All Episodes

April 26, 2024 31 mins

"Four more years - Pause," was the remarks from President Biden as he made another gaffe.  It's very clear that there is a problem. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
All right, thank you Scott Shannon, and thanks to all
of you for being with us. Here is our toll
free telephone number if you'd like to be a part
of the program at his eight hundred and ninety four
one Sean if you want to be a part of
the program. We got so much to talk about today, honestly,
I mean, it's crazy, and the good news is we
shall have enough time to get it all in. I

think the most interesting story I'll probably spend a lot
more time in hour two of the program today, and
that is the Trump Immunity arguments oral arguments before the
United States Supreme Court today. President Trump's attorney, I thought,
you know, raised very good points in his opening statement. Well,
could President George W. Bush have been sent to prison

for obstructing an official proceeding or allegedly quote lying to
Congress to induce war with Iraq? Could President Obama be
charged with murder for killing US citizens abroad by a
drone strike which happened? Could President Biden someday charged with
unlawfully inducing immigrants to enter the country illegally for his

border policies. You know the answer to all of those questions.
This is Trump's attorney saying it is no, and prosecuting
the president for official acts is an innovative, you know,
without any foothold or history or tradition, and it's incompatible
with our constitutional structure.

Speaker 2 (01:26):
Just fascinating moments.

Speaker 1 (01:27):
The only thing I don't like about, and this came up,
I think in the one of the earlier hearings, you know,
the absurd, ridiculous argument about, well, if the president wants
to kill his chief political rival, would that be considered
you know, one of his official duties. Okay, And that
gets into the question of whether or not you're arguing

really for unlimited immunity or absolute immunity versus limited immunity,
which I think is the stronger argument in all of this,
and I think that they all agreed with with me
based on listening to the answers of the justices, and
I think that's where the way this is going to
end up coming out. If you go back to the

eighty two case, this was a civil case, Nixon versus Fitzgerald,
and go all the way back to that, it was
very clear that they said no, on civil cases, you're
not going to be able to hold a former president
libel for actions taken while while he was president, and

I think that just I think where they're headed, where
they're leaning, is towards the issue of limited immunity, and
I think that's how it's going to all play out.
I think there were a couple of checkmate moments for
the for the well the Special Council's attorney, I don't
think you know their main argument that it would be
a sea change to announce a sweeping rule of immunity

that no president has had or is needed. Well, go
back to the opening arguments of President Trump's attorneys. Could
George W. Bush had been sent to prison for obstructing
an official proceeding allegedly lying to Congress to induce the
war in Iraq? The left believes that. I do not
believe that. I believe he did it with a sincere heart.

He did it based on intelligence, which is never perfect.
Could Obama be charged with murder for killing US citizens
abroad and a drone strike, Well, I would argue the
answer is absolutely not. But what some of the justices
were pointing out, and this is where maybe Justice Kavanaugh
made the best point, I'm not focused on the here

and now of this case. I'm very concerned about the future.
I'm worried about the similar kind of situation applying here,
and that was a prosecutor investigating a president in each
one of these circumstances, and someone picked from the opposition party.
Is how it worked. Now it's you know, this decision,

he said, is a decision for the ages. I mean
that's and it is a decision for the ages, because
the question then will be, will every every president in
office be filtering what is through through the prism of well, maybe, maybe,
just maybe I might be arrested in charge for something

that I'm in a decision that I'm making that only
presidents have to make, And is that a special dispensation
given to a president?

Speaker 2 (04:31):
In a way, it kind of is.

Speaker 1 (04:33):
But I think they're going to end up adopting the
Fitzgerald case, which was a civil case, and that's Nixon
versus Fitzgerald, and they will adopt it as it relates
to criminal cases. And I think they're going to fall
down somewhere in the middle, which is going to be
limited immunity. And I think there's going to be a
big setback for the special counsel that wants to prosecute Trump,

and I don't think that this is going to be
a short process. If they remanded to a lower court
and the lower court has to make a very specific
decision based on very specific allegations, well at that point
it's going to get very complicated again. And if I
had to guess, I would be leaning towards the Supreme
Court probably bringing some finality to this, like in the

Nixon Fitzgerald case, where presidents do have limited immunity that
they can make decisions right or wrong, decisions in the
capacity of being the commander in chief and the president
of our country. I thought that, you know, Kavanaugh saying
President Ford's pardon very controversial in the moment, hugely unpopular,

why he lost in seventy six, now looked upon as
one of the better decisions in presidential history, I think
by most people, you know, if he's thinking about, well,
if I grant this to Richard Nixon, could I be
investigating myself for obstruction of justice on the theory that
I'm interfering with the investigation of Richard Nixon.

Speaker 2 (05:56):
What a good point that is.

Speaker 1 (05:58):
Kavanaugh then even later made the well, what about Obama's
drone strikes? They killed Americans? Excuse me? Those are all
really strong arguments. The main argument of the Special Council's
attorney got by the name of Debrin. In this case,
I think it would be a sea change to announce
a sweeping rule of immunity that no president has had

or is needed. That's because there's never been weaponization of
the law like there has been against Donald Trump. Because
all the cases that I previously mentioned, including Obama and
George W. Bush, just to name two, would be applicable here.
And I think we've also had act perfectly functioning system
that has hasn't seen occasional episodes of presidential misconduct Gorsic.

By the way, here's some advice if you're an attorney
arguing before the Supreme Court, don't piss off one of
the justices in the case, because I don't think that
actually works to your benefit here. Because gorse Such at
one point was getting very annoyed with the Special Counsel's
attorney about the use and the term of immunity. And

I thought that was actually a fairly entertaining moment. But
there's a lot of you know, there's a lot of
there's a lot of complexity to this case. On the
one hand, but a lot of simplicity to it as well,
and that is a president cannot do his job if
he in the back of his mind at any moment
he's thinking what he's doing is is he's going to

be prosecuted on after he leaves office. Anyway, we'll get
into that. We have our legal panel coming up at
the top of the next hour. I think you'll find
it pretty interesting. Also, the latest out of the Trump
witch on trial that has been going on. That, of course,
in New York, President Trump got his day started, you know,
hours after a very dazed, confused, confounded President Joe Biden

blurted out, four more years pause.

Speaker 2 (07:59):
Might be my favorite of all time.

Speaker 1 (08:02):
Anyway, So Donald Trump went out there, made a surprise
visit to a New York City construction site where he's
meeting with carpenters and pipe fitters and welders, and they
gave him a heroes welcome.

Speaker 2 (08:15):
I think we've got the team now.

Speaker 1 (08:31):
One of the workers was asked by somebody in the
media about Biden listened to this.

Speaker 2 (08:37):
What's it like seeing so many Republicans in Manhattan, so
many Trump supporters in Manhattan's that surprised you? No, not
at all, it's turning now, Trump's turn again. What's your
message to Joe Biden?

Speaker 1 (08:47):
You? Okay, there you go, a New York construction worker.
Love those guys. They're the best anyway. Daily Caller fifty
of Trump. The issue of Trump's idea of no, we're
not We're going to send every one of Joe Biden's
unvetted illegal immigrants home now. Daily Caller put out a
poll fifty one percent approof of Trump's mass deportation plan,

sixty eight percent of Republicans, forty six percent of independence.
That is a sea change from where it was before. Oh.
One other issue that came up today on the legal
front that I wanted to tell you about. It was
kind of a nice change to see a DC Judge
Anna Reus just ripping Biden's weaponized Justice Department for instructing

two lawyers in its tax division to disregard a congressional
subpoena in the Hunter Biden investigation, all while it has
been zealously prosecuting Trump officials for the very same offense.
And the two of note that we have discussed at length,
For example, Pete Navarro's spending four months in jail, He's
sitting why because he defied the subpoena for the January

sixth committee, Steve Bannon is awaiting you an appeal in
his particular case, he may end up in jail as well.
And by the way, for the record, both of them
had the option and the choice. They could have gone
in pled the fifth and left and no harm, no foul,
and they would have walked away. But they both wanted
to stand on principle and say no.

Speaker 2 (10:20):
And you got to give them credit for that.

Speaker 1 (10:23):
Yesterday, the day before, I've been calling on Arizona Republicans
to amend their Supreme Court, the State Supreme Court of
Arizona's abortion ban, before Democrats use it to destroy Republican
chances for winning the state. And thankfully the Arizona Legislature
has taken a major step in the right direction. My
sources on the ground in Arizona tell me the House

the Senate will follow suit. As the Arizona House of
Representatives approved a bill to remove the states strict abortion prohibition.
This vote comes two weeks after a judge rule the
state could enforce an eighteen sixty four legislation which contains
an exemption only for cases in which the mother's life
is in danger, not for rape or incest. And anyway,

they repealed the legislation and you saw what happened. How
immediately the Democrats tried to pounce on this and turn
this into a political issue. Democrats sending out Kamala Harris
not exactly the best person to send out for anything,
but you know, basically to weaponize and politicize the issue
of abortion. I've been telling Republicans you better understand that abortion.

They are going to demagogue this to death. If you
look at that open George Santo seat. More ads run
by Democrats about abortion, and the Republican candidate in that
race was not anti abortion, didn't run on it, didn't
stop them from lying. By the way, there's a lot
of chaos apparently surrounding Kamala Harris. A Secret Service agent

on her detail was removed from assignment after a physical
fight while on do Anyway, the chief of communications for
the US Secret Service called the incident a medical matter.
But anyway, this Secret Service agent assigned to Harris's detail
was removed from the assignment. Apparently there was a fight
that took place. First reported by the New York Post

were confirmed to foxnews dot Com. The incident happened at
Joint Base Andrews and Maryland while Harris was at the
Naval Observatory, and it didn't delay her departure, but however,
the chief of Communications for the Secret Service called it
a medical matter, adding that the agency wouldn't be commenting
any further. But at approximately nine am were told the

US Secret Service special agent supporting the Vice President and
her departure was displaying behavior that colleagues found distressing, and
one of the other agents confronted this person, and the
agent had to be removed from their assignment, and medical
personnel were summoned. And the US Secret Service obviously if
they took the guy's gun away, let's put it that way,

So they obviously took it very seriously. I think more
people are laughing at Joe Biden saying four more years.

Speaker 2 (13:10):

Speaker 1 (13:12):
Remember the movie? Remember what was it? The anchor movie?
H what was the anchor?

Speaker 2 (13:18):

Speaker 1 (13:19):
Uh Burgundy? Yeah, rob Ron Burgundy? Who was Will Farrell
that played that?

Speaker 2 (13:25):

Speaker 1 (13:26):
Okay, very funny piece and any but his gaffes have
been off the hook. I'm telling everybody that he can't
get through a single day without having a bad day.
By the way, next four more years. You can't make
it up. Oh, Biden signs a bill that's gonna ban

TikTok and and in nine months and forced the sale
of it. But the Biden campaign is still using tiktoks
and said TikTok and says.

Speaker 2 (13:58):
They're going to continue to do so. Wow.

Speaker 1 (14:01):
Biden is running as far away from this campus chaos
as possible because Joe Biden wants the votes of the
lunatics that are running the asylums and that are supporting
these pro Hamas movements on campus. It's a pretty unbelievable
time we're all living in. I can't believe it. Well,
we saw the shocking numbers on the economy that came

out in the last two months that year over year
last month up three point five percent from the year before,
the month before that three point two percent from the
year before. On top of that, the CPI numbers, I'm sorry,
the GDP numbers are an unmitigated disaster. It shows just

nothing but weak economic growth to non existent to be honest,
worries some inflation, fears of stagflation.

Speaker 2 (14:51):
On top of it.

Speaker 1 (14:52):
I'll tell you about this report when we get back
that it looks like President failure and President Bidenomics and
mis to Biden inflation has now set a new record
Gallup Survey. More people are now going a bit hungry
in our country than any other Western nation. I'll give
you the details of that. Not good news on the economy.

I wish I could give it to you, but I
can't not I twenty five to the top of the hour,
eight hundred and nine four one. Shawn is own number
whole generation of kids. You know, sadly they know little
to nothing about our nation's darkest day nine to eleven
oh one. We lost two thousand, nine hundred and seventy
seven of our fellow Americans that day. You imagine if

somebody tried to tell us how to fight our war
against these radical terrorists that slaughtered Americans. Anyway, today more
than eighty thousand people are suffering with nine eleven related illnesses.
It's very real. I've met these people. It's real that
day is still taking lives. And the Tunnel to Towers
nine to eleven Institute is helping educators teach kids K

through twelve. About nine to eleven, I mean, my own
daughter was born just a couple of weeks. You know
before that it's unbelievable. You know, now she's out of college.

Speaker 2 (16:11):

Speaker 1 (16:11):
Anyway, the nine to eleven Institute offers nonfiction first person
accounts told through videos, Discovering Heroes book series. The curriculum
units are scripted social studies, lessons, activities for kids, background
for teachers so that they can teach with these. The
curriculum is about nine to eleven, it's still teaching kids'

skills and anyway, they have an institute for speakers for classrooms,
providing access to the nine to eleven first responders, survivors,
loved ones, their mobile exhibit, a huge tractor trailer interactive museum.
We can't forget this, nor can we forget those that
risked everything for us and their families. Anyway, we hope

you'll join us all here at Team Hannity and commit
to eleven dollars a month. Go to the Tunnel to
Ten Hours Foundation website. It's the letter T, the number two,
the letter T dot org. The letter T, the number two,
the letter T dot org. I mentioned my favorite, you know,
I mean, Biden has had it has absolutely been unreal

when you think about it. On the campaign trail. It's
a disaster every day. We played a lot of it yesterday.
Maybe one of my favorites is, you know, four more years. Pause, listen,
imagine what we can do next four more years.

Speaker 2 (17:36):

Speaker 1 (17:36):
The White House puts out official transcripts whenever the President speaks,
and in this transcript, he talks about, you know, the economy,
which is an unmitigated disaster, grows from the middle out
the bottom up, where the wealthy pay their fair share,
and we're gonna have childcare, paid leave, and so much more,
and still reduce the federal deficit, which he raised by

two trillion dollars last year, and increase economic growth, which
is not happening. Folks, Imagine what we can do the
next four more years.

Speaker 2 (18:12):

Speaker 1 (18:13):
The way they write it up in the official transcript,
four more years inaudible. Now let's play that again because
it sounds very audible to me when he says, pause,
you decide.

Speaker 2 (18:26):
Imagine what we can do next four more years?

Speaker 1 (18:30):
Par What do you call that, Linda, Propaganda, misinformation, lying,
all the above.

Speaker 2 (18:41):
I mean I call it lying. I think lying really
sums it up. Well, he's been practicing for forty seven years,
so you know, he's got it down, Pat.

Speaker 1 (18:51):
So we got these bad GDP numbers and we've been
getting nothing but horrific Consumer Price Index, the dicator of inflation,
and wholesale price index numbers. And year over year, you know,
we're up three and a half percent now the last
two months. We got a horrible growth numbers today. And

here's the worst part. It looks like President failure, mister
Bidenomics himself bien inflation. The US has now the highest
rated people in our country that are struggling to afford
enough food to feed themselves in their families of all
the G seven countries last year, according to Gallup. Now

listen to this, twenty six percent of Americans surveyed in
this Gallup analysis said that there have been times in
the past twelve months when they did not have enough
money to buy the food that they needed. In Canada
much lower rated, residents in France much lower, Germany much lower,

United Kingdom, Japan much lower.

Speaker 2 (20:00):
I mean, the inability to.

Speaker 1 (20:02):
Afford food, just so you know, has never been higher
in the US than it was last year since Gallup
started tracking the measure, going all the way back to
two thousand and six. And this is from the global
analytics consultant at Gallop. The figure comes amid a backdrop

of food price inflation in the US. Now Joe's blaming
Donald Trump. Joe is blaming greedy corporations. Joe is blaming
everybody but himself. As per usual, you know, the return
of Biden Inflation has now derailed any economic growth. Gross

domestic product, which is the broadest measure of goods and
services produced across the economy, it barely grew. It grew
by one point six percent on an annualized basis. Economists expected,
you know, nearly twice that amount. The new reading marks
another sharp slow down from the three point four percent

pace that they said that we could expect coming into
this year. Nope, it only shows a week economic growth,
worrisome inflation and stagflation.

Speaker 2 (21:19):
You know.

Speaker 1 (21:19):
Joe Biden basically just promised America a massive other tax hike.
Remember the Donald Trump tax tax cuts. They expire in
twenty twenty five. If Joe Biden's president, it's going to
be the largest tax increase in American history, you know,
and this will be that will have an even greater

economic ripple. It's going to be a disaster for the country.
It's really unbelievable. You know, Biden now is making conflicting
promises on taxes, you know, Scranton Joe floating the tax
hike for most Americans, admitting that he'd let the Trump
error tax cuts under under the Tax Cut and Jobs

Act expire.

Speaker 2 (22:08):
That's what he's saying.

Speaker 1 (22:09):
Well, if he does that, the tax foundation, a single
person making seventy five grand is going to see their
taxes go rise by over seventeen hundred bucks in the
middle of the worst inflation we've had since the seventies
and eighties. The law has you know, lowered marginal tax rates,
it widened tax brackets, it doubled the child tax credit. Anyway,

Biden was trying to make it very clear that the
twenty seventeen tax bill was for billionaires and corporations. And
that's not what It's not what they just make this
Adam shift up. They just make it up as they
go along. How's how's the economy working for you? Just
ask yourself, are you better off than you were four
years ago? Because I don't know anybody that financially is
really better off unless they're getting massive raises or they

have a business that just took off for whatever reason,
you know, But bidenmics shocking numbers of full time jobs
lost over the past five months.

Speaker 2 (23:04):
It's one point seven million jobs.

Speaker 1 (23:07):
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number
of Americans reporting full time employment dropped by more than
one point seven million jobs from November twenty three to
the end of March of twenty four. I mean, that's
a decline. It's a massive decline in full time jobs.
By the way, mortgage rates now have touched seven point

five percent in April, in large part, they had gone
down a lot, but now they've gone right back up
because the promised the promised interest rate cuts are not
going to happen because of Biden inflation. It's a disaster.
But he vows to let the Trump error tax cuts expire. Well,

that means I guess the salt deduction that would benefit
only high tax states like New York and California will
be put back in place. Even when I was a
resident of New York, I said it was unfair that
tax cut of Donald Trump that removed rewarding states that
have high tax rates was the.

Speaker 2 (24:12):
Right thing to do.

Speaker 1 (24:14):
I did not deserve a tax cut that people in Tennessee,
people in Texas, people in Florida were not entitled two
because they were getting punished for electing fiscally responsible politicians.
By the way, not a lot of good news on
the border front. The FBI, now this is the fourth

time has now issued a chilling warning about possible terror
attax on US soil, similar to what happened in Russia
at the concert hall massacre that they had which left
one hundred and forty four people dead. We are increasingly concerned.
This is the fourth time now he has said it,
and he said about the potential for some type of

quarter native attack on the homeland. Why he is not
taking it to the next step, the next logical step,
which would be to tell Biden to stop allowing people
into this country from our top geo political foes and
enforce the laws of our country as it relates to
the border. Joe Biden is doing just the opposite. The

New York Sun today, Biden has now extended his open
borders policies to two Middle Eastern nations with well documented
ties to.

Speaker 2 (25:31):

Speaker 1 (25:33):
Now we already know we have tens and tens of
thousands coming from China, and you have all these people
from Russia, Iran, Syria, Egypt, Afghanistan. Well anyway, Britain's parliament
has issued warnings about Cutter's ties to terrorism and anyway.
So you know, the UK Parliament said Cutter has been
accused of its neighbors are supporting terrorism. There is substantial

evidence that the country has long been supporting the Al
Nusra front, designated by the US in twenty twelve as
a foreign terrorist organization, and the Al Qaeda branch in Syria.
And yet Biden is now extending his open borders policy
to people from this country, but they're not doing anything
in terms of vetting them. You have the illegal immigrants

swinging bats and belts and even you know, traffic cones
at each other in a wild brawl outside of a
New York City hotel. One illegal immigrant arrested by ICE
agents has been charged with more sex crimes against the minor,
you know, released multiple times. They had so many times
to deport this guy. They don't do it. I mean,

Trump slammed it before he went into court today. You know,
by the way, half of Americans now say that they
will will support Donald Trump's mass deportation of all of
Biden's illegal immigrants. That is good news. People understand, we
can't this, this is ridiculous. Now interesting poll numbers that

are coming out. Let's look at North Carolina, increasingly an
important state for any Republican. You want to be president,
you gotta win North Carolina. Well, Trump is leading Biden.
And this is the latest poll that has come out
Bloomberg Burning Console Poll Swing State Pole and Trump is
up ten in North Carolina, fifty one forty one. Georgia

increasingly difficult for Republicans, unfortunately. You know, I lived in Georgia,
loved Georgia, love the people of Georgia. Anyway, right now,
Trump is winning forty nine forty three. If you look
at Arizona, and thankfully the the state House there fixed
this ridiculous eighteen sixty four abortion law that which would

have turned the state into unwinnable and a disaster. But anyway,
Trump is up there forty nine forty two. If you
look at Wisconsin, Trump is up forty eight forty four.
He's up by one point in Pennsylvania forty seven forty six.
It's always a tough state Pennsylvania. However, Joe Biden did

not do particularly well in the primary there, although there,
you know, there was two. I thought there were too
many votes for Nikki Haley in Pennsylvania. I don't know
if they were early votes or not. But uncommitted for
Biden against Biden is very real in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.
Right now, in Nevada you have Trump leading fifty one

forty three. And the only state swing state that has
Biden leading in this poll is Michigan, which I don't
even believe, especially after over one hundred thousand Democrats in
the Democratic primary out there voted against Joe Biden were
non committed. By the way, the RNC is vowing there

will be an army of pole watchers, not just in
swing states but all around the country. By the way,
Biden is getting more and more criticism for his you know,
remember they made such a big deal. I read the
comments of Trump condemning white nationalists and neo Nazis when
he gave quote the Charlottesville speech, and he said, but

not everybody is in that group, good sides on both people.
Good there there are good people there as well. He
got He got brutalized and continues to get brutalized, even
though twice in the same speech he singled out neo Nazis,
singled out white supremacists, and just you know, rip them
to shreds for who they are. Joe Biden has attributed

as run for you know, his decision to run on
that that issue Charlottesville, you know, and Trump's you know
quote good people.

Speaker 2 (29:41):
I'm both know. They was saying these people are evil,
but not everybody there is evil. That's what he was saying.

Speaker 1 (29:48):
And then you got, in the same breath, you've got
Joe Biden making the comments. I condemned anti Semitism and
the anti Semitic protests. That's why I've set up a
program to deal with that, and I condemned those. I
also condemn those who don't understand what's going on with Palestinians.
Oh so there were good people on both sides, Joe,

you think the media will ever lift a finger to tell,
you know, the American voters any of this. We'll get
into more of this later. But you have pro Hamas
college students now blasting Israeli Hamas hostage. The reveals that
seventy Israeli is held by Hamas have been killed. It's unbelievable.

You have Texas troopers in Austin. They were out there,
you know, on horseback trying to squash these pro Hamas protesters.
You know, it's like it's sort of like the inmates
run the asylum. It starts at Cornell, it goes spreads
like a cancer, to NYU. Then it goes to Yale
and HAVEVID and then it goes to UC Berkeley, then
it goes to well now it's the Fashion Institute of

Technology in New York, It's UCLA, it's all around the country.
Pro Hamas protesters rounded an LAPD squad car. A little
scary that turned violent at the USC protest that was
going on yesterday, as police wrestled the tents and the
tarps from the hands of these protesters, detained at least
one individual. A group of protesters surrounded a cop car

allegedly holding a student while the police that police had detained,
refusing to move until the police let the student go
twenty minutes later. Wow, who are we going to protect here?
And why is this college president of Columbia? Why are
any of these college presidents you know not fired? Eight
hundred and nine four one, Shawn is a number. If

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