All Episodes

April 17, 2024 41 mins

Jason explains why the Warriors have to move on from Draymond, Klay & others to re-boot the team for Steph the next 2-3 years.  Tonight’s Pelicans game stands for Zion Williamson's entire career. And the Lakers are getting the Denver Nuggets at the right time when they’re playing well and healthy!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to The Jason Smith Show with Mike
Harmon podcast. Be sure to catch us live every weeknight
ten pm to two am Eastern seven to eleven pm
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Fox Sports Radio. I'll get a World Series ring. I'll
be on my own day at at City Field. I
think they'll make a babble ahead of you. They'll retire
a microphone for me. Wow, what's your bubblehead?

Speaker 2 (00:41):

Speaker 1 (00:42):

Speaker 3 (00:42):
Oh, helmet? Helman Ai.

Speaker 1 (00:45):
Yeah, I'm wearing a Mets hat, holding holding a nach
holding a helmet, eating nachos.

Speaker 3 (00:49):
Hoped would cheese our Mets bar?

Speaker 4 (00:51):

Speaker 3 (00:52):
Stop stop this is this is like Frostburg.

Speaker 1 (00:56):
I mean, you knew me a half hour ago when
I was a radio host and a person and a
great looking guy, really smart. I mean maybe one of
the greatest guys on the planet. Now I'm gonna be
making decisions for the Mets. You know what, I got
a gift for you?

Speaker 2 (01:08):
What do you got a Keith Hernandez Jersey from nineteen
eighty seven. But just the way he said all of
that was that now you know me as this with
the Mets, as if you phrased that as if you'd
negated all of the other stuff. I was a great guy,
I was really good looking, I was all at and now.

Speaker 3 (01:25):
I'm with the Mets. But like that, but my whole
life has led to this moment.

Speaker 2 (01:28):
Like you sold your soul, Like we were just talking about,
you know, crossroads, and you went down to the crossroads
and you sold your soul to be an executive in
the Mets. Organs playing the guitar against Stevie Wiz trying
to be yeah, right, we get you.

Speaker 3 (01:43):
Now, where is this?

Speaker 1 (01:44):
First of all, we're live from the tirec dot Com studios.
Tirac dot com will help you get there on unmatched election,
fast free shipping, free road hazard protection, and over ten
thousand recommended installers tiraq dot com the way tire buying
should be.

Speaker 2 (01:57):
Yeah, you need to pause and reset because you know,
we have some two and fifty affiliates cities around the
country that may be joining us this hour and have
no idea what the hell you're talking about while you're
bouncing it and they're just thinking, Wow, he really consumed
a lot of sugar.

Speaker 1 (02:13):
No, this is what happened. John Palmer Rosi MLB networking
inside a long time. Emily Networking inside a longtime front
of the show was on the show. We were talking
all the latest news in Major League Baseball. John Palmerrosi
was classmates at Harvard with David Stearns, who runs the Mets,
and in part of our conversation, John Palmer Rosi said, Hey,

when you have an idea for something, a thought about
the Mets is something you think, I will send David
Stearns a note on it because I do it for
my dad with Aj Hinch. Hey, my dad's a huge
Tigers fan. He tells me things he likes, and he said,
I will seriously do this for you. I got to
keep it positive, which is a Mets fan, it's really
hard to focus on the positive. But this is John
palm Rosi saying this a few minutes ago.

Speaker 4 (02:57):
If you have a suggestion to offer, I mean, this
is okay, based on based on current personnel. Just let
me know.

Speaker 3 (03:05):
At times and then it cut out. Where's the rest
of it? Come on? Man, where's the rest of it?

Speaker 1 (03:12):
Where? He says, I'll send a note to him and
he explains the whole thing, said that, yes, weg where
is it? Just it's the greatest moment. You're not gonna
ruin the greatest moment of my life. Where's the rest
of it? We'll fix it in post.

Speaker 3 (03:23):
No, can't fix It's gonna fix it now. You're gonna
play it now.

Speaker 4 (03:26):
If you have a suggestion to offer, I mean this sincerely, okay,
based on based on current personnel, just let me know.

Speaker 3 (03:35):
That's where it cuts out.

Speaker 1 (03:38):
It cut out at a different time than it did
ten seconds ago.

Speaker 3 (03:42):
It's an ever evolving situation.

Speaker 1 (03:46):
Good, all right, let's hear this is John Paul Morosi
telling me that if I have an idea for suggestions
for the Mets, let him know and he will get
up to David Stearns.

Speaker 4 (03:54):
If you have a suggestion to offer, I mean this sincerely, okay,
based on based on current personnel, Just let me know.

Speaker 2 (04:04):
Where's the rest of it? I kept waiting for him
to be auto tuned and te pained.

Speaker 3 (04:08):
Where's the rest of it? People can't think of suggestions?
Where's the rest of it?

Speaker 4 (04:13):
Just let me know? At times, I will pack Aj
Hinch with suggestions that my family offers because they're all
very serious Tiger fans. Wow okay, and not like, hey, Aj,
you should do this. More like, my dad really likes Folly.
You did a good job of closing with Folly. My

dad likes the decision we need, we need more fully
in than I did. Things like that.

Speaker 1 (04:40):
I will so I could do this with the Mets.
This is like when George Costanza with Seinfeld. I could
be in on trades, Jerry trades. This is me having
a real life voice with the Mets.

Speaker 2 (04:51):
That's it positive, right, I'm like, well, then I'll just
burn what I have for the Lights.

Speaker 1 (04:58):
Well, the first thing I told him was you got
to bring Christians up at some point soon because he's
been fantastic. Lights out of Triple A, like big trait,
you know, one of the big prospects they have. Positive
guy's gotta come up. Look at I mean, this is it.
I mean, this is this is me. If you say, hey,
what do you want to do with the rest of
your life? I want to advise the Mets and the Jets.
But the Mets first.

Speaker 2 (05:17):
Well, Kristin Scott was really good in the English patient.

Speaker 1 (05:20):
Uh, you know the English patient suck.

Speaker 2 (05:24):
It's another Sidefeld reference. That's why I laid it up.
I mean slow horses, horse whisper, four weddings at a
funeral that Kristin Scott Thomas anyway.

Speaker 3 (05:34):
Was he referring to Matt Fully or Midfully? My name
is math Folly.

Speaker 2 (05:40):
I'm thirty five years old, I am divorced and yes.

Speaker 3 (05:47):
You knew me when now you know whoa this is
a guy?

Speaker 1 (05:49):
This is this shows you that the American dream is
possible for anyone.

Speaker 3 (05:53):
My Carbon show, Fox Sports Radio. Thanks for me.

Speaker 1 (05:56):
It shows you, Jason, is just how bad the Mets
are taking your request. Well, all you have to be
is a fan of a team dog beauty. You know
a lot about them for the vast majority of your life,
and eventually you could be in on personnel decisions.

Speaker 2 (06:09):
And he gives you the nine hundred request hotline. You
too can talk to the Mets front off the Mets,
become part of the fan football League.

Speaker 3 (06:18):
This is the great. No, it's just me, man, it's
not everybody. This is just me. That was well done.
This is just me. It's just me. It gets to
do this. He didn't say I'll do it for him
in office. I'll do it for you. I don't need
an office. Man, I'm up.

Speaker 5 (06:30):
I'm mobile.

Speaker 1 (06:30):
And that's the twenty twenty four b'll have offices, and
I'm moving around all the time. I'm too I'm too busy.
I backing a big day. Sometimes you gotta go to target.
SOMEI we go to a costco. Don't always have great reception.

Speaker 3 (06:39):
I gotta be able to move. I can get to the.

Speaker 2 (06:40):
Honest I said you the thing about the chip witch,
the chip which looks good, the Girl Scouts chip which
you went and bought.

Speaker 3 (06:47):
No, No, I did not today, not today, Not today. I didn't.
I did not buy any how many catalogs stuff.

Speaker 1 (06:52):
Did not buy none today, as far as you know, none,
no today.

Speaker 3 (06:56):

Speaker 2 (06:57):
Well, I mean I appreciate the specificity of that none today.

Speaker 1 (07:01):
Now we'll get to Blake Griffin's retirement coming up in
a few minutes, and we'll get to what's going on
with Zion Williamson is Potentially we'll find out about his
injury tomorrow. But right now, there may be about ten
and a half minutes left in the Warriors dynasty. The
Sacramento Kings are thumping Golden State right now, ninety five
seventy eight with about ten and a half to go

in the fourth quarter. It was a close game in
the third quarter. The Warriors were able to get it
close at halftime, stay close for a few minutes. But
the Kings have just been blitzing Golden State. And look,
we talked about a little bit last hour. If the
Warriors lose tonight, this has gotta be the end of
the dynasty as we know it. They tried quick fixes,
they tried bringing in Chris Paul, they tried with Klay

Thompson's gonna come off the bench, No, but apparently no,
He's got to start. And what we're seeing is the
Warriors just it's not been enough what they've had the
last few years. It's not trending upward. Their best players
are getting old. And let's face, the best way to
reboot this team on the fly, because there's no rebuilding.
You want to reboot around Steph Curry, who is still

an All NBA player even in his mid thirties. Right,
He's still moving really well, he still gets his shots off.
He's got another couple or three years left. You want
to stay and be competitive, you don't want to just
sit here and run it into obscurity with him and
Clay and Draymond, and every year you're fighting to get
into the bottom of the playing round. You're not an
awful team. He's still ten games over five hundred in

a loaded conference. But still you're not getting better. You're
not closer to a championship. You're further away. And if
you want to bring in the players, you need to
be able to make this team better and restart it.
It's got to be saying goodbye to Draymond, saying goodbye
to Clay Thompson, saying goodbye to some other players, that
it's just not working right, even some younger players that
you want to move to bring in some other stars

that will come in to play with Steph Curry, because
stars will come into play with him. That's one thing
that I give him a lot of credit for that
nobody gives him enough. More is that he is an
unselfish superstar.

Speaker 3 (09:01):
He does not.

Speaker 1 (09:02):
Mind sharing the limelight with another guy. He does not
mind sharing any kind of attention. He's not that kind
of guy.

Speaker 3 (09:08):
He's not.

Speaker 1 (09:09):
This is my team. I make the decisions. You go
through my agent. Tell me what's going on now? Does
he have input? Sure, but you can tell the way
the players talk about him, how much they enjoy him.
They're not threatened by him.

Speaker 2 (09:19):
He welcomed Kevin Durant in and it was no big deal, right, Hey,
KD come in, help us win?

Speaker 3 (09:25):
Okay, so we came into.

Speaker 2 (09:26):
Well, you know, let's not you know, altruism to me
is a four letter word cause you know the Steph
Curry there.

Speaker 3 (09:34):
I mean, he's in a no lose situation.

Speaker 2 (09:36):
He wins, it's his team, and he's a genius for
bringing Kevin Durant on.

Speaker 3 (09:40):
They lose.

Speaker 2 (09:42):
Hey, Kevin Durant couldn't get it done when they needed him, right,
Kevin Durant was the Finals MVP two years Agow does
anybody care about that? No, Steph Curry want two more titles.
But that because he was so magnanimous and giving.

Speaker 3 (09:55):
But it's real.

Speaker 1 (09:55):
But it's a real big thing to have a superstar
that is a drawing card. And even though it's still
Steph's team, Hey, other stars. Well, and I'm not saying
superstars are gonna go. Yanni is not gonna leave the
bunts and say I'm gonna go to Golden State to
play with it you out depending how next week goes.
But other good players what they'll need to reboot this team.

They will come if those guys aren't there, because the
the image of Golden State with the three of them,
it's like, I'm gonna go and be an outsider. Am
I really gonna be accepted? I gotta worry about Draymond
and Clay needs his shots. Is there enough room for me?
I want to know if I'm going to a team
that there's room for me to be me. I'm not
gonna try to change my game to fit around what
is needed for this team, because that doesn't always work.

It's why Haley Van liftit the transfer portal, right, she
changed her game. She wanted to show I could be
a point guard. She goes to LSU, does not have
a great year, gets worked by Caitlin Clark in the
in the in the tournament, and then says I got
to transfer because I got to show on back to
being the person I am. So that doesn't really work.
So players know that if I'm gonna go there, I
need to be certain that I can have my own

idea entity and I can be the player. I can
be the best version of myself that I need to be,
and you're not going to be that if Draymond is
there and if Clay is there, and it's still so
much of the old power that's there, so it's got
to be in. It's going to be an entirely new
roster if you're serious about winning and don't want to
waste Steph Curry's last couple of years of his prime.
That's why we're looking at what could be the last

ten minutes of the Golden State Warriors dynasty, because you've
got to see those changes in the off season. Right now,
they're getting absolutely worked.

Speaker 2 (11:27):
Obviously with Klay Thompson, you got free agency cometh and
you're not The Warriors can't re up with what he
is as a player. Right now, There's gonna be other
teams desperate to have a star, to have a splash,
to get some semblance of the guy that was once
a superstar in the league on their squads. So he
will sign somewhere else and he'll get big money. He's

alluded to it much of the year, as much as
he tried to put on a brave face at times
at the mic, and you know the eyes betraying right
as to you know what he's truly feeling in those moments,
wish him well. It's just hit a point there with Draymond.
You've got a couple of years left on a deal
that are twenty five million dollars a year, which for

what he provides on both ends of the court when
he's committed and ready to play, that's a bargain in
today's rate. So I don't know that he necessarily goes.
I get your point, but I think, you know, Draymond
in particular, maybe maybe like the Iron Chic always said,
you gotta get humbled a bit, I think he got
a little of that this year. Yeah, but how much

that sticks, I don't know. But I don't think they
sit in this in the room with that same level
of comfort and bravado because they don't run stuff anymore. Right, Yeah,
you know the guy that can still mess you up,
the old beautiful girl line. You know, I was like, ah,
the Saint High School anymore? Birdie, Like, yeah, but the
legend can still blake you up.

Speaker 3 (12:51):
So you still have a little bit of that.

Speaker 2 (12:53):
But you know, they realize that they've got to adapt
if they want to stay even competitive.

Speaker 4 (12:59):

Speaker 2 (12:59):
So you got Steph and Steve Kerr signed up for
another couple of years, and Kaminga's been pretty good. Other
than that, the rest of the roster can use a
very hard reboot.

Speaker 1 (13:09):
Ninety nine eighty Sacramento with the lean under nine minutes
left to go, and if you're serious, this is it,
this is the You could write that book patent pending
the Last Night of the Warriors Dynasty. I'll patent that
right now, so Buster only doesn't steal it from.

Speaker 3 (13:23):
Me to Night the Warriors Died.

Speaker 4 (13:26):

Speaker 2 (13:27):
As one guy wrote on Twitter, Hey, that Polish guy
is pretty good to Zimski, has given him some good
minutes through the year.

Speaker 3 (13:35):
Five points off the bench.

Speaker 1 (13:36):
Tonight, exit out about a Fresca exit swollen down The
Jason Smith Show with Mike Carmon Live from the Tirech
dot Com Studios. We'll have more on what could wind
up being the last Night of the Warriors Dynasty and
other big news out of the NBA. We got Blake
Griffin retiring. We have an update on Zion's injury. Keep
it right here. We're rolling Jason and Mike. Fox trades,

Jerry trades, I'm in on Mets trades. Stop got five
suitors for Alonzo? Now I got five? Now I got five.
The White Sox are one of them.

Speaker 5 (14:05):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 6 (14:16):
Two NBA Insiders podcasting twice a week to plug you
right into the NBA Grape.

Speaker 7 (14:22):
Five, all happening in only one place. This League Uncut,
the new NBA podcast with me Chris Haynes and me
Mark Stein join us as we team up to expound
on everything we're covering. Hearing and Chason.

Speaker 1 (14:37):
Listen to This League Uncut with Chris Haynes and Mark Stein.

Speaker 7 (14:41):
On the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts or wherever you get
your podcasts.

Speaker 3 (14:47):
You know who's going to be singled soon? Who? Justin
All the Warriors?

Speaker 1 (14:54):
Uh yeah, last night of The Warriors Dynasty asterisk patent
pending for any future Booker TV adaptation. It is The
Kings by twenty with a little bit over five minutes
left to go, and we will break down what is
next and what has happened as it looks like this
is it for the Golden State Warriors.

Speaker 2 (15:11):
They had a good run they did. You know what,
Now I finally agree with you. Yes, they did have
a good run.

Speaker 1 (15:16):
You know, Mary, who's filling in for Alex Tyshirt, although
maybe now Tyshirt fills in for her, I don't know.
Said boy, it's sad night to be a Warriors fan tonight,
And I said.

Speaker 3 (15:24):
You know what it is.

Speaker 1 (15:25):
But I'll also take the last ten years and have
one night like tonight. I'll take all the titles and
have one night where hey, it's over. I'm okay with that.

Speaker 3 (15:34):
Don't be sad or mad that it's over. Be glad
it happened. That's all.

Speaker 2 (15:40):
You brought a lot of joy, yes to the good
people of Oakland. Yes, before leaving for San Francisco.

Speaker 1 (15:46):
For every team has left O'klan're all just finding a.

Speaker 3 (15:51):
Way to go.

Speaker 1 (15:52):
But look, the big story of the night outside of
the end of the Warriors dynasty, we watched the Lakers
earlier tonight clinch the seventh seed in the playoffs. They
win the play in game over the New Orleans Pelicans
by four a big D'Angelo Russell three in the final minute.
The Lakers were up big most of this game until
Zion Williamson willed the Pelicans back into this one. Pelicans

were in control in the first quarter. Second quarter starts,
they start turning the ball over and all of a sudden,
their body language gets awful.

Speaker 3 (16:23):

Speaker 1 (16:24):
McCollum can't hit anything. Brandon Ingram was not very good tonight,
and the Lakers were just pasting the Pelicans, and Zion
Williamson decided this is not going to happen. And he
was absolutely unstoppable tonight, right up until he got hurt.

Speaker 3 (16:41):
Tonight is a game.

Speaker 1 (16:42):
If you could say, how could you encapsulate Zion Williamson's
NBA career in one game? It's tonight watching him play,
he was a freight train. You can't get in his way.
He's too quick with the basketball. He moves too well
when he has the ball in the open floor. Look,
we watch him at the end of the first go
coast to coast in less than four seconds for a layup, and.

Speaker 3 (17:03):
AD was waiting for him.

Speaker 1 (17:05):
AD's waiting for him, and he just lets that float
or go before AD can get to it, and that
cuts the lead to ten at halftime. Zion is incredible.
But we've talked about this for Zion his entire career.
He's got to be able to stay on the floor.
That's what's been dogging him since he walked into the league.
He was hurt every year from his high school career,
it was his first year at Duke, and then outside

of that, and this game is encapsulates his career in
one game. When he's on the floor, he has been
incredible and again unstoppable. Tonight, Ad couldn't stop him Lebron,
whatever defense the Lakers threw at him, he was able
to get to get by. But then with three and
a half minutes left to go, he goes in for
a nice little jumper in the lane to tie the game,

lands a little bit awkwardly and has to come out
of the game, and he misses the last three and
a half minutes. This is Zion Williamson's career. He is amazing,
but when the Pelicans need him the most, he winds
up getting hurt. He misses the biggest part of the game.
The Lakers win and the Pelicans lose.

Speaker 3 (18:04):
So you saw him grimacing in him paint. Well, he's
headed to the locker room.

Speaker 8 (18:07):
We don't know the extent of injury, but clearly not
happy as he heads to the locker room. Here here's
the quick move. But as soon as he scored, he
came up grimacing Reggie Miller.

Speaker 1 (18:25):
Kevin Harland on TNT what they call no one throwing
a hot dog onto the under the court tonight. But
we know that, we know that, we know, well, Kevin
Harley would have told us, I mean, he's not shying.

Speaker 3 (18:37):
Sorry it said hot dog, hot.

Speaker 2 (18:38):
Throws a delicious hot chicken wing on the court.

Speaker 1 (18:41):
And we all just said, Kevin Harlan. Kevin Harland's the goat.
Of course he is. Come on, man, he can he
can never broadcast again.

Speaker 3 (18:48):
He'd be the greatest. He should call every game for
every sport. A Hey, I Kevin Harlan. You just have
him on zoom and he's calling all the games at once.

Speaker 2 (18:57):
Kevin Harlan is not slept in seven weeks.

Speaker 1 (19:02):
But this is Zion Williamson's career in one game. Because
that's been the whole thing, is that you know he's
going to get hurt, because you can tell by now
is his body going to be able to withstand the
rigors of an NBA season? And if you are the
Pelicans and what we've said about him for the last
few years. Is true, is that you just have to
hope that when he does get hurt, it's you can

get past it, because it's just his body just can't. Obviously,
when you're hurt every single year, you know your body
can't withstand it. But he was stood seventy games this
year and he gets hurt here, So it's it's a
non contact entry. It's not anything that happened other than
him coming down wrong on his left on his left leg,
and now you don't know if he can play again.
On Friday, it probably would have been a different outcome

because they couldn't stop at the end of the game.
You're talking about the Pelicans were getting down the floor
easily on the Lakers defense in the fourth quarter, and
they were trading baskets with them, and that took away
a big chance for them to win. If Zion's healthy,
I don't know Lakers win this game. Lakers are able
to make shots late, and Tangel Russ led a big
three and Lebron had a big three. They hit their
free throws. But you were talking about basically was automatic

down the stretch, getting the ball design on and he's
able to find his way to the whether he is
dusting often reaves at the three point line, or he's
moving back door behind Lebron James. He finally way to
get around Anthony Davis. He could do everything, but he
can't stay on the floor. And that's when they absolutely
needed him the most of his first playoff game, forty
point night, but he gets hurt. That's his whole career

in one night.

Speaker 2 (20:33):
All the expectation and hype. Finally, you know, coulminates in
this night, after all these years, finally get through the
season almost thirty two minutes a night, seventy games played,
all of those, and we just look at, you know,
our history here, you and I for a decade here
at Fox Sports Radio, and certainly it'll go back in

time and start thinking about big men, usually the seven
foot variety. But you know, we'll will include Zion here
of early career injuries and.

Speaker 3 (21:04):
You could go other sports.

Speaker 2 (21:05):
Right, We've had it in football where guys have had
some fluky things happen to them early in the careers.
I'm thinking about Matthew Stafford in particular. Remember one once
upon a time, he was an injury prone guy when
he started his career in Detroit and oh, he had
a couple of freak incidents, and he's gone on to
a magnificent run, right Joel Embiid with his feet and

getting himself set, and you're waiting for that year to
answer the bell, and he did. Last year, he wins
an MVP. This year he's off to the races, looks
like he's gonna win an MVP again, and then there
is he's out with an injury. Keep going on down
the line. We've got a lot of those examples, and
for Zion Williamson, I think part of the frustration one.

You know your body, so you have that moment where
you're like, whatever the twinge is, whatever the pain is, whatever,
we'll find out no specificity at this point, but just
the idea of you did everything, at least from outside
looking in right. All of the criticism of his weight,
his habits, diet, exercise, training, rehabs, all of that stuff.

Seemingly he'd done everything right this year. Finally all of
it lost a bunch of weight as the season wore on.
After the play in tournament and he's here and he's
going up and down the court, and we talk about
the ease to the bucket. How about a couple of
the little drop passes along the way right, little touch
pass back out for threes or to an open cutter,

all of those things showing look, he doesn't have an
outside shot, but showing more playmaking ability than just a
guy who dun'ks. And just like that it stops, like, oh,
we thought we were finally getting over the hump, and
off he goes like, damn it, you know this is
why we can't have nice things. Kind of moment, I'm

sure is what went through the fans of Pelicans and
the people on on the sideline going, damn it, this
guy's carrying as brandon ingram right, just back off injury. Sure,
he was benched for the final seven minutes forty eight seconds,
played only twenty five minutes in this game. Clearly his timing,
his ability to be in the college.

Speaker 1 (23:15):
They were better when they were off the floor, They
were better when when Alvarado was out there, They were.

Speaker 2 (23:20):
Better when more spacing better minus how it goes.

Speaker 1 (23:23):
Absolutely now we'll have more on Zion coming up, because
now we don't know what his injury is. According to
head coach Willie Green, as the Pelicans get ready for
the game Friday night against most likely the Sacramento Kings.
Were up one thirteen to ninety over the Warriors with
two eighteen left to go. So it's a lower leg injury.
We don't know anything about it. There will be imaging

for him tomorrow. Now, for the Lakers side of this,
I love the guts and I will as we said
this the other night, I love the guts of the
Lakers and the Knicks, specifically, these teams deciding, Oh, everybody
else is saying, oh, you want to see so you
don't know, so you avoid this team in this round matchup. Oh,
the Cavaliers sat like everybody, including Mark Price, so oh,

we want to avoid the sixers or the heat in
the first round of the playoffs. And then Nick said,
screw it. We're good. We're confident, we want that two seed.
Anything can happen in the playoffs. We're not afraid of anybody.
And the Lakers have done the same thing, right. They
went for it when clearly you know, hey, the Nuggets
are losing, you don't know where they're gonna wind up.
They went for it despite craziness of saying, oh, they

should lose and go for a winner take all game
on Friday night, which is just dumb. Lose a game
so you could lose one more game and get knocked out.
That's just dumb. But I love the guts. I love
what the Lakers did, and I love the fact they
went for it here. They knew the Nuggets were waiting
for him, and they finished the game, and they finished strong.
And look to give you a little bit of positive

because I told you how you don't want to The
Nuggets are the team you don't want to play, right,
That's the one somebody's gonna have to play him. They're
the one team because everybody else in the West, they're
all flawed. But the Lakers are getting the Nuggets way
earlier than they got them last year. And as we've said,
with older teams in the playoffs, you see what happens.
By the time teams that rely on old players get

to the second and third round of the playoffs, right,
they wind up getting tired. It's too much basketball. And
that just happens when you're relying on players in your
mid and late thirties, and the Lakers clearly fall into
that category. By the time they got to the Nuggets,
which is a young, ascending team, but the best player
in the league. Yeah, it was gonna be a competitive sweep,
which is what we had. But for the Lakers in

their favor right now, they are gonna get them early,
which is when you want to get the Nuggets. You
want to get the Nuggets early. And the Lakers are
healthy and they'll be ready to go. They have four
days off before they have to play their first game here.
And it doesn't mean suddenly that hey, the Lakers are
gonna sweep the Nuggets, but they're getting them at the
right time. And that's a big deal because I'd have

much more I have much more confidence with the Lakers
playing the Nuggets right now than I would if they
were playing them in the Western Conference.

Speaker 3 (25:57):

Speaker 2 (25:57):
Yeah, you're healthy, You've got you. Angela Russell playing well.
Role players played a big part because James and Davis
were not. Like Davis's stat line looks good Lebron, you
know if you see the box score, same for Lebron,
but in big moments, you know they had their issues
along the way, missing some some monnies down low and

opening the door. But you know, Davis hit his free
throws and away you go. But to the point they're healthy,
but also you get more days off. Right, there's just
a different spacing here early on, and not the extra
wear and tear of the extra rounds to go through.
Especially let's call it what it is for Lebron and AD.

We've gone through an entire season of all right, let's
take the next block of ten games. See how money
games they get to play together. How many minutes that
are on the court together, And it's worked out and
we're in the playoffs now, so you know all of that.

Speaker 3 (26:53):
Hey wait, wait until April.

Speaker 2 (26:55):
Well it's here, like your your Thibodeaux and the Knicks,
well they made it's see what they got. I never
thought either of these teams would back down in the
final week for for two reasons. Your Nicks, that's not
a Thibodeau style. All right, we're not ducking an They.

Speaker 3 (27:10):
Played Dante DiVincenzo fifty two minutes, but that's my bulls,
you know.

Speaker 2 (27:14):
And and a guy that's getting screwed because he can't
win wit an award based on you know, one or
two games and all that nonsense. Le get on Team USA,
Come on, man, really they still have one. Come on,
maybe they should get get a change. Dot Org thing.

Speaker 1 (27:29):
He's gonna get the spot anyway because Kawhi Leonard is
going to be hurt, so he's gonna get the spot
over Kawhi Leonard. But it's ridiculous. He's one of the
best twelve players on the planet. Yes, he should be
on the team, but that's okay. It's less wear and
tear for him, and we're gonna win the gold medal anyway,
so it's okay.

Speaker 3 (27:42):
I'm alright with it.

Speaker 2 (27:43):
Yeah. As for the Lakers, the same people that were
saying they should lose and try to duck the Nuggets
are the same people that would have absolutely eviscerated Lebron
and ad if they'd done that. Darvin Ham, the Laker organization,
and you know, Lebron would have been labeled a coward
and all of those things. So you know, you're talking

out of both sides your mouths on that, Like strategy is,
you can talk strategy and say how good this is
to not play Denver and then once that actually would
come to fruition if they got bounced on Friday, had
that happened, yeah, they would have been the first folks
up on a soapbox to tell you how big of
an active cowardice at all was and that Michael Jordan

and the legends of Yesteryear wouldn't have done such a thing.
But yeah, it's it's it's time, man, It's you know
we It's playoffs.

Speaker 3 (28:36):
This is it.

Speaker 1 (28:37):
I'm honestly I may I may pick for the playoffs
this year. I may go with all the lower seeds
in the Western Conference Lakers. I may go with all
the of course Lakers Knicks, but I might go with
all the lower seeds in the West. I'll go seeds five, six, seven,
to eight. I do even know who the eight seed
is going to be, but I'll go five to six,
seven and eight in the Western The toughest would be
the Nuggets, obviously, but I'd feel great about those other ones.

What kind of money could I get in Vegas if
I'm saying five, six, seven, eight seeds in the play
to win the first round of the playoffs. If nothing else,
you could get a good head start on singing the
Lavernon Shirley themes.

Speaker 3 (29:11):
I know what Todd Ferman would tell you. Whatever you want,
rots you want, Chason, I'll give you that. I'll give
you mets to the World Series. Everything else, I'll give
you all of that.

Speaker 1 (29:22):
Uh Fox Sports Radio The Jason Smith Show with Mike
Carmon live from the Tirack dot Com studio. So, yeah,
feel much better about the Lakers now than I would
later in the playoffs. The Nugget should be a little
bit more nervous because they're getting the Lakers early. However,
we have a big final score to let you know about.
The Mets beat the Pirates again to go over five

hundred three to one. Brian Fenley's got more on that.
Oh and this pesky NBA game that ended about ten
seconds ago.

Speaker 6 (29:50):
Brian, if I led with the Mets, you'd fire me,
probably the third time you'd want to fire me.

Speaker 3 (29:55):
But yeah, let's get to the NBA right now.

Speaker 6 (29:57):
And the Sacramento Kings have knocked the Warriors out of
any hopes of making the postseason one eighteen ninety four
Kings over the Warriors here from Sacramento, and this, of
course is the play in game there.

Speaker 3 (30:11):
We go. Yeah, so we get.

Speaker 6 (30:13):
The play in game there and it would be these
nine versus ten matchup. Meanwhile, the Lakers with a one
ten to one zero six win against the Pelicans, so
Lebron James had twenty three points, nine rebounds, and nine assists.
What that Laker win in the seven to eight matchup
in a play in contest in the Western Conference. Lakers
now will have a series setup starting on Saturday against

the Denver Nuggets. And Zion Williamson had forty points in
this game, eleven rebounds, and late in the game he
had to come out because of an injury after a
driving move and a bucket but gradually going back to
the locker room, and according to his head coach Welly Green,
it's an injury to the lower leg region and imaging
is going to be done on that area for Williamson

by tomorrow in the hopes that maybe they can have
him for the next game. There were some reports of
some local media in New Orleans who watched Zion Williamson
exit the locker room and said there were no wraps,
no tapes or anything on his ankle. Read into that
what you will. But the Pels lose one ten to
one oh six. Meanwhile, in Major League Baseball, they've got

the Cubs trying to hold off the Diamondbacks eleven to nine,
bottom of the eighth there, and right now you've got
the d Backs with new outsend runner on first. That's
the only game that is still up and running. How
about Mookie Betts. I have to mention this five hits
tonight for Mooki Bets on the way to a six
to two win against the Nationals, Royals and White Sox.

That game got postponed because of inclement. And whether they'll
make that thing up tomorrow. Cardinals three to two winners
against the Athletics. Cardinals get to five hundred. Reds are
one game over five hundred. Now, just that after losing
on the road to the Mariners three to one, Astros
get stiffed by the Braves six to two. That one

all final Padre six to three winners as well. They
take down the Ruvers in Milwaukee. Mets find away three
to one against the Pirates, and after all the struggles
that New York faced, they are battling back. Nine to
eight is their record here on the young season in
eleven innings. It was a Guardian's ten to seven win
against the Red Sox. Also an extra innings game that

involved one team thirteen innings, Yes, raise over the angel
seven to six. Yankees lose five to four to the
Blue Jays and the Phillies get flustered by the Rockies
five to nothing. With that, let's get it back to
two guys who are going to talk about the fall
of one dynasty. It is all over, it appears Golden

State Warriors. Time to break up the band. Jason Smith
and my carn.

Speaker 1 (32:52):
Thank you very much, Brian Fenley. Yes, it is the
Kings lighting the beam tonight they go on. They will
face the Pelican on Friday night. Winner gets into the
playoffs as the eighth seed against the Oklahoma City Thunder.

Speaker 3 (33:05):
We're watching them light the beam right he's tolling for Batman.

Speaker 1 (33:09):
Yes, Savonas is lighting the beam right now out out
of the arena. It's an awesome time right now for
the Kings, who move on. I mean, this is just
a play in victory.

Speaker 2 (33:21):
Hey, this is not Here's a futility where the greatest
thing you had was smoking bloody divach.

Speaker 3 (33:28):
On your ways. Yeah, no, you're right, You're okay. This
is a big bleeping deal. Lady will keep a company.
Make a left.

Speaker 1 (33:34):
But coming up next, did we just watch Klay Thompson
and Draymond Green walk off the floor for the last
time as members of the Warriors. The end of the
Warriors Dynasty Astoris patent pending. Patent pending is next right
here Jason and Mike Fox.

Speaker 5 (33:51):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific.

Speaker 3 (33:58):
We had a lot of years together. We want a
lot of championships. We got old over night. Now when we're.

Speaker 1 (34:09):
Out of the place, time for Clay to go to
the Lakers.

Speaker 3 (34:19):
And come off the bench and be a six man.

Speaker 1 (34:25):
Draymond should go to the Eastern Conference and play for
the NNY.

Speaker 3 (34:37):
Just given destinations. Now you want Draymond on the Nations.

Speaker 1 (34:42):
Let's get slit the song wash over you here, let
it wash over you.

Speaker 3 (34:46):
How do you not get cam borin Kirn bon.

Speaker 1 (34:54):
I am ready from my interview because you dund like
my takes about the Golden State Wariors and Steph Curry
is a system.

Speaker 3 (35:10):
Play girl? Are you dancing on the grave a little
too soon?

Speaker 1 (35:16):
No, I'm just happy. I mean you're doing a full
Gregory dance, ladies and gentlemen, a tat dance. Look, Mary
Mac played End of the Road. I had no choice,
I had no call to me.

Speaker 2 (35:30):
I got Gregory heins, and it would have been it
would have been bad if I didn't do it. Well,
I mean, look it. It begged for some lyrical wizardry.

Speaker 1 (35:40):
He almost hit me with his car once Gregory Hunts did.
Yeah in Marina, dounlts I have it coming.

Speaker 3 (35:44):

Speaker 1 (35:44):
We were playing football in the street and just throwing
a football round my friend. It's probably about thirty years old,
and we were just throwing the ball around, not really
paying attention, and someone threw the ball went over my
head and I took two steps and there was a
car like five feet behind me, and I go ooh,
and I looked away and go hey, sorry, and Gregory
Hunts and he gives the wave going it's okay. I'm like,
oh sorry, and the car goes and I go to
a yelp.

Speaker 3 (36:05):
I go, that's Gregory Hines in that car that almost
hit me.

Speaker 2 (36:08):
He was running scared with Billy Crystal.

Speaker 3 (36:13):
But yes, how about that.

Speaker 1 (36:14):
The Warriors get boat raced by the Sacramento Kings. The
Kings go on to the Playing Round. They will play
at New Orleans on Friday night. We'll have more on
that game. More on the Playing Games coming up in
a few minutes. That are remaining in the Western Conference.
Sacramento beating Golden State one, eighteen to ninety four, a
game that the Warriors were close into the second half,

and then combination of being out of gas. Klay Thompson
did not score zero for ten from the floor tonight,
and the Kings just ran away with this game. Look,
so Bonus had a big game, near triple double. Fox
had twenty four. Murray was incredible tonight. He had eight
threes and thirty two points. The Kings just had too much,

and in a matchup of teams with similar records, the
Kings get revenge for the game last year against Golden State. Now,
when I've said the end of the Golden State Warrior dynasty,
tonight's the last night of the dynasty. Pat and Penning
can't steal that buster. Only it's not that suddenly Draymond
and Clay are terrible. It's just you need to move

on and both of these guys will have value with
other teams. Draymond, I am sure, is still a player.
He look, he wants to continue to make that kind
of money. Can't make all that money in podcasts. You know,
you gotta make twenty five million a year the next
few years. There are teams that can use him because
he has shown today I'm not quite on empty. But
but the Warriors, if they're trying to build, his personality

is way too big and you want to fresh start
around Steph Curry. So there are teams that will take
Draymond Green. You might not get a lot in return,
but there are teams that will take Draymond Green because
they think he could be the teeth, he could be
the attitude that would miss Yeah, and maybe I can
get another championship. And Clay needs to be a guy
that comes off the bench, that is that that.

Speaker 4 (38:02):
Is not.

Speaker 3 (38:05):
Somewhere like.

Speaker 1 (38:07):
Yeah, no, that's the way this is gonna work. But
that's but that's what has to happen. I mean, look,
he clearly is not that guy anymore. He would have
been much better served if the Warriors had. Look when
they had that middle rally there, when he came off
the bench, I thought he's gonna come off the bench,
He's gonna be a huge weapon, he's got a chip
on his shoulder. Nope, went back to starting. And he's
just a guy. He's just not that player. He can't
play the minutes anymore. He'd be most valuable going to

another team that's loaded, where I can come off the
bench and be instant offense. But you know, he's got
a big ego when he's upset being left off the
fifty greatest players of all time, Like whoa dude? Okay,
so you know the kind of ego he has. But
no matter what, he still has some value someplace else.
But just having to start alongside Steph Curry doesn't work.
These guys can work different places. And if you're moving

younger players around to be able to if you move
Kaminga to get somebody else, you need a couple of
star players to come in to play with Steph Curry.
These well, you will be able to move them to
other teams and be able to build around Steph Curry
again and reload on the fly.

Speaker 2 (39:07):
Well, with Thompson, you don't have to do anything. Just
let him sign somewhere else. See you with Draymond, Yeah,
you have to decide how much you stay with it
or not. You know, Steve Kerr and Steph and all
these guys, they're gonna have to address.

Speaker 3 (39:22):
You know Steph's.

Speaker 2 (39:23):
First half, he took four shots in the first half. Yeah,
they were only down four, but he was not part
of the game early and they struggled, and you look
at Thompson, he goes, what oh for ten tonight?

Speaker 3 (39:35):

Speaker 2 (39:35):
I had to take my glasses off, right, the glory
of growing gold? Like that's zero, right, because I know
he was zero for six from three point range but
didn't hit a shot.

Speaker 3 (39:44):
He's getting ready for the Knicks.

Speaker 2 (39:48):
So they shoot forty one, nicely done, thirty two from
three point range, but you get bested by the Kings.
You mentioned Murray before coming out of Iowa. Right, he
a thirty two point night. He's eight of thirteen. Like
he individually had two fewer three point makes than the
Warriors did as a team. Daron Fox has been fantastic.

The two of them were just playing out of their
minds tonight. So yeah, your younger, faster version of what
you were, and now you have to hit the hard
reset button. Kurz signed up for another couple of years,
Curry's still there, Draymond's under contract. But you decide, all right,
what do we do with this next iteration? Kaminga's a
nice piece. Moody I think could be a guy that

rises up a little bit. But you got a lot
of holes in that roster, and Clay sure as hell
ain't coming back. Yeah, look for a million reasons.

Speaker 1 (40:40):
When I look at the Warriors, I look how they
should build like they like when the Heat built around
the Heatles, when it was we have the three players
and we have like twenty five dollars to get another
none tis like you can you can move anybody you
want to, and you have Steph and bring a couple
of good, good star players in and then fill it
up around and see if that Yeah, this felt.

Speaker 2 (40:59):
Like they was a walking reunion tour that you were
just wishing and hoping that you got a good night
when you tuned on the TV to watch them.

Speaker 1 (41:06):
The last night of the Warriors Dynasty. The NBA insider
Mark Stein joins us for what's next, Keep it right here,
Jason and Mike
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