All Episodes

April 16, 2024 38 mins

Ben Maller talks about where Daniel Jones sits with the Giants organization as the draft approaches, how much trouble Chiefs WR Rashee Rice is in over this street race lawsuit, Maller to the Third Degree, and more!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hello and welcome.

Speaker 2 (00:02):
It's our number two, our two ready to go. We
had to Gotham Adjacent Jersey, the site that is where
we discussed the life and times of Daniel Jones. Where
does Daniel Jones sit with the Giants organization? Conflicting reports
on that? Also, what is going on with Danny Dimes

and his eyes? Wait till we explain this one, and
how much trouble is reigning Super Bowl champion Chiefs receiver
Rashie Risin over the civil lawsuit from the street race
heard round the football world. We'll talk about all that
and more right now here. It is our number two.

Now that is a dime store type of move. Welcome.
In the beginning of another.

Speaker 1 (00:52):
Hour of the Ben Malor Show.

Speaker 2 (00:54):
We are in the air everywhere audio Buddies as we
challenge everything coast to coast, border to border and beyond
on the vast and refreshingly powerful microphones of fsre emmating
live from the dead the dead of the night as

we are broadcasting live from the tyrack dot com studios.

Speaker 1 (01:20):
Tyraq dot com.

Speaker 2 (01:21):
Will help you get there and unmatched selection, fast free shipping,
free road hazard protection, and over ten thousand recommended installers,
Cowboy Drew, who's playing a farming game right now? I
thinks that's a lot tire rack dot Com the way
tire buying should.

Speaker 3 (01:41):

Speaker 2 (01:42):
Time to get back to the meat and potatoes of
the festivities. Here we go to the NFL as we
are getting a little bit closer to the NFL Draft.
But this is not a NFL draft heavy Mallard monologue,
at least not to start. We begin in the quarterback
room as we slowly inch forward towards the point of demarcation,
with trades here, there and everywhere, so more chatter about

changes coming at the quarterback position, a lot of it
involving the g.

Speaker 1 (02:12):
All right, hey ds, not so giants, not so good giants.

Speaker 2 (02:16):
Now, if you haven't been following a law, because you
actually have a life, and you don't pay attention to
this stuff, perhaps you've missed it. An unnamed NFL executive
recently suggested that Daniel Jones these are my words, not
his words, is cooked, that he is cooked in Gotham.

Speaker 1 (02:34):
Which is actually New Jersey, not Gotham. But bear with me, all.

Speaker 2 (02:37):
Right, So this unnamed NFL executive said he'd basically be
done as a starter Daniel Jones. The Giants have always
liked Jones more than anyone else. This according to this executive,
his days are numbered. As the search continues for the Giants,
they have already started to try to figure out who's

going to replace Daniel Jones.

Speaker 1 (03:01):
They were looking at the draft. They have the number
six pick in the draft.

Speaker 2 (03:05):
So let us discuss the question where does Daniel Jones
sit with the Giants organization. So I've got fingernails, Pixar
and Texas Chainsaw massacre, three things that have never been
mixed together. But we're gonna mix them together, and we're
gonna see what comes out of the soup. What kind

of soup we get out of that?

Speaker 1 (03:28):
So number.

Speaker 2 (03:37):
Right now, Daniel Jones is sitting at LaGuardia, waiting on standby,
waiting on stand by, eager for a seat in the
transfer portal. Into the portal you go. Even the biggest
toadies can tell you that things are not looking particularly

good for the long term status of that stock. That
the price of the stock is going down. It's about
to become a penny stock. And good luck on that.
Good luck on that. And he's still recovering. He had
his knee shredded and mangled, the knee leg, the whole
thing torn up. So he's recovering from that. And while

he recovers, the Giants are doing a little window shopping
as they are examining the other quarterbacks available in the draft.
There the number six overall pick wiches if you're into
Kwinkie Dinks, the same number selection the Giants used to
draft the turnberger Daniel Jones, who they for some reason

gave a contract to after he had a career year
of I believe fifteen touchdown fastes and they.

Speaker 1 (04:47):
Gave him a contract. Oh stupid, are you? They're so dumb?
But you know Daniel Jones is cooked.

Speaker 2 (04:54):
When you go back and look at the body language
of Brian Dable, he wrote ton coach the Giants, he
gave the look. He gave the look like a fed
up parent that he was just done. Dun skis with
Daniel Jones, and the question is which quarterback do they have?
The puppy dog eyes for inquiring minds would like to know.

But any way you slice it. At this point in
the novel, Daniel Jones, Danny Dimes is holding on to
the Giants gig by his fingernails, and he has a
bad habit of biting his fingernails and picking at the cuticles.
So he's got some issues there. Now page two, this
is where it gets even more bizarre. So this is

more of a visual thing than an audio thing. But
that's never stopped me before, so we'll do it now.
Daniel Jones spoke to random media. A lot of the
teams having their off season workouts. Now, oh, is how
exciting is that? That gets you excited?

Speaker 4 (05:53):

Speaker 1 (05:53):

Speaker 2 (05:53):
Okay, all right, So anyway, so Daniel Jones spoke with
the media on Monday. He was asked about the Giants
scouting his replacements.

Speaker 1 (06:00):
It's an open secret. The giants are trying to find
someone better than him, which is.

Speaker 2 (06:05):
Not that hard to do, and he gave a boiler
plate response.

Speaker 1 (06:09):
He said, it's the nature of our.

Speaker 2 (06:11):
Business, was the response. But that is not the story.
Don't bury the lead, my man. All right, that was
not the story. It was the facial expressions that went viral.
It's hard for them not to go viral. Now, I'm
gonna try to describe this for our blind listeners, not
that we do shout outs, but inculd terror blind amate

the Seahawk fan, the other blind people that have called.

Speaker 1 (06:35):
The show over the years.

Speaker 2 (06:36):
So the facial expressions went gaga because Jones, I'm trying.
I'm gonna describe this the proper way. What was going
on with Danny Dimes eyes? Because the eyes were the
star of the show. He looked like a Pixar character,

Buzz Lightyear eating venison, like a deer in the headlights
and a little venice in there. The big eyes, eyes
opened all the way up, and it reminded me of
Adam Gase. It's hard not to if you remember Adam Gase,
the Jets coach, when he had the crazy eyes, and
it was the same thing. There must be something in

the Tri state area there in New York. It gives
you the crazy eyes. You think it's the Newark Airport
waiting online at the Newark Airport. Maybe that's the problem.
All right, final point, We now head to Texas speed Racer.

Speaker 1 (07:34):
And what a story this is. Now two victims.

Speaker 2 (07:38):
I don't think we have to say alleged victims because
there's video of this happening, so I don't know we
have to say alleged, but two victims of the high
speed crash involving reigning Super Bowl champion wide receiver from
Kansas City, Rashie Rice, have sued.

Speaker 1 (07:56):
They have sued for ten million. Come on down now.

Speaker 2 (08:02):
A man and woman, we are told have sued Rashie
Rice and someone named Teddy Knox, Theodore Knox that is
a wide receiver. We are told that Southern Messodic Southern
Methodist University better known as SMU. All right, so you've
got the players in this. You've got the man, the woman,
you know who they are. You've got an SMU football

player you probably don't know who he is either, Teddy Knox.
And then you've got this Rashie Rice. So they're the
actors in this play. So okay, there'll be notes on
this letter. So they're all involved us in Dallas and
the lawsuit over severe injuries, right, severe injuries that are
alleged to have been suffered at the hands of speed

racing by Rice and Knox. They were racing on the Expressway.
There a six car collisions, kind of a big deal.
Got a lot of talk.

Speaker 1 (08:55):
So how much trouble here's the question.

Speaker 2 (08:57):
How much trouble is Chiefs receiver Rashie Rice in over
this street race civil litigation. He's got the criminal and
he's got the civil. So you've heard of, I assume
you've heard of the Texas chainsaw massacre, classic Hollywood flick.

Speaker 5 (09:16):
Back in the day.

Speaker 2 (09:17):
Consider this the sequel the Texas billboard lawyer massacre of
your bank account. Because Rice, who is absolutely ding dong
and should have to pay some money. Now, whether that's
ten million dollars or not, that is up for the
court system to decide. But one thing we know for sure,

the ambulance chasing attorneys have checked in on this and
they are so horny to get that money.

Speaker 1 (09:47):
And why not.

Speaker 2 (09:48):
That's what they do right this is this is a
chance for them to siphon money out of directly the
wallet of Rashie Rice.

Speaker 1 (09:55):
The suit.

Speaker 2 (09:56):
I read the suit. It said that the man and
woman's for trauma. Among the allegations are trauma to the brain,
lacerations to the face requiring stitches. That's like a cut,
multiple contusions that's a bruise about the body, disfigurement, disfigurement
hello n NA ning, internal bleeding, and other internal and

external injuries that may only be fully revealed throughout medical treatment.
Ongoing medical treatment. So even though Rice was going one
hundred and nineteen miles an hour. Well, everyone else was
driving fifty miles an hour street racing, leaving the scene.
The key part of all of that, the key part

of all that, in order to win a big payout,
this is one thing I've picked up from years of
doing this job. And athletes get sued up the wazoo
all the time because they've got a lot of money.
And the one thing I've picked up, and this is
not just for athletes but anyone in general, is in
order to win a giant amount of money in a

personal injury case, car accident, slip and fall, whatever it
might be, in order to win a lot of money,
you need disfigurement. You need the hand to be chopped off.
You need if you lose your head, you're gonna make
a lot of money. If you lose your head, missing finger,
big money, big money, and a missing finger. You lose

a toe, that's a little bit of money. You lose
a foot, that's a lot of money. That's a whole
lot of money. Otherwise you're gonna get peanuts. Because the
argument's going to be, well, listen, we'll give you some
pain and suffering, but you're gonna be fine and bruises heel,
cuts heel, But if you lose your hand, that doesn't
grow back unless there's some kind of lizard, and then

maybe it'll grow back. Maybe, but that the komodo dragon
in the room. With this Rashi Rice lawsuit story is
the fact that he's not making ridonculous money, like he
didn't have the money. Even if he were to lose
a ten million dollar judgment, how are you going to
collect the money?

Speaker 1 (12:07):
Cause he's on a.

Speaker 2 (12:08):
Rookie contract, a four year contract for three and a
half million dollars guaranteed. There's some other money there, but
the guaranteed portions three and a half million, which is
a good amount of money, but it ain't ten million,
So you're not you're not gonna be able to get
that amount of money. Now, they're banking on the fact
that he's gonna go on and make a lot of money,
So they would assume I assume the position they the

lawyer does not want the criminal charges to stick the
I think it was a six to eight charges against
Rashie Rice, so they want that to go away.

Speaker 1 (12:36):
It likely will be pleaded down.

Speaker 2 (12:38):
Usually they overcharge people like this and then they plead
down to a lesser charge. And he doesn't have a
criminal record as far as we know, and so it's
likely not going to be that big a deal. But
there are some felonies, and that's that is a big deal.
But just send a nice donation to some organization and
your problems will go away. It is many of your

problems will go away. It is the Ben Mahler Show.
If you'd like to be part, you can join us
right now. There's a line open, first time in a while.
You can be part of the fun here and at
Ben Maller on X.

Speaker 1 (13:12):
But the speakeasy rules are in effect.

Speaker 2 (13:13):
So if you don't know the number, if you're not
that smart to figure out the number, don't bother calling.

Speaker 5 (13:17):
We're good.

Speaker 2 (13:18):
We got plenty of content here. Don't need you where
If you want to call, that's fine, but we don't
need you. And also on X at Ben Malor, so
a case of my owner is better than your owner.
My owner is better than your owner. We'll get to
that and we will do it.

Speaker 5 (13:39):

Speaker 4 (13:40):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Ben Mallor
Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific on
Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 2 (13:49):
Two NBA Insiders podcasting twice a week to plug you
right into the NBA Great Five.

Speaker 3 (13:55):
All happening in only one place. This League Uncut, the
NBA Podcast with Me, Chris Haynes and Me Mark Stein
join us as we team up to expound on everything
we're covering. Hearing and Chason.

Speaker 6 (14:09):
Listen to This League Uncut with Chris Haynes and Mark Stein.

Speaker 3 (14:13):
On the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get
your podcast.

Speaker 5 (14:18):
The great silent majority of listeners of the Ben Maller
Show sit on the sidelines, never having their opinions heard.
You're invited to break the glass ceiling by taking up
gigabytes with the Ben Mallard Show. Just follow your host
on x He's at Ben Maller and you can post
that and follow our executive producer. He is the man
who answers the phones. But he's more than just the
call screener. He is the liar, liar and the menace

of the Fox Sports Radio network. It's the Coop de
Loop Justin Cooper and he's at u H. Bronco fan
Hey and now I from the tire rack dot Com.
Fox Sports Radio studios. It's Ben Maller.

Speaker 1 (14:53):
Right, hit the post.

Speaker 2 (14:54):
What is that the music you should see? Oh my god,
that's a party five. The music is supposed to continue
until I talk, and then the music stops. What's in
those ribs? There's a brown sugar in them beds. It
smells like a restaurant while I was walking the hall.

You know this torture. I'm fasting. Okay, you understand that
I'm not cheating.

Speaker 1 (15:21):
I am choosing not to eat.

Speaker 2 (15:23):
And there's food everywhere it is, there's more food than it.
Disgusting you animals, you heathens, and your food your glutting me.
What about the Remember we were kids saying what about
the starving children of Africa?

Speaker 3 (15:37):
I was.

Speaker 2 (15:39):
When you were eating your your your third helping of ribs.

Speaker 4 (15:43):
Yea to do that should make us sit at the
table until we finished everything.

Speaker 1 (15:48):
And she'd say, there's people starving.

Speaker 2 (15:52):
That's a veteran. Yeah, I mean that's a veteran move.
We all do it, right, I mean we everyone does it.
With the younger generation, there's people starving. Margus Steve says,
imagine how pissed that family was instead of getting their
giant meal that would feed four of them. They got
your awe ahie tuna and sliders. Yes, that is a

good point. So right, there's a family somewhere in Sherman
Oaks here in La. They did not get their delicious ribs.

Speaker 5 (16:23):
We know the first name of the lady that ordered right, Well.

Speaker 1 (16:25):
Her name was Judith, but she's probably a Karen. Now,
all right, Eddie.

Speaker 2 (16:35):
What's your wife's name, Eddie? Yeah, all right, all right,
mister Luciana writes in from La. But his heart's in
the bass is nine point nine out of ten on
the Mallard monologue with some extra chocolate chip cookies on
the side. By the way, this is a great broadcast.
The last front of you we did. It's still up there.
It's not dated. That's a timeless podcast. But what I did, Eddie,

is I watched the Phil You know who, Phil Hendry
is used to host yes show here at Premiere. I
met him, Yeah, well I met him to a very
nice man. Phil is a radio Hall of famer, and
they did a documentary about his show, which was satire
and people didn't get it, and it was It was
a good documentary. So I watched it and I figured
since I watched it, I would I would squeeze a

podcast out of it. So I took notes like I
was in junior high school and then did a podcast
about the documentary.

Speaker 5 (17:24):
Where where can we watch that it is?

Speaker 2 (17:27):
I think it's available on It's called Henry H E
N d R I E original name. It's on Amazon Prime.
I think it's like five But what I did, Eddie.

Speaker 5 (17:38):
Oh boy, Taiwan mal or what'd you do?

Speaker 2 (17:43):
So I like phil and I yeah, well, let's just
get to the point. So I didn't want to spend
the five bucks for the documentary, so I started searching
the dark web, and I found there was this loophole
if you get a library card, you can at the
documentary for.

Speaker 5 (18:02):
It's just using the library.

Speaker 2 (18:04):
Well, but it wasn't publicized that way, and I don't
have a library card. You know, who does your wife exactly?
So I used my wife's library card and watched. I
rented the documentary, which seems kind of stupid because you
can just get it as long as you I mean,
if you right, you have to rent it. It's like
you get it for like a couple of days. But
I watched it, and then I watched it again because

I was kind of tired when I watched it the
first time, So I was on the treadmill and I
watched it a second but it was pretty good. It
was It was talked about how he was a struggling DJ,
but he wasn't a struggling DJ. He just hated being
a DJ playing other people's music. And then he decided
he wanted to get in talk radio. But that was
at the time when talk radio was taken off like RuSHA.
Limbaugh became a major star in talk radio, and Howard

Stern was at the king, you know, the king of
all media before it became a wokester and all that,
and so it was a big time for personality driven radio.

Speaker 1 (18:55):
I can go.

Speaker 2 (18:56):
I don't want to tell you a whole damn show.
I don't even know how we got to that. How
do we get to that point, Loraine? How did we
end up talking about the Phil Hendry documentary?

Speaker 1 (19:03):
You lost me?

Speaker 2 (19:04):
I have no idea. You know who I blame, Garcia,
That's who I blame. I blame Eddie Efing. Garcia is
who I blame. That's his middle name, Efing, that's his
absolute middle name. All let's go to the phones. We'll
say hello, to say hello to Sir scratch Off, who
is back with his potty mouth in Arkansas. Hello, sir

scratchaw'll come.

Speaker 7 (19:26):
Right before I talk to you. I like to borrow
you read your first year your microphone. I want to
ask you lady a question.

Speaker 1 (19:32):
Well, she's not my lady. She works here at the company.

Speaker 7 (19:36):
Ah, listen to me. Now, let me speak to her. Okay,
young lady, have you ever heard of a place called Daly's.

Speaker 1 (19:44):
Oregon, Dallas or the Dallas.

Speaker 7 (19:48):
The Dow get us called to Dall?

Speaker 4 (19:49):
Okay, the Dallas.

Speaker 2 (19:50):
Okay, we're about we're about to get story time from
sir Scratchon. We're about to get question. Okay, I'm just
touching up your work, is all I'm doing.

Speaker 7 (19:59):
I wanted to hear coop answers are not to cripty.
Everybody was trying to answer, but I never got to
hear that.

Speaker 1 (20:04):
But I and what do you want to hear Coop's
answer to what?

Speaker 7 (20:08):
In respect to your show? I like to talk to
the lady for a second.

Speaker 1 (20:10):
Okay, we're talking now, you're talking to her. The lady
is there.

Speaker 7 (20:17):
Okay, it's so there is a place called the Doubt
And all.

Speaker 1 (20:21):
Right, God, yes, this thing called Google. You can look
it up.

Speaker 7 (20:25):
I've been keeping up this personal credit for eleven months,
and I would just wonder that if she's true where
she lives at, or if it was just a place
she made off. You see what I'm saying. Oh my god,
but I appreciate your time.

Speaker 1 (20:39):
Is this Poppy? Is this Poppy? Are we talking Poppy?

Speaker 7 (20:44):

Speaker 1 (20:44):
Is that that guy named Andrew and Bakersfield? What it
was going on here?

Speaker 7 (20:48):
Poppy got his old TikTok. He's got like a bunch
of phollow like over two thousand followers.

Speaker 1 (20:53):
Oh my god, two thousand followers. Holy crap.

Speaker 7 (20:55):
I mean that's bunch.

Speaker 4 (20:56):
And back to you Ben about me?

Speaker 7 (20:59):
People out just says they listened to your show and
all that crap. Like me and Justin, we really do.
But you had people ask the other day when you
was gone, where did Ben go? If you listen to
the show being went to a wedding for a family member,
That's all right.

Speaker 2 (21:16):
That is correct. I was forced against my will. I
was hog tied. I was putting a car and I
was dragged. They put a bag over my head, They
gagged me with a ballgag and I had to go
to the go to the wedding sounds like a good time.

Speaker 7 (21:28):
I mean, I call it wedding. I mean I've been
married for thirty years. I called wadding the funeral because
it's not the same thing, right.

Speaker 2 (21:35):
Well, generally weddings are a little more uplifting than funerals.
I have been to a bunch of those also, So yeah.

Speaker 7 (21:42):
Yeah, I got you, buddy. But anyway, man, you had
some good show while he's gone. It's good to have
you back.

Speaker 2 (21:47):
All right, And you're not gonna You're making a resolution.
You will no longer have a potty mouth. You're not
going to be cursing.

Speaker 7 (21:54):
You're just telling you. I'm just telling you. I do
listen to your show always, and I do says that
you know you was missed by your fans.

Speaker 2 (22:03):
Okay, all right, well I know I had a bunch
of messages. You're an a hole, you schmuck while you're
not here.

Speaker 7 (22:09):

Speaker 2 (22:10):
OJ died and you're not here. What's wrong with you? O?
J should have died a couple of days early. Why
didn't even drop debt a couple.

Speaker 1 (22:17):
Of days early. I would have been a monologue about
him originally.

Speaker 7 (22:20):
Yeah, really, and you got some good names anyway, being
you want to see what that called me?

Speaker 1 (22:25):
Well, it's all. And you know I have a lot
of a lot of nicknames. You know, that's their scratch off.
I have many nicknames.

Speaker 7 (22:31):
Oh yes, I worked. I got about four or five.
That's about it. I got scratch off and Shaggy and
uh wild Southern Boy and Dad GUMMITTT and y'all.

Speaker 2 (22:42):
Right again, I want to thank you Dad Gummett, because
you're being a tight wad and not following up and
paying the little debbies we we we gottbie. Well, no,
because other people, this guy guy Mike in Providence and
these other guys stepped up because you didn't do it.

Speaker 1 (22:58):
And there's more goodies coming by the way, we hear
from Pennsylvania.

Speaker 7 (23:03):
Okay, let me ask you one more question.

Speaker 2 (23:05):
No, no, no, no, you bet you both guarded. But
I'm gonna get a complaint from Justin.

Speaker 1 (23:10):
Why why are you on the air so long?

Speaker 7 (23:12):
What do you have a restaurant down the street from
your cools or you folks to eat something when you're hungry?
Yes or no?

Speaker 2 (23:18):
There's no restaurants that they got rid of all restaurants
they all close.

Speaker 1 (23:22):
There's none open.

Speaker 7 (23:24):
You can't have ransom. Question you got to be around.

Speaker 1 (23:28):
Of course, there's obvious you asked it.

Speaker 2 (23:33):
I'm done.

Speaker 1 (23:36):
That's it. Call call them on.

Speaker 2 (23:38):
I'm done. I I you've given you way too much time.
My owner is better than your owner. We'll get to
that coming up here in a couple of minutes. More
of these riveting phone calls as well. I was still
waiting for the update on weed Man.

Speaker 5 (23:53):
I did.

Speaker 2 (23:53):
Maybe it came through. I didn't see. Is he still
in jail? We think he's still in you we would
have heard. He would have called up weed Man. He
has no friends, he'd call us right away. Worse, worse friend. Anyway,
let's get you caught up on everything going on in
the overnight right now. And a man who walked out
a second ago. I think he was getting more ribs.
But he's back at his desk right now. The mermaid

Eddie Garcia.

Speaker 5 (24:18):
Not getting more ribs? Was had a check delivered?

Speaker 2 (24:21):
Actually you had a check delivered? I did, yes, Yes,
at this time of the night, Eddie.

Speaker 5 (24:26):

Speaker 1 (24:28):
I mean that's sketchy.

Speaker 5 (24:30):
It is a friend who dropped off a drug deal.

Speaker 1 (24:32):
What do you think, Lorraine?

Speaker 2 (24:32):
A drug deal? She's shaking her head Yes.

Speaker 1 (24:35):
A couple of.

Speaker 5 (24:38):
I could use actually, actually I could use that. Have
a headache. I got hit with a hockey puck in
the face the other day. Oh you did?

Speaker 1 (24:44):
You look actually better after that. It's amazing.

Speaker 5 (24:47):
That's very kind of you.

Speaker 6 (24:48):
Was it on the left or the right side?

Speaker 1 (24:53):
Okay, right side?

Speaker 5 (24:56):
Kind of in the under the ear area there kind
of the jaw you got you got hit with a stick? Hi,
no hockey puck?

Speaker 2 (25:03):

Speaker 1 (25:04):
Would you like to ban the hockey puck?

Speaker 5 (25:05):
Eddy, because you got hit with the It doesn't it
doesn't feel good.

Speaker 1 (25:08):
What does it taste like, Eddie?

Speaker 5 (25:10):
I didn't taste it.

Speaker 1 (25:11):
You didn't taste Now? Did you bleed?

Speaker 5 (25:12):
Did not bleed? Did not believe my own blood?

Speaker 1 (25:14):
Cry like a child that he did not cry?

Speaker 2 (25:17):
Okay, but I cry inside but not publicly. I'm a man,
karate man. Bruise on the inside. I cry inside, but
I outside. I put up a tough fan ear.

Speaker 5 (25:29):
That's right.

Speaker 4 (25:30):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Ben Maller
Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific.

Speaker 5 (25:36):
I know you're very excited about the Patino family, the
one of the you know, one of the first families
of big college basketball, fan of the Botinos I love,
and you're particularly be excited to know yes that, uh,
they are working out a deal for Saint John's to
face New Mexico. Oh, thank god Madison Square Garden next season.
Of course that would be Rick Bottino facing his son

Richard Patino.

Speaker 1 (25:59):
Patino and Patina.

Speaker 5 (26:00):
Know Patino head to head Battle of the Patinos at MSG.
Who doesn't want to buy a ticket to see that? Yeah?

Speaker 2 (26:08):
I saw they flashed the graphic that the Mets have
the top record on Jackie Robinson Day.

Speaker 5 (26:15):
How long has that day been going on?

Speaker 1 (26:18):
Seventeen years?

Speaker 5 (26:20):
Is that right? Yeah?

Speaker 2 (26:21):
But still it seemed like kind of an odd like
made up You did that for a living eddie. You
were asked to make.

Speaker 5 (26:28):
Up stats, right, well, not make them up, but.

Speaker 2 (26:30):
To embellish them and to enhance them.

Speaker 5 (26:33):
Well, what we would do is find a stat to
fit a store, Like Steve Sachs would say, give me
a stat that shows that the White Sox bullpen's good,
and then you'd you know.

Speaker 2 (26:43):
Dig around and go back to like the Black Sox.

Speaker 5 (26:45):
Find something, even though it really was kind of misleading.

Speaker 2 (26:49):
That's what stats do, Yes, that's the tremendous.

Speaker 1 (26:51):
Thats why I use them all the time.

Speaker 5 (26:52):
That's rights leading.

Speaker 2 (26:53):
I love to use them. For example, this is a
stat that's misleading, Eddie guy, and you'll have to help
me with the day. For the Nashville Predators, a defenseman
named Jeremy Laws and isn't that correct? Lazon I saw
that he broke the NHL hit record for a by
a single by a single hit three hundred and three
hits this season. The record was previously by someone named

Matt martinighty two.

Speaker 1 (27:21):
But how long does that go back?

Speaker 2 (27:22):

Speaker 1 (27:22):
Yeah, they didn't track hits.

Speaker 5 (27:24):
No, there were a lot of those stats that they
didn't track until probably liked maybe the eighties or nineties.

Speaker 2 (27:28):
I would say mid nineties. A lot of these stats
they didn't know.

Speaker 5 (27:31):
The nerds is one of those ones that's really it's interpretation, yes,
and you likes. For example, the score in in Nashville
will say maybe a little bit more liberal in dishing out.

Speaker 2 (27:45):
The hits official score baseball. I remember my favorite baseball story.
There was a catcher named Charles Johnson for the Marlins,
and he was like the greatest defensive catcher of all time.
He never met any mistakes, the Dodgers traded for him,
all of a sudden he got legitimate official score. He
kept making mistakes because I guess apparently in Miami they
didn't decide yet.

Speaker 1 (28:06):
Exactly exactly.

Speaker 2 (28:08):
I digress, all right, sa Ben Malis show as we continue,
I'm tired of feeling alone in your job search. Of course,
with just one connection you can find endless job opportunities.
That connection is Express Employment Professionals.

Speaker 1 (28:22):
Don't call it alone.

Speaker 2 (28:23):
Visit expresspros dot com to find the location nearest you.
That's expresspros dot Com. And with the first round of
the Draft starting next Thursday, are thanks to Expresspros for
being the presenting sponsor of Fox Sports Radios draft coverage.

Speaker 1 (28:39):
How cool is that?

Speaker 2 (28:40):
Be Sure not to miss Draft Night Live. It's got
a big name on Fox Sports Radio. It's coming up
next Thursday, eight pm Eastern. They'll kick it off throughout
the entire first round of the Draft. Insider Jay Glazier
is kind of a big deal. Former Cardinal GM, Steve
Kim who used to be a big deal college Football
Hall of Famer, LeVar Arrington who is a big deal,

and big noon kickoffs, Rob Stone, big names. I will
all be there to give you pick by pick, blow
by blow predictions and reactions.

Speaker 1 (29:10):
To every first round pick that is next Thursday.

Speaker 2 (29:14):
Mark that on your little digital calendar on your phone
next Thursday, eight pm Eastern throughout the first round of
the Draft, live right here on Fox Sports Radio, which
you can hear on the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 1 (29:24):
And presented by Express Pros.

Speaker 2 (29:28):
Check that out and they will not have as much
food at the draft as Lorena has in studio that
she has an NFL Draft level spread, actually better than
the NFL Draft spread. Nothing.

Speaker 1 (29:40):
Come pass, Ben, Do you.

Speaker 5 (29:42):
See those big potatoes? Size your fists.

Speaker 2 (29:47):
I'm I'm walking and I can smell all the way
on the other side of the building. Okay, I'm over
on the other side of it, and I can hear
the smell, all right, you can hear it, say, I
can hear what it smells like.

Speaker 1 (29:58):
This delicious. That's what I say. That's what I can
hear it. Eat me, yes, exactly, that's what it sounds like.
It's wild. So my owner is my owner is I'm
not going there any My owner is better than your owner, Eddie.

Speaker 2 (30:11):
Did you see that a basketball team's owner as a
act a kind act to the home fans decide, you
don't what to do. I Am going to pay the
concessions to the fans.

Speaker 1 (30:28):
During the final game of the regular ses.

Speaker 5 (30:30):
You see this, No, who did this?

Speaker 2 (30:32):
The great Steve Ballmer, man of the people.

Speaker 5 (30:36):
Final game with the crypt form.

Speaker 1 (30:38):
Yeah, they're finally leaving that dump on skid row. Skid
row and it's skid row. It is terrible. It's there's graffiti.

Speaker 2 (30:49):
That's much better Inglehood in Inglewood, property values going through
the roof there in Inglewood. But Steve Balmer, this is
the ultimate I'm richer than you move. Steve Ballmer said,
you know what, We're gonna pick up the tab on
the concessions.

Speaker 1 (31:04):

Speaker 2 (31:04):
I don't think they announced this before, because if they
at announced this, course they did it.

Speaker 5 (31:11):
He may be kind, but he ain't stupid.

Speaker 2 (31:14):
People be walking out with double the double fists of
hot dog and popcorn and the nachos.

Speaker 4 (31:19):
And all that.

Speaker 2 (31:20):
And how can Steve Balmer do this, Eddie? You know
how he can do it? You know how he can
get that done? Steve Balmer? You know what his net
worth is, Eddie?

Speaker 5 (31:29):
A billion something?

Speaker 1 (31:30):
I'm sure what do you think it is?

Speaker 5 (31:32):
I don't know. We take a gat twenty billion dollars.

Speaker 1 (31:34):
That's a lot. That's a high.

Speaker 5 (31:35):
Guess, Lorena, you want to guess. You want to guess.

Speaker 1 (31:39):
I'm going to low ball him four million. He won't be.

Speaker 2 (31:46):
Allowed to go to those cocktail parties in Beverly Hills.
If it's only four billion.

Speaker 1 (31:49):
Akopolo, what do you think you five billion?

Speaker 2 (31:52):
Steve Balmer is the eighth richest person in the world,
a net worth of one hundred and twenty five billion.
You this guy, he didn't invest anything, right, he was
hired by Bill Gates at Microsoft.

Speaker 1 (32:09):
He's the guy.

Speaker 2 (32:09):
And listen, I like Balmer and all that. He's good
for the clips, even though the team never wins.

Speaker 1 (32:13):
But that's fine.

Speaker 2 (32:14):
They did get to the final four a couple of
years ago. But Steve Balmer, okay, this cat uh he
did a rant saying no one's going to buy the iPhone.
Remember when he was at Microsoft. He said, who's gonna
want to pay that much money for a phone?

Speaker 5 (32:29):
The world?

Speaker 2 (32:29):
Everyone people that can't even afford it anyway. So it's
just crazy how much money that guy's got. Man, it
must suck to be him, right, because you know you
can't live forever, right, And you can't spend it all.
And he's closing in. He's in his late sixties now,
so he's probably like, man, you know, I probably got
another maybe maybe six seven good solid years left. But

he can afford great medicine. He's got that going.

Speaker 6 (32:55):
Just give me like five million. It's not even dan.
I don't even notice that it's gone.

Speaker 2 (32:59):
Just for all the Clipper propaganda. Alright, I've worn knee
patch for the Clippers for thirty years. They ought to
give me a couple million for that, right, Come on,
I didn't ask for anything, you know. I mean monologues
I've done after covers have gagged in a playoff game
that's worth at least ten million dollars.

Speaker 1 (33:17):
I got enthusiasm anyway.

Speaker 5 (33:20):
That's crazy.

Speaker 2 (33:21):
One hundred and twenty five billion. Yeah, and the voice
in my head is our friend, our friend from Charleston,
Jerome from Charleston's hundred twenty five billion. If I had
that money, we're gonna have Mallard of the third degree.
Here is the insta trivia. Only three players in NBA
history have averaged twenty eight or more points per game,

six or more assists per game, forty percent or better
three point shooting wall playing seventy seven or more games
in a single season. They are Jalen Bronson of the
Knickerbockers this year, Stephen Curry of Golden State back in
twenty sixteen, and Blank that that's the insta trivia.

Speaker 1 (34:01):
The answer.

Speaker 5 (34:03):

Speaker 4 (34:03):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 5 (34:15):
If you're a satisfied listener to the Ben Maler Show,
we invite you to help promote our mom and pop program.
Word of mouth advertising is the most effective of them all.
Tell your friends and coworkers about our show and drop
us a mention on your favorite social media networks. You
are our loudspeaker to help spread the teachings of the
Maler Militia Disciples to young and old. N il I
from the tyrack dot com Fox Sports Radio Studios.

Speaker 2 (34:38):
It's Ben mallor Mallard of the third Degree coming up
in a couple of minutes.

Speaker 1 (34:42):
Herees in the instant trivia.

Speaker 2 (34:43):
Only three players in NBA history of average twenty eight
or more points per game, six or more assists per
game forty or more forty percent or better three point
shooting while playing seventy seven or more games in a
single season. They are Jalen brunts and this year the Knickerbockers.
Stephen Curry in twenty sixteen with the Warriors and a blank.

Speaker 1 (35:07):
That is the question. What is the answer?

Speaker 2 (35:10):
Let's does anyone know? We'll go to the great unwashed
cowboy killer, says Ben. It has to be Underdog, alf
the Alien Opiner from Springfield, mass home of the Pro
Basketball Hall of Fame, where Muffett McGraw is enshrined, going
with Greg Kite as his answer. Luke Richard Bajamute from

Malar prop Guy Clipper Legend.

Speaker 1 (35:33):
Who else do we have?

Speaker 2 (35:35):
You are Beakman, guessed by late night drug tester mister
nice Guy, going with Oral Hirscheiser of the San Francisco
Giants as his answer. Nino Brown from Milkman, Mike art
Puffin going with Kobe Bryant's uncle Chubby Cox as his selection.
Mark the Walker is out walking this morning in Rochester,

he says. Ronnie Sychlely is the answer for those bills
mafia guys man. They vanished when the big things happen
with the bills. We still haven't heard from Andy the
comic book guy. Who else do we have? Greg Odin
guessed by the King Roy that's his answer, Bernard King.
There's a good name from Steve the misplaced San Diegan
like those old Warriors uniforms. Double a Mexican in San Diego,

says Robert me So Horiy is the answer there. Jeff Horniseck,
who is Horny from seawn and Portland, the guy who
juggles chainsaws on Venice Beach from Mark in Santa Monica.
Weapon Mallard prop guy. Actually no moneyball Mallard. The answer
from Matt the Raider Warrior fan Eddie.

Speaker 1 (36:40):
What say you?

Speaker 2 (36:40):

Speaker 1 (36:41):
Hurry up?

Speaker 5 (36:41):
Former Sacaroo King's legend Alan Ogg. Wow.

Speaker 2 (36:46):
Interesting name that is incorrect, Eddie. The correct answer Gg
would be the hick from French Lick Larry Burd nineteen
eighty five. Bird won the MVP. Curry won the MVP.
Jalen Brunson not so much.

Speaker 5 (37:03):
It's Maller.

Speaker 1 (37:04):
How about that?

Speaker 4 (37:05):
To the third degree? This is one big fan gets Grallo.

Speaker 6 (37:12):
A lot of people on social media are poking fun
at the first round matchup between the Cleveland Cavaliers and
the Orlando Magic calling it an NBA TV series. Now, Ben,
uh yeah, is that the least compelling of the first
round plaoff matchups?

Speaker 2 (37:24):
Oh, there's a lot of crap coop in the first
round that's not gonna make particularly great television. Cleveland Orlando's bad,
But I argue the the Milwaukee Indiana series not that compelling.
Neither's Minnesota in Phoenix in terms of national appeal and
all that, there's a lot of bad matchups.

Speaker 1 (37:44):

Speaker 6 (37:44):
Speaking to the media on Sunday, DeVante Adams was asked
about the rumblings that he could seek a trade. He said,
if I wanted to be gone, i'd be gone by now.
This is where I want to be.

Speaker 1 (37:53):
Wow. So does that put an end to the chatter? No,
of course not.

Speaker 2 (37:56):
You know how this works cool because he's gonna have
a hissy fit. He's gonna have a melt down over something.
The Raiders will lose a game here or there, assuming
he makes it to the season, and so there's always
as long as Aaron Rodgers is with the Jets, there's
always the possibility that he's gonna go somewhere else. So
he will not only play for the Raiders, Devonte Adams
the rest of his career.

Speaker 6 (38:15):
Next, Andrew McCutchen hit his three hundredth home run on Sunday,
but he also became only the thirteenth player in history
with two thousand hits, four hundred doubles, forty five triples,
three hundred home runs, and two hundred stolen bases. Ben,
how is his Hall of Fame case looking as of
right now?

Speaker 2 (38:29):
He's a good player, He's not a Hall of famer.
He like reminds me of like Chili Davis, good player,
not a Hall of famer. A Sean Green, good player,
not a Hall of famer. How do we know he
passed that? So?

Speaker 6 (38:39):
I won?

Speaker 1 (38:40):
Like those rims I won. I got player ribs in
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