All Episodes

April 26, 2024 42 mins

C&R give Detroit props & discuss the amazing growth of the NFL Draft! The crew have fun sharing their biggest observations from the big night. They talk Falcons/Penix Jr. surprise, all the QBs going quick, girlfriends & more! Plus, did the Broncos want Bo Nix all along?

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Hey, thanks for listening to the Coveno and Rich podcast.
Be sure to catch us live every weekday from five
to seven Eastern to the four Pacific on Fox Sports Radio.
Find your local station for Covino Rich at Fox Sports
Radio dot com, or stream us live every day on
the iHeartRadio app like searching FSR. Hey, what's going on, buddies,

trying to do a radio show over Steve Covino, Hello, Rich, Davis,
Danny g Iowa, sam Hi, sam Hi, Samuel.

Speaker 2 (00:33):
Oh, yes, yes today guys, trying to find my Jim
cantorre drop.

Speaker 1 (00:38):
There he'd be on the updates. I hope you had
a great Thursday night. I hope you enjoyed the NFL draft.
Oh look, who's super producing without a new quarterback.

Speaker 3 (00:47):
I'm sorry, Danny, Sorry Danny powerful tight end though that
is true.

Speaker 1 (00:52):
Hope your night was better than the Lakers night. I
hope you had a magic Sixers Nuggets night and we
be rockinheat. Let's go. So, No, what I'm gonna do
all show for the next two hours. No, I'm not
gonna be like Hey Williams to be all cute and
be like no bears. I'm gonna sit here on my
phone like D'Angelo Russell. But first let me miss every

shot I take. Then I'm gonna see it her on
my phone and just look apathetic. I can't even believe
that's real. We'll talk some Lakers, but of course your observations,
your obvious servations from the NFL draftings that made you go.
We're broadcasting live from the ti rack dot Com studio
tyrack dot com. I'll help you get there. An unmatched
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thousand recommended installers, tirack dot com the way tire buying
should be. And we made it to the weekend. Everybody Friday, Friday, Friday, Yes, sir,
very pumped. That is Friday, very pumped. Watch some basketball,
very pumped. Well, you know what, there's other things I'm
gonna watch and I'll save it for weekend hobnobbing next hour.
What you need to watch in the world of sports

and pop culture, we do it every weekend here on
the Cavino and Rich More NFL Draft. I know more draft,
more observations, and if we have time, Rich I do
watch Day two of the draft energy. But let me
make a comparison It's like you know, when you have
a party who you're at a bar and one person says, eh,

you know what, guys are gonna run yo, see you later,
and that sort of gets other people to be like,
you know what, I guess I'm gonna get out of
here too. I feel like at the end of the
first round, people start filing out of the party. Now
you could stick around for another cocktail or order another appetizer,
but you could tell that feeling of like, yeah, people
are leaving the parties that you know day two.

Speaker 3 (02:38):
This year, there's so many good defensive players still available.
That's what makes it really exciting.

Speaker 1 (02:43):
And some wide receivers and I am curious to see
why buffalo of my things that made me go hm,
they lose Stefan Diggs huh, and they're a plethora. Wait,
so you didn't hear about the niner rumor? Oh, please
tell me, but wait to say, all right, guess I'm sorry?
Did you say ale it's a sweater? You don't even

know what a plant that I is? Through Amigo style,
there was a panthera of sweet, young, talented wide receivers.
There's a lot of great wide receivers and the Buffalo
Bills kept just dipping back and trading back. So I'm
curious what they have up their sleeve. And if you're
telling me it's Brendan Ayuk Er Deebo Samuel, I may
jump through this glass window in the studio like I'm
Marty Janetti in the wrestling world in the eighties. Your

boy Nick, right, what do you usually call him? Nick? Wrong?
I mean Nick?

Speaker 3 (03:34):
You always get his last name to us young all
the time?

Speaker 1 (03:38):
Yeah, Nick, he was saying.

Speaker 3 (03:41):
He was mentioning that there was a rumor going around
that they were trying to position themselves with the Niners
to trade for Ayuk, So that's why they were looking
to get better picks.

Speaker 1 (03:50):
Well, you know what by the Niners picking that sweet
young slot receiver Ricky Pearsall from Florida, the guy with
apparently magical hands and he's quick slot receiver, you got
to ask yourself, with re signing Jennings, having Debo and
telling everyone we're keeping Ayuk, why would the forty nine
ers go wide receiver with their first pick unless there

were some concern that Ayuk might not stick around or
Debo might not stick around, even though they were assured,
oh you guys are going nowhere. Well, speaking of and again,
we'll take your phone calls now eight seven, seven ninety
nine on Fox, speaking of the Bills and wide receivers,
Chiefs traded up with the Bills to get that Xavier

Worthy guy. And that dude is what the fastest guy
ever in the NFL combine right with a de lightty guy. Yeah,
four two forty And they kept showing us side by
side of him and Mahomes and he just leaves Mahomes
off the screen. That's how fastest kid is. But can
you imagine Mahomes with this kid just tossing it up there,

just getting open, Like what a weapon for Patrick Mahomes.

Speaker 3 (04:58):
The Chiefs, you said the word weapon with the new
kickoff return rule, he's going to be a total weapon
with that.

Speaker 1 (05:06):
And he's lightning fast.

Speaker 3 (05:07):
And then you're.

Speaker 1 (05:09):
Wondering, Oh, I did think that too, Danny j I.
I can't say I didn't think that, because if they're
saying this guy, Piersoll from Florida, the Niners picked, and again,
why would they take a wide receiver unless there was
trouble in paradise? They're saying also for special teams. And
with that new kickoff return rule exactly. Ye. You you

may have such a weapon if you're right, if you
have some young quick guy that could break a break
a playop into the thirty five to forty yard line,
like half the time, I just think, again, hey, maybe
that's going to work for your forty nine ers rich,
but definitely working for the Chief. So the chiefsch get richer,
got better, the rich got richer, Xavier worthy. Again, anybody
that's running a four point to forty an NFL combine record,

you get them with Mahomes. That's dangerous. So that made
me say, hmmm, as you bring up the bills Rich
and the moves they were making and the Chiefs trading
up and the wide receivers. But again, quarterbacks observations, Yeah,
anything that stuck out to you once stood out to you,
Sar first mostly, and we talked about it during the

build up on our show yesterday, was the amount of
people in Detroit were like, man, the Honolulu Blue was out,
and I believe I heard, you know, one of my
favorite personalities on Fox Worts Radio. I believe I heard
Iowa Sam say two hundred and seventy five thousand people right,
that's right? And that's what they're saying.

Speaker 2 (06:36):
We did kind of get into the fact that, you know,
it might be like NFL propaganda, but there were hundreds
of thousands of people there.

Speaker 1 (06:43):
But that's what they're saying. It was Wembley on acid. Yeah,
and it looked at though. It looked like there was
a lot of people there and a big time production.
And to see how far it's come. I think the
first one that was televisives was nineteen eighty or something
like that. Right, when you see how far it's come
to now and every thing involved in it, like, oh
my god, it's a massive it's an event. Yeah, such

an event. But I think we're start a crown. What
started out though, Let's be honest, like, I'm not sure
if I can think of anything else. I don't want
to put everyone on the spot, but what else has
started out as sort of a not a throwaway. But
the draft really was a technicality, like, all right, college
kids are going to the pros, we need to organize
a draft. That's a good question. You know, there's a
bunch of administrators and front office people with old school

eighties seventies phones, right and notepads, notepads, and it turned
into a must watch hours. I'll give you one in
our in our industry, and again it's football related, just
like radio row at these big events. You know, it
went from like everybody's at a folding table broadcasting all
the radio stations around the country for the super Bowl
or whatever boxing event or whatever event that it is,

to like now these major setups, and it's such a
big anytime a media row, you're right, whether it's a
fight or an event super Bowl, you're right. It went
from in our industry.

Speaker 3 (07:55):
It also cove makes me think of the Super Bowl
halftime that started out as coaching band.

Speaker 1 (08:01):
Twirler is marching bands, and they're all sort of NFL related,
which is wild when you think about it.

Speaker 4 (08:07):
It's a traveling road show in the NFL. Yeah, they've
done it, you know where you can take this thing
from from site to site. What I find amazing, guys,
is and we saw the success. Like my biggest takeaway
when Lebron left the Calves for the Heat was how
they made a TV show of it. Why couldn't you
do this for free agency? Right like on a on
a weeknight when free agency opens. The NFL is cracked

down on these teams for like, let's not tip picks here,
so we have the drama. Why wouldn't you have like
a two night, three night window a free agency where
Kirk Cousins, where are you gonna sign? Find out eight
o'clock Eastern time tonight.

Speaker 1 (08:40):
Like a high school kid who picks up the hat
of the college, he's gonna go to it. When it
does happen, dB, everybody owes Lebron an apology. Yes, I
thought it was the great here exactly right. I thought
it was great TV.

Speaker 4 (08:52):
And this is kind of no different, right, I mean
maybe maybe your announcements. Maybe not every team is involved
signing free agents, but they made this a TV show.

Speaker 1 (09:01):
Why couldn't you do it with other things? No, I
actually could see that happening. Another observation. Again, it's Detroit,
two hundred and seventy five thousand people, give or take.
It was an ocean of people. We could tell you
that beautiful weather too, beautiful weather, beautiful night, little cloudier.

Speaker 2 (09:16):
Yeah I didn't mean it up, but the sun was shining,
and for Detroit in April it could be like thirty
five degrees in overcast in meeting.

Speaker 1 (09:24):
Situations were perfect. And before we get into again. The
picks and random observation editions were perfect.

Speaker 3 (09:29):
You're how awkward Eminem was with Roger Goodell. He stays
cool though, Man.

Speaker 1 (09:37):
I gotta I think it's kind of cool because Eminem's
almost too cool for everything. But he's not never school
for the NFL, like you could see. He is all
about Detroit football and being part of the NFL. Like
you know, they seem to have a good relationship and
he's all about it. Man, it's kind of cool to
see and it's kind of cool to see him representing Detroit.
I admire all those people. Yeah, so do I. I

admire it because I'm nothing like Eminem, but we have
one thing in common, and that's passion. I will never
allow my profession or anything to get in the way
of my fanboy behavior. Like there are people that enter
our world of sports radio and TV and podcasting that like, now,
I'm a broadcaster, like fanboy anything, I'm except from making

some hip hop legends and the NFL. I'm still gonna
always have that passion about the Niners or Mets or
whatever team I root for. And you know, to see
Eminem put aside, you know, any cool persona because he's
one of the coolest dudes ever to watch him. Just
agree to do a corny skit with Goodell. He loves
it so much exactly. Yeah, I think he appreciates it.

It's like a childhood dream to be a part of that,
and it's in his city. So you know, I gotta
give Eminem a lot of pops for doing that. But again,
Goodell getting booed, that's another part of it. That's another
part of the observations. But then let's start with the
number one. Caleb Williams. No surprises there, no surprises, there,

any observation. The one surprise was who's the tall blondie
well that we saw right in that silver dress. We
told you to keep an eye out on a lot
of the hotties that were there. I told you, We
told you here on the show. We said, look at
the old couches because there's gonna be new couches coming soon.
Look at the old kitchen cabinets because there's gonna be
brand new kitchen cabinets. And look at the moms and
the women involved. We said that yesterday, things to look

out for, random things. He had a beautiful woman with him.
Caleb Williams number one Chicago and he said the Bears,
which I thought was and he said the Bears. Now
people are already remixing it on social media into songs
and stuff. I'm not going in any specific order, Rich,
I'll jump around, but okay, House of Pain, I'll jump

around like everlast. But I don't know if you saw this.
Jay Stu made me famous last night. I saw this.
Jason Stewart of The Gottlieb Show. He Jay Stu. He
posted out a little video on X on Twitter of
Joe Alt right, Joe Alt's girlfriend and that whole weird

scene when they call his name but they're just sitting
there and they don't even know that he was picked.
And yeah, because of the delay, right, yeah, there was
a delay. He was picked five, number five offensive tackle
for the Chargers. And because of the delay, there was
an awkward moment where the girlfriend's just sitting there, like

what's doing on and they're just sitting there and Jay
Stu like zooms in on the girlfriend and how weird
she looks in that moment and the whole awkward and laid.
Social media went wild like she was kidnapped. Social Media
ran so while with it over a million people have
seen this. One point three million people have seen this already.
Every website picked it up because everybody agreed we all

saw the same thing, So that Joe Altpick was kind
of awkward in the moment, but then they figured out,
I guess how to run the production with lay and everything.
All Right, a couple observations I'll throw at you, and
you tell me not a big deal? Did you notice it? Oh?
Jason made me famous because I responded to his tweet,
and the responses were also picked up by every stupid

website going last night. I saw them. Yeah, So let
me know if you saw these things as well, noted
them or like, not a big deal at all. Jaden
Daniels gets picked number two. Yeah, because this is a
night about wearing the sweet suit and having the right
outfit on. He kept his sunglasses on. Problem with that,

none whatsoever? No, I liked it. Yeah, you lost so
hugging Goodell doing the whole thing with sunglasses on? Are
you kidding me?

Speaker 5 (13:51):

Speaker 1 (13:51):
A lot of these guys showed up, you know, in
their best like uh Malik Neighbors with the league, I mean,
extra flashy.

Speaker 3 (14:00):
Did you not love how Latham almost broke Goodell's back.

Speaker 1 (14:03):
And didn't they warn people like Goodell's back surgery on
his paw. Yeah, that is bad. Yeah, I have a
problem with that. Not the sunglasses, man, I think that's
just a cool look. These guys are flashy dudes during
the moment. Maybe they're holding back some emotions. Who knows.

Speaker 3 (14:19):
I was wondering how Goodell felt after that bear hug.
You know, did he power his way through it?

Speaker 1 (14:25):
Yeah? You don't want a wrong, right? He must have
been hurting, Yeah, he must have been hurting afterwards. Had
there's a there's a whole conversation in itself when it
comes to sunglasses in public or at a major event
like that. And my side is always like, worry about yourself, man,
and and it really is. It's like, what are you
worried about my dope ass sunglasses? For I'm always the

guy that interferes. And I'm like, I mean, we're in
a meeting. Take off your damn sunglass. I'm taking you
out of it, Rich, But I'm saying like, hey, just
because you can't pull it off, don't worry about this guy.
And when I say you don't mean you Rich, I
mean you the collective you.

Speaker 4 (14:58):
It is collectively frowned upon. I know inside, I know
it is.

Speaker 1 (15:02):
I debate this all the time, but I celebrate the
religion of rock and you.

Speaker 4 (15:07):
Are when you're on a super Bowl stage during super
Bowl Week at radio with the bright lights.

Speaker 1 (15:16):
Your eyes Danny g style. Hey, there's a time and place.
I get it.

Speaker 3 (15:24):
Since I was a kid, I always kept my glasses.
And then that one movie, the Tom Hanks movie at
Night Not Outside about the one hit wonder band, Oh
the Wonders. He gives them the sunglasses and he's like,
what are these learning? He's like, shut up and put
them on. You're the drummer.

Speaker 1 (15:41):
That's right, yep, and he warm and that was his
gimmick and that was his look. And hey, shout out
to Corey Hart. Maybe it was a nod.

Speaker 5 (15:49):

Speaker 1 (15:50):
I know looks mean nothing. It's all about the talent.
But when you see Drake May, don't you look at
him and think like, he looks like a little boy.
Like that was my observation. I'm like, how old am
I getting that? He looks like, like, what are you seventeen? Kids?
It's crazy like when the kid still has like to
tell me, this kid who looks like that. It was

a little baby boyface. Is is that a leade of
an athlete. He's gonna be able to escape. He's gonna
be able to escape Khalil Mack or Nick Bosas like
pumpkin pie face. But his brothers beat him up his
entire chest. It's just amazing that. It's cool that he
has the youngest of four and they used to whip
his little ass. But still I saw him and I'm like, wow,
what a little boy. On the opposite side of that,

bo Nicks looked forty Nicks. It looks like a veteran.

Speaker 3 (16:36):
Yeah, And they're like, there's bo Nix and his girlfriend
next to him. But at the time, the close and
shot was bo Nix and his mom. So I was, yeah,
they got girlfriend was on the other side. Yeah, they
got that wrong.

Speaker 1 (16:50):
That is interesting in itself, too rich because I noticed
both of those those things. Danny g bo Nicks look
older and some of the other people look so young.
But that's why we are not gms. But I would
look at I would look at a guy like Drake
May And of course, by far the most important thing
is the tape, is the skill set, is the combine,

is everything he's got, but I would look at him
and be like, this guy is gonna lead my team
to the Promised Land. He looks like a teenage boy
that like showed up to ask is it okay if
he takes my daughter to the prom No, I mean
it's true. I mean they're young kids, so you got
to remember that sometimes. All right, and I'm again we're
jumping around House of Payne style. Feel free to call

your observations from last night your draft observations eight seven
seven ninety nine. O Fox, the things he made you go.
I think one of the most viral moments of the
night was Olu Forshanu and his girlfriend and his mom,
that whole awkward moment because we talked about it yesterday
in reference to that that Isaiah Wilson clip a few

years back when the Titans picked Isaiah Wilson and the
girlfriend was there coddling him and the mom yanked the
girlfriend out of the frame. We kind of saw that
last night and social media picked up. It was the
hop on girl on the left and she was sort
of trying to get in the mix. Yeah, okay, Jets
picked him. I believe wasn't quite to the level of

Isaiah will Now it was still it was something put
it that way, but she was trying to double dutch
her way in full like a hug or something like you.
I saw her like she kept reaching over and she
like hopped a little closer in the frame or something.
I saw a frame and someone retweeted was like, take
a closer look, and I'm like, I thought she was
like grabbing his junk or something like. They kept saying, like, Cake,

take a look. I'm like, what am I looking at?
Is it just simply the I think it was the
fact that my mom sort of like got her out
of the way a little bit, which might not have
been the intent because she was there on the couch
with the family.

Speaker 2 (18:48):
And all that setup was already array exactly. She didn't
know she's got to reach over mom for the hug.
It was still arm pat there was a couple arm
pass So.

Speaker 1 (18:55):
Again OLU for Shan who again Jet's pick number less
been offensive tackle you gotta protect Aaron Rodgers mom page
for Shan who sort of sort of shoot the girlfriend
out of the way a little bit. At least that's
how it appeared, and that's why I went viral last night.
You guys probably saw that, and who told you to

look out for it? I did. I want to give
everyone a great recommendation for next year's NFL Draft. At
first I thought this was a dumb idea ended up
being the best idea. Oh, I realized yesterday DVR did
and fast forward. No no, no, well that's that's a good
one too. But I do like the analysism between. I
actually do because you get to know these guys, because,

let's be honest, day after the first few no, but
after the first hour and a half, I look at
it this way. Couldno unless you're a college football expert.
I'm more of an NFL guy. I watched college but
I you don't know all these teams. That's the funny
part is no one knows all these teams less your
job is. I'm a college football expert. So I like
the five minutes of b roll and footage and video

becaus I'm like, all right, let's get to know this guy.
I feel it almost is like a cool get to
know this dude in five minutes. And I also thought
one of my observations before I tell you the best
idea for the draft was the AI graphics were unbelievable
how they had a guy in motion flipping around and
all of a sudden he changed into the jersey of

the team. He's now on the footage and graphics package
that the NFL put together with some AI, to me
was amazing. The best one to me was Marvin Harrison Junior.
He's flipping the football like, swoops around with real quick
and he's wearing a Cardinals full jersey and you know,
helmet and everything. We are so impressed by it, but
it's probably so easy to do nowadays. Some production guy

probably did it on his phone. Yeah, they his phone,
and really, whoa, here's a great idea. At first, I'm like,
oh no, what did I do? I made a haircut
appointment yesterday for five thirty and I'm like, what were
you think? I'm like why they usually have the TV's on.
But here's the thing. My barber is hard to make

an appointment with. He's one of those guys that you know,
he's got a lot of clients. And I'm like, oh
five scandal five yeah, scandal. Now that was my old hairdresser.
This that this is a domo, this is Addison Addie,
this is controversy. So I go Why these got an
appointment five thirty. That's perfect, They'll go to the gym
real quick. I'll go get a haircut, go home. Oh,
it's the NFL Draft. That's why he had an open appointment.

You weren't thinking. I went to the barber shop, and
while I'm at the barber shop, I realized, perfect, he's
always watching TV. I spent an hour in the barber
chair chopping it up about the NFL Draft while getting
a haircut. It's like killed two birds with one stone.

Is that like getting a vasectomy during March March man, Yes,
it's like It's like it's like one said the first
week of January, when all those dudes get a can,
your snip, your spring clean up, you get your shave
and your sweet fade while want the NFL draft. Make
sure it rich barbershop. Everyone's watching, chopping it up and
talking while while you're watching the draft getting a haircut.

Work out perfectly, right, hair looks great, it looks sweet.

Speaker 5 (22:10):

Speaker 1 (22:11):
So we haven't even really talked about one of the
bigger stories yet, which is Kirk Cousins. We left that
for you and we'll talk about it next, right, Michael
Pennix Junior, the Falcons, all the drama there, I have
a theory. More observations from the NFL Draft as it continues. Again,
We're Cavino and Rich. We have a lot to get
to keep you here on Fox Sports Radio. All right, now,

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Speaker 7 (24:11):
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Speaker 1 (24:27):
Oh Yeah, Cavino and Rich Friday. Day two of the
NFL Draft A lot of action last night. We'll go
over all of it here on Fox Sports Radio. It's up,
buddy boy. We're live from the tyrack dot Com studio.
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That connection is Express Employment Professionals. Don't go at it alone.
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you that's expresspros dot Com. I'm Cavino. That is Iowa
Sam on the ones and twos with some eminem Masia
and of course Danny g super producing has always eight seven,
seven to ninety nine on Fox. DB's got your updates.
But we're just going over the observations from the draft.

Haven't even talked about the Falcons drama yet. Yeah, I
mean that's the big story. But you know, I think
the biggest observation that you talked about, and Dan Byer
joined in on the fun, was how the draft went
from you know, forty plus years ago, fifty years ago,
a bunch of dudes sitting in you know, like a
conference room with those beige phones from the seventies just

picking them up like ah, with cigarettes and cigars, Like
all right, we were trading picks or you got your
pick in. It went from like, honestly just something that
had to be done, college guys going to the pros,
I will do a draft. Are we doing this to
a production that millions of people watched with AI Graphics
with felt that sort of rich wells in that recent WrestleMania.

But I always felt WrestleMania was kind of a big deal.
But as far as production wise, the last one we
just seen, I was like, wow, I happen to tune in.
I was like, it's come a long way. Wrestlers used
to just walk down to the ring. Now there's fireworks
and piro and you know they have entrances like boxers.
Now I told you that main event. If you didn't
watch wrestle Mania, I hadn't watched in a while. Roman

Reigns had as long of an entrance as like Deontay Wilder.
I know that may sound silly if you haven't watched
wrestling or if you haven't seen it, but for the
production value, it was a mix of amazement and a
mix of cheesy. At the same time. It was like
lightning was striking. I was like, what is going on?
That is wild? But such a big deal. It's come
central a long way. If you followed wrestling back in

the day in the late seventies, early eighties, yeah, for sure.

Speaker 3 (26:40):
You know what else it reminds me of is the
way fantasy football began. It was just this little niche thing.
There was a host here back in the day and
he told a story about how he was part of
early fantasy football and like the guys would get together
and they just would write down their picks on pieces
of paper and a fax machine was involved later in
their fantasy season.

Speaker 1 (27:00):
We're buds with Matthew Berry from ESPN. We we've known
him for years and he was one of the original
guys if you remember, for fantasy football. And yeah, he
said when that first started, people are like, what are
you doing fantasy sports? Like nerd, I can't think of
anything though, to the magnitude of the draft with that
ocean of people, like we've seen maybe some concert.

Speaker 2 (27:22):
Festivals, comic CON's cottage industry to now being like all
the San Diego one but all over the country.

Speaker 1 (27:30):
Really no, that's a good one. Comic went from a
couple of nerds that like Superman, comic books still not
as big as what we saw in all those people
one place.

Speaker 5 (27:39):

Speaker 4 (27:39):
I would also say that the actual guts of the
draft have not changed at all. It's what's been made
around it where the teams are still doing what they're doing.
They're handing in the card. But it's from at that
point that everything has changed. Oh they spruced up the place, yes, yes,
where they've just been able to make it just this.

Speaker 1 (27:59):
It's the same boat ones. It's like redoing a house.
You bought the house, you keep the this house, guy,
what do they say? This house has good bones? I
gotta just you got a new kitchen. I got a
really superficial ego driven observation. Big surprise. Right, this is
a moment that families worked toward the child's entire life. Right,
this kid was in pee wee football and he played

his ass off for this moment. Would it matter to
you who introduced or who called your name out, like
if it was some nose picking kid, or like, it
doesn't matter at all because that highlight pretty much tells
the rest of your career story. I know what you're saying.
It's part of your montage. So if they're like today
we're bringing up you know, little uh, Tanner, little you

know who you pick the number five? Overall? Like what
that meant? Are you just so pumped at your pick?
I was gonna say, I'm not gonna say, be careful.
But it's usually a special medium kid. It's usually because
it's a soldier's wife or something that mattered to you
at all. If it was just like some if it

wasn't that, if it wasn't like the wife of a
fallen soldier, or like some kids, it was just some
kid like, hey, little Johnny want a contest? Hey, what's
going on? Everyone thought I.

Speaker 4 (29:15):
Thought we were on the verge of our first anti
make a wish take.

Speaker 1 (29:18):
Ever you know, no, no, obviously, I know why a
lot of these kids are there. That's a given. I'm
just wondering if, like you think that would matter to
these guys at all. Other observations which you pointed out,
you know, the first athlete ever that refuses No, not
at all. But you did point out, do you think
we will see Caleb Williams maybe with some secret Chicago

Bears lining in his jacket or something, right? Yeah? And
Dan Byer was like, nah, you know, because anything can happen.
They're not going to take that chance. We did see
We did see Molik Neighbors who went to the Giants,
extra flashy, a lot of blame sunglasses and all. We
saw him oh opening up his jacket and he had

a lot of knots to coaches and LSU coaches and
teammates that helped him along the way. I thought that
was kind of cool. I did notice that. So we
didn't see the NFL teams, but we saw some cool
little knots to people that meant something. Well, well, we
got to get into the big story of night one,
all the quarterbacks going and one in particular that went

to the Atlanta Falcons. We'll get we'll get to everything
that went down in the draft yesterday. But I wanted
to point out one other thing you brought up, Kayleb Williams,
what I thought was interesting before we get to Kirk
Cousins and Panis. And not only did he say dubb
bears and everyone's like remixing it already, and he seems
to be embracing the Chicago fans already, which is right,
the right thing to do. Did you see them not

only not only did they have those cool graphics where
all of a sudden these young kids had the uniform
of the new team already via AI. They hologrammed him
into a fan fest in Chicago where he was in
like a cube and he was four dimensional and he
was like, hey, everyone, Caleb Williams here, did you see that?
Is that only for TV? Or is that like legit

everybody sees that. I saw clips of it. I didn't
see it throughout the draft list. Wow, that's insane. Well,
you know what, I have the reason why the Atlanta
Falcons did what they did, and I'll explain after Dan
Byer gives you the update of all updates. What's up, David.

Speaker 4 (31:23):
What they did do is they did draft Michael Pennix
Junior eighth overall, and Penix Junior spoke with reporters today
about the drama that you're gonna talk about involving Kirk Cousins.

Speaker 1 (31:33):
I'm gonna keep it, you know, just between me and
him right now, you know. But it was definitely a
good conversation and you know, I'm super excited to work
with him, and he said he's the same with me.

Speaker 4 (31:42):
So Pennick's revealing that Cousins called him last night after
the pick was made to what Rich will dive into
We're about to dive into Game three of the NBA
Playoffs between the Bucks and Pacers. No Johannison Tetacumpo, but
Chris Middleton is in the starting lineup for Milwaukee. That
game tips in five minutes, series time up at one apiece,
Clippers in MAVs eight Eastern Timberwolves and Sons ten thirty

Eastern time. Athletic reports at the NBA and Amazon Prime
Video are close to terms on an agreement to have
the regular season and postseason games on the streaming service
for over the next decade, so the NBA could be
moving to streaming not all of the package, but a
decent amount of it, according to The Athletic. Some other

NFL notes guys in advance of the draftic resumes at
seven o'clock Eastern time. Bleacher Report is now saying the
forty nine Ers are unlikely to deal Deebo Samuel to
the Bills or Patriots, despite those teams reaching out to
San Francisco about a possible trade, and NFL Commissioner Roger
Goodell talked with Pat McAfee earlier today. He seemed to

be in favor of an eighteen game regular season schedule,
which is two preseason games. Also, that would have the
super Bowl push to President's Day weekend, and you would
have an extra bye week because of that.

Speaker 1 (32:58):
He also said that he could envision a time where
you have sixteen.

Speaker 4 (33:01):
Games played abroad, but doesn't see a team actually moving
overseas at least within the next decade or so.

Speaker 1 (33:09):
Now, dB, based on what you just said, I feel
like we shared that same sentiment when it was the
Leap Day. Remember you said, uh no, not the leap
the eclipse. We said, by the time the next eclipse
hits in twenty something years, what do you see the
sports world like? And we said easily eighteen games, a
lot of overseas games, but not a team yet. And

that seems to be the way it is. Right you
push that super Bowl back one week, it becomes a
three day weekend, and I think that's that's got to
happen eventually.

Speaker 4 (33:37):
What is interesting is you're adding an extra bye week,
but I think you would also then have to start
the season a week earlier if that was the case,
because not only you're adding a game and then you're
adding a bye bye, you're actually adding two weeks. So
you would actually have to start it. Maybe Labor Day weekend,
something to watch, something your NFL moved away from about
twenty some years ago.

Speaker 1 (33:55):
Nice, now, you Dan, what's interesting as we get to
the Michael Pennix Kirk cousins. I wouldn't say drama because
it seems like they're they're both fine for now. But
it's so circumstantial, right, Like Michael Pennox junior, if he
gets drafted by Danny G's Raiders, this guy's likely playing
Week one, and now the plan becomes, well, what does

he chill for a couple of years? Jordan Love was
drafted in twenty twenty. He's just getting started. We talked
yesterday about a handful of quarterbacks from the twenty twenty
one draft that grand opening, grand closing already. So it's
so circumstantial. I saw a cliff. Do you remember when
Will Levis's hot girlfriend was all mad that he kept
slipping down the draft board. Worked out for him because

now in Tennessee he is now seems to be the guy.
So it's it's all circumstantial, and it's gonna it's gonna
sort of feed into what I want to get into next,
which is did the Falcons do the right thing. Well,
I think they did and he didn't. And I'll explain
my side and we'll take your feedback and we'll get

into it next right here on the Cavino and Rich Show.
And of course, any other observations you made from last night.
Absolutely I got a few more on Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 5 (35:12):

Speaker 1 (35:12):
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could hit us up at Covino and Rich, the most interactive,
most inclusive show on radio according to US. Hit me
at Steve Covino. I'm famous thanks to Jason Stewart's tweets
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A safety runs first dot com? And speaking of safety,
look at me tying everything together. You see the NFL
approve those Guardian caps in games. You know, those big
what do you call them, like foamy, rubbery looking things.
They were in camp. I mean I saw it. My

understanding is that it's optional, right, No, No, they're gonna
look sleeker with team colors and logos, but for maybe
guys coming out of concussion protocol or someone maybe with
a previous head injury. Yeah, they've been authorized for in
season use. So you might see, like, I don't know
your team's full back or you know, running back, or
someone on the line wearing one of those big gass casts. Hey,

I'm all for it safety first, but it does look wild.
It's going to take a second for our eyes to
martian or something. Yeah, it looks like it looks like
the Great was his name, Zooleston's Kazoo, The Great Kazoo,
The great kazoo. Is it kazoo or kazoo? A kazoo kazoo? Okay, now,

before we get into the falcons talking your phone calls
another observation. I thought that was totally cool. Again, totally
ego driven. Was two hundred and seventy five thousand NFL
fans over the extent of a couple of days. That's
not just yesterday. They're going with again. According to our expert,
Iowa Sam and the NFL is the NFL is putting
out there an ocean of fans chanting, jar Rid, go

jar Rid. God. That was kind of cool. Man. That's
gotta be humbling. That's gonna be wild to see. See.
I'm trying to look at any other observations I made.
I mean, everything else is about the Frock hours. Girlfriend.
Did we say that? Uh No, we didn't even did we. Well, anyway,
let's get to it. Pennix Junior, I'm don't my haircut

at this point, so I'm like I said, yesterday, got
a haircut during the draft. It was actually a good idea.
Sitting there with everyone at the barbershop chopping it up.
I said, all right, you know what, I'm gonna run
to Chipotle real quick. I called my wife and did
that move where you say pause the TV where it
is and don't say anything to me. So I'm like,
let me stop at Chipotle. And then someone in the
Chipotle lines like all the Raiders got broke powers. I'm like, ah, really,

And then I hit up Danny G and I was
amazed that six quarterbacks went before your team even got
a shot to take one of them yesterday. Wasn't your
Raider mindset like maybe we could trade up. If we can't,
someone will drop at least to thirteen.

Speaker 3 (39:41):
Yeah, I mean, I'm glad we at least sounded smart
about Penix on our show, because there were some draft
gurus that we mentioned that thought maybe the Raiders could
trade back up into the bottom of the first round
to get Penix after you know, getting somebody else with thirteen.
But we said, no, Pennix is not going to drop. Instead,
he went way sooner than people. Well not way sooner,

but sooner.

Speaker 1 (40:02):
Here's the thing. Or at least to a team where
we didn't think was going to take a quarter but
the last of the six bow Knicks. I mean I
heard the rumblings, but they heard Danny G Crime.

Speaker 3 (40:17):
I actually didn't because I thought the Broncos would take
Panis to carry you right before the Raiders had he
still been on the board.

Speaker 1 (40:24):
What's interesting is that the Raiders have a hell of
an offense. And if Gardner Minshew could play, you know,
better than respectable, if he could have a better numbers
than Trevor Lawrence, we established that. I mean the other
day he's got weapons now, dude, weapons now. They made
it seem like the Broncos like bow Knicks was who
they wanted. Is that a narrative shift or had you

heard that all along? Like I heard theman like man
Sean Payton, that was the guy he had his eye on.
He looks at bow Knicks like like like he's Drew
Breese part two. And I'm like, is that like the
narrative switch where when you pay someone on a dating show,
you're like, you're the one I wanted? All along?

Speaker 3 (41:02):
I had kept reading and hearing about the Broncos is
that they were just like the Vikings and Raiders trying
to go up higher to get a quarterback.

Speaker 1 (41:09):
Boennicks had been targeted to Denver for a while. I
was gonna say so, I had heard the rumblings, but
they made it seem like Sean Payton got his guy.
So Denver has no excuse. Now they got their coach,
they got the quarterback their coach wanted, and now it's
time to see what they could do in that AFC West,
which is super competitive. Now, the story that everyone's talking
about is Michael Penix Junior going to a team that

just gave Kirk Cousins one hundred and eighty million dollars.
I believe one hundred guarantees, hundred guarantees over four years exactly.
And you're saying, well, then, what on earth are you
doing when if you want to win? Now Kirk Cousins
is thirty six, you had a plethora, yes, I said,
a plethora of wide receivers on the board, You had
brock Bowers. You could have got this guy any offensive weapon,

or beefed up the line and picked an offensive lineman.
But you go with the quarterback. Now, I'm dying to
hear your side of why it's a good thing. Keep
in mind, yes, he'll be thirty six when the season starts.
He's thirty five. Now they got him for four years,
he'll be thirty nine. Pennix will be twenty seven by

that time, so he's a little on the older side.
And I think they dropped the ball by not letting
cousins know. You know, I think he was blindsided. I
think that's where they went wrong. Could this work out, absolutely,
and I'm excited to hear your side, But he has
not quote, no idea that that's like, that's not a
good you know what that's reminiscent of. That's reminiscent of

Aaron Rodgers being kept in the dark for a lot
of green Bay decisions and that, as you know, did
not work out the way you wanted it to. So
I'll tell you why it's not a bad idea next
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