All Episodes

April 17, 2024 37 mins

Jason and Mike tell you why this game tonight stands for Zion Williamson's entire career. 2.5 million people watched the WNBA Draft. And the Bucks are preparing to be without two-time MVP Giannis Antetokounmpo for the start of the playoffs!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to The Jason Smith Show with Mike
Harmon podcast. Be sure to catch us live every weeknight
ten pm to two am Eastern seven to eleven pm
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Speaker 2 (00:22):
Let's give this part you're listening to Fox Sports Radio.
Greetings and welcome inside.

Speaker 1 (00:31):
Happy Tuesday, The Jason Smith Show with My base's friend
Mike Harmon Live as always from the tiraq dot Com
studios tirec dot com. I'll help you get there in
unmatched selection, fast free shipping. Free road has a protection
over ten thousand recommended installers tirack dot com.

Speaker 3 (00:50):
The way tire buying should be.

Speaker 1 (00:54):
Well, can't say it's not fun if you turn this
game off middle of third because the Pelicans were getting
boat raced. Well, here we are now thirty eight seconds
left to go. First play in game winner gets the Nuggets.
Loser waits till Friday night to get the winner of
the game later on tonight between the Warriors and the Kings.

Lakers lead the Pelicans one oh four to one oh two.
There's thirty eight seconds left to go and the Lakers
have the ball. The story of this comeback has been
Zion Williamson. In his first career playoff game. He has
gone nuts. But this game right now, I can't believe it.
Like if someone said to me, hey, can you encapsulate
Zion Williamson's career in one game, and I would say, yes,

it's this game forty points. He is unstoppable. When it
looked like the Pelicans had no energy, he would bulldoze
his way to the hoop, up and down the floor
like a freight train.

Speaker 3 (01:49):
He kept them in it. He rallied them. They knew
where they're.

Speaker 1 (01:51):
Going with the ball, and still he's scoring, and they
cut the lead and they tie the game. And then
after a little turnaround bunny jumper in the lane, he
come down wrong on one on a foot, comes out
of the game, goes to the locker room, and he
has been out of the game for the biggest part
of the game, the last three and a half minutes. Unstoppable,
unstoppable what we all thought. And then the biggest part

of the game, when the Pelicans needed he just comes
down wrong after taking a jump.

Speaker 3 (02:18):
This wasn't anything. It wasn't bad physical Colt.

Speaker 1 (02:19):
It was just he turns around, jumper, comes down and
ooh ooh comes off the floor, very mad, walking off
the floor into the locker room to be evaluated. He
is still in the locker room being evaluated, and the
Lakers still have a two point lead here with thirty
seconds left to go.

Speaker 2 (02:33):
Randy Van Warmer is now the artist of the night.

Speaker 1 (02:36):
Oh you think Mary mc knows who Randy Van Warmer is?

Speaker 2 (02:40):
Come, she will by the time the night's done. Come on,
Tyshirt's not here. It's Randy Van Warmer. I mean that's
that's gonna be a big deal. You get Randy Van
Warmer in the show.

Speaker 3 (02:47):
Guy, if you know Google exists, right, it's Google. Do
you know who Randy Van Warmer is?

Speaker 4 (02:51):

Speaker 1 (02:52):
There you go?

Speaker 3 (02:52):

Speaker 1 (02:53):
Will He was the fourth member of n SYNC. Oh nicely, Yeah,
the only guy that didn't have a solo career.

Speaker 2 (02:57):
That was him forty eleven and five. I've a decided
turnaround from the game this weekend right where in the
post frustrated all night by Lebron and ad Instead tonight
he gets whatever he wants you see him dribble the
ball like a man possessed, shades a bit of the
Lebron James echoing Clyde Drexler of Generations Past of I'm

gonna put my head down and I'm gonna get into
the basket. You want to get in my way, you're
gonna get knocked on your ass. But when he goes
off to the with the injury, he goes to the
bench first, and then he gets up and storms off
like mad dad.

Speaker 3 (03:35):
Yeah, you stole my meal whatever.

Speaker 1 (03:37):
When he standing drake my last beer. Yeah, it's weird
because it looked like it's a leg. And again we
don't know what it is, but he was limping coming
off the floor and he kind of points to the bench.
He sits down, and then he gets up and he
just storms off the towel down. Yeah, And it's almost
looks like how a player looks when they say no,
you gotta get your head checked out, Like no.

Speaker 3 (03:56):
I'm fine.

Speaker 1 (03:57):
Oh come on, Like that's almost what because that's yeah,
like no, I'm fine, I'm court.

Speaker 3 (04:03):
Yeah, but he walks off the court.

Speaker 1 (04:04):
Nobody's around him, like it's not like there's any a
medical personnel around him. He kind of gets up and
slams a towel down and walks off and stamps on
his feet. I'm going, if it's a foot injury, why
is he stamping on his feet.

Speaker 3 (04:15):
Ginger lead, Yeah, like kind of stiff. I don't get it.
I don't get it. But everything was fine for him.

Speaker 1 (04:21):
Looking and look at the last possession that he had
where he made that little bunny. You know, he's coming
into the lane, stopping, pull back, looks like he's gonna drive,
steps back, spins, makes the shot, and then just probably
lands all again. We're just guessing right now because there's
been no update on it. Zion is still in the
locker room, but just how he left the court and
how he walked off is really really strange. And in

that time the Lakers have been able to maintain this lead.
It's one oh six, one oh two now Ad is
just to two free throws fifteen seconds left. Pelicans have
the ball. A game in which the Pelicans were dead.
But I'll tell you what for all the stories about this,
Zion is the story for for the questions about him,
how good is he gonna his first playoff game? He
is amazing, But just like his career. When you need him,

he gets hurt and it's not anything that it's his fault.
It's just his body. And you don't can his body
withstand the rigors of the NBA. And you know, he
made it all through this year, and I'm like, look,
he made all through this year. Look at this, and
look where the Pelicans are. They're pretty good. Right, Your
ten games over five hundred is still pretty good. And
then here it is in the play in the first
playing game and he comes down wrong and he has
to come off the floor plate.

Speaker 2 (05:25):
Seventy games average what twenty two nine and five point
eight five, Right, it's pretty good stat line for his
seventy games. And they played that stretched down stretch run
without brandon Ingram so they struggled a bit, which meant
they get drifted down into the play and round altogether
because they were in that sixth.

Speaker 3 (05:46):
Slot for quite a while.

Speaker 2 (05:48):
But now having to finish with him off the court,
and you just see how they've been able to work
the post game the Lakers a bit more. I'm curious,
you know, watching as much NBA as we do, the
way things have been officiated.

Speaker 3 (06:01):
In the low post are laughable to me.

Speaker 2 (06:04):
It's always goes back to you know, even the shock
days of if I back my ass into you and
knock you off your spot doesn't matter, that's perfectly legal.
But if I face you into it, now we can
at least have a fifty to fifty discussion about it. Well,
it's just an interesting and when a file gets called,
and when it does it right the offensive, Hey, I
can flow at flail elbows and create as much space

as I want. But if you tap me on my arm,
damn it, it's a fall. And look, it goes both ways.
But there's been a couple of sequences where Ad creates
an awful lot of contact and ends up getting bailed
out after he goes awkwardly towards a shot.

Speaker 3 (06:41):
Well, the Lakers have been to the free throw line.

Speaker 1 (06:43):
It is a distinct advantage for the Lakers at the
line over the Pelicans. But this is this is the
part of it is that, Yeah, I get that it's
going to be a big thing. I'll look at the
look at the look at the difference, look at the
difference in free throws, and and I understand. But the
whole part of it is that the Lake are playing
and they play much more physical than the Pelicans do. Sure,

and when when Zion is freight training to the hoop,
the Lakers do the smart thing when Lebron has thea
Lebron had a space when it was a huge charge
that he that he that he took u with in
the middle of the third quarter when the Pelicans were
on a kind of a mini run. Took a huge
charge because he had positioning. When you don't have the
positioning on Zion, Okay, take the last three steps, my friend,

we're gonna do that.

Speaker 2 (07:24):
So that was one of the funniest radio calls I've
ever heard, though, Michael Thompson for the Lakers broadcast, because
Lebron laid there for a minute. He goes, oh, get up,
didn't hit your head. What are we doing here? But
just calls him out in Ireland, you know, on the
other side, he's like, wow, I don't know, maybe he
hit Like, no, come on, enough, what the draw?

Speaker 1 (07:44):
You know, it's not that big a deal with the
free throw line. It's twenty eight. It was it was
at one point twenty to four, which is a big deal.
Now it's twenty eight to fifteen. Ad is at the
line as he gets fouled on the inbounds. He hit
the first free throw to make it one one six
with two and a half seconds left to go. One more,
and that's gonna be it. And uh, he's hits it.

He hits it. So one ten, one oh six. New
Orleans has the ball with three seconds left. You're looking
for a three and a foul and are you really
gonna get it? Probably not. The Lakers look like they're
gonna be moving on into the playoffs where they await
the Denver Nuggets. And now Michael Malone can get really
really upset.

Speaker 3 (08:23):
Why ask me about that? You're playing the Lakers? Oh right, right,
got it? Got it? Got it? Got it? Okay, So
is it gonna be a competitive sweep? Again? Got it?
Got it? Got It'd be very competitive sweep, very competitive,
as long as it's competitive sweep.

Speaker 2 (08:33):
No, I look great balance for the Lakers offense, not
the You knew the Pelicans were going to give him
a run today after getting blown out earlier this week,
but losing like like everything you know, you like. I
just want to see it come to its natural conclusion
instead of, Hey, this guy's running a muck and taking

over and scoring his forty points. But he's got to
miss the final three and a half and it's like,
damn it, it was just getting fun.

Speaker 1 (09:02):
Well, look, and if you wanted to, you picked the
Pelicans last night. I picked the Lakers last night because
I thought, look, they're going to they're the Pelicans. The
Lakers are in their heads and realize that the Lakers
are undefeated all time and playing games like you get
the Lakers in a playing game now three and oh,
you forget about anything else you saw undefeated in the
playing round, ist champions undefeateting the playing round. I mean

you're playing against history, Mike Carmen.

Speaker 3 (09:26):

Speaker 2 (09:26):
We were talking about it though, the with the n
season tournament, how you didn't get credit for the championship game.
Still he played an extra game. You gotta check, but
more wear and tear on the body. But congratulations, the
Lakers succeed and proceed, finished the job. Hit the free
throws down the stretch and ad you know you're gonna
put him to the line and he's gonna finish the job, right.

The Pelicans no answer, And look, once Zion went out,
you're giving up a foot to Lebron James in terms
of how you're trying to guard him. Yeah, it's it's
like Caitlin Clark much of the much of the year, right,
it was like, ah, she's just passing over people, like
what she did to band Lift in that game against LSU. Right,
kind of the same idea. All right, now he gets

to back in and look around and pick his open man.

Speaker 1 (10:13):
So you know, this game, and this is the deal
with the Pelicans is the Pelicans still have too emotional
of a team because they were winning. They're playing the
first quarter great, and they're winning big, and Zion's out big.
In the beginning of the second quarter, they turned the
ball over a couple of times, the Lakers going to run,
they start hitting from three and then its shoulders slump,

and for two quarters the Pelicans just kind of sat around.

Speaker 4 (10:36):

Speaker 3 (10:37):
McCollum, couldn't hit a shot.

Speaker 2 (10:38):
Took a lot of bad shots the early shot clock
and nobody back under the boards.

Speaker 1 (10:43):
Yeah, bad turnovers were forcing stuff. It's it's it's very
immature and very much didn't know how to respond. Hey,
it's a whole big, long game, and and it for
the Lakers just let them fall asleep for basically two
and a half quarters and then Zion decided, just give
me the ball, let me get to the hoop, and
he's unstoppable. When he gets the ball in the open court,

he is unstoppable. And the Lakers tried a couple of
different ways to stuff. They had often Reeves out on
him on the perimeter near the end, he's spun away
from went in for a dunk, right, and so he
got him down low and Lebron is kind of checking
him and Lebron loses him for half a second and
it's a pass and a dunk. Zion is unstoppable, and
that brought them back. But there's so you expend so

much energy having to come back because you're just dead
for two quarters. It's an uphill climb the entire game,
and by the time they got there, they were never
able to take the lead. The best they could do
was tie, which is great. But the Lakers always had
an answer. They were a little bit better. They have
more stars than the Pelicans do. And look, this is
a night where they need a little bit more from

Ingram and McCollum. Ingram was an efficient. McCollum was awful.
And when that happens, I mean to lose by two
to four of the Lakers right here. That's a bit
of an achievement when your two other two best players
were crappy and you had one guy almost carry you.
But now the big thing is going to be what
Zion's injury. How's it going to be for Friday night
when they have to get back out of against either

the Warriors or the Case.

Speaker 2 (12:06):
Yeah, just an incredible run for Williamson. But you know,
give all credit to the Lakers. They got their moment
and they shut up all the narrative, the bad narratives
that had been fostered over the last several days of
should they lose this game on purpose and then make
it a winner go home on Friday, just all to

avoid the Nuggets.

Speaker 3 (12:27):
I'm glad that has been rendered moot.

Speaker 1 (12:29):
I'm glad that people that say stuff like that, did
they just come out and look stupid?

Speaker 5 (12:33):
That was you Friday night, Johnson. I didn't say lose,
Oh you didn't. I didn't say lose. I said, I said,
you want to win so you can avoid the Nuggets.
You want us to go to the tape, Yeah, go
to the tape.

Speaker 3 (12:43):
I never said lose. I'll pull it for next second.
I never said lose. I never said. I never said that.
How do you spell lose? I never said lose, d
O d gere, actually k n I c ks.

Speaker 2 (12:55):
All I want to say is all the folks that
had those takes are two Comma kids on an annual basis.
So I'll take someone calling me dumb on Twitter for that,
just so you know.

Speaker 3 (13:04):
Just so you know.

Speaker 1 (13:04):
Fro though, the Mets have eight losses and the Dodgers
have eight losses, but the Dodgers have paid one time.

Speaker 3 (13:11):
In your world, the Mets are better than the.

Speaker 1 (13:13):
Dodgers paid one point four million dollars per loss. The
Mets whatever makes sixty thousand, that's what it is. But yeah,
over five hundred.

Speaker 3 (13:23):
Look at the Mets.

Speaker 1 (13:24):
No stopping us exit out about a Fresca exit swollen dome.
I mean, we're waiting for word on Zion Williamson, but
this game stands for his entire career till this point.

Speaker 3 (13:32):
It's amazing, but it does. We'll have more on this
game coming up.

Speaker 1 (13:35):
And again we have the big night cap between the
Warriors and the Kings in a true winner go home game,
and we have numbers for you from last night that
your eyes are going to pop out of your head
like you're Daniel Jones at a press conference. Today, we
have numbers from last night for you next tacos.

Speaker 3 (13:51):
This is Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 6 (13:53):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern seven
pm PC on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 1 (14:04):
Two NBA Insiders podcasting twice a week to plug you
right into the NBA great.

Speaker 7 (14:10):
Fine all happening in only one place. This League Uncut,
the new NBA podcast with me Chris Haynes and me
Mark Stein join us as we team up to expound
on everything we're covering Hearing and Chason.

Speaker 2 (14:25):
Listen to This League Uncut with Chris Haynes and Mark Stein.

Speaker 7 (14:28):
On the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get
your podcasts.

Speaker 5 (14:36):
Each corner three Russell who want to shot Big Time?

Speaker 1 (14:44):
Free by Russell Kevin Harlan on the call TNT. The
Lakers get a bingo from D'Angelo Russell in the final
minute and that was the final dagger of the game.
The Lakers beat the Pelicans one ten to one oh six.
They are now the seventh seed in the playoffs. They

draw the Nuggets. Meanwhile, the Pelicans will get the winner
of tonight's game between Golden State and Sacramento. This game
just underway eight to six. Warriors have the lead with
about nine minutes to go in the first quarter, and
of course, all eyes are on Zion Williamson because the
guy owned the game tonight. Unstoppable. Everybody you watch and
this might have been a lot of people, and I'm
not I'm not, I'm not lying. This might be a

lot of NBA fans first time they watch Zion Williamson
play a full game like this. I don't know in
a year and a half because it was his first
playoff game. You generally you know how much the Pelicans
rate on national TV and Zion, but he's playing the Lakers,
so a lot of people are gonna watch this a big,
high profile game. This might be the first time a

lot of fans have seen him play in a while
and seen it than highlights, Right, and you watch that
for the first forty five minutes, he was unstoppable. He
was the Zion Williamson we thought he was gonna be
coming into the league, and look, whenever he has played,
he has been great, especially when he's motive. He's one
of those guys also that he needs a better motor

like he's one of those guys that needs to be
motivated all the time. Tonight he was motivated. It was
his first playoff game, and he has another level when
he's motivated, which is which is a thing. You can't
just be motivated when there's a big game. You gotta
be motivated other times. But you saw what he could
do tonight. But as we talked about off the start
of the show, there is no more right thing to
say that this game stands for his entire career.

Speaker 3 (16:28):
He is amazing on the floor. He is a physical freak.
But when they needed him, he.

Speaker 1 (16:33):
Came down wrong after a little jumper in the lane
with about three and a half left to go left
the game, missed the final three and a half minutes
and the Lakers win. The Pelicans have to play again,
and here's Zion dealing with yet another injury when he
had gotten through the entire season, played seventy games. And
look what if I always said about Zion, Hey he's great,

but how long can you count on him for? Is
he a guy he can count Because you got to
hope that the injury that he gets will be early.

Speaker 3 (16:59):
In the season, can come back from it. This year.

Speaker 1 (17:00):
Now suddenly it's seventy games and now he's hurt. Now
hopefully he is okay and can play Friday. But this
has been the thing with him for the last five years.

Speaker 2 (17:08):
Well, what's the worst of it is that he did
everything to basically flip off all the detractors and the
folks that still make their living doing nothing but fat
jokes and talking about the food and what he does
in New Orleans in the in the off hours, lost
a bunch of weight, glides through the lane with ease,
and even back when he was carrying more weight physically,

was doing things that you marveled at. But again to
your point, how much wear and tear can you do
on the body? And that you know in that form
that he had minutes per game. He was playing thirty
one point five a game in those seventy games this year,
a lot of heavy workloads, and look, his work is

done down low. So certainly had taken a number of
body blows, delivering as many as he took along the way.
We saw the in reference for the big hit and
collision with Lebron James but yeah, just frustrating as hell.
You and I have watched a bunch of their games, right,
we're in the studio, so you've got a four pack
of monitors, plus our computers, iPads and everything else, so

we got to watch them a lot, and and you
marvel at what he was able to do. One question
that's gonna flow out of this though Brian and Ingram
checked out of the game with seven thirty eight remaining,
never re entered like twenty five minutes today.

Speaker 3 (18:28):
They were better without them. The Pelicans were.

Speaker 1 (18:30):
Honestly, they were better without McCollum and Ingram like they
were Like when when when they can when Colum couldn't
hit anything from three? Ingram was not was not efficient,
He wasn't he wasn't very good tonight. And when did
they start coming back? Well, when you had guys like
Jose Alvarado come in and start hitting a couple of three.
So what are you gonna do? You go back to
those guys or you stick with who brought you back.
They're gonna stick with who brought you back.

Speaker 2 (18:50):
To answer with who brung you right, stick with especially
if everything can end up touching the hands of Williamson
as did seventeen to twenty seven on the night for
his forty point before departing.

Speaker 3 (19:01):
Just the frustration.

Speaker 2 (19:03):
I'm sure Pelicans fans going back, you know, to that
twenty nineteen draft. Ironically or coincidentally, curiously, whatever word you
want to use, how many of the twenty nineteen draft
class that Zion was playing tonight because the Lakers have
assembled them all like the damn Avengers out there. But yeah,

just a frustrating finish because you know, we were coming
into the studios like all right, there's three minutes left,
let's go. It's like wait, he just mad walked into
the locker room.

Speaker 6 (19:38):
Damn it.

Speaker 1 (19:39):
Yeah, And I'll tell you, look, Zion will get a
lot of the attention and whatever his injury is. But
I'll tell you who dodged a lot of crisism tonight
was Lebron because he was terrible tonight. He did hit
a big three or big bucket in the final two
minutes to give them the lead, but how many times
did he get the ball in the final three and
a half minutes? And I'm everybody off and I'm doing

the mellow. I'm gonna hold the ball up and waiting
with the shot clock tick all the way down, and
Lebron would find a way to miss, and he kept missing,
and he kept calling to the ball and he kept missing,
and that kept the Pelicans in it. Like the Lakers
were spreading the ball around great tonight. Hat Chi Morris
started to get involved. Austin Reeves not a great night,
but they were able to move the ball around and

it was really something to see, Like when the Lakers
got up to their their fourteen to sixteen point lead.
They were getting it from everywhere and Dangelo Russell had
a big night. But at the end, it's like this
is gonna now be Lebron won on one and how
many times did he get to the rim and was
short or get to the rim and he missed. And
I'm saying this is Lebron like third round of the playoffs, Lebron, Like,

this is where if you're tired, this is what we expect,
third round of the playoffs, Lebron. Not the playing game
for Lebron to be just absolutely gassed. Now they do
have a long time to wait. Now I don't have
to worry about it a series for a few days.
But he really he was six out of twenty tonight
he was not good and single handedly the the he
was keeping the Pelicans in it, because when Zion left
that game with three and a half minutes left, this

should have been the Lakers should have won by ten.
There's no way the Pelicans should have been able to
stay in this game and make it a shot possession
free throw game.

Speaker 3 (21:12):
But they did because Rod just kept missing. Shot a
bunch of layups.

Speaker 1 (21:16):
He missed one layup in the final minute where there
was nobody else on the floor. He got by both
defenders and there was nobody from the free throw line
in and he still wound up missing. I'm going, dude,
this is like lay up practice, and he still wound
up missing.

Speaker 2 (21:30):
I think that play, you know, as we watched it,
it's like, did he think he was gonna get a fall?
So it was just he was flipping it up and
all right, he miss So I'm gonna get the call
because everybody's bouncing off awkwardly. He didn't get the call.
No ball goes the other way six and twenty from
the field.

Speaker 1 (21:45):
Scott Foster doing Scott Foster things in the game tonight, Yeah, buddy, Yeah.

Speaker 2 (21:49):
It was a couple of those long reviews mixed into
this game again. The criticism from the TV and radio
broadcasts when they do that is always entertaining to me, like,
we're bringing this in all right, in theory, they're gonna
get this right.

Speaker 3 (22:06):
But at what cost? We were having a nice float.

Speaker 2 (22:09):
In the game and now we're standing here at the
end of a first quarter for ten minutes.

Speaker 1 (22:13):
What do we do if the NBA would do things right.
You know, when they showed the arrivals at the game,
and they show because you know, everybody want to say
what they're wearing.

Speaker 3 (22:22):
They got to show Scott Foster coming into the game too.

Speaker 1 (22:25):
Lego, here's Zion showing up, and here's Lebron and a
D and then Scott fluster what and don't forget Scott fun.

Speaker 3 (22:33):
What do you think his entrance music is?

Speaker 4 (22:34):
I think that guy the tried to insert him himself
into that game early, always does.

Speaker 3 (22:40):
He's the most important player in the league. He should
be the m v P. He forget about Yokic guy
should be.

Speaker 4 (22:44):
The v It wasn't enough TNT putting up Darvin Ham
already thrown out and before the game even started. I
don't know what game you guys were watching, but this
was never in doubt. Dude, Come on, man, the Lakers
are back you.

Speaker 2 (23:00):
That was the one thing I knew. I had no
doubts the game itself. Maybe not that that I knew
was going.

Speaker 3 (23:08):
Oh man, I'll tell you.

Speaker 2 (23:10):
He had a night off. The Dodgers are flailing. He's
got to hitch his ride back on Lebron and the Lakers.
That and so he can send that, you easy guy
with the greasy chain, that he can get.

Speaker 3 (23:22):
Back at it. Explain to me when I got I
got quiet for a while. Really, when they lose. When
they lose, you don't say anything. When they don't play.
When they win, your bet, they're back, and they're back
when they win the one time they're back.

Speaker 1 (23:36):
Hey, I want to say on behalf of the Knicks,
welcome to the NBA playoffs. I want to I want
to welcome you and the Lakers' bleaping nuggets.

Speaker 3 (23:44):
Let's go. We are getting word in right now about
Zion Williamson. This is coming in.

Speaker 1 (23:50):
It is a left leg soreness. They couldn't tell what
part of the leg it was, but something happened to
to Zion. This is per Pelican's head coach Willie Green.
There is some kind of left leg soreness imaging tomorrow,
so he is gonna go through imaging. That is the
Zion Williamson injury. What we know of it right now.

And again it's weird. All right, let's let's not let's not.
Let's not uh uh, let's not sugarcoat this thing. He
goes in for a bucket with about three and a
half minutes left to go, nice little movie, and he
comes down after a little little jumper in the lane,
and this is when he comes down, grimaces a little bit,
points to the bench like, hey, I'm a little I'm
feeling a little weird, comes off and sits down. There's

a time out on the floor, right, it's a tie
game at this point. Time out on the floor. And
when they come back from break they show you this
is what just happened. Moments ago. Zion is sitting on
the bench. There's nobody around him, there's no medical personnel.
And he gets up and he slams a towel and
he stomps off into the locker room, like there's nobody.
If you have a lower leg something, do they let

you walk?

Speaker 3 (24:56):
Do they do? They just let you do that day?

Speaker 1 (24:59):
Don't stomp on your li don't don't go crazy. Let's
get you the locker room, is it? If it's that bad,
do they let you walk? But he walked to the
locker room, and what underwent whatever he underwent with three
and a half minutes left.

Speaker 3 (25:11):
To go, it's very weird.

Speaker 1 (25:13):
It's it's just a really weird thing to see him
just walk off and again, it looked like how a
player reacts when he's told you gotta go into the
in for concussion test like and cut like that's what
it looked like because he was mad, because players get
mad when they have to go in for concussion protocol. Say, hey,
the spotter call down, you gotta go. No, I'm fine,
No spotter call down, you gotta go. And oh, I've

gotta miss some plays. He goes into the tent then
comes back out, but he misses, you know, three four plays,
whatever it is. And that's kind of what it looked like.
And now for lower leg and I'm like, but nobody
was around him, and they allowed him to stomp off
the court and into the locker room, and it's wait
what it was weird like when he stomped like he was,
you know, like a Frankenstein kind of stomp right, stiffed leg.

Speaker 2 (25:54):
Kind of thing, like what the hell's going on? And
then he was never to be seen again. Lakers point
victory as D'Angelo Russell is your star of the night.

Speaker 4 (26:05):
Right to their defense, Mike Zion, season's over, so let
them walk. He's got another game Friday, are gonna get
blown out on wars On So again, wanted to bring
you that news right there. That've been a breaking news
for Zion Williamson. Left leg, lower leg injury of some kind.

Speaker 2 (26:25):
It's a hockey injury. It's lower leg. Oh yeah, upper body,
it's upper body, lower body, upper body injury. Hello on
you out for it's upper body? What is it not
going to tell you? Upper body injury. Just upper body,
that's what it is. So that just means above or
below the waist for those new to the lexicon.

Speaker 5 (26:41):

Speaker 1 (26:41):
Now, we'll have more on the NBA, more on Zion
coming up in a bit. But uh, you want to
talk about numbers, I'll give you numbers because apparently no
one is going to follow Caitlin Clark into the w NBA.

Speaker 3 (26:52):

Speaker 1 (26:53):
The numbers for the w NBA Draft came in just
under three million people watch the wn Draft last night.
This was four times the biggest audience they have had
for it in its existence. But no one's gonna watch
Caitlin Clark. No, no one's gonna watch. No one's gonna
wa I'm pretty sure she's gonna bring her own audience

into the WNBA. I feel pretty confident in that, Mike Harmon,
No matter how many people want to hate it and
say it's not gonna happen, I'm pretty sure people watch
the WNBA draft when you know she's going number one.
It's not like, uh, you know she's going number one.
No one knows the team she's going to. No one
can name anybody on the team. It doesn't matter. You

had nearly three million, and I'm sure when it's all
said and done and you talk about, hey, here's what
we had, people watch streaming and different odds, it'll be
over three million.

Speaker 3 (27:42):
That's a big bleeping deal.

Speaker 2 (27:44):
Man. All the impressions right, it ranked third amongst drafts,
not too far behind the NBA's product.

Speaker 3 (27:50):
I mean, just think about that for a second. Just
think about that.

Speaker 2 (27:53):
But you have all of that star power, and certainly
everybody looking at the fits that everybody had going Paige
Becker showed up to support her teammates, and everybody with
a suit and fit kind of reminiscent of Lebron James
rookie white suit all those years ago. Obviously Clark with

her what was it Prada right with, oh yeah, with
some seventeen thousand dollars outfits. So everybody started doing the
you know what that is and percentages of what she
will make from the WNBA. So you have that, and
obviously Angel Reese you know, had the hood and diamond
encrusted this that the other I mean Morning America was
but like sell, like the the interviews were great. Like

we talked about it last night as it was going
on the fact that you have the draft and it's hey,
you know, Caitlin Clark's gonna join us here in a minute.

Speaker 3 (28:48):
And what does she do She gets when.

Speaker 2 (28:50):
After she gets drafted and she got the microphone, it
was like, yeah, you know, getting to stay in the Midwest,
We're gonna move some tickets.

Speaker 3 (28:56):
You know, we're coming to your town. You know, get
get in now.

Speaker 2 (28:59):
And I guess in l they're gonna play down at
the Pyramids, so they're not getting the full crypt experience.
So you're only looking at what five six thousand people
so ticket here in LA against Cameron Brink that'll be
a big ticket item.

Speaker 3 (29:11):
All of that stuff.

Speaker 2 (29:12):
It's you know, star power, and yeah, the brands are
coming on board, just like you saw during the Final Four,
during all of these events, they're coming and ready to
spend mine. Look what Taylor Swift brought to the Super
Bowl and everything, right, all these cosmetic companies, all of
these people were not traditional advertisers.

Speaker 3 (29:31):
Guess what, that's all been activated.

Speaker 1 (29:33):
And it's not suddenly that you're gonna see audiences of
that's gonna compete with Monday Night Football or something, but
it's going to be a seat at the table for
the WNBA. Because this is Caitlin Clark being a supers again.
She's gonna have that kind of impact. It's like the
WNBA is getting Steph Curry and Draymond Green because she's

Steph Curry in her game and Angel Reese's Draymond Green.
And not just on the court, but off the court too.
She's already talked about wanting to do and I want
to be on TV. I want to do what you
guys do, And the ESPN crew said.

Speaker 3 (30:04):
We gotvert worry about it. We got we got a
seat for you.

Speaker 2 (30:06):
But talking about how much you Chicago, talking about you know,
the shopping and and and just having been there, the food, whatever,
embracing that her and and Cardoso right that we joked
about it yesterday, you know, and they did during the draft, like,
good luck getting a rebound at US. And if Chicago
suddenly becomes a force again. They had a little run

with Dela don last decade, but now you get them
involved brinked, maybe helps the resuscitate, you know what the
the La squad is. And then obviously Caitlin Clark in
Indiana and running the Midwest. Yeah, good times ahead, exit
out about a Fresca exit swollen dome. Jason Smith Mike
Harmon live from the TIREC dot Com studios.

Speaker 3 (30:48):
Coming up next.

Speaker 1 (30:49):
While we're waiting to see how healthy Zion Williamson's going
to be the best player in the NBA might not
be playing in the playoffs for a while. That story
is coming up next right here, Jason and Mike. It's
just Jalen Brunson is fine. It's the other best player,
the other guy that's next. Fox tired of feeling a
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Speaker 3 (31:13):
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Speaker 1 (31:14):
Visit expresspros dot com to find the location nearest you.
That's expresspros dot Com. With the first round of the
Draft starting next Thursday, our thanks to Express Pros for
being the presenting sponsor of Fox Sports Radios draft coverage,
be sure not to miss Draft Night live on Spock
Sports Radio next Thursday night, eight pm Eastern throughout the
first round of the Draft, and then of course we
take over and come on just like we normally do.

Insider Jay Glazer, Former Cardinals GM, Steve Kainin College Football
Hall of Famer, LeVar Arrington, Big Nude Kickoffs, Rob Stone,
picked by pick, predictions and reactions to every first round
pick next night, next Thursday night, eight pm Eastern throughout
the first round of the Draft and into us here
on Fox Sports Radio presented by Express Pros.

Speaker 6 (31:56):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific.

Speaker 1 (32:04):
The Mets can take you there. They're game over five hundred.
I didn't think they'd get to five hundred when they
started oh and five Fox Sports Radio. What did they have?

Speaker 3 (32:23):
Six comeback wins? And what that's metss mets?

Speaker 4 (32:27):

Speaker 3 (32:28):
What are you doing?

Speaker 2 (32:29):
It's fun, it's fun. It was a graphic that they
held up the entire post game show.

Speaker 3 (32:34):
So pretend like you never saw it. That's's Me's Mets,
Mets I'm about wasn't gonna be able to stop that?

Speaker 6 (32:43):
You get me?

Speaker 3 (32:44):
I'm freestyling to like a prayer. Come on, man, we
were watching the game before the show.

Speaker 2 (32:48):
We had this split screen, right, we got the Lakers
and Pelicans up top and watch the end of the
Mets and he starts fist pumping and jumping around like, yeah.

Speaker 3 (32:58):
Let me just tell you. Let me you want to
go good like a prayer story? You have a like
a prayer?

Speaker 1 (33:03):
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, this is really good. So
and then we'll get into Giannis. So when I was
in college and I was you did the Morning Show
and I.

Speaker 3 (33:11):
Was Jason Mason.

Speaker 1 (33:13):
Ye, so there was no crazy morning that was more
anticipated than Madonna's album than when when Like a Prayer
came out And this was the first song off of it.
So you know what they do when radio stations is say, hey,
they called there's like twenty songs that they call our
hot songs, and these are ones you repeat.

Speaker 3 (33:30):
Every three hours. Like that was the thing. Every three hours.
You play these songs over the course of a three
hour span.

Speaker 2 (33:36):
Unless it's Christmas, man, then it's a seven yeah song set.

Speaker 1 (33:39):
We're gonna hear Mariah carry all I want for Christmas
for the next twenty four hours straight. When like a
prayer came out, you know, we have all these these
great big minds, they were like, you play it every hour?

Speaker 7 (33:49):

Speaker 2 (33:50):

Speaker 3 (33:50):
Every hour? So he played like a prayer once an
hour for like the first week and a half. Did
those orders change once the video was released? I'm like,
oh my goodness, because certainly.

Speaker 2 (34:00):
On radio stations as the order to go against that
once the video again and.

Speaker 3 (34:04):
Leon was in that video. Yeah, Leon was in that video.

Speaker 1 (34:08):
Alleged Leon who did a show with Rob Parker a
couple of years ago. I remember meeting Leon is like,
oh my god, dude, you're doing a show with a legend. Man.

Speaker 3 (34:16):
Were from curb No no, no, no, no no, no, Leon, Leon,
Leon from uh.

Speaker 6 (34:23):
What is it?

Speaker 3 (34:23):
Yeah? What was his like a no one coming for you?
Otis was a no One coming for your otis.

Speaker 4 (34:29):

Speaker 2 (34:29):
See, you know Leon from kurb or Leon Russell Leon
in top Leon's from Sure or the way we used
to read Washington. Mom hated us like growing up because
you know, for Christmas decorations had the little l thing
that spelled Noel. Within an hour someone made it leon

and then she'd go and change it.

Speaker 3 (34:55):

Speaker 1 (34:55):
Even for my grandmother. Hey look, Jay, Leno's coming. Yeah,
that's great, that's great. You think Brian no just has
the same thing and just takes the l off and
that's his house, just says, no, That's what I would
do if I was in I'm gonna.

Speaker 3 (35:04):
Say if I had lights and you know, could blink.
So it looks like the.

Speaker 1 (35:09):
Bucks are going to be without Jannis on the Kakunpo,
potentially for their first round series. When he got hurt
last week, it was okay, Jannie is going to sit out.
We'll see what the next week brings. And we told
you how dangerous was and how right they are to
lose in the first round. Anyway, now they're going to
be without Yannis. They are hopeful that with his injury,

with his leg injury, he can come back late in
the first round, and talk today turned to what happens right.
Brian Winhorse was on ESPN and said, oh, hey, if
they go out early, you got to figure out if
Jannis is still all in or he might demand to
go out to leave Milwaukee. Now that sounds great in theory,
but he's there for another three years. They gave him

an extension.

Speaker 3 (35:53):

Speaker 1 (35:54):
Could I see Janis asking out? Yeah, but obviously this
year hasn't worked, and I can see in the off
season the main thing is gonna be new head coach
and we move on from Damian Lillard. Like, don't start
thinking suddenly Yannis is gonna say I went out. I
want a new organization. He's always said I want to
stay as long as we're winning.

Speaker 3 (36:11):

Speaker 1 (36:11):
In this offseas it's easy to say, well, things didn't work.
We changed our coaches a couple of times. We went
forward with Damian.

Speaker 3 (36:17):
Look you like that move.

Speaker 1 (36:18):
It didn't work out for us, But we're got something
else big coming up. You have to shuffle things around,
bring in another star. They'll make some kind of move.
Maybe Lillard will actually get to the heat where he
wanted to go first. But Jannis is not going anywhere
this offseason. It's gonna be new head coach and no
Damian Lillard. That's where to focus on. Giannis will be
here for at least another year.

Speaker 2 (36:35):
Oh that's the curiosity. What does Giannis want them to
do next? Because they seemingly have done his bidding thus far.
I don't like that guy anymore? Okay by Bootenholzer. Hey
we're thirty and thirteen, but we don't really like this guy.
I don't like Griffin either. We got x oh dots ready.
He's been around, he's been advising, he's been an ear

for the organization. Yeah, let's tag him in. Still suck
and we're actually worse and defensively, we don't have any
rotations and Damian Lillard is a one side guy. And
as we've talked about, final minutes a game, nowhere to
be found. Yeah, but Giannis go ahead, say you want out, I'll.

Speaker 3 (37:14):
Tell you another year.

Speaker 1 (37:16):
Yeah maybe this offseason not happening. Head coach Damian Lillard goes.
They try to figure it out. That's all he what
he wants next. We have more NBA on the way.
Tonight could wind up being the absolute end of a
huge era.

Speaker 3 (37:30):
That's next on
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