All Episodes

April 18, 2024 36 mins

Jason and Mike react to the breaking Jimmy Butler injury news. NBA gives lifetime ban to Jontay Porter for gambling. Plus, Jason tells you why Bill Belichick’s NFL Career is over!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to The Jason Smith Show with Mike
Harmon podcast. Be sure to catch us live every weeknight
ten pm to two am Eastern seven to eleven pm
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Speaker 2 (00:22):
Please give this you're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (00:29):
Hello, Welcome in side our two, The Jason Smith Show
with my bass friend Mike Harmon, live from the Tirack
dot Com studios tirec dot com. I hope you get there.
An unmatched selection, fast free shipping, free road hazard protection,
and over ten thousand recommended installers. Tirack dot com the
way tire buying. It should be well right now. NBA Playoffs,

we had the playing game earlier tonight. Sixers beat the
Eat one O five, one oh four halftime bowls over
the Hawks seventy three sixty seven. Yes, this game is
nash televised. How dare you keep saying that it will
make sure that just because these teams both STAK doesn't
mean they're not on national television. It's a fun thing
it's the playoffs. They're on. It's fun, eh kind, Okay, fine, sure,

it's now get over it. Fine, well, okay, fine. But
as we talked about Zion Williamson's injury a few moments ago,
he is out for a Friday night against Sacramento, likely
out at least another couple of weeks. We talked about
his future and where it's at right now with him.
The immediate future for Jimmy Butler is now in question.

He was seen leaving the game tonight limping. A lot
of video of him walking off, limp, walking off the court, limping,
walking out of the locker room, limping as he was
leaving for the team bus. And now we have breaking
news on Jimmy Butler from Moncy Bolagos, who has the
latest on this story.

Speaker 3 (01:49):
Moncey, you guys, I'm wearing my Yimmy shirt.

Speaker 1 (01:52):
What a terrible moment right now, you know, I celebrate
big Head coffee, Like maybe this is your fault, Maybe
this is I hate you so much.

Speaker 3 (02:01):
Really mad Jimmy Butler. Guys, that Sham's just tweeted this
of the athletic that they fear that it's an MCL
injury in his knee. The injury. They think he's gonna
be sidelined for an indefinite period of time.

Speaker 1 (02:17):
MRI to come to.

Speaker 2 (02:18):
Confirm all this.

Speaker 3 (02:19):
Here is Eric Spolstra after the game about the knee.

Speaker 4 (02:23):
He's putting himself out there, and I just really appreciate
him for that competitive spirit that really stiffened up on
him in the second half. You know, he's able to
still move a little bit in that second quarter after it,
but then as the as the second half went on,
started to limit him a little bit more just the movement.

Speaker 1 (02:41):
But we'll see.

Speaker 4 (02:42):
Uh, but we have no idea of if you know
right now, We'll see when we get back to Miami.

Speaker 1 (02:48):
I'm so sad it is.

Speaker 4 (02:50):
I'm so sad.

Speaker 1 (02:51):
It's shocking. It's shocking.

Speaker 3 (02:53):
I wasn't expecting this.

Speaker 1 (02:54):
No, no, no, And I've got a salty about it myself.
I'm a big Jimmy Butler and I'm sad for the
hell is going on with that. And it was gonna
be the heat against the Bulls, Yeah, okay.

Speaker 3 (03:05):
Against the bulls, heat against the Celtics.

Speaker 1 (03:07):
You guys are both like Johntay Porter, like you put
money on something and now they're gonna the Knicks fans
not sad about that. No, I don't care we're not
playing the Heat. It's because I don't care back they
play the Knicks. I don't get that out. I don't
care that you can. I will play anybody anywhere, anytime, anywhere,
any time you're gonna wear that week. Was that that

was at the podium. Was that the Vincenzo that was
saying that anytime any We're not ducking anybody. Next attitude, Nick,
we got that nude back in that New York groove
kind of attitude, going, uh so there it is. It's okay, Monty,
do you're doing okay, Mighty Mouse, Yeah, okay, you're right.
Sure this sucks. You do really you see really said,

I know, I understand. Wow, this is me too, I
know how we up. Hey, you know Clippers talking about
talking about what a guy on my team gets hurt
or res out. You go, oh Smith.

Speaker 2 (04:04):
Stepping on your head.

Speaker 1 (04:05):
When Monsey played, She's oh, hey, it's okay, hell man,
he likes me better than you like picturing. I love
Oh that Suddenly, Hey man, Jimmy's not available anymore. Next guy,
next man, Mony, thanks very much. Do you need a
couple of minutes if you need I would like a

couple of minutes. All right, very good, there you go.

Speaker 3 (04:28):
There, I would like a drink. Can you make that one
happen to you?

Speaker 1 (04:30):
What would you like? Rob Roy? Yeah? Sure, you had
a Robber Roy?

Speaker 5 (04:34):

Speaker 1 (04:34):
What a movie that one is? How disturbing is that?
Like an Arnold Palmer? Arnold? What the hell is actually?
Arnold Palmer is lemonade? Nice tea? That's it? That's it?
Rob Roy is not? Okay? Yeah?

Speaker 2 (04:50):

Speaker 1 (04:51):
You want that? You want to robb Roy?

Speaker 2 (04:52):
What's in it?

Speaker 1 (04:53):
How about a Harvey wallbanger? That one sounds funner? But
funner is a fun in California.

Speaker 3 (05:01):
It's funner.

Speaker 1 (05:02):
That sounds more fun. That sounds like I don't want
to be correct.

Speaker 3 (05:05):
Okay, wow, be correct, Jimmy Butler is her?

Speaker 1 (05:07):
I don't want to be correct? All right? You is wrong?
I don't want to be right. I actually added that
to my playlist just the other day. Do you actually
know what's in a rob Roy? Though? Rob Roy? It
is whiskey, yep, and chicken, and we're ordering chicken that's
separate and onions. What's in it is vermouth, whiskey and

bitters okay, just like you when the Knicks go down
in defeat to the Philadelphia seventies. About that today, what
sounds better Moncie rob Roy or Arnold Palmer A rob Roy? Okay,
very well, work on the rob Roy, work on the
rob Roy. Good luck. Well, we'll check on you in
a few minutes. Uh So, they look obviously a huge
injury here. And best thoughts to Jimmy Butler, of course.

Uh again, limping leaving the court, limping when he was
leaving the arena, Norlon, you see a guy walking out
and he's limping. Okay, the guy might be all right,
but now you see the injury is not quite what
you thought it was gonna be. And this is the heat.
It's become a thing every year. It's no matter where
the heat finishes. Get ready, you're scared of the heat.

It's playoff, Jimmy, it's playoff heat. Here they come at Spolstra.
We have to give him as due is one of
the best coaches of the NBA, and we don't do
that so much. And all this stuff and we get
ready and now it looks like it could come to
a screeching halt for Jimmy Butler. And the heat on
Friday night. The way they've tried to navigate this season
has been fairly impressive. Now forty six thirty six regular

season lost tonight, but navigating without hero you've missed these
numerous players missed extensive time during the season, and the
ending of this game was insane. You have an intentional
foul called on an inbounds play which gives a free
throw to make it a four point game. They hit
the three with point three seconds left, and the ball

gets inbounded and embiiding Maxie collide and the ball goes
out of bounds, but zero point three seconds done, no review,
and you take the one point loss and move on
like the saltiness in that moment, and now you get
the you know, add the injury to the to that
wound to a bigger to make to widen this conversation out,

to make it bigger. And it's not going to happen
because we know this, because owners would lose money and
you can't give games back. But every year we see
it what happens an All Star team plus winds up
getting hurt in the NBA playoffs, And we watch an
NBA playoffs that the winning team generally is the one
who is healthiest all the way through to the end.

That's what you get because you see teams falter, like
the Lakers last year, because what they're old, they got tired.
You see teams falter because players get hurt and they
can't play, which is what happened last year all through
the Eastern Conference and the Miami Heats run. We had it,
you had the year before in the Western Conference. Here
we are now, we're not even two nights done with
the play in turn, and already two of the best

players in the league are done Zion and Jimmy Butler. Look,
the season is too long, all right, it is. It's
too much basketball. You don't need a you don't need
an eighty two game regular season. You don't need it.
It's too much basketball. You're asking guys to do too much.
The way the NBA has evolved over the last fifteen years,
the guys play a lot of basketball. They play basketball

in the offseason. Yes, I'd like to see them play
less basketball in the offseason, but the pounding and what
goes on, the physicality the game, it's just become too much.
It's become too much to ask players to say, hey,
as everybody's gotten bigger and stronger and the game's gotten
more physical, to say, all right, you're going to continue
to have you play this same schedule back to backs,
and there's gonna be soft tissue injuries, and there's gonna

be night you know, your body doesn't have as much
time to heal, and every playoff is going to be
this way now, it doesn't matter. Every playoff in the
NBA from now until the end of time is going
to be. Well, let's just hope you can stay healthy.
Let's hope somebody doesn't get hurt. And it's not something
where the air and tear of a whole season and
a short turnaround and a soft tissue injury. But this

is what we have. But we're not even two nights
in and already two of the biggest, most popular, best
players in the NBA are done and it doesn't like
they're gonna play again the rest of this year, Zion
Williamson and Jimmy Butler. And again, we've had three and
a half games. We've had three and a half games
and two players are already out looks like they're done.
So I'm telling you, I've said the NBA the season

is too long. And I don't mean it's too long
in that, hey, we don't need to start, you know, well,
certainly we don't need to start at the end in
the middle of October. But they just play too many games.
There's too many bounce backs, there's too many You put
too much mileage on the players every single year. And
the fact that all these starts. You can't tell me that, oh, well,

some teams have a better medical department. No, because you
see players all across the landscape that wind up getting
injured and missing games because of this. Because you're saying,
here's how big it is. Now we ratchet up in
the playoffs and we play even more. It's just it's
the war of attrition. This is what the NBA playoffs
has been. So get ready because this is what it's
gonna every year. It's gonna be, Hey, what do we

need to win? Stay healthy? Because who knows what you're
gonna like, I'm not looking ahead to the to the
Eastern Conference Finals for the Knicks or the Lakers. Looking ahead,
it's like, you don't know who's gonna be playing anywhere
by then. Is Jason Tatum gonna be healthy? You think so,
but maybe you know what, is Jalen Brunson gonna be healthy?
I hope so, but maybe I don't know, right, I mean,
but that's why to look and say, oh, you're gonna
get through here and through here and through here. You

just got to take the games in front of you.
And this is how it goes, because this is the
way the NBA playoffs is gonna go until you see
a big change, which again go back to owners aren't
gonna give back money. Players will give back money. So
this is just how the playoffs are gonna be. No,
it's the difficulty of trying to figure out, you know,
going through all the metrics and algorithms and data points
in terms of injury incidences and and is the raid

higher than it's been or do we just react because
of recency? Right that we've had these in our window
and they're two huge stars. To your point, the last
couple of years we've had a number of these players
go down. But I guess we can go every year
and just decide, all right, what's critical mass in that
regard the eighty two game schedule. Look, you added the

play in too, yay, because the Lakers are already one
Plus remember it was a lot of for the Lakers,
for the Clippers, for some of these teams, Like, all right,
they just need to get to April and then we'll
see what happens. I don't know. I don't know if
a guy's gonna be healthy. A lot of it's dumb luck.
But it's the same argument we're having in baseball, right,
trying to figure out, all right, if we're going to

put weights on the coefficients all these variables related to
pitchers getting hurt one after another. Right, we just saw
another reliever go down for the Angels, Stevenson done for
the year. Next man up, right, Strider goes down. The
Astros have had a number of guys hurt so verl
Anders coming back? Is it wise or are they desperate? Right?

Was he truly ready? And all of these things were Wait,
is it the torque on the elbow spin rate? You know,
repetitive stress? Do we not pitch them and hard enough?
You know, coming up the ladder like they did once
upon a time and guys were throwing fifteen to twenty
complete games a year, like we're having all of those arguments.
Likewise in the NBA, is like, is it because a

guy plays above the room. The Zion argument for Jimmy
Butler is it because he's played many a weary minute
on both ends of the court for his entirety of
his career. Because he's not a kid anymore. I think
guy's been in the league, what fourteen years. That's a
lot of miles, So you know, trying to figure out
root causes and effect. In the end, everybody's got to

give back a giant ass check, which ain't gonna happen,
So you just make the best of it and promote
what's left. Just stay healthy. That should be everybody's mantra
for the playoffs? Is it one a ring for the king?
Or that no, stay healthy, Stay healthy. You have the JF,
you have a chance to win, but legitimately your off season.
At this point, all the list of things that are
written into a contract that you can't do basketball has

to be in like thirty eight point front with some
kind of effect that can blink at you. Do not
play basketball. You're already playing enough minutes, you're already playing
enough games, and we're paying you one hundred million dollars.
So stay healthy. Exit out about a Fresca exit swollen
dome The Jason Smith Show with my best friend Mike
Carmon live from the Tirec dot Com studios. Again. Breaking

news in from Monte Bolano's broadcast from Shams Tarani of Yahoo.
Jimmy Butler mcl injury. Looks like he could be without
him for at least Friday in the winner go home
game that they will play against the winner of this
game between the Bulls and the Hawks, and probably longer again.
This is the NBA. Welcome to the playoffs this season

is too long? Exit out about a Fresca exit swollen dome.
Jason and Mike coming up next, Yes, wanted to bring
you that breaking news. We'll get into the big gambling
scandal in the NBA today and what to really know
and what to watch out for now that this stuff
has broken into the wide open. That's next right here,
Jason to Mike Fox. Are you tired of endlessly searching

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Speaker 2 (14:35):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.
Two NBA Insiders podcasting twice a week to plug you
right into the NBA Great Five.

Speaker 5 (14:52):
All happening in only one place. This League Uncut, the
new NBA podcast with me Chris Haynes and.

Speaker 2 (15:00):
Me Mark Stein join.

Speaker 5 (15:02):
Us as we team up to expound on everything we're
covering Hearing and Chason.

Speaker 1 (15:06):
Listen to This League Uncut with Chris Haynes and Mark Stein.

Speaker 5 (15:10):
On the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get
your podcasts.

Speaker 1 (15:16):
Oh oh, five seconds, Slow dance party. This is the instrumental.
By the way, Oh Monsi's got her light on her iPhone.
Hold it up for Jimmy Buckets while you're out it
pour one out for the Knicks. Dude, You're lucky you're
in the playoffs. It was never in down. You can't
you know what. Listen, I'm sorry, I can't hear you

from all the way up in second place, with you
all the way down in seventh place. I'm too far
high up in the standings to hear you say anything anymore.
I'm too far up here. You're all the way down here.
Good luck, good luck, luck, good luck, good luck. The
Nuggets are need luck. Good luck. Uh yes, big news
he talked about a few moments ago. According to Sham's

Tarania NBA Insider, it is feared that Jimmy Buckets suffered
an MCL injury and his status for Friday night's game
looks like he could be out for Friday and much longer.
They'll know more tomorrow, but he was limping leaving the
arena tonight after the loss of the seventy six ers,
and you got to think, if he's got an MCL injury,

he's not gonna be playing on Friday night. This is
just me and knowing what sports is like, and when
you hear what an injury is announced at, you kind
of know what it's gonna be. And I'm thinking, we're
not going to see him on Friday, and whoever wins
this game here between the the twenty four win Hawks
and the twenty nine win Chicago Bulls may have a
chance to win and actually get into the playoffs. Why kid,

you just celebrate it for what it is. It's the
playing tournament. It's a playoff game. To ride it and
mucket all the way. Kasm bucket was full after the
second sentence. No, I dumped out the sarcasm bucket. Now
we can fill it back up again. It's got all
the stuff ready in there. Discuss ago. The Bulls leave
the Hawks ninety three eighty five with four minutes to

go in the game. No, in the third quarter, still
a long way to go again, not a lot of
defense in this game. Chicago leeds Atlanta ninety three eighty five,
four and a half to go. In my eyes, it
is do your eyes hurt from seeing Quinn Snyder's red glasses?
I can't, I can't st I can't stop staring. I
like the style. I've got a pair of that I
got to pick up tomorrow. There every time they show

him on on on, every time they show him on
the sideline and look at him and I go, is
he gonna get really mad? And suddenly laser beams are
gonna come out of his eyes like he's Homelander and
the boys guys are gonna get incinerated. Like that's when
you got it. I can't start Robert Patrick or the
late great Ray Liota go ooh no, no, I think
more super Cube Cyborg Tar Patrick. Yeah, yeah, okay, now

I'm really thinking the boys. I really think like I
think like Homelander, Like he's like, there's gonna be lasers
come out of his eyes. Zy, it's gonna happen. He's
totally a Bond villain double Yeah. Yeah, he does look
ye oh the way tonight especially, Yeah, he does look.
And he's always got a mad look on his face.
Quinn Snyder's never really happy. I's got that something. Yeah,
he's crafty. We have a thirty for thirty on the

habits of Quinn Snyder coming. Uh no, but the Bulls
lead it by ten here with about three and a
half to go in the third quart. We'll have more
on that, more on the Jimmy Buckett's injury as we
find out about it. But today was a day of
the NBA. They would just like to forget, because anytime
you have to ban somebody for life for gambling. You
want to turn the page. Johntay Porter of the Toronto Raptors.

Maybe you know his name, maybe you don't, but now
after today you kind of do. As he has been
banned for life from the league for a huge gambling scandal,
which really and this is the scary part about the
John Tay Porter story is that this is not Hey,
he gambled on some games, and he did it from

the team premises, which you're not supposed to. He gambled
on some NBA games, which you're really not supposed to.
I mean, because there's gambling where you go, Okay, maybe
you shouldn't have done like Jamison Williams gambling from the
from the Lions, when if he not done that, he
would have been fine. Okay, you know. There there's a
and then there's Johntay Porter, who gambled on the Raptors

to lose his own team to lose and also through
prop bets that were put up there for him, for
statistical prop bets that are out there for every player.
One game where there was a huge amount of money
bet on a prop bet for him and he left
the game after three minutes, said he was ill. This
is one of the big red flags that went up

that that made the investigation happen. And this is how
Johntay Porter wound up getting suspended for life banned for
life by the NBA. And that's why this is such
a big deal is because of how it is. Again,
you can look at all gambling stories and say, well, well,
this is a bad decision. This is a bad thing
if you bet on another game and another okay, this is

I only did I gamble on my team to lose, yep,
I threw bets that people bet on myself. I mean,
this is like as bad as you could get for gambling.
This is like for the whole thing with Pete Roseen
was yeah, but Pete Rose he bet on baseball, but
he never bet on the Reds. Didn't bet in the game.
The Reds were involved in the Pete rose story. Now

would be a much different deal if it happened now
than when it happened in the in the nineteen nineties,
because now that it would be okay, Pete would get a
big suspension, don't do this, and then he's back managing
or whatever it is. But that was the whole thing
was I was, Yeah, I didn't gamble on his team, Okay, No,
this was I gambled on my team. I gambled on
them to lose, right, because it's one thing to gamble
on them to win. No, I gamlined to lose, and
they won all three of those games. And I threw

bets where people put prop bets down on me stat wise,
and I left one game after three minutes so somebody
could collect. I mean, this is as bad as it
gets for the NBA. This is the biggest nightmare where
it's okay, what's the I mean, the only thing that
for the NBA is that it's not a household name. Thankfully,
it's not a big star. It's not somebody that that

is that the league is promoted as. Hey, this is
someone who's fantastic. This is someone who not a lot
of people knew his name, just the brother of a
guy that's really famous. But for the influential and important,
but for the league, but for the league to sit
here and say and and look at this, this is like,
this is the worst nightmare that the NBA could have, Right,
But you know, at the same token it it are

by the same token it gives us you know, you
raise the hand and you always talk about checks and
balances in these processes, like, well it got flagged right
as as a problem. Someone's betting eighty thousand dollars in
prop bets on a guy that most of the fans
of the team couldn't pick out of the team roster
photo right from photo day. Who's that guy? Don't know?

But because that's the other part, right, the largess of
that bet in particular just leaves me confused because we
talk about limits and stuff all the time, but the
big lesson is that you get caught that there are
checks and balances and that they are being monitored. So
whenever there's the arguments and discussions and all of that

that goes about the integrity and sanctity of the game, well,
there are rules in place when it's regulated versus the
epay situation of a guy who's hanging out and the
back corridors trying to take bets. Right, So here you
have the regulatory arm that can come in and make

sure that there are watch dogs to catch these kind
of things. So that's good, So that part of the
process works, but you also you realize that it's something
the league is going to take very seriously. In this case,
you had the extra add salt to the wound of Hey,
let's all also point out that he lost these bets

right the way they phrased it. Oh yeah, yes, kind
of a yeah, screw you for bringing this on to
the game. And by the way, you also lost your ass.
Could you imagine what the what the story would have
been if it was he bet on his teams to
lose and they lost. Like, can you imagine we're now
going through this game with a fine tooth comb and
seeing what else is going on with this and everything

else here, but they wound up. Can you imagine what
that's going to be? You're saying, Okay, so you're telling
me there was an NBA game that was completely one
fixed by a player, like this is this goes back
to the nineteen twenties where guys would would meet with
gamblers and bars after games. Yeah, you need me to
go for Fordemar. Yeah, okay, I'll go for Fortemar. That's fine,
Like that's what this is, and I mean that that's
how that's how big a deal is. Reminds me, I

found you a kid gleasing card that I need to bring.
Oh man, kid Gleason. Yeah, no, it's good. You have
a signed Arnold Rostin you know what I'm working on that.
I'd like that for my personal collection. What about the
little champ you got any but tell little little Chimp,
I don't have a little Champions. You got him, you
got Sleepy Bill Burns strictly bench material. I'm gonna bring

you the set from eight Men out. You can just
have a set of Alady Billy bats. Billy keep him there, Billy,
keep him there. No, this this is awful, like in
a number of ways, and it's the worst fear of
all the leagues. Again, as you point out, it's good
that it's not one of your stars and you don't

have the scrutiny that you had for a couple of
weeks that everybody seems to be okay with them sweeping
under the rugs as far as the show Hao Tani situation.
But yeah, this is this is bad man. This is
this is headline that that rises up and you know,
swift action once again. So yay Adam Silver. Now, well,

there's there's two things I want to get into on this.
The first one is that I can't thankfully. I always
think like if you're if you're do something wrong and
you are committed to doing something wrong that I'm I
don't know if it's just something that happens or if
the fates help us, but like it's good that when
something like this happens, people are stupid. Like the only

reason we found this out is is because people decided
to put large bets on on on a prop bet
for Jontay Porter. It's like, wait, someone's putting ninety thousand
dollars on a prop bet for Johntay red flag, red flag? No, No,
can't put a three thousand dollars probably something else, but
even dollars? Is it an incredible amount of money to
be betting on a guy who barely registers in a

box score? Jason, Like, that's that's the point. Like I
did the show Sunday Morning, you know Fox Sports Sunday
along with Jeff Schwartz. You know, he's up for awards
for the Bare Bets podcast. He's been part of the
Countdown to kick Off, Countdown to tip Off and such,
and he talks about being limited to twenty dollars bets
and he's not you know, a guy that's taken down

the house, like he bets and he's knowledgeable. But on
a lot of these online sportsbook he's talking about twenty dollars,
thirty dollars are the limits. He's me someone else can
put an eighty thousand dollars better, Like this isn't hey,
Lebron's gonna have a triple double where there's a lot
of interest, And it's okay, fine, you know there's a
lot of bets on Lebron. We can take an eighty

thousand dollars. How much in bets do you think they
took on Porter? Right? Yeah, I mean it's you know,
it's a hey, oh it's I could easy find the
red flag. I can easily find here, and and and
I mean this is something I'm not the greatest detective
in the world right because I'm not like Batman. I'm
not one for details like that. Yeah, fine, get fingerprints whatever.
It's just a pain in the ass. You look like

somebody who did it. But even I could follow this.
Let's get you in a journey. I say, he looks guilty.
I saw he's wearing two different shoes. I subscribe to
the bob blah blah arrested development theory of crime. Why
should you go to jail for a crime just because
somebody saw you do it like that. That's my fod mind.

That was his thing. He was a lawyer. Bob blah blah.
That's a blab blah best name ever indeed, blah blah.
We don't have time for nonsense with Bob blah blah.
Uh is you know even I could follow this trail,
Even I could follow this to say, oh, you're guilty.
And the second part of it is this, This is
the dangerous part that I don't think people kind of
understand now with the increase in prop bets. And you

could even say that the the the old standard bets
of betting a team against the spread, to win, to lose,
to cover, right, that's always been the bread and butter
of the industry. But you can tell now that it's
branching out. And whereas maybe it had a huge slice
of the pie when it came to overall gambling numbers, Hey,

what are people betting teams against or for the number?
Now you're seeing a much bigger piece of the pie
carved out by these prop bets. Why is this so
dangerous is because if you're one guy, right, let's just
you're you're John You're Jonte Porten. Will stop stop? That
was free chicken. That was free chicken. Tell me it

didn't impact some bets. What do you want? What do
you want to do? You want John Wick to beat
him and beat him to death with a book again, sorry, spoiler,
you want that to happen? Come on, man, just say, look,
I love the fact that they got some free chicken.
Don't get me wrong, however, chicken we're ordering it is
your chicken. We just did. But it's the conversation. But
that you're speaking of rightly missed it, right. But here's

the thing is that is that when is the number
of bets that come in now that all fall unto
the prop bet category? Is that I don't know why
you would even try to If you're going to fix
a game, all you need to worry about is the
prop bet on yourself. I don't know why you even
try to say I'm gonna bet my team to lose
here because you don't have as much control of that.
Let's say you only play eighteen minutes. You could play

crappy for eighteen minutes and your team can still win
the game. But with the amount of interest now and
more money going in on all the different kinds of betting.
That's cutting into the big number that used to be
just win lose cover the point spread. This is where
this can get really out of hand fast, because all
I have to do is say, hey, hey, you want
to bet against me? Bet against me tomorrow night. Don't go.

Don't be stupid with the money. Don't be stupid. I
told you have to be stupidnymore on. Don't be stupid
with the money and you'll make it. I'll do it
for you tomorrow. How easy is that for a guy
to do? For a guy to come for a guy
who especially is a bench player and not somebody like
a like a Lebron or an ad or a Yo
Kitch or whoever it is, say oh yeah, boy, I
can't believe. How do you have a night? You're two

for eighteen? Never be two forre eighteen from the floor.
But if you're, if you're one of those guys, it
plays a handful of minutes and you get prop bets
on there. Hey guess what, man, you could you could
fix that really easy. You just have to not be stupid.
And these people were stupid. I can't help it. I
gotta put eighty thousand dollars on a Jontay Porter bed. Oh,
I guess what you're gonna get found out now? So
I mean, it's it's that easy to take it back.

Take it back, said my mother's name. It's good name.
Take it back. Exit out Vodopretska, Exit swollen dumb, The
Jason Smith Show and Mike Carmon liveth Tirech dot Com Studios.
I got big Fred Flintstone feed. I cannot well they're
why why?

Speaker 2 (30:02):

Speaker 1 (30:03):
Like now they're wide and ninjaternal fingers yeah, oh no, yeah,
panda bears for hands. Yeah. Now, God didn't help me
when he said, hey, you like do you like sports?
Want to be an athlete? Boy? Am I gonna watch?
How I just hamstring you Smith for your entire life? Oh?
Thank you? It can cause you any psychological issues. Exit
up about a Fresco Exit swollen dome. Coming up next,

A big expose on Bill Belichick today tells you exactly
why he is not coaching in the NFL this year
and probably won't coach again. That's next Fox.

Speaker 2 (30:36):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten PM Eastern, seven
pm Pacific.

Speaker 1 (30:43):
Boy, I remember when Blondie was the biggest act in
the world in like nineteen seventy nine, got a big deal.
When I first started like really listening to music, I
was like, what Blondie?

Speaker 2 (30:52):

Speaker 1 (30:52):
And then I see, Oh, it's a woman. Oh yeah,
it's a woman. Okay, there's concerts okay. And she looks
like she hasn't slept in three weeks. Blonde, Where's Dagwood? Okay?
The Jason Smith Show with Mike Rnlight sandwiches, sandwich? Which
is this a whole bit? Seven and a half to
go in the fourth quarter. Looks like it's gonna be
the bull Balls taking on the heat. Look at him

with the eighth spot in the east on the line.
It is one, sixteen to ninety eight, make it one
eighteen ninety eight to twenty point lead? Who stay? Which
goes in for a layup? Seven minutes left to go.
We'll have more on the NBA playoffs coming up in
a couple of minutes. But a big story today that
was a that ESPN had the kind of coincided with

the announcement that Bill Belichick is going to likely join
Peyton Manning's Omaha products and do draft analysis and everything else.
Is gonna do some other things as well. You gonna
go hang out with McAfee. Yeah, Yeah, I gonna do
that too. Surprise it. On that day, we get the
expose on Bill Belichick that came out from three investigative
reporters and writers for ESPN dot com, which detailed why

Belichick is not coaching in the NFL. And while there's
nothing really new that he didn't know, there's it's just
it's just one thing that we talked about him and
why he's not coaching, and why he's done coaching. Why
didn't he get the Atlanta Falcons job. That's the genesis
of the of the column, and it's all the things

you expect. He didn't get the job because even though
he says he'd have no problem coming in working for
a general manager, they were nervous he would try to
come in and take over, because that's what Bill Belichick does.
They were worried that would he really stick around long enough?
Does he just want to win fifteen games to pass
Don Shula and be the winning his coach in NFL history?
And then they're starting another coaching search in a couple

of years, which Arthur Blank doesn't want to do. They're
worried about his failures in New England, They're worried about
the game passing and by we told you when this
season ended, he's coached his last game. Not even a
bleep in Hail Mary from Jerry Jones. Next year, you
can tell, oh, Jerry Jones likes what Jerry Jones is
not going to go through this year, or the Alice
Cowboys fail and say Bill Belichick is my guy. He's

not gonna do it. It sounds great and it gets
all of course, because oh Jerry does whatever he wants
to do. His career is over. Belichick's career, He's not
gonna coach again because of all of these things. Yes,
the GM head coach concerns, will he stick around long enough?
The failures in New England, the game passing him by,
his way of doing things is not embraced by players anymore.

He has a very old way of doing it, and
then players aren't down with that. Right you watch Brady
leave and go win a championship, and Ben Belichick fumbled
and flailed with the Patriots for the last few years
without him. When I think about it. Think about it
like this, because here's the best definitive way I can
I can get you to understand. You are to understand
about Belichick, Why he's done, Why we said he was done.

I watch an interview about a week and a half
ago with Steve cometco Remember him. Remember Steve cameco E
News Daily host for a long time, incredibly popular around
two thousand and two thousand and five. He was it.
He would when E News Daily was it, when it
was Sports Center for Women of Sports Center for Entertainment
rather sorry, I met Sports for Entertainment, Sports Enter for Entertainment,
Sports Center for Entertainment. Steve camet Goo was the big star,

and he got into a contract issue with E and
he didn't re sign and that was really the end
for him. And now it's twenty years later and he's
still you know. He talked about it for the first
time a few days ago. And my wife worked with
Steve Cameto for a couple of years at E and
he said, when I was going through the conversation with

my agent about E and we've talked about, Okay, could
I take less money? Could I do this? Because I
do that, he said, my agent just said to me,
because at that time he was like in his early fifties.
He said, Steve, you have gone and worked past your
expiration date for what you want to do. And because
entertainment's a young yes, take less money. So this but
this kind of breaks down what Belichick happened is Belichick

has gone past his expiration date. Four years past his
expiration date. They wanted to Bob Craft wanted to potent
get rid of him two years ago, but was convinced
to keep him for another two years. He has gone
past his expiration date. That's why, that's why he's not coaching. Yeah,
I think the biggest part of it is from the
personnel side, right, I think he can still coach. I

think he just made some terrible decisions, you know, as
the GM, and we've talked about this a long time,
the separation of duties. Very few people are able to
do that with great with great acumen and do it
for a long period of time, usually a year or two.
You've got your input or maybe you've got control. Then
he took a guy and made him in the offensive

coordinator like Mac Jones didn't have a chance. Whatever you
think of Mac Jones, the quarterback. You stacked up a
bunch of things to say, all right, if you're gonna
be good, you have to climb not only over opposing defenses,
all the obstacles I'm putting in your way here in
terms of structure. That's the biggest problem with Bill Belichick
as it went. I don't know that it was necessarily

relating to players are or that part of the equation.
I think it was from a personnel standpoint, the decision
making was faulty and hamstrung. These guys at every turn.
Exit a bouta fresca exits swollen down The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Carmon live from the tireq dot Com Studios.
We'll have more on this story coming up next We
because wait till we tell you just who kept him

from getting the job, Plus more stuff from the end.
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