All Episodes

April 27, 2024 41 mins

Jason Smith and Mike Harmon talk with NFL Analyst Jason Cole as they discuss the Falcons taking Michael Penix Jr and why it is absolutely baffling.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to The Jason Smith Show with Mike
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Speaker 2 (00:22):
Let's give this you're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (00:27):
Hello, Welcome in side our two, The Jason Smith Show
with my bes friend Mike Harmon, live from the ti
iraq dot com studios tyrec dot com. I'll hope you
get there. An unmatched selection, fast, free shipping, free road
hazard protection, over ten thousand recommended installers tyrack dot com,
the way tire buying should be. Well, here we are
getting close to the end of Round three of the

NFL Draft, and before we get to a big quarterbackstory,
I well, we got to talk about love here for
a second, because you know, I really thought I loved
Mikey Saanras still more than anybody else in the dream.
But you know, watching this kid play at Michigan friend
of the show, Yeah, he join us after they won
the National Championship. He's the best slot corner in college football.
He's going to be a first pick on the on

probably the second day of the NFL Draft. Love this kid. Apparently,
I don't love him as much as Nick Saban, who
went on the draft and said he legales there's a
difference between love and love, and I love this guy
pound for pound. He's the best player in the NFL Draft.
I'm like, wow, I wish my family loved me as
much as he loved Mike Sandristell. And I love Mike Sandristill.

Speaker 3 (01:30):
Ye know.

Speaker 4 (01:32):
Yeah, that was a lot of positivity. And I saw
that quote earlier and I just smiled. It's like, you know,
it's always good when you know friends of the show,
and and and folks that have been guests a time
or two. Uh, get that kind of extra love because
it means we're doing something right because they want to
hang out with us.

Speaker 1 (01:48):
Sure, sure, sure, that's always a good thing.

Speaker 4 (01:50):
But then again, you know, it's all about propping me
up as well. Yeah, I mean, I love him.

Speaker 1 (01:56):
You know, but I kind of I kind of love that.
Here's Belichill. I mean, look, here's Belichick and Saban, who
for the longest time. Look, these guys have been friends
for such a long time. They're both the same. They
don't want to talk to the media. They treated reporters
with disdain. They were out and out rude to them
while they were coaches because they were above everybody else.
And now here they are going, Hey man, I got

a hot take for you. Hey can I be on
McAfee show?

Speaker 4 (02:19):

Speaker 1 (02:19):
Hey, look at it. I mean, these guys are now
hanging out with Pat McAfee and on sets looking for
hot takes, and they're gonna be on First Take and
all these other shows. And it's like, look at where
you've gone. But you hated the media, you hate it,
and now it's like, hey, can I get on one
of those hot take shows? Look at me? I got
some stuff to say. It's it's fun, but it's also
kind of embarrassing that this is where you're at now

because you never thought that that Belichick or Saban would
wind up saying anything of value because they hated it. Saban,
the only thing Saban liked about the fact that they
wo he do his press conference that hey, I got
my can of coke right in front of me, so
that product place wouent always works outside of that. It's
like he doesn't want to be standing here talking to anybody.
Reporters don't want to sit here and have guys talked

on to them and they'd be rude to them and
all that, especially with Belichick. And but now these guys like, hey,
I was always a good guy. Hey, let's ask I
got some hot takes. Hot takes. I got hot takes.
I'll throt takes for you right now. I got them
for you.

Speaker 4 (03:11):
Yeah. I mean, you always knew it was there, didn't
jam and there was some fire in the belly. You
can't be that good a recruiter because you're not just
recruiting the player. You're recruiting mom and grandma and a
whole family. So, you know the charming side that we
saw in in the blind Side with the Nick Saban
laying it onto Sandy uh and getting after it while
Tim McGrath stood there all uncomfortable and stuff. You know,

I mean that that's that's part of real, real life stuff.
So you know, getting drunk on a plane is that Timmocgraw? No, Uh,
I'm getting drunk on a plane.

Speaker 1 (03:46):
That's not Timo Graw?

Speaker 4 (03:47):
You sure, No, I'm one hundred percent. Okay, all right,
but you know I should know that one.

Speaker 1 (03:52):
Okay, all right, that's all right. That is what is.

Speaker 4 (03:56):
That Blake Shelton could be Blake Shelton anybody, anybody.

Speaker 1 (04:00):
When I come to country music and it's not sugar Land,
like I need you to tell I get it?

Speaker 4 (04:04):
Okay, all right, No, it's Dirk Spentley actually, so there
you go. Okay, very in the process.

Speaker 1 (04:11):
But no, I mean I'm not surprised.

Speaker 4 (04:13):
Like I always liked watching the the chalk talk stuff
that Saban would do might be dry, but he'd talk
about good, bad and ugly plays and Patriots games and
give you the breakdown of what they were trying to
accomplish by you know, the formation and everything, and it
was a nice little master's class and Sab and I
know it's always there, Like when he's lost those few
times he wasn't playing in the playoffs or championship game,

he would show up on set and he'd always have
a couple of witticisms about him, some snark. So it's
good to see that. I mean, sure to your point, yeah,
you'd rather see him on the sidelines. But again, it's
the New World Order. It's like I could still make
as much as I was coaching doing this crap. Let's
go we don't have to change anything, downsize or sell

off any memorabilia.

Speaker 1 (04:58):
No, let's go ex out about a Fresca exit swollen dome.
The Jason Smith Show with Mike Carmon live from the
tirec dot Com studios. Now we already are seeing day
after he gets selected, the Caleb Williams effect in the
NFL draft, as fanatics sold out of his jersey quicker
and more than the previous record, which was, of course

Caitlin Clark yeh a week and a half ago in
the WNBA draft. Now think about that for a second again.
Why Okay, Caitlin Clark's not gonna not gonna translate. Caleb
wid the number one pick in the NFL draft, broke
her record for jersey sales. Okay, just think about that.
Didn't break Tom Brady, didn't break anybody else. No, broke
Caitlin Clark's jersey sales. All right, So just think about

that for a second. But for Caleb Williams, you know,
it's it's kind of he was kind of forgotten a
little bit in the drama of last night because of
the what went on with Michael Pennix Junior all the
other quarterbacks. Yeah, look, we've known that Caleb Williams is
gonna be a bear for a long time, and so
we kind of okay, falls by the wayside a bit.
But I mean, just just stop for one second, because

if you want a fair comp for Caleb Williams, right,
I know. The the the fun thing of the past
few days has been the one anonymous GM that says
he's like if Prince was a quarterback, Like he's like,
what the unnamed GM is trying to say is that
he's a little radic. He's a great he's a genius,
but boy, you know his behavior sometimes I don't know
like that. And it's been fun to like to run

the Prince lines and talk about all the people at
Prince dated and have fun with that. Yeah, it's kind
of fun. I like that. But this is what to
know about Caleb Williams. Okay, it's okay to be different.
I guarantee you the person who GM who said that
with someone deep in their sixties who knows one way
of drafting quarterbacks over the course of his career, right,

this is he Caleb Williams is just how players come
into the NFL now every era, they're more individuals. And
he's different, right, He's different because you don't get quarterbacks
that are that, that are that okay with being open
and vulnerable and do things their way and are okay
with it and don't make any apologies for it. It's
okay if he paints his nails, It's okay if he
runs to his mom after a game when he's upset

after the game is over. Didn't run to his mom
crying after he threw a pickets after the game is over.
Things like that are okay. He's different, and you know what,
it's okay to be different. I know the kid loves football.
I know he's unique. But the old standard it scares people.
You know, it's the moneyball line.

Speaker 3 (07:21):
You know.

Speaker 1 (07:22):
People are scared of what's doing because it's threatening their jobs,
their livelihoods. Like I know one way to evaluate a quarterback,
and if I can't put a quarterback into a box,
then suddenly I don't know what to do with the guy,
which is why you get the Kleb Williams backlash and
how always at Princess a quarterback. You know, this is
just the new norm. This is the new norm for quarterbacks.
It's the new norm for a guy like Caleb Williams.

Just watch the tape. Don't get cut up in all
that crazy stuff. Look at the plays he makes. How
excited he is to be a part of the NFL.
Then you know you got an incredibly special quarterback that
can make an unbelievable number of throws and can do
it from anywhere on the field. There's a reason why
he went number one overall, and there's a reason why
the fact Jayden Dangles won the Heisman Trophy. There was

no discussion as to whether he was going to be
the number one pick or not. It was always Caleb Williams.
And it doesn't matter. He's different.

Speaker 3 (08:09):
You know what.

Speaker 1 (08:09):
It's on you as a team and coaches to be
able to communicate with the player and get on the
same page of them because players come in now, they're different.
Every era is different, and it's on coaches to figure
it out because that's what you get paid for.

Speaker 4 (08:21):
Oh, it was back to the conversation. We just add
at the end of the last hour, Belichick and the
transition to media mogul and ripping quarterbacks. The fact that
you need to adapt and adjust to players. And for
Caleb Williams that's been one of the biggest things in
the last two years. And for Lincoln Riley, how well
or he did or didn't do stuff. He gets credit

for another number one pick right, another Heisman winner, all
of that stuff, but it's the next level, you know,
because if things go badly in Chicago, they've set him
up to for great success. And you know, in the pros,
you can't not show up at media sessions and all
of that stuff, which might be minor things, but they

could bob under and you wait and see how he
just but certainly nobody's had a bad word to say
about the guy that knows the guy. Yeah, there's been
some stories kind of made up about his petulance and
whatever else that seem to have been dismissed pretty categorically
and fairly quickly, with some folks having to eat some

crow in media land off of things that.

Speaker 1 (09:28):
They reported about him.

Speaker 4 (09:29):
But a guy that you know, teammates killing themselves to
be part of what he's got going on, the fact
that you know we talked about at the combine when
he wasn't participating, was still out there helping pick up
crap after he watched all his teammates go through their
stuff or their pro days or whatever. Just seems like
a guy who who gets it. And you know what,

you might have to bend the rules of what you've
always thought a quarterback was just like you did with
you know, the player and what they could do on
a field as opposed to being a statue standing between
the tackles, moving two steps left, two steps right. And
I just put that image of that long ago Simpson's
dance during the Christmas pageant in your head there, Smith.

But you know that we had to wrap our heads
around that. Right when you had Steve Young running around
and guys of that, it'll all those years ago Michael Vick,
nobody knew what the hell to do with Michael Vick
as a player. Well, now you got to do that
a little more with personality, which is, you know a
little bit of that Cam Newton thing of folks never
tried to get to understand who he was. It was
just a he's flamboyant like no, except for that one

I didn't dive on a fumble in a Super Bowl.
Guy was a hell of a player and had a
hell of a run.

Speaker 1 (10:45):
Well, you know, it's funny you say that because you
look at what the real comps are for Caleb Williams. Okay,
I'll tell you who the comps are because physically what
he does, he's unlike anybody. He's very mahomes like in
that any throw that he makes, but he may even
have a better array of throw that he can make
from different positions on the field going out of bounds.
But you know, but so he's kind, he's unique. Like

it's hard to look at a comp for him, but
you want to talk. You want to say, Okay, who
is he really? The best comps for him? I would
say definitely Cam Newton who came into the league saying
I want to be known as an entertainer. Doesn't mean
he wasn't a great quarterback. He was, right, he was,
but he wanted to be an entertainer. That's kind of
Caleb Williams a little bit, but mainly it's like a
combo of Cam Newton in part Kevin Durant. Kevin Durant

is a phenomenal player who upsets people because he's just
a different kind of dude.

Speaker 3 (11:34):

Speaker 1 (11:34):
He's someone who after a big game wants to chill
out with a glass of wine and go over things.
And sometimes he wants to get on social media because
he's in, you know, whatever mood he's in for a
half hour and and troll people or pick up burner accounts.
He's just a different kind of dude. Doesn't mean Kevin
Durant's not one of the best basketball players in the
history of the game. Right, one of the best guys

I've seen the last twenty five years. Right, top five
guy from the last twenty five years. I think those
are pretty good comps. And you can't get upset with
a guy just because he's different. Does he love football? Yeah,
because you could tell some guys that they get in there. Hey,
I don't know how much this guy loves football. Right,
that's the biggest thing. You don't need to be different
to not love football. You could be someone that, hey,
I'm good at it and it's a job for me,

but I never really loved it. And that's going to
be something that hurts you at the next level. But
it's okay to be different. And it's really on evaluators
and coaches now to say this is how we have
to communicate with these guys. This is how you have
to get on the same page as them. And when
you get on the same page as Kevin Durant, look,
you do great things. You win a championship, same pages
as Cam Newton. Great you go to the super Bowl.

But that's kind of who Caleb Williams is. So if
you want to be fair instead of sitting here saying
he's prints like, hey, the guy can make great music,
but then all of a sudden get really erratic and
and not show up or walk into a bar and
yell and leave. I mean, that's not what Caleb Williams is, Right,
It's kind of a lazy explanation to sit here and
go to Caleb Williams's prince. So you want to be

more accurate, Like, that's kind of what it is. And
I think every team would sign Oh, he's a combo
with Cam Newton and Kevin Durant. Yeah, I'll sign up
for that number one pick. Sign me up.

Speaker 4 (13:09):
Hey, I want to close the loop on Nick Saban.
During the third round of the draft, he was on
set and he was eating one of those famous oatmeal
cream pies, said quote, they never even sent me a
free box. When asked about all the publicity he's given
them over the years. First response, someone Armchair Vall. Little
Debbie is headquartered in Tennessee. They are Volves. Saban will

not be sent a free box. There you go.

Speaker 1 (13:36):
Oh boy, exit out about a Fresca exit swollen dome.
The Jason Smith Show with my best friend Mike Carmon
live from the tirech dot Com studio. So you want
to know, Yeah, that's exactly who he is that you
want the comp That's exactly the cop you want to
look at for. Caleb Williams coming up next. Ah, one
of the biggest picks we like so far in the draft.
What teams have done the best? All we have nothing

but fun coming up with our next guest to break
all of that down more. Keep it right here, Jason
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Speaker 2 (14:55):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
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dot com and within the iHeartRadio app search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 5 (15:07):
Hey what's up everybody? It's me three time pro bowler
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Speaker 3 (15:15):
What is up on Game?

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Speaker 1 (15:48):
Fox Sports Radio. The Jason Smith Show with my best
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That can actually is express employment professionals. Don't go it
alone at expresspros dot com to find the location nears
to you. That's expresspros dot Com. Well, the NFL Draft

dominated by the University of Michigan today. They had forty
seven players selected in the second and third rounds. It
was a really big deal. Players who have been out
of eligibility for like five years still getting selected. We
have seen a big, big Day two of the draft.
Joining us now in the hotline to break it all down.
He is a longtime NFL insider. Maybe a couple of

these players taking this draft someday will make it to
the Hall of Very Good where he is a voter.
It is Jason Cole. You can follow on Twitter at
Jason Cole sixty two. That is at Jason Cole sixty two.
Jake Cale. What's happening, Bud.

Speaker 3 (16:48):
So we have the Jets taking fashion Show because they
can't pronounce that last name. There's no way they come down.
So fashion Show is going to be his name now,
and then then they text the Malatchi Crunch, right, So that's.

Speaker 1 (17:05):
A you gotta explain the Generation X or is that
Malachi Crunch reference?

Speaker 3 (17:08):
That's absolutely, absolutely my favorite. Yeah, the Jets fans, you
define the draft like they come in and just like
boo the hell out of the things. They made the
draft famous, right like you Jets fans created what the
draft is. And now we've got two hundred and seventy
five billion people showing up or something like that in

Detroit to watch the draft lives for whatever reason. But
the funniest thing I saw was when the Jets pick
up instead of being like upstairs at the Javit Center
or where you know, some hotel in New York where
they held the draft like there's and there'd be like
a couple one hundred Jets fans just booming the pick

or you know whatever, like here comes Blair Thomas or
whatever it is, and instead of that, you get like
eight guys scunt. Okay, okay, yeah, that's good. Yeah we took.

Speaker 1 (18:04):
Where a guy I don't even know another.

Speaker 3 (18:08):
Top Peljah, baby. I missed. That is the draft for
the Jets right now.

Speaker 1 (18:16):
Look I miss the days because look, that was the
one day where Jets fans who lived under the city
below the subways got to come out for that one.

Speaker 3 (18:24):
Day a year and then go to rage.

Speaker 4 (18:27):
It is no, no, no, no.

Speaker 3 (18:29):
They got to come out on game day. Those were
the people who showed up for the game, don't They
got to be let out for like twelve days a
year between preseason, the draft, and the regular season. That's
what you got, twelve days, twelve days above ground for
Jetsam there we go.

Speaker 1 (18:49):
Hey, so I know you are. You were tweeting about this, Well,
what do you think of new media stars Bill Belichick
and Nick Saban just ripping every single pick in the draft.

Speaker 3 (18:58):
Of course, it's so great. God, I wish they were together.
It would be like don't you wish? Doesn't you wish
they were just the two of them and they had
no like no nobody on stage with him, no no
host or anything else like that, and they would just
like do and like sayman, go, yeah, I was at

this kid's house. I figured him out, and he goes,
oh you were. You try to recruit that guy? He's terrible,
Like I mean you just get stuff like that. I
mean the kids that they took of his offensive tackle
out out of Georgia who played like eight games, which
I'm a Russio or what a Smith or something like that. Okay, like,

well hopefully you got some effort there. Yeah, show up.
Couldn't be good. It could be good if you show up,
you know, like that's like wow, just wow, what do
you really think?

Speaker 1 (19:59):

Speaker 3 (19:59):
What do you really really think? And Belichick, I give
him some credit. He's been subtly good on on the
McAfee show. Right, although you know, like what we got
seventeen different animal you know analyst shows now for the draft.
I mean it's just out of control, right, But what
I really wanted to see is Saving and Belichick, just

the two of them. It would be like what were
those two.

Speaker 1 (20:24):
Characters on the Muppet Well, the old guys at the end.

Speaker 3 (20:30):
Yeah, it's those two guys Bella Chick and Saving are
those two guys reviewing the show.

Speaker 1 (20:38):
That's what they are, Schandler and Waldorf.

Speaker 3 (20:42):
You goes Sadler and Waldorf. That's that who saving in Belgick.
And that's the perfect, you know, way to analyze this draft.
That would be that would be awesome.

Speaker 1 (20:51):
If you if you had to, if I we did
a poll here on the show and said, okay, first
time Bill Belichick on television says something positive about a player,
And I said, the middle of November, would you tell
would you say after that or before that? Because I
can't see anything out of Melchick's mouth almost ever.

Speaker 3 (21:09):
I give me twenty twenty eight. I mean, I'm still thinking.

Speaker 1 (21:12):
Me over twenty twenty. Yeah, guys, he's not bad. He's
not bad, all right, So.

Speaker 3 (21:20):
Make it by the way it shouldn't be out by
doing victory laugh. Yeah, you're tired after doing all the
victory laughs.

Speaker 4 (21:32):
Well, I mean it was just really weird to have
all that positivity around the Bears just twenty four hours
after they unveiled that stadium that god awful stadium proposal
led by a prayer for money and wins.

Speaker 3 (21:47):
Yeah. Well, it's shocking that they would time it up
when they have the number one overall pick right, like.

Speaker 1 (21:55):
You like us? Now, don't you I care? Give us
your money? How do you not have Williams do when
he gets selected? Hey, hey, Ben, Hey just want to
show you. Here's some drawings of the new stadium. We
need some money, everybody. I'll tell you what I walked
around Ye.

Speaker 3 (22:09):
Welcome to Chicago. Now here's the cup, go ask for cash.
Well that's it.

Speaker 4 (22:14):
I walked around the house singing Picking Time by Johnny Cash.

Speaker 1 (22:20):
Now. I know you have some concerns about Caleb Williams,
don't you.

Speaker 3 (22:25):
I do. I mean, look, from a playing standpoint, there's
no question he's the best quarterback out of the group,
and I'm not saying he's going to end up being
But in terms of you know, the overall time like,
it's a no brainer you take him note number one.
But you know, the whole thing about like not talking
to the media after losses at the USC if I'm

George McCaskey, and I'm not talking about you know, coach
of generalman, I'm talking about the I'm talking about the
owner of the team. We're having a meeting, you know,
like Caleb Williams is in the building today. Everybody appreciate it.
I need to have a one on one moment with him.
So you clear out the room and it's just the
owner and Caleb Williams. And the owner says, we can't

have that. We can't have you if things go bad,
saying I don't want to talk. You are faced to
the franchise. I'm going to take you number one overall,
I'm going to pay you. I want you to be
the guy. That's how this is going to go. The
other thing is, you know this is the Bears, and
you know we're the number one team in Chicago. And lastly,

you owe it to your teammates to make sure that
you're always there and that they know that you're always
going to be responsible. That's where a quarterback has to do. Now,
that's what I would do if I was George McCaskey
before I took the kid, that was still going to
take the kid, right, But I'm going to let him
know that this is my expectation coming in. The problem
is George muccaskey, and he doesn't know this stuff, so

it didn't happen.

Speaker 4 (23:58):
On the plus side, he does bring Lincoln Riley with
him either.

Speaker 3 (24:02):
So you yeah, well the one fourtheand part Yes, you're
not getting in with that. That just horrific offense. That
doesn't protect anybody at all and puts your defense in
danger because you're never on the field, right am I?
What am I thinking about Lincoln Riley? I love all
the U the former USC players I love who just

want to rip the crap out of Lincoln Riley. They
just you know, they just are just trashing him left
and right with like when did USC become a puff
powder puff team? When when do we not block people?
But we're now we're moving to colleges and I don't
want to do that, so let's go.

Speaker 1 (24:39):
Yeah, no, let's keep going.

Speaker 4 (24:41):
What did you think when you heard the name Michael
Pennix announced yesterday?

Speaker 3 (24:46):
Well, you know, I've ascolate here between I really like
Michael Pennix and I think that you know, I went
from questioning the release and all this stuff actually watching
him a lot more as the season played out and
you got no play and went I was wrong about that.
This guy's special and he may walk in and have.

You know, he has the potential to be the best
of the ricky quarterbacks walking in because he was the
most pro ready at this point in time. But then
the Falcons, like this is the off season at the
Falcon to vad you pick Raheem Morris over Bill Belichick.

Then you decide to give Kirk Cousins one hundred and
eighty million, one hundred of it guaranteed, right, and then
you take Panis Like who stopped and just said, wait
a second, guys, none of this is a good idea.
The Cousin's part, I don't mind. Like you gotta go
and pay a confidence starter and have a good quarterback,
but you do one of those two. You don't do

both either. You take you know, you sign Cousins and
then you back them up with something at number eight,
you know, like taking a doudn't day right like you
or take one of the offensive tackle like you do
something like that, right.

Speaker 1 (26:07):
Bill Belichick would have stopped him from doing that. He's
been the guy in the draft room saying, hey, not
doing this, guys, no, not at all. I know you
ought to be listening to GM, but I'm sorry we're
not doing.

Speaker 4 (26:17):
This all right?

Speaker 3 (26:18):
But or or you know, why aren't you playing in
the field to get you know, a draft pick out
of this trade down? You know that the you know,
the Vikings are trying to move up. You could have
sold them on the fact that either Denver or the
Raiders is trying to move up to number eight to
get a guy. You'd have done a bunch of things.
But you take a guy who, if you're planning with

Kirk Cousins work, he's not planning for four years. But
you paid Kirk Cousins for four years a lot of money,
and this kid, you know, you're getting a four year
contract out of Penix and then you have to make
the decision to extend him now. And that's just the
the basics of it. What happens the first time you

have a three game losing streak, the people in Atlanta
are going to be, you know, screaming for panic. You
know that's going to happen. Or you know, the first
time that that Cousins has back to back bad games,
like you just created a mess for a coach who,
by the way, his first time around, didn't really handle

controversy and tough decisions all that. Well, I mean, why
are you it's just it's one of the most idiotic
things I've seen in over thirty years of covering in
the NFL. I absolutely, it just makes no sense because
somebody in the room show just said, no, this is
a bad idea. This is this is not what we

do with resources. It's just it's a bad plan. It's
just not understanding what you have to do, and and
and said that to the owner and then ended up
to it. And if I was working next to whoever
the person who sold this plan to the owner, and
presumably that's that's fun. Now, I would like plightly go

I need to step away from him for a while, like,
you know, just like leave him by himself to be
this decision, because this one's not working. This is this
is a nightmare way to happen.

Speaker 4 (28:24):
All right, Let's circle back to one other things. Since
we talked a little bit of USC powder puff and
all that stuff. Uh, you spent a lot of time
on the Reggie Bush case back in the day. What'd
you think of him getting the heisman back?

Speaker 3 (28:37):
I mean, look, I think he deserved to have his heisman.
You know, I've said it on Twitter a number of times.
I think he deserves to get back. I just hope
he's don itt and so far he's never been honest
about it. You know, he took the money. I proved that.
I got the evidence of the evidence in my computer.
Still right, you know, he took the money. So but
so what I always when I was doing this story,

Charles Robinson and I used to drive around San Diego
as we were compiling evidence that he got all this money,
and or driving around wherever we were, you know, took
us a lot of different places, and I would argue
with him. I said, the guy should get the money.
He's like, well, you can't design a system. I said, yeah,

you can. There's an easy way to design a system.
But then you would run into these idiots like Mark Emmert,
who the former president of the NCAAA who single handedly
destroyed the organization because of his lack of force sight
to tell the presidents we're wrong. Like they fought this
battle so hard for so long about how they shouldn't

have to pay it pay, and then they finally got
to the Supreme Court and basically it in a court
that can barely agree on anything. The court degree they
agreed nine nothing that the NCAA was completely and totally wrong.
So mark Et argued, made an argument that nobody could

justify ever, including the nine justices of this country. Right,
it was so illogical that you prevent people from you know,
controlling the name, image and likeness. But that Reggie Bush
case was he was collateral damage. I proving to me,
the proving that the system was wrong. And yeah, he

lost his heisman for you know, close to twenty years.
I'll get it back, he'll start making money on it,
and you and again, the NCAA was idiotic and the
last thing that caused him to file a lawsuit against them,
with a lawsuit that he clearly either could win or
they knew he could win, so they settled by giving
him his heisman back. He deserves the heisman. But just

be honest. You broke the rules and you took the money.
At the time, the rules were crappy and I wish
that Reggie had the guts to say that this system
was bad all along, But he never said that. He
always lied about the fact and has tried to maintain
that he didn't take the money. And that's the thing
that disappoints me about Reggie. But yes, he deserves the Tiresman.

Speaker 1 (31:07):
He's on Twitter at Jason Cole sixty two. That is
at Jason Cole sixty two, the man that broke the
Reggie Bush story fifteen years ago. J Cole as always buddy,
appreciate your time, my friend. We'll talk to you next week.
Have a great one.

Speaker 3 (31:19):
Go chests.

Speaker 1 (31:24):
Say, boy, he's the Malachi You know, I actually saw
one of the guys, the two guys from Malatchie Crunch
on the Fox lot here in La like five years ago.
I'm like, oh my god, it's one of the Malatchie
Crunch guys. So cool.

Speaker 4 (31:38):
Now, that's next level stuff.

Speaker 1 (31:40):
Oh yeah, But like twenty five years you know, and
in you know, in the late nineties, I'm like, that's
people still kind of get that now. It's like, what
are you talking about now, because that's like fifty years ago.

Speaker 4 (31:49):
It just means we need to run more Happy Days reruns,
is all it is.

Speaker 1 (31:54):
Exit out about a Fresca Exit Swallen Dome The Jason
Smith Show with my best friend Mike Carmen, live from
the tirec dot Com studios. Time now to find out
what's trending in the wide world of sports. With special
DELIVERI Steve to Seger sdee, what do you got, my friend?

Speaker 6 (32:06):
The count one of the Malachi brothers.

Speaker 4 (32:08):
You's done?

Speaker 6 (32:09):
I an Eagle had a Malachi Crunch reference this past
week in one of his NBA calls as well. By
the way, we have finished three rounds of the NFL Draft,
and so far Michigan's had seven players selected and the
Washington Huskies have had seven players selected. No quarterbacks taken
tonight after all those qbs in the top half of

the first round last night, so still available for rounds
four through seven on Saturday. Spencer Rattler, Joe Milton, Jordan
Travis still available, Keaton Slovas, Sam Hartman, taw Leah Tongavailoa,
and others again rounds four through seven on Saturday.

Speaker 1 (32:47):
Rounds Dac Wilson still available well Red a.

Speaker 6 (32:50):
Matter of speaking, Yeah. To start the second round tonight,
Florida state wide receiver key On Coleman went to the
Buffalo Bills. Then the Chargers traded up to get wide
receiver from Georgia Ad McConkey. Washington Huskies had two receivers
taken tonight, Jalen Polk in the second round to New
England and from Washington. Jalen McMillan to Tampa Bay at

number one hundred overall to end the third round. Tonight,
receiver from Rice Luke McCaffrey went to Washington. And we
had three straight Michigan take players taken during the third round.
First running back blakekorm to the LA Rams, then Michigan
wide receiver Roman Wilson to Pittsburgh, then Michigan guard Zach
Zenter to Cleveland. No kickers or punters selected, by the way,

not yet. Last night's first round drew a combined twelve
million TV viewers. The NFL today gave players the option
to wear guardian caps over the helmets during games, not
just in practice. The late NBA playoff game is mid
second quarter at Phoenix, Minnesota, already up two games to
none in the second round series, leads by two points
tonight forty four forty two against the Suns. Earlier, Dallas

beat the Clippers one oh one to ninety. MAVs up
two games and the Pacers lead two games to one
in a first round series, blowing a nineteen point lead
to Milwaukee from late first quarter, but indy one in overtime,
one twenty one to one eighteen, despite forty two points
from Chris Middleton, who had missed practiced yesterday with a
sprained ankle. In the NHL Playoffs, the number one New

York Rangers are up three games to none after winning
at Washington tonight three to one the final score. Vancouver
up two games to one in its series after a
two to one win at Nashville. Currently two seed in
the West. Winnipeg is leading two to one at Colorado.
Late second and they started the second period in LA
with Edmonton three nothing over the La Kings. Eighth inning,

Minnesota Twins leading at Anaheim four to one against the Angels.
Ninth inning, Mariners six to one over Arizona Grand Slam
for Mitch Hanniker. Phillies lead nine to one at San Diego.
Top of the seventh starter for the Padres, Joe Musgrove
allowed four homers and was out in the fourth inning. Meanwhile,
seventh inning at San Francisco, Giants and Pirates are scoreless.

Everything else is final. Dodgers won their fifth straight game.
Atlanta and the Cubs each one again. Texas edge Cincinnati
two to one on a solo homer. Bottom of the
eighth White Sox ended a seven game losing streak, beating
Tampa Bay nine to four, and Milwaukee has beaten the
Yankees in eleven innings, seven to six. Aaron Judge zero
for four with a walk. He's batting one seventy eight.

Back to you.

Speaker 1 (35:21):
Oh hey, the White Sox will win a game every
two weeks. Whether you like it or not, it's gonna happen.

Speaker 6 (35:26):
They are four and twenty two on the season.

Speaker 1 (35:29):
Thank Ks Stevens. Steve, appreciate your enthusiasm.

Speaker 6 (35:31):
Dealing with effects here.

Speaker 1 (35:32):
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That connection is Express Employment Professionals. Don't go alone. Visit
expresspros dot com to find the location nears to you.
That's expresspros dot com. Well, coming up next, as the
NFL Draft is heading into day three, we had some
big statements by Commissioner Roger Goodell today about the season

and the futures of the Super Bowl. It's next right here,
Jason of Mike Fox.

Speaker 2 (36:01):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific.

Speaker 1 (36:08):
Fox Sports Radio The Jason Smith Show with my best
friend Mike Harmon live from the Ti rag dot com studios. Well,
Day two of the NFL Draft brought us a lot
of wide receivers, a lot of needs being filled. It
also brought us a potential change of the regular season

and changed to the Super Bowl. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell
saying today that hey, you know, we're thinking about a
couple of things, went on ESPN, went on Pat McAfee
show and said, you know, we're thinking about an eighteen
game slate. I don't like a three team, three game preseason.
I'm not a big fan, but hey, eighteen games and
two preseason games, I kind.

Speaker 3 (36:51):
Of like that.

Speaker 1 (36:52):
This is Roder Goodell saying to us, We're gonna have
an eighteen game season as soon as it is evenly possible.
If I can, if I can rena negotiate this today,
I will do it. And look it's gonna look they've
been talking about it for so long. To make the
jump to eighteen was gonna be too difficult. So you
go to seventeen. What's won more? Especially if you're taking
a game away even though it's a game, the players

aren't gonna play in because no starter's playing the preseason anymore.
The preseason has become irrelevant and the NFL can find
a way to sorry, well take this game away, but
give you a game here. And honestly, it's not even
for the players. I mean, it's more it's bigger game checks.
I'm sure the contracts will reflect it, but this is
just going to happen. Whether you like it or not,
or the players like it or not, it doesn't matter

because you were getting an eighteen game season and a
two game preseason as soon as Roger Goodell can make
it happen. Now, maybe it's in a couple of years,
whatever it is, but eighteen games is coming to the NFL,
and it's coming soon.

Speaker 4 (37:47):
Yeah, I mean, look, it comes back to Infinity War
was released six years ago.

Speaker 3 (37:52):

Speaker 4 (37:53):
The snap is inevitable, just a matter of when and
dividing up that extra piece of because that's truly all
it is. Right, you end up getting more of the
TV partners to vie for those those games and national
windows and everything. Yeah, everybody gets paid. Just divvy up
the cash and let's move on. Be done with the

pomp and circle and maybe Michael Penix gets in, because
this is why you need a second quarterback that much,
that much sooner.

Speaker 1 (38:22):
No, We're just we're just gonna rotate guys every other
week so they can have two weeks to game plan
for the next opponent. And so Kirk will be the
quarterback this week, then it's Penis. Kirk has two weeks
to prepare for his next game, and then Penix has
two weeks to prepare for his next game. It works out.
We're making everybody, make everybody happy to get that cycle flowing.

Speaker 4 (38:39):
But you know, we've been talking about this forever, right,
and for Goodell to just flat out say it makes
more sense when we talk about, you know, viable product preseason.

Speaker 1 (38:51):
Nobody cares.

Speaker 4 (38:51):
You watch the Hall of Fame game for the novelty
of here's the class coming out, and you say, ah,
that guy shouldn't have gotten in, or why is this
guy keep getting screwed, and then as soon as that's done,
you turn over to whatever the hell else is on
TV and then you check back on your bets later.

Speaker 1 (39:08):
Now, the other part of this is Goodell saying, hey,
if we do that, we could add a bye week
into the regular season, and that says he could envision
a President's Day weekend built around the super Bowl. On
Sunday night, Kadell is saying, today, then everybody can have
Monday off. Right, this whole all the day after the
super Bowl should be on holiday. Uh, you know what,

don't do it. Don't do it. You saw what a
disaster it was when ESPN put the National semifinals in
college football on New Year's Eve? Whoa pete? No matter
how much people love football, if they're doing something else,
they're doing something else.

Speaker 3 (39:43):

Speaker 1 (39:43):
President's Weekend is a big week at you. Anytime you
have a Monday, people go away and yeah, I'd like
to watch a super Bowl. Yeah okay, but you know what,
people are gonna be driving home and it's not something
that super Bowl's gonna go from Hey, one hundred and
ten million people are watching to thirty million. But you
want to keep moving forward and breaking records and saying, hey,
more people are watching the super Bowl. You don't want
the super Bowl to go from oh hey, now that

they moved to the President's Day week and it went
from one hundred and eight million watched this super Bowl
to one hundred and one million, Like that's like it's
still one hundred million people. But it goes you don't
want to go down. And that's what's gonna happen because
no matter what, less people are gonna you're giving a
weekend that people are gonna do stuff and they're gonna
make plans. They're gonna say, well, the super Bowl's happening,
and people are gonna have conversation with their family saying

this is when we're going skiing. But this is when
we decided to do. This is when we decided. And
guess what, less a few less people will watch the
super the average fans who do things and hey, I
watched super Bowl just because it's there. They're not saying, oh,
I'm gonna watch super Bowl. No, I'm going away this
week and I'm doing something. So you're gonna get it's
gonna leach from the audience. It's gonna be a bad thing.
Don't do it.

Speaker 4 (40:44):
I like that U full Southern California. You know, the
hoiti toity folks that are gonna go away for a
ski weekend as both the rest of the world goes
it's a random day off in February.

Speaker 1 (40:53):
Let's go yeah, people, And like I said, it's not
gonna be something where you're gonna see, oh my god,
look at the look at the fall off. But it's
gonna you want to get off for Robert Losa. I'm
stuck from the airport behind Robert Loja. But that's what's
gonna happen. There'll be less people watching there and say, okay,
bad idea, because you don't want people, you don't want
the optic out there that less people are watching the

super Bowl, you know, And that's what's gonna happen. Trust me.
The average, the average parton the person you get, the
the eighth person to come to your super Bowl party's
gonna say, oh no, I'm going away that weekend. Sorry,
I'm I'm going I'm going to a cabin in the mountains,
all right?

Speaker 3 (41:27):
Is that?

Speaker 1 (41:28):
Is that better than going go get it? Going skiing?
Is that better? Luck? Yeah, don't do it, bad idea, Roger.

Speaker 4 (41:34):
You know what, that's one fewer person trying to steal
the extra sausage or guawk from.

Speaker 1 (41:39):
You exit out about a Fresco exit swollen dome. The
Jason Smith Show is My Best Friend by Carbon Coming
up next, another controversial draft pick that people aren't talking
about yet. That's next Fox
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