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April 24, 2024 31 mins

Senator Mike Lee of Utah, discusses the disgusting funding of Ukraine, while our border remains wide open, our agents are unfunded, and our veterans are homeless on the street. With $113 billion given to date in September of last year, to now an additional $61 billion just this week, what are we doing?

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hi, Thanks Scotch had an hour two Sean Hannity Show
toll free. It's eight hundred nine four one sewn if
you want to be a part of the program. Will
be joined by Senator Mike Lee of Utah in a minute.
Congress obviously grappling, fighting, struggling over issues involving, you know,
funding wars in Ukraine and how much support to give

Israel and Joe Biden has a pretty great dilemma. And
Democrats have a pretty big dilemma in front of them,
and that is that the base of their party just
seems to have zero understanding as it relates to what
actually happened on October the seventh, twelve hundred Israeli slaughtered.

That included beheadings of children, burning of children, raping of women,
hostages taken, and what was the largest terror attack in
Israel's history. We even have Americans still we think held hostage,
nobody really knows if they're dead or alive. Then you
have all over the country, you have the insanity of

rampant anti Semitism all over college campuses around the country.
I mean everywhere from Berkeley to Harvard to Yale to
NYU to Colombia. I mean, the list goes on and
on and on, and college is now seemingly impotent when
it comes to containing what is intensifying pro Palestinian, in

many cases anti Semitic protests.

Speaker 2 (01:36):
And you know, there was a poll.

Speaker 1 (01:38):
That came out nearly half of gen Z voters are
sympathetic towards Hamas.

Speaker 2 (01:43):
Are they really that ignorant?

Speaker 1 (01:44):
They're going to the supposedly the finest universities in the country,
and yet they don't know that Hamas has called for
the destruction of Israel in their own charter, that since
two thousand and five, twenty thousand rockets have been fired
into Israel. Thank goodness for the Iron Dome, but I've
always said the Iron Dome is great for now, but
it's a band aid and this is going to get worse.

And then, of course Joe Biden has himself a big problem,
and that is, okay, he needs all of these people
to vote.

Speaker 2 (02:14):
For him, and now he's got a lot.

Speaker 1 (02:17):
He's got a big problem with radical leftists in his
party that he needs to capitulate to, and he needs
to coddle at which he's been doing in big ways
in small ways. It's really unbelievable. And anyway, it's it's
now become a big problem. I mean, you have everyone
from Chuck Schumer. Israel is in a fight for their survival,

and you have the Senate majority, the leader leader out
there saying, well, we need new elections in Israel, and
then Nancy Pelosi is saying we should not help Israel
at all in their fight against terrorism. And then she
took it a step further by saying Net and Yahoo
is the obstacle to peace. He should resign with and
anybody with moral clarity at all understand that Israel has

been the victim here. The rockets have been fired from
the north at his Ballah, at Elebanon, It's been fired
from the south out of Gaza. You know, twenty thousand
just out of Gaza since two thousand and five. You've
got to be kidding me. And of course what happened
on the seventh of October, you know, how would you
want your country to react? And you have a president

that doesn't have a moral clarity to understand that evil
exists and Israel he should be supporting their right to
self determination and self defense because the state of Israel
may not survive if in fact, they lose this war.
I don't think they willed. Right now, they're fighting a
two front war, and if you add Iran in to
the equation, that would be a three front war. Here's

what Pelosi.

Speaker 3 (03:46):
Said, Will you recognize Israel's right to protect itself? We
reject the policy and the practice of nets in Yaho terrible.
What could be worse than what he is done in response?
First of all the exposure. See his intelligence person resigned.
He should resign. He's ultimately responsible because he have blocked

to peace. Benjamin Natagnelle, he has been for years. I
don't know whether he's afraid of peace, incapable of peace,
or just doesn't want peace, but he has been an
obstacle to the two state solution. I emphasize the word solution.

Speaker 1 (04:25):
You know, all those terror tunnels that you see was
built with Israeli money, American money, and that was money
designed to go to the people that live in Gaza,
the Palestinians, for hospitals and schools and infrastructure, and all
it's been spent on is infrastructure to kill and capture Israelis.
I mean, where is your moral compass here? Where is

your sense of moral clarity? Here where is the criticism
against the radical Islamic terrorists that have been wreaking havoc
against Israel for the longest period of time. But it
does very critical questions about what America's role in the
world should be. And I think what we're looking at
is a president that doesn't have that clarity and is

more interested in his blind political ambition than anything else.
Senator Mike Lee of Utah as with us, How are.

Speaker 4 (05:16):
You, sir, doing great?

Speaker 5 (05:18):
Sean, Thank you very much.

Speaker 1 (05:20):
You know, as I look at all of the billions
of dollars that have been sent to Ukraine, I mean,
you know, up to eighty now it's another sixty, and
the money keeps going up and up and up. Europe
has not stepped up to protect their own continent, Senator,
They're not paying their fair share.

Speaker 2 (05:38):
Number one. Number two.

Speaker 1 (05:39):
From the beginning of this conflict, Joe Biden had put
handcuffs on the people of Ukraine and President Zelensky, Oh,
you can't have the MiG jets to fight and combat
Russia's very powerful air force. Why would he do that? Oh,
you can't use these kind of bombs because that would
be an escalation.

Speaker 2 (06:00):
And in the interim.

Speaker 1 (06:01):
America ends up funding a large portion of this in
what really has deteriorated into a proxy war between the
United States and Ukraine. And then you compare and contrast.
You know a very clear case where Israel is the
victim of radical Islamic terror, the worst terror attack in
their history. If you extrapolate out the population, it would

be the equivalent of forty thousand dead Americans in a day.
They lost twelve hundred Israelies. They have under ten million
people in terms of their overall population, and they are
in a fight for their survival. And all I hear
Joe doing is and Chuck Schumer doing in Nancy Pelosi
doing lecturing the victims of terror rather than just saying no,

we support your right to defend yourself and win your
war against those that have attacked you and murdered your citizens,
raped your citizens, and beheaded your children. I'm having a
hard time understanding where their moral compasses, like your thoughts.

Speaker 5 (07:00):
On it, I don't know where the moral compass is.
I don't know where their political compass is. Look to
follow pulling on this, pulling is going back like six months.
This is popular funding this war, which sent one hundred
and thirteen billion dollars, more than any other country on Earth,
more than every other country on Earth combined, including the

neighbors of Ukraine. Are NATO allies in whose backyard this
conflict is waging? Why is this hours to fund and
not theirs? Why is this hours to fund to such
a greater degree than theirs? So we're continuing to do that. Well,
Europe does far too little given their proximity. Meanwhile, this
but by.

Speaker 1 (07:40):
The way, that infuriates me, Senator political you know, this
is their continent. Ukraine is not a part of NATO.
I don't mind the United States contributing. I don't like Putin.
He's a thug, a murderer, and a dictator. But this
is now devolved into a US Russia proxy war because

of an obsession of Joe Biden only to deal with
this front of conflict around the world, but pretty much
putting all the pressure on the victims of terror in
the Middle East. I don't understand the calculation there.

Speaker 5 (08:18):
No, that's exactly right, putting all the pressure on Israel. Meanwhile,
this bill, in addition to sending sixty plus billion dollars
to Ukraine, this bill sends up to nine and a
half billion dollars that could go up to that amount
could go to hamas to you know, it's labeled. Of
course it's something very different humanitarian relief aid to Gaza

and other places. But we know they could put it
all in gods if they want. There is no sending aid,
even humanitarian aids to Gaza without helping coume us in
a real material way. And so we've got this whole
thing backwards. And as to the proxy war again Russia.
One thing we know sean about proxy wars, proxy wars

funded by the United States of America that drag out
now into their third year. They eventually become non proxy wars.
And when a non proxy war is fought against a
nuclear armed adversary, that's kind of scary. It's not to
say we should never ever consider any conflict that could

result in that, but we've got to really consider that carefully,
which hasn't been done here. Instead, we're running headlong into
another massive spendings free And by the way, this spendings
free is unpopular and has been for at least six
months everywhere in America perhaps accepts Washington, DC.

Speaker 1 (09:48):
Quick break more with Utah Senator Mike Lee, and then
your calls coming up toll free today, it's eight hundred
and ninety four one, Sean if you want to be
a part of the program. As we roll along, we
continue with Utah Senator Mike Lee, who's with us. We'll
get to your calls at the bottom of the half hour.

Eight hundred and nine four one, Shawn is our number.
So we now have a situation where Republicans really don't
unfortunately in the House.

Speaker 2 (10:19):
This is how I'm saying it.

Speaker 1 (10:21):
Is you have probably at least I can identify forty
people that I can confidently say are rhinos. So you
don't have a united caucus there. You are in the
minority in your body in the Senate. However, there is
power that you do have, and for example, the Senate
rule requiring sixty votes to bring debate to a close,

and Schumer has a razor with thin majority in the Senate,
and you know, in that sense, I would think that Republicans,
if they united in your body, would be able to
stop a lot of this, But they don't seem willing
to do it there either.

Speaker 5 (10:58):
No, that's exactly right. Thank Heavens for the closure rule
that takes sixty votes to bring debate to a close,
and you can't pass a bill like this without bringing
debate to a close first. So my advice to my
Republican colleagues is that we should not even consider providing
support to bring debate to a close on this bill,

especially whereas here we're being denied votes even on amendments.
The Senate voting right now on my motion to cable
VI amemortry, which is my effort to stop Chuck Schumer
from saying that nobody Democrat, Republican or otherwise can vote
on any amendment to this bill. Look, forty one senators,

any group of forty one can stop this bill dead
in this track. They can kill the bill. And we've
got forty nine Republican senators. I don't know why we're
doing the bidding of the Democratic Party here, And I
understand everybody says, well, in the House they've got a
razor it's in Republican majority. Well that's great, but so
two of dou Chuck Schumer have a razor fin Democratic

majority in the Senate, and at the House they don't
even have the cloture rules, so they don't have that
excuse at least in the Senate, we could still stop
this just with Republican votes alone.

Speaker 1 (12:11):
Okay, you need forty one, Well tell the bill.

Speaker 2 (12:15):
What's the math now if you need forty one votes.

Speaker 5 (12:20):
Yeah, Well, the math is that if we have forty
one votes to stop quoture, they can't get to sixty votes,
and so that blocked it. That shuts it down completely.
The math on the prior bill was that you had
twenty six Republican senators three Democrats who voted against the
last Ukraine supplemental bill, and if we could hold those

and then we could, you know, pick up another twelve votes,
we could get to forty one, and forty one stops
the bill. There's no reason why we as Republicans should
be this anxious to vote on something. Remember we, as Republicans,
you strong on this, or most Republicans did a couple
of months ago. It's essentially the same bill. Sure they've

added a couple of things to it, but it's essentially
the same bill. Our border is still not secure, even
though we as a party made a commitment months ago
we're not going to give more money to Ukraine until
at a minimum we have a secure border and we
passed something with it that would force Joe Biden to
secure the border. There's nothing in here that does that.

So we're spending all kinds of money, putting all kinds
of research for resources in the Ukraine's border while ours
continues to be invaded, and.

Speaker 2 (13:36):
With thirty five trillion in debt.

Speaker 1 (13:37):
And you don't have to be an mit grad and
a math tenius to figure out that the trillion dollars
a year servicing the interest on that debt alone is
not sustainable for any country, is it?

Speaker 4 (13:52):

Speaker 5 (13:52):
In fact debt service which was you know back in
the early twenty tens when I got here. I think
we're in the range of two hundred and fifty three
hundred billion a year now, eclipsing our national defense spending.
And within a year, I think it's going to crest
above a trillion dollars a year. There is not enough
money to cover this. We have got to start somewhere.

We could start by not funding other people's wars, especially
wars that we've already funded to the tune of one
hundred and thirteen trillion.

Speaker 2 (14:21):
Well said Senator.

Speaker 1 (14:23):
There's only really one way out of this in the end,
is we need more conservative House members, more conservative senators.
We need as big a majority as possible, and we
need Donald Trump to be re elected. And in one
hundred and ninety five days. Frankly, the trajectory of this
country is hanging by a thread. That's how important this

election will be. Senator Mike Lee, I'm jealous you live
in Utah, you get to eat Crown Burgers. I don't
I hate you for that, but we appreciate you being
on the program.

Speaker 4 (14:55):

Speaker 5 (14:55):
I think of you every time I enjoyed my Crown Burger.

Speaker 1 (14:58):
Oh, I know you do, and you love to rub
it in my I really appreciate that. Anyway, Tell my
friends at Crown Berger I love them. Thank you, sir.
You know I love this. It's so reminiscent of the
summer of twenty twenty. Democrats have themselves a big problem here,
and they've got themselves an anti Semitic problem. And we've

been talking about the pro Hamas wing in Congress, the
you know, shouting we are Hamas on college campuses, and
it is spreading like a cancer top universities all around
the country. Yet another Jewish student physically attacked at Columbia
by a pro Hamas protester. You have a rabbi saying, yeah,

if you Jewish, don't, don't come to school. You have
our elite schools now turning into like Hamas University. Anti
Semitism is running rampant. You have nearly half of Generation
Z voters sympathetic towards AMAS. All things we've been telling
you about, But what's reminiscent of twenty twenty we have?
Remember the summer of twenty twenty, all the writing five

hundred and seventy four rights we were told by the
mob the media. My favorite pictures were reporters on MSDNC
and Fake New CNN over their shoulder. You had a
city on fire and they'd be reported and it's mostly peaceful.
I'm like, really, have you looked over your own shoulder
and you see that the town is burning? Anyway, that

summer we had dozens of dead Americans, thousands of injured cops.
Remember they were getting whacked with bricks, rocks, bottles, molotov cocktails,
and billions in property damage. It was no commission, no committee,
and the Democrats were either totally silent because they didn't
want to alienate the people that they believed to be

a part of their base, the radicals now that represent
the Democratic Party, or they were very tepid in speaking out,
or they just flat out lied to us and said no,
they're mostly peaceful in spite of what our eyes were
showing us. And now that's happening as it relates to
what's going on around college campuses and this you know, repulsive,

vile anti semitism that has been on the rise, which
ought to scare the hell out of anybody that has
any basic or fundamental knowledge of history, and AOC you know,
literally referring to these protesters on college campuses as peaceful,
and it just reminded me of the summer of twenty twenty.

Speaker 6 (17:26):
Listen, it is especially important that we remember the power
of young people shaping this country today of all days,
as we once again witness the leadership of those peaceful
student led protests on campus. Is like Columbia, Yale, Berkeley
and many others.

Speaker 1 (17:44):
Yeah, tell it to the other the two Jewish students
physically attacked at Columbia by Prohamas protesters tell it to them,
and again just flat out lying and supporting everything that
would be wrong. What part of Hamas being a terrorist
organization committed to the destruction of Israel and the chance

of death to Israel, death to America. The twelve hundred
dead Israelis on October seventh, the rapes, the beheadings, the burnings,
the wreckage, the kidnappings. You know what part of that
are they not understanding or do they understand it, but
they just don't care, or they just share in these

these very distorted, sick, twisted values where wrong is right
and right is wrong. Pretty sick times we're living in Nita.
Is in Arizona, Nita. I have a message for all
of your elected officials in Arizona, you ready, Republicans especially Yep,

they better get their act together on the issue of abortion.
I know you have this pre Civil War, you know
provision that according to the State Supreme Court, has now
been reinstated, and Republicans they better understand that they will
literally hand that entire state electorally over to the Democratic Party.

They will lose on the local level, they will lose
on the national level, and Donald Trump probably won't have
a shot as a consequence of their inaction. So if
you are a Republican legislator out there, I don't know
any of you, you better get your Adam shipped together,
and you better fix this, and you have a very

short window to do it. That's why Kamala Harris was
out there. That's why you got Joe Biden down in Florida.
You know, talking about the Florida abortion law here, which
allows abortion for six weeks. That's on the low side
compared to the national average. I think the country, I
have said this many times, is that the first trimester
to fifteen weeks. But this is its state decision and

your state has to fix this. So if everybody in Arizona,
here's my voice, you might want to call your state
rep your state senator and tell them to get their
act together and fix this. Anyway, I'm done, I'm off
my high horse.

Speaker 2 (20:11):
Nita. What's on your mind?

Speaker 7 (20:12):
Oh? Thanks, thanks, An, and I hope you're having a
wonderful day. I totally agree with you. I am pro life,
but they've got to fix this.

Speaker 8 (20:20):
They just have to.

Speaker 7 (20:21):
And my concern there's so many things to be concerned about,
but right now you were talking about with the protesters
and pro humus get to America, that is a terroristic threat?
Am I? Am I right? Or am I wrong? No?

Speaker 1 (20:37):
You're correct and By the way, terroristic threats often are crimes,
and you can't make a terroristic threat against people. But
that's happening now with regularity to a scary level.

Speaker 7 (20:52):
So my point is, why aren't these people being held accountable?
That is that should terrify every America. Those words are
very clear. Those three words are terrifying.

Speaker 1 (21:06):
Yeah, you think death to America. Yeah, and here's the
worst part of this. And I and Prime Minister Netanya
who has said this to me in many many interviews
over the years. Yeah, they want to take out Israel. Yeah,
from the river to the sea is real, meaning wiping
Israel off the map. And they even talk about that.

But they view these radical Islamic terrorists, these terrorist organizations,
Israel is not the end for them. It's the beginning
for them. And if you look at Convert or Die,
they they want the whole world to convert to their sick,
twisted radical ideology because they're radicalized and otherwise you are

the enemy and you should die. And the next target
for them would be the United States of America's why
I keep warning people you better never let to Iron
get nuclear weapons because those lunatics that buy into this
converter die mentality. They will use them and they'll think
they're doing God's will as they hit the red button,

and they would shoot it right at the United States
if they got the opportunity. We saw what they were
capable of when they tried to attack Israel. We saw
Israel's response. And whether or not this comes back again,
I don't know, but it's certainly simmering under the surface,
that's for sure. But yeah, if you chant death to America,
it sounds to me like you don't love the country

and that you're threatening the country. I would view that
as a direct threat.

Speaker 7 (22:39):
Oh, I totally agree. I just wish they'd be held accountable.
It's terrifying.

Speaker 1 (22:43):
Yeah, appreciate the call. Thank you, Anita eight hundred and
nine four one, Sean. If you want to be a
part of the program, Monty is in Florida, the Free
State of Florida. Sir, how are you glad you called?

Speaker 8 (22:55):
I'm doing well, sir. How about yourself?

Speaker 1 (22:57):
I'm great, glad you check it in on this Tuesday.
What's on your mind?

Speaker 8 (23:01):
Excellently. I'm going to just kind of reiterate what the
lady just said about these demonstrators and it turns my
stomach to watch these tasty faced little kids chat and
chanting death to America and we are hamas. Do we
have anybody private citizens that can just anyone that can

stand up to these people? They have that pack mentality,
and it just drives me nuts that there's nobody standing
up to them. I mean, you take any single one
of them, put them by themselves, and they're probably like
little whimpering babies, but they get that pac mentality working
and they just they don't even.

Speaker 2 (23:42):
Know what the hes it.

Speaker 1 (23:43):
It's become very mob like and fashionable. No, well, there's
there's really only one way to handle this, and that
is that law enforcement needs to do its job and
not allow raightalized students to take over college campuses and

take over the streets of a city. And you've got
to stop them right in their tracks, and you've got
to enforce the laws of your state, or the laws
of your city, or the laws of the land, period.

Speaker 2 (24:13):
And that's what they ought to.

Speaker 8 (24:14):
Do, but they won't since obviously they're being handstrung by
their superiors, who are obviously liberals.

Speaker 1 (24:24):
Well, I mean, I've laid out the philosophy of tenured
professors for example, at Columbia. I mean they celebrated the
terrorist attack of October seventh. I mean, they're on the payroll.
Why would you allow terrorists sympathizing supporting professors supposedly educating

your kids.

Speaker 2 (24:47):
Why would you allow that?

Speaker 8 (24:49):
Because they're idiots? Yeah, I can't. I mean who raised
these kids.

Speaker 1 (24:56):
I mean, let me tell you something. I'm glad my
kids had done with school. That's all I can say.
I'm glad. And if they go back, you know, for
any you know, future degree, that's up to them. But
it would be probably a more professional argument. But I mean, environment,
but it's bad.

Speaker 2 (25:16):
You know, you think it used to be. You know,
if you can.

Speaker 1 (25:19):
Get your kid into an Ivy League school, how proud
of a parent would you be?

Speaker 2 (25:22):

Speaker 8 (25:24):
You know, absolutely, if.

Speaker 1 (25:26):
My kids wanted to go to an Ivy League school,
obviously I couldn't stop them. But thankfully it was never
an issue. Although there was one school recruiting, no two
Ivy League institutions that were recruiting my daughter, she's an athlete,
and I'm like, no, we're not going there, and she said, Dad,
I never would go there. So it wasn't it wasn't

an issue for me.

Speaker 8 (25:50):
You're fortunate, you know it's just. But you also you
also raised your children, and if you told them not
to do something they didn't do it, it would be
my guess. And if they didn't, then there was some
ramification sell besides a naughty matter time out and hardly
I think that is what they need, is some good

old fashioned discipline and that.

Speaker 1 (26:16):
The college president won't lift a finger. Now these are
the same university campuses.

Speaker 2 (26:25):
God help you.

Speaker 1 (26:26):
If you use the wrong freaking pronoun and you offend somebody,
you're probably up for expulsion. That's how twisted and weird
and bizarre things are. It's crazy anyway, Monty appreciate the
call man.

Speaker 2 (26:41):
Thank you.

Speaker 1 (26:42):
Quick break right back to our phone, say eight hundred
and ninety four one Shawn as we continue love me
stories of the day, his solutions to help move America forwards.

Speaker 2 (26:58):
This is a shaw unhandy show.

Speaker 1 (27:03):
Back up busy phones. Eight hundred nine four one shot
is o number. Jim is in the Ocean state Rhode Island.
Lived there five years in Warren, Rhode Island. Loved the
Black Pearl in Newport, the greatest clam chowder in the
history of the world.

Speaker 2 (27:17):
How are you, Jim, what's up.

Speaker 4 (27:19):
I'm well yourself, I'm good.

Speaker 2 (27:21):
What's going on?

Speaker 8 (27:22):

Speaker 4 (27:22):
I want to call and talk about the circus. The
court case is going on right now in New York.
But first I'd like to go back to something that
the Great Russia Limbo had to say a number of
years ago. And there's a lot more play here than
the prosecution persecution with Donald Trump than just getting him
out of the way and the democratic machine. They'll not
be they won't let up until they have destroyed Donald

Trump completely. As Rush said, they want to destroy him,
his presidency, which they tried to do it pretty handily,
his family, his company. They want to bankrupt him. And
it's not meant just to get right Donald Trump. It's
meant to send the message to anyone else out there
who wants to rock the boat that is the swamp.
They're saying, look what we did to him. Before you
come into this town thinking you can rock our world,

Look what we did to him. We can mess with
your life just as well. That's what they're saying. They're saying,
don't come into Washington, DC and tell us that we're
and you're going to mess with us.

Speaker 1 (28:17):
I can't say it any better than you know Russia, Lombaugh.
But he's a thousand was one thousand percent right. It
exists to this day. It's a form of intimidation. I've
never thought we'd live in a country where virulent anti
Semitism would be all over the place. Nor did I
think I'd live in a country where our justice department

is so flagrantly weaponized against political opponents, and that they're
using this to destroy people because they don't agree with them.
And that's exactly the time that we are living here
with I'll quote another talk show host Mark Levin, it's
a post constitutional America. And I don't quote myself here,

and I will tell you that they do not. At
the end of the day, they think they know better
than you. They have contempt for we the people. Jim
good call, appreciate you being with us. Thank me, God
bless us. Get off my phone now, I'm kidding, boy,

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