All Episodes

April 20, 2024 52 mins

Jason and Mike tell you why the Chicago Bulls are the latest team to officially be a "Sports Stonehenge". Dak Prescott says he has no fears about his NFL future, whether it’s in Dallas or somewhere else. And seven Duke Players are now in the transfer portal. Plus, NFL Insider Jason Cole joins the show for everything NFL draft!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to the best of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Carmon podcast. Be sure to catch us
live every weeknight from ten pm to two am Eastern
seven to eleven pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio. Find
your local station for The Jason Smith Show with Mike
Harmon at Fox Sports Radio dot com, or stream us
live every night on the iHeartRadio app by searching FSR.

Speaker 2 (00:21):
This is the best of The Jason Smith Show with
Mike Harmon on Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 3 (00:30):
Hello, Welcome inside, and Happy Friday. The Jason Smith Show
with my bass friend Mike Harmon.

Speaker 1 (00:36):
Tumbles love from the tirect dot com Studios Direct dot Com.
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Speaker 3 (00:50):
The way tire buy should be.

Speaker 1 (00:52):
Well, Buddy, Final night playing night in the NBA. We
each picked this game last night. You picked your bulls.
I picked the Heat even though we're gonna do without everybody.
Even Ronnie Cyclely was out tonight, and I told you
there was only one reason why I wasn't gonna pick
the bulls. There was only one reason. Yeah, because they stink.

Saw and that's what happened, and that's why they lost.

Speaker 3 (01:17):
A stink.

Speaker 1 (01:18):
I would have picked them if they didn't stink, but
they stink and they lost tonight.

Speaker 3 (01:23):
I'm sorry. Ten point game at halftime. Yeah, I mean,
as I put.

Speaker 4 (01:26):
On Twitter at Swollen Dome for the for the masses
there in preparation for the show and watching the game
come to it, well, not so dramatic conclusion, really, no,
I was you know what I was gonna do, though,
I mean, and I'm disappointed in you that we still
don't have True TV or not TV because they have
a bet cast.

Speaker 3 (01:44):
They've been running alongside.

Speaker 4 (01:46):
That was more interesting watching the live futures like it
was a stock market for prop bets down to stretch. Well,
Tyler Harrow get to the triple double, he didn't.

Speaker 3 (01:56):
But the fact of.

Speaker 1 (01:57):
The matter that a burial at the hands of the
Philadelphia Phillies earlier in the day by the White Sox
the seventh time this year that they've been shut out
a seven nothing defeat was going to.

Speaker 4 (02:11):
Be the highlight of my sports day. I did not
have that on my Bingo card print. This hope sucks, buddy.

Speaker 1 (02:19):
First of all, let me just say this because I
feel the need to say this. You're not projected like
you're on pace to win your tenth game of the
season for the White Sox in June. No, I know,
Like that's when I told you the under sixty one
and a half at the beginning of the season was
a gift. Your tenth game in June, and I think
you might set the record for fewest runs scored in
a season by a major league team.

Speaker 3 (02:40):
You were starting to get shot out thirty five times.

Speaker 1 (02:42):
Yeah, I mean, the the A's are like, hey, we're
not there. Well at least we're not moving. Okay, okay, fine,
but I mean wow, But I mean, if that was
gonna be the highlight of your day, I feel bad
about telling you the bull stink, but the bulls both
do stink well, But like.

Speaker 4 (02:55):
That that becomes the better part, all right. I have
no very little expectations on a day to day basis
with the White Sox right now. It's the all right,
at some point, you just by accident, you're gonna win
a game. What's the old adage, you forty forty and
then it's what you do with the other half of
the season that matters, or or you know, whatever metric
you want to do, however you want to slice it up,

but this is just a joke. And then watching the Bulls,
they cut it to ten at halftimes, like all right,
let's let's see if there's anything interesting poppin'. Nope, here
comes Duncan Robinson, there's Tyler Hero, there's Kevin Love living
at the free throw line.

Speaker 3 (03:31):
And we talked about it last night.

Speaker 4 (03:34):
Frostburg, in his way of giving me the Lemmy killmeister
double Bird said it's gonna be the Kevin Love game.
Then that son of a gun comes off the bench.
Sixteen Kevin six from the field to three point shots
from the line.

Speaker 1 (03:49):
Lovin Heimy Hawks, looking up generations of UCLA making it
getting it done against the Bulls.

Speaker 4 (03:54):
Buddy, it was he was plus nineteen and twelve minutes
off the bench.

Speaker 1 (03:58):
That's my day.

Speaker 3 (03:59):
Well listen, buddy, you know why, because the Bulls stink.
That's what it is.

Speaker 1 (04:04):
Look, it's you know, when we get to the play
in conference every year, playing term every year, there are
two kinds of teams. There's a team that's in the
play in and they have a really good record, and
you know they're ten games over five hundred and they
beat another team that's maybe ten games over five hundred,
and okay, they're pretty good. There's not a lot of
difference between the teams seven and eight and the teams
that are four and five. So yeah, hey, they're good

and they can move on. Then you get a team
with thirty nine wins that happens to blow out a
team with thirty six wins, and all that is is
too bad teams playing against each other, they both stink.

Speaker 3 (04:35):
One team just thinks a little bit less than the other.

Speaker 1 (04:38):
So now tonight, when you had a team that's ten
twelve games over five hundred against a team that's still
five games under five hundred, even though the team that
games start playing sorry, even though their team is missing
their best player or they couple of best players, they're
still gonna beat a team that stinks. I mean, that's
that's how it goes. But I mean, can't it not
All wins in the play in round are created equally?

Speaker 4 (04:59):
No, no, no, And look, it's become the master stroke
of the Miami Heat of we're gonna be just good
enough to get into the tournament, because then, you know what,
we play with a chip on our shoulder and Eric
Spolster just gets to show everybody with a genius heaed, dude.

Speaker 3 (05:13):
Heat culture.

Speaker 1 (05:13):
Man, how many times we're gonna do how many times
between now and the beginning of this Celtics series we're
gonna hear you know, heat culture?

Speaker 3 (05:19):
Heat culture? Yeah, but in the second colure, heat culture.

Speaker 4 (05:22):
All right, So thirty four seventeen after one and they're
beating the hell out of the Bulls. They immediately went
into the profile shots of Heini Hakis to tell you
about his veteran acumen as a rookie.

Speaker 3 (05:35):
Here's what he did at UCLA.

Speaker 4 (05:36):
Let's go through his entire resume to tell you how
he's not really a rookie on the floor here, No, no, no.

Speaker 3 (05:43):
It's like, oh, really were there already?

Speaker 4 (05:46):
Then they mispronounced a bunch of celebrities names who were
in the crowd.

Speaker 3 (05:49):
I mean, just all that stuff.

Speaker 5 (05:50):
Serious question for you, guys, I mean, like really serious question.

Speaker 3 (05:54):

Speaker 5 (05:55):
I've been watching the NBA for maybe thirty five years.
I've never seen this happen ever in my life. Why
were the Knicks wearing Bulls jerseys tonight?

Speaker 3 (06:09):
That's funny?

Speaker 5 (06:11):
Team's jersey?

Speaker 3 (06:12):
Funny, You're funny.

Speaker 1 (06:14):
It's funny how you keep talking about the Knicks like
they're not the number two team in the East and
a fifty win team.

Speaker 5 (06:21):
The Lakers in four.

Speaker 1 (06:22):
This is this is this is that. No, but I
will give you this. I'll speaking of the Lake. I
will give you this right now because the other game
in the NBA playoffs right now, the last playing game
for the eight.

Speaker 3 (06:30):
Seed in the West.

Speaker 1 (06:31):
About two minutes to go in the first quarter, the
Kings have a seven point lead over the Pelicans.

Speaker 3 (06:37):
Fox has nine, Sabonas has eight.

Speaker 1 (06:39):
Clearly, these are gonna be the guys are gonna carry
the Kings if they're gonna win this game. The Pelicans,
who of course playing without Zion. If the Kings win
this game, Kings win this game and get the eight seed.
I will officially pick all the low seeds to win
the first round in the Western Conference. I will pick
seeds five, six, seven, and eight to beat seeds one, two, three,

and four, including the Lakers, to beat the Nuggets, because
if they're gonna do it, now is the time to
get them. This is that you know they're coming in,
they're healthy. They gotta win one of the first two
and gain momentum, because you see what happens sudden when
the Nuggets got a little bit of a they get
punch in the mouth a little bit. But all these
other rounds I don't really have a big problem with.
The Kings are a good team. They get out of this.
Hey suddenly they used the playoffs last year. Yes, you're

playing one to eight, but you know what, it's brand
new for Oklahoma City coming into Hey, we're the favorites
with this.

Speaker 3 (07:27):
Let's see how you do. Let's see how you do.

Speaker 1 (07:29):
I like the I like the the Mavericks big time,
and and you're you're talking about the the Kings. I said,
I like, look, I like all of these teams. I
would do this in a second. I would pick I
don't know what the odds would be on taking seeds
five through eight, But there's not a round I feel.
I don't even feel the difficult about about the Sons
and the and the Timberwolves. The Sons are a playoff

ready team, like they're made for the playoffs. The one
that makes me the most difficult, honestly would be the Lakers.
But yeah, I'll go Mavericks, Suns, Lakers, and King's easy
in this easy. Can I ask the uncomfortable question about
the the Denver Nuggets Los Angeles Lakers series?

Speaker 3 (08:08):
Sure? Go ahead. What's the mental state of Michael Porter
Junior right now?

Speaker 6 (08:12):

Speaker 3 (08:13):
You know, dude, no, legit no.

Speaker 4 (08:14):
And I asked that legitimately as she gets ready, like
how compartmentalization?

Speaker 3 (08:19):
We know, guys have to do it.

Speaker 4 (08:21):
It's been a big talking point with Milwaukee and Damian
Lillard and with other players through the years.

Speaker 3 (08:26):
Michael Porter Junior.

Speaker 4 (08:27):
I mean you already had one brother get suspended for
the league for life, right and all of that, and
today another brothers going to.

Speaker 1 (08:35):
Jail for eight years. Yeah, I mean that that is
a week.

Speaker 3 (08:39):
Yeah, it is, and it's it's a difficult week. It is.
It is a very difficult week.

Speaker 1 (08:43):
And it's you know, and look, we saw Michael Malone
say the other day, I got a child with him.

Speaker 3 (08:49):
I gotta check in with him.

Speaker 1 (08:50):
We have to talk, we have to figure things out
because it is you know, Look, you forget sometimes about
personally what happens to a player affects them on the court.
You know what do I always say, show me an
MLB player going through a divorce, and I'll show you
an MLB player having as worse here, Like, there's a
lot of things that are that that that are that
are there and look at that No that look that's
a that's a great point to make. It's kind of soon,

I think, to suddenly, let me throw this out there.

Speaker 3 (09:14):
But it is a thing.

Speaker 1 (09:15):
But I mean, if we're gonna talk about pulling up
sets and getting teams at the right time, right, they're
healthy and physically he's fine right now.

Speaker 3 (09:24):
But you know it's this all happened in a week's time.

Speaker 4 (09:29):
Yeah, so you know, as one of their leaders of
their squad, I mean they're dependent upon him to have
a big impact as well. Again, going back to the Lakers,
I was just looking at some of the Laker prop bets.
There are some fun ones for players for the playoff
run that we can get into as the night goes on.
But yeah, you're five six, seven, eight. I mean, it's

it's great in theory. And for the NBA, they're sitting
there going please no, please, no.

Speaker 1 (10:01):
Teams to really be unhappy because you're talking about the
scenes that were moving on would be Luca and Kyrie
k D and Devin Booker the Lakers and is there
real difference between the Kings and the Thunder. I mean, look,
I mean, Alexander is a phenomenal player, but nobody did
the average NBA probably.

Speaker 6 (10:20):

Speaker 3 (10:20):
But the Kings like the beam at the end, and
that's a fun thing.

Speaker 4 (10:23):
People have Thunder and they've got Chet, They've got lou Dort.

Speaker 3 (10:27):
They do have chet, they do have chet.

Speaker 4 (10:28):
But but I don't know, people, really, you're just gonna
ignore lou Dort and is eleven points per game?

Speaker 3 (10:32):

Speaker 1 (10:33):
Can't you can't you keep bringing up loud Dort like
he's a superstar. Now you should be president of the
lou Dort Radio Network because like you're the only guy
that's ever sent his name on the radio. Ever, I
don't even think in Oklahoma City they talk about loud Dort.
I don't think his name comes.

Speaker 3 (10:46):
Up when he scores eleven a game. They just ignore it.
I did you see that guy he's eating? Hey, Look
what's more fun?

Speaker 1 (10:55):
You have an m VP candidate in Shy Gildess, Alexander
a Field good story in Oklahomas or the Sacramento Kings,
and they light a big light after they win games,
Like I think that's what I think, that's what people
would want to say, but.

Speaker 3 (11:06):
You gotta set there for two and a half hours.

Speaker 4 (11:09):
You get two hours of showtime, and you'll just Alexander
and that squad versus waiting for deciding which of these
guys is gonna light a beam after a win. Down
with that, people aren't sitting there for two and a
half hours to wait to see a guy make some
offering to a basketball god, no what he is.

Speaker 1 (11:27):
Those games aren't even gonna be televised. What the hell
is wrong with you?

Speaker 6 (11:30):

Speaker 1 (11:32):
Man, come on in Oklahoma City and Sacramento. That's not
on anywhere, are you? They're just only gonna go to
that gay We'll go to this game live. If the
Kings win and they get to light the beam.

Speaker 3 (11:43):
That's it.

Speaker 5 (11:43):
That's on Comedy Central.

Speaker 3 (11:47):
That's all you need.

Speaker 1 (11:48):
That's the only time you're gonna see that. There's no
TV on that series whatsoever, doesn't matter.

Speaker 4 (11:53):
I truly appreciate everybody at Swollen Dome. Bring your best
roast jokes of my bulls tonight, and uh, you know,
I'll take the beating out of Friday.

Speaker 3 (12:03):
That's what I tell you. It's too bad, you know.
The bulls.

Speaker 1 (12:04):
The bulls, they just they just stink and that's that's
kind of what it is. And the Bulls have stunk
for a while. You know, here's the thing about the Bulls, buddy,
is that you've had talent. You've had some really good
but it's not like you've been Bretus that have popped through.

Speaker 3 (12:17):
You've had some talent and you've stunk for a long time.

Speaker 1 (12:20):
Man, Like you went Jordan into Derreck Rose and then
DeRozan and Zach Levine and you've had some talent and
you still stink, like, I mean, how do you.

Speaker 3 (12:31):
Stink for this lo? How do the Bulls stink for
this long?

Speaker 1 (12:34):
The Bulls, the Bulls are are like a sports stonehenge now,
like a relic of a bye Like I always say,
these teams like Indiana Basketball, all these you know, all
the relics of a bygone era like Syracuse basketball is
kind of getting there too. But the Bulls basketball is
like a sport It's a relic of a bye.

Speaker 3 (12:50):

Speaker 1 (12:50):
I remember when the Bulls were good and they would
sell out and they had Jordan and things are great now.

Speaker 3 (12:55):
The Bulls are. The Bulls are the latest sports stoneenge
right now.

Speaker 4 (12:58):
Funny we had that one year with Eric Rose Otherwise,
there have been some guys that have passed through. You know, Hey,
Jimmy Buckets, it was fun to watch and it was
sad to see him go. I like watching Kobe White
play only thirteen points tonight held in check five to
sixteen from the field.

Speaker 3 (13:13):
Yeah, what did we have last game? Like sixty? Right? Boy?
He only had that ask he was a wizard.

Speaker 4 (13:17):
He tried to tried to go zion, but tonight, you know,
the heat defense held him in check. Kudos to Spolstering company.
They get it done.

Speaker 3 (13:26):
But but what have we talked about my Chicago teams?
All the ones I watch? Right? The Blackhawks, we watched
him yesterday. Hey there's Connor Bandar. Wooo. They won twenty
three games.

Speaker 1 (13:37):
It's going to be a long road back and a
wasted career for the White Sox.

Speaker 3 (13:41):
Two thousand and five.

Speaker 4 (13:42):
Yay, I got a j Perzinski who's basically been told
not to come around the team and got fired from
his analyst role for echoing everything I've been saying about
the farm system and how they run the squad way
to go aj my guy Bulls nineteen ninety eight and
one year in between, and the Bears as much as
folks can keep telling me, Hey, wait six days man,

I tried to have hope for tonight.

Speaker 3 (14:06):
It's been beaten out of me. It's a final.

Speaker 5 (14:08):
You're getting JJ McCarthy at one.

Speaker 3 (14:10):
Mike, come on, you are Darry He's gonna go to
the Chargers. You what a relic you are?

Speaker 1 (14:14):
Hey, let's go through the Let's go through the bones
outside the United Center.

Speaker 3 (14:18):
Oh look there's Bill cart right. Oh, look at it.
And I think that skeleton Scottie Pippin. Oh look at
that boy. They were so great once upon a time.

Speaker 4 (14:25):
Oh yeah, and there's Phil Jackson with another elbow in
the low post. You can beat it right there, relicivet Well.

Speaker 5 (14:32):
Let's read yourself out. Smith.

Speaker 1 (14:36):
The Jason Smith Show is my best friend Mike Harmon
live from the tire rack dot Com studios. So yeah,
we'll keep you updated throughout the night, of course, on
Sacramento and New Orleans.

Speaker 3 (14:46):
Early in the second quarter of the Pelicans hanging tough.

Speaker 1 (14:48):
So far twenty four to twenty two, as the winner
will move on to the eighth seed. So more NBA
in the way, but coming up next, we got big
stuff out of the NFL. As we get closer and
closer to the draft. Keep it right here, Jason and Mike.
You are listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (15:05):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern seven
pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 1 (15:16):
Two NBA Insiders podcasting twice a week to plug you
right into the NBA Great.

Speaker 7 (15:21):
Five, all happening in only one place. This League Uncut,
the new NBA podcast with Me.

Speaker 2 (15:28):
Chris Haynes and me Mark Stein.

Speaker 7 (15:31):
Join us as we team up to expound on everything
we're covering. Hearing and Chason.

Speaker 1 (15:36):
Listen to This League Uncut with Chris Haynes and Mark Stein.

Speaker 7 (15:40):
On the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get
your podcasts.

Speaker 3 (15:45):
Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (15:46):
The Jason Smith Show with my best friend Mike Harmon
live from the tire Rack dot Com Studios. Hey, justin Frostburg,
Mike Cable just went out for a split second.

Speaker 3 (15:57):
What did DJ Stewart just do against Yamamoo? I missed it?

Speaker 5 (16:00):
Do you mean Yamamoto has been perfect? Three strikeouts?

Speaker 3 (16:03):
Yeah, I missed. I missed it. What did DJ Stewart
just do? Because my cable went out.

Speaker 5 (16:07):
Who's DJ Stewart?

Speaker 1 (16:08):
My cable went out, and and now it came back
and he's in the dugout shaking hands with him.

Speaker 3 (16:12):

Speaker 5 (16:14):
Do you know who DJ Stewart is?

Speaker 3 (16:15):
I don't understand. I don't understand what happened.

Speaker 5 (16:17):
Like he was sor I've never heard of him.

Speaker 3 (16:19):
I don't know. I don't know. Well, he's a guy
that just Syracuse. He just took Yamamoto over the wall.
Mag It won nothing, Mets over the dogs back. I
don't know.

Speaker 4 (16:31):
Did the guy do a half ass hitting ball trick
like that guy last week or Stafford and.

Speaker 5 (16:37):
Run by a guy we've never heard of. They're not
doing that trick.

Speaker 4 (16:40):
No, I mean he's spinning some righteous tunes. Is he
like a rookie at what thirty two thirty five?

Speaker 5 (16:44):
What is he?

Speaker 3 (16:45):
He came he came up last year.

Speaker 1 (16:47):
He was great in August and it was Wow, this
guy's really good and he's stuck with is the fourth
outfielder with the Mets.

Speaker 3 (16:53):
He Homer's off of Yamamoto.

Speaker 1 (16:55):
Mag It a one nothing Mets lead when Yamamoto had
struck out three of the first four batters, and he
looked dominant, his breaking pitches are moving. However, Francisco Alvarez,
who just beat out a swinging bunt, looks like as
he slid into second base, he might have jammed his
finger a little bit.

Speaker 3 (17:15):
And oh boy, he's had a great start to the
season for the Mets. Tough because you got Martinez.

Speaker 1 (17:21):
Yeah, it looks like he did it rounding first base.
I think Otani tripped him.

Speaker 6 (17:25):

Speaker 3 (17:29):
It looks like he was coming around.

Speaker 1 (17:32):
First base and he slipped and he put his hand
down and it looks like his his thumb bent forward
a little bit. So right now he's at second while
the Mets look at it, and hopefully he's okay, because boy,
he's one of the best catches in baseball already. But
looks like he's gonna stay in the game, So hopefully
that's okay.

Speaker 3 (17:48):
Tough it out, rub some dirt on it. Yeah yeah,
But I mean, they keep showing this niciest thumb. Why
they keep showing it?

Speaker 4 (17:54):
Stop showing because he's on second base and he didn't leave,
so the injury's not that bad.

Speaker 3 (17:58):
Let's go game on.

Speaker 1 (18:00):
I'm going to send you the gift man, No, no, no,
send me, send me the gift of of DJ Stewart's.

Speaker 5 (18:06):
Home run against Like I said, Mike Cable.

Speaker 3 (18:08):
Went out Mike Cable, and I didn't see it. I
didn't see it.

Speaker 5 (18:10):
I didn't even know who he was till tonight.

Speaker 3 (18:12):
I didn't see it. Dude.

Speaker 1 (18:13):
He came up last August, he was really good. The
guy at three hundred is like, where was this guy?
Then in September he wasn't that great.

Speaker 3 (18:20):
But I'm just saying then he played not but he
then in September he went in the tank.

Speaker 1 (18:26):
And but you know, the Mets game a chance here,
hey win a spot as the fourth or fifth outfielder,
and he has and now he's going to play, and
he's going to dh a bit until J. D. Martinez
is ready, and then you know he's gonna get all
the at bats. So he's up now for a little bit,
and then when J. D. Martinez says okay, then he'll
be one. He'll wind okay.

Speaker 4 (18:43):
Yeah, just just not to confuse him with DJ Steward
with a D the main Celtics of the G League
who played his collegiate basketball.

Speaker 3 (18:51):
At Duke, or Emmanuel Stewart, who was Evander Holyfield's trainer. Wait,
did you say Emmanuel Stewart. You mean Webster.

Speaker 1 (18:58):
No, no, no, no, that's that's Steward with a D. No,
mister Stewart, like I'm being you're being a steward, My steward.
A good steward if the money you earn and the
opportunities to grow.

Speaker 3 (19:12):
So the Mets lead the Dodgers.

Speaker 1 (19:14):
Yeah, one nothing in the second inning, they have a
runner at second, one out, and oh boy, and there's
actually you're doing Mets Dodgers. I'm not doing play. I'm
telling you what's.

Speaker 5 (19:29):
Happening at the Gary Cohen.

Speaker 3 (19:30):
Okay, I'm telling you what's happening.

Speaker 1 (19:32):
Meanwhile, in the NBA Kings and the Pelicans the final
playing game.

Speaker 3 (19:36):
Pelicans playing well enough so far.

Speaker 1 (19:38):
I thought the Kings would run away with this early
and the Pelicans would turtle and say, you know what,
look we're done.

Speaker 3 (19:42):
There's no Zion. But so far, Uh, they were in
the hole.

Speaker 1 (19:46):
Early, had an eight point deficit, but they have now
clawed back to tie the game thirty one apiece. Pelicans
are playing well. Valentunis has ten and nine rebounds already.
Uh for the Pelicans doing everything that Zion Will Samson
did the other night. So we have a game right now,
which we again, this is gonna pay This is gonna
really affect my my Western Conference pick, because I told you,

if the Kings win, I'll take teams five through eight.
I'm not taking the Pelicans to win if they don't
have I mean, if they somehow win this game, I'm
not gonna take them to beat the thunder.

Speaker 3 (20:16):
I can't can't do that. I can't do that, buddy.
It's too hard. You get better, that's hard.

Speaker 1 (20:21):
The payoff would be bigger, it would be I mean,
you know, look, hey, I'm not saying I can't be
convinced in that over the court.

Speaker 3 (20:27):
Of the night. That's not something wrong. I'm like, hey, no, no, no, no, no,
that's something like. No. I could say, I could.

Speaker 1 (20:32):
You could convince me you doing that eventually, But I'll
feel a lot better about it with the.

Speaker 3 (20:35):
King this one.

Speaker 5 (20:37):
Get in there and sell, sell, sell, you know, hitting
five through eight's like winning the power ball? Right?

Speaker 3 (20:43):
Yeah? But how great? Would no? I could?

Speaker 1 (20:47):
I could just I could just be the unpaid advisors
to David Sterns of the Mets, like John Paul.

Speaker 3 (20:51):
Marosi made me the other night. That's all I need.

Speaker 1 (20:53):
You, really, you wanted to be unpaid. Well, if I
win the power Ball, I would need to get paid.

Speaker 4 (20:58):
I think i'd all right, Wow, you know you can
always use a little more, maybe do some charitable works.

Speaker 3 (21:03):
So that's true.

Speaker 4 (21:04):
Up upgrade the local McDonald's to have a better seating
area for when you want to dine in.

Speaker 1 (21:09):
Yeah, but this is also a get right year for
the Mets salary wise, So maybe I would do unpaid
this year, but then ask for money next year when
they're out from undershures or in Verlander.

Speaker 4 (21:17):
But you'd be able to afford sheets of that edible gold.
So while you're sitting there eating your big mac and
everybody's looking at you, going, what the hell's he got
secret menu for rich guys edible gold.

Speaker 1 (21:28):
In that span of the last seventy five seconds, the
Pelicans have gone on a seven zero run. They now
lead the Kings thirty eight, thirty one. Oh oh, get
a time out, Rick Edelman. Oh this is not going well.
So Pelicans now on top of the Kings. They were
down eight, now they're up seven.

Speaker 5 (21:45):
People, are you stop updating that game?

Speaker 3 (21:48):
Who? Who is?

Speaker 1 (21:50):
There's no TV on this game? Just I'm actually, I'm
actually I'm actually getting it. I'm getting pictures drawn shown
to me, like, hey, this is what's happening in the
game right now.

Speaker 3 (21:59):
I stick to you. Got a court reporter, it's all
I'm getting right now. There's someone next to me just
typing stuff out, a snographer. I got someone drawing the
highlights for me.

Speaker 4 (22:08):
You just have them drawing them in AI as quickly
as you can type them.

Speaker 5 (22:11):
Basically hang man.

Speaker 1 (22:16):
So meanwhile, in the NFL big story tonight, you know,
not often you get the.

Speaker 3 (22:21):
Big Friday night. Hey, whoa, here's something.

Speaker 1 (22:24):
But the Dallas Cowboys and their situation with Dak Prescott
has been very public. We told you when Jerry Jones
said all in with the Cowboys, this means I'm not
doing anything this year. I'm all in on this year,
meaning I'm just paying attention to this year. I'm not
signing anybody to any contracts. We said that means no
money for Dak Prescott, and boy, he's gonna wind up

hitting free agency sometime early next year.

Speaker 3 (22:47):
That's gonna be something. Well.

Speaker 1 (22:50):
Dak Prescott actually talked about that tonight. He was taking
part in the Children's Cancer Funds A Night to Remember gala,
which he's a co chair with Hall of Fame quarterback
Troy Aikman, and he was asked about, hey, you know,
all right, what's your situation here with with Jerry Jones.

Speaker 3 (23:05):
Have you guys talked about a new contract? What's the latest?
And here was Dak Prescott's response.

Speaker 8 (23:10):
I don't want to say I'm puzzled, obviously, Honestly, I'm
just I'm focused on the guys that we have. I know,
we've got a lot of great guys, a lot of
a lot of good that that's returning in that that
locker room. And I say good, but great and young
guys that are good that are making that next step.
So obviously have faith in those guys always done well

in the draft and bringing some guys in so hopefully
that will make a big impact. And think right now,
for me, it's about just focusing on the locker room
and pouring into those guys and and I don't control
that side and making those moves, so I'm not gonna
put too much thought and and and ankst into it.
I guess and what we're doing and how we're getting
that done, rather than just how can invest in the
guys and making sure that they're getting better and holding myself

accountable to do the same.

Speaker 3 (23:54):
Okay, two big things.

Speaker 1 (23:55):
One, how about the I don't want to say I'm puzzled,
but it an't time you say I don't want to
say something. It means that's what you're saying. Like I
don't want to say I'm puzzled. The translation is I'm
pretty puzzled at what's going on. Hey, look, I don't
want to say I'm mad at you, but that means
I'm kind of mad at you.

Speaker 3 (24:11):
I just don't.

Speaker 1 (24:11):
I just don't want to make it seem like I'm
overly and outwardly mad at you. I don't want to
say I'm puzzled, but I'm puzzled. Dak Prescott clearly expected
his career to go one way with the Cowboys. When
it was time for him to get paid, he would
get paid. That's how it was gonna go.

Speaker 3 (24:25):
Right, I'm the quarterback of the Cowboys. I'm playing well.

Speaker 1 (24:28):
Jerry Jones likes giving money the players he drafts, and
especially guys that he quote finds like he found me. Yeah,
I know how to play this game. Stars have always
known how to play Jerry Jones right, They've always known
how to do it. I know exactly what's going on here.
I know how to play Jerry. He loves me. I
can squeeze him for money. Ezekiel Elliott squeezed him for money,

and he's thinking, I'm gonna squeeze him for money too,
Except now Jerry Jones has taken a turn on it,
and now it's I'm puzzled because Jerry Jones hasn't bent
over backwards to give him sixty million dollars a year.
And we've told you the last two playoff losses by
the Cowboys you can put on Dak Prescott's shoulders, and
they were so bad that when you can look at

one player and say, when your best player plays awful,
this is not going to fill the owner with confidence
that you're the guy long term. The fact that he
had an MVP caliber season this year, and still Jerry
Jones like, nope, we're focused on what's going on there.
He's okay letting Dak Prescott hit free agency rather than
sign him to a long term deal, which tells you

exactly the damage that Dak Prescott has done to his
image and reputation with the Cowboys from the playoff games
the last two years. So yeah, I'm puzzled, yeh, because
he thought he was gonna play Jerry Jones and he's not.
And really it's pretty simple for Dak Prescott. If Dak
Prescott is great this year and the Cowboys are really
good and they win a couple of playoff games, hey,
Dak Prescott will get his money from Jerry Jones, and

Jerry Jones will stand up and say, I knew it.

Speaker 3 (25:54):
Look at me.

Speaker 1 (25:55):
I was able to motivate Dak and we won great.
But if the Cowboys don't play well and Dak Prescott's
not great, guess who's not gonna be the quarterback of
the Cowboys next year?

Speaker 3 (26:04):
Dak Prescott, and he will go and get his money
someplace else. And so, while it.

Speaker 1 (26:08):
Seems like it's either or you tell me, is Dak
Prescott gonna be great? When right now they don't have
any running backs and all they did was lose players
in the offseason. They are worse than they were a
year ago and the worse they were three months ago.
So how is suddenly this year gonna be great and
Dak is gonna suddenly put the team on his shoulders?
One ex Dallas Cowboy coming up and it's gonna be
Dak Prescott in free agency next year. Who's gonna be

looking for a new team for a Kirk Cousins like
three year deal where all the money's guaranteed and it's
like fifty five million dollars and he get gets one
hundred and fifty one hundred and sixty million guaranteed. That's
what's gonna happen, because cow there's no way the Cowboys
is gonna be better next year and achieve.

Speaker 3 (26:46):
This is what the reality is.

Speaker 1 (26:47):
Dak Prescott is is just a few months away from
being an ex member the Dallas Cowboys.

Speaker 4 (26:52):
Well, the saving grace is that they do play in
the NFC East. We can actually make those jokes again.
Remember for a couple of years we couldn't. I have
no idea what the Eagles are. Washington's bringing four guys in,
Like all right, break the pool cues. Whoever's left standing,
you're the guy who're gonna draft it too. Yeah, and
the Giants are the Giants.

Speaker 3 (27:13):
So here you go. JJ McCarthy most of the season.
But that's it.

Speaker 4 (27:17):
You know, you look at the roster right now, Rico
Dowdell and deucebaughn are your top running backs you brought
in the Reclamation project, that is Marktavis Bryant as one
of your receivers, alongside CD Lamb and Brandon Cooks. Okay,
those guys are good, and Ferguson had a nice rookie year.
I'd like to give you a couple of great quotes here.
One from Stephen Jones. He did an appearance on one
oh five to three The Fan evidently instead of his dad. Certainly,

Dak is a priority in terms of his contract. Certainly
we'll be taking a look at Trey. I know Trey
will look at his situation in terms of what his
options are, and I'm sure that'll lot depend on how
well everything works out with Dak, oh and Cooper. Cooper's
been a good backup, a strong backup for here as well,
So all of those things will just have to play out.
Dak Prescot as part of his appearance tonight with Troy Aikman,

one of the questions asked about, you know, do you
want to be the highest paid there, and he goes, well,
that's not the priority. Pause pause, not necessarily so, yeah,
it's it's a bit messy, and the longer it goes on,
the stickier it gets, you know, the prove it, uh,
you know, performance spur him on. The hard part is

I think it's prohibitively expensive for most other teams to
bring him bring him in at this point because it
will have been in a decade. And is he proven
to be the guy that's taken you over the top.

Speaker 3 (28:37):

Speaker 1 (28:38):
Not when we're in the in vogue of Hey, we're
gonna go find the guy and you know, do the
quote reset the quarterback clock.

Speaker 3 (28:45):
Dec ain't that guy?

Speaker 6 (28:46):

Speaker 1 (28:46):
But eventually he's got to swallow his pride again. I
got two words for you, Kirk Cousins. All Kirk Cousins
has done is put up some kind of just below
upper tier level video game numbers for the past year,
and he keeps getting paid that Truscott puts up pretty
good numbers, and he'll be somebody, Hey, let's get him
out of Dallas. Let's give him a little bit less

the spotlight. Maybe this is gonna work. Just take you
one sure, and someone's gonna give him that kind of money,
and that's the kind of deal he'll get. He'll go
next year, someone's gonna say, boy, do we want to
get in on DAK for the next like seven years. No,
but do we want to do three years at fifty
five million a year and it's all guaranteed? Yeah, well
two years, sure, that makes that'll be something. And Jerry

Jones will let trust me, Jerry Jones will let him go.
He does not want the fact that he's okay with
letting him hit free agency because there's no handshake agreement.

Speaker 3 (29:38):
You think that Jerry's gonna got well, we're just gonna
do this next year. No, you're allowing your guy to
hit free agency where you could lose him.

Speaker 1 (29:45):
You don't allow players to hit free agency unless you
are okay with the outcome that, hey, we may not
get you. So the fact that Jerry Jones is okay
with this tells me, Yeah, he's ready to wave goodbye
to Dak Prescott. And Prescott's gonna be the quarterback of
the Vikings or somewhere else next year.

Speaker 3 (30:01):
Who winds up signing him in free agency?

Speaker 1 (30:03):
Saying Sam donald aboy is gonna be good, you're saying
Sam Darnold's not keeping that job, and and and to.

Speaker 3 (30:09):
The Jerry Jones you know has made it a suit.
I say good.

Speaker 4 (30:14):
I mean Dak's shown acumen as a regular season quarterback.

Speaker 3 (30:18):
I like it. I like him.

Speaker 4 (30:19):
You know, if we're gonna go in the rankings, he's
probably at the what the back end of the top
ten right now.

Speaker 3 (30:25):
In the NFL.

Speaker 1 (30:26):
It's great until you have the playoffs and then but
then we start talking about bad, right, but then we
start talking talking about like the defense was disastrous, but
the offense did nothing to keep them off the field,
so they just got worse and worse, and there was
never an opportunity to say, hey, for five minutes, we're
gonna be able to go over the film and see
if we can't pick something up.

Speaker 4 (30:45):
Nope, get back out on the field. We're back at
it again. So that was awful in a million ways.
Plus you still have to figure out CD Lamb and
Michael Parsons.

Speaker 1 (30:55):
Brown's quarterback Dak Prescott get used to that that could
be a Raiders quarterback Dak Prescott. Well, you say the
Raiders don't get their guy right this year, Jet, No, No,
the Raiders are like the Jets. Whoever they pick is
going to be wrong, so it doesn't matter. Oh, okay,
whoever they pick is gonna be wrong. Yeah, yeah, he'll
take over for Bow Nicks in a year. Don't worry
about it, it's gonna go. Hey, tired of feeling alone

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Portland Way.

Speaker 3 (32:21):
Do we tell you who it is that's next? Right here,
Jason and Mike Fox.

Speaker 2 (32:25):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific, Fox.

Speaker 1 (32:33):
Sports Radio The Jason Smith Show with My best friend
Mike Harmon live from the ti iraq dot Com studios.

Speaker 3 (32:40):
All have more n NBA coming up in a few minutes.

Speaker 1 (32:42):
The Pelicans at halftime no Zion lead the Kings by nine.
I think I Jinston when I talked about Hey, lighting
the beam, ne' gonna be lighting.

Speaker 3 (32:52):
No, there's no beam lighting right. Look at that.

Speaker 4 (32:54):
You've just I mean, they're be on your never again
list and you'll never be able to go to Sacramento again.

Speaker 5 (32:59):

Speaker 1 (32:59):
I mean, look, they've got twenty one points off the
bench right now. Nance has nine, Marshall's got nine. Uh,
Suddenly the hey a big deal. I thought the Pelicans
just roll over and die without without Zion, But it
looks like here they are actually open.

Speaker 5 (33:13):
Mike, you know that's not really a threat.

Speaker 3 (33:15):
Right, No, I know it, just no, it does. It does.
There's there's no question about it for many reasons.

Speaker 1 (33:23):
But yes, elsewhere, and this is just another another piece
of evidence of how I don't want to say how
far this team is falling, because they're still really good,
but they're just not the same team. Sean Stewart today
became the seventh Duke player to enter the transfer portals.
Seven players transferring since the end of the season. Right,

this is a day after TJ Power decided to end
of the portal as well. They're losing their best couple
of players to the NBA. Philapowski's going to the NBA.
McCain are off to the NBA.

Speaker 3 (33:56):
Uh. They have two.

Speaker 1 (33:57):
Players coming back from last season, two players now coming. Yes,
they have a great recruiting class coming in, which is awesome, Right,
succeed and proceed, you know that's great, But you're looking
at Duke. Where could you see this under Mike Krzyzewski.
Seven players? Of course, not like you would not see this,
but Duke, this is just another bit of evidence that

they have just become another team. They're no longer the
great villains in college basketball. Nobody really goes crazy. I
want to see Duke play because I want to see
Duke lose. They're just another team. They've lost their aura,
they've lost their their their relevance as far as what
they used to be because Duke was always the calling
card in college basketball. It was the calling card of

the of the entire tournament. It was always, let's see
how far they go? Can they win it all? I
hope they lose. And look, it's not like they won
every year. They would win a championship every six or
seven years. I've been to the Final four a few
years ago, and they're still really good, right, It's not
like they've they fall on hard times. They're fifteen and thirteen. No,
they're still a really good team. But they're just it's

just not the same. They're just they're they're just another
good team. They're like North Carolina or Kansas. Whereas it
was always Duke and the rest of college basketball. Now
it's okay, Duke is there as one of the other
really good teams, and if they're good, that's great, and
if they're not, that's fine. And if Duke was in
the Final four, it still wouldn't be the same. You
wouldn't be the overall look at Duke. This is a

great throwback Final four. Nobody, Oh Duke is in Okay, Yeah,
Shire is a pretty good coach. Okay, they've just lost that.
They've lost that ara about them, and that's that's thanks
for college basketball. But look again, you're seeing it right now.
Seven Duke players now in the portal. They have two
players coming back from last year.

Speaker 4 (35:38):
Yeah, the curiosity is you know, I think this is
the the litmus test of the Shire era, Right is that?

Speaker 3 (35:44):
Okay, you had some some solid players whatever.

Speaker 4 (35:47):
Now you're bringing in Cooper flag, Right, he's gonna take
Jalen Brunson's slot and keep him off the Olympic team,
or at least that's what some are hoping, that he
has that Christian Latner like effect without having done all
the college work before getting that job.

Speaker 6 (36:02):

Speaker 4 (36:02):
And they've got a seven footer coming in right, seven
to one guy Malouk that you know, chose them over powerhouses.

Speaker 3 (36:10):
But yeah, certainly for.

Speaker 1 (36:11):
Years with Duke, I mean, it was hate watching at
its extreme because you had coach k And let's face it,
if you weren't a Duke fan, what did you think
of him?

Speaker 4 (36:19):
He was a whiner? You and you and you're Beeheim
and Shryzhevsky. If you weren't one of those uh at
from one of those two schools, you always looked at
him and go all right, I just I can't deal
with it because they're gonna do long soliloquies about these
guys and we're gonna watch them complain about every call
and that's what they do. But that's fine, But they
were He was a stalwart. He's there every year. And

back in the day, remember when they first started going
to the one and Dune's, it was Duke wasn't going
down that road until they were forced to. And now
you know, you had guys playing together three or four years,
so there was the continuity, which meant the opportunity for
fans and casual viewers to watch them and to get
to know those names, something we bemoan every year come

the NCAA tournament. We don't know any of these guys. Well, Duke,
for better for worse, we always did. And now Shire's
got to figure out the new avenue, just like Caliperi
and his new digs, et cetera. Just strange new world.

Speaker 1 (37:16):
Yeah, I mean, look, they're not the evil Empire anymore, right,
Like they're they're just another good team in college hoops,
Like like that's what they are, and it's stunning that
it happens that fast, But that's what they're, just another.

Speaker 3 (37:26):
Good team, Stone Edge. It's crazy. No, No, they're still
they're still winning.

Speaker 1 (37:30):
At least they're not the Bulls winning anything. Exit out
about a Fresca exit swollen dome. We'll have more basketball
coming up. How about some NBA Playoff Bold predictions coming
up next?

Speaker 3 (37:44):
Mike and I got them for you right here.

Speaker 1 (37:45):
This is Fox Sports Radio Metsio, Fox Sports Radio, The
Jason Smith Show with my best friend Mike Harmon Hobo
live from the ti iraq dot Com studios.

Speaker 3 (37:59):
We'll have more in the NBA coming up in a bit.

Speaker 1 (38:03):
Don't miss Draft Night next week Fox Sports Radio Thursday night,
eight pm Easter. Throughout the first round of the Draft,
Jay Glazer, Steve Kahime, LeVar Arrington, Rob Stone. They will
have pick by pick predictions and reactions to every first
round pick, followed by our show right after, as we
normally do.

Speaker 3 (38:22):
First Round of the Draft.

Speaker 1 (38:24):
Next Thursday, eight pm Eastern. Throughout the first round right
here on Fox Sports Radio, presented by Express pros Well
joining us now on the hotline to break down all
the latest news in the NFL.

Speaker 3 (38:35):
He will be joining us in a couple of seconds. Now.

Speaker 1 (38:39):
Normally I like to say, hey, you know he's hall
a very good voter, he's a longtime NFL insider. Jason
Cole is gonna join us. But I didn't know this,
Mike Harmon. But he has something allegedly, and i'd say
allegedly in common with Bill Belichick. And I said allegedly,
and yet and I don't mean that. Hey, he used
to be someone that was so amazingly famous, treated the

media with disdain, and in the last couple of months
now he's hanging out with Pat McAfee. No, no, no, I
don't mean that.

Speaker 4 (39:06):
I don't mean while he was hanging out, did he
go to some uh you know, college lacrosse games.

Speaker 3 (39:11):
I No, I don't mean that. I mean I think
you got to put some more attack up front and
wind up. Yeah, I think your defense is struggling a
little bit. No making the Belichick's go cats my ring
tone from last weekend.

Speaker 1 (39:25):
Uh No, he's got something in common with Bill Belichick,
Because Belichick said earlier this week, because you know not
now that you know he won't can't coach in the
NFL anymore.

Speaker 3 (39:33):
He's got eight Lombardies. But I'm hanging out with.

Speaker 1 (39:35):
Pat McAfee that he's never had a cup of coffee
in his life. And Jason Cole, longtime NFL insider, can
relate because he says he's never had a cup of
coffee in his life. He joined us now on theline,
j Cole, is that true? Are you just looking for clicks?

Speaker 6 (39:54):
Nothing says clicks like me talking about whether that coffee
or not? Is that what we're saying?

Speaker 1 (40:00):
You know what, in ten minutes you hang up that phone,
Folders is gonna be at your door.

Speaker 3 (40:04):
Watch what happens. Watch that's right, they're.

Speaker 6 (40:07):
Gonna be I're gonna get that giant like is it
that like forty eight ounce you know metal tin of
coffee from folders that you get at at grocery stores. No,
I have never had. It's a couple of coffee. I've
had like a sip or two and didn't like it.

Speaker 3 (40:26):
They're gonna throw off. They're gonna throw it through your window.

Speaker 1 (40:28):
The big coffee gets you come through your window with
a note attached to it.

Speaker 6 (40:34):
Drink this or die. No, I d I kind of
I believe that coffee is the kin to you know,
studying the Jets draft history.

Speaker 3 (40:50):
Well, no, no, no, I mean it's it's a lot. It's
it's it's a lot better than that.

Speaker 1 (40:54):
You you feel right or after drinking a couple of
SIPs of coffee. Then if you're looking at the Jets
draft history.

Speaker 6 (41:01):
Let's let's quinton couple no.

Speaker 3 (41:04):
Like I said, like I said, I was, I was.

Speaker 6 (41:06):
Just looking over this, you know, like Dean Milliner. Let's
let's let's have some of the all time highlights. Are
you looking forward to pick number ten next week? Uh?

Speaker 1 (41:16):
Yeah, yeah, because I'm thinking it's either going to be
Alter Bowers, which we need.

Speaker 3 (41:19):
So I'm okay.

Speaker 6 (41:22):
Alt or back. You think you're going to get Alt
at ten or Bowers?

Speaker 3 (41:26):
I'm okay with either that, either of them at ten.

Speaker 1 (41:28):
Sure quarterbacks are going to go. Listen, we can get
one of those guys, or get one of the wide receivers.
There's only only ten picks, and like eight of them
are going to be quarterbacks, so eventually other.

Speaker 3 (41:39):
Positions are going to get drafted somehow.

Speaker 6 (41:42):
Everybody's trying to get for quarterback, including guys who are
not even in this draft. They're getting ready to draft,
like the fourteen year old who's playing at LaSalle High School.
You know, like that's what that's what they're trying to do.
Everybody's so desperate for quarterbacks in the NFL. They're looking
that far ahead.

Speaker 1 (42:01):
Dude, Arch Manning is going to get drafted this year.
Just watch watch him go seventh overall.

Speaker 6 (42:11):
I didn't even thrown a pass the.

Speaker 3 (42:12):
TEXI doesn't matter. Does it really matter till it doesn't.
He's going seven a Manning.

Speaker 6 (42:19):
He's got to go. It's got to go with a
single digit pick right now. Uh yeah. It was Matt
Verderram from uh from the Sports Illustrated put out his
one mock draft, and he had quarterbacks going one, two, three,
and four. I was like, this is just this is maddiness.
It's just crazyness and massive. That's a good friend of mine,

and you know, he's not really taking it very seriously,
but he just thought, let's go totally absurd and have
quarterbacks in one through four. You know, something that's never
happened in the history of the league.

Speaker 1 (42:53):
You know, because honestly, look, I think when it gets
down to it, right, it's been so much.

Speaker 6 (43:00):

Speaker 3 (43:01):
He was the second round pick. Okay, second round pick.

Speaker 6 (43:04):
Uh oh no, no, no o. Who else? Oh Nagel,
Browning nag Yeah.

Speaker 1 (43:10):
You know, other teams have had bad picks in the
last thirty five years, not just the Jets.

Speaker 3 (43:14):
Okay, going all the way back to nineteen ninety two
for that one, Browning Nagel.

Speaker 1 (43:19):
He had a great first game against the Falcons through
for like three point fifty and three touchdowns. I said,
we found our quarterback, and I think we cut him
a year.

Speaker 6 (43:26):
Later, Ohn Hackenberg.

Speaker 3 (43:29):
Right, Yeah, he's never even made it on the field.
He get played.

Speaker 2 (43:33):
You know, I look at it.

Speaker 1 (43:34):
I look at it this way to get away from
the Jets quarterbacks because I want to be happy and
have coffee.

Speaker 6 (43:38):
I'm not I'm not doing that. I'm gonna stay right
on the club thing. Don't worry.

Speaker 3 (43:43):
Here's what watching, Here's what you do. Here's what you do.

Speaker 1 (43:45):
I want you when we're done, when we're done, I
want you to get off the phone. I want you
to spend tonight. I want you to drink coffee and
come up with a we didn't start the fire and
talk about all the bad Jets draft picks from the
beginning of the draft until now, just go through you
make them.

Speaker 3 (43:57):
All rhyme, do a whole big billion. I think all
the worst Jets.

Speaker 6 (44:00):
Be something like that. We can do it all. Yeah,
you'll need.

Speaker 3 (44:09):
Coffee, Calvin pryor you'll need coffee. You'll need coffee when
he put together.

Speaker 1 (44:13):
But you know, I look at it this way with
with with the draft is that we've had the artificial
hyping up of JJ McCarthy and maybe you're a little
nervous about Drake May and I understand that, and bo
Nix is rising a little bit, and so is Michael Pennix.
But I really think when it comes down to it
that once we get past pick two, teams are gonna

go ooh, do we really want to give up everything
here for the quarterbacks?

Speaker 3 (44:39):
Like because because Jayden Daniels is gonna.

Speaker 1 (44:41):
Wind up going too overall because he has to be
such a good player, He's so talented, he anything you want.
The guy showed you last year. But once we get
out out of Caleb Williams and Jayden Daniels, it's, oh,
do we really like this guy? Do we really want
to mortgage our future on this? Guy, like, is it
just there's a lot of quarterbacks that are not bad.
I think there's gonna be a little bit of hey,
we're gonna come to our senses a bit after the

second pick as a quarterback.

Speaker 6 (45:04):
Well, I'm glad you remember all the things that I
said last week on during my My apparently show.

Speaker 3 (45:11):
You don't even remember what you said last week on
the show?

Speaker 6 (45:15):
Pretty much pretty much that was the script.

Speaker 3 (45:19):
I don't think. I don't think that's at all what
you said. I think you get you out.

Speaker 1 (45:21):
He said, Oh hey, cowboy bees and Stanford in the
acc and hey Tim Porter hates me in the Hall
of Fame voting and I'm not drinking coffee.

Speaker 6 (45:31):
We'll find it out, Prossburg will go find out, and
who will say, oh yeah, pretty much verbatim that's what
Cole said last week. I agree.

Speaker 1 (45:39):
Do you think Frostburg's rolling on your interview last week
like we're gonna we save that for something like you,
like you bring value that we need more than eight
seconds after you get off the.

Speaker 6 (45:48):
Air with um absolutely, why do you guys? You guys
have been calling me for forty two years. There's a
reason for that. Okay, So let's just let's just put
it in that in that context.

Speaker 1 (46:00):
So, dude, you signed a one sandwich forty two year deal,
you got to wait another gotta wait till the end
for your next sandwich.

Speaker 6 (46:07):
God who was my agent on that deal?

Speaker 3 (46:09):

Speaker 6 (46:11):
You what?

Speaker 3 (46:11):
Scott Boris?

Speaker 1 (46:12):
He held you out all the way till the end,
and then you had to sign that deal because nobody
else was putting you on the air.

Speaker 6 (46:19):
I signed the Blake Smell deal of it, No wonder
I got a fire Boris this week, just like Jordan
Montgomery did. To take this back to you having a
semi intellectual discussion, and not to bring up medi back,

but just to say I think you're absolutely right. And
I because I know I was right when I talked
about the subject last week. Is you have to start
sitting there and going whoa, let's just tap the brakes
here for one second. What do we we lead doing here?

Even the idea of Jaden Daniels going to like when
did how did he become this good? This fast? I mean,
I know he had a great, great season statistically, but
is he really a great quarterback? And Caleb Williams as
a player, you know, no, no question? Right? Like you

watch that and you say, you know, being able to throw,
you know, on different angles and different arm angles and
all those things. But even he's sometimes you think a
little bit of a stretch at number one because he's
just a little goofy for a quarterback and he's and
he's all on the small side. So it's like, hey,
can we just hesitate for a second, and you know, Okay,

Caleb Williams clearly the number one. He deserves good number one.
Washington definitely has to take a quarterback. There's no question
about it. They need to invest in a guy. They
need to try and solve this. Damn Quinn knows he
needs to do. You have a new owner who wants
to have a quarterback because nothing, you know, there's nothing
more fun than a new owner drafting a new quarterback

and getting excited about that guy's you know, he's building
his fantasy football team. So Josh Er can build a
fantasy football team this way. But after that, you just
got to sit there and go, Drake May Mark Sanchez reincarnate.
And I'm not doing that as a Jets comment. I
think it works that way, but you know, you just
sit there and go, is this the second timing of

Mark Sanchez and you look at JJ McCarty and you go,
what was it thirty four passes in the fourth quarter,
whatever your stat was that you threw out last week
or something. I mean, it's just, you know, it's a
crazy low number of high leverage twentys where he had
to make a big, big throw. And I know he
was terrific in the National Championship game, and so that

gives you, that gives you some hope, but you know,
like really in the five and I you know, I
completely went, you know, turned the corner on Michael Pennix
because I was worried about the throwing motion. And then
I watched him in the in the two playoff game
and I was like, oh, well I was wrong on that.
This guy's this guy's a stud. He's you know, like

he's got an amazing release and he throws a downfield
with amazing courage and amazing accuracy. Like I just love
him as a thrower. But then you sit there and go,
you know, he you know, he's got to knee of
an eighty year old man, and you just go like,
am I really going to invest in that? So yes,
I think ultimately people are going to say, wait a second,

it's going to be a lot like what was it
the you know, the Zach Wilson draft to bring that
up again, where yeah, yeah, no problem, no problem to
get one more. Yeah, when you know, when you had Jones,
everybody was worried about whether Jones was going to go,
you know, number three or and then he doesn't go

number three. It's like he drifts the number fifteen, and
then the Patriots take I mean, I know that people,
you know, give Belichick craft about taking Jones, but he
at least didn't trade up for him, right, Like he
didn't do what the forty nine ers did and trade
up for a kid who has barely played, who flashed

a little bit, who wasn't as good as the seventh
round pick that they took a year later. Right. So
I just say, I hope people show some patients with
the quarterback position, even though I do expect it. At
least five of these guys are going to go in
the first round, and a six go okay, let's see

what happens. And again, maybe the first eight picks, and
that will give you a possibility of Aden at number ten.
Eight quarterbacks, go arch mannon goes number seven, as you
have predicted. Then you know Marvin Harrison goes number nine.
You got to get Anze ten. Great pick.

Speaker 3 (51:01):
I'm with you, r Darius Stewart, I'm with you.

Speaker 1 (51:03):
Jason Cole, you can fall him on Twitter at Jason Coleson.

Speaker 6 (51:07):
You have taken ever though in the last since since
name it was Troy Taylor.

Speaker 1 (51:14):
Okay, of course, now come on, Hendington was good until
his arm fell off.

Speaker 3 (51:18):
Come on, man, he was good till it was no
Troy Taylor.

Speaker 6 (51:22):
Because he's not such a new Stanford. He's not my
favorite former quarterbacks way up there. Okay, what I did?
What I did there? I see you a little love.
I was just looking at this like Nagel, Clemens, Sanchi, Hackenberg,
Darnold's Wilson. My favorite quarter of this past week was

that that Joe Douglas saying that they still consider Jack
Wilson and Nasset.

Speaker 5 (51:50):
He's gonna start Jacole, He's gonna.

Speaker 1 (51:52):
Jacab saying over under ten plays, let's go. He's on
Twitter at Jason Cole sixty two. That is, at Jason
Cole sixty two. He'll be drinking coffee and writing the Jets.
We didn't start the fire. J Cole is always be.

Speaker 6 (52:07):
Angry, so angry right now, good work, funny her teeth.
You say my name, We'll talk to night.

Speaker 3 (52:14):
See you, buddy. There it goes, Jason Cole
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