All Episodes

April 16, 2024 39 mins

Ben Maller talks about longtime Yankees broadcaster John Sterling suddenly announcing his retirement from the broadcast booth, why it's so hard to find good broadcasters, and much more!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Here we go. Welcome, it's our numb bur one of
the original recipe Ben Mahler Show podcast. We're hanging out
with you, and here an hour one recorded overnight. It
is the Hour of Sterling. What do you make of
John Sterling's sudden retirement from Yankee Radio broadcast. He goes

back all the way till nineteen eighty nine, That's when
he began as the voice of the Yankees. And is
John Sterling's retirement a big deal? Also? Why is it
so hard to find good broadcasters these days? I'm talking
about that and a whole lot more right now here
it is give it up for our number one, turning

the mike off. Well come, in the beginning of a
brand spanking new edition of the Ben Malers Show. We
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the way tire buying should be checking out and our
lead this hour. There's a couple directions I could have gone.

Since I have editorial control at the bully pulpit here
at Fox Sports Radio, I've decided that our lead is
gonna come from the broadcasting. What's something I'm interested in.
I was told by a boss years ago, you know,
you just got to talk about things you're interested in, and
then maybe other people will be interested in it too.
But I think it's an interesting story, and so that's
what I'm going to talk about. The Yankees played a

game on Monday. Fine, whatever, random game. Yankees will be
less Sterling going forward. Now if you did not hear,
and perhaps perhaps not, John Sterling, the longtime voice of
the New York Yankees, has decided I'm done. I'm retiring.

It's all over, effective immediately, not effective at the end
of the season. So he can have his tucks kissed
by everyone for the rest of it. No, he's done.
Turn out the last the parties over. So let us
discuss now the question what do you make of John
Sterling and his sudden retirement from the Yankee broadcast booth.

This is a local story in New York, but John
Sterling is known across the country. So what do we
make of it? I've got Yiddish, endangered species, and big brother,
and we will combine all of these things together and
we are going to make spaghetti and meatballs, which I
think is the only thing that Lorena did not get

in her in her dinner with spaghetti and meat pals.
All right, so a uh. The obvious reaction is like,
this is abrupt, all right? This is it was it
was iced tea, It would be brisk iced tea. Right,
Maybe what are we doing here? Although Sterling certainly is
not broadcast as many Yankee games as he did in
his salad days, and he's he's on a part time

schedule now the Yankees. They reduced role in recent years
and it's continued this season despite that. You just assumed
he'd be doing it again. Is what you do when
you're when you're a broadcaster, It's one of those jobs
you can have and as long as you want, you
know'll just bring it back there. Maybe you only do
the home games and all that, but it's more likely
than not that based on what we have heard, this

retirement did not go according to script. I didn't think
John Still was ever going to retire, all right, And
why bother starting the season. We're in mid April. Why
would you bother starting the season if you're not planning
on finishing the season. So obviously this is an unceremonious situation.
But as an old Yiddish adage goes, man plans and

God laughs. And so John's work, that was his life's passion.
He is what he was into as far as I know.

Speaker 2 (04:36):
That's all.

Speaker 1 (04:36):
He was into it, like watch old TV shows at
night after games. But he really had no no hobbies.
He just loved being a broadcast. He was into it now.
He did do an interview with the Fan in New
York and on WFN. He said the decision wasn't hard
at all, he said, well, being his normal jolly self,
he said, it was something that I've wanted for a

long time, which nobody I know believes. Clearly, some something
went haywire. I reached out to several people to try
to figure out what was going on here. And the
one thing that I got from the multiple people that
I reached out to via text was that Sterling in
a broadcast I think it was last week, completely botched

a couple of calls and that that could have been
the sign from the heavens that it was time to stop,
and that inspired the hasty retreat. Now, whether that's true
or not, that's that speculation. But we are in the
speculation business. We are in the speculation business. Now. We
were told essentially he had marbles, marbles in his mouth,

you know, marble's mouth, which you don't want when you're broadcast.
It's a bad problem. And so either way, this is
the end of a run that spanned multiple generations. John
Sterling the voice of the Yankees, from Don Mattingly and
Steve bye by Balboni to Aaron Judge and Juan Soto,

and it covered the entire run of Bernie Williams and
Paul O'Neill and players like that, back when the Yankees
had their last run of success, of continued success years
and years ago. And so it's all over there. Stirling
had another career prior to getting with the Yankees. He
was a broadcaster for Turner in Atlanta. He called the

Atlanta Hawks games, among other assignments, before he became the
voice of the Yankees. But he took over as the
voice of the Yankees in nineteen eighty nine. Nineteen eighty
nine was when John Sterling started as the voice of
the Yankees. He would go on to call over five thousand,
four hundred games in the regular season, two hundred plus

postseason games. And this is thirty six season. But he's done.
They're gonna have a little ceremony this weekend and that's it. Nana, Nana,
good bye. So is John Sterling's retirement a big deals
but big enough, I'm talking but it and a lot
of people will dismiss this, you know, you know the

crowd that hates old people. Oh, I don't look, he's
too old. He's an old fogy. But I don't hate
old people. I like to learn from old people, and
I hope to be an old person. Maybe I already am,
so I don't have that vitriol to people that are older.
And I'm pretty fortunate not to go full Pat O'Brien
here and drop a bunch of names. But I got

to meet a lot of the people that I wanted
to meet when I got into the radio business because
I was a radio nerd growing up, and so when
I was a kid, these old time broadcasters like Harry
Kallis for the Phillies and Harry Carey for the Cubs.
He's bigger than life people, Ernie Harwell with the Tigers.
I had a chance to run across all of those guys,

all those cats over the years, and so it was
pretty cool. It's pretty cool. And John Sterling was someone
on that and list, so you look, the eighty five
is gonna be eighty six this year, and he had
worked with Susan Waldman Georgie's Girl for all these years
and find Good you know, eighty five and all that.

But it is a big deal because broadcasters the style
of John Sterling, for better or worse, are an endangered species.
So you have to appreciate and enjoy the art of
the broadcast of a guy like John Sterling, because it
truly is the last of the Mohicans. Right, he has
been over the top on Yankee home run calls for

so long, right, putting on a show. In fact, we
have some of these home run calls that we have,
any of these home run calls, we can play just
a little taste of John Sterling at his peak. See
if you can find one.

Speaker 2 (08:41):

Speaker 1 (08:41):
We're putting people on the spot. The Grande Man can, Yeah,
the Grande Man can. Oh, that's a great one. The
Grande Man can.

Speaker 2 (08:49):

Speaker 1 (08:49):
Used to be a guy legend here at Fox Sports
Radio named Frank Pollock. And Frank was my engineer for
a couple of years, me and Frank. Frank was a
legend here, right. Frank was an absolutely legend. He was
a Laker engineer with Chick Hern, the iconic Chick Curn.
So I feel like a broadcasting there, that's a big deal.
So Frank was a guy that I worked with. I
love Frank, and we would do the Yankee rundown when

the Yankees would hit him back in the day they
were Dynasty and you know, in the end of the Dynasty,
and then we'd play these different home run calls. Here's
another example. Oh yeah, now listen, full disclosure, truth in broadcasting,
whatever you want to call it. I casually know John Stilling. Now,

if you told John Sterling who's Ben Mallark, he would
have no idea who I am. But I've met him
our passive cross several times. I have his phone number.
I've had him on my podcast a couple of times
over the years, and he's always been very generous with
his time and whenever I've called them, and I've called
him at really odd hours working the overnight shift here,

the Great yard shift, and he's always answered the phone,
and he's got that stoic voice, how can I help
you that? And I didn't do it justice, but he's
never turned me down. And we actually had him on
the Fifth Hour Pockcast. It seems like it was last
year or two years ago, but it was in the
last couple of years. And I remember the life lesson

he gave me on that podcast. We were talking about
the broadcasting business and I think I had to do
a commercial or something like that. We came up in conversation.
I forget exactly the context, but he said, he said,
the most important thing is to sell the soap. Of
all this crap that you do, all the home run
calls and all the nonsense, you got to sell the soap.

That was his line, his little pearl of wisdom that
I appreciate it, and he listen he's not dead. It
sounds like a eulogy. He's not dead, he's just not
calling Yankee games anymore. So the other thing. And we'll
close it out on this note, all right, the last
word on this John Sterling heavy Mallard monologue. Why is
it so hard to find a good sportscaster? Maybe I'm

the guy screaming at the clouds, but like a lot
of the younger crowd, I think are terrible and I
end up turning the sound down a lot when I'm
watching games on TV. I watch a game or two
every night, and I usually have the soundown because I
think they're horrific. But my theory on why it is
so hard to find someone who stands out is because

of the corporate nature of the industrial complex of professionals
sports the world we live in now, right, John Sterling
started when you had first generation mom and pop sports ownership.
Ted Turner owned the Atlanta Braves, and John Sterling did
some stuff with the Braves. He owned the Atlanta Hawks.

George Steinbrenner. Now I know the Steinbrenner family still owns
the Yankees, but it's not the same. It's not the same.
It's it's old family money, that first iterations where you
got to get in there, and so it's a different time.
You cannot get that kind of broadcaster today. It's almost impossible.
Now there might be that rare exception to the rule,

but it's because big Brother wants vanilla, they want humdrum,
they want safe, don't stand out from the crowd, don't
rock the boat, don't offend anyone. Fifty shades of gray,
no neon yellow, no neon green, none of that. And
so I appreciate what John Stilling did. He made it
all about him as the voice of the Yankees, and

he understood what I believe is the most important thing.
I get asked from time to time by he goes, well,
what's the key to doing broadcasting? And what I've always
fought doing sports radio when I start. It's not so
much now anymore, but when I started, it was always
you gotta give the stats. It's all about the information,
and I've always thought that. I've always said, no, it's

about the entertainment, right, We're just using sports to entertained.
So that's what the most important thing is. And John
Sterling got that right. He got that and he also
benefited from the fact that the Yankees had amazing teams
for a good chunk of his run. Not in the
early nineties when Stump Merrill was around and all that,
but later on in the mid nineties, and so they

became this great chargun night. It is the Ben Mallard Show.
If you want to comment on any of that, you
can join us as the lines open up. Abra cadabra.
Hocus Pocus also available on x at Ben Mallard if
you'd like to be part. That's at Ben Mallor. We
went heavy on John Soon, but obviously other things are

up in the air. It's the NBA Playoffs start on
this our Tuesday show, So they start on Tuesday later today.
That's still that weird time. But that's the that f
Gasey playing. I don't even know what the hell is.
I think it's called the Playing Tournament. That that'll begin.
That'll be so exciting. I'll be watching with seven other people.

I'll be one of the people watching. I'll be checking
that out and it'll be absolute amazing. So is it
hot merchandise or is it not hot merchandise? We will
get to that and we'll take your calls. We'll do
it all and we will do it next.

Speaker 3 (14:21):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Ben Meller
Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific on
Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 1 (14:30):
Two NBA Insiders podcasting twice a week to plug you
right into the NBA Great Five.

Speaker 4 (14:36):
All happening in only one place.

Speaker 5 (14:38):
This League Uncut, the new NBA podcast with Me, Chris Haynes.

Speaker 1 (14:43):
And me Mark Stein join us.

Speaker 5 (14:46):
As we team up to expound on everything we're covering.
Hearing and Chason.

Speaker 4 (14:50):
Listen to This League Uncut with Chris Haynes and Mark Stein.

Speaker 5 (14:54):
On the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get
your podcasts.

Speaker 4 (14:59):
The Great The majority of listeners to the Ben Mahler
Show sit on the sidelines, never having their opinions heard.
You're invited to break the glass ceiling by taking up
gigabytes with the Ben Malor Show. Just follow your host
on x He's at Ben Mallor and you can post
that and follow me. Eddie Garcia, your humble sidekick, the
voice of Reason, your news guy, You're announcer guy. I'm

at Eddie on Fox. I'll put my stick right in
your mouth if I have to. I will. I don't
want to, but if I have to, I will, and
i'll I from the ti rack dot com Fox Sports
Radio studios with a camera in between is so we
can't really see each other. It's Ben mallor.

Speaker 1 (15:36):
Now that camera is positioned and big brothers watching Eddie
that there are the Fox Sports Radio Department of Tech
or whatever it's called. Oh what is it called? But
they actually they record these monologues remotely.

Speaker 4 (15:54):
That's fine. It doesn't have to be directly between you
and me where it's like right at your head.

Speaker 1 (15:59):
Well, Eddie, you know we worked together for a long
time and never saw each other. Do we not make
a contact with him? Well, I don't want to make
eye contact with it.

Speaker 4 (16:09):
I don't want I don't like your eyes.

Speaker 1 (16:13):
The disgusting.

Speaker 4 (16:15):
I I mean, we have to go like this with
our heads and Bob and weave if we want to
see each other.

Speaker 1 (16:20):
That camera ready, camera. I didn't put the camera there.
I don't know who put the camera.

Speaker 4 (16:27):
I smell conspiracy.

Speaker 1 (16:28):
You think they're trying to hold the man down. That's
what they're trying to do.

Speaker 4 (16:31):
I mean, that's the only spot it has to be
to block our vision of each other.

Speaker 1 (16:36):
All right. Uh we started with whatever. Who cares? If
you want to move it, move it. There'll be people complaining,
and I don't want to deal with it. I'll just
say you did it, okay, and I'll just say you
did it. Well, No, I'm gonna it's all on the air.
You did it. I don't have a problem.

Speaker 4 (16:48):
You did it.

Speaker 1 (16:49):
I'm fine. I like that to have to move my
head over here to see Eddie and I'm look, I'm
looking at.

Speaker 2 (16:56):
It, Eddie.

Speaker 1 (16:56):
Right, I can see Eddie. See, but if I hear,
if I'm on the mic where you're supposed to be,
I cannot. I cannot see Eddie.

Speaker 4 (17:02):
It is literally in the perfect place to block your Yeah,
I know, hello, I see you too, but not here
where I need to be ridiculous.

Speaker 1 (17:11):
Yeah, who goofed I've got to know late night, Yes,
late night, all right, late night drug test rights and
says the real reason John Sterling retired abruptly is because
he became the new radio voice of the Salt Lake
City NHL team. Before Eddie throws his name in for
the trump, Eddie, if you were offered the play by
play job of the Salt Lake NHL team, are you

packing the family station wagon to Salt Lake City. Yes
or no.

Speaker 4 (17:39):
Well, as with all things, it depends on what they're
going to pay me.

Speaker 1 (17:42):
Let's say they pay you a little more than you're
making right now. It's cheaper to live in a little more.
Oh you need a lot more? Yeah, right, a lot more.
But you'd be willing. You'd be willing to.

Speaker 4 (17:53):
As you know, we all have our price.

Speaker 1 (17:54):
Oh well, yeah, well you have a story about that later.
I'm good person from golf that apparently found his price
point ferg dog rights and says, you're right about the
new crop of broadcasters not being very good. I cut
a bit of the Dodger game and he says, whoever
they had filling in for Joe Davis and orl Hursteizers sucked. Okay,
I I don't know who's doing, have no idea. I

didn't watch the the I was listening to the radio.
I was driving in listening to the radio, and they
had the great Rick Monday was on Dodger Radio. And
then they had the guy that used to do the
Red Sox games. What's that guy's name?

Speaker 4 (18:28):
Oh, he did the Pirates too.

Speaker 1 (18:29):
I'm a fan, not a fan, Tim Tim Neverck. Yeah,
Tim never midnight Walker. Sorry Tim, if you're listening, A
big fan of his work, midnight Walker, he hates you.
Also midnight Walker rights since says a day we knew
was coming, but it's still hard to take. John Sterling
has been the voice of the Yankees for most of

my life, and he's been so great. I loved his
home run calls. He's one of a kind. Today is
a sad day for me. Thank you, John Sterling. From
The Midnight Walker in Syracuse. Let's go to the phones.
A man cashing a golden ticket. We say hello to
Poppy san Diego.

Speaker 4 (19:10):
You're gonna leave the show off of that?

Speaker 1 (19:12):
Well, he's got a golden ticket, Eddie, Are you supposed
to start the show with the golden ticket? Is only
one golden ticket on my board, and so that's Poppy.
And now he's got that that arrogant laugh though, that's
a hurring. That's already and you're already annoying me, Poppy,
And you haven't even officially been put on the.

Speaker 2 (19:27):
Air from San Diego, Sandy Righting Champian of the world.
Worst color your key?

Speaker 1 (19:44):
All right, Poppy? You got some good drugs tonight? That's good?

Speaker 2 (19:47):
Yes, thanks thanks for the introduction. Guys, Hey, I wanted
to say, you know, I pay it on my golden ticket.
Everyone voting for me worth coloring the of the year.
The champion is here and I want to say about
the MP. You know you have fight, you know, just
engaging with Mac Halloway. He knocked about an incredible knockout
by the champion and he's a Hawaiian island. I'm an island, boys.

Shout out for everyone listening from the Hawaiian Islands, and
I appreciate you guys. If you guys haven't listened.

Speaker 1 (20:14):
On the fifth hour, just when did Poppy come from Hawaii? Yeah, Poppy,
when did you? When did you come from Hawaii?

Speaker 4 (20:21):

Speaker 2 (20:21):
Oh? Well, you know what, it was just a great
fight of yous, say Max Halloway, you know you got question.
You gotta get a shout to everyone in Hawaii. But
on a shout out if you guys haven't listened to
listen to the podcast on Ben Maller on Sundays for
Danny J. Thanks for the shout out. Yeah, I know
you guys want those picks. I'm gonna give you winning
picks for picking with Poppy. You want to hear here
with Ben Maller on these sticks tomorrow with the NBA.

You know the play in turn.

Speaker 1 (20:45):
Give me the pick? Who you who you got? Hold on, man,
let me check. Let me check the points, Brett, hold
on it. Are you gonna get some Shenanigans with the points?

Speaker 2 (20:53):
Hold on?

Speaker 1 (20:54):
Get me a second, give me a second.

Speaker 4 (20:57):
All right?

Speaker 1 (20:58):
What do we got? We got double.

Speaker 2 (21:01):
Lakers the Pelicans the first game?

Speaker 1 (21:02):
Yeah, Lakers, Pelicans. Lakers are a one point road favorite.

Speaker 2 (21:08):
Okay, when I know when I saw the line, the
Lakers will find its one point favorite.

Speaker 1 (21:13):
Please please, please, please pick the Lakers. Pick the Lakers.

Speaker 2 (21:17):
I'll tell you what I'm liking. Conspiracy there with all
of this, we know what the NBA wants and just
keep the pens and I'm with the Los Angeles Lakers.

Speaker 1 (21:25):
Thank god? All right, the Lakers go Pelicans. I heard
the Lakers are gonna lose on purpose. Oh yeah, I
saw because I don't want to play the Nuggets. Afraid
of the Nuggets. Yeah, right, so the Nuggets will beat them. Warriors, Kings,
Who you got, Warriors Kings? The Warriors are three and
a half point road favorite in sack Town.

Speaker 2 (21:45):
And I'll tell you who I'm liking it. This my
favorite rep. And the NBA has Scott Boss's there. We're
gonna go with the Sacramento Kings. I have a Philly stop.
Boss is gonna be there. Plus money take the plus one.

Speaker 1 (21:57):
The Warriors losing are all right, I'm not Can I
hang up on you now, Poppy? I feel like I
need to hang up on you.

Speaker 2 (22:04):
And we're gonna I was gonna say one more think
that about it.

Speaker 1 (22:07):
That never goes well. I heard you, Poppy, I heard
you're big on TikTok. Now is that true?

Speaker 2 (22:12):
Well, hey, I'll let everyone the judge of being for that.
I can't be as bigger as Ben Mallard my mentor.
So you're you're the number.

Speaker 1 (22:19):
Oh I'm physically bigger than Yes, I hear you, but
I'm I'm not on TikTok.

Speaker 4 (22:23):
So I don't.

Speaker 1 (22:24):
I'm not in that world. I'm not in that space.

Speaker 2 (22:26):
But I was gonna tell you that what I know
on the podcast, you were staying with energy. You don't
like uh this.

Speaker 1 (22:36):
Wow your phone break. Well, I don't even know what
you were saying. You were you mumbling? What was he saying?
I don't even I said something on the podc What
did I.

Speaker 2 (22:43):
What what you're saying on the podcast that you don't
like listening yourself?

Speaker 1 (22:47):
When you Oh, no, I do not like listening myself. Nobody.

Speaker 2 (22:50):
I'll give you an advice.

Speaker 1 (22:51):
And the only people that like listening, let me tell
you something. I've been radio my entire adult life. The
only people like listening themselves are a holes.

Speaker 2 (22:56):
That's it, Okay, Ben Mallard and I and I was
gonna tell a sense you don't like that me and
you're going to make a dream team. I know you
got a pitch going on. You gotta have me on
a TV show, you know.

Speaker 1 (23:07):
Okay, all right, I don't know what's going on with
the TV show. I haven't heard. I don't know. I'll
let you know, Poppy, all right, thank you, all right,
go all right. I'm hanging up on you finally, Thank God,
make it end.

Speaker 4 (23:17):
All right.

Speaker 1 (23:17):
So this is a w NBA draft. You're covering that, Eddie?
Are you? Are you doing the w NBA draft?

Speaker 4 (23:24):
And I did mention Caitlin Clark was the first pick,
So Kaitlyn Clark bogs shock congratulations.

Speaker 1 (23:31):
I did not watch a second of this, but I
had to because the King's wild game was on. After
it was over, Oh, I got you all right? Anyway,
the people are freaking out there. Could you believe Caitlin
Clark's w NBA jerseys sold out an hour after getting
drafted by what the team and Indie? What are they
called the fever? The fever?

Speaker 4 (23:51):
I got a fever?

Speaker 1 (23:54):
Well this should be a drop. We don't do drops anymore.
But yeah, there was breathless reporting Eddie that all the jersey.
Now is that fanatics anywhere for sale? Seven? They sold
all seven jerseys of Caitlin Clark and they sold them
in and out.

Speaker 4 (24:07):
But fanatics, say, what you're talking about it?

Speaker 1 (24:10):
I know they own the world. It's their world. Wouldn't
that be bad planning, Eddie? Wouldn't you think that, because
of her popularity at Iowa, that the band Wagner crowd
would want to buy Caitlin Clark's jersey And then.

Speaker 4 (24:24):
Perhaps, and shame on me for thinking like this, but
maybe they wanted the story of having the jerseys all
sold out.

Speaker 1 (24:31):
And oh, you're going conspiracy guy. Now, I like that.
I'm growing on you, Eddie. You're going conspiracy guys like
a mold.

Speaker 4 (24:37):

Speaker 1 (24:37):
I covered the only w NBA draft that the dispersal
draft when they started the league, So I don't need
to go to any of these w NBA drafts. I
was there when the La Sparks took Lisa Leslie, and
she had more money than me at that time, and
she still has more money than me. Got good for anyway.
We will press on here, and porky Pig is smiling.

We'll explain what that's about. What take some more of
these rivetingy fum But right now, let's get you caught
up on everything going on in the overnight. A man
who I cannot see, even though I am in the
same effing studio and I'm burning fossil fuels coming in here, I.

Speaker 4 (25:14):
Mean, same building. That's kind of a different studio, though,
what are you talking about? You said we're in the
same studio, We're not really in the same studio.

Speaker 1 (25:22):
I can break that glass.

Speaker 4 (25:23):
Kind of seque. Well, let's see you do it.

Speaker 1 (25:26):
You pay for it, and I'll do it.

Speaker 4 (25:27):
Okay, that it's a deal.

Speaker 1 (25:28):
Okay, I'm gonna break it. I'm breaking the glass. Here
we go.

Speaker 4 (25:36):
It would have been funny if you really would have
broke that could have knocked it out. He tried to
do a hockey check into the boards. The glass is
still standing, not surprising.

Speaker 3 (25:46):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Ben Meller
Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific.

Speaker 4 (25:51):
Back to news involving the teams and the old play
in there, the Lakers are listing Anthony Davis as questionable
with back spasms.

Speaker 1 (25:59):
Oh my, I ain't getting back ors my back.

Speaker 4 (26:05):
Oh Nut, that was Anthony Davis.

Speaker 1 (26:11):
That is audience right there. But I'll feel better if
you pay me, you know, ten million dollars, I'll feel better.
Act she's probably fifty million dollars now. The price has
gone up, its inflation.

Speaker 6 (26:20):

Speaker 4 (26:20):
This whole part of the conspiracy of the Lakers losing
that game so they can do You.

Speaker 1 (26:23):
Think the Queen knows what movie that is? You think
she's familiar with that movie.

Speaker 4 (26:27):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (26:28):
It's a good ques too young for that, Well it
could be. I'm gonna say, yes, you're right, probably too
young for that. Just go go with a young card. Yeah.

Speaker 7 (26:35):
Honestly, most of the movies my friends hope I've watched
it happened anyways, unless it's Disney.

Speaker 1 (26:40):
Well, this is a classic movie that was filmed in
Los Angeles. Oh, nut.

Speaker 2 (26:47):
Like that.

Speaker 1 (26:48):
It's about a day of the week. You want to Wednesday?

Speaker 4 (26:52):
Well that would be well, that was close. I guess
that would be it was the day of the week.

Speaker 1 (26:56):
Yeah, that would be an adult movie Wednesday. But yeah no,
uh yeah, Friday, Jersey Friday. Yeah, I did. I did
see Friday you did? That was one of the great
scenes in the Yeah, good guy feigned an injury so
he could get some money. It's a great comedic moment.
So it is the Ben Mallard Show. As we continue on,

are you done? Eddie's dad, Gummet writes, and he says, uh,
the FCC is installed by your girl. I promise her
I will no longer use filthy language because I respect her.
No chance, Dad Gummett. You have been a truck driver
your entire life. You only speak with profanity. That that

is it you. You cannot stop. Let's see here, ya
Feemi says, uh, I am a ruddle the ship without
without malc I'm here, what's wrong with you? Man? Who
else do we have? See page? Then we'll skip over
that one. I can't read that. Matt the Warrior Raider
fan says, thank you Poppy for picking Sacramento. It's a

tremendous job by him, the power of Poppy. Let's see
him and we'll skip over. Let's go call the phone's
let's say hello to Herb. Herb is on Long Island.
We'll see if this is a legit or not. Hello, Herb,
he's on the se I punched the wrong I hit

the line two, but it's line three. Line two hasn't
been screen yet. Hello, Herb. What's going on? Herb?

Speaker 2 (28:31):
Hey Ben, welcome?

Speaker 6 (28:32):
Heard you talk about John Sterling. I heard him start
with the Nets and the Islanders when they when the
Nets were in Long Island and he had a talks
radio show on w NCA radio. He's a cut, he's
an acquired taste.

Speaker 1 (28:48):
That sounds like you don't like him. That sounds like, Herb,
you do not enjoy the work of John Sterling.

Speaker 6 (28:54):
King was over the top of the Islanders, and he
was very opinionated on the talk show, and then he
sometimes that works on the fan.

Speaker 1 (29:03):
So you're telling me it's a bad thing. If a
talk show host's opinionated, that's a bad thing.

Speaker 6 (29:07):
I didn't say that.

Speaker 1 (29:08):
I just it kind of sounded like it, though, Herb,
it sounded had.

Speaker 6 (29:11):
His opinion, and I grew up and listened to Marv
Albert and you know, so you know, I just enjoyed.
But I listened to John. He's just an acquired taste
and he was just a bit over the top.

Speaker 1 (29:23):
All right, all right, I got you. No, that's fine. Listen,
there's a lot of people that don't like that stuff.
I got a kick out of John Stirling. I thought
he was entertaining.

Speaker 6 (29:33):
He makes a mistake, like when he says it's all
run ball and then it's caught.

Speaker 1 (29:37):
Well, but you know, Herb in life in general, anytime
someone makes a mistake, it's entertainment because it's called shot
and freude. We can alter joy out of other people's misery.

Speaker 6 (29:46):
And I'm not a Yankee fan, So you know, I.

Speaker 1 (29:50):
Got you, all right, her very good.

Speaker 6 (29:52):
Enjoy your show.

Speaker 1 (29:53):
Thank you, buddy. Appreciate that there's Herb not on Long Island. There.
He's a going to old school John Sterling. I saw
Sterling call a game at Dodger stated and he did
call it off the TV. He was watching the TV.
He did not call. He was not looking down. But
just fine, he's old bad eyes, you know all that.

Let's say the sailor to Texas Jack. Hello Texas Jack,
how you doing?

Speaker 2 (30:22):

Speaker 1 (30:23):
If I was any better, I'd be sleeping. But I'm not.
I'm here talking.

Speaker 2 (30:28):
Yes, all right, Well but John Sterling. You said a
lot of nice things about him, and you did him justice,
but every time you played a clip of his calls,
you talked over it.

Speaker 1 (30:41):
Oh well, it's a talk I was talking. You want
to hear more? We got more of you on You
want to hear some uh.

Speaker 3 (30:48):
In a second.

Speaker 2 (30:49):
First, I want to let you know that your clippers
are going down.

Speaker 1 (30:53):
Listen, all Luca does is losing the Clippers in the playoffs. Right,
He's haunted by the clipper ship. He goes to bed
at night and the clipper ship runs over Luca. Okay,
right now he's planning his vacation. When the Clippers eliminate
the mav Rex from the posts.

Speaker 4 (31:11):
You're out.

Speaker 1 (31:12):
Oh no, no, I'm not out of my mind. Kawhi Leonards.
He took the what are.

Speaker 2 (31:18):
You talking, the cancer of Harden and now.

Speaker 1 (31:21):
Oh no, they got the west Brook not west Brock,
west Brook. He's back. My guy. Always been a big
fan of.

Speaker 2 (31:30):

Speaker 1 (31:31):
All right, well, you bet all your money, bet your mortgage,
Texas Jack on the mad Reck. Okay, well there you go,
and I listen. I know a good homeless shelter in
Miami where weed Man used to.

Speaker 4 (31:43):
Live his house on the Clippers.

Speaker 1 (31:46):
Yeah, well my house is worth like ten bucks.

Speaker 4 (31:49):
I can't.

Speaker 1 (31:51):
I don't think he is. That's a good question. We've
not heard an update. We have our correspondent who checks
the prison records there in Miami, Matt the Warrior Raider Fan.
As far as I know, he is still incarcerated. This
is like two This is two months of weed Man
in jail. Well, they're killing our show, Texas Jack.

Speaker 2 (32:09):
Yeah, it's terrible, terrible, terrible.

Speaker 1 (32:12):
Terrible time. We've got to contact the District Attorney's office
there in Miami and get weed Man freed. All right,
let's give a little taste of job. Be quiet, Jack,
We're gonna play some John Starling. All right, play the Bay.

Speaker 4 (32:23):
Here we go, and the bit hitting there that he've
left it is high art is far heart of time.

Speaker 1 (32:33):
It's a grand slam, non di medic car. That ball
shoot traveled far sean car though he hits a grand
slam deep in the love Field seats and the Yankees
take up five one league. How could that guy Herb
not appreciate that? That's beautiful singing by this man. You know,

I feel bad for there's a John Sterling X account,
john Sterling Calls or whatever on ex that would just
play John sterle home run calls. I guess they're out
of business. Now they're done. That's it. So are you happy? Jack?
Are you okay?

Speaker 4 (33:06):

Speaker 2 (33:06):

Speaker 1 (33:06):

Speaker 2 (33:07):
And I'll tell you one thing.

Speaker 6 (33:08):
I hate the Yankees, but I liked the game.

Speaker 1 (33:11):
So you liked the showmanship. You probably enjoyed the Remember
the year old? Have you remember Craig Sager was a
sideline reporter used to just like a clown at the
NBA games. He's entertaining, right, it's entertainment, he was entertaining.
I'm gonna hang up on you think and don't listen.
I want to talk to you after the Mavericks lose
to the Clippers. So we won't talk to lot now

you won't. Everyone says they're gonna call you. Never call.
You're all fraud. The only way your call is if
the Mavericks win. We know that's not gonna happen, So okay, no,
it's not. I've already seen the script. It's not happy,
all right, thank you buddy. There's my buddy, Texas Jack.
So somewhere Porky Pig has a big smiles just because
I came in here and I walked into the studio

and there was a spread of food. It looked it looked,
am I exaggerate? It looked like Major League Baseball clubhouse
spread after like a game at Dodger Stadium when the
players come in to get their their dinner. It's insane.
And this spread was made possible, not by Porky Pig,
not by joy Chestnut. Lorraine Ah, the Queen of Challenge

out of Gluttney. That's a that's an amazing situation here, Lorena,
that you have. That's what I said, what are you
having for dinner? And I think you had everything on
the menu. I'm not mocking you because you you're rail Thinn,
but that is an amazing thing.

Speaker 7 (34:32):
It was a complete accident.

Speaker 1 (34:33):
Ben, Yeah, what happened.

Speaker 7 (34:34):
Postmates messed up?

Speaker 1 (34:36):
So you ordered dinner.

Speaker 7 (34:38):
I ordered a ahi seared tuna salad from BJ's and
a thing of sliders.

Speaker 1 (34:44):
Okay, solid, I don't know about they would have been this.

Speaker 7 (34:47):
Big, like tiny, Okay, yeah, I go to the door.
There's a twenty pound bag at the door. It is
a family pack of ribs.

Speaker 1 (34:56):
All right, time out timeout. So at that point did
you say, Okay, that's probably not my order. I said,
this is definitely not my order. And what did the
person for Postmates? They don't do anything. They just so
they you didn't you didn't stop them before they gave you,
So they dropped the food off.

Speaker 4 (35:10):
Is that what?

Speaker 7 (35:11):
Then we called our Postmates guy.

Speaker 1 (35:12):
They didn't answer. Well, once you've you've taken the food,
you've sullied the food. You can't give the food back, right,
you've worked in the restaurant business, you can't. It's not allowed.

Speaker 7 (35:20):
So yeah, Instead we ordered Chick fil A because it
wasn't what we wanted, and then we left.

Speaker 1 (35:24):
We brought the leftovers here. There's a lot of there's ribs.
There's a potato. I have you have not one baked potato?
Have like four or five baked potato? Four baked potatoes?
What else do we have? Four quarteracks of ribs to Coop?
I'm so excited. This is the greatest mistake of all time.
Coop is so happy. All right, we'll talk more about
that as.

Speaker 4 (35:44):
We it's it's delicious by the way I'm fasting, I know,
really good.

Speaker 7 (35:50):
He'll smell it.

Speaker 1 (35:51):
I know it looks it looks wonderful.

Speaker 4 (35:54):
What a wonderful mistake that never happens to me?

Speaker 1 (35:56):
Yeah, doesn't mean it was shocked right time? Not for
the Who Am I? Game? Was Jackie Robinson Day on Monday.
There are three players in baseball history that have had
their number retired but at least three teams. They are
Jackie Robinson, Nolan Ryan, and me. Again, three players in
baseball history have had their number retired by at least
three teams. They are Jackie Robinson by every team, Nolan Ryan,

and me. Who Am I? The answer?

Speaker 3 (36:19):
Neck Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup
in the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports
Radio dot Com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR
to listen live.

Speaker 4 (36:31):
The Ben Malor Show never fails to amaze with all
kinds of freaks of nature. Show your support for the
audities of the overnight are patent and blend of eleven
herbs and audio spices like Ask Ben and Sports Jeopardy.
Fill up the content plate. Follow your host on Facebook, Facebook,
dot com, slash Ben Maalor Show and on Instagram at
Ben Maller on Fox and I'll live from the tyrack

dot Com Fox Sports Radio Studios. It's Ben Mallin and
here's the way my game.

Speaker 1 (36:55):
In honor of Jackie Robinson Day, which is on Monday,
three players in baseball history have had their numbers retired
by at least three teams. They are Jackie Robinson obviously,
Nolan Ryan and me. Who am I? That is the question?
What is the answer?

Speaker 3 (37:12):

Speaker 1 (37:14):
And you're on the edge of your seat trying to
figure out who it is? Art Puffin writes in You
know it's a big of Art Puffin's writing In he says,
Gene Hermansky is the correct answer, Tax Clevenger from Malor
prop guy Mike Aldretti of the nineteen eighties San Francisco
Giants from mister nice Guy, Shelley Duvall from ferg Dog

that's his answer.

Speaker 6 (37:37):

Speaker 1 (37:37):
Then takes a shot at Eddie. Who else do you have?
Page down? Hido Turkalou from The Cowboy Killer, Great baseball
player in his day, Late Night Drug tester says, in
honor of Lab Professionals Week, you are Walter White. That
is the correct answer weed Man Hippie guess by Freddie
Kevin Moss, Yankee legend from Bay City Tony. Who else

do you have? Page nown bj Surhoff from Fields of
Green g Manage in Chicago got it right, so did
poly d Bad job by you guys. Stevie Meatballs in
Florida going with the iconic. I think she played for
the What team was it? She played for the Red Sox.
Lorraina Bobbitt there from Stevie Meatballs. Who else we have?
Gene decker Hoff Fire the Cannons from Sean and Portland,

Greg clown Cell from King Rory. Juan Samuell guests by
Double Ow Mexican in San Diego, I. Forty Ian says
the greatest broadcaster in New York baseball history is actually
Ralph Kiner, who once said its Father's day to day
to all the fathers out there, Happy birthday. Yeah, there's
some great Ralph Kiner stories all the time. Kiner's Corner

that he used to do. I think it was a
Sundays Legendaria Milkman Mike and Colorado says long ball Larry
Walker is the answer. Lorraine ah guests by Kathy in Madison.
Gary Guy Edi from Robin, Minnesota. Bobby Ryan of the Senators,
guessed by Shane of Des Moines, Padre Hall of Famer

Dave Winfield. Guests by the Diamond Man Eddie. What say you, Eddie?

Speaker 4 (39:15):
I think I know the answer. I believe it is
Frank Robinson.

Speaker 1 (39:18):
Frank Robinson, a man who had season take us to
the Lakers until his last breath. On this, it is
Frank Robinson, who retired by the Orioles. Where's the favorite Orioles?

Speaker 4 (39:28):

Speaker 1 (39:29):
He got it read? She's shocked. She was, she was
eating she was eating ribs actually, but she was. She
had the ribs out, that was the problem.

Speaker 3 (39:38):
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