All Episodes

April 24, 2024 41 mins

Jason Smith and Mike Harmon discuss recent comments from Jerry Jones at a pre-draft press conference regarding contracts and paying his players. The guys also give their fresh thoughts and reactions to another exciting slate of NBA playoff games. Plus, could the Lakers actually need LESS LeBron James if they want to beat the Nuggets?

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to The Jason Smith Show with Mike
Harmon podcast. Be sure to catch us live every weeknight
ten pm to two am Eastern seven to eleven pm
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Speaker 2 (00:23):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (00:29):
Hello, Welcome inside final hour tonight the Jason Smith Show
with my best friend Mike Harmon. We are live from
the Tirack dot Com studios tyrack dot com. I'll hope
you get there. An unmatched selection, fast, free shipping, free
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is a final from the crypt. The Mavericks take game two.
Last couple nights been throwbacks to the nineties in basketball,
Phenomenal ninety six ninety three is your final. Lucas scores
thirty two, Harden with twenty two to lead the Clippers,
and Paul George also at twenty two. There is no

more Paul George of a play. Then the final play
of this game in which the Clippers are down six
and Paul George gets the ball and rises up and
it's a frantic three pointer. So the final score is
the Clippers lose by three instead of by six. That
is the quintessential Paul ja thrilled that sh yeah, it

was great, but it was great, but no real pressure.
But hey it cuts the final score from losing by
six to three. But that that that is a Paul
George play right there.

Speaker 3 (01:42):
Well, I saw the ball go up, like, all right,
if it counts, it's gonna count if it goes and
then the light comes on, right, this is like yeah,
three point? Wait meanwhile, the wait, what was the spread?
You know, I don't know what it was like, because
I mean when you say good, if it goes, like, okay,
this anytime, I don't know what it was that point.
Anytime when you say good, if it goes, it's sixth point.

The assumption is that there's some gambling involved. I I
understand that fully. All right, just a hold George, just
so we know, took three shots in the fourth quarter. Yeah,
but hey it was one of two. Oh, we're down six,
there's no way we can win. You give me the ball.

Speaker 1 (02:20):
I want the ball. I want the ball. Hey, down
six with no chance to win, you give me the ball.
There is no better player.

Speaker 3 (02:25):
Than the third quarter he went one for four. So
there you got Paul George. Everybody, oh boy. Uh So
another fun night in the NBA. Will have more in
the NBA coming up in a few minutes because we
have a big story about Lebron James to get into.
And while it may be too late for the Lakers
this year, it's pretty radical, but it's kind of where

the Lakers need to go again. We'll have that coming
up in a few minutes. But as we get closer
and closer to the NFL Draft, and now we're just
two days away, I can't wait. You kid, mass some awesome,
awesome carpet night here at Flossy And there's always a
bit of drama going on even when they don't pick

early wherever they are surrounding the Dallas Cowboys. Now, the
drama this year so far has been Jerry Jones deciding
that I'm not spending money. I'm gonna put the same
team out there from last year to this year, and
then I'll spend money after this year. It's like, whoa whoa, whoa, whoa.

Speaker 1 (03:25):
But now, after today, I think it's time to now
worry about the Cowboys, and I mean worry about the
Cowboys actually at some point, not this year obviously, but
at some point maybe next year being great again. Because
either someone kidnapped the real Jerry Jones and we're getting
a different Jerry Jones now, or Jerry Jones, after thirty years,

has figured out, oh, this is how I need to
build a football team, all right, Because he was asked
today about the contract situations regarding Dallas the star players.
Dak Prescott, who we know is not getting a new deal,
and Jerry's gonna let him hit free agency next year.
And if Dak Prescott has a great year this year,
Jerry will give him sixty million dollars a year. If

he does not, Jerry will let him go. Dak Prescott's
already said I'm comfortable playing someplace else next year. Before
you think this is a game, you don't let a
player hit free agency if you want to keep him.
There's no handshake agreement, there's none of that. Dak wanted
to get paid, he's not getting paid. So Jerry Jones
has decided I'm going to wait, because we've mentioned it.
The playoff losses the last two years are just so

awful and they're both on Dak's shoulders. But you had
him asked today about Hey, well, not only is Dak
Prescott not getting paid, but you have Ceedee Lamb trying
to get a new contract and Micah Parsons trying to
get a new contract. So is that going to happen?
And Jerry Jones explained what's going on as only Jerry
Jones can by trying to let everybody know exactly what

it means when you run an option offense.

Speaker 4 (04:53):
We'd like to say some more action. It's called option.
A lot of guys need to hand it off. First
guy the line, another one will keep it, another step
decide whether pitch it or not. He'll decide whether to
turn up, feel with it, and then he still got
a pitch left. I've spent my life being an option quarterback.
It'd be madness not to know that the contracts are ahead.

I want to see a few more cards play.

Speaker 1 (05:19):
Okay, first things first, it's not quite how an option
offense were.

Speaker 3 (05:23):
You got to know when to hold them. It's not you.

Speaker 1 (05:24):
There's no there's no multiple pitches on the play the
game desperation. That's the annexation of Puerto Rico. I mean
that's it's actually done.

Speaker 3 (05:34):
I mean an.

Speaker 1 (05:35):
Option offense is the quarterback, you know, the that's a snap,
can hand it to the full back up the middle
or run down the line, keep it, or pitch it
to the running back.

Speaker 3 (05:43):
That's the play.

Speaker 1 (05:44):
There's no quarterback pitching it to a running back who runs,
who pitches it to another guy who runs down the
line and pitches it to another guy.

Speaker 3 (05:52):
That's not the option offense. Well it's not. I wish
it was in his world God to snap and not
get pitch it to a running back.

Speaker 1 (06:01):
I give the ball to Zeke. He can keep it,
not pitch it to door Set. He can keep it,
not pitch it to herschel Walker keep it or not.
He can pitch it to Bob Lilly keep it or not.
Pitch it to Harvey Martin, keep it or not.

Speaker 3 (06:14):
I realize I'm talking about defensive players now, But that, like,
that's always a but. I like how he was trying
to explain people what the option is, like I'm explaining
this to you like you're stupid, And so here's what
the option is so he's been an option quarterback. But
what Jerry Jones is trying to say or this is
I mean it, I feel like someone new is taking
over the Cowboys is that he wants to see some

action before he doles out money. For his entire life
running the team for thirty years, he has given money
to players because he likes paying them. He likes the headlines,
and he likes paying guys that he drafts. With the Cowboys.
He liked paying Ezekiel Elliott even though it was awful
money to spend, and Ezekiel Elliott just worked him for
the entire contract. He knew he was gonna get the money.

All he had to do was wait it out, and
Jerry paid him. Jerry Jones has done a horrendous job
building teams over the last thirty years. He pays the
wrong people, He pays them too much money. He doesn't
work and look for tomorrow how things fit because he
doesn't have a GM. But now, all of a sudden,
his entire off season tech has changed. He wants to wait,

specifically for CD Lamb because there's another couple of guys
coming up for big contracts. He goes, I don't want
to give Cede Lamb a contract if the contract coming
up for Justin Jefferson is X amount of dollars and
I overpay for CD Lamb.

Speaker 1 (07:32):
For Micah Parsons a little bit different. We've heard stories
the last couple of weeks and maybe he's not getting
along with people in Dallas great, rubbing people the wrong way?
Is he a guy you want to keep? Is the
guy you want to let see go to free agency?

Speaker 3 (07:42):

Speaker 1 (07:42):
The's got decisions to make, and now I look at
it and I go it may be time to worry
about the Cowboys being good because Jerry Jones seems like
he is figuring out, Oh, what I've been doing for
three decades is not working.

Speaker 3 (07:55):
I got a change now. Yes, you would like to
think that and hope that Jerry Jones would have feared that,
like maybe after five years, but it's been thirty. It's
been thirty of my way and it's just not working.
And I'm eighty years old and I'm gonna be around
a while, and I'm still doing things, and I'm still
sharp and I'm doing but I gotta change how we
do things now. And I'm throwing this year and sacrificing

twenty twenty four to get to a point where maybe
twenty twenty five and on are better because he knows
that the legacy is his and the Cowboys not winning
is his legacy. But he was always someone that he
can't help himself. He's just gonna Jerry his way through everything.
But it's I mean, I feel like he is like
like someone switched places with him where he had that meeting,
he had that moment, that moment of clarity where.

Speaker 1 (08:38):
He said, wait a minute, I can't just give guys
money because I feel like it. I mean, our team
is always thin and there's never a real togetherness and
I'm not hiring the right coaches and everything going on.
Now I'm gonna do it differently, And I feel bad
for the players because guys like Dak and Micah Parsons
and Ceee Lamb are going.

Speaker 3 (08:54):

Speaker 1 (08:54):
Now the guy gets a conscience. Now he figures out
how to pay guys. Why couldn't he just pay us
a silly money and then figure out he didn't want
to pay guys off. Now now I get a sweat
for my cash from either the Cowboys or go to
somebody else.

Speaker 3 (09:06):
Jerry Jones always paid his guys. Now he's not.

Speaker 1 (09:08):
Now I feel bad for those guys because now now
they're in limbo. When years had Dak come around five
years before, hey, he'd have already gotten his money. But
this is Jerry Jones now figuring out that I need
to build a different way. And if he sticks to it,
this is gonna what makes the Cowboys great because the
Cowboys have always drafted well. They continue to draft well,

so reason why they're competitive. And if they can figure
the right way, maybe he's going to hire a GM
or listen to somebody else, But if they can figure
out a way to spend money the right way, look out, man,
because the Cowboys sell themselves. And so if he figures
that part out of it, look, I mean you're talking
about it's it. You can build a dynasty in a
year in Dallas because it's that kind of team and
it's made. It may have taken him thirty years to

figure it out, but I think he's.

Speaker 3 (09:53):
Figured it out. I want to know what the genesis
is though. Is there are some that's Phil Collins band,
Peter Gabriel was in it but he left. Mike Rutherford
was in it, but he left A four Mike and
the Mechanics had one hit with All needed It was
a miracle. Yeah, Phil Collins stayed with the band. Didn't
they also have the Living Years? Wasn't that him? I
wish that I had told him in the Living say last,

say yeah, I was Mike and the Mechanics. Can can
you give me another Mic and Mechanics song? Because I can't.
I'm out. I'm out after I tap about it too. Okay,
that's it. Okay, if someone knows a third at Swollen Dome, Matt,
how about a.

Speaker 1 (10:32):
Fresco watched Tyser just running. Oh yeah, you're forgetting about
Jump and Knucklehead Billy And it reached number seventeen on
the charts that year, on the Hot one hundred. But
the question is someone in that room did they go
through the spreadsheet? He's like, what makes them a winner?
And it's like, all right, show me the salaries, the quarterbacks,
and it's like all right, fine, fine, And then they

showed the forty nine ers.

Speaker 3 (10:53):
Because he had this quote to the athletic goes quote,
you're a team that has a lot of cap room,
and then you have a quarterback for a little while
that's well underneath in his rookie contract, you know San Francisco.
Last year us with Dak early after we had Romo,
and then he paused. He goes, boy, we had a
lot of card credit card use there on Romo because

DAK came along so we didn't have to have it
and we're able to absorb the money. It was smoking.
It was like, I you know, it's like I've gotten
paid on a Friday night and decided to go through
TJ Max Nate.

Speaker 1 (11:22):
I'm gonna get this shirt and got a hole in
the collar, but that's okay. It's why it's fourteen dollars.
I'm gonna get that shirt. I'm gonna get a patch. Well,
I'm gonna get that hat. That's a seventeen dollars hat
if I go to under Armour, but here it's only fourteen,
so I'm gonna get that. I forget the fact it's
got a big yellow staining. I'm gonna buy that one.
Oh boy, I've.

Speaker 3 (11:39):
Used up my credit cards, you know, I gotta spread
this out over another couple of cards. I got one
of those Donners Club credit cards. I think they still
make those. I think they're going full Confessions of a
shopper haul ik Is Fisher. Interest rates on Donner's Club
is like seventy four percent, so you don't want to
make sure you pay that off the end of every month.
But since it is Jerry Jones, are you talking about
Dinah Dinah Shore anyway? So he goes, hey, we had that.

We were able to keep Tyron Smith around him. So
Dak has enjoyed in his career. We're proud of some
of the best supporting casts you can put around him.
But here's the money quote. To move forward, we will
have to diminish that. That's a fact. That's the rule.
That's the rules. So someone alerted to the facts, like, hey,
rookie deals on quarterbacks. That's where you make your hay

and you can build up around.

Speaker 1 (12:27):
So I don't have to pay the quarterback if he's
on a rookie contract because his agent told me, I
had to, Oh, should have looked that up on interweb.

Speaker 3 (12:36):
Well, I mean, look at they tracked Zeke down to
Mexico and gave him a giant pile of money.

Speaker 1 (12:42):
Hey, I heard you could turn on the iPhone with
a fine, fine, not fonder thing, tell me where Zeke is.
But unless you have his phone number, you can't do.
I'm Jerry Jones. You find where Zeke is.

Speaker 3 (12:52):
Tell me where he is going to be in the
personnel files there somewhere. All you gotta do is walk
outside this office with a big briefcase full of money's
he will find. You. Don't worry. But yeah, that's where
we're at, Jerry Jones. Someone a learning him whether it's
it's here, if we run the numbers, sir, I mean,
it's the Jennifer Garner character in Drafted. You're coming through

and saying, hey, here's what we've been spending. If we
had just how we do this, we might have more success.
I feel like he had that moment in a movie
like where he goes for a walk in the park
and he sits on a bench and he sees a
bunch of kids playing football. One of them's in like
this you know this dirty Dallas Cowboys. There he's got
grass staines on it from playing and the ball goes
near him and he picks up and gives him goes here,

you go, hey, that was a nice play, you Cowboys fan.

Speaker 5 (13:38):
The kid goes, yeah, but we think we can't find
the right player. Makes my dad fed, and then kid
walks away. It was a good fight. I can't complain
about the fight. He gave me a good fight. But
I'm a fighter. I can't be I'm a fighter. Andy
Dak gets too much money. I don't know what to do.
Jack gotta go fight Jake Paul now because you give
it Dak all this money. And then Jerry just sits
there and says, well, this is this is this is

that moment in the movie when you hear that boom
and then like the montage music comes in and all
of a sudden, I make things better in like forty
five seconds. And that's what I'm gonna do.

Speaker 3 (14:11):
Right now, you ripped some flowers out of the ground
and you run to the girl. I had that moment.

Speaker 1 (14:15):
I had that moment, that moment, like all of a sudden, Oh,
now I got a change, because now he's practicing responsible businessing,
right right, just responsible businessing.

Speaker 3 (14:25):
He can do that. Yeah, responsible business.

Speaker 1 (14:29):
Quiet and I'm skulls, I'm broadcasting, So he's just practicing
responsible businessing. And now I feel like, wait, wait a minute, Yeah,
the cowboys are sacrificing this year, but yeah, okay, you
don't have to pay Dak sixty million when you've already
got the best of him and he hasn't gotten you
close to a super Bowl and he's melted down on

the playoffs twice. Do you really have to pay cd Lamb?
When new great receivers there's seven in the draft every
year that come in. You don't have to pay those guys,
you know what I mean? Real you can pick and choose.
You don't have just because you draft a guy and
he's good, doesn't mean you.

Speaker 3 (15:05):
Have to pay him. Because that was always the Jerry
Jones way, and now he's figuring that out. It's Skynet
becoming aware. Oh, I was gonna go Christmas Carol. He
saw the ghosts, you know, the ghost of Christmas Pass
came to see me. It was Starback goes to Christmas
Present came to see me. It was Romo.

Speaker 1 (15:24):
And then UH goes to Christmas Future came to see
me and it was Dak. So UH told me all
the things that happened and where, and I saw that
Dak was in a Raiders jersey, and and Uh I laughed,
woke myself up out of the dream. Uh I took
my stocking cap off, UH blew out the candle and
UH went to the chamber Pot and uh used the bathroom,
and then came back and opened the sash of the

window and saw a bunch of kids Christmas Carolyn outside,
And I said, oh, well, Kate, this means I'm not
gonna give Dak any money. So that's what the dream
said to me. So that good luck.

Speaker 3 (15:55):
What would have been great is if you'd kind of
zagged and you made it. He'd awakened in hoove. But
I got the word chamber pot in. You don't get
chamber potted on sports talk radio. That was really well done.
Chamber Pot. That's what you call a good uh good
curve ball there. That's a you know, cole Play's new
album is called chamber Pot. If you know that it's
coming out, chamber Pott, I'd buy that out. I buy

that unspect let's go. That's it. Why the gunshot finally reloaded?

Speaker 4 (16:22):

Speaker 2 (16:22):
Why the.

Speaker 6 (16:24):
And I missed again? Keep talking, please, this is a.

Speaker 3 (16:28):
Second hour calls a while.

Speaker 1 (16:31):
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Express Pros. Scary Jerry Jones has figured it out. But
what about Lebron James? Oh boy, this is gonna be

a little radical. But if the Lakers are gonna win,
this is what they need.

Speaker 3 (17:44):
No no, no, no no, Well, tej, we'll fix you
and fix Lebron. Coming up next, This is Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (17:53):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern seven
pm Pacifi on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 3 (18:05):
Hey what's up everybody?

Speaker 7 (18:06):
It's me three time pro bowler LeVar Arrington and I
couldn't be more excited to announce a podcast called up
on Game?

Speaker 3 (18:13):
What is up on Game?

Speaker 7 (18:14):
You ass along with my fellow pro bowler TJ. Huschman,
Zada and Super Bowl champion Yup, that's right, Plexico Burrs.

Speaker 3 (18:22):
You can only name a show with that type of
talent on it.

Speaker 7 (18:25):
Up on Game We're going to be sharing our real
life experiences loaded with teachable moments. Listen to Up on
Game with Me LeVar Arrington, TJ. Hutchman, Zada, and Plexico
Burrs on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts or wherever you
get your podcast from.

Speaker 1 (18:46):
Fox Sports Radio, The Jason Smith Show with my best
friend Mike Carmon Livethetireck dot Com Studios. Really half the time,
I think Tycher just says, what a my listening to
on Spotify and this is the music we get on
the show.

Speaker 6 (19:02):
I have a very colllective taste. You know what kind
of a taste clectic?

Speaker 3 (19:06):
Oh, very good? Okay, I just gave him some new gems.

Speaker 6 (19:09):
I'm probably the only person you know, Jason, that can
listen to anything. Really, Yeah, you.

Speaker 3 (19:13):
Can listen to anything.

Speaker 6 (19:14):

Speaker 3 (19:15):
Can you listen to not playing Tears for Fears? Ever? Again, Well, that.

Speaker 6 (19:18):
Includes not listening. I said I can listen anything.

Speaker 3 (19:20):
Well, you can listen to it not being played. Nah,
that doesn't You would just hear other songs instead. That's
like you're saying, I can breathe in any circumstance. Just
stop breathing. Okay, I stop breathing. No, don't do that.

Speaker 6 (19:30):
I want you to breathe. Okay, now I'm breathing, see,
and I want to listen to Tears for Fears.

Speaker 3 (19:34):
But I stopped breathing.

Speaker 6 (19:36):
Don't do that, so I can do that. Stop that,
I can breathe. I will load this musket again.

Speaker 3 (19:39):
I stop and breathe in in any even underwater. There's
no way he is working feverishly to reload that musquet
right now. That was a great callback. That really, thank you.
You did not see that coming.

Speaker 1 (19:53):
The Jason Smiths Or with Mike Carmon love the tire
Rack dot Com Studio.

Speaker 3 (19:57):
So the Night in the NBA is finished. The Clippers
and the Mavericks mas win at ninety six ninety three.
If I had to say one time, okay, if you said,
what one series is going seven games, this is the one.
Probably what if you said one series ago seven games,
this is the one. Now. On the plus side, we
did actually have a couple of road teams win today, Yeah,

which is good.

Speaker 1 (20:20):
That kind of shows you that it's a little bit
of the potential out there.

Speaker 3 (20:24):
Yeah, because first couple of days as exciting as the
games were home teats. Hope, But yeah, this would be
the series. And I think that's where we kind of
had it earmarked before things started. I mean we were
all having it. Paid a lot of mind to Minnesota
Phoenix kind of like yesterday's Cleveland game. Yeah, it just
kind of happened. Hey, Cleveland's up to day. Hey Grayson
Allen got hurt and Minnesota ruled. They had a thirty

one to two point differential off turnovers. That's how you
win games, yep. But the one to grow on their phoenix.
But yeah, this this was a great game.

Speaker 1 (20:55):
Yeah, No, look it was it was back and forth,
and we're, like I said, we're seeing what basketball was
like in the If everybody's just watching basketball, I'll go
to by. Yeah, that's what it was like in the nineties,
ninety six, ninety three, ninety two, eighty nine, ninety one,
eighty nine like that.

Speaker 3 (21:07):
That's kind of the way it was that we got
to the nineties. I was actually a little surprise, Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
a little bit of a bara.

Speaker 1 (21:13):
I didn't think that was happening. No, but it was
seventy three seventy. I said, this game is going.

Speaker 3 (21:16):
To finish thirty one, twenty seventy, the fourth standzae of things.
But yeah, for for Dallas, you know, I mentioned gafferd
he was a big part to their defense second half
of the year. Now, rating wise, they still didn't move
the needle very much, but he and PJ. Washington when
they came over were solid. Washington had a big second half.
He finished with eighteen points today. Gafford with a back injury.

So you're starting center and goes out and guess what,
a lot of layups, a lot of opportunity in the
middle for the Clippers to roll through. But then you know,
Luca kind of mfed everybody he possibly could after hitting
a three pointer. Lates, Oh yeah, the stream out there, sure, sure,
but look tonight, the last couple nights. Tonight tomorrow was like, okay, yeah,

we're getting a couple of good appetizer nights like at
Topas night, we kind of get to We get tapas tonight,
Tapas tomorrow, and then the main course on Thursday, which,
in the NBA's infinite wisdom, Yeah, let's put the Knicks
and the Lakers on opposite the NFL draft, Like, I mean,
Cole took Christmas from us. Come on, we're coming. Yes.

Speaker 1 (22:20):
People are gonna say, I don't want to see where
all these quarterbacks are selected.

Speaker 3 (22:23):
I'm gonna watch the NBA. Yeah, not happening. But anybody
get to ask, hey.

Speaker 1 (22:32):
Adam Jason Smith Fox Sports Radio, what the hell is
wrong with you? It may be too late for the
Lakers this year because after last night, Look, you gotta
win one game in Denver to win this series, and
that was your best chance. You're up by twenty and
you gave it away. The Lakers season is over. It
may not be for another couple of days, but the
Lakers season is going to end. It's very competitive, very competitive.

Speaker 3 (22:58):
But for the.

Speaker 1 (22:59):
Lakers to succeed, they need less Lebron James, not more
and follow me on this right watching the game last night.
Ad is rolling in the first half, d Low is rolling,
and then the offense kind of bogs down. Yes, Ad
gets in a little bit of foul trouble and for

some reason, the Angel Russell's on the bench way longer
than the fourth quarter than he should be. He say yeah,
and they don't get Ady the ball at all in
the fourth quarter. He takes one shot. It's ridiculous, and
the offense bogs down and the Nuggets come back and win.
Now what was the reason for this? Lebron James gets
to points where he decides, okay, now it's my turn.

Now it's winning time. Now it's me and five, seven,
eight years ago, ten years ago, twelve years ago. Hey,
that was great because Lebron James about winning time. He
was about getting to the hoop. He was about making
those mid range jumpers. He was about creating.

Speaker 3 (23:56):
And if I'm gonna suck everybody into the post with me,
I'm gonna kick it out for a great shot. I'm
gonna be able to do everything because I'm the best
and most talented basketball player that anybody has seen. But
he's not that guy anymore. He's a guy that gets
his points, does he make the team better. You look
at last night as a big example. When Lebron decides

for wide stretches, it's now it's Iso time for me.
I get the ball top of the key and I'm
gonna wait. And how many bunnies have we seen him miss?
How many layups has he missed? How many?

Speaker 1 (24:27):
How many shots where the most the most common sight
is Lebron misses it in yells that he wants a
foul call. He doesn't get it. He doesn't make those
shots like he used to. And what happens to the
Lakers is they bog down, Their offense slows down, they
don't score because Lebron doesn't score. And the Nuggets were
able to hype back into the game if there was

no supporting cast. I get it, Well, Lebron's gotta take
these shots. But no, Now, the Laker supporting cast is
pretty bleeping good. You're talking about a d and Austin
Reeves can make shots, and d Loo, who kind of
is an every other game guy. Last night was his night.
You have a lot of players that can make big shots.
You've finally gotten the supporting cast that you need. And

still Lebron says, okay, thanks for everything you guys. Now
it's my turn. And that's not how you win. And
I don't mean this is a case of where hey,
less Lebron James as he plays less minutes, he plays
no But when you go down the floor sometimes possessions.
You can go to a D two three times in
a row and Lebron James doesn't have to touch the ball.
You can say, hey, this is gonna be Austin Reeves

has been wide open, he's been hot. We're gonna set
him up for a three. You can let the other
guys and you can build the offense around that enough
to worry about Lebron either taking over himself or running
enough plays to keep Lebron happy. Well, now let's let
Lebron do his thing for a few minutes. It's too
much Lebron because at this point he's still a great player,
but he doesn't make the team better. And he's certainly

not good enough to get his point to get points
all the time what he needs to, because we choked
around about it last night, he'll miss it's like four
shots in a row in the fourth quarter, but then
come down hit the fifth and then go back up
court with opposing and dumping his chest.

Speaker 3 (26:06):
Got yeah, I made that fifth one. Yeah, But meanwhile,
the Nuggets just won an eight to two run and
now your lead was eleven and now it's four. So
I don't know if the math works that, but you
got what I'm saying. I mean, so I think the
key going forward for the Lakers is less Lebron. You
don't have to rely on him and you can't let
him take over. And it's gotta be hey, we're gonna
run this through a d now, and if you don't

take shots for a few minutes, that's fine. Or if
you don't take a shot, here we go a couple
of possessions. That's gotta be okay. The days of running
the offense, specifically through Lebron if you're going to win,
have to end. I know this because we've seen the
Lakers run the offense through Lebron and and and him
try to take over games last couple of years. Guess
what doesn't work. So when you have when you have

the supporting cast, especially a guy like Ad who's a
top seven player in the league, yeah, it's okay. If
the other guys take shots, keep moving the ball, keep
the offense humming like it was in the first half,
and no, no, Now, Lebron says, we're gonna slow the
game down, play ISO ball and this is what I'm
gonna do, and that's killing the Lakers. Well, and that's
we watched the lead get built and sustained for quite

a while, and and then as we got deeper into
the third quarter, which has been most often disastrous for
the Lakers, completely out of sorts. You know Anthony Davis
fall trouble, Well, they're not gonna follow him out unless
he absolutely runs someone over on the offensive side. Right,
it's just not gonna happen. Uh, D'Angelo Russell, he was

broken in Game one. Okay, couldn't hit the broad side
of Mark here. He's he's on fire. I get it.
You have a cooling off period from whatever halftime show
and extended coverage you have on TV. Get him going
again or find off halftime. There's halftime shows. What are
you watching? Well, there's something in a halftime shot. Yeah, okay,

there's there's gonna be extended. It's a playoff. You're gonna
get an extra commercial blocks you had to watch that
in then.

Speaker 1 (28:00):
But you said halftime show like it's you know that
that band Jimmy World is gonna do the middle am I.

Speaker 3 (28:05):
I mean no, the sons are gonna be out of
the point to come out for a one or two songs,
but they but the idea being yeah, you could say, well,
and you know he's cooled off, so we're gonna go
in a different direction, Like you don't know that because
he hasn't taken a bunch of shots. He took the
ball out of his hand and Anthony Davis, it's unconscionable
like that. He didn't see the ball in the fourth quarter.
I still don't remember the shot he actually took. I

want to go back and watch the d It was
in the middle of the lane because remember TNT put
up on their graphic that he didn't take a shot
at all in the fourth So we either have zero
one either way. The point is, how does he scored
thirty two in the verse half and he's not involved
at all. Meanwhile, on the other side, Jamal Murray, who'd
been awful for three quarters, he starts to cook and

you do nothing to slow that down. Defensively, you have
nothing to change it up, and then you know, from
the offensive standpoint, you're not. I'm not saying you go
to the fourth corner offense and you're trying to stall
things out, but movement, move the ball, find yourself some
easy looks and opportunities at the rim which did not
exist down the stretch, and Lebron, you know, just dismiss it.

I you know what, it rimmed in and out. You know,
you know there would be three three point attempt Yeah,
like like like.

Speaker 1 (29:14):
It's like missing is not his fault. Like I was
fine with a shot, but then just what do you want? No,
you still miss?

Speaker 3 (29:19):
Well everybody else man the other night, it's well we
didn't hit shots. You still make shots. Yeah, you have
the chance to like put the dad right there.

Speaker 1 (29:26):
There's a difference between a ball going in and out
and then you missing the room entirely.

Speaker 3 (29:29):
Well, I missed him entirely. I missed.

Speaker 1 (29:31):
You still miss the other way too. It was just
a closer miss, but you missed. But like that's I
feel like that's every Laker game.

Speaker 3 (29:38):
They know at some point it's gonna be Lebron isoball,
and that's gonna bog over a lot of standing around. Okay,
this is what it's gonna be, and and this is
this is when when the Nuggets come back, and this
is this is what really sends the Lakers into a tailspin.

Speaker 1 (29:54):
You could see it. You saw it in the third quarter,
you saw in the fourth quarter. And yes, it's not
the Lebron didn't make big plays. He did, but when
the Lakers were, they were when they running their offense,
are up by twenty, they're running the Nuggets out of
the building. I mean, come on, man.

Speaker 3 (30:07):
My favorite though, was I don't know if you saw
the video after the fact, after Anthony Davis had fallen
into the bench after the Murray make and everything was
Lebron stalking the official. Why didn't I get an an one?
Why did you call the bleep and foul and just
stalk him? And if someone finally has to get in
his way to stop him from following the official off

the court.

Speaker 1 (30:28):
Why didn't you call that foul the third quarter? We
all saw it, and you should have called that at
a ten thirty eight mark of the third one, because.

Speaker 3 (30:34):
Remember we had that steal, which was probably the best
defensive play he'd made right, great, great anticipation, and then
he was looking for the A one and decided after
Murray hit the shot to stalk the referee.

Speaker 1 (30:47):
Then, for Lebron James and the Lakers, less is more less,
Lebron is more. That's the only way through all right, Now,
a guy, you can also say, hey, less is more.
It's Brian Finley with what's trending in the wide world
of sports.

Speaker 8 (31:01):
You may you mean like the amount of hair on
your head.

Speaker 3 (31:04):
Yes, but I mean less contribution from you means a
better show.

Speaker 6 (31:08):
That means do you even have one strand of hair
on the Why?

Speaker 3 (31:11):
Why does my hair have anything to do with the show?
Why it doesn't.

Speaker 1 (31:15):
Well, your biceps to your muscle, triceeps, triceps, triceps, looking good.

Speaker 6 (31:19):
It's hard to see those in there.

Speaker 1 (31:21):
Look good man, you want to close look at my triceps.
That'll be the last thing you ever see.

Speaker 6 (31:27):
Hey, now, wow, Well I'll tell you well, we just
saw he.

Speaker 2 (31:32):
Stunned friendly with a big right hand.

Speaker 3 (31:36):
Radio host kills men with tricep Yeah, yeah, not a
tritend triceps.

Speaker 8 (31:41):
We all have to live in our fantasy lands. You
know it's a little delusional, but you know we live
with it.

Speaker 3 (31:46):
Tell us what's trenday?

Speaker 4 (31:48):

Speaker 8 (31:48):
What is non fiction? From fiction and nonfiction? How about
that for a segue? We got the NBA postseason and
its first round action right now, we just watched moments ago.

Speaker 3 (31:59):
This one wrapped up.

Speaker 8 (31:59):
The Mavericks go into Crypto dot Com Arena and win
ninety six to ninety three against the Clippers, evening that
series at one game at Piece, Kawi, Leonard Playing had
fifteen points in thirty eight minutes of work. It was
his first game playing since March thirty first. He had
been out the last nine games because of right knee inflammation.
Luga Ancic went off thirty two points, hit some critical

buckets down the stretch and then even at a primal
screen and mouths some curse words at the end to
let everybody know what he feels, how he is feeling.
After hitting some big buckets down the stretch, Bucks one
to eight, they fall to one to twenty five from
the Pacers. This was a game too, so the Pacers
have tied things up in that series one game at Piece.
The Bucks, though were shorthanded. They did not have Jannis

into Google. He was out because of an injury to
his calf. Pascal Siakam thirty seven points, eleven rebounds and
six assists to his name. Timberwolves get the job done
one oh five to ninety three over the Suns, holding
the Suns to just forty two points in the second half,
and it has ment is two games to nothing in
favor of the Tea Wolves as they open up the

fourth quarter on an eleven to zero run and never
looked back from there. Lastly, let's get to hockey. Do
that hockey. They are in postseason play as well. A
bunch of game two's in first round action, including the
Rangers over the Capitals four to three. New York has
ahead two games to none there Game two in Florida
and the Panthers in overtime take out lighting three to two.

So Florida, like the Rangers, owns a two games to
none lead in their respective series. Avalanche five to the
Jets two even is that matchup at one game at
piece and also even at one game would be the
Predators and Canucks, and for the Preds went into Vancouver
and stun the Canucks four to one. Lastly, a touch

on baseball and Jason and Mike, as I get it
back to you, I know I'm short for time, less
is more, so I'll just make this really quick.

Speaker 6 (33:57):
The Mets lost in the White Sox lost. You said
it less is more. Thank you all the scores. I
want to make it less because you said that was better.

Speaker 1 (34:05):
Yeah, I'm gonna call I'll call you Brian Fenn because
that's less Bfen.

Speaker 3 (34:10):
Yeah. Does anybody call you Beefen? Yes? Who calls you beefen?
People on this show?

Speaker 1 (34:15):
Chris Broussard like, because it sounds like it sounds like
I'm saying beef hen, Like, you're a beef hen.

Speaker 3 (34:22):
I don't even know what that is. I bet, I
bet that's the thing. A beef he. I want one.
It's a hen that eats meat. Let's bleeping go. Sounds
like the end of Hannibal. It sounds familiar, right, Jason.

Speaker 1 (34:34):
Beefen, He's a Beefen Brian family. Thank you very much,
my friend. You're tired of endlessly searching for work or
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It's time to try something new in your job. Search
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Speaker 3 (35:04):
Well, coming up next, we put a ball on the
big night in the NBA including maybe we figured out
the enigma that is one NBA superstar. That's next year
Jason and Mike Fox.

Speaker 2 (35:16):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific.

Speaker 3 (35:24):
And we actually talked about Silence of the Lambs on
the show tonight. How about that? It's another callback. What
a rich tapestry we weave The Jason Smith Show with
my best friend Mike Harmon live from the Tirack dot
Com studios. Now, before we get to unwrap the enigma
that is one NBA Superstar, I want to tell you
who's one Twitter tonight, and it is NBA insider Mark Medina,

who joins us every week Talk NBA. He was on
with us last night and he guaranteed me gave you
here you heard him say it. He guaranteed me that
Jalen Brunson would score forty points in Game three against
the Sixers. He guaranted he guaranteed that suddenly on the
road he was gonna find his shot. Yes, well, or
take fifty shots to get to forty. One of those

two things could happen. Uh. But look, we talked about
if if the Knicks are gonna do anything, they need
Jalen Brunson to be that guy. And you know, I
tweeted back to Mark Medina today and he just he
just tweeted me back. Oh, the Sixers are preemptively sending
a formal complaint about Game threes officiating. Well, when you
have a full on screw job, as demonstrated so brilliantly

in the and loquaciously in the two minute review of
last night's game, I think if you're the Sixers, you
already have the letter head out and you're ready.

Speaker 1 (36:38):
We're gonna send another letter. We're gonna send another letter.
This is like, wait, what.

Speaker 3 (36:41):
Was lak I'm gonna send two letters? No? No, no, no, no,
what was it was? Was it Robin Thicke that preemptively
sued Marvin Gaye's estate that they couldn't sue him. Yes,
over blurred lines, I'm preemptively suing you that you can't
sue me acause I've slen for I've stolen, got to
give it up, and I'm I've made a big song
out of it, and you can't take it from me

like that. I'm preemptively suing it. The fun of the
legal Wrangler. Boy, you can have that. I'm preemptively suing
it's happening.

Speaker 1 (37:12):
Uh So, now it may be elementary, but potentially we
have figured out Damian Lillard. Tonight, the Bucks lose to
the Indiana Pacers and that series is tied one apiece. Well,
you knew it was going to be difficult for the
Bucks playing without Giannis, but it was another night of

great play out of Damian Lillard. He single handedly wins
Game one by himself and Game two tonight, thirty four
points for him, ten out of twenty one from the floor,
six out of thirteen from three. This first two games
of the playoffs, he has been the old Damian Lillard.
And during the season, what do we see? What do
we say?

Speaker 3 (37:51):

Speaker 1 (37:51):
He looks slower. It looks like age is caught up
to him. He's getting his shot blocked. He can't get
open for his game winning shots like he used to.
Maybe Damian Lillard is getting old before our eyes and
because clearly he was not the same guy.

Speaker 3 (38:06):
But it may wind up being so much simpler than that.
Damian Lillard without Yannis has been Damian Lillard trying to
fit in as the number two was awkward, so he
was never able to do it. So what you're saying
is he hates Yannis and this is his way to
depose him. No, okay, yes, get rid of him, keep

me here, no stanging a coup.

Speaker 1 (38:30):
What I'm saying is maybe it's as simple as Damian
Lillard functioning as the number two. He's not comfortable. Tried
to figure it out all season, but couldn't. He needed
the ball to go through him to pick his spot
to win games, and it wasn't because he had to
defer to Janis obviously because Yannis is that kind of guy.
But some guys are wired they could be that way,

like if Steph Curry got traded to Milwaukee, he could
easily find a way to say, yes, I get it,
I know how I'm gonna fit in here as the
number two. But maybe Damian li it can't because for
the entire run he had, he was the number one,
but now here he is clearly the number one.

Speaker 3 (39:06):
No, yo, Honis.

Speaker 1 (39:06):
Remember he missed the last couple of games the end
of the year, but we really see a lot out
of Milwaukee. Uh to say, okay, this is our strategy.
Well it was the second half of the year. It seemed
like they just rolled the ball out.

Speaker 3 (39:15):
Yeah, hi doc, Yeah, But here it is the first
two games and Lillard's been great because he's been the
one the offense has rolled through him, and it's this
team is kind of made up like it.

Speaker 1 (39:25):
Was in Portland, where he's the star. And yeah, he's
got a couple of nice players around him instead of
the Colum, he's got Chris Middleton. But in the end, okay,
you're missing that big star that's gonna get you further
in the playoffs. But so far, for Damian Lillard, he
has been back to being that guy. And again, maybe
it's as simple as hey, when I'm the one, I
feel like me my shot is, I'm more confident, I

get more shots because he's been a volume shooter all year,
last couple of games shooting much more effectively, right, And
it's been it's been a completely different player. And if
you look back at the season and say he's struggled
with the honest, but now by himself doesn't mean this
makes the Bucks better. But this may mean this is
the way we get the better version of Damian Lillard.

And it could just be that elementary heys the two
he struggles, but as the one, Hey, I got.

Speaker 3 (40:12):
It well, some of it being the constructs of all
year long, just trying to find your space. Right, You're
thirty and thirteen with one coach. You bring in Doc
Rivers and things bogged down offensively, it's a different look
you talk about you know him in court and relations
in final minutes? Am I the guy this time? Or
are you and moving without the ball? And it changes structure.

Add to that all the stuff he had going on
off the court, so it never seemed settled right as
a team, certainly the second half post post Doc. I mean,
there's no denying that I committed a bad time. Don't
blame me, And now you're able to just flush it
out because it has to be you. No, no, no, you,

I'm afraid it was it was me In game one,
it was Dame. In game two. We won Game one,
that was great. Game two we lost. That wasn't me
somebody else? Who are you blaming? No, it's Blake's fault.
He retired. I haven't been able to coach really since
Blake retired. I gotta think that's damaging for Doc. Not
getting a lot of sleep. No, it's been very hard,
very difficult, thinking back to him jumping the Shark. I mean,

k I really coach great in game one. I coach
even better in game two. But guys didn't do it.
Gotown their fault. It's their fault because you didn't just
lose Game two. I stopped Haliburt, and I said, listen,
I got the defense to stop Haliburton. You gotta stop Siakam.
They didn't stop Siakam. Not my fault. Didn't think you'd
see that one on your Bengo card.

Speaker 1 (41:40):
Did you exit out out of Fresco exit Swolling Dome?
Up next to my buddy Ben Mallery.

Speaker 3 (41:45):
This is Fox
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