interference
for an election that was held in November twenty sixteen.

Speaker 3 (10:29):
Can you explain that, Yeah, he was already the president
at the time. That is exactly right. And that's the
insanity of this case. And Sean, I can't tell you, you know,
sitting behind the scenes obviously running company the way I do.
I can't tell you how many of our employees have
been threatened over the years by prosecutors saying, you know,
we're going to come after you unless you tell us
something about Donald Trump. And if you tell us anything

that's you know that we could use, we won't come
after you, we won't go after your family. I've never
I never believed it could be America. I mean, I've
seen this firsthand. I've heard it firsthand. I've seen these
prosecutors go after you know, family members, call them up,
interview them, subpoena them, go after them, and literally threaten them.
You need to tell us something and if you don't

tell us something. You're going to spend the next five
years in jail because we're going to do X Y
and z du even though they did nothing wrong. And
time and time at you know again, they come out
and say, listen, we worked We've worked at a company
for twenty years, fifteen years, thirty years. It's a great company.
We've never never, we have no problem with anything that's
ever been done. It's an honest company. It's a well
run company. It's perfect. They've changed the skyline, the cities

all over the place. But I just can't tell you
how many people were shaken down by these people. But
let's also remember who we're dealing with now. We have
a judge who's a total political operative. We have his
daughter who's raised you reportedly, and it has been all
over the media and in various filings.

Speaker 2 (11:51):
Oh, by the way, you need to add that the
judge donated to Biden's campaign in twenty twenty.

Speaker 3 (11:56):
Well, of course. And then you have a daughter who
reportedly has raised ninety three million dollars for democratic operatives.
That's what she does. She runs a company that effectively
does email marketing campaigns. And every single time, you know,
my father gets indicted by one of these maniacs. She
goes out and she fundraises using my father's name and
pictures of him behind bars and all sorts of other

things to go do that. It's disgusting. There's a huge
conflict of interest. His daughter is literally making money, you know,
in the guy's the very same thing they you know,
he's in front of her father for. And we asked
for a simple recusal. The judge would not honor it.
He would not do it.

Speaker 4 (12:35):

Speaker 2 (12:35):
It's by the way New York City law calls for,
which New York State law calls for very clear. Six
people removed. If they're benefiting from a case you're adjudicating,
you have to remove yourself, Sean.

Speaker 3 (12:47):
In this country, you can't have family members profiting off
of their fathers. You know, you know, people who are
in front of your father in criminal court. You know
that that's Banana Republic type stuff. And it would be
very easy for this judge to say, you know what,
that's fine, somebody else take this case. There's another two
hundred judges on the bench, but that doesn't happen here.
Judge Marshawn gets every single anti Trump case that there

is Amy New York. He got Alan Weisserberg, he got
Steve Bannon, now he gets my father. This is supposed
to be around Robin. It's supposed to be blind, it's
supposed to be a random assignment of judges. Yet this
guy has gotten three in a row. No one believes it.
And that's the corruption of the New York system.

Speaker 2 (13:28):
Right, quick break more with Eric Trump is with us,
and of course we're talking about the trial going on
in New York City with his father. Hi. We continue
now with Eric Trump, head of the Trump organization in
New York City. He's been at the trial and following
the trial very closely. By the way, I don't know
if you saw this, but Benny Thompson, who ran the

January sixth committee, and we now know that very exculpatory
information was not brought up at that Hollywood primetime, those
Hollywood primetime hearings. He doesn't want your dad to have
Secret Service protection for crying out loud. And then Hillary
Clinton's out there saying Donald Trump wants to kill his opposition,

and meanwhile Democrat, prominent Democratic candidate is posting die magade.

Speaker 3 (14:15):
Yeah, they would be happy if something happened to Sean
and that breaks my heart to say, but they would
be happy, and it's exactly why they're doing this. They're
doing this so they can fund raise off of it.
They're doing this because it's the radical left and they're
simply crazy, but they also mean it in their heart.
They would be happy if something happened to him, and
that's incredibly sad. You know, it's really interesting. They don't
go after Arx Swalwell, who's sleeping with a spy while

he's you know, while he's in government. They don't go
any after any of these people. They have one target,
and that's Donald Trump. And they call up their friends,
they call their friends and you know, Atlanta, Georgia, and
they call up their friends in New York City and
they throw case after case. They want to do anything
they can to see him behind bars. They want to
make up anything they can. They want to slander him
in any way they can.

Speaker 2 (14:56):
Oh, they don't want They would have him in a
court for the next one hundred and ninety six days
and not on the campaign trail, although I would argue Eric,
that's not gonna work either, because then Joe will have
the he'll have the campaign trail all to himself, and
the problem is he can't utter two sentences together. I

do have to run, but we'll get an update from you.
We'll know a lot more by tonight when you're on
Hannity nine Easter. We appreciate your.

Speaker 1 (15:22):
Time as always, It's great.

Speaker 2 (15:24):
Eight hundred nine one, Shawn is a number if you
want to be a part of the program.

Speaker 1 (15:30):
Jesse Kelly next from six till nine on seven to ten, Woa.

Speaker 2 (15:39):
Hi, twenty five to the top of the hour. Eight
hundred and ninety four one Sean our number. We're gonna
get to your calls coming up here a mere moments.
Want to remind you, Thank goodness, there are groups like
the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews. There's such urgency
now as Israel now is in a fight for their
very very survival, and and there are so many displaced

Israelis that need food and shelter and water and medicines
and all the bare necessities on top of them literally
rebuilding and placing mobile bomb shelters in heavily populated areas
throughout Israel, and preparing for that worst case scenario where
Israelis have to be in shelters for days or god forbid,

even weeks, and the team on the ground, they have
been working with partners. They're securing enough food other basic
needs for families, and they're making sure that the most
vulnerable in the elderly and people displaced are being taken
care of. And while there might be a lull in
the attacks at this moment, they're poised for further attacks.
And Iran now has been attacking Israel through their proxies

for decades and now their recent direct involvement. Nobody can
tell you of the straight face or with any real
knowledge how this is going to play out. But anyway,
while hoping and praying for the best, the Israelis are
preparing for a worst case scenario and it's a highly
fluid situation. Despite the conflict, the Fellowship they continue their

brave work every day, and that is to support the
Israeli people, hundreds of thousands of them that are in need,
and they keep building these mobile bomb shelters to help
people stay safe for the next attack. Whatever you can
give the desperate need of financial support, whatever you can
donate is greatly appreciated. Go to their website. It's one

word SUPPORTIFCJ dot org. That support IFCJ dot org. Now
here's an interesting I guess note that I mentioned this
with Eric Trump, and that is Gavin Newsom is worried
about the overindulgence. He calls it the obsession with the

Trump hush money trial, and he's warning people this is
going to backfire. Now, what have I been saying? That
Donald Trump up to this point has been able to
define all conventional political gravity. What does that mean? That
means that any other politician in the past that would
have gotten arrested would have seen a drastic drop in

their poll numbers. The opposite happens with Trump, or if
there's an arrayment, he would think, okay, well the politician's
poll numbers will drop, not in the case of Trump.
But Newsom is not. He's a lot of things. He's radical,
hardcore left. One thing I wouldn't say is I don't
think he's stupid. I think he believes these crazy ideas,

but that doesn't make him a dumb guy. And he's
a very clever, very slick politician. And he is worried
that Democrats are overreaching and that this is all going
to backfire. Here's what he said, this.

Speaker 5 (18:47):
Is a guy that doesn't care if he is the
hero or the heel. He just wants to be the star.
And in so many ways he gets what he wants.
And that's the bright spotlight and focus focus away from
a lot of conversation. We just had to focus again
on him. And when we're focusing on him, I do
worry electorally that he has a slight advantage, and so

I'm a little concerned about the over indulgence around the
day to day.

Speaker 2 (19:16):
I don't think he's wrong anyway, Let's get to our
busy phones. There's no way this could be the legitimate
Times Square Naked Cowboy. Is that really you could? I've
met you in the past. I've actually interviewed you in
the past when we were doing man on the Street interviews.

Speaker 1 (19:31):
How are you, sir, Yes, sir, I'm doing very good.
I'm the naked Cambo. You gotta do what you gotta do,
all right.

Speaker 2 (19:39):
So, if people haven't sent a Times Square in New York,
the Naked Cowboy very well known. He's out there in
his underwear playing a guitar with a with a cowboy
hat on and cowboy boots on and has became basically
you have you have become like an icon and must see.
You know, for any visitor to New York City, they
always want to get their picture taken with you.

Speaker 1 (20:02):
Well, thank you very much, and don't forget I have
my Trump sticker on my front of my guitar. I'm
a very stout Trump supporter.

Speaker 2 (20:10):
Well, assuming you're the real naked cowboy, let me ask
you this. How do people react to the Trump sticker?

Speaker 1 (20:16):
Uh? Of course you think that. You know, it's a
liberal city. But I can tell you this. The Trump
sticker gets me nothing but applause all day long. I
get one person every three hundred thousand and says, oh
f Trump or something you know, so outrageous that they
stand out as a lunatic. Most people love Trump. You know,

I've had a very successful Trump song. You got the
second part.

Speaker 2 (20:42):
I got a second for a couple of verses.

Speaker 1 (20:44):
Go ahead, Trump's taking those regulations off the back of
this corporations. Sounds like a good addier to me.

Speaker 4 (20:53):
Trump's going to build a wall.

Speaker 1 (20:55):
That wall's gonna stick, So it sounds like goodaddie to me.
Gonna get the economy moving again, the lower taxes. Be
you my brain sounds like a get out of you
to me. You wrong, The fantis had a chance about
as much as me. Wearing pants sound like, get out
of here to me and have fun and DT them,

convict them, throw them in jail no matter what you do.
Trumpel superviil sounds like a good idea here.

Speaker 2 (21:22):
To me, Wow, now you perform that. And I've even
seen you out there in the calls someday. I don't
know how you do it with just underwearing and a
cowboy hat and cowboy boots on. Now you people usually
tip you right when they take pictures with you.

Speaker 1 (21:38):
I knew about one hundred and fifty thousand dollars years
and tips.

Speaker 6 (21:41):

Speaker 2 (21:43):
You better be careful. You better declare all of that
with the irs. New York will be after you, like
with a vengeance.

Speaker 1 (21:48):
Make money, and I just pay taxes on. I'm not
worried about it. I'm a I'm a right wing conservative bro.
I do the job. I pay the taxes.

Speaker 2 (21:55):
Monch well, listen, I don't think there's any other place
in the world that you would be that successful. I'm
happy for your success, and uh, I don't think you're
going to be seeing me there very often. I'm gone.
I'm gone for good. I mean, just have to finish
a few business things up at some point. But short
of that, it's I made the move forever.

Speaker 4 (22:17):
Oh my goodness.

Speaker 1 (22:18):
Well you know what.

Speaker 2 (22:20):
You're gonna miss me?

Speaker 1 (22:21):
Everyone, Hey, I'll hold down the fort.

Speaker 2 (22:24):
You hold down the fort. And then when you're ready
for some sunshine and low taxes and law and order,
you you just you give me a call, get your
recommendation where you want to set up.

Speaker 1 (22:33):
Okay, alrighty, well listen, you're talking to me, and thank you.

Speaker 2 (22:39):
Appreciate it, appreciate you checking in Linda. I think that's him.
Can't say for sure. I mean I can't see through
a telephone line, but it's you know it's him. How
do you know it's him?

Speaker 7 (22:52):
Well, first, you know, Katie and I went and listened
to it online and then we listened to him, so
we matched his voice and we matched the way he
sounded on his song, so we knew it was him.

Speaker 2 (23:05):
So Matt in North Carol, Okay, No, I trust you,
of course I trust you. And I look at all
the effort you went into, you know, vetting him. I
applaud the effort. That's why I have a great team.
Matt North Carolina. Next Sean Hannity Show, what's going on?

Speaker 4 (23:21):
Hey Sean, how are you doing today?

Speaker 2 (23:23):
I'm good? What's going on?

Speaker 4 (23:24):
Well? I got a question for you. So I've been
following all this nonsense. Best way to describe it going
on in Columbia where we actually have college students I'm
presuming most are US college students Channing we are Hamas.
Even had one guy saying that there's gonna be thousands
of October seventh, and I'm you know, in the back

of my mind, I've got to think that they just
don't know what they're saying. And why doesn't somebody just
set up a screen or something right next to where
these protesters are and really show what Hamas did? And
I know we have video from Hamas soldiers themselves as
they were killing Israelis what it looked like? I know

Israeli defense forces have video of the aftermath. Why don't
we ever see that and put that in front of
these idiots. It's the best term I can use and
get them and say, is this really what you're claiming
to be? Is this what you support? I mean, because
we are Channing, we are Hamas, just turns my stomach.

Speaker 2 (24:26):
We are Hamas from the river to the sea. And
here's my big question. What part of the murder, rape,
beheading that took place on October seventh are they not understanding?
What part of that are they missing? I don't know
what part of Israel being hit with tens and tens

of thousands of rockets from the north and south, you know,
are they missing?

Speaker 4 (24:53):
I wish I could give you an answer, but that
would actually give you an indication that I think like
they do. And I'm very ha happy to say that
I don't. But maybe they need the visual. Maybe they
need to see what Hamas really stands for, what Hamas
has done and will continue to do, and to chant
that and to think that that's acceptable. And then on

top of that that threatens Youish students to a point
where they're being the ones told to stay home from
school for their own safety. Is like we've just crossed
We didn't even just cross the line. So I mean,
we're so far over the line. It's appalling. And I
just don't understand how there is not somebody showing them
this is what you're claiming to be. Is this really
who you are? And you know kind of put their

face in it and say, is this what you this?
Who you are? You know? Burning babies in their cribs,
killing grandparents, you know, whiting a house on fire for
you know, to burn a family out of a safe room.
I mean who you you know?

Speaker 2 (25:50):
I can almost give a little bit of slack, not
a lot, because this shouldn't be I mean, it's supposed
to be the kreme de la creme, right, I mean
when you get it to an IVY League college, Ivy
League university, supposed to be pretty bright, pretty smart. It
defies all of my logic. Why their moral compasses that far? Askew?

Speaker 6 (26:12):

Speaker 5 (26:13):

Speaker 2 (26:13):
What part of radical Islamic terrorism? Are they not understanding?
What part of the of the tens and tens and
tens that thousands of rockets fired into Israel? Are they
not understanding? What part of decapitating young babies and murdering
and raping women?

Speaker 5 (26:30):
Do you not?

Speaker 2 (26:31):
Do you not understand? If you if you can't get
that basic common sense, how did you ever get into
an IVY League institution? I don't know?

Speaker 4 (26:41):
Agree, Yeah, And I even think at some point with
some of these schools, like you know and tying into
the migrant issue. You know, why don't we make some
of these schools give up one of their dorms, in
one of their dining halls, kick those students out, some
of the migrants in there, and let the migrants run
around their campus and see if they're still supporting that.
I mean, there's just no logic. And I agree.

Speaker 2 (27:03):
And then you have the administrations that are allowing this
to go on the same universities where you would risk
being expelled if you use the wrong pronoun or if
you've made a definitive statement that you believe this is
your own personal belief that you could only be born
a man or a woman. Let's say you made that

statement in a classroom, you probably would be up for expulsion.
Crazy times, man, I'm telling you this is These are
not times I ever thought i'd be talking about anyway.
Eight hundred and ninety four one. Sean Patt is in
New York, k Pat, how are you glad you called.

Speaker 8 (27:43):
A pleasure to talk to you? Sean. Here's my dilemma here.
I've been at a democrat, I'm eighty eight years old
for many years. Ninety two I saw the lights and
I became a conservative, and I like Ronald Reagan did
not leave the Democratic Party, they left me. And I
quote that all the time too much. But I've never
ever seen this country in such hatred, and it worries

me terribly for my grandchildren what's coming down the road,
and with this immigration situation, with all the crazy people
that we don't know, they're not vetted, and it's a
terrible worry. And I just have to every day go
out there and say what you say when I listen
to your program for many years now, and that's my thing,
and I really really appreciate your show, and I really

listen every day.

Speaker 2 (28:31):
Well, thank you, Pat.

Speaker 1 (28:32):
It's sad.

Speaker 2 (28:33):
I've never been this concerned about not only our country
but the state of the world than I am today.
Very very chilling. And for those people. I've been warning
about this for many years, and when I wrote Deliver
Us from Evil, I talked about how in the last
century one hundred million plus human souls were slaughtered now China, Russia,

Stalin Hitler, Germany, Bashi's of Mussolini, Paul Pott killing fields
tojo Japan, and I can keep going. It can happen again.
Eight nine four one Sean, if you want to be
a part of the program. Chris and Maryland. We got
about a minute. It's all yours, sir.

Speaker 6 (29:18):
Real quick. It's my call is about the media, who
controls it and who can control it, and a call
to action. Essentially, I think democrats buy media outlets to
control the narrative, and Republicans look at that as an investment,
as an investable, can I make money? And so we
pass and the Democrats buy everything up. So we need

Republicans and conservatives to look at the media as a tool,
not as an investment.

Speaker 2 (29:50):
Look, the good news is is people are getting more
savvy every day and between the Internet, podcast, talk radio,
fox News, if you're seeking alternative viewpoints, then the old,
frankly dead mainstream media mob it's available to you, and

it just and it's not even that hard to find anymore.
It used to be very hard. When I started in radio.
There are only a couple of hundred talk radio stations
in the country. Now there's like five thousand. If you
look at if you look at Fox News during the
OJ case, for example, there wasn't a Fox News. It

wasn't even an MSDNC. It was fake news CNN and
that was it. And now nobody watches them. And by
the way, they chased everybody away because they're so out
of touch and they have a liberal agenda. So you know,
in the next one hundred and ninety six days, my
advice to all of you out there is to get
involved to the maximum level possible.

Speaker 4 (30:58):

Speaker 2 (30:58):
That's going to wrap things up board. Today, we got
a great Hannity tonight nine eastern on the Fox News Channel.
Alina Habba was involved in the case with the Attorney
General of New York. Caroline Levitt was in the courtroom
with the start of the trial with Alvin Bragg. Today,
Eric Trump also joins us. Jim Jordan will join us

as well. Robert Kraft, he's done with Columbia. We'll talk
about that with him, the owner of the Patriots, NW,
Gingrich and much more. Say you DVR Hannity nine eastern
on the Fox News Channel and we'll see you then
back here tomorrow. Thank you for making the show possible.

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