All Episodes

April 26, 2024 • 43 mins
More reaction to the Vikings Draft picks with Marney Gellner sharing her thoughts, Mark Parrish talks Stanley Cup Playoffs
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Hey, welcome back fat to MornsShow seven and five. We're super excited.
We are your home of the MinnesotaVikings. We're the official morning show
of the Minnesota Vikings, and weare excited because our quarterback JJ McCarthy is
a Viking. I'm being ungrateful forthis opportunity. You know, so much
appreciation and thanks to go to O'Connell, Waite, the Wilt family and everything

that they did to make this realityfor me. It means so much.
And I can't wait to get towork and get with the guys and you
know, just focus on climbing thisnew mountain and into the top. There
you go, the new quarterback.Your thoughts, Mark Parrish. I'm just
excited to finally hopefully watch somebody develop. I mean, yeah, we don't
know. It's never one hundred percent, but but yeah, fine, need

to have a quarterback that we cankind of look towards the future, watch
them grow. I am pumped.I love it. Yeah. My favorite
part last night is right after theytook Dallas Turner, Parish texted me and
said, the Vikings of any moredraft picks in this route? I said,
no, he goes all right,I'm going to bed. You've been
working a lot. It's good tosee you. Thank you. Yeah.

I had the late shift out thereat the NHL Network. Actually I got
it for the rest of playoffs.This next week, I'm going back out
and then the anime as well.But it's nice doing the doing the wrap
up show kind of kind of gettinga well heck, it's a lot easier
than having to do the when you'regoing beforehand and what's the work game show?
Free game show? Thank you?Yeah, Mark, do you guys
all watch the games together then whenyou're doing the postgame deal? No,

yeah, that's exactly what you sorry, Kocab, Yeah, actually we do.
Yeah, so so we'll watch throughit there and then there's a charge
as that charge whoever it was zipit. No, Yes, we watched
together. So if there's any littletendencies we like to see, if there's
just a play we want to breakdown. Yeah, obviously the producers love
it when the information comes from us. Awesome. Yeah, it's fun.

It's a lot of fun, alot. It's so much fun to be
out there this time of here.How long do you stay out there?
Normally I'll go out there for fouror five days at a time. Work.
Yeah, I work three or fiveor so days at a time.
Just back and forth, back andforth. Yeah, where is out there
again? What city? Sea Caucus, New Jersey? Beautiful Sea Caucus,
New Jersey. That sounds like you'rethe Bachelor party, Tommy exaggerating. No,

no, not at all. Actuallythey correct you because yeah, like
the caucas No I mean that yousaid it was beautiful? Oh yeah,
yeah, yeah, I'm sorry slowthis morning? Is it? Is?
It? Is it? Red Bullisn't kicked in? Uh? And no,
it's not pretty. It's there's nothingpretty about us. It's New Jersey.
You realize you're in New Jersey whenyou're as soon as you get five

minutes from the New York airport andyou think you're driver farted. Oh that's
how New Jersey smells hot. Ican't so. It smells a lot like
uh, back here, how's thatsupposed to me? If I moved on
making fun of your day? No? Back here? Oh I've sat in

that room before. It's it smellsa lot like it smells a lot like
New Jersey. Well sits in hereevery day, Zach could today or sorry
yesterday? Would yesterday have been better? If they had drafted JJ McCarthy had
picked ten and Timothy shallow May hadpicked seventeen. It would have been a
shocker for sure. The only wayyou would have been happier. I would

have loved it. I would haveloved it. Again, I think that
would have taken a lot of thedraft experts by surprise. But because I
don't think I've had Chalame going inthe third round. Oh so you do
have JJ McCarthy rated higher than shallowMay. What about I'm hoping he falls
to the fourth round, so theViking is gonna have a chance at him.
What round is a shirtless Shawn Mendesone? Overall? All over?

Can give you, guys the newsrequid. Sure that was news with Chris
Hockey. It's presented by the SaintPaul Saints. Oh man, let me
tell you about the Saint Paul Saints. You know I love that squad,
and I can't wait for a Wednesdaywith Bernie. When we get that done
here in July, everybody's gonna beso excited. We're gonna we're gonna meet
the Bernie himself. But until then, lots of great baseball. The Saint

Paul Saints held the Rochester Red Wingsto seven heads dring a three to zero
win at cchs Field. Get yourtickets to today's game at Saints Baseball dot
com. Thank you Saint Paul Saintsguys. Yes, go check your lotto
tickets. One Lucky Minnesota won threepoint one million dollars in the thirty Thursday

Lotto America drawing. Is that rightatter? He said in a release that
the winning ticket was sold at CubFoods and Coon Rapids off Northdale Boulevard.
Who plays Lotto America? Somebody who'sthree point one million dollars? They're smarter
than the rest. Somebody who lovesgam one. I guess to play all
of them. That's yeah. Thestate has been on a Lucky Lotto America
streak, as this is the secondwin in two months. The first winner

claimed three point seven million dollars froma Cup Foods in Roseville. What the
hell is a Lot of America?Yeah? I never even heard of it.
If you have your Lot of Americaticket in hand. Wednesday, winning
numbers were seven, twelve, seventeen, twenty two, and fifty two the
Star Ball. It was three theStar Ball. This sounds like a made

up lot of Yes, what doyou think the if you won three point
one million dollars? What do youthink the cash option is? One point
seven ish one point four? You'regood. There you go. So then
after tax you get like what sevenhundred k. You basically get the cost
of the ticket back two and fiftyk. That's a lot of caves.

Yeah, so there you go.Congratulations, check your tickets. One two
hundred and fifty k's that's one weekof twins baseball. Oh that awesome,
Thank you? What's good? TheMinnesota Department of Health says the number of
sexually transmitted infections in the state droppedlast year. You're welcome. We don't

call them diseases anymore. Now infectionNow they're they're different. I don't want
to offend people there. Recently releasedannual summary of reportable STI s shows the
number of cases dropped three percent yearover year. Chlamydia Zach's favorite remains,
my favorite favor, my favorite deather. Honestly, what the hell st
I S? What the hell isgoing on here? There may be a

difference between an infection and a disease. I've never heard of an st I
in my entire life. Come tokiss Hawk infections. It is. It
sounds so bad. It is brilliantthat Yeah, my friend tells me.

Yeah, the campfire I've heard theother day at golf, Tim was using
the restroom and one of our otherbuddies goes in there. Didn't realize that
there was someone dosing. And theywalk in here and go, jesus,
it smells like chlamydia in here.What did you eat? And just Tim
let him keep going and didn't dothe old point, like there's a guy

whooping. And then he comes outof there and had sad, worse stuff.
And Tim's like, there was aguy in there. He's like,
oh my god, why didn't youtell me? Because this is funny.
That's good friends. Yeah, I'vetold the story before. What I was
working with the superstar Mike Morris.We were in the in the bathroom,
I remember where we were at,but I thought he had gone into the

stall and I came in to usethe urinal and somebody was just giving it
a good push, and I go, good one because I thought it was
stark. It wasn't so good.Yeah, I love it anyway. Chlamydia
reported STI in Minnesota with nearly twentytwo thousand cases last year alone. Young

people between fifteen and twenty four yearsold had the most reported cases, accounting
for fifty nine percent of all chlamydiainfections in twenty twenty three. So y'all
be careful out there, wrap itup. Chmydia is one of those words
that, if it wasn't an STDor now I guess an STI, that
could be like a dessert or likea kid's name. Right, sounds like

my daughter chlamydia, Like it soundslike it would be a nice word if
it was just taken out of context. Sounds like a Disney princess. Absolutely,
Okay, what a great script thatwould be. Imagine the songs she
would say, my nose is running. That's not my nose. She us

pikes my friends me that never mind. I mean, there's got to be
a talking koala in this right.Yeah, for sure, Well for sure
it wasn't me. It wasn't me. So chlamydia is the most common,
does it say, what's second?Nope? The runner up to clamydia is

probably herbs. Yeah, probably wouldThat would just sounds so awful, Yeah,
and much more permanent. Central you'respeaking a sound of pop rocks and
again. I said this the otherday. I normally don't do terrible stories.
This is a brand new concept forme. Corey, It's horrible.
I've never heard of this. WhatI'm about to say to you is terrible.

I apologize. I'm reading a newsstory. A Central Oregon man has
been sentenced to four years in federalprison for his role in a conspiracy to
produce animal crush videos. Oh dearGod, So it's exactly what it sounds

like. He videotapes himself crushing,like with some kind of giant advice,
just crushing animals. Jesus David Nobleof Prineville was arrested last year after federal
prosecutors say he was caught sending paymentsto overseas co conspiracy to fund the production
of videos showing the mutilation and tortureof monkeys. Noble was only charged because

his actions crossed outside of Oregon.The case prompted the legislature to pass a
law in the twenty twenty four sessionmaking a state crime out of creating photos
or videos of animal abuse. Imean, just put that guy down,
yeah, butrush him. Correct.I have a that's not curable, really
weird brain. A really weird brain. I didn't even conceive of that being

somebody's thing. Imagine how if Zachcame in today, right now and just
goes, have you guys seen themonkey crushing video that's going viral? I
go, I don't want to seeat right. I wouldn't watch it,
let alone have the idea to produceit. This guy loves it. That's
a weird thing. Crush him abullet, this dude. Yeah, correct,
right, that's discuss Sorry he wasshot dead. We always talk about

if you know whatever, you canthink of somebody somewhere as doing it.
Nobody even nobody know you are correct, except for that and some people overseas.
The fact that there's overseas people involvedin this as well shows that there
must be quite a few people.Yeah, yeah, that's saying that's disgusting
walking around one day, steps onan end and just goes, I want

to do this, but with biggeranimals. Yeah yeah, that's with my
feet there. They do need tobring back cruel and unusual punishment for people,
like we just talked about it.A couple of days ago. There
was that like castration in where wasit Tennessee or Kentucky? For I forgot
it doesn't matter whatever it was,And I'm like, I didn't even know
there was an option that we cancast eat people in the US. It's

I think there's a chemical castration whereit just it's a chemical in there that
makes you not want to use it. So no, but if because otherwise,
if you chemical crash castration, justput them down, I agree,
or just actually cut it off withoutnovacaine, or crush them like a monkey.
Yeah, do that. There needsto be stuff like that, because

then guess what, you know itsucks about this story, do it?
You know what sucks about the storyis I got a new video game called
Animal Crush. It's completely different,sorry, man, than what it sounds
like your dreams over your dreams Crush. It's like candy Crush, only you
do with animals. I guess it'skind of the same thing. If you
had told me this guy had acrush and a bunch of animals, I'm
like, well, we've heard that'syeah, crushing monkeys have this story.

Oh God. By the way,the crushing monkeys are at the Mermaid this
week. They're very very good charge. It's ten bucks. They're very what
but they're very're very good. Ohit's one hundred thousand dollars bond for the
former Kowaskum police officer charge of makinglove to a dog. Come on,

by the way, if you're justtuning in, the Vikings did draft last
night overall selection in Dallas, Turner, we're seventeenth. Back to you,
Chris. That was the whole storythe guys out of Fond de Lac,
Wisconsin Classic. I know, Jared. I think the night's game three of
the Wolves and Suns. I wonderedwhat Caffian's talking about. A guy in

Tennessee just made love to a dog. I found a way to school,
kiddos. If you don't like it, is your whole life sports, Yeah,
exactly. Yeah. J McCarthy wouldlaugh at that. Yeah, thinks
that's funny. Right, don't makeme crush your monkey. I just can't

even imagine watching that. I can't. I can't believe. That's terrible.
I told you, I told you, I told you, Johnny k You're
an American treasure. I gotta go. I love you, guys. I
will see you in two weeks becausenext week I will be golfing in Hilts
in the head boy shatable On thatnote, if your company could use an

uplifting, impactful story, visit JohnCreesl dot com. John Creesl dot com.
I love you, guys, SkullVikings, I love you. Final
thoughts on your new quarterback. I'mexcited. I'm excited. He seems relatively
safe. They're all gambles regardless,they didn't have to give up the farm.
I'm excited. Want to see himdevelop and grow and uh, I

think this is the future is brightfor our squad. Let's go, let's
go. Love you great. Yeah, Tom Morney Galda should be here in
a second. Soco Gig the Sports. There's a lot to talk about because
we have a new quarterback and anew edge rusher, but specifically that quarterback.
Saso walk us through it. Afterthis is the powers Her Morning Shoe
on the Fan, Chris Kantz intothe Blue Lolcome Artison Good. Want to

win a the IP trip for twoto Ballard's resort, Then head over to
our contest page and throwing a VIPpackage and includes two nights lodging for two
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So you guys remember that story thatI told that I heard on the
Ben Mallor show about one hundred dollarsbill at the back of the playbook,
and then J McCarthy's saying it wasn'treal, was it? Well, so

my radar was up because I'm like, I don't know if this is true,
but Ben Maller said it. Sonow I can't tell if I got
trolled or if Ben Maller got trolledbecause somebody on Twitter said that that is
from the movie Draft Day. Sodid Ben fall for it? It doesn't
mean that they didn't do it,though that is true, But let's say
he did. Does that mean Benknows that and is trolling us and I

fell for it, or somebody trolledBen and Ben fell for it which led
me to fall for it. Idon't know. I have never seen the
movie Draft Day. I don't knowif it's good. Have you guys seen
it. I've never heard of it. I've never enjoyed it, and I
don't remember that scene. Okay,so that doesn't make have you not seen
that? It's I'm not watching it. There's a lot of very hollywoody stuff

that you being a draft officionado.Yeah, if you have to just watch
it with a grain of salt.Basically, I think you still would like
it, but I think there'd beparts of it in your pocket. Where
do you put a grain of salt? Stir? I threw a whole thing
of like as sault shaker over myshoulder onceed a diner. Hear what happened?
Hate a guy right in the face. What happened? Well, he

threatened to kick the hell out ofme, and I like apologized. I'm
with him in the crap or two? Didn't you meet up with them later?
Well? I ran into him ata truck stop later. Yeah,
yeah, but that was a coincidence. What was he looking for? It's
a good time? What put yourvisor back? I was answering a question
on the test. Would you liketo do sports before Martie gets here?

I would love to. I'd liketo talk to Parish some point too,
because I miss him. I missedyou too. It's time for fan five
on the Power Trip presented by AllAround Property Preservation. The Minnesota Vikings took
J. J. McCarthy, thequarterback, out a Michigan last night.
At pick ten. They traded elevenand then two are excuse me? A

fourth and a fifth round For thepick, he's the highest the Vikings have
ever drafted a quarterback in franchise history. Seven picks later, they moved up
to pick seventeen to take stud defensiveend Dallas Turner from Alabama. With the
seventeenth pick in the twenty twenty fourNFL Draft, the Minnesota Vikings select Dallas
Turner. Can I just talk abouthow much I've never seen Dallas Turner play?

Like I mentioned, just a segmentor two ago, I've seen Alabama,
but again, I wasn't watching DallasTurner. Sure, so I'm not
acting like I know anything about theactual player. I just love that the
draft is falling offense, offense,offense, offense, offense. Right,
first fourteen players we're offensive players,including JJ McCarthy atten. So you're the
Viking to twenty three, going,man, the way this is falling,

we're gonna get probably like a topfive defensive player that falls to us,
right, give or take, maybetop five or six. You don't have
to do anything. You can juststay put at twenty three and go.
We're gonna get maybe a starting corner, a interior defensive lineman. We're gonna
get somebody awesome and don't have todo anything. But they were like,
f that, we're not gambling.We have a specific guy that we want,

let's go get him. I lovedefense could be pretty good, but
they specifically targeted Dallas and said we'renot gonna settle for best defensive player on
the board at twenty three. Wewant him and we're gonna go up six
spots to get him. So let'shope it works because I love the aggression.
Yeah, I love it too,because they could have said at twenty
three like you said, and maybegotten the first cornerback win. It picked

twenty two, right, so itwas a home run for the Minnesota Vikings.
They have one fourth round pick,in two sixth round and two seventh
round picks that they will have tomorrow. They will not pick tonight unless they
move unless I don't know how.Yeah. Correct. Six quarterbacks win in
the first twelve picks, fourteen straightoffensive players. As Corey just said,

that's crazy. Kayleb Williams is thefirst overall pick. Jaden went to,
Drake May went third, Marvin Harrisonwent fourth. It was mostly all chock
at that point, and then theChargers took Joe Alt to pick five.
You move ahead to pick eight,where the Atlanta Falcons took quarterback Michael Pennox
junior junk. Oh, thank you, that's not you. Martin Parish Parish

morning, Hi morning, Thanks formaking my morning, Barns, just by
being here. Huh yeah, okay, thank you, you're welcome. Yeah,
that Falcons pick was a little bitcontroversial. I was surprised at how
many analysts were like, what theygot Kirk? What are they doing?
Like, well, you signed Kirkfor a two year contract, right,
so you need to develop someone beyondthat. So apparently Atlanta was not expected

to take a quarterback. I don'tknow. Busy on your board, sauce?
Uh no. I when when wewatched as I was watching the draft
last night and it got past thesixth pick, where a lot of people
thought that's where maybe JJ McCarthy wouldgo, because there was so much steam
that the Giants were going to takea quarterback. But then they took a
wide receiver. You're going, okay, cool. And then as we as

most people watch the draft, watchthe board and they go, well,
the Titans aren't going to take aquarterback. There's no way Atlanta is going
to take a quarterback. We're inpretty good shape. The Bears aren't taking
a quarterback. They just took one, and then the Cubs aren't taking it
because he said yesterday, you're notputting a young quarterback in the same room
with Aaron Rodgers, hilt Away hissyfit. The only threat between seven and

ten was somebody trading up before pickeleven. We were we were sitting in
the cap Birds seat and then havea seat. All the schefter comes on
ESPN and says they're going to takea quarterback and people. I was shocked
by it. As I said earlier, why did they not just draft Michael
Pennix junior? Save the money theyknew they could get him at the eighth

overall pick. It's it's it's oneof the weirdest picks I've ever seen in
a draft. It makes zero sensebecause I think you know Ben was talking
about this too, that it waslike maybe trade bait. That was like
the only explanation initially was maybe couldwe could they get something for him?
And that you don't do that inthe National Football League. That rarely happens.

You know what, I've never thoughtabout until right now, and I've
never been concerned about this. Ican't believe it. Never I feel bad.
Where's the cat bird gonna sit?Because people are always sitting in his
seat? Yeah, I don't thinkanybody. I don't think he ever has
a seat. And how weird doesthat animal look? I mean a cat
bird? Which different cat? Yeah, you know, curiosity killed the cat

after he saw what that that cat? Before we google it. What do
you believe a catbird seat is?I think it's the highest seat available.
It's the best seat in the house. No, I don't mean what's that
was my fault? Let's get ridof the word seat. What do you

believe a catbird is? A catbird? Is a cat that is a bird
or a bird that is a cat? What do you think it is?
Mister science? I have no idea, but that's the worst possible guess if
a catbird and a cat dog madeit, what would it be? Catbirds

are a group of songbirds that resemblesthe song that they sing, resembles a
cat meowing, sounds like a tearsnould want to made a commercial out of
that? Yeahm yum yum yam yum. Yeah, shout show, what a

weird show? None of us gotany sleep last night. No, we
did not, We did not.Mary's not going to get any I'm not
getting sleep. Oh sleep yeah yeah, sleep yeah, right right right,
weird yeah, hey Martie, Speakingof that, Game three of the Wolves
and Sons pregame at nine on bellyright here and on the station right here.

The Wolves lead the series two oh. The Suns are four and a
half point favorites in the over underhis two oh seven and a half four
and a half. You say itfeels like a lot. Yeah, the
Wolves have a really great opportunity tojust completely suck the life out of the
Suns. But I also think thatwe should all be prepared for Phoenix to

win a game somewhere in Phoenix andthese next two it's a realistic possibility.
But I also think, given theway the Wolves have played them these last
two games, if the Suns don'tcome out with all kinds of energy and
want to they're done. Is GraysonAllen expected a play or Because the way
he walked off the Courton game too, it looked like he was out for

weeks. I couldn't believe he playedgame two. Yeah, but we won't
know until probably a half an hourbefore the game. Let's hope not,
because again they have nothing after theBig three. Gordon had a nice little
game too, but outside of Gordonthey had nothing. Death we got this
even there three it's been one guyand not them collectively. And I saw

a stat on somewhere on Twitter,like a step mus or something that players
guarded by Jaden McDaniels in this seriesare shooting something like twenty eight percent in
these two games. The Wolves havejust been suffocating. I thought the Game
one win, the word I usedwould be d dominating. The word I
would use for Game two would bedemoralizing. The way some of those Phoenix

Suns players looked was beyond frustration.It was like head hanging, go to
the bench, checking out with threeminutes to go in the fourth quarter.
And you knew then that the Wolvesdid more than just win a game.
They were pulling out some hearts.Yo. Yeah, they made them quite
quit. Game one dominating, thegame one, dominating, Game two demoralizing.

Game three is going to be He'sdominating, then demoralizing, then Game
three destruction. It wouldn't matter whatI say, those beady eyes would have
gone. I wonder what what wordRosie would describe the way the Timberwolves played
the first two games? Mark,Mark, what did you wear to the

game? Well, here I cando my mon. Don't I be Mark
Rosen and we can do this.I can answer Zach's question. I know
you already played it. I playedagain. What'd you say it again?
By Hey, Rosie? Would youwear to the game? It's time to
take then, ready, Zach?Go sure, ask Marnie about game one

and two and then I'll do mybest. But Rosie impression? Go ahead.
I wonder what word Rosie would describe. Just ask her about game one
and games? Would you think ofa game one? In game two?
It was a really good game onefor sure, Marty, because Damn asked
me about the draft, so obviouslyyour big draft guy, Saus, What

did you think of it last night? I thought it was great. It
was there last night too at thedraft party. Absolutely, it was electric.
This is this is exactly the guyI knew they were going to take
Parish the Stanley Cup playoffs in fullforest out of entertainers, Florida pans on
the Tampa Bay landing. Here wego, Hey, Perry, your Dallas

stars are in trouble, big time. Vegas. You know, the championship
team. There's Stanley Cup champions.You know, hey, man, congratulations
Dallas, you're the best team inthe West. You get Vegas in the
first round, a team that literallyonly had to get healthy. Which it's
amazing. The last few years,I thinks three years in a row now,
they've had guys set sit in their through late season and make some

additions to kind of circumvent the salarycap just a little bit. But man,
the amazing thing about that was isthey just they weren't playing great hockey,
and it's almost impossible to be ableto flip a switch in the playoffs
and turn their game round. AndVegas literally flip the switch before Game one
and they are the Stanley Cup championslast year. They are going to be

tough to beat. And you likethe people that think that the Vegas Golden
Knights just rig this, Yeah,I would say, ask Mark Stone's lacerated
spleen if this was rigged. Yeah, I'm sure they're they're finding a nice
little gray area. But he hada lacerated spleen, Yes he did.
Yeah, there was a fairly fairlymajor medical issues. It's to take care

of It's a perfect example. Donot hate the player, hate the game,
hate the game. Yeah, Imean Tampa. The funny thing is
nobody was up in arms when Tampadid this a few years ago and they
won again with Kutrov, who literallysat out the entire year. No,
that won me money. That wassweet, and they wanted and nobody was
kind of up in arms of this. But now all of a sudden,
Vegas and everybody's up in armed.That's the best team Perry right now,
Vegas Cow. I mean, Istill have Florida to win it all.

But those first two games from Vegaswere We're just absolutely incredible. Everybody to
Carolina is playing really really well.Uh you know, the Boston Toronto series
is really fun, obviously fun.The West is just it's crazy. Yeah,
it's unbelievable. We're gonna see wemight see Vancouver and Dallas gone first

round here. You never know,Man, Kings oiler is that one.
I think Kings beat him excuse youme, ken Edminson beat him literally three
years in a row in the firstround. That's insane. Obviously, no
Vikings news, and we're gonna skipthat when we come back, and then
we'll probably just talk about making loveto dogs like we did a segment or
so again, why not. Idon't think that were talked about making like
that. Well, I think that'show somebody working to suay. Stay.

We're into it, and I giveaway some tickets as we go to break
go ahead. We've got Rob Schneidercoming to Mystic Showroom stage at Mystic Lake
Friday, May seventeenth, or anight of laughs. Tickets are on sale
nine you use today at Mystic Lakedot com. Calar Levin though one hundred
three zero fifty three twenty six isgoing to win your way in with a
pair of tickets. Good luck.JJ McCarthy out of Michigan Dallas Turner out

of Alabama. Those are the twofirst rounders the Vikings snagged last night in
Round one of the NFL Draft.Vikings news after this, I'm the fan.
Yeah, yeah, you know what, We're not even gonna waste any
time. We're gonna get right intoit, ladies and gentlemen, because there's
so much to talk about. Somuch happened. Kid's time for Vikings us

on the Power Trip presented by JoeThat's right, here's your head, coach.
We got not one but two startersfirst day starters last night in the
NFL draft. Okay, that mightnot be true. We get My point
probably should be to come away withJJ McCarthy, you know, identify and
and and go get that quarterback ofthe future that that I was so excited

about adding to our football team.Really, you know, going back a
long time, spending a lot oftime uh with JJ throughout the process,
and then you talk about Dallas Turner, you know, to be able to
still identify and and for Quasi togo find a way to go get you
know, really one of the topdefensive players we had on our board.
It was a big time goal toadd an impact, real impact player,

uh to our defensive front. Soto know, as of right now,
we're going to be welcoming JJ McCarthyand and and Dallas Turner uh to our
to our team, meeting them tomorrowwhen they get here. I cannot wait
to get these guys here. Areally big time night for us, and
I do hope all of our fansare sharing that same amount of excitement because
it's a big it's a big nightfor our football team and crazy that six

quarterbacks went in the top twelve,right so the Vikings seem thrilled they got
the fifth quarterback off the board.Isn't that crazy that we're all this pumped
about the fifth quarterback? But Ithink the reason why we all feel pretty
excited is I feel like they genuinelyreally loved Drake May and JJ McCarthy,
right, So this wasn't like,oh crap, the quarterbacks are flying off

the board, we got to grabone of them. That's what I think
Pennix or Knicks would have felt like, is that they just had to panic.
But the fact that we all heardfor months that they liked both of
these guys a lot. I don'tthink JJ McCarthy should be super offended that
they tried to get up to threeto get Drake May no, and just
said, all right, he's ourone A, but our one B is
somebody else that we completely love.If it would have been Bonnicks, it

still would have felt like the twoguys we wanted, we couldn't get up
to get them, so we gotto have a quarterback. So look out
of these six, I've got aton of money that three of them are
gigantic busts. Let's just hope ourguy isn't one of them? Yeah,
correct, right, maybe more.I mean you look at the video from

the draft room that they were showingon the stream last night. That was
a very jovial draft room. Everybodyhad smiles, they were high fiving,
hugging. I don't think there's anyreason for JJ to not feel welcome here.
No, this, as Corey said, their this is their one B.

They wanted me, they couldn't gethim. They didn't. As we
talked about yesterday, if Pennix ison this team, and we're talking about
right now, they settled. Theyjust had to get a guy. So
they took Pennix or bon Nicks.They got the guy they wanted. They
got a guy that everyone nationally issaying can be an awesome fit in this
offense. And then they didn't haveto give up next year's first and they

still got maybe the best defensive playerin the draft. Home run around.
You know who told us JJ McCarthywould be a great NFL quarterback and work
for the Viking? Oh yeah,yeah, that is so true about that.
And don't you think winning a nationalchampionship, when you are in a

prominent position like quarterback, that therehas to be legitimate value that you can
take into the NFL when you've playedon that stage with that pressure and all
of the hoopla and everything that goesalong with being a top team in college
football the way it is today,to win the biggest game has to be

significant, that has to be worthsomething. It was knee deep in the
hoopla. Yeah, great point.And the other thing too about him is
what was Rosen and Laura Lambert doingin Vegas? They were knee deep in
the thank you yuck. Yeah,that is pretty gross. As Pa just

tweeted, I've been I've hosted twentyplus Vikings draft parties, and this is
one of the most electric of allof them. Oh good, thanks Charch.
Well, you know again, everyyear we say draft grades are dumb
and we don't know, we haveto wait, and that's true. Right,
this might be a disaster. Yeah, but I don't remember walking away
from an NFL draft going man,I don't think we could have done better

than this, right, right,with the value that we got with Turners
specifically, and the fact that wegot what seems to be one of the
two guys that we really wanted Drakemay or JJ McCarthy to get both guys
and not have to give up somany picks, which is even people that
liked may or that liked McCarthy werelike, I like him, but I
just don't want to give up thatmuch to gamble on him. You didn't

have to give it that much togamble. You still got them, and
then you still got, like yousaid, maybe the best defensive player in
the draft at picks seventeen. SouDraft grade on the morning of April twenty
sixth is an A plus. Itmay be an F in three years.
It may be an A plus inthree years. I have no idea,
Paul, your hand is up normallylike we did two years ago when they

took Lewis scene, we talk ourselvesinto those picks, right, we watched
the highlighten like, yeah, thisguy hit. He's a big hit,
a big hitter. Maybe this isit. We talk ourselves into those picks.
We aren't talking ourselves into these twopicks. Great point. I mean,
Jordan Addison, fine wide receiver.There's no one that is going.
Man, I wish they'd taken bowNicks or I wish why did we trade

two or a fourth and a fifthround pick. We are not talking ourselves
into these two picks. Yeah.All I said yesterday was I just hope
we don't give away the future ofthe team to get the quarterback. Yeah,
we didn't. And the defensive end. That's the other thing. If
if if, if the quarterbacks,let's say McCarthy goes, somebody trades up
to nine and takes McCarthy. Now, if we're sitting here not going to

we didn't get the quarterback, butwe did get Dallas Turner at eleven.
There's still some excitement about that.He's to think so no, no,
no, no, true know whatyou mean, and maybe long term,
But in terms of our reaction thismorning, if it had been Dallas Turner
at eleven and defensive player twenty three, like Charge was saying, just defense,
I think everybody would have been superpissed. Yeah, but I'm like,

yeah, if we got if wedidn't need a quarterback and we just
gotten Dallas turn eleven, people wouldbe popped. If like for if they
had resigned Kirk Cousins and then draftedDallas Turner, I agree, the best
defensive player in the draft at pickseventeen, and they didn't have to give
up a future first to get eitherof them. We as Vikings fans,
have seen a lot of bad drafts. They've overdrafted players, they haven't taken

their pick. This is an awesomething, man, this is awesome.
Just to keep eating the same drumthough, This still is going to be
the make or break. Real,this is gonna be the make or break
for Quazy though. Yeah, right, because it comes down to whether or
not they scouted JJ correctly. Everybodysaid he's got all the ability that he
didn't really have to showcase it atMichigan. Well you better be right,

better be right? Yeah? Yeah, oh thanks, scary, Yeah,
I'm excited. Yeah, it's gonnabe sweet. Let's start him week one?
Yeah, how do we get thatsort of get let's get controversy started
here in uh April? Hey Perry, Yeah, you played pro sports right
once upon a time? Did whatposition? Did you play? Right Wing?
You signed with the free agent ofa team, right? Yeah?

What if you were brought in islike their prize free agent and then a
month or two later they took aright wing with their first overall pick.
How would you feel? Uh?Only NHL is a little different. It's
more projection. They're not necessarily goingto step into your lineup unless the big
superstars, the Badard's, McDavid's,those guys. Usually it's going to take
a couple of years to develop.So in the NHL the draft, nobody

gets scared for their job in thedraft or anything like that. You just
kind of maybe get excited if ifyou get one of those lottery picks and
you get a Badard, you geta McDavid, you get one of those
generational players. But yeah, theNHL is is kind of a much different
feel for the draft. When Iwas playing, I've got to be honest
with you, I hardly paid attentionto it. How do you feel if
your Kirk Cousins this morning? Imean a little odd, but you know

what, my wife, Nikki waskind of up in arms. I was
surprised about this the whole Atlanta sagatoo, And yeah, to me,
I guess it makes sense. Ididn't know about the backup thing, but
yeah, Kirk's old. I mean, he's only got a couple of years
left, so you got to startplanning for the future if you think you
got a future quarterback right then andthere, and he can learn under Kirk

Cousins. It wouldn't be a horriblething for a young quarterback, then it
makes I mean, I don't thinkit's a big deal at all. If
you think he is the guy,he is your guy for the future.
If you literally just picked him toback up, scratched my head. First
of all, why you tell anyonethat? And then yeah, why would
you waste that pick there foot inthe NFL because it seems like there's more

plug and play in the NFL afterthe draft than there certainly is in the
NHL. Hey, you know,the last handful of years, ESPN has
done the analytics on how likely itis a certain player will be available,
right, based on projections and mockdrafts and scouts and interviews and all this.
They have some kind of algorithm topredict, all right, the chance

that so and so is on theboard it picked twenty three is blank,
right. According to Kevin Seffert lastnight, New Vikings edge rusher Dallas Turner
was the biggest statistical steal of thedraft for the ESPN NFL Draft Predictor,
which factors in expert mock drafts,scouts, ink grades, and team needs.
According to that predictor, NFL DraftPredictor there was a three percent chance

that Turner would still be available atpick seventeen. Yeah, it's sweet three
percent, awesome, that's awesome.Run pick he how about how about it's
a touchdown pick? Yeah? Ortouchdown pick? Yeah? Home run?
Home run sounds better? Yeah,but I like touchdown? Why you mean
to me? Hell, do youget a memo that everybody's supposed to me

for the game. I'll be honestwith I forgot to send that memos.
Everybody just felt it. Yeah,I take a number first. Yeah,
we got wings here. Everybody shouldbe in a great movi wh I am
in a great buffet of man chickenwings at seven thirty in the morning,
I could drink blue cheese. Same. I'm shocked you yeah, yeah,

Jesus A plus hogs. I know, I'm shocked you like it. It's
so anyone like plus but not theViking draft. When we were on Carol
Levin like blue cheese better than this. I could probably eat a turd if
it had blue cheese. You dadwould be so proud. God, your
dad's just like, hold the bluecheese. Yeah, I'll just well,

Chris, you're They just announced thenew Minnesota State Fair food He's the only
time hawks ever been excited to goto the fair. God, it looks
gross. I've never had it.Fact, don't about the worst I'm ran
strictly drink is too. It's sogood, right hogs blue cheese crumbles on

a salad. I have to eitherhold them or real light. That's how
the blue cheese crumbles. Am Iright? That's what they say. Did
anyone else see the concert announcement inToluth at the Deck Symphony? Is it?

Why not? Judd? It's itis close? It's close? Uh
so this is a female music artist? This what's your what's your main girl's
name? Again? It's not right, Sarah b Sarah Evans. It's it
is Sarah Evans with opening act treehold on brilliant? Uh Creed? What's

that Lily? Yeah, that's HockeyTiger Lily Gold opening for Sarah Evans.
It's as if I hired them aplay in my backyard. What kind of
what would you give that line up? In terms of a grade plus A
plus? I'd be jacked t workstasa great lion. I said that so

much yesterday and at one point mywife just goes, maybe, uh not
have more coffee. Don't have anymarkers for coffee. You never quote me

or paraphrase me again. I didn'tsay, oh yeah, for sure.
She's screaming at the DA right now. Boy, he got her diploma on
the wall. I did graduate highschool. Uh fan five. When we
come back, we'll talk about thedraft, We'll talk about the Minnesota timberwalls
way tonight initials twenty minutes from nowwith sick four thousand dollars on the line.

And if you got a shire theroad trip to delude with me to
that concert? Let me nine.When is it June? Oh man,
that's tough, tough breaksact your hands, and hey, the Power Hour starts
next so we'll be able to watchus on TV again. Oh cool,
Sunday, June sixteenth, FA Thursday, out of town. Sorry, bring

you're daddy, How are you goingto jump back into this on the fen
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