All Episodes

April 17, 2024 37 mins

Jason and Mike debate if we’re witnessing the end of the Warriors Dynasty. And Longtime MLB Insider Jon Paul Morosi joins the show for all the BIG headlines from around the diamond.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to The Jason Smith Show with Mike
Harmon podcast. Be sure to catch us live every weeknight
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Speaker 2 (00:22):
Give this you're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (00:29):
Hello, Welcome inside our two, The Jason Smith Show with
my best friend Mike Harmon hobo live from the Tirack
dot Com studios tirac dot com. I'll help you get
there in unmatched selection, fast free shipping, free road hazard protection,
and over ten thousand recommended installers tiraq dot com.

Speaker 3 (00:46):
The way tire.

Speaker 1 (00:47):
Buying should be four and a half to go before
halftime right now, final playing game of the night. Lakers
win earlier over the Pelicans. Zion Williamson leaves the game
with about three and a half left to go. Oh,
gonna get imaging done on his left leg tomorrow. So
the Lakers move on to play the Nuggets. Now the
winner go home game. It is the Sacramento Kings. All

over Golden State right now forty eight thirty four, with
about five minutes to go before halftime. The Warriors have
not started out great. You got balanced scoring across the
board from the Sacramento Kings, and look, if this game
holds right, obviously there's a long way to go. But
you're talking about the Warriors, who, yes, while they are

ten games over five hundred, are still in the playing
round and they were the last team to qualify. They're
playing on the road. They gotta win two games on
the road if they're gonna move on. But if they
lose tonight, right, if they lose tonight.

Speaker 3 (01:44):
Like this is it?

Speaker 1 (01:46):
Like this needs to be the end of the Warriors
era as we know them, and big changes have to
happen for next season. What is going on now clearly
is not enough. And if you can't get out of
the playing round, what does that tell you that the
Warriors have not been trending up since they won the title,
their final title four years ago, it's been a well

each well maybe well maybe they got to be healthy
and Clay will be healthy. But then and now you're
looking at a bunch of guys in their mid thirties,
and how far do you really think you're gonna go anyway,
even if you win again, You're an old team. You're
relying on three guys who are in their thirties for a.

Speaker 3 (02:23):
Lot of it.

Speaker 1 (02:24):
And if you're going to remake this team, this is
where you have to find the destination for Draymond. You
have to fight the destination for Klay Thompson because clearly
he's got his issues with coming off the bench, playing, starting,
and all kinds of stuff. Clay's not been that guy,
and look tonight so far in fifteen minutes, he's zero
for five from the floor. You need to remake this

team and say who wants to come play with Steph?
Because Steph is the most unselfish of any superstar in
the NBA. Jalen Brunson is a close second, but now
he's scoring forty eight games, so there's that. But Steph
is one of those guys that no one's intimidated by him. No,
he doesn't want to come play with him. But now
you have the triumvirt of am I gonna go play there?

When it's been Steph and Clay and Draymond for twelve years?
Am I gonna be the outsider like KD was? Because
KD was the outsider when they had had a chance. Well,
we're gonna choose to let you go, and you're here
and won a couple of titles.

Speaker 3 (03:16):
That's great.

Speaker 1 (03:17):
So they need to be more inclusive in saying, hey,
we're open to anybody else coming in, because it's gotta
be like, if you're if you're a good veteran player,
do you want to go into play there when it's Stephan,
Clay and Draymond, or do you want to go in,
Hey it's Steph. But now there's a little bit more
room for you, for you to be you, for you
to exist. Have you been able to make shots and
be the best version of yourself on this team? If

they lose tonight, that's what's gotta happen. I know it's
gonna be difficult because you wanted these guys to all
ride in together, ride off together. Look, they played all
their their careers one team. But you got to get
out from under the money and Look, both Draymond and
Clay will have suitors in free agency or in trades.
They'll have suitors in trades, especially Draymond. There's gonna be
team saying we want his toughness. He's still there. But

if you're the Warrior, that's how you move on. You
lose this game like this is like the era of
the Warriors could be in its last night.

Speaker 4 (04:05):
Yeah, I mean when you look at Draymond's contract, he
still has a couple of years which is not prohibitive.
What is it twenty five a year at this point,
and it's all just a all right? Does he still
buy in? And when he plays? And ever since the
last large incident of getting ejected and Steph nearly in tears,
are actually in tears, and Kerr looking exasperated as he

is wont to do in those circumstances, he's played some
really good basketball. Klay Thompson clearly does not like the
role he's in, but he did what a professional does.
He went to work and he's had some pretty good games,
and certainly during this winning streak he's come up big
zero for five thus far, ton Io for three from
three point range in his fifteen minutes. Kaminga, because that's

the other side. You made all these bets on young
guys and most of them haven't worked.

Speaker 3 (04:54):
Caminga is turning into a pretty good player, right.

Speaker 4 (04:57):
You took the couple of bites at the Apple with
some other players that just did not work, you know.
And Wiggins has been banged up on again, off again
tonight minus sixteen and his twelve minutes one for four
from the field. But you look at all the other
swings and misses, and I wonder if from a psychological standpoint,
and I don't think Clay comes back, But just say, theoretically,

in your scenario, you know, someone had to say, hey,
I can go play with these three guys. It's a
much different environment than it was when Kevin Durant came
in there. At that point, they're at the top of
their game. They just won a ton of games. Oh yea,
they won those titles. Their feet are up on the
desk saying, all right, sell me, you know, sell me
this pen. Right, it's basically there's going Wolf of Wall Street,

you know, you know, convince me you need to be
here now.

Speaker 3 (05:45):
It's hey, they've got.

Speaker 4 (05:47):
To do a bit of a cell job to say,
here's what we envision how you can fit in with us. Right,
It's a much different environment this point because they're vulnerable, right,
Chris Paul has given them some good minutes at times,
but not the level of consistency, and he missed a
lot of time and all the young guys, as we mentioned,
whether it be Moody, the guys beyond cominga, it's been

inconsistent basketball, inconsistent contributions and trying to push those buttons.
And when Draymond Green is not on his game as
a facilitator and defender, it all goes to hell. And
Clay has had has been streaky at best. And clearly
his eye, you know, he's got a bit of a
wandering eye for a couple of reasons. Still thinks he

could be a star, like to be an a list
guy and wants to get paid again. All the Warriors
are looking at him right now as well. You're a
bench guy who can give us twenty five once in
a blue moon, right where you get back to the
guy you used to be. And so you know all
of that to say, it'll be an interesting because you

don't have Bob Byer's there to massage things anymore either, Right.
That was one of the big losses that they had.
As much as we talk about age and personnel, that
was a guy that smooth a lot of crap over. Yeah,
go back to the Jordan Pool Draymond and whatever else
trying to make that all work tonight.

Speaker 3 (07:07):
Uh nine, what was what was a big trade rumor
earlier this year?

Speaker 1 (07:12):
Right that that probably would have gotten out that Mike
Dunleavy didn't didn't get a get a get a role on.
They tried to make a couple of phone calls and
it didn't work out. Uh look, it's it's it's just
the end, and it's not awful, it's not terrible. It's
just all dynasties end and they don't end with a bang.

Speaker 3 (07:28):
They end.

Speaker 1 (07:30):
That's how it goes, and this is how it could end.
Now they could win this game. It's an it's a
ten point game. But obviously how far are they gonna
go to win two games a couple of nights on
the road, and how far are they going to go
if this is it like it needs to do because
Steph is still an all class, all NBA player and
it's easier to build around it when that's the guy.

Speaker 3 (07:51):
It's it's like this.

Speaker 1 (07:52):
It's it's if you start in a new school and
there's a group of friends and there's three guys who
have been friends for three years, and you show up
as a senior and they you know you're you're in
their group in science and they put you in their
group in here and it's like, okay, that's great, and
you getting long enough. But these three guys have been
friends for three years, all the inside jokes, all the
different things, the experiences they've shared. You're gonna be the outsider.

Not that these guys are all best friends, but when
you you're if you're a free agent, you go to
Golden State, It's like, am I going there? And are
these three guys running everything? Because it seems like they
run everything? Because no matter what happens with Draymond Green,
he's back out there, how many objections, He's back out there,
no matter what is best for the team. Klay Thompson
seems to wind up starting and missing a lot of shots. Right,
So do I really want to go there? Am I

really going to be able to be myself? Or am
I going to be the outside?

Speaker 4 (08:39):
But could you be the new kid like Keith Ledger
and Ten Things I Hate About You?

Speaker 2 (08:43):
Or you? Come on, you may have been in prison.

Speaker 1 (08:45):
I'm a new kid like Robert Pattinson showing up in
a Twilight. I'm a vampire. Sorry, Oh, spoiler. That guy
hasn't seen the sun. Wow, Okay, I know a lot
about it. Oh you do American history of the eighteen hundreds.
I lived at Pale What do you want to know?
I hung out with Thomas Jefferson. Okay, just say you
know he and I. Yeah, I die. Fact, there's how
many how many people I killed and I drank their

blood for him?

Speaker 3 (09:08):
You haven't, uh, but that's they'd only dropped a line
of Jefferson started it.

Speaker 1 (09:13):
But that's but that's where the Warriors are at, and
it's just the way it is, and they've honestly, they've
held on too long to be quite honest like that.
That's the one mistake I would say is they didn't
want to pull the plug because these three players mean
so much to the organization, They mean so much the city,
and I get that. I understand that. But if you're
trying to win, you want to you want to waste
the last few years of Steph Curry's career because Steph

is the guy still playing at an all NBA level,
So you need something else, you need something new around him,
and you're not gonna do it by saying, Hey, we're
bringing these other guys. You need to clear the decks
where it's okay, Steph is the guy. But who doesn't
want to come play with Steph? Of course people people do,
They'll want to come to They're not gonna ky. Yeah,
I think that'd be great. Steve curR is a great coach.
Most of the players like him, and and for Draymond

and Clay, it's probably good they get to new teams.
That's what's got to happen. Because if they're just going
to continue on and say these guys will be warriors
for life, well guess what this is where they're gonna be.
They're gonna be right around the periphery of the plane
every year until they all decide to retire.

Speaker 4 (10:08):
Well, and I can tell you, and this particular game
against the Kings, you're into double digit turnovers for the
UH in the first half with a minute remaining, and
Steph Curry's only taking four shots.

Speaker 3 (10:20):
You're not winning a game when he takes four shots.
How about that?

Speaker 1 (10:24):
How about getting the ball up step so right now
fifty two forty six, where he's making a little bit
of a run the last couple minutes, but the Kings
do have the ball, they're going to the free throw line.
About a minute to go before halftime. We could have
about twenty five minutes left in the Golden State Warriors dynasty.

Speaker 4 (10:40):
You gonna we played boys to men? When when it ends?
Are they going to be in the studio? Oh, we'll
play boys and they get sent and gone fishing. If
they lose tonight, we'll play end of the Road here,
so and we played it. So hard to say goodbyey yesterday.

Speaker 3 (10:53):
Oh what we can have one or the other.

Speaker 1 (10:54):
Well, we can do both. It's so hard to say
goodbody yesterday. Yeah, they're both. Ye both, they're both appropriate,
both really good end of dynasty ballads.

Speaker 3 (11:02):
We're gonna do? What do we all? Mary mack is
making it this? Yeh Yeah, we're in the end of
the road. Were we do end of the Road? We'll
do Motown Philly. Do you played that for a odd couple?

Speaker 5 (11:11):

Speaker 1 (11:12):
Oh oh, they're already heavy rot sere talking about playing
songs every three hours.

Speaker 3 (11:15):
It's a heavy rotation. We'll do end of the Road. Yea,
the road, Okay, into the road sounds good. People are
actually listening to this show. Fox's Radio.

Speaker 1 (11:26):
No Jason Smith, Mike Harmon live from the tirec dot
coms to thank you, mister, help again without the racism,
remember without the right, without without without Chris Bussard, side
out the racism to get a hell of a plug.

Speaker 3 (11:38):
Look just really quick because.

Speaker 1 (11:39):
We want to update, update you all on what's going
on with Zion Williamson. No definitive, I would say answer
on his injury. He left the Lakers game tonight with
about three and a half minutes left to go, coming
down awkwardly after a jumper. He missed the last three
and a half minutes. The Lakers pulled out the victory.
They move on to the play seven seed and now

the Pelicans await the winner of this game on Friday night.
For Zion, it is a lower left leg injury of
some kind. We don't know. Willie Green gave the update
after the game, Pelicans said coach saying he's gonna have
some imaging tomorrow and then we will know more good news.
And Zion's able to walk it off. He's able to

walk off and stop off the wore. I don't understand
why he's stomping off. Here's a good stump when he's
injured a leg. I think you want to help him
off the floor. But whatever. But that's what we know
right now for Zion Williams, and if we get any
more information throughout the course to night, we'll let you
know about that very big deal because Zion had an
unbelievable game and then in what is turning into being
the night that represents his career, he plays great for

forty five minutes, forty points, he's unstoppable, and then he
gets hurt and the biggest moments of the game, when
the Pelicans could have pulled it out, he misses. The
Lakers win, they move on, the Pelicans have one more game.

Speaker 4 (12:55):
To try to save their and then he had that
play that Lebron drew the charge on that you would
have been on the Guys checked Up segment years ago.

Speaker 3 (13:03):
So that's where we sit right now. Big goings on
in the NBA.

Speaker 1 (13:06):
About fifteen seconds from halftime, the Warriors are gonna go
into this with at a deficit against the Sacramento Kings.
They lead it fifty four to fifty right now with
just a few seconds left to go. But coming up next,
boy got big news out of Major League Baseball are
a couple of big time teams in trouble early wo
keep right here, that's latest here.

Speaker 2 (13:28):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 1 (13:39):
Two NBA Insiders podcasting twice a week to plug you
right into the NBA Great Five.

Speaker 6 (13:45):
All happening in only one place, This League Uncut, the
New NBA Podcast with Me, Chris.

Speaker 3 (13:52):
Haynes and me Mark Stein join us as we.

Speaker 6 (13:55):
Team up to expound on everything we're covering. Hearing and Chason.

Speaker 3 (14:00):
Into this League Uncut with Chris Haynes and Mark Stein.

Speaker 6 (14:03):
On the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts or wherever you get
your podcasts.

Speaker 1 (14:09):
You have to trade Draymond. He's their leading score. At halftime.

Speaker 3 (14:16):
You just don't realize that the dynasty is over. Don't
say it's over, baby, don't say it's over.

Speaker 1 (14:24):
Fox Sports Radio, The Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon
li from the ti Raq dot Com Studios. Halftime and
it's the Kings by four. We could have twenty four
minutes left in the Warriors dynasty.

Speaker 3 (14:38):
But joining us now in a hotline.

Speaker 1 (14:40):
The man who was so incredibly happy because David Stearns,
his former classmate is rocking it with the mets O boy,
but unfortunately Red Wings fan that he is. MLB network
insider John Paul Morosi joins US now JP. It was
still an unbelievable season for the Red Wings.

Speaker 5 (14:58):
It was indeed, that is the real ending to it.
To get you caught up, let's go what as we
called in the industry, a TikTok of the pivotal moments. Tonight,
the Red Wings find away three seconds left, David Brown scores,
they force overtime. They've got to win this game and

have the Capitals lose to make the playoffs, so they
find a way. They get the game to ot. They
win in a shootout. But while all this is happening,
the Philadelphia Flyers, not realizing that by the Red Wings
moving onto overtime and getting that point that they would
have then knocked the Flyers out of the playoff conversation.

They pull their goalie in a tie game. So, just
for all the new hockey fans out there, you would
not typically do that. Okay, you would not typically pull
your goalie in a tie game. But they pull their
goalie in a tie game. The Capitals get an empty
netter and the Wings are eliminated. It is a surreal

ending the Wings great building block season, but oh so
close within Dare I say, one coaching decision, perhaps away
from making the postseason? What an extraordinary night in the NHL?

Speaker 2 (16:18):
Go for it up, fourth down?

Speaker 1 (16:19):
Well here, but here's the thing is, and the thing
is JP and this is really a horrible thing towards
Someone's got to tell them what's going on, because going
in the whole strategy for the Flyers was they had
to win in regulation, like they couldn't go to overtime,
like the only way they would stay alive, they had
to win in regulation. So it was so the whole
thing was, hey, if it's tied at the end, they

got to pull the goalie and get a goal. That's
what they did. Of course, Washington scores the empty netter.
But someone's got You gotta have the coach to have
somebody going, hey, hey, Red Wings scored, it's going overtime.

Speaker 2 (16:51):
We're good, We're good.

Speaker 3 (16:52):
You gotta have somebody that can do that, you know,
somebody you can say, hey, hey, I know we're in
the game, but we don't need to do oh man.

Speaker 5 (16:59):
That's whose job was that, and again it's not let's
be fair here, it's not the flyer's job to worry
about the Detroit Red Wings. It's not their responsibility. But
it does appear that if they were communicating in real time, Hey,
the Red Wings made it to overtime, they got a point.

We're out. But just play this straight up and see
what happens. I get it, and listen the Red Wings
from having watched this team carefully, they dropped plenty of
points in December. They've dropped plenty of points in March
that they shouldn't have dropped. That any one of those
points would have gotten them in it. Honestly, guys. It
had the feeling of I'm not going to spoil it

for those who have not done this, but had some
similarity to the final episode of Ted Lasso a little
bit in some in some small ways had some I
hope I'm not spoiling it for anybody. If you're listening
to this program and you've never watched Ted, my condolences

first of all, and second of all, what happened in
the Wings tonight a little bit of a reminder to
do f C Richmond.

Speaker 1 (18:11):
So wait, JP, So what was the final play for
the Red Wings to score with three seconds left.

Speaker 3 (18:15):
The sandman, what did they do? What was the play
they used?

Speaker 1 (18:19):

Speaker 5 (18:19):
Hey, hey, all I can say is football is life.
Football is life, and hockey is life too, and you
know what baseball is life as well.

Speaker 4 (18:29):
Yeah, congratulations to Denver taking down Boston College to win
the Frozen Four as well. So we've covered hockey. Now
let's get into Major League baseball. Should Dodger fans be panicking?

Speaker 5 (18:39):
Ooh, that's a big question, And of course, as we
speak right now, they're in a pretty tight game against
the Nationals. Panic is a strong word Astros fans. I
might be a little more on board with them panicking.
But Dodger fans, to borrow the famous phrase, they are
who we thought they were. They are because they have

one pitching injury in Bobby Miller, on top of still
not having Buehler, and of course Kershaw is not ready yet.
So when you have this level of attrition with your
starting rotation, and you have to go to a six
man rotation to make sure that Yamamoto is adjusted to

the major league schedule, and you've got to intersplice bullpen
games and openers and calling guys up for the minor
leagues because you're also worried about the workload of Tyler Glass.
Now this is what's gonna happen. You're gonna have stretches
where your pitching gets a little bit upside down for
a week or ten days, and you're all of a

sudden not as good as as you're expected to be
for that short amount of time. Now, this team is
going to the playoffs. I'm gonna give a spoiler alert here.
The Dodgers are going to be a playoff teamer. Okay,
but but if this I will say, this is last
couple of weeks to me has reaffirmed this is not

a team that's threatening the Mariners record from two thousand
and one. This team is a great team, a great
collection of talent, but on a functional day to day basis,
it has laws, and the most significant flaw is the

lack of a steady, drum beat, consistent five starter rotation.
They don't have it, and I don't know if they
ever will this year. If they're going to keep Yamamoto
on a six six day rotation, and that is where
they are at. So this is a team that is
is about preparing for October and if with the extra

rest of October it allows them to have roll out
of rotation that has they hope by then a healthy body.
Miller had a healthy Walker, Bueler had a healthy Clayton
Kershaw up with Yamamoto and Glass now and the cast
of thousands. It's all great, but there's gonna be some
turbulence between now and then. And for that reason, look
at the National League, guys. Look at the number of

teams that have records that are the same or better
than the Dodgers. Look at the Braves, maybe a little
bit vulnerable with Spencer Strider up for the season. This
is not the big two in the Little thirteen right
now in the National League, it's a much closer league
than a lot of people thought it was going to be.

Speaker 1 (21:30):
Hey, just wait for the Dodgers to win all those games,
getting the playoffs and the eighty five win Mets behind
Adrian Houser and Jose, But the're.

Speaker 3 (21:39):
All going to come in and beat the Dudson.

Speaker 5 (21:41):
They're in the conversation. I think Carlos Mendoza was the
right choice as the manager. And again I'll say this, Jason,
they're playing well enough that it's not going to be
a slam dunk easy decision to trade ped Alonso. That
to me is going to be a brilliant case. And
that's where, with all due respect my old teammate David Stearns,

when you think about how you utilized the Milwaukee Brewers,
Ross remembered he traded Josh Hater and that trade did
not work. I think it's one of the moves that
he probably regrets from his time with the Brewers. But
you can make that move in Milwaukee, and it's not
going to necessarily be something that you hear about every

day from everybody. As you know Jason Smith, It's not
quite like that in New York.

Speaker 1 (22:33):
Hey, And when you talk to Sternsey again in the
next few days, tell him I give him a solid
B plus so far for everything he's done. It would
be an AFR defense was a little bit better, but
he gets a solid B plus for me.

Speaker 5 (22:45):
So far, specifically specifically, next time I text him and
I'm happy to do this. Do you have a recommended
Jason Smith approved lineup decision that you would like me
to convey? Oh?

Speaker 3 (22:59):
Yes, yes, Darto Tanni at d H every day.

Speaker 5 (23:02):
Right, So that would be if that were to happen
in the course of phone call. I would have to
go because that would be the biggest trade in baseball history.
But but I'll say this, if you have a suggestion
to offer, I mean this sincerely, Okay, based on based
on current personnel, just let me know. At times I

will tax Aj Hinch with suggestions that my family offers
because they're all very serious Tiger fans. Wow, okay, and
not like, hey, Aj, you should do this, more like
my dad really likes Folly. You did a good job
of closing with fully. My dad likes the decision we

need more fully in the ninth inning. Things like that.

Speaker 1 (23:49):
I will so I could do this with the Mets.
This is like when George Costanzi with Seinfeld. I could
be in on trades, Jerry trades. This is me having
a real life voice with the Mets.

Speaker 5 (23:59):
But you gotta know my style here, I've got and
you know this about me. I'm not one of those
uh hyper critical uh Monday morning quarterback guys. I'm more
I'm more about positive affirmation. Look, Jason Smith thinks Alonso
should stay in New York. You know, Uh, Jason likes

the idea of Jason likes to he sees from Beaty
a third base he's got. He's settling into more of
a role. Those types of things are okay, more of
an affirmation guy, that sort of idea.

Speaker 1 (24:35):
I got one for I got a quick one for you,
because that Harmon's gonna get it on the Astros because
everybody's happy about that. I got one for you. I
got serious, I got one for you. At some point,
Christian Scott's got to come up right.

Speaker 3 (24:47):
You come up right.

Speaker 5 (24:50):
The Mets farm system is uh as I'm transitioning here
to Mike's question, the Mets farm system is in a
better place than the Astros farm system because the Astros
have had to make some moves to sustain this team
for a long time. I'm thinking that the Astros streak

of ALCS appearances will end this year because they do
not have a stat analogue to call up right now
in their protess. How about that for a transition.

Speaker 3 (25:22):
That's pretty good transition.

Speaker 4 (25:23):
He's JAPAMROSI at John Rossie where you find him on Twitter.

Speaker 3 (25:27):
Leave out the h because Mom said so.

Speaker 4 (25:28):
I'm on j O N M O R O S
I MLB Network are Insider here joins us each week
on the show Jason Smith with me and Mike Harmon
here from the Tirack dot Com Fox Sports Radio Studios.

Speaker 3 (25:41):
Yeah, it's you.

Speaker 4 (25:42):
Know, we're watching the Warriors and they're playing tournament game
here JP. So, same kind of idea with the Astros,
a bunch of injuries and kind of wishing and hoping
to get that pitching staff right. Meanwhile Al Tuve putting
up his numbers but not getting a lot of support.
So I don't think too many people are crying. I
was going to make it a five minute soliloquy about

how you have to take my manifesto to the desk
of the White Sox. But I don't imagine you're going
to be assigned any more of those games because there's
nobody watching those.

Speaker 5 (26:13):
Oh I'm watching the White Sox carefully. It's of course
led by a fellow Michigan native and Chris Getz. But
you make a very good point.

Speaker 4 (26:21):
Can you Can you send him by notes because I
agree with a lot of what A. J. Prazinski had
to say.

Speaker 5 (26:27):
The notes there would say when will Luis Robert Junior?
Be healthy? When will you on Moncata be healthy? There's
a lot of questions about when when the next generation
is coming up, let me know when Colson Montgomery is ready.
That'll be another one that I'm talking about.

Speaker 3 (26:43):
Make sure he actually hits more than once every week.

Speaker 5 (26:46):
But yeah, right, the pride, the pride of Jasper, Indiana.
But yet so at any rate, So the question about
the Astros, I I'm a little bit worried about the
way their rotation is set up. A lot of injuries
there and and Verlander gave up a number of runs
in his last reab out ing. I just don't I
don't see it coming together. And there's gonna be a year.

And this is interesting where if it doesn't come together,
do you trade Bregman? Do you trade Tucker? Now? Bregman's
a free agent after the season, Tucker's a free agent
after next season. They're not there yet, but you do
start to wonder where, honestly, in by you, there would
be at least as much of a case to trade

Bregman as it would be for the Mets to trade Alonso.
And by the way, now that we're on the subject
of the NBA playing tournament, how are the Pistons doing
in their playing tournament?

Speaker 3 (27:41):
Oh, they're doing well, you know, they didn't lose tonight.

Speaker 5 (27:45):
Okay, so it's good they did not lose. An understanding
is my understanding is the Pistons have fared so well
that they have been promoted directly to next season.

Speaker 3 (27:54):
Yes, that's right, that's right.

Speaker 1 (27:56):
I think they actually they go past next season into
twenty twenty six.

Speaker 5 (28:00):
Yes, right, so, and this is where I think I think,
uh the NBA Commissioner's office for not instituting performance promotion
and relegation, because otherwise we'd be down to the G
League or maybe maybe maybe the Z League at this point,
based on the way that the business to play.

Speaker 3 (28:20):
Hey, JP, real fast for you. Let you go look.

Speaker 1 (28:22):
The biggest story in baseball yesterday the surprise retirement of
John Sterling, thirty years played by playman for the Yankees.
Three generations of fans grew up listening to John Sterling.
What was your reaction when you heard that news? And
you know, here's a guy whose voice is synonymous with
Major League Baseball and the most historic team is stepping away.

Speaker 5 (28:42):
Sure, iconic voice, True, gentlemen. I always enjoyed my conversations
with John when I see him in the press box.
And one of the to me, one of the great
marks of a broadcaster is that whenever any player would
sign with the Yankees, the question instantly was us john
Sterling's home run call going to be for um? And

And that's that's some serious currency in a in a
profession that changes a lot, and and people come and go.
The consistency of what he's been able to do is
really really special. And I think too the way in
which he truly was comfortable being himself. Any of us

that's ever spoken into a microphone in this business, we've
had the same advice. Someone says, hey, you got to
be yourself, which which is great advice, it's hard to
follow sometimes because it's it is a competitive business. And
and you got a microphone there. And we're always, you know,
in the public eye to an extent, or at least
the public year. And and I love that John Sterling

has been, always will be John Sterling. And he never
was trying to do an impersonation of anybody else. He
was being himself. And listen, he had an amazing raven
before baseball. He did the NBA, The Hawks called some
great games of Dominique Wilkins. But I think he's certainly
he's the voice of Yankees, the voice of baseball and
and someone whose voices is a huge part of the

way that a lot of people experience the game. And
I'm gonna miss seeing him around the press box, but
I'm gonna cherish all the conversations that we've had.

Speaker 1 (30:20):
And if he was on with us right now, he
would say, John Paul Morosi, we say AUDIOSI We'll see
you next time.

Speaker 3 (30:27):
JP, is well done?

Speaker 2 (30:29):
You like that?

Speaker 5 (30:29):
Now? That that everyone was was extemporaneous radio brilliance from
my friend Jason Smith.

Speaker 1 (30:38):
Hey, I gotta earn my keep. If I want you
to give messages to David Stearns, I got. I gotta
make sure I'm gonna high level, keep going.

Speaker 5 (30:46):
Keep building the building the faith, my friend. I love
it very much, Jason, Mike, I look for to this
every week. Thanks so much.

Speaker 3 (30:51):
Good buddy, Well top cat did that?

Speaker 5 (30:54):

Speaker 1 (30:55):
I could, I mean I could have input on the
Mets person. This is like the greatest moment of my life.

Speaker 4 (31:01):
I saw you order a whiteboard for this studios.

Speaker 3 (31:06):
He's got a grease borned markers coming trades, Jerry, I
could be making tray.

Speaker 4 (31:12):
All of a sudden, He's hooking up all these data
feeds tracking minor leaders across organizations.

Speaker 3 (31:18):
This is all you know. I have something to do
with your days.

Speaker 1 (31:21):
I can't play short stop anymore for the Mets, but
I could be in on personnel decisions.

Speaker 3 (31:26):
It's gonna be, man, this is it.

Speaker 1 (31:29):
It's just like being an unpaid intern, but being at
the very highest level of them.

Speaker 3 (31:34):
Break is finally happen.

Speaker 4 (31:35):
It Man, all these years is about the Mets. I
just wanted him running the Mets. I just wanted to
get my seven hundred and fifty page manifesto to the
White Sox front of This.

Speaker 1 (31:48):
Is the greatest table my life. You are so happy, Trades.
I could be making personel decisions.

Speaker 3 (31:55):
For the Mets. I could be in this. You texted
Pam just now you you texted Pam texting my dad.
Hey Dad, guess one. Guess who's they not? Personnel decisions now? Yeah.

Speaker 1 (32:09):
Well, while I get my list of demands ideas ready
for the Mets. Coming up next, a huge retirement in
the NBA. Today, we'll break it down next. Jason to
Mike Fox.

Speaker 2 (32:19):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern seven
PM Pacific.

Speaker 1 (32:27):
All right, Harmon, I got four suitors for Alonzo interested already.
I'm ready personnel decisions with the Mets. I don't got
to worry about all the other crazy ass stuff that
that general managers and presidents don't have to worry about.
Where It's like we had about payroll and all kinds
of stuff and appearances. No, I can just concentrate on
who I like, who should be playing where and what.

Speaker 4 (32:47):
No, that's good, but I think you should keep an
eye on that. We had a situation here in Los
Angeles where people didn't follow their dollars and it created
a very bad situation. I understand she swept under a rug,
but but this is, this is I don't have to
worry about like I could let other.

Speaker 3 (33:02):
People people do their jobs.

Speaker 1 (33:04):
I just I am just just giving ideas through John
Paul Morosi to David Stearns about what I think for
the Mets. Were you hacking into somebody's rolodex that you
were able to get those numbers and correspondence flowing quite
so quickly? I mean that was what four minutes minutes?
You know, you call it hacking. I call it just
finding things on it.

Speaker 4 (33:23):
And you and I I mean we recorded a video.
I'm not I'm not giving that guy money to post
longer video. So I'll find a different place for that
to live. I'll let you know when it's up here
in a minute. But I mean we we did spend
two minutes, so that in less than three minutes, you
found four suitors.

Speaker 3 (33:39):
Yeah, four set. I gotta make sure you know, Hey,
if things got to move, we gotta move. I got
a real one for you, though.

Speaker 1 (33:43):
What do you got Frostburg? Your Schmets are in town
this weekend? Yeah, buddy, are we going ready for this?

Speaker 3 (33:48):
Buddy? Go ahead?

Speaker 1 (33:49):
Like you want to go see a blowout the Mets
get destroyed? Yeah, I don't want to see.

Speaker 3 (33:57):
He went else. Alonzo got to them be Alonzo trade
to the Dodgers. Okay? Four? Okay? A bat and two hats?
Are you gonna.

Speaker 1 (34:11):
Separate me from from my wife? So does the sugar
lady come with him?

Speaker 2 (34:19):

Speaker 1 (34:19):
No, you know my ideal If you want ped Alonzo,
it's a no no, no, lifetime preferential parking free, parking free,
Nacho helmet.

Speaker 3 (34:28):
You make like two million dollars here? You know what
I want?

Speaker 1 (34:31):
I told you what I would have given for the
Otani ball. This is what I get for Alonzo.

Speaker 3 (34:35):
You didn't deny it, Mike, same thing. By the way,
your your demands were terrible. They were good. They were
better than what she got. Well.

Speaker 1 (34:42):
Yeah, free part, free preferred parking for the rest of
her life at a game, free helmet, nachos and unlimited
non alcoholic drinks, and a free hat fitted hat every
game I came to.

Speaker 3 (34:56):
Yeah, eventually they did get the meet and greet. But
here's the thing. Nobody had sees the retraction or the
correction of what you do, so you still look like
a bunch of jackasses from the original. And Jason, you
do realize your request is only like twenty.

Speaker 1 (35:09):
Grand, right, But that's okay. But you know you have
any idea how much die coke? I can drink it?

Speaker 3 (35:14):
Again? You really cost literally nothing.

Speaker 1 (35:17):
You have no idea for a seven dollar diet Coke
I can I can do like ten of them easy
at it.

Speaker 3 (35:23):
Coke cost them zero zero dollars what they charge for it?
I get that.

Speaker 1 (35:27):
Watch just watch. The fitted hats are fifty bucks. The
parking's got to be a couple hundred bucks. Remember how
fifty is what.

Speaker 4 (35:34):
You pay all I gotta say is this, his agent
must be a wizard based on the way he's negotiating
for himself.

Speaker 3 (35:41):
His agent's gandal.

Speaker 1 (35:44):
But that's right.

Speaker 3 (35:44):
But just think about the big hat and everything.

Speaker 1 (35:46):
John Paul Morosi said, I'll get your thoughts to David Stearns.

Speaker 3 (35:50):
I revalidated you. Really, you've never felt so seen in
your life.

Speaker 1 (35:56):
You think, I'm like, here's here's you really couldn't go
back and start giving out.

Speaker 3 (36:00):
That's like the kid you always wanted to be. Hey,
look at me, I'm an influencer.

Speaker 1 (36:04):
Here's MLB network inside of John Paul Morosi because he
knows he's friends with met's president, David sterns, if.

Speaker 5 (36:10):
You have a suggestion to offer, I mean this sincerely, okay,
based on based on current personnel, just let me know.
At times I will.

Speaker 3 (36:20):
Yeah, and that's where he cut out. I have the
rest of it. Yeah, we didn't roll on the rest
of it, he said.

Speaker 1 (36:29):
At times if I can't believe we had technical difficulties
with the greatest moment of my life.

Speaker 3 (36:33):
At times, I will send texts to him and let
him know that.

Speaker 1 (36:36):
Because he does it with his family with aj Hansha,
my dad like this my dad like that, that's what
you're saying, he said, And that's what he said. Get
the whole thing ready so we could play it back.

Speaker 3 (36:45):
There's no proof you can't. Mary Mack. Do you like
to work here? You've been doing a nice job here.
But I could have you.

Speaker 1 (36:51):
I could have like that, Like it's one of those
movies where you could disappear and no one will ever
find you.

Speaker 3 (36:57):

Speaker 2 (36:58):
Is that the right.

Speaker 3 (36:59):
I'm just saying how they were talking about the movie Radio.
I'm just saying how works, and no one will ever
find you. No one ever find you. They won't know,
they won't know how it goes. Hey, yeah, but what
if she's Rosamund Pike. You're screwed.

Speaker 1 (37:13):
We'll have more on the Greatest Day of My Life
and a huge story out of the NBA next on
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