All Episodes

April 17, 2024 38 mins

Ben Maller talks about Caitlin Clark's WNBA salary after getting selected 1st overall in the draft, Patrick Mahomes' words on family and his NFL future, Password: Word Game of the Stars, and more!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hello and welcome. It's our number fall. We have a
motto in the kitchen where we cook up the show. Here,
the motto is this we go where the ingredients of
the day take us, and the ingredients of the day
take us to a place we don't normally go. Women's

Pro basketball. Is Caitlin Clark getting a raw deal with
her low WNBA salary? Many people up in arms? What
is your reaction? Also to Patrick Mahomes his words on
family when it's time to leave the NFL. We'll discuss that,
and how likely or unlikely is Spie of Mitchell to

be the face of the NBA. He had stated that
that is his goal to be the face of the NBA.
We'll talk about all that and more right now. Have
a great hump day, Enjoy this seventeenth day of April.
Here it is our number four. Somewhere pigs are flying. Welcome.

In the beginning of another hour of the Ben Malor Show.
We are in the air everywhere, fellow townspeople, as we
trample over the competition, coast to coast, border the border
and beyond on the vast and pioneeringly powerful microphones of

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over ten thousand recommended installers. Ten thousand. That is insane.
That is such a large number that our friend Dad
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Tire rack dot Com the way tire buying should be

seem I think, Hey, I'm gonna I'm gonna go to
basketball pro bouncy ball. No, I don't get to that
in a minute, but it is pro bouncy ball. It's
just not what you think. I said. Pigs are flying,
and that would be because of this our lead this
hour coming from the Great Debate, a story that I
promise you I did not plan on talking about when

I got up in the morning, lastly the afternoon, because
I sleep during the day. But when I woke up,
I wasn't planning on talking about this. But we have
a mantra on the show that we use the ingredients available.
We use what's available in our toolbox. To craft the
bull crap. And so here we are. So you probably
don't know where I'm going with this. Let me, let

me explain the riddle. So there's a basketball player I've
told her name is Caitlyn Clark, and she's going to
be playing for a team in Indiana. Do you have
the fever? Yeah? So the story's been bouncing all over
the pinball machine, the echo chamber, people up in arms.
I'm going to hold a bake sale because Caitlin Clark

is going to earn just seventy six thousand dollars a
little over that in base salary for her first season
in the WNBA, based on the WNBA's rookie pay scale,
and that has been a shock to many high profile people,
people who think they're important people, and they've complained about this.

The Wokesters are very upset. They're infuriated. Here, they're hopping mad.
And I've seen endless stories I don't know if you
have or not, not hard to find them about this
being unfair, it's being sexist, misogynistic. I've seen Caitlin Clark's
salary spotlighting the gender pay gap in women's sports. So anyway,

let's discuss the question is Caitlin Clark getting a raw
deal from the WNBA, And the answer I'll give you
in a second. I've got sugar daddy, academia, and middle class,
and we will combine all of these things together and
we're going to make banana cream pies, which popped up

here at the Mothership. I just want to point that out,
Banana cream pie. More on that later, So to tip
off the conversation, my answer is Caitlyn Clark getting a
raw deal from the WNBA in her salary? No, No
to infinity and beyond no. There's no Baden switch involved

in this story. Caitlin Clark knew what she was getting into.
If she was worried about the money, if she was
obsessed with the money, which I would have been, if
she wanted, as the kids say, the bag, she would
have gotten the bag if she'd hung out with ice
Cube and the Big Three. Unless I'm mistaken. Ice Cube
offered her five million dollar Dead Presidents. It's a lot

of shekels, but she rejected that dough. She said no
to the dough, and she instead took a job, a
starter job at a struggling company, a company that has failed,
a company that should be out of business. She took
a job with a company that is not doing well,

and she took the salary that was available. The WNBA,
for those of you that haven't paid attention, has been
hemorrhaging cash for a generation and a half. And I'm
not exaggerating, I'm not embellishing this. It's not my opinion,
it's a fact. Is it true that the Women's Professional

Basketball League has now gone twenty seven years without turning
a profit? That is correct? Nineteen ninety six, nineteen ninety six,
the league started. The WNBA should be like Toys r
us or Blockbuster Video if it wasn't for who the difference,

Sugar Daddy, that's the difference. The NBA this entire time
has subsidized the WNBA, the women's league. It has lost
money every year. There's not one year they made you
think maybe by accident they made money the first couple years.
People out of curiosity. No, twenty seven years no money.

But because of the sugar Daddy, the NBA. I know
you're not supposed to say the quiet part out loud,
but we did so. We are told the NBA the
way it works, the business model, the NBA owns fifty
percent of the WNBA. Okay, the the WNBA member teams
own the other fifty percent the NBA. How do they

bankroll this? They provide the WNBA with an annual endowment
which is over fifteen million dollars, which is a nice
way of saying burning cash, burn, baby burn. The NBA
generates I saw this online. Must be true. NBA generates
one hundred and sixty seven times the revenue of the

women's league. Let me repeat that for those of you
a little slow. The NBA generates one hundred and sixty
seven percent of the one hundred sixty seven times times
the revenue of the WNB. There'll be a quiz on
this later. So Kalen Clark has been called the Magic Johnson,
the Larry Bird, the Michael Jordan of women's basketball. Maybe

that all of that's true, right, Maybe all of that's true.
I don't know. We'll see how this plays out. Certainly
a lot of excitement right now for her ability on
the court, and that's great, But if she is the
Michael Jordan. Keeping mind Michael Jordan when he was a
rookie for the Chicago Bulls in nineteen eighty five, he
was earning four hundred and fifty five thousand dollars, which

in today's money, in today's money, is like one hundred
and fifty six thousand. But remember the NBA was a
profitable operation because of Bird and Magic at that time.
So one hundred and fifty six thousand in today's money,
Caitlin Clark's making seventy six and no one watches the
WNBA all right. Now, if she brings fans in, then

this thing will blow up and she'll make a ton
of money and endorsements. And as long as she doesn't
have an interpreter like Otani, she'll keep the money, all right. Furthermore,
we now head to Mahoonee Land is where we go.
Patrick Mahomes did a wordy interview that came across my
radar with Time Magazine where he touched a number of issues,

including he got a little political and he didn't go there.
He's the anti Lebron James and a lot of these
cats that love to tell you how to vote on everything,
Mahomes took the opposite position, which I loved, thought that
was great. It's really a smart business decision by Mahomes
because he knows that you offend half the customers. That's

less shoes you can sell, or whatever crappy product you're selling,
it's less of that. So I thought that was good.
But the meat of the interview, Mahomes said he would
love to play as long as Tom Brady, but you
know everything before but his bogus. He said. At the
same time, I want to be there for my daughter.

So what is your reaction to Patrick Mahomes the words
he said in this interview on the family dictating his
NFL future. So I'm going to tackle this one first.
I gave this a little side eye. Now, you would
be hard pressed to find a lifestyle that is better

to be a parent than NFL star. Not just NFL player,
but NFL star. I may explain. It's like being in
academia while making an exorbitant amount of money. You've got
twenty two exams a year at the seventeen regular season games.
You got a few preseason. If you're good, you're to

the playoffs, a couple of playoff games, give or take
twenty two exams a year. You got a few airport seminars.
All the road trips are on the weekend. You're back
the night of the game, you fly back home, be
with your family. The requirements are you must be in
peak physical condition. Patrick Mahomes has a dad body. I
don't think he's spending eight hours a day in the gym.

So you're in a film study. And one thing that's
always been true since I started in radio sports radio
is people in sports love to tell you how hard
they work. There's always been a pet peeple in mind
when people just endlessly brag about how hard they work,
because usually the people that brag about that don't actually
work that hard. Like I know for a fact from
doing this show, there are people right now that are

working in factories, at driving trucks, chemical plants, grocery stores
that work much harder than these NFL players. But these
NFL people love to tell you how hard they work.
They love to go on and on. But most of
the time, the practice that you get there in the morning, Yeah,
you work out, you have meetings, you have practice, and

then you take a shower, you're out of there. Usually
you're done by about three o'clock, sometimes before that, sometimes
before that, depending on the schedule. And so in terms
of Mahomes and his daughter, it's an honorable thing to say,
but I would think your daughter actually needs you more
now as a little girl than when she's older, when
she wants nothing to do with her parents. Right, and

she's like, I'm good, And most kids are like that.
I think to become teenagers like I'm all right, I'm
done with you, all right, last thing here. So we
pivot to pro bouncy ball and I will get to
the play in fugaziness in a moment. But I read
that cavalier for there. In the playoffs, Donovan Mitchell says
he wants to be the face of the NBA. He said,

I set that goal a long time ago. His quote
so quickly. How likely or unlikely is Spider Mitchell to
ever end up as the face of theme Ah, So
as they stay they whoever they are on the homestead.

The thoroughbred has left the barn and is off running
out on the prairie. Good luck, Mitchell. I put him
in the middle class. He is a middle class. He's
not big box office. He's not a big box office guy.
He's in the middle class of NBA stars. He quits
up good numbers. He's a solid player. He's not a

great player. He's twenty seven years old. He's spent seven
seasons in the NBA. But what this does tell me
is that the rumors are accurate that Spider Mitchell, if
you want to be the face of the NBA, you
don't do it playing for the Cavaliers or the Utah Jazz.
All right, it doesn't Lebron, but the easy path is
obviously not worked for Spider Mitchell has been in Cleveland

for a little bit. Lakers, all right, this is a
guy's guys. I people thought the Knicks, but the Lakers
he wants to be. And there are rumors that Lebron's
gonna leave and Spider Mitchell's gonna come in and he'll
replace Lebron and increase his Q rating. It is the
Ben Mahler Show. Our Q rating hopefully going up right now.
If you'd like to be part line open for you, you
can scream, shout, yell, all that good stuff and be

part of the Baffosaco program. The Lakers won because Zion
Williamson got hurt. Lake has tried to give the game
away late to the Pelicans, but they held on. Zion
got hurt. I think I've seen that movie before. I
think I have you anyway, got hurt bad. Hammy likely
will not be able to play on Friday. Not confirm,

but we expect him not to play against Sacramento, who
eliminated the Golden State Warriors. And you made as many
shots and scored as many points as Clay Thompson. Congratulations,
you made as many baskets in an NBA playing game
and scored as many points as Clay zero and zero.

Now tonight, the Atlanta Hawks will fly into Sweet Home
Chicago take on the Bulls, and the gambling line on
that the Bulls are a three point favorite, a lot
of the money, fifty eight percent of the cash is
in favor of the Atlanta Hawks. And the game that
most of us are looking forward to watching is the
early game the Heat and the seventy six ers and

Philly a five point favorite, and with Joel Embiid expected
to play in that game, getting the majority of the money.
We get letters, we get letters. We'll get to that.
And is it true that relegation is in the works
for American sport, that we will be getting relegation that

great thing they do in Europe, that we're going to
be getting that in our American sports. We'll explain what
that's all about. We'll get to it. We will do
it next.

Speaker 2 (15:28):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Ben Meller
Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific on
Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 1 (15:37):
Two NBA Insiders podcasting twice a week to plug you
right into the NBA Grape five.

Speaker 3 (15:43):
All happening in only one place.

Speaker 4 (15:45):
This League Uncut, the new NBA podcast with me, Chris Haynes.

Speaker 1 (15:50):
And me Mark Stein.

Speaker 4 (15:52):
Join us as we team up to expound on everything
we're covering.

Speaker 3 (15:56):
Hearing and Chason.

Speaker 5 (15:57):
Listen to This League Uncut with Chris and Mark Stein.

Speaker 4 (16:01):
On the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get
your podcasts.

Speaker 6 (16:06):
Step into a world of imagination. The Ben Maler Show
has no marketing budget. We need your assistance in growing
the congregation of the Malad militia.

Speaker 3 (16:14):
How do you do it?

Speaker 6 (16:15):
Tag Malor related content on all social media networks. You
are the missing jigsaw puzzle piece to unlock the Ben
Malor Show. To new compatriots at l from the Tyraq
dot Com, Fox Sports Radio Studios, It's Ben Malor.

Speaker 1 (16:31):
We get letters and you'll hear about that coming up
momentarily as we continue on later this hour, are you ready?
Are you mentally prepared for what you're about to hear?
Password The word game of the Stars, and we'll get
to that is relegation coming to us sports. And we'll
get to that as well. Very excepting alf the alien

opiner from Springfield, mass writes in he says, maybe Adam
Silver can throw some more money at the NBA, so
Caitlin can afford Tony Stewart's house. That's right, it's in Indiana. Secondly,
Spider Mitchell will need the leap over Scottie Bonds to
become the face of the NBA. Great memory, do we

can we bring up the Scottie Barnes Do we have that?
I know you were not here for that, Loreno, but
Scotty Barnes a basketball player and the coach of the
Toronto Raptors. The Great dark oh Ryokovic went on a
rant during the regular season. It was wonderful, he said,
what happened is complete me. Yes, But then the money quote,

Scottie Barnes is going to be all Star face of
the league. So good. Scottie Barnes, God, that's good. I'd
forgotten about that. But Darko my top five coach in
the NBA. He's not as good as Torts. It's not
as good as when Joe Madden was managing the Cubs
and said, try not to suck. Is the it's the model,

but pretty so, pretty so Supermarcusteve believes our boss Don
Martin is very excited that we are doing all these
live reads, and I agree with you. I'm mama. What else?
We have page down and we'll skip over that one.
Let's go to the phone. Let's say hello to Manuel
in Guardina. Hello, Manuel, Benny.

Speaker 5 (18:26):
Blockin' bird box, Anny bloke in Sherman. Okay, tell Paul
Bob Schmid to put some name, some respect on your name,
talking about all encountered being the most fearless voice of
FSR bull squad man the malord Ben Mallard.

Speaker 1 (18:45):
Is that's right, that's right.

Speaker 5 (18:47):
What else puts up with five profane words and an
output from a bunch of hillbillies and still gets by
with a Marconi level show?

Speaker 1 (19:00):
It's Ben Mallard, that's right, Marconi mallor, don't you forget
but respect in my name?

Speaker 5 (19:07):
You hear that? Schmid?

Speaker 7 (19:08):
I know you're mentioning Gammy.

Speaker 5 (19:10):
You gotter come up with a good promo for Benny
blast Right. Hey, I'm with you on this whole WNBA fiasco. Like,
what the hell do they expect? Man, They've been supplemented
for like twenty five years, basically, what did you verify?
Then they've never been out of the red right.

Speaker 1 (19:31):
No, they've never They've never turned to profit in an association.

Speaker 5 (19:35):
Like that's freaking ridiculous, man.

Speaker 1 (19:38):
And the fact they've never turned the profit and they're
not even paying the players any real money and they're
still they still can't turn the profit exactly.

Speaker 5 (19:46):
I mean, like you said, if she wanted to get paid,
she should have went with against against the ice Q
and took his money. I mean, that's a crap league anyway.
I don't know who watches that crap league either, but
at least you would have got some money. So now
she's gonna be sucking a crap league that nobody watches.
I mean, I've always been of the opinion the w

NBA should go to like nine foot tall baskets. Let
these ladies start going all Air Jordan with it, because
nobody gives a damn about fundamental basketball. If I want
to see that, I'll go out to the damn local playground.

Speaker 1 (20:22):
Well, that's why I will. I will play Devil's after you, Manuel,
because there is that hard old guy like that. I
love the fundamentals, but for everyone else, nobody wants it.

Speaker 5 (20:33):
Well, I tell you what. He should go and check
out a bunch of YouTube videos of Kim Duncan if
he wants fundamentals, because I want high flying action. I
want three pointers from the damn halfway mark, and I
want NBA basket Ye how about this?

Speaker 1 (20:50):
How about this? Manuel, how about we put a trampoline
in the painted area. How about that?

Speaker 7 (20:54):

Speaker 5 (20:55):
Right, hey, let let Rocky be on one of their teams.
That would be freaking today.

Speaker 1 (21:00):
Yeah, Chuck the Khan, Chuck the Condo, Yeah, Chuck the Condo.
Benny the Bull will be on one team. We'll have
all the mascots of the Leprechaun from the Selva ship.

Speaker 5 (21:09):
It happened, because I will watch then. I will even
watch Paul's Boston Shamrocks if they do.

Speaker 8 (21:15):
Something like that.

Speaker 1 (21:16):
All right, Manuell, thank you?

Speaker 8 (21:17):
All right?

Speaker 1 (21:19):
Great? Manuel. So we get letters, actual letters, and we think, boy,
of you people, whoever you people are you, I'm talking
to you. You really spoil us. We're very lucky everyone
but Dad Gummet takes care of us. Now, Dad Gummet
doesn't take care of us, but we've actually benefited more
from Dad. Dad Gummet's incompetence because he didn't deliver the goods.

We've benefited and we continue to benefit. We got this
a nice card from Chip in Maine, he says, Ben
and Crewe. I don't. He didn't say not to read
this on the air, so I'm gonna read it on there.
He says, Ben and Crue. I was on vacation last
week and my wife does not like sports either is
my wife, by the way, So I missed the show. Sorry,
no jokes. I did, however, make you some molasses cookies.

I hope they traveled well and that you liked it.
He says. Welcome Lorraine. Ah, he says, you're a great
addition to the show. The Queen of Hearts is replacing
the King of farts. There you go. Wow, that's a
he said, Roberto like like to smell his own. Well, yeah,
and I always Sam was barely here so he you know,
he kind of was like here a couple of months,

so he didn't really count. So Roberto. Yeah, so keep
up the good work, he says, Long live the Queen.
Welcome back Coop thumbs up or thumbs down Eddie the
cookie critic. Keep in mind. Eddie says, best regards Chip
in Maine, that your answer will affect the future cookies
that are sent here to Fox Sports. Ready, so thumbs

up thumbs down on the molasses cooks. I've not had him.
I'm fasting right now, so I will. I will take
some home. Chip will actually leave some too, No, I
ate yours, Ben Thief. Yeah, Lorraina pulled a fast one
on Coop. We'll get to that story in a minute.
But Eddie thumbs up thumbs down the Chip in Maine
molasses cookie.

Speaker 6 (23:09):
I think in moderation, Yes, moderation all right, so they
are very strong.

Speaker 1 (23:15):
I will say it's a main cookie. You're a Southwest
Coast guy, you know the cookie is a little different
than Maine perhaps, Chip and Maine al right, And those
were homemade and this one came from Fry Daddy. He's
really hooked us up over the years with different things.
He's a big fan of the show. He listens every
night four hours. This is born in nineteen sixty outside
of Philadelphia, Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, says, I remember Tasty Cake

pies fifteen cents and then they went to twenty five cents.
There was a major uproar, says the Tasty Cake was
the best until they sold to another company. They went downhill,
he said. Then, and it's been at least fifteen years,
but little Debbie is still the little sister to Tasty Cake.
That's from Fry Daddy, and he sent a giant box

of different treats. So I'll put a photo up later today.
So fow thank you Fried Daddy. And the story on
this Eddie's a Coop. There was a banana cream pie
and there was a there was a splitting of the pie,
like the parting of the Red Sea. I decided to
share my pie with Coop.

Speaker 9 (24:24):
So Coop, I don't know what made it your pie
because I grabbed it first.

Speaker 1 (24:28):
So Coop cut the pie. But Lorraina is like, you know,
did the typical woman, thinking well, I don't want the big.

Speaker 9 (24:34):
Piece, I'll take the little, She said, don't cut it,
even give me the smaller half.

Speaker 1 (24:39):
She requested, not fifty to fifty. She wanted the small
and so then Coop cut it where she got the
little piece and he got the big piece. And then
Coop made the fatal mistake of walking a couple of
steps away, and the raina like a ninja, came in
like a samurai, and she grabbed the bigger piece of
the pie, and Coop was so upset, and Coop since

he got married, I've noticed here a couple of technical
errors by Coop with food. Okay, who would have never done?
And Loreno was I opened the box and Lorena was
like right there before Coop. Coop's almost always the first
person to examine what's in the box, but not not today.

Speaker 3 (25:21):
Cooper's being a gentleman. He's allowing the lady do.

Speaker 1 (25:24):
No, he did not allow the lady to do that.
I don't know what happened. I'm just some you're in
a haze, come slowing down in my old age. Oh
my god, I think I just caught you off guard. Yeah,
you look quicker than Coop at this point. I haven't
even finished my half of them.

Speaker 9 (25:37):
Here's what here's here's what if you want, if you
want to be real, Here's what happened. Lorena was complaining
of a stomach ache. She's like, oh, I ate too much.
So I just I thought my guard was down. I'm like, Okay,
I don't have to worry about anything.

Speaker 1 (25:50):
Yeah, she's a con artist. Learn she is wrong, little
cot On. No, he said, don't trust the ones that smile, Coop,
remember that the ones the people to smile. She gave
me part of her Patti melt earlier though. So, oh,
you had a Patti melt today. Let me tell you something.
Veteran move. Okay, you go to a restaurant. You don't
really know the restaurant that well, two things you need

to order. If you're not, you think the food's going
to be bad. Patti melt. Chicken fingers very hard to
f up chicken fingers in a Patti melt.

Speaker 2 (26:18):
Yeah, I did have one one time that they didn't
cook the onions well enough, so my onions were raw.

Speaker 1 (26:23):
That's not good. No, yeah, I gotta get the grilled onion. Sorry. Anyway,
it is the ban mallor show truck or Joe randomly
points out that Tesla does have an electric trucks now,
so that's that's great. I don't know that was a
conversation with Inka terror there you Kelly, by the way's
going to hook us up. That the Queen of the
donut So that's good. Need some donuts or whatever. She

I don't know what she's gonna send. I have no
idea anyway. Let's get over to Eddie. Wake up, Eddie,
Let's get did I I don't think I paid off
the first pitch story? Did I mean?

Speaker 3 (26:55):
Wake up? I believe me. I'm very awake here.

Speaker 1 (26:57):
Oh I see Eddie got upset. That's defensive Eddie. That's
angry at.

Speaker 3 (27:02):
Yes, I'm I'm fuming right now.

Speaker 1 (27:06):
You sound very Yeah, you're looking.

Speaker 2 (27:07):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Ben Meller
Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific.

Speaker 1 (27:13):
It is the Benmahlor Show. As we continue on through
these late night hours. And are you tired of feeling
alone in your job search? With just one connection, you
can find endless job opportunities. That connection has express employment Professionals.
Don't go it alone. Visit expresspros dot com to find
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round of the Draft starting next Thursday week from tomorrow,
our thanks to Express Pros for being the presenting sponsor
of Fox Sports Radio's draft coverage be sure not to
miss Draft Night live right here on Fox Sports Radio.
It's coming up next Thursday night, eight pm Eastern throughout
the first round of the Draft. Big heavy hitters like
Jay Glazier, He's on TV. He's more important than us.

Jay Glazer, former NFL executive, even the Cardinals GM there
college Football Hall of Famer LeVar Arrington. He also is
pretty good in the NFL and Big Noon kickoffs. Rob
Staalwa pick by pick predictions and Ryak Shalton's to every
first round pick. That's coming up next Thursday, eight pm
Eastern throughout the first round of the Draft, live right

here on Fox Sports Radio. iHeartRadio app presented by Express Pros.
So Ryan Garcia, that's a boxer is going to fight
another boxer in a pay per view fight this weekend.
Devin Haney that is for the WBC Junior Welterweight Championship.
I guess I'm told, I don't know if hell that means,

but it's a title fights, pay p review fight. So
these guys were supposed to throw out the first pitch
at City Field for the Mets Pirates game, and they
were lined up. They were out on the field throwing
the ball around and at the very last minute, the
eleventh hour and fifty ninth minute, a New York met

pr hack said no and put the kebbash on this.
The fighters had arrived. There's photos of them on the
field at City Field. The reason they would not allow
them to throw out the first pitch is they were
afraid they were going to start fighting each other while

throwing out the first pitch in a publicity scunt to
get you to pay the fight. But pay for the
fight because they already got into a fight at the
Empire State Building for a promotional event earlier on on Tuesday.
And to that, I say, fooie. This is another example
of the corporate bologney of professional sports. Who cares if

they want to fight with each other, that'd be great publicity.
Like Ryan Garcias is outspoken guy and he's trying to
make a name for himself. And I don't know the
hell David Devin Haney is. I don't even know. I'm
saying the game the guy's name, right, But let him
who cares so stupid. Let's go to a man who
would have allowed that to have happ and he likes

a good dust up. Marcel In Brooklyn, Hello, Marcel, Top
of the Morning, Ben Eddie, Lorraine, Uh, and Coop before
I hadn't seen the picks with Rob Eddie.

Speaker 8 (30:13):
I don't know about you. I have the morning show
take place yesterday because you are busy. So what's going
on with you? Man?

Speaker 1 (30:22):
Yeah, Eddie, you agreed to go on Marcel in the morning.

Speaker 3 (30:25):
I did right after you.

Speaker 1 (30:26):
No, no, you, I've already been on yeah Marcia, no,
no no. It goes into your turn, then Coop and
then Lorraine. Ah, you're all I go.

Speaker 3 (30:36):
Marcel said he wanted you on him.

Speaker 1 (30:37):
I've already been on Marc and Marcel to you when
I went on Marcast. Remember you did the Prayer of
the Day when I was on, right, Yeah.

Speaker 8 (30:44):
The five things of the new set lines, including the
sports and the verse of the day.

Speaker 1 (30:49):
He covers every he covers sports, the Bible. He's got
it all in there.

Speaker 5 (30:52):

Speaker 8 (30:52):
It's been thirty minutes taking place each.

Speaker 1 (30:55):
And every Tuesday, thirty minutes. You do a thirty minute show. Wow, yeah, minute?
And you get Is it true you get paid three
million dollars for that? Oh no, it's actually four million, right,
it's free.

Speaker 8 (31:08):
What Actually, you're exactly right? Three or four dollars. Everyone
knows who owns it?

Speaker 1 (31:16):
Who's your presenting sponsor for that? Do you have? Is
it Express Pros? Are they part of that? Are they
in on that?

Speaker 8 (31:22):
I don't think.

Speaker 1 (31:23):
No, they're not. Tractor Supply Company? No, no, no, have
you ever been to Tractive Supply Company?

Speaker 8 (31:29):
What? No?

Speaker 1 (31:30):
Yeah? I don't think they have them in Brooklyn. Maybe
they do. I don't know any All right, let's get
to hurry up. We gotta get the bet. We gotta
get to the bed, Get to.

Speaker 8 (31:37):
The bed, Robin, Vegas and Michigan will want to play
a longer coins and message. So it's a new dawn,
a new day it is, so let's get it to it. Rob,
Good morning TV picks. Now let's go. What is your
TV pick from last night? Well?

Speaker 2 (31:56):
I think that you watched the Vegas Golden Knights the
marching way into the Stanley Cup playoffs as a repeating
Stanley Cup champions.

Speaker 8 (32:06):
Marcel, what do you feel about that the Golden Knights
are looking for the repeat one?

Speaker 7 (32:13):

Speaker 8 (32:14):
Well, I give you the no mix match and go
up with the Stanley Cup there, Rob, but thank you
for playing straight to the ball.

Speaker 1 (32:22):
You're the girl all right. I think you were watching
what I was watching the play in NBA basketball on
Turner Sports TNT Lakers, Pelicans, Warriors, Kings.

Speaker 8 (32:38):
Oh yeah, mixed match, all.

Speaker 1 (32:40):
Right, go ahead, Eddie, Eddie.

Speaker 6 (32:41):
I think you were watching the Locked on LA Kings
podcast toasted by Eddie Garcia.

Speaker 8 (32:46):

Speaker 1 (32:46):
That's a bad answer.

Speaker 8 (32:47):
Oh what the Lake show is all about?

Speaker 7 (32:50):
But mix?

Speaker 1 (32:52):
All right, Loraina please, I think you're catching up on Bridgerton.
Marcel is that it's a comedy show. Okay, I stand correct.
They have a great Gary Bettman story. I want to
share it, by the way. Oh yeah, Marshall, Marcel, do

you do you know who Gary Bettman is?

Speaker 8 (33:16):
Gary Burman.

Speaker 1 (33:17):
Yes, he's.

Speaker 7 (33:20):

Speaker 1 (33:21):
That's right, Gary Burman. Gary, go ahead, cool, go ahead,
my man.

Speaker 9 (33:25):
I think you were watching the Lakers defeat the New
Orleans Pelicans.

Speaker 7 (33:38):
And I'll give you the TV pick from last night
if you watch, Oh yes, Ben Coopty Loop Lakers, Pella.

Speaker 1 (33:46):
Yeah, alright, King's Warriors. We're out of time, so I
gotta get this Gary. I'm gonna you know, I'm gonna
talk more about that relegation thing. I'll think I'll do
that tomorrow. I want to I want to let that
breathe a little bit. If I if I go into it,
I'm not gonna have enough time to get to it
the way I want to get to it. So I'm
going to push that back to a later day. It's
a good story. So there's a photo. Do you see
this photo, Eddy going around of the Arizona Coyotes locker room?

Speaker 3 (34:09):
Yes, I did see that.

Speaker 1 (34:10):
This is so great. So somebody posted a message to
Gary Bettman right under the sign this is authorized personnel
only and by the order of Gary B. Betman, Commissioner
of the National Hockey League. The note says, in large
black sharpie Gary Bettman's mother was a hamster and his

father smelled of Elderberry's Arizona Coyotes. Ver, what is an Elderberry?
What is that?

Speaker 3 (34:38):
That's a line from a movie? Do you know what
movie that was?

Speaker 1 (34:40):
I obviously don't.

Speaker 3 (34:41):
I don't remember what it was, Monty Python, The Holy Grail.

Speaker 1 (34:45):
Okay, I don't think I saw that movie.

Speaker 3 (34:46):
Oh, it's very very funny.

Speaker 1 (34:48):
That's a good line. What is an Elderberry?

Speaker 8 (34:51):

Speaker 1 (34:51):
What is it?

Speaker 3 (34:52):
Some sort of berry?

Speaker 1 (34:53):
I guess that's older than a young berry.

Speaker 10 (34:56):
Wow, Judge tomorrow, all right, but we have password the
word Game of the Stars eight seven, seven ninety nine
on Fox.

Speaker 1 (35:08):
Password. If you want to play, call up now, otherwise
we'll blow off the game. We'll get the password next.

Speaker 2 (35:13):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 6 (35:24):
The Ben Maler shows archived in the audio volver Posterity say,
giving those working the dreaded day shift the chance to
consume the audio, but they follow us. Both the Ben
Maler Show and Fifth Hour with Ben Maller podcasts are
always free and filled with fun for every man, woman
and child n l From the tyrack dot com Fox
Sports Radio Studios. It's Ben Mahler.

Speaker 2 (35:44):
Attention everyone, and the password is password, you idiot. The
password the word Game of the Stars. Here's Ben Meler
and a quick.

Speaker 1 (35:55):
Game of password.

Speaker 8 (35:56):

Speaker 1 (35:56):
Welcome in our contestants. By the way, Eddie, we've broken
up the bounty, so there's a there's a pile of.

Speaker 3 (36:03):
Goodies over here for you gay.

Speaker 1 (36:06):
You better get them before the next show comes in
here offices, they will not be here that Jonas Knox
is a fat ass to eat all those project them, Lorena,
he's always hungry. Jonas is like five hundred pounds.

Speaker 6 (36:16):
If there was a box of raw peppers, he'd be
all over it.

Speaker 1 (36:20):
That's true. It was bell peppers or tuna with no Mayo.
Let's play password Mario and the Mario Man. We haven't
heard from Mario in a while. Hello Mario in Michigan.
Where have you been? Mario?

Speaker 5 (36:36):
Not working as much? Third ship, but I'm back at
it working more.

Speaker 1 (36:39):
First, I hear, are you gonna play time?

Speaker 2 (36:42):
I'm here?

Speaker 1 (36:43):
Okay, good, good, we need that. All right? Hold on,
you're gonna play? And who do you want to partner with?

Speaker 7 (36:48):

Speaker 1 (36:48):
You got me Ben Eddie, Lorraine ah or cool.

Speaker 5 (36:53):

Speaker 1 (36:54):
All right? You pick Coop? Bad choice by you. Let's
say hello to Dylan.

Speaker 2 (36:58):
I've made a few bads.

Speaker 5 (37:00):
Don't call him buddy.

Speaker 1 (37:01):
Yeah, I hear you. We all have Dylan is in Boston. Dylan,
what's going on? You're on the fuck? Do you want
to play with me? Ben, Eddie or Lorraine? Ah?

Speaker 8 (37:11):

Speaker 2 (37:11):
All right?

Speaker 1 (37:12):
Let's do all right, we have password one to ten
and Mario you are on the air. First, pick a number, please,
two number two, Coop number two. Let's go with.

Speaker 9 (37:26):
Uh yes, harrish, Oh yeah, oh man, I.

Speaker 5 (37:34):
Want to say somebody's name is.

Speaker 1 (37:36):
So bad but a church No, all right, Dylan Coop.
In Coop's defense, he's eating a lot of sugar. I'm
gonna go Dylan, don't listen to what he said. I'm
gonna go, uh murder.

Speaker 7 (37:48):
Guy, I don't know.

Speaker 1 (37:54):
I mean, do we want the exact word or something
close to it.

Speaker 3 (37:57):
Eddie, I'm gonna give it to him.

Speaker 1 (38:00):
Good job. The word was death, I mean die death.
It's a synonym. All right, we're up. Good job about you,
Dylan and Dylan. Oh it's Chris. Why does it say
Dylan on my board?

Speaker 3 (38:16):
He puts a throng line.

Speaker 1 (38:18):
Well no, I put up the oh I thought what
Dylan thinks he's playing?

Speaker 3 (38:22):
All right?

Speaker 1 (38:24):
Hurry up picking number Chris, Hurry up, Chris number four number.
It's weird. Alright, let's go with Oh boy, we're running
out of time. I don't think we have have time
any Yeah, we're out of time. You know what all
you need is Chris was one word, one word, and
you won the game. Amazing. When we didn't even we

thought we were playing with Dylan, that guy. Dylan's gonna
be upset now
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